Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 كَثُرَ, aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. كَثْرَةٌ (Msb, TA) and كِثْرَةٌ, or this is erroneous, (Msb,) [and perhaps كُثْرَةٌ, and كُثْرٌ, or these are simple substs., (see كَثْرَةٌ, below,)] and كَثَارَةٌ, (TA,) It was, or became, much, copious, abundant, many, numerous, great in number or quantity; it multiplied; it accumulated. (S, K, TA.) كَثُرُوا عَلَيْهِ فَغَلَبُوهُ [They multiplied against him and overcame him.] (TA in art. غرق). [كَثُرَ مِنْهُ كَذَا Such a thing proceeded from him, or was done by him, much, or often.] See also 4.

A2: كَاثَرُوهُمْ فَكَثَرُوهُمْ: see 3.2 كَثَّرَ see 4.3 كَاثَرُوهُمْ فَكَثَرُوهُمْ, (S, K,) inf. n. of the former, مُكَاثَرَةٌ, (S,) [and aor. of the latter, accord. to analogy, كَثُرَ,] They contended with them for superiority in number, and overcame them therein, (S, K, TA,) or surpassed, or exceeded, them in number. (TA.) A2: See also 10.4 اكثرهُ He made it much, abundant, many, or numerous, he multiplied it; as also ↓ كثّرهُ, (Msb, K, TA,) inf. n. تَكْثِيرٌ. (K.) b2: أَكْثَرْتُ مِنَ الشَّىْءِ and مِنْهُ ↓ استكثرتُ signify the same; (S, Msb;) i. e., أَكْثَرْتُ فِعْلَهُ [I did the thing much; lit., I made the doing of it much]: or أَكْثَرْتُ مِنَ الأَكْلِ وَنَحْوِهِ [I ate, and the like, much] presents an instance of pleonasm, [being for أَكْثَرْتُ الأَكْلَ وَنَحْوَهُ,] accord. to the opinion of the Koofees: or it is an instance of explication [of the vague signification of the verb], accord. to the opinion of the Basrees; the objective complement being suppressed, and the complete phrase being أَكْثَرْتُ الفِعْلَ مِنَ الأَكْلِ: and so in the like cases. (Msb.) [You say also أَكْثَرَ فِى الكَلَامِ He spoke, or talked, much; was profuse, or immoderate, in speech, or talk. and in like manner, فِى الأَمْرِ ↓ كَثُرَ He did, acted, or occupied himself, much in the affair.] b3: اكثر [as an intrans. v.] signifies أَتَى بِكَثِيرٍ [He brought, or he did, or he said, much]. (K.) b4: Also, [He became rich; he abounded in property;] his property became much, or abundant. (S, Msb, K.) A2: اكثر It (a palm-tree) produced, or put forth, its طَلْع [or spadix], (S, K,) i. e., its كَثَر, whence the verb. (TA.) A3: [مَا أَكْثَرَ مَالَهُ How abundant is his wealth! or how numerous are his cattle!]5 تكثّر [He endeavoured to acquire much, or abundance, of a thing]. You say تكثّر مِنَ العِلْمِ لِيَحْفَظَ [He endeavoured to acquire much knowledge, in order that he might preserve it in his memory]. And تَكثّر مِنْهُ لِيَفْهَمَ [He endeavoured to acquire much thereof in order that he might understand]. (A.) See also 10. b2: He made a vain, or false, boast of abundance, or riches; or a boast of more than he possessed; and invested himself with that which did not belong to him. (TA, voce تَشَبَّعَ, which signifies the same.) You say تكثّر بِمَا لَيْسَ عِنْدَهُ He made a boast of abundance, or riches, which he did not possess; syn. تَشَبَّعَ. (Msb, art. شبع.) And فُلَانٌ يَتَكَثَّرُ بِمَالِ غَيْرِهِ [Such a one makes a vain or false show of abundance or riches with the wealth or property of another]. (S.) 6 تَكَاْثَرَ i. q. 3 [but relating to more than two]. (S.) [You say تَكَاتَرُوا They contended, one with another, for superiority in number.] التَّكَاثُرُ in the Kur, ci. 1, signifies The contending together for superiority in [the amount or number of] property and children and men. (Jel.) A2: تَكَاثَرَتْ أَمْوَالُهُ [His riches multiplied by degrees]. (A.) b2: تكاثر عَلَيْهِ النَّاسُ فَقَهَرُوهُ [The people multiplied by degrees against him, and overcame him, or subdued him]. (TA.) 10 استكثر مِنَ الشَّىْءِ He desired, or wished for, much of the thing. (K.) You say استكثر مِنَ المَالِ [He desired, or wished for, much of the property]. (A.) b2: استكثرهُ المَآءِ, and المَآءَ ↓ كاثرهُ, He desired of him for himself much of the water that he might drink of it: (K:) and so if the water were little. (TA.) b3: استكثر مِنَ الشّىُءِ also signifies i. q. أَكْثَرَ مِنْهُ, q. v. (S, Msb.) b4: Also استكثرهُ He reckoned it much, abundant, or many. (Msb.) You say هُوَ يَسْتَكْثِرُ الفَلِيلَ [He reckons little, or few, much, abundant, or many]. (A.) Q. Q. 2 تَكَوْثَرَ It (dust) was, or became, much, or abundant. (S.) See كُوْثَرٌ.

كَثْرٌ: see كَثِيرٌ.

A2: See also كَثَرٌ.

كُثْرٌ: see كَثْرَةٌ.

A2: The greater, or greatest, or main, part, of a thing; the most thereof. (K.) كِثْرٌ: see كَثْرَةٌ.

كَثَرٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ كَثْرٌ (Msb, K) The heart, or pith, (syn. جُمَّارٌ, S, Msb, K, and شَحْمٌ, and جَذَبٌ, TA,) of a palm-tree: (S, Msb, K:) of the dial. of the Ansár: (TA:) or its spadix; syn. طَلْعٌ. (S, Msb, K.) كَثْرَةٌ, (S, A, K,) and ↓ كِثْرَةٌ, (K,) or the latter should not be used, for it is a bad dial. form, (S,) or it is correct when coupled with قِلَّةٌ, for the sake of assimilation, (TA,) and ↓ كُثْرَةٌ, though the first is the best known, (Ibn-'Allán, in his Sharh el-Iktiráh,) or the last is not allowable, (TA,) and ↓ كُثْرٌ, (S, A, K,) and ↓ كِثْرٌ, (S,) Muchness; much, as a subst.; copiousness; abundance; a large quantity; numerousness; multiplicity; multitudinousness; a multitude; a plurality; a large number; numbers; and frequency: contr. of قِلَّةٌ. (S, A, K.) [See also كَثُرَ.] You say ↓ مَا لَهُ قُلٌّ وَلَا كُثْرٌ He has not little nor much of property. (S.) and ↓ الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ عَلَى القُلٌّ وَالكُثْرِ, (S, A,) and ↓ عَلَى القِلِّ وَالكِثْرِ, (S,) Praise be to God for little and much. (S, * A.) [↓ كُثْرٌ is explained in the S by كَثِيرٌ, and so in one place in the TA; but it is a subst., or an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates.] b2: كَثْرَةٌ is also used to signify Richness, or wealthiness; syn. سَعَةٌ. (Mgh.) كُثْرَةٌ: see كَثْرَةُ.

كِثْرَةٌ: see كَثْرَةُ.

كُثَارٌ: see كَثِيرٌ.

A2: Also, and ↓ كِثَارٌ, Companies, or troops, or the like, (K, TA,) of men or animals only. (TA.) You say فِى الدَّارِ كُثَارٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ, and كِثَارٌ, In the house are companies of men. (TA.) كِثَارٌ: see كُثَارٌ.

كَثِيرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ كُثَارٌ (S, K) and ↓ كَاثِرٌ and ↓ كَثْرٌ and ↓ كَيْثَرٌ and ↓ كُوْثَرٌ (K) Much; copious; abundant; many; numerous; multitudinous. (S, A, Msb, K.) You say خَيْرٌ كَثِيرٌ, and ↓ كَيْثَرٌ, Much, or abundant, good. (A.) And قَوْمٌ كَثِيرٌ A numerous party, or people: and هُمْ كَثِيرُونَ They are many. (S.) And رِجَالٌ كَثِيرٌ, and كَثِيرَةٌ, Many men: and نِسَآءٌ كَثِيرٌ, and كَثِيرَةٌ, Many women. (Yoo, ISh, Msb.) And ↓ عَدَدٌ كَاثِرٌ, (S, Msb,) and, as some say, ↓ كَوْثَرٌ, (Msb,) and كَثِيرٌ, (K in art. بول, &c.) A large number. (S, Msb.) And ↓ غُبَارٌ كُوْثَرٌ Much dust: (S:) or much confused dust (K, TA) rising and diffusing itself: of the dial. of Hudheyl. (TA.) b2: [A large quantity, or number, مِنْ مَالٍ وَغَيْرِهِ of property, or cattle, &c.] b3: كَثِيرًا, as an adv., Much; often. (The lexicons passim.) b4: رَجُلٌ كثيرٌ [in the TA كثر: probably the right reading is ↓ كَيْثَرٌ, q. v.:] A man whose ancestors are many, and whose high deeds are various. (L.) b5: See also مُطَّرِدٌ.

كَثِيرَةٌ, with ة, [as a subst., signifying Much,] is used only in negative phrases; like [its contr.]

قَلِيلَةٌ, q. v. (Az, in TA, art. قل.) كَاثِرٌ: see كَثِيرٌ, in two places.

كُوْثَرٌ: see كَثِيرٌ, in three places.

A2: A lord, or master, (S, K,) abounding in good: (S:) a man possessing good, or much good, and who gives much or often; as also ↓ كَيْثَرٌ. (K, TA.) A3: A river. (Kr, K.) b2: And الكَوْثَرُ A certain river in paradise, (S, Msb, K,) from which flow all the [other] rivers thereof, (K,) pertaining specially to the Prophet, described as being whiter than milk and sweeter than honey and as having its margin composed of pavilions of hollowed pearls. (TA.) كَيْثَرٌ: see كَثِيرٌ, in two places: and كُوْثَرٌ.

أَكْثَرُ More, and most, in quantity, and in number. (The lexicons passim.) أَكْثَزِىٌّ Having relation to the greater number of things or cases.]

مُكْثِرٌ A man possessing wealth: (K:) or possessing much wealth. (A, TA.) مَكْثَرَةٌ A cause of rendering abundant, or multiplying; syn. مَثْرَاةٌ, q. v. (S, K in art. ثرو.) مِكْثَارٌ (A, K, TA) and ↓ مِكْثِيرٌ, (K, TA,) applied to a man, and to a woman, (A, TA,) Loquacious; talkative; a great talker; (K, TA;) a great babbler. (A.) مَكْثُورٌ Overcome in number: (S, * A:) one against whom people have multiplied by degrees (ثَكَاثَرُوا عَلَيْهِ) so that they have overcome or subdued him. (TA.) b2: مَكْثُورٌ عَلَيْهِ [A place thronged]. b3: فُلَانٌ مَكْثُورٌ عَلَيْهِ Such a one has spent what he had, and claims upon him have become numerous: (S:) or such a one has many seekers of his beneficence. (A.) See also مَشْفُوفٌ.

مِكْثِيرٌ: see مِكْثَارٌ.



1 عَضَدَهُ, aor. ـُ (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَضْدٌ, (Msb,) He hit, or hurt, his عَضُد [or upper arm, between the elbow and the shoulder-blade]; (S, O, Msb, K;) i. e., a man's. (Msb.) b2: And, aor. as above, (S, A, &c.,) and so the inf. n., (Msb,) (tropical:) He aided, or assisted, him; (S, A, O, Msb, K;) he was, or became, an عَضُد i. e. aider, or assistant, to him: (Msb:) thus used, it is doubly tropical; for عَضُدٌ primarily [and properly] relates to the arm, then it was metaphorically applied to signify an aider, or assistant, then they formed the verb in this meaning, and it obtained so extensively as to become a حَقِيقَة عُرْفِيَّة [i. e. a word so much used in this tropical sense as to be, in the said sense, conventionally regarded as proper]; therefore it is not mentioned by Z [in the A] as tropical; (TA;) and ↓ عاضدهُ, (K, * TA,) inf. n. مُعَاضَدَةٌ, (S, A, O, TA,) likewise signifies he aided him against another. (S, * K, * TA.) b3: Also, عَضَدَهُ, He (a camel) took him (another camel) by his عَضُد [i. e. arm], and threw him down. (L.) b4: عَضَدَهُ فِى العَضُدِ [He bound it, or attached it, upon the عضد (or upper arm)]; namely, a thong, or the like; (O, K, TA;) such, for instance, as an amulet. (TA.) b5: عَضَدَ الدَّابَّةَ, aor. ـِ [thus I find it in this instance,] inf. n. عُضُودٌ [in the TA عضد,] He walked by the side [as though by the عَضُد (or arm)] of the beast, (L, Msb,) on the right or left, (Msb,) or sometimes on its right and sometimes on its left, not quitting it. (L.) b6: عَضَدَ الرَّكَائِبَ, (L, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَضْدٌ, (L,) He came to the camels, or other beasts, used for riding, from the tracts, or parts, surrounding them, and gathered them together. (L, K. *) b7: See also 4. b8: عَضَدَ الشَّجَرَ, aor. ـِ (S, Mgh, O, &c.,) inf. n. عَضْدٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) (tropical:) He cut, or lopped, the trees (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K *) with a مِعْضَد; (S;) as also ↓ استعضدهُ. (Hr, O, K. *) b9: And عَضَدَ الشَّجَرَةَ (tropical:) He scattered the leaves from the tree for his camels. (Th, TA.) b10: عَضَدَهُ القَتَبُ, (O, K,) inf. n. عَضْدٌ, (TA,) The saddle galled and wounded him; namely, a camel. (O, K.) A2: عُضِدَ, (L, K,) a verb like عُنِىَ, (K,) He had a complaint of his عَضُد [or upper arm]. (L, K.) And in like manner are formed verbs relating to all other members, or parts of the body. (L.) A3: عَضِدَ He (a camel) had the disease termed عَضَدٌ [q. v.]. (S, O, K.) 2 عَضَّدَ see 4, in two places.3 عَاْضَدَ see 1, second sentence.4 اعضد المَطَرُ, and ↓ عضّد, The moisture of the rain reached [or penetrated] to the [measure of the] عَضُد [or upper arm]. (L.) b2: رَمَى فَأَعْضَدَ; as also ↓ عضّد, inf. n. تَعْضِيدٌ; [and app. ↓ عَضَدَ likewise, said of an arrow; (see its part. n. عَاضِدٌ;)] (tropical:) He shot, or cast, and it [i. e. the arrow or other missile] went to the right and left (O, K) [or fell on the right, or left, of the butt: see عَاضِدٌ].5 تَعَضَّدَ see 8.6 تعاضدوا (tropical:) They aided, or assisted, one another. (O, Msb, K.) 8 اعتضدهُ He put it, or placed it, (i. e. a thing, S,) upon (فِى) his عَضُد [or upper arm]: (S, O, K:) [or] he placed it under his arm; as also ↓ تعضّدهُ; syn. اِحْتَضَنَهُ. (A.) A2: اعتضد (tropical:) He became strong; or he strengthened himself. (TA.) b2: اعتضد بِهِ (assumed tropical:) He asked, begged, or desired, aid, or assistance, of him. (S, A, O, K.) 10 استعضده: see 1, last quarter. b2: Also He gathered it; namely, fruit; (O, K;) he cut it off and gathered it from a tree, to eat it. (Hr, O. *) عَضْدٌ: see عَضُدٌ, first sentence: b2: and عَضَادٌ.

عُضْدٌ: see عَضُدٌ, first sentence.

عِضْدٌ: see عَضُدٌ, first sentence.

عَضَدٌ A certain disease in the أَعْضَاد [or arms (pl. of عَضُدٌ)] of camels, (S, O, K,) on account of which they are slit [in those parts]. (S, O.) A2: And (tropical:) What is cut, or lopped, of trees; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ عَضِيدٌ (TA) and ↓ مَعْضُودٌ: (S, O:) or العَضَدُ signifies what is cut, or lopped, from trees; or the leaves that are made to fall by beating trees, and used as food for camels: as also ↓ عَضِيدٌ: (TA:) or the leaves scattered off from a tree for camels. (Th, TA.) A3: See also عَضُدٌ, first sentence: b2: and again, near the middle, in two places.

عَضُدٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) which is the most common form of the word, (TA,) and ↓ عَضِدٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) of the dial. of Asad, (O, Msb,) and ↓ عُضُدٌ, (Az, O, Msb, K,) of the dial. of Tihámeh, (Az, TA,) or of El-Hijáz, (Msb,) and ↓ عَضَدٌ, (Th, TA,) and ↓ عَضْدٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) of the dials. of Temeem and Bekr, (O, Msb,) and ↓ عُضْدٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and ↓ عِضْدٌ, (K,) the last three of which are said to be contractions of the first or second, or variants thereof formed to assimilate them to other words preceding them; (TA;) all masc. and fem.; (L;) or fem. only; (Lh, TA;) or masc. in the dial. of Tihámeh; (Az, L;) or fem. in the dial. of Tihámeh, and masc. in the dial. of Temeem; (Az, Msb;) i. q. سَاعِدٌ, (S, L,) i. e. [The upper arm, or upper half of the arm,] from the elbow to the shoulder-blade, (S,) or the part between the elbow and the shoulderblade, (L, O, Msb, K,) of a human being: (L:) [and in a beast, the arm; (see أَبَضَهُ &c.;) in this case like ذِرَاعٌ:] pl. أَعْضُدٌ and أَعْضَادٌ, (Msb,) or only the latter, (L,) which is used in a poem of Sá'ideh Ibn-Ju-eiyeh as meaning the legs of bees. (TA.) مَلَأَ مِنْ شَحْمٍ عَضُدِى, in the story of Umm-Zara, means (assumed tropical:) He filled with fat, not peculiarly my عَضُد, but my whole body; for when the عَضُد becomes fat, the whole body becomes so. (O, L.) b2: [Hence,] عَضُدٌ [in the CK العَضْدُ is erroneously put for العَضُدُ] signifies also (tropical:) An aider, or assistant; (L, K, TA;) and so [app. any of its variants mentioned above, and] ↓ عَاضِدٌ (TA) and ↓ عِضَادَةٌ. (L, TA.) And it is also used for [its pl.] أَعْضَادٌ; as in the Kur xviii. 49, in which the sing. form is said to be employed for the sake of agreement with the other verses [preceding and following], that they may all end with singulars: (TA:) but one also says, هُمْ عَضُدِى and أَعْضَادِى (tropical:) [They are my aiders, or assistants]. (O, K, TA.) And one says, فُلَانٌ عَضُدِى, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one is my support, or stay. (Msb.) And فَتَّ فِى عَضُدِهِ (assumed tropical:) He broke some of the intentions, purposes, or designs, of his aiders, or assistants, (or of the people of his house, TA,) and separated, or dispersed, them from him: (O, K:) or he sought to injure him by diminishing, or impairing, [in number or power,] the people of his house; (T and O in art. فت;) and in like manner, فَتَّ فِى أَعْضَادِهِ. (TA in the present art.) And فَتَّ فِى عَضُدِى وَهَدَّ رُكْنِى (assumed tropical:) He broke my strength, and dispersed, or separated, my aiders, or assistants: (TA in art. فت:) [for] عَضُدٌ signifies also (tropical:) Strength, because the part so called, of a man, is a mean of strength to him. (L.) سَنَشُدُّ عَضُدَكَ بِأَخِيكَ, in the Kur [xxviii. 35], means, accord. to Zj, (tropical:) We will aid thee, or assist thee, by thy brother. (L.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The side of the armpit; and so ↓ عَضَدٌ. (L.) And (assumed tropical:) A side of a road; (O, L; [in this sense written in the TA عَضْدٌ;]) as also ↓ عِضَادَةٌ. (L.) (assumed tropical:) The side, or quarter, from which the wind blows. (L.) (assumed tropical:) A side; or a lateral, or an outward, or adjacent, part, or portion; a quarter region, or tract; (O, L, K;) of a house, and of anything: pl. أَعْضَادٌ. (L.) [Hence,] عَضُدُ الرَّكَائِبِ (assumed tropical:) The tract, or part, surrounding the camels, or other beasts, used for riding. (L.) One says, اِمْلِكْ أَعْضَادَ الإِبِلِ (tropical:) [lit. Have thou possession of the tracts adjacent to the camels], meaning direct thou aright the course of the camels, so that they may not wander away to the right and left. (A.) b4: Also, and ↓ عَضَدٌ, (L,) and أَعْضَادٌ, (S, L, K,) which last is a pl. of the two preceding words, as is also عُضُودٌ, (L,) (tropical:) A raised enclosing border, or such borders, of built work, (S, O, L, K,) &c., (S, L,) of a watering-trough or tank, and of a road, &c., (K,) or of anything, (S, O,) such as the أَعْضَاد of a watering-trough or tank, which are stones, (S,) or broad and thin stones, (L,) set up around the brink; (S, L;) also called عَضُدٌ; extending from the place whence the water flows into it, to its hinder part: (L:) or عَضُدٌ signifies the two sides of a watering-trough or tank: (IAar, L:) or its side: (O, TA:) and its أَعْضَاد are its sides: and the أَعْضَاد of a portion of sown land that is separated from the parts adjacent to it by ridges of earth, for irrigation, are its raised borders that confine the water; (A;) أَعْضَادُ المَزَارِعِ signifying the [raised] boundaries between the portions of sown land. (En-Nadr, L.) b5: عَضُدٌ (O, K, in the CK عَضْد,) is also syn. with ↓ عَضِيدٌ, (K,) or ↓ عَضِيدَةٌ, (O,) as signifying (assumed tropical:) A row of palm-trees: (O, K:) the first of these words is mentioned by Hr as occurring in a trad., and is thus expl.: but others say that it is ↓ عَضِيدٌ, (TA,) which, accord. to As, signifies a palm-tree having such a [low] trunk that one can reach from it [the fruit or branches]; (S, TA;) and the pl. is عِضْدَانٌ: (S, K:) he adds that when it exceeds the reach of the hand it is called جَبَّارَةٌ. (S, TA.) b6: عَضُدَا النَّعْلِ and ↓ عِضَادَتَاهَا [and عَضُدَا شِرَاكِ النَّعْلِ signifies (assumed tropical:) The two branches of the شِرَاك of the sandal, described voce أُذُنٌ, q. v.;] the two appertenances, of the sandal, that lie upon the foot. (L.) b7: عَضُدَا الرَّحْلِ (assumed tropical:) The two pieces of wood that are attached to the fore part of the camel's saddle, (L,) or to the lower portions of its fore part (the وَاسِط): (Lth, O, L:) or, accord. to Az, the upper portions of the ظَلِفَتَانِ [a mistake for the حِنْوَانِ] of the camel's saddle, next [the pieces of wood called] the عَرَاقِى; below them being the ظَلِفَتَانِ, which are the lower parts of the حِنْوَانِ of the وَاسِط and of the مُؤَخَّرَة. (O, L. [See ظَلِفَةٌ. In a similar manner, also, the term عَضُدَانِ is used in relation to a horse's saddle: see قَرَبُوسٌ.]) b8: See also عَضَادٌ.

عَضِدٌ Having a complaint of his عَضُد [or upper arm]. (O, K.) b2: A camel having the disease termed عَضَدٌ. (TA.) b3: One that has drawn near, or approached, to the عَضُدَانِ [i. e. the two sides] (O, TA) of the watering-trough, or tank. (O, K.) b4: A male [wild] ass that has drawn together the she-asses (الأُتُنَ) from their several quarters (مِنْ جَوَانِبِهَا); as also ↓ عَاضِدٌ: (O, K:) the former occurs in a verse of El-Akhtal, describing a sportsman shooting at [wild] asses. (O.) b5: يَدٌ عَضِدَةٌ An arm of which the عَضُد [or portion between the elbow and the shoulder-blade] is short. (ISk, S, O, K.) And عَضُدٌ عَضِدَةٌ A short upper arm. (TA.) A2: See also عَضُدٌ, first sentence. b2: And see عَضَادٌ.

عُضُدٌ: see عَضُدٌ, first sentence.

عَضَادٌ and عَضَادٍ A woman thick and ugly in the عَضُد [or upper arm]: (Fr, O, * K:) or, as some say, short. (TA.) And the former, applied to a man and to a woman, signifies Short: (O, K:) or this epithet is applied to a woman, and ↓ عَضُدٌ and ↓ عَضِدٌ and ↓ عَضْدٌ are applied in this sense to a man. (L.) And عَضَادٍ, [in the CK and my MS. copy of the K عَضَادٌ, but it is] like رَبَاعٍ, applied to a boy, or young man, Short, compact, of moderate dimensions, (O, K, TA,) firm in make. (TA.) b2: نَاقَةٌ عَضَادٌ A she-camel that does not come to the watering-trough, or tank, to drink, until it is left to her unoccupied; that cuts herself off from the other camels: (O, L:) such is also termed قَذُورٌ. (L.) عِضَادٌ: see مِعْضَدٌ, in three places. b2: Also A mark made with a hot iron upon the عَضُد [or arm] of a camel, (Ibn-Habeeb, S, O, TA,) crosswise. (Ibn-Habeeb, TA.) عَضِيدٌ: see عَضَدٌ, in two places: A2: and see عَضُدٌ, latter half, likewise in two places.

عِضَادَةٌ: see عَضُدٌ, in three places. b2: عِضَادَتَانِ also signifies (tropical:) The two sides, (L,) or wooden sideposts, of a door, (S, O, L,) which are on the right and left of a person entering it. (L.) One says, وَقَفَا كَأَنَّهُمَا عِضَادَتَانِ (tropical:) They two stood still as though they were two side-posts of a door. (A.) And فُلَانٌ عِضَادَةُ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) Such a one is the close attendant of such a one; not quitting him. (A.) [See also عَنْجَةُ الهَوْدَجِ, in art. عنج.] b3: Also The two sides of a buckle and the like: each of them is called عِضَادَةٌ. (L.) b4: And The two sides [or branches] of a bit. (Az, TA voce قَيْقَبٌ.) b5: And Two pieces of wood in the yoke that is upon the neck of a bull that draws a cart or the like: the piece that is in the middle is called الوَاسِطُ. (O, L.) عَضِيدَةٌ: see عَضُدٌ, latter half.

عُضَادِىٌّ (S, O, Msb, K) and عِضَادِىٌّ (O, Msb, K) and عَضَادِىٌّ (O, K) A man large in the عَضُد [or upper arm]. (S, O, Msb, K.) عَاضِدٌ: see عَضُدٌ, former half: b2: and see also عَضِدٌ. b3: Also A he-camel that takes the عَضُد [or arm] of a she-camel, and makes her lie down that he may cover her. (S, O, K.) b4: And One who walks by the side of a beast, (O, K,) on the right or left thereof. (O.) b5: And (assumed tropical:) An arrow that falls on the right or left of the butt: pl. عَوَاضِدُ. (Msb.) b6: عَاضِدَانِ (assumed tropical:) Two rows of palmtrees upon [the two sides of] a river, or rivulet: and [the pl.] عَوَاضِدُ palm-trees growing upon the sides of a river. (L.) A2: And A cutter; or lopper, of trees. (TA.) أَعْضَدُ A man (S) slender in the عَضُد [or upper arm]. (S, O, K.) And Having one عَضُد shorter than the other; (O;) short in one of his عَضُدَانِ. (K.) مِعْضَدٌ An amulet that is bound upon the عَضُد [or upper arm]; as also ↓ عِضَادٌ: (TA:) and ↓ مِعْضَادٌ signifies a thong, or the like, (O, K,) such as an amulet, (TA,) which thou bindest, or attachest, (عَضَدْتَةُ,) upon the عَضُد; (O, K;) called in Pers\. بَازُدْبَنْد. (TA.) Also, (O, K,) مِعْضَدٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مِعْضَادٌ and ↓ عِضَادٌ (O, K) An armlet, or bracelet for the arm; syn. دُمْلُجٌ; (Lh, S, O, Msb, K;) which is thus called because it is [worn] upon the عَضُد, like a مِعْضَدَة: (Lh, TA:) pl. of the first مَعَاضِدُ. (A.) b2: and An instrument with which trees are cut, or lopped; (O, K;) as also ↓ مِعْضَادٌ: (TA:) anything with which this is done: described by an Arab of the desert as a heavy iron instrument in the form of a reaping-hook, with which trees are cut, or lopped: (AHn, TA:) ↓ مِعْضَادٌ also, (TA,) or ↓ عِضَادٌ, (O, K,) signifies an iron instrument like a reaping-hook, (O, K, TA,) without teeth, having its handle bound to a staff or cane, (TA,) with which the pastor draws down the branches of trees to his camels, (O, K, TA,) or his sheep or goats: (TA:) and مِعْضَدٌ, a sword which is commonly, or usually, employed for cutting, or lopping, trees; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) and so ↓ مِعْضَادٌ; (S, O, K;) which also signifies a sword wherewith a butcher cuts bones. (O, K.) مِعْضَدَةٌ A purse for money; (O, K;) the thing that the traveller binds upon his عَضُد [or upper arm], and wherein he puts the money for his expenses. (Lh, TA.) مُعَضَّدٌ (tropical:) A garment having some figured, or embroidered, work on the place of the عَضُد [or upper arm] (S, O, K) of its wearer: (S, O:) or marked with stripes in the form of the عَضُد: (TA:) or of which its figured work is in its sides: (Lh, TA:) or i. q. مُضَلَّعٌ [q. v.]. (A, TA.) b2: إِبِلٌ مُعَضَّدَةٌ Camels branded upon the عَضُد [or arm] with the mark called عِضَاد. (S, O, L.) b3: In a description of the Prophet, as related by Yahyà Ibn-Ma'een, the epithet مُعَضَّدٌ is applied to him, meaning Firmly made: but accord. to the relation commonly retained in the memory, it is مُقَصَّد [q. v.]. (TA.) بُسْرٌ مُعَضِّدٌ (assumed tropical:) Dates beginning to ripen on one side. (S, O, K.) مِعْضَادٌ: see مِعْضَدٌ, in five places.

مَعْضُودٌ: see عَضَدٌ.

يَعْضِيدٌ [a word of a very rare measure (see يَعْقِيدٌ)] A certain herb, or leguminous plant; (S, O, K;) also called طَرَخْشَقُوقٌ, (S, O, TA, [and hence supposed by Golius to be the taraxicon, with which the description has little agreement,] in the T تَرَخْجَقُوق, TA,) this being an Arabicized word from [the Pers\.] تَلْخ كُوك: accord. to Aboo-Ziyád, it is a herb, or leguminous plant, of those termed أَحْرَار, bitter, and having a yellow blossom, desired by the camels and the sheep or goats, and liked also by the horses, which thrive upon it; and it has a viscous milk: (O:) it is a herb, or leguminous plant, of which the blossom is more intensely yellow than the وَرْس [q. v.]: or, as some say, it is of the class of trees (مِنَ الشَّجَرِ [but this term شجر is often applied to small plants]): and some say that it is of the herbs, or leguminous plants, of [the season called] the رَبِيع, having in it a bitterness: thus in the M. (TA.)



1 عَوِزَ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. عَوَزٌ, (S, O, Msb,) It (a thing) was, or became, wanting; not found; or not existing: (S, O, K:) or it (anything) was wanted, and desired, but not attainable: (Lth, O:) or it was, or became, unattainable; not found; or not existing. (Msb.) b2: The same verb, inf. n. as above, is also said of flesh, or flesh-meat; [app. signifying It became wasted; or it was, or became, wanting, or not found;] (A;) or the verb thus used is ↓ أَعْوَزَ, inf. n. إِعْوَازٌ. (TA.) b3: Also It (an affair) was, or became, hard, difficult, or strait; (O, K, * TA;) and ↓ اعوز it (a thing) was, or became, difficult. (IKtt.) b4: And He (a man) was, or became, poor, needy, or indigent; (S, A, O, K;) as also ↓ اعوز, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِعْوَازٌ: (S, Msb;:) or the latter signifies he was, or became, poor so as to possess nothing; (Az, Msb;) or he became in want, and in an unsound condition; (A;) as also ↓ اعوزّ, (A, TA,) inf. n. اِعْوِزَازٌ; (TA;) or in an evil condition. (TA.) A2: عَازَ الشَّىْءَ, aor. ـُ [inf. n. عَوْزٌ,] He wanted, needed, or required, the thing, and found it not. (Msb.) [And عَازَهُ الشَّىْءُ, and أَعْوَزَهُ, virtually signify the same.] See 4.4 اعوز, inf. n. إِعْوَازٌ: see عَوِزَ, in three places.

A2: اعوزهُ الدَّهْرُ Fortune caused him to became in want, or need; (S, O, K;) or rendered him poor; (A, Msb;) [i. e.,] poverty befell him. (TA.) b2: اعوزهُ الشَّىْءُ [lit., The thing caused him to want; meaning] he wanted, needed, or required, the thing, [or had it not,] (S, O, K,) and was unable to attain it: (S, K:) and the thing escaped him, so that he was unable to attain it, (M, Mgh, Msb,) it being much wanted by him; (M, TA;) as also الشَّىْءُ ↓ عَازَهُ: (M, TA:) or the latter, [virtually, like عَازَ الشَّىْءَ,] he found not the thing: (O, K, TA:) but Az says that this latter phrase is not known. (O, TA.) b3: The thing was little, or scarce, or scanty, to him, or in his estimation, and needful to him. (Mgh, TA.) b4: اعوزهُ الأَمْرُ The affair was hard, or difficult, to him. (A, TA.) So in the saying, مَسْأَلَةٌ يَخْتَلِفُ فِيهَا كِبَارُ الصَّحَابَةِ يُعْوِزُ فِقْهُهَا [A question respecting which the great men of the Companions differ;] the knowledge whereof is difficult. (Mgh.) A3: and one says, مَا يُعْوِزُ لِفُلَانٍ شَىْءٌ إِلَّا ذَهَبَ بِهِ A thing does not come within sight of such a one but he takes it away: (Ibn-Háni, O, K:) a saying disapproved by As, but held by Az to be correct, [thus said by him with ز, (TA,)] and heard from the Arabs. (O.) [See also أَعْوَرَ, with ر.]9 إِعْوَزَّ see 1, latter part.

عَوْزٌ The berries of the grape-vine [i. e. grapes; العَوْزُ being expl. as signifying حَبُّ العِنَبِ]: n. un. with ة. (O, K.) خَرَطْتُ العُنْقُودَ, (O,) or العِنَبَ, (TA,) is expl. by AHeyth as said when one takes, (O,) or strips off, (TA,) the عَوْز (O, TA) that are upon the عنقود [or bunch], (O,) or that are upon the عنب [or grape-vine], (TA,) with all his fingers, (O, TA,) so as to clear it of its عوز, (O,) or so as to clear them from the عُود [or stalk] thereof. (TA.) عَوَزٌ inf. n. of عَوِزَ [q. v.] (S, O, Msb.) b2: [As a simple subst.,] Want; need; exigency; (A, O, K;) in which sense مَعَاوِزُ may be an irreg. pl. thereof similar to مَلَامِحُ and مَشَابِهُ: (Har p. 26:) destitution: (TA:) poverty: (A:) evilness of condition: (TA:) littleness, or scarceness, or scantiness, of a thing, to a person, or in his estimation, and its needfulness to him: (Lth, * Mgh, TA: *) straitness, or difficulty, of a thing. (TA.) You say, أَصَابَهُ عَوَزٌ Want, and poverty, befell him. (A.) And hence the saying, سِدَادٌ مِنْ عَوَزٍ, (A, Mgh, TA,) a well-known prov., expl. in art. سد. (TA.) عَوِزٌ Poor; needy; indigent: (K, in this art. and in art. لوز:) and ↓ مُعْوِزٌ signifies the same; (S, TA;) possessing little; and in an evil condition, as also ↓ مِعْوَزٌ, (O, TA,) which latter is anomalous. (TA.) You say, إِنَّهُ لَعَوِزٌ لَوِزٌ Verily he is poor indeed: the last word being an imitative sequent, (K, in this art. and in art. لوز,) and a corroborative. (TA.) مُعْوِزٌ: see عَوِزٌ. b2: هٰذَا شَىْءٌ مُعْوِزٌ This is a thing that is rare; scarce; hardly to be found: (TA:) or not to be found. (A.) مِعْوَزٌ: see عَوِزٌ.

A2: An old and worn-out garment or piece of cloth, that is worn in service and in labouring; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ مِعْوَزَةٌ: (O, K:) because such is worn by the poor: (O, K, TA:) wherefore it has the form of an instrumental noun: (TA:) and the latter, any garment, or piece of cloth, with which another is preserved: or a new garment or piece of cloth, accord. to Az: (TA:) but this is [said to be] a mistake ascribed to Az: (O:) pl. of the former, مَعَاوِزُ; (S, O, K; [see also عَوَزٌ;]) and of ↓ the latter, مَعَاوِزَةٌ, with ة added to corroborate the fem. character. (TA.) b2: Also The piece of rag which a woman holds when wailing for the dead. (TA, voce عَذَبٌ.) مِعْوَزَةٌ: see مِعْوَزٌ, in two places.



1 عَقَدَ الحَبْلَ, (S, Mgh, L, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـِ (L, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَقْدٌ (Mgh, L, Msb) and تَعْقَادٌ [of which see an ex. in a verse cited voce رَتَمٌ, and which is properly an intensive or a frequentative form]; and ↓ عقّدهُ [which is also intensive or frequentative, inf. n. تَعْقِيدٌ]; and ↓ اعتقدهُ; (L;) He tied the cord, or rope; knit it; complicated it so as to form a knot or knots; tied it in a knot or knots; tied it firmly, fast, or strongly; contr. of حَلَّهُ; (L;) syn. شَدَّهُ: (K:) the etymologists assert that the primary signification of عَقْدٌ is the contr. of حَلٌّ: that it was afterwards used in relation to sales, or bargains, contracts, &c.: and then, in relation to a firm determination of the mind. (MF.) [عَقَدَ لَهُ لِوَآءً He tied for him a banner, to a spear, is said of a man on appointing him to a command.] and one says, عَقَدَ حَبْلَهُ meaning (assumed tropical:) He exerted and prepared himself for action &c.: and لَا يَعْقِدُ الحَبْلَ (assumed tropical:) He is incompetent, or lacks power or ability, to do a thing, by reason of his abject state. (L.) b2: عَقَدَ البَيْعَ, and العَهْدَ, (S, L, Msb, * K, &c.,) and اليَمِينَ, (L, Msb,) aor. as above, (L, K,) inf. n. عَقْدٌ; (L;) and العَهْدَ ↓ عقّد, (L,) and اليَمِينَ, (L, Msb,) which latter form of the verb has a more energetic signification; (Msb;) He concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified, the sale, or bargain, and the contract, compact, covenant, agreement, or league, (L, Msb, K,) and the oath. (L, Msb.) In the phrase وَالَّذِينَ عَقَدَتْ

أَيْمَانُكُمْ, or ↓ عَقَّدَتْ, or ↓ عَاقَدَتْ, accord. to different readings, in the Kur [iv. 37], by the verb is meant ratification; and by ايمانكم, your oaths, or your right hands: (L:) [i. e., accord. to the first and second readings, the meaning is, and those whose contracts, or the like, (عُهُودَهُمْ being understood,) your oaths, or your right hands, have ratified: and accord. to the third reading, and those with whom (هُمْ being understood) your oaths, or your right hands have ratified a contract, or the like.] One says also, عَقَدَ عَلَيْهِمْ عُقُودًا He imposed upon them obligations. (L.) And عَقَدَ الجِزْيَةَ فِى عُنُقِهِ He imposed upon himself the obligation to pay the [tax called] جزية. (L, from a trad.) And عَقَدْتُ عَلَيْهِ فِى كَذَا, and فى كذا ↓ عَاقَدْتُهُ, I obliged him to do such a thing, by taking, or exacting, from him an engagement, or a security. (L.) عَقَدَ قَلْبَهُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ [He settled, or determined, his heart, or mind, firmly upon the thing; (see the first sentence of this art.; and see also عَزَمَ;)] he held, adhered, or clave, to the thing [with his heart, or mind; he knit his heart to it]. (L.) See also 8. b3: عَقَدَتْ بِذَنَبِهَا, said of a she-camel, (S, O, L,) She twisted her tail, as though tying it in a knot: (L:) this she does to make it known that she has conceived. (S, O, L.) b4: عَقَدَ لِحْيَتَهُ He dressed his beard so as to make it knotted, and crisp, or curly: this they used to do in wars, and their doing so was forbidden by the Prophet: (O, L:) they did it from a motive of pride and self-conceit. (L.) b5: عَقَدَ نَاصِيَتَهُ [lit. He knotted his forelock] means (assumed tropical:) he was angry, and prepared himself to do evil, or mischief. (A, O, L.) [See 2.] b6: عَقَدَ عُنُقَهُ

إِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He had recourse, betook himself, or repaired, to him, for refuge, or protection; (O, L, K; *) heard by Is-hák Ibn-Faraj from an Arab of the desert: (L:) and so عَكَدَهَا. (O.) b7: عَقَدَ, (K,) or عَقَدَ بِأَصَابِعِهِ, (O,) or عَقَدَ الحِسَابَ, (MA,) aor. ـِ (O, TA,) inf. n. عَقْدٌ, (TA,) He numbered, counted, or reckoned, (M, A, O, K,) with his fingers [by bending their tips down upon the palm, one after another, commencing with the little finger, and then by extending them in like manner]. (MA, O.) b8: عَقَدَ فَمُ الفَرْجِ عَلَى المَآءِ [The mouth of the vulva closed upon the sperma of the male]. (O.) b9: عُقِدَتِ السِّبَاعُ (assumed tropical:) The beasts, or birds, of prey were restrained from injuring the cattle, and the like, by means of charms and talismans. (L, from a trad.) b10: عَقَدَ التَّاجَ فَوْقَ رَأْسِهِ, and ↓ اعتقدهُ, He put the crown upon his head. (L.) b11: عَقَدَ البِنَآءَ, (A, L,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْدٌ; (L;) and ↓ عقّدهُ, (A, O, L, K,) inf. n. تَعْقِيدٌ; (L;) He arched [or vaulted] the building, or structure. (A, O, L, K.) b12: And عَقَدَ البِنَآءَ بِالجِصِّ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَقْدٌ, He cemented the building, or structure, with gypsum. (L.) b13: عَقَدَ ثَمَرَهُ, said of a plant, (M in art. ثمر,) or ↓ عقّدهُ, (K in that art., [in the CK عقّد ثَمَرُهُ,]) and عَقَدَ alone, (A, O, K, in art. حبل, [see 4 in that art. and also in art. علف,]) [It organized and compacted, or compactly organized, its fruit; and in like manner each verb is said of a fruit in relation to a fruit-stone, such as that of a date, and of a peach, &c.]. b14: لَا تَعْقِدُ عَلَيْهِ السَّائِمَةُ شَحْمًا وَلَا لَحْمًا [The pasturing cattle will not make upon it fat nor flesh], said of a pasturage. (O in art. ضرع.) b15: عَقَدَ الشَّحْمُ The fat became formed and compacted, and became apparent. (L.) b16: عَقَدَ, (S, M, A, L, [in the O عَقِدَ, which is app. a mistranscription,]) aor. ـِ (M, L,) inf. n. عُقُودٌ; (A;) and ↓ تعقّد; (Ks, S, O, L, K;) and ↓ انعقد; (M, A, L;) said of rob, (Ks, S, O, M, A,) and of tar, (Ks, S, O,) and of honey, (M, A, O,) and of expressed juice of fresh ripe dates, (K,) and the like, (Ks, S, M, O,) [generally meaning when boiled,] It thickened; became thick, or inspissated. (Ks, S, M, A, O, L, K.) b17: [Hence, app.,] عَقَدَ بَطْنُهُ [His belly became constipated]. (M voce صَرَبَ, q. v.) A2: عَقِدَت, said of a bitch, (TK,) [aor. ـَ inf. n. عَقَدٌ, (O, L, K,) Her vulva clung fast to the head of the قَضِيب of the dog. (O, L, K, TK.) b2: عَقِدَ, said of the tongue, (S, O, K, *) aor. ـَ (S, [in the O عَقِدَ, an evident mistake,]) inf. n. عَقَدٌ, (S, O,) It had in it an impediment. (S, * O, * L, K. *) And, said of a man, He had an impediment in his tongue; was unable to speak freely; was tongue-tied. (TA.) b3: Also, said of sand, It became moistened in consequence of much rain [so as to cohere]. (L.) 2 عَقَّدَ see 1, first sentence. [Hence,] عَقَّدُوا النَّوَاصِىَ [They tied the forelocks of their horses in knots] on an occasion of war, or battle; it being customary on such an occasion to do thus to the hair of the mane and that of the tail. (W p. 140.) b2: See again 1, former half,. in two places: b3: and latter half also in two places. b4: See also 4. b5: عقّد كَلَامَهُ He rendered his speech, or language, obscure. (A, L.) And فِى كَلَامِهِ تَعْقِيدٌ In his speech, or language, is obscurity. (A.) 3 عَاقَدْتُهُ عَلَى كَذَا, (Msb,) inf. n. مُعَاقَدَةٌ, (S, O, L,) I united with him in a contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement, or I covenanted with him, respecting, or to do, such a thing. (S, * O, * L, * Msb.) b2: See also 1, former half, in two places.4 اعقدهُ; (Ks, S, M, A, O, K;) and ↓ عقّدهُ, (S, O, L, K,) inf. n. تَعْقِيدٌ; (S, O, K;) but the former is the more approved, (L,) He thickened it; caused it to become thick, or inspissated; (Ks, S, M, A, O, K;) by boiling it; (O, K;) namely, rob, (Ks, S, O, M, L,) and tar, (Ks, S, O,) and honey, (M, A, O,) and the like. (Ks, S, M, O.) 5 تعقّد: see 7, first sentence. b2: See also 8, last quarter. b3: تَعَقَّدَتْ قَوْسُ قُزَحَ The rainbow became like a constructed arch (O, L, K) in the sky. (O, L.) And in like manner تعقّد is said of a collection of clouds (سَحَاب). (A, L.) b4: تَعَقُّدٌ in a well is The projecting of the lower part of the interior casing of stone, and the receding of the upper part thereof as far as the اِتِّسَاع of the well, (O, L, K,) which is its جِرَاب [app. here meaning the main portion of the well, from the water, or a little above this, to the mouth; this portion, it seems, being without casing]: (O, L:) thus expl. by El-Ahmar. (O.) b5: تعقّد said of sand, [as also ↓ انعقد, (S and O and K voce سَلَاسِلُ,)] It became accumulated, or congested. (S, K. *) And the former said of moist earth, It became contracted, and compacted in lumps. (L.) b6: And تعقّدت القَرْحَةُ [The wound, or ulcer, formed itself into a knot, or lump]. (K in art. جرذ: see 1 in that art.) b7: تعقّد said of rob, and of tar, and the like: see 1, last quarter.6 تعاقدوا They united in a contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement, (S, O, K,) فِيمَا بَيْنَهُمْ [respecting the matter between them]. (S, O.) b2: تعاقدت الكِلَابُ The dogs stuck fast together in coupling. (S, O, K.) 7 انعقد, said of a cord, or rope, (S, O, L, Msb,) as also ↓ تعقّد, (S, * O, * L,) [but the latter has an intensive or a frequentative signification,] It became tied, knit, complicated so as to form a knot or knots, tied in a knot or knots, tied firmly or fast or strongly. (L.) b2: And the former, said of a sale or bargain, and of a contract or compact or the like, (S, O, L,) It was, or became, concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified. (L.) One says, انعقد النِّكَاحُ بَيْنَ الزَّوْجَيْنِ The marriage was, or became, concluded, settled, &c., between the husband and wife. (L.) b3: Said of an animal's tail, It became twisted [as though tied in a knot]. (L.) b4: And said of hair, It became knotted, and crisp, or curly. (L.) b5: Said of the date [and other fruit, It became organized and compact, or compactly organized]. (K in art. بسر, &c.) See also 8, latter half. b6: Said of sand: see 5. b7: And said of rob, and of tar, and the like: see 1, last quarter.8 اعتقدهُ: see 1, first sentence: b2: and see also 1 in the latter half. b3: اعتقد كَذَا, (Msb,) or اعتقد كَذَا بِقَلْبِهِ, (S, O,) He settled, or determined, his heart, or mind, firmly upon such a thing; or he held, adhered, or clave, to such a thing with the heart, or mind; i. q. عَلَيْهِ ↓ عَقَدَ القَلْبَ وَالضَّمِيرَ; (Msb;) [he believed, or believed firmly, or was firmly persuaded of, such a thing: this is its most usual meaning;] he was, or became, certain, or sure, of such a thing. (PS.) [It is mostly used in relation to matters of religion, to religious dogmas and the like.] See also عَقِيدَةٌ. b4: اعتقد also signifies He acquired, (S, Mgh, O, L, K,) or bought, (A,) an estate consisting of land, or of land and a house, &c., (S, A, O, L, K,) or other property: (S, A, Mgh, O, L, K:) he collected property. (Mgh, * Msb.) Also, [without any objective complement expressed,] He bought what is termed عُقْدَة, i. e. an estate, or a property, consisting in land or houses. (L.) b5: And اعتقد أَخًا فِى اللّٰهِ He adopted a brother in God. (A.) b6: اعتقد الدُّرَّ, and الخَرَزَ, He made the pearls, and the beads, into a necklace; and in like manner, other things. (L.) A2: اعتقد said of a date-stone, (A,) or other thing, (S, O, L,) [as also ↓ انعقد, which frequently occurs in the lexicons &c. in the sense here following,] It became hard. (S, A, O, L.) b2: and hence, [so in the A,] اعتقد بَيْنَهُمَا الإِخَآءُ Fraternity became true, or sincere, and firmly established, between them two: (A:) and [in like manner]

↓ تعقّد it (i. e. fraternity) became firmly established. (L.) b3: And accord. to Ibn-Buzurj, اعتقد signifies He (a man) closed, or locked, a door upon himself, when in want, that he might die: (O:) thus Sh found in the Book of Ibn-Buzurj, i. e. اعتقد, with ق: (TA in art. عفد:) but others say that it is اعتفد, with ف: (O:) [or] اعتقد and اعتفد signify the same. (K.) 10 استعقدت She (a sow) desired the male. (O, K.) عَقْدٌ [as an inf. n.: see 1. b2: See also أُخْذَةٌ, which is syn. with the inf. n. تَأْخِيذٌ. b3: As a simple subst.,] see عُقْدَةٌ, third sentence. b4: Also A contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement: (Mgh, O, L, K:) pl. عُقُودٌ. (O, L.) Agreeably with this explanation, the pl. is used in the Kur v. 1, as meaning Contracts, &c.: or it there means the obligatory statutes, or ordinances, of God: or, accord. to Zj, the covenants imposed by God, and those imposed mutually by men agreeably with the requirements of religion. (L.) And ↓ مَعَاقِدُ is used in the sense of عُقُودٌ: thus one says, بَيْنَهُمْ مَعَاقِدُ [Between them are contracts, compacts, &c.]. (A.) b5: Also Responsibility, accountableness, or suretiship; syn. ضَمَانٌ. (Ibn-'Arafeh, O, K.) b6: See also مَعْقُودٌ. b7: Also An arch; [and a vault;] a structure that is curved in like manner as are [in many instances] doorways: (A, * O, L, * K:) pl. عُقُودٌ (A, O, L, K) and أَعْقَادٌ [a pl. of pauc.]. (L.) [Hence,] أَعْقَادُ السَّحَابِ The arches of the clouds: sing. عَقْدٌ. (L.) b8: Applied to a he-camel, it means Having the back firmly compacted: (S, O, K:) and so القَرَا ↓ مَعْقُودَةُ applied to a she-camel. (S, A, O.) b9: [And A decimal number; of those numbers of which the first is ten and the last is ninety: (I have not found any satisfactory authority for the orthography of the word in this sense; and have therefore followed the general usage, in mentioning it as عَقْدٌ: in the MA, it is written عِقْدٌ, as from only one MS.; and Freytag has mentioned its pl. under عِقْدٌ; which I hold to be wrong:) the pl. is عُقُودٌ: thus in the A and K in art. عشر, it is said that العَشَرَةُ is the first of the عُقُود.]

عِقْدٌ A necklace; (S, O, Msb, K;) a string upon which beads are strung: (L, TA:) pl. عُقُودٌ: (O, L, Msb, K:) and ↓ مِعْقَادٌ signifies a string upon which beads are strung and which is hung upon the neck of a boy; (O, L, K;) as does عِقْدٌ also: (TA:) and ↓ عُقْدَةٌ, likewise, signifies a kind of necklace. (L.) عَقَدٌ [as an inf. n.: see 1, last four sentences. b2: Also] A twisting in the tail of a sheep or goat, as though it were knotted, or tied in a knot. (L.) And A twisting, or a knottiness, in the horn of a hegoat. (L.) b3: And A canker, corrosion, rottenness, or blackness, (syn. قَادِحٌ,) in teeth. (L.) b4: See also the next paragraph.

A2: And see عَقَدَانٌ.

عَقِدٌ: see أَعْقَدُ. b2: Also, applied to moist earth (ثَرًى), Contracted, and compacted in lumps: [said to be] in this sense a possessive epithet [as distinguished from a part. n.: but see 1, last sentence]. (L.) b3: And [as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates, i. e. used as a subst.,] Sand accumulated, or congested; as also ↓ عَقَدٌ; (S, O, L, K;) the latter accord. to AA: (S, O:) n. un. of each with ة: (S, O, L, K:) pl. أَعْقَادٌ. (L.) See also عَقِصٌ, in two places. b4: رَوْضَةٌ عَقِدَةٌ A meadow of which the herbage is continuous, or uninterrupted. (O.) b5: عَقِدٌ applied to a camel, Short, and patient in endurance of labour: (IAar, O, K:) or, so applied, strong. (TA.) A2: And A kind of tree, the leaves of which consolidate wounds. (K.) عُقْدَةٌ A knot; a tie; (L, Msb;) pl. عُقَدٌ. (L.) [Hence النَّفَّاثَاتُ فِى العُقَدِ: see art. نفث. and العُقْدَةُ meaning (assumed tropical:) The star a Piscium; as being in the place of the knot of the two strings: the same, app., that is called الخَيْطَيْنِ ↓ عَقْدُ, mentioned by Freytag under عِقْدٌ. Hence also] one says, تحلّلت عُقَدُهُ [lit. His knots became loosed, or untied], meaning (assumed tropical:) his anger became appeased. (S, A, O, K.) And فِى عُقْدَتِهِ ضَعْفٌ (assumed tropical:) In his judgment and his consideration of his own affairs is a weakness. (TA.) And حَصِيفُ العُقْدَةِ, occurring in a letter of 'Omar, means (assumed tropical:) [Firm] in judgment, and in the management, conducting, ordering, or regulating, of affairs. (TA in art. حصف.) And فِى لِسَانِهِ عُقْدَةٌ (S, O, L, K *) (assumed tropical:) In his tongue is an impediment [as though it were tied], or a distortion. (L. [See عَقِدَ.]) b2: The knot, tie, or bond, (L,) or the obligation, (O, K,) of marriage, (O, L, K,) and of anything, (O, K,) as a sale and the like: (TA:) and the ratification (O, L, Msb) of marriage (O, Msb) &c., (Msb,) or of anything. (L.) It is said in a trad. relating to prayer, لَكَ مِنْ قُلُوبِنَا عُقْدَةُ النَّدَمِ, meaning [We offer to Thee, from our hearts,] the ratification of the resolution to repent. (L.) b3: A promise of obedience, or vow of allegiance, ratified to persons in acknowlegment of their being prefects, or governors: (O, L, K, * TA:) from عُقْدَةُ الحَبْلِ [the knot, or tie, of the cord or rope]: (O:) thus in the saying, in a trad. of Ubeí, هَلَكَ أَهْلُ العُقْدَةِ [Those who have received the promise of obedience &c. have perished; virtually meaning the same as the saying in the sentence here following]. (L.) And [hence also] The prefecture over, or government of, a town, country, province, or the like: pl. عُقَدٌ: (L, K, TA:) thus in the saying of 'Omar, هَلَكَ أَهْلُ العُقَدِ [The possessors of the prefectures &c. have perished]. (L.) b4: Also A place where a knot, or node, is formed: and [particularly] an uneven juncture (عَثْمٌ) [of a bone] in the arm: (S, O, K:) thus in the saying, جُبِرَتْ يَدُهُ عَلَى عُقْدَةٍ [His arm was set and joined unevenly, so that a node, or protuberance, was produced in the bone]: (S, O:) and in like manner one says, جَبَرَ عَظْمَهُ عَلَى عُقْدَةٍ He set and joined his bone unevenly. (L.) b5: [Hence also A joint, i. e. an articulation, of the fingers: and a bone of a finger, i. e. any one of the phalanges: it is used in both of these senses in the present day: and العُقْدَةُ مِنَ الأَصَابِعِ occurs in the Msb, in art. نمل, in explanation of الأَنْمَلَةُ; which is generally expl. as meaning “ the head of the finger,” or “ the portion in which is the nail. ” (See also مَعْقِدٌ.) b6: A knot, or joint, of a cane and the like. And what is termed A knot in the horn of a mountain-goat (as in the S and K in art. حيد) and the like. b7: A knot in a tree. b8: A node, of a plant, whence a leaf shoots forth: a bud, or gem, of a plant: and any fruit, or produce, of a plant, forming a compact and roundish head; by some termed حَسَكَةٌ, n. un. of حَسَكٌ, q. v. b9: العُقْدَتَانِ signifies The nodes of a planet. (See تِنَّينٌ.) b10: And عُقْدَةٌ signifies also Any small nodous lump; such as the substance of a ganglion; see غُدَّةٌ: and a gland, or glandular body; see غُنْدُبَةٌ. And A knob in a general sense. b11: And hence,] The penis of a dog (IAar, A, O, L, K) compressus in coitu, et extremitate turgens: otherwise it is not thus called: (IAar, O, L:) and when this is the case, the epithet ↓ أَعْقَدُ is applied to the dog. (IAar, O.) A2: Also An estate consisting of land, or of land and a house, or of a house or land yielding a revenue, or of a house and palm-trees, or the like, syn. ضَيْعَةٌ, (S, A, O, L, K,) and عَقَارٌ, which a person has acquired (اِعْتَقَدَهُ) as a possession. (O, L, K.) b2: Any land abounding with herbage (K, TA) and with trees. (TA.) A place abounding with trees or palm-trees; (S;) or with trees and palm-trees; (O, L, K;) or with trees of the kinds called رِمْث and عَرْفَج, or, accord. to some, not of the latter kind, (L, TA,) serving for pasturage: (TA:) or a garden of many palm-trees, surrounded by a wall: and a town, or village, abounding with palm-trees, the crows of which are not made to fly away: (Ibn-Habeeb, L:) [whence] it is said in a prov., آلَفُ مِنْ غُرَابِ عُقْدَةٍ

[More familiar than the crow of a place abounding with trees or palm-trees]; because its crow is not made to fly away, (S, O, L, K, [or, as in some copies of the S and K, does not fly away,]) on account of the abundance of its trees; (K;) [or مِنْ غُرَابِ عُقْدَةَ than the crow of ' Okdeh; for]

عُقْدَة is perfectly decl. as a name for any fruitful land, and is imperfectly decl. as a proper name of a particular land (O, K) abounding with palmtrees. (O.) Also Herbage, or pasturage, sufficient for camels: (O, K:) or a place abounding with herbage, or pasturage, sufficient for cattle. (TA.) And Pasturage such as is termed جَنْبَة, (O, L, K, [in the CK جَنَبَة, and in my MS. copy of the K جُنْبَة,]) remaining from the next preceding year; also termed عُرْوَةٌ: (O, L:) or remains of pasturage: (L:) pl. عُقَدٌ (O, L) and عِقَادٌ. (L.) And accord. to the copies of the K, it signifies also Camels, or cattle, that are constrained to feed upon trees: but [this is evidently a mistake; for] it is said in the L, [as also in the O,] sometimes camels, or cattle, are constrained to feed upon trees, and these [trees] are termed عُقْدَة and عُرْوَة; but while the جَنْبَة exists, the trees are not termed عُقْدَة nor عُرْوَة. (TA.) b3: Also Anything whereby a man feels himself to be well established, and whereon he relies; from the same word signifying “ a garden of many palmtrees, surrounded by a wall; ” because, when a man has this, he considers his condition to be well established: (L, TA:) or a thing, (K, TA,) or an estate consisting of land or of land and a house &c., (عَقَارٌ, O,) in which is a sufficiency for a man: (O, K, TA:) pl. عُقَدٌ. (TA.) A3: See also عِقْدٌ.

عَقَدَةٌ The root of the tongue; (O, K;) as also عَكَدَةٌ [q. v.]; (O;) i. e. the thick part thereof. (TA.) b2: Also n. un. of عَقَدٌ as applied to sand. (S, O, L, K. [See عَقِدٌ.]) عَقِدَةٌ n. un. of عَقِدٌ [q. v.] as applied to sand. (S, O, L, K.) عَقَدَانٌ A species, or sort, of dates; (O, L, K; *) as also ↓ عَقَدٌ. (L.) عَقِيدٌ i. q. ↓ مُعَاقِدٌ, (S, O, K,) One who unites, or joins, in a contract, a compact, a covenant, an agreement, a league, a treaty, or an engagement: (K, TA:) a confederate. (TA.) One says, هُوَ عَقِيدُ الكَرَمِ and اللُّؤْمِ [He is bound by nature to generosity and to meanness]: (S, O, K:) the former is said of him who is by nature generous; and the latter, of him who is by nature mean. (TK.) b2: Also, (S, M, A, O,) and ↓ مُعْقَدٌ, (M,) and ↓ مُعَقَّدٌ, (A,) applied to rob, (S, M, A,) and honey, (M, A, O,) and the like, (S, M, A,) Thick, or thickened, or inspissated. (S, M, A, O. *) عَقِيدَةٌ [A doctrine, or the like, upon which one's mind is firmly settled or determined; or to which one holds, adheres, or cleaves, with the heart, or mind; a belief, or firm belief or persuasion; a creed; an article of belief; a religious tenet; i. e.]

مَا يَدِينُ الإِنْسَانُ بِهِ: (Msb:) [see اِعْتَقَدَ كَذَا, in connection with which it is mentioned in the Msb: pl. عَقَائِدُ: and ↓ مُعْتَقَدٌ signifies the same as عَقِيدَةٌ; pl. مُعْتَقَدَاتٌ: so too does ↓ اِعْتِقَادٌ, an inf. n. used in the sense of a pass. part. n.; pl. اِعْتِقَادَاتٌ.] One says, لَهُ عَقِيدَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ [He has a good belief]; meaning he has an عقيدة free from doubt. (Msb.) [See also مَعْقُودٌ.]

عَاقِدٌ A she-camel that has confessed herself to have conceived; (S, O, K;) or that has closed her vulva upon the sperma of the stallion; (L;) for she then twists her tail as if tying it in a knot, and it is thereby known that she has conceived: (S, O, L:) and a she-camel twisting her tail as if tying it in a knot, (L,) or that has so twisted her tail, (O,) on the occasion of her conceiving; (O, L;) in order that it may be known that she has conceived: (O:) pl. عَوَاقِدُ. (L.) b2: And A she-gazelle having the end of her tail twisted [as if tied in a knot]: or bending her neck in lying down: or raising her head in fear for herself and her young one. (L.) And A gazelle putting his neck upon his rump, (O, L,) having bent it to sleep: (TA:) or having put his neck upon his rump: (K:) pl. as above. (O, L.) b3: And one says, جَآءَ عَاقِدًا عُنُقَهُ, meaning He came twisting his neck by reason of pride. (A, O, L.) b4: عَاقِدٌ is also applied as an epithet to أَقِط [q. v.] meaning That of which the water has gone, and which is thoroughly cooked. (AHát, TA voce كَثْءٌ.) A2: Also The [space called the] حَرِيم [q. v.] of a well; (S, M, O, K;) and what is around it, (مَا حَوْلَهُ, S, M, TA,) i. e. what is around the حريم: in the K [and O], ما حُوْلَهَا, i. e. what is around the well; but the former is the right. (TA.) عِنْقَادٌ: see what next follows.

عُنْقُودٌ and ↓ عِنْقَادٌ (S, O, L, Msb, K, &c.) A raceme, or bunch, (Mgh voce عِثْكَالٌ,) of grapes, (S, O, L, Msb, K,) and the like, (Msb,) as of dates, (Mgh ubi suprà, and ISh in art. ثفرق of the TA,) and of [the fruit of] the أَرَاك, and بُطْم, (O, K,) and the like: (K:) pl. عَنَاقِيدُ. (S, O, L, &c.) أَعْقَدُ A wolf, (O, L, K,) and a dog, and a ram, and any other animal, (L.) having a twisted tail [as though it were tied in a knot]: (O, L, K:) and [the fem.] عَقْدَآءُ, a sheep or goat (شَاة) having a twisted tail as though it were knotted or tied in a knot. (S, * L, K. *) And الأَعْقَدُ signifies The dog; (S, O, L, K;) a well-known name thereof; (S, O, L;) because of his tail's being twisted as though it were tied in a knot. (S, L.) b2: And A crooked tail. (L.) b3: And A stallion [app. of the camels] that raises his tail; which he does by reason of sprightliness. (L.) b4: And A he-goat having a twist, or a knot, in his horn. (L.) b5: For one of its meanings as an epithet applied to a dog, see عُقْدَةٌ, latter half. b6: Also, and ↓ عَقِدٌ, A man having an impediment in his tongue; unable to speak freely; tongue-tied. (S, * O, * L, K. *) b7: And لَئِيمٌ أَعْقَدُ A mean man, of difficult, or stubborn, disposition. (ISk, O, L.) b8: And [the fem.]

عَقْدَآءُ signifies A female slave. (AA, O, K.) مَعْقِدٌ The place of the عَقْد [or tying, &c.,] of a thing: (Msb:) pl. مَعَاقِدُ. (S, O: in which this is similarly explained.) مَعْقِدُ حَبْلٍ signifies The place of a cord, or rope, where it is tied, knit, or tied in a knot or knots. (L.) [Hence,] one says, هُوَ مِنِّى مَعْقِدَ الإِزَارِ [lit. He is, in respect of me, in the place of the tying of the waistwrapper], meaning he is near to me in station, standing, or grade: (S, O, L, K:) and in like manner, مَقْعَدَ القَابِلَةِ: (TA:) مَعْقِدَ الإِزَارِ being an adverbial phrase having a special application, but used as one not having such an application. (L.) b2: And A joint, an articulation, or a place of juncture between two bones. (L. [See also عُقْدَةٌ, in the latter part of the former half.]) b3: أَسْأَلُكَ بِمَعَاقِدِ العِزِّ مِنْ عَرْشِكَ i. e. I ask Thee by the properties wherein consists the title of thy throne to glory, or by the places wherein those properties are [as it were] knit together, properly meaning by the glory of thy throne, is a phrase used in prayer, of which, IAth says, the party of Aboo-Haneefeh disapprove. (L.) b4: For another meaning of the pl., مَعَاقِدُ, see عَقْدٌ.

مُعْقَدٌ: see عَقِيدٌ.

مُعَقَدٌ [Tied in many knots]. One says خُيُوطٌ مُعَقَّدَةٌ [Threads, or strings, tied in many knots]: the latter word being with teshdeed to denote muchness, or multiplicity. (S, O, L.) b2: and [hence] applied to language, (S, O, L, K,) as meaning Rendered obscure: (S, O, L:) or [simply] obscure. (K.) b3: See also مَعْقُودٌ. b4: and see عَقِيد. b5: It also occurs in a trad. as meaning A sort of بُرْد, of the manufacture of Hejer. (L.) مُعَقِّدٌ [Tying a number of knots or many knots: as enchanters used to do. (See نَفَثَ.) b2: and hence,] An enchanter. (A, O, K.) مِعْقَادٌ: see عِقْدٌ.

مَعْقُودٌ A cord, or rope, tied, knit, complicated into a knot or knots, or tied firmly, fast, or strongly. (L.) الخَيْلُ مَعْقُودٌ فِى نَوَاصِيهَا الخَيْرُ, a saying occurring in a trad., means Good fortune cleaves to the forelocks of horses as though it were tied to them. (L.) b2: Also A sale, or bargain, and a contract, a compact, or the like, concluded, settled, confirmed, or ratified. (L.) b3: لَيْسَ لَهُ مَعْقُودٌ means رَأْىٍ ↓ ليس له عَقْدُ [i. e. He has not any settled, or determined, opinion or judgment]. (S, O, K.) b4: بِنَآءٌ مَعْقُودٌ A building, or structure, [arched, or vaulted, or] having arches, like those of [many] doorways; (A, O, K;) as also ↓ مُعَقَّدٌ. (A.) b5: مَعْقُودَةُ القَرَا: see عَقْدٌ.

مُعَاقِدٌ: see عَقِيدٌ.

مُعْتَقَدٌ: see عَقِيدَةٌ.

يَمِينٌ مُنْعَقِدَةٌ An oath to do, or to abstain from doing, a thing in the future. (KT.) يَعْقِيدٌ, asserted by some to be the only word in the language of the measure يَفْعِيلٌ except يَعْضِيدٌ, (O,) Honey thickened, or inspissated, (O, L, K,) by means of fire: (O, K:) and (as some say, L) food, or wheat, (طَعَام,) made thick with honey. (O, L, K.)



1 لَجِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. لَجَبٌ, It [a number of men] cried out, or vociferated; raised a clamour, or confused noise. (S, K.) See also art. جلب. b2: لَجِبَ, inf. n. لَجَبٌ, It (a clamour, or confused noise,) rose. (TA.) b3: لَجِبَ, inf. n. لَجَبٌ, It (the sea) was agitated, or in commotion; its waves conflicting, or dashing together. (K.) A2: لَجُبَتْ, aor. ـُ (inf. n. لُجُوبَةٌ, TA;) and ↓ لجّبت, inf. n. تَلْجِيبٌ; She (a sheep or goat) had little milk; (S, K:) or her milk dried up, in consequence of her having passed four months since bringing forth. (S.) See لَجْبَةٌ.

A3: In a trad. respecting Moses and the stone, occur the words, فَلَجَبَهُ ثَلَاثَ لَجَبَاتٍ, which IAth says he cannot explain, unless the right reading be فَلَحَتَهُ ثلاث لَحَتَاتٍ [And he struck it three blows]. (TA.) لَجَبٌ A crying, or vociferation; a clamour, or confused noise. (S, K.) The sound, or noise, of soldiers; and the neighing of horses. (TA.) Agitation, or commotion, of the waves of the sea. (K.) The rising of a clamour, or confused noise. (TA.) b2: بَحْرٌ ذُو لَجَبٍ A roaring, tumultuous, or boisterous, sea. (S.) جَيْشٌ لَجِبٌ A clamourous, or noisy, army. (S, K.) b2: In like manner this epithet is applied to thunder, and to a cloud or rain accompanied with thunder; in each case after the manner of a rel. n. (TA.) لَجْبَةٌ and ↓ لُجْبَةٌ and ↓ لِجْبَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ لَجَبَةٌ [but see what is said respecting the last of the pls. mentioned below] and ↓ لَجِبَةٌ and ↓ لِجَبَةٌ (K) the last two from Th. (TA.) A sheep or goat (شاة, K), or a sheep only, not a goat, (ISk, S,) of which the milk has become little in quantity: (S, K:) or a sheep or goat (شاة) which has passed four months since her bringing forth, and of which the milk has in consequence dried up: (As, S:) or it is an epithet applied specially to a goat: (K:) a poet (Muhelhil, TA,) says, عَجِبَتْ أَبْنَاؤُنَا مِنْ فِعْلِنَا

إِذْ نَبِيعُ الخَيْلَ بِالمِعْزَى اللِّجَابْ [Our sons wondered at our action, in our selling horses for goats of which the milk had become little, or dried up]: (S:) and contr., abounding with milk: (K:) a poet applies the two epithets لَجْبَة and حَاشِكَة to the same sheep or goat; but he may mean that her milk was little at one time, and abundant at another. (TA.) Pl. [of لَجْبَةٌ] لِجَابٌ (S, K) and لَجْبَاتٌ (this being allowed by Mbr, agreeably with analogy, TA) and لَجَبَاتٌ (S, K): the last dev. with respect to rule; for by rule it should be لَجْبَاتٌ; unless it be originally a subst. used as an epithet, like as one says إِمْرَأَةٌ كَلْبَةٌ; or unless ↓ لَجَبَةٌ be a syn. of the sing. (S.) Sb says, that لَجَبَاتٌ is used as pl. because some of the Arabs used ↓ لَجَبَةٌ as sing. (TA.) b2: اللّجب [app. اللَّجَبُ, a quasi-pl. n.,], occurring in the following words of a trad., فَيَبْدُو أَمْثَالُ اللجبِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ, is said to be pl. of لَجْبَةٌ: or it is اللِّجَبُ, like as قِصَعٌ is pl. of قَصْعَةٌ. (TA.) A2: In a trad. respecting Ed-Dejjál, according to one reading, occur the words, بلجبتى البابِ: but Aboo-Moosà says, that the right reading is with ف [instead of the ب, and with ى before it: i. e. بِلَجِيفَتَى الباب: see art. لجف]. (TA.) لُجْبَةٌ: see لَجْبَةٌ.

لِجْبَةٌ: see لَجْبَةٌ.

لَجَبَةٌ: see لَجْبَةٌ.

لَجِبَةٌ: see لَجْبَةٌ.

لَجَبَةٌ: see لَجْبَةٌ.

مِلْجَابٌ An arrow feathered, but without the point: (K:) pl. مَلَاجِيبُ. (TA.) مِنْجَابٌ is the more common word; and the ل appears to be substituted for the ن. (ISd.)



ى1 سَوِىَ, aor. ـْ see 3, in two places.

A2: [Accord. to Golius, سَوَى, inf. n. سِوًى, signifies He intended, or proposed to himself: this he says as on the authority of the KL, in which only the inf. n. is mentioned with the explanation قصد وآهنگ كردن: and to this, Freytag adds the authority of Meyd; and also that the verb governs the thing which is its objective complement in the accus. case. In the S and other lexicons of good repute, I find the meaning of قَصَدَ assigned to اِسْتَوَى followed by إِلَى; but in none to سَوَى.]2 سوّاهُ, (S, M, &c.,) inf. n. تَسْوِيَةٌ, (K,) He made it equal, equable, uniform, even, level, flat, plane or plain; (S, * M, MA, Msb, K;) or equal in respect of elevation or of depression; (Er-Rághib, TA;) [and straight, right, direct, or rightly directed; (see its quasi-pass. 8;)] and ↓ اسواهُ signifies the same; (M, K;) namely, a place, (Msb, K,) or a thing, (S, M, Er-Rághib, TA,) or an uneven, or a crooked, thing. (Mgh.) It is said in a trad., فَأَمَرَ بِالخِرَبِ فَسُوِّيَتْ [And he gave orders respecting the ruins, and they were levelled]. (TA in art. خرب.) And in another trad., سَوَّيْنَا عَلَى رُقَيَّةَ, meaning We buried Ru-keiyeh, and made the earth of the grave even, or level, over her. (Mgh.) [Hence also,] سُوِّيتْ عَلَيْهِ الأَرْضُ: see 8. And hence the saying in the Kur [iv. 45], لُوْ تُسَوَّى بِهِمُ الْأَرْضُ, (TA,) i. e. That they were buried, and that the ground were made level over them; (S, * Bd;) بِ being here syn. with عَلَى: (TA in art. ب:) or the meaning is, that they became like the dust of the earth; (M, Jel;) thus expl. by Th; (M;) or that they had not been created, and that they and the earth were alike. (Bd.) [Hence also,] بَلَى قَادِرِينَ عَلَى أَنْ نُسَوِّىَ بَنَانَهُ, in the same [lxxv. 4], is said to mean [Yea: we are able] to make his hand like the foot of the camel, without fingers: or to make his fingers uniform, of one measure or size: (TA:) or the meaning is, we are able to put together the bones of his fingers [consistently] as they were. (Bd, Jel.) And بَيْنَ ↓ حَتَّى إِذَا سَاوَى

الصَّدَفَيْنِ, in the Kur [xviii. 95], means سَوَّى

بَيْنَهُمَا [i. e. Until, when he had made the space between the two sides of the mountains even, or level, by filling it up]. (TA.) b2: [Also He made it uniform, equal, or consimilar, with another thing.] One says, سَوَّيْتُهُ بِهِ, (M, K,) inf. n. as above; (K;) and به ↓ سَاوَيْتُهُ, (M, * TA, TK,) and به ↓ أَسْوَيْتُهُ; I made it uniform, or equal, with it; or like it: (M, K, TA:) and ↓ سَاوَيْتُ هٰذَا بِذَاكَ I raised this so as to make it equal in measure, or quantity, or amount, with that. (TA.) And سَوَّيْتُ بَيْنَهُمَا, and ↓ سَاوَيْتُ, (S, M, K,) I made them uniform, or equal, each with the other; or like each other. (M, K, TA.) b3: [and He made it symmetrical or symmetrically, by, or with, a just adaptation of its component parts; made it congruous or consistent in its several parts, or with congruity or consistency in its several parts: he made it, formed it, or fashioned it, in a suitable manner: he made it to be adapted, or so as to be adapted, to the exigencies, or requirements, of its case, or of wisdom: he made it complete, or in a complete manner; completed it, or completed its make: he made it right or good, or in a right or good manner; rectified it; adjusted it; or put it into a right, or good, state.] In the Kur xxxii. 8, it means He made him symmetrical [or symmetrically], by the fit, or suitable, formation of his members. (Bd,) And سَوَّيْتُهُ in the same, xv. 29 and xxxviii. 72, I made his creation symmetrical: (Bd:) or I completed him, or made him complete. (Jel.) And سَوَّى in the same, lxxxvii. 2, He made what He created congruous or consistent in the several parts. (Jel.) And الَّذِى خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّاكَ, in the same [lxxxii. 7], means [Who created thee,] and made thy creation to be adapted to the exigencies, or requirements, of wisdom. (TA.) وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا, in the same, [xci. 7, means By a soul and what made it to be adapted to its exigencies, i. e., to the performance of its functions, for it] is indicative of the faculties of the soul: this explanation is more proper than that which makes ما to mean [Him who, i. e.] God. (TA.) And رَفَعَ سَمْكَهَا فَسَوَّاهَا, in the same, lxxix. 28, means He hath raised high [its canopy, or] the measure of its elevation from the earth, or its thickness upwards, and made it symmetrical, or even, (Bd,) or completed it by adorning it with the stars, (Bd, TA, *) agreeably with what is said in the Kur xxxvii. 6, (TA,) and by means of the revolvings [thereof], &c.: from the saying next following. (Bd.) سوّى

فُلَانٌ أَمْرَهُ Such a one rectified, or adjusted, his affair; or put it into a right, or good, state. (Bd in lxxix. 28.) [Hence,] one says, سَوِّ وَلَا تُسَوِّئْ Rectify thou, and do not corrupt, or mar. (A and TA in art. سوأ.) [One says also, سوّى

الطَّعَامَ He cooked the food thoroughly: see 8 as its quasi-pass.] And سوّى فُلَانٌ مَنْصُوبَةً [Such a one framed a stratagem, or plot]. (TA in art. نصب.) A2: سَوَّى [as an intrans. verb, if not a mistranscription for سُوِّىَ], inf. n. as above: see 8.

A3: And سُوِّىَ, [app. for سُوِّئَ,] inf. n. as above, signifies It was, or became, altered [for the worse]; syn. غُيِّرَ. (TA.) 3 ساواهُ, (S, * M, * Msb,) inf. n. مُسَاوَاةٌ (M, Er-Rághib, Msb, TA) and سِوآءٌ, (M,) It was, or became, equal to it, (S, Er-Rághib, Msb, TA,) and like it, in measure, extent, size, bulk, quantity, or amount, and in value, (Msb, TA,) or in linear measure, and in weight, and in the measure of capacity, [as well as in value:] one says هٰذَا لِذٰلِكَ الثَّوْبِ ↓ الثَّوْبُ مُسَاوٍ [This garment, or piece of cloth, is equal in length and breadth to that garment, or piece of cloth]; and هٰذَا الثَّوْبُ لِذٰلِكَ الدِّرْهَمِ ↓ مُسَاوٍ [This garment, or piece of cloth, is equivalent to that dirhem]: and sometimes it means in mode, or manner of being: one says, لِذٰلِكَ السَّوَادِ ↓ هٰذَا السَّوَادُ [This blackness is equal in quality to this blackness]. Er-Rághib, TA.) It is said in a trad., سَاوَى الظِّلُّ التِّلَالَ The shade, or shadow, was like, in its extent, to the mounds, in their height. (TA.) [and ساوى الشَّىْءُ رَأْسَهُ means The thing equalled in height his head: see an ex. of the verb tropically used in this sense voce سِىٌّ.] One says also, هٰذَا يُسَاوِى دِرْهَمًا This is worth, or equal in its value to, a dirhem: and in a rare dial., one says, دِرْهَمًا ↓ سَوِىَ, aor. ـْ (Msb, TA;) which Az disallows, saying, one says ساواه, but not يَسْوَاهُ. (Msb.) And هٰذَا الشَّىْءُ لَا يُسَاوِى كَذَا This thing is not equivalent to [or is not worth] such a thing: (Fr, S:) or لَايُسَاوِى شَيْئًا [It (a garment, or some other thing, M) is not worth anything]: (M, K:) ↓ لا يَسْوَى is of a rare dial., (K,) unknown to Fr, (S,) disallowed by A'Obeyd, but mentioned by others: (M:) Az says that it is not of the language of the Arabs [of pure speech], (Msb, TA,) but is post-classical; and in like manner ↓ لا يُسْوِى is not correct Arabic: this last is with damm to the [first] ى: MF says that the generality of authorities disallow it, and the Fs expressly disallows it, but the expositors thereof say that it is correct and chaste, of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz, though an instance of a verb of which the aor. only is used. (TA.) One says likewise, ساوى الرَّجُلُ قِرْنَهُ The man equalled his opponent, or competitor, in knowledge, or in courage. (TA.) b2: See also 6.

A2: And see 2, in four places, in the former half of the paragraph.4 اسوى as a trans. verb: see 2, in two places, in the former half of the paragraph. b2: لَايُسْوِى

in the sense of لَايُسَاوِى is not correct Arabic: see 3, in the latter part of the paragraph.

A2: As an intrans. verb: see 8. b2: Also He was like his son, or offspring, [in some copies of the K his father, which, as is said in the TA, is a mistake,] in make, (M, K,) or in symmetry, or justness of proportion; (Fr, TA;) or simply he was like his son, or offspring. (M.) [In this instance, and in all the senses here following that are mentioned in the K, the verb is erroneously written in the CK استوى.] b3: اسوى فِى المَرْأَةِ i. q. أَوْعَبَ, (M, K, TA,) i. e. He inserted the whole of his ذَكَر into the فَرْج [of the woman]. (TA.) A3: Also, [as though originally أَسْوَأَ,] He was, or became, base, abased, object, vile, despicable, or ignominious; syn. خَزِىَ; (M, K;) from السَّوْأَةُ. (TA.) b2: and He voided his ordure; syn. أَحْدَثَ; (Az, M, K;) [likewise] from السَّوْأَةُ, as meaning “ the anus. ” (Az, TA.) b3: And hence, in the opinion of Az, and thought by J to be originally أَسْوَأَ [as he says in the S], (TA,) [though trans.,] He dropped, left out, omitted, or neglected, (S, M, K,) and did so through inadvertence, (S, K,) a thing, (S,) or a letter, or word, of the Kur-án, (M, K,) or a verse thereof: (M:) mentioned by A'Obeyd: (S:) and in like manner, accord. to IAth, in reckoning, and in shooting, or casting: and Hr says that أَشْوَى, with ش, is allowable, as meaning أَسْقَطَ. (TA.) b4: Also He was, or became, affected with بَرَص [or leprosy, which is sometimes termed السُّوْءُ; so that the verb in this sense also seems to be originally أَسْوَأَ]. (TA.) b5: And He was, or became, restored to health, [or free from سُوْءٌ as meaning an evil affection, (as though the verb were in this sense likewise originally أَسْوَأَ, the incipient أ being privative, as it is in many other instances, like the Greek privative

α,)] after a disease, or malady. (TA.) A4: أَسْوَيْتُهُ بِهِ: see Q. Q. 1 in art. اسو.5 تَسَوَّىَ see 8.6 تَسَاوَيَا They two were, or became, equal, like each other, or alike; as also ↓ اِسْتَوَيَا. (M, K.) ↓ استوى has two and more agents assigned to it: one says, استوى زَيْدٌ وُعَمْرُو وَخَالِدٌ فِى هٰذَا [Zeyd and 'Amr and Khálid were equal, or alike, in this]; i. e. تَسَاوَوْا: whence the saying in the Kur [ix. 19], عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ ↓ لَا يَسْتَوُونَ [They will not be equal, or alike, in the sight of God]. (TA.) and one says, تَسَاوَوْا فِى المَالِ They were, or became, equal in respect of the property, none of them exceeding another; as also فِيهِ ↓ اِسْتَوَوْا. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., as some relate it, ↓ مَنْ سَاوَى

يَوْمَاهُ فَهُوَ مَغْبُونٌ, in which the meaning is said to be تَسَاوَى [i. e. He whose two days are alike, neither being distinguished above the other by any good done by him, is weak-minded]. (TA.) And in another it is said, لَا يَزَالُ النَّاسُ بِخَيْرٍ مَا تَفَاضَلُوا فَإِذَا تَسَاوَوْا هَلَكُوا, (S, * TA,) i. e. [Men will not cease to be in a good state while they vie in excellence,] but when they cease from vying in excellent qualities and are content with defect [and thus become alike, they perish]: or when they become equal in ignorance: or when they form themselves into parties and divisions, and every one is alone in his opinion, and they do not agree to acknowledge one exemplar or chief or leader [so that they are all alike]: or, accord. to Az, when they are alike in evil, there being none among them possessed of good. (TA.) 8 استوى [seems, accord. to Bd, to signify primarily He sought, or desired, what was equal, equable, uniform, even, or the like: for he says (in ii. 27) that the primary meaning of الاِسْتِوَآءُ is طلَبُ السَّوَآءِ; app. indicating the sense in which السوآء is here used by what follows. b2: And hence, accord. to him, but I would rather say primarily, as being quasi-pass. of سَوَّاهُ,] It was, or became, equal, equable, uniform, even, level, flat, plane or plain, [or equal in respect of elevation or of depression, (see 2, first sentence,)] straight, right, direct, or rightly directed; syn. اِعْتَدَلَ (S, M, Msb, K, TA, and Ksh and Bd in ii. 27) فِى ذَاتِهِ, (TA,) said of a place, (Msb,) and اِسْتَقَامَ, said of a stick, or piece of wood, &c. (Ksh ubi suprà.) And ↓ سَوَّى, [if not a mistranscription for سُوِّىَ,] inf. n. تَسْوِيَةٌ, signifies the same as استوى [app. meaning as above], accord. to IAar; and so does ↓ أَسْوَى, as also أَوْسَى, formed from it by transposition. (TA.) One says, اِسْتَوَتْ بِهِ الأَرْضُ [lit. The earth, or ground, became equable, uniform, even, &c., with him, he having been buried in it], meaning he perished in the earth; as also ↓ تَسَوَّتْ, and عَلَيْهِ ↓ سُوِّيَتْ. (M, K.) And استوت أَرْضُهُمْ Their land became [even in its surface, being] affected with drought, or barrenness. (M, * TA.) And استوى المَآءُ وَالخَشَبَةَ, meaning مَعَ الخَشَبَةِ [i. e. The water became even, or level, with the piece of wood]. (TA.) See also 6, in four places. One says also, استوى المُعَوَّجُ [or المُعْوجُّ (as in the MA) i. e. The crooked, or uneven, became straight, or even]: (Mgh:) and استوى مِنِ اعُوِجَاجٍ [It became even from a state of unevenness]. (S.) فَاسْتَوَى عَلَى سُوقِهِ, in the Kur xlviii. last verse, means And has stood straight, or erect, (Bd,) or become strong, and stood straight, or erect, (Jel,) upon its stems. (Bd, Jel. [Golius erroneously assigns a similar meaning to استسوى, a verb which I do not anywhere find.]) And فَاسْتَوَى in the same, liii. 6, And he stood straight, or erect, in his proper form in which God created him: or was endowed by his strength with power over the affair appointed to him: (Bd:) or became firm, or steady. (Jel.) استوى said of a stick &c. means It stood up or erect: and was, or became, even, or straight: hence one says, استوى إِلَيْهِ كَالسَّهْمِ المُرْسَلِ He, or it, went towards him, or it, with an undeviating, a direct, or a straight, course, like the arrow hot forth: and hence, ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى إِلَى السَّمَآءِ is metaphorically said of God, in the Kur ii. 27 [and xli.

10]; (Ksh;) meaning (tropical:) Then He directed himself by his will to the [heaven, or] elevated regions, (Ksh, Bd,) or upwards, (Ksh,) or to the heavenly bodies; (Bd;) syn. عَمَدَ, (Zj, M, K,) and قَصَدَ (Zj, S, M, K, and Ksh and Bd) بِإِرَادَتِةِ; (Ksh, Bd;) for when الاِسْتِوَآءُ is trans. by means of إِلَى

it imports the meaning of the directing of oneself, or, as in this case, of one's design: (TA;) you say of any one who has finished a work and has directed himself to another, قَدِ اسْتَوَى لَهُ and إِلَيْهِ: (Har p. 631:) or the meaning here is صَعِدَ, (Zj, M, K,) or صَعِدَ أَمْرُهُ [i. e. his command ascended]; (M;) and this is what is intended here by صَعِدَ: (TA:) or أَقْبَلَ عَلَيْهَا [i. e. He advanced to it, namely, the heaven]; (Fr, Th, M, K;) like as one says, كَانَ فُلَانٌ مُقْبِلًا عَلَى فُلَانٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَىَّ يُشَاتِمُنِى and إِلَىّض also, meaning أَقْبَلَ [i. e. Such a one was advancing against such a one, then he advanced against me, and to me, reviling me, or contending with me in reviling]: (TA:) or it means اِسْتَوْلَى, (M, K,) as some say: (M:) J says, [in the S,] but not explaining thereby the verse above cited, that it signifies also اِسْتَوْلَى and ظَهَرَ [as meaning He had, or gained, the mastery, or victory]: and hence the saying of El-Akhtal, cited by him [in the S,] قَدِ اسْتَوَى بِشْرٌ عَلَى العِرَاقِ مِنْ غَيْرِ سَيْفٍ وَدَمٍ مُهْرَاقِ [Bishr has gained the mastery over El-'Irák without sword and without shed blood]: Er-Rághib says that when this verb is trans. by means of عَلَى, it imports the meaning of الاِسْتِيلَآء; as in the saying in the Kur [xx. 4], اَلرَّحْمٰنُ عَلَى

الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى [which may be rendered, The Compassionate hath ascendancy over the empyrean so as to have everything in the universe equally within his grasp; agreeably with what here follows]: he then adds, it is said to mean that everything is alike in relation to Him in such manner that no one thing is nearer to Him than another thing, since He is not like the bodies that abide in one place exclusively of another place. (TA.) The saying لَمَّا اسْتَوَتْ بِهِ رَاحِلَتُهُ عَلَى البَيْدَآءِ means [When his riding-camel] ascended with him upon the desert: or stood up with him straight upon its legs. (Mgh.) and one says, استوى عَلَى ظَهْرِ دَابَّتِهِ, (S, TA,) or عَلَى الفَرَسِ, (Msb,) He was, or became, firm, or steady, [or he settled himself, or became firmly seated, or sat firmly,] upon the back of his beast, or upon the horse: (S, Msb, TA:) and استوى جَالِسًا [He became firm, or steady, sitting; or he settled himself in his sitting place; or sat firmly]. (Msb.) [استوى as quasi-pass. of سَوَّاهُ also signifies It was made, or became, symmetrical; congruous, or consistent in its several parts: was made, formed, or fashioned, in a suitable manner: was made, or became, adapted to the exigencies, or requirements, of its case, or of wisdom: was made, or became, complete: was made, or became, right, or good; became rectified, adjusted, or put into a right or good state. And hence,] استوى

الرَّجُلُ i. q. بَلَغَ أَشُدَّهُ [q. v.]; (M, K;) [generally meaning] The man [became full-grown, of full vigour, or mature, in body, or in body and intellect; i. e.] attained the utmost limit of [the period termed] his شَبَاب; (S;) or attained the utmost limit of his شَبَاب, and the completion of his make and of his intellect, by the completion of from twenty-eight to thirty [years]: (T, TA:) or attained to forty (T, M, K) years. (K.) and استوى الطَّعَامُ The food became thoroughly cooked. (Msb.) [خَطُّ الاِسْتِوَآءِ means The equinoctial line.]

سَىٌّ, [app. a dial. var. of سِىٌّ]: see لَا سِيَّمَا, in the next paragraph.

سِىٌّ, originally سِوْىٌ; and its dual: see سَوَآءٌ, in ten places, all except one in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: [Hence,] of him who is, or has become, in a state of wealth, or welfare, [or rather, of abundant wealth or welfare,] one says, هُوَ فِى سِىِّ رَأْسِهِ and رَأْسِهِ ↓ سَوَآءِ, (Fr, S,) or وَقَعَ فِى سِىِّ رَأْسِهِ [in the CK (erroneously) سَىِّ] and رأسه ↓ سَوَآءِ (M, K) and رأسه ↓ سِوَآءِ, (K,) or وَقَعَ رأسه ↓ مِنَ النِّعْمَةِ فِى سِوَآءِ, (Ks, M,) i. e. (assumed tropical:) [He is in, or has lighted upon, or come upon,] what is in the predicament of his head (حُكْمِ رَأْسِهِ) [in point of eminence, of wealth, or welfare]: or what covers his head [thereof]: (M, K:) or what equals his head [in eminence] (يُسَاوِى رَأْسَهُ), of wealth, or welfare: (T, TA:) or what has equalled his head [in eminence], of wealth, or welfare; i. e. what has accumulated upon him, and filled [or satisfied] him: (M:) or [what equals] the number of the hairs of his head, of wealth, or good; (A'Obeyd, S, K;) as some explain it. (A'Obeyd, S.) See also سِنٌّ, last sentence but one. b3: [Hence likewise,] لَا سِيَّمَا, (S, M, Msb, K,) also pronounced لا سِيَمَا, without teshdeed, (Msb, Mughnee, K,) and ↓ لا سَيَّمَا is a dial. var. thereof, (Msb,) a compound of سِىّ and مَا, denoting exception: (S:) one says, لَا سِيَّمَا زَيْدٍ, i. e. لَا مِثْلَ زَيْدٍ [lit. There is not the like of Zeyd; virtually, and generally, meaning above all Zeyd, or especially Zeyd]; مَا being redundant: and لا سيّما زَيْدٌ also; like as one says, دَعْ مَا زَيْدٌ: (M, K:) [J says,] with respect to the case of the noun following ما, there are two ways: you may make مَا to be in the place of الَّذِى, and mean that an inchoative is to be understood, [namely, هو or the like,] and put the noun that you mention in the nom. case as the enunciative; thus you may say, جَآءَنِى القَوْمُ لَا سِيَّمَا أَخُوكَ, meaning لَا سِىَّ الَّذِى

هُوَ أَخُوكَ [i. e. The people, or party, came to me, and there was not the like of him who is thy brother; or above all, or especially, he who is thy brother]: (S, TA: [thus in a copy of the S: in other copies of the same, and in the TA, for سِىَّ, سِيَّمَا:]) but this rendering is invalidated in such a phrase as وَلَا سِيَّمَا زَيْدٌ by the supression of the correlative of the noun in the nom. case where there is no lengthiness, and by the applying ما to denote a rational being: (Mughnee:) or you may put the noun after it in the gen. case, making ما redundant, and making سِىّ to govern the noun in that case because the meaning of سِىّ is مِثْل: [and this is the preferable way:] (Mughnee:) in both of these ways is recited the saying of Imra-el-Keys, أَلَا رُبَّ يُوْمٍ لَكَ مِنْهُنَّ صَالِحٍ وَلَا سِيَّمَا يَوْمٌ بِدَارَةِ جُلْجُلِ [Verily many a good day was there to thee by reason of them; but there was not the like of a day, or above all a day, or especially a day, at Dárat Juljul, a certain pool, where Imra-el-Keys surprised his beloved, 'Oneyzeh, with others, her companions, bathing: see EM pp. 9 and 10]: you say also, أَضْرِبُ القَوْمَ وَلَا سِيَّمَا أَخِيكَ, meaning وَلَا مِثْلَ ضَرْبِ أَخِيكَ [i. e. I will beat the people, or party, but there shall not be the like of the beating of thy brother]: and if you say, وَلَا سِيَّمَا أَخُوكَ, the meaning is, وَلَا مِثْلَ الَّذِى هُوَ أَخُوكَ [and there shall not be the like of him who is thy brother]: in the saying إِنَّ فُلَانًا كَرِيمٌ وَلَا سِيَّمَا إِنْ أَتَيْتَهُ قَاعِدًا, accord. to Akh, ما is a substitute for the affixed pronoun هُ, which is suppressed; the meaning being, وَلَا مِثْلَهُ إِنْ أَتَيْتَهُ قَاعِدًا [i. e. Verily such a one is generous, and there is not the like of him if thou come to him sitting]: (S, TA:) it is said in the Msb, [after explaining that ما in سيّما may be redundant, and the noun after it governed in the gen. case as the complement of a prefixed noun; and that ما may be used in the sense of الّذى, and the noun following put in the nom. case as the enunciative of the inchoative هو which is suppressed;] that, accord. to some, the noun following may be in the accus. case, as being preceded by an exceptive; [or, as a specificative; (Mughnee;) in which case we must regard ما as a substitute for the affixed pronoun هُ;] but that this is not a good way; [and in this case, accord. to the generality of the authorities, it must be an indeterminate noun, not, like زَيْدٌ, determinate: (Mughnee:)] also that سيّما should not be used without لا preceding it: and that it denotes the predominance of what follows it over what precedes it: but it is added that لا is sometimes suppressed [as is said in the Mughnee] because known to be meant, though this is rare. (TA.) One says also, لَاسِىَّ لِمَا فُلَانٌ (Lh, M, K) i. e. There is not the like of such a one: (TA:) and لَا سِيَّكَ مَا فُلَانٌ (Lh, M, K) i. e. Such a one is not the like of thee. (TA.) [In both of these instances, ما is obviously redundant. Other (similar) usages of سِىّ are mentioned voce سَوَآءٌ, to which reference has been made above.] b4: سِىٌّ also signifies A [desert such as is termed]

مُفَازَة; (S, M, K) because of the evenness of its routes, and its uniformity. (TA.) [Hence السِّىُّ is the name of a particular tract, said in the M to be a certain smooth place in the بَادِيَة.] b5: See also art. سيو.

سِيَّة: see سَوَآء, near the end of the paragraph.

سُوًى: see سَوَآءٌ, in seven places: b2: and see also سِوًى, in two places.

سِوًى: see سَوَاءٌ, in seven places. b2: Also, and likewise ↓ سُوًى, (Akh, S, Msb, Mughnee, K,) and ↓ سَوَآءٌ, (Akh, S, M, Mughnee, K,) and ↓ سِوَآءٌ, (Mughnee,) i. q. مَكَانٌ, (Mughnee,) or غَيْرٌ, (Akh, S, M, Msb, Mughnee, K,) accord. to different authorities: each used as an epithet, and as denoting exception, like غَيْر; accord. to Ez-Zejjájee and Ibn-Málik, used in the same sense and manner as غَيْر: but accord. to Sb and the generality of authorities, an adv. n. of place, always in the accus. case, except in instances of necessity: (Mughnee:) one says, عِنْدِى رَجُلٌ سِوَى زَيْدٍ, meaning بَدَلَ زَيْدٍ and مَكَانَ زَيْدٍ [i. e. I have with me a man instead of Zeyd and in the place of Zeyd]: (Ham p. 570, and TA: *) [but] one says [also] مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ سِوَاكَ and ↓ سُوَاكَ and ↓ سَوَائِكَ, meaning غَيْرِكَ [i. e. I passed by a man other than thee]: (S:) and ↓ جَآءَنِى سَوَاؤُكَ [and سِوَاك &c. Other than thou came to me], using it as an agent; and ↓ رَأَيْتُ سَوَآءَكَ [and سِوَاكَ &c. I saw other than thee], using it as an objective complement: and ↓ مَا جَآءَنِى أَحَدٌ سَوَآءَكَ [and سِوَاكَ &c. None except thou came to me]: and مَا جَآءَنِى أَحَدٌ

↓ سَوَاؤُكَ [and سِوَاكَ &c. None other than thou came to me]: (Mughnee:) and قَصَدْتُ القَوْمَ سِوَى

زَيْدٍ, meaning غَيْرَ زَيْدٍ [i. e. I betook myself to, or towards, the people, or party, others than Zeyd, which is virtually the same as except Zeyd]: (Msb:) and لَئِنْ فَعَلْتَ ذَاكَ وَأَنَا سِوَاكَ لَيَأْتِيَنَّكَ مِنِّى

مَا تَكْرَهُ, meaning [If thou do that] when I am in a land other than thy land, [what thou dislikest, or hatest, shall assuredly come to thee from me.] (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) b3: The Arabs also said, عَقْلُكَ سِوَاكَ, meaning Thine intellect has departed from thee. (IAar, M.) A2: The strangest of the meanings of سِوَى, in this sense with the short alif and with kesr, is قَصْدٌ. (Mughnee.) سِوَى الشَّىْءِ means قَصْدُهُ [i. e. The tendency, or direction, of the thing]. (M.) And one says, قَصَدْتُ سِوَى

فُلَانٍ, meaning قَصَدْتُ قَصْدَهُ [i. e. I tended, or betook myself, in the direction of, or towards, such a one]. (S, K. * [In the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K, سَوَاهُ is erroneously put for سِوَاهُ.]) And hence, (Mughnee,) a poet says, (namely, Keys Ibn-El-Khateem, TA,) وَلَأَصْرِفَنَّ سِوَى حُذَيْفَةَ مِدْحَتِى

[And I will surely turn towards Hodheyfeh my eulogy]. (S, Mughnee.) سَوَآءٌ [in some copies of the K erroneously written without ء] in its primary acceptation is an inf. n., [but without a proper verb, used as a simple subst.,] meaning Equality, equability, uniformity, or evenness; syn. اِسْتِوَآءٌ; (Mughnee;) as also ↓ سَوِيَّةٌ: (M, K:) or [rather] it is a subst., (S, and Ksh and Bd in ii. 5,) meaning اِسْتِوَآءٌ, (Ksh and Bd ibid.,) from اِسْتَوَى in the sense of اِعْتَدَلَ; (S;) and signifies [as above: and] equity, justice, or rectitude; syn. عَدْلٌ; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ سَوِيَّةً; (M;) and ↓ سِوًى and ↓ سُوًى, as well as سَوَآءٌ, accord. to Fr, are syn. with نَصَفٌ; and accord. to him, (TA,) and to Akh, (S, TA,) syn. with عَدْلٌ; (S, K, TA;) [but app., only syn. with عَدْلٌ and نَصَفٌ not as a subst. but as an epithet, like وَسَطٌ thus used, as will be shown by what follows, although] each said by Er-Rághib to be originally an inf. n. (TA.) One says, هُمَا مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ ↓ عَلَى سَوِيَّةً, meaning سَوَآءٍ [i. e. They two are on an equality, or on a par, in respect of this affair, or case]: (S, TA:) and ↓ هُمْ عَلَى سَوِيَّةٍ, meaning [likewise] اِسْتِوَآءٌ [i. e. They are on an equality, or on a par], (M, K,) فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ [in this affair, or case]. (M.) and ↓ قَسَمْتُ الشَّىْءَ بَيْنَهُمَا بِالسَّوِيَّةِ, (S,) meaning بِالعَدْلِ [i. e. I divided the thing between them two with equity, justice, or rectitude]. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur [viii. 60], فَانْبِذْ إِلَيْهِمْ عَلَى سَوَآءٍ, meaning عَدْلٍ [as expl. in art. نبذ, q. v.]. (S, * TA.) [Hence,] لَيْلَةُ السَّوَآءِ The night of the thirteenth [of the lunar month; the first being that on which the new moon is first seen]; (As, S, K, TA;) in which the moon becomes equable or uniform (يَسْتَوِى) [in illumination]: (TA:) or the night of the fourteenth. (M, K.) b2: and i. q. وَسَطٌ [as meaning The middle, or midst, of a thing]; (S, M, Mughnee, K;) as also ↓ سُوًى and ↓ سِوًى. (Lh, M, K.) Hence, سَوَآءُ الشَّىْءِ The middle, or midst, of the thing; (S, M;) as also ↓ سُوَاهُ and ↓ سِوَاهُ. (Lh, M.) It is said in the Kur [xxxvii. 53,] فَرَآهُ فِى سَوَآءِ الْجَحِيمِ [And he shall see him] in the middle or midst [of the fire of Hell]. (S, * Mughnee, TA.) In like manner also one says سَوَآءُ السَّبِيلِ [The middle of the road]: or, accord. to Fr, it means the right direction of the road or way. (TA.) And one says, اِنْقَطَعَ سَوَائِى, meaning My waist [broke], or my middle. (TA.) And سَوَآءُ النَّهَارِ means The middle of the day. (M, K. [In some copies of the K, مُتَّسَعُهُ is erroneously put for مُنْتَصَفُهُ.]) b3: [Hence, perhaps, as being generally the middle or nearly so,] The summit of a mountain. (M, K.) And An [eminence, or a hill, or the like, such as is termed]

أَكَمَة: or a [stony tract such as is termed] حَرَّة: or the head of a حَرَّة. (M.) A2: It is also used as an epithet; (Mughnee;) and signifies Equal, equable, uniform, or even; syn. ↓ مُسْتَوٍ; (M, Mughnee, K;) applied in this sense to a place; (Mughnee;) as also, thus applied, ↓ سَوِىٌّ, and ↓ سِىٌّ; (M, K;) or these two signify, thus applied, [like سَوَآءٌ as expl. hereafter,] equidistant in respect of its two extremities. (TA.) And as syn. with ↓ مُسْتَوٍ, it is applied [to a fem. noun as well as to a sing., and] to one and more than one, because it is originally an inf. n.; whence the phrase لَيْسُوا سَوَآءً [They are not equal; in the Kur iii. 109]. (Mughnee.) Using it in this sense, one says أَرْضٌ سَوَآءٌ [An even land]: and دَارٌ سَوَآءٌ A house uniform (↓ مُسْتَوِيَةٌ) in respect of the [appertenances termed] مَرَافِق: and ثَوْبٌ سَوَآءٌ A garment, or piece of cloth, equal, or uniform, (↓ مُسْتَوٍ,) in its breadth and its length and its two lateral edges: but one does not say جَمَلٌ سَوَآءٌ, nor حَمَارٌ سَوَآءٌ, nor رَجُلٌ سَوَآءٌ: (M, TA:) though one says رَجُلٌ سَوَآءُ البَطْنِ A man whose belly is even with the breast: and سَوَآءُ القَدَمِ having no hollow to the sole of his foot. (TA.) One says also الخَلْقِ ↓ رَجُلٌ سَوِىٌّ, (S, M,) meaning ↓ مُسْتَوٍ

[i. e. A man uniform in make, or symmetrical; or full-grown, of full vigour, or mature in body, or in body and intellect: see 8]: (S:) and رَجُلٌ ↓ سَوِىٌّ A man equally free from excess and deficiency in his dispositions and his make: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or sound in limbs: (TA voce مِرَّةٌ, q. v.:) and ↓ غُلَامٌ سَوِىٌّ A boy, or young man, uniform in make, or symmetrical, (الخَلْقِ ↓ مُسْتَوِى,) without disease, and without fault, or defect: (Mgh:) and the fem. is سَوِيَّةٌ. (M.) Accord. to Er-Rághib, ↓ السَّوِىُّ signifies That which is preserved from excess and deficiency: and hence ↓ الصِّرَاطِ السَّوِىِّ [in Kur xx. last verse, as though meaning The road, or way that neither exceeds, nor falls short of, that which is right]; (Er-Rághib, TA;) the right, or direct, road: (Bd, Jel:) and some read السَّوَآءِ, meaning the middle, good, road: and السَّوْءِ (Ksh, Bd) i. e. the evil, or bad, road: (Bd:) and السُّوْءَى [i. e. most evil, or worst; fem. of أَسْوَأُ; for الصِّرَاطُ is fem. as well as masc.]: (Ksh, Bd:) [and] ↓ السُّوَىَ, of the measure فُعْلَى from السَّوَآءُ, [with which it is syn.,] or originally السُّوْءَى [mentioned above]: (K:) and ↓ السُّوَىِّ, (Ksh, Bd,) which is dim. of السَّوَآء, (Lth, TA,) [or] as dim. of السَّوْء [in which case it is for السُّوَىْءِ]. (Ksh, Bd.) b2: [Hence,] it signifies also Complete: (Mughnee:) you say, هٰذَا دِرْهَمٌ سَوَآءٌ (M, Mughnee) This is a complete dirhem; (Mughnee;) using the last word as an epithet: and سَوَآءً also, using it as an inf. n., as though you said اِسْتِوَآءً: and in like manner in the Kur xli. 9, some road سَوَآءً; and others, سَوَآءٍ. (M.) b3: And Equitable, just, or right; syn. عَدْلٌ: used in this sense in the saying in the Kur [iii. 57], تَعَالَوْا إِلَى كَلِمَةٍ سَوَآءٍ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ [Come ye to an equitable, or a just, or right, sentence, or proposition, between us and you]. (Az, TA.) b4: And Equidistant, or midway, (عَدْلٌ, and وَسَطٌ, S, or نَصَفٌ, Mughnee,) between two parties, (S,) or between two places; (Mughnee;) applied as an epithet to a place; as also ↓ سِوًى and ↓ سُوًى; (S, Mughnee;) of which three words the second (سِوًى) is the most chaste; (Mughnee;) or the last two signify equal (مُسْتَوٍ) in respect of its two extremities; and are used as epithets and as adv. ns.; originally, inf. ns. (Er-Rághib, TA.) ↓ مَكَانًا سِوًى and ↓ سُوًى, (M, K,) in the Kur xx. 60, accord. to different readings, means A place equidistant, or midway, (Ksh, Bd, Jel,) between us and thee, (Ksh, Bd,) or to the comer from each of the two extremities: (Jel:) or مَكَانٌ سِوًى and سُوًى means مُعْلَمٌ [i. e. a place marked], (so in a copy of the M and in one of the K,) or مَعْلَمٌ, (so in other copies of the K and in the TA,) which is for ذُو مَعْلَمٍ, meaning having a mark, or sign, by which one is guided, or directed, thereto. (MF, TA.) b5: [Also Equal, or alike, in any respect.] One says, مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ سَوَآءٍ وَالعَدَمُ, (M, Mughnee, K,) and وَالعَدَمُ ↓ سِوَآءٍ, (K,) and وَالعَدَمُ ↓ سِوًى, and وَالعَدَمُ ↓ سُوًى, (M, K,) meaning وُجُودُهُ وَعَدَمُهُ سَوَآءٌ [i. e. I passed by a man whose existence and whose non-existence are equal, or alike, to me, or in my opinion]: (M, K: *) and Sb mentions the phrase, سَوَآءٌ هُوَ وَالعَدَمُ [as meaning His existence and his nonexistence are equal, or alike, to me]. (M.) and سَوَآءٌ عَلَىَّ قُمْتَ أَوْ قَعَدْتَ [It is equal, or alike, to me, that thou stand or that thou sit, or whether thou stand or sit; or that thou stand or that thou sit is equal, or alike, to me: see Kur ii. 5, and the expositions thereof]. (S.) [And ↓ سِوًى is used as an adv. n., or as an inf. n. adverbially, meaning Alike: see an ex. in a verse cited voce سَبْتٌ.] b6: Also A like; a similar person or thing; (S, M, K;) and so ↓ سِىٌّ: [each used as masc. and fem.; and the former as sing. and dual and pl., though having proper dual and pl. forms:] the pl. of the former is أَسْوَآءٌ, (S, M, K,) and also, (S, * K,) but anomalous, (S,) or [rather] quasi-pl. ns., all anomalous, (M,) ↓ سَوَاسِيَةٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ سَوَاسٍ and ↓ سَوَاسِوَةٌ: (M, K:) and أَسْوَآءٌ is also pl. of ↓ سِىٌّ: (TA:) as to ↓ سَوَاسِيَةٌ, Akh says, سَوَآءٌ is of the measure فَعَالٌ, and سِيَةٌ may be of the measure فِعَةٌ or فِلَةٌ, the former of which is the more agreeable with analogy, the و being changed into ى in سِيَةٌ because of the kesreh before it, for it is originally سِوْيَةٌ; and it is from أَسْوَيْتُ الشَّىْءَ meaning “ I neglected the thing: ” [see 4:] (S:) accord. to Aboo-'Alee, the ى in سَوَاسِيَةٌ is changed from the و in سَوَاسِوَةٌ, in which latter some preserve it to show that it is the final radical: (M:) accord. to Fr, سَوَاسِيَةٌ has no sing., and relates only to equality in evil: (T, TA:) so in the saying, سَوَاسِيَةٌ كَأَسْنَانِ الحِمَارِ [Equals like the teeth of the ass]. (TA.) It requires two [or more nouns for its subjects]: you say, سَوَآءٌ زَيْدٌ وَعَمْرٌو, meaning ذَوَا سَوَآءٍ [i. e., lit., Two possessors of equality, or likeness, are Zeyd and 'Amr], (M, K,) because it is [originally] an inf. n.: (M:) and هُمَا فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ سَوَآءٌ [They two are in this affair, or case, likes]: (S:) and هُمَا سَوَاآنِ (S, M, K) and ↓ سِيَّانِ i. e. They two are likes: (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K:) and هُمْ سَوَآءٌ and أَسْوَآءٌ and ↓ سَوَاسِيَةٌ i. e. They are likes; (S; [the first and last of these three are mentioned in the Mgh as identical in meaning;]) or, accord. to Fr, the last means they are equals in evil, not in good: (T, TA:) and ↓ مَاهُوَ لَكَ بِسِىٍّ He is not a person like to thee: and مَاهُمْ لَكَ بِأَسْوَآءٍ [They are not persons like to thee]: (Lh, M:) and ↓ مَاهِىَ لَكَ بِسِىٍّ (Lh, M, K *) i. e. She is not a person like to thee: (TA:) and مَاهُنَّ لَكَ بِأَسْوَآءٍ [They (females) are not persons like to thee]: and لِمَنْ فَعَلَ ذَاكَ ↓ لَا سِىَّ [There is not a like to him who did that]: and إِذَا فَعَلْتَ ذَاكَ ↓ لَا سِيَّكَ [There is not the like of thee when thou doest that]: (Lh, M, K:) and فُلَانٍ ↓ لَا سِيَّةَ (K) [There is not the like of such a one: in the CK, فُلَانٌ: perhaps the right reading is فُلَانٌ ↓ لَا سِيَّكَ Such a one is not the like of thee]. سَوَآءٌ and ↓ سِيَّانِ should not be used with أَوْ in the place of وَ except by poetic license: one of the exceptions to this rule is the saying of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, وَكَانَ سِيَّانِ أَلَّا يَسْرَحُوا نَعَمًا أَوْ يَسْرَحُوهُ بِهَا وَاغْبَرَّتِ السُّوحُ [And they were two like cases that they should not send forth cattle to pasture or send him forth with them when the tracts were very dusty by reason of drought]. (M.) For two other exs. of سَوَآء, [as well as of its syn. سِىّ, and for لَا سِيَّمَا also,] see سِىٌّ. b7: See also سِوًى in six places.

سِوَآءٌ: see سِىٌّ, second sentence, in two places: and سَوَآءٌ also, in the latter half of the paragraph: b2: and see سِوًى. b3: بَعَثُوا بِالسِّوَآءِ وَاللِّوَآءِ means (assumed tropical:) They sent seeking, or demanding, aid, or succour. (K in art. لوى. [The proper signification of السِّوَآء in this instance I do not find explained.]) سَوِىٌّ: see سَوَآءٌ, in the former half of the paragraph, in six places.

سُوَىٌّ: see سَوَآءٌ, in the middle of the paragraph.

سَوِيَّةٌ: see سَوَآءٌ, in five places. b2: [Also fem. of سَوِىٌّ. b3: And hence, as a subst.,] A kind of vehicle of female slaves and of necessitous persons: (K:) or a [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء, stuffed with panic grass (ثُمَام), (S, M, K, and L in art. كرب,) or palm-fibres (لِيف), (M,) or the like, (S, M, and L ubi suprà,) resembling the بَرْذَعَة [q. v.], (S, and L ubi suprà,) which is put on the back of the camel, (M,) or on the back of the ass &c., (L ubi suprà,) and which is one of the vehicles of female slaves and of necessitous persons: (M:) and likewise such as is put upon the back of the camel, but in the form of a ring because of the hump, and [also] called حَوِيَّةٌ [q. v.]: pl. سَوَايَا. (S.) سَوَاسٍ and سَوَاسِوَةٌ and سَوَاسِيَةٌ: see سَوَآءٌ, in the latter half of the paragraph; the last of them in three places.

سَوَّآءٌ لَوَّآءٌ, each of the measure فَعَّالٌ, irregularly derived from اِسْتَوَى and اِلْتَوَى; a prov., applied to women, meaning Straight and bending, and collecting together and separating; not remaining in one state, or condition. (Meyd.) b2: and أَرْضٌ سَوَّآءٌ Land of which the earth, or dust, is like sand. (IAth, TA.) سَايَةٌ is [held by some to be] of the measure فَعْلَةُ from التَّسْوِيَةُ [inf. n. of سوّى]; (K;) mentioned by Az on the authority of Fr; but in copies of the T, فَعْلَةٌ from السَّوِيَّةُ. (TA.) One says, ضَرَبَ لِى سَايَةً, meaning He prepared for me a speech: (K:) or an evil speech, which he framed (سَوَّاهَا) against me to deceive me: mentioned by Az on the authority of Fr. (TA.) [See the same word in art. سوأ.]

أَسْوَى [More, and most, equal, equable, uniform, or even: and more, or most, equitable, &c.]. One says, هٰذَا المَكَانُ أَسْوَى هٰذِهِ الأَمْكِنَةِ i. e. [This place is] the most even [of these places]. (M.) تَسْوَآءٌ An even place; occurring in a trad.: the ت is augmentative. (TA.) مُسْوٍ [act. part. n. of 4]. One says in answer to him who asks, “How have ye entered upon the morning? ” (S,) or “ How have ye entered upon the evening? ” (M, TA,) مُسْوُونَ صَالِحُونَ [as enunciatives of نَحْنُ understood], (S, M,) or صَالِحِينَ ↓ مُسْتَوِينَ [as enunciatives of أَصْبَحْنَا or أَمْسَيْنَا understood, but I think that مُسْتَوِينَ is a mistranscription for مُسْوِينَ], meaning In a good, right, state, with respect to our children and our cattle. (S, M, TA.) مُسَاوٍ: see 3, in three places.

مُسْتَوٍ: see سَوَآءٌ, in the former half of the paragraph, in six places: and see also مُسْوٍ. [هِلَالٌ مُسْتَوٍ: see أَدْفَقُ.]



1 شَهِدَ, (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (K;) and شَهُدَ, aor. ـُ (K;) also pronounced and written شَهْدَ, (Akh, S, K,) and شِهْدَ, and شِهِدَ, accord. to a rule applying to all verbs of the measure فَعِلَ of which the medial radical letter is a faucial; (MF;) inf. n. شَهَادَةٌ (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K) and شهد; (TA;) [there written without any syll. sign, and not found by me in any other Lex.;]) He told, or gave information of, what he had witnessed, or seen or beheld with his eye: (Mgh, L, Msb:) this is the primary signification: (L:) he declared what he knew: he gave testimony, attestation, or evidence; he bore witness: (L:) he gave decisive information. (S, A, L, K.) [See also شَهَادَةٌ below.] You say, شَهِدَ بِكَذَا, inf. n. as above, (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) He told, or gave information of, such a thing, as having witnessed it, or seen or beheld it with his eye; (Mgh, Msb;) or declared such a thing as knowing it; (L;) or gave his testimony, attestation, or evidence, respecting it; or bore witness of it, or to it; (S, A, L, K;) عِنْدَ الحَاكِمِ [in the presence of the judge]; لِفُلَانٍ [for, or in favour of, such a one], (S, Mgh, L, K,) and عَلَى فُلَانٍ [against, or in opposition to, such a one]. (Mgh.) And شَهِدَ عَلَى كَذَا He gave decisive information [respecting such a thing (as in the Kur xlvi. 9, and in many other instances); he testified respecting it]. (S, L. [See also another meaning of this phrase in what follows.]) [Hence,] شَهِدَ اللّٰهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّا هُوَ, in the Kur [iii. 16], means God hath given evidence that there is no deity but He: (Abu-l- 'Abbás, IAmb, Jel:) or God knoweth &c.; (Ah-mad Ibn-Yahyà, K;) and so شَهِدَ اللّٰهُ throughout the Kur-án: (Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà:) or God saith &c.: or God hath written &c. (K.) And أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّااللّٰهُ I know, (Msb, K,) [or acknowledge,] and I declare, [or testify, that there is no deity but God:] (K:) [Fei says,] the verb is trans. in this phrase by itself [i. e. without the intervention of a prep.] because it is used in the sense of أَعْلَمُ. (Msb.) [And hence, كَلِمَةُ الشَّهَادَةِ means The sentence declaring that there is no deity but God and that Mohammad is God's apostle.] b2: شَهِدَ بِاللّٰهِ, (Mgh, * Msb,) aor. ـَ inf. n. شَهَادَةٌ, (Mgh,) means He swore by God: (Mgh, Msb:) and أَشْهَدُ بِكَذَا I swear by such a thing. (S, K.) أَشْهَدُ بِاللّٰهِ لَقَدْ كَانَ كَذَا I swear by God that such a thing happened, or took place, combines the meaning of witnessing with that of swearing and that of informing at the time of uttering these words; as though the speaker said, I swear by God that I witnessed such a thing, and now I inform of it. (Msb.) Accord. to some, when one says only أَشْهَدُ, not adding بِاللّٰهِ, it is an oath. (TA.) b3: شَهِدَ عَلَى كَذَا, a phrase of which one meaning has been expl. above, means also He became a witness (شَاهِد) of, or to, such a thing; (S, K;) he had knowledge of such a thing, and witnessed it, or saw it or beheld it with his eye: (Msb:) and شَهِدَهُ, (Mgh, L,) inf. n. شَهَادَةٌ, (L,) [likewise] signifies he witnessed it; or saw, or beheld, it, or him, with his eye; (Mgh, L;) and (Mgh, L, Msb) so ↓ شاهدهُ, (A, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) inf. n. مُشَاهَدَةٌ. (S, A, L, Msb.) [Hence,] one says, مِنْهُ حَالٌ جَمِيلَةٌ ↓ شُوهِدَتْ [A comely, or pleasing, state, or condition, of him was witnessed]. (A.) b4: And شَهِدَهُ, (aor. ـَ K,) inf. n. شُهُودٌ, He was, or became, present at it, or in it; (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, * K;) namely, a place, (Mgh,) or an assembly. (Msb.) Hence the saying, (Msb,) فَمَنْ شَهِدَ مِنْكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ, in the Kur [ii. 181], Therefore whosoever of you shall be present in the month, and stationary, not journeying, he shall fast therein (Mgh, Msb) as long as he shall remain present and stationary: (Msb:) الشهر being here in the accus. case as an adv. n. of time. (Mgh, Msb.) [And hence,] شَهِدَ الجُمْعَةَ He attained to [the being present at] the جُمْعَة [here meaning, as in many other instances, the prayer of Friday]: (Mgh:) and شَهِدَ العِيدَ he attained to [the being present at] the عِيد [or festival, or the prayer thereof]. (Msb.) [Hence also,] it is said in a trad., يَشْهَدُ بَيْعَكُمُ الحَلِفُ وَاللَّغْوُ [Swearing, and unprofitable speech, attend your selling]. (TA in art. شوب: see 1 in that art.) 2 شَهَّدَ see 4.3 شَاْهَدَ see 1, latter half, in two places.4 أَشْهَدْتُهُ عَلَى كَذَا I made him to be a witness (شَاهِد) of, or to such a thing: (S, Mgh, L:) [and in like manner,] أَشْهَدْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ I made him to have knowledge of the thing, and to witness it, or see it or behold it with his eye. (Msb.) See also 10. إِشْهَادٌ in relation to criminal matters means [The causing one to take notice of a thing that threatens to occasion some injury, with a view to the prevention of such injury; as, for instance,] the saying to the owner of a house, “ This thy wall is leaning, therefore demolish it,” or “ feared, therefore repair it. ” (Mgh.) b2: اشهدهُ also signifies He caused him to be present. (K.) You say, أَشْهَدَنِى إِمْلَاكَهُ He caused me to be present [at, or on the occasion of, his being put in possession]. (S.) b3: أُشْهِدَ: see 10.

A2: اشهد [as intrans.] (assumed tropical:) Humorem tenuem e pene emisit vir propter lusum amatorium vel osculum; (S, K;) as also ↓ شهّد, (K,) inf. n. تَشْهِيدٌ: (TA:) [from شَهْدٌ signifying “ honey; ” for] عُسَيْلَةٌ is a term for مَذْىٌ. (S.) (assumed tropical:) He rendered his مِئْزَر [or waist-wrapper] of a reddish hue and of a dark dust-colour (أَخْضَر) [by the act above-mentioned]. (L.) (assumed tropical:) He (a boy) attained to puberty. (Th, TA.) And اشهدت She (a girl) menstruated: and attained to puberty. (K.) 5 التَّشَهُّدُ in prayer is well known; (S, K;) The reciting of the form of words commencing with التَّحِيَّاتُ لِلّٰهِ: [see art. حى:] from the occurrence therein of the words أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ. (Mgh, * TA. [See also Har p. 611.]) b2: And تَشَهَّدَ also signifies He sought, or desired to obtain, martyrdom. (L.) 10 استشهدهُ He asked him, or required him, to tell what he had witnessed, or seen or beheld with his eye; to declare what he knew; to give testimony, or evidence; to bear witness; or to give decisive information. (S, Mgh, L, Msb, K.) You say, اِسْتَشْهَدْتُ فُلَانًا عَلَى فُلَانٍ I asked, or required, [or cited, or summoned,] such a one to give his testimony, or evidence, or to bear witness, against such a one. (L.) And اِسْتَشْهَدْتُ الرَّجُلَ عَلَى إِقْرَارِ الغَرِيمِ and ↓ أَشْهَدْتُهُ I asked, or required, [&c., and made,] the man to bear witness to, or to be witness of or to, the confession, or acknowledgment, of the debtor. (L.) b2: [Hence,] استشهد بِبَيْتٍ عَلَى مَعْنَى كَلِمَةٍ [He adduced, or urged, or cited, a verse as an evidential example of the meaning of a word]. (A phrase of frequent occurrence in the larger lexicons.) b3: اُسْتُشْهِدَ (S, K) and ↓ أُشْهِدَ (K) He was slain a martyr in the cause of God's religion. (S, K. [See شَهِيدٌ.]) شَهْدٌ: see شَاهِدٌ, first sentence.

A2: Also, and ↓ شُهْدٌ, (S, Msb, K,) the former of the dial. of Temeem, and the latter of the people of El-'Áliyeh, (Msb, TA,) Honey: (K:) or honey in its wax [i. e. its comb]; (S, Msb;) honey not expressed from its wax [or comb]: (TA:) pl. شِهَادٌ: (S, Msb, K:) شَهْدَةٌ is a more particular term, (S, K,) the n. un., [signifying a portion thereof; and a honey-comb, or a portion of a honey-comb;] as also شُهْدَةٌ. (TA.) شُهْدٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

شُهُودٌ: see شَاهِدٌ, in two places.

شَهِيدٌ is also written and pronounced شِهِيدٌ, with kesr to the ش: (K, TA:) and in like manner is every word of the measure فَعِيلٌ having a faucial letter for its, medial radical, whether an epithet, like this, or a subst., like رَغِيفٌ and بَعِيرٌ: ElHemdánee says, in the “ Iaráb el-Kur-án,” that the people of El-Hijáz, and Benoo-Asad, say رَحِيمٌ and رَغِيفٌ and بَعِيرٌ, with fet-h to the first letter; and Keys and Rabee'ah and Temeem say رَحِيمٌ and رِغِيفٌ and بِعِيرٌ, with kesr to the first letter: Sub says, in the R, that Temeem pronounce every فَعِيل of which the medial radical letter is hemzeh or any other faucial with kesr to the first letter: and En-Nawawee states, on the authority of Lth, that some of the Arabs do the same when the medial radical letter is not a faucial; as in كبير and كريم and جليل and the like thereof. (TA.) [This last pronunciation obtains extensively in the present day: and so, in similar cases, does the intermediate pronunciation termed إِمَالَةُ الفَتْحِ, (i. e. the pronouncing fet-h like “ e ” in the English word “ bed,”) which may be justly regarded as the best to be followed because intermediate and because sanctioned by the usage of the classical times, except in cases that are pointed out by the grammarians as presenting obstacles to the pronunciation thus termed.] b2: شَهِيدٌ is syn. with شَاهِدٌ [in several senses, as shown below]: and its pl. is شُهَدَآءُ. (S, K.) See شَاهِدٌ, in six places. b3: Also Possessing much knowledge with respect to external things: خَبِيرٌ is used in the like sense with respect to internal things; and عَلِيمٌ, in the like sense absolutely. (L.) [Hence, perhaps,] وَادْعُوا شُهَدآءَكُمْ, in the Kur ii. 21, [as though meaning And call ye to your aid those of you who possess much knowledge: or] the meaning here is, your helpers: (Bd:) or your gods whom ye worship. (Jel.) الشَّهِيدُ as a name of God means The Faithful, or Trusty, in his testimony (Zj, L,) or in testimony: (K:) and (Zj, K) as some say, (Zj,) He from whose knowledge nothing is hidden; the Omniscient. (Zj, L, K.) b4: Also, derived from الشَّهَادَةُ, or from المُشَاهَدَةُ, or from الشُّهُودُ, [all inf. ns.,] accord. to different opinions; (TA;) and of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ; (Msb, TA;) or in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ; (TA;) A martyr who is slain in the cause of God's religion; (S, K;) [i. e.] one who is slain by unbelievers on a field of battle; (Msb;) one who is slain fighting in the cause of God's religion: (IAth:) so called because the angels of mercy are present with him; (K;) because the angels are present at the washing of his corpse, or at the removal of his soul to Paradise: (Msb:) or because God and his angels are witnesses for him of his title to a place in Paradise: (IAmb, Mgh, * K:) or because he is one of those who shall be required to bear witness on the day of resurrection, (K, TA,) with the Prophet, (TA,) against the people of past times, (K, TA,) who charged their prophets with falsehood: (TA:) or because of his falling upon the ↓ شَاهِدَة, or ground: (K:) or because he is still living, and present with his Lord: (ISh, Mgh, K:) or because he witnesses. or beholds, God's world of spirits and his world of corporeal beings: (K, * TA:) [and several other reasons are assigned for this appellation:] the primary application is that expl. above: but it is also applied by the Prophet to one who dies of colic: one who is drowned: one who is burned to death: one who is killed by a building falling to ruin upon him: one who dies of pleurisy: (IAth, L:) one who dies of plague, or pestilence: a woman who dies in a state of pregnancy: (L:) and to some others: (IAth:) the pl. is شُهَدَآءُ. (A, Msb, K, &c.) شَهَادَةٌ [see 1:] Information of what one has witnessed, or seen or beheld with his eye: (IF, Mgh, L, Msb:) this is the primary signification: (L:) said to be a subst. from المُشَاهَدَةُ: (Msb:) declaration of what one knows: testimony, attestation, evidence, or witness: (L:) decisive information. (S, A, L, K.) b2: An oath: pl. شَهَادَاتٌ: so in the Kur xxiv. 6 [and 8]. (TA.) b3: Martyrdom in the cause of God's religion. (S, K. [See شَهِيدٌ.]) b4: Also i. q. مَشْهَدٌ as expl. below: see the latter word. b5: [And it is used in the sense of مُشَاهَدٌ: thus,]وَالشَّهَادَة الغَيْبِ عَالِمُ , in the Kur vi. 73 &c., means The Knower of what is unseen and of what is seen. (Jel.) شَهِيدَةٌ A roasted lamb: or [the kind of food called] هَرِيسَة [q. v.]: pl. شِهَادٌ. (Har. p. 609.) شَهَّادٌ Always present. (Freytag from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)]

شَاهِدٌ (S, Mgh, L, K) and ↓ شَهِيدٌ (S, * Mgh, L) One who tells, or gives information of, what he has witnessed, or seen or beheld with his eye: (Mgh, L:) one who declares what he knows: (L:) one who knows, and declares what he knows: (ISd, TA:) a witness, as meaning one who gives testimony, or evidence; who bears witness: (S, * L, K: *) [one who gives decisive information: (see 1, first sentence:)] pl. of the former ↓ شَهْدٌ, (Akh, S, K,) or [rather] this is a quasi-pl. n., (Sb, TA,) like as صَحْبٌ is of صَاحِبٌ, and سَفْرٌ of سَافِرٌ, (S,) but some disallow this; (TA;) and ↓ شُهُودٌ [but see what is said of this in the latter half of the paragraph] and أَشْهَادٌ are also pls. of شَاهِدٌ, (Mgh, L,) or of شَهْدٌ: (S, K:) the pl. of ↓ شَهِيدٌ is شُهَدَآءُ. (S, Mgh.) [Hence,] ↓ مَعَهَا سَائِقٌ وَشَهِيدٌ, in the Kur 1. 20: see art. سوق. b2: [Hence also] الشَّاهِدُ a name of the Prophet; (K;) meaning The witness against those to whom he has been sent. (Jel in xxxiii. 44.) b3: And شَاهِدٌ An angel: (S, L, K:) or a guardian angel: (Mujáhid:) pl. أَشْهَادٌ: or this means the prophets. (TA.) b4: And The tongue: (S, L, K:) from the saying, لِفُلَانٍ شَاهِدٌ حَسَنٌ Such a one has an elegant diction. (L.) One says also, مَا لِفُلَانٍ رُوَآءٌ وَلَا شَاهِدٌ Such a one has neither goodliness of aspect nor tongue. (Aboo-Bekr, L.) b5: [As a conventional term used in lexicology &c.,] An evidential example, generally poetical, of the form or meaning of a word or phrase: pl. شَوَاهِدُ: the sciences that require شَوَاهِد being those of اللُّغَة and الصَّرْف and النَّحْو and المَعَانِى and البَيَان and البَدِيع and العَرُوض and القَوَافِى. (MF on the خُطْبَة of the K.) [One says, هٰذَا شَاهِدٌ لِكَذَا and عَلَى كَذَا This is an evidential example of such a thing.] With respect to the classical language, absolutely, شواهد are taken, by universal consent, from the Kur-án, and from the language [both verse and prose (Kull p. 348)] of those Arabs who lived before the period of the corruption [in any considerable degree] of the Arabic tongue: [see مُوَلَّدٌ:] also, accord. to the general decision of the learned, from the Traditions of Mohammad; [which last source is excluded by some because traditions may be corrupted in language by their transmitters, and interpolated, and even forged;] and electively from the language of those Arabs who lived after the first corruption of the Arabic tongue, but before the corruption had become extensive. (Mz, 1st نوع; and MF ubi suprà. [See, again, مُوَلَّدٌ.]) The classes of the poets from whose poetry شواهد are taken are the Pagan Arabs, the Mukhadrams, the Islámees, and the Muwelleds: [see جَاهِلِىٌّ and مُخَضْرَمٌ and إِسْلَامِىٌّ and مُوَلَّدٌ:] with respect to all the sciences above mentioned, they are taken from the poetry of the first, second, and third, classes; from that of the first and second by universal consent, and from that of the third electively: (MF ubi suprá:) but they are taken from the poetry of the fourth class with respect only to the sciences of المَعَانِى and البَيَان and البَدِيع. (Idem, and Kull p. 348.) [The age of the earliest existing classical poems (though some older fragments and couplets and single verses have been preserved) is only about a century before the birth of Mohammad: that of the latest, about a century after his death. (See the Preface to this work.)] b6: Knowing, (Msb,) and witnessing, or seeing or beholding with his eye; a witness, as meaning an eyewitness; (L, Msb;) as also ↓ شَهِيدٌ: pl. of the former [or, as is said in the L in art. مجد, of the former or of the latter,] أَشْهَادٌ and شُهُودٌ; [but see what is said of these pls. in the first sentence of this paragraph;] and of the latter شُهَدَآءُ. (Msb.) [See an ex. of ↓ شَهِيدٌ in this sense in a verse cited voce رَبٌّ.] b7: [Hence, in the present day, applied to A notary, who hears and writes and attests cases to be submitted for judgment in the court of a kádee.] b8: Present; a witness as meaning one personally present; (S, L, Msb, K;) as also ↓ شَهِيدٌ: (Msb:) pl. of the former شُهَّدٌ (S, L, K) [and أَشْهَادٌ, as above,] and ↓ شُهُودٌ, (K,) or this last is used as a pl. but is originally an inf. n. (S, L.) One says, الشَّاهِدُ يَرَى مَا لَا يَرَى الغَائِبُ, meaning The present knows what the absent knows not. (Msb.) And قَوْمٌ شُهُودٌ People, or persons, present. (S, A.) And كَلَّمْتُهُ عَلَى رُؤُوسِ الأَشْهَادِ [I spoke to him before witnesses, or persons present]. (A.) b9: [Hence, app., being opposed to غَائِبٌ,] A running in which a horse exerts his force unsparingly; (A, L;) as in the saying, لِلْفَرَسِ غَائِبٌ وَشَاهِدٌ The horse has a run which he reserves [for the time of need], and a run which he performs unsparingly; like the saying, لَهُ صَوْنٌ وَبَذْلٌ: (A: [see 1 in art. بذل:]) or شَاهِدٌ means a running that testifies the excellence of a horse, (IAar, K,) and his quality of outstripping others. (IAar, TA.) b10: A star [app. when visible]; (Aboo-Eiyoob, K;) as being present and apparent in the night. (TA.) b11: [Hence, accord. to some,] صَلَاةُ الشَّاهِدِ The prayer of sunset; (A, L, Msb, K;) because it is the prayer that is performed when the star becomes visible; (Sh, L;) also called صَلَاةُ البَصَرِ, because the stars are seen at the time thereof: or, accord. to some, the prayer of daybreak; (L;) [and so, accord. to some, صَلَاةُ البَصَرِ; (see art. بصر;)] as also ↓ المَشْهُودُ; (TA;) and it is said to be so called because he who is travelling must perform it without abridging it, like him who is present at his home: Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer says that the former prayer is so called for this reason [as is also said in the A and Msb]: AM asserts that the first reason assigned above is the right one, because the prayer of daybreak, in like manner, may not be abridged, and is not thus called; but it is thus called by a poet. (L.) b12: And الشَّاهِدُ is a name of Friday; (Fr, K;) as also ↓ المَشْهُودُ: or the latter is the day of resurrection: (K:) or the day of 'Arafeh: (Fr, K: [see عَرَفَةُ:]) because of the presence and congregation of people on each of those days. (TA.) b13: شَاهِدٌ also signifies Matter resembling mucus, that comes forth with the fœtus: (S, K:) pl. شُهُودٌ: which latter, accord. to ISd, means the أَغْرَاس [pl. of غِرْسٌ, q. v.,] upon the head of a young camel at the time of its birth. (TA.) And شُهُودٌ النَّاقَةِ means The marks left by the blood, or by the membrane that enclosed the fœtus, of the she-camel, in the place where she has brought forth. (S, K.) b14: Also A quick, or an expeditious, thing or affair. (K.) الشَّاهِدَةُ The earth, or ground. (K.) See شَهِيدٌ, last sentence.

مَشْهَدٌ A place where people are present or assembled; a place of assembling; an assembly; (S, L, K;) as also ↓ مَشْهَدَةٌ and ↓ مَشْهُدَةٌ (K) and ↓ شَهَادَةٌ: (L:) pl. مَشَاهِدُ. (A.) [Hence,] مَشَاهِدُ مَكَّةَ The places of religious visitation, where the ceremonies of the pilgrimage &c. are performed, at Mekkeh. (L.) b2: [A funeral assembly or procession. b3: A place where a martyr has died or is buried. b4: And The aspect, or outward appearance, of a person; like مَرْأًى: see an instance voce عَوْدٌ.]

مُشْهَدٌ Slain a martyr in the cause of God's religion. (K. [See also شَهِيدٌ.]) اِمْرَأَةٌ مُشْهِدٌ, (S, A, K,) without ة, (S,) and مُشْهِدَةٌ, (A,) A woman whose husband is present with her: (S, A, K:) opposed to اِمْرَأَةٌ مُغِيبَةٌ; (S, A;) this last with ة. (S.) مَشْهَدَةٌ and مَشْهُدَةٌ: see مَشْهَدٌ.

مَجْلِسٌ مَشْهُودٌ [A place of assembling at which numerous persons are present]. (A.) And يَوْمٌ مَشْهُودٌ [A day on which numerous persons are present: and particularly] a day on which the inhabitants of heaven and earth will be present. (TA.) And صَلَاةٌ مَشْهُودَةٌ مَكْتُوبَةٌ A prayer at the performance of which the angels are present, and the recompense of which, for the performer, is written, or registered. (L.) See also شَاهِدٌ, in two places, in the last quarter of the paragraph. b2: مَعْهُودٌ وَمَشْهُودٌ وَمَوْعُودٌ Past and present and future; the tenses of a verb. (Kh, L in art. عهد.)



القَفْرُ اليَهُودِىُّ Jews-pitch, i. e. asphaltum; also called mumia, and in Arabic مُومِيَا: see De Sacy's Abd-allatif, p. 273: and see تِرْيَاقٌ and حُمَرٌ.

قَفُورٌ i. q.

كَافُورٌ. (IDrd in TA, art. كفر.)


1 قَفِرَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. قَفَرٌ, (TA,) It (food) was without seasoning, or condiment, to render it pleasant, or savoury. (K, TA.) A2: قَفَرَ أَثَرَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ (S;) and ↓ اقتفرهُ; and ↓ تقفّرهُ; (S, A, K;) (tropical:) He followed his footsteps; tracked him: (S, A, K:) or he followed his footsteps by degrees, and leisurely; syn. تَتَبَّعَهُ: (TA:) accord. to Z, from إِقْتَفَرَ العَظْمَ. (TA.) It is said in a trad., العِلْمَ ↓ ظَهَرَ قَبْلَنَا نَاسٌ يَتَقَفَّرُونَ There appeared before us men searching after knowledge time after time. (TA.) [See also 5 in art. فقر.]4 اقفر المَكَانُ The place became vacant, or void; (K;) destitute of herbage or pasturage, [and of water,] and of human beings. (TA.) اقفرت الأَرْضُ The land became destitute of herbage or vegetable produce, and of water. (A.) اقفرت الدَّارُ The house became vacant. (S.) اقفر الرَّجُلُ, (K,) or اقفر مِنْ أَهْلِهِ, (A,) (tropical:) The man became apart from his family, (A, K,) and remained alone. (TA.) b2: اقفر He came, (S, Msb,) or went, or his course brought him, (S,) to the desert, where was no herbage or vegetable produce, nor water. (S, Msb.) b3: (tropical:) He became destitute of food, and hungry. (K, TA.) A2: اقفر البَلَدَ He found the country, or town, to be what is termed قَفْر, (TS, K,) i. e., destitute [of herbage or vegetable produce, and of water, or] of people. (TA.) A3: اقفر (tropical:) He ate bread, (A,) or his food, (TA,) without seasoning, or condiment, to render it pleasant, or savoury. (A, TA.) b2: (tropical:) He had no seasoning, or condiment, to render his food pleasant, or savoury, remaining with him, or in his abode. (S.) b3: It is said in a trad., مَا أَقْفَرَ بَيْتٌ فِيهِ خَلٌّ (S, A) (tropical:) A house in which is vinegar is not destitute of seasoning, or condiment, to render food pleasant, or savoury; its inhabitants are not in want thereof: regarded by 'AObeyd as being from قَفْرٌ, meaning a country, or town, “wherein is nothing. ” (TA.) 5 تَقَفَّرَ see 1, in two places.8 اقتفر العَظْمَ He ate all the meat that was upon the bone, (K, * TA,) leaving nothing upon it. (TA.) A2: See also 1.

أَرْضٌ قَفْرٌ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ قَفْرَةٌ, (A, K,) and ↓ مِقْفَارٌ, (K,) and ↓ مُقْفِرَةٌ, (A,) Vacant, or void, land, (A, K,) destitute of herbage or vegetable produce, and of water: (S, A, Msb:) and مَفَازَةٌ قَفْرٌ, (S, Msb,) and ↓ قَفْرَةٌ, and ↓ مِقْفَارٌ, (S,) a desert destitute of herbage or vegetable produce, and of water: (S, Msb:) or قَقْرٌ signifies a place destitute of human beings, or desert, but sometimes containing a little herbage or pasturage: (Lth, TA:) or بَلَدٌ قَفْرٌ a country, or town, wherein is nothing: (Az, A'Obeyd:) and دَارٌ قَفْرٌ a house destitute of inhabitants; deserted; or desolate: (Msb:) the pl. (of قَفْرٌ, S, Msb) is قِفَارٌ (S, Msb, K) and قُفُورٌ: (K:) and you say also أَرْضٌ قِفَارٌ, (A, Msb, TA,) imagining it as comprising places; and in like manner, دَارٌ قِفَارٌ: (Msb, TA:) and [in a contrary manner,] أَرَضُونَ قَفُرٌ, and بِلَادٌ قَفْرٌ; as well as قِفَارٌ: (A:) but when you make قَفُرٌ a subst., [not meaning أَرْضٌ or the like to be understood,] (Msb,) or use a single term, (TA,) or apply it as an appellative to a land, (L, TA,) you add ة, and say ↓ قَفْرَةٌ, (Msb,) and إِنْتَهَيْنَا إِلَى

قَفْرَةٍ مِنَ الأَرْضِ [We came at last to a land destitute of herbage and of water]. (L, TA.) b2: نَزَلْنَا بِبَنِى فُلَانٍ فَبِتْنَا القَفْرَ (tropical:) [We alighted at the abode of the sons of such a one, and passed the night] without being entertained by them as guests. (S.) b3: نَبْتُ القَفْرِ is a prov., meaning (assumed tropical:) The stone, and the rock. (TA.) A2: See also قَفَارٌ.

قَفْرَةَ: see قَفْرٌ, in three places.

خُبْزٌ قَفَارٌ, (S, A, K,) and ↓ قَفْرٌ, (K,) and طَعَام قَفَارٌ, (TA,) and ↓ قَفِيرٌ, (K,) (tropical:) [Bread, and food,] without any seasoning, or condiment, to render it pleasant, or savoury. (S, A, K.) You say أَكَلَ خُبْزَهُ قَفَارًا (tropical:) [He ate his bread without any seasoning, &c.]. (S.) And سَوِيقٌ قَفَارٌ (tropical:) [Meal of parched barley or wheat] not moistened with any seasoning, or condiment, &c. (K, * TA.) قَفِيرٌ: see قَفَارٌ.

مُقْفِيرٌ: see قَفْرٌ. b2: Also, Destitute of food. (TA.) مِقْفَارٌ: see قَفْرٌ, in two places.



1 وَلَدَتْ, (S, K, &c.,) aor. ـِ (L, K, &c.,) inf. n. وِلَادَهٌ and وَلَادٌ (S, A, L, Msb, K) and وَلَادَهٌ and وَلَادٌ, but each is more common with kesr, (Msb,) and إِلَادَهٌ and مَوْلِدٌ (L, K) and لِدَةٌ, (K,) [and app. مِيلَادٌ, like مِقْدَارٌ, (see an ex. voce تِلَادٌ, in art. تلد,)] She (a woman, S, L, or mother, L, or any animal having an ear, as distinguished from one having merely an ear-hole CCC, (Msb,) brought forth a child, or young one; or children, young, or offspring. (Msb.) b2: Also, ولَدَ, (aor. as above, Msb,) He begot a child, or young one; &c. (Th, L, Msb, K.) b3: أَرْضُ البَلْقَآءِ تَلِدُ الزَّعْفَرَانَ (tropical:) [The land of El-Balkà

produces saffron]. (A.) b4: اللَّيَالِى حَبَالَى لَيْسَ يُدْرَىمَا يَلِدْنَ (tropical:) [The nights are pregnant: it is not known what they will bring forth]. (A.) b5: [لَمْ يَلْدِهِ occurs in a verse cited voce رُبَّ, for لَمْ يَلِدْهُ; like لم أَجْدِ for لَمْ أَجِدْ.]2 ولّدها, inf. n. تَوْلِيدٌ, He assisted her [namely a woman, A, L, Msb, and a ewe or she-goat, S, A, L, Msb, or other animal, Msb) in bringing forth; delivered her of her child or young one: (S, L, Msb, K *:) he acted as a midwife to her. (L.) b2: ولدها أَوْلَادًا He made her to be the mother of children. (MA.) See 4. b3: ولّدهُ, (inf. n. تَوْلِيدٌ, K,) He reared him; educated him; brought him up. The Christians (as Th says, T, L) have corrupted, in the Gospel, God's saying to Jesus, on whom be peace! أَنْتَ نَبِيَّى

وَأَنَا وَلَّدْتُكَ [in the CK, erroneously, ولَدْتك,] Thou art my prophet, and I reared thee: altering it thus, انت بُنَيَّى وانا وَلَدْتُكَ [Thou art my little son, and I begot thee]; attributing to Him a son. (T, * L, K. *) b4: ولّد (tropical:) He innovated, or originated, language, and a story or the like. (A.) (assumed tropical:) [It (a thing) generated, engendered, produced, or originated, another thing.]4 اولدت, (inf. n. إِيلَادٌ, Msb,) She (a woman, S, L, Msb, and a ewe or goat, L) attained to the time of bringing forth; was about to bring forth. (S, L, Msb, K. *) b2: اولد القَوْمُ The people attained to the time of [their having] children. (IKtt.) b3: اولد الجَارِيَةَ He made the girl to be the mother of a child. (MA.) See 2.5 تولّد الشَّىْءُ مِنَ الشَّىْءِ, (S,) or عَنْ غَيْرِهِ, (Msb,) (assumed tropical:) The thing became generated, or engendered, or produced; it originated; from the other thing. (Msb.) b2: تولّدت العَصَبِيَّةُ بَيْنَهُمْ (tropical:) [Party-spirit originated, or became engendered, among them]. (A.) 6 توالدوا They multiplied, or became numerous, [by propagation,] and begot one another; (S, L;) as also ↓ اتّلدوا. (TA.) 8 إِوْتَلَدَ see 6.10 استولدها He rendered her pregnant; got her with child. اولدها in this sense is not of established authority; and some expressly disallow it. (Msb.) وَلْدٌ: see وَلَدٌ.

وُلْدُ رَجُلٍ, and ↓ وِلْدُهُ, A man's people, tribe, or family. So, accord. to some, in the Kur. lxxi. 20. (T.) b2: See وَلَدٌ.

وِلْدٌ: see وُلْد, and وَلَدٌ.

وَلَدٌ (of the measure فَعَلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, Msb) and ↓ وُلْدٌ (S, A, L, Msb, K) and ↓ وِلْدٌ (S, L, K) and ↓ وَلْدٌ, (K,) each used alike as sing. and pl., (S, M, A, L, K,) and masc. and fem., (M, L, Msb,) A child, son, daughter, youngling, or young one; and children, sons, daughters, offspring, young, or younglings; of any kind: [often applied to an unborn child, &c.; a fœtus:] (M, L, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] of وَلَدٌ, (M, L, Msb, TA,) and of وُلْدٌ, (M, L,) أَوْلَادٌ; (M, L, Msb, K;) and [pl. of pauc. of وَلَدٌ,] وِلْدَةٌ and إِلْدَةٌ: (M, L, K:) and pl. of وَلَدٌ, وُلْدٌ, (S, M, L, Msb, K, *) like as أُسْدٌ is pl. of أَسَدٌ, (S, L, Msb,) in the dial. of the tribe of Keys, (T, Msb,) who make وَلَدٌ singular. (T.) b2: مَنْ دَمَّى عَقِبَيْكِ ↓ وُلْدُكِ, a proverb, (T, S, L; but in the S, عَقِبَيْكَ;) of the Benoo-Asad, (S, L,) Thy son is he who made thy two heels to be smeared with blood; (TA;) i. e., whom thou thyself broughtest forth; (K, TA;) he is thy son really; not he whom thou hast taken from another, and adopted. (TA.) b3: مَا أَدْرِى أَىُّ وَلَدِ الرَّجُل هُوَ I know not what man he is. (S, K.) لِدَةٌ, in which the ة is a substitute for the و that is elided from the beginning, for it is from الوِلَادَةُ, (S, L,) or, accord. to some, it is from لَدى, q. v., (TA,) applied to a male and to a female, (TA, voce تِرْبٌ,) i. q. تِرْبٌ; (S, L, K;) meaning One born at the same time with another; coëtanean, or a contemporary in birth (TA) of a man: (S, L:) dual لِدَانِ; (S, L;) [but لِدَةٌ occurs in a dual sense in the JM and O and K, voce صَوْغٌ, q. v.;] pl. لِدَاتٌ and لِدُونَ: (S, L, K:) AHei and other expositors of the Tesheel say, that words like لدة have the latter form of pl. when they become proper names. (TA.) The dim. [of the pl.] is وُلَيْدَاتٌ and وُلَيْدُونَ, (K,) because the formation of a dim. restores a word to its original form; (TA;) not لُدَيَّاتٌ and لُدَيُّونَ, as some of the Arabs erroneously make it: (K:) but this which F pronounces an error is accordant to the authority of the leading writers on inflexion, who say that by regarding the original form, and restoring it thereto, the word is made to depart from the meaning intended by it; for if its dim. were made وُلَيْدٌ, there would be no difference between it and the dim. of وَلَدٌ. (TA.) See also art. لدى. b2: See مِيلَادٌ.

وِلَادٌ and وَلَادٌ: see 1. b2: Pregnancy: (A, L, in which the former only is mentioned, and Msb:) the former is the more common. (Msb.) وَلُودٌ [Prolific; that breeds, or brings forth, plentifully.] (S, K, art. أبد.) b2: See وَالِدٌ.

وَلِيدٌ (of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, TA,) and ↓ مَوْلُودٌ signify the same, (T, L, K,) i. e., A new-born child: (M, L:) a young infant: (the former in the L, and the latter in the Msb:) the former, as well as the latter, masc.: (M, L:) or, accord. to some, the former is applied also to a female: as also ↓ وَلِيدَةٌ and ↓ مَوْلُودَةٌ: pl. of وليد, وِلْدَانٌ; and of وليدة. (L.) b2: الولَِيدُ فِى الجَنَّةِ The child that dies in early infancy, or that is prematurely born, is in paradise. (L, from a trad.) b3: Also وَلِيدٌ, وَلَائِدُ. A boy: (S, A, L, K:) a youth: (AHeyth, L:) (tropical:) a boy who has arrived at the age when he is fit for service, before he attains to puberty: (A, L:) a youthful servant; one is so called from the time of his birth until he attains to manhood: the servant of a man in paradise is a وليد always, never changing in age: (L:) a slave; (S, L, K;) or, as some say, one born in servitude: (TA:) fem. in these senses, with ة: (S, A, L, K:) a female slave is called وليدة even if aged: (L:) pl. (of the masc., S, L) وِلْدَانٌ (S, L, K) and وِلْدَهٌ; (L;) and (of the fem.,: S, L) وَلَائِدُ. (S, L, K.) b4: See also مُوَلَّدٌ. b5: أُمُّ الوَلِيدِ The domestic hen. (K.) b6: هُمْ فِى أَمْرِ لَا يُنَادَى وَلِيدُهُ (S, L, K *) [They are in a case, or an affair, wherein (lit. whereof) the boy, or servant-boy, or slave, will not be called out to]: a proverb, (L,) originally meaning, they are in a case of difficulty or distress, such that the mother forgets her child, and does not call out to him: and afterwards applied to any case of difficulty or distress: (M, L:) or they are in a formidable case, in which children are not called out to, but those advanced in age: (AO, or As, M, L:) and sometimes it means, they are in such a state of abundance and affluence that if a وليد put forth his hand to take a thing he is not chidden away from it: (M, L:) or it is applied to a case of good and to one of evil, and means, they are so occupied with their case or affair that if a وليد put forth his hand to the most valuable of things he is not called out to for the purpose of chiding him: (K:) some say, that its original reference is to the running of horses; because a fleet and excellent horse goes without being called out to; and that it is secondarily applied to any case of great moment, and to any case of abundance. (S, L.) b7: One also says, فِى

الأَرْضِ عُشْبٌ لَا يُنَادَى وَلِيدُهُ [In the land is fresh herbage respecting which the servant-boy, or slave, will not be called out to]; because it matters not in what part of such land the beasts are; the whole abounding with herbage: and جَاؤُوا بِطَعَامٍ

لَا يُنَادَى وَلِيدُهُ [They brought food respecting which the servant-boy, or slave, would not be called out to]; meaning, that one would not care what injury he might do to it, nor when he ate of it. (ISk, L.) b8: Muzarrid Eth-Thaalebee says, تَبَرَّأْتُ مَنْ شَتْمِ الرِّجَالِ بِتَوْبَةٍ

إِلَى اللّٰهِ مِنِّى لَا يُنَادَى وَلِيدُهَا [I have become clear of the vice of reviling men, by my turning unto God with repentance respecting which the servant (myself) will not be called out to]; meaning, respecting which I shall not be questioned. (ISk, L) وَلِيدَةٌ: see وَلِيدٌ.

وُلُودِيَّةٌ, (IAar, L, K,) an inf. n. which has no verb, (Th, L,) and وَلُودِيَّةٌ (K) and وَلِيدِيَّةٌ, which, accord. to Th, is the original form, and ↓ وَلَادَةٌ, (L,) Infancy: (IAar, L, K:) boyhood; girlhood: the state of a وَلِيد or وَلِيدَة. (L.) Ex.

فَعَلَ ذٰلِكَ فِى وُلُودِيَّتِهِ, and وَلُودِيَّتِهِ, He did that in his infancy: (El-Basáïr:) and فِى وَلِيدِيَّتِهِ when he was a وَلِيد. (L.) b2: وُلُودِيَّةٌ (L, K) and وَلُودِيَّةٌ (L) Rudeness; coarseness; hardness; churlishness; deficiency in gentleness, (L, K,) and in knowledge of affairs: (L:) illiterateness. (L.) صُحْبَةُ فُلَانٍ وَلَّادَةٌ لِلْخْيرِ (tropical:) [The society of such a one is very productive of good.] (A.) وَالِدٌ and وَالِدَةٌ, (M, L, K) the former as a possessive epithet, and the latter as an act. part. n. (M, L.) A woman, and any pregnant animal, having a child or young one, or children or young; and bringing forth. (Th, M, L.) b2: Also وَالِدٌ A father: (S, L, Msb:) and a mother; (L;) as also وَالِدَةٌ; (S, L, Msb;) [which latter is the more common in this sense:] pl. of the former, وَالِدُونَ; and of the latter, وَالِدَاتٌ: (Msb:) the dual وَالِدَانِ signifies the two parents; the father and mother. (S, L, Msb.) b3: شَاةٌ وَالِدٌ A pregnant ewe or goat; (ISk, S, A, L, Msb, K; *) as also وَالِدَةٌ and ↓ وَلُودٌ: (L, K:) pl. وُلْدٌ, (as in the L, and most other lexicons, accord. to the TA, and in some copies of the K,) or وُلَّدٌ, (as in the A, and in other copies of the K,) each of which is correct. (TA.) b4: Also, A prolific ewe or goat; that breeds, or brings forth, plentifully; (Nh, L;) [as also ↓ وَلُودٌ: see S, K, art. أبد: see also an ex. of وَلُودٌ, applied to a woman, voce أَسْوَأُ.] b5: مِنْ شَرِّ وَالِدٍ وَمَا وَلَدَ, occurring in a trad. respecting prayer for God's protection, [lit., From the evil of a parent and what he hath begotten,] is said to mean Iblees and the devils: (L:) or Adam and the true friends and the prophets and the martyrs and the believers whom he hath begotten. (El-Basáïr.) مَوْلِدٌ The place of birth (T, S, M, A, Msb) of a man. (S, L, &c.) b2: See also مِيلَادٌ.

مُولِدٌ [A woman, and] a ewe or she-goat, (L,) about to bring forth: (L, K: *) pl. مَوَالِدُ and مَوَالِيدُ. (L, K.) مِيلَادٌ The time of birth (T, S, M, A, L, Msb, K) of a man; (S, L, &c.;) as also ↓ مَوْلِدٌ, (T, M, A, L, Msb, K,) and ↓ لِدَةٌ: (K:) but this last is mentioned only in the K, and requires proof. (TA.) b2: [See also 1, of which it is app. an inf. n.]

مَوْلُودٌ: see وَلِيدٌ.

رَجُلٌ مُوَلَّدٌ, (S, L, Msb,) and عَرَبِيَّةٌ مُوَلَّدَةٌ, (S, L,) A man, and an Arab female, not of mere Arabian extraction: (S, L, Msb:) or مُوَلَّدٌ (L) and its fem. مُوَلَّدَهٌ (M, L, K) signify a boy, or slave-boy, (L,) and a girl, or slave-girl, (M, L,) born among the Arabs; (M, L, K;) as also ↓ وَلِيدٌ (M, L) and وَلِيدَةٌ: (M, L, K:) or a boy, or slave-boy, and a girl, or slave-girl, who has been born among the Arabs, and has grown up with their children, and been educated, disciplined, or bred, in their manner: (A, L:) or the latter, مولّدة, signifies one born in a country in [and of] which is only her father or her mother: (ISh, L:) or one born at thine own abode, or home; (ISh, T, S, in art. تلد;) like تِلَادٌ: (S, art. تلد:) or born in the territory of the Muslims. (Mgh, art. تلد.) b2: شَاعِر مُوَلَّدٌ (tropical:) [A post-classical poet;] a poet of the last of the four classes; of the class next after the إِسْلَامِيُّون; also called مُحْدَثٌ: (Mz, 49th نوع:) called by the former appellation [as well as the latter] because of his recent age. (L, K.) [It is difficult to mark the exact line of distinction between the Islámees and the Muwelleds, so as always to be certain to which of these two classes a poet belongs. The latter are those born, not merely since the first corruption of the Arabic language, which happened in, or before, the age of Mohammad, (see Mz, 44th نوع,) but since the extensive corruption which happened after the Arabs had spread themselves, by their conquests, among foreigners, in consequence of which their language became simplified. This change took place in the latter half of the first century of the Flight. Hence the poetry of the Muwelleds in not cited as authoritative in lexicology or grammar, or as to the metres of verse, or rhymes. (See شَاهِدٌ.)] Ibn-Rasheek mentions, as the most famous of the Muwelleds, El-Hasan (surnamed Aboo-Nuwás) Habeeb, ElBohturee, Ibn-Er-Roomee, Ibn-El-Moatezz, and El-Mutanebbee: [the first of whom died in the year of the Flight 195, or -6, or -8]. Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El- 'Alà [who died in the year of the Flight 154, or -9,] termed El-Farezdak and Jereer Muwelleds, in comparison with the Pagan poets and the Mukhadrams, though others call them Islámees. (Mz, 49th نوع.) b3: كَلَامٌ مُوَلَّدٌ (tropical:) [Postclassical,] or innovated, or modern, or modernized, language; (L;) language which is not of the original dialect of the Arabs; (A;) language which is not genuine Arabic. (Msb.) and simply مُوَلَّدٌ (tropical:) [A post-classical phrase or word;] a modernism; an innovated, or a modern, or modernized, phrase or word; a phrase or word innovated by any of the Muwelleds, whose phrases or words are not cited as authoritative [in lexicology, or grammar, or as to the metres of verse, or rhymes: see above]: the difference between it and the مَصْنُوع is, that the latter is given by its author as chaste (فصيح) Arabic; whereas this is the contrary [i. e., confessedly innovated]. (Mz, 21st نوع.) It is opposed to لُغَةٌ. The lexicons passim.) b4: Also مُوَلَّدٌ, (L,) and its fem. with ة, (K,) (tropical:) Anything innovated. (L, K.) b5: كِتَابٌ مُوَلَّدٌ (tropical:) A forged writing. (L, K.) b6: بَيِّنَهٌ مُوَلَّدَةٌ (tropical:) Evidence not verified. (L, K.) مُوَلِّدَةٌ A midwife. (A, L, K.)



1 خَنَثَ, (Lth, L,) aor. ـِ inf. n. خَنْثٌ, (L,) He folded, or doubled, a skin for water or milk, and a sack. (Lth, L.) And خَنَثَ السِّقَآءَ, (S, A, Mgh, K, TA,) and فَمَ السِّقَآءِ, (A, TA,) and السقآءِ ↓ اختنث, (S, A, * Mgh, K,) He doubled the skin, (S, K,) or the mouth of the skin, (A, Mgh, TA,) outwards, (S, A, Mgh, K,) or inside-out, (TA,) and drank from it; (S, Mgh, K;) the doing of which is forbidden (Mgh, TA) by Mo-hammad: (TA:) when you double it inwards, you say, قَبَعْتُهُ: (S, A, Mgh:) or خَنَثَ فَمَ السِّقَآءِ signifies he turned the mouth of the skin outsidein or inside-out: and خَنْثٌ signifies any kind of inverting, or turning upside-down or inside-out or the like. (TA.) b2: [Hence, app.,] خَنَثَ لَهُ بِأَنْفِهِ [He contracted his nose at him]; as though he mocked at, scoffed at, derided, or ridiculed, him: so in the A: but in the K, خَنَثَهُ, aor. ـِ he mocked at, scoffed at, derided, or ridiculed, him. (TA.) A2: خَنَثٌ, aor. ـَ (L, Msb, K,) inf. n. خَنَثٌ; (A, Msb, TA;) and ↓ انخث, (S, A, L, Msb, K,) and ↓ تخنّث; (A, L, K;) He (a man, L) affected a bending, or an inclining of his body, from side to side, and languor, or languidness; or he became bent and languid; syn. تَثَنَّى وَتَكَسَّرَ: (S, A, L, K:) [or he was, or became, flaccid, or flabby, and affected a bending, or an inclining of his body, from side to side: (see خَنِثٌ:) or he was, or became, effeminate: (see خُنْثٌ:)] or he was, or became, soft, delicate, tender, flabby, lax, or limber, and affected languor, or languidness; expl. by كَانَ فِيهِ لِينٌ وَتَكَسُّرٌ. (Msb.) 'Áïsheh, describing the death of Mohammad, says, ↓ اِنْخَنَثَ فِى حَجْرِى, meaning He became bent and languid (اِنْثَنَى وَتَكَسَّرَ), by reason of the flaccidness of his limbs, in my bosom. (TA.) 2 خنّثهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَخْنِيثٌ, (K,) He bent it; (S, K;) namely, a thing. (S.) Hence the epithet مُخَنَّثٌ. (S, K.) b2: He made him to be, or become, such as is termed خَنِثٌ. (Msb.) b3: خنّث كَلَامَهُ He made his speech like that of women, in softness and gentleness: so some say. (Msb.) A2: تَخْنِيثٌ also signifies The doing what is excessively foul, or obscene; [i. e. the acting the part of a catamite;] but this meaning was unknown to the Arabs [of the classical ages]. (MF.) 5 تخنّث It (a thing, S) bent, or became bent. (S, K.) b2: Also i. q. خَنِثَ, q. v. (A, * L, K.) And He (a man) acted in the manner of the مُخِنَّث [or effeminate, &c.]. (TA.) [He became a مُخَنَّث: used in this sense in the S and K in art. طوس.] And تخنّث فِى كَلَامِهِ [He was soft, or effeminate, in his speech]. (S, Mgh.) b3: He (a man &c.) fell down by reason of weakness. (TA.) 7 انخنثت القِرْبَةُ The water-skin became folded, or doubled. (L.) b2: انخنثت عُنُقُهُ His neck inclined, or bent. (TA.) b3: See also 1, in two places.8 إِخْتَنَثَ see 1, second sentence.

خُنْثٌ a subst. from اِنْخَنَثَ [An affectation of a bending, or of an inclining of the body, from side to side, and of languor, or languidness; or a bending and languidness: or flaccidity or flabbiness, and an affectation of a bending, or of an inclining of the body, from side to side: or effeminacy: or softness, delicacy, tenderness, flabbiness, laxness, or limberness, and an affectation of languor, or languidness]: (S, L:) as also ↓ خِنَاثَةٌ. (Msb.) Jereer says, أَتُوعِدُنِى وَ أَنْتَ مُجَاشِعِىٌّ

أَرَى فِى خُنْثِ لِحْيَتِكَ اضْطِرَابَا [Dost thou threaten me, thou being a Mujáshi'ee? I see, in the softness and weakness of thy beard, or in the bending and languidness, or the effeminacy, of thy person, (for the beard is sometimes, by a synecdoche, put for the whole person,) an evidence of unsoundness, uncompactness, or weakness]. (S.) خِنْثٌ, with kesr, sing. of أَخْنَاثٌ and خِنَاثٌ, (TA,) which signify The creases, or places of folding, of a garment, or piece of cloth. (K, TA.) You say, طَوَى الثَّوْبَ عَلَى أَخْنَاثِهِ and خِنَاثِهِ He folded the garment, or piece of cloth, at its creases. (TA.) And [hence,] أَلْقَى اللَّيْلُ أَخْنَاثَةُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ (assumed tropical:) The night cast the folds of its darkness upon the earth. (TA.) b2: Also the former pl., (TA,) and the latter also, (K,) The parts of the دَلْو [or bucket] whence the water pours forth, between the عَرَاقِى. (K, TA.) b3: The sing. also signifies The interior of the part of the cheek by the side of the mouth, next the molar teeth, (K, TA,) above and below. (TA.) b4: And A company in a state of dispersion. (K.) خَنِثٌ One in whom is an affectation of a bending, or of an inclining of the body, from side to side, and of languor, or languidness; or in whom is a bending and languidness; expl. by مَنْ فِيهِ تَثَنٍّ وَتَكَسُّرٌ: (A, L, K:) or flaccid, or flabby, and affecting a bending, or an inclining of the body, from side to side: (S:) [or effeminate; like مُخَنَّثٌ]: or one in whom is softness, delicacy, tenderness, flabbiness, laxness, or limberness, and an affectation of languor, or languidness: (Msb:) fem. with ة. (TA.) And ↓ خُنُثٌ (TA) and ↓ مِخْنَاثٌ, (K,) applied to a woman, (K, TA,) Soft, delicate, tender, flabby, lax, or limber, (TA,) and affecting languor, or languid-ness: (K, TA:) pl. of the latter مَخَانِيثُ. (TA.) One says to such a woman, ↓ يَاخَنَاثِ, (K,) [indecl.,] like قَطَامِ; (TA;) and to a man [of the same description], ↓ يَا خُنَثُ. (K.) يَا خُنَثُ: see the next preceding paragraph.

خُنُثٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

خُنْثَى [A hermaphrodite;] one who has what is proper to the male and what is proper to the female: Kr makes it an epithet, and says رَجُلٌ خُنْثَى; (TA;) one who has what is proper to men and what is proper to women, (S, Mgh, K,) together; (S, K;) one who has, by creation, the anterior pudendum of a man and that of a woman: (Msb:) in the language of the lawyers, one who has what are proper to both sexes; or who has neither that of a man nor that of a woman: but some of them say that the former meaning is the proper one; and that he who has no external organ of generation is adjoined to the class of the خنثى as being subject to the same special laws: (MF, TA:) the pl. is خَنَاثَى (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and خِنَاثٌ. (Msb, K.) A2: Also The plant called بَرْوَاقٌ [i. e. the asphodel]. (K in art. برق.) يَا خَنَاثِ: see خَنِتٌ.

خَنِيثٌ A skin of the kind called قِرْبَة folded, or doubled. (L.) خُنَاثَةُ: see مُخَنَّثٌ.

خِنَاثَةٌ: see خُنْثٌ.

حُنَيْثَةُ: see مُخَنَّتُ.

أَخْنَثُ مِنْ دَلَالِ [More effeminate, or more incapable of venery, than Delál]: a prov. (S, TA.) Delál was a certain man of El-Medeeneh, (TA,) who was made a eunuch, together with several other مُخَنَّثُون. (TA in art. دل. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 451; where the name is erroneously written دَلَّال.]) مُخَنَّثٌ, from خَنَّثَ “he bent,” (S, K,) because of his softness, delicacy, tenderness, flabbiness, laxness, or limberness, and affectation of languor, or languidness; (TA;) or from خُنْثَى; (Kh, JK, MS;) An effeminate man; (T in art. انث, and TA;) one who resembles a woman in gentleness, and in softness of speech, and in an affectation of languor of the limbs: (TA voce مُؤَنَّثٌ, q. v.: [see also خَنِثٌ:]) it is written thus and ↓ مُخَنِّثٌ: (TA:) this latter is explained by some as meaning one who makes his speech like that of women, in softness and gentleness: (Msb, TA:) it is also said that both these epithets are used to signify one who affects languor, or languidness, of the limbs; one who makes himself like women in the bending of himself, and in affecting languor, or languidness, and in speech: but that one uses the latter epithet only when he means one who does what is excessively foul, or obscene; [i. e. a catamite; though this is a meaning often borne by the former also;] notwithstanding that تَخْنِيثٌ, as signifying the “committing such an action,” was unknown to the Arabs [of the classical ages], and is not found in their language: (MF, TA:) [often, also,] the former epithet signifies a man incapable of venery: (MA:) it is said in a trad. that they used to reckon the مخنّث as one of those having no need of نِكَاح. (TA in art. ارب.) The مُخَنَّث is also called ↓ خُنَاثَةُ and ↓ خُنَيْثَةُ [each imperfectly decl.]. (K, TA.) مُخَنِّثٌ: see what next precedes.

مِخْنَاثٌ: see خَنِثٌ.



1 عَطِرَتْ, (S, A, O, Msb,) aor. ـَ inf. n. عَطَرٌ, (S, O, Msb,) said of a woman, (S, A, Msb,) She perfumed herself; (TA;) and ↓ تعطّرت, (A, O, Msb,) inf. n. تَعَطُّرٌ; (S;) and ↓ استعطرت; (A;) [signify the same: also عَطِرَ he (a man) was sweet in the odour of his body; and عَطِرَتْ, said of a woman, signifies the same: see the part. n. عَطِرٌ:] and ↓ استعطرت signifies she (a woman) made use of perfume. (TA.) [See also 5.]2 عطّر He perfumed a woman [&c.; and so, app., ↓ اعطر]. (Msb.) b2: بَطْنِى عَطِّرِى, (K,) but in other lexicons than the K we find ↓ أَعْطِرِى, (TA,) [occurring in a prov.,] see in art. سَأر [voce سَائِرٌ]. (K.) 4 أَعْطَرَ see 2, in two places.5 تَعَطَّرَ see 1. b2: It is said in a trad., of Mohammad, كَانَ يَكْرَهُ تَعَطُّرَ النِّسَآءِ وَتَشَبُّهَهُنَّ بِالرِّجَالِ, (O, K, TA,) meaning He used to dislike women's perfuming themselves with perfume of which the odour was perceived like that of men [and their affecting to be like men]: (TA:) or their being without ornaments (O, K, TA) and dye on the hands &c. [and their affecting to be like men]; (TA;) the ر in this case being substituted for ل: (O, K, * TA:) or تعطَّر, here, is from what follows: (TA:) b3: تعطّرت She (a woman, O, TA) remained in the house, or tent, of, (O, K,) or with, (L,) her father and mother, and did not marry. (O, L, K, TA.) 10 إِسْتَعْطَرَ see 1, in two places.

عِطْرٌ Perfume; an odoriferous, or a fragrant, substance; syn. طِيبٌ: (S, A, O, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْطَارٌ (A) and [of mult.] عُطُورٌ. (A, O, K.) [And ↓ عِطَارَةٌ, as used in the present day, and in medical books, signifies Perfumes and drugs: see an ex. voce صِيْدَلَةٌ.] b2: [عِطْرُ الأَمَةِ A certain berb: see ذَفِرٌ.]

عَطِرٌ, applied to a man, (K, TA,) and عَطِرَةٌ, applied to a woman, (S, A, O, Msb, K,) Having perfume upon, or using perfume for, or perfuming, [himself, and] herself; (S, O;) and ↓ مُتَعَطِّرَةٌ, applied to a woman, (S, K,) signifies the same. (S) [See also عَاطِرٌ, and مُعَطَّرَةٌ, and مِعْطِيرٌ.] b2: Also عَطِرٌ, Sweet in the odour of his body; and in like manner عَطِرَةٌ applied to a woman. (TA.) اِمْرَأَةٌ عَطِرَةٌ مَطِرَةٌ means A woman who perfumes and cleanses and washes herself much: (O:) [or is sweet in the odour of her body, and often uses the tooth-stick; for] مَطِرَةٌ signifies here كَثِيرَةُ السِّوَاكِ. (TA.) b3: عَطِرَةٌ A she-camel easy of sale in the market; (O, K;) that sells herself by her goodliness; (TA;) as also ↓ عَطَّارَةٌ (O, K) and ↓ مِعْطَارَةٌ: (TA:) or a she-camel of generous race, or excel-lent; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ مِعْطَارٌ (S, O, TA) and ↓ مِعْطَارَةٌ and ↓ مُعْطِرَةٌ [or مُعْطَرَةٌ?]; (K, TA;) or ↓ مِعْطَرَةٌ: (O:) and عَطِرَاتٌ and ↓ مَعَاطِرُ she-camels goodly, and of generous race, or excel-lent. (A.) عِطْرِيَّةٌ [Fragrance]. (TA in art. زرد.) عِطَارَةٌ The trade of a seller of perfumes. (K.) b2: See also عِطْرٌ.

عَطَّارٌ A seller of perfumes; (O, K;) and ↓ مِعْطِيرٌ signifies the same in the saying of El-'Ajjáj, describing the [wild] he-ass and the she-asses, يَتْبَعْنَ جَأْبًا كَمُدُقِّ المِعْطِيرْ [They (the she-asses) follow a bulky male like the stone with which the seller of perfumes pounds, or pulverizes, his perfume]. (S, O.) عَطَّارَةٌ: see عَطِرٌ.

عَاطِرٌ One who loves perfume: (IAar, O, K:) or i. q. عَطِرٌ [q. v.]: (TA:) pl. عُطُرٌ. (O, K.) أَعْطَرُ العَرَبِ The most sweet, in perfume, of the Arabs. (TA, from a trad.) مُعْطِرٌ [or مُعْطَرٌ is the correct form, pass. part. n. of أَعْطَرَ, and agreeable with the pl. in two copies of the S,] (K, TA) A beautiful she-camel, as though there were a dye upon her fur by reason of her beauty: (TA; and so the pl. is explained in the S:) or strong and beautiful; as also ↓ مِعْطَارٌ: (K, TA:) pl. of the former مُعْطِرَاتٌ, (TA,) or مُعْطَرَاتٌ, (S, O,) meaning fat: or red, as though dyed. (O.) b2: مُعْطِرَةٌ [or مُعْطَرَةٌ] A red she-goat. (El-Báhilee, as cited in the TA.) b3: See also عَطِرٌ.

مِعْطَرَةٌ: see عَطِرٌ, last sentence.

مُعَطَّرَةٌ, applied to a woman [Perfumed: see 2]. (K.) مِعْطَارٌ and مِعْطَارَةٌ: see مِعْطِيرٌ; each in two places. b2: and see مُعْطِرٌ; and عَطِرٌ, in three places.

مِعْطِيرٌ, applied to a woman, (Msb,) or to a man and a woman, (S, K,) and ↓ مِعْطَارٌ, applied to a woman, (S, Msb,) or to a man and a woman, (K,) and ↓ مِعْطَارَةٌ, (K,) One who perfumes himself, and herself, much; (S, Msb;) and who frequently does so: and ↓ مِعْطَارٌ and ↓ مِعْطَارَةٌ a woman who is accustomed to do so: pl. مَعَاطِيرُ. (TA.) Lh says that an epithet of the measure مِفْعَالٌ is mase. and fem. without ة, except in some extraordinary instances, in which the fem. is with ة. (TA.) b2: Also مِعْطِيرٌ, A she-camel red, and whose sweat has a sweet odour. (L, and so in the CK.) In [some of] the copies of the K, طَيِّبَةُ العَرْفِ is put by mistake for طيّبة العَرَق. (TA.) A2: See also عَطَّارٌ.

مَعَاطِرُ: see عَطِرٌ, last sentence.

مُتَعَطِّرَةٌ: see عَطِرٌ, first sentence.



2 كَتَّلَهُ

, inf. n. تَكْتِيلٌ, He made it (أَقِط [&c.]) into lumps, or compact pieces or portions. (TA.) b2: And He, or it, fattened him. (Kr, TA.) 5 تَكَتَّلَ It became compacted together in a mass; it became lumpy. See قِيدَ, art. قود.

كُتْلَةٌ A lump, or compact piece or portion, (S, M, * Msb, K,) of a thing, (Msb,) or of gum, &c., (S,) or of dates, and of clay, &c.: (M, K:) a piece, or portion, of dates packed together in a receptacle: (Mgh:) and a piece of flesh-meat. (K.)



1 كَبَسَ, (S, A, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. كَبْسٌ, (S,) He filled up with earth a well, (S, A, K,) and a river, (A, Mgh, K,) and a hollow, or cavity, or pit, dug in the ground. (A, Mgh.) b2: (tropical:) He covered over, or spread, with earth, and made even, a piece of ground: and in like manner, the roof of a house, before plastering it with mud or clay. (Mgh.) b3: [And He spread earth upon a roof &c. (See دَكَّ.)]

A2: Also, aor. and inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) He pressed, or squeezed, [or kneaded,] a limb with the hand: (TA, art. غمز:) and ↓ كبّس, inf. n. تَكْبِيسٌ, [signifies the same, accord. to present usage: and] (tropical:) he suppled the body [by kneading, or pressing, or squeezing it, as is done in the bath,] with the hands. (TA, in the present art.) b2: And, aor. as above, (tropical:) Inivit unâ vice feminam. (K.) A3: كَبَسُوا دَارَ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) They made a sudden attack upon the house of such a one, (S, IKtt, * K,) and surrounded it. (K.) And كَبَسُوا عَلَيْهِمْ, and ↓ كبّسوا, (tropical:) They threw themselves upon them suddenly and without consideration. (A.) and in like manner, عَلَى الشَّىْءِ ↓ كبّسوا, and ↓ تكّبسوا عَلَيْهِ, (tropical:) They threw themselves upon the thing suddenly and without consideration. (TA.) A4: كَبَسَ رَأْسَهُ, [aor. as above,] He put his head within his garments: (S:) and كَبَسَ رَأْسَهُ فِى ثَوْبِهِ he hid his head in his garment, and put it within it: (K:) or he put it on in the manner of a قِنَاع, (تَقَنَّعَ,) and then covered himself with part of it. (TA.) You say also, كَبَسَ رَأْسَهُ فِى جَيْبِ قَمِيصِهِ, (A,) or بِرَأْسِهِ, (TA,) He put his head within the opening at the neck and bosom of his shirt; (A;) and so ↓ تكبّس alone. (TA.) And يَكْبِسُ الرَّجُلُ ثَوْبَهُ فِى رَأْسِهِ [app. meaning, The man puts his garment as a covering over his head.] (Sh, TA.) 2 كَبَّسَ see 1, in three places.3 كَاْبَسَ [كابسهُ, inf. n. مُكَابَسَةٌ, app. syn. with مَارَسَهُ, or دَافَعَهُ: see تَايَسَ.]5 تكبّس [quasi-pass. of 2, It was, or became, pressed, or squeezed].

A2: See also 1, in two places.7 انكبس It (a river, [and a well,] and any hollow, or cavity, or pit, dug in the ground,) became filled up with earth. (Mgh.) كِبْسٌ Earth with which a well, (S, K,) or river, (K,) or any hollow, or cavity, or pit, dug in the ground, (TA,) is filled up: (S, K, TA:) earth that occupies the place of air. (TA.) كَبِيسٌ A kind of dates, (S, Msb, K,) said to be of the best kind; (Msb;) thus called when dry; but when fresh, called أُمُّ جِرْذَانٍ, which is also the name of the tree that bears them. (TA.) A2: A kind of women's ornament, made hollow, (A, L, K,) and coated with perfume, (A,) or stuffed with perfume, (L, K,) and then worn; (L;) a necklace being made of ornaments of this kind. (A.) A3: السَّنَةُ الكَبِيسَةُ, (S, K,) and عَامُ الكَبِيسِ, (L, Az, in TA, voce سُبَاطٌ, q. v.,) [The intercalary year; or leap-year; both in the Syrian, or Julian, reckoning, and in the Coptic;] the year from which, (مِنْهَا,) accord. to the S and K, but properly, for which, (لَهَا,) as in the work entitled القَوْلُ المَأْنُوسُ, a day is stolen (يُسْتَرَقُ) [and intercalated]; which is [once] in every four years; as in the S and K; for the said day is an addition thereto; (MF, TA;) the year in which the Syrians following the Greeks, add a day to the month سُبَاط, [which corresponds to February, O. S.,] making it twentynine days instead of twenty-eight, which they do once in four years; (L;) [and that in which the Copts intercalate, at the end, six epagomenæ instead of five, which, in like manner, they do once in every four years.]

كِبَاسَةٌ A raceme, (S, A, Msb, K,) or large raceme, (TA,) of a palm-tree, (A, * Msb, K, *) or of dates, like the عُنْقُود of grapes, (S,) complete, with its شَمَارِيخ, [or fruit-stalks, pl. of شِمْرَاخٌ,] (A, TA,) and its dates: (TA:) pl. كَبَائِسُ. (A, Msb.) [A كباسة of moderate size has about one hundred شماريخ; the longest شمراخ having about fifty dates, and being about two feet and a half in length; and the shortest having about thirty dates, and being about one foot in length.] b2: Also applied by AHn, to (tropical:) A raceme of [the fruit called] فُوفَل. (TA.) كَابِسٌ Charging, attacking, or assaulting. (K, * TA.) You say, جَآءَ كَابِسًا He came charging, attacking, or assaulting: (K, * TA:) as also ↓ مُكَبِّسًا, and ↓ مُكَابِسًا. (TA.) b2: Throwing himself suddenly and without consideration [upon a person or thing]. (TA.) A2: A man putting himself within his garment, covering his body with it. (TA.) كَابُوسٌ [Incubus, or nightmare;] what comes upon a man (or rather upon a sleeper, TA,) in the night, (S, K,) preventing his moving while it lasts; (K;) accord. to some, (S,) the forerunner of epilepsy. (S, K.) Some think that this is not Arabic, and that the proper word is نَيْدُلَانٌ, and بَارُوكٌ, and جَاثُومٌ. (TA.) Hence, app., (TA.) (tropical:) Modus certus coëundi: (K:) or rather, (tropical:) coïtus itself. (TA.) مُكَبَّسُ الرَّأْسِ Compact in the head. (AHeyth, T in art. ظرب.) مُكَبِّسٌ Hanging down his head in his garment: (K, * TA:) or one who throws himself suddenly and without consideration upon others, and assaults them. (K.) See also كَابِسٌ.

مُكَابِسٌ: see كَابِسٌ.



1 طَرِبَ, (S, Msb, TA,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. طَرَبٌ, (S, * Msb, K, * TA,) He was, or became, affected with emotion, or a lively emotion, or excitement, agitation, or unsteadiness, (خِفَّة, S, Msb, K, TA,) [of the heart or mind,] by reason of joy or of grief, (K, TA,) or of intense grief or joy, (S,) or of intense fear or joy: (Msb:) or [he was moved with joy, or delight;] he was joyful, mirthful, or glad: and the contr., i. e. he was affected with grief, sadness, or sorrow. (K, * TA.) [See طَرَبٌ, below.] b2: And طَرِبَتِ الإِبِلُ لِلْحُدَآءِ [The camels became excited by reason of the driver's urging them with singing]. (A, TA.) b3: And طربت عَنِ الطَّرِيقِ [written in the TA without any syll. signs, app. طَرِبْتُ,] i. q. عدلت عنه [i. e. I deviated (عَدَلْتُ) from the road, or way]. (TA.) 2 طرّب, (TA,) inf. n. تَطْرِيبٌ, (K,) He sang. (K, TA.) And طرّب فِى صَوْتِهِ He trilled, or quavered, and prolonged, his voice: (Msb:) or التَّطْرِيبُ فِى الصَّوْتِ is the prolonging of the voice, and modulating it sweetly. (S, TA.) And, said of a bird, or, accord. to some, peculiarly of the مُكَّآء, It prolonged its voice, and trilled, or quavered, it, or warbled. (TA.) And in like manner, طرّب فِى قِرَآءَتِهِ (A, TA) He prolonged, and trilled, or quavered, his voice in his reciting, or reading; (TA;) and فِى غِنَائِهِ [in his singing]. (A.) And قَرَأَ بِالتَّطْرِيبِ [He recited, or read, with a prolonging, and trilling, or quavering, of the voice]. (A, TA.) b2: And طَرَّبُوا They raised their voices, cried out, or cried aloud, time after time. (Skr, TA.) A2: طّربهُ: see 4. b2: [Freytag adds that, in the “ Fákihet el-Khulafà,” p. 42, l.5 infr., it means He asserted him to have sung excellently.]4 اطرّبهُ He, (S,) or it, (one's voice, A,) caused him to be affected with طَرَب [i. e. emotion, or a lively emotion, &c.]; as also ↓ تطرّبهُ; (S, A;) [and ↓ طرّبهُ; for] تَطْرِيبٌ signifies the same as إِطْرَابٌ, like ↓ تَطَرُّبٌ; (K:) [generally, he, or it, rendered him lively, brisk, or sprightly: and]

اطربهُ is said of joy, and of grief, meaning [it affected him with طَرَب; or] it rendered him restless, or unsteady. (MA.) 5 تَطَرَّبَ see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.10 استطرب He, or it, sought, or demanded, طَرَب [i. e. emotion, or a lively emotion, &c.], (K, TA,) and diversion, sport, or play. (TA.) b2: And They (a party, or company of men,) became affected with intense طَرَب. (A, TA.) A2: استطرب الإِبِلَ He put in motion the camels by urging them with singing. (K.) You say استطرب الحُدَاةُ الإِبِلَ [The drivers, singing to them, excited, moved, or stirred, the camels,] when the camels have become lively, brisk, sprightly, or agile, because of their urging them with singing. (O, TA.) Az cites the saying of Et-Tirimmáh, وَاسْتَطْرَبَتْ ظُعْنُهُمْ لَمَّا احْزَأَلَّ بِهِمْ

آلُ الضُّحَى نَاشِطًا مِنْ دَاعِبَاتِ دَدِ but in his poem it is وَاسْتَطْرَفَتْ, with فَاء [i. e. with the letter ف]: (O:) [this latter reading is, I doubt not, the right; and the meaning seems to be, And their women borne in the camel-vehicles, when the mirage of the early part of the forenoon elevated them to the eye, elicited anew longing desire for their homes, or accustomed places, from jocose, sportful females, lit., from jesting females of sport or diversion: the verse as cited by Az may admit of a similar rendering if we suppose استطربت to be there used tropically: the writer of my copy of the TA has endeavoured, in marginal notes in the present art. and in art. دد, but in my opinion unsatisfactorily, to explain it; and has supposed استطربت to mean طَرِبَت: his two notes, moreover, are inconsistent:] نَاشِطًا in this verse means شَوْقًا نَازِعًا. (K in art. دد. [The verse is there cited with two readings differing from the words given by Az; وَاسْتَطْرَقَت, thus written with ق instead of ف, a manifest mistake, and مِنْ دَاعِبٍ دَدِدِ.]) b2: استطربهُ signifies also He asked him to sing. (A, TA.) طَرَبٌ Emotion, or a lively emotion, or excitement, agitation, or unsteadiness, (خِفَّةٌ, S, A, Msb, K,) [of the heart or mind,] by reason of joy or grief, (A, K,) or of intense grief or joy, (S,) or of intense fear or joy: (Msb:) or joy, mirth, or gladness: and the contr., i. e. grief, sadness, or sorrow: (Th, K:) or, as some say, the lodgement of joy, mirth, or gladness, and departure of grief, sadness, or sorrow: so in the M: (TA:) the vulgar apply it peculiarly to joy; (Msb;) [but] the application of it peculiarly to joy is a mistake: (K:) it signifies also motion; syn. حَرَكَةٌ: (K:) it is said in the M, Th says that الطَّرَبُ is derived from الحَرَكَةُ; whence it seems that الطَّرَبُ is, in his opinion, syn. with الحَرَكَةُ; but [ISd adds] I know not this: (TA:) [it does, however, obviously imply the signification of motion, either ideal or actual:] also desire, or yearning or longing of the soul: (K:) the pl. is أَطْرَابٌ. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely, En-Nábighah El-Jaadee, using it in relation to anxiety, (TA,) فِى إِثْرِهِمْ ↓ وَأَرَانِى طَرِبًا طَرَبَ الوَالِهِ أَوْ كَالْمُخْتَبَلْ [And I perceive myself to be affected with emotion, or a lively emotion, after them, (i. e. after the loss of them,) with the emotion of him who is bereft of offspring or friends, or like him who is insane in mind]: (S, TA:) الوَالِه here signifies الثَّاكِل; and المُخْتَبَل means مَنْ جُنَّ فِى عَقْلِهِ. (TA.) A2: And [the pl.] أَطْرَابٌ signifies Choice sweet-smelling plants: (K:) or [simply] sweet-smelling plants: (TA:) and the more fragrant of such plants. (O, TA.) طَرِبٌ Affected with طَرَب [i. e. emotion, or a lively emotion, &c.]: (S, A, O, Msb, TA:) pl. طِرَابٌ. (A, TA,) A Hudhalee says, بَاتَتْ طِرَابًا وَبَاتَ اللَّيْلَ لَمْ يَنَمِ [They passed the night joyful, or glad, and he passed the night without sleeping]: (O, TA:) meaning that the [wild] bulls or cows, thirsting, passed the night joyful on account of the lightning that they saw, and the water for which they hoped in consequence thereof. (TA.) See also another ex. in the verse cited voce طَرَبٌ. b2: إِبِلٌ طِرَابٌ means Camels yearning for their accustomed places of abode: (S, O, TA:) or they are so termed when they are excited (إِذَا طَرِبَتْ) by reason of their drivers' urging them with singing. (A, TA.) A2: Also The head [meaning the hair of the head]: so called because of the sound that it makes when it is twisted with fingers: occurring in the phrase حَتَّى يَرْنَأَ الطَّرِبَ [That he may dye the hair of the head with يُرَنَّأ, i. e. حِنَّآء]. (L, TA.) طَرُوبٌ (A, O, Msb, K, TA) and ↓ مِطْرَابٌ (A, O, K, TA) and ↓ مِطْرَابَةٌ [which is of a very unusual form (see مِعْزَابَةٌ)], (Lh, K, TA,) applied to a man, (O, K, TA,) Much, or often, affected with طَرَب [i. e. emotion, or lively emotion, &c.]: (O, Msb, TA:) [but the last is doubly intensive, signifying very much, or very often, so affected:] pl. [of the second and third] مَطَارِيبُ. (A.) One says, ↓ إِذَا خَفَقَتِ المَضَارِيبُ خَفَّتِ المَطَارِيبُ [When the plectra of the lutes quiver, the persons who are wont to be affected with emotion become lively, or light-hearted]. (A, TA.) And حَمَامَةٌ

↓ مِطْرَابٌ [A pigeon that cooes much or often]. (A, TA.) And ↓ إِبِلٌ مَطَارِيبُ [Camels that yearn much, or often, for their accustomed places of abode: or that are much, or often, excited by reason of their drivers' urging them with singing: see طَرِبٌ]. (A, TA.) مَطْرَبٌ and ↓ مَطْرَبَةٌ A separate, or straggling, road, or way: (S, O:) or a narrow road, or way: (K:) or the former, a conspicuous road or way: (IAar, TA:) and the latter, a small road, or way, leading into a great one: or a narrow road, or way, apart from others: (TA:) or a small road, or way, branching off from a main road: (O:) pl. مَطَارِبُ: (S, O:) [it is said (but see 1, last sentence,) that] there is no verb corresponding thereto. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely, Aboo-Dhu-eyb, (O, TA,) وَمَتْلَفٍ مِثْلِ فَرْقِ الرَّأْسِ تَخْلِجُهُ مَطَارِبٌ زَقَبٌ أَمْيَالُهَا فِيحُ (S, O, TA) i. e. Many a desert tract, like the division of the hair of the head in narrowness, narrow conspicuous [or straggling] roads, or ways, [whereof the portions over which the eye can reach are far-extending,] protract; some of these roads, or ways, tending this way and some that way. (TA. [مطارب is here with tenween for the sake of the measure. See also زَقَبٌ.

Perhaps the poet means to liken the said roads to the ropes of a tent.]) It is said in a trad., ↓ لَعَنَ اللّٰهُ مَنْ غَيَّرَ المَطْرَبَةَ [May God curse him who alters the مطربة]; i. e., the road thus called. (TA.) مَطْرَبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

مِطْرَابٌ, and its pl.: see طَرُوبٌ, in four places.

مِطْرَابَةٌ: see طَرُوبٌ.



أ1 كَفَأَ He turned a thing over; as a man turns over a cake of bread in his band until it becomes even. ↓ يَتَكَفَّأُ occurs in a trad. respecting the Day of Resurrection, accord. to one relation, for يَكْفَأُ, in this sense: it is said that the earth will be like a single cake of bread, which God will turn over in his hand, as a man in a journey turns over a cake of bread. (TA.) كَفَأَ, (Ks, S, K,) inf. n. كَفٌءٌ and كَفَآءَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اكفأ, (IAar, S, K,) and ↓ اكتفأ; (S, K;) but the first word is said to be the most chaste; He inverted, or turned upside-down, (S, K,) a vessel &c. (S, TA.) [You say] كُفِئَتْ جَفْنَتُهُ [His bowl was turned upside-down; meaning] (tropical:) He was slain: a phrase similar to هُرِيقَ رِفْدُهُ. (A in art. رفد.) b2: كَفَأَ (TA) and ↓ اكفأ, (Ks, and rejected by As, (TA,) He inclined, or made to turn aside or incline, (S, K,) a bow, in shooting with it, and a vessel, (Ks, S,) &c. (TA.) and كَفَأَ (TA) and ↓ اكفأ, (K,) and ↓ انكفأ (TA) He, or it, inclined: intrans. (K, TA.) b3: كَفَأَهُ عَنْ شَىْ, (S, * K, * TA,) inf. n. كَفْءٌ, (S, TA,) He turned him away, or back from a thing; (S, K, TA;) as from a thing that he desired to do, to another thing. (S, TA.) and كَفَأَ عَنْ شَىْءٍ He turned away, or back, from a thing: intrans. (TA.) [See also 4 and 7.] كَفَأَ القَوُمُ The people turned away, or back. (K.) [See also 7.] b4: كَفَأَ He drove away a man, (K,) or camels. (L.) b5: كَفَأَ الإِبِلَ He made an assault upon the camels, and took them away. (TA.) b6: كَفَأَ He followed, or pursued, another. (K.) b7: كَفَأَ الغَنَمُ فِى الشِّعْبِ The sheep entered the ravine. (K.) b8: كَفَأَ لَوْنُهُ, and لونه ↓ اكفأ, and لونه ↓ تكفّأ, (TA,) and لوزه ↓ انكفأ, (K,) (as also انكفت لونه, TA,) (tropical:) His, or its, colour changed. (K.) 3 كافأهُ عَلَى شَىْءِ, inf. n. مُكَافَأَةُ and كِفَأءٌ, He requited, compensated, or recompensed, him for a thing. (S, K.) b2: مَا لِى بِهِ قِبَلٌ وَلَا كِفَآءٌ I have not power to requite him. (S.) b3: كافأه, (K,) inf. n. مُكَافَأَةٌ and كِفَآءٌ, (TA,) He was like him; was equal to him; equalled him. (K.) A2: كافأه He watched him; observed him. (K.) A3: كافأ, (K,) inf. n. مُكَافَأَةٌ, (TA,) He repelled; turned, or put away; kept away, or off; withstood, or resisted. (K, TA.) b2: كافأ بَيْنَ فَارِسَيْنِ بِرُمْحِهِ He thrust this horseman, and then that, with his spear. (K, TA.) b3: كافأ بين البَعِيرَيْنِ He stabbed this camel, and then that. (Z.) A4: لَا مُكَافَأَةَ عِنْدِى فِى كَذَا There is no concealment with me in respect of such a thing; as also لا مُحَاجَاةَ. (TA in art. حجو.) 4 أَكْفَاَ See 1, in four places. b2: اكفأ فِى سَيْرِهِ عَنِ القَصْدِ, (TA,) or كَفَأَ, (K,) He deviated, or turned aside, in his journey, from the object he had in view. (K, * TA.) A2: اكفأ الإِبِلَ كَفْأَتَيْنِ He divided the camels into two equal numbers, setting apart the one half for breeding during one year, and the other half for breeding during the next. It was esteemed the best plan, by the Arabs, to leave a she-camel for one year after her breeding, without suffering the stallion to cover her; in like manner as land is left fallow for a year. (S, TA.) b2: The same is also said of sheep &c. (TA.) A3: اكفأه إِبِلَهُ وَغَنَمَهُ (S, * K, * TA) He assigned to him the profits, (K,) or the profits for a year, (S,) of his camels and his sheep or goats; (K, TA;) i.e., their hair and wool, milk, and young ones. (S, TA.) A4: اكفأت الإِبِلُ Many of the camels had young ones in their wombs. (K.) A5: اكفأ البَيْتَ, (K,) inf. n. إِكْفَآءٌ, (S,) He made for the tent a كِفَآء. (S, K, TA.) A6: اكفأ, (K,) inf. n. إِكْفَاءٌ, (TA,) in poetry, accord. to a commentary on the Káfee, He used as the رَوِىّ two letters having their places of utterance near to each other; as ط with د: [such is the signification of the verb accord. to general usage in the present day:] or, accord. to the Ahkám el-Asás, he changed the روىّ from ر to ل, or ل to م: or he made a similar change of one letter to another having its place of utterance near to that of the former: or it has another signification, given below, accord. to the same authority: (TA:) or he used different letters in the rhymes; (S, K;) whether letters having their places of utterance near to each other, or the contrary; (TA;) or in some م and in some ن and in some د, and in some ط, and in some ح, and in some خ, &c.; as says Az; and this is the meaning known to the Arabs: (S:) or he used different vowels in the روىّ: (Fr, S:) or i. q. أَقْوَى: (S, K:) or, accord. to the Ahkám el-Asás, it signifies either as explained above on that authority, (TA,) or he used different final inflections in the rhymes: (K:) or he changed the final vowel in the rhyme; ending one verse with ضَمَّة, and another with كَسْرَة, [which are the two vowels that resemble each other]: (TA:) [see a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. غيب:] or he impaired the end of a verse in any way. (K.) Eloquent Arabs explained the meaning of the verb in this last manner to Akh, without defining any particular kind of impairment: but one made it to consist in the use of different letters. (TA.) 5 تكفّأ It (a vessel &c.) was inverted, or turned upside-down. (TA.) See also 1, in two places. b2: تكفّأ (as also تكّفى, inf. n. تَكَفٍّ; but the original word is that with hemzeh;) He inclined forwards, in walking, as a ship inclines in her course. Mohammad is said to have walked in this manner, which is indicative of strength. (TA.) [And so] تكفّأت She (a woman) moved her body from side to side, in walking, as the tall palm-tree moves from side to side. (S.) [And] She (a ship) inclined forwards in her course. (TA.) [See an ex., voce أَعْرَبَ, in this sense; or, as implied in the S, in the sense immediately preceding.]6 تَكَافَآ They two were like, or equal, each to the other. (S, K.) b2: تَتَكَافَأُ دِمَاؤُهُمْ Their blood (i. e., the blood of the Muslims,) shall be equally retaliated, or expiated: (A 'Obeyd, S:) i. e., the noble shall have no advantage over the ignoble in the retaliation or expiation of blood. (A 'Obeyd.) 7 انكفأ He turned, or was turned, away, or back, from a thing that he desired to do; (S;) [see also 1;] he returned, or went back, or reverted. (S, K.) b2: Also, (TA,) or ↓ كَفَأَ, (K,) It (a party) became routed, defeated, or put to flight. (K, TA.) b3: See 1, in two places.8 إِكْتَفَاَ See 1. b2: اكتفأ أَهْلِيهِمْ وَأَمْوَالَهُمْ [He carried off their families and their goods.] (TA, from a trad.; mentioned next after the explanation of كَفَأَ الإِبِلَ.) 10 استكفأه إِبِلَهُ He asked him for a year's produce of his camels; i.e., their young ones in the womb in one year; (S, TA;) or their hair and wool, milk, and young ones, of one year. (TA.) b2: استكفأه نَخْلَةً He asked him for a year's produce of a palm-tree. (TA.) كَفْءٌ and كُفْءٌ and كِفْءٌ and كُفُؤٌ see كِفَاءٌ, and for كِفْءٌ see also كَفِىْءٌ.

كَفْأَةٌ and ↓ كُفْأَةٌ (S, K) The young ones in the wombs of camels, in one year: or those after the dams have not conceived for one year or more: (K:) or a year's produce of camels [&c.]; i. e., their hair and wool, and their milk, as well as their young ones. (Az, S, K.) Yousay أَعْطِنِى كفأةَ نَاقَتِكَ Give me the year's produce, &c., of thy she-camel. (S.) b2: b3: And, both words (tropical:) A year's produce of a palm-tree. (K.) b4: (tropical:) A year's produce of a piece of land. (K.) See also 4.

كُفْأَةٌ: see كَفْأَةٌ.

كَفَآءٌ (K) and ↓ كَفَأءَةٌ (S, K) Likeness; equality. (S, K.) b2: كَفَأءٌ A slight inclination, to one side, of a camel's hump, and the like. This is the slightest of faults in a camel; for when the camel grows fat, his hump becomes erect. (TA.) كَفَآءٌ, originally an inf. n. [of 3], and ↓ كُفْءٌ and كُفُوْءٌ [&c., as in the following examples,] Like; equal; a match. (S.) b2: هٰذَا كِفَاؤُهُ, and ↓ كَفِيْئَتُهُ, and ↓ كَفِيؤُهُ, and ↓ كُفْؤُهُ, and ↓ كَفْؤُهُ, and ↓ كِفْؤُهُ, (in the CK, كَفُؤُهُ,) and ↓ كُفُوْؤُهُ, (in the CK, كُفُؤُهُ,) This is like, or equal to, him or it: (K:) And لَا كِفَآءَ لَهُ There is no one, or nothing, like, or equal, to him, or it. (S.) b3: Zj says, that the words of the Kur-án, وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُؤًا أَحَدٌ (cxii. 4,) may be read in four different ways: ↓ كُفُؤًا and ↓ كُفْئًا and ↓ كِفْئًا (in which three ways the word has been read) and كِفَاءً (in which last way it has not been read.) Ibn-Ketheer and AA and Ibn-'Ámir and Ks read كُفُؤًا: Hamzeh read كُفْئًا; and, in a case of pause, كُفَا, without hemzeh. (TA,) b4: Pl. (of كُفْءٌ and كِفْءٌ, and كُفُؤٌ, and perhaps of كَفْءٌ also, MF,) أَكْفَآءٌ and (of all the above forms excepting كِفَآءٌ, MF,) كِفَآءٌ. (K.) b5: كِفَآءٌ As much as is equal to another thing. (L.) b6: الحَمْدُ لِلّهِ كِفَآءَ الوَاجِبِ Praise be to God, as much as is incumbent. (K.) A2: كِفَآءٌ A curtain (سُتْرَة) extending from the top to the bottom of a tent, at the hinder part: or an oblong piece of staff at the hinder part of the kind of tent called خِبَاء: or a كِسَآء that is thrown upon a خباء, so as to reach the ground: (K:) or an oblong piece of stuff, or two such pieces well sewed together, attached by the kind of wooden pin called خِلَال to the hinder part of a خباء: (S:) or the hinder part of a tent: pl. أَكْفِئَةٌ. (TA.) See مِظَلَّةٌ in art. ظل.

كَفِىْءُ اللَّوْنِ, and اللون ↓ مَكْفُوْءُ, (K,) and اللون ↓ مَكْتَفِئُ, (TA,) (tropical:) Changed in colour: (K:) said of the countenance and of other things: as also مُكْتَفِتُ اللون. (TA.) b2: Also, مُكْفَأُ الوَجْهِ Changed in countenance. (TA.) A2: See كِفَآءٌ.

A3: كَفِىْءٌ and ↓ كِفْءٌ (as in the CK and a MS. copy of the K) or كِفِىْءٌ (as in the TA) The bottom, or interior, or inside, (بَطْن,) of a valley. (K.) كُفُوْءٌ: see كِفَآءٌ.

كَفَآءَةٌ: see كَفَآءٌ. b2: In marriage, Equality of the husband and wife in rank, religion, lineage house, &c. (L,) أَكْفَأُ, fem. كَفْأَى, A camel whose hump inclines slightly to one side. (TA.) b2: A camel's hump inclining to one side. (ISh.) مُكْفِئُ الظَّعْنِ The last of the days called أَيَّامُ العَجُوزِ. (TA.) [See عجوز.]

مَكْفُوْءُ اللّون: see كَفِىْءٌ.

مُكَافِئٌ Being like, or equal to: equalling. (S.) b2: Also, in the following words of a trad., كَانَ لَا يَقْبَلُ الثَّنَآءَ إِلَّا مِن مُّكَافِئِ, said to signify One of known sincerity in professing himself a Muslim: (IAmb:) or one not transgressing his proper bounds, nor falling short with respect to that [religion] to which God hath exalted him-(Az.) b3: شَاتَانِ مُكَافِئَتَانِ, (S, K,) and مُكَافَأَتَانِ. (K,) as the relaters of trads. say, (S,) in a trad. respecting the عَقِيقَة for a male child, (S, TA,) Two sheep, or goats, of equal age. (S, K.) Some assign to these words meanings slightly differing from the above; as, similar, one to another: also, slaughtered, one immediately after the other: (TA:) or slaughtered, one opposite to the other. (S.) مُكْتَفِئُ اللّون: see كَفِىْءٌ.



أ4 ارجأ He postponed, put off, deferred, or delayed, (ISk, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) an affair, (ISk, S, Mgh, K,) and a person; (TA;) as also ارجى: (ISk, S, Mgh, Msb, K:) but the former is the better: the inf. n. is إِرْجَآءٌ. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [xxxiii. 51], accord. to different readings, تُرْجِىءُ مَنْ تَشَآءُ مِنْهُنَّ or تُرْجِى, meaning Thou mayest put off whom thou wilt of them: addressed peculiarly to the Prophet, exclusively of others of his people. (Zj, TA.) [See also an ex. in the Kur vii. 108 and xxvi. 35; and the various readings mentioned by Bd in the former instance.]

A2: أَرْجَأَتْ She (a camel, S, K, and in like manner a pregnant female [of any kind], TA) was, or became, near to bringing forth; as also أَرْجَتْ: (S, K:) AA says the former. (S.) A3: And ارجأ He (a hunter or sportsman) was unsuccessful, getting no game; as also ارجى: (K, TA:) or you say, ارجأ الصَّيْدَ, (TA in art. رجو,) and ارجى الصَّيْدَ. (K in that art.) مُرْجَأٌ [pass. part. n. of 4]. It is said in the Kur [ix. 107], (S, K,) as some read, (S,) وَآخَرُونَ, مُرْجَؤُونَ لِأَمْرِ اللّٰهِ, (S, K,) or, as others read, مُرْجَوْنَ, (S,) meaning [And others are] delayed [for the execution of the decree of God,] until God shall cause to betide them what He willeth. (S, K.) مُرْجِىءٌ [act. part. n. of أَرْجَأَ], (S, K,) and مُرْجٍ

[act. part. n. of أَرْجَى], (S, [in which, however, it is not clearly shown whether the author means that this corresponds to مُرْجِىءٌ or that it is a rel. n. corresponding to مُرْجِئِىٌّ, the former being certainly the case,]) or not thus, but مُرْجِىٌّ, (K,) so some say, (TA,) but this is a rel. n. like مرْجِئِىٌّ, (IB, TA,) A man who is one of [the sect called]

↓ المُرْجِئَةُ (S, K) and المُرْجِيَةُ, without teshdeed to the ى (K,) accord. to J, المُرْجِيَّةُ, with teshdeed, (IB,) but this is incorrect, unless as meaning those who are called in relation to the مُرْجِيَة, for otherwise it is not allowable. (IB, TA.) The sect called the ↓ مُرْجِئَة [and مُرْجِيَة] are [A sect of Muslim antinomians;] a sect of Muslims who assert that faith (الإِيمَان) consists in words without works; as though they postponed works to words; asserting that if they do not pray nor fast, their faith will save them: (TA:) a sect who assert that disobedience, with faith, does not injure; and that obedience, with disbelief, does not profit: (KT:) or a sect who do not pronounce judgment upon any one for aught in the present life, but defer judgment to the day of resurrection: (Msb:) those who decide not, against the committers of great sins, aught as to pardon or punishment; deferring the judgment respecting such sins to the day of resurrection. (Mgh in art. جهم.) b2: مُرْجِىءٌ is also applied to a she-camel, and a pregnant female [of any kind], as meaning Near to bringing forth; and so مُرْجِئَةٌ. (TA.) المُرْجِئَةُ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places.

رَجُلٌ مُرْجِئِىٌّ (S, IB) and مُرْجِىٌّ (IB) A man called in relation to the مُرْجِئَة (S, IB) or مُرْجِيَة (IB.)



أ1 قَضِئَ السِّقَآءُ, (K,) or قَضِئَتِ القِرْبَةُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. قَضَأٌ, (Az, S, O, K,) The water-skin became rotten, and fell in pieces, (Az, S, O, K, TA,) as is the case when it has been folded while damp. (TA.) You say ↓ سِقَآءٌ قَضِئٌ (TA) and ↓ قِرْبَةٌ قَضِئَةٌ. (Az, S, O.) b2: And قَضِئَ said of a garment, (S, O, TA,) or of a rope, (K, TA,) It became old and worn out, and dissundered, (K, TA,) and rotten, (S, * O, * TA,) when said of a garment, (S, O,) from being long moist and folded: (S, O, TA:) or, said of a rope, it broke in pieces in consequence of its having been long buried in the earth. (K, TA.) b3: And قَضِئَتِ العَيْنُ, (K, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) The eye became red, and flaccid in its inner angle, and in an unsound, or a corrupt, state, (K, TA,) ulcerated, or sore. (TA.) You say ↓ عَيْنٌ قَضِئَةٌ. (TA.) And فِى

↓ عَيْنِهِ قُضْأَةٌ (S, O, TA) meaning In his eye is unsoundness, or corruptness [&c.]. (S, O.) b4: and قَضِئَ حَسَبُهُ, inf. n. قَضَأٌ (K, TA) and قَضَأَةٌ or قَضَآءَةٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) in the L the latter of these, and قُضُوْءٌ also, (TA,) His حَسَب [or grounds of pretension to respect or honour] were unsound, (K, TA,) and faulty. (TA.) A2: قَضِئَ, (El-Umawee, S, O, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. قَضْءٌ, (El-Umawee, S, O, [and the same is indicated in the K,]) He ate (El-Umawee, S, O, K) a thing; said of a man. (El-Umawee, S, O.) 4 اقضأهُ He gave him to eat; (S, O, K;) namely, a man: (S, O:) some say that it is with ف: (TA in this art.:) but Sh says that it is with ق, after mentioning افضآه as transmitted from A 'Obeyd from As (TA in art. فضا.) 5 تَقَضَّؤُوا مِنْهُ أَنْ يُزَوِّجُوهُ They accounted his grounds of pretension to respect or honour [too] low [for them to marry him], or [too] mean, (Ibn-Buzurj, K, TA,) and [too] faulty. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA.) b2: See also تَفَسَّأَ.

قَضِئٌ part. n. of قَضِئَ; and its fem, with ة: see 1, in three places.

قَضْأَةٌ: see the following paragraph.

فِى عَيْنِهِ قُضْأَةٌ: see 1. b2: One says also, مَا عَلَيْكَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ قُضْأَةٌ i. e. [There is not] any disgrace [to be imputed to thee in, or in respect of, this affair]. (S, O.) And فِى حَسَبِهِ قُضْأَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ قَضْأَةٌ (K) [In his grounds of pretension to respect or honour is] faultiness, (S, O, K,) and unsoundness. (K.) And نَكَحَ فِى قُضْأَةٍ (S, O, TA) He married in a disparaging manner. (TA.)



1 نَطِسَ, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. نَطَسٌ, (S,) He was, or became, learned, or knowing, (K,) in affairs, and skilful therein: (TA:) or he exa mined things minutely, and attained the utmost knowledge of them. (S.) 4 مَا أَنْطَسَهُ How intelligent and knowing is he in affairs! (TA.) 5 تنطّس He took extraordinary pains, or exceeded the usual bounds, in cleansing or purifying himself, or in removing himself far from unclean things or impurities: (As, S:) or he shunned, or removed himself far from, unclean things: (M, A, K:) and he was dainty, nice, exquisite, refined, or scrupulously nice, and exact, syn. تَأَتَّقَ, (As, M, A, K,) in cleanliness; (K;) and in speech, (A, K,) so as never to speak otherwise than chastely; (TA;) and in diet and apparel, (A, K,) so as never to eat or wear anything but what was clean, (A,) or so as never to eat anything but what was clean nor wear anything but what was good; (TA;) and in all affairs. (K.) It is said in a trad. of 'Omar, لَوْ لَا التَّنَطَّسُ مَا بَالَيْتُ

أَلَّا أَغْسِلَ يَدِى, (S, M,) i. e., Were it not for the being scrupulously nice and exact, I had not cared for my not washing my hand. (M.) b2: تنطّس فِيهِ He examined it (anything) minutely. (A.) b3: تنطّس الأَخْبَارَ, (S,) or عَنِ الأَخْبَارِ, (M, A,) He searched, or sought, for, or after, news, or tidings; searched or inquired into, investigated, scrutinized, or examined, news, or tidings. (S, M, A.) نَطْسٌ: see نَطِسٌ; the former, in two places; and the latter, in four.

نَطُسٌ: see نَطِسٌ; the former, in two places; and the latter, in four.

نَطِسٌ Learned, or knowing; (A, K;) as also ↓ نَطُسٌ (K) and ↓ نَطْسٌ (A, K) and ↓ نِطَاسِىٌّ and ↓ نَطَاسِىٌّ: (K:) or learned, or knowing, in affairs, and skilful therein: as also ↓ نَطُسٌ and ↓ نَطْسٌ: (ISk, TA:) intelligent, or skilful, and scrupulously nice and exact (مُتَنَوِّقٌ), in affairs: (A:) or one who examines things minutely, and attains the utmost knowledge of them: as also ↓ نَطُسٌ and ↓ مُتَنَطِّسٌ: (S:) or learned, or knowing, in affairs: skilful in physic &c.: as also ↓ نَطُسٌ and ↓ نِطِّيسٌ and ↓ نِطَاسِىٌّ: (M:) or ↓ نِطّيسٌ (S, A, K, TA) and ↓ نِطَاسِىٌّ (S, TA) and ↓ نَطَاسِىٌّ, (A'Obeyd, S,) a student of physic, (S, K, TA,) who examines it minutely; (TA;) or learned, or knowing, in physic; in Greek نُسْطَاس γνώστης]: (A, TA: *) and ↓ مُتَنَطِّسٌ one who is dainty, nice, exquisite, refined, or scrupulously nice and exact (مُتَنَوِّقٌ), and who chooses or selects [what is best]; (IAar;) or any one who takes extraordinary pains, or exceeds the usual bounds, in a thing: (M:) also

↓ نَطِيسٌ, [without teshdeed,] a skilful man: (TA:) and ↓ نُطُسٌ, [pl. of نَطِسٌ or نَطُسٌ or نَطْسٌ,] skilful physicians. (A, K.) b2: Also, One who shuns, or removes himself far from, unclean things; (K, TA;) who is scrupulously nice and exact (مُتَأَنِّقٌ) in affairs: (TA:) and نَطِسَةٌ a woman who shuns, or removes herself far from, foul, evil, or unseemly, things: (AA, TA.) and نُطُسٌ, [pl. of نَطِسٌ,] men who do thus: (K, TA:) and ↓ نُطَسَةٌ a man who shuns much, or removes himself very far from, unclean things, and is very dainty, nice, exquisite, refined, or scrupulously nice and exact (كَثِيرُ التّأَنُّقِ) in cleanliness, and in speech, and in diet and apparel, and in all affairs. (K, * TA.) See 5.

نُطُسٌ: see نَطِسٌ, throughout.

نُطَسَةٌ: see نَطِسٌ, throughout.

نَطِيسٌ: see نَطِسٌ, throughout.

نَِطَاسِىٌّ: see نَطِسٌ, throughout.

نِطِّيسٌ: see نَطِسٌ, throughout.

نَاطِسٌ, (accord. to one copy of the S, and the L, and the CK, and a MS. copy of the K,) or ↓ نَاطُوسٌ, (accord. to the TA. as from the K,) or both, (accord. to one copy of the S,) A spy, who searches for news, or tidings, and then brings them. (S, L, K, TA.) نَاطُوسٌ: see نَاطسٌ.

مُتَنَطِّسٌ: see نَطِسٌ, in two places.



1 حَمِسَ, aor. ـَ (S, A, K,) inf. n. حَمَسٌ (S) and حَمَاسَةٌ, (Ham p. 2,) He was, or became, hard, firm, strong, strict, or rigorous, in religion, and in fight, (S, A, K,) and in courage, (TA,) and in an affair. (Ham p. 2) [See also 5.] b2: (tropical:) It (an affair, or a case, TA) was, or became, severe, rigorous, distressful, or afflictive: (K, TA:) and (tropical:) it (war, or the clamour thereof, الوَغَى,) was, or became, hot, (A, TA,) or vehement. (TA.) b3: حَمَسَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. حَمْسٌ, He (a man) was, or became, courageous. (Sb, TA.) 5 تحمّس He acted, or behaved, with forced hardness, firmness, strictness, or rigour, (S, A, Mgh,) in his religion. (A, Mgh, K.) b2: He (a man) feigned disobedience; syn. تَعَاصَى. (S, TA.) b3: He protected, or defended, himself, (syn. تَحَرَّمَ,) بِهِ by means of him. (Sh, TA.) 6 تحامسوا They vied with, strove to surpass, or contended for superiority with, one another in strength, (تَشَادّوا,) and fought one another. (TA.) حَمِسٌ: see أَحْمَسُ, in three places.

حَمَاسٌ Hardness; firmness; strength: defence: conflict. (TA.) [See also حَمَاسَةٌ.]

حَمِيسٌ Vehement. (TS, K.) So in the saying of Ru-beh, لَا قَيْنَ مِنْهُ حَمَسًا حَمِيسَا [They experienced from it vehement strength]: (TS, TA:) or, as Az says, strength and courage. (TA.) b2: See also أَحْمَسُ, in two places.

حَمَاسةٌ Courage: (S, K, TA:) defence: conflict. [See also حَمِسَ.]

أَحْمَسُ Hard, firm, strong, strict, or rigorous, in religion, and in fight, (S, K,) and in courage; (TA;) as also ↓ حَمِسٌ: (S, K:) pl. of the former, حُمْسٌ. (K.) b2: Hence, A pious man, who carefully abstains from unlawful things: because he exceeds the usual bounds in matters of religion, and is hard to himself; as also ↓ مُتَحَمِّسٌ. (TA.) b3: Sing. of الحُمْسُ, (Mgh,) which latter is an epithet applied to The tribes of Kureysh (S, A, K) and Kináneh (S, K) and Jedeeleh, (K,) i. e. Jedeeleh of Keys, consisting of [the tribes of] Fahm and and 'Adwán the two sons of 'Amr the son of Keys the son of 'Eylán, and the Benoo- 'Ámir Ibn-Saasa'ah, (AHeyth, TA,) and their followers in the Time of Ignorance; (K;) or to Kureysh and their coreligionists; (Mgh;) because of the hardships which they imposed upon themselves in matters of religion, (S, A, Mgh, K,) as well as in courage, (TA,) for they used not to enjoy the shade in the days of Minè, nor to enter the houses by their doors, (S, Mgh, TA,) while they were in the state of إِحْرَام, (TA,) nor to clarify butter, nor to pick up [dung such as is called] جَلَّة, (S, L,) or بَعْر, (TA,) [for fuel,] and they dwelt in the Haram, (AHeyth, TA,) and did not go forth in the days of the مَوْسِم to 'Arafát, but halted at El-Muzdelifeh, (AHeyth, Mgh, TA,) saying, “ We are the people of God, and we go not forth from the Haram: ” (AHeyth, TA:) or they were thus called because they made their abode in the Haram: (Sgh, TA:) or because they betook themselves for refuge to the حَمْسَآء (الحَمْسَآءُ), which is the Kaabeh, so called because its stones are white inclining to blackness: (K:) the Benoo-'Ámir were of the حُمْس, though not of the inhabitants of the Haram, because their mother was of the tribe of Kureysh: the term الأَحْمَاسُ also, [pl. of ↓ حَمِسٌ or of ↓ حَمِيسٌ,] is applied to those of the Arabs whose mothers were of the tribe of Kureysh. (TA.) b4: Also Courageous; (Sb, S, K;) and so ↓ حَمِيسٌ and ↓ حَمِسٌ: (K:) pl. [of the first, masc. only,] أَحَامِسُ and [masc. and fem.]

حُمْسٌ and [of the second or third] أَحْمَاسٌ. (TA.) الأَحَامِسُ is also said to be applied to The tribe of Kureysh: or, accord. to some, to the Benoo-'Ámir, because descendants of Kureysh: the former is said by IAar. (TA.) b5: Hence, (A, TA,) وَقَعَ فِى هِنْدِ الأَحَامِسِ, (A, TS, K,) or لَقِىَ هِنْدَ الأَحَامِسِ, (L,) (tropical:) He fell into distress (A, L) and trial: (A:) or into calamity: (K:) or he died: (K:) or the latter phrase has this last meaning. (ISd, A, and TA in art. هند.) هِنْدٌ was the name of a courageous people of the Arabs. (A, TA.) b6: عَامٌ أَحْمَسُ, (S, A, K,) and سَنَةٌ حَمْسَآءُ, (K,) (tropical:) A severe year. (S, A, K.) They say also سِنُونَ أَحَامِسُ (tropical:) Severe years: (K:) the masc. form [of the epithet] being used because by سنون is meant أَعْوَامٌ; or the epithet being used after the manner of a subst.: (ISd, TA:) and سِنُونَ حُمْسٌ signifies the same: (K:) or the latter, years of hunger. (Az, TA.) b7: نَجْدَةٌ حَمْسَآءُ (assumed tropical:) Vehement [courage, or fight, &c.]. (TA.) b8: مَكَانٌ أَحْمَسُ (tropical:) A hard place: (S, K:) or a rugged and hard place: (A:) pl. أَمْكِنَةٌ حُمْسٌ. (K.) You say also أَرْضٌ أَحَامِسُ, with the pl., meaning, (tropical:) A sterile, barren, or unfruitful, and narrow, land: (A:) or a land in which is no herbage nor pasturage nor rain nor anything. (TA.) and أَرَضُونَ أَحَامِسُ (tropical:) Sterile, barren, or unfruitful, lands. (S, L.) مُتَحَمِّسٌ: see أَحْمسُ, second signification.



حَفْشٌ: see what follows.

حِفْشٌ A receptacle for spindles: (S, K:) a سَفَط [or receptacle woven of palm-leaves, in which are stowed perfumes and similar things, of the apparatus of women]; (K; [in the CK, السًّقَطُ is erroneously put for السَّفَطُ;]) a سَفَط in which perfumes are kept: (TA:) a دُرْج, (K,) i. e. a small receptacle of the kind called سَفَط, in which a woman keeps her perfumes and apparatus, or implements; (TA in art. درج;) a woman's دُرْج: (Mgh:) pl. as below. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A small بَيْت [or tent]; (A'Obeyd, S, Mgh;) as being likened to a woman's دُرْج: (Mgh:) or a very small بَيْت [or tent], (K, TA,) having a low roof; so called because of its narrowness; and accord. to some, ↓ حَفْشٌ, and ↓ حَفَشٌ: (TA:) or a very small بيت of [goats'] hair, (K, TA,) of the بُيُوت [or tents] of the Arabs of the desert: so says Kh: pl. as below. (TA.) It is said in a trad., دَخَلَتْ حِفْشًا, meaning (assumed tropical:) She entered a small بيت [or tent]. (Mgh.) And in another trad., هَلَّا قَعَدَ فِى حِفْشِ

أُمِّهِ, (S,) or هلَا جَلَسَ الخ, (Mgh,) i. e. (assumed tropical:) [Wherefore did he not sit] in the small بيت of his mother? (S, Mgh:) or, accord. to some, the meaning is, عِنْدَ حِفْشِ أُمِّهِ [i. e., by the receptacle for the spindles, &c., of his mother]: (S:) or, as some say, by the فَرْج of his mother; for (TA) b3: It also signifies (assumed tropical:) The فَرْج [pudendum muliebre]. (K.) b4: And Any vessels that are held in little account, (Lth, K, TA,) that are used as receptacles in the house, or tent, for perfumes and the like, (Lth, TA,) such as glass flasks, or bottles, &c.: (Lth, K, TA:) and an old and worn-out thing, (K, TA,) that is of no use: (TA:) and a large, old and worn-out, sack (K, TA) of [goats'] hair: (TA:) pl. (in all the senses of the word, TA) أَحْفَاشٌ (K, TA) and حَفَاشٌ: (TA:) or أَحْفَاشُ البَيْتِ means the furniture and utensils of the house or tent; and the paltry articles thereof, or such as are held in little account. (Aboo-Sinán, K.) b5: And أَحْفَاشُ الأَرْضِ means The [lizards called] ضِبَاب, and the hedgehogs, (K, TA,) and the jerboas, (TA,) of the earth: (K, TA:) not the same as أَحْنَاش: so says Aboo-Ziyád. (TA.) حَفَشٌ: see above.
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