1 رَحِمَهُ, (
K, &c.,)
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. رَحْمَةٌ and رُحْمٌ [and رَحَمَةٌ and رُحُمٌ] and مَرْحَمَةٌ, (
S, *
K, *) [He had mercy, or pity, or compassion, on him; or he treated him, or regarded him, with mercy or pity or compassion; i. e.] he was, or became, tender [or tender-hearted] towards him; and inclined to favour him [and to benefit him]: (
K: [see also رَخِمَهُ and رَخَمَهُ:]) and he pardoned him, or forgave him: (
K:) said of a man: (
K:) and also of God [in the former sense, but tropically, or anthropopathically: or as meaning He favoured him, or benefited him; or pardoned, or forgave, him: see explanations of رَحْمَةٌ below]: (
K:) and عَلَيْهِ ↓ ترحّم signifies the same, (
MA, [and the same seems to be indicated in the
S,]) said of a man: (
S:) [and so does ↓ ترحّمهُ, (occurring in the
S and
K in art. رعى, &c.,)
accord. to Ibn-Maaroof, for he says that] تَرَحُّمٌ signifies the regarding [another] with mercy or pity or compassion; or pardoning [him], or forgiving [him]: and also the being merciful or pitiful or compassionate or favourably inclined [عَلَى غَيْرِهِ to another]. (
KL: but respecting this latter verb, see 2.)
A2: رَحُمَتْ, and رَحِمَتْ, (
K,) and رُحِمَتْ, (
inf. n. رَحَامَةٌ, (
K,) which is of the first, (
TA,) and رَحَمٌ, (
K,) which is of the second, (
TA,) and رَحْمٌ, (
K,) which is of the third, (
TA,) She had a complaint of her womb after bringing forth, (
K,) and died in consequence thereof: (
K:) said of a camel, (
TA,) and of a ewe or goat, and of a woman, and of any animal having a womb: (
TA:) or she had a disease in her womb, in consequence of which she did not receive impregnation: or she brought forth without letting fall her secundine: (
TA:) or,
accord. to
Lh, the bringing forth without letting fall her secundine, by a sheep or goat, is termed ↓ رُحَامٌ. (
b2: رَحِمَ,
aor. ـَ
inf. n. رَحَمٌ, is also said of a water-skin, meaning It was left, or neglected, by its owners, after its being seasoned with rob, [for غيته, in the phrase بعد غيته, an evident mistranscription, I read, conjecturally, تَمْتِينِهِ, as the only word at all resembling غيته, that I can call to mind, having an apposite signification,] and they did not anoint it, or grease it, so that it became spoilt, or in a bad state, and did not retain the water: the
epithet applied to it in this case is ↓ رَحِمٌ. (
b3: and رَحَامَةٌ is also an
inf. n. [of which the verb, if it have one, is
app. رَحُمَ,] signifying The being connected by relationship. (
TA.) 2 رحّم عَلَيْهِ,
inf. n. تَرْحِيمٌ; and ↓ ترحّم; but the former is the more chaste; He said to him, رَحِمَكَ اللّٰهُ [May God have mercy on thee; &c.]. (
K.) 5 ترحّم عَلَيْهِ and ترحّمهُ: for both see 1; and for the former see also 2. [
Accord. to different authorities, it appears that both may be rendered He had mercy, or pity, or compassion, on him; or he pitied, or compassionated, him: (see 1:) or he pitied him, or compassionated him, much: (see what follows:) and the former, he said to him, May God have mercy on thee; &c.; (see 2;) or he expressed a wish that God would have mercy on him; or he expressed pity, or compassion, for him: and also he affected, or constrained himself to have or to show, pity, or compassion.] Though تَرَحَّمْتُ عَلَيْهِ is mentioned by
J, and not رَحَّمّهُ, some say that the former is incorrect: and it is said that تَرَحُّمٌ implies self-constraint, and therefore is not to be attributed to God: but some repudiate this assertion, because it occurs in correct traditions, and because تَفَعُّلٌ is not restricted to the denoting peculiarly self-constraint, but has other properties, as in the instances of تَوَحُّدٌ and تَكَبُّرٌ, denoting intensiveness and muchness. (
TA.) 6 تراحموا signifies رَحِمَ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا [They had mercy, or pity, or compassion, one on another; &c.]. (
TA.) 10 استرحمهُ He asked, or demanded, of him الرَّحْمَة [i. e. mercy, or pity, or compassion; &c.]. (
TA.) رَحْمٌ: see its
syn. رَحِمٌ, in two places.
رُحْمٌ: see its
syn. رَحْمَةٌ.
b2: [Hence,] أُمُّ رُحْمٍ
one of the names of Mekkeh; (
K; *) as also أُمُّ الرُّحْمِ; (
K;) meaning the source of الرَّحْمَة [or mercy, &c.]. (
TA.) [See also زُحْمٌ.]
رِحْمٌ: see its
syn. رَحِمٌ, in two places.
رَحَمٌ The coming forth of the womb, in consequence of a disease. (
TA.) [See also رَحِمَتْ and رَحِمَ, of each of which it is an
inf. n.]
رَحِمٌ The womb, i. e. the place of origin, (
K,) and the receptacle, (
K,) of the young, (
K,) in the belly; (
Mgh;) as also ↓ رِحْمٌ, (
K,) a contraction of the former, and ↓ رَحْمٌ, which is of the
dial. of Benoo-Kiláb: (
Msb:) in this sense, (
Msb,) which is the primary signification, (
Mgh,) [i. e.] as meaning the رَحِم of the female, (
S,) it is
fem.; (
Msb;) or, as some say,
masc.; (
Msb;) but
IB cites a verse in which رِحْم is
fem.: (
pl. أَرْحَامٌ. (
b2: Hence, (
Msb,) as also ↓ رِحْمٌ (
K) and ↓ رَحْمٌ, (
Msb,) (
tropical:) Relationship; i. e. nearness of kin;
syn. قَرَابَةٌ: (
K:) [by some restricted to relationship by the female side; as will be shown below:] and connexion by birth: (
Msb:) or relationship connecting with a father or an ancestor: or near relationship: so in the
T: (
TA:) or a connexion, or tie, of relationship: (
TA:) or the ties of relationship: (
accord. to the
K, الرَّحِمُ signifies القَرَابَةُ or أَصْلُهَا and أَسْبَابُهَا: but in the
M it is said, الرَّحِمُ أَسْبَابُ القَرَابَةِ وَأَصْلُهَا الرَّحِمُ الَّتِى هِىَ مَنْبِتُ الوَلَدِ; in which وَأَصْلُهَا forms no part of the explanation of الرحم, as the author of the
K asserts it to do: (
TA:) as meaning relationship, رحم is in most instances
masc.: (
pl. as above. (
K.) It is said in a holy tradition (حَدِيث قُدْسِىّ [i. e. an inspired or a revealed tradition]) that God said, when He created الرَّحِم [meaning “ relationship,” &c.], أَنَا الَّحْمٰنُ وَأَنْتَ الرَّحِمُ شَقَقْتُ اسْمَكَ مِنِ اسْمِى فَمَنْ وَصَلَكَ وَصَلْتُهُ وَمَنْ قَطَعَكَ قَطَعْتُهُ (assumed
tropical:) [I am الرحمٰن and thou art الرحم: I have derived thy name from my name: therefore whoso maketh thee close, I will make him close; and who severeth thee, I will sever him]. (
TA.) [وَصَلَ رَحِمَهُ means (assumed
tropical:) He made close his tie, or ties, of relationship, by kind behaviour to his kindred: and قَطَعَ رَحِمَهُ, He severed his tie, or ties, of relationship, by unkind behaviour to his kindred: see art. وصل: and see also بَلَّ رَحِمَهُ, in the first paragraph of art. بل; and a verse there cited.]
b3: ذُو الرَّحِمِ means (assumed
tropical:) [The possessor of relationship, &c.; i. e.] the
contr. of الأَجْنَبِىُّ: (
Msb:) the
pl. ذَوُو الأَرْحَامِ, [or, as in the
Kur viii. last verse, and xxxiii. 6, أُولُو الأَرْحَامِ,] in the classical language, means any relations: and in law, any relations that have no portion [of the inheritances termed فَرَائِض] and are not [such heirs as are designated by the appellation]
عَصَبَة [
q. v.]; (
TA in art. ذو;) [i. e.,] with respect to the فَرَائِض, it means the relations by the women's side. (
TA in the present art.) ذُو رَحِمٍ مَحْرَمٍ and [some say] مُحَرَّمٍ [and ذُو رَحِمٍ
مَحْرَمٌ also (see art. حرم)] mean (assumed
tropical:) A relation whom it is unlawful to marry, [whether male or female, the latter being included with the former, but the female, when particularly meant, is termed ذَاتُ رَحِمٍ مَحْرَمٍ &c.,] such as the mother and the daughter and the sister and the paternal aunt and the maternal aunt [and the male relations of such degrees]: and most of the learned, of the Companions and of the generation following these, and Aboo-Haneefeh and his companions, and Ahmad [Ibn-Hambal], hold that when one possesses a person that is termed ذُو رَحِمٍ مَحْرَمٍ, this person becomes emancipated, whether male or female; but Esh-
Sháfi'ee and others of the Imáms and of the Companions and of the generation following these hold that the children and the fathers and the mothers become emancipated, and not any others than these. (
b4: [حَاسَّةُ رَحِمٍ means (assumed
tropical:) A feeling of relationship or consanguinity, or sympathy of blood; and in like manner, elliptically, رَحِمٌ alone. You say, أَطَّتْ لَهُ مِنِّى حَاسَّةُ رَحِمٍ;
expl. in art. حس: and أَطَّتْ لَهُ رَحِمِى; and أَطَّتْ بِكَ الرَّحِمُ;
expl. in art. اط.
b5: رَحِمٌ is also often used for فَرْجٌ or حَيَآءٌ, meaning (assumed
tropical:) The vulva: see, for exs., شُفْرٌ, and 1 in art. ظآر, and 8 in art. حوص.]
A2: As an
epithet, with ة, applied to a she-camel: see رَحُومٌ.
b2: And as an
epithet without ة, applied to a water-skin: see 1, last sentence but one.
رُحُمٌ: see the next paragraph.
A2: It is also
pl. of رَحُومٌ. (
TA.) رَحْمَةٌ (
K) and ↓ رَحَمَةٌ (
K) and ↓ رُحْمٌ (
K) and ↓ رُحُمٌ, (
K,) thus in a verse of Zuheyr, (
TA,) and thus in the
Kur xviii. 80
accord. to the reading of Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà, (
TA,) and ↓ مَرْحَمَةٌ, (
K,) of which last مَرَاحِمُ is
pl., (
TA,) [all
inf. ns.; when used as simple substs. signifying Mercy, pity, or compassion; i. e.] tenderness (
K, and
Bd on the بَسْمَلَة) of heart; (
Bd ibid.;) and inclination to favour, (
K,) or inclination requiring the exercise of favour and beneficence: (
Bd ubi suprà:) and pardon, or forgiveness: (
accord. to
Er-Rághib, رَحْمَةٌ signifies tenderness requiring the exercise of beneficence towards the object thereof: and it is used sometimes as meaning tenderness divested of any other
attribute: and sometimes as meaning beneficence divested of tenderness; as when it is used as an
attribute of the Creator: when used as an
attribute of men, it means tenderness, and inclination to favour [without necessarily implying beneficence]:
accord. to El-
Káshánee, it is of two kinds; namely, gratuitous, and obligatory: the former is that which pours forth favours, or benefits, antecedently to works; and this is the رحمة that embraces everything: the obligatory is that which is promised to the pious and the doers of good, in the
Kur vii. 155 and vii. 54: but this, he says, is included in the gratuitous, because the promise to bestow it for works is purely gratuitous:
accord. to the explanation of the Imám Aboo-Is-hák Ahmad Ibn-Mohammad-Ibn-Ibráheem Eth-Thaalebee, it is God's desire to do good to the deserving thereof; so that it is an essential
attribute: or the abstaining from punishing him who deserves punishment, and doing good to him who does not deserve [this]; so that it is an
attribute of operation. (
TA.) The saying in the
Kur [xxi. 75] وَأَدْخَلْنَاهُ فِى رَحْمَتِنَا (
tropical:) [And we caused him to enter into our mercy] is
tropical: so says
IJ. (
b2: وَاللّٰهُ يَخْتَصُّ بِرَحْمَتِهِ مَنْ يَشَآءُ, in the
Kur [ii. 99 and iii. 67], means (assumed
tropical:) [And God distinguishes] with his gift of prophecy [whom He will], or his prophetic office or commission. (
K, *
b3: رَحْمَةٌ also means (assumed
tropical:) Sustenance, or the means of subsistence: this is said to be its meaning as used in the
Kur xli. 50. (
b4: And (assumed
tropical:) Rain: (
TA:) so in the
Kur vii. 55. (
b5: And (assumed
tropical:) Plenty; or abundance of herbage, and of the goods, conveniences, or comforts, of life: so in the
Kur x. 22 and xxx. 35. (
TA.) رَحَمَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
رُحْمَى [The saying رَحِمَكَ اللّٰهُ May God have mercy on thee; &c.;] a
subst. from رَحَّمَ عَلَيْهِ [like بُقْيَا from أَبْقَى عَلَيْهِ]. (
K.) رَحْمَآءُ: see رَحُومٌ.
الرَّحْمٰنُ [thus generally written when it has the article ال prefixed to it, but in other cases رَحْمَانُ, imperfectly
decl.,] and ↓ الرَّحِيمُ are names [or epithets] applied to God: (
TA:) [the former, considered as belonging to a large class of words expressive of passion or sensation, such as غَضْبَانُ and عَطْشَانُ &c., but, being applied to God, as being used tropically, or anthropopathically, may be rendered The Compassionate: ↓ the latter, considered as expressive of a constant
attribute with somewhat of intensiveness, agreeably with
analogy, may be rendered the Merciful: but they are variously explained: it is said that] they are both names [or epithets] formed to denote intensiveness of signification, from رَحِمَ; like الغَضْبَانُ from غَضِبَ, and العَلِيمُ from عَلِمَ; and الرَّحْمَةُ, in the proper language, is “ tenderness of heart,” and “ inclination requiring the exercise of favour and beneficence; ” but the names of God are only to be taken [or understood] with regard to the ultimate imports, which are actions, exclusively of the primary imports, which may be passions: and the former is more intensive in signification than the latter; the former including in its objects the believer and the unbeliever, and ↓ the latter having for its peculiar object the believer: (
Bd on the بَسْمَلَة:)
accord. to
J, (
TA,) they are two names [or epithets] derived from الرَّحْمَةُ, and are like نَدْمَانُ and نَدِيمٌ, and are
syn.; the repetition being allowable when the [mode of] derivation is different, for the purpose of corroboration: (
TA:) or the repetition is because the former is Hebrew, [originally 165,] and ↓ the latter is Arabic: (
TA:) but the former is applicable to God only; though Museylimeh the Liar was called رَحْمَانُ اليَمَامَةِ; (
TA;) and it is said to mean the Possessor of the utmost degree of الرَّحْمَة; and
accord. to
Zj, is a name of God mentioned in the most ancient books: (
TA:) whereas ↓ the latter is
syn. with ↓ الرَّاحِمُ: (
TA:) or [rather] ↓ رَاحِمٌ is the
act. part. n. [signifying having mercy, &c.], and ↓ رَحِيمٌ has an intensive signification [i. e. having much mercy, &c.]: (
Msb:) the latter is applied also to a man; and so is ↓ رَحُومٌ, in the same sense, and likewise to a woman: (
TA:) the
pl. of ↓ رَحِيمٌ is رُحَمَآءُ; (
TA;) occurring in the
trad., إِنَّمَا يَرْحَمُ اللّٰهُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الرُّحَمَآءَ, or الرُّحَمَآءُ, as related by different persons; [i. e. God has mercy on the merciful only of his servants, or verily those on whom God has mercy, of his servants, are the merciful;] الرحماء being in the
accus. case as the
objective complement of يرحم, and in the
nom. case as the
enunciative of ما in the sense of الَّذِى. (
Msb.) رَحَمُوتٌ is from رَحْمَةٌ, [with which it is
syn.,] (
TA,) but it is used only coupled with its like in form: (
TA:) one says, رَهَبُوتٌ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْ رَحَمُوتٍ [Fear is better for thee than pity, or compassion], meaning thy being feared is better than thy being pitied, or compassionated: (
K: but in the former, without لك:) or,
accord. to
Mbr, ↓ رَهَبُوتَى خَيْرٌ مِنْ رَحَمُوتَى. (
Meyd. [See art. رهب.]) رَحَمُوتَى: see what next precedes.
رُحَامٌ: see 1, last sentence but two.
رَحُومٌ (
K) and ↓ رَحْمَآءُ, (
K,) applied to a she-camel, (
TA,) and to a ewe or she-goat, and to a woman, (
TA,) [and
app. to any animal having a womb, (see رَحُمَتْ)] Having a complaint of her womb (
K) after bringing forth, (
K,) and dying in consequence thereof; (
K;) and ↓ رَحِمَةٌ, applied to a she-camel, signifies the same: the
pl. of رَحُومٌ is رُحُمٌ, with two dammehs. (
b2: For the first, see also الرَّحْمٰنُ, near the end of the paragraph.
رَحِيمُ: see الرَّحْمٰنُ, in seven places.
b2: Sometimes it is
syn. with ↓ مَرْحُومٌ [i. e. Treated, or regarded, with mercy or pity or compassion; &c.: see 1, first sentence]: 'Amelles Ibn-'Akeel says, (using it in this sense,
Ham p. 628,)
فَأَمَّا إِذَا عَضَّتْ بِكَ الحَرْبُ عَضَّةً فَإِنَّكَ مَعْطُوفٌ عَلَيْكَ رَحِيمُ (
S, and
Ham,) i. e. [But at all events,] when war becomes [once] severe to thee, and thine enemy has almost overcome thee, [verily thou art regarded with favour,] treated with mercy, and defended, by us. (
Ham.) رَاحِمٌ: see الرَّحْمٰنُ, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph.
b2: Also, applied to a ewe, and to a she-goat, Having the womb swollen. (
K.) أَرْحَمُ [More, and most, merciful, &c.]. God is أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمينَ [The Most Merciful of those that have mercy]. (
TA.) مَرْحَمَةٌ: see رَحْمَةٌ.
مُرَحَّمٌ [Treated, or regarded, with much mercy or pity or compassion; &c.]: it is with teshdeed to denote intensiveness of the signification. (
b2: [See also 2, of which it is the
pass. part. n.]
مَرْحُومٌ: see رَحِيمٌ.
b2: المَرْحُومَةُ is a name of El-Medeeneh. (
b3: [And المَرْحُومُ, which may be rendered The object of God's mercy, is commonly used in the present day as an
epithet applied to the person, whoever he be, that has died in what is believed to be the true faith; as though meaning merely the deceased.]
رحو and رحى
1 رَحَتِ الحَيَّةُ, (
aor. ـْ (
S) [and
app. تَرْحَى also (see رَحْيَةٌ)]; and ↓ ترحّت; (
K;) The serpent turned round about, (
TA,) and twisted, or wound, or coiled, itself;
ISd adds, كَالرَّحّى [i. e. like the mill, or millstone]; for which reason it is said to be إِحْدّى بَنَاتِ طِبَقٍ. (
A2: رَحَوْتُ الرَّحَا or الرَّحَى, (
inf. n. رَحْوٌ; (
TA;) and رَحَيْتُهَا, (
inf. n. رَحْىٌ; (
TA;) I turned round the رحا or رحى [i. e. the mill, or mill-stone]: (
K:) or I made it: (
K:) in the
K, the latter verb is said to be
extr.; but not so in the
T or
S or
M: in the
M it is said to be the more common. (
A3: And رَحَاهُ He magnified him, or honoured him. (
TA.) 5 تَ1َ2َّ3َ see above, first sentence.
رَحًى (
K, &c.) and رَحًا, (
Msb, *
K,) the former of which is the more approved, (
TA,) and some say ↓ رَحَآءٌ, (
S,) A mill;
syn. طَاحُونٌ: (
Msb:) [and] a mill-stone; i. e. the great round stone with which one grinds: (
TA:) of the
fem. gender: (
K:) dual of the first رَحَيَانِ, (
K,) and of the second رَحَوَانِ, (
Msb, *
K,) and of the third, رَحَاآنِ: (
S:) the
pl. (of pauc.,
S) of رَحًى (
Msb) [and of رَحًا] is أَرْحٍ and (of mult.,
S) أَرْحَآءٌ, (
K,) which latter is the
pl. that is preferred
accord. to
IAmb, (
Msb,) and رُحِىٌّ and رِحِىٌّ, (
TA,) with damm and with kesr (
TA) to the ر (
Msb,) [for the last of which رَحِىٌّ is substituted in the
CK,] and أُرْحِىٌّ, (
TA,) with damm, and with kesr to the ح and teshdeed to the ى (
TA,) [in the
CK أَرْحِىٌّ,] and أَرْحِيَةٌ, (
K,) which is
extr., (
K,) said by
AHát to be wrong, and by
IAmb to be
anomalous, and by
Zj to be not allowable, (
Msb,) in the
T said to be as though it were a
pl. pl., (
TA,) or it is
pl. of رَحَآءٌ [and therefore regular]: (
S:) the
dim. is ↓ رُحَيَّةٌ. (
Msb.) رَحَا اليَدِ [or رَحَى اليَدِ] signifies The hand-mill. (
b2: [Hence, A molar tooth, or grinder:]
i. q. ضِرْسٌ; (
pl. أَرْحَآءٌ
i. q. أَضْرَاسٌ: (
S:) [or rather] the أَرْحَآء, also called the طَوَاحِن, are the twelve teeth, three on each side [above and below], next after the ضَوَاحِك [or bicuspids]. (
Zj, in his “ Khalk el-Insá
n. ”)
b3: [And
app. A roller with which land is rolled to crush the clods; as being likened to a mill-stone: see 1 in art. ختم, near the end of the paragraph.]
b4: Stones: and a great rock, or mass of stone. (
b5: A round piece of ground, rising above what surrounds it, (
K,) about as large in extent as a mile: (
pl. أَرْحَآءٌ: (
TA:) or this latter, i. e. the
pl., signifies pieces of rugged ground, less than mountains, round, and rising above what surrounds them: (
TA:) or رَحًا مِنَ الأَرْضِ means a round and rugged place [or piece of ground] among sands: (
TA:) or a large and rugged [elevation such as is termed]
قَارَة or أَكَمَة, round, rising above what surrounds it, not spreading upon the surface of the earth, nor producing herbs, or leguminous plants, nor trees. (
b6: A round cloud; [as being likened to a mill-stone;] (A in art. رجح:) or so رَحَى سَحَابٍ. (
b7: The كِرْكِرَة [or callous protuberance upon the breast] of a camel; (
K;) so called because of its roundness: (
pl. أَرْحَآءٌ: (
K:) which likewise signifies the callous protuberances upon the knees of the camel. (
b8: The foot (فِرْسِن) of the camel and of the elephant:
pl. أَرْحَآءٌ. (
b9: A دَائِرَة [
app. meaning a circling border] around the nail. (
b10: The breast, or chest:
pl., as in the other senses following, أَرْحَآءٌ. (
b11: Spinage, or spinach; (
K;) because of the roundness of its leaves. (
b12: (
tropical:) A collective body of the members of a household. (
b13: (
tropical:) An independent tribe: (
TA:) أَرْحَآءٌ (which is its
TA) signifies (
tropical:) independent tribes, that are in no need of others. (
b14: (assumed
tropical:) A large number of camels, crowding, or pressing, together; (
TA;) also called طَحَّانَةٌ: (
TA:) or رَحَا الإِبِلِ means the collective herd of the camels: and in like manner, رَحَا القَوْمِ the collective body of the people, or party. (
b15: رَحَى القَوْمِ signifies [also] (
tropical:) The chief of the people, or party. (
TA.) [It is added in the
TA that 'Omar Ibn-El-Khattáb was called رَحَى الحَرْبِ, as though meaning (assumed
tropical:) The chief of war; because of his warlike propensities: but it seems from what here follows, as well as from what precedes, that this may be a mistranscription, for رَحَى القَوْمِ or رَحَى العَرَبِ.]
b16: رَحَى الحَرْبِ signifies (
tropical:) The most vehement part [or the thickest] of the fight;
syn. حَوْمَتُهَا: (
Msb:) in the
K it is said that الرَّحَى signifies حَوْمَةُ الحَرْبِ, and مُعْظَمُهُ; as also ↓ المَرْحَى: but it seems that there is an omission; for الحرب is [generally]
fem., and in the
M it is said that رَحَى المَوْتِ signifies مُعْظَمُهُ [
app. meaning the main stress, or the thickest, of death in battle]. (
TA.) In a saying relating to 'Alee's having made an end of الجَمَلِ ↓ مَرْحَي, this expression is
expl. by A 'Obeyd as meaning The place around which revolved the thickest of the fight (المَوْضِعُ الَّذِي دَارَتْ عَلَيْهِ رَحَي الحَرْبِ) [in the Battle of the Camel]. (
TA.) And دَارَتْ عَلَيْهِ رَحَي المَوْتِ [which may be rendered (assumed
tropical:) The main stress of death beset him round about] meansdeath befell him. (
TA.) رَحْيَةٌ [or حَيَّةٌ رَحْيَةٌ meaning A serpent folding, or coiling, itself, so as to resemble a neck-ring]: see رَحَّةٌ, in art. رح.
رَحَآءٌ: see رَحًي, first sentence.
dim. of رَحًي,
q. v. (
Msb.) قَصْعَةٌ رَحَّآءُ A shallow, or a wide, [bowl such as is termed] قصعة. (
TA. [It is there mentioned in art. رحو, but belongs to art. رح
q. v.]) مَرْحًي A place of a mill or mill-stone. (
b2: See also رَحًي (near the end of the paragraph), in two places.
b3: [
Accord. to Freytag, it occurs in the Deewán of the Hudhalees as meaning (assumed
tropical:) A place where any one stands firmly.]
مُرَحٍ A maker of mills or mill-stones. (
A2: And Moisture in the ground to the extent of a palm. (