Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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5 تَقَّنَعَ بِشَىْءٍ He was content with a thing. (K, voce تعصّب.) قُنْعَانٌ [not قُنْعَانُ, as in the CK,] With whom one is contented, or satisfied, (S, K,) like ↓ مَقْنَعٌ, (S, K,) in respect of his judicial decision, or his evidence: (K:) used a like as mase. and fem. and sing. and pl. (S, K) and dual. (S.) قِنَاعٌ A woman's covering worn over the خِمَار [or head-covering]; (Msb;) a woman's headcovering, wider than the ↓ مَقْنَعَة. (S, K.) b2: قِنَاعُ القَلْبِ

The integument of the heart; the pericardium. (Mgh in art. خلع; and K.) قَانِعٌ

, as used in the Kur, xxii. 37, accord. to some, One who asks, or begs. (TA, art. عر.) مَقْنَعٌ

: see قُنْعَانٌ b2: إِنَّ فِى ذٰلِكَ لَمَقْنَعًا [Verily in that is a sufficiency]. (S, M, in art. سود.) مُقْنِعٌ

: see صَافِحٌ.

مِقْنَعَةٌ [and مِقْنَعٌ, PS] A woman's head-veil. (MA, PS.)



1 نَكِدَ, aor. ـَ (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. نَكَدٌ, (S, L, Msb,) It (a man's life) was, or became, hard, or strait, and difficult. (S, L, Msb, K.) b2: نَكِدَ It (a she-camel's milk) became deficient. (R.) b3: نَكِدَ It (water) became exhausted. (A.) b4: نَكِدَتِ الرَّكِيَّةُ The well came to have little water. (S, L, K.) b5: نَكِدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَكَدٌ, He was, or became, unpropitious, and mean: (L:) he became hard, or difficult: (Msb:) he gave little: or gave not at all: you say also نَكِدَ بِحَاجَتِنَا he was niggardly of that which we wanted. (L.) b6: نَكَدَ حَاجَتَهُ, aor. ـُ (K;) or ـَ حَاجَتَهُ, (L,) He withheld from him, or refused him, his want. (L, K.) b7: نَكَدَهُ, aor. ـُ He withheld from him, or refused him, what he asked: or [in the CK, and] the same, (K,) or نَكَدَهُ مَا سَأَلَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَكْدٌ, (L,) he gave him not save the least of what he asked. (L, K.) b8: نُكِدَ, [in measure] like عُنِىَ, He had many askers and gave little. (K.) b9: نَكَدَ, aor. ـُ He (a raven or crow) croaked with his utmost force; (A, K;) as though vomiting; as also ↓ تنكّد. (A.) 2 نَكَّدَ عَطَآءَهُ بِالْمَنِّ He impaired his gift by reproach. (A.) b2: نكّد وَسْقَهُ He spent, or exhausted, what he possessed, in consequence of frequent petitions. (A.) b3: نكّدهُ He vexed, distressed, or troubled, him; (Gol, from Meyd.) [as also نكّد عَلَيْهِ].3 ناكدهُ He treated him, or behaved towards him, with hardness, harshness, or ill-nature. (S, L, K.) 4 سَأَلَهُ فَأَنْكَدَهُ He asked of him, and found him hard, or difficult, (A, L,) and mean, or niggardly: (L:) or found him to have only what was scanty, or little. (L.) b2: طَلَبَ مِنْهُ حَاجَةً فَأَنْكَدَ He sought, or desired, of him a thing that he wanted, and he was niggardly. (A.) 5 تنكّد [He became vexed, distressed, or troubled]. (A.) See Bd, in lxviii. 25: and see 1.6 تناكدا They treated each other with hardness, harshness, or ill-nature. (S, L, K.) نَكْدٌ: see نُكْدٌ, and نَكِدٌ.

نُكْدٌ and ↓ نَكْدٌ Scantiness of a gift; (L, K;) and its not being enjoyed, or found pleasant, by the receiver. (L.) b2: See what follows.

نَكَدًا لَهُ وجَحَدًا, and له وجُحْدُا ↓ نُكْدًا, [May God decree straitness, or difficulty, to him, and poverty]: forms of imprecation. (L.) b2: نَكَدٌ Anything that brings evil upon the person whom it affects. (L.) See نَكِدٌ.

نَكِدٌ [Hard, strait, or difficult; applied to a man's life; (see 1;) and to fortune, as in an ex. voce إِبِدٌ.] b2: Water little in quantity. (L.) b3: لَا يَخْرُجُ إِلَّا نَكِدًا, in the Kur, [vii. 56,] accord. to the common reading, or ↓ نَكَدًا, accord. to the reading of the people of El-Medeeneh, or, as it may be read, accord. to Zj, ↓ نَكْدًا and ↓ نُكْدًا, means, accord. to Fr, It [the herbage] will not come forth save with difficulty: (L:) or, scantily and unprofitably. (Beyd.) b4: نَكِدٌ (S, A, L, Msb, K,) and ↓ نَكَدٌ and ↓ نَكْدٌ and ↓ أَنْكَدُ (L, K) A man who is unpropitious, (L, K,) and mean, (L,) and hard, or difficult: (S, A, L, Msb, K:) and a people you term أَنْكَادٌ and مَنَاكِيدُ (S, L, K) and نُكُدٌ and نُكْدٌ. (A.) b5: نَكِدٌ and ↓ أَنْكَدُ A man that brings evil upon others. (L.) نَكَادٌ Hardness, or difficulty, in a man. (A.) See نَكِدَ.

أَرَضُونَ نِكَادٌ Lands possessing little goods. (L.) نَاكِدٌ: see أَنْكَدُ.

أَنْكَدُ. b2: نَكْدَآءُ A she-camel abounding with milk; (IF, L, K;) as also ↓ نَاكِدٌ: (L:) a she-camel that has no young one living, and therefore abounding with milk, because she does not suckle; (L; K;) so نَكْدَآءُ مِقْلَاتٌ, of which the pls. occur in a verse of El-Kumeyt cited voce شَخَبَ: (S:) also, contr., a she-camel having no milk: (IF, A, K:) or having little milk; as also ↓ نَاكِدٌ: and both words, a she-camel whose young one has died: (L:) pl. (of both words, L) نُكْدٌ (S, L, K.) See also مَكْدَآءُ. b3: أَنْكَدُ Unfortunate; unlucky. (S.) See نَكِدٌ.

مُنَكَّدٌ: see مَنْكُودٌ.

مَنْكُودٌ A small, or scanty, gift; (A, L, K;) as also ↓ مُنَكَّدٌ (A.) b2: مَنْكُودٌ A man having many askers and giving little: (TA:) or a man pressed with petitions; as also مَعْرُوكٌ and مَشْفُوهٌ and مَعْجُوزٌ. (IAar, L.) جَآءَهُ مُنْكِدًا He came to him unwelcomely: or, empty: or, as Th says, it is correctly مُنْكِزًا, from نَكَرَتِ البِئْرُ, though أَنْكَزَ as meaning “ his wells became exhausted,” has not been heard. (L.)



1 سَهِرَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. سَهَرٌ, He waked, was sleepless or wakeful, or did not sleep, by night; (S, K;) he abstained from sleep by night; (Lth;) he remained awake all the night or a part thereof: you say سَهِرَ اللَّيْلَ, or بَعْضَ اللَّيْلِ, He remained awake during the night, or a part of the night: (Msb:) [he passed the night, or a part of the night, sleepless, or without sleeping:] and سَهِرْتُ البَارِحَةَ I remained awake last night. (A.) b2: مَالَهُ سَهِرَ وَعَهِرَ What aileth him? May he be sleepless by night, and may he grieve, or mourn, is an imprecation of the Arabs. (Az, TA in this art. and art. عبر.) b3: سَهِرَ البَرْقُ (tropical:) The lightning gleamed, or glistened, during the night. (A.) 3 مُسَاهَرَةٌ signifies The being sleepless, or awake, with another: (KL, and Har p. 329:) [and the vying with another in remaining sleepless or awake:] and [like إِسْهَارٌ, but I think this doubtful,] the making [one] sleepless or awake. (KL.) ساهر النُّجُومَ means He passed the night sleepless like as do the stars. (Har ubi suprà.) 4 اسهرهُ He, (S, Msb,) or it, (A,) as anxiety, or trouble of mind, and pain, (TA,) caused him to wake, to be sleepless, or wakeful, or to remain awake. (S, A, Msb, TA.) سَهَرٌ: see سَاهُورٌ.

سُهَرَةٌ: see سَاهِرٌ.

سَهْرَانٌ: see سَاهِرٌ.

سُهَارٌ A state of waking; sleeplessness, or wakefulness; (K;) i. q. سُهَادٌ; (T;) as also ↓ سَاهُورٌ. (K.) سَهَّارٌ: see سَاهِرٌ, in two places.

سَاهِرٌ and ↓ سَهْرَانٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ سَهَّارٌ (K) and ↓ سُهَرَةٌ, (S, K,) the last of which is an intensive epithet, (S,) [and so is the third, and sometimes the second,] Waking, sitting up, sleepless, wakeful, or not sleeping, by night; (S, K;) [abstaining from sleep by night;] remaining awake all the night or a part thereof: (Msb:) and the last, [and third, and sometimes the second,] wakeful, or waking much, &c. (S.) You say, العَيْنِ ↓ رَجُلٌ سَهَّارُ A man whom sleep does not overcome. (Lh.) b2: بَرْقٌ سَاهِرٌ (tropical:) Lightning gleaming, or glistening, during the night. (A.) b3: لَيْلٌ سَاهرِ (tropical:) A night of waking or sleeplessness or wakefulness: (K:) like as one says لَيْلٌ نَائِمٌ. (TA.) b4: سَاهِرَةُ العِرْقِ (assumed tropical:) A she-camel that yields milk long and abundantly. (TA.) b5: عَيْنٌ سَاهِرَةٌ (tropical:) A running spring or fountain: (K:) a spring or fountain that runs night and day, unremittingly. (A, * TA.) It is said in a trad., خَيْرُ المَالِ عَيْنٌ سَاهِرَةٌ لِعَيْنٍ نَائِمَةٍ (tropical:) The best of property is a spring of water that runs night and day while its owner is sleeping; (TA;) its owner having his mind unoccupied by it. (A.) b6: أَرْضٌ سَاهِرَةٌ (tropical:) Land that produces plants quickly: as though it passed the night doing so. (A.) b7: Also سَاهِرَةٌ [alone], (tropical:) A wide, or an extensive, tract of land, the traverser of which remains awake during the night: (A:) or the earth, or land: (K:) or the surface of the earth: (Fr, Lth, S, K:) because it produces plants or herbage alike by night and day: (Ibn-Es-Seed:) so in the Kur lxxix. 14: (S:) or (TA, but in the K “ and ”) a desert, syn. فَلَاةٌ, (K,) the traverser of which remains awake during the night: (TA:) or (TA, but in the K “ and ”) an untrodden land: (K:) or (TA) a land which God will create anew on the day of resurrection: (K:) or a land on which none has disobeyed God: (Ibn-Es Seed:) or (TA) Hell: (Katádeh, K:) or (TA) [in the Kur ubi suprà] a certain mountain of Jerusalem: (Wahb Ibn-Munebbih, K:) or (TA) the land of Syria. (Mukátil, K.) سَاهِرَةٌ fem. of سَاهِرٌ [q. v.]. b2: See also سَاهُورٌ.

سَاهِرِيَّةٌ A certain perfume: [so called] because one is caused to be sleepless in preparing it, and making it good. (Sgh, K.) سَاهُورٌ: see سَهَارٌ.

A2: Also The sheath of the moon, (S, K,) which it enters when it is eclipsed, (TA,) accord. to the assertion of the Arabs; (S, TA;) as also ↓ سَاهِرَةٌ. (K.) One says, of the moon, when it is eclipsed, دَخَلَ فِى سَاهُورِهِ It has entered into its sheath. (KT.) [Or] The shade, or shadow, of the سَاهِرَة, i. e., of the surface of the earth. (S, K.) b2: The moon (K, TA) itself; as also ↓ سَهَرٌ; of Syriac origin, accord to IDrd. (TA.) b3: The halo (دَارَة) of the moon: (K:) a Syriac word. (TA.) b4: And السَّاهُورُ, The last nine nights of the lunar month: (K:) or so لَيَالِى السَّاهُورِ: because the moon is absent in its first part. (ISk.) b5: Also سَاهُورٌ, The source of a spring of water. (K, * TA.) b6: And Multitude; abundance. (K.) الأَسْهَرَانِ (tropical:) Two ducts (عِرْقَانِ) in the two nostrils, (S, K, *) in the inside, (TA,) which, when an ass is excited by lust, flow with water, (S, TA,) or with blood: (TA:) so in the verse of Esh-Shemmákh, تُوَائِلُ مِنْ مِصَكٍّ أَنْصَبَتْهُ حَوَالِبُ أَسْهَرَيْهِ بِالذَّنِينِ [She seeks to escape from a strong (he-ass) whom the ducts of his two nostrils flowing with mucus have fatigued]: (S:) or the nose and the penis: (Sh, K:) or (TA, but in the K “ and ”) two ducts in the flesh and sinew next the back-bone, through which runs the seminal fluid into the penis: (K:) or (TA) two ducts rising from the two testicles, and meeting together in the interior of the penis, (K,) or of the فَيْشَلَة [or glans of the penis]; which are the ducts of the seminal fluid: (TA:) or the two veins or ducts of the penis which become prominent when it is in a state of erection: (TA:) and two veins or ducts in the eye: (K:) but As disallows اسهريه, and says that the true reading, in the verse of Esh-Shemmákh, is أَسْهَرَتْهُ, meaning, [that] have not suffered him to sleep. (TA.) [See also حَالِبٌ.]



1 حَكَمَهُ, (S, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. حُكْمٌ, (Msb, K, [in the TK حَكْمٌ,]) in its primary acceptation, (Msb,) He prevented, restrained, or withheld, him (S, Msb, K) from acting in an evil, or a corrupt, manner; as also ↓ احكمهُ: (K:) and (K) from doing that which he desired; as also ↓ احكمهُ; and ↓ حكّمهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَحْكِيمٌ: (S:) and حُكُومَةٌ [is another inf. n. of حَكَمَهُ, and], accord. to As, primarily signifies the turning a man back from wrongdoing. (TA.) Ibrá-heem En-Nakha'ee is related to have said, ↓ حَكِّمِ اليَتِيمَ كَمَا تُحَكِّمُ وَلَدَكَ, meaning Restrain thou the orphan from acting in an evil, or a corrupt, manner, and make him good, or virtuous, as thou restrainest thine offspring &c.: and of every one whom thou preventest, or restrainest, or withholdest, from doing a thing, thou sayest, [حَكَمْتُهُ and] ↓ حكّمته and ↓ احكمته: or, accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer, as related by Sh, the forementioned saying of En-Nakh'ee means let the orphan decide respecting his property, when he is good, or virtuous, as thou lettest thine offspring &c.; but this explanation is not approved. (Az, TA.) And Jereer says, سُفَهَآءَكُمْ ↓ أًبَنِى حَنِيفَةَ أَحْكِمُوا

إِنِّى أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمُ أَنْ أَغْضَبَا [O sons of Haneefeh, restrain your lightwitted ones: verily I fear for you that I may be angry]: (S, TA:) i. e., restrain and prevent them from opposing me. (TA.) You say, also, عَنِ ↓ احكمهُ الأَمْرِ He made him to turn back, or revert, from the thing, or affair. (K.) b2: حَكَمَ الفَرَسَ, and ↓ احكمهُ, and ↓ حكّمهُ, He pulled in the horse by the bridle and bit, to stop him; he curbed, or restrained, him. (TA.) And حَكَمَ الدَّابَّةَ, (S,) or الفَرَسَ, (K,) inf. n. حَكْمٌ; (S; [so in my two copies of that work;]) and ↓ أَحْكَمَهَا, (S,) or احكمهُ; (K;) He put a حَكَمَة [q. v.] to the bit of the beast, or horse. (S, * K.) b3: And ↓ حكّم الحَوَادِثَ (assumed tropical:) [He controlled events: see مُحَكَّمٌ]. (MF.) b4: حَكَمْتُ عَلَيْهِ بِكَذَا originally signifies I prevented, restrained, or withheld, him from doing, or suffering, any other than such a thing, so that he could not escape it. (Msb.) [Hence it means I condemned him to such a thing; as, for instance, the payment of a fine or of a debt, and death.] And hence, (Msb,) حَكَمَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, K,) inf. n. حُكْمٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and حُكُومَةٌ, (K,) He judged, gave judgment, passed sentence, or decided judicially, بَيْنَهُمْ between them, (S, Msb, K, TA,) and لَهُ in his favour, and عَلَيْهِ against him. (S, TA.) And حَكَمَ عَلَيْهِ بِالأَمْرِ He decided judicially the thing, or affair, or case, against him. (K, TA.) And حَكَمَ لَهُ عَلَيْهِ بِكَذَا [He awarded by judicial sentence in his favour, against him (i. e. another person), such a thing]. (Mgh.) [And حَكَمَ عَلَيْهِ He exercised judicial authority, jurisdiction, rule, dominion, or government, over him. and حَكَمَ بِكَذَا He ordered, ordained, or decreed, such a thing.]

A2: حَكَمَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ He turned back, or reverted, from the thing, or affair. (IAar, Az, K.) A3: حَكُمَ, (S, MA, TA,) with damm to the ك, (S,) like كَرُمَ, (TA,) [not حَكَمَ as in the Lexicons of Golius and Freytag,] inf. n. حُكْمٌ (KL, MA) and حِكْمَةٌ, (MA,) He was, or became, such as is termed حَكِيمٌ [i. e. wise, &c.]. (S, KL, MA, TA.) b2: And حكم, inf. n. حكم, [so in the TA, without any syll. signs, app. حَكُمَ inf. n. حُكْمٌ,] is said of a man, signifying He reached the utmost point, or degree, in its meaning (فِى

مَعْنَاهُ [i. e., app., in what is the radical meaning of the verb, namely, in judging; like قَضُوَ]); in praising, not in dispraising. (TA.) 2 حكّمهُ, inf. n. تَحْكِيمٌ: see 1, in five places. b2: Also [He made him judge; or] he committed to him the office of judging, giving judgment, passing sentence, or deciding judicially; (Mgh, Msb;) or he ordered him to judge, give judgment, pass sentence, or decide judicially; (K;) or he allowed him to judge, &c.; (TA;) فِى الأَمْرِ in the affair, or case. (K.) And حَكَّمْتُهُ فِى مَالِى

I gave him authority to judge, give judgment, pass sentence, or decide judicially, respecting my property. (S, TA.) b3: Hence, حَكَّمَتِ الخَوَارِجُ The [schismatics called the] خوارج asserted that judgment (الحُكْمُ) belongs not to any but God. (Mgh.) تَحْكِيمُ الحَرُورِيَّةِ, in the K, erroneously, ↓ تَحَكُّمُ الحروريّة, (TA,) signifies The assertion of the [schismatics called] حروريّة that there is no judgment (حُكْم) but God's, (K, TA,) and that there is no judge (حَكَم) but God. (TA.) 3 حاكمهُ إِلَى الحَاكِمِ, (K,) inf. n. مُحَاكَمَةٌ, (S,) He summoned him to the judge, and litigated with him, (S, K, TA,) seeking judgment: and he made a complaint of him to the judge; or brought him before the judge to arraign him and litigate with him, and made a complaint of him. (TA.) And حَاكَمْنَاهُ إِلَى اللّٰهِ We summoned him to the judgment of God [administered by the Kádee]. (TA.) بِكَ حَاكَمْتُ, occurring in a trad., is said to mean I have submitted the judgment [of my case] to Thee, and there is no judgment but thine; and by Thee [or thy means or aid] I have litigated in seeking judgment and in proving the falseness of him who has disputed with me in the matter of religion. (TA. [The past tense, here, is perhaps used as a corroborative present.]) 4 أَحْكَمَ see 1, in seven places. The saying of Lebeed, describing a coat of mail, أَحْكَمَ الجِنْثِىَّ مِنْ عَوْرَاتِهَا كُلُّ حِرْبَآءٍ إِذَا أُكْرِهَ صَلٌّ is explained as meaning Every nail repelled the sword from its interstices: [when it was struck with force, it made a clashing sound:] or, as some say, [the right reading is الجنثىُّ and كُلَّ, (as in the S in arts. جنث and صل,) and, accord. to some, صَنْعَتِهَا in the place of عوراتها, (as in the S and M in art. صل,) and] the meaning is, the manufacturer thereof made firm, or strong, every nail [of its interstices, or of its fabric: &c.]: احكم in this case signifying أَحْرَزَ [agreeably with the explanation here next following]. (TA.) b2: احكمهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِحْكَامٌ, (TA,) i. q. أَتْقَنَهُ [He made it, or rendered it, (namely, a thing, S, Mgh, Msb,) firm, stable, strong, solid, compact, sound, or free from defect or imperfection, by the exercise of skill; he made it firmly, strongly, solidly, compactly, so that it was firmly and closely joined or knit together, soundly, thoroughly, skilfully, judiciously, or well; he so constructed, constituted, established, settled, arranged, did, performed, or executed, it; he put it into a firm, solid, sound, or good, state, or on a firm, solid, sound, or good, footing: and he knew it, or learned it, soundly, thoroughly, or well; see 1, last sentence, in art. حنك]. (Msb, K.) Hence, in the Kur [xi. 1], كِتَابٌ أَحْكِمَتْ آيَاتُهُ (TA) i. e. [A book whereof the verses are rendered valid] by arguments and proofs; (Bd;) or by command and prohibition, and the statement of what is lawful and unlawful: (TA:) or disposed in a sound manner, (Ksh, Bd,) with respect to the words and meanings, (Bd,) like a building firmly and orderly and well constructed: (Ksh:) or prevented from being corrupted (Ksh, Bd) and from being abrogated: (Bd:) or made to be characterized by wisdom, (Ksh, Bd:) as comprising the sources of speculative and practical wisdom. (Bd.) and hence one says of a man such as is termed حَكِيم, [i. e. wise, &c.,] قَدْ أَحْكَمَتْهُ التَّجَارِبُ [Tryings have rendered him firm, or sound, in judgment]. (TA.) b3: [Hence, أُحْكِمَ عَنْ كَذَا It was secured from such a thing: see مُحْكَمٌ.] b4: [إِحْكَامٌ is also often used as the inf. n. of the pass. verb, signifying The being firm, &c.; or firmness, &c.: see مِرَّةٌ.] b5: See also حَكَمَةٌ.5 تحكّم فِيهِ He did [or decided] according to his own judgment, or did what he judged fit, respecting it, or in it: (Msb:) or he had authority to judge, give judgment, pass sentence, or decide judicially, respecting it; (K, TA;) as also فيه ↓ احتكم: (S, K:) each is quasi-pass. of حَكَّمَهُ; the former regular, and the latter irregular: (TA:) or the former signifies he pretended to have authority to judge, &c. (KL.) You say, عَلَىَّ ↓ احتكم فِى مَالِى He had authority over me to judge, &c., respecting my property. (S.) b2: See also 2.6 تحاكموا إِلَى الحَاكِمِ They summoned one another to the judge, [seeking judgment, (see 3,)] and litigated; as also إِلَيْهِ ↓ احتكموا. (S, TA.) 8 إِحْتَكَمَ see 5, in two places: b2: and 6: b3: and 10.10 استحكم He (a man) refrained from what would injure him in his religion and his worldly concerns. (Aboo-' Adnán, TA.) b2: Also quasipass. of أَحْكَمَهُ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) as signifying أَتْقَنَهُ; (Msb, K;) [It was, or became, firm, stable, strong, solid, compact, firmly and closely joined or knit together, sound, or free from defect or imperfection, by the exercise of skill; firmly, strongly, solidly, compactly, soundly, thoroughly, skilfully, judiciously, or well, made or constructed or constituted or established or settled or arranged or done or performed or executed: and, said of a quality or faculty &c., it was, or became, firm, strong, sound, free from defect or imperfection, established, or confirmed:] and, said of an affair, or a case, it was, or became, in a firm, solid, sound, or good, state, or on a firm, solid, sound, or good, footing; as also ↓ احتكم. (TA.) b3: استحكم عَلَيْهِ الأَمْرُ The thing, or affair, became confused and dubious to him; syn. اِلْتَبَسَ: so in the A. (TA. [But this seems to require confirmation.]) حُكْمٌ [inf. n. of 1, q. v.,] originally signifies Prevention, or restraint. (Msb.) b2: And hence, (Msb,) Judgment, or judicial decision: (S, Msb, K, TA:) or judgment respecting a thing, that it is such a thing, or is not such a thing, whether it be necessarily connected with another thing, or not: (TA:) [whence,] in logic, [what our logicians term judgment; i. e.] the judging a thing to stand to another [thing] in the relation of an attribute to its subject, affirmatively or negatively; or the perception of relation or non-relation: (Kull:) or it properly signifies judgment with equity or justice: (Az, TA:) and ↓ حُكُومَةٌ signifies the same; (K, TA;) originally, accord. to As, the restraint of a man from wrongdoing: (TA:) [each, though an inf. n., being used as a simple subst., has its pl.:] the pl. of the former is أَحْكَامٌ, (K,) [properly a pl. of pauc., but] its only pl. form: and the pl. of the latter is حُكُومَاتٌ. (TA.) You say, وَ يَفْصِلُ ↓ هُوَ يَتَوَلَّى الحُكُومَاتِ الخُصُومَاتِ [He presides over the affairs of judgment, and decides litigations]. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنَّ مِنَ الشِّعْرِ لَحُكْمًا meaning Verily, of poetry, there is that which is true judgment: so says Er-Rághib: or, as others say, profitable discourse, such as restrains from, and forbids, ignorant and silly behaviour; i. e., [what contains] exhortations and proverbs profitable to men: or, the right reading is, as some relate it, ↓ لَحِكْمَةً [i. e. wisdom, &c.]: (TA:) or حِكَمًا [pl. of حِكْمَة]. (So in a copy of the “ Jámi' es-Sagheer ” of Es-Suyootee.) b3: [The exercise of judicial authority; jurisdiction; rule; dominion; or government. See also حُكُومَةٌ. b4: An ordinance; a statute; a prescript; an edict; a decree; or a particular law; like قَضَآءٌ. Hence the phrase حُكْمَ العَادَةِ According to custom or usage; properly, according to the ordinance of custom or usage. b5: A rule in grammar &c.; as when one says, حُكْمُ الفَاعِلِ الرَّفْعُ or أَنْ يُرْفَعَ, i. e. The rule applying to the case of the agent is that it be put in the nom. case; and حُكْمُهُ حُكْمُ كَذَا, or كَحُكْمِ كذا, i. e. The rule applying to it is the same as the rule applying to such a thing, or like the rule applying to such a thing. b6: It may often be rendered Predicament: (thus the last of the foregoing exs. may be rendered Its predicament is the same as the predicament of such a thing, or like the predicament of such a thing:) and حُكْمًا, or فِى الحُكْمِ, predicamentally, or in respect of predicament; and virtually; as distinguished from لَفْظًا (literally), and حَقِيقَةً (really), and the like.] b7: Also Knowledge of the law in matters of religion. (TA.) b8: See also حِكْمَةٌ, in two places. It is a more general term than حِكْمَةٌ; for all حِكْمَة is حُكْم, but the reverse is not the case. (Er-Rághib, TA.) حَكَمٌ: see حَاكِمٌ, in two places; and مُحَكِّمٌ.

[Hence,] الحَكَمُ [The Judge] is one of the names of God. (TA.) b2: A man advanced in age (K, TA) to the utmost degree. (TA.) A2: See also حَكَمَةٌ.

حِكْمَةٌ [properly, or primarily,] signifies What prevents, or restrains, from ignorant behaviour: (Mgh:) [in its most usual sense, which is wisdom, agreeably with explanations here following,] it is derived from حَكَمَةٌ, signifying a certain appertenance of a beast, [a kind of curb,] because it prevents its possessor from having bad dispositions: (Msb:) it means knowledge; or science; (S, K;) as also ↓ حُكْمٌ: (S, TA:) or [generally] knowledge of the true natures of things, and action according to the requirements thereof; and therefore it is divided into intellectual and practical: or a state, or quality, of the intellectual faculty: this is the theological حِكْمَة: in the Kur xxxi. 11, by the حِكْمَة given by God to Lukmán, is meant the evidence of the intellect in accordance with the statutes of the law: (TA:) in the conventional language of the learned, it means the perfecting of the human mind by the acquisition of the speculative sciences, and of the complete faculty of doing excellent deeds, according to the ability possessed: (Bd on the passage of the Kur above mentioned:) or it means the attainment of that which is true, or right, by knowledge and by deed: so that in God it is the knowledge of things, and the origination thereof in the most perfect manner: and, in man, the knowledge and doing of good things: or it means acquaintance with the most excellent of things by the most excellent kind of knowledge: (TA:) [and in the modern language, philosophy: pl. حِكَمٌ:] see حُكْمٌ. b2: Also Equity, or justice, (K, TA,) in judgment or judicial decision; and so ↓ حُكْمٌ. (TA.) b3: and i. q. حِلْمٌ; (K, TA;) i. e. [Forbearance, or clemency, or] the management of one's soul and temper on the occasion of excitement of anger: which, if correct, is nearly the same as equity or justice. (TA.) b4: And Obedience of God: and knowledge in matters of religion, and the acting agreeably therewith: and understanding: and reverential fear; piety; pious fear; or abstinence from unlawful things: and the doing, or saying, that which is right: and reflection upon what God has commanded, and doing according thereto. (TA.) b5: And [Knowledge of] the interpretation of the Kur-án, and saying that which is right in relation to it: so in the Kur ii. 272. (TA.) b6: And The gift of prophecy, or the prophetic office; (K, TA;) and apostleship: so in the Kur ii. 252 and iii. 43 and xxxviii. 19: (TA:) or in the [first and] last of these instances it means b7: The Book of the Psalms [of David]: or, as some say, any saying, or discourse, agreeable with the truth: (Mgh:) and it also means [in other instances] the Book of the Law of Moses: (TA:) and the Gospel: and the Kur-án: (K:) because each of these comprises what is termed الحِكْمَةُ المَنْطُوقُ بِهَا, i. e. the secrets of the sciences of the law and of the course of conduct; and الحِكْمَةُ المَسْكُوتُ عَنْهَا, i. e. the secrets of the science of the Divine Essence. (TA.) حَكَمَةٌ [A kind of curb for a horse;] a certain appertenance of a beast; so called because it renders him manageable, or submissive, to the rider, and prevents him from being refractory and the like; (Msb;) or because it prevents him from vehement running: (TA:) it is the appertenance of the لِجَام [or bridle] that surrounds the حَنَك [or part beneath the chin and lower jaw]: the Arabs used to make it of untanned thong or of hemp; because what they aimed at was courage, not finery: (S:) or the appertenance of the لجام that surrounds the حَنَكَانِ [which word app. here means the two jaws] of the horse, and in which are [attached] the عِذَارَانِ [or two side-pieces of the headstall, that lie against the two cheeks]: (K:) or a ring which surrounds the مَرْسِن [or part of the nose which is the place of the halter] and the حَنَك [or part beneath the chin and lower jaw], of silver or iron or thong: (IDrd in his Book on the Saddle and Bridle:) or a ring which is upon (فى) the mouth of the horse: (ISh, TA:) pl. حَكَمَاتٌ (S, TA) and [coll. gen. n.] ↓ حَكَمٌ. (TA.) Zuheyr says, describing horses, حَكَمَاتِ القِدِّ وَ الأَبَقَا ↓ قَدْ أُحْكِمَتْ meaning قَدْ أُحْكِمَتْ بِحَكَمَاتِ القِدِّ وَ بِحَكَمَاتِ الأَبَقِ [That had been curbed with curbs of untanned thong, and with curbs of hemp]: (S, TA:) or, accord. to Abu-l-Hasan, [the meaning is that had been furnished with curbs &c.; for he says that]

احكمت is here made trans. because it implies the signification of قُلِّدَتْ: (TA:) some relate the hemistich thus: حَكَمَاتِ القِدِّ وَ الأَبَقَا ↓ مَحْكُومَةً

[furnished with curbs of untanned thong, and hemp]. (S, TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) The chin of a sheep (S, K) or goat. (S.) b3: And, of a man, (tropical:) The fore part of the face: (K, TA:) or, as some say, the lower part of the face: a metaphorical term from the حَكَمَة of the لِجَام: (TA:) or [in some copies of the K “ and ”] (tropical:) his head: [accord. to the CK, or the fore part of the head of a man:] and (tropical:) his state, or condition: and (tropical:) rank, and station. (K, TA.) You say, رَفَعَ اللّٰهُ حَكَمَتَهُ (tropical:) God exalted, or may God exalt, his head, or his state, or condition, and his rank, and station: because the stooping of the head is a characteristic of the low, or abject. (TA.) And لَهُ عِنْدَنَا حَكَمَةٌ (tropical:) He has rank in our estimation. (TA.) And فُلَانٌ عَالِى الحَكَمَةِ (tropical:) [Such a one is elevated in respect of rank, or station.] (TA.) A2: [See also حَاكِمٌ, of which it is a pl.]

حَكِيمٌ Possessing knowledge or science; [in its most usual sense,] possessing حِكْمَة [as meaning wisdom]; (S, TA; [see also أَحْكَمُ الحَاكِمِينَ;]) [wise; a sage: and in the modern language, a philosopher: and particularly a physician:] one who performs, or executes, affairs firmly, solidly, soundly, thoroughly, skilfully, judiciously, or well; (S, IAth;) so that it is, in this sense, of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مُفْعِلٌ: (IAth, TA:) one who executes well, and firmly, solidly, &c., the niceties of arts: (TA:) [pl. حُكَمَآءُ.] الحَكِيمُ [as meaning The All-wise] is one of the names of God. (TA.) b2: الذِّكْرُ الحَكِيمُ, applied to the Kur-án, means [The admonition] that decides judicially in your favour and against you: or that is rendered free from defect or imperfection; in which is no incongruity, nor any unsoundness. (TA.) حُكُومَةٌ an inf. n. of حَكَمَ [q. v.]: (K:) [and used as a simple subst.; pl. حُكُومَاتٌ:] see حُكْمٌ, in two places. b2: Also [Judicial authority; authority to judge, give judgment, pass sentence, or decide judicially, فِى أَمْرٍ respecting an affair, or a case;] a subst. from اِحْتَكَمَ and تَحَكَّمَ; and so ↓ أُحْكُومَةٌ. (K, TA.) حَاكِمٌ One who judges, gives judgment, passes sentence, or decides judicially; a judge; an arbiter, arbitrator, or umpire; (S * Msb, K, TA;) between people: (Msb, TA:) [one who exercises judicial authority, jurisdiction, rule, dominion, or government; a ruler, or governor:] and ↓ حَكَمٌ signifies the same: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) the حَاكِم between people is so called because he restrains from wrongdoing: (As, TA:) the pl. is حُكَّامٌ (Msb, K) and حَكَمَةٌ, meaning judges, [&c.,] (TA,) and حَاكِمُونَ is allowable. (Msb.) It is said in a prov., ↓ فِى بَيْتِهِ يُؤْتَى الحَكَمُ [In his house the judge is to be come to]. (S. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 204.]) الحَاكِمُ [as meaning The Supreme Judge] is one of the names of God. (TA.) See also the next paragraph.

A2: [The pl.] حَكَمَةٌ also signifies Mockers, scoffers, or deriders. (TA. [The ح in this case seems to be a substitute for ه: see art. هكم.]) ↓ أَحْكَمُ الحَاكِمِينَ [The most qualified to judge of those who judge: or] the most knowing and most just [of them]: (Bd and Jel in xi. 47, where it is applied to God:) or it may mean the wisest of those who possess attributes of wisdom; supposing حَاكِمٌ to be [a possessive epithet] from الحِكْمَةُ, like دَارِعٌ from الدِّرْعُ. (Bd.) أُحْكُومَةٌ: see حُكُومَةٌ.

مُحْكَمٌ [pass. part. n. of أَحْكَمَهُ;] applied to a building [&c.,] Made, or rendered, firm, stable, strong, solid, compact, &c.; held to be secure from falling to pieces. (KT.) b2: And hence, A passage, or portion, of the Kur-án of which the meaning is secured (أُحْكِمَ) from change, and alteration, and peculiarization, and interpretation not according to the obvious import, and abrogation. (KT.) And سُورَةٌ مُحْكَمَةٌ A chapter of the Kur-án not abrogated. (K.) And الآيَاتُ المُحْكَمَاتُ, [see Kur iii. 5, where it is opposed to آيَاتٌ مُتَشَابِهَاتٌ,] The portion commencing with قُلْ تَعَالَوْا أَتْلُ مَا حَرَّمَ رَبُّكُمْ [Kur vi. 152], to the end of the chapter: or the verses that are rendered free from defect or imperfection, so that the hearer thereof does not need to interpret them otherwise than according to their obvious import; such as the stories of the prophets; (K;) or so that they are preserved from being susceptible of several meanings. (Bd in iii. 5.) And المُحْكَمُ The portion of the Kur-án called المُفَصَّلُ [q. v.]; because nought thereof has been abrogated: or, as some say, what is unequivocal, or unambiguous; because its perspicuity is made free from defect, or imperfection, and it requires nothing else [to explain it]. (TA.) مَحْكَمَةٌ A place of judging; a tribunal; a court of justice.]

مُحَكَّمٌ فِى نَفْسِهِ [One who is made to judge respecting himself: and particularly] one who is given his choice between denial of God and slaughter, and chooses slaughter. (Mgh.) In a trad., in which it is said, إِنَّ الجَنَّةَ لِلْمُحَكَّمِينَ, [Verily Paradise is for the مُحَكَّمُون], (S,) لِلْمُحَكَّمِينَ, (S, K,) or, as some read, ↓ لِلْمُحَكَّمِينَ, (K,) denotes a people of those who are called أَصْحَابُ الأُخْدُودِ, who were given their choice between slaughter and the denial of God, and chose the remaining constant to El-Islám, with slaughter: (S, K:) or المحكّمون means those who fall into the hand of the enemy, and are given their choice between [the profession of] belief in a plurality of Gods, and slaughter, and choose slaughter. (IAth, TA.) b2: المُحَكَّمُ occurring in a poem of Tarafeh, (S,) or this is a mistake, and the right reading is ↓ المُحَكِّمُ, (K,) An old man, tried, or proved, and strengthened by experience in affairs; (S, K;) to whom حِكْمَة [or wisdom, &c.,] is attributed: (S:) or both are correct, like مُجَرَّبٌ and مُجَرِّبٌ, as several authors have allowed; the former meaning one whom events have controlled (حَكَّمَتْهُ الحَوَادِثُ), and tried, or proved; and the latter, one who has controlled (حَكَّمَ), and experienced, events. (MF.) مُحَكِّمٌ, and its pl. مُحَكِّمُونَ: see مُحَكَّمٌ. b2: المُحَكِّمَةُ is an appellation applied to the [schismatics called the] خَوَارِج because they disallowed the judgment of the ↓ حَكَمَانِ [or two judges], (S,) namely, Aboo-Moosà El-Ash'aree and 'Amr Ibn-El-' Ás, (K, TA,) and said that judgment الحُكْمُ) belongs not to any but God. (S.) فَرَسٌ مَحْكُومَةٌ A horse [furnished with a حَكَمَة; or] having a حَكَمَة upon his head. (Az, TA.) See حَكَمَةٌ.

مُتَحَكِّمٌ A judge who judges without evidence: and one who judges in the way of asking respecting a thing with the desire of bringing perplexity, or doubt, and difficulty, upon the person asked. (Har p. 97.)



1 فَطَحَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. فَطْحٌ; (S;) and ↓ فطّحهُ, (S, * K,) inf. n. تَفْطِيحٌ; (S;) He made it broad, or wide. (S, K.) b2: and فَطَحَ العُودَ وَغَيْرَهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. as above; and ↓ فطّحهُ, inf. n. as above; (TA;) He pared, or fashioned by cutting, the stick, or piece of wood, &c., and made it broad, or wide. (K, TA.) and فَطَحَ الحَدِيْدَةَ, and ↓ فطّحها, He made the piece of iron broad, or wide, and even, or flat, for a مِسْحَاة, or a مِعْزَق, or some other thing. (L.) b3: And فَطَحَ بِالعَصَاظَهْرَهُ, (K, * TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He struck his back with the staff, or stick. (K, * TA.) b4: And فَطَحَتْ بِالوَلَدِ, said of a woman, i. q. رَمَتْ بِهِ [She cast forth the child, or the fœtus]. (K, TA.) [Compare طَفَحَتْ.]

A2: فَطِحَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَطَحٌ, [app., He (a man) had a broad, or wide, head: (see أَفْطَحُ:) or it signifies, or signifies likewise, and so app. ↓ فُطِّحَ, inf. n. تفْطِيحٌ, (see فَطَحٌ below, and أَفْطَحُ,)] said of the head, and of the end of the nose, It was, or became, broad, or wide. (TK.) A3: فَطِحَ النَّخْلُ The palm-trees became fecundated. (Kr, K.) 2 فَطَّحَ see the preceding paragraph, in four places.

فَطَحٌ [inf. n. of فَطِحَ, q. v.: and, as a simple subst.,] Breadth, or width, of the head, (S, K, TA,) in the middle; as also تَفْطِيحٌ: (TA:) and breadth, or width, of the end of the nose, (L, K,) so that it sticks close to the face; as in the bull, which is termed أَفْطَحُ. (L.) فَطُوحٌ A she-camel bulky in the belly, (K, TA,) broad, or wide, in the ribs. (TA.) أَفْطَحُ A man having a broad, or wide, head. (S.) And A broad, or wide, head; (A, L;) as also ↓ مُفَطَّحٌ (S, A, L) and ↓ مَفْطُوحٌ. (A.) and أَرْنَبَةٌ فَطْحَآءُ A broad, or wide, end of a nose: (A, L:) and so قَدَمٌ [i. e. foot]. (A.) b2: الأَفْطَحُ The bull: so called because of the breadth of the end of his nose: (L, K:) an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates. (L.) b3: and The chameleon (K, TA) whose back and colour the sun makes to glisten so that it becomes white by reason of the heat thereof. (TA.) b4: And الفَطْحَآءُ The broad, or wide, part of a bow. (L.) A2: Also i. q. أَفْدَعُ [q. v.]. (K.) مُفَطَّحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَفْطُوحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.



أ1 كَفَأَ He turned a thing over; as a man turns over a cake of bread in his band until it becomes even. ↓ يَتَكَفَّأُ occurs in a trad. respecting the Day of Resurrection, accord. to one relation, for يَكْفَأُ, in this sense: it is said that the earth will be like a single cake of bread, which God will turn over in his hand, as a man in a journey turns over a cake of bread. (TA.) كَفَأَ, (Ks, S, K,) inf. n. كَفٌءٌ and كَفَآءَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اكفأ, (IAar, S, K,) and ↓ اكتفأ; (S, K;) but the first word is said to be the most chaste; He inverted, or turned upside-down, (S, K,) a vessel &c. (S, TA.) [You say] كُفِئَتْ جَفْنَتُهُ [His bowl was turned upside-down; meaning] (tropical:) He was slain: a phrase similar to هُرِيقَ رِفْدُهُ. (A in art. رفد.) b2: كَفَأَ (TA) and ↓ اكفأ, (Ks, and rejected by As, (TA,) He inclined, or made to turn aside or incline, (S, K,) a bow, in shooting with it, and a vessel, (Ks, S,) &c. (TA.) and كَفَأَ (TA) and ↓ اكفأ, (K,) and ↓ انكفأ (TA) He, or it, inclined: intrans. (K, TA.) b3: كَفَأَهُ عَنْ شَىْ, (S, * K, * TA,) inf. n. كَفْءٌ, (S, TA,) He turned him away, or back from a thing; (S, K, TA;) as from a thing that he desired to do, to another thing. (S, TA.) and كَفَأَ عَنْ شَىْءٍ He turned away, or back, from a thing: intrans. (TA.) [See also 4 and 7.] كَفَأَ القَوُمُ The people turned away, or back. (K.) [See also 7.] b4: كَفَأَ He drove away a man, (K,) or camels. (L.) b5: كَفَأَ الإِبِلَ He made an assault upon the camels, and took them away. (TA.) b6: كَفَأَ He followed, or pursued, another. (K.) b7: كَفَأَ الغَنَمُ فِى الشِّعْبِ The sheep entered the ravine. (K.) b8: كَفَأَ لَوْنُهُ, and لونه ↓ اكفأ, and لونه ↓ تكفّأ, (TA,) and لوزه ↓ انكفأ, (K,) (as also انكفت لونه, TA,) (tropical:) His, or its, colour changed. (K.) 3 كافأهُ عَلَى شَىْءِ, inf. n. مُكَافَأَةُ and كِفَأءٌ, He requited, compensated, or recompensed, him for a thing. (S, K.) b2: مَا لِى بِهِ قِبَلٌ وَلَا كِفَآءٌ I have not power to requite him. (S.) b3: كافأه, (K,) inf. n. مُكَافَأَةٌ and كِفَآءٌ, (TA,) He was like him; was equal to him; equalled him. (K.) A2: كافأه He watched him; observed him. (K.) A3: كافأ, (K,) inf. n. مُكَافَأَةٌ, (TA,) He repelled; turned, or put away; kept away, or off; withstood, or resisted. (K, TA.) b2: كافأ بَيْنَ فَارِسَيْنِ بِرُمْحِهِ He thrust this horseman, and then that, with his spear. (K, TA.) b3: كافأ بين البَعِيرَيْنِ He stabbed this camel, and then that. (Z.) A4: لَا مُكَافَأَةَ عِنْدِى فِى كَذَا There is no concealment with me in respect of such a thing; as also لا مُحَاجَاةَ. (TA in art. حجو.) 4 أَكْفَاَ See 1, in four places. b2: اكفأ فِى سَيْرِهِ عَنِ القَصْدِ, (TA,) or كَفَأَ, (K,) He deviated, or turned aside, in his journey, from the object he had in view. (K, * TA.) A2: اكفأ الإِبِلَ كَفْأَتَيْنِ He divided the camels into two equal numbers, setting apart the one half for breeding during one year, and the other half for breeding during the next. It was esteemed the best plan, by the Arabs, to leave a she-camel for one year after her breeding, without suffering the stallion to cover her; in like manner as land is left fallow for a year. (S, TA.) b2: The same is also said of sheep &c. (TA.) A3: اكفأه إِبِلَهُ وَغَنَمَهُ (S, * K, * TA) He assigned to him the profits, (K,) or the profits for a year, (S,) of his camels and his sheep or goats; (K, TA;) i.e., their hair and wool, milk, and young ones. (S, TA.) A4: اكفأت الإِبِلُ Many of the camels had young ones in their wombs. (K.) A5: اكفأ البَيْتَ, (K,) inf. n. إِكْفَآءٌ, (S,) He made for the tent a كِفَآء. (S, K, TA.) A6: اكفأ, (K,) inf. n. إِكْفَاءٌ, (TA,) in poetry, accord. to a commentary on the Káfee, He used as the رَوِىّ two letters having their places of utterance near to each other; as ط with د: [such is the signification of the verb accord. to general usage in the present day:] or, accord. to the Ahkám el-Asás, he changed the روىّ from ر to ل, or ل to م: or he made a similar change of one letter to another having its place of utterance near to that of the former: or it has another signification, given below, accord. to the same authority: (TA:) or he used different letters in the rhymes; (S, K;) whether letters having their places of utterance near to each other, or the contrary; (TA;) or in some م and in some ن and in some د, and in some ط, and in some ح, and in some خ, &c.; as says Az; and this is the meaning known to the Arabs: (S:) or he used different vowels in the روىّ: (Fr, S:) or i. q. أَقْوَى: (S, K:) or, accord. to the Ahkám el-Asás, it signifies either as explained above on that authority, (TA,) or he used different final inflections in the rhymes: (K:) or he changed the final vowel in the rhyme; ending one verse with ضَمَّة, and another with كَسْرَة, [which are the two vowels that resemble each other]: (TA:) [see a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. غيب:] or he impaired the end of a verse in any way. (K.) Eloquent Arabs explained the meaning of the verb in this last manner to Akh, without defining any particular kind of impairment: but one made it to consist in the use of different letters. (TA.) 5 تكفّأ It (a vessel &c.) was inverted, or turned upside-down. (TA.) See also 1, in two places. b2: تكفّأ (as also تكّفى, inf. n. تَكَفٍّ; but the original word is that with hemzeh;) He inclined forwards, in walking, as a ship inclines in her course. Mohammad is said to have walked in this manner, which is indicative of strength. (TA.) [And so] تكفّأت She (a woman) moved her body from side to side, in walking, as the tall palm-tree moves from side to side. (S.) [And] She (a ship) inclined forwards in her course. (TA.) [See an ex., voce أَعْرَبَ, in this sense; or, as implied in the S, in the sense immediately preceding.]6 تَكَافَآ They two were like, or equal, each to the other. (S, K.) b2: تَتَكَافَأُ دِمَاؤُهُمْ Their blood (i. e., the blood of the Muslims,) shall be equally retaliated, or expiated: (A 'Obeyd, S:) i. e., the noble shall have no advantage over the ignoble in the retaliation or expiation of blood. (A 'Obeyd.) 7 انكفأ He turned, or was turned, away, or back, from a thing that he desired to do; (S;) [see also 1;] he returned, or went back, or reverted. (S, K.) b2: Also, (TA,) or ↓ كَفَأَ, (K,) It (a party) became routed, defeated, or put to flight. (K, TA.) b3: See 1, in two places.8 إِكْتَفَاَ See 1. b2: اكتفأ أَهْلِيهِمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ [He carried off their families and their goods.] (TA, from a trad.; mentioned next after the explanation of كَفَأَ الإِبِلَ.) 10 استكفأه إِبِلَهُ He asked him for a year's produce of his camels; i.e., their young ones in the womb in one year; (S, TA;) or their hair and wool, milk, and young ones, of one year. (TA.) b2: استكفأه نَخْلَةً He asked him for a year's produce of a palm-tree. (TA.) كَفْءٌ and كُفْءٌ and كِفْءٌ and كُفُؤٌ see كِفَاءٌ, and for كِفْءٌ see also كَفِىْءٌ.

كَفْأَةٌ and ↓ كُفْأَةٌ (S, K) The young ones in the wombs of camels, in one year: or those after the dams have not conceived for one year or more: (K:) or a year's produce of camels [&c.]; i. e., their hair and wool, and their milk, as well as their young ones. (Az, S, K.) Yousay أَعْطِنِى كفأةَ نَاقَتِكَ Give me the year's produce, &c., of thy she-camel. (S.) b2: b3: And, both words (tropical:) A year's produce of a palm-tree. (K.) b4: (tropical:) A year's produce of a piece of land. (K.) See also 4.

كُفْأَةٌ: see كَفْأَةٌ.

كَفَآءٌ (K) and ↓ كَفَأءَةٌ (S, K) Likeness; equality. (S, K.) b2: كَفَأءٌ A slight inclination, to one side, of a camel's hump, and the like. This is the slightest of faults in a camel; for when the camel grows fat, his hump becomes erect. (TA.) كَفَآءٌ, originally an inf. n. [of 3], and ↓ كُفْءٌ and كُفُوْءٌ [&c., as in the following examples,] Like; equal; a match. (S.) b2: هٰذَا كِفَاؤُهُ, and ↓ كَفِيْئَتُهُ, and ↓ كَفِيؤُهُ, and ↓ كُفْؤُهُ, and ↓ كَفْؤُهُ, and ↓ كِفْؤُهُ, (in the CK, كَفُؤُهُ,) and ↓ كُفُوْؤُهُ, (in the CK, كُفُؤُهُ,) This is like, or equal to, him or it: (K:) And لَا كِفَآءَ لَهُ There is no one, or nothing, like, or equal, to him, or it. (S.) b3: Zj says, that the words of the Kur-án, وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُؤًا أَحَدٌ (cxii. 4,) may be read in four different ways: ↓ كُفُؤًا and ↓ كُفْئًا and ↓ كِفْئًا (in which three ways the word has been read) and كِفَاءً (in which last way it has not been read.) Ibn-Ketheer and AA and Ibn-'Ámir and Ks read كُفُؤًا: Hamzeh read كُفْئًا; and, in a case of pause, كُفَا, without hemzeh. (TA,) b4: Pl. (of كُفْءٌ and كِفْءٌ, and كُفُؤٌ, and perhaps of كَفْءٌ also, MF,) أَكْفَآءٌ and (of all the above forms excepting كِفَآءٌ, MF,) كِفَآءٌ. (K.) b5: كِفَآءٌ As much as is equal to another thing. (L.) b6: الحَمْدُ لِلّهِ كِفَآءَ الوَاجِبِ Praise be to God, as much as is incumbent. (K.) A2: كِفَآءٌ A curtain (سُتْرَة) extending from the top to the bottom of a tent, at the hinder part: or an oblong piece of staff at the hinder part of the kind of tent called خِبَاء: or a كِسَآء that is thrown upon a خباء, so as to reach the ground: (K:) or an oblong piece of stuff, or two such pieces well sewed together, attached by the kind of wooden pin called خِلَال to the hinder part of a خباء: (S:) or the hinder part of a tent: pl. أَكْفِئَةٌ. (TA.) See مِظَلَّةٌ in art. ظل.

كَفِىْءُ اللَّوْنِ, and اللون ↓ مَكْفُوْءُ, (K,) and اللون ↓ مَكْتَفِئُ, (TA,) (tropical:) Changed in colour: (K:) said of the countenance and of other things: as also مُكْتَفِتُ اللون. (TA.) b2: Also, مُكْفَأُ الوَجْهِ Changed in countenance. (TA.) A2: See كِفَآءٌ.

A3: كَفِىْءٌ and ↓ كِفْءٌ (as in the CK and a MS. copy of the K) or كِفِىْءٌ (as in the TA) The bottom, or interior, or inside, (بَطْن,) of a valley. (K.) كُفُوْءٌ: see كِفَآءٌ.

كَفَآءَةٌ: see كَفَآءٌ. b2: In marriage, Equality of the husband and wife in rank, religion, lineage house, &c. (L,) أَكْفَأُ, fem. كَفْأَى, A camel whose hump inclines slightly to one side. (TA.) b2: A camel's hump inclining to one side. (ISh.) مُكْفِئُ الظَّعْنِ The last of the days called أَيَّامُ العَجُوزِ. (TA.) [See عجوز.]

مَكْفُوْءُ اللّون: see كَفِىْءٌ.

مُكَافِئٌ Being like, or equal to: equalling. (S.) b2: Also, in the following words of a trad., كَانَ لَا يَقْبَلُ الثَّنَآءَ إِلَّا مِن مُّكَافِئِ, said to signify One of known sincerity in professing himself a Muslim: (IAmb:) or one not transgressing his proper bounds, nor falling short with respect to that [religion] to which God hath exalted him-(Az.) b3: شَاتَانِ مُكَافِئَتَانِ, (S, K,) and مُكَافَأَتَانِ. (K,) as the relaters of trads. say, (S,) in a trad. respecting the عَقِيقَة for a male child, (S, TA,) Two sheep, or goats, of equal age. (S, K.) Some assign to these words meanings slightly differing from the above; as, similar, one to another: also, slaughtered, one immediately after the other: (TA:) or slaughtered, one opposite to the other. (S.) مُكْتَفِئُ اللّون: see كَفِىْءٌ.



1 حَسُنَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) which may also be written and pronounced حَسْنَ, with the dammeh suppressed, (S,) and حَسَنَ, (K,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. حُسْنٌ (S, * Msb, K, * TA) and حُسْنَى, (Ham p. 657, and Bd in ii. 77,) He, or it (a thing, S, Msb), had, or possessed, the quality termed حَسْنٌ [which see below; i. e., was, or became, good, or goodly, (generally the latter,) beautiful, comely, or pleasing, &c.; and ↓ تحسّن often signifies the same, as in the phrase تحسّن عِنْدَهُ it was, or became, good, &c., in his estimation]: (S, K, TA:) and [in like manner] زَيْدٌ ↓ أَحْسَنَ means Zeyd became possessed of حُسْن. (Mughnee in art. بِ.) b2: One may not say حُسْنَ, transferring the dammeh of the س to the ح and making the former letter quiescent, except in one case; because it is [virtually, together with its agent expressed or implied, in this case,] a predicate: [see I'Ak p. 234:] this is allowable only in the case of a verb of praise or dispraise; حُسْنَ, in respect of the transference of the medial vowel, being likened to نِعْمَ and بِئْسَ, which are originally نَعِمَ and بَئِسَ: and thus one does in all verbs like these two in meaning: a poet says, لَمْ يَمْنَعِ النَّاسُ مِنِّى مَا أَرَدْتُ وَ مَا

أُعْطِيهِمُ مَا أَرَادُوا حُسْنَ ذَا أَدَبَا [Men have not withheld from me what I have desired, nor do I give them what they have desired: good, or very good, is this as a mode of conduct!]: meaning حَسُنَ هٰذَا أَدَبًا. (S, TA.) Yousay also, حَسُنَ زَيْدٌ, [meaning Good, or goodly, &c., or very good &c., is Zeyd! or] meaning بِهِ ↓ أَحْسِنْ [i. e. how good, or goodly, &c., is Zeyd! as also ↓ مَا أَحْسَنَهُ]. (B, TA in art. بِ.) 2 حسّنهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَحْسِينٌ, (S,) He made it, or rendered it, حَسَن [i. e. good, or goodly, (generally the latter,) beautiful, comely, or pleasing, &c.]; (K;) he beautified, embellished, or adorned, it; (S, TA;) as also ↓ احسنهُ. (TA.) You say, الحَلَّاقُ رَأْسَهُ ↓ أَحْسَنَ The shaver beautified, or trimmed, his head. (TA.) And الَّذِى

كُلَّ شَىْءٍ خَلَقَهُ ↓ أَحْسَنَ [Who hath made good, or goodly, everything that He hath created], in the Kur [xxxii. 6], means حَسَّنَ خَلْقَ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ [hath made good, or goodly, the creation of everything]. (TA.) b2: [See also تَحْسِينٌ.] b3: And see 10.3 إنِّى أُحَاسِنُ بِكَ النَّاسَ (S, TA) Verily I contend with men for thy superiority in حُسْن [i. e. goodness, or goodliness, &c.]. (TA.) [حَاسَنَ followed by an accus. is rendered by Golius, as on the authority of J, who gives no explanation of it, “Bene tractavit et egit. ”]4 احسن as an intrans. v.: see 1. b2: Also He did that which was حَسَن [meaning good, comely, or pleasing; he acted well]; (Msb;) he did a good deed: (Er-Rághib, TA:) [for] إِحْسَانٌ is the contr. of إِسَآءَةٌ: (K:) it differs from إِنْعَامٌ in being to oneself and to another; whereas the latter is only to another: (TA:) and it surpasses عَدْلٌ, inasmuch as it means the giving more than one owes, and taking less than is owed to one; whereas the latter means the giving what one owes, and taking what is owed to one. (Er-Rághib, TA.) You say, أَحْسَنْتُ إِلَيْهِ and بِهِ [I acted, or behaved, with goodness, well, or in a good or comely or pleasing manner, towards him; did good to him; benefited him; conferred a benefit, or benefits, upon him]: both signify the same: (S, TA:) and hence, in the Kur [xii. 101], قَدْ أَحْسَنَ بِى

إِذَ أَخْرَجَنِى مِنَ السِّجْنِ meaning إِلَىَّ [i. e. He hath acted well towards me, when he brought me forth from the prison]: (AHeyth, Az:) or, accord. to some, the verb in this case is made to import the meaning of لَطَفَ [which is trans. by means of بِ, i. e. He hath acted graciously with me]. (Mughnee in art. بِ.) b3: الإِحْسَانُ is also explained as meaning الإِخْلَاصُ [i. e. The being sincere, or without hypocrisy; or the asserting oneself to be clear of believing in any beside God]; which is a condition of the soundness, or validity, of الإِيمَان and الإِسْلَام together: and as denoting watchfulness, and good obedience: and as meaning the continuing in the right way, and following the way which those [of the righteous] who have gone before have trodden; this last being said to be the meaning in the Kur ix. 101. (TA.) A2: As a trans. v.: see 2, in three places. b2: احسنهُ also signifies (tropical:) He knew it: (S, K, TA:) [or] he knew it well; (Er-Rághib, Msb;) and so احسن بِهِ, as in the saying, هُوَ يُحْسِنُ بِالعَرَبِيَّةِ (assumed tropical:) He knows well the Arabic language. (MA.) Hence the saying of 'Alee, قِيمَةُ المَرْءِ مَا يُحْسِنُهُ (tropical:) [The value of the man is what he knows, or knows well]. (TA.) النَّاسُ أَبْنَآءُ مَا يُحْسِنُونَ is another saying of 'Alee, meaning (tropical:) Men are named, or reputed, in relation to what they know, and to the good deeds that they do. (TA.) b3: أَحْسِنْ بِهِ and مَا أَحْسَنَهُ: see 1, last sentence. You say also, ↓ مَا أُحَيْسِنَهُ [i. e. How very good, or goodly, &c., is he!]; using the dim. form; like مَا أُمَيْلِحَهُ [q. v.]. (S and K in art. ملح.) A3: Also He (a man, IAar) sat upon a high hill, or heap, of sand, such as is termed حَسَنٌ. (IAar, K.) 5 تحسّن: see 1. b2: Also i. q. تَجَمَّلَ [i. e. He beautified, embellished, or adorned, himself: and he affected what is beautiful, goodly, or comely, in person, or in action or actions or behaviour, or in moral character, &c.]. (TA.) [تَحَسَّنَتْ, said of a woman, occurs, in the former sense, in the S and K in art. رعد, and in the TA in art. نقط, &c.]

b3: دَخَلَ الحَمَّامَ فَتَحَسَّنَ He entered the hot bath and was shaven. (TA.) 6 تحاسن [He affected to be حَسَن (i. e. good, goodly, beautiful, comely, &c.), not being really so]. (A in art. صبح. [See 6 in that art.]) 10 استحسنهُ He counted, accounted, reckoned, or esteemed, him, or it, حَسَن [i. e. good, goodly, beautiful, comely, pleasing, &c.; he approved, thought well of, or liked, him, or it]; (S, K;) as also ↓ حسّنهُ, inf. n. تَحْسِينٌ. (Har p. 594.) Hence the saying, صَرْفُ هٰذَا اسْتِحْسَانٌ وَ المَنْعُ قِيَاسٌ [The making this word perfectly declinable is approvable, but the making it imperfectly declinable is agreeable with analogy]. (TA.) حُسْنٌ (S, K, &c.) and ↓ حُسُنٌ, which is of the dial. of El-Hijáz, and ↓ حَسَنٌ, (MF, TA,) Goodness, or goodliness, [generally the latter,] beauty, comeliness, or pleasingness; contr. of قُبْحٌ: (S:) i. q. جَمَالٌ: (K:) but accord. to As, [when relating to the person,] حُسْنٌ is in the eyes, and جَمَالٌ is in the nose: (TA:) symmetry; or just proportion of the several parts of the person, one to another: (Kull:) or anything, moving the mind, that is desired, or wished for; such as is approved by the intellect; and such as is approved by natural desire; and such as is approved by the faculty of sense: in the common conventional language, mostly applied to what is approved by the sight: in the Kur, mostly to what is approved by mental perception: it is in accidents as well as in substances: (Er-Rághib, TA:) the pl. is ↓ مَحَاسِنُ, (S, K,) like مَلَامِحُ pl. of لَمْحَةٌ, and مَشَابِهُ pl. of شَبَهٌ, &c., (Har p. 9,) contr. to rule, (S, K,) as though pl. of ↓ مَحْسَنٌ or ↓ مُحْسَنٌ: (S accord. to different copies:) or, accord. to Lh and Eth-Tha'álibee, مَحَاسِنُ has no proper sing. (TA.) وَ قُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا, in the Kur [ii. 77], means And say ye to men a saying having in it goodness (قَوْلًا ذَا حُسْنٍ): or حُسْنًا may mean حَسَنًا: (Zj, TA:) and some read here حَسَنًا: and some, حُسُنًا, accord. to the dial. of El-Hijáz: and some, ↓ حُسْنَى, as an inf. n., like بُشْرَى: (Bd:) but AHát and Zj disallow this; the former saying that حُسْنَى is like فُعْلَى [as fem. of أَفْعَلُ denoting the comparative and superlative degrees], and therefore should have the article ال. (TA.) وَ وَصَّيْنَا الإِنْسَانَ بِوَالِدَيْهِ حُسْنًا, in the Kur [xxix. 7], means [in like manner] And we have enjoined man to do to his two parents what is good (مَا يَحْسُنُ حُسْنًا): (TA:) and here [also] some read حَسَنًا; and some, إِحْسَانًا. (Bd.) [See another ex. of a similar kind, from the Kur xviii. 85, voce إِمَّا, near the beginning of the paragraph.] b2: سِتُّ الحُسْنِ [The convolvulus caïricus of Linn.; abundant in the gardens of Cairo;] a certain plant that twines about trees and has a beautiful flower. (TA.) b3: See also حَسَنٌ.

حَسَنٌ Having, or possessing, the quality termed حُسْنٌ [which see above; good, or goodly, (generally the latter,) beautiful, comely, pleasing or pleasant, &c.]; (Msb, K, TA;) either intrinsically, as when applied to belief in God and in his attributes; or extrinsically, as when applied to war against unbelievers, for this is not good in itself: said to be the only epithet of its measure except بَطَلٌ: (TA:) and ↓ حَسِينٌ signifies the same, (IB, K,) because from حَسُنَ, like عَظِيمٌ and كَريِمٌ from عَظُمَ and كَرُمَ, (IB, TA,) and ↓ حُسَانٌ, (K,) but this is an intensive epithet, [signifying very good or goodly &c.,] (IB, TA,) and ↓ حُسَّانٌ, (K,) also an intensive epithet, (S, IB,) and ↓ حَاسِنٌ, (K,) [properly signifying being, or becoming, good or goodly &c.,] cited by Lh as used in a future sense, (TA,) and ↓ مُحَسَّنٌ as applied to a face: (K:) the fem. is حَسَنَةٌ, and ↓ حَسْنَآءُ, applied to a woman, (S, Msb, K,) though the corresponding masc. of this latter, namely, ↓ أَحْسَنُ, is [said to be] not used (S, K) as applied to a man [in the sense of حَسَنٌ], (S,) [but the phrase هُوَ أَحْسَنُهُمْ وَجْهًا as meaning حَسَنُهُمْ وَجْهًا is mentioned in the S in art. بيض, (see بَيَاضٌ, and see also the pl. أَحَاسِنُ in what here follows,)] and ↓ حُسَّانَةٌ: (S, K:) the pl. masc. is حِسَانٌ, (Msb, K,) pl. of حَسَنٌ used as an epithet; but when حَسَنٌ is used as a [proper] name, its pl. is حَسَنُونَ; (Msb;) and حِسَانٌ may also be pl. of حَسِينٌ; (TA;) and حُسَّانُونَ, (Sb, K,) pl. of ↓ حُسَّانٌ, which has no broken pl.: (Sb:) and أَحَاسِنُ القَوْمِ means حِسَانُهُمْ [the good, or goodly, &c., of the party, or company of men]: (K:) the pl. fem. is حِسَانٌ, (K,) like the masc., pl. of حَسْنَآءُ, and the only instance of its kind except عِجَافٌ, pl. of عَجْفَآءُ. (TA.) You say رَجُلٌ حَسَنٌ بَسَنٌ [A man very good or goodly &c.], using بسن as an imitative sequent [for the purpose of corroboration]. (S.) b2: [حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ A tradition of good authority; generally applied to one transmitted in the first instance by two or more relaters. b3: Also meaning Good, comely, goodhumoured, pleasing, or pleasant, discourse or talk.] b4: الحَسَنُ The bone that is next to the elbow; as also ↓ الحُسْنُ: (K:) or the extremity of the bone of the upper half of the arm next the shoulder-joint, because of the abundance of flesh that is upon it; the extremity of that bone next the elbow being called القَبِيحُ: (TA in art. قبح:) or the upper part of that bone; the lower part thereof being called القبيح. (Fr, TA in that art.) b5: A kind of tree, of beautiful appearance, (K, TA,) also called the أَلآء, that grows in rows upon a hill, or heap, (كَثِيب,) of sand; so called because of its beauty; whence the كثيب is called نَقَا الحَسَنِ: thus described by Az, on the authority of 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh. (TA.) b6: [And hence, perhaps,] حَسَنٌ signifies also A high كَثِيب [or hill, or heap, of sand]: (IAar, K:) whence it is used as a [proper] name of a boy. (IAar, TA.) A2: See also حُسْنٌ, first sentence.

الحُسَنُ: see أَحْسَنُ.

حُسُنٌ: see حُسْنٌ, first sentence.

حِسْنَةٌ A ledge (رَيْدٌ) projecting from a mountain: pl. حِسَنٌ. (K.) حَسَنَةٌ fem. of حَسَنٌ [q. v.]. (S, Msb, K.) b2: Also, [used as a subst., or as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant, A good act or action;] an act of obedience [to God; often particularly applied to an alms-deed]: (Ksh and Bd in iv. 80:) and the reward [of a good action]: (Er-Rághib, TA:) a good, benefit, benefaction, boon, or blessing: (Ksh and Bd ibid.:) contr. of سَيِّئَةٌ [in all these senses]: (S, K:) as contr. of this latter word, it signifies any rejoicing, or gladdening, good or benefit &c. that betides a man in his soul and his body and his circumstances: (Er-Rághib, TA:) pl. حَسَنَاتٌ: (K, and Kur vii. 167, &c.:) it has no broken pl. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur iv. 80, it means Abundance of herbage, or of the goods, conveniences, and comforts, of life; ampleness of circumstances; and success: and سَيِّئَة there means the contr. of these. (Er-Rághib, TA.) In the Kur xi. 116, الحَسَنَات is said to mean The five daily prayers, as expiating what has been between them. (TA.) b3: As an epithet, [fem. of حَسَنٌ,] it is applied to an accident as well as to a substance. (Er-Rághib, TA.) حُسْنَى: see حُسْنٌ, and أَحْسَنُ; the latter, in three places.

حَسْنَآءُ: see حَسَنٌ.

حُسَانٌ: see حَسَنٌ.

حَسِينٌ: see حَسَنٌ.

حُسَيْنٌ [dim. of حَسَنٌ. b2: Also] A high mountain: whence it is used as a [proper] name of a boy. (TA.) حُسَيْنَى One's utmost, [or rather one's best,] or the utmost of one's power or ability or deed or case: so in the saying, حُسَيْنَاهُ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا [His utmost, or best, &c., is, or will be, the doing such a thing]: and ↓ حُسَيْنَاؤُهُ means the same. (K, * TA.) حُسَيْنَآءُ: see what next precedes.

A2: Also A kind of tree, with small leaves. (K.) حُسَّانٌ; and its fem., with ة: see حَسَنٌ, in three places.

حَاسِنٌ: see حَسَنٌ. b2: [Hence,] الحَاسِنُ The moon. (AA, S.) أَحْسَنُ, fem. حَسْنَآءُ, pl. أَحَاسِنُ: see حَسَنٌ. b2: الأَحْسَنُ denotes the comparative and superlative degrees [of حُسْنٌ]; as in the phrase هُوَ الأَحْسَنُ [He, or it, is the better, and best; or the more, and most, goodly or beautiful or comely &c.]: (K:) ↓ الحُسْنَى is the fem.; as in the phrase الأَسْمَآءُ الحُسْنَى The best names; those of God; which are ninety and nine: (Jel in vii. 179:) it signifies the contr. of السُّوْءَى: (S, K:) the pl. of الأَحْسَنُ is الأَحَاسِنُ. (K.) In the saying, in the Kur [vi. 153 and xvii. 36], وَ لَا تَقْرَبُوا مَالَ اليَتِيمِ

إِلَّا بِالَّتِى هِىَ أَحْسَنُ [And approach ye not the property of the orphan, to make use of it,] except by that act which is best to be done with it, the meaning is, such an act as the taking care of it, and increasing it: (Bd:) or, as some say, the meaning is, the taking, of his property, what will [suffice to] conceal those parts of one's person that should not be exposed, and stay one's hunger. (TA.) [The fem.] ↓ الحُسْنَى is applied to accidents only: not to substances. (Er-Rághib, TA.) It means also, [as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates, That which is better, and that which is best. And hence,] The good final or ultimate state or condition [appointed for the faithful]: (K:) so, it is said, in the Kur xli. 50. (TA.) And The view, or vision, of God; (K;) accord. to some: but it is said that in the Kur x. 27, it means Paradise; and زِيَادَةٌ, which there follows it, means the view, or vision, of the face of God. (TA.) And Victory: and martyrdom: (Th, K:) whence, [in the Kur ix. 52,] إِحْدَى

الحُسْنَيَيْنِ [one of the two best things]; (K;) victory or martyrdom. (Ksh, Bd, Jel.) and The saying لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ. (Jel in xcii. 6 and 9.) The pl. of ↓ الحُسْنَى is الحُسْنَيَاتُ and ↓ الحُسَنُ, (K, [the latter like رُجَعٌ pl. of رُجْعَى, but misunderstood by Freytag as syn. with المَحَاسِنُ, which next follows it in the K,]) neither of which is used without the article ال. (TA.) مَا أُحَيْسِنَهُ: see 4, last sentence but one.

تَحْسِينٌ a subst. of the measure تَفْعِيلٌ; (K;) or rather an inf. n. used as a subst.; (TA;) pl. تَحَاسِينُ: whence كِتَابُ التَّحَاسِينِ (K) [Caligraphy; or] deliberate, orderly, and regular writing; (TK;) [or close and compact writing, without spaces, or gaps, and without elongation of the letters;] contr. of المَشْقُ. (K. [See كِتَابُ مَشْقٍ.]) مَحْسَنٌ: see حُسْنٌ, and مَحَاسِنُ.

مُحْسَنٌ: see حُسْنٌ.

مُحْسِنٌ Doing, or who does, that which is حَسَن [meaning good, comely, or pleasing]; (K, TA;) as also ↓ مِحْسَانٌ: (K:) or the latter [is an intensive epithet, meaning doing, or who does, much that is good, comely, or pleasing: or] means constantly doing that which is حَسَن. (TA.) b2: إِنَّا نَرَاكَ مِنَ المُحْسِنِينَ, in the Kur xii. 36, means (tropical:) Verily we see thee to be of those who know, or know well, the interpretation of dreams: (Ksh, Bd, TA: *) or (assumed tropical:) of those endowed with knowledge: or of the doers of good to the prisoners: (Ksh, Bd:) or of those who aid the weak and the sufferer of wrong, and visit the sick. (TA.) مَحْسَنَةٌ [A cause of good: pl., app., ↓ مَحَاسِنُ; like as مَسَاوٍ, originally مَسَاوِئُ, is said to be pl. of مَسَآءَةٌ, originally مَسْوَأَةٌ]. You say, هٰذَا الطَّعَامُ مَحْسَنَةٌ لِلْجِسْمِ [This food is a cause of good, i. e. beneficial, to the body]. (S.) مُحَسَّنٌ: see حَسَنٌ.

مِحْسَانٌ: see مُحْسِنٌ.

مَحَاسِنُ The beautiful places [or parts] of the body: (K:) accord. to some, (TA,) the sing. is ↓ مَحْسَنٌ: or it has no sing.: (K:) the former opinion is disapproved by ISd.: the latter is the opinion of the grammarians and of the generality of the lexicologists: and therefore, says Sb, the rel. n. is ↓ مَحَاسِنِىٌّ; for if مَحَاسِنُ had a sing., it would be restored to the sing. in forming the rel. n. (TA.) You say, فُلَانَةُ كَثِيرَةُ المَحَاسِنِ Such a woman has many beautiful places [or parts] of the body. (TA.) And مَحَاسِنُ الوَجْهِ وَ مَسَاوِيهِ [The beauties of the face, and its defects]: (K in art. لمح:) [for] مَحَاسِنُ signifies the contr. of مَسَاوٍ. (S.) b2: [As contr. of مَسَاوٍ, it signifies also Good qualities of any kind: and also good actions; like حَسَنَاتٌ: agreeably with an explanation in the KL, نيكوئيها.] b3: See also حُسْنٌ: b4: and مَحْسَنَةٌ.

مَحَاسِنِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.



1 سَجِحَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. سَجَحٌ, (so accord. to the L, and the text of the K followed in the TA,) or سَجْحٌ, (so accord. to the CK and my MS. copy of the K,) and سَجَاحَةٌ, [which last suggests that سَجُحَ also may be used in the sense here following,] said of a cheek, It was even, and soft, and long, in moderation, with little flesh, (M, TA,) and wide: (TA:) or was smooth, and long, with little flesh, and wide. (L. [See سَجَحٌ, below.]) b2: سَجُحَ, inf. n. سَجَاحَةٌ, is said of a man's natural disposition, [meaning It was, or became, gentle, or easy: (see سَجِيحٌ, voce سُجُحٌ, below:)] and one says, فِى عَقْلِهِ رَجَاحَةٌ وَ فِى خُلُقِةِ سَجَاحَةٌ [In his intellect is gravity, and in his natural disposition is gentleness, or easiness]. (A.) A2: سَجَحَتِ الحَمَامَةُ i. q. سَجَعَت [i. e. The pigeon cooed; or reiterated its voice or cry; &c.]: (Lth, K:) but said by some to be a mispronunciation, and disallowed by IDrd. (MF.) A3: سَجَحَ لَهُ بِكَلَامٍ He expressed a meaning to him obliquely, indirectly, obscurely, or allusively, by speech; as also ↓ سجّح: (Az, K:) so in the “ Nawádir. ” (Az, TA.) 2 سَجَّحَ see what next precedes.4 إِسْجَاحٌ signifies The pardoning, or forgiving, with goodness. (S, O, K.) One says, مَلَكْتَ فَأَسْجِحْ; (S, A, O, TA;) a prov., relating to pardoning, or forgiving, when having power [to punish or to take vengeance]; (TA;) meaning [Thou hast become possessed of power, then pardon, or forgive, with goodness; or] thou hast attained thine object, then act with goodness; (A, * TA;) and thou hast obtained power, then pardon, or forgive, in an easy and a good manner: (TA:) it was said by the Prophet to Ibn-ElAkwa', and by 'Áïsheh to 'Alee on the “ Day of the Camel. ” (O.) And one says also, إِذَا سَأَلْتَ فَأَسْجِحْ When thou askest, or beggest, then make thy words, or expressions, easy, and be gentle. (S.) 7 انسجح لِى بِكَذَا i. q. اِنْسَمَحَ [app. syn. with

أَسْمَحَ, or perhaps a mistranscription for this last word, meaning He was liberal, or generous, to me with such a thing; or he complied with my desire in such a thing]. (K.) سُجْحٌ: see سُجُحٌ, in five places.

سَجَحٌ Beauty, and justness of proportion, (T, S, L,) of the make, (T,) or of the face, (S,) or of a man. (L.) [See also 1, first sentence.]

سُجُحٌ Soft, or gentle, and even, or easy; as also ↓ سَجِيحٌ. (K.) You say مِشْيَةٌ سُجُحٌ An easy (S, A) and a direct, or right, (A,) gait, or manner of going. (S, A.) And مَشَى فُلَانٌ مَشْيًا سُجُحًا and ↓ سَجِيحًا, and مِشْيَةً سُجُحًا, Such a one walked, or went, with an easy gait or manner of going: (L:) or with an equable gait, without inclining the body from side to side in pride. (T.) And ↓ خُلُقٌ سَجِيحٌ A gentle, or an easy, natural disposition. (L.) And رَجُلٌ سُجُحٌ A man easy and good in natural disposition: (Har p. 314:) and الخُلُقِ ↓ سَجِيحُ [which means the same]. (A.) A2: Also The middle of a road, (S, A, K,) or its main part, or beaten track; (A, K;) and so ↓ سُجْحٌ: (S, A, K:) because of its evenness. (TA.) One says, ↓ خَلِّ لَهُ عَنْ سُجْحِ الطَّرِيقِ or سُجُحِ الطريق [Leave thou for him the middle of the road]. (S, accord. to different copies.) And ↓ مَنْ طَلَبَ بِالحَقِّ وَ مَشَى فِى سُجْحِهِ

أَوْصَلَهُ اللّٰهُ إِلَى نُجْحِهِ [He who seeks, demands, or sues for, that which is a right, or due, and goes in the beaten track thereof, God will conduct him to the attainment of his object]. (A, TA.) A3: And Measure, size, or proportion; (S, K;) as also ↓ سُجْحٌ, (S,) and ↓ سَجِيحَةٌ: (S, A, K:) so in the saying, بَنَى القَوْمُ بُيُوتَهُمْ عَلَى سُجُحٍ

وَاحِدٍ (S, K *) and وَاحِدٍ ↓ سُجْحٍ (S) and سَجِيحَةٍ

وَاحِدَةٍ (S, A) [The people, or party, constructed their tents, or houses, of one uniform measure &c.].

سَجْحَةٌ: see سَجِيحَةٌ.

سُجَاحٌ The air. (O, K.) [Perhaps a mistranscription for سَحَاحٌ.]

سَجَاحٌ i. q. تُجَاهَ: (Fr, O, K: *) so in the saying, قَعَدْتُ سِجَاحَ وَجْبِهِ [I sat over against, or fronting, his face]. (Fr, O.) سَجِيحٌ: see سُجُحٌ, in four places.

سَجِيحَةٌ: see سُجُحٌ, in two places. b2: Also Natural disposition; (S, A, K;) and so ↓ سَجْحَةٌ (K, in the TA سجح,) and ↓ مَسْجُوحَةٌ and ↓ مَسْجُوحٌ, (K,) the last an inf. n., though having no verb. (Abu-l-Hasan, TA.) You say, هُوَ كَرِيمُ السَّجِيحَةِ He is generous in respect of the natural disposition. (A.) And رَكِبَ فُلَانٌ سَجِيحَةَ رَأْسِهِ Such a one followed his own opinion. (Az, TA.) أَسْجَحُ Beautiful, and of just proportion; (T, S, L, K;) applied to the make, (T,) or to the face, (S,) or to a man: (L:) or a face equable in form. (A.) And رَجُلٌ أَسْجَحُ الخَدَّيْنِ (A, L, TA) A man even, and soft, and long, in moderation, with little flesh, and wide, in the cheeks: (TA:) or smooth, and long, with little flesh, and wide, in the cheeks. (L.) b2: Also A camel thin in the lip. (Ham p. 283.) b3: And the fem., سَجْحَآءُ, A she-camel perfect, or complete, (L, K,) in length, or tallness, and in largeness: (L:) and a she-camel long in the back. (K.) مَسْجُوحٌ: see سَجِيحَةٌ. b2: Also i. q. جِهَةٌ [The place, or point, towards which a person, or thing goes, tends, or is directed]. (O, K.) مَسْجُوحَةٌ: see سَجِيحَةٌ.



1 بَعْثٌ signifies The removing of that which restrains one from free action. (TA.) [and hence,] b2: بَعَثَهُ, (S, A, &c.,) aor. ـَ (A, K,) inf. n. بَعَثٌ (Mgh, L, Msb, TA) and بَعَثٌ, (L, TA,) He sent him; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) namely, a messenger; (Msb;) and, when said of God, an apostle; (A;) [and when said of a man, a letter, &c.;] as also ↓ ابتعثه: (S, A, Msb, K:) [or] the former is said of anything that goes, or is sent, by itself; and of anything that will not go, or be sent, by itself, as a letter, and a present, one says, بَعَثَ بِهِ: (Msb:) [thus,] بَعَثَهُ signifies he sent him, or it, alone, by himself, or by itself; and بَعَثَ بِهِ, he sent him, or it, by, or with, another, or others: (L:) but El-Fárábee says that the former of these two has another signification, which will be found below; and that the latter signifies he sent him, or it. (Msb.) Hence, ضُرِبَ عَلَيْهِمُ البَعْثُ The being sent to the war was appointed them and imposed upon them as an obligation. (Msb.) You say, بَعَثَهُ لِكَذَا [He sent him for such a thing or purpose]. (A, TA.) [And بَعَثَ إِلَيْهِ بِكَذَا He sent to him such a thing; lit., he sent to him a messenger with such a thing.] And بَعَثَ الجُنْدَ إِلَى الغَزْوِ [He sent the army to the war]. (TA.) And بَعَثَ عَلَيْهِمُ البَلَآءَ [He sent upon them trial, or affliction;] he caused trial, or affliction, to befall them. (TA.) b3: Also, (A, L, TA,) inf. بَعْثٌ (Mgh, L, TA) and بَعَثٌ (L) and تَبْعَاثٌ [an intensive form], (TA,) He roused him, excited him, or put him in motion or action; (A, L, Mgh, TA;) namely, anything; (TA;) [i. e. any person or animal; and particularly,] an animal lying down, or a person sitting. (L, TA.) You say, بَعَثَ النَّاقَةَ He roused, or put in motion or action, the she-camel; (S, Mgh, K, TA;) i. e., loosed the cord that bound her shank to her arm, and dismissed her; or he roused her, or made her to rise, she being lying down. (TA.) It is said in a trad. respecting 'Áïsheh, فَبَعَثْنَا البَعِيرَ فإِذَا العِقْدُ تَحْتَهُ [And we made the camel to rise, and to, the necklace was beneath him]. (TA.) You say also, بَعَثَهُ عَلَى الأَمْرِ, (A,) or الشَّىْءِ, (L,) He roused him, excited him, or put him in motion or action, to do the affair, or thing: (A:) or he incited him, urged him, or instigated him, to do the thing. (L.) b4: Also, accord. to El-Fárábee, (Msb,) or بَعَثَهُ مِنْ مَنَامِهِ, (S, A, K,) inf. n. بَعَثٌ and بَعَثٌ, (TA,) He roused him, or awoke him, from his sleep; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ ابتعثهُ. (TA, from a trad.) b5: بَعْثٌ (S, K, TA) and بَعَثٌ (TA) also signify The quickening, vivifying, or revivifying, of the dead; the raising of the dead to life; (S, K, * TA;) by God, (TA,) on the day called يَوْمُ البَعْثِ (S, TA) the day [of resurrection,] when those who are in the graves shall be raised. (A, Mgh.) You say, بَعَثَ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقَ, and المَوْتَى, God quickened, vivified, revivified, or raised to life, mankind, and the dead. (TA.) A2: بَعِثَ, aor. ـَ (inf. n. بَعَثٌ, TK,) He (a man, TA) was sleepless, or wakeful. (K, * TA.) [See بَعِثٌ.]5 تَبَعَّثَ see 7, in two places.6 تَبَاعَثُوا [They roused, excited, incited, urged, or instigated, one another; or put one another in motion or action; to do a thing]. One says, تَوَاصَوْا بِالخَيْرِ وَ تَبَاعَثُوا عَلَيْهِ [Enjoin ye, or charge ye, one another to do good, and rouse ye, or excite ye, &c., one another to do it]. (A.) 7 انبعث He became sent; [i. e. he went, being sent;] quasi-pass. of بَعَثَهُ, as signifying “he sent him:” (S, Msb, K:) he rose, and went away: (TA:) he rose to go forth. (Bd in ix. 46.) You say, انبعث لِكَذَا [He went, being sent, or he rose, and went away. or he rose to go forth, for such a thing or purpose]. (A, TA.) and انبعث فُلَانٌ لِشَأْنِهِ Such a one rose, and went away, to perform his affair. (TA.) And انبعث فِى

السَّيْرِ He hastened, made haste, sped, or was quick or swift, in going, journeying, or pace. (S.) And انبعث الشَّيْءُ, i. e. اِنْدَفَعَ [The thing became impelled, or propelled; or went quickly, or swiftly, as though impelled or propelled; &c.]; as also ↓ تبعّث. (TA.) [Thus] you say, انبعث المَآءُ [The water poured out, or forth, as though impelled or propelled]. (TA in art. فجر; &c.) and [hence,] مِنِّىَ الشِّعْرُ ↓ تبعّث, i. e. انبعث [The poetry issued quickly from me], as though it flowed (كَأَنَّهُ سَالَ): so in the S and K: but in some of the copies of the S, in the place of سَالَ, we find سَارَ. (TA.) And انبعث بِشَرٍّ [He broke forth with evil, or mischief]. (JK in art. بوق.) b2: [He became roused, excited, incited, urged, instigated, or put in motion or action.] You say, انبعثت النَّاقَةُ The she-camel became roused, or put in motion or action, and rose: (L, Mgh, TA: *) quasi-pass. of بَعَثَ النَّاقَةَ [q. v.]. (Mgh, TA.) And فُلَانٌ كَسْلَانٌ لَا بَنْبَعِثُ [Such a one is sluggish, lazy, or indolent: he will not become roused, &c.]. (A.) b3: He became roused, or awakened, from his sleep; or he awoke from his sleep. (TA.) 8 إِبْتَعَثَ see 1, in two places.

بَعْثٌ an inf. n. used as a pass. part. n.; Sent; as also ↓ بَعِيثٌ and ↓ مَبْعوثٌ: pl. of the first بُعُوثٌ; and of the second بُعُثٌ. (L, TA.) b2: And [used as a subst., signifying] A person sent; a messenger: pl. بَعْثَانٌ. (L.) You say also, مُحَمَّدٌ خَيْرُ

↓ مَبْعُوثٍ and ↓ مُبْتَعَثٍ [Mohammad is the best person that has been sent]. (A.) And ↓ بَعَيثُكَ نِعْمَةً, i. e. ↓ مَبْعُوثُكَ [He whom Thou (O God) hast sent (namely Mohammad) as a boon, or benefit, or favour]. (L, from a trad. [The latter word (نعمة) is written in the L without any syll. signs; but the context shows that it is in the accus. case as a specificative.]) b3: A people sent from one place to another; as also ↓ بَعَثٌ: (L, TA:) a people sent in any direction; a word similar to سَفْرٌ and رَكْبٌ. (TA.) بَعْثُ النَّارِ, occurring in a trad., means The people sent to the fire [of Hell]. (L.) b4: An army; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) because sent; (Mgh;) as also ↓ بَعَثٌ (K) and ↓ بَعِيثٌ: (TA:) pl. of the first بُعُوثٌ; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) and of the last بُعُثٌ: (TA:) the first, [as also the second,] an inf. n. used as a subst. (Msb.) You say, كُنْتُ فِى بَعْثِ فُلَانٍ

I was in the army of such a one, that was sent with him. (S.) And خَرَجَ فِى البُعُوثِ He went forth among the forces that were sent to the frontiers. (A.) b5: See also بَعِثٌ.

بُعْثٌ: see بَعْثٌ.

بَعَثٌ: see بَعْثٌ, in two places: b2: and see what next follows.

بَعِثٌ (A, L, K) and ↓ بَعْثٌ (L, TA) and ↓ بُعْثٌ, (L,) or ↓ بَعَثٌ, (TA,) Sleepless, or wakeful: (K:) a man incessantly, (A,) or often, (TA,) awaking from his sleep: (A, TA:) a man whose anxieties, or griefs, incessantly render him sleepless, or wakeful, and awake him from his sleep: pl. أَبْعاثٌ. (TA.) بَعْثَةٌ [inf. n. of un. of 1; and particularly signifying] An occasion, or occurrence, of raising, rousing, exciting, stirring up, or provoking, of sedition, or the like: pl. بَعَثَاتٌ. (TA, from a trad.) بَعِيثٌ: see بَعْثٌ, in three places.

بَاعِثٌ [act. part. n. of 1; Sending: &c. b2: and hence, Occasioning, or causing: an occasion, or a cause; and a motive]. b3: البَاعِثُ one of the names [or epithets] of God; The Quickener of mankind after death, on the day of resurrection. (TA.) البَاعُوثُ, (L, K,) or, accord. to some, البَاغُوتُ, q. v., with the pointed غ and the double-pointed ت, (TA,) [The Christian festival of Easter;] the اِسْتِسْقَآء of the Christians; (K;) or [rather] what is to the Christians as the استسقآء is to the Muslims: a Syriac word. (L.) مَبْعَثٌ [a noun of place and of time from 1; A place, and a time, of sending: &c. Hence, المَبْعَثُ is particularly applied to The time of the mission of Mohammad: and it is also applied to the mission itself]. (A, TA.) مَبْعُوثٌ: see بَعْثٌ, in three places.

مُبْتَعَثٌ: see بَعْثٌ.



1 كَنَتَ فِى خَلْقِهِ, (aor.

كَنُتَ, inf. n. كَنْتٌ, TK,) He (a man) was strong in his make. (IAar, TS, K.) A2: كَنِتَ, aor. ـَ It (a skin, TA) became foul with the grease of milk [and so retained the water, or milk, well]; syn. حَشِنَ: (TS, and SM's copy of the K: in the CK and a MS. copy of the K, خَشُنَ: in another copy of the K, حَسُنَ.) 8 اكتنت He was lowly; humble; submissive. (K.) [See اِقْتَنَتَ.] b2: He was content, or well pleased; acquiesced. (K.) كُنْتٌ: see كُنْتِىٌّ.

سِقَاءٌ كَنِيتٌ [as also قَنِيتٌ] A skin that retains [the water, or milk,] well. (K.) كُنْتِىٌّ Strong; robust. (Ibn-Buzruj, K.) An epithet applied to a man. (Ibn-Buzruj.) Formed from كُنْتُ “ I was ” because an old man speaks of himself in time past saying كُنْتُ كَذَا وَكُنْتُ كَذَا. (MF.) b2: Also, [and ↓ كُنْتٌ, as implied in the TA, and in the S in art., عجن,] and ↓ كُنْتُنِىٌّ, i. q. كَبِيرٌ [app. Great in age; old: aged]. (Az, K.) A poet says, وَمَا كُنْتُ كُنْتِيًّا وَمَا كُنْتُ عَاجِنًا وَشَرُّ الرِّجَالِ الكُنْتُنِىُّ وَعَاجِنُ [And I was not old, nor was I one who raised himself from the ground by the help of his hands: and the worst of men is the old, and one who raises himself so]. (TA.) كُنْتَنِىٌّ: see كُنْتِىُّ.



1 ثَكِلَتْهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. ثَكَلٌ, (S, Msb,) or ثُكْلٌ, (Mgh,) or this is a simple subst., (Msb,) and ثَكْلٌ, (Mgh,) [or this last is also a simple subst.,] She (a mother) lost him, or became bereft of him; namely, her child, (S, Mgh, Msb,) by death: (Mgh:) and ثَكِلَهُ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. ثَكَلٌ, (TA,) he lost him; namely, a friend, or person beloved, or a child. (K.) ثَكِلَتْكَ

أُمُّكَ [lit. meaning May thy mother be bereft of thee] is an imprecation against him to whom it is addressed, not said with the desire of its having effect, but on an occasion of vehement love, like لَا أَبَا لَكَ, [and قَاتَلَكَ اللّٰهُ,] &c. (Har p. 165.) 4 أَثْكَلَتْ A state of bereavement clave to her; (K;) namely, a woman: or she became in a state of bereavement. (TA.) A2: أَثْكَلَهَا اللّٰهُ وَلَدَهَا God made her to be bereft of her child [by death]. (Msb, K.) And اثكلهُ اللّٰهُ أُمَّهُ God made him to be bereft of his mother [by death]. (S.) ثَكْلٌ: see what next follows.

ثُكْلٌ The loss, or the state of being bereft, of a child [by death], (S, Msb, K,) or of a friend, or person beloved; (K;) i. e., a woman's loss of her child; (S, Msb;) as also ↓ ثَكَلٌ [which is the inf. n. by general consent], (S, K,) and ↓ ثَكْلٌ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., العُقُوقُ ثُكْلُ مَنْ لَمْ يَثْكَلٌ [Undutiful treatment of a parent is (like) the bereavement of him who is not (really) bereft of his child]. (TA.) b2: Also Death: and a state of perdition or destruction. (K.) ثَكَلٌ: see ثُكْلٌ.

ثَكْلَان; fem. ثَكْلَى and ثَكْلَانَةٌ: see ثَاكِلٌ.

ثَكُولٌ: see ثَاكِلٌ. b2: فَلَاةٌ ثَكُولٌ (tropical:) A desert in which the traveller becomes lost. (K, TA.) ثَاكِلٌ, applied to a man, Bereft of a child, or of a friend, or person beloved; as also ↓ ثَكْلَانُ or ثَكْلَانٌ [with or without tenween, as is shown by the two forms of the fem. mentioned in what follows, but generally without]: (K:) and applied to a woman; (S, Msb, K;) and sometimes ثَاكِلَةٌ; (Msb;) as also ثَكْلَى (S, Msb, K) and ثَكْلَانَةٌ, (IAar, K,) which is rare, (K,) and ↓ ثَكُولٌ; (S, K;) meaning bereft of her child [by death]; (S, Msb;) pl. (of ثَاكِلٌ, TA, [and of ثَاكِلَةٌ,]) ثَوَاكِلُ, [and of ثاكل also ثَكْلَى, as is implied in the TA voce عُبْرٌ,] and (of ثَكْلَى, TA) ثَكَالَى. (Msb, TA.) إِثْكَالٌ and ↓ أُثْكُولٌ i. q. عِثْكَالٌ (S, K) and عُثْكُولٌ, i. e., The fruit-stalk (شِمْرَاخ) upon which are the ripening dates: pl. أَثَاكِلُ, [app. a contraction of أَثَاكِيلُ, like عَثَاكِيلُ,] occurring in poetry. (S.) These two words are mentioned here by J and Sgh, and F has followed them; but they should be mentioned among words whose first radical letter is hemzeh, for the أ is a radical, substituted for ع. (TA.) أُثْكُولٌ: see what next precedes.

مُثْكِلٌ A woman whose state of bereavement is constant: (K:) or who is in a state of bereavement: (TA:) pl. مَثَاكِيلُ (K) [or this is pl. of مِثْكَالٌ]. Hence, نِسَآءُ الغُزَاةِ مَثَاكِيلُ [The wives of the warriors are constantly bereft, or often bereft, of their husbands]. (TA.) b2: قَصِيدَةٌ مُثْكِلَةٌ (tropical:) An ode in which bereavement is mentioned. (Ibn-'Abbád, Z, K.) رُمْحُهُ لِلْوَالِدَاتِ مَثْكَلَةٌ [His spear is a cause of bereavement to mothers] (S, K) is a saying similar to الوَلَدُ مَبْخَلَةٌ وَمَجْبَنَةٌ [explained in art. بخل]. (S.) مِثْكَالٌ A woman much, or often, bereft of her children: (Msb, TA:) pl. مَثَاكِلُ (TA) [or مَثَاكِيلُ: see مُثْكِلٌ]. b2: And A she-camel that is accustomed to lose her young by death or by slaughter or by gift: pl. مَثَاكِيلُ. (Ham p. 746.)



1 سَاكَ الشَّىْءَ, (IDrd, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. سُوْكٌ, (IDrd, O, Msb,) He rubbed the thing, or rubbed it well. (IDrd, O, Msb, K.) b2: See also 2.

A2: And see 6.2 سوّك فَاهُ, (S, O, Msb,) or سوّك فَمَهُ بِالعُودِ, (K,) inf. n. تَسْوِيكٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) and ↓ سَاكَهُ, (O, K,) aor. and inf. n. as in the first paragraph, (O,) or inf. n. سِوَاكٌ; (Msb; [there said to be an inf. n., as well as a subst. syn. with مِسْوَاكٌ, but without the mention of its verb;]) and ↓ استاك and ↓ تسوَك, these two used without the mention of the mouth (S, O, Msb, K) or the stick; (K;) [He rubbed and cleaned his teeth with the سِوَاك, or مِسْوَاك.]5 تَسَوَّكَ see the next preceding paragraph.6 تَسَاوُكٌ and سِوَاكٌ [each an inf. n., the verb of the latter, if it have one, being app. ↓ سَاكَ,] A weak manner of going: or a bad manner of going, resulting from slowness or emaciation: (K, TA:) so says ISk. (TA.) One says, جَآءَتِ الإِبِلُ تَسَاوَكُ, [for تَتَسَاوَكُ,] i. e. The camels came inclining from side to side, in consequence of weakness, in their going along. (S, O.) [Or]

تساوكت الإِبِلُ means The camels had an agitation of their necks in consequence of leanness. (IF, Msb.) In the M it is said that جَآءَت الغَنَمُ مَاتَسَاوَكُ means The sheep, or goats, came, not moving their heads, in consequence of weakness. (TA.) 8 إِسْتَوَكَ see 2.

سِوَاكٌ and ↓ مِسْوَاكٌ signify the same; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) i. e. A tooth-stick; a piece of stick with which the teeth are rubbed [and cleaned, the end being made like a brush by beating or chewing it so as to separate the fibres]; (K, * TA;) [commonly] a piece of stick of the [kind of tree called] أَرَاك: (Msb:) accord. to IDrd, derived from سُكْتُ الشَّىْءَ meaning “ I rubbed, or rubbed well, the thing; ” (O, Msb;) accord. to IF, from تساوكت الإِبِلُ [expl. above]: (Msb:) accord. to Lth, (T, TA,) سِوَاكٌ is masc. and fem., (IDrd, T, M, O, K,) though it is the more approvable way to make it masc.; (O;) but Az holds this to be a mistake, and the word to be masc. [only]; and Hr says that this assertion of Lth is one of his foul mistakes: (TA:) its pl. is سُوُكٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and سُوْكٌ (Az, TA) and سُؤُكٌ, (AHn, TA,) and [of pauc.] أَسْوِكَةٌ; and the pl. of ↓ مِسْوَاكٌ is مَسَاوِيكُ. (TA.) In the saying, in a trad., خَيْرُ خِلَالِ الصَّائِمِ السِّوَاكُ, a prefixed n. is [said to be] suppressed [so that the meaning is The best of the habits, or customs, of the faster is the use of the tooth-stick: but see 2, where سِوَاكٌ is said, on the authority of the Msb, to be also an inf. n.].

مِسْوَاكٌ: see سِوَاكٌ, in two places.



1 وَتُحَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. وَتَاحَةٌ (S, K) and وُتُوحَةٌ (K) and وَتْحَةٌ, (L,) It (a thing, S, or a gift, K) was little, or small, and paltry, mean, or contemptible. (S, L, K.) b2: وَتَحَ عَطَآءَهُ, aor. ـِ (K;) and ↓ اوتحهُ; (S, K;) and ↓ وَتّحهُ, inf. n. تَوْتِيحٌ; (S;) He made his gift little, or small, (S, K,) and paltry, mean, or contemptible. (K.) b3: لَهُ الشَّىْءَ ↓ اوتح He made the thing little to him. (L.) b4: ↓ اوتح He became a person of little property. (K) 2 وَتَّحَ see 1 and 4.4 أَوْتَحَ see 1. b2: اوتح فُلَانًا He harassed and distressed him; syn. جَهَدَهُ وَبَلَغَ مِنْهُ; (L, K;) and in like manner, اوتح جَهْدَهُ, and اوتح مِنْهُ, and ↓ وتّح. (L.) b3: اوَتح, in this sense, occurs in a verse as related by Th: as related by IAar it is اوتخ. (TA.) 5 توتّح مِنَ الشرَابِ He drank a little of the beverage: (S, L:) or, as also توتّح الشَّرَابَ, he drank the beverage by little and little. (TA.) شَىْءٌ وَتْحٌ, and ↓ وَتِحٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ وَتَحٌ, and ↓ وَتِيحٌ, (K,) A little, or small, and paltry, mean, or contemptible, thing. (S, K.) One says also شَىْءٌ وَتَحٌ وَعْرٌ A small, or little, or scanty, thing: the latter of the two epithets being an imitative sequent; (S;) or, correctly, a corroborative. (Marg. note in a copy of the S.) b2: ↓ مَا أَغْنَى وعَنِّى وَتَحَةً, a phrase like ما اغنى عنّى عَبَكَةً, (L,) or He, or it, was of no profit, or advantage, to me. (L, K.) b3: طَعَامٌ وَتْحٌ Food in which is no good; like وَحْتٌ. (L.) b4: ↓ رَجُلٌ وَتحٌ A vile, mean, or contemptible, man. (S.) وَتَحٌ see وَتْحٌ.

وتِحٌ see وَتْحٌ.

وَتَحَةٌ see وَتْحٌ.

وَتِيحٌ see وَتْحٌ.



أ1 شَطَأَ: see 4.

A2: Also He walked on the شَاطِئ, i. e. bank, or side, of the river. (K, * TA.) A3: And He cut lengthwise [into slices, or strips,] the hump of a camel, and a skin, or hide. (TA.) A4: He subdued, overcame, overpowered, or mastered, a man. (K.) b2: He compressed his wife. (K.) [And سَطَأَ and طَشَأَ signify the same.]

b3: شَطَأَالنَّاقَةَ, (AA, S, K,) aor. ـَ [as in other senses], (TA,) inf. n. شَطْءٌ, (AA, S,) He bound the saddle upon the she-camel. (AA, S, K.) b4: And شَطَأَ بِالحِمْلِ He burdened heavily, or overburdened, the camel with the load; (K;) inf. n. as above. (TA.) [But see what follows.]

A5: Accord. to ISk, (TA,) this last phrase signifies also, (K,) or شَطَأَتْ بِالحِمْلِ, as in the L, (TA,) He, (a man, K,) or she, (a camel, L, TA,) had strength, or power, to bear the load. (L, K, TA.) A6: شَطَأَتْ بِهِ She (his mother) cast him forth [from her womb]. (K.) One says, لَعَنَ اللّٰهُ أُمًّا شَطَأَتْ بِهِ, and so فَطَأَتْ به, May God curse a mother who cast him forth [from her womb]. (TA.) 2 شطّأ, inf. n. تَشْطِىْءٌ, It (a valley) had its two sides (شَاطِئَاهُ, TA) flowing [with water]. (IAar, K.) 3 شَاطَأْتُهُ I walked upon one شَاطِئ [i. e. bank, or side, of a river or valley,] while he walked upon the other شاطئ. (S, K. *) 4 اشطأ; (S, Msb;) or ↓ شَطَأَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. شَطْءٌ and شُطُوْءٌ; (K;) or both; (TA;) It put forth its شَطْء [or sprouts, &c.]; (S, K;) syn. فَرَّخَ; (Msb;) said of seed-produce; (S, Msb, K;) and in like manner said of palm-trees (نَخْل); and the former verb, said of trees (شَجَر), they put forth sprouts around their bases, or stems. (K.) And اشطأت الشَّجَرَةُ بِغُصُونِهَا The tree put forth its branches. (TA.) b2: And the former verb, (assumed tropical:) He (a man) had a son who had attained to manhood and become like him; (AHn, K;) like أَصْحَبَ. (TA.) Q. Q. 1 شَطْيَأَ, (K, TA,) said of a man, (TA,) i. q. رَهْيَأَ, (K, TA,) meaning He was weak (TA) in his opinion, or judgment, (K, TA,) and in his affair. (TA.) شَطْءٌ (S, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ شَطَأٌ (TA as from the K [but not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K, though a known dial. var. of the former as will be shown in what follows,]) The فِرَاخ [or sprouts] of seed-produce, (IAar, S, Msb, K,) and of plants, or herbage, (S,) and of palm-trees: or the leaves thereof; (K. TA;) i. e. of seed-produce: (TA:) and the shoots that come forth (Msb, K) from, (Msb,) or around, (K,) the bases, or stems, (Msb, K,) of plants, or herbage, (Msb,) or of trees: (K:) pl. أَشْطَآءٌ, (S,) or شُطُوْءٌ. (K.) أَخْرَجَ شَطْأَهُ, in the Kur xlviii. last verse, means That has put forth its فِرَاخ [or sprouts]: (Bd, Jel:) or, accord. to Akh, its extremity: (S:) or its ears, (Msb, TA,) accord. to Fr; each grain, he says, producing ten, or eight, or seven: or, accord. to Zj, its plants: (TA:) and some read ↓ شَطَأَهُ, (Bd, Jel,) which is a dial. var.; and شَطَاهُ, and شَطَآءَهُ, and شَطَهُ, and شَطْوَهُ. (Bd.) b2: [See also شَطْأَةٌ.]

A2: And see شَاطِئٌ.

شَطَأٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

شَطْأَةٌ [app. a n. un. of شَطْءٌ, q. v. b2: Also] A green palm-branch: one says, لَهَا قَدٌّ كَالشَّطْأَةِ She has a figure like the green palm-branch. (A, TA.) b3: And A slice, or strip, i. e. a piece cut lengthwise, of a camel's hump, and of a skin, or hide. (A, TA.) شَاطِئٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ شَطْءٌ (K) The bank, or side, (شَطّ, S, K, and جَانِب, S, Msb,) of a valley (S, Msb, K) and of a river: (K:) and some say that the former signifies the extremity, or edge, or side, (طَرَف,) of a river; and the shore of the sea: the pl. of the latter is شُطُوْءٌ; and of the former, شَوَاطِئُ and شُطْآنٌ; (K, TA;) or this last, as is said in the M, may be pl. of شَطْءٌ. (TA.) Accord. to the S, one says also شَاطِئُ الأَوْدِيَةِ [meaning The sides of the valleys]; not assigning to شاطئ any pl.: but the truth is that the pl. is as stated above. (TA.)



1 وَقَفَ He was, or became, still, or stationary; (Msb;) [he stood still;] he continued standing: (K:) and [simply] he stood; contr. of جَلَسَ. (TA.) b2: وَقَفَ الدَّابَّةَ, inf. n. وَقْفٌ, He made the beast to be, or become, still, or motionless. (Msb.) b3: وَقَفَ عَلَيْهِ He stopped, or paused, upon coming to him, or it; he stopped, or paused, at it; or where he, or it, was. b4: وَقَفَ عَلَى شَىْءٍ He paused at, and paid attention to, a thing. b5: وَقَفَ عَلَيْهِ He comprehended it, namely, a meaning: he understood it. (TA. [Or, correctly, وُقِفَ, for it is there altered.]) b6: He met with it; namely, a word or the like, in reading: often occurring in this sense. b7: وُقِفَ عَلَيْهِ He saw it: and he was introduced into it, and knew what was in it. (TA.) He was made to know it surely. See Bd, vi. 27 and 30. b8: وَقَفْتُهُ على ذَنْبِهِ I made him acquainted with, or made him to know, his crime, sin, fault, or the like; (S, K:) and so عَلَيْهِ ↓ أَوْقَفَهُ, q. v. (Mgh.) b9: وَقَفَ, aor. وَقِفَ

, inf. n. وُقُوفٌ, He withstood, resisted: governing by عَنْ. b10: وَقَفَهُ and ↓ أَوْقَفَهُ and ↓ وَقَّفَهُ [He bequeathed it, or gave it, unalienably:] the first of these is the most chaste: the last is disapproved and rare. (TA, art. حبس.) See مُؤَبَّدٌ.2 وَقَّفَهُ عَلَى الأَمْرِ [He made him to pause, or wait, at the thing, or affair]. (K, TA, in art. ثبط.) See the quasi-pass. تَوَقَّفَ: and see ثَبَّطَهُ. b2: وَقَّفَهُ, inf. n. تَوْقِيفٌ He taught him the places of pausing, in reading. (Mgh.) And hence, He made him to know a thing. (Mgh.) b3: وَقَّفَهُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ, meaning عَرَّفَهُ إِيَّاهُ, He made him acquainted with the thing; informed him of it; gave him notice of it; though often occurring, for وَقَفَهُ عَلَيْهِ, seems to be post-classical. It is used in this sense, or as meaning He (God) revealed to him the thing, in many places in the Mz, 1st نوع: as, for ex, in the following instance, cited from IF, وَقَّفَ اللّٰهُ آدَمَ عَلَى مَا شَآءَ

أَنْ يُعَلِّمَهُ إِيَّاهُ [God taught, or revealed to, Adam what He pleased to teach him]. b4: وَقَّفَ الحَدِيثَ, (JK,) inf. n. تَوْقِيفٌ, (K,) He explained the tradition; syn. بَيَّنَهُ. (JK, K. *) b5: تَوْقِيفٌ, as a legal term: see نَصَّ عَلَى شَىْءٍ مَّا. b6: See 1 3 وَاقَفَ He stood with another in a competition; was a partner in a match, &c.: see رَسِيلٌ.4 أَوْقَفَ see 1. b2: أَوْقَفَهُ عَلَى شَىْءٍ He acquainted him with a thing. b3: اوقفته عَلَى ذَنْبِهِ: see وَقَفْتُهُ, which is the expression commonly known.5 تَوَقَّفَ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ (tropical:) He paused, or waited, at the thing; syn. تَلَبَّثَ. (IDrd, K, TA.) (Accord. to some copies of the K, تَثَبَّتَ.] Yousay, تَوَقَّفْتُ عَلَى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ (tropical:) I paused, or waited, at this thing, or affair. (TA.) And تَوَقَّفَ عَلَى

جَوَابِ كَلَامِهِ (tropical:) [He paused, or waited, at the reply to his speech]. (TA.) And hence, تَوَقَّفَ عَلَى السَّمَاعِ He limited, or restricted, himself to what had been heard [from the Arabs, with respect to a construction, &c.]; did not transgress it, or overstep it. See مُتَوَقَّفٌ. b2: تَوَقَّفَ فِيهِ (assumed tropical:) He paused upon it; he hesitated, or deliberated, respecting it. Of very frequent occurrence. b3: تَوَقَّفَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) He held, refrained, or abstained, from the thing, or affair. (Msb.) b4: تَوَقَّفَ عَلَى كَذَا It (for instance, an opinion or a judgment, and the truth of an evidence or a demonstration, and the result of an inquiry or investigation) rested, was founded or grounded, depended, or was dependent, upon such a thing. You say, of knowledge, يَتَوَقَّفُ حُصُولُهُ عَلَى كَذَا Its origination rests upon such a thing; as, for instance, speculation.

وَقْفٌ An entailed, or unalienable, legacy or gift; a mortmain. See أَرْقَبَ. b2: الوُقُوفُ بِعَرَفَات The halting of the pilgrims at Mount 'Arafát.

حَبِطَ مَوْقِفُ الفَرَسِ The horse's belly was inflated: see حَبِطَ.

مَوْقُوفُ عَلَى حَدِّ كُفْرٍ

Brought to the verge of infidelity: see حَدٌّ.

أَنَا مُتَوَقّفٌ فى هٰذَا [I am pausing, or hesitating, respecting this;] I do not form, or give, a decided opinion (لَا أُمْضِى رَأْيًا) respecting this. (TA.)



ى1 وَرَى

, aor. ـِ inf. n. وَرْىٌ [and وُرِىٌّ and رِيَةٌ, K]; and وَرِىَ, aor. ـِ and ↓ أَوْرَى; It (a زَنْد) produced its fire. (Msb.) b2: وَرِيَتْ بِكَ زِنَادِى, or وَرَتْ: see art. زند, and see وَقَدَ and زَهَرَ, and راى. b3: قَدْحٌ لَا يُورِى: see خَيَّابٌ.2 وَرَّى بِشَىْءٍ عَنْ شَىْءٍ

[He pretended, or made believe, a thing, instead of a thing which he meant: as is shown by the explanation of a trad. in the TA]. (S, art. عرض; save that the inf. n. is there mentioned instead of the pret.) b2: وَرَّى عَنْ كَذَا, inf. n. تَوْرِيَةٌ, He alluded to such a thing equivocally, or ambiguously: equivocated respecting it: he meant such a thing and pretended another. (M, K.) التورية is also called الإِيهَامُ and التَّوْجِيهُ and التَّخْيِيلُ: (Kull, p. 113:) and signifies The using a word, an expression, or a phrase, which has an obvious meaning, and intending thereby another meaning, to which it applies, but which is contrary to the obvious one. (Msb.) See مِعْرَاضٌ. b3: See 4.3 وَارَاهُ He hid it, concealed it, or covered it. (S, Msb, K, &c.) 4 أَوْرَى and ↓ وَرَّى and ↓ اِسْتَوْرَى He made his زند to produce fire. (S, K.) b2: See 1.10 إِسْتَوْرَىَ see 4.

وَرْىٌ Purulent matter in the interior of the body: or [an abscess; or] a severe ulcer that discharges purulent matter and blood. (M, K, TA.) وَرْيًا وَقُحَابًا: see قُحَابٌ.


: see رِئَةٌ, in art. رأى.

وَرَائِى كَذَا Behind me is such a thing, as though it were a burden upon my back. b2: مِنْ وَرَآءَ وَرَآءَ From behind a thing covering, or concealing. (TA.) b3: فُلَانٌ مِنْ وَرَآءِ فُلَانٍ

Such a one is an aider of such a one: or a follower. (Ham, p. 206.) b4: اَللّٰهُ مِنْ وَرَائِكَ God is seeking after thee, and watching, or lying in wait, for thee. (Ham, p. 206.) See also an ex. in the first paragraph of art. فتل.

النَّوْرَاةُ The Book of the Law revealed to Moses. (Bd, iii. 2; &c.)



1 قَرُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. قُرْبٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb *) and قُرْبَةٌ and قَرَابَةٌ and قُرْبَى (Mgh, Msb) and مَقْرَبَةٌ, (Mgh,) [to which may be added some other syns. mentioned below with قُرْبٌ and قَرَابَةٌ,] It, and he, was, or became, near; (S, Mgh, O;) syn. دَنَا; (S, O;) contr. of بَعُدَ: (Mgh:) or قُرْبٌ is in place, and قُرْبَةٌ is in station, or grade, or rank, and قَرَابَةٌ and قُرْبَى are in الرَّحِم [meaning relationship, or relationship by the female side]; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) or, accord. to the T, قَرَابَةٌ is in النَّسَب [app. relationship in a general sense], and قُرْبَى is in الرَّحِم [app. as meaning relationship by the female side]: (TA:) You say, قَرُبَ مِنْهُ, (A, MA, Msb, K,) and إِلَيْهِ; (A;) and قَرِبَهُ, (S, MA, O, K,) aor. ـَ (S, K;) inf. n. (of the former verb, Msb) قُرْبٌ, (Msb, K,) or قُرْبٌ and قُرْبَةٌ &c. as above, (Msb,) or قُرْبٌ and مَقْرَبَةٌ and مَقْرُبَةٌ; (MA;) and (of the latter verb, S, MA, O) قِرْبَانٌ (S, MA, O, K) and قُرْبَانٌ; (K;) he (a man, S, O) was, or became, near to it; (S, A, MA, O, K;) syn. دَنَا: (S, A, O, K:) or the former verb means thus; but when one says لَا تَقْرَبْ كَذَا with fet-h to the ر, the meaning is, occupy not thyself with doing such a thing: (MF, TA, &c.:) or قَرِبْتُ الأَمْرَ, aor. ـَ and قَرَبْتُهُ, aor. ـُ i. e., like تَعِبَ and like قَتَلَ, inf. n. قِرْبَانٌ, signifies I did the thing, or affair; or I was, or became, near, or I approached, to it, or to doing it [or to doing something with it or to it]: an ex. of the former meaning is the saying [in the Kur xvii. 34], لَا تَقْرَبُوا الزِّنَا [Commit not ye fornication, or adultery; or, accord. to some, this is an ex. of the latter meaning]; and hence one says, قَرِبْتُ المَرْأَةَ, inf. n. قِرْبَانٌ, a metonymical phrase, meaning I compressed the woman: and an ex. of the latter meaning is the saying, لَا تَقْرَبُوا الحِمَى i. e. لَا تَدْنُوا مِنْهُ [meaning Approach not ye to doing, or to entering upon, the thing, or place, that is prohibited, or interdicted]. (Msb.) And the Arabs say, of a man, when a thing has disquieted, or disturbed, and grieved, him, أَخَذَهُ مَا قَرُبَ وَمَا بَعُدَ, as though meaning (assumed tropical:) He became, or has become, disquieted by reason of near and remote circumstances of his case: (O:) or recent and old griefs took hold upon him. (Mgh in art. قدم. [See art. بعد.]) دَنَا مِنِّى وَقَرُبَ is expl. by Zj as meaning He drew near to me and drew nearer. (T in art. دلو: see 5 in that art.) [And several other verbs belonging to this art. are syn., or nearly so, with قَرُبَ or with قَرِبَ in senses expl. above. Thus ↓ اقرب is syn. with قَرُبَ in the first of the senses expl. above, like as أَدْنَى is with دَنَا, for its inf. n.]

الإِقْرَابُ signifies الدُّبُوُّ. (TA.) ↓ اقترب, also, is syn. with قَرُبَ in the first of the senses expl. above; (MA;) [i. e.] it is syn. with دَنَا: (Msb:) or it is syn. with ↓ تقارب, (S, O, K, TA,) signifying he, or it, drew near; (TA;) thus ↓ وَاقْتَرَبَ الوَعْدُ [in the Kur xxi. 97] signifies تقارب [meaning And the fulfilment of the promise shall draw near]: (S, O, TA:) and you say, اقترب مِنِّى

[meaning He drew near to me]: (A:) it is also said that is has a more particular signification than قَرُبَ; for it denotes intensiveness in القُرْب; thus says Ibn-'Arafeh; probably meaning that it denotes labour and difficulty in the accomplishment of the act. (MF, TA.) ↓ تقرّب [likewise] is syn. with [قَرُبَ, i. e.] دَنَا, in the phrase تقرّب مِنْهُ: (O: [see قَرُبَ مِنْهُ:]) or it signifies he drew near, or approached, by little and little, (تَدَنَّى,) to a thing. (TA.) And الشَّىْءَ ↓ قارب, (ISd, TA,) or الأَمْرَ, (Msb,) [like قَرِبَهُ in many instances,] signifies He was, or became, near, or he approached, to the thing, or affair, or to doing it. (ISd, Msb, TA.) b2: قَرُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. قُرْبٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:) He formed an opinion that was near to certainty. (MF.) b3: In the phrase قَرَبَتِ الشَّمْسُ لِلْمَغِيبِ [meaning The sun was, or became, near to setting], like كَرَبَت, the ق is asserted by Yaakoob to be a substitute for ك. (TA.) A2: قَرَبَ, aor. ـُ inf. in. قِرَابَةٌ, He (a man) journeyed to water, there being between him and it a night's journey. (S, O.) [See also أَقْرَبَ القَوْمُ. Or,] accord. to Lth, you say, قَرَبُوا, aor. ـُ inf. n. قَرَبٌ [q. v.], meaning They, after pasturing their camels in the tract between them and the wateringplace, and journeying on during a part of the time until there remained between them and the water a night, or an evening, hastened in their course. (TA.) And قَرَبَ الإِبِل [in some copies of the K الإِبِلَ and in others الإِبِلُ], aor. ـُ inf. n. قِرَابَةٌ; thus in the K; but accord. to Th, قَرَبَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. قَرَبٌ; (TA;) i. e. The camels journeyed by night in order to arrive at the water on the morrow: (K, * TA:) and [a man says, of himself,] قَرَبْتُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. قِرَابَةٌ. (TA.) b2: And قَرَبْتُ المَآءَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. قَرَبٌ, so in the Fs [of Th, meaning I journeyed to the water by night in order to reach it on the following morning]. (TA.) [Or] you say, قَرَبُوا المَآءَ, meaning They sought, or sought to attain, the water. (A.) b3: And [hence] one says, فُلَانٌ يَقْرُبُ حَاجَتُهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one seeks, or seeks to attain, the object of his want; from the seeking, or seeking to attain, the water: and hence the saying, in a trad., وَإِنْ نَقْرُبُ بِذٰلِكَ إِلَّا أَنْ نَحْمَدَ اللّٰهَ (assumed tropical:) We not seeking thereby [aught] save our praising God: thus expl. by El-Khattábee. (Az, TA.) [Hence, also,] one says قَدْ قَرَبَ أَمْرًا لَا أَدْرِى مَا هُوَ (tropical:) [He has sought to accomplish an affair, I know not what it is]: (A, O: *) and فُلَانٌ يَقْرُبُ أَمْرًا لَا يَسْهُلُ لَهُ (tropical:) [Such a one seeks to accomplish an affair that will not be easy to him]. (A.) فُلَانٌ يَقْرُبُ أَمْرًا means (assumed tropical:) Such a one seeks, desires, or aims at, [the accomplishment of] an affair, when he does a deed, or says a saying, with that object. (T, O, TA.) A3: قَرَبَ السَّيْفَ, (S, O,) inf. n. قَرْبٌ; (K;) and ↓ اقربهُ, (O,) inf. n. إِقْرَابٌ; (K;) He put the sword into the قِرَاب [q. v.]: (S, O, K:) or the former, (accord. to the K,) or ↓ the latter, (accord. to the S and TA,) he made for the sword a قِرَاب: (S, K, TA:) or ↓ the latter has both of these significations: (O:) or the former verb is said of a sword or of a knife in the former sense; and in like manner ↓ the latter verb in the latter sense: or the former phrase signifies he made for the sword a قِرَاب; and ↓ the latter phrase, he put the sword into its قِرَاب: and one says, قِرَابًا ↓ قرّب and ↓ اقربهُ, meaning he made a قِرَاب. (TA.) A4: قَرْبٌ [as an inf. n. of which the verb is قَرَبَ] also signifies The feeding a guest with the أَقْرَاب (O, K, TA) meaning flanks [of an animal or of animals, pl. of قُرْبٌ or قُرُبٌ]. (TA.) A5: And قَرِبَ, (O, K,) with kesr to the ر, (O,) like فَرِح, (K,) [aor. ـَ inf. n. app. قَرَبٌ,] He (a man, TA) had a complaint (O, K) of his قُرْب or قُرُب, (K,) [i. e.] of his flank; (O;) as also ↓ قرّب, (O, * K, [in the former this verb is only indicated by the mention of its inf. n.,]) inf. n. تَقْرِيبٌ. (O, K.) 2 قرّبهُ, inf. n. تَقْرِيبٌ, He made, or caused, to be, or become, near, caused to approach, or brought, or drew, near, him, or it. (S, O, Msb. *) [Hence the phrase قَرَّبَ اللّٰهُ دَارَكَ, which see in what follows.] b2: [And hence, He made him to be a near associate; he made him an object of, or took him into, favour: and (agreeably with an explanation of the pass. in the Ham p. 184) he made him, or rendered him, an object of honour.] One says, قَرَّبَهُ مِنْهُ meaning He (a king, or a governor, or prince, [or any other person who was either a superioror an equal,]) made him to be to him a قُرْبَان, i. e. [a near associate, or] a consessor, or a particular, or special, associate or companion [&c.: see قُرْبَانٌ]. (TA.) b3: قَرَّبَهُ إِلَيْهِمْ, in the Kur li. 27, means He presented it, or offered it, to them: (Jel:) or he placed it, or put it, before them. (Bd.) And one says also, قرّب خَصْمَهُ إِلَى السُّلْطَانِ [He brought, or placed, his adversary before the Sultán]. (Mgh in art. رفع.) And ↓ قرّب لِلّٰهِ قَرْبَانًا [He offered, or presented, to God, an offering, or oblation]. (S, O: in the Msb, إِلَى اللّٰهِ.) b4: حَيَّا وَقَرَّبَ, (A, O,) inf. n. تَقْرِيبٌ, (K,) signifies (tropical:) He said, حَيَّاكَ اللّٰهُ وَقَرَّبَ دَارَكَ [May God preserve thee alive, or prolong thy life, and make thine abode to be near]: (A, O, K:) one says thus of a host to a visitor. (TA.) b5: And التَّقْرِيبُ signifies also The denoting nearness. (Mughnee and K * voce أَوْ, and Kull pp.82 and 83 and 124.) Thus what is termed تَصْغِيرُ التَّقْرِيبِ [The diminutive denoting nearness] is such as occurs in the saying, دَارِى قُبَيْلَ المَسْجِدِ [“ My house is a little before the mosque ”]. (Kull p. 124.) b6: And The advancing an argument in such a manner as renders the desired conclusion a necessary consequence. (MF.) b7: and A certain sort of عَدْو [or running] (S, O, K) of a horse: (S, O:) one says, of a horse, قرّب, inf. n. تَقْرِيبٌ, (S, A, O,) meaning he raised his fore legs together and put them down together (S, O, K *) in running: (S, O:) or he ran [as though] pelting the ground [with his hoofs]: (Az, TA:) and it is also said of other animals than the horse: but not of the camel: (MF:) [one sort of] التقريب is [a rate] less than الحُضْرُ; (S, A, O;) and more than الخَبَبُ: (El-Ámidee, MF:) there are two sorts of تقريب, called أَعْلَى

[which is a gallop] and أَدْنَى [which is a canter]: (S, O:) the former is termed الثَّعْلَبِيَّةُ; and the latter, الإِرْخَآءُ. (TA.) A2: See also 1, near the end, in two places.3 قَارَبْتُهُ, inf. n. مُقَارَبَةٌ [and قِرَابٌ], I was, or became, near to him, or it; contr. of بَاعَدْتُهُ. (Msb.) See 1, near the middle of the paragraph. b2: One says of a vessel, (S, O, K,) قارب أَنْ يَمْتَلِئَ (S, O) or قارب الاِمْتِلَآءَ (K) [It was, or became, near to being full]: قارب [thus used] is the verb from قَرْبَانُ [q. v.], and قَرُبَ is not used in its stead. (Sb, TA.) And one says also, قارب مِلْأَهُ [It was, or became, nearly equal, or it nearly amounted, to what would fill it]. (Msb.), And قارب قَدْرَهُ [It was, or became, nearly equal, or equivalent, to its quantity, or amount; or it was, or became, nearly equivalent to it]. (K, TA.) [And hence the term أَفْعَالُ المُقَارَبَةِ The verbs of appropinquation; as كَادَ &c.] b3: قارب الخَطْوَ He made the stepping to be contracted; syn. دَانَاهُ; (Az, K, TA;) [i. e. he made short steps: made his steps to be near together;] said of a horse. (TA.) And قارب كَلَامَهُ [He made the several portions of his speech, i. e. he made his words, to be near together; so that it means he uttered his speech rapidly]. (K in art. وط; &c.) and قارب بين الكَلِمَةِ وَالكَلِمَةِ فِى التَّسْبِيحِ [He made the words to follow one another nearly, or to be near together, in the act of praise, or the like.] (M in art. دنو.) And قَارَبْتُ بَيْنَ الأَمْرَيْنِ i. q. دَانَيْتُ [I made the two affairs, or events, to be nearly uninterrupted]. (T, S, Msb, all in art. دنو.) b4: قاربهُ also signifies He thought him, or it, to be near. (Ham p. 634.) And قارب الأَمْرَ He thought the thing. (MF.) b5: And He interchanged with him good, or pleasing, speech. (O, K, TA.) b6: And قارب فِى الأَمْرِ He pursued the right, or just, or middle, course, neither exceeding it nor falling short of it, in the affair. (O, * K, * TA.) b7: And قَارَبْتُهُ فِى البَيْعِ [app. meaning, in like manner, I pursued a middle course with him in selling, or buying, with respect to the price demanded or offered, neither exceeding what was just nor falling short of it], (S, O,) inf. n. مُقَارَبَةٌ. (S.) b8: مُقَارَبَةٌ and قِرَابٌ signify also The raising the leg [or legs, of a woman,] for the purpose of جِمَاع. (K.) 4 أَقْرَبَ see 1, second quarter. b2: [Hence,] أَقْرَبَت, (S, A, O, K,) said of the pregnant, (A, TA,) or of a woman, and of a mare, and of a ewe or goat, (S, O, TA,) and also of an ass, (Lth, TA,) but [app.] not [properly] of a camel, (Lth, S, * O, * TA,) [though it is sometimes said of a camel, as in the S and O voce غَمُوس, and in the O and K in art. ك,] She was, or became, near to bringing forth. (Lth, S, A, O, K.) b3: and اقرب said of a colt, and of a young camel, (K, TA,) &c., (TA,) He was, or became, near to the age of shedding his central incisors; (K, TA;) and likewise, to that of shedding other teeth. (TA.) b4: And He nearly filled a vessel. (S, O, K.) b5: لَأُقْرِبَنَّكُمْ صَلَاةَ رَسُولِ اللّٰهِ occurs in a trad. of Aboo-Hureyreh, meaning I will indeed perform to you the like of, or what will be nearly the same as, the praying of the Apostle of God. (TA.) b6: اقرب الإِبِلَ He made the camels to journey by night in order to arrive at the water on the morrow: (O, * K, TA:) or اقربوا إِبِلَهُمْ They, after pasturing them in the tract between them and the watering-place, and journeying on during a part of the time until there remained between them and the water a night, or an evening, hastened their camels. (Lth, TA.) b7: And اقرب القَوْمُ The people, or party, became persons whose camels were performing a journey such as is termed قَرَبٌ: the part. n. is [said to be] ↓ قارب, not مُقْربٌ: (As, S, O:) the former of these is said by A'Obeyd to be anomalous: (S, O:) [but see قَرَبَ, which is expl. as having almost exactly the same meaning as that which is in this instance assigned to اقرب. And it is also mentioned in the TA, app. on the authority of AA, that the same phrase and the same anomalous part. n. are used when the people's camels are مُتَقَارِبَة (which means few, or near together): but I think that this word is a mistake of a copyist, for قَوَارِبُ: see قَارِبٌ.]

A2: See also 1, last quarter, in six places.5 تَقَرَّبَ see 1, near the middle of the paragraph. b2: [Hence] one says to his companion, urging him, تَقَرَّبْ, meaning (tropical:) Advance thou, or come forward: (A, TA:) or تَقَرَّبْ يا رَجُلُ, meaning hasten, O man. (As, O, L, K, TA.) Only the imperative mood in this sense is said to be used. (MF, TA.) b3: And [hence, also,] تقرّب signifies He rendered himself near, or allied himself, [drew near, or ingratiated himself,] by affection and friendship. (TA, voce تَنَسَّبَ. [In this sense it is trans. by means of مِنْ.]) And He applied himself with gentleness, or courtesy, to obtain access, or nearness, to a man, by means of some act performed for that purpose, or by right. (TA. [In this sense it is trans. by means of إِلَى.]) And one says, تقرّب مِنَ اللّٰهِ [He drew near unto God] by prayer or the like, and righteous actions: and تقرّب اللّٰهُ مِنْهُ [God drew near unto him] by beneficence towards him. (TA.) And تقرِّب بِهِ إِلَى اللّٰهِ, (S, A, O, Msb, K, *) inf. n. تَقَرُّبٌ and تِقِرَّابٌ, (O, K,) the latter [of a rare form] like تِحِمَّالٌ and تِكِلَّامٌ and تِمِلَّاقٌ, (O,) He sought thereby nearness, to bring himself near, to draw near, or to approach, unto God; or to advance himself in the favour of God: (S, K, * TA:) and فَعَلَهُ تَقَرُّبًا إِلَيْهِ [He did it by way of seeking nearness, &c., to Him]. (A.) A2: تقرّب also signifies He (a man, O) put his hand upon his قُرْب (O, K, TA) i. e. his flank, (O, TA,) in walking; or, as some say, hastening, or going quickly. (TA.) 6 تقاربوا They were, or became, or drew, near, one to another: (S, * A, * Msb:) you say تقاربوا and ↓ اقتربوا [both app. signifying the same, like تخاصموا and اختصموا, and تخالطوا and اختلطوا, and تشاركوا and اشتركوا, &c.]. (A.) b2: See also 1, second quarter. b3: تقاربت إِبِلُهُ means (tropical:) His camels became few, [because drawing near together,] (A, O, K, TA,) and (as is also said of other things, TA) declined, or became reduced to a bad state. (O, * K, * TA.) b4: And [for the like reason, because of its becoming dense,] تقارب is said of seed-produce, or standing corn or the like, meaning (assumed tropical:) It became nearly ripe. (O, K, TA.) b5: And hence [accord. to some], تَقَارَبَ الزَّمَانُ (assumed tropical:) [When the time becomes contracted], occurring in a trad., expl. in art. زمن, q. v. (TA.) 8 إِقْتَرَبَ see 1, second quarter, in two places: b2: and see also 6.10 استقربهُ [contr. of استبعدهُ]. One says, هُوَ يَسْتَقْرِبُ البَعِيدَ [He reckons near that which is remote]. (A, Msb.) قُرْبٌ [mentioned in the first sentence of this art. as an inf. n.] is the contr. of بُعْدٌ: (S, O:) [used as a simple subst., it signifies Nearness, and] it is said to be [properly, or primarily,] in respect of place; [i. e. vicinity;] as distinguished from قُرْبَةٌ &c. (Msb, TA.) You say, إِنَّ قُرْبَكَ زَيْدًا [Verily Zeyd is in thy vicinity; i. e., near thee in respect of place]; but not إِنَّ بُعْدَكَ زَيْدًا; because قُرْب is more capable of being used as an adv. n. of place than بُعْد: in like manner they said also ↓ هُوَ قُرَابَتَكَ, meaning [He is in thy vicinity; i. e.,] near thee in respect of place. (Sb, TA. [See also قَرِيبٌ.]) [And بِالقُرْبِ مِنْهُ is a phrase of frequent occurrence, meaning In the vicinity of, or near in respect of place to, him, or it.] And one says, تَنَاوَلَهُ مِنْ قُرْبٍ and ↓ مِنْ قَرِيبٍ [He took it, or took it with his hand, from a near place or spot]. (A, Msb.) and رَأَيْتُهُ مِنْ قُرْبٍ [and ↓ مِنْ قَرِيبٍ I saw him, or it, from a near place or spot, or from within a short distance]. (S in art. ام; &c.) b2: It is also syn. with ↓ قَرَابٌ [signifying Nearness in respect of time] as used in the saying اِفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ بِقَرَابٍ

[i. e. Do thou that soon; like as one says, عَنْ

↓ قَرِيبٍ]: (K, TA:) accord. to the K, the word قراب in this case is like سَحَاب: but it is said in a prov., أَكْيَسُ ↓ الفِرَارُ بِقِرَابٍ, thus in the S, or, as some relate it, ↓ بِقُرَابٍ; and IB says, J has cited this prov. [next] after the قِرَاب of the sword, but should have said that القِرَابُ is also syn. with القُرْبُ, and should then have adduced the prov. as an ex. meaning The fleeing soon in eagerness of desire for safety [is more, or most, shrewd]: (TA:) [this rendering, however, requires consideration; for, accord. to Meyd, who gives only the reading بِقِرَابٍ, the meaning of the prov. is, that he who flees with the ↓ قِرَاب (by which is meant the scabbard) when the sword has passed away from his possession is more shrewd than he who causes, or suffers, the قِرَاب also to pass away from him: in Freytag's Arab Prov. ii. 210, both of these explanations are given; but قريب is there erroneously put for قُرْب.] b3: See also قَرَابَةٌ. b4: It is also a pl. of قَرِيبٌ [q. v.]. (TA in art. زلف.) A2: قُرْبٌ also, and ↓ قُرُبٌ, (S, O, K,) the former of which is the original, (TA,) signify The خَاصِرَة [or flank]: (O, K:) or [the part] from the شَاكِلَة [which is syn., or nearly so, with خَاصِرَة,] to the مَرَاقّ [or soft parts] of the belly: (S, O, K:) and likewise from the رَفْغ [generally meaning groin] to the armpit, on each side: (TA:) [properly used in relation to a horse:] sometimes metaphorically used in relation to a she-camel, and to an ass [meaning a wild ass, and also to a man: see 5, last sentence]: (TA:) pl. أَقْرَابٌ; (T, S, O, K;) which is also used in the place of the dual. (T, TA.) قَرَبٌ [mentioned in the latter half of the first paragraph of this art. as an inf. n.] is [said to be] a subst., signifying A journey to water when it is a night's journey distant: or, as As said, on the authority of an Arab of the desert, (S, O,) a journey by night in order to arrive at the water on the morrow; (S, O, K;) and so ↓ قِرَابَةٌ [which is also mentioned as an inf. n. in the latter half of the first paragraph of this art.]; (K;) a journey by night in order to arrive at the water on the second following day being called طَلَقٌ: (S, O:) and the seeking water by night: or, when it is not more than a night's journey distant: or the first day in which one journeys to water when it is two days distant; the second day being called طَلَقٌ: (K: [but the converse seems to be the truth, being asserted by several of the highest authorities, and agreeable with the derivation of each of the two words: see طَلَقٌ:]) or the night after which, in the morning, one arrives at the water: (TA:) and لَيْلَةُ القَرَبِ is the night in which people with their camels hasten to the water in a journey such as is termed قَرَبٌ بَصْبَاصٌ; this latter term being applied to signify a people's letting their camels pasture while they are journeying towards water; and when there remains an evening between them and the water, hastening towards it: (S, O:) or, as is said on the authority of As, لَيْلَةُ القَرَبِ is the second night after the pastor has turned the faces of his camels towards the water, and so left them to pasture; this second night being the night of hard driving; and the first night being called لَيْلَةُ الطَّلَقِ: accord. to AA, [the journey called] القَرَبُ is [the journey to water] during three days, or more. (TA.) And [hence] القَرَبَ is used to signify What is a night's journey distant. (S in art. نوب, in explanation of a verse cited in that art. [Or, accord. to IAar, قَرَب there signifies near, so as to be visited repeatedly: or, as AA says, at such a distance as to be visited once in three days.]) [See also a saying mentioned voce حَوْزٌ.] b2: Also A well of which the water is near [to the mouth]. (O, K.) قُرُبٌ: see قُرْبٌ, last sentence.

قُرْبَةٌ an inf. n. of قَرُبَ [q. v.: and used as a simple subst. signifying Nearness]; like قُرْبٌ: or the former is in station, or grade, or rank. (Mgh, Msb.) You say, طَلَبْتُ مِنْهُ القُرْبَةَ [I sought of him nearness of station, &c.; or admission into favour]. (A.) b2: See also قَرَابَةٌ. b3: Also, (A, O, Msb,) and ↓ قُرُبَةٌ, (Msb,) A thing [such as prayer, or any righteous deed or work,] whereby one seeks nearness, to bring himself near, to draw near, or to approach, unto God; or to advance himself in the favour of God; (A, * O, Msb;) as also ↓ قُرْبَانٌ: (S, O, Msb, K:) pl. of the first and second قُرَبٌ and قُرْبَاتٌ and قُرُبَاتٌ and قُرَبَاتٌ. (Msb.) قِرْبَةٌ A kind of سِقَآء [or skin], (S, * O, * TA,) used for water: (S, O:) or a وَطْب [or skin] that is used for milk, and sometimes for water: (ISd, K:) or such as is sewed on one side: (K:) [the modern قِرْبَة, which is seldom, if ever, used for anything but water, is (if I may judge from my own observations and the accounts of others) always made of the skin of a goat about one year old or upwards: it consists of nearly the whole skin; only the skin of the head, and a small portion of that of each leg, being cut off: it has a seam extending from the upper part of the throat nearly to the belly, and sometimes a corresponding seam at the hinder part, but more commonly only a patch of leather over the fundament and navel: over the seam, or over each seam, is sewed a narrow strip of leather; and a mouth of leather is added in the place of the head: it is carried on the back, by means of a strap, or cord, &c., one end of which is generally attached to a cord connecting the two fore-legs; and the other, to the right hind leg:] the pl. (of pauc., S, O) is قِرْبَاتٌ, and قِرَبَاتٌ, and قِرِبَاتٌ, and (of mult., S, O) قِرَبٌ. (S, O, Msb, K.) فِيهِ قَرَبَةٌ and ↓ قِرَابَةٌ are said of a vessel that is nearly filled [meaning In it is a quantity that nearly fills it]. (K, TA.) [See also قِرَابٌ.]

قُرُبَةٌ: see قُرْبَةٌ: b2: and see also قَرَابَةٌ.

قُرْبَى [mentioned in the first sentence of this art. as an inf. n.: and used as a simple subst.]: see قَرَابَةٌ, in five places: and see also قَرِيبٌ, latter half.

قَرْبَانُ A vessel nearly full: fem. قُرْبَى: (S, O, K:) and pl. قِرَابٌ: (S, O:) you say قَدَحٌ قَرْبَانُ مَآءً i. e. [A drinking vessel] nearly full of water: and the ق in قربان is [said to be] sometimes changed into ك: (TA:) so accord. to Yaakoob; but ISd denies this. (TA in art. كرب.) A2: See also the paragraph here following.

قُرْبَانٌ: see قُرْبَةٌ: [it may often be rendered An offering, or oblation: and hence it sometimes means a sacrifice, as in the Kur iii. 179:] pl. قَرَابِينُ. (Msb.) قُرْبَانُهُمْ دِمَآؤُهُمْ [Their offering to God is their blood, lit. bloods,] occurs in a trad. as cited from the Book of the Law revealed to Moses, and as referring to the Arabs; meaning, they seek to bring themselves near unto God by shedding their blood in fighting in the cause of religion; whereas the قربان of preceding peoples consisted in the slaughtering of oxen or cows, and sheep or goats, and camels. (TA.) And it is said in another trad., الصَّلَاةُ قُرْبَانُ كُلِّ تَقِىٍّ [The divinely-appointed act of prayer is the offering to God of every pious person]; meaning, that whereby the pious seek to bring themselves near unto God. (TA.) b2: Also, (S, A, O, K,) and ↓ قَرْبَانٌ, (K,) but this latter is by some disapproved, (TA,) [A near associate; or] a particular, or special, (A, K,) associate or companion (A) or consessor; (K;) or a consessor; and a particular, or special, associate or companion; (S, ISd, O;) [or a familiar, or favourite;] of a king, (S, ISd, A, O, K,) or of a governor, or prince; (S, O;) [or of any person who is either a superior or an equal;] so called because of his nearness: (TA:) pl. قَرَابِينُ: (S, A, O, K:) and one says also, فُلَانٌ مِنْ قُرْبَانِ الأَمِيرِ [Such a one is of the near associates, &c., of the governor, or prince]; (S, O;) [for] قُرْبَانٌ is [said to be originally] an inf. n., and [therefore, as an epithet,] the same as sing. and dual and pl.: (so in a marginal note in one of my copies of the S:) or, in a phrase of this kind, it is a pl. of ↓ قَرِيبٌ. (A in art. بعد.) قَرَابٌ: see قُرْبٌ, former half.

قُرَابٌ: see قَرِيبٌ, last quarter, in two places: b2: and قُرْبٌ, near the middle: b3: and قِرَابٌ, former half: b4: and قُرَابَةٌ.

قِرَابٌ [an inf. n. of 3. And hence قِرَابَ as an adv. n. of time]. You say, أَتَيْتُهُ قِرَابَ العِشَآءِ I came to him near nightfall: and قِرَابَ اللَّيْلِ near night. (Lth, TA.) And 'Oweyf El-Kawáfee says, describing she-camels, (so in the TA and in one of my copies of the S,) or 'Oweyf El-Fezáree, (so in the O,) هُوَ ابْنُ مُنَضِّجَاتٍ كُنَّ قِدْمًا يَزِدْنَ عَلَى العَدِيدِ قِرَابَ شَهْرٍ (O, TA) i. e. He is the off spring of [one of the] she-camels that went beyond the usual time of bringing forth, that used formely to exceed the computed [time] near a month: J give a different reading of this verse, يَرِدْنَ عَلَى الغَدِيِر; but the correct reading is that given above. (IB, TA.) b2: See also قُرْبٌ, near the middle. b3: قِرَابُ الشَّىْءِ and ↓ قُرَابُهُ and ↓ قُرَابَتُهُ signify What is nearly the equal in quantity, or amount, or nearly the equivalent, of the thing. (K.) One says, مَعَهُ أَلْفُ دِرْهَمٍ أَوْ قِرَابُهُ He has with him a thousand dirhems, or nearly the equal thereof: and مَعَهُ مِلْءُ قَدَحٍ مَآءً أَوْ قِرَابُهُ He has with him a cupful of water, or nearly the equal thereof. (Lth, TA.) And a poet says, (S,) namely, El-'Ambar, (so in the O and TA,) or Es-Sinnabr, (so in the Mz, 49th نوع,) Ibn-'Amr, Ibn-Temeem, (O, TA, *) إِلَّا تَجِئْ مَلْأَى يَجِئْ قِرَابُهَا [If a full bucket (دَلْوٌ being understood, as is indicated in the S and O and TA,) come not, what will be nearly the equal thereof will come]. (S, O, TA.) One says also, لَوْ أَنَّ لِى قِرَابَ هٰذَا ذَهَبًا i. e. [If there belonged to me] the quantity nearly sufficient for the filling of this [of gold]: and لَوْ جَآءَ بِقِرَابِ الأَرْضِ i. e. [If he brought] that which would be nearly the equal in quantity of the earth. (Msb.) And الرُّكْبَتَيْنِ ↓ المَآءُ قُرَابَةُ [The water is such as is nearly the equal in height of the two knees]. (A.) [See also قَرَبَةٌ.]

A2: Also The غِمْد [i. e. scabbard, or sheath,] of a sword, (K, TA,) or of a knife: (TA:) or the جَفْن [i. e. case, or receptacle,] of the غِمْد; (K, TA;) the جَفْن, which is a case, or receptacle, wherein is the sword together with its scabbard (بِغِمْدِهِ) and its suspensory belt or cord: (S, O, TA:) it is like a جِرَاب of leather, into which the rider, or rider upon a camel, puts his sword with its جَفْن [here meaning scabbard], and his whip, and his staff, or stick, and his utensils: (Az, TA:) or like the جِرَاب, into which one puts his sword with its scabbard (بِغِمْدِهِ), and his whip, and sometimes his travelling-provisions of dates &c.: (IAth, TA:) the pl. of the قِرَاب of the sword is قُرُبٌ [a pl. of mult.] (Msb, TA) and أَقْرِبَةٌ [a pl. of pauc.], like خُمُرٌ and أَخْمِرَةٌ pls. of خِمَارٌ. (Msb.) See also قُرْبٌ, latter half.

قَرِيبٌ Near in respect of place: (S, O, Msb, K, * &c.:) in this sense used alike as sing. and pl. (Kh, ISk, T, O, Msb, K *) and dual, (ISk, TA,) and as masc. and fem., (AA, Kh, Fr, ISk, T, S, O, Msb,) as is also بَعِيدٌ in the contr. sense: (Kh, ISk, TA:) the Arabs say هُوَ قَرِيبٌ مِنِّى, (ISk, O, * TA,) and هُمَا قَرِيبٌ مِنِّى, and هُمْ قَرِيبٌ مِنِّى, (ISk, TA,) and هِىَ قَرِيبٌ مِنِّى, &c., meaning فِى مَكَانٍ قَرِيبٍ [in a place near, to me, or little removed from me:] (ISk, O, TA:) or when you say هِنْدٌ قَرِيبٌ مِنْكَ, it is as though you said هِنْدٌ مَوْضِعُهَا قَرِيبٌ مِنْكَ [Hind, her place is near to thee:] (AA, Msb:) hence, [in the Kur vii. 54,] إِنَّ رَحْمَةَ اللّٰهِ قَرِيبٌ مِنَ المُحْسِنِينَ [Verily the mercy of God is near unto the welldoers]: (AA, ISk, O, Msb:) but it is allowable to say قَرِيبَةٌ, as also بَعِيدَةٌ: (ISk, O, Msb, TA:) or (accord. to Zj, TA) قريب is here without ة because رحمة is not really [but only conventionally] of the fem. gender: (S, O, TA:) [but this reason is not satisfactory, because it does not apply to other cases mentioned above:] and it is also said that it is without ة because it is assimilated to an epithet of the measure فَعُولٌ, which does not receive the fem. affix ة. (TA.) [Hence the phrase مِنْ قَرِيبٍ:] see قُرْبٌ, former half, in two places. And [hence also] you say, إِنَّ قَرِيبًا مِنْكَ زَيْدًا [Verily Zeyd is in a place near to thee]; like as you say, إِنَّ قُرْبَكَ زَيْدًا. (Sb, TA.) b2: [Also Near in respect of time, whether future, as in the Kur xlii. 16, &c.; or past, as in the Kur lix. 15. And hence قَرِيبًا meaning Shortly after and before. And Nearly, as when one says, أَقَمْتُ بِالمَوْضِعِ قَرِيبًا مِنْ سَنَةٍ I remained, stayed, or abode, in the place nearly a year. Hence also the phrase عَنْ قَرِيبٍ:] see قُرْبٌ, near the middle. b3: And Near as meaning related by birth or by marriage: (S, O, Msb, K:) [and generally used as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant, meaning a relation, or relative:] in this sense it receives the fem. form, by universal consent; so that you say, هٰذِهِ المَرْأَةُ قَرِيبَتِى [This woman is my relation]: (Fr, S, O, Msb: *) and likewise the dual form; so that you say, [هُمَا قَرِيبَانِ and] هُمَا قَرِيبَتَانِ [They two are relations]: (AA, Msb:) [and it has a pl., namely, أَقْرِبَآءُ;] you say, هُمْ أَقْرِبَائِى and أَقَارِبِى (S, A, O, K) [and أَقْرَبِىَّ, this last originally أَقْرَبُوىَ; the first signifying They are my relations; and the second and third, properly, being pls. of ↓ أَقْرَبُ, They are my nearer, or nearest, or very near, relations; though in the T the second is said to be pl. of قَرِيبٌ; and in most of the copies of the K, but not in all, (for in some the first of these three words is omitted, as it is also in the TA,) it is implied that أَقْرِبَآءُ and أَقَارِبُ and أَقْرَبُونَ (which are mentioned in the Msb without any distinction of meaning) are all to be understood in the latter sense]: and قُرْبٌ [also] is a pl. of قَرِيبٌ [app. in the sense here assigned to it], like as غُرْبٌ is of غَرِيبٌ; (TA in art. زلف;) and قَرْبَى is allowable as a pl. of فَرِيبٌ: (T, TA:) the pl. of قَرِيبَةٌ is قَرَائِبُ. (T, Msb, TA.) And like as you say, هُوَ قَرِيبِى

[meaning He is my relation], as too you say, ↓ هُوَ ذُو قَرَابَتِى (S, O, K) and مِنِّى ↓ ذُو قَرَابَةٍ and منّى ↓ ذُو مَقْرُبَةٍ and مِنِّى ↓ ذُو قُرْبَى; (TA;) but not ↓ هُوَ قَرَابَتِى; (K;) [for only] the vulgar say this; as also هُمْ قَرَابَاتِى: (S, O:) or, accord. to Z, ↓ هُوَ قَرَابَتِى is allowable, being accounted for as a phrase in which the prefixed n. [ذُو] is suppressed; and it has moreover been asserted to be correct and chaste in verse and prose: ↓ قَرَابَةٌ also occurs in the trads. in the sense of أَقَارِبُ: it is said in the Nh to be an inf. n. used as an epithet, agreeably with general analogy: and in the Tes-heel it is said to be a quasi-pl. n. of قَرِيبٌ, like as صَحَابَةٌ is of صَاحِبٌ: (MF, TA:) [accord. to Mtr,] ↓ قَرَابَةٌ is correctly applicable to one and to a pl. number, as being originally an inf. n.; so that one says, هُو قَرَابَتِى and هُمْ قَرَابَتِى; though the chaste phrase is ذُو قَرَابَتِى applied to one; and ذَوَا قَرَابَتِى, to two; and ذَوُو قَرَابَتِى, to a pl. number. (Mgh.) b4: And [it is also applied to relationship:] one says, بَيْنَنَا نَسَبٌ قَرِيبٌ and ↓ قُرَابٌ [Between us is a near relationship]. (A.) b5: It signifies also Near, or allied, by affection and friendship. (TA voce تَنَسَّبَ.) [You say, فُلَانٌ قَرِيبٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ meaning Such a one is near, &c., or friendly and affectionate, to people, or mankind.] See also قُرْبَانٌ, last sentence. b6: And one says, مَا هُوَ بِعَالِمٍ

عَالِمٍ ↓ وَلَا قُرَابِ and عَالِمٍ ↓ قُرَابَةِ meaning قَرِيبِ عَالِمٍ

[i. e. He is not learned nor near learned]. (TA.) And مِنْ ذٰلِكَ ↓ مَا هُوَ بِشَبِيهِكَ وَلَا بِقُرَابَةٍ meaning وَلَا بِقَرِيبٍ مِنْ ذٰلِكَ [i. e. He is not the like of thee nor near that]; (S, O;) or مِنْكَ ↓ وَلَا بِقُرَابَةٍ

meaning بقَرِيبٍ [i. e., nor near the like of thee]. (K.) b7: فُلَانٌ قَرِيبُ الثَّرَى; and قَرِيبُ الثَّرَى بَعِيدُ النَّبَطِ: see in arts. ثرى and نبط.

A2: Also, (O, K, TA,) but in some of the lexicons written قِرِّيبٌ, (TA,) Salted fish, while yet in its recent, moist, state. (O, K, TA.) قَرَابَةٌ, (S, O, K,) which is originally an inf. n., (S,) [i. e., of قَرُبَ, as is also, app., every one of its syns. here following,] and ↓ قُرْبَى and ↓ قُرْبَةٌ and ↓ قُرُبَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ قُرْبٌ (S, O) and ↓ مَقْرُبَةٌ and ↓ مَقْرَبَةٌ (S, O, K) ↓ مَقْرِبَةٌ, (K,) all of them, (S, O, K,) or the first and ↓ قُرْبَى, (Msb,) signify Relationship, or relationship by the female side; (S, O, * Msb, K, * TA;) or the first has the former of these significations and ↓ قُرْبَى has the latter of them: (T, TA:) [in the S, القَرَابَةُ is expl. signifying القُرْبَى فِى الرَّحِمِ; and in the Mgh and Msb, it and ↓ القُرْبَى are expl. as being فِى الرَّحِمِ; but in the T, as cited in the TA, the former is expl. as being فِى النَّسَبِ, and ↓ القُرْبَى as being فِى الرَّحِمِ: see the first sentence of this art.:] you say, بَيْنِى وَبَيْنَهُ قَرَابَةٌ &c. [i. e. Between me and him is a relationship, or a relationship by the female side]. (S, O.) b2: See also قَرِيبٌ, latter half, in six places.

قُرَابَةٌ: see قُرْبٌ, first quarter: b2: and قِرَابٌ, in two places: and قَرِيبٌ, near the end, in three places. b3: قُرَابَةُ المُؤْمِنِ and ↓ قُرَابُهُ signify The believer's فِرَاسَة [i. e. insight, or intuitive perception, &c.]; (Fr, O, K;) and his opinion, which is near to knowledge and assurance: occurring in a trad., in which it is said that one is to beware thereof, because he looks with the light of God. (Fr, O, TA. [See also فِرَاسَةٌ.]) قِرَابَةٌ: see قَرَبَةٌ: A2: and see also قَرَبٌ.

جَاؤُوا قُرَابَى, (IDrd, O, K,) the latter word similar to فُرَادَى, (IDrd, O,) They came near together. (IDrd, O, K.) قُرَيْبَى [dim. of قُرْبَى]. دُونَ كُلِّ قُرَيْبَى قُرْبَى

[There is a relationship nearer than every relationship small in degree] is a prov. applied to him who asks of thee something wanted which one more nearly related to thee than he has asked of thee. (Meyd. [See another prov., app. similar in meaning and application, voce دَنِىٌّ, in art. دنو.]) قَرَّابٌ A maker of [what are called] قرب [app. قُرُب, pl. of قِرَابٌ; or perhaps قِرَب, pl. of قِرْبَةٌ]. (TA.) قَرْنَبٌ: &c.: see art. قرنب.

قَارِبٌ [part. n. of قَرَبَ said of a man journeying to water: and accord. to As and A'Obeyd, part. n. of أَقْرَبَ used in a similar sense; as such anomalous]. One seeking, or seeking to attain, [or journeying to,] water: so says Az, without specifying any time: (TA:) or, accord. to Kh, (S, O, TA,) one doing so by night; (S, O, K, TA;) not applied to one doing so by day. (S, O, TA.) And its pl. قَوَارِبُونَ signifies Persons whose camels are performing a journey such as is termed قَرَبٌ: (As, S, O:) see 4, latter half. The epithet applied to camels in this case is قَوَارِبُ; (S, O;) [of which see another explanation voce طَلَقٌ;] and this epithet is also used in relation to birds. (IAar, TA.) مَا لِى

قَارِبٌ وَلَا هَارِبٌ occurs in a trad., meaning I have not any that goes to water nor any that returns from it. (L, TA. [See also هَارِبٌ.]) and حِمَارٌ قَارِبٌ means An ass hastening on in the night of arriving at the water. (Lth, TA.) A2: Also A small سَفِينَة; (A, K;) i. e. (A,) [a skiff;] a ship's boat, used by the seamen as a convenient means af accomplishing their needful affairs; (S, A, O;) also called سُنْبُوكٌ [or سُنْبُوقٌ]: (A:) pl. قَوَارِبُ: and أَقْرُبٌ occurs in a trad., and is said to be also a pl. of قَارِبٌ; but IAth says that this is not known as a pl. قارب, unless as anomalous; and it is said that أَفْرُبُ السَّفِينَةِ means the nearest parts of the ship; i. e., the parts near [or next] to the land. (TA.) قَوْرَبٌ Water over which, or against which, one has not power, or with which one cannot cope, by reason of its copiousness. (O, K.) أَقْرَبُ Nearer, and nearest, in respect of place, and in respect of time, &c.]: see قَرِيبٌ, in the middle of the paragraph.

ظَهَرَتْ تَقَرُّبَاتُ المَآءِ (tropical:) The foretokens of water appeared; i. e. small pebbles, from seeing which the well-digger, when he has nearly reached a spring, infers that water is near. (A, TA.) مَقْرَبٌ (A, O, K) and ↓ مَقْرَبَةٌ (O, K) (tropical:) A near, or the nearest, road or way: (A, O, K, TA:) or a small road or way, leading into a great one; said to be from القَرَبُ signifying “ the journeying by night,” or “ the journeying [by night] to water: ” (TA:) or, the former, a conspicuous road or way; so says IAar: (TA voce مَطْرَبٌ:) and the latter, accord. to AA, a place of alighting or sojourning or abiding; from القَرَبُ signifying “ the ” journeying [by night &c.]: the pl. is مَقَارِبُ. (TA.) مُقْرَبٌ A horse that is brought [or kept] near [to the tent, or dwelling], and treated generously, and not left to seek for pasture: fem. with ة:] or this is done only with mares, lest a stallion of low race should cover them: (IDrd, S, O, K:) or خَيْلٌ مُقْرَبَةٌ signifies horses that are [kept] near at hand, and prepared [for riding]: (El-Ahmar, TA:) or horses that have been prepared by scant food (ضُمِّرَتْ) for riding: (Sh, TA:) or horses of generous race, that are not confined in the pasturage, but are confined near to the tents, or dwellings, prepared for running. (R, TA.) and إِبِلٌ مُقْرَبَةٌ Camels girded for riding: (Sh, O, K:) or camels upon which are saddles (رِحَال) cased with leather, whereon kings ride: but this explanation has been disallowed. (Aboo-Sa'eed [i. e. As], TA.) [See also مُكْرَبَاتٌ.]

مُقْرِبٌ A woman, and a mare, and a ewe or goat, (S, O,) and an ass, (Lth, TA,) near to bringing forth: (S, O, K, TA:) [said to be] not used in relation to a camel; (S, O, TA;) the epithet used in this case being مُدْنٍ: (TA:) [but see the verb:] the pl. is مَقَارِيبُ; (S, O, K, TA;) as though they had imagined the sing. to be مِقْرَابٌ. (TA.) مَقْرَبَةٌ: see قَرَابَةٌ: A2: and see also مَقْرَبٌ.

مَقْرُبَةٌ: see قَرَابَةٌ; and see also قَرِيبٌ, latter half.

مَقْرِبَةٌ: see قَرَابَةٌ.

المُقَرَّبُونَ: see الكَرُوبِيُّونَ.

A2: See also what here follows, in two places.

شَأْوٌ مُقَرِّبٌ and ↓ مُقَرَّبٌ, and هَلْ مِنْ مُقَرِّبَةِ خَبَرٍ and خَبَرٍ ↓ مُقَرَّبَةِ, occur thus written, probably by mistake, the ق being thus put in the place of غ: see [مُغَرِّبٌ in] art. غرب. (TA.) مُقَارَبٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

شَىْءٌ مُقَارِبٌ, with kesr to the ر (tropical:) A thing of a middling sort, between the good and the bad: (S, O, K: *) and also a cheap thing: (S, O:) and ثَوْبٌ مُقَارِبٌ a garment that is not good: (Msb:) you should not say ↓ مُقَارَبٌ, (ISk, S, O, Msb,) with fet-h: (ISk, Msb:) you say also رَجُلٌ مُقَارِبٌ [a man of a middling sort]: and مَتَاعٌ مُقَارِبٌ [a commodity, or commodities, &c., of a middling sort, or cheap]: (TA:) or you say دِينٌ مُقَارِبٌ with kesr, [meaning a religion of a middling sort], and ↓ مَتَاعٌ مُقَارَبٌ with fet-h, (K, TA,) meaning [a commodity, &c.,] not precious. (TA.) مُتَقَارِبٌ A short man: because his extremities are near together. (O.) b2: And المُتَقَارِبُ is the name of The fifteenth metre of verse; (O;) the metre composed of فَعُولُنٌ eight times; (O, K; *) and [one species of] فَعُولُنْ فَعُولُنْ فَعَلٌ twice: (K:) so called because its أَوْتَاد are near together; there being between every two of them one سَبَب. (O, K. *)



1 وَصُفَ He attained to the proper age for service. (K.) See an ex. in the K, voce مُخَلَّدُونَ.4 أَوْصَفَ and ↓ اِسْتَوْصَفَ He (a boy) became of full stature, and fit for service. (Mgh.) 8 اِتَّصَفَ بِالعِلْمِ [He was, or became, characterized, or he characterized himself, by knowledge, or science]. (Msb in art. أَهْلٌ.) 10 إِسْتَوْصَفَ see 4.

صِفَةٌ A quality; an attribute; a property; or a description, as meaning the aggregate of the qualities or attributes or properties of a thing; or the state, condition, or case, of a thing. So explained voce صِنْفٌ, and voce صُورَةٌ. See its syn. حَالٌ. b2: صِفَةٌ in grammar, The same as نَعْتٌ, An epithet. (K.) b3: A word denoting an attribute (مَعْنًى) and a substance (ذَات). Under this term are comprised the اسم فاعل, the اسم مفعول, the صفة مشبّهة, and the افعل التفضيل. (I'Ak, sect. الصفة المشبّهة باسم الفاعل.) b4: صِقَةٌ مُشَبَّهَةٌ [A simple epithet]; an epithet resembling an اسم فاعل. b5: صِفَةٌ غَالِبَةٌ An epithet in which the substantive character predominates. b6: صِفَةٌ, as a general term for an attributive word, is also applied by Lth and other old writers to An adverbial n. of place or time, and to a preposition. It is so applied in the L and TA, art. عنل, &c. It was applied to the former by Fr, (T, voce ظَرْفٌ,) and to the latter also. (L, TA, ubi supra.) بَيْعُ المُوَاصَفَةِ

: see 3 in art. روض.



1 طَرَفَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. طَرْفٌ, He looked from the outer angle of the eye: or [he twinkled with his eye, i. e.] he put the edge of his eyelid in motion, or in a state of commotion, and looked: (M, TA:) or الطَّرْفُ signifies the putting the eyelids in motion, or in a state of commotion, in looking: (Mgh, * TA:) one says, شَخَصَ بَصَرُهُ فَمَا يَطْرِفُ [His eye, or eyes, has, or have, become fixedly open, or raised, and he does not put his eyelids in motion, or does not twinkle with his eye, or eyes, in looking]: (TA:) [or] one says, طَرَفَ البَصَرُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, meaning the eye, or eyes, [twinkled, or] became in a state of commotion: (Msb:) [or] طَرَفَ بَصَرَهُ, (O, K, TA, and so in a copy of the S,) or بَصَرُهُ, (so in one of my copies of the S,) aor. and inf. n. as above, [he winked, i. e.] he closed one of his eyelids upon the other: (S, O, K: [see also 4:]) or طَرَفَ بِعَيْنِهِ [in the CK بعَيْنَيْهِ] he put his eyelids in motion, or in a state of commotion: (K, TA:) and طُرِفَتْ عَيْنُهُ, aor. ـْ inf. n. as above, his eyelids were put in motion or in a state of commotion, by looking. (As, TA.) [Another meaning of طَرَفَ بَصَرَهُ, and another of طُرِفَتْ said of the eye, will be found below.] عَيْنٌ تَطْرِفُ, signifying An eye that [twinkles, or] puts the eyelid in motion, or in a state of commotion, with looking, is used for ذُو عَيْنٍ تَطْرِفُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) a living being. (Mgh.) مَا بَقِيَتْ مِنْهُمْ عَيْنٌ تَطْرِفُ [There remained not of them one having an eye twinkling] means (tropical:) they died, (O, K, TA,) or (O, in the K erroneously “ and,” TA) they were slain. (O, K, TA.) b2: [Also He looked: for]

الطَّرْفُ is used as meaning the act of looking (Er-Rághib, Msb, TA) because the putting in motion of the eyelid constantly attends that act: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and طَرَفْتُهُ, inf. n. as above, signifies I saw, or I looked at or towards, him, or it; syn. أَبْصَرْتُهُ. (Ham p. 111.) It is said in the Kur [xiv. 44] لَا يَرْتَدُّ إِلَيْهِمْ طَرْفُهُمْ [Their look shall not revert to them; i. e., shall not be withdrawn by them from that upon which they shall look]. (S, O.) And in the same [xxvii. 40], أَنَا آتِيكَ بِهِ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَرْتَدٌ إِلَيْكَ طَرْفُكَ, [meaning, in like manner, I will bring it to thee before thy look at a thing shall revert to thee, or be withdrawn by thee therefrom: or,] accord. to Fr, meaning before a thing shall be brought to thee from the extent of thy vision: or, as some say, in the space in which thou shalt open thine eye and then close it: or in the space in which one shall reach the extent of thy vision. (O.) and one says, نَظَرَ فُلَانٌ بِطَرْفٍ خَفِىٍّ [Such a one looked with a furtive glance], meaning, contracted his eyelids over the main portion of his eye and looked with the rest of it, by reason of shyness or fear. (Har p. 565.) And تَطْرِفُ الرِّجَالَ [app. meaning She looks at the men] is said of a woman who does not keep constantly to one. (TA. [See مَطْرُوفَةٌ.]) And تَطْرِفُ الرِّيَاضَ رَوْضَةً بَعْدَ رَوْضَةٍ

[app. meaning She looks at the meadows, meadow after meadow, to pasture upon them in succession,] is said of a she-camel such as is termed طَرِفَةٌ [q. v.]. (As, TA.) b3: طَرَفْتُ عَيْنَهُ, (S, O, Msb, in the K طَرَفَ عَيْنَهُ,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb, TA,) I (S, O, Msb) hit, struck, smote, or hurt, his eye with a thing, (S, O, Msb, K, [in the CK شَىْءٌ is put for بِشَىْءٍ,]) such as a garment or some other thing, (TA,) so that it shed tears: and one says of the eye, طُرِفَتْ. (S, O, K. [See another explanation of the latter in the first sentence.]) Ziyád, in reciting a خُطْبَة, said, قَدْ طَرَفَتْ أَعْيُنَكُمُ الدُّنْيَا وَسَدَّتْ مَسَامِعَكُمُ الشَّهَوَاتُ [The good of the present world hath smitten your eyes, and appetences have stopped your ears]. (O.) And one says طَرَفَهُ and ↓ طرّفهُ meaning He, or it, struck, smote, or hurt, his eye. (TA.) And طَرَفَهَا الحُزْنُ وَالبُكَآءُ Grief and weeping hurt it (the eye), so that it shed tears. (TA.) And طَرَفَهَا حُبُّ الرِّجَالِ The love of the men smote her eye, so that she raised her eyes and looked at every one that looked at her; as though a طَرْفَة [or red spot of blood], or a stick or the like, hurt her eye. (Az, TA.) b4: الطَّرْفُ signifies also The slapping with the hand (K, TA) upon the extremity of the eye. (TA.) b5: Then it became applied to signify The striking upon the head. (TA.) b6: طَرَفَهُ عَنْهُ signifies He turned him, or it, away, or back, from him, or it. (S, O, K.) Hence the saying of a poet, (S, O, TA,) 'Amr Ibn-Abee-Rabee'ah, (TA,) or a young woman of the Ansár, (O,) إِنَّكَ وَاللّٰهِ لَذُو مَلَّةٍ

يَطْرِفُكَ الأَدْنَى عَنِ الأَبْعَدِ so in the S; but the right reading is عَنِ الأَقْدَمِ, for the next verse ends with تَصْرِمِى: (IB, TA:) [i. e. Verily thou, by Alláh, art one having a weariness: the nearer turns thee away, or back, from the older:] meaning, he turns away, or back, thy sight from the latter: i. e. thou takest the new (الجَدِيدَ ↓ تَسْتَطْرِفُ), and forgettest the old. (S, TA.) You say, طَرَفْتُ البَصَرَ عَنْهُ (S * Msb) I turned away, or back, the sight from him, or it. (Msb.) And اِطْرِفٌ بَصَرَكَ Turn away, or back, thy sight from that upon which it has fallen and to which it has been extended. (TA.) b7: And طَرَفَهُ عَنَّا شُغْلٌ Business, or occupation, withheld him from us. (TA.) b8: And طَرَفَهُ He drove him away. (Sh, TA.) A2: طَرِفَتْ, (S, O, K,) [aor. ـَ inf. n. طَرَفٌ; (TA;) and ↓ تطرّفت; She (a camel) depastured the sides, or lateral parts, (أَطْرَاف,) of the pasturage, not mixing with the other she-camels, (S, O, K,) tasting, and not keeping constantly to one pasturage. (Har p. 569.) A3: طَرُفَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. طَرَافَةٌ, (O, TA,) It (property) was recently, or newly, acquired: (S, O, K: *) or it (a thing) was good [and recent or new or fresh]. (Msb.) b2: And the same verb, (S, K,) inf. n. as above, (S, TA,) He was such as is termed طَرِيفٌ [and طَرِفٌ q. v.] as meaning the contr. of قُعْدُد. (S, K.) 2 طرّفهُ [from the subst. الطَّرْفُ meaning “ the eye ”]: see 1, latter half.

A2: طرّف [from الطَّرَفُ], (S, O, K,) inf. n. تَطْرِيفٌ, (K,) He (a man, S, O) fought around the army; because he charges upon, or assaults, those who form the side, or flank, or extreme portion, of it, (S, O, K,) and drives them back upon the main body: (S, O:) or, as in the M, he fought the most remote thereof, and those that formed the side, or flank, thereof. (TA.) b2: And طرّف عَلَىَّ الإِبِلَ He drove, or sent, back to me those that formed the sides, or extreme portions, of the camels. (O, K.) and طرّف الخَيْلَ He drove back the foremost of the horsemen (O, K, TA) to, or upon, the hindmost of them. (TA.) Accord. to El-Mufaddal, تَطْرِيفٌ, signifies a man's repelling another man from the hindmost of his companions: (O, TA: *) one says, طَرِّفْ عَنَّا هٰذَا الفَارِسَ [Repel thou from our rear this horseman]. (O, TA.) b3: For another signification [from الطَّرَفُ] see 4. b4: [Hence also,] طرّفت بَنَانَهَا She (a woman) tinged, or dyed, the ends (أَطْرَاف, O, Msb, TA) of her fingers with حِنَّآء. (O, Msb, K, * TA.) b5: And تَطْرِيفْ الأُذُنِ The making the ear of a horse to be pointed, tapering, or slender at the extremity. (TA.) [Hence,] Khálid Ibn-Safwán said, خَيْرُ الكَلَامِ مَا طُرِّفَتْ مَعَانِيهِ وَشُرِّفَتْ مَبَانِيهِ (assumed tropical:) [The best of language is that of which the meanings are pointed, and of which the constructions are crowned with embellishments as though they were adorned with شُرَف, pl. of شُرْفَةٌ, q. v.]. (TA: there mentioned immediately after what here next precedes it.) b6: And طرّف الشَّىْءَ [from طَرَفٌ signifying

“ anything chosen or choice ”] means He chose, or made choice of, the thing; as also ↓ تطرّفهُ. (TA. [See also 10.]) b7: طرّف said of a camel means He lost his tooth [or teeth] (O, K, TA) by reason of extreme age. (TA.) 4 اطرف He (a man, K) closed his eyelids. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K. [See also 1, first sentence.]) A2: اطرف الثَّوْبَ, inf. n. إِطْرَافٌ, He made two ornamental or coloured or figured borders (عَلَمَيْنِ) in the ends, or sides, of the garment (فِى طَرَفَيْهِ); as also ↓ طرّفهُ, inf. n. تَطْرِيفٌ. (Msb: and in like manner the pass. of the former verb is expl. in the S and O, as said of a رِدَآء of خَزّ.) A3: اطرف فُلَانًا He gave to such a one what he had not given to any one before him: (L, K, * TA:) or he gave him a thing of which he did not possess the like, and which pleased him: (TA:) [and he gave him property newly, or recently, acquired.] You say, أَطْرَفَهُ كَذَا and بِكَذَا, meaning أَتْحَفَهُ [He gave him such a thing as a تُحْفَة, i. e. طُرْفَة, q. v.]. (Har p. 54.) b2: [Hence,] اطرف فُلَانٌ signifies جَآءَ بِطُرْفَةٍ, (S, and Har p. 54,) as meaning Such a one brought something newly found, or gained, or acquired: (Har p. 54:) and as meaning he brought a thing that was strange, or extraordinary, and approved, or deemed good: (Id. p. 615:) and as meaning he brought new information or tidings. (Id. p. 32.) And one says, اطرفهُ خَبَرًا [and بِخَبَرٍ (see Har p. 529)] meaning He told him new information or tidings. (Az, TA.) b3: أَطْرَفَ بِهِ مَنْ حَوَالَيْهِ [a phrase used by El-Hareeree] means They who were around him became possessors, thereby, of a new and strange piece of information, (صَارُوا بِسَبَبِهِ ذَوِى طُرْفَةٍ,) and said, مَا أَطْرَفَهُ [How novel and strange is it!], by reason of their wonder at it; so that the verb is intrans., and من is its agent: or it may mean he made to wonder by reason of it those who were around him. (Har p. 474.) A4: الإِطْرَافُ signifies also كَثْرَةُ الآبَآءِ [i. e., app., The being numerous, as said of ancestors, meaning ancestors of note]. (TA.) A5: اطرف البَلَدُ, (S, O, K, TA,) and اطرفت الأَرْضُ, (TA,) The country, and the land, abounded with [the kinds of pasture called]

طَرِيفَة [q. v.]. (S, O, K, TA.) 5 تطرّف [as quasi-pass. of 2 signifies It became pointed, tapering, or slender at the extremity: see ذُبَابُ السَّيْفِ in art. ذب]. b2: [And] i. q. صَارَ طَرَفًا [It became an extremity, or a side; or at, or in, an extremity or a side]. (TA.) b3: كَانَ لَا يَتَطَرَّفُ مِنَ البَوْلِ, in a trad. respecting the punishment of the grave, means He used. not to go far aside from urine. (L, TA. *) b4: تطرّفت said of a she-camel: see 1, near the end. b5: Said of the sun, It became near to setting. (TA.) b6: تطرّف عَلَى القَوْمِ He made a sudden, or an unexpected, attack upon the territory, or dwellings, of the people. (TA.) A2: تطرّف الشَّىْءَ He took from the side of the thing: [and] he took the side of it. (MA.) b2: See also 2, last signification but one.8 اِطَّرَفْتُ الشَّىْءَ, of the measure اِفْتَعَلْتُ, I purchased the thing new. (S, O, K. [See also 10.]10 استطرفهُ He counted, accounted, reckoned, or esteemed, it new; (PS;) or طَرِيف [as meaning newly, or recently, acquired]. (S, O, K.) One says of good discourse, يَسْتَطْرِفُهُ مَنْ سَمِعَهُ [He who has heard it esteems it new]. (K.) b2: and استطرف الشَّىْءَ He found, gained, or acquired, the thing newly. (S, O, K. [See also 8.]) b3: Yousay of a woman who does not keep constantly to a husband, تَسْتَطْرِفُ الرِّجَالَ (assumed tropical:) [She takes, or chooses, new ones of the men]: she who does thus being likened to the she-camel termed طَرِفَةٌ, that depastures the extremities, or sides, of the pasturage, and tastes, and does not keep constantly to one pasturage. (Har p. 569.) See also 1, last quarter. b4: And one says of camels, استطرنت المَرْتَعَ They chose, or selected, the pasturage: or they took the first thereof. (TA. [See also 2, last signification but one.]) طَرْفٌ The eye; a word having no pl. in this sense because it is originally an inf. n., (S, O, K,) therefore it may denote a sing. and may also denote a pl. number [i. e. may signify also eyes]: (S, O, Msb:) or, (K,) as Ibn-'Abbád says, (O,) it is a coll. n. signifying the بَصَر [which has the sing. and the pl. meanings mentioned above, as well as the meaning of the sense of sight], and is not dualized nor pluralized: or, as some say, it has for pl. أَطْرَافٌ: (O, K:) but this is refuted by the occurrence of طَرْف in a pl. sense in the Kur xxxvii. 47 and xxxviii. 52 and lv. 56: (O:) and though الأَطْرَاف is said to occur as its pl. in a trad. of Umm-Selemeh, this is a mistake for الإِطْرَاق: (Z, O:) it is said, however, that its being originally an inf. n. is not a reason for its not being allowable to pluralize it when it has become a subst., and especially when it is not meant to convey the signification of an epithet: (MF:) [but it may be regarded as an epithet; meaning seer, and, being originally an inf. n., seers also; and this is the more probable because]

↓ الطَّوَارِفُ [is an epithet used as a subst., and thus] signifies the eyes, (S, O, K,) as in the saying هُوَ بِمَكَانٍ لَا تَرَاهُ الطَّوَارِفُ [He is in a place in which the eyes will not see him]; (S, * O, * TA;) pl. of ↓ طَارِفَةٌ. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] الطَّرْفُ is the name of (assumed tropical:) Two stars, which precede الجَبْهَةُ, (S, O, K,) so called because (K) they are [regarded as] the two eyes of Leo; one of the Mansions of the Moon: (S, O, K:) [often called الطَّرْفَةُ, q. v.:] the طَرْف of Leo, consisting of two small stars in front of الجَبْهَة, like the فَرْقَدَانِ, but inferior to them in light, and having somewhat of obliquity; the Ninth Mansion of the Moon: (Kzw in his descr. of that Mansion:) or the star [app. lambda] in the face of Leo, together with that which is outside [app. alpha] on the figure of Cancer: (Kzw in his descr. of Leo:) or the bright star [alpha] on the hinder, southern, leg, or foot, [i. e. claw,] of Cancer. (Kzw in his descr. of Cancer.) [See مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل.] b3: And طَرْفُ العَيْنِ signifies The eyelid. (TA.) A2: Also طَرْفٌ, A man generous, or noble, (K, TA, [see also طِرْفٌ,]) in respect of ancestry, up to the greatest [i. e. most remote] forefather. (TA.) A3: See also طَرَفٌ, first sentence.

طُرْفٌ: see طَرِيفٌ, with which it is syn., and of which it is also a pl. طِرْفٌ A generous horse: (As, S, O, K:) or, accord. to Er-Rághib, one that is looked at (يُطْرَفُ) because of his beauty; so that it is originally مَطْرُوفٌ, i. e. مَنْظُورٌ; like نِقْضٌ in the sense of مَنْقُوضٌ: (TA:) pl. طُرُوفٌ (As, S, O, K) and أَطْرَافٌ: (O, K:) accord. to Az, an epithet applied peculiarly to the males: (S, O, K: *) or generous in respect of the sires and the dams: (Lth, O, K:) or recently acquired; not of his owner's breeding; fem. with ة, (O, K,) occurring in a verse of El-'Ajjáj: Lth says that they sometimes apply the epithets طِرْفٌ and طِرْفَةٌ as syn. with نَجِيبٌ and نَجِيبَةٌ, in a manner unusual in the language: (O:) accord. to Ks, طِرْفَةٌ is applied as an epithet to a mare: (TA:) and طِرْفٌ signifies also a horse long in the legs or the neck, having the ears pointed, tapering, or slender at the extremities. (TA in the supplement to this art.) b2: And (tropical:) Generous (S, O, TA) as an epithet applied to a young man (S, TA) or to a man; (O, TA;) as also ↓ طَرَفٌ: (O, K:) or a man generous in respect of his male and his female ancestors: (K, * TA:) pl. أَطْرَافٌ: (O, K:) when applied to other than man, its pl. [or rather one of its pls.] is طُرُوفٌ. (K.) b3: See also طَرَفٌ, latter half. b4: And رَجُلٌ طِرْفٌ فِى نَسَبِهِ, (K, TA,) with kesr, (TA,) [in the CK, erroneously, طَرْفٌ,] (assumed tropical:) A man whose nobility is recent: as though a contraction of ↓ طَرِفٌ. (K, TA.) b5: And اِمْرَأَةٌ طِرْفُ الحَدِيثِ, (K, TA,) with kesr, (TA,) [in the CK طَرْف,] A woman whose discourse is good; every one who has heard it esteeming it new (يَسْتَطْرِفُهُ). (K, * TA.) A2: And One desirous of possessing everything that he sees. (K.) b2: See also طَرِفٌ, in two places. b3: And see طَرِيفٌ.

A3: Also Anything of the produce of the earth still in the calyxes thereof. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K, *) طَرَفٌ The extremity, or end, of anything; [as of a sword, and of a spear, and of a rope, and of the tongue, &c.;] thus accord. to ISd; but in the K this meaning is assigned to ↓ طَرْفٌ: (TA: [several evidences of the correctness of the former word in this sense will be found in the present art.; and countless instances of it occur in other arts. &c.: it seems to have been generally regarded by the lexicographers as too notorious to need its being mentioned:]) and a side; a lateral, or an outward, or adjacent, part or portion; a region, district, quarter, or tract; syn. نَاحِيَةٌ: (S, O, Msb, K:) and a part, portion, piece, or bit, (syn. طَائِفَةٌ,) of a thing: (S, O, K:) it is used in relation to bodies, or material things, and to times &c.; (Er-Rághib, TA;) and is thus used in the sense of طَائِفَة of a people, in the Kur iii. 122; (Ksh;) [and may often be rendered somewhat of a thing, whether material (as land &c.) or not material (as in the T and S voce ذَرْوٌ, where it is used of a saying, and as in the S and A and K in art. هوس &c., where it is used of madness, or insanity, or diabolical possession):] the pl. is أَطْرَافٌ. (O, Msb, K.) b2: [Hence,] الأَطْرَافُ signifies The fingers: and [when relating to the fingers] has no sing. unless this is used as a prefixed noun, as in the saying أَشَارَتْ بِطَرَفِ إِصْبَعِهَا [She made a sign with the end of her finger]: but the pl. is said by Az to be used in the sense of the sing. in the following ex. cited by Fr, يُبْدِينَ أَطْرَافًا لِطَافًا عَنَيَهٌ [so that the meaning is, They show an elegant finger like a fruit of the species of tree called عَنَم]; therefore the poet says عَمَنَه [which is a n. un.: but I think that it is much more reasonable, and especially as the verb is pl., to regard the ه in this case as the ه of pausation, of which see an ex. voce حِينٌ; and accordingly to render the saying, they show elegant fingers like fruits of the عَنَم]. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Abraham, when he was a little child, جُعِلَ رِزْقُهُ فِى أَطْرَافِهِ [His sustenance was made to be in his fingers]; meaning that he used to suck his fingers and find in them that which nourished him. (TA.) b3: And [hence] أَطْرَافُ العَذَارَى (tropical:) A species of grapes, (A, K, TA,) white and slender, found at Et-Táïf: (A, TA:) or, as in the L, black and long, resembling acorns, likened to the fingers of virgins, that are dyed [with حِنَّآء], because of their length; and the bunch of which is about a cubit long. (TA.) b4: ذُو الطَّرَفَيْنِ is an appellation of A sort of serpent, (K,) a sort of black serpent, (TA,) or the [serpent called] أَسْوَد, (O,) having two stings, one in its nose and the other in its tail, with both of which, (O, K, TA,) so it is said, (O, TA,) it smites, and it suffers not him whom it smites to linger, killing at once. (O, K, TA.) b5: طَرَفَا الدَّابَّةِ sometimes means The fore part and the hinder part of the beast. (TA.) b6: and أَطْرَافُ الجَسَدِ (O) or البَدَنِ (K) means [The extremities of the body; i. e.] the arms or hands, and the legs or feet, and the head: (O, K:) or, as in the L, أَطْرَافٌ is pl. of طَرَفٌ as syn. with شَوَاةٌ [n. un. of شَوًى, q. v.]. (TA.) b7: [And the dual has various other meanings assigned to it, derived from the first of the significations mentioned in this paragraph.] It is said in a trad. (O, K) of the Prophet, (O,) كَانَ إِذَا اشْتَكَى أَحَدٌ مِنْ أَهْلِهِ لَمْ تَزَلِ البُرْمَةُ عَلَى النَّارِ حَتَّى يَأْتِىَ عَلَى أَحَدِ طَرَفَيْهِ [It was the case that when any one of his family had a complaint, the cooking-pot did not cease to be on the fire but he arrived at one of his two limits]; meaning (assumed tropical:) convalescence or death; because these are the two terminations of the case of the diseased. (O, K.) b8: And one says, لَا يَمْلِكُ طَرَفَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He will not have control over his mouth and his anus: referring to him who has drunk medicine or become intoxicated. (AO, ISk, S, O, K.) b9: And فُلَانٌ فَاسِدُ الطَّرَفِيْنِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is corrupt in respect of the tongue and the فَرْج. (TA.) b10: And لَا يَدْرِى أَىُّ طَرَفَيْهِ أَطْوَلُ, (in the CK يُدْرَى,) [He will not, or does not, know which of his two extremities is the longer,] meaning (tropical:) his ذَكَر and his tongue; (S, O, K, TA;) whence طَرَفٌ is used as signifying (assumed tropical:) the tongue: (TA:) or the meaning is, as some say, (assumed tropical:) which of his two halves is the longer; the lower or the upper: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) the lineage of his father or that of his mother (O, K, TA) in respect of generosity, or nobility: (O, TA:) i. e., which of his two parents is the more generous, or noble: so says Fr. (TA.) b11: كَرِيمُ الطَّرَفَيْنِ means (tropical:) Generous, or noble, [on both sides, i. e.] in respect of male and female ancestors. (S, O, TA.) b12: And أَطْرَافٌ means also (assumed tropical:) A man's father and mother and brothers and paternal uncles and any relations whom it is unlawful for him to marry. (Az, S, O, K.) b13: And (assumed tropical:) Noble, or exalted, men: (Th, S:) or أَطْرَافُ الأَرْضِ means (tropical:) the noble, or exalted, men, and the learned men, of the earth, or land: (O, K, TA:) one of whom is termed طَرَفٌ, or ↓ طِرْفٌ. (O, See the latter of these words.) And hence, as some explain it, the saying in the Kur [xiii. 41, like one in xxi. 45], أَوَلَمْ يَرَوْا أَنَّا نَأْتِى الْأَرْضَ نَنْقُصُهَا مِنْ أَطْرَافِهَا (assumed tropical:) [Have they not seen that we visit, or bring destruction upon, the land, curtailing it of its learned men?]; the meaning being, the death of its learned men: (O, TA:) or, as some say, [curtailing it of its inhabitants and its fruits; for they say that] the meaning is, the death of its inhabitants and the diminution of its fruits: (TA:) or it means, curtailing it of its sides, or districts, one by one: (Az, O, L:) Ibn-'Arafeh says that the meaning is, we lay open by conquest, to the Prophet, (نَفْتَحُ عَلَى النَّبِىِّ,) the country around Mekkeh. (O, TA.) [b14: أَطْرَافُ النَّاسِ also means (assumed tropical:) The lower orders of the people: but this I believe to be post-classical.] b15: طَرَفَىِ النَّهَارِ, in the Kur 11:114, means غُدْوَةً وَعَشِيَّةً [i. e. Morning and afternoon]; by the former being meant daybreak; and by the latter, noon and the عَصْر [q. v.], (Ksh, Bd,) or the عَصْر [only]. (Bd.) And أَطْرَافَ النَّهَارِ, in the Kur 20:130, means At daybreak and at sunset: (Ksh, Bd:) or at noon and at the عَصْر; so says Zj: or, accord. to IAar, in the hours (سَاعَات) of the day: Abu-l-'Abbás says that it means طَرَفَىِ النَّهَارِ. (TA.) b16: [عَلَى طَرَفٍ often occurs as meaning Beside, aside, or apart; like على جَانِبٍ, and على نَاحِيَةٍ: and in like manner the Persians say بَرْ طَرَفْ. b17: and مِنْ طَرَفِ فُلَانٍ is often used as meaning On the part of such a one; but is perhaps post-classical.] b18: And you say, لِلْأَمْرِ طَرَفَانِ [meaning (assumed tropical:) There are two ways of performing the affair, either of which may be chosen; as though it had two ends, or two sides]. (TA voce صَرْعٌ.) And جَعَلَهُ مُطْلَقَ الطَّرَفَيْنِ (assumed tropical:) [He made it allowable, or free, in respect of both the alternatives, either way one might choose to take]. (Msb in art. بوح.) b19: [And hence, perhaps,] طَرَفٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:) Anything chosen or choice: pl. أَطْرَافٌ: [whence]

أَطْرَافُ الحَدِيثِ means (assumed tropical:) Chosen, or choice, subjects of discourse; as also الحَدِيثِ ↓ طَرَائِفُ: and أَطْرَافُ الأَحَادِيثِ means [the same, or] colloquies of friends, consisting of mutual communications, and oblique expressions, and allusions: so says ISd: and this is likewise a meaning of ↓ الطِّرَافُ and السِّبَابُ, which latter [properly signifying “ mutual reviling ”] is given in the K as an explanation of the former. (TA.) b20: Also Flesh, or flesh-meat; syn. لَحْمٌ. (TA.) طَرِفٌ, in the K ↓ طِرْف, but the former is the right, (TA,) A male camel that removes from one pasturage to another; (K, TA;) not keeping constantly to one pasturage. (TA.) And طَرِفَةٌ A she-camel that does not keep constantly to one pasturage; (S, O, K;) that depastures the extremities, or sides, of the pasturage, and tastes, and does not keep constantly to one pasturage: (Har p. 569:) or, accord. to As, that looks at the meadows (تَطْرِفُ الرِّيَاضَ), meadow after meadow [app. to pasture upon them in succession]: (TA:) and ↓ مُسْتَطْرِفَةٌ, so applied, signifies the same as طَرِفَةٌ: (TA, but not as on the authority of As:) and ↓ مِطْرَافٌ, so applied, that will not feed upon a pasturage unless she choose anew, or take the first of, (حَتَّى تَسْتَطْرِفَ,) another. (As, S, O, K.) b2: And [hence (see 10)] طَرِفٌ applied to a man signifies (assumed tropical:) That does not keep constantly to a wife, or woman, nor to a companion: (S, O, K:) and ↓ طِرْف, thus accord. to the K, (TA, [in which it is said that by rule it should be طَرِفٌ, as above,]) a man who does not keep constantly to the companionship of one person, by reason of his weariness. (K.) And ↓ مُتَطَرِّفَةٌ applied to a woman (assumed tropical:) That chooses new ones of the men (تَسْتَطْرِفُ الرِّجَالَ), not keeping constantly to a husband; as being likened to the she-camel termed طَرِفَةٌ. (Har p. 569.) A2: And طَرِفٌ, applied to a she-camel, (O, K, [but in some of the copies of the latter, where it follows next after another explanation of the epithet thus applied, mentioned above, “or,”]) accord. to IAar, Whose fore part of the head has gradually shed its hair (الَّتِى تَحَاتَّ مُقَدَّمُ الرَّأْسِ فِيهَا, O) or whose fore part of her mouth has shed its teeth one after another (التى تَحَاتَّ مُقَدَّمُ فِيهَا, K) by reason of extreme age. (O, K. [See 2, last sentence.]) A3: Also, and ↓ طَريفٌ (assumed tropical:) Contr. of قُعْدُدٌ; (S, M, K, TA;) i. e., as the latter is further expl. in the S, and each in the M, having many ancestors, up to the greatest [i. e. most remote] forefather; and J adds that sometimes it is used in praise: thus also As explains النَّسَبِ ↓ طَرِيفُ: accord. to IAar, طَرِيفٌ signifies منحدر فى النَّسَبِ [app. مُنْحَدِرٌ, as though meaning of long descent]; and he says that it is with the Arabs more noble than قُعْدُدٌ: the pl. of طَرِفٌ as meaning the contr. of قُعْدُدٌ is طَرِفُونَ; and the pl. of ↓ طَرِيفٌ in the same sense is طُرُفٌ and طُرَفٌ and طُرَّافٌ, the second and third of which pls. are anomalous. (TA.) b2: [طَرِفٌ seems also to have the contr. meaning; or (assumed tropical:) One whose nobility is recent: and the like is said of قُعْدُدٌ; that it has two contr. meanings:] see طِرْفٌ.

طَرْفَةٌ [A wink, i. e.] a closing of one of the eyelids upon the other: (S, O, K:) or [a twinkling of the eye, i. e.] a putting the eyelids in motion or in a state of commotion. (K.) One says أَسْرَعُ مِنْ طَرْفَةِ عَيْنٍ [Quicker than a wink, or a twinkling of an eye]. (S, O.) And مَا يُفَارِقُنِى طَرْفَةَ عَيْنٍ [He does not separate himself from me during a wink, or a twinkling of an eye]. (TA.) b2: Also A red spot of blood, in the eye, occasioned by a blow or some other cause. (S, O, K.) b3: And A brand, or mark made with a hot iron, having to it no أَطْرَاف [or sides, or lateral portions], being only a line. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) A2: And الطَّرْفَةُ A certain star or asterism (نَجْمٌ). (K. [There thus mentioned as though different from the asterism commonly called الطَّرْفُ, which I do not believe to be the case: see the latter appellation.]) طُرْفَةٌ A hurt of the eye, occasioning its shedding tears. (K.) A2: And Newly-acquired property; (S, O, K;) anything that one has newly acquired, and that pleases him; as also ↓ أُطْرُوفَةٌ; (TA;) a thing newly acquired; (Har p. 54;) and a thing that is strange and deemed good; (Id. p.

615;) [a pleasing rarity;] a welcome, or pleasing, thing; (KL;) and a gift not given to any one before; (K, * TA;) and a gift of which the recipient did not possess the like, and which pleases him; (TA;) [generally, a novel, or rare, and pleasing, present; like تُرْفَةٌ and تُحْفَةٌ:] pl. طُرَفٌ. (Har p. 32.) [See also طَرِيفٌ and طَرِيفَةٌ.]

طَرَفَةٌ A single tree of the species called طَرْفَآء, q. v. (AHn, S, O, K.) طُرْفَى Remoteness in lineage from the [chief, or oldest,] ancestor: قُعْدَى is nearer therein. (IB, TA.) [See طَرِفٌ.]

طَرْفَآء [accord. to some طَرْفَآءٌ and accord. to others طَرْفَآءُ, as will be seen from what follows,] A kind of trees, (S, O, K,) of which there are four species, one of these being the أَثْل [q. v.]: (K:) [or it is different from the أَثْل: the name is now generally applied to the common, or French, tamarisk; tamarix gallica of Linn.: (Forskål's Flora Aegypt. Arab. p. lxiv. no. 181; and Delile's Floræ Aegypt. Illustr. no. 349:)] AHn says, it is of the kind called عِضَاه; its هَدَب [q. v.] are like those of the أَثْل; it has no wood fit for carpentry, coming forth only as even and smooth rods towards the sky; and sometimes the camels eat it as حَمْض [q. v.] when they find no other حَمْض: AA, he adds, says that it is a sort of حَمْض: (TA:) the n. un. is ↓ طَرَفَةٌ, (AHn, S, O, K,) [which is irreg.,] and طَرْفَآءَةٌ, (AHn, O, K, [in the CK, erroneously, طَرْفَاةٌ,]) [and this requires طَرْفَآء to be with tenween, as a coll. gen. n.,] or, accord. to Sb, طَرْفَآء is sing. and pl.: (S, O:) or it is a pl. [or quasi-pl. n.] of طَرَفَةٌ, like as شَجْرَآءُ is of شَجَرَةٌ: (S in art. شجر: [see شَجَرٌ:]) or it is coll. gen. n.: accord. to IJ, the ء in طَرْفَآء is a denotative of the fem. gender; but in طَرْفَآءَةٌ, the ة is a denotative of the fem. gender, and the ء is augmentative. (M, TA.) b2: Also A place of growth of the طَرَفَة. (TA.) طِرَافٌ The portion that is taken [app. meaning cut] from the extremities (أَطْرَاف) of corn, or seed-produce. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b2: تَوَارَثُوا المَجْدَ طِرَفًا means عَنْ شَرَفٍ [i. e. They inherited, one after another, glory from nobility of ancestry]. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b3: See also طَرِيفٌ. b4: and see طَرَفٌ, last sentence but one.

A2: Also A tent of skin, or leather, (S, K, TA,) without a كِفَآء

[q. v., for it is variously explained]; of the tents of the Arabs of the desert. (TA.) طَرِيفٌ: see مَطْرُوفٌ.

A2: Also, (S, O, Msb, K,) and ↓ طَارِفٌ, (S, O, K,) and ↓ طِرَافٌ, (K,) [of which last it seems to be said in the supplement to this art. in the TA, that it may be either a pl. or a syn. of طَرِيفٌ,] Property newly acquired; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ طِرْفٌ and ↓ طُرْفٌ and ↓ مُطْرِفٌ (K) and ↓ مُسْتَطْرَفٌ; (TA;) [and it is said in one place in the TA that ↓ مِطْرَفٌ and ↓ مَطْرَفٌ are dial. vars. of مُطْرِفٌ; but I think that this last word is probably a mistake for ↓ مُطْرَفٌ;] contr. of تَلِيدٌ (S, O, Msb) and تَالِدٌ (S, O) [and تِلَادٌ]: pl. of the first and third طُرْفٌ. (K.) b2: Also, the first, A thing that is good [and recent or new or fresh]: (Msb:) what is strange, (IAar, K, TA,) [or rare,] and coloured, or of various colours, (IAar, TA,) [or pleasing to the eye,] of fruits and other things, (IAar, K, TA,) مِمَّا يستطرف بِهِ [in which يستطرف is evidently a mistranscription for يُطْرَفُ, i. e., of such things as are given as طُرَف (pl. of طُرْفَة) meaning rare and pleasing gifts]. (TA, from IAar.) b3: See also طَرِفٌ, latter part, in three places.

طَرِيفَةٌ The plant called نَصِىّ when it has become white (S, O, K, TA) and dry: (TA:) or when it has attained its full perfection; (ISk, S, O, K, TA;) and the plant called صِلِّيَان in this same state: (ISk, S, O, TA:) or the first of any herbage that the cattle choose and depasture: (TA:) or the best of pasturage, except such as is termed عُشْب; including the sorts termed نَصِىّ and صِلِّيَان and عَنْكَث and هَلْتَى and سَحَم and ثَغَام. (O, TA.) b2: [As a subst. from طَرِيفٌ, rendered such by the affix ة, it signifies Anything new, recent, or fresh: and anything choice: pl. طَرَائِفُ. (See also طُرْفَةٌ.) Hence, طَرَائِفُ البَيْتِ The choice articles, such as vessels &c., of the house: see رَفٌّ. And hence also,] طَرَائِفُ الحَدِيثِ: see طَرَفٌ, last sentence but one.

طَارِفٌ: see طَرِيفٌ.

طَارِفَةٌ [a subst. from طَارِفٌ, rendered such by the affix ة]: pl. طَوَارِفٌ: see طَرْفٌ, in two places. b2: [Also, app., A thing that causes a twinkling, or winking, of the eye. Whence, app.,] one says, جَآءَ بِطَارِفَةِ عَيْنٍ, meaning (tropical:) He (a man, S, O) brought much property, or many cattle. (S, O, K, TA.) b3: The phrase مَا أَبْرَزَتْهُ طَوَارِفُ القَرَائِحِ, in which طَوَارِفُ is pl. of طَارِفَةٌ, from طَارِفٌ signifying property “ newly acquired,” means مَا

أَحْدَثَتْهُ القَرَائِحُ المُتَأَخِّرَةُ [i. e. What the modern excogitative faculties have originated]. (Har p.

63.) A2: طَوَارِفُ الخِبَآءِ means The portions of the sides of the tent that are raised for the purpose of one's looking out: (S, O, K:) or, as some say, rings attached to the skirts (رُفُوف) of the tent, having ropes by which they are tied to the tentpegs. (TA.) A3: And سِبَاعٌ طَوَارِفُ means Beasts of prey that seize, or carry off by force, the animals that are the objects of the chase. (O, K.) هُوَ أَطْرَفُهُمْ He is the most remote of them from the greatest [or earliest] ancestor. (Lh, TA.) أُطْرُوفَةٌ: see طُرْفَةٌ.

اِخْتَضَبَتْ تَطَارِيفَ She (a woman) dyed [with حنَّآء] the ends of her fingers. (O, K.) مَطْرَفٌ: see مِطْرَفٌ: b2: and see also طَرِيفٌ.

مُطْرَفٌ: see مِطْرَفٌ: and مُطْرِفٌ: and see also طَرِيفٌ.

مُطْرِفٌ [act. part. n. of 4, q. v.]. b2: أَنْشِدِ البَيْتَيْنِ المُطْرِفَيْنِ, a phrase used by El-Hareeree, means Recite thou the two verses that adduce what is strange, or extraordinary, and approved, or deemed good: or, as some relate it, ↓ المُطْرَفَيْنِ, expl. by Mtr as meaning that are ornamented at their two extremities; like the رِدَآء called مُطْرَف: or ↓ المُطَرَّفَيْنِ, meaning, if correctly related, that are beautified, and excite admiration, in the first and last foot; as being likened to the horse termed مُطَرَّفٌ, that is white in the head and the tail: and المطرّفين [i. e. المُطَرَّفَيْنِ] may mean المستطرفين [i. e. المُسْتَطْرَفَيْنِ]. (Har p. 615: in the next p. of which, an ex. is given.) b3: See also طَرِيفٌ.

مِطْرَفٌ (S, O, L, Msb, TA) and ↓ مُطْرَفٌ, (S, O, L, Msb, K, TA,) the latter, only, mentioned in the K, (TA,) and this is the original form, because it is from أَطْرِفَ, but the dammeh was deemed difficult of pronunciation, and therefore kesreh was substituted for it, (Fr, S, O, TA,) like as is the case in مِصْحَفٌ [q. v.], (Fr, TA,) and IAth mentions also ↓ مَطْرَفٌ, (TA,) A garment, (Msb,) or [such as is termed] رِدَآء, (S, O, K,) of [the kind of cloth called] خَزّ, (S, O, Msb, K,) square, or four-sided, (S, O, K,) having ornamental or coloured or figured, borders (أَعْلَام): (S, O, Msb, K:) or a garment having, in its two ends, or sides, (فِى طَرَفَيْهِ,) two such borders (عَلَمَانِ): (Fr, TA:) or a square, or four-sided, garment of خَزّ: (Msb:) pl. مَطَارِفُ. (S, O, Msb, K.) b2: مَطَارِفُ is also applied to (assumed tropical:) Clouds [as being likened to the garments thus called]. (TA in art. دكن.) b3: See also طَرِيفٌ.

مُطَرَّفٌ A horse white in the head and the tail, the rest of him being of a different colour: and in like manner black in the head and the tail. (S, O, K.) And, accord. to AO, أَبْلَقُ مُطَرَّفٌ A horse white in the head: and likewise white in the tail and the head. (TA.) And شَاةٌ مُطَرَّفَةٌ A sheep or goat black in the end of the tail, in other parts white: (S, O, K:) or white in the ends of the ears, and for the rest part black: or black in the ends of the ears, and for the rest part white. (TA.) b2: See also مُطْرِفٌ. And see سَجْعٌ. b3: In a verse of Sá'ideh the Hudhalee, as some relate it, but accord. to others it is مُطَرِّف [q. v.], (O, TA,) describing a horse, (O,) it signifies مُرَدَّدٌ فِى الكَرَمِ [app. meaning Repeatedly improved in generosity by descent from a number of generous sires and dams]. (O, TA.) b4: See also مُسْتَطُرَفٌ.

مُطَرِّفٌ A man who fights around the army: (O, K, TA: [see 2, second sentence:]) or, as some say, who fights the أَطْرَاف [app. meaning noble, or exalted, pl. of طَرَفٌ q. v., or of طِرْفٌ,] of men. (TA.) b2: In a verse of Sá'ideh the Hudhalee, (O, TA,) describing a horse, (O,) that repels those that form the side, or flank, of the horses and of the [hostile] company of men: but as some relate it, the word is مُطَرَّف [q. v.]. (O, TA.) مِطْرَافٌ: see طَرِفٌ, former half.

مَطْرُوفٌ [pass. part. n. of طَرَفَ, q. v.]. Yousay, فُلَانٌ مَطْرُوفُ العَيْنِ بِفُلَانٍ, meaning Such a one is, exclusively of others, looked at by such a one. (S, O.) b2: And عَيْنٌ مَطْرُوفَةٌ An eye of which the lids are put in motion or in a state of commotion, by looking. (As, TA.) [And] An eye, hit, struck, smitten, or hurt, with a thing, so that it sheds tears. (S, O, K.) And ↓ طَرِيفٌ applied to an eye signifies the same as مَطْرُوفَةٌ [in one of these senses, but in which of them is not said]. (TA.) b3: مَطْرُوفَةٌ applied to a woman means As though her eye were hit, struck, smitten, or hurt, with something, (O, and EM p. 83,) so that it shed tears, (O,) by reason of the languish of her look; (EM ibid;) and this is said to be its meaning in the saying of Tarafeh, إِذَا نَحْنُ قُلْنَا أَسْمِعِينَا انْبَرَتْ لَنَا عَلَى رِسْلِهَا مَطْرُوفَةً لَمْ تَشَدَّد (O, EM,) i. e. When we say, “Sing thou to us,”

she betakes herself to us in her gentle way, as though her eye were hurt by something, by reason of the languish of her look, not straining herself in her singing; but as some relate the verse, the word is مَطْرُوقَةً, meaning “ weakly: ” (EM:) or it means whose eye the love of men has smitten, so that she raises her eyes and looks at every one that looks at her; as though a طَرْفَة [or red spot of blood], or a stick or the like, hurt her eye: (Az, TA:) or having a languishing eye; as though it were turned away, or back, (طُرِفَتٌ,) from everything at which it looked: (IAar, TA:) or as though her eye were turned away, or back so that it, or she, is still: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) who looks at the men (تَطْرِفُ الرِّجَالَ); i. e. (assumed tropical:) who does not keep constantly to one; the pass. part. n. being put in the place of the act.; but Az says that this explanation is at variance with the original purport of the word: (TA:) or مَطْرُوفَةٌ بِالرِّجَال means (tropical:) a woman who raises, or stretches and raises, her eye at men, (S, O, K, TA,) and turns away her look from her husband, to others, (S, TA, *) and in whom is no good: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) who looks not at any but the men; (K;) or مَطْرُوفَةُ العَيْنِ بِالرِّجَالِ has this meaning. (AA, TA.) A2: أَرْضٌ مَطْرُوفَةٌ Land abounding with the herbage called طَرِيفَة. (S, O, K.) مُطَّرَفٌ A camel newly purchased: (S:) or purchased from another part of the country, and therefore yearning for his accustomed place. (IB, TA.) مُتَطَرِّفٌ A man who does not, or will not, keep constantly to an affair; [but I think that امر (which I have rendered “ an affair ”) in my original is evidently a mistranscription for امْرَأَة, i. e. a woman, or wife;] as also ↓ مُسْتَطْرِفٌ. (TA.) See also طَرِفٌ.

مُسْتَطْرَفٌ: see طَرِيفٌ. b2: فَعَلْتُهُ فِى مُسْتَطْرَفِ الأَيَّامِ I did it in the first, or first part, of the days; (فى مُسْتَأْنَفِهَا;) as also الايّام ↓ فى مُطَرَّفِ. (S, O, K.) مُسْتَطْرِفٌ: see مُتَطَرِّفٌ. See also طَرِفٌ.



1 زَهَقَتْ نَفْسُهُ, and زَهِقَتْ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) the latter preferred by IKoot and Hr, but the former by A'Obeyd, (TA,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K, *) inf. n. زُهُوقٌ, (S, Mgh,) which is of both verbs, (S,) or this is of the former verb, and the inf. n. of the latter is زَهَقٌ, (Msb,) [but in the K it seems to be indicated, by its being said of the latter verb that it is of the class of سَمِعَ, that the inf. n. of this verb is زَهْقٌ,] His soul went forth, passed forth, or departed: (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) it perished: it died: (TA:) نَفْسُهُ ↓ اِنْزَهَقَتْ and اِنْزِهَاقُ الرُّوحِ are not of the [classical] language of the Arabs. (Mgh.) It is said in the Kur [ix. 55 and 86] وَتَزْهَقَ أَنْفُسُهُمْ وَهُمْ كَافِرُونَ [And that their souls may depart while they are unbelievers]. (S.) The primary meaning of زُهُوقٌ is The going forth, passing forth, or departing, with difficulty. (Bd in ix. 55.) b2: [Hence,] زَهَقَ الشَّىْءُ (tropical:) The thing perished, passed away, or came to nought; (Msb, K, TA;) became null, void, or of no effect. (K, TA.) And زَهَقَ البَاطِلُ (tropical:) What was false, or vain, passed away, or came to nought, (S, Msb, K, TA,) being overcome by the truth, or reality, or fact: or, accord. to Katádeh, by الباطل is here meant the devil. (TA.) b3: And زَهَقَ السَّهْمُ (S, Msb, K, TA) and زَهِقَ (Msb) (tropical:) The arrow passed beyond the butt, (S, Msb, K, TA,) and fell behind it: (TA:) or went swiftly: (Ham p. 23:) or the former has this meaning: and the latter is syn. with زَلِقَ [app. meaning it slid along the ground]. (JK.) b4: And زَهَقَ الفَرَسُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. زُهُوقٌ, (assumed tropical:) The horse preceded, went before, got before, outwent, or outstripped. (S, * Msb.) And زَهَقَتِ الرَّاحِلَةُ, inf. n. زُهُوقٌ (ISk, S, K) and زَهْقٌ, (TA as from the K, [but not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K,]) (tropical:) The saddle-camel preceded, went before, got before, outwent, or outstripped, the horses, or horsemen; (ISk, JK, * S, K, TA;) and ↓ انزهقت signifies the same. (JK.) and زَهَقَ فُلَانٌ, inf. n. زَهْقٌ and زُهُوقٌ, (tropical:) Such a one preceded, went before, &c.; (K, TA;) or زَهَقَ بَيْنَ أَيْدِينَا (tropical:) preceded us, went before us, &c., and preceded, &c., the horses, or horsemen; (TA;) and ↓ انزهق signifies the same. (K.) A2: زَهَقَ said of a bone, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. زُهُوقٌ, Its marrow became compact and full; (S, K;) as also ↓ ازهق. (L, K.) And زَهَقَتِ الدَّابَّةُ, with the same aor. and inf. n., The beast was, or became, marrowy in the utmost degree, its marrow-bones being compacted and full. (TA.) b2: Also, said of marrow, It was, or became, compact and full. (S, K.) 2 زَهَّقَ see 2 in art. زرق: and see 4 below.3 زاهق الحَقُّ البَاطِلَ (TA [there expl. by زَهَقَه, a mistranscription, app. for ↓ أزْهَقَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) The truth, or reality, or fact, made what was false, or vain, to pass away, or come to nought.]) 4 ازهق نَفْسَهُ He (God) caused his soul to go forth, pass forth, or depart. (Mgh, Msb.) The phrase القَتْلُ إِزْهَاقٌ means (assumed tropical:) Slaughter is a cause of making the soul to come to nought, and to depart. (Mgh.) b2: [Hence,] ازهق البَاطِلَ (tropical:) He (God) caused what was false, or vain, to pass away, or come to nought. (S, K, TA.) See also 3. b3: And ازهق السَّهْمَ (S, K) مِنَ الهَدَفِ (K) (tropical:) He made the arrow to pass beyond the butt. (S, K, TA.) b4: And ازهقت الدَّابَّةُ السَّرْجَ (assumed tropical:) The beast shifted forward the saddle, and threw it upon its neck: (S, K:) and, or but, it is said to be with رَآء: [i. e. one says also, or correctly, accord. to some, أَرْهَقَتْهُ:] a rájiz says, أَخَافُ أَنْ تُزْهِقَهُ أَوْ يَنْزَرِقْ [(assumed tropical:) I fear that she may shift it forward, and throw it upon her neck, or it may shift backwards]: [thus, says J,] cited to me by Abu-lGhowth, with زَاى. (S.) [Accord. to my copy of the KL, ↓ تَزْهِيقٌ, inf. n. of زهّق, signifies (assumed tropical:) The shifting backwards of a camel's saddle from his back: see 2 in art. زرق.] b5: And ازهق فِى السَّيْرِ (assumed tropical:) He was quick [as though urging himself forward] in pace, or journeying. (K.) A2: ازهقهُ also signifies He filled it; (S, O, K;) namely, a vessel: (S, O:) but accord. to the L, he overturned it; i. e. a vessel. (TA.) A3: See also 1, near the end.7 إِنْزَهَقَ see 1, in three places. b2: One says also انزهقت الدَّابَّةُ (assumed tropical:) The beast leaped, or leaped upwards, (S,) or went forward, or preceded, (O, K,) in consequence of beating, or taking fright. (S, O, K.) And The beast fell into a deep place, or from a mountain; or fell from a mountain and died; syn. تَرَدَّتْ. (TA. [See the next paragraph.]) زَهَقٌ A low, or depressed, part of the ground. (S, O, K.) A hollow, or cavity, or deep hollow or cavity, in the ground; syn. وَهْدَةٌ: (JK, TA:) sometimes, or often, beasts fall into it, and die. (TA. [See 7.]) زَهِقٌ (tropical:) Light, and unsteady, or lightwitted; (S, K, TA;) applied to a man. (S.) A2: And A beast not exceeded in fatness. (TA.) زَهَقَى (assumed tropical:) A mare that precedes, or outgoes, the [other] horses, or the horsemen. (Sh, K.) هُمْ زُهَاقُ مِائَةٍ and زِهَاقُ مائة i. q. زُهَآءُ مِائَةٍ, (K, * TA,) i. e. They are of the number of a hundred. (TA.) زَهُوقٌ (tropical:) A thing passing away, or coming to nought; or that passes away, or comes to nought; as also ↓ زَاهِقٌ. (K, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [xvii. 83], إِنَّ البَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا, i. e. (tropical:) [Verily what is false, or vain,] is a thing that passes away, or comes to nought. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A deep well; (JK, S, K;) as also ↓ زَاهِقَةٌ; [in the TA زَاهِقٌ;] and in like manner both are applied to a place of destruction (مَتْلَفَةٌ); (JK;) and to a مَتْلَفَة [app. meaning a desert in which people perish] as meaning far-extending. (Ham p. 23.) And in like manner, (S,) the former is also applied [app. as an epithet] to a فَجّ [or road, or depressed road,] of an overpeering, or overhanging, mountain. (S, K.) b3: Also (tropical:) Light, or active; syn. خَفِيفٌ. (JK.) زَاهِقٌ Perishing, or dying. (Az, TA.) b2: See also زَهُوقٌ, in two places. b3: (tropical:) An arrow passing beyond the butt, and falling behind it: (Mgh, TA:) whence the saying, in a trad., إِنَّ حَابِيًا خَيْرٌ مِنْ زَاهِقٍ [expl. in art. حبو]. (TA.) b4: [(assumed tropical:) Preceding, or outgoing.] You say, جَآءَ زَاهِقًا (assumed tropical:) He came before, or in advance of, the horses, or horsemen. (JK.) And رَاحِلَةٌ زَاهِقَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A saddlecamel preceding, going before, getting before, outgoing, or outstripping, the horses, or horsemen. (S.) b5: (assumed tropical:) A man put to flight: (S, O, K:) pl. زُهَقٌ, (so in my copies of the S,) or زُهَّقٌ, (so in the O,) or زُهْقٌ and زُهُقٌ, with damm and with two dammehs. (K.) b6: (tropical:) Water running vehemently: (JK, K, TA:) and (assumed tropical:) a canal (خَلِيجٌ) running swiftly. (TA.) A2: Applied to a beast (دَابَّة), Fat, (JK, Az, S, K,) and marrowy: (S, K:) or marrowy, but not fat in the utmost degree: or having thin, or little, marrow: (TA:) and dry, or tough, (K, TA,) by reason of leanness; so says As: (TA:) and, (K,) or as some say, (JK,) very lean; (JK, K, TA;) Such that a foul odour is perceived arising from the meagreness of its flesh: (TA:) thus it bears two contr. meanings. (K.) b2: And, applied to marrow, Compact and full: (S, TA:) or, so applied, good in respect of fatness: and some say, i. q. رَارٌ [i. e. in a melting state, or corrupt, by reason of emaciation; or thin; &c.]: so that [thus applied also] it bears two contr. meanings. (JK.) In the saying of a rájiz, (S, TA,) namely, 'Omárah Ibn-Tárik, (TA,) وَمَسَدٍ أُمِرَّ مِنْ أَيَانِقِ لَسْنَ بِأَنْيَابٍ وَلَا حَقَائِقِ وَلَا ضِعَافٍ مُخُّهُنَّ زَاهِقُ accord. to Fr, it is in the nom. case, the poetry being what is termed مُكْفَأ, [by which is here meant having one rhyme made to end with kesreh (which is substituted for fet-hah by poetic license) and another with dammeh,] the poet meaning [And a rope, or many a rope, tightly twisted, of the fur of she-camels, that were not aged ones, nor such as had their teeth fallen out by reason of extreme age, nor weak,] but whose marrow was compact and full: [or, agreeably with an explanation given above from the JK, زاهق may mean in a melting state, &c.:] another explanation is, that زاهق here means ذَاهِب [going away]: (S, TA:) but, as Sgh says, the [right] reading is عِيسٍ عِتَاقٍ ذَاتِ مُخٍّ زَاهِقِ [meaning but of a reddish, or yellowish, or dingy, white hue, of generous race, having compact and full marrow]. (TA.) أُزْهُوقَةٌ sing. of أَزَاهِيق in the phrase فَرَسٌ ذَاتُ

أًزَاهِيقَ (tropical:) A mare having wonderful, or admirable, qualities in running: (A, TA:) or this means a mare having a swift running. (S, K.) b2: One says also, جَآءَ تِ الخَيْلُ أَزَاهِقَ and أَزَاهِيقَ, meaning (assumed tropical:) [The horses, or horsemen, came] in troops in a state of dispersion. (A'Obeyd, TA.) b3: أَزَاهِيقُ is also the name of A horse of Ziyád Ibn-Hindábeh. (K.) مُزْهَقٌ Slain. (El-Muärrij, S.) مُزْهِقٌ Slaying, or a slayer. (El-Muärrij, S.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) A man quick [as though urging himself forward] in his pace, or journeying. (S, TA.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) Loquacious. (JK.) مَزْهَقَةٌ [A cause of the departure of the soul: a word of the same class as مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ]. b2: [Hence,] one says of a camel which others strive in vain to overtake, هٰذَا الجَمَلُ مَزْهَقَةٌ لِأَرْوَاحِ المَطِىِّ (tropical:) [This camel is one that takes away the breath of the other beasts, or saddle-camels]. (A, TA.) رَجُلٌ مَزْهُوقٌ (assumed tropical:) A man who is straitened. (TA.)
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