1 تَرِعَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. تَرَعٌ, It (a vessel, S, or a thing, TA) was, or became, full, or filled; (S, Z, K;) as also ↓ اِتَّرَعَ: (Sgh, K:) or it was, or became, very full, or much filled. (Lth, in TA. [But it is said in the TA, in one place, that Lth ignored the verb in this sense; and in another place, that he said, I have not heard them say, تَرِعَ الإِنَآءُ.]) A2: He hastened to do evil, or mischief; (Ks, K;) and to do a thing: (TA:) and بَهِ إِلَى الشَّرِّ ↓ تترّع, accord. to the K; but accord. to the S and O and L, ↓ تترّعإِلَيْهِ بِالشَّرِّ; (TA;) he hastened to him to do evil, or mischief. (S, O, L, K.) b2: He rushed headlong into affairs by reason of excessive briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness. (Lth, K.) A3: تَرَعَهُ, inf. n. تَرَعٌ, [app. a mistake for تَرْعٌ,] He hastened to him, forbidding [him to do a thiug]. (L.) b2: تَرَعَهُ عَنْ وَجْهِهِ He averted him, or turned him back, from his course, or manner of acting or proceeding. (Ibn-'Abbád, Sgh, L, K.) 2 ترّع البَابَ, inf. n. تَتْرِيعٌ, He locked, or closed, the door; syn. أَغْلَقَهُ [which has both these significations]. (K.) In the Kur [xii. 23], some read, وَتَرَّعَتِ الأَبْوابَ And she locked, or closed, the doors, instead of غَلَّقَت. (O, TA.) 4 اترعهُ He filled it; (S, K;) namely, a. vessel. (S.) 5 تَتَرَّعَ see 1, in two places.8 إِتَّرَعَ see 1.
تَرَعٌ Full; applied to a watering-trough or tank for beasts &c.; (S, K;) and to a mug: (S:) an inf. n. used as an epithet: (TA:) the regular form is ↓ تَرِعٌ, which signifies the same. (K.) تَرِعٌ: see تَرَعٌ. b2: Also A cloud containing much rain. (TA.) b3: عُشْبٌ تَرِعٌ Fresh, juicy, or sappy, herbs or herbage. (Sgh in art. درع, and L.) A2: A man quick to do evil, or mischief, (Ks, S,) and to become angry: (S:) ready and quick to become angry: and ↓ مُتْتَرِعٌ evil, or mischievous, hastening to do what is not fit, or proper, for him. (TA.) b2: One who rushes headlong into affairs by reason of excessive briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness: (O, L, TA:) thus correctly written; but in the copies of the K, ↓ تَرِيعٌ. (TA.) b3: Lightwitted; weak and stupid; deficient in intellect; or light and hasty in disposition or deportment. (TA.) b4: And, with ة, A woman who transgresses the proper bounds or limits, and is light [in conduct]. (TA.) تُرْعَةٌ The mouth of a streamlet or rivulet; (IB, Msb, K;) i. e. a place hollowed out by the water in the side of a river, whence it flows forth: (Msb:) pl. تُرَعٌ (IB, Msb) and تُرْعَاتٌ and تُرَعَاتٌ and تُرُعَاتٌ: (Msb:) in the S it is said to signify the mouths of streamlets or rivulets; but correctly the sentence should be, تُرَعٌ is pl. of تُرْعَةٌ, and has this signification. (IB.) b2: A canal, or channel of water, to a meadow or garden or the like: (L, TA:) this is the meaning commonly known [in the present day: the general name in Egypt for a canal cut for the purpose of irrigation, conveying the water of the Nile through the adjacent fields]. (TA.) b3: The opening, or gap, of a wateringtrough or tank, by which the water enters, and where the people draw it: (Az, Mgh, * K, * TA:) and, (K,) accord. to AA, (TA,) the station of the drinkers at the watering-trough or tank; as in the O and K; or, as in the L, the part of the watering-trough or tank which is the station of the drinkers. (TA.) b4: A meadow, or garden, or the like, (S, K,) in an elevated place: (K:) if in low land, it is called رَوْضَةٌ. (TA.) b5: A stair; or a flight of steps by which one ascends; syn. دَرَجَةٌ: (S, K:) so accord. to some in a trad., which see in what follows: (S, * TA:) and particularly the flight of steps of a pulpit. (AA, Sgh, K.) b6: (tropical:) A door, or gate: (S, Sgh, Msb, K:) pl. تُرَعٌ. (K.) You say, فَتَحَ تُرْعَةَ الدَّارِ (tropical:) He opened the door of the house. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنَّ مِنْبَرِي هٰذَا عَلَى تُرْعَةٍ مِنْ تُرَعِ الجَنَّةِ, (S, TA,) as though meaning, (tropical:) Verily this my pulpit is at a gate of the gates of Paradise: thus explained by Sahl Ibn-Saad Es-Sá'idee, the relater of the trad.; and A'Obeyd says, وَهُوَ الوَجْهُ [“ and it is the proper,” or “ the valid and obvious, way,” of explaining it], meaning that it is the preferable explanation: but the author of the K, mistaking his meaning, makes وَجْهٌ to be another signification of تُرْعَةٌ: or the meaning of this trad. is, he who acts according to the exhortations recited upon the steps of my pulpit will enter Paradise: or, accord. to KT, prayer and praise in this place are means of attaining to Paradise; so that it is as though it were a portion of Paradise. (TA.) In the same manner Sahl explained his other trad,, إِنَّ قَدَمِى عَلَى تُرْعَةٍ مِنْ تُرَعِ الحَوْضِ (tropical:) [Verily my foot is at a gate of the gates of the pool of Paradise]. (TA.) تَرِيعٌ: see تَرِعٌ.
تَرَّاعٌ A torrent filling the valley; as also ↓ أَتْرَعُ: (K:) or a torrent which fills the valley: (S:) and ↓ the latter, a vehement torrent. (TA.) J says, in the S, that ↓ سَيْرٌ أَنْزَعُ signifies شَدِيدٌ; and he cites the words of a poet thus: فَافْتَرَشَ الأَرْضَ بِسَيْرٍ أَتْرَعَا ascribed by some to El-'Ajjáj, but correctly, accord. to IB, the words of Ru-beh; making two mistakes, in saying افترش, in the sing., and بسير: moreover, the last word in the citation is a pret. verb: [the right reading is]
فَافْتَرَشُوا الأَرْضَ بِسَيْلٍ أَتْرَعَا [And they travelled the land with a multitude like a torrent that filled the valleys]: the poet describes the Benoo-Temeem, and their travelling the land like the torrent by reason of multitude. (Sgh, TA.) A2: (assumed tropical:) A door-keeper. (Th, S, K.) أَتْرَعُ: see تَرَّاعٌ, in three places.
حَوْضٌ مُتْرَعٌ A filled watering-trough or tank: (TA:) and جَفْنَةٌ مُتْرَعَةٌ a filled bowl. (S.) مُنْتَرِعٌ: see تَرِعٌ.