Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4206. نبت17 4207. نبث13 4208. نبج11 4209. نبح16 4210. نبخ10 4211. نبذ194212. نبر15 4213. نبز15 4214. نبش13 4215. نبض14 4216. نبط20 4217. نبع19 4218. نبق14 4219. نبل18 4220. نبه14 4221. نبهرج3 4222. نبى2 4223. نبيق1 4224. نت2 4225. نتأ11 4226. نتب6 4227. نتج16 4228. نتح10 4229. نتخ10 4230. نتر14 4231. نتش14 4232. نتع8 4233. نتن13 4234. نث5 4235. نثت4 4236. نثر19 4237. نثل14 4238. نثى1 4239. نج3 4240. نجأ9 4241. نجب16 4242. نجث11 4243. نجح15 4244. نجد20 4245. نجذ13 4246. نجر17 4247. نجز17 4248. نجس17 4249. نجش17 4250. نجص1 4251. نجع17 4252. نجف14 4253. نجل17 4254. نجم20 4255. نجو10 4256. نح3 4257. نحب19 4258. نحث4 4259. نحر19 4260. نحز12 4261. نحس21 4262. نحف15 4263. نحل17 4264. نحم14 4265. نحو9 4266. نخ4 4267. نخب14 4268. نخت7 4269. نخج8 4270. نخر19 4271. نخرب8 4272. نخس14 4273. نخع15 4274. نخف7 4275. نخل15 4276. نخو9 4277. ند4 4278. ندأ8 4279. ندب16 4280. ندح19 4281. ندر16 4282. ندس14 4283. ندف13 4284. ندل14 4285. ندم18 4286. ندى3 4287. نذر19 4288. نذل14 4289. نرب8 4290. نرج8 4291. نرجس11 4292. نرد9 4293. نرز8 4294. نرسن3 4295. نز4 4296. نزأ8 4297. نزب8 4298. نزح16 4299. نزر16 4300. نزع17 4301. نزف17 4302. نزق13 4303. نزك13 4304. نزل21 4305. نزه17 Prev. 100




1 نَبَذَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَبْذٌ, (S, L, Msb, K,) He cast, threw, or flung, it away, as a thing esteemed of no account or importance: this is the original signification; and in this sense it is mostly used in the Kur-án: (Er-Rághib:) he cast, threw, or flung, it (S, A, L, Msb. K) from his hand, (S, L,) before him or behind him: (L, K:) and he cast, threw, or flung, it far away, or to a distance: (L:) and (so in the L; but in the K, or) he cast, threw, or flung it in any manner: (L, K:) ↓ نبّذ has teshdeed given to it to denote frequency, or repetition, of the action, or its application to many objects. (S, A, L.) b2: نَبَذَ خَاتَمَهُ He threw his signet from his hand. (L, from a trad.) b3: فَنَبَذُوهُ وَرَآءَ ظُهُورِهِمْ (Kur, iii. 184) (tropical:) [lit., And they cast it behind their backs;] means and they did not observe it; (namely, their covenant;) they disregarded it. (Beyd.) b4: نَبْذٌ is both by act and by word; having for its objects both substances and accidents: (L:) you say نَبَذَ العَهْدَ (tropical:) He dissolved the league, or covenant, and cast it from him to him with whom he had made it: (A, L, Msb: *) and نَبَذَ كُلُّ فَرِيقٍ مِنْهُمَا إِلَى

صَاحبه العَهْدَ الَّذِى تَهَادَنَا عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) [Each party of them cast from him, to the other, the league, or covenant, by which they had made a truce; i. e., each party of them rejected it, or renounced it, to the other]: (T:) and نَبَذَ إِلَى العَدُوِّ, and ↓ نابذهُ, (tropical:) He cast from him the league, or covenant, to the enemy, and dissolved it: and ↓ تَنَابَذُوا (tropical:) They mutually cast from themselves the league, or covenant, and dissolved it. (A.) See also 3. b5: نَبَذَ أَمْرِى وَرَآءِ ظَهْرِهِ (tropical:) [lit., He cast my affair behind his back; meaning,] he did not perform my affair; (A;) he neglected it. (Msb.) b6: نَبَذَتْ فُلَانَةُ قَوْلًا مَلِيحًا (tropical:) Such a woman threw out a goodly, beautiful, or pretty, saying. (A.) b7: نَبَذْتُ إِلْيهِ السَّلَامَ, and التَّحِيَّةَ, (tropical:) I threw to him the salutation. (A.) b8: نُبِذْتُ بِكَذَا (tropical:) [I had such a thing as it were thrown to me; I had it thrown in my way;] I had it offered, or presented, to me, the meeting with it being appointed, or prepared; as also رُمِيتُ بِهِ. (A.) b9: لِلّٰهِ أُمٌّ نَبَذَتْ بِكَ (tropical:) To God (be attributed the excellence of) the mother that brought thee forth!] (A.) b10: نَبَذَ He threw forth earth or dust [in digging a hole &c.]; as also نَبَثَ. (A.) See also نَبِيذَةٌ. b11: نَبَذَ He threw dates or raisins into a bag or skin, and poured water upon them, and left the liquor until it fermented and became intoxicating: (T:) [or, simply, he steeped dates or raisins in water; for the beverage thus made, called نَبَيذ, was not always left until it became intoxicating, as is shown by several trads.] b12: نَبَذَ نَبِيذًا, (S, L, K, &c.,) the most usual form of the verb, (Kz,) aor. ـِ only; (MF;) and ↓ نبّذهُ, (A, L, K,) and ↓ انبذهُ, (L, K,) a form used by the vulgar, (S, IDrst,) and rejected by Th and others, but mentioned, on the authority of Er-Ruásee, by Fr, who says that he had not heard it from the Arabs, but that the authority of its transmitter is worthy of reliance, (TA,) and ↓ انتبذهُ; (L, K;) (tropical:) He made beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ. (S, A, L, K.) b13: Also, نَبَذَ تَمْرًا, (Lh, IAth, L,) and عِنَبًا, (IAth, L,) and ↓ انبذهُ, but this is seldom used, (Kutr, Lh, ISk, and others, and L,) and ↓ انتبذهُ, (L,) (tropical:) He made, of the dates, and of the grapes, beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ; (Lh, L;) he left the dates, and the grapes, in water, that it might become beverage of the kind so called. (IAth, L.) b14: Also, ↓ انتبذ (tropical:) He made for himself that beverage. (A.) b15: فُلَانٌ يَنْبِذُ عَلَىَّ (tropical:) Such a one boils against me like [the beverage called] نَبِيذ. (A.) A2: نَبَذَ, [aor. ـِ (S, L, K,) inf. n. نَبْذٌ (L, K) and نَبَذَانٌ, (S, K,) It (a vein) pulsed; (L, K;) a dial. form of نَبَضَ. (S, L.) 2 نَبَّذَ see 1.3 نابذهُ, inf. n. مُنَابَذَةٌ, He bargained with him by saying, Throw thou to me the garment, or piece of cloth, (A'Obeyd, L, K,) or other article of merchandise, (A'Obeyd, L,) or I will throw it to thee, and the sale shall become binding, or settled, or concluded, for such a sum: (A' Obeyd, L, K:) or, by throwing to another a garment, or piece of cloth, the other doing the like: (Lh, L, K:) or, by saying, When thou throwest thy commodity, or when I throw my commodity, the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded, for such a sum: (Msb:) or, by saying, When I throw it to thee, or when thou throwest it to me, the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded: (Mgh, art. لمس:) or, by saying, When I throw the pebble (L, K) to thee, (L,) the sale is binding, or settled, or concluded: (L, K:) or by another's throwing a pebble to him: (L:) بَيْعُ المُنَابَذَةِ and بَيْعُ الحَصَاةِ and بَيْعُ إِلْقَآءِ الحَجَرِ signify the same; (Mgh;) as also بَيْعُ الإِلْقَآءِ: (A:) such bargaining is forbidden. (L.) b2: نابذوا, inf. n. مُنَابَذَةٌ; and ↓ انتبذوا; (tropical:) They retired, each of the two parties, apart, in war. (L, K.) b3: نَابَذَهُمُ الحَرْبَ, and إِلَيْهِمُ الحَرْبَ ↓ نَبَذَ, He retired from them to a place aside, or apart, in war, for a just purpose, (لِلْحَقِّ, in the 'Eyn for war, لِلْحَرْبِ, TT,) they doing the like: (Lth, T, L:) or these two phrases, followed by عَلَى سَوَآءٍ, are used when there is between two parties at variance a covenant, or league, or a truce, after fighting, and they desire to dissolve the league, or covenant, and each party casts it from him (يَنْبِذُهُ) to the other: thus, فَانْبِذْ إِلَيْهِمْ عَلَى سَوَآءٍ, in the Kur, [viii. 60, lit., cast thou from thee, to them, their league, or covenant, in an equitable, or just, manner,] means, announce thou to them that thou hast dissolved the league between thee and them, so that they may have equal knowledge with thee of the dissolving thereof and of the returning to war: (T, L:) على سواء here signifies على الحَقِّ وَالعَدْلِ: (Lh:) نَابَذَهُ الحَرْبَ also signifies he made war with him openly; (S, L, Msb;) and is syn. with نَبَذَ إِلَيْهِ الحَرْبَ: (L:) and نَابَذُوهُمْ عَلَى سَوَآءٍ they made war with them openly, in an equitable manner, declaring their hostile intention, so that it was equally known to their enemies and themselves. (L.) See also 1. b4: نَابَذْتُهُمْ (tropical:) I acted contrarily to, or differently from, or adversely to, them; or was, or became, contrary to, or different from, or adverse to, them; syn. خَالَفْتُهُمْ. (Msb.) 4 أَنْبَذَ see 1.6 تَنَاْبَذَ see 1.8 انتبذ (tropical:) He went, withdrew, or retired, aside, or apart, from others; separated himself from others. (S, A, L, K.) b2: انتبذت مَكَانًا (Kur, xix. 16,) (tropical:) She withdrew, or retired, to a place apart from her family, (L, Msb,) far away. (Msb.) b3: اِنْتَبَذَ عَنْ قَوْمِهِ He withdrew, or retired, from his people. (M.) b4: اِنتبذ نَاحِيَةً He went aside. (T.) See 1. b5: And see اِنْتَبَثَ in art. نبث.

نَبْذٌ (tropical:) A little; a small quantity; (S, A, L, K;) مِنَ المَالِ of wealth, or property; (S, A, L;) as also ↓ نُبْذَةٌ [which is a word much used though I find it explained in few lexicons]; (L, TA;) because what is little is thrown away, and disregarded: (A:) and in like manner, of herbage, and of rain, and of hoariness or hoary hair, (S, A, L,) &c: (L:) and a small number of men: (A, L:) and the latter word, a piece, or portion, of a thing, such as a perfume: (L:) pl. of the former, أَنْبَاذٌ: (L, K:) [and of the latter, نُبَذٌ.] b2: أَنْبَاذٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ (K, * TA) (tropical:) The refuse of the people; (TA;) mixed people of the baser sort. (K, TA.) بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ بَنِى فُلَانٍ نَبْذَةٌ: see جَذْبَةٌ. b2: جَلَسَ نَبْذَةً, and ↓ نُبْذَةً, (tropical:) He sat aside, or apart. (S, A, L, Msb, K.) نُبْذَةٌ: see نَبْذٌ: b2: and نَبْذَةٌ.

نَبِيذٌ Cast, thrown, or flung, [&c.; see 1;] (K;) i. q. مَنْبُوذٌ. (L.) But see below. b2: ↓ نَبِيذَةٌ The earth or dust that is thrown forth from a hole or the like that is dug; as also نَبِيثَةٌ: pl. نَبَائِذٌ. (A, * L.) Yaakoob asserts, that the ذ is a substitute for ث. (L.) b3: نَبِيذٌ (tropical:) A kind of beverage, made of dates, and of raisins; i. e., must; and of honey; i. e., mead; and of wheat, and of barley, &c.; i. e. wort: (L:) or made of dates, or of raisins, which one throws (يَنْبِذُ, i. e. يَطْرَح, whence its appellation,) into a vessel or skin of water, and leaves until it ferments (يَفُور, T, L, or يَغْلِى, Mgh) and becomes intoxicating, or not so long as to become intoxicating: before it has become so, it is a lawful beverage: (T, L:) whether intoxicating or not, it is thus called: (L:) or it is thus called because it is left (يُنْبَذُ, i. e., يُتْرَكُ,) until it becomes strong; (Msb;) being expressed juice, or the like, that is left (نُبِذَ) [for a time to acquire strength]: (L, K:) it is said that this word is originally of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, but that it has become obsolete in this latter sense, and, applied to the beverage, is used as though it were a primitive substantive, as is shown by the form of its pl., (M, F,) which is أَنْبِذَةٌ; (S, L, MF;) for a word of the measure فعيل in the sense of the measure مفعول has not this form of pl.: (MF:) wine expressed from grapes is also called نَبِيذٌ, like as نبيذ is also called خَمْرٌ: [نَبِيذٌ is a coll. gen. n., and its n. un. is with ة:] نَبِيذَةٌ signifies some نَبِيذ; lit., a portion thereof. (Msb, art. خمر.) See also مِزْرٌ. (L.) نَبِيذَةٌ: see نَبِيذً, and مَنْبُوذٌ.

نَبَّاذٌ [One who throws things away often, or quickly]. See أَخَّاذٌ.

A2: نَبَّاذٌ [One who makes, or sells, the beverage called نَبيذ]. (S, K, art. سكر.) مِنْبَذَةٌ A pillow, or cushion; (Lh, S, A, L, K;) upon which one reclines, or sits: so called because it is thrown upon the ground to be sat upon: (L:) pl. مَنَابِذُ. (A.) Ex. تَرَبَّعُوا عَلَى

المَنَابِذِ [They sat cross-legged upon the pillows, or cushions]. (A.) مَنْبُوذٌ A child cast out by its mother (T, S, L, Msb, K) in the road, (T, S, L, K,) on the occasion of her bringing it forth, and which a Muslim picks up and maintains; whether a bastard or lawfully begotten; (T, L;) a foundling: (L, K:) such may not be called a bastard because its kin may be established: (T, L:) also, (assumed tropical:) a bastard; (L, K;) because such is cast away in the road: (L:) fem. مَنْبُوذَةٌ (L) and ↓ نَبِيذَةٌ: (A, L:) pl. masc. مَنْبُوذُونَ and مَنَابِذَةٌ; (L;) and pl: of نبيذة, نَبَائِذُ. (A.) b2: مَنْبُوذَةٌ and ↓ نَبِيذَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A ewe or other animal (L) that is not eaten, by reason of its leanness: (L, K:) so called because it is cast away. (L.) b3: صَلَّى

عَلَى قَبْرِ مَنْبُوذٍ He (Mohammad) prayed upon the tomb of a foundling: or, accord. to another reading على قَبْرٍ مَنْبُوذٍ, meaning, upon a tomb apart, (L,) or distant, (K,) from other tombs; (L, K;) like an expression occurring in another trad., ↓ مَرَّ بِقَبْرٍ مُنْتَبِذٍ he passed by a tomb apart from other tombs. (L.) هوَ مُنْتَبِذُ الدَّارِ (tropical:) He is far from his house. (A.) b2: مُنْتَبِذٌ and ↓ مُتَنَبِّذٌ [A man &c.,] aside, or apart, or separate, from others; (L;) [See also مَنْبُودٌ: and see a verse of Lebeed, voce أَصْلٌ.]

مُتَنَبِّذٌ: see مُنْتَبِذٌ.
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