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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
423. تأم11 424. تا5 425. تب4 426. تبت8 427. تبر19 428. تبع21429. تبل17 430. تبن18 431. تبه5 432. تبو2 433. تتر4 434. تجر17 435. تحت10 436. تحف14 437. تحين2 438. تخ4 439. تخت6 440. تخذ10 441. تخرص3 442. تر4 443. ترب19 444. ترج11 445. ترجم7 446. ترح15 447. ترس15 448. ترع17 449. ترف18 450. ترق15 451. ترك17 452. ترما2 453. ترمس10 454. ترن6 455. ترنج2 456. ترنجبين1 457. تره12 458. تسع13 459. تشرين3 460. تع1 461. تعب11 462. تعس17 463. تفث15 464. تفح11 465. تفرق3 466. تفل16 467. تفه17 468. تقد7 469. تقن12 470. تقى2 471. تك2 472. تل4 473. تلأب4 474. تلان3 475. تلب9 476. تلد14 477. تلع15 478. تلف15 479. تلك5 480. تلمذ8 481. تلو14 482. تلى2 483. تم4 484. تمر17 485. تمك10 486. تموز3 487. تن3 488. تنأ11 489. تنر14 490. تنف12 491. تنم9 492. ته3 493. تهر8 494. تهم15 495. تو2 496. توأ1 497. توب16 498. توت10 499. توتيا1 500. توث6 501. توج13 502. توح3 503. تور16 504. توق16 505. تولب1 506. توم14 507. توه8 508. توى6 509. تى1 510. تيا3 511. تيتل1 512. تيح10 513. تير14 514. تيس13 515. تيك7 516. تيل5 517. تيم14 518. تين16 519. ث5 520. ثأ1 521. ثأب11 522. ثأر12 Prev. 100




1 تَبِعَهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـَ inf. n. تَبَعٌ (S, Msb, K) and تَبَاعَةٌ, (S, K,) He followed; or went, or walked, behind, or after; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) him, (Mgh, Msb, K,) or it; namely, a people, or company of men: (S:) or [in the CK “ and ”] he went with him, or it, when the latter had passed by him: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) and ↓ اِتَّبَعَهُ signifies the same; (Lth, S, K *) and so does ↓ أَتْبَعَهُ: (Lth, Mgh, K:) or ↓ أَتْبَعْتُهُمْ signifies I overtook them, they having gone before me; (Fr, * A'Obeyd, S, Msb, * K;) as also تَبِعْتُهُمْ: (Fr, K:) Akh says that تَبِعْتُهُ and ↓ أَتْبَعْتُهُ signify the same: and hence the saying in the Kur [xxxvii. 10], شِهَابٌ ثَاقِبٌ ↓ فَأَتْبَعَهُ [and a shooting star piercing the darkness by its light overtaketh him]: (S:) and the saying in the same [vii. 174], ↓ فَأَتْبَعَهُ الشَّيْطَانُ and the devil overtook him: (TA:) and the saying in the same [xx. 81], فِرْعَوْنُ ↓ فَأَتْبَعَهُمْ بِجُنُودِهِ and Pharaoh overtook them with his troops: or almost did so: (Ibn-'Arafeh, K:) or this signifies made his troops to follow them; (TA;) the ب, accord. to some, being redundant: (Bd:) or ↓ أَتْبَعَهُ signifies he followed his footsteps; and sought him, following him: (TA:) but ↓ اِتَّبَعَهُمْ signifies he went [after them, or followed them,] when they had passed by him; as also تَبِعَهُمْ, inf. n. تَبَعٌ: you say, ↓ حَتَّى أَتْبَعْتُهُمْ ↓ مَا زِلْتُ أَتَّبِعُهُمْ, i. e. [I ceased not to follow them] until I overtook them: (A'Obeyd:) Fr says that ↓ أَتْبَعَ is better than ↓ اِتَّبَعَ; for the latter signifies he went behind, or after, him, when the latter person was going along; but when you say, ↓ أَتْبَعْتُهُ, it is as though [you meant that] you followed his footsteps: (TA:) and ↓ فُلَانٌ فُلَانًا ↓ اِتَّبَعَ [as in the L and TA, but perhaps a mistake for ↓ أَتْبَعَ,] signifies also he followed him, desiring to do evil to him; like as Pharaoh followed Moses: (L, TA:) some say, تَبِعْتُ الشَّىْءَ, inf. n. تُبُوعٌ, meaning I went after the thing: and تَبِعَ الشَّىْءَ, inf. n. تَبَعٌ and تَبَاعٌ, (assumed tropical:) [he followed the thing] in respect of actions: (L, TA:) you say, تَبِعَ الإِمَامَ (assumed tropical:) he followed the Imám [by doing as he did]: (Msb:) [but in this last sense, more commonly,] one says, ↓ اِتَّبَعَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) he did like as he [another] did: (TA:) and القُرْآنَ ↓ اِتَّبَعَ (assumed tropical:) he followed the Kurán as his guide; did according to what is in it: (TA:) and you say also, عَلَى الأَمْرِ ↓ تَابَعَهُ; (Msb;) or على كَذَا, inf. n. مُتَابَعَةٌ and تِبَاعٌ; (S;) (assumed tropical:) [he followed him, or imitated him, in the affair;] (Msb;) he followed him, or imitated him, in doing such a thing: (PS:) [but this last phrase has another meaning: see 3.] In the saying, لَا يُتْبَعُ بِنَارٍ إِلَى القَبْرِ, [in which the verb may be pass. of تَبِعَ or of ↓ أَتْبَعَ,] or, accord. to one relation, ↓ لا يُتَّبَعُ, each in the pass. form, [Fire shall not be made to follow to the grave, though it may be rendered one shall not follow with fire to the grave, it is said that] the ب is to render the verb transitive. (Mgh.) b2: تَبِعْتُ الرَّجُلَ بِحَقِّى; and بِهِ ↓ تَابَعْتُهُ, inf. n. مُتَابَعَةٌ [and probably تبَاعٌ also]; and به ↓ اِتَّبَعْتُهُ; I prosecuted, or sued, the man for my right, or due. (TA.) The saying in the Kur [ii. 173], بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ↓ فَاتِّبَاعٌ means [Then] prosecution for the bloodwit [shall be made with lenity]. (TA.) b3: تَبِعَ, of which the aor. ـَ occurs in a trad., [see 4,] (Mgh, TA,) pronounced by the relaters of trads. with teshdeed, [↓ يَتَّبِع,] (TA,) also signifies (assumed tropical:) He accepted a reference from his debtor to another for the payment of what was owed to him. (Mgh, TA. *) 2 تَبَّعَ اللّٰهُ لِفُلَانٍ, inf. n. تَتْبِيعٌ, May God make a thing to be followed by another thing to such a one, is said in relation to good and to evil; like سَبَّعَ لَهُ. (TA in art. سبع.) A2: See also 5.3 تِبَاعٌ [and مُتَابَعَةٌ, the inf. ns. of تَابَعَ,] i. q. وِلَآءٌ [The making a consecution, or succession, of one to the other, بَيْنَ أَمْرَيْنِ between two things, or affairs: and the making consecutive, successive, or uninterrupted, in its progressions, or gradations, or the like: see 6]. (S, K.) It is said in a trad., تَابِعُوا بَيْنَ الحَجِّ والعُمْرَةِ [Make ye a consecution between the حجّ and the عمرة; meaning make ye the performance of the حجّ and that of the عمرة to be consecutive]; (TA;) i. e. when ye perform the حجّ, then perform ye the عمرة; and when ye perform the عمرة, then perform ye the حجّ: or when ye perform either of these, then perform ye after it the other, without any length of time [intervening]: but the former [meaning] is the more obvious. (Marginal note in a copy of the Jámi'-es-Sagheer of Es-Suyootee.) And you say, تَابِعْ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَهُمْ عَلَى الخَيْرَاتِ (assumed tropical:) Make thou us to be followers, or imitators, of them in excellencies. (TA.) And تابع الأَغَانِىَّ [He sang songs consecutively, successively, or uninterruptedly]. (S and K in art. جر.) And تابع إِسْقَاطَهُ [He made it to fall, fall down, drop, drop down, or tumble down, in consecutive portions or quantities]. (M and K in art. سقط: in the CK اَسْقاطَهُ.) And تابع الفَرَسُ الجَرْىَ (assumed tropical:) [The horse prosecuted, or continued, the course, or running, uninterruptedly]. (K voce هَلَبَ; &c.) And هُوَ يَتَابِعُ الحَدِيثَ (tropical:) He carries on the narrative, or discourse, by consecutive progressions, or uninterruptedly: or, as Z says, pursues it, or carries it on, well. (TA.) [See also a similar phrase in what here follows.] b2: تابع القَوْسَ He pared, or trimmed, the bow well, giving to each part thereof what was its due. (K, TA.) Skr says that the phrase تُوبِعَ بَرْيُهَا, used by Aboo-Kebeer El-Hudhalee in describing a bow, means The paring, or trimming, of which has been executed with uniformity, part after part. (TA.) b3: Hence, (TA,) the saying of Abu-l-Wákid ElLeythee, (S, TA,) in a trad., (S,) تَابَعْنَا الأَعْمَالَ فَلَمْ نَجِدْ شَيْئًا أَبْلَغَ فِى طَلَبِ الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الزُّهْدِ فِى

الدُّنْيَا (S, TA) (assumed tropical:) We have practised works with diligence, and acquired a sound knowledge of them, [and we have not found anything more efficacious in the pursuit of the blessings of the world to come than abstinence in respect of the enjoyments of the present world.] (S, * TA.) Yousay also, تابع عَمَلَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He made his work sound, or free from defect: (Kr, S:) and in like manner, كَلَامَهُ his language, or speech. (Kr.) b4: [Hence also,] تابع المَرْعَى الإِبِلَ (tropical:) The pasture fattened the camels well and thoroughly. (K, TA.) b5: تابعهُ عَلَى الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) He aided, assisted, or helped, him to do the thing, or affair. (TA.) b6: See also 1, where another meaning of the same phrase is mentioned, in the latter half of the paragraph. b7: تَابَعْتُهُ بِحَقِّى: see 1, near the end of the paragraph.4 اتبعهُ: see 1, from the beginning nearly to the end.

A2: Also He made him to follow; or to overtake: (S, K:) he made him to be a follower: (Mgh, Msb:) or he urged him, or induced him, to be a follower. (Mgh.) You say, [making the verb doubly trans.,] أَتْبَعْتُهُمْ غَيْرِى [I made them to follow, or overtake, another, not myself]. (K.) and أَتْبَعْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ فَتَبِعَهُ [I made him to follow, or overtake, the thing, and he followed it, or overtook it]. (S.) And أَتْبَعْتُ زَيْدًا عَمْرًا I made Zeyd to be a follower of 'Amr: (Mgh, Msb:) or I urged, or induced, Zeyd to be a follower of 'Amr. (Mgh.) And أَتْبَعَهُ نَفْسَهُ مُتَحَسِّرًا عَلَى مَا فَاتَ (assumed tropical:) [He made his mind, or desire, to follow after it, regretting what had passed away]. (TA in art. عجز.) [See also 10.] It is said in a prov., (TA,) أَتْبِعِ الفَرَسَ لِجَامَهَا [Make thou its bit and bridle to follow the horse]: or النَّاقَةَ زِمَامَهَا [her nose-rein, the she-camel]: or الدَّلْوَ رِشَآءَهَا [its rope, the bucket]: used in bidding to complete a favour, or benefaction: (K, TA:) A'Obeyd says, I think the meaning of the first prov. to be, Thou hast liberally given the horse, and the bit and bridle are a smaller matter; therefore satisfy thou completely the want, seeing that the horse is not without need of the bit and bridle. (TA.) b2: Hence the trad., مَنْ أُتْبِعَ عَلَى مَلِىْءٍ فَلْيَتْبَعْ (tropical:) Whoso is referred, for the payment of what is owed to him, to a solvent man, let him accept the reference: (Mgh, TA: *) [see also 1, last meaning:] the verb being made trans. by means of على because it conveys the meaning of إِحَالَةٌ. (Mgh.) You say [also], أُتْبِعَ فُلَانٌ بِفُلَانٍ (tropical:) Such a one was referred, for the payment of what was owed to him, to such a one. (S, TA.) And أَتْبَعَهُ عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) He referred him, for the payment of what was owed to him, to him. (TA.) b3: [See also إِتْبَاعٌ, below.]5 تتبّعهُ, inf. n. تَتَبُّعٌ, (Lth, S, Msb, * K,) for which ↓ اِتِّبَاعٌ is used by El-Kutámee, tropically, (S,) or, accord. to Sb, because the same in meaning; (TA;) and ↓ تبعّه, inf. n. تَتْبِيعٌ; (S, K; *) He pursued it; investigated it; examined it; hunted after it; prosecuted a search after it; made successive, or repeated, endeavours to attain it, to reach it, or to obtain it; or sought it, sought for it, or sought after it, successively, time after time, or repeatedly, or in a leisurely manner, by degrees, gradually, step by step, bit by bit, or one thing after another, (Lth, S, * Msb, K, * TA,) following after it. (S.) Hence the saying of Zeyd Ibn-Thábit, respecting the collecting of the Kur-án, فَعَلِقْتُ أَتَتَبَّعُهُ مِنَ اللِّخَافِ وَالعُسُبِ [and I set myself to seeking to collect it successively, &c., from the thin white stones and the leafless palm-branches upon which it was written]. (TA.) And تتبّع البِلَادَ يَخْرُجُ مِنْ أَرْضٍ إِلَى أَرْضٍ [He investigated the countries, going forth from land to land]. (S and K in art. قرى.) And فُلَانٌ يَتَتَبَّعُ

أَثَرَ فُلَانٍ [Such a one pursues, &c., the track of such a one]. (TA.) And يَتَتَبَّعُ مَسَاوِىَ فُلَانٍ [He seeks successively, &c., to discover the vices, faults, or evil qualities or actions, of such a one]. (TA.) And يَتَتَبَّعُ مَدَاقَّ الأُمُورِ وَنَحْوَ ذٰلِكَ [He pursues small, or little, affairs; and the like thereof: or he seeks successively, &c., to obtain a knowledge of the subtilties, niceties, abstrusities, or obscuri-ties, of things, or affairs; and the like thereof]. (TA.) And تتبّع الحَبْلَ [He took successive holds of the rope]: said of a man descending from a part of a mountain such as is termed شِيق, by means of a rope tied to that part, to a place in which honey was deposited. (TA in art. شيق.) 6 تتابع It was, or became, consecutive, successive, or uninterrupted, in its progressions, or gradations, or the like; syn. تَوَالَى. (K.) Yousay, تتابع سُقُوطُهُ [Its falling, falling down, dropping, dropping down, or tumbling down, was, or became, consecutive, &c.; i. e. it fell, fell down, &c., in consecutive portions or quantities]. (M and K in art. سقط.) And تتابع القَوْمُ The people, or company of men, followed one another. (Msb.) and تَتَابَعَتِ الأَشْيَآءُ, and الأَمْطَارُ, and الأُمُورُ, The things, and the rains, and the events, came one after another, each following near upon another. (Lth.) And it is said in a trad., تَتَابَعَتْ عَلَى قُرَيْشٍ سِنُو جَدْبٍ [Years of dearth, drought, or sterility, came consecutively upon Kureysh]. (TA.) b2: تتابع الفَرَسُ (tropical:) The horse ran evenly, not raising one of his limbs [above its fellow]. (TA.) b3: تتابعت الإِبِلُ (tropical:) The camels became fat and goodly. (TA.) 8 إِتَّبَعَ see 1, throughout: and see also 5.10 استتبعهُ He desired, or demanded, of him that he should follow him: (TA:) or he made him to follow him. (L.) [See also 4.]

تِبْعٌ A follower of women: (Lh, * Az:) or a passionate lover, and follower, of a woman, (K,) whithersoever she goes: (TA:) and with ة, of a man: (Lh:) and ↓ تُبَّعٌ a sedulous seeker of women. (K.) [See تَابِعٌ.] You say also, هُوَ تِبْعُ ضِلَّةٍ, meaning He is a follower of women: and تِبْعُ ضِلَّةٌ one in whom is no good, and with whom is no good: or, accord. to Th, you only say تِبْعُ ضِلَّةٍ. (TA.) b2: هٰذَا تِبْعُ هٰذَا This is what follows this. (M in art. تلو.) b3: See also تَبِيعٌ, in two places.

تَبَعٌ: see تَابِعٌ, in six places.

رَجُلٌ تُبَعٌ لِلْكَلَامِ A man who makes his speech consecutive, one part to another. (Yoo, K. *) بَقَرَةٌ تَبْعَى A cow desiring [and therefore following] the bull. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) تَبِعَةٌ and ↓ تِبَاعَةٌ signify the same; (T, S, O, L, K;) [The consequence of an action: and] a claim which one seeks to obtain for an injury, or injurious treatment, and the like: (T, O, L, K; and so the Msb in explanation of the former word:) the former is also explained as signifying a right, or due, annexed to property, claimed from the possessor of the property: (L:) pl. [of the former]

تَبِعَاتٌ and [of the latter] تِبَاعَاتٌ. (TA.) A poet says, زَمَنَ التَّقَحُّمِ وَالمَجَاعَهْ أَكَلَتْ حَنِيفَةُ رَبَّهَا

↓ سُوْءَ العَوَاقِبِ وَالتِّبَاعَهْ لَمْ يَحْذَرُوا مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ [Haneefeh ate their lord, in the time of experiencing dearth, or drought, or sterility, and hunger: they did not fear, from their lord, the evil of the results, and the consequence of their action]: for they had taken to themselves a god consisting of حَيْس, [i. e. dates mixed with clarified butter and the preparation of milk called أَقِط, kneaded together,] and worshipped it for some time; then famine befell them, and they ate it. (S.) And one says, مَا عَلَيْهِ مِنَ اللّٰهِ فِى هٰذَا تَبِعَةٌ, and ↓ تِبَاعَةٌ, There is not, against him, on the part of God, in this, any claim on account of wrong-doing. (TA.) تَبِيعٌ [One who is prosecuted, or sued, for a right, or due; of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, from تَبِعْتُهُ بِحَقِّى;] one who owes property to another, (S, K, TA,) and whom the latter prosecutes, or sues, for it. (TA.) A2: The young one of a cow in the first year; (S, Msb, K;) so says Aboo-Fak'as El-Asadee: (TA:) or that is a year old; (Az, Mgh, TA;) not so called until he has completed the year; erroneously said by Lth to signify a calf ripening to his perfect state: (Az, TA:) thus called because he yet follows his mother; (Mgh, Msb;) the word in this sense being of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure فَاعِلٌ: (Msb:) and ↓ تِبْعٌ signifies the same: (TA:) fem. of the former with ة: (S, Msb, K:) pl. تِبَاعٌ and تَبَائِعٌ; (AA, S, O, K;) both pls. of تَبِيعٌ; (AA, S, O;) or the former is pl. of تَبِيعَةٌ; (Msb;) and the pl. of تَبِيعٌ is أَتْبِعَةٌ [a pl. of pauc.]; (L, Msb;) and أَتَابِعُ and أَتَابِيعُ, the latter of which is extr., are pls. of أَتْبِعَةٌ: (L:) the pl. of ↓ تِبْعٌ in the abovementioned sense is أَتْبَاعٌ. (TA.) Accord. to EshShaabee, (IF,) One whose horns and ears are equal [in length]: (IF, K:) but this is a judicial explanation; not deduced from the rules of lexicology. (IF.) b2: I. q. ↓ تَابِعٌ [as signifying One who prosecutes, or sues, for a right, or due; and particularly for blood-revenge]. (S, K.) Hence the saying in the Kur [xvii. 71], ثُمَّ لَا تَجِدُوا لَكُمْ عَلَيْنَا بِهِ تَبِيعًا Then ye shall not find for you any to prosecute for blood-revenge, nor any to sue, against us therein: (Fr. S, K:) or ye shall not find for you any to sue us for the disallowing of what hath befallen you, nor for our averting it from you: (Zj:) [or any aider against us; for]

تَبِيعٌ also signifies an aider; and especially against an enemy. (Lth, K.) b3: See also تَابِعٌ, latter half.

تِبَاعَةٌ: see تَبِعَةٌ, in three places.

تُبَّعٌ An appellation of each of the Kings of El-Yemen (S, K) who possessed Himyer and Hadramowt, (K, TA,) and, as some add, Sebà; (TA;) but not otherwise; (K, TA;) and the like of this is said in the 'Eyn: (TA:) so called because they followed one another; whenever one died, another took his place, following him in his course of acting: (TA:) pl. تَبَابِعَةٌ, (S, K,) with ة added as having the meaning of a rel. n.; [as though it were pl. of تُبَّعِىٌّ, like as حَنَابِلَةٌ is pl. of حَنْبَلِىٌّ;] erroneously written in some of the copies of the K تتابعة: (TA:) the تبابعة of Himyer were like the أَكَاسِرَة of the Persians and the قَيَاصِرَة of the Romans. (Lth.) In the Kur xliv. 36, it is said in a trad. to mean a particular king, who was a believer, and whose people were unbelievers. (Zj.) b2: And hence, (TA,) A species of the يَعَاسِيب [or kings of the bees], (K,) the greatest and most beautiful thereof, whom the other bees follow: (TA:) pl. تَبَابِيعُ; (K;) in the L, تَتَابِعُ [which is probably a mistranscription for تَبَابِعُ]. (TA.) b3: A species of طَيْر [which means any flying things, as well as birds; and may therefore, perhaps, be meant to indicate what next precedes]. (S.) b4: The shade, or shadow; (S, K;) because it follows the sun; as also ↓ تُبُّعٌ. (K.) A poet says, (S,) namely, Soadà El-Juhaneeyeh, (TA,) or Selmà El-Juhaneeyeh, (marginal note in a copy of the S,) bewailing her brother, As'ad, يَرِدُ المِيَاهُ حَضِيرَةٌ وَنَفِيضَةً

وِرْدَ القَطَاةِ إِذَا اسْمَأَلَّ التُّبَّعُ (S) [He comes to the waters when people are dwelling, or staying, there, (but see حَضِيرَةٌ,) and when no one is there, as the bird called katáh comes to water] when the shade has become contracted at mid-day: or, accord. to Aboo-Leylà, the meaning is, the shade of night; i. e., this man comes to the waters in the last part of the night, before any one: though it means also the shade of day-time: (TA:) or, accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer, the meaning here is [the star, or asterism, called] الدَّبَرَان; and this is very probably correct; for the bird above mentioned comes to the waters by night, and seldom by day; and hence the saying, أَدَلُّ مِنْ قَطَاةٍ. (Az, TA.) See تَابِعٌ. b5: See also تِبْعٌ. b6: مَا أَدْرِى أَىُّ تُبَّعٍ هُوَ I know not who of men he is. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b7: تُبَّعٌ is also a pl. of تَابِعٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) تُبُّعٌ: see تُبَّعٌ.

تَبُّوعُ الشَّمْسِ A certain wind, (K, TA,) also called النُّكَيْبَآءُ, (TA,) which blows (K, TA) in the early morning, (TA,) with the rising of the sun, (K, TA,) from the direction of the wind called الصَّبَا, unaccompanied by rising clouds, (TA,) and veers round through the various places whence winds blow until it returns to the place from which blows the wind called الصبا, (K, TA,) whence it commenced in the early morning: (TA:) the Arabs dislike it. (Z, TA.) تَابِعٌ Following; a follower: (TA:) and ↓ تَبَعٌ also signifies the same as تَابِعٌ; (K;) a thing that follows in the track of a thing; (Lth, Az;) or that is at the kinder, or latter, part of anything; (TA;) but is used alike as sing. and pl.: (S, Msb, K:) the pl. of تَابِعٌ is تُبَّعٌ and تُبَّاعٌ (TA) [and, applied to rational beings, تَابِعُونَ]: and the pl. of ↓ تَبَعٌ is أَتْبَاعٌ; (S, K;) or this may be used as a pl. of تَبَعٌ; (Msb;) or it is pl. of تَابِعٌ, like as خَدَمٌ is pl. of خَادِمٌ, (Kr, Mgh,) and طَلَبٌ of طَالِبٌ, &c.; (K;) or, correctly speaking, it is a quasi-pl. n. (Sb, TA.) You say, ↓ المُصَلِّى تَبَعٌ لاِمَامِهِ [The person praying is a follower of his Imám]: and النَّاسُ تَبَعٌ لَهُ [The people are followers of him]. (Msb.) And it is said in the Kur [xiv. 24, and xl. 50], ↓ إِنَّا كُنَّا لَكُمْ تَبَعًا [Verily we were followers of you]: (S, TA:) in which the last word may be a quasi-pl. n. of تَابِعٌ; or it may be an inf. n., meaning ذَوِى تَبَعٍ. (TA.) ↓ تَبَعٌ is applied as an epithet to the legs of a beast: (Lth, T:) and is also used as [an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant,] signifying The legs of a beast. (K.) b2: A jinnee, or genie, that accompanies a woman and follows her whithersoever she goes, (K, TA,) loving her: (TA:) and تَابِعَةٌ a jinneeyeh, or female genie, that does the same to a man: (S, * K, TA:) or the ة is added in the latter to give intensiveness to the signification, or to denote evilness of nature, or to convey the meaning of دَاهِيَةٌ, q. v.: the pl. is تَوَابِعُ: and this means female associates. (TA.) b3: A servant; as also ↓ تَبِيعٌ. (TA.) أَوِ التَّابِعِينَ غَيْرِ أُولِى الإِرْبَةِ, in the Kur [xxiv. 31], accord. to Th, means Or the servants of the husband, such as the old man who is perishing by reason of age, and the aged woman. (TA.) b4: See also تَبِيعٌ. b5: [Also One next in the order of time after the صَحَابَة; like ↓ تَابِعِىٌّ. b6: And in grammar, An appositive.] b7: تَابِعُ النَّجْمِ [The follower of the asterism; i. e., of the Pleiades;] a name of الدَّبَرَان [the Hyades; or the five chief stars thereof; or the brightest star among them, a of Taurus]: this name being given to it as ominous of good; (K;) or as ominous of evil: (O:) or so called because it follows the Pleiades: (T:) also called التَّابِعُ, (T in art. دبر, Sh, IB, and others,) and ↓ تُوَيْبِعٌ, (K,) which is the dim., (TA,) or التُّوَيْبِعُ, (T in art. دبر,) and ↓ تُبَّعٌ, (K,) or التُّبَّعُ [q. v.], (Aboo-Sa'eed Ed-Dareer, T,) and ↓ التَّبَعُ, (IB, Z,) and التَّالِى, and الحَادِى, (IB,) or حادى النُّجُومِ , (S in art. جدح ,) or حادى النَّجْمِ . (Kzw and others.) [See also المِجْدَحُ.]

تَابِعِىٌّ: see تَابِعٌ.

تُوَيْبِعٌ: see تَابِعٌ, last sentence.

إِتْبَاعٌ in language is when one says the like of حَسَنٌ بَسَنٌ (S, K) and قَبِيحٌ شَقِيحٌ: (S:) The putting, after a word, an imitative sequent, i. e. another word similar to the former in measure or in its رَوِىّ, by way of pleonasm, or for fulness of expression, and for corroboration; (Mz 28th نوع, and Kull p. 11;) the latter word being one not used alone, and having no meaning by itself, as in بسَنٌَ حَسَنٌ; or being one which has a meaning of its own, as in هَنِيْئًا مَرِيْئًا . (Kull ubi suprà.) b2: [Also The latter of such two words; i. e. an imitative sequent. b3: And used in the former sense, as an inf. n., it denotes various other kinds of assimilation, i. e., of one word to another preceding or following it, and of one vowel to another preceding or following it in the same word.]

مُتْبِعٌ She who has with her children, or young ones: (Lh:) or a ewe, or she-goat, and a cow, and a girl, having her offspring following her: (K:) or a cow having a تَبِيع, q. v.: and IB mentions also مُتْبِعَةٌ as signifying the same: and a female servant followed by her offspring whither she comes and goes. (TA.) مَتْبُوعٌ [pass. part. n. of 1. b2: In grammar, The antecedent of a تَابِع, i. e., of an appositive.]

مُتَابَعٌ (assumed tropical:) Anything made, or executed, soundly, thoroughly, well, or so as to be free from defect. (K, * TA.) مُتَتَابِعٌ Consecutive, successive, or uninterrupted, in its progressions, or gradations, or the like. (TA.) You say لُؤْلُؤٌ مُتَتَابِعٌ Pearls following one another, or doing so in uninterrupted order. (TA.) And صِيَامُ شَهْرَيْنِ مُتَتَابِعَيْنِ The fasting of two consecutive months. (TA.) b2: غُصْنٌ مُتَتَابِعٌ (tropical:) An even, or a uniform, branch, in which are no knots. (K, * TA.) And فَرَسٌ مُتَتَابِعُ الخَلْقِ (tropical:) A horse symmetrical in make, (A, K,) justly proportioned in his limbs or parts. (A, TA.) and رَجُلٌ مُتَتَابِعُ العِلْمِ (tropical:) A man whose knowledge is uniform, consistent, without incongruity. (K, * TA.)
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