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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4231. نتش14 4232. نتع8 4233. نتن13 4234. نث5 4235. نثت4 4236. نثر194237. نثل14 4238. نثى1 4239. نج3 4240. نجأ9 4241. نجب16 4242. نجث11 4243. نجح15 4244. نجد20 4245. نجذ13 4246. نجر17 4247. نجز17 4248. نجس17 4249. نجش17 4250. نجص1 4251. نجع17 4252. نجف14 4253. نجل17 4254. نجم20 4255. نجو10 4256. نح3 4257. نحب19 4258. نحث4 4259. نحر19 4260. نحز12 4261. نحس21 4262. نحف15 4263. نحل17 4264. نحم14 4265. نحو9 4266. نخ4 4267. نخب14 4268. نخت7 4269. نخج8 4270. نخر19 4271. نخرب8 4272. نخس14 4273. نخع15 4274. نخف7 4275. نخل15 4276. نخو9 4277. ند4 4278. ندأ8 4279. ندب16 4280. ندح19 4281. ندر16 4282. ندس14 4283. ندف13 4284. ندل14 4285. ندم18 4286. ندى3 4287. نذر19 4288. نذل14 4289. نرب8 4290. نرج8 4291. نرجس11 4292. نرد9 4293. نرز8 4294. نرسن3 4295. نز4 4296. نزأ8 4297. نزب8 4298. نزح16 4299. نزر16 4300. نزع17 4301. نزف17 4302. نزق13 4303. نزك13 4304. نزل21 4305. نزه17 4306. نزو9 4307. نس5 4308. نسأ18 4309. نسب17 4310. نسج16 4311. نسح9 4312. نسخ17 4313. نسر17 4314. نسع11 4315. نسغ9 4316. نسف17 4317. نسك16 4318. نسل17 4319. نسم18 4320. نش4 4321. نشأ15 4322. نشب15 4323. نشج13 4324. نشد13 4325. نشر20 4326. نشز18 4327. نشط19 4328. نشف17 4329. نشق14 4330. نص5 Prev. 100




1 نَثَرَ, aor. ـُ (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and نَثِرَ, (M, Msb, K,) inf. n. نَثْرٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and نِثَارٌ, (M, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (S, A, Msb,) He scattered a thing, sprinkled it, strewed it, dispersed it, or threw it dispersedly, (Lth, T, M, A, Msb, K, TA,) with his hand; (Lth, T;) as, for instance, grain, (Lth, T,) and fruit and the like, (Msb,) walnuts and almonds and sugar, (Lth, T,) and pearls, &c.; (A;) as also ↓ نثّر, (M, K,) inf. n. تَنْثِيرٌ; (TA;) [or the latter is with teshdeed to denote muchness, or frequency, or repetition, of the action; or its application to many objects: see مَنْثُورٌ.] b2: نَثَرَتِ النَّخْلَةُ (tropical:) The palm-tree [scattered or] shook off its unripe dates. (A.) b3: وَجَأَهُ فَنَثَرَ أَمْعَآءَهُ (tropical:) He smote him with a knife and scattered his intestines]. (M, A.) b4: لَأَنْثُرَنَّكَ نَثْرَ الكَرِشِ (tropical:) [I will assuredly scatter thine intestines like as one scatters the contents of the stomach of a ruminant beast]: said in threatening. (A.) b5: نَثَرَ وَلَدًا (tropical:) He (a man, M) had many children born to him. (M, K, TA.) And نَثَرَتِ المَرْأَةُ بَطْنَهَا, (T, A, Mgh TA,) and ذَا بَطْنِهَا, (T, Mgh, TA,) and كَرِشَهَا, (A, in art. كرش,) (tropical:) The woman brought forth many children; (T, A, in art. كرش;) scattered children; للزَّوْجِ to the husband. (Mgh.) b6: نَتَرَ الكَلَامَ (tropical:) He spoke, or talked, much. (M, K, TA.) b7: نَثَرَ قِرَاءَتَهُ (tropical:) He hastened, or was quick, in his reading, or reciting. (A.) b8: نَثَرَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. نَثِيرٌ, (tropical:) He (a beast of carriage, M, K, and a camel, M, and an ass, T) sneezed [app. so as to scatter the moisture in his nostrils]: (T, M, K, TA:) or did with his nose what is like sneezing: (T:) he (an ass, and a sheep or goat) sneezed, and expelled what annoyed or hurt him, from his nose: (A:) or نَثَرَتْ she (a ewe or goat) ejected from her nose what annoyed or hurt her. (S.) And نَثَرَ, (Fr, T, IAth, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـِ (T, IAth,) inf. n. نَثْرٌ (T, Mgh) [and app. نَثِيرٌ, as above], (tropical:) He [a man] blew his nose; ejected the mucus from his nose; syn. امْتَخَطَ; (IAth;) as also ↓ استنثر: (S, K, art. مخط:) and he ejected what was in his nose, of mucus, and of that which annoyed or hurt him, in performing the ablution termed وُضُوْء; (Sgh, TA;) as also ↓ أَنْثَرَ, accord. to some: (TA:) or ↓ أَنْثَرَ signifies he ejected what was in his nose; or he emitted his breath from his nose; or he introduced the water into his nose; as also ↓ انتثر and ↓ استنثر: (K:) but this last explanation is outweighed in authority; the form ↓ انثر is disallowed by the leading lexicologists; and the author of the K, in respect of this form, follows Sgh, without due consideration: (TA:) [accord. to the more approved opinion,) نَثَرَ signifies he scattered what was in his nose by the breath; as also ↓ انتثر and ↓ استنثر: (S:) or, as some of the learned say, he snuffed up water, and then ejected what was in it, of anything annoying or hurting, or of mucus; as also ↓ استنثر: (IAar, T, Mgh:) or ↓ استنثر (T, M, IAth, K) and ↓ انتثر, (K,) he snuffed up water, and then ejected it (T, M, IAth, K) by the breath of the nose: (T, M, K:) accord. to some, نَثَرَ and ↓ استنثر signify he (a person performing وُضُوْء) snuffed up water: but others say that the latter signifies he ejected what was in his nose, of mucus &c.; agreeably with a trad. to be cited below: (Msb:) IAar says, that ↓ استنثر signifies he snuffed up water, and put in motion the نَثْرَة, or end of the nose, in purification: (T [in the Mgh, this explanation is ascribed to Fr:]) and Fr, that نَثَرَ and ↓ انتثر and ↓ استنثر signify he put in motion the نَثْرَة, in purification. (T.) It is said of Mohammad, كَانَ يَسْتَنْشِقُ ثَلَاثًا فِى كُلِّ مَرَّةٍ يَسْتَنْثِرُ [He used to snuff up water three times, every time ejecting it; &c.] and this indicates that ↓ استنثر differs from استنشق. (T, Mgh, Msb.) And it is said in a trad., إِذَا اسْتَنْشَقْتَ فَانْثُرْ, (S, Msb,) and فَانْثِرْ, with the conjunctive ا, and with damm and kesr to the ث, (Msb,) When thou snuffest up water, scatter what is in thy nose by the breath; (S;) or eject what is in thy nose, of mucus, &c.: (Msb:) or, as A'Obeyd relates it, ↓ فَأَنْثِرْ; inf. n. إِنْثَارٌ: (Msb:) or, as he relates it إِذَا تَوَضَّاتَ فَأَنْثِرْ, with the disjunctive ا; and he does not explain it; but the lexicologists do not allow ↓ أَنْثَرَ, from الإِنْثَارُ; one only says, نَثَرَ and ↓ انتثر and ↓ استنثر. (T.) No instance of ↓ استنثر used transitively has been heard, except in a trad. of El-Hasan Ibn-'Alee, أَنْفَهُ ↓ اِسْتَنْثَرَ [He ejected the contents of his nose; or he blew his nose]; as though the root [نَثَرَ] were regarded in it, or as though it were made to import the meaning of نَقَّى. (Mgh.) 2 نَثَّرَ see 1, first signification.3 نَاْثَرَ [ناثرهُ He contended with him in scattering, strewing, or dispersing, a thing or things. and hence,] b2: رَأَيْتُهُ يُنَاثِرُهُ الدُّرَّ [lit., I saw him contending with him in scattering pearls: meaning,] (tropical:) I saw him holding a disputation, or colloquy, with him, in beautiful, or elegant, language. (A.) 4 انثر as syn. with نَثَرَ and استنثر and انتثر: see 1, latter half, A2: انثرهُ (tropical:) He made his nose to bleed; syn. أَرْعَفَهُ. (S, A, K.) You say, طَعَنَهُ فَأَنْثَرَهُ (tropical:) [He pierced him and made his nose to bleed]: (S:) and ضَرَبَهُ فَأَنْثَرَهُ [He smote him and made his nose to bleed]. (A.) b2: (tropical:) He threw him down upon his نَثْرَة, (M, A, TA,) i. e., (TA,) [upon the end of his nose: or] upon his خَيْشُوم. (K, TA.) You say, طَعَنَهُ فَأَنْثَرَهُ عَنْ فَرَسِه (tropical:) [He pierced him and threw him down upon the end of his nose from his horse]. (M, A. *) 5 تَنَثَّرَ see 8.6 تَنَاْثَرَ see 8.8 انتثر (S, M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ نتاثر (S, M, A, K) and ↓ تنثّر (M, K) It became scattered, strewn, dispersed, or thrown dispersedly: (S, * M, A, Msb, K:) [or the second more properly signifies it became scattered, &c., by degrees, gradually, or part after part; resembling تَسَاقَطَ

&c.: and the third, being quasi-pass. of 2, denotes muchness, or frequency, or repetition, of the action; or its application to many things.] Yousay, انتثرت الكَوَاكِبُ (assumed tropical:) The stars became dispersed: or became scattered like grain. (TA.) And انتثروا and ↓ تنثّروا (tropical:) [They (meaning men) became as though they were scattered by the hand]. (A.) [And الشَّعَرُ ↓ تناثر, and الوَرَقُ, (assumed tropical:) The hair, and the leaves, fell off, and became scattered, by degrees.] And القَوْمُ ↓ تناثر (tropical:) The people fell sick and died [one after another]: (M, K: *) or you say مَوْتًا ↓ مَرِضُوا فَتَنَاثَرُوا [they fell sick and became separated by death, one after another]. (A.) A2: See also 1, latter half, throughout.10 إِسْتَنْثَرَ see 1, latter half, throughout.

نَثْرٌ (tropical:) [Prose: so accord. to general usage: and] rhyming prose: contr. of نَظْمٌ: so called as being likened to [scattered pearls, or] scattered grain. (TA.) نَثَرٌ: see نُثَارٌ: and نِثَارٌ: and مُنْتَثِرٌ.

A2: (tropical:) Loquacity, (M, TA,) and the divulging of secrets. (TA.) نَثِرٌ (tropical:) Loquacious; one who talks much: as also ↓ مِنْثَرٌ (M, K) and ↓ نَيْثُرَانٌ: (Sgh, K:) or vainly or frivolously loquacious, and a divulger of secrets: (A:) fem. نَثِرَةٌ only. (M.) نَثْرَةٌ [A single act of scattering, strewing, dispersing, or throwing dispersedly, with the hand. And hence,] b2: (tropical:) A sneeze: (K:) or the like thereof; peculiar to a beast of carriage (S) [or other beast, and a fish, as appears from what here follows.] It is said in a trad. (A, TA) of Kaab, (TA,) الجَرَادُ نَثْرَةُ حُوتٍ (A, TA) (tropical:) The locust is [produced by] the sneeze of a fish: or, as in a trad. of I'Ab, نَثْرَةُ الحُوتِ the sneeze of the fish. (TA.) [From this it is inferred that the locust is, like fish, lawful to be captured by one in a state of إِحْرَام.]

A2: (tropical:) The end of the nose: (IAar, T:) or i. q., خَيْشُومٌ: (A:) or the خيشوم with what is next to it: (M, K:) and (M, A; but in the K, or) the interstice that is between the two mustaches, (S, M, A, K,) against the partition between the two nostrils: (S, M, K:) so [in a man and] in the lion: (S, M:) or the nose or the lion. (M.) b2: Hence, (T, &c.,) النَّثْرَةُ, (T, S, M, K,) and نَثْرَةُ الأَسَدِ, (T, A,) (tropical:) Two stars, between which is the space of a span, (شبْرٌ, [said in several law-books to be the twelfth part of a رُمْح, and therefore twenty-two minutes and a half, accord. to modern usage; but there is reason to believe that ancient usage differed from the modern with respect to both these measures, and was not precise nor uniform;]) and in [or between] which is a particle (لَطْخٌ) of white, as though it were a portion of cloud; it is the nose of Leo, [which the Arabs extended far beyond the limits which it has upon our globes, (see الذِّرَاعُ,)] (S, K,) and is a Mansion of the Moon: (S:) [app. the Aselli; Asellus Boreus and Asellus Australis; two small stars in Cancer, between which is a little cloud or nebula, called Præsepe: (see Pliny, l. xviii. c. 35:)] a certain star or asterism, which is of the stars or asterisms of Leo, and which is a Mansion of the Moon: (M:) [app. meaning the same, or Præsepe:] or a certain star in the sky, as though it were a particle (لَطْخ) of cloud, over against two small stars, in the science of astronomy pertaining to the sign of Cancer [though accord. to the Arabs belonging to Leo]: (T:) [app. Præsepe; the two small stars adjacent to it being the Aselli:] a certain star, as though it were a particle (لَطْخٌ) of cloud; so called because it appears as though the lion had ejected if from his nose: (A:) [app. meaning the same:] in the Megista [of Ptolemy] it is mentioned by the name of the manger [i. e., Præsepe], and the name of the two small [for المنيرة in my copy of Kzw, I read الصفيرة,] stars is the two asses [i. e., the Aselli]: (Kzw, Description of Cancer:) or the nose and nostrils of the lion, consisting of three obscure stars, near together: الطَّرْفُ is [before them, and is] the two eyes of the lion, consisting of two stars, before which is الجَبْهَةُ, consisting of four stars: (AHeyth:) [app. meaning the Aselli together with Præsepe:] three stars, near together; the nose of the lion; [app. meaning the same;] which compose the Eighth Mansion of the Moon: (Kzw, Description of the Mansions of the Moon:) [these descriptions apply to this Mansion of the Moon accord. to those who make النَّوْء to signify “ the heliacal rising: ” see مَنَازِلُ القَمَرِ, in art. نزل:] or the bright star [app. meaning b] in Cancer: (Kzw, Description of Cancer:) [this agrees with the place of the Eighth Mansion of the Moon accord. to those who make النَّوْء to signify “ the anti-heliacal setting: ” see again مَنَازِلُ القَمَر.] The Arabs say إِذَا طَلَعَتِ النَّثْرَةُ قَنَأَتِ البُسْرَةُ, meaning, When النثرة rises [heliacally], the unripe date begins to have its redness intermixed with blackness: its rising is very soon after that of الشِّعْرَى [or Sirius: about the epoch of the Flight, it rose heliacally, in central Arabia, on the 17th of July, O. S.; and Sirius, on the 13th of the same month]. (M.) نُثَارٌ What becomes scattered, strewn, or dispersed, of, or from, a thing; (S, Msb;) as also ↓ نُثَارَةٌ, (M, K,) and ↓ نَثَرٌ, (K, [but see مُنْتَثِرٌ,]) and, as some say, ↓ نِثَارٌ: (Msb:) so the ↓ نُثَارَة of wheat, and of barley, and the like: (Lh, M:) or نُثَارٌ signifies the crumbs of bread, and of everything, that become scattered around the table: (T:) or the crumbs of the table that become scattered around: as also ↓ نُثَارَةٌ: (A:) or this last, what becomes scattered from the table, and is eaten in the hope of obtaining a recompense [for preventing its being thrown away or trodden under foot]. (Lh, M, K. *) نِثَارٌ, with kesr, a subst. from نَثَرَ, (S, A, Msb,) signifying The act of scattering, strewing, dispersing, or throwing dispersedly, [anything,] (Lth, T, A, Msb,) [and particularly fruits and the like, such as] walnuts and almonds and sugar [and money, &c., on festive occasions,] and grain. (Lth, T.) You say شَهِدْتُ نِثَارَ فُلَانٍ I was present at, or I witnessed, such a one's scattering (Lth, T, A) of fruits, &c. (Lth, T.) And كُنَّا فِى نِثَارِهِ We were at his scattering. (A.) b2: Also, What is scattered, strewn, dispersed, or thrown dispersedly, (A, Msb, TA,) of such things as sugar and fruits and the like, (A, TA,) [and money, &c., on festive occasions;] a subst., (A, TA,) in the sense of مَنْثُورٌ, (A, Msb, TA,) like كِتَابٌ in the sense of مَكْتُوبٌ; (Msb;) as also ↓ نَثَرٌ. (A, TA.) [See also مُنْتَثَرٌ.] You say أَصَنْتُ مِنَ النِّثَارِ I obtained [somewhat] of the scattered [sugar or fruits &c.]. (Msb.) and مَا أَصَبْنَا مِنْ نَثَرِ فُلَانٍ شَيْئًا We did not obtain aught of such a one's scattered things, such as sugar and fruit. (TA.) b3: Accord. to some, i. q. نُثَارٌ in the first of the senses explained above. (Msb.) نَثُورٌ (tropical:) A female, (S, K,) or woman, (M,) having numerous offspring: (S, M, A, K:) and so a male, (M,) or man. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A ewe, or she-goat, (TA,) having a wide orifice to the teat: (K, TA:) as though she scattered the milk. (TA.) b3: See also نَاثِرٌ.

نَثِيرٌ: see مَنْثُورٌ.

نُثَارَةٌ: see نُثَارٌ, in three places.

نَاثِرٌ (A) and ↓ مِنْثَارٌ (A, K) (tropical:) A palm-tree (نَخْلَةٌ) that shakes off its unripe dates: (A:) or of which the unripe dates become scattered. (K.) b2: and the former, (tropical:) A sheep or goat that coughs, so that something becomes scattered from its nose; as also نَافِرٌ: (As, S:) or a sheep or goat that ejects from its nose what resembles worms; as also ↓ نَثُورٌ: (M, K:) or that sneezes, and ejects from its nose what annoys or hurts it, resembling worms. (TA.) نَيْثُرَانٌ: see نَثِرٌ.

مِنْثَرٌ: see نَثِرٌ.

دُرٌّ مُنَثَّرٌ Pearls scattered, or strewn, much. (S, TA.) See مَنْثُورٌ.

مِنْثَارٌ: see نَاثِرٌ.

دُرٌّ مَنْثُورٌ, and ↓ نَثِيرٌ, Pearls scattered, strewn, dispersed, or thrown dispersedly, with the hand. (A, * TA.) See also مُنْتَثِرٌ, and مُنَثَّرٌ. You say ↓ كَأَنَّ لَفْظَهُ الدُّرُّ النَّثِيرُ [As though his speech were scattered pearls]. (A.) b2: لَهُ كَرِشٌ مَنْثُورَةٌ (tropical:) He has [numerous] young children. (A, art. كرش.) b3: Also مَنْثُورٌ A kind of sweet-smelling flower; (TA;) [the gilliflower: so called in the present day: see also خِيرِىٌّ.] b4: See also خَشْخَاشٌ.

مُنْتَثِرٌ In a scattered or strewn state; in a state of dispersion; (M;) as also ↓ مُتَنَاثِرٌ, (TA,) and ↓ نَثَرٌ, which last is applied to a thing and to things. (M.) See also نِثَارٌ, and نُثَارٌ, and مَنْثُورٌ.

You say ↓ دُرٌّ مُتَنَاثِرٌ [Pearls in a scattered state]. (TA.) مُتَنَاثِرٌ: see مُنْتَثِرٌ.
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