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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
482. تلى2 483. تم4 484. تمر17 485. تمك10 486. تموز3 487. تن3488. تنأ11 489. تنر14 490. تنف12 491. تنم9 492. ته3 493. تهر8 494. تهم15 495. تو2 496. توأ1 497. توب16 498. توت10 499. توتيا1 500. توث6 501. توج13 502. توح3 503. تور16 504. توق16 505. تولب1 506. توم14 507. توه8 508. توى6 509. تى1 510. تيا3 511. تيتل1 512. تيح10 513. تير14 514. تيس13 515. تيك7 516. تيل5 517. تيم14 518. تين16 519. ث5 520. ثأ1 521. ثأب11 522. ثأر12 523. ثأل12 524. ثا1 525. ثبت14 526. ثبج16 527. ثبر18 528. ثبط18 529. ثبن9 530. ثبو4 531. ثتل8 532. ثج5 533. ثجر15 534. ثخن17 535. ثدأ7 536. ثدو4 537. ثدى3 538. ثرب19 539. ثرد18 540. ثرم14 541. ثرو9 542. ثرى8 543. ثط3 544. ثعب17 545. ثعد9 546. ثعل10 547. ثعلب13 548. ثغر15 549. ثغم13 550. ثغو9 551. ثفاً1 552. ثفر14 553. ثفرق8 554. ثفل19 555. ثفن12 556. ثفو4 557. ثفى5 558. ثقب19 559. ثقف19 560. ثقل17 561. ثكل15 562. ثل4 563. ثلب14 564. ثلث18 565. ثلج15 566. ثلط13 567. ثلم15 568. ثم3 569. ثمت3 570. ثمد16 571. ثمر17 572. ثمل17 573. ثمن18 574. ثن2 575. ثنتان1 576. ثنى11 577. ثو1 578. ثوأ3 579. ثوب20 580. ثوخ7 581. ثور18 Prev. 100




1 تَنَّ بِالمَكَانِ, [aor., accord. to rule, تَنِّ, i. q. تَنَأَ,] He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place. (M.) 3 تانّ بَيْنَهُمَا, (K,) inf. n. مُتَانَّةٌ, (TA,) He measured, or compared, them two together. (K.) 4 اتنّ, (K,) inf. n. إِتْنَانٌ, (TA,) He, or it, was, or became, distant, or remote. (K.) A2: اتنّهُ It (a disease) stunted him, (Az, IAar, T, S, M, K,) namely, a child, or boy, (IAar, T, S, M, K,) so that he did not attain to the stature of his equals in age, (Az, T,) or so that he did not attain to full growth. (IAar, T, S, M, K.) R. Q. 1 تَنْتَنَ [in the CK تَتَنَّنَ] He (a man, IAar, T) left, or deserted, his friends, and associated with others. (IAar, T, K.) تَنٌّ: see تِنٌّ.

A2: See also a poetical citation voce تَوٌّ.

تُنٌّ and تُنَّةٌ The tunny-fish. (Golius on the authority of Ibn-Beytár; and so in the present day; but the former is a coll. gen. n., and the latter is a n. un.) تِنٌّ A like; an equal, a match, or a fellow; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ تَنِينٌ; (K, TA [in the CK تِنِين];) an equal in age; (T, M;) an equal in intellect, or in weakness, or in strength, or in manliness, or manly virtue: (ISk, S:) or a companion: (M:) pl. أَتْنَانٌ. (T, M.) You say, فُلَانٌ تِنُّ فُلَانٍ [Such a one is the like, or equal, &c., of such a one]. (S.) And هُوَ سِنُّهُ and تِنُّهُ and حِتْنُهُ [He is his like, or equal, &c.]. (T.) and هُمَا تِنَّانِ They two are equals in intellect, or in weakness, or in strength, or in manliness, or manly virtue. (ISk, S.) And صِبْوَةٌ أَتْنَانٌ [Boys that are like each other, or equals, &c.]. (T.) and هُمْ أَسْنَانٌ أَتْنَانٌ They are equals in age. (IAar, T.) b2: A boy stunted by disease, (Lth, T, M,) so that he does not attain to full growth; (Lth, T;) as also ↓ تَنٌّ. (M.) b3: Also i. q. شَخْصٌ [The body, or corporeal form, of a man or other thing, which one sees from a distance; or a person; an individual]. (T.) b4: And i. q. مِثَالٌ [A model; a pattern; &c.]: (T:) and ↓ تِينَانٌ [likewise] signifies the مثال of a thing. (K.) تَنِينٌ: see تِنٌّ.

تِنِّينٌ [in Hebr. 165] A great serpent; (K;) a kind of serpent, (Lth, T, S, M,) one of the greatest of serpents, (Lth, T,) or like the greatest thereof: (M:) it is related that a company of soldiers, on the shore of the Sea of Syria, saw a cloud divide upon the sea, and then rise, and they saw the tail of the تنّين in a state of commotion in the fringe of the cloud: it is also related that a cloud carries the تنّين to the country of Yájooj and Májooj [or Gog and Magog], and casts it down there, and they assemble thereupon, and eat its flesh: (T:) [these stories are fanciful accounts of the natural phenomenon called a water-spout, to which this name is applied by the Arabs in the present day: but the word is generally understood to mean a dragon: and a great sea-monster;] an aquatic animal, great in make, terrible in appearance, long and broad in the body, large in the head, having very glistening eyes, wide mouth and inside, and many teeth: it swallows many animals; the animals of the land and of the sea fear it; and when it moves, the sea becomes agitated with waves by reason of its great strength: in its first state, it is a malignant serpent, that eats what it sees of the beasts of the land; and when its mischief becomes great, God sends an angel that carries it away, and throws it to Yájooj and Májooj: it is related of one that was seen to fall, that it was found to be about two leagues in length, of a colour like that of the leopard, with scales like those of a fish, two great fins in form like those of a fish, a head like a great hill, resembling the head of a man, two long and great ears, and two round eyes; and from its neck branched forth six other necks, every one of them nearly twenty cubits long, and every one of them having a head like that of the serpent. (Kzw.) [Golius thinks it to mean The shark (“carcharias”).] b2: Hence, التِّنِّينُ is (assumed tropical:) A certain نَجْم [or constellation; the constellation of the Dragon]; thus named as being likened to the serpent so called; (M;) a constellation containing thirty-one stars within the figure; among which are those called الرَّاقِصُ and العَوَائِذُ and الرُّبَعُ and الذِّئْبَانِ &c. (Kzw, TA. *) b3: [Also, app., (assumed tropical:) A certain imaginary figure in the heavens, extending along the line of the nodes of a planet, which are called the dragon's head and the dragon's tail, in Arabic الجَوْزَهَرُ (from the Persian گَوْزِهْرْ), or الجَوْزَاهَرَانِ, and also العُقْدَتَانِ, and, to distinguish each from the other, الرَّأْسُ وَالذَّنَبُ: this line is supposed by Golius to be meant by the following description; but I incline to regard it as the result of a confusion of a description of this line with a description of the zodiacal light, a phenomenon supposed to have been unnoticed by the Arabs:] a slight whiteness in the sky, (Lth, T, K,) not an asterism, (Lth, T,) the body of which is in six signs of the zodiac, and the tail, which is slender, black, and twisted, in the seventh sign: it changes place like the planets; is called in Persian هَشْتَنْبَرْ, (Lth, T, K,) [app. a mistranscription of هَسْتَبُرْ,] in astrological computation; and is inauspicious: (Lth, T:) accord. to J, a certain place in the sky; which is a correct explanation, though said in the K to be a mistake. (TA.) تِينَانٌ: see تِنٌّ.

A2: Also A wolf: (K, in this art. and in art. تين:) but used only by El-Akhtal. (TA.)
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