1 نَجَبَ الشَّجَرَةَ, aor. ـِ and نَجُبَ, inf. n. نَجْبٌ, He took off the bark of the stem, or trunk, of the tree: (S:) or نَجَبَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above; and ↓ نجّبه, inf. n. تَنْجِيبٌ; and ↓ انتجبه; He took off its bark; barked it. (ISd, K.) See نَجَبٌ.A2: نَجُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. نَجَابَةٌ, He was generous, noble, or liberal, &c.: [see نَجِيبٌ]. (Msb, K.) He, or it, was excellent, or choice. (MA.) [Said of a horse and the like, He was generous, excellent, strong, light, or swift.] b2: نَاجَبَهُ فَنَجَبَهُ: see 3.2 نَجَّبَ see 1.3 نَاْجَبَ ↓ نَاجَبَهُ فَنَجَبَهُ [He vied with him, or strove to surpass him, in generosity, nobleness, or liberality; and he surpassed him therein.] (TA, art. خير.) 4 انجب He begot a generous, noble, or liberal, child; such as is termed نَجِيبٌ. (S.) [This verb, being coupled in the K with نَجُبَ, might be imagined syn. therewith; but this, accord. to the TA, is not the case.] El-Aashà says, أَنْجَبَ أَزْمَانَ وَالِدَاهُ بِهِ
إِذْ نَجَلَاهُ فَنِعْمَ مَا نَجَلَا (S) He begot a generous son in the times when his parents (rejoiced) in him, when they produced him; and excellent was that which they produced. Accord. to one reading, the second word is أَيَّامَ: and أَيَّامُ وَالِدَيْهِ is also read in place of ازمان والداه; in which case, ايَّام is fig. the agent of انجب. (TA.) b2: انجبت is said of a woman, in the same sense. (TA.) See also انخب. b3: انجب [as also انخب] He begot a cowardly child: (from نَجَبٌ, the “ bark ” of a tree: TA:) thus the verb bears two contr. significations: (K:) or the two significations are not necessarily contr.; for a courageous man may be not generous, or liberal; and a generous, or liberal, man may be not courageous. (MF.) 8 انتجبهُ He selected him; chose him; (S;) preferred him above others. (TA.) See also انتخب. b2: See 1. b3: ذَهَبَ يَنْتَجِبُ He went to collect [the kind of bark called] نَجَبٌ. (TA.) b4: A poet says, يَا أَيُّهَا الزَّاعِمُ أَنِّى أَجْتَلِبْ وَأَنَّنِى غَيْرَ عِضَاهِى أَنْتَجِبْ meaning, O thou who assertest that I take the verses of other poets and appropriate them to myself, and, and as it were, take the bark of other trees than my own 'idáh, to tan therewith... (TA.) [See عِضَاهُ.]
نَجْبٌ: see نَجِيبٌ.
نَجَبٌ The bark (لِحَآء) of trees: (S, K:) or the rind of the roots thereof: or of what is hard thereof. (K.) The soft peel of branches is not thus called; nor is the rind of roots called قِشْر, but نجب: n. un. نَجَبَةٌ. (TA.) نَجْبَةُ نَمْلَةٍ A bite of an ant. So in a trad., accord. to one reading: accord. to another reading, it is نَخْبَة. Both these words are given by IAth on the authority of Z. (TA.) نُجَبَةٌ and نَجَبَةٌ: see نَجِيبٌ.
نَجِيبٌ A generous, noble, liberal, man; (S, K;) one distinguished by rank or quality, nobility or eminence, reputation or note or consideration; (K;) excellent; of great worth in his kind; one who is like his father in generosity and actions: (TA:) as also ↓ نَجْبٌ (K) [explained as signifying “ liberal, generous ”] and ↓ نُجَبَةٌ: (S, K:) or you call a man نجيب when he is generous, noble, or liberal; but when he is unequalled among his people in generosity, &c., you say قَوْمِهِ ↓ هُوَ نَجَبَةُ, in measure like حَلَمَة: (El-'Alam Es-Sakháwee:) [but MF doubts the correctness of this measure; and seems to think that the correct word is ↓ نُجَبَة:] القَوْمِ ↓ هو نُجَبَةُ is said of a man when he is the man, among them, who is distinguished by generosity, &c.: (S:) pl. نُجَبَآءُ and أَنْجَابٌ and نُجُبٌ. (K.) b2: نَجِيبٌ Excellent, as an epithet applied to any animal; (IAth;) a generous, excellent, camel or horse; one of high breed; (ISd;) a strong, light, swift, camel: (TA:) you say نَاقَةٌ نَجِيبَةٌ as well as ناقة نَجِيبٌ: (K:) pl. نَجَائِبُ (S, K) and نُجُبٌ. (S.) b3: نَجَائِبُ القُرْآنِ The most excellent, and the purest, parts of the Kur-án. Of such is the سُورَةُ الأَنْعَام. (TA.) In like manner, ↓ نَوَاجِبُهُ The heart thereof that has [as it were] no نَجَب [or bark] upon it: or the best, or most excellent, thereof. (K.) نَوَاجِبُ: see what next precedes.
مُنْجِبٌ A man who begets generous, noble, or liberal, children; such as are termed نُجَبَاءُ. (K.) In like manner, اِمْرَأَةٌ مُنْجِبَةٌ, and ↓ مِنْجَابٌ: (S, K:) pl. of the latter مَنَاجِيبُ. (S.) b2: ↓ منجاب also signifies A woman who has generous, noble, or liberal, children; such as are termed نجبآء. (TA.) مِنْجَابٌ A weak man: (S, K:) pl. مَنَاجِيبُ. (TA.) See مُنْجِبٌ, and also مِنْخَابٌ. b2: مِنْجَابٌ An arrow that has neither feathers nor head; (A'Obeyd, S;) that is trimmed, shaped, or pared, but has neither feathers nor head. (As, A'Obeyd, K.) b3: مِنْجَابٌ An iron with which a fire is stirred. (K.) مَنْجُوبٌ A vessel that is capacious within: (K:) a capacious vessel of the kind called قَدَحٌ: (S:) or wide, or capacious, in the bottom: i. q. مَنْجُوفٌ, which, accord. to ISd, is the correct word; but others say that the ب and ف may be interchangeable. (TA.) b2: جِلْدٌ مَنْجُوبٌ A hide tanned with the bark of the trunk of the طَلْح. (S.) b3: سِقَاءٌ منجوبٌ A skin tanned with the same: (S, K:) or with [the kind of bark called] نَجَبٌ: (K:) as also نَجَبِىٌّ (S, K) and مِنْجَبٌ: (Aboo-Mis-hal, K:) but the last is disapproved by ISd, because it is of the measure مِفْعَلٌ, which is not used in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (TA.) مُنْتَجَبٌ Select; chosen; choice: (K:) an epithet applied to anything. (TA.)