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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
392. بهو9 393. بهى3 394. بو2 395. بوأ15 396. بوب16 397. بوح14398. بوخ11 399. بود7 400. بور19 401. بوز9 402. بوس14 403. بوش11 404. بوع14 405. بوق16 406. بول14 407. بوم9 408. بون14 409. بوه7 410. بى1 411. بيب5 412. بيت15 413. بيد16 414. بيص8 415. بيض17 416. بيع20 417. بيلون1 418. بين19 419. بيه3 420. ت5 421. تأ1 422. تأر6 423. تأم11 424. تا5 425. تب4 426. تبت8 427. تبر19 428. تبع21 429. تبل17 430. تبن18 431. تبه5 432. تبو2 433. تتر4 434. تجر17 435. تحت10 436. تحف14 437. تحين2 438. تخ4 439. تخت6 440. تخذ10 441. تخرص3 442. تر4 443. ترب19 444. ترج11 445. ترجم7 446. ترح15 447. ترس15 448. ترع17 449. ترف18 450. ترق15 451. ترك17 452. ترما2 453. ترمس10 454. ترن6 455. ترنج2 456. ترنجبين1 457. تره12 458. تسع13 459. تشرين3 460. تع1 461. تعب11 462. تعس17 463. تفث15 464. تفح11 465. تفرق3 466. تفل16 467. تفه17 468. تقد7 469. تقن12 470. تقى2 471. تك2 472. تل4 473. تلأب4 474. تلان3 475. تلب9 476. تلد14 477. تلع15 478. تلف15 479. تلك5 480. تلمذ8 481. تلو14 482. تلى2 483. تم4 484. تمر17 485. تمك10 486. تموز3 487. تن3 488. تنأ11 489. تنر14 490. تنف12 491. تنم9 Prev. 100




1 بَاحَ, (A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. بَوْحٌ, (A, Msb,) It (a secret, A, or a thing, Msb) became apparent, or manifest. (A, Msb, K.) Yousay, بَاحَ مَا كَتَبْتُ [What I concealed became apparent]. (A.) And أَعُوذُ بِاللّٰهِ مشنْ بَوْحِ السِّرِّ وَكَشْفِ السِّتْرِ [I seek protection by God from the appearing of the secret, and the removing of the veil, or covering]. (A.) A2: بَاحَ بِهِ, (S, A, Msb, K,) [aor. as above,] inf. n. بَوْحٌ and بُؤُوحٌ and بُؤُوحَةٌ, (K, TA,) He revealed, or disclosed, it; (S, A, Msb, K;) namely, a secret, (S, A, K,) or a thing; (Msb;) as also ↓ اباحهُ. (A, Msb, K.) It (the former) is said to be from ↓ الإِبَاحَهُ [the inf. n. of the latter] signifying The showing a thing to the beholder in order that he who will may take it. (TA.) You say, سِرًّا فَبَاحَ بِهِ ↓ أَبَاحَهُ He revealed to him a secret, and he (the latter) [revealed it, i. e.,] did not conceal it. (TA.) And بُحْ بِاسْمِكَ وَ لَا تَكْنِ عَنْهُ [Reveal thou thy name, and make not a mere allusion to it]. (A.) 4 اباح, inf. n. إِبَاحَةٌ: see 1, in three places. b2: إِبَاحَةٌ and ↓ اِسْتِبَاحَةٌ are used as syn.: but it is said that the former signifies The making a thing allowable, or free, to him who desires it, or seeks it: and the latter, the taking a thing as allowed, allowable, free, or lawful. (MF.) You say, اباح الشَّىْءَ He made the thing allowable, or free. (L.) And اباح مَالَهُ He gave permission either to take or let alone his property; made it allowable, or free, either way one might choose to take. (Msb.) And أَبَحْتُكَ الشَّىْءَ I made, or have made, the thing allowable, free, or lawful, to thee, (S, L, K, TA,) to take it, [or let it alone,] or do it, [or make use of it,] or possess it; but not by the law of the religion, for to do this belongs to God and his apostle; except in the language of this law. (MF, TA.) [Hence it is said that] إِبَاحَةٌ bears a signification similar to that of نُهْبَى [i. e. Spoliation; a taking of spoil; or the taking a thing as spoil; a signification more properly belonging to the inf. n. of 10, q. v.]. (L.) 10 استباحهُ He deemed it, or esteemed it, to be allowed, allowable, free, or lawful; namely, the property of another: (A:) or he took it as allowed, allowable, &c. (A, * MF.) See 4. b2: He took it as spoil, or plunder. (TA.) b3: He made an attack upon it; namely, the property of another. (Msb.) b4: He took him captive, making him as a lawful possession to him. (TA.) b5: And اِسْتَبَاحَهُمْ, (K,) or اِسْتَبَاحُوهُمْ, (S,) He, or they, extirpated, or exterminated, them. (S, K.) بُوحٌ has the following various significations assigned to it in explanations of the saying, اِبْنُكَ ابْنُ بُوحِكَ يَشْرَبُ مِنْ صَبُوحِكَ: (S, TA:) The penis: (S, K, Har p. 336:) the فَرْج [or pudendum, app. meaning, of a woman]: (K, Har p. 328 on the authority of AO:) the نَفْس [meaning one's self]: (IAar, T, S, Meyd, L:) coitus; syn. وَطْءٌ (S) or جِمَاعٌ: (K:) and accord. to the last but one of these renderings, [and virtually accord. to the others also,] the saying means Thy son is the son of thyself, [who drinks of thy morningdraught]; (T, TA;) he whom thou hast begotten, not he whom thou hast adopted: (IAar, and Mtr in Har p. 328:) or بوح, here, is pl. of بَاحَةٌ; (A, TA, Har p. 336;) and the meaning is, he who has been born within the courts of thy house; (A;) or, in the court of thy house, (TA, Har,) not in the house of another: (TA:) or بوح is here a subst. from بَاحَ الشَّىْءِ; and the meaning is, thy son is he whom thou hast openly acknowledged (بُحْتَ بِهِ), and whom his mother hath also, agreeably with thee: (Har p. 328:) [accord. to some,] it signifies also i. q. أَصْلٌ [i. e. origin; or race, or stock, which it may mean in the saying above: or original, or primary, state, or condition]; (K, Har p. 328;) [for] one says, رَجَعَ إِلَى بُوحِهِ [He returned, or reverted, to his original, or primary, state, or condition]. (Har p. 328.) بَاحَةٌ The court; or a spacious vacant part, or portion, in which is no building; syn. سَاحَةٌ, (S A, K,) and عَرْصَةٌ; (A, TA;) of a house or dwelling: (S, TA:) pl. بُوحٌ [q. v.]. (A, TA.) Hence [is said to be derived] بُحْبُوحَةُ الدَّارِ [mentioned in art. بح]. (TA.) One says also, نَحْنُ فِى بَاحَةِ الدَّارِ, meaning We are in the middle, or midst, or best part, of the abode, or district, or country; i. e. أَوْسَطِهَا. (TA.) And hence, accord. to Fr, تَبَحْبَحَ [explained in art. بح]. (Az, TA.) It is said in a trad., لَيْسَ لِلنِّسَآءِ مِنْ بَاحَةِ الطَّرِيقِ شَىْءْ, meaning [Women have no right] in the middle of the road. (TA.) b2: Also The main part or body of water: (K:) applied by most of the lexicologists to the sea. (TA.) [In the present day applied to A deep part of the sea, distant from land; the deep; the main, or main sea.] b3: And Many palm-trees. (Aboo-Sárim El-Bahdalee, IAar, K.) أَمَرَهُ بِمَعْصِيَةٍ بَوَاحًا He ordered him to disobey, or rebel, openly. (K.) The last word occurs in this sense in two trads.; but in one of them, accord. to one recital, it is بَرَاحًا. (TA.) هُوَ بَؤُوحٌ بِمَا فِى صَدْرِهِ He is one who reveals, or discloses, what is in his bosom; as also بَيْحَانٌ and بَيَّحَانٌ; (K;) the ى being originally و. (TA.) مُبَاحٌ Allowed or allowable [to be taken, or let alone, or done, or made use of, or possessed; see 4]; made allowable, free, or lawful; contr. of مَحْظُورٌ. (S, A.) المُبِيحُ The lion. (K.)
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