Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 غَدِقَتِ العَيْنُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. غَدَقٌ, (Msb,) The spring, or source, abounded with water; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اغدقت, inf. n. إِغْدَاقٌ. (Msb.) And غَدِقَ المَطَرُ, inf. n. as above; (Msb;) and ↓ اغدق, (O, Msb, K,) inf. n. أِغْدَاقٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ اِغْدَوْدَقَ; (K;) and ↓ غَيْدَقَ; (Abu-l-'Omeythil, TA;) The rain was, or became, copious. (O, Msb, K, TA.) and غَدِقَتْ سَنَتُنَا [Our year was, or became, rainy]. (O.) And غَدِقَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, There was abundance of rain, or dew, or moisture, or of water, in the place. (Zj, TA.) b2: غَدَقٌ is also used in relation to herbs, or herbage, as meaning The being plentifully irrigated, or flourishing and fresh, juicy, or moist. (En-Nadr, AHn, TA.) b3: And you say, غَدِقَتِ الأَرْضُ, and ↓ اغدقت, meaning The land abounded, or became abundant, with herbage, or with the produce of the earth. (TA.) b4: And غَدَقَتِ الأَرْضُ, aor. ـِ being of the class of ضَرَبَ, The land became moistened by abundant water. (Msb.) 4 أَغْدَقَ see the preceding paragraph in three places.12 إِغْدَوْدَقَ see 1, second sentence. Q. Q. 1 غَيْدَقَ: see 1, second sentence. b2: Also (tropical:) He (a man, Ibn-'Abbád, O) had much saliva; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K, TA;) or, accord. to the L, much slaver. (TA.) غَدَقٌ [an inf. n.: and used in the sense of the part. n. ↓ غَدِقٌ, meaning] Abundant, or copious; applied to water; (S, O, Msb, K, TA;) not restricted to rain; (TA;) as also ↓ مُغْدِقٌ and ↓ مُغْدَوْدِقٌ, both applied to rain, and the latter [or both] applied to water [in general]; and ↓ غَيْدَاقٌ likewise, applied to water, and, as AA says, to rain: or غَدَقٌ is applied to rain as meaning abundant, or copious, [so as to be] general in its extent. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [lxxii. 16], لَوِ اسْتَقَامُوا عَلَى الطَّرِيقَةِ لَأَسْقَيْنَاهُمْ مَآءً

غَدَقًا [If they should go on undeviatingly in the way which they are pursuing, we would water then with abundant water]; (O, TA;) to try them thereby; the طريقة here being that of infidelity; so says Th, and in like manner Fr; but others say that it is that of the right direction: (TA:) 'Ásim Ibn-Abi-n-Najood read ↓ غَدِقًا. (O, TA.) In the saying, in a trad., اَللّٰهُمَّ اسْقِنَا غَدَقًا

↓ مُغْدِقًا, the last word is used as a corroborative [the meaning being O God, water us very abundantly]. (TA.) b2: See also غَيْدَاقٌ.

غَدِقٌ: see غَدَقٌ, in two places. You say also عَيْنٌ غَدِقَةٌ A spring, or source abounding with water. (Msb.) And أَرْضٌ غَدِقَةٌ Land that is moist and irrigated in the utmost degree; abounding with water. (TA.) And عُشْبٌ غَدِقٌ Herbs, or herbage, plentifully irrigated, or flourishing and fresh, juicy, or moist. (En-Nadr, AHn, TA.) عَيْنٌ غُدَيْقَةٌ: see عَيْنٌ, near the end of the paragraph.

غَيْدَقٌ: see each in two places in the next paragraph.

غَيْدَقَانٌ: see each in two places in the next paragraph.

غَيْدَاقٌ: see غَدَقٌ. b2: [Hence,] عَيْشٌ غَيْدَاقٌ A life ample in its means, or circumstances; plentiful; as also ↓ غَيْدَقٌ: and مِنَ ↓ هُمْ فِى غَدَقٍ

العَيْشِ and غَيْدَاقٍ [They are in an ample, or a plentiful, state of life]. (TA.) And عَامٌ غَيْدَاقٌ A year abounding in herbage, fruitful, or plentiful; and so سَنَةٌ غَيْدَاقٌ, without ة [to the latter word]. (TA.) b3: And إِنَّهُ لَغَيْدَاقُ الجَرْىِ and العَدْوِ Verily he is wide-stepping in respect of running. (TA.) b4: And شَدٌّ غَيْدَاقٌ A vehement running. (TA.) b5: غَيْدَاقٌ applied to a horse signifies طَويلٌ [app. meaning Long-bodied]. (O, K.) b6: And, applied to a man, (S, O, TA,) Generous; (S, O, K, TA;) bountiful; large, or liberal, in disposition; munificent; (TA;) and so ↓ غَيْدَقَانٌ; (K, * TA;) or this, some say, signifies abundant, ample, as applied to anything. (TA.) b7: Also, and ↓ غَيْدَقٌ, (S, O, K,) and ↓ غَيْدَقَانٌ, (O, K,) Soft, or tender; applied to a youth, or young man; (S, O, K;) and to youth, or youthfulness, (O, K,) as also غداقى [app. a mistranscription for ↓ غَيْدَاقِىٌّ]: (TA:) and it is said that غَيْدَاقٌ applied to a boy signifies that has not attained to puberty. (TA.) b8: And غَيْدَاقٌ signifies also The young one of the [lizard called]

ضَبّ, (Az, S, O, K,) after the state in which it is termed حِسْلٌ [q. v.]. (Az, S, O.) b9: And [the pl.] غَيَادِيقُ signifies Serpents. (S, O, L, K.) غَيْدَاقِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُغْدِقٌ: see غَدَقٌ, in two places. [مُغْدَّقٌ mentioned by Freytag as signifying “ copious,” applied to rain, is a mistake: see the last paragraph of art. غدف.]

مُغْدَوْدِقٌ: see غَدَقٌ, first sentence.



أ1 سَبَأَ الخَمْرَ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـَ (M, K,) inf. n. سَبْءٌ (S, M, K) and سِبَآءٌ, (M, K, TA,) like كِتَابٌ, (TA, in the CK سَباء,) [but see سِبَآءٌ below,] and مَسْبَأٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ استبأها; (S, M, K;) He bought wine, syn. شَرَاهَا, (M, K,) which mostly means “ he sold it,” (TA,) or اِشْتَرَاهَا, (S, O,) which is well known as meaning “ he bought it,” wherefore it is here used in the S and O, (TA,) in order that he might drink it: (S, O:) accord. to Ks, (TA,) when you buy wine to carry it to a place, you say, سَبَيْتُ الخَمْرَ, without ء; (S, TA;) and so say the [other] celebrated lexicologists, except Fei, accord. to whom you say in this case [as in others], سَبَأْتُهَا; and it is itself called سَبِيْئَةٌ: (TA:) the verbs are only used, in the sense of buying, in relation to wine. (S, Msb, TA.) [See also art. سبى.] b2: and سَبَأَ الشَّرَابَ He collected the wine in vessels: occurring in this sense in a trad. (Aboo-Moosà, TA.) A2: سَبَأَتْهُ, (M,) or سَبَأَتِ الجِلْدَ, (K,) said of fire, (M, K,) and of whips, (M,) It, or they, burned, or hurt, (M, K,) or, as some say, (M, but in the K “ and,”) altered, (M, K,) him, (M,) or the skin: (K:) and in like manner one says of the sun, and of fever, and of journeying. (M.) b2: And سَبَأْتُهُ بِالنَّارِ I burned him with fire: (Az, S:) or سَبَأَ جِلْدَهُ, inf. n. سَبْءٌ, He burned his skin; or, as some say, stripped it off: (M:) or سَبَأَ الجِلْدَ he burned the skin: and سَبَأَ signifies also he stripped off [skin], or he skinned. (K.) b3: And سَبَأْتُ الرَّجُلَ, (inf. n. سَبْءٌ, TA,) I flogged the man. (S, K. *) A3: سَبَأَ عَلَى يَمِينٍ

كَاذِبَةٍ, (S, M,) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَبْءٌ, (M,) He passed over a false oath [that he had sworn], not caring for it: (S): or he swore a false oath: and some say, سَبَأَ عَلَى يَمِينٍ, aor. and inf. n. as above, meaning he passed over an oath [that he had sworn], lying. (M.) A4: سَبَأَ is also syn. with صَافَحَ [He took by the hand: &c.]: (O, K:) deemed by MF a strange meaning. (TA.) 4 اسبأ He (a man) was, or became, silent. (Sh, TA in art. رطم.) b2: اسبأ لِأَمْرِ اللّٰهِ He, (M, K,) or his heart, (L,) was, or became, submissive to the decree of God. (M, L, K.) b3: And اسبأ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ His heart became in a bad state, or heavy, (خَبُثَ, [so in the M and in a copy of the K, in the CK and TA خَبَتَ, and thus in my MS. copy of the K, but there altered from خَبُثَ, app. on the authority of the TA, and I think it a mistranscription, although expl. in the TA as meaning اِنْخَضَعَ, which is a signification of أَخْبَتَ, the explanation of اسبأ in the next preceding sentence,]) at the thing. (M, K.) 7 انسبأ It (the skin) was, or became, stripped. off. (S, M.) b2: And It (a person's skin) peeled off, or became abraded. (TA.) 8 إِسْتَبَاَ see 1, first sentence.

سَبَأٌ: see سَبِيْئَةٌ

A2: تَفَرَّقُوا أَيْدِى سَبَا, and أَيَادِى

سَبَا, (M, K,) and with ذَهَبُوا in the place of تفرّقوا, (T, TA,) They became scattered, or dispersed, (K, TA,) and they went away in a state of dispersion, in the ways of Seba, (T, TA,) a people of El-Yemen, who were dispersed in consequence of the inundation of their lands by the bursting of their [famous] dam, (TA,) and who became proverbial on that account: (M, K, TA:) سَبَا is here made indecl., (M, K, TA, [بَنُوهُ in the CK being a mistranscription for بَنَوْهُ, wherefore كما تَبَدَّد has been there interpolated, immediately before بَنُوهُ,]) with the last letter quiescent, and forms, with the preceding word, a compound like خَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ [which implies that we should read أَيْدِى سَبَا and أَيَادِىَسَبَا, but I have never found it thus written]: (TA:) it is not formed from سَبَأَ by suppression of the ء, but is a substitute for that word, (M, K, TA,) on account of the frequent use of this phrase. (M, TA.) [See also art. سبى.]

سُبْأَةٌ A long, or far, journey, (IAar, T, M, K,) that alters one: (IAar, M, TA:) so termed because the sun alters him who makes a long journey. (T, TA. [See 1.]) You say, إِنَّكَ لَتُرِيدُ سُبْأَةً Verily thou desirest a long journey, (IAar, M, K, *) that will alter thee. (IAar, M.) In the case of a short journey, you say, تُرِيدُ سُرْبَةً. (T, TA.) السَّبَئِيَّةُ, (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or ↓ السَّبَائِيَّةُ; (so in another copy of the K and accord. to the CK;) MF says that the former is the correct term, but both are correct; (TA;) Certain of the غُلَاة, (S, K, TA,) i. e. extravagant zealots of the class of innovators; a party of the غُلَاة of the شِيعَة [q. v.]; who are divided into eighteen sects: (TA:) they are so called in relation to Seba (سَبَأ) the father of 'Abd-Allah, (K,) or in relation to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Seba. (S.) سِبَآءٌ [The purchase of wine;] a subst. from سَبَأَ الخَمْرَ; (S;) or an inf. n. (M, K, TA.) A2: See also سَبِيْئَةٌ, in two places.

سَبِىْءٌ The skin, or slough, of a serpent; (K;) as also سَبِىٌّ; for it is with, and without, ء. (TA.) سَبِيْئَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ سِبَآءٌ (M, K) and, accord. to Ks, ↓ سَبَأْ, but the form commonly known is ↓ سِبَآءٌ, with kesr to the س, and with medd, (IAmb, TA,) Wine, (S, M, K,) in an absolute sense; (TA;) or, [as is perhaps meant in the S,] wine that is bought to be drunk, not for merchandise. (Har p. 409, in explanation of the first word.) [See an ex. of the second in a verse of Lebeed cited in art. دكن: and see also سَبِيَّةٌ, in art. سبى.]

السَّبَائِيَّةُ: see السَّبَئِيَّةُ, above.

سَبَّآءٌ A vintner, or seller of wine. (S, M, K.) b2: [It is said in a marginal note in my MS. copy of the K that it signifies also A seller of graveclothes: but this is evidently a mistake, app. occasioned by a mistranscription, for سَيَّآء, with ى.]

مَسْبَأٌ A road (S, K) in a mountain. (S.)



1 سَهِدَ, aor. ـَ (S, L, K,) inf. n. سُهَادٌ (S, * A, * L) and سُهْدٌ (A, * L, K *) and سَهَدٌ, (S, L,) [all these are mentioned as inf. ns. in the L and TA, and app. in the K, but the first seems to be mentioned in the S as a simple subst.,] He was sleepless: syn. أَرِقَ; (S, A, * L, K;) he did not sleep (لَمْ يَنَمْ); contr. of رَقَدَ. (L.) [See also سُهَادٌ below.]2 سهّدهُ, (S, A, L, K,) inf. n. تَسْهِيدٌ; (PS;) and ↓ اسهدهُ; (A, TA;) He, (a man, S, L, K,) and it, (anxiety, or grief, A, L, and pain, L,) rendered him sleepless. (S, A, L, K.) And فُلَانٌ يَسْهَّدُ Such a one is not suffered to sleep. (L.) 4 أَسْهَدَ see 2.

A2: اسهدت بِالوَلَدِ She [a woman] brought forth the child with a single moan, or hard breathing; (IAar, K;) [or with a single impulse;] like زَكَبَتْ بِهِ, &c. (IAar, L in art. خفد.) 5 تسهّد is said by Freytag, as on the authority of the K, in which I do not find it, to signify He was sleepless; like سَهِدَ: if used, it more probably signifies he was rendered sleepless; as quasi-pass. of سَهَّدَهُ.]

شَىْءٌ سَهْدٌ مَهْدٌ A good, or beautiful, thing: (L, K:) مهد is here an imitative sequent to سهد. (L.) سُهْدٌ: see سُهَادٌ, in two places.

سُهُدٌ One who sleeps little; (S, A, L, K;) as also ↓ مُسَهَّدٌ: (A:) and some say سُهَدُ, like عُمَرُ; but this is [of a measure used] only in proper names: (Ham p. 39:) and an eye (عَيْنٌ) that sleeps little. (L.) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) Vigilant; cautious; applied to a man; as also ↓ مُسَهَّدٌ. (A, TA.) b3: And Little sleep. (L.) سَهْدَةٌ (tropical:) Vigilance: so in the saying, هُوَ ذُو سَهْدَة (tropical:) [He is possessed of vigilance] (A, K) فِى أَمْرِهِ [in his affair]. (A.) b2: You say also, مَا رَأَيْتُ مِنْهُ سَهْدَةً, meaning (tropical:) I experienced not, or I have not experienced, from him any mindfulness of what is good, nor any desire for it: (A, TA:) or anything upon which to place reliance, of words or of good actions, (S, L, K,) or of good actions or satisfactory words. (L.) سُهَادٌ (S, A, L) and ↓ سُهْدٌ (A, L, K) Sleeplessness. (S, A, L, K. [Both mentioned in the L and TA as inf. ns. of 1.]) One says فِى عَيْنِهِ

↓ سَهْدٌ and سُهَادٌ In his eye is sleeplessness. (A.) سَهْوَدٌ, applied to a boy, or young man, Tender, or flourishing, and fresh: (Sh, K:) or tall and strong. (K.) أَسْهَدُ [More, and most, sleepless.] b2: [Hence,] هُوَ أَسْهَدُ رَأْيًا مِنْكَ (tropical:) He is more cautious and vigilant in judgment, or opinion, than thou. (A, K, * TA.) مُسَهَّدٌ Rendered sleepless. (S, L, K.) b2: See also سُهُدٌ, in two places.



3 كَالَمَهُ i. q.

نَاطَقَهُ. (TA in art. نطق.) 5 تَكَلَّمَ غَنْهُ He spoke for him; syn. عَبَّرَ. (S, Msb, art. عبر.) 6 تَكَالَمَا They spoke, talked, or discoursed, each with the other. (S, * M.) كَلِمَةٌ A word: (Kull, 301:) an expression: (K:) a proposition: a sentence: [a saying:] an argument. (Kull.) An assertion: an expression of opinion.

كَلَامٌ is a gen. n., applying to little and to much, or to few or many; (S, TA;) to what is a sing. and to what is a pl. (TA.) It may therefore be rendered A saying, &c.; and sayings, or words: see an ex. voce أَفْكَلُ, in art. فكل. b2: كَلَامٌ Speech; something spoken; [diction; language;] parlance; talk; discourse: (Msb, &c.:) a saying: a say: something said: in grammar, a sentence.

الكَلِمُ الطَّيِّبُ: see طَيِّتٌ. b3: كَلَامٌ: also, a quasi-inf. n. for تكليم, sometimes governing as a verb, [like the inf. n.,] accord. to some of the grammarians; as in the following ex.: قالوا كلامك هنداً وهى مصغية يشفيك قلت صحيح ذاك لو كانا (Sharh Shudhoor edh-Dhahab.) See إِسْمُ مَصْدَرٍ. b4: عِلْمُ الكَلَامِ [The theology of the Muslims;] a science in which one investigates the being and attributes of God, and the conditions of possible things with respect to creation and restitution, according to the rule of El-Islám; which last restriction is for the exclusion of the theology of the philosophers. (KT.) رَجُلٌ كِلِّيمٌ

, like سِكِّيتّ [and حِدِّيثٌ] i. q. مِنْطِيقٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, Z, TA.) كُلْيَةٌ of a bow: see أَبْهَرُ b2: of a مَزَادَة: see خُرْبَةٌ.

مُتَكَلِّمٌ A Muslim theologian. See عِلْمُ الكَلَامِ.



1 ضَبَطَهُ, (Lth, IDrd, S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, MS, PS,) or ـُ (TA, TK,) inf. n. ضَبْطٌ (IDrd, Msb, K) and ضَبَاطَةٌ, (K,) He kept it, preserved it, guarded it, maintained it, or took care of it, (Lth, S, Msb, K,) namely, a thing, (Lth, S,) with prudence, precaution, or good judgment, (Lth, S, K,) or effectually: (Msb:) and hence, (assumed tropical:) he managed its affairs (namely, the affairs of a country &c.,) thoroughly, soundly, not imperfectly: (Msb:) [he managed it; namely, an affair, and his soul or self, his disposition or temper, &c.:] he kept to it inseparably, or constantly; namely, anything: (Lth:) he took it, or held it, or retained it, strongly, vehemently, or firmly: (IDrd:) and ضَبَطَ عَلَيْهِ [has this last signification, likewise; or signifies simply he detained it, or withheld it, or restrained it, or the like;] i. q. حَبَسَهُ, namely a thing. (TA.) b2: فُلَانٌ لَا يَضْبُطُ عَمَلَهُ [or لا يَضْبِطُهُ] (tropical:) Such a one does not, or will not, act vigorously in his work, or employment, which is committed to him; syn. لَا يَقُومُ بِهِ. (TA.) And ضَبَطَ أَمْرَهُ [He managed his affair thoroughly, or well]. (A in art. بد, &c.) [And ضَبَطَ alone, He (a camel) was strong to work or labour: and he (a man and a camel) was strong, or powerful. (See the act. part. n.)] b3: هُوَ لَا يَضْبُطُ قِرَآءَتَهُ [or لا يَضْبِطُهَا] (tropical:) He does not, or will not, perform well [or accurately] his reading, or reciting. (TA.) b4: [ضَبَطَ لَفْظًا, or كَلِمَةً, (assumed tropical:) He fixed the pronunciation of a word; by adding the syllabical signs, which mode is termed ضَبْطٌ بِالشَّكْلِ, and بِالحَرَكَاتِ, and بِالقَلَمِ; or by stating it to be similar in form, or measure, to another word which is too well known to admit of doubt, which mode is termed ضَبْطٌ بِمِثَالٍ; or by adding the measure, which mode is termed ضَبْطٌ بِوَزْنٍ.] b5: ضَبَطَ also signifies (assumed tropical:) He registered, or recorded, [a name, or] a matter of science, [or any other thing,] in a book or the like; syn. قَيَّدَ; (L in art. قيد;) i. q. أَحْصَى; (Jel in xxxvi. 11, and Bd and Jel in lxxviii.

29;) and كَتَبَ. (Bd in lxxviii. 29.) b6: ضَبَطَهُ وَجَعٌ (tropical:) A pain seized him. (TA.) b7: ضُبِطَتِ الأَرْضُ (tropical:) The land was rained upon. (IAar, K, TA.) [See also مَضْبُوطٌ.]

A2: ضَبِطَ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb,) inf. n. ضَبَطٌ, (Msb,) He was, or became, ambidextrous; he worked with each of his hands. (S, Msb.) IDrd knew not this verb. (TA.) 5 تضبّطهُ He took it with detention and force. (K, TA.) b2: تضبّطت الضَّأْنُ The sheep obtained somewhat of herbage: or hastened, or were quick, in pasturing, and became strong (K, TA) and fat. (TA.) The Arabs say, إِذَا تَضَبِّطَتِ الضَّأْنُ شَبِعَتِ الإِبِلُ [When the sheep obtain somewhat of herbage, or hasten, &c., the camels become satiated with food]: for the former are called the smaller camels, because they eat more than goats; and when the former become satiated with food, men [and camels] live [in plenty], by reason of the abundance of the herbage. (IAar.) ضَبْطٌ inf. n. of 1. b2: [It is often used as signifying (assumed tropical:) Exactness; correctness; honesty; and faithfulness: and particularly in an author or a relater.]

الضَّبْطَةُ A certain game of the Arabs; (K, TA;) also called المَسَّةُ and الطَّرِيدَةُ. (TA. [See the last of these words.]) رَجُلٌ ضَبَّاطٌ لِلْأُمُورِ (assumed tropical:) A man having much care, prudence, or precaution, [or good judgment,] with respect to [the management of] affairs; (TA;) [a man who manages affairs with much care, &c.]

ضَبَنْطًى: see the next paragraph.

ضَابِطٌ [Keeping, preserving, guarding, maintaining, or taking care of, a thing, with prudence, precaution, or good judgment, or effectually: (see 1:) and hence,] (assumed tropical:) one who manages his affairs with prudence, precaution, or good judgment; or soundly, taking the sure course therein, and exercising caution, or care, that they may not become beyond his power of management: (S, TA:) [keeping to anything inseparably, or constantly: (see, again, 1:)] taking, holding, or retaining, a thing strongly, vehemently, or firmly; applied to a man; as also ↓ ضَبَنْطًى: (IDrd:) or the latter of these, (S,) which is like حَبَنْطًُى, (K, [in some copies of the K erroneously written without tenween,]) the ن being augmentative, to render the word quasi-coordinate to سَفَرْجَلٌ; (S;) or both; applied to a man and to a camel; (K;) strong, or powerful: (S, K:) or [a man] great in might, or valour, and power, and body: (T, TA:) and the former, a camel strong to work or labour: and in like manner, applied to a man, ضَابِطُ الأُمُورِ (tropical:) the strong [and resolute or firm-minded] in the performance or management of affairs. (TA.) See also أَضْبَطُ. b2: [It often signifies (assumed tropical:) Exact; correct; or accurate; (like مُحَقِّقٌ, with which it is said to be syn. in Har p. 254;) and honest; and faithful: and particularly as applied to an author or a relater.]

A2: As a conventional term, ضَابِطٌ, (Msb in art. قعد,) or ↓ ضَابِطَةٌ, pl. ضَوَابِطُ, (TA,) is syn. with قَاعِدَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) signifying (assumed tropical:) A universal, or general, rule, or canon: (Msb:) or a ضابط is one that comprises subdivisions of one class only; whereas a قاعدة comprises [sometimes] subdivisions of various classes. (Kull, p. 290.) ضَابِطَةٌ A place in land, or in the ground, to which the rain-water flows, and which retains it; syn. مَسَّاكَةٌ. (TA.) A2: See also ضَابِطٌ, last sentence.

أَضْبَطُ [More, and most, strong, or firm, of hold]. It is said in a prov., أَضْبَطُ مِنْ ذَرَّةٍ [More strong, or firm, of hold than a little ant]: because it drags along a thing several times larger than itself, and sometimes both fall from a high place, and the ant does not let go the thing. (K.) and أَضْبَطُ مِنْ عَائِشَةَ بْنِ عَثْمٍ; (K;) so accord. to Hamzeh and Abu-n-Nedà; but accord. to ElMundhiree, عَابِسَة; (Sgh;) [More strong, or firm, of hold than 'Áïsheh the son of 'Athm; or than 'Ábiseh;] because he laid hold of the tail of a young she-camel, and pulled her by it out of a well into which she had fallen. (K.) And أَضْبَطُ مِنَ الأَعْمَى [More strong, or firm, of hold than the blind]. (TA.) b2: Ambidextrous; who works with each of his hands; (S, Mgh, Msb;) i. q. أَعْسَرُ يَسَرٌ; (Mgh, Msb;) who works with his left hand like as he works with his right; an explanation given by the Prophet; as also that next following; (AO, TA;) who works with both his hands: (AO, K:) fem. ضَبْطَآءُ. (S.) b3: الأَضْبَطُ The lion; (K;) who makes use of his left paw like as he makes use of his right; but some say that he is so called because he seizes his prey vehemently, and it hardly, or never, escapes from him; (TA;) as also ↓ الضّابِطُ. (K.) ضَبْطَآءُ is also applied as an epithet to a lioness; and to a she-camel. (TA.) مَضْبُوطٌ [pass. part. n. of ضَبَطَ in all its senses. b2: In the present day often used as signifying Well-regulated; exact; correct; honest; and faithful.] Applied to a book, or writing, (tropical:) Having its defects, faults, or imperfections, rectified. (TA.) [Applied to a word, (assumed tropical:) Having its pronunciation fixed, by any of the means described above in one of the explanations of the verb.] b3: بَلَدٌ مَضْبُوطٌ بِالمَطَرِ (tropical:) A country covered by the rain: so in the A: in the O, أَرْضٌ مَضْبُوطَةٌ (tropical:) land rained upon in common, or throughout its whole extent. (TA.) [See also 1, near the end of the paragraph.]



1 ضَرَطَ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K;) and ضَرِطَ, aor. ـَ (Msb;) inf. n. ضَرِطٌ (S, Msb, K, in the Msb said to be of the latter verb,) and ضَرْطٌ (Msb, K, in the Msb said to be of the former verb,) and ضَرِيطٌ and ضُرَاطٌ, (K,) or the last is a simple subst., (Msb,) [a coarse word, signifying] He broke wind, i. e. emitted wind from the anus, with a sound. (S, K.) [When it is without sound, you say فَسَا.] Hence the prov., أَوْدَى العَيْرُ إِلَّا ضَرِطًا The ass had no power remaining except [that of] emitting wind from the anus, with a sound: (S, K:) applied to a vile, or an abject, person, and to an old man; and in allusion to a thing's becoming in a bad, or corrupt, state, so that there remains of it nothing but what is of no use: (K:) the last word is in the accus. case as denoting a thing of a different kind from that signified by the preceding noun. (O.) And أَجْبَنُ مِنَ المَنْزُوفِ ضَرِطًا [More cowardly than he who is exhausted by emitting wind from the anus, with a sound]: another prov.: [its origin is variously related: see Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 320:] or المَنْزُوفُ ضَرِطًا [or ضَرْطًا, for it is differently written in different copies of the K,] is a certain beast, between the dog and the cat, (K,) or between the dog and the wolf, (O,) which, when one cries out at it, emits wind from the anus, with a sound, by reason of cowardice. (Sgh, K.) 2 ضَرَّطَ see 4, in two places.4 اضرطهُ, and ↓ ضرّطهُ, (S, O, K,) He made him to emit wind from the anus, with a sound: (S:) or he did to him that which caused him to emit wind from the anus, with a sound. (O, K.) b2: اضرط بِهِ; and به ↓ ضرّط, (S, K,) inf. n. تَضْرِيطٌ; (K) He derided him, and imitated to him with his mouth the action of one emitting wind from the anus, with a sound; (S;) he made to him with his mouth a sound like that of an emission of wind from the anus, and derided him. (K, * TA.) اضرط بِالسَّائِلِ, said in a trad., of 'Alee, means He treated the asker with contempt, disapproving what he said; he derided him. (TA.) ضَرِطٌ: part. n. of ضَرِطَ. (Msb.) ضَرْطَةٌ [inf. n. un. of 1; A single emission of wind from the anus, making a sound]. It is said in a prov., of him who has done a deed of which he has not done the like before nor after, كَانَتْ مِنْهُ كَضَرْطَةِ الأَصَمِّ [There proceeded from him what was like the ضرطه of the deaf]. (Sgh, TA.) ضُرَاطٌ An emission of wind from the anus, with a sound: (S, TA:) or the sound thereof: (K, TA: [in the CK, صَوْتُ الفَقْحِ is put for صَوْتُ الفَيْخِ:]) a subst. from 1. (Msb.) ضَرُوطٌ: see ضَرَّاطٌ.

ضُرَيْطٌ: see سُرَّيْطَى.

ضُرَيْطَى: see سُرَّيْطَى.

ضُرَيْطَآءُ: see سُرَّيْطَى.

ضَرَّاطٌ and ↓ ضَرُوطٌ and ↓ ضِرَّوْطٌ are all [intensive] epithets from 1; (K;) [signifying One who emits wind from the anus, with a sound, much, or frequently;] the last mentioned by Sb, and expl. by Seer. (TA.) ضِرَّوْطٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ضُرَّيْطٌ: see سُرَّيْطَى.

ضُرَّيْطَى: see سُرَّيْطَى.

ضِرِّيطَى: see سُرَّيْطَى.

أَضْرَطُ: see أَطْرَطُ, in art. طرط.

مُضَرِّطُ الحِجَارَةِ (assumed tropical:) [as though signifying He who makes the stones to emit sounds, from fear:] an appellation given to 'Amr Ibn-Hind, because of his strength and hardiness and courage, (S,) or because of the awe which he inspired. (A, TA.)



1 ضَاعَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. ضَيَاعٌ and ضَيْعَةٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ضَيْعٌ and ضِيعٌ, (K,) It (a thing, S, Mgh, O, Msb) perished, came to nought, passed away, or became lost. (S, O, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad. of Saad, إِنِّى أَخَافُ عَلَى

الأَعْنَابِ الضَّيْعُةَ i. e. [Verily I fear, for the grapes,] their [lit. the] perishing, or becoming lost. (TA.) b2: And ضاع, (K, TA,) inf. n. ضَيَاعٌ and ضَيْعَةٌ, (TA,) It (a thing) was left; left, or let, alone; or neglected. (K, TA.) Hence, ضاعت الإِبِلُ, and ضاع العِيَالُ, The camels, and the family, or household, were left untended, and unminded; and were left alone, or neglected. (TA.) A2: ضاع, aor. ـِ said of perfume, or sweet odour, i. q. ضاع having for its aor. ـُ (Har p. 670.) [See 5 in art. ضوع: and see also 5 in the present art.]2 ضيّع الشَّىْءَ, (O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَضْيِيعٌ; (S;) and ↓ اضاعهُ, (O, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِضَاعَةٌ; (S;) both signify the same; (S, O, Msb, K;) He made, or caused, the thing to perish, or become lost; he destroyed it, wasted it, or lost it. (Msb, K, TA.) Hence, ضَيَّعُوا فُلَانًا is used by the vulgar as meaning They beheaded such a one with the sword. (TA.) It is said in a prov., الصَّيْفَ ضَيَّعْتِ اللَّبَنَ [In the spring, or in the summer, thou losedst the milk], in which the ت is with kesr when the words are addressed to a male, or to a female, or to a pl. number, because originally addressed to a woman, the wife of a wealthy man, whom she disliked because of his being aged, wherefore he divorced her, and a poor man married her, and she sent to her first husband requesting a gift, and he answered her thus; (S, O, K; *) الصيف being in the accus. case as an adv. n.: so says Yaakoob: (S, O:) or El-Aswad Ibn-Hurmuz divorced his wife El-' Anood Esh-Shenneeyeh, (O, K,) of the BenooShenn, (TA,) preferring to her a beautiful and wealthy woman of his people; (O, K; *) then there occurred between them what led to their separation, and he sought to obtain [again] El-' Anood, and sent a message to her; but in replying to him she said, أَنْشَأْتَ تَطْلُبُ وَصْلَنَا فِى الصَّيْفِ ضَيَّعْتَ اللَّبَنْ [Thou hast begun to seek our union: in the spring, or in the summer, thou losedst the milk]: (O, * K:) the ت in this case being with fet-h. (K. [See more in Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 197-8, or in Har p. 577; in both of which, however, and in the O, ضيّعت is with kesr in the latter case, as in the former.]) [One says also, ضيّع عَهْدَهُ, meaning He broke his compact, contract, or covenant]. The phrase, in a trad., نَهَى عَنْ المَالِ ↓ إِضَاعَةِ means He forbade the expending of wealth otherwise than in obedience to God, and the squandering thereof, and extravagance. (TA.) b2: See also the next paragraph.4 اضاع الشَّىْءَ: see 2, first sentence, and last but one. b2: Also, [and app. ↓ ضيّعهُ likewise, accord. to the K,] He left the thing; left it, or let it, alone; or neglected it. (K, TA.) Yousay, اضاع عِيَالَهُ He neglected his family, or household; omitted taking good care of them, or being mindful of them. (TA.) وَمَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيُضِعَ

إِيمَانَكُمْ, in the Kur [ii. 138], means And God will not neglect [or make to be lost] your prayer. (TA.) أَضَاعُوا الصَّلَاةَ, in the same, [xix. 60,] means Who neglected, or omitted, prayer, (Bd, TA,) altogether: (TA:) or deferred it: (Bd:) or who performed it in other than its right time: but the first explanation is more suitable, for the unbelievers are meant thereby. (TA.) A2: اضاع [is also intrans., and] may signify He found his affair to be coming to nought. (Ham p. 33.) b2: And His estates (ضِيَاعُهُ) became wide-spread, (S, O, K,) and many, or numerous. (S, O, Msb, K.) 5 تضيّع, said of the wind, It blew: because it [often] destroys that upon which it blows: so says Er-Rághib. (TA. [But it may be from what here follows.]) b2: Said of musk, It diffused its odour, or fragrance: (S, O, K;) a dial. var. of تضوّع: (S:) or an instance of substitution [of ى for و]. (O.) [See also 1, last explanation.]

مَاتَ ضِيْعًا and ضِيَعًا: see ضَيَاعٌ.

ضَيْعَةٌ an inf. n. of 1. (S, &c.) b2: See ضَيَاعٌ, below, last sentence but one. b3: Also A single case, or occasion, of perishing, coming to nought, passing away, or becoming lost; or of being left, left or let alone, or neglected. (TA.) b4: تَرَكْتُهُ بِضَيْعَةٍ means I left him unsought-after, or unminded, or unmissed. (TA. [See also a similar phrase voce ضَيَاعٌ.]) A2: Also i. q. عَقَارٌ [meaning An estate consisting of land, or of land and a house, or of a house or land yielding a revenue, or of a house and palm-trees, or the like]; (S, O, Msb, K;) and [particularly] land yielding a revenue; (K;) or with the people of the towns and villages and cultivated lands it signifies the property, of a man, consisting of palm-trees and grape-vines and land: but the Arabs [of the desert] know not the word in this sense: (Az, TA:) IF says, I do not reckon the application of this word as a name for the عَقَار to be of the original language, but think it to be an innovation in speech; and I have heard it said that this is termed a ضيعة because, when frequent attention to it is neglected, it perishes; and if it be so, this is an evidence of what we have said, that it is of the innovated speech: (O, TA:) the dim. is ↓ ضُيَيْعَةٌ, for which one should not say ضُوَيْعَةٌ: (S, O, K:) the pl. is ضِيَاعٌ and ضِيَعٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) as though the latter were a contraction of the former, (Msb,) and ضَيْعَاتٌ: (K:) accord. to Lth, the first of these pls. signifies places of alighting or abode or settlement; which are thus called because, when the paying frequent attention to them, or taking good care of them, and the keeping them, or putting them, in a good state, or state of repair, is neglected, they come to nought: and ضَيْعَاتٌ occurs in a trad. as meaning the means of subsistence. (TA.) And, (T, O, Msb, K,) as used by the Arabs [of the desert], who know not the word in any other sense than this, (T, O,) A craft, or handicraft, by which one gains his subsistence; a mode, or manner, of gain; or any habitual work or occupation of a man; (T, O, Msb, K) as the sewing of skins or boots and the like; and the twisting of ropes; and the weaving, or plaiting, of palm-leaves; and the culture of palm-trees (عَمَلُ النَّخْلِ); and the pasturing of camels; and the like thereof; (T, O;) including the sowing, or tilling, of land: (TA:) or the ضَيْعَة of the Arabs was the management, or tending, of camels and of sheep and goats: and the term includes a man's craft, or handicraft, or means of gain: (Sh, O:) and his traffic: (Sh, O, K:) one says to a man, قُمْ إِلَى ضَيْعَتِكَ [Arise to thy craft, &c.]: (Sh, O:) and كُلُّ رَجُلٍ

وَضَيْعَتَهُ, [Every man should occupy himself with his proper craft, &c.] (Msb.) أَفْشَى اللّٰهُ, ضَيْعَتَهُ, occurring in a trad., means God made or may God make, his means of subsistence to be abundant. (TA.) And one says, فَشَتْ ضَيْعَتُهُ, [or, more commonly, فَشَتْ عَلَيْهِ ضَيْعَتُهُ, as in the TA in art. فشو, &c.,] which is said to mean His property was, or became, large, or abundant, [or wide-spread,] so that he was unable to collect it together: and [hence] his means of attaining his object [or his affairs (as in the TA in art. فشو)] became disordered so that he knew not with which of them to begin: (TA:) or he took to doing an affair that did not concern him: (TA, and Ham p. 33:) it is nearly like the saying اِتَّسَعَ الخَرْقُ عَلَى الرَّاقِعِ [expl. in art. خرق]. (Ham ibid.) And إِنِّى لَأَرَى ضَيْعَةً لَا يُصْلِحُهَا إِلَّا ضَجْعَةٌ [Verily I see property that nothing but a sleep will restore to a right state] a prov.; said by a pastor whose camels had dispersed themselves, and who, desiring to collect them together, and being unable to do so, sought aid of sleep. (O.) مَاتَ ضِيعَةً: see the next paragraph.

ضَيَاعٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, &c.) [Hence] one says, مَاتَ ضَيَاعًا, as also ↓ ضِيَعًا, and ↓ ضِيْعًا, and ↓ ضِيعَةٌ, He (a man, TA) died unsought-after, or unminded, or unmissed. (K, TA. [See also a similar phrase voce ضَيْعَةٌ.]) b2: Also A family, or household: (ISh, O, K:) or the meaning is عِيَالٌ ضُيَّعٌ, (Mgh, O, K, *) i. e. a family, or household, neglected, untended, and unminded; (TA;) or such as are exposed, or liable, to perish, (بِعَرَضِ أَنْ يَضِيعَ,) as young children, and those who are crippled, or deprived of the power of motion, who cannot manage their own affairs: (Mgh:) occurring in a trad., in which it is said that when a man died leaving such as are thus termed, (تَرَكَ ضَيَاعًا,) they were to be brought to the Prophet, (Mgh, O,) to be maintained by means of the government-treasury: (Mgh:) a prefixed noun is to be understood [i. e. it is for عِيَالَ ضَيَاعٍ or the like]: (Mgh:) or it is an inf. n. used as a subst. [properly thus termed]: (Mgh, O:) or, accord. to one relation of the trad., the word is ↓ ضَيْعَةً [which is likewise an inf. n., and in this case to be expl. in the same manner]: (Mgh:) if read ضِيَاعًا, it would be pl. of ضَائِعٌ. (Mgh, O.) A2: Also A sort of perfume, or odoriferous substance. (K.) ضُيَيْعَةٌ dim. of ضَيْعَةٌ, q. v. (S, O, K.) ضَائعٌ Perishing, coming to nought, passing away, or becoming lost: (Mgh, * Msb:) [and being left; left, or let, alone; or neglected:] part. n. of 1: (Mgh, Msb:) pl. ضِيَاعٌ (Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ضُيَّعٌ. (Mgh, O, * Msb, K. *) [See an ex. of the latter pl. in a verse cited voce دَانَ, in art. دين. See also سَائِعٌ, in art. سوع.] b2: and A man in a state of poverty: or having a family, or household, to sustain: or in a state of circumstances by means of which he is unable to subsist. (TA.) b3: فُلَانٌ يَأْكُلُ فِى مِعًى ضَائِعٍ means جَائِعٍ

[i. e. Such a one eats into a hungry, or an empty, gut]: and it was said to the daughters of ElKhuss, “What is the sharpest thing? (مَا أَحَدُّ شَىْء;) and she answered, نَابٌ جَائِعٌ يُلْقِى فِى

مِعًى ضَائِعٍ [A hungry canine tooth that throws the food into an empty gut]. (S.) أَضْيَعُ means أَكْثَرُ ضَيَاعًا: so in the saying, فُلَانٌ أَضْيَعُ مِنْ فُلَانٍ [Such a one is in a more perishing state than such a one]. (TA.) مُضِيعٌ act. part. n. of the trans. v. اضاع. (TA.) [See مِسْيَاعٌ, in art. سوع.]

A2: And part. n. of the intrans. v. اضاع; as such signifying One whose estates (ضِيَاعُهُ) are becoming wide-spread, and many, or numerous. (S, TA.) مَضِيعَةٌ and مَضْيَعَةٌ i. q. ضَيَاعٌ [an inf. n. of 1, q. v.]. (Mgh, O, Msb, K.) So in the saying, تَرَكَ عِيَالَهُ بِمَضِيعَةٍ or بِمَضْيَعَةٍ [He left his family, or household, in a state of perishing, &c.]. (Mgh.) So too in the saying, السَّارِقُ لَا يُقْطَعُ فِى مَالٍ

بِمَضِيعَةٍ [The thief shall not suffer amputation of his hand in the case of his stealing property in a neglected state]. (Mgh.) And so in the saying, هُوَ بِدَارِ مَضِيعَةٍ (S, * O, K) and مَضْيَعَةٍ (O, K) [He is in a place (lit. an abode) of perdition, &c.]: or as meaning in this saying, abandonment, and ignominy. (TA.) And هُوَ مُقِيمٌ بِدَارِ مَضِيعَةٍ or مَضْيَعَةٍ means [He is dwelling in the abode of indolence; or] his characteristic in his affairs is indolence. (Msb.) b2: Also, [or perhaps the latter only, as meaning A cause of perishing &c., this latter being app. of the class of مَبْخَلَةٌ and مَجْبَنَةٌ

&c.,] A desert, or waterless desert, that is cut off [from inhabited regions]: or, as expl. by IJ, a place in which a man perishes, or is lost. (Msb.) مُضَيِّعٌ: see what follows.

رَجُلٌ مِضْيَاعٌ لِلْمَالِ i. q. لَهُ ↓ مُضَيِّعٌ [i. e. A man who wastes, or squanders, wealth, or property]. (S, O, K.)



1 فَطَحَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. فَطْحٌ; (S;) and ↓ فطّحهُ, (S, * K,) inf. n. تَفْطِيحٌ; (S;) He made it broad, or wide. (S, K.) b2: and فَطَحَ العُودَ وَغَيْرَهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. as above; and ↓ فطّحهُ, inf. n. as above; (TA;) He pared, or fashioned by cutting, the stick, or piece of wood, &c., and made it broad, or wide. (K, TA.) and فَطَحَ الحَدِيْدَةَ, and ↓ فطّحها, He made the piece of iron broad, or wide, and even, or flat, for a مِسْحَاة, or a مِعْزَق, or some other thing. (L.) b3: And فَطَحَ بِالعَصَاظَهْرَهُ, (K, * TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He struck his back with the staff, or stick. (K, * TA.) b4: And فَطَحَتْ بِالوَلَدِ, said of a woman, i. q. رَمَتْ بِهِ [She cast forth the child, or the fœtus]. (K, TA.) [Compare طَفَحَتْ.]

A2: فَطِحَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَطَحٌ, [app., He (a man) had a broad, or wide, head: (see أَفْطَحُ:) or it signifies, or signifies likewise, and so app. ↓ فُطِّحَ, inf. n. تفْطِيحٌ, (see فَطَحٌ below, and أَفْطَحُ,)] said of the head, and of the end of the nose, It was, or became, broad, or wide. (TK.) A3: فَطِحَ النَّخْلُ The palm-trees became fecundated. (Kr, K.) 2 فَطَّحَ see the preceding paragraph, in four places.

فَطَحٌ [inf. n. of فَطِحَ, q. v.: and, as a simple subst.,] Breadth, or width, of the head, (S, K, TA,) in the middle; as also تَفْطِيحٌ: (TA:) and breadth, or width, of the end of the nose, (L, K,) so that it sticks close to the face; as in the bull, which is termed أَفْطَحُ. (L.) فَطُوحٌ A she-camel bulky in the belly, (K, TA,) broad, or wide, in the ribs. (TA.) أَفْطَحُ A man having a broad, or wide, head. (S.) And A broad, or wide, head; (A, L;) as also ↓ مُفَطَّحٌ (S, A, L) and ↓ مَفْطُوحٌ. (A.) and أَرْنَبَةٌ فَطْحَآءُ A broad, or wide, end of a nose: (A, L:) and so قَدَمٌ [i. e. foot]. (A.) b2: الأَفْطَحُ The bull: so called because of the breadth of the end of his nose: (L, K:) an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates. (L.) b3: and The chameleon (K, TA) whose back and colour the sun makes to glisten so that it becomes white by reason of the heat thereof. (TA.) b4: And الفَطْحَآءُ The broad, or wide, part of a bow. (L.) A2: Also i. q. أَفْدَعُ [q. v.]. (K.) مُفَطَّحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَفْطُوحٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.



نَطَفٌ Earrings: see a verse cited in art. سجد.

نُطْفَةٌ Sperma of a man (S, Msb, K) and of a woman. (Msb.) نَاطِفٌ A kind of sweetmeat; (Msb;) i. q. قُبَّيْطَى. (S, Msb.)



1 غَرِدَ: see the next paragraph, in three places.2 غرّد, inf. n. تَغْرِيدٌ, It (a bird) sang, or warbled, or uttered its voice; as also ↓ غَرِدَ: (As, L:) it, or he, (a bird, S, A, K, and a man, S, as is implied in a verse there cited, and L,) prolonged its, or his, voice, and singing, and modulated it sweetly, or warbled; (Lth, S, A, Msb;) and so ↓ غَرِدَ, inf. n. غَرَدٌ; (S, L, Msb;) and ↓ تغرّد: (S:) or raised its, or his, voice, and prolonged it, modulating it sweetly, or warbling; (L, K;) as also ↓ غَرِدَ, aor. ـَ and so ↓ تغرّد, and ↓ اغرد: (K:) and it (a pigeon) cooed: it (the [bird called] مُكَّآء) whistled: it (the cock) crowed: it (the fly) buzzed, or hummed: he (the ass) uttered a hoarse, or rough, sound; as also ↓ تغرّد. (L.) غرّد is trans. as well as intrans.; or it may be rendered as though trans. by the suppression of the preposition [لِ]. (L.) 4 أَغْرَدَ see 2.

A2: أَغْرَدَنِى, said of a turtle-dove, means It gladdened me by its cooing. (ElHejeree, L.) 5 تَغَرَّدَ see 2, in three places.10 استغرد الرَّوْضُ الذُّبَابَ The meadows, or gardens, by their luxuriance (نَعْمَة, as in the L and in some copies of the K, in other copies of the K نَغْمَة, TA), excited the flies to buzz, or hum. (L, K.) Q. Q. 3 اِغْرَنْدَاهُ, (K,) and اِغْرَنْدَى عَلَيْهِ, (Az, S, K,) inf. n. اِغْرِنْدَآءٌ, (Az, S,) He overcame him; (A'Obeyd, K;) he set upon him, or assailed him, or overcame him, with reviling and beating and violence; (Az, A'Obeyd, S, K;) like اِغْلَنْتَى (Az, A'Obeyd, S,) and اِسْرَنْدَى. (TA. [See the last of these verbs, in art. سرد, and the verse there cited.]) غَرْدٌ: see غِرْدٌ.

A2: Also A [booth of reeds, or canes, &c., such as is called] خُصّ, (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) غِرْدٌ: see غَرِدٌ.

A2: Also, (Ks, AHn, S, K,) and ↓ غِرْدَةٌ, (AHn, K,) or غِرْدٌ and غِرْدَةٌ are like تِبْنٌ and تِبْنَةٌ [the former a coll. gen. n. and the latter its n. un.], (S,) and ↓ غَرْدٌ (Fr, AHn, S, K) and ↓ غَرْدَةٌ, (AHn, K,) or غَرْدٌ and غَرْدَةٌ are like تَمْرٌ and تَمْرَةٌ [the former a coll. gen. n. and the latter its n. un.], (S,) and ↓ غَرَدٌ (K) and ↓ غَرَدَةٌ, (AHn, L,) [or this last is the n. un. of that next preceding it, which is a coll. gen. n.,] and ↓ غَرَادٌ (AA, K) and ↓ غَرَادَةٌ, (AHn, K,) or this last is the n. un. of that next preceding it, [which is a coll. gen. n.,] (AA, L,) and ↓ مُغْرُودٌ, (Fr, AHeyth, K,) with damm, (K,) of the measure مُفْعُولٌ, which is a measure very rare, (Fr, AHeyth, TA,) or this is ↓ مَغْرُودٌ, (L, and thus in my copies of the S,) with fet-h to the م, accord. to As, (L,) A species of كَمْأَة [or truffles]: (Ks, AHn, S, K:) or small كمأة: or bad كمأة: (AHn, L:) pl. (of غِرْدٌ, S, or of غَرْدٌ, Fr, S) غِرَدَةٌ, (Fr, S, K,) like as قِرَدَةٌ is of قِرْدٌ, (S,) or جِبَأَةٌ of جَبْءٌ, (Fr, S,) [or, accord. to some, this is a quasi-pl. n., (see جَبْءٌ,)] and (of both of these, S) غِرَادٌ, (S, K,) like as ذِئَابٌ is pl. of ذِئْبٌ, and كِلَابٌ of كَلْبٌ, (S,) and (of مَغْرُودٌ [or مُغْرُودٌ], S) مَغَارِيدُ. (S, K.) غَرَدٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

غَرِدٌ (Lth, As, S, L, Msb, K) and ↓ غِرْدٌ, (M, L, K,) which is thought by ISd to be a contraction of the former, (L,) and ↓ مُغَرِّدٌ (L, K) and ↓ غَرِيدٌ, (L, TA,) or ↓ غِرْيَدٌ, (TA,) and ↓ غِرِّيدٌ [which has an intensive signification], applied to a bird, (As, S, A, K,) and to a man, (L,) Singing, warbling, or uttering the voice: (As, L:) or prolonging the voice, and the singing, and modulating it sweetly, or warbling: (Lth, S, L, Msb:) or raising the voice, and prolonging it, modulating it sweetly, or warbling. (L, K.) [See also 2.]

غَرْدَةٌ and غِرْدَةٌ and غَرَدَةٌ: see غِرْدٌ.

غَرَادٌ and غَرَادَةٌ: see غِرْدٌ.

غَرِيدٌ, or غِرْيَدٌ: see غَرِدٌ.

غَرَّادٌ an appellation applied by the people of El-'Irák to A maker of [the booths called] أَخْصَاص [pl. of خُصٌّ, with which غَرْدٌ is syn.], and of [the fabrics of reeds, or canes, called] حَرَادِىّ [pl. of حُرْدِىٌّ or حُرْدِيَّةٌ]. (O.) غِرِّيدٌ: see غَرِدٌ.

اغرود and اغرودة [i. e. أُغْرُودٌ and أُغْرُودَةٌ, in measure like أُسْلُوبٌ and أُحْدُوثَةٌ,] A song or a singing [or a warbling, of a bird, &c.]: pl. أَغَارِيدُ. (Har p. 445.) One says طَائِرٌ مُسْتَمْلَحُ الأَغَارِيدِ [A bird whose songs, or warblings, are esteemed sweet]. (A.) مُغَرِّدٌ: see غَرِدٌ.

مُغْرَنْدٍ act. part. n. of Q. Q. 3 [q. v.]. (S.) مَغْرُودٌ and مُغْرُودٌ: see غِرْدٌ.

أَرْضٌ مَغْرُودَآءُ Land abounding with [the species of truffles called] غِرْد: (K:) or having in it مَغَارِيد [pl. of مَُغْرُودٌ]. (O.) رَوْضٌ مُسْتَغْرِدٌ Luxuriant meadows or gardens [that excite the flies to buzz, or hum: see 10]. (TA.)



1 غَمَدَهُ, aor. ـِ and غَمُدَ, inf. n. غُمْدٌ; and ↓ اغمدهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِغْمَادٌ; (Msb;) mentioned by AO, (S,) or by A'Obeyd, (L, TA,) as two chaste forms; (S, L, TA;) He put it (i. e. a sword, S, Msb, K, or the like, Msb) into its غِمْد [i. e. scabbard, or sheath; he sheathed it]: (S, Msb, K:) or he made for it, or furnished it with, a غِمْد. (Msb.) b2: Hence, غَمَدَهُ بِكَذَا (tropical:) He covered him, or it, with such a thing; as though he made the latter a غِمْد to the former. (A.) b3: See also 5, in two places.

A2: غَمَدَ, inf. n. غُمُودٌ, said of a tree of the species called عُرْفُط, (assumed tropical:) It had its branches abounding with leaves so that one could not see its thorns; (L, K;) as though they were sheathed. (L.) b2: غَمَدَتِ الرَّكِيَّةُ, (L, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. غُمُودٌ, (L,) (tropical:) The well lost its water. (L, K.) b3: And غَمِدَت, (L, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. غَمَدٌ, (L,) (tropical:) It (a well) had much water: (As, L, K:) or it had little water. (AO, L, K.) 2 غَمَّدَ see 5, in two places.4 أَغْمَدَ see 1. b2: [Hence,] اغمد الأَشْيَآءَ (tropical:) He put the things one within another. (K.) b3: And اغمد الحِلْسَ (tropical:) He put the [cloth called] حِلْس beneath the camel's saddle, to preserve the animal's back from being galled by the saddle. (Akh, A, * L.) 5 تغمّد الثَّوْبَ (tropical:) He put the garment, or piece of cloth, beneath him, to conceal it from the eyes of others. (A.) b2: And تغمّدالرَّجُلَ, (JK, L,) and ↓ غمّدهُ, (L,) (assumed tropical:) He took the man beneath him (تَحْتَهُ, thus in the JK, in the L بِخَتْلٍ [by deceit, or guile]), to cover him over, or conceal him. (JK, L.) b3: And تغمّد فُلَانًا, (S, L, K,) and ↓ غمّدهُ, (K,) (tropical:) He concealed, as with a veil, what had proceeded from such a one, or what such a one had done. (S, L, K.) b4: And تغمّدهُ اللّٰهُ بِرَحْمَتِهِ, (S, A, L, Msb, K,) and بِهَا ↓ غَمَدَهُ and فِيهَا ↓ غَمَدَهُ, (L,) (tropical:) God covered him with his mercy, (A'Obeyd, S, A, L, Msb, K,) as with a veil; veiled him therewith; (A'Obeyd, A, L, Msb;) clad him, or invested him, therewith. (A'Obeyd, L.) b5: تغمّد الأَعْدَآءَ (assumed tropical:) He threw himself upon the enemies; or came upon them, or over them; and overwhelmed them. (L.) b6: And تغمّدهُ (tropical:) He filled it, (A, K,) namely, a measure of capacity, (A,) or a vessel. (K.) 8 اغتمد اللَّيْلَ (tropical:) He (a man, S, L) entered into [the darkness of] the night; (S, A, L, K;) as though it became as a غِمْد to him; like as one says اِدَّرَعَ اللَّيْلَ: (S, L:) and simply اغتمد he ventured upon, encountered, or braved, the night, (رَكِبَهُ,) to seek food for his family. (S, L.) 10 اِسْتَغْمَدَتِ السَّمَآءُ فِى السَّحَابِ الكَثِيرِ (assumed tropical:) [The sky became obscured amid the many clouds]. (TA in art. طنفس.) غِمْدٌ (S, L, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ غُمُدَّانٌ, (L, K,) but the latter is not of established authority, (IDrd,) of a sword, (S, L, Msb, K,) and the like, (Msb,) The scabbard, or sheath; [this is well known to be the correct meaning; it is shown to be so in the S, voce قِرَابٌ; and is the meaning obtaining in the present day;] syn. غِلَافٌ, (S, O,) or جَفْنٌ: (L, K:) [both of these words have the signification mentioned above; but not that only; for غلاف has a wider application; and it is said in the S, voce قِرَابٌ, that the جفن of a sword is a case, or receptacle, in which is (put) the sword together with its غِمْد and suspensory belt or cord:] the pl. is أَغْمَادٌ [a pl. of pauc.] (O, Msb, K) and غُمْدَانٌ, (O,) or غُمُودٌ. (K.) غُمُدَّانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

رَكِىٌّ غَامِدٌ, a phrase like عِيشَةٌ رَاضِيَةٌ, [غَامِدٌ meaning مَغْمُودٌ,] (tropical:) Wells having their water covered by earth, or dust; contr. of رَكِىٌّ مُبْدٍ. (A.) And غَامِدَةٌ (tropical:) A well (بِئْرٌ) filled up, or choked up, with earth, or dust. (K, TA.) b2: And غَامِدَةٌ and غَامِدٌ (assumed tropical:) A ship (سَفِينَةٌ) filled, or laden; (K, TA;) as also آمِدَةٌ (TA) and آمِدٌ. (K, TA.) مُغْمَدٌ: see what here follows.

مَغْمُودٌ and ↓ مُغْمَدٌ A sword [or the like] put into its غِمْد [meaning scabbard, or sheath; i. e. sheathed]. (S, A.)



أ1 فَآءَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. فَىْءٌ (S, O, Msb) and فُيُوْءٌ, (O,) He (a man, Msb) returned; (S, O, Msb;) and so ↓ افآء, and ↓ استفآء: (M, TA:) فَىْءٌ, as also ↓ فَيْئَةٌ and ↓ فِيئَةٌ, [or the former of these, accord. to analogy, is an inf. n. of unity, and the latter an inf. n. of modality,] and إِفَآءَةٌ and اِستِفَآءَةٌ al' signify رُجُوعٌ: (K:) or, accord. to some, فَآءَ signifies particularly he returned to a good state or condition. (MF, TA.) One says, فَآءَ مِنْ غَضَبِهِ He returned [to a good state, or recovered, from his anger]: (M, TA:) and فُلَانٌ سَرِيعُ الفَىْءِ مِنْ غَضَبِهِ [Such a one is quick in respect of the returning &c. from his anger]: (S, M, * O:) and ↓ إِنَّهُ لَسَرِيعُ الفِيْئَةِ, (M,) or ↓ لَحَسَنُ الفِيْئَةِ, (S, O,) i. e. [Verily he is quick, or good, in respect of] the returning [to a good state, or from his anger, or in respect of the manner of returning &c.]: (S, M, O:) and ↓ هُوَ سَرِيعُ الغَضَبِ سَرِيعُ الفِيْئَةِ [He is quick in respect of anger, quick in respect of returning, or recovering, therefrom]. (A, TA.) And فَآءَ إِلَى الأَمْرِ, and فَآءَهُ [i. e. فَآءَ الأَمْرَ], inf. n. فَىْءٌ and فُيُوْءٌ, He returned [to the affair, or to the command, i. e. to that which was commanded]. (M, TA.) حَتَّى تَفِىْءَ إِلَى أَمْرِ اللّٰهِ , in the Kur xlix. 9, means Until it [referring to a party (طَائِفَة) before mentioned] return to the ordinance of God, or to that which God has commanded: (Bd:) or until it return (T, Msb) to obedience, (T,) or to that which is right. (Msb.) And فَآءَ إِلَى الأَمْرِ, inf. n. فَىْءٌ, signifies also He reconsidered the affair, or case. (TA.) b2: فَآءَ المُؤْلِى (M, Msb, K) مِنِ امْرَأَتِهِ, (M, K,) inf. n. فَىْءٌ, (TA,) or ↓ فَيْئَةٌ, (Msb,) means The man who had sworn to abstain from conjugal intercourse with his wife expiated his oath and returned to her. (M, Msb, * K. [See Kur ii. 226.]) But MF observes that this usage of فَآءَ to signify He expiated an oath belongs to the conventional language of the law. (TA.) In the case of a man who has sworn that he will abstain from conjugal intercourse with his wife, a period of four months is appointed to him in the Kur-án; and if he have such intercourse with her in the four months, it is said of him, قَدْ فَآءَ, meaning He has returned [or reverted] from his oath, to the doing that which he swore that he would not do, and is bound to expiate his oath: if he have not had such intercourse with her until the end of the four months from the day of his swearing, then, Ibn-'Abbás and a number of the Companions pass upon her a single sentence of divorce, making the [said sentence of] divorce to have effect at the end of the months; but many of the Companions and others say that in this case he must return, and expiate his oath, or he must divorce. (T, TA.) And [hence] one says ↓ لَهُ عَلَى امْرَأَتِهِ فَيْئَةٌ He has the right of returning to his wife: (Msb, TA:) and هُوَ يَمْلِكُ

↓ فَيْئَتَهَا He possesses the right of returning to her; namely, a wife whom he has divorced. (A, TA.) b3: الفَىْءُ عَلَى ذِى الرَّحِمِ occurs in a trad. as meaning The being favourably inclined, or affectionate, to the relation; and returning to kind treatment of him. (TA.) b4: فَآءَ said of the shade, (M, Msb,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. فَىْءٌ, (M, Msb, K, *) It shifted, or removed; (M, K; *) or [rather] it returned from the side of the west to the side of the east: (Msb:) and الظِّلَالُ ↓ تَفَيَّأَتِ The shades became changed in their manner of being; (S, O;) or [rather] they returned [towards the east] after midday. (T, TA. [See the Kur-án xvi. 50.]) b5: And فَآءَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ; and ↓ تفيّأت; (M;) and ↓ فيّأت, inf. n. تَفِيْئَةٌ; (S, O, TA;) The tree had much shade. (M, TA.) فَآءَتِ الحَدِيدَةُ The iron implement became blunt after its being sharp. (T, TA.) A2: فِئْتُ الغَنِيمَةَ, (mentioned, but not expl., in the K,) inf. n. فَىْءٌ, (TA,) means I took the spoil. (TK.) [See also 10.]2 فيّأ الظِلَّ, and ↓ افآءهُ He (God) made the shade to return [in the afternoon]. (El-Khafájee, MF, TA.) A2: قَيَّأَت said of a tree: see 1, near the end. b2: Said of the wind, It put in motion the seed-produce, or standing corn, and the trees. (M, TA.) And, said of a woman, She put in motion her hair, from self-conceit, or vanity. (M, TA.) 4 أَفَأْتُهُ I made it to return. (O.) See also 2. b2: [Hence,] one says, أَفَآءَ اللّٰهُ عَلَى المُسْلِمِينَ مَالَ الكُفَّارِ [God restored to the Muslims, as though it were theirs by right, or gave to them as spoil, the property, or wealth, of the unbelievers]; (S, O;) inf. n. إِفَآءَةٌ. (S.) And أَفَآءَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِمُ الغَنَائِمَ [God restored, or gave, to them the spoils]. And أَفَآءَ عَلَى قَوْمٍ فَيْئًا He took for a party the spoil of another party and brought it to them: and he took for a party spoil that had been taken from them. (T, TA.) b3: And أَفَأْتُ كَذَا I made such a thing to be a فَىْء [or spoil]. (TA.) b4: and أَفَأْتُ فُلَانًا عَلَى الأَمْرِ I turned him to the thing, or affair, when he had desired another thing, or affair. (Az, T.) A2: See also 1, first sentence.5 تَفَيَّأَتِ الظِّلَالُ: b2: and تفيّأت الشَّجَرَةُ: see 1, near the end. b3: تفيّأ فِيهِ means He shaded himself in it; i. e., in the shade termed فَىْء. (M.) One says, تَفَيَّأْتُ فِى فَىْءِ الشَّجَرَةِ [I shaded myself in the afternoon-shade of the tree]. (S, O.) And تفيّأ

بِالشَّجَرَةِ [He shaded himself by means of the tree; or] he entered into the أَفْيَآء [or afternoon-shades] of the tree: (MA:) and [it is said that] تَفَيَّأْتُ الشَّجَرَةَ signifies I entered into the أَفْيَآء of the tree, and shaded myself thereby: (Har p. 500:) and Aboo-Temmám has made it trans. by itself [i. e. without a prep.] in his saying, فَتَفَيَّأْتُ ظِلَّهُ مَمْدُودًا [as though meaning And I protected myself from the sun by its shade, when it was extended]: but [perhaps he has thus used the verb in the last of the senses here following, for] it is said that this is irregular. (TA.) b4: [Hence] one says, تَفَيَّأْتُ بِفَيْئِكَ meaning (tropical:) I have had recourse to thee for protection. (A, TA.) b5: تفيّأ is said of a branch or twig [as meaning It bent, in a languid manner]. (T, M, L, K, voce تَرَأَّدَ; &c.) and one says, تفيّأت لِزَوْجِهَا, meaning She bent herself over her husband, and affected languor, or languidness, to him, feigning coyness, or opposition, and threw herself upon him: (T, * TA:) from الفَىْءُ signifying “ the act of returning: ” and some say تقيّأت, with ق; but Az says that this is a mistake, and that it is correctly with ف (TA.) A2: تفيّأ signifies also تَتَبَّعَ [He sought a thing time after time, or repeatedly, &c.]. (Har p. 500.) And one says, فُلَانٌ يَتَفَيَّأُ الأَخْبَارَ and ↓ يَسْتَفِيؤُهَا [app. meaning Such a one seeks after news, or tidings, time after time, or repeatedly, &c.]. (A, TA.) 10 استفآء He took as spoil. (S, M, * O, K.) One says, اِسْتَفَأْتُ هٰذَا المَالَ I took this property as spoil. (S, O.) b2: See also 5.

A2: As intrans., see 1, first sentence.

فَىْءٌ Afternoon-shade; shade after the declining of the sun from the meridian; (T, * S, O;) [i. e.] the فَىْء is what was sun, and has been annulled, or superseded, by shade; (M, K;) or that from which the sun has departed: so called because of its “ returning ” from side to side: (S, O: [see 1, first sentence:]) ISk says, (S, O,) the ظِلّ is what sun has annulled, or superseded; [correctly, what sun annuls, or supersedes; (see ظَلٌّ;)] and the فَىْء is what has annulled, or superseded, sun: (S, Mgh, O:) but AO says, on the authority of Ru-beh, that on which the sun has been and from which it has departed is فَىْء and ظِلّ; and that on which the sun has not been is ظِلّ: (S, O:) [see more under this latter word:] pl. [of pauc.]

أَفْيَآءٌ and [of mult,] فُيُوْءٌ. (S, M, Mgh, O, Msb, K.) b2: And Spoil, booty, or plunder; syn. غَنِيمَةٌ [q. v.]; (S, M, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) thus called, by the inf. n., because it returns from one party to another; (Msb;) and فَيٌّ in this sense is not allowable; (Mgh, Msb;) nor is it in the preceding sense: (Mgh:) or such as is obtained without difficulty: and therefore likened to shade. (MF.) And The [tax, or tribute, termed] خَرَاج [q. v.]: (S, O, K:) frequently occurring in trads. as meaning such, of the possessions of the unbelievers, as accrues to the Muslims without war: (TA:) or such as is obtained from the believers in a plurality of gods after the laying-down of arms: (A 'Obeyd, Mgh and Msb voce غَنِيمَةٌ:) or such as God has restored [as though it were theirs of right] to the people of his religion, of the possessions of those who have opposed them, without fighting, either by the latter's quitting their homes and leaving them vacant to the Muslims, or by their making peace on the condition of paying a poll-tax or other money or property to save themselves from slaughter: such is termed فَىْء in the Kurn. (T. [See more under غَنِيمَةٌ.]) A2: Also A flock of birds: (O, K:) [or a number of birds disposed in a row:] also termed عَرَقَةٌ and صَفٌّ. (O, TA.) A3: يَا فَىْءَ, (M, O, K, in the CK [erroneously]

يا فَىْءُ,) or, accord. to Ks, correctly يا فَىَّ [q. v.]. (M,) [Oh! or O my wonder?] an expression of regret, (M, O, K,) accord. to most, (TA,) or of wonder, (Ks, M, K, TA,) meaning يَا عَجَبِى. (Ks, M.) [See شَىْءٌ, last three sentences.]

فِئَةٌ A [party, portion, division, or distinct body, of men, such as is termed] طَائِفَة: (S, O, K, TA:) or a company (Msb, TA) of soldiers who fight in the rear of an army, and to whom the latter has recourse in the case of fear or defeat: (TA:) or a company of men who [in war] have recourse, for aid, one to another: (Er-Rághib, TA:) a word having no proper sing.: (Msb, TA:) originally فِىْءٌ; (S, O, K;) the ة being substituted for the medial ى, which is dropped: (S, O:) or its original form is فِئْوٌ [or فِئْىٌ or فِئْوَةٌ or فِئْيِةٌ (see art. فأو and فأى)]; the final [radical] letter being that which is elided; for it is from فَأَوْتُ [or فَأَيْتُ]

“ I divided; ” and فِئَةٌ is syn. with فِرْقَةٌ: (IB, L, TA:) pl. فِئَاتٌ and فِئُونَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) in which latter the و and ن are for the making good what is deficient [in the sing.]. (Msb.) فَيْئَةٌ: see 1, in four places. b2: [Hence] ذُو فَيْئَةٍ a term applied to Date-stones (نَوَى التَّمْرِ) when they are hard: [because,] being given as fodder to cattle, and eaten by them, they pass forth as they were at first. (T, TA.) A2: Also A time; syn. حِينٌ. (K.) One says, جَآءَهُ بَعْدَ فَيْئَةٍ He came to him after a time. (TA.) b2: And The حِدَأَة [or kite], that seizes as its prey the chickens from the dwellings: (O:) or a certain bird resembling the eagle, (L, K,) which, when it fears the cold, migrates to El-Yemen. (L.) فِيْئَةٌ: see 1, first quarter, in four places.

تَفِيْئَةٌ, (M and K in art. تفأ,) as also تَفِيَّةٌ, both mentioned by Lh, and the latter reckoned as a dial. var. of the former, (M in that art.,) and تَئِفَّةٌ and إِفُّ and إِفَّةٌ and أَفَّةٌ and إِفَّانٌ and أَفَّانٌ, (see art. اف,)] The time of a thing: (M and K in art. تفأ:) one says, أَتَيْتُهُ عَلَى تَفِيئَةِ ذٰلِكَ I came to him at the time of that: (M in that art.:) and [by extension of the signification] one says, دَخَلَ عَلَى تَفِئَةِ فُلَانٍ meaning أَثَرِهِ [i. e. He entered near after such a one; as though treading in his footsteps]: (K in the present art.:) the ت in تَفِيْئَةٌ is an augmentative letter; the word being [originally] of the measure تَفْعِلَةٌ, but formed by transposition: Z says that the ت would not be augmentative if the composition of the word were as it is here, without transposition: that it is not of the measure تَفْعِلَةٌ from الفَىْءُ; for, if it were, it would be of the same measure as تَهْيِئَةٌ [i. e. it would be تَفْيِئَةٌ]; therefore, if not formed by transposition, it would be of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ [i. e. it would be from تفأ, as some hold it to be], because of the إِعْلَال [or alteration for the sake of alleviating the sound, such as takes place in يَسِيرُ for يَسْيِرُ, which cannot be in a noun of the measure تَفْعِلَةٌ from a triliteral root like فيأ, whose medial radical is infirm], the last radical being hemzeh: but its formation by transposition from تَئِفَّةٌ [originally تَأْفِفَةٌ] to تَفِّئَةٌ, which is then changed to تَفِيْئَةٌ, as Z says in the “ Fáïk,” is what determines the ت to be augmentative, and the [original] measure to be تَفْعِلَةٌ. (L and TA * in arts.

تفأ and فيأ.) مُفَآءٌ A thing that has been made a فَىْء [or spoil, &c.]. (TA.) And A person whose country, or province, or town, has been conquered, and become a فَىْء to the Muslims. (IKt, O, TA.) It is in a trad. of some of those who have gone before, ↓ لَا يُؤَمَّرُ مُفَآءٌ عَلَى مُفِىْءٍ, meaning An emancipated slave shall not be made governor over an Arabian; (K, TA;) or, as in the Nh [and O] and L, لا يَلِيَنَّ [shall by no means rule]; (TA;) as though it were said, none of the people of the Sawád (which was conquered by force and became a فَىْء to the Muslims) shall rule over the Companions (O, TA) and their next successors. (TA.) مُفِىْءٌ A person who makes a thing [or a country or the like] to be a فَىْء. (TA.) See also مُفَآءٌ.

مَفِيْئَةٌ: see the paragraph here following.

مَفْيَأَةٌ: see the paragraph here following.

مَفْيُؤَةٌ A place of فَىْء, i. e. of the shade thus termed; [a place of afternoon-shade;] (M, K;) as also ↓ مَفْيَأَةٌ; (K;) and, as AAF says, on the authority of Th, ↓ مَفِيْئَةٌ; (M, L, TA;) and so ↓ مَفْيُوْءَةٌ, like مَسْمُوعَةٌ [in measure]: (L, TA:) accord. to Lth, (TA,) مَفْيُؤَةٌ is syn. with مَقْنُؤَةٌ, (S, TA,) which signifies a place on which the sun does not come: so says Az; and he adds that it is probably correct, but that he had not heard it on any other authority than of Lth. (TA.) مَفْيُوْءٌ i. q. مَعْتُوهٌ [Idiotic, or an idiot, i. e. deficient, or wanting, in intellect; &c.]: so called from his keeping long [or much] in the shade. (M, TA.) مَفْيُوْءَةٌ: see مَفْيُؤَةٌ.



1 خَبَزَ خُبْزًا, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. خَبْزٌ, (S, K,) He made [or kneaded and baked] خُبْز [or bread]; (K, TA;) as also ↓ اختبزهُ: (Sb, S, TA:) or the ↓ the latter signifies he made [or kneaded and baked] it for himself: (K:) or ↓ اختبز signifies he kneaded flour, and made dough of it, and then baked it in a مَلَّة [see خُبْزَةٌ below] or in an oven: (T, TA:) [and ↓ يُخْتَبَزُ signifies it is made into bread: see S and K voce فَثٌّ.] b2: خَبَزَ القَوْمَ, (S, A,) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. خَبْزٌ, (A, K,) He fed the people, or company of men, with خُبْز [or bread]: (S, A, K: *) like as تَمَرَهُمْ signifies “ he fed them with تَمْر: ” (A:) but Lh quotes the saying of certain of the Arabs, أَتَيْتُ بَنِى فُلَانٍ فَخَبَزُوا وَحَاسُوا وَأَقَطُوا, meaning [I came to the sons of such a one, and] they fed me with خُبْز and حَيْس and أَقِط: he does not say خَبَزُونِى وَحَاسُونِى وَأَقَطُونِى. (TA.) A2: خَبَزَهُ, aor. ـِ (TK,) inf. n. خَبْزٌ, (K,) (assumed tropical:) He beat him, or it: (K, * TK:) accord. to some, with the hand: or with the two hands: (TA:) and some say that خُبْز [or bread] is thus called because they beat it with their hands: but this assertion is not valid: (TA:) and you say also, خَبَطَنِى بِرِجْلِهِ, and خَبَزَنِى, (tropical:) [He beat me with his foot,] and تَخَبَّطَنِى and ↓ تَخَبَّزَنِى. (A, TA.) And خَبَزَ البَعِيرُ, (TK,) inf. n. خَبْزٌ, (S, K,) (tropical:) The camel beat the ground with his fore foot, (S, * K, * TA,) or, as in some lexicons, with his fore feet. (TA.) And ↓ تخبّزت الإِبِلُ السَّعْدَانَ (assumed tropical:) The camels beat the [herbage called] سعَدان with their legs. (TA.) 5 تَخَبَّزَ see 1, latter part, in two places.8 إِخْتَبَزَ see 1, first sentence, in four places.

خُبْزٌ a word of well-known meaning; (K;) [Bread;] that which is eaten. (S.) It is said in a prov., كُلُّ أَدَاةِ الخُبْزِ عِنْدِى غَيْرُهُ [All the apparatus of bread is in my possession except it, namely, the bread itself]: the origin of which was this: a company of men demanded hospitality of a certain man; and when they sat down, he threw down a [piece of leather such as is called] نِطْع, and put upon it a mill-stone, and adjusted its pivot, and covered it [with the upper stone]: and the presence of his apparatus made the company to wonder: then he took the handle of the mill, (هَادِى الرَّحَى,) and began to turn it: whereupon they said to him, What dost thou? and he answered in the words of this proverb. (K.) b2: [Hence,] الخُلَّةُ خُبْزُ الإِبِلِ (tropical:) [Sweet herbage is the bread of camels: and الحَمْضُ فَاكِهَتُهَا, or اَحْمُهَا, sour herbage is their fruit, or flesh-meat]. (A, TA.) خُبْزَةٌ i. q. طُلْمَةٌ; (S, A, K;) meaning Dough put in a مَلَّة, until it is thoroughly baked, (S, TA,) i. e., in ashes, and earth, in which fire is kindled; (TA;) a cake of bread, (MA, KL,) [or lump of dough,] baked in ashes (KL) [or in any way]; i. q. قُرْصٌ and قُرْصَةٌ. (K in art. قرص.) b2: Also A large ثَرِيدَة [or mess of crumbled or broken bread moistened with broth]: or, as some say, flesh-meat. (TA.) [See also خَبِيزٌ.]

خَبِيزٌ Bread made [or kneaded and baked], (K, TA,) of whatever grain it be. (TA.) b2: Also i. q. ثَرِيد [Bread crumbled or broken, and moistened with broth]. (Sgh, K.) [See also خُبْزَةٌ.]

b3: Also a vulgar term for خَبِيصَةٌ. (Esh-Shereeshee, in Har p. 21.) خِبَازَةٌ The trade, or occupation, of the خَبَّاز. (K.) خُبَازَى: see خُبَّازٌ.

خَبَّازٌ A maker of bread; one whose office it is to make bread: (TA:) a baker; syn. فُرْنِىٌّ. (Msb in art. فرن.) خُبَّازٌ (IDrd, S, K) and ↓ خُبَّازَةٌ, (K,) [or the former is a coll. gen. n., and the latter the n. un.,] and ↓ خُبَازَى (IDrd, S, K) [which last is the most common form] and ↓ خُبَّازَى, (K,) or when with teshdeed the ى is elided, (IDrd,) and ↓ خُبَّيْزٌ, (K,) [Malva, or mallow;] a certain plant, well known, (S, K, TA,) of the leguminous kind, having broad leaves and a round fruit; [whence perhaps its name;] accord. to the Minháj, a species of the مَلُوخِيَّةٌ [corchorus olitorious, or Jew's mallow]: or, as some say, the ملوخيّة is the garden-kind, and the خبازى is the wild kind: some also say that the بَقْلَة يَهُودِيَّة [sonchus, or sow-thistle,] is one of the species of خبازى; and there is a kind thereof that turns with the sun. (TA.) خُبَّيُزٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

خُبَّازَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

خُبَّازَى: see the next preceding paragraph.

خَابِزٌ A man possessing خُبْز [or bread]: (S, K:) like تَامِرٌ [possessing dates] and لَابِنٌ [possessing milk]. (S.) مَخْبَزٌ An oven; syn. فُرْنٌ. (M and K in art. فرن.) مَخْبَزَةٌ A place where bread is made: pl. مَخَابِزُ. (Meyd, in Golius.)



Q. 2 تَجَرْثَمَ: see 3, in two places.

A2: تجرثم الشَّىْءَ He took the greater, main, or chief, part of the thing. (K.) Q. 3 اِجْرَنْثَمَ He, or it, drew himself, or itself, together; contracted; or shrank: (TA, Har p. 297:) from جُرْثُومَةٌ signifying the “earth collected around a tree.” (Har ib.) Also, and ↓ تجرثم, It (a thing, S) collected itself together, or became collected, (S, K,) and kept to a place. (K.) Hence, in a trad., ↓ وَعَادَ لَهَا النِّقادُ مُجْرَنْثِمًا And the lambs, by reason of it, namely, the vehement drought, became collected, or drawn, together [in one place, and kept to it]. (TA.) b2: He (a man, TA) fell from a high, or higher, to a low, or lower, place; as also ↓ تجرثم. (K, TA.) جُرْثُمَةٌ: see what next follows.

جُرْثُومَةٌ [and accord. to Golius, as on the authority of the S, جُرْثُومٌ, but this I have. not found in any Lexicon but his and that of Freytag,] The root, lowest part, base, stock, or source, syn. أَصْلٌ, of a thing; (S, Mgh, K;) whatever the thing be; (Mgh;) as also ↓ جُرْثُمَةٌ: (TA:) and the place of collection thereof: (Mgh, TA:) or the earth that is collected at the roots, or lower parts, of trees: (K:) or the earth collected around a tree: (Har p. 297:) or the root of a tree to which the earth is collected: (Lth, TA:) pl. جَرَاثِيمُ. (Mgh.) One is related to have said, الأَسْدُ جُرْثُومَةُ العَرَبِ فَمَنْ أَضَلَّ نَسَبَهُ فَلِيَأْتِهِمْ [ElAsd are those, of the Arabs, to whom most others congregate: therefore whoever loses his genealogy, let him come to them]: meaning الأَزْدُ. (TA.) And جَرَاثِيمُ جَهَنَّمَ means The greater, main, or chief, degrees of the punishment of Hell. (Mgh.) b2: The base (أَصْل) of a sandhill overlooking what surrounds it. (Har p. 99.) and the pl. (جراثيم), Places elevated above the ground, composed of clay and earth collected together. (TA.) b3: The earth collected by ants; (TA;) an ant-hill: (K:) or جُرْثُومَةُ النَّمْلِ signifies the ant-hill. (S.) b4: The earth, or dust, that the wind raises, or sweeps up and scatters. (K.) b5: The غَلْصَمَة [or epiglottis]. (K.) مُجْرَنْثِمٌ: see 3. b2: رَكَبٌ مُجْرَنْثَمٌ [in the CK, erroneously, رَكْبٌ مُجْرَنْثَمٌ,] i. q. مُسْتَهْدِفٌ, (K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, مُسْتَهْدَفٌ,]) i. e., A wide, elevated pubes. (TA in art. هدف.)



1 ثَابَ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, &c.,) inf. n. ثَوْبٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and ثَوَبَانٌ (S) and ثُؤُوبٌ, (M, K,) He, or it, (a thing, M,) returned; (M, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ ثوّب, inf. n. تَثْوِيبٌ: (M, K:) he returned to a place to which he had come before; or it returned &c.: (T:) he (a man) returned, after he had gone away. (S.) You say, تَفَرَّقُوا ثُمَّ ثَابُوا i. e. [They became separated, or dispersed: then] they returned. (A.) b2: ثاب إِلَى اللّٰهِ, like تَابَ, (assumed tropical:) He returned [from disobedience] to obedience to God; he repented; as also أَنَابَ. (T.) b3: ثاب also signifies (assumed tropical:) He returned to a state of advertency, or vigilance; or he had his attention roused. (Th, T.) b4: Also (assumed tropical:) He returned to a state of health, or soundness: (TA, from a trad.:) he became convalescent, and fat, after leanness. (Mgh.) And ثاب جِسْمُهُ, (M, A, K,) inf. n. ثَوَبَانٌ; (M, K;) and جِسْمُهُ ↓ اثاب; (IKt, M;) and ثاب إِلَيْهِ جِسْمُهُ; (T, M, A;) and ↓ اثاب, alone; (S, M, A;) (tropical:) He became fat, after leanness; (A;) his good state of body returned to him; (S, M, K; *) his condition of body became good, after extenuation; and health, or soundness, thereof returned to him. (T.) b5: ثاب إِلَيْهِ عَقْلُهُ (tropical:) [His reason, or intellect, returned to him]: and حِلْمُهُ [his forbearance, or clemency]. (A.) b6: ثاب المَآءُ (assumed tropical:) The water of a well returned, or collected again: (T:) the water attained again its former state after some had been drawn: (M:) the water collected [again] in a wateringtrough, or tank. (S.) b7: ثاب النَّاسُ (assumed tropical:) The people collected themselves together, and came. (S.) And ثاب القَوْمُ (assumed tropical:) The company of men came following one another: the verb is not used in this sense in speaking of one person. (M.) b8: ثاب said of a man's property, (tropical:) It became abundant, and collected. (A.) b9: Said of dust, (tropical:) It rose, or spread, or diffused itself, and became abundant. (A.) b10: Said of a watering-trough, or tank, (T, M, A, K,) inf. n. ثَوْبٌ (Az, T, M, K) and ثَوَبَانٌ (Az, T) and ثُؤُوبٌ, (M, K,) (tropical:) It became full: (Az, T, M, A, K:) or nearly full. (Az, T, M, K.) 2 ثوِّب, inf. n. تَثْوِيبٌ: see 1, first sentence. b2: ثوَب بَعْدَ خَصَاصَةٍ (tropical:) [He returned to a state of richness, or competence, after poverty, or straitness, or being in an evil condition]. (A, TA.) b3: تَثْوِيبٌ meaning The calling, or summoning, (M, Mgh, K,) to prayer, (M, K,) and to other things, (M,) is said to be from ثَوْبٌ “ a garment,” (Mgh,) because a man, when he comes crying out for aid, makes a sign with his garment, (M, Mgh,) moving it about, raising his hand with it, in order that he to whom he calls may see it, (Mgh,) and this action is like a calling, or summoning, (M, Mgh,) and an announcing, to him; so the calling, or summoning, by reason to frequent usage of this word [as meaning the making a sign with a garment], came to be thus called; and one said of the caller, or summoner, ثوَب: (Mgh:) or it means the calling, or summoning, twice; (M, K;) or the repeating a call or summons; from ثاب “ he returned: ” (Mgh:) you say, ثوّب, inf. n. as above, (T, Msb,) meaning he called, or summoned, one time after another; (T;) he repeated his call, or cry: (Msb:) and hence تثويب in the أَذَان; (T, Msb;) i. e., the saying of the مُؤَذِّن, after having, by the اذان, called the people to prayer, الصَّلَاهْ رَحِمَكُمُ اللّٰهُ الصَّلَاهْ [Prayer: may God have mercy on you! Prayer!]; thus calling to it a second time: (T:) or his saying, (S, TA,) in the morning call to prayer, (S,) الصَّلَاةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ النَّوْمٌ [Prayer is better than sleep]; (S, TA;) for he resumes his call by saying this after he has said, حَىَّ عَلَى

الصَّلَاهْ [and حَىَّ عَلَى الفَلَاحٌ]; desiring the people to hasten to prayer: (TA:) or his saying, in the morning call to prayer, الصلاة خيرمن النوم twice, (T, K,) after having said, حَىّ علي الصلاه حىّ علي الفلاح: (T:) or the old تثويب was the saying of the مُؤَذِّن, in the morning call to prayer, الصلاة خير من النوم: and the modern, الصَّلَاهْ الصَّلَاهْ; or قَامَتْ قَامَتْ. (Mgh.) It also signifies The إِقَامَة; (Mgh, K, TA;) [meaning, the chanting, by the مُبَلِّغُون, in a mosque, not by the مُؤَذِّن, the common words of the أَذَان, with the addition of قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلَاهْ (The time of prayer has come), pronounced twice after حىّ على الفلاح;] i. e. the اقامة of prayer: (IAth, TA:) and this is what is meant by the phrase, in a trad., إِذَا ثُوِّبَ بِالصَّلَاةِ [When the words of the اقامة are chanted]. (IAth, Mgh, TA.) And The praying after the prayer divinely ordained. (Yoo, T, K.) You say, ثوّب, meaning He performed a supererogatory prayer after the prescribed; تثويب being only after the prescribed; being the praying after praying: (T:) and ↓ تثوّب signifies the same. (K.) And ثّوب بِرَكْعَتَيْنِ He performed two rek'ahs as a supererogatory act. (A.) But this and the similar significations are said to be post-classical. (MF.) b4: See also 4, in four places.

A2: ثَيَّبَتْ, (T, S, Mgh,) inf. n. تَثْيِيبٌ; (T, Mgh;) formed from ثَيِّبٌ, upon supposition [that the medial radical letter of this word is ى, whereas many hold that letter to be و]; (Mgh;) or ↓ تَثَيَّبَتْ; (K in art. ثيب; [the author of which seems to have supposed that, for ثَيَّبَتْ, one should read ثُيِّبَتْ; and therefore he gives مُثَيَّبٌ as syn. with ثَيِّبٌ;]) She (a woman) became what is termed ثَيِّب. (T, Mgh, K.) b2: [Accord. to my copy of the Mgh, it also signifies She (a camel) became what is termed نَاب: but I think that, in this instance, it is a mistranscription, for نَيَّبَتْ.]

A3: [See also the last sentence of the second paragraph of art. ثرب; and compare, with what is there said by SM, meanings assigned below to مَثَابٌ and مَثَابَةٌ.]3 الخُطَّابُ يُثَاوِبُونَهَا The suitors return to her (namely, a woman such as is termed ثَيِّب,) time after time. (A, Mgh.) 4 اثاب: see 1, in two places. b2: It may also mean (assumed tropical:) It (a valley, or a well,) had a return of water after a stoppage thereof. (Ham p. 598.) A2: اثاب اللّٰهُ جِسْمَهُ (tropical:) God restored him to fatness, after leanness; (A;) restored his body to a good state, or condition. (TA.) b2: إِنَّ عَمُودَ الدِّينِ لَا يُثَابُ بِالنِّسَآءَ إِنْ مَالَ (assumed tropical:) Verily the column of the religion cannot be set upright again by women, if it incline: said by Umm-Selemeh to 'Áïsheh, when the latter desired to go forth to El-Basrah. (T, L.) b3: اثابهُ اللّٰهُ, (T, S, * M, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِثَابَةٌ; (Mgh;) and أَثْوَبَهُ [dev. from rule]; (M, K;) and ↓ ثوّبهُ, (T, A,) inf. n. تثْوِيبٌ; (T, Mgh;) God recompensed, compensated, requited, or rewarded, him: (T, S, * M, A, Mgh, * Msb, K:) said in relation to good and to evil. (T.) And اثابهُ, (Lh, M,) and أَثْوَبَهُ, (T,) مَثُوبَةً حَسَنَةً, (Lh, T, M,) and مَثْوَبَةً, (Lh, M,) He (God) gave him a good recompense, compensation, &c. (M.) and مَثُوبَتَهُ ↓ ثوّبهُ He gave him his recompense, &c. (M, K.) It is said in a trad., أَثِيبُوا أَخَاكُمْ, i. e. Recompense ye your brother for his good deed. (TA.) And in the Kur [lxxxiii. last verse], هَلْ الكُفَّارُ مَا كَانُوا يَفْعَلُونَ ↓ ثُوِّبَ Have the unbelievers been recompensed for what they did? (T, S, M.) And one says also, اثابهُ مِنْ هِبَتِهِ, meaning He gave him a substitute, something instead or in exchange, or a compensation, for his gift. (Mgh, * and TA in art. جنب.) And مِنْ كَذَا ↓ ثوّبهُ, (M,) inf. n. تَثْوِيبٌ, (K,) He gave him a substitute, &c., for such a thing. (M, K. *) b4: اثاب الثَّوْبَ, inf. n. إِثَابَةٌ, He sewed the garment, or piece of cloth, the second time: when one sews it the first time, [in a slight manner,] you say of him مَلَّهُ [and شَلَّهُ, i. e. “ he sewed it in the manner termed ‘ running ' ”]. (T.) b5: اثاب الحَوْضَ (tropical:) He filled the watering-trough, or tank: (K, TA:) or nearly filled it. (K.) 5 تثوّب: b2: and تَثَيَّبَتْ: see 2, in the latter part of the paragraph. b3: The former also signifies He gained, or earned, a ثَوَاب [or recompense, &c.]. (K.) But this is said to be post-classical. (MF.) 6 تثاوب: see ثُئِبَ, in art. ثأب.10 استثاب مَالًا He restored to himself, or repossessed himself of, property; syn. اِسْتَرْجَعَهُ; (T, A, K;) his property having gone away. (T, A.) And اِسْتَثَبْتُ بِمَالِكَ I restored to myself, or repossessed myself of, property, by means of that which thou gavest me; my property having gone away. (A.) El-Kumeyt says, إِنَّ العَشِيرَةَ تَسْتَثِيبُ بِمَالِهِ فَيُغِيرُ وَهْوَ مُوَفِّرٌ أَمْوَالَهَا [Verily the tribe restore to themselves wealth by means of his property; and he makes incursions into hostile territories at his own expense, making their property abundant by the spoil that they gain with him]. (T, TA.) b2: استثابهُ He asked him to recompense, compensate, requite, or reward, him. (S, K.) ثَوْبٌ A garment, (M, Mgh, Msb, K,) [or piece of cloth or stuff,] that is worn by men, composed of linen, cotton, wool, fur, خَزّ [q. v.], (Mgh, Msb,) silk, or the like; (Msb;) but [properly] not what is cut out of several pieces, such as the shirt, and trousers, or drawers, &c.; (Mgh;) [though often applied to a shirt or shift (قَمِيص or دِرْع) and to a جُبَّة &c.:] it seems to be so called because the wearer returns to it, or it to the wearer, time after time: (Mgh:) [also a garment worn by women and girls over the shift; (see أُصْدَةٌ;) app., as in the present day, a long gown, reaching to the feet, with very wide sleeves:] pl. ثِيَابٌ [the pl. of mult.] (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and أَثْوَابٌ [a pl. of pauc.] (S, M, Msb, K) and أَثْوُبٌ and أَثْؤُبٌ, (S, M, K,) the last two being pls. of pauc., and the latter of them being thus pronounced with ء by some of the Arabs because the dammeh immediately after و is deemed difficult of utterance; for which reason they substitute ء for و in all instances like this. (S.) b2: Curtains, and the like, are not [properly] called ثِيَاب; but أَمْتِعَةُ البَيْتِ: (Mgh, Msb:) though Es-Sarakhsee uses the phrase ثِيَابُ البَيْتِ. (Mgh.) تَعَلَّقَ بِثِيَابِ اللّٰهِ (tropical:) [He clung to the curtains of the House of God], i. e., to the curtains of the Kaabeh, is a tropical expression. (A.) b3: Sometimes, ثَوْبٌ is used metonymically to signify (tropical:) A thing [of any kind] that veils, covers, or protects: as in the saying of a poet, كَثَوْبِ ابْنِ بِيضٍ وَقَاهُمْ بِهِ فَسَدَّ عَلَى السَّالِكِينَ السَّبِيلَا [Like the means of protection adopted by Ibn-Beed: he protected them by it, and closed the way against the passengers]. (TA.) Ibn-Beed was a wealthy merchant of the tribe of 'Ád, who hamstrung his she-camel upon a mountain-road, and stopped the way [to his abode] with it. (K in art. بيض.) b4: In the same manner, also, ثِيَابٌ is used to signify (tropical:) Weapons. (Ham p. 63.) b5: And أَثْوَابٌ is sometimes employed to signify (assumed tropical:) The wearers of garments; the wearers' bodies. (R, TA.) Esh-Shemmákh says, (T,) or Leylà, describing camels, (TA,) وَمَوْهَا بِأَثْوَابٍ خِفَافٍ فَلَا تَرَى

لَهَا شَبَهًا إِلَّا النَّعَامَ المُنَفَّرَا i. e. They mounted them, namely, the travellingcamels, (T,) with their [light, or agile,] bodies: [and thou seest not anything like them, except ostriches scared away.] (T, TA.) And in like manner, also, the dual is employed to signify (assumed tropical:) The wearer's body, or self; or what the garments infold: and ثِيَاب is employed in the same manner. (TA.) You say, لِلّهِ ثَوْبَاهُ, i. e. (tropical:) To God be he [meaning his excellence] attributed! [ for nothing but what is excellent is to be attributed to God:] (A:) or it means لِلّهِ دَرُّهُ [To God be attributed the good that hath proceeded from him! or his good deed! &c.: see arts. اله and در]. (K.) And فِى ثَوْبَىْ أَبِى أَنْ أَفِيَهُ meaning (tropical:) [On me and on my father it rests, or lies, or be it, that I pay it: or] فِىذِمَّتِى وَذِمَّةِأَبِى [on my responsibility and the responsibility of my father]. (K, TA.) And اُسْلُلْ ثِيَابَكَ مِنْ ثِيَابِى (tropical:) Withdraw, or separate, thyself from me. (A.) b6: [The following exs. are mostly, or all, tropical.] b7: إِنِّ المَيِّتَ لَيُبْعَثُ فِى ثِيَابِهِ الَّتِى يَمُوتُ فِيهَا, (K, * TA,) a saying of Mohammad, repeated by Aboo-Sa'eed El-Khudree, when, being about to die, he had called for new garments, and put them on: (TA:) it means Verily the dead will be raised in his garments in which he dies; accord. to some; and was used in this sense by Aboo-Sa'eed: (ElKhattábee, MF, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) [agreeably with] his works (K, TA) with which his life is closed: (TA:) or (assumed tropical:) in the state in which he dies, according as it is good or evil. (TA.) b8: وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ, in the Kur [lxxiv. 4], means And purify thy garments: (Abu-l-'Abbás, T:) or shorten thy garments; for the shortening them is a means of purity: (T:) or (assumed tropical:) put not on thy garments in a state of disobedience or unrighteousness: (I'Ab, T:) or (assumed tropical:) be not perfidious; for [figuratively speaking,] he who is so pollutes his garments: (Fr, T:) or, as some say, (assumed tropical:) purify thy heart: (Abu-l-'Abbás, T, K:) or (assumed tropical:) purify thyself (IKt, T, TA) from sins, or offences: (IKt, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) rectify thine actions, or thy conduct. (TA.) b9: You say, فُلَانْ نَقِىُّ الثَّوْبِ, meaning (tropical:) Such a one is free from vice, or fault: (A:) and طَاهِرُ الثَّوْبِ (tropical:) [the same; or pure in heart, or conduct, or reputation]. (TA in art. نصح.) And دَنِسُ الثِّيَابِ (tropical:) Vicious, or faulty: (A:) or perfidious: (Fr, T:) or foul, or evil, in reputation, (T, TA,) in conduct, or actions, and in the way that he follows [with respect to religion and morality]. (TA.) b10: كَلَابِسِ ثَوْبَىْ زُورٍ: see مُتَشَبِّعٌ. b11: أَعْرَضَ ثَوْبُ المَلْبَسِ and المِلْبَسِ &c.: see عَرُضَ. b12: ثَوْبُ المَآءِ (assumed tropical:) [The membrane called] السَّلَى and الغِرْسُ. (K. See these two words.) ثِيبٌ: see ثَائِبٌ, in two places.

ثُبَةٌ The place where the water collects in a valley or low ground; so called because the water returns to it: (Aboo-Kheyreh, T:) and the middle of a watering-trough or tank, (T, S, M,) to which the water returns when it has been emptied, (S,) or to which what remains of the water returns; (T;) as also ↓ مَثَابٌ: (S:) the ة is a substitute for the و, the medial radical, which is suppressed; (S, L;) the word being from ثَابَ, aor. ـُ (L:) Aboo-Is-hák infers that this is the case from its having for its dim. ↓ ثُوَيْبَةٌ: but it may be from ثَبَّيْتُ “ I collected together: ” (M:) it is mentioned in the K in art. ثبى or ثبو, and not here. (TA.) See also art. ثبو or ثبى. b2: Also A company of men; (T, M, L;) and so أُثْبِيَّةٌ: (M:) or a company of men in a state of separation or dispersion; (T;) a distinct body, or company, of people: (Yoo, T:) and a troop of horsemen: (M:) pl. ثُبَاتٌ and ثُبُونَ (T, M) and ثِبُونَ: (S and M in art. ثبى, and M in art. ثبو also:) accord. to some, from ثَابَ, being originally ثُوبَةٌ; and its dim. is ↓ ثُوَيْبَةٌ: accord. to others, it is originally ثُبْيَةٌ; (T, L;) and its pl. is ثُبًى. (L.) Hence, in the Kur [iv. 73], فَانْفِرُوا ثُبَاتٍ, i. e. [And go ye forth to to war against the unbelievers] in troops, (Fr, T,) or in distinct bodies. (Yoo, T.) See, again, art. ثبو or ثبى.

ثُوَبَآءُ: see ثُؤَبَآءُ, in art. ثأب.

ثَوَابٌ (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ مَثَابَةٌ (T, Msb) and ↓ مَثُوبَةٌ (T, S, M, K) and ↓ مَثْوَبَةٌ, (EtTemeemee, T, M, K,) the last anomalous, (M,) and unknown to the Kilábees, who knew the second of these words, (T,) A recompense, compensation, requital, or reward, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) of obedience [to God]: (S:) or absolutely; for good and for evil; as appears from the words of the Kur, هَلْ ثُوِّبَ الكُفَّارُ [cited above, see 4]; but more especially and frequently, for good. (IAth, L, MF, TA.) b2: ثَوَابٌ is also used as a quasi-inf. n., in the sense of إِثَابَةٌ; and in this case, accord to the Koofees and Baghdádees, it may govern as a verb, [like the inf. n.,] as in the saying, لِإَنَّ ثَوَابَ اللّهِ كُلَّ مُوَحِّدٍ

جِنَانٌ مِنَ الفِرْدَوْسِ فِيهَا يُخَلَّدُ [For God's rewarding every believer in his unity will be the giving gardens of Paradise, wherein he will be made to abide for ever]. (Expos. of the Shudhoor edh-Dhahab.) b3: It signifies also (tropical:) Honey; (K, TA;) i. e. (TA) the good that proceeds from bees. (A, TA.) b4: And in like manner, (tropical:) [Rain; i. e.] the good that results from the winds. (A, TA. [See ثَائِبٌ.]) b5: and (assumed tropical:) Bees; (M, K;) because they return [to their hives]. (M.) ثَيِّبٌ, [like سَيِّدٌ; originally ثَوِيبٌ, or ثَيْوِبٌ; i. e.] of the measure فَعِيلٌ, (Mgh,) or فَيْعِلٌ; (Msb;) A woman who has become separated from her husband (Lth, T, M, Mgh, K) in any manner: (Lth, T, M, Mgh:) or a woman whose husband has died, or who has been divorced, and has then returned to the marriage-state: (AHeyth, TA:) or one that is not a virgin: (IAth, TA:) or a woman to whom a man has gone in; and a man who has gone in to a woman: (Ks, ISk, S, Mgh, K:) or a person who has married: (Msb:) applied to a man and to a woman; (As, S, M, Msb;) like بِكْرٌ and أَيِّمٌ: (Mgh, Msb:) from ثَابَ; (IAth, Mgh, Msb;) because they generally return time after time to the marriage-state: (Mgh:) but mostly applied to a woman; because she returns to her family in a manner different from the first [state]; (Msb;) or because the suitors return to her time after time: (Mgh:) or it is not applied to a man (Lth, El-'Eyn, T, M, Mgh, K) except in the dual form, as when one says وَلَدُ الثَّيِّبَيْنِ: (Lth, El-'Eyn, T, M, K:) and a woman is also termed ↓ مُثَيِّبٌ; (M;) or ↓ مُثَيَّبٌ, like مُعَظَمٌ: (K: [but see 2, last sentence but two:]) the pl. of ثَيِبٌ applied to a woman is ثَيِّبَاتٌ, (T, Mgh, Msb,) and the post-classical writers say ثُيَّبٌ, which has not been heard as genuine Arabic: (Mgh, * Msb:) its pl. if applied to a man is ثُيِّبُونَ. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., الثَّيِّبَانِ يُرْجَمَانِ وَالبِكْرَانِ يُجْلَدَانِ وَيُغَرَّبَانِ [The two persons of whom each has previously had carnal intercourse in marriage with one of the other sex shall be stoned if they commit adultery together; and the two who have previously had no connubial intercourse with others shall be flogged and banished if they commit fornication together]. (T.) b2: It is also applied to (assumed tropical:) A woman who has attained the age of puberty, though a a virgin; tropically, and by extension of its proper signification. (IAth, TA.) b3: This word is mentioned in the K [and M] in art. ثيب; and its mention in art. ثوب is said by the author of the K to be wrong: but IAth and many others decisively assert that it is from ثَابَ, aor. ـُ “ he returned. ” (MF, TA.) ثُوَيْبَةٌ: see ثُبَةٌ, in two places.

ثِيابَةٌ and ثُيُوبَةٌ, as meaning The state of being a ثَيِّب, are not of the genuine language of the Arabs. (Mgh.) ثِيَابِىٌّ One who takes care of the clothes in the bath. (K.) [A post-classical word.]

ثَوَّآبٌ i. q. تَوَّابٌ [One who repents, or returns from disobedience to obedience to God, much or often]. (T.) A2: A seller of garments, or pieces of cloth: (Az, T, L, K:) and a possessor thereof. (Sb, S, L, K.) بِئْرٌ لَهَا ثَائِبٌ (tropical:) A well into which water returns after one has drawn from it; (A, TA;) see مَثَابٌ; and in like manner, [but in an intensive sense in the second of the following phrases,] ↓ بِئِرٌ لَهَا ثِيبٌ, and وَعِيبٍ ↓ ذِاتُ ثِيبٍ [in which وعيب is an epithet]: (T, L, TA:) or the first of these three phrases means a well of which the water stops sometimes, and then returns. (Ham p. 598.) You say of a well (بئر), مَا أَسْرَعَ ثَائِبَهَا (assumed tropical:) How quick is its returning supply of water! (T.) b2: ثَائِبُ البَحْرِ (assumed tropical:) The water of the sea when it flows after ebbing. (K.) Hence, كَلَأٌ مِثْلُ ثَائِبِ البَحْرِ (assumed tropical:) Fresh, sappy, [green,] herbage. (T, L.) b3: قَوْمٌ لَهُمْ ثَائِبٌ (tropical:) A people, or number of men, who come company after company. (A, TA.) b4: ثَائِبٌ also signifies (tropical:) A violent wind that blows at the beginning of rain. (S, K, TA.) مَثَابٌ: see مَثَابَةٌ, in four places: b2: and see ثُبِةٌ. b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The place from which the water returns [to supply the place of that which has been drawn, in a well]: whence ↓ بِئْرٌ لَهَا ثَائِبٌ [see ثَائِبٌ]. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) The station of the water-drawer, (A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, K,) above the عُرُوش [which means the pieces of wood upon which he stands], (A 'Obeyd, T,) or at the brink, where is the عَرْش [sing. of عُرُوش], (S,) or which forms part of the عُرُوش, (M,) of a well: (A 'Obeyd, T, S, M, K:) or the middle of a well: (K:) or it has this meaning also: (M:) pl. مَثَابَاتٌ. (T, M.) [See also مَثَابةٌ.] b5: And (assumed tropical:) The construction, or casing, of stones (طىُّ الحِجَارَةِ) that succeed one another from top to bottom [round the interior of a well]. (IAar.) [See again مَثَابَةٌ.]

مَثَابَةٌ (accord. to Aboo-Is-hák originally ↓ مَثْوَبَةٌ, T) A place to which people return, (ISh, Aboo-Is-hák, T, S, Msb,) or to which one returns, (ISh, S, Msb,) time after time; (S;) and ↓ مَثَابٌ signifies the same: (Aboo-Is-hák, T:) and the former, a place of assembly or congregation: (ISh:) or a place where people assemble, or congregate, after they have separated, or dispersed; as also ↓ the latter word: (M, K:) and a place of alighting or abode; an abode; or a house; because the inhabitants thereof return to it (ISh, S) after having gone to their affairs: (S:) the pl. is مَثَابَاتٌ; [also mentioned above as pl. of مَثَابٌ;] (ISh;) or it is ↓ مَثَابٌ; (S;) [or this is a coll. gen. n.;] or, accord. to Fr and others, مَثَاَبَةٌ and ↓ مَثَابٌ are the same: Th says that a house, or tent, (بَيْت,) is called مَثَابَةٌ; and some say ↓ مَثْوَبَةٌ; but no one reads thus [in the Kur]. (TA.) It has the first of all these meanings in the Kur ii. 119: (T, S, Bd, Jel, TA:) or it there means a place of recompense or reward for the pilgrimage to the Kaabeh and the visitation thereof. (Bd.) b2: And, sometimes, The place where the hunter, or fowler, puts his snare. (S.) b3: مَثَابَةٌ البِئْرِ (tropical:) The place where the water of the well collects: (A, TA:) or the place reached by the water of the well when it returns and collects after one has drawn from it. (M, K.) [Hence,] جَمَّتْ مَثَابَةُ جَهْلِهِ (tropical:) His ignorance became confirmed. (A, TA.) And كَانَ يَسْتَجِمُّ مَثَابَةَ سَفَهِهِ (tropical:) [He used to wait for his lightwittedness, or silliness, to attain its full degree]: a metaphorical phrase, occurring in a trad. (Har p. 68.) b4: Also (assumed tropical:) The stones that project, or overhang, around the well, (M, K,) upon which the man sometimes stands in order that the bucket (دَلْو or غَرْب) may not strike against the side of the well: (M:) or the place where it is walled round within (مَوْضِعُ طَيِّهَا): (K:) or, accord. to IAar, it means طَىُّ البِئْرِ; but [ISd says,] I know not whether he mean thereby مَوْضِعُ طَيِّهَا, or the building it [or walling it round within] with stones; though it is rarely that a word of the measure مَفَعَلَةٌ [like مثابة] is an inf. n. (M.) [See مَثَابٌ: and see what is said of تَثْوِيبٌ in the last sentence of the second paragraph of art. ثرب.] b5: مَثَابَاتٌ [the pl.] also signifies (assumed tropical:) The foundations of a house. (IAar, T.) A2: See also ثَوَابٌ.

مَثُوَبَةٌ: see ثَوَابٌ.

مَثْوَبَةٌ: see مَثَابَةٌ, in two places: A2: and see also ثَوَابٌ.

مُثَيِّبٌ and مُثَيِّبٌ: see ثَيِّبٌ.

مُسْتَثَابَاتُ الرِّيَاحِ (tropical:) Winds that are attended by prosperity and blessing; from which one hopes for a good result [i. e. rain]. (A, TA.)



1 مَغَدَ, aor. ـَ (inf. n. مَغْدٌ, S, L,) He (a child, and a lamb or kid, S, L, and a young camel, L, K) sucked his mother: he (a young camel) struck his mother in her udder with his head, and sucked her: and he (a lamb or kid) took the teat of his mother in his mouth to suck; (L;) as also مَعَذَ, with the unpointed ع and the pointed ذ. (IKtt.) b2: مَغَدَ He sucked, or sucked in, a thing: (K:) he sucked, or sucked in, the inside of صَرَبَة, i. e., [a piece of] the gum of the طَلْح; for there is sometimes in the inner part thereof what resembles glue and the honey of dates or bees. (S, L.) See also مَغْدٌ, below. b3: مَغَدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَغْدٌ; (L, K;) and مَغِدَ, aor. ـَ (L,) inf. n. مَغَدٌ; (L, K;) He, (L,) or it, (the body, K,) became full and fat. (L, K.) b4: مَغَدَهُ, (aor.

مَغَدَ, inf. n. مَغْدٌ, S, L.) It (a pleasant, or an ample, and easy, life) nourished him: (Az, IAar, S, L:) or it (a life, or manner of living) nourished him, and rendered him in a state of amplitude and ease. (K.) b5: مَغَدَ He (a man, L) and it (a plant, L, K, or other thing, K, or anything, L) became tall. (Aboo-Málik, L, K.) b6: مَغَدَ فِى عَيْشٍ نَاعِمٍ, (aor.

مَغَدَ, inf. n. مَغْدٌ, S, L,) a phrase mentioned by Fr, (S,) He (a man) lived, and enjoyed abundant comforts, or luxury, in a pleasant, or an ample and easy, state of life. (K.) b7: مَغَدَهُ It (youth) caused him still to flourish, or to be in the flower of age. (En-Nadr, L.) b8: مَغَدَ He became in the full prime of youth. (L.) A2: مَغَدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَغْدَ, He plucked out hair: (L:) as also مَعَدَ. (L, art. معد.) b2: مَغَدَ مَوْضِعَ الغُرَّةِ He plucked out the hair in the place of the blaze, or white mark on the forehead or face, of a horse, in order that it might become gray. (L, K.) 4 امغدت She (a woman) suckled her child; (S, L, K;) and a she camel, &c., her young one. (S, L.) b2: امغد, (inf. n. إِمْغَادٌ, L,) He (a man, S, L,) drank much, or abundantly: (S, L, K:) or he drank long. (AHn, L.) مَغْدٌ The flower, or flourishing period, of youth. (En-Nadr, L.) b2: Soft; tender; delicate: pleasant; easy and ample: syn. نَاعِمٌ: (S, L, K:) applied to the period of youth: (S, L:) and to life, or a manner of living. (L.) b3: Also, (K,) or مَغْدُ الجِسْمِ, (L,) Soft and plump: applied to a camel: (L, K:) or (so in the L; in the K, and) big, or bulky; (L, K;) as also مَعْدٌ; (L;) and tall: (K:) applied to anything. (L.) A2: مَغْدٌ, applied to the غُرَّة, or blaze, on the forehead or face of a horse; app. an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. part. n.; Having the hair plucked out in order that it may become gray: (L:) the term مَغْدٌ is used with relation to the blaze of a horse when it appears as though it were swollen; for the hair is plucked out in order that it may grow white: (S, L:) and with relation to the forelock, when it is as though burnt. (L.) A3: مَغْدٌ (L, K) and ↓ مَغَدٌ (L) The fruit of the [tree called] تَنْضُب: or (so in the L; but in the K, and) the [plant called] لُفَّاح [q. v.]: (L, K:) or the wild لفّاح: (L:) or, both words, (so in the L; but in the K, and) the [plant called] بَاذِنْجَان: (L, K:) or a plant resembling the ناذنجان, growing at the roots of the عِضَه: (L:) and the former word, a fruit resembling the cucumber, (Aboo-Sa'eed, L, K,) which is eaten: (Aboo-Sa'eed, L:) or a kind of tree that twines about other trees, more slender than the vine, having long, thin, and soft, leaves, and producing a fruit like that of the banana, but thinner in the peel and more juicy, which is sweet, and is not peeled [to be eaten], with pips like those of the apple; people share this fruit among themselves, taking it by turns, alighting where it grows, and eating it; it appears first green; then becomes yellow; and then, at last, green [again, or probably red; for I think that يخضرّ, in the L, from which this is taken, is a mistake for يحمرّ]: the word is a coll. gen. n.: and] the n. un. is with ة: (AHn, L:) ISd says, I have not heard مَغَدَةٌ; but ↓ مَغَدٌ may be a quasi-pl. n. of مَغْدَةٌ; like as حَلَقٌ is of حَلْقَةٌ, and فَلَكٌ of فَلْكَةٌ. (L.) b2: مَغْدٌ i. q. صَرَبَةٌ, meaning as explained above, at 1: (S, L,) also, the gum of the lote-tree, سِدْر: (Aboo-Sa'eed, L:) or, of the lok-tree of the desert. (S, L.) مَغَدٌ: see مَغْدٌ.



1 خَصِمَ, aor. ـَ [inf. n., app., خَصَمٌ,] He contended in an altercation, disputed, or litigated, in a valid, or sound, manner. (Msb.) b2: See also 3: b3: and 8.3 خاصمهُ, inf. n. مُخَاصَمَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and خِصَامٌ (S, Msb) and [quasi-inf. n.] خُصُومَةٌ, (K,) the last said in the S to be a simple subst., (TA,) He contended with him in an altercation, disputed with him, or litigated with him; (K, TA;) i. q. نَازَعَهُ: (Mgh and Msb and K in art. نزع:) accord. to El-Harállee, الخِصَامُ signifies the saying which the listener is made to hear, and which is made to enter his ear-hole, such as may cause him to refrain, or desist, from his assertion, and his plea, or claim. (TA.) You say, خَاصَمْتُهُ

↓ فَخَصَمْتُهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) aor. of the latter أَخْصِمُهُ, with kesr, (S, K, *) or أَخْصُمُهُ, with damm, (Mgh, Msb,) or not with damm, (S,) or both these forms of the aor. are used, accord. to AHei; the latter agreeable with analogy; (MF;) the former anomalous; for the regular aor. of an unaugmented sound verb in a case of this kind is with damm, (S, K,) as in the instance of عَالَمْتُهُ فَعَلَمْتُهُ, aor. ـْ (S;) if it has not a faucial letter (S, K) for its medial radical, (K,) in which case it is with fet-h, as in the instance of فَاخَرْتُهُ فَفَخَرْتُهُ, aor. ـْ (S, K,) accord. to the opinion of Ks, but this is contr. to the opinion generally held: (MF:) the inf. n. of خَصَمْتُهُ is خَصْمٌ: (S, * TA:) and the meaning is, [I contended with him in an altercation, or I disputed, or litigated, with him, and] I overcame him in the altercation, &c. (Mgh, Msb.) A2: خاصمهُ also signifies He put it in, or by, the خُصْم, i. e. edge, or side, of the bed. (TA.) 4 اخصمهُ He dictated to him his plea against his adversary in an altercation or a dispute or litigation, (JK, TA,) whereby he might overcome the latter. (JK.) 6 تَخَاْصَمَ see the next paragraph, in two places.8 اختصموا They contended in altercation, disputed, or litigated, one with another; (Msb, TA;) i. q. ↓ تخاصموا; (S, K, TA;) both signifying as above. (TA.) He who reads يَخَصِّمُونَ [in the Kur xxxvi. 49] means يَخْتَصِمُونَ; changing the ت into ص, and incorporating [it into the other ص], and transferring its vowel to the خ: some read يَخِصِّمُونَ, without transferring that vowel; (S, K;) because a quiescent letter, when it is made movent, is [regularly] made so with kesr: (S:) AA slurred the vowel of the خ: the pronunciation [يَخْصِّمُونَ] with two quiescent letters together is incorrect: (S, K:) Hamzeh read ↓ يَخْصِمُونَ, (S,) i. e., with the خ quiescent and with kesr to the ص. (TA.) b2: اِخْتَصَمَا إِلَيْهِ They two applied to him for the decision of a cause, each of them claiming the right. (TA in art. قمط.) And إِلَيْهِ ↓ تُخُوصِمَ [An application was made to him by litigants for the decision of a cause]. (Mgh in art. دلو.) A2: السَّيْفُ يَخْتَصِمُ جَفْنَهُ, said by J to signify The sword cuts (lit. eats) its scabbard, by reason of its sharpness, is a mistake; the verb being correctly with ض, (K, * TA,) dotted. (TA.) خَصْمٌ An adversary in contention or altercation, in dispute, or in litigation; an antagonist; a litigant: (JK, K, TA:) as also ↓ خَصِيمٌ: (JK, S, K, TA:) the former is used alike as masc. and fem. (S, Msb, K) and sing. (JK, S, Msb, K) and dual (Msb, K) and pl.; (JK, S, Msb, K;) because it is originally an inf. n.: (S, TA:) [see an ex. of its use in a pl. sense in a verse cited voce جَنَفٌ:] but it also has the dual form, خَصْمَانِ; (S, Msb;) and the pl. خُصُومٌ (JK, S, Msb, K) and خِصَامٌ (Msb) and perhaps أَخْصَامٌ, [which is a pl. of pauc.,] or this may be pl. of خَصِمٌ: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ خَصِيمٌ is خُصَمَآءُ (JK, S, K) and خُصْمَانٌ. (K.) خُصْمٌ The side (S, K) of anything; (S, TA;) as, for instance, of a load such as is called عِدْل; (S;) and of a bed; and the edge thereof: (TA:) written by Aboo-Moosà with ض; but IAth says that it is correctly with ص: (TA in art. خضم:) a lateral part or portion (S, K) of anything: (S:) a corner, (S, K,) as well as a side, (S,) of an عِدْل, and of a receptacle, such as a خُرْج or a جُوَالِق or an عَيْبَة: (S:) and the [anterior lower] extremity of a [water-bag of the kind termed] رَاوِيَة, that is opposite to the عَزْلَآء; (JK, K, TA; [in the CK, الزّاوِيَةِ and الغَزْلاءِ are erroneously put for الرَّاوِيَةِ and العَزْلَآءِ;]) the upper extremity [correctly extremities, at which are the loops whereby it is suspended upon the side of the camel,] being called the عصم [i. e. عُصْم, pl. of عِصَامٌ]: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَخْصَامٌ and [of mult.] خُصُومٌ: (K:) but some say that the أَخْصَام of the [water-bag termed] مَزَادَة, and its خُصُوم, are its corners: the خُصُوم of a cloud are its sides: (TA:) and أَخْصَامُ العَيْنِ signifies the part, or parts, of the eye upon which the edges of the lids close together. (S, K.) b2: [Also A gap, or an intervening space: it is said in the TA that] الأَخْصَامُ [pl. of الخُصْمُ] signifies الفرج [i. e. الفُرَجُ, pl. of الفُرْجَةُ: and it is added,] one says, of an unsound, a corrupt, or a disordered, affair, لَا يُسَّدُ مِنْهُ خُصْمٌ إِلَّا انْفَتَحَ خُصْمٌ آخَرُ (tropical:) [A gap of it will not be stopped up but another gap will open]; occurring in a trad., meaning, the state of affairs is disordered and distressing, and not to be rectified and repaired. (TA.) b3: [The pl.] خُصُومٌ also signifies The mouths of valleys. (JK, K.) b4: And The lower parts, or stocks, syn. أُصُولٌ, (JK, K,) of [trees of the kind called]

سَرَحَات [pl. of سَرْحَةٌ]; used in this sense by Et-Tirimmáh. (JK.) خَصِمٌ Vehement in altercation or dispute or litigation; (S, K, * TA;) as also ↓ خَصُومٌ: (Ham p. 628:) [or each signifies contentious, disputatious, or litigious:] or the former, knowing, or skilled, in altercation &c., though not practising it: (IB, TA:) or valid, or sound, therein; as also ↓ خَصِيمٌ: (Msb:) or this last signifies one who contends with another in an altercation, disputes with him, or litigates with him: (IB, TA:) the pl. of the first is خَصِمُونَ, (K,) occurring in the Kur xliii. 58; and perhaps أَخْصَامٌ, or this may be a pl. of خَصْمٌ. (TA.) خَصْمَةٌ A certain bead, or gem, or the like, used by men [as an amulet], in the K, مِنْ حُرُوزِ الرِّجَالِ, but correctly, as in the M, مِنْ خَزَرِ الرِّجَالِ, (TA,) worn on the occasion of contending in an altercation, or disputing, or litigating, or on going into the presence of the Sultán; (K, TA;) and sometimes it is beneath the gem of the man's signetring, when it is small; and it may be in his button; and sometimes they put it in the ذُؤَابَة [or cord by which the hilt is occasionally attached to the guard] of the sword: (TA:) also called خَضْمَةٌ. (K and TA in art. خضم.) خُصْمَةٌ and see خُصُومَةٌ.

خُصْمَانِيَّةٌ: see خُصُومَةٌ.

خَصُومٌ: see خَصِمٌ.

خَصِيمٌ: see خَصْمٌ, in two places; and خَصِمٌ.

خُصُومَةٌ Contention or altercation; disputation; litigation; (K, TA;) a subst. from 3 (S, TA) or 8 (JK, * TA) and 6, as also ↓ خُصْمَةٌ and ↓ خُصْمَانِيَّةٌ. (TA.) فَصْلُ الخُصُومَةِ: see art. فصل. [See also an ex. voce حُكْمٌ.]

أُخْصُومٌ The loop of the [sack called] جُوَالِق, (JK, TA,) and of the [load called] عِدْل; (TA;) i. q. أُخْسُومٌ; (K;) but the latter is a dial. var. of weak authority, and disapproved. (TA in art. خسم.)



1 غَبَنَهُ, (S, MA, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. غَبْنٌ (S, MA, Msb, K, KL) and غَبَنٌ, or the former is [the inf. n. used in this case, i. e.] in selling [and the like], and the latter is in judgment, or opinion, (K, agreeably with a positive statement in the S,) He cheated, deceived, overreached, or defrauded, him, (S, MA, K, KL, TA,) in selling; (S, MA, K, TA;) he endamaged him, or made him to suffer loss or damage or detriment, (Msb, KL, TA,) in selling, (KL, TA,) &c., (KL,) or in the price, or otherwise: (Msb:) [or] he overcame him in selling and buying. (Msb.) And غُبِنَ He was cheated, or deceived [&c. in a purchase]: (S, K, TA:) and ↓ انغبن [in like manner signifies] he became [cheated or endamaged or] overcome in selling and buying. (Msb.) And it is said that غَبَنَ فِى البَيْعِ, inf. n. غَبْنٌ, signifies He was unmindful, or inadvertent, [or perhaps غَبَنَ is here a mistranscription for غُبِنَ, signifying thus, and therefore meaning he was made to suffer loss,] in selling or in buying. (TA.) And one says also, غُبِنَ الرَّجُلُ أَشَدَّ الغَبَنَانِ [The man was cheated or deceived &c. with the utmost degree of cheating &c.]. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) غَبْنٌ يَسِيرٌ [A petty overreaching or endamaging] is one of which the rate is such as has been estimated [as allowable by custom] by one estimator, not by every one: and غَبْنٌ فَاحِشٌ [An exorbitant overreaching or endamaging] is one of which the rate is such as has not been estimated [as allowable by custom] by any one. (Dict. of Technical Terms used in the Sciences of the Musalmans.) [الغُبْنُ وَالغَبَنُ mentioned by Freytag as occurring in the Fákihet el-Khulafà, and expl. by him as meaning “ Fraus omnimoda,” should, I doubt not, be الغَبْنُ وَالغَبَنُ, the two inf. ns. mentioned in the first sentence above.] b2: غَبَنَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. غَبْنٌ, signifies also He passed by him (i. e. a man) inclining, or leaning, [or bending down, so as as to elude his observation, i. e.] so that he [the latter] did not see him, and was not cognizant of him. (TA.) b3: [And it is said in the TA that غَيَنُوا النَّاسَ means None but they obtained it: whence it appears that فِيهِ or the like has been omitted after النَّاسَ: with this addition, the phrase may be rendered, they overreached, or prevented, the other people in respect of it, by obtaining it themselves.] b4: هٰذَا يَغْبِنُ عَقْلَكَ, said to a man whom another had cheated (غَبَنَ) in a sale, means This [man] attributes defect, or imperfection, to thy intellect. (TA.) b5: قَدْ غَبَنُوا خَبَرَهَا, and غَبِنُوا, aor. of the former verb غَبُنَ, and of the latter غَبَنَ, i. e. لَمْ يَعْلَمُوا عِلْمَهَا [meaning They have not know her case or state or condition, or her qualities], (ISh, K, ast; TA,) is a phrase relating to a she-camel, of which it is said that she is what one would desire a she-camel to be as a beast for riding and in generousness of race, but she is ↓ مَغْبُونَةٌ, [i. e.] one of which the qualities are not known to be as above mentioned. (ISh, TA.) b6: غَبَنْتَ رَأْيَكَ [if not a mistranscription for غَبِنْتَ (see غَبِنَ رَأْيَهُ in what follows)] meansThou hast lost, and forgotten, thy judgment, or opinion. (TA.) b7: غَبِنَ الشَّئَْ and فِى الشَّئْ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غَبْنٌ and غَبَنٌ, signify He forgot the thing: or he was unmindful, neglectful, or heedless, of it; (K, TA;) and ignorant of it: (TA:) or he made a mistake in respect of it; (K, TA;) as in the saying, غَبِنَ كَذَا مِنْ حَقِّهِ عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ [he made a mistake in respect of such a thing, of his right, or due, to be required at the hand of such a one]. (TA.) b8: غَبِنَ رَأْيَهُ, inf. n. غَبَنٌ (S, Msb, K) and غَبَانَةٌ, (S, * K,) means He was, or became, deficient in his judgment, or opinion: (S:) or he was, or became, weak [therein]: (K:) or his intelligence, or sagacity, and his sharpness, or acuteness, of mind, went away: (Msb:) the parsing of this phrase has been [fully] expl. voce سَفِهَ [q. v.]. (S.) A2: غَبَنَ الثَّوْبَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) inf. n. غَبْنٌ, (K,) from مَغْبِنٌ [q. v.], (Msb,) He folded, or doubled, the garment, (T, Mgh, Msb, K, * TA,) it being [too] long. (T, TA,) and then sewed it; (Mgh, Msb;) like خَبَنَهُ [q. v.] (S, Mgh) and كَبَنَهُ. (Mgh.) And غَبَنَ الدَّلْوَ He folded, or doubled, [the edge of] the leathern bucket, to shorten it. (TA: but only the inf. n. of the verb thus used is there mentioned.) b2: And غَبَنَ الشَّئْ He hid, or concealed, the thing in the مَغْبِن [or armpit or groin or the like]; (TA;) as also ↓ اغتبنهُ. (K, TA.) غَبَنَ الطَّعَامَ is like خَبَنَهُ [i. e. He concealed, kept, or stored, wheat, or food, for a time of dearth, or adversity.] (S.) 3 غَاْبَنَ see 6, first sentence.5 تَغَبَّنَ see 10.6 تَغَابُنٌ signifies Mutual غَبْن [i. e. cheating or endamaging or overcoming in selling and buying: and ↓ مُغَابَنَةٌ signifies the same; or mutual endeavoring to cheat &c: see 3 in art زبن]. (S, MA, K, KL, TA.) Hence, يَوْمُ التَّغَابُنِ [in the Kur lxiv. 9], an appellation of The day of resurrection; because the people of Paradise will then overreach (تَغْبِنُ) the people of Hell, (S, K, TA,) by the state of enjoyment in which the former will become and the punishment which the latter will experience; or, as El-Hasan says, because the former will attribute defect, or imperfection, to the intellects of the latter by reason of the preferring infidelity to faith. (TA.) b2: And تغابن له [i. e. لَهُ, but this, I think, is probably a mistranscription for بِهِ,] signifies تَقَاعَدَ [i. e. تقاعد بِهِ, meaning He did not pay him his due,] حَتَّى

غُبِنَ [so that he was cheated or endamaged or overcome]. (TA.) 7 إِنْغَبَنَ see 1, second sentence.8 إِغْتَبَنَ see 1, last sentence but one.10 استغبنهُ and ↓ تغبّنهُ [app. signify He esteemed him غَبِين, i. e. weak in judgment, and therefore liable to be cheated or endamaged]. (TA in art. زبن: see 10 in that art.) غَبَنٌ [mentioned above as an inf. n.,] Weakness: and forgetfulness. (K.) A2: And What is cut off from the extremities of a garment, and thrown down, or let fall. (TA.) غَبِينٌ Weak in his judgment, or opinion; (S, K, TA;) and in intellect, and in religion; (TA;) and ↓ مَغْبُونٌ signifies the same. (K, TA.) غَبَانَةٌ [mentioned above as an inf. n. (see غَبِنَ رَأْيَهُ),] Weakness of judgment, or opinion. (S.) غَبِينَةٌ [The act of cheating, deceiving, overreaching, or defrauding; or of endamaging; in selling or the like;] a subst. (S, Msb, K) from [the inf. n.] غَبْنٌ, like شَتِيمَةٌ from شَتْمٌ, (S,) [or] from غَبَنَهُ (Msb, K) used in relation to selling, (K,) or in relation to a price &c. (Msb.) غَابِنٌ Remiss, or languid, in work. (K.) مَغْبِنٌ sing. of مَغَابِنُ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) which signifies The أَرْفَاغ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and the آبَاط, (Mgh, Msb, K,) [i. e. the groins and the armpits, and the like; (see رَفْغٌ;)] or the places of flexure, or creasing, of the skin: the sing. is expl. by Th as signifying any part upon which one folds his thigh. (TA.) مَغْبُونٌ pass. part. n. of 1 signifying as expl. in the first sentence of this art. [q. v.]. (S, Msb, K.) b2: See also غَبِينٌ. b3: مَغْبُونَةٌ applied to a she-camel: see 1, latter half.



1 غَبَسَ, (K,) aor. ـُ (TK,) inf. n. غَبْسٌ; (TA;) and غَبِسَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. غَبَسٌ and غُبْسَةٌ; (IKtt, TA;) and ↓ أَغْبَسَ, (K,) in some copies of the K, erroneously, اِغْبَسَّ; (TA;) and ↓ اِغْبَاسَّ; (As, K;) It (the night, TA) was, or became, dark. (K.) [See also غَبِشَ.]

A2: غَبَسَ وَجْهَهُ He blackened his face. (TA.) 4 أَغْبَسَ see 1. b2: اغبس الذِّئْبُ, inf. n. إِغْبَاسٌ, [The wolf was, or became, of the colour termed غَبَس, and غُبْسَة.] (TA.) 11 إِغْبَاْسَّ see the first paragraph.

غَبَسٌ The darkness of the end, or last part, of the night; as also غَبَشٌ: (Lth:) or the darkness of the beginning, or first part, of the night; and غبش, that of the end, or last part, thereof: (TA:) or the former has the first of the abovementioned significations; as also غَلَسٌ; and غبش, the second of those significations. (ElKhattábee, MF.) [See also غَبَشٌ.] And Darkness [absolutely]; as also ↓ غُبْسَةٌ: or ↓ both signify whiteness in which is a duskiness or dinginess: (K:) or the former, (S,) and ↓ the latter, (A,) a colour like that of ashes; (S, A;) i. e., whiteness in which is a duskiness or dinginess: (S:) or ↓ the latter, a hue between dust-colour inclining to black and dust-colour properly so called: (IDrd:) or a colour between black and yellow. (TA.) [See also غَلَسٌ.]

غُبْسَةٌ: see غَبَسٌ, in four places.

لَا آتِيكَ مَا غَبَا غُبَيْسٌ means I will not come to thee ever: (S, K:) but the origin of this saying is unknown: (K:) IAar said that he knew it not: (S:) or, accord. to him, it means, while time lasts: it seems that he did not know it at first, and then thus explained it: (T, TA:) accord. to some, غُبَيْسٌ is an abbreviated dim. of أَغْبَسُ, and means the wolf; (S, K; *) and غَبَا is originally غَبَّ, the ا being substituted for one of the letters of duplication, as in تَقَضَّى for تَقَضَّضَ; (S;) and the saying means I will not come to thee as long as the wolf comes now and then (يَأْتِى غِبًّا) to the sheep or goats. (S, K. *) أَغْبَسُ Ash-coloured; (Mgh;) of a colour like that of ashes; (S;) of a dingy, or dusky, white; applied to a wolf: (S, K:) or it is an epithet applied to any wolf: or, applied to a wolf, light, or active, and greedy: fem. غَبْسَآءُ: (TA:) pl. غُبْسٌ. (K.) b2: Applied to an ass, Black. (TA.) b3: وَرْدٌ أَغْبَسُ, applied to a horse, [app., Of a dusky bay colour;] i. q. سَمَنْد; (Mgh, K;) what the Persians call by the latter term: (S, TA:) it is [a colour] desired by them. (TA.)



1 مَعَدَهُ, aor. ـَ (inf. n. مَعْدٌ; L,) and ↓ امتعدهُ; He snatched it unawares; seized it hastily when its owner was unawares: (L, K:) or he seized it and took it away; snatched it away; took it away quickly by force. (L.) b2: Also, ↓ both verbs, He drew, or pulled, it: (L:) or drew, or pulled, it quickly. (S, L, K.) Ex. مَعَدَ الدَّلْوَ, and مَعَدَ بِهَا, and ↓ امتعدها, He drew up, or pulled up, the bucket: or drew, or pulled, it out, or forth, from the well. And مَعَدَ الرُّمْحَ and ↓ امتعدهُ, He pulled forth the spear from the place where it was stuck in the ground. And سَيْفَهُ ↓ امتعد He drew forth his sword from its scabbard. (L.) b3: مَعَدَ بِهِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَعْدٌ and مُعُودٌ, He took it (a thing) away; carried it off; went away with it. (K.) b4: Hence, مَعَدَ بِخُصْيَيْهِ He removed his testicles; (L, TA;) or he pulled them; as also مَعَدَ هُمَا. (Lh, L, TA.) b5: مَعَدَهُ He took it (namely, flesh,) with his fore-teeth. (K.) b6: مَعَدَهُ He plucked it out; namely, hair; as also مَغَدَهُ. (L.) A2: مُعِدَ, (L, K,) and مَعِدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. مَعْدٌ and مَعَدٌ, (IKtt,) He (a man, L,) had a diseased, or disordered, stomach, so that he did not find his food wholesome: (L, K:) or his stomach pained him. (Ibn-T reef.) b2: مَعَدَهُ He, or it, hit, or hurt, his مَعِدَة, or stomach. (L, K.) A3: مَعَدَ فِى الأَرْضِ, (aor.

مَعَدَ, inf. n. مَعْدٌ and مُعُودٌ, L,) He went away journeying through the land, or earth. (S, L, K.) 8 إِمْتَعَدَ see 1 in five places. R. Q. 2 تَمَعْدَدَ He assumed the garb, dress, habit, or external appearance, of the sons of Ma'add: mentioned also in art. عد [which see for other explanations not repeated here]: (K:) he endured with patience their mode of life in travel and in a fixed residence: (Lth, L:) and he subjected himself to a hard, or difficult life: said to be not derived from any other word. (L.) b2: تَمَعْدَدَ He became numbered among the sons of Ma'add. (L.) b3: It (a people or party) removed from Ma'add to El-Yemen, and then returned. (Lth, L.) b4: (tropical:) He became big, bulky, gross, or coarse, and fat: (Lh, TA:) (tropical:) he (a boy) became big, bulky, gross, or coarse, and hard, and lost the freshness and tenderness of youth. (A.) b5: (assumed tropical:) He (an emaciated man) began to become fat. (K.) b6: He (assumed tropical:) (a sick man) became convalescent. (K.) نَزْعٌ مَعْدٌ A quick pulling up, or out, of the bucket from a well: (IAar, S, * L:) or a strong pulling up, or out; as though the bucket were pulled up from the bottom of the well: or a pulling up, or out, by means of the pulley, (L,) [and therefore quick].

A2: مَعْدٌ Bigness; bulkiness; grossness; coarseness. (K.) b2: Big; bulky; gross; coarse; (ISd, L, K,) and strong: (ISd:) applied to a thing. (ISd, L.) b3: A quick, or swift, camel. (S, K.) b4: Fresh, and soft, or tender; applied to a leguminous plant; (L, K;) fresh and juicy; applied to the same, (S,) and to fruit. (L, K.) b5: رُطَبَةٌ مَعْدَةٌ, and ↓ مُتَمَعِّدَةٌ, A fresh and juicy ripe date. (L, K.) b6: In the phrase بُسْرٌ ثَعْدٌ مَعْدٌ, معد signifies Fresh and soft or tender: (S, L:) or it is a mere imitative sequent, (S, L, K,) not used alone. (S, L.) See art. ثعد.

مَعْدَةٌ, مِعْدَةٌ, مِعِدَةٌ: see مَعِدَةٌ.

مَعِدَةٌ and مِعْدَةٌ (S, L, Msb, K) and مَعْدَةٌ and مِعِدَةٌ; (TA;) the first of which is the original form; (Msb, TA;) the second and third being contractions; and the fourth, as well as the others, mentioned by Expositors of the Fs.; (TA;) The stomach of a human being; the place in which is the food before it descends into the lower intesstines, or guts; (L, K;) in a man, what the كَرِش is in every ruminating animal; (S, L;) or in animals that have cloven hoofs, and such as have feet like those of the camel: (M, L, K:) accord. to ISd, from مَعْدٌ, applied to a thing, signifying “ strong, and big, bulky, gross, or coarse: ” (TA:) pl. مَعِدٌ (L, K) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n., of which مَعِدَةٌ is the n. un.,] and مِعَدٌ: (L, Msb, K:) the latter as though formed from مِعْدَةٌ. (L.) مَعَدٌّ The side (L, K) of a man, &c.: (L:) or, in a horse, the part of each side between the lower portion of the shoulder-blade and the extremity of the ribs, consisting of thick and compact flesh behind the shoulder-blade; the protuberance whereof is approved, because, when that part is narrow, it compresses the heart: (L:) or, in a horse, the part between the head of each shoulder-blade and the hinder extremity of the portion of flesh and sinew next the back-bone: (L, K:) and the flesh that is beneath the shoulderblade, (L, K,) or a little below it; which is the best of the flesh of the side: (L:) and the place of the horseman's heel: (L, K:) or the part of a beast of carriage which is the place of the rider's leg: (Lh, L:) and the belly: (Aboo-'Alee, L, K:) also, a vein in the part of a horse called مَنْسِج. (L, K.) See also art. عد.

مَاعِدٌ: see what follows.

مِمْعَدٌ (L, K) and ↓ مَاعِد (L) A wolf that runs quickly. (L, K.) مَمْعُودٌ A man having a diseased, or disordered, stomach, so that he does not find his food wholesome: (L:) having a bad stomach. (A.) مُتَمَعِّدَةٌ: see مَعْدٌ.
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