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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
391. بهم20 392. بهو9 393. بهى3 394. بو2 395. بوأ15 396. بوب16397. بوح14 398. بوخ11 399. بود7 400. بور19 401. بوز9 402. بوس14 403. بوش11 404. بوع14 405. بوق16 406. بول14 407. بوم9 408. بون14 409. بوه7 410. بى1 411. بيب5 412. بيت15 413. بيد16 414. بيص8 415. بيض17 416. بيع20 417. بيلون1 418. بين19 419. بيه3 420. ت5 421. تأ1 422. تأر6 423. تأم11 424. تا5 425. تب4 426. تبت8 427. تبر19 428. تبع21 429. تبل17 430. تبن18 431. تبه5 432. تبو2 433. تتر4 434. تجر17 435. تحت10 436. تحف14 437. تحين2 438. تخ4 439. تخت6 440. تخذ10 441. تخرص3 442. تر4 443. ترب19 444. ترج11 445. ترجم7 446. ترح15 447. ترس15 448. ترع17 449. ترف18 450. ترق15 451. ترك17 452. ترما2 453. ترمس10 454. ترن6 455. ترنج2 456. ترنجبين1 457. تره12 458. تسع13 459. تشرين3 460. تع1 461. تعب11 462. تعس17 463. تفث15 464. تفح11 465. تفرق3 466. تفل16 467. تفه17 468. تقد7 469. تقن12 470. تقى2 471. تك2 472. تل4 473. تلأب4 474. تلان3 475. تلب9 476. تلد14 477. تلع15 478. تلف15 479. تلك5 480. تلمذ8 481. تلو14 482. تلى2 483. تم4 484. تمر17 485. تمك10 486. تموز3 487. تن3 488. تنأ11 489. تنر14 490. تنف12 Prev. 100




1 بَابَ لَهُ, aor. ـُ (M, K,) quasi-inf. n., if there be such a verb, بِوَابَةٌ, with the و not changed into ى because it is not an inf. n. properly speaking, but a subst., (Lth, T,) He was, or became, a door-keeper, or gate-keeper, to him; (M, K;) namely, a Sultán (M) [or other person].2 بوّب [app., (assumed tropical:) He practised what are termed أَبْوَابُ الحَرْبِ, meaning the expedients, tricks, or stratagems, of war, battle, or fight. b2: And hence,] (assumed tropical:) He charged upon, attacked, or assaulted, the enemy. (AA, T.) A2: بَوَّبْتُ الأَشْيَآءَ (assumed tropical:) I made the things to be divided into distinct أَبْوَاب [meaning kinds, or sorts; or I disposed, arranged, distributed, or classified, the things under distinct heads]. (Msb.) And بوّب الأَبْوَابَ (assumed tropical:) [He disposed, arranged, distributed, classified, or set in order, the kinds, sorts, classes, chapters, heads, or the like]. (TA voce أَصَّلَ, q. v.) And بوّب المُؤَلِّفُ كِتَابَهُ (assumed tropical:) [The author disposed, or divided, his book in, or into, distinct chapters]. (A.) [See بَابٌ.]5 تبوّب, (A,) or تبوّب بَوَّابًا, (S, M, K,) He took for himself a door-keeper, or gate-keeper. (S, M, A, K.) بَابٌ, originally بَوَبٌ, (M, Msb,) A door; a gate; a place of entrance: and the thing with which a place of entrance, such as a door or gate, is closed; of wood &c.: (MF, TA:) pl. أَبْوَابٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and بِيبَانٌ (M, K) and أَبْوِبَةٌ, (S, M, K,) [a pl. of pauc., said to be] only used for conformity with another word mentioned therewith, as in the saying (of Ibn-Mukbil, so in a copy of the S), هَتَّاكُ أَخْبِيَةٍ وَ لَّاجُ أَبْوِبَةٍ

[A frequent render of tents, a frequent enterer of doors], (S, M,) not being allowable when occurring alone; (S;) but IAar and Lh assert that it is a pl. of باب without its being used for conformity with another word; (M;) and this is extr.; (M, K;) for باب is of the measure فَعَلٌ, and a word of this measure has not a pl. of the measure أَفْعِلَةٌ [by rule]. (M.) You say, بَابٌ الدَّارِ [The door of the house]; and بَابُ البَيْتِ [the door of the house, and of the chamber, and of the tent]; (Msb;) and بَابُ البَلَدِ [the gate of the town or city]. (The Lexicons &c. passim.) and Bishr Ibn-Abee-Házim assigns a باب to a grave; calling the latter a بَيْت. (M.) It is also applied to an opening, or a channel, made for water, to irrigate seed-produce: pl. أَبْوَابٌ. (Mgh.) [and in Egypt, it is applied also to A sepulchral chamber, grotto, or cave, hewn in a mountain; from the Coptic βηβ: pl. بِيبَانٌ only.] b2: Hence, i. e. in a secondary application, the primary signification being “ a place of entrance,” it is used as meaning (tropical:) A means of access, or of attainment, to a thing: (B, Kull, TK:) as in the saying, هٰذَا العِلْمُ بَابٌ إِلَى عِلْمِ كَذَا (tropical:) This science is a means of attainment to such a science. (B, TK.) b3: [And hence, (assumed tropical:) An expedient, a trick, a stratagem, or a process, by which something is to be effected pl. أَبْوَابٌ: as in أَبْوَابُ الحَرْبِ the expedients. &c. of war, battle, or fight; and بَابٌ مِنَ النُّجُومِ a process of the science of the stars, meaning astrology or astronomy; and بَابٌ مِنَ السِّحْرِ a process of enchantment; see an ex. voce سِحْرٌ. Compare Matt. xvi. 18, πύλαι ᾅδου οὐ κατισχύσουσιν αύτης, probably meaning “ the stratagems of Hell shall not prevail against it. ”] b4: [Also (assumed tropical:) A mode, kind, sort, class, or category.] Suweyd Ibn-Kuráa uses metaphorically the pl. أَبْوَاب in relation to rhymes; saying, أَتَيْتُ بِأَبْوَابِ القَوَافِى كَأَنَّمَا

أَذُودُ بِهَا سِرْبًا مِنَ الوَحْشِ نُزَّعَا (tropical:) [I gave utterance to the various kinds of rhymes as though I were driving with them a herd of wild animals desirous of the males, or of their wonted places of pasture]. (M, L.) [You say also, هُوَ مِنْ هٰذَا البَابِ (assumed tropical:) It is of this mode, kind, sort, class, or category: a phrase of frequent occurrence in lexicons &c. See also بَابَةٌ.] b5: [Also (assumed tropical:) A chapter; and sometimes a section, or subdivision, of a chapter; of a book or writing;] conventionally, (assumed tropical:) a piece consisting of words relating to matters of one kind; and sometimes, to matters of one species: (Kull:) pl. أَبْوَابٌ. (A.) See also بَابَةٌ. b6: [Also (assumed tropical:) A head, or class of items or articles, in an account, or a reckoning; as in the saying,] بَيَّنْتُ لَهُ حِسَابَهُ بَابًا بَابًا (assumed tropical:) [I explained, or made clear, to him his account, or reckoning, head by head, or each class of items or articles by itself]; a phrase mentioned by Sb: (M:) [or, sometimes,] بَابٌ (M, K) and ↓ بَابَةٌ (T, M, K) are used in relation to حُدُود [which here means the punishments so termed], and to an account, or a reckoning, (T, M, K,) and the like, (T, M,) as signifying the extreme term or limit; syn. غَايَةٌ; (M, K;) but IDrd hesitated respecting this, and therefore it is not mentioned in the S. (TA.) بَابَةٌ (assumed tropical:) A mode, or manner; syn. وَجْهٌ: (ISk, K:) pl. بَابَاتٌ. (K.) [See also بَابٌ, which has a similar, and perhaps the same, signification.] Hence, هٰذَا مِنْ بَابَتِى means (assumed tropical:) This is of the mode, or manner, that I desire; (TA;) this is suitable to me: (IAmb, TA:) and هٰذَا شَىْءٌ مِنْ بَابَتِكَ, (S,) or هٰذَا بَابَتُكَ, (A,) (assumed tropical:) this is a thing suitable to thee: (S, A:) and هٰذَا بَابَتُهُ (assumed tropical:) this is suitable to him. (K.) Accord. to most of the critics, it is tropical. (TA.) You say also, فُلَانٌ

أَهْوَنُ بَابَاتِهِ الكَذِبُ (assumed tropical:) Such a one, the lightest of the kinds (أَنْوَاع) of his wickedness is lying. (A.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A habit: a property; a quality; nature; natural disposition: or a practice; or an action: syn. خَصْلَةٌ. (Abu-l-'Omeythil, TA.) [Hence, perhaps, the last of the exs. cited above from the A.] b3: (assumed tropical:) A condition; syn. شَرْطٌ: as in the saying, هذَا بَابَةُ هٰذَا (assumed tropical:) [This is the condition of this]. (M, K. *) b4: بَابَاتُ الكِتَابِ (assumed tropical:) The lines of the book or writing: (M, A, K:) or it may mean its ↓ أَبْوَاب [i. e. chapters, or sections of chapters]: (M:) this has no sing.: (A, K:) [ISd says,] I have not heard any sing. of it. (M.) b5: See also بَابٌ; last signification.

بَوْبَاةٌ A desert; or a desert in which is no water; syn. فَلَاةٌ: (T, IJ, M, K:) as also مَوْمَاةٌ; (T, MF;) the ب being changed into م, as is often the case. (MF.) [It is mentioned in the S, and again in the K, in art. بو, as syn. with مَفَازَةٌ.]

بِوَابَةٌ The office, or occupation, of a door-keeper, or gate-keeper. (M, K.) [See 1.]

بَوَّابٌ A door-keeper, or gate-keeper. (S, * M, Msb, K, TA.) أَبْوَابٌ مُبَوَّبَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [Kinds, sorts, classes, chapters, heads, or the like, disposed, arranged, distributed, classified, or set in order,] is a phrase similar to أَصْنَافٌ مُصَنَّفَةٌ. (S.) You say also كِتَابٌ مُبَوَّبٌ (assumed tropical:) [A book disposed in, or divided into, distinct chapters]. (A.) Quasi بوج بَاجٌ; pl. أَبْوَاجٌ: see art. بأج. Az mentions it as without ء: ISk, as with ء. (ISd, TA.)
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