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وسأل نافع عن قوله تعالى: {وَكُنْتُمْ قَوْمًا بُورًا} فقال ابن عباس: هَلْكى بلغة عُمَان، وهم من اليمن. واستشهد له بقول الشاعر:
فلا [تكفروا] ما قد صَنَعْنَا إليكمُ. . . وكافُوا به فالكُفرُ بورٌ لصانعِهْ
= الكلمة من آية الفتح 12 في المخلفين من الأعراب:
{بَلْ ظَنَنْتُمْ أَنْ لَنْ يَنْقَلِبَ الرَّسُولُ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِلَى أَهْلِيهِمْ أَبَدًا وَزُيِّنَ ذَلِكَ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ وَظَنَنْتُمْ ظَنَّ السَّوْءِ وَكُنْتُمْ قَوْمًا بُورًا} ومعها آية الفرقان 18: {قَالُوا سُبْحَانَكَ مَا كَانَ يَنْبَغِي لَنَا أَنْ نَتَّخِذَ مِنْ دُونِكَ مِنْ أَوْلِيَاءَ وَلَكِنْ مَتَّعْتَهُمْ وَآبَاءَهُمْ حَتَّى نَسُوا الذِّكْرَ وَكَانُوا قَوْمًا بُورًا} .
وفي القرآن من مادتها، الفعل مضارعاً مرتين في آيتى فاطر:
{وَالَّذِينَ يَمْكُرُونَ السَّيِّئَاتِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ وَمَكْرُ أُولَئِكَ هُوَ يَبُورُ} - 10
{إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَتْلُونَ كِتَابَ اللَّهِ وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَأَنْفَقُوا مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ سِرًّا وَعَلَانِيَةً يَرْجُونَ تِجَارَةً لَنْ تَبُورَ} - 29
والبوار في آية إبراهيم 28:
{أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ بَدَّلُوا نِعْمَتَ اللَّهِ كُفْرًا وَأَحَلُّوا قَوْمَهُمْ دَارَ الْبَوَارِ}
الهلاك وما يشبهه من تعطل، أصل أول في المادة (المقاييس 1 / 316) .
والبوُر في كلام العرب: لا شيء، يقال: أصبحت أعمالهم بورا ودُورهم قبورا (الفراء) ، ومثله في الطبري، حكى أبو عبيدة: امرأة بور، والمثنى والجمع. وقيل يجوز أن يكون جمع بائر كحائل وحول (الطبري وأبو حيان) وفي معناها، أسند الفراء عن ابن عباس، قال: البور في لغة أزد عمان الفاسد {وَكُنْتُمْ قَوْمًا بُورًا} قوماً فاسدين (معاني القرآن) ، آية الفتح.
وفي تأويل الطبري: هلكى قد غلب عليهم الشقاء والخذلان. . . ومنه: بارت السوق وبار الطعام إذا خلا من الطالب والمشتري فصار كالشيء الهالك. ورده "الراغب" كذلك إلى فرط الكساد، يؤدي إلى الفساد. فيُعبر بالبوار عن الهلاك. {وَكَانُوا قَوْمًا بُورًا} ، اي هلكى، جمع بائر، وقيل هو مصدر يوصف به الواحد والجمع. وأنشد الشاهد من قول الشاعر:
يا رسولَ المليكِ إن لساني. . . راتقٌ ما فتقتُ إذ أنا بُورُ
وكل ما في مادة "بور" في القرآن الكريم، هو من الخُسر بالضلال والكفر، وإنه لأفدح الفساد والهلاك، منقولاً إليها من أصل معناها في البوار والكساد.


(عُطَارِد) نجم من السيارات التِّسْعَة وَهُوَ أقربها إِلَى الشَّمْس وَابْن (المُشْتَرِي) كَبِير الْآلهَة فِي الأساطير وَرب الفصاحة وَالــتِّجَارَة (ينون وَلَا ينون)


من (غ ج ر) قوم جفاة منتشرون في جميع القارات يتمسكون بعاداتهم وتقاليدهم الخاصة ويعتمدون في معاشهم على الــتجارة. يستخدم للذكور والإناث.



1 أَجَرَهُ, aor. ـُ and اَجِرَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) which latter form of the aor. , though known to most of the lexicologists, is disacknowledged by a few of them, (TA,) inf. n. أَجْرٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ آجرهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) a form disacknowledged by As, but said by some to be the more chaste of the two, of the form أَفْعَلَ, not فَاعَلَ, as IKtt by evident inadvertence makes it to be by saying that its aor. is يُؤَاجِرُ, (TA,) inf. n. إِيجَارٌ; (S;) He (God, S, A, Mgh, Msb, and a man, Mgh) recompensed, compensated, or rewarded, him, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) عَلَي مَا فَعَلَ for what he had done. (A.) [See أَجْرٌ, below.] أُجِرَ فُلَانٌ خَمْسَةً مِنْ وَلَدِهِ [Such a one became entitled to a reward for five of his children, by their death, (for it is believed that the Muslim will be rewarded in Paradise for a child that has died in infancy)], (S,) and أُجِرَ وَلَدَهُ, (A,) and أُجِرَ فِي أَوْلَادِهِ, (K,) mean that his children died, and became [causes of] his reward. (S, A, K.) b2: أَجَرَهُ, (K,) aor. ـُ (S,) [He served him for hire, pay, or wages;] he became his hired man, or hireling. (S, K.) So in the Kur xxviii. 27. (TA.) b3: أَجَرَهُ, aor. ـُ (L, Msb, K,) and اَجِرَ, (Msb, K,) inf. n. أَجْرٌ, (L, K,) He let him (namely his slave) on hire, or for pay, or wages; (L, * Msb, * K;) as also ↓ آجرهُ, inf. n. إِيجَارٌ; ('Eyn, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ آجرهُ, inf. n. مؤاجرة: (K:) all these are good forms of speech, used by the Arabs: (L:) or ↓ آجرهُ having for its inf. n. مؤاجرة signifies he appointed him (namely another man) hire, pay, or wages, for his work; (Mj, Mgh;) or he engaged with him to give him hire, pay, or wages; (A, Mgh, Msb;) and can have only one objective complement: whereas, ↓ when it is of the measure أَفْعَلَ it is doubly trans.; (Mgh, Msb;) so that one says, مَمْلُوكَهُ ↓ آجَرَنِي He let me his slave on hire. (Mgh.) One also says, أَجَرَ الدَّارَ, aor. ـُ and اَجِرَ, inf. n. أَجْرٌ, He let the house on hire; and so الدَّارَ ↓ آجر, [inf. n. إِيجَارٌ:] (Msb, TA:) and الدَّارَ ↓ آجرهُ, [inf. n. إِيجَارٌ,] He let to him the house on hire: (S, A, Mgh, Msb:) the latter verb being of the measure أَفْعَلَ, not of the measure فَاعَلَ: (A, Mgh, Msb:) and the vulgar say, وَاجَرَ: (S:) some, however, say, الدَّارَ ↓ آجَرْتُ, inf. n. مُؤَاجَرَةٌ, making the verb of the measure فاعل: (Msb, TA:) some also say, الدَّارَ زَيْدَّا ↓ آجَرْتُ [I let the house to Zeyd], inverting the order of the words: (Msb, TA:) and the lawyers say, الدَّارَ مِنْ زَيْدٍ ↓ آجَرْتُ [in the same sense, like as بِعْتُ مِنْ زَيْدٍ الدَّارِ means the same as بِعْتُ زَيْداً الدَّارَ]. (Msb: [but in the Mgh, the like of this is said to be vulgar.]) 3 آجر, inf. n. مُؤَاجَرَةٌ: see 1, latter half, in three places: and see 10. One says also, of a woman, (K,) or a whorish female slave, (TA,) آجَرَتْ, [of the measure فَاعَلَتْ, not أَفْعَلَتْ, (see مُؤْجِرٌ, below,)] meaning She prostituted herself for hire. (K.) 4 آجَرَتٌ, inf. n. إِيجَارٌ: see 1, first sentence: b2: and see the latter half of the same paragraph, in seven places.8 ائتجر [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَجَرَ] He gave alms, seeking thereby to obtain a reward [from God]: (L, K *:) and ائتجربِهِ He gave it as alms, seeking thereby a reward. (L.) اتَّجَرَ for ائتجر is not allowable, because ء cannot be incorporated into ت: [or, accord. to some, this is allowable, as in اتَّزَرَ for ائتزر, and اتَّمَنَ for ائتمن, &c.:] Hr allows it; and cites an ex. in a trad.; but IAth says that the proper reading in this instance is يَأْتَجِرُ, not يَتَّجِرُ; or, if the latter be allowed, it is from الــتِّجَارَةُ, not from الأَجْرُ. (L.) b2: اُوتُجِرَ عَلَيْهِ بِكَذَا [in which the radical ء is changed into و because the alif preceding it is made disjunctive and with damm, (in one copy of the S, and in the L and TA, erroneously written اِيْتَجَرَ,) He was hired to do it for such a sum or thing, (see مُؤْتَجَرٌ, below,)] is from الأُجْرَةُ. (S, L.) 10 استأجرهُ, (S, K,) and ↓ آجرهُ, (K,) [the latter of the measure فَاعَلَ, as has been clearly shown above, from the A and Mgh and Msb,] He hired him; took him as a hired man, or hireling. (S, K, TA.) You say also, استأجر الدَّارَ [He hired the house; took it on hire]. (A, Mgh,) أَجْرٌ A recompense, compensation, or reward, (S, K, &c.,) for what one has done; (K;) i. q. ثَوَابٌ; (S;) as also ↓ إِجَارَةٌ and ↓ أَجَارَةٌ and ↓ أٌجَارَةٌ, (K,) of which three forms the first is the most generally known and the most chaste, (TA,) and ↓ أُجْرَةٌ: (TA:) or, as some say, there is a distinction between أَجْرٌ and ثَوَابٌ: El-'Eynee says, in the Expos. of El-Bukháree, that what is obtained by the fundamental practices of the law, and by obligatory religious services, is termed ثواب; and what is obtained by supererogatory acts of religion, اجر; for ثواب is properly a substitute for a thing itself; and اجر, for the profit arising from a thing; though each is sometimes used in the sense of the other: (TA:) it is well known that اجر signifies a recompense, or reward, from God to a man, for righteous conduct; (MF;) and ↓ إِجَارَةٌ, recompense, compensation, hire, pay, or wages, from one man to another, for work; (Mgh, MF;) and hence الأَجِيرُ; (MF;) and ↓ أُجْرَةٌ also has this latter signification, (Mgh, TA,) and is syn. with كِرَآءٌ; (S, Mgh, K;) [signifying likewise rent for a house, and the like;] but أَجْرٌ is used [sometimes] in the sense of إِجَارَةٌ and in that of أُجْرَةٌ: (Msb:) the pl. of أَجْرٌ is أُجُورٌ (Msb, K) and آجَارٌ; (K;) but the latter form was unknown to MF: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ أُجْرَةٌ is أَجَرٌ and أُجُرَاتٌ and أُجَرَاتٌ. (Msb.) [One says, أَجْرُكَ عَلَي اللّٰهِ Thy recompense is due from God. And, to console a person for the death of a relation or friend, عَظَّمَ اللّٰهُ أَجْرَكَ فِيهِ May God largely compensate thee for him! i. e., for the loss of him.] By the expression أَجْرٍ كِرِيمٍ in the Kur xxxvi. 10 is said to be meant Paradise. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) A dowry, or nuptial gift; a gift that is given to, or for, a bride: (K:) pl. أُجُورٌ: so in the Kur xxxiii. 49 [&c.]. (TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Praise; good fame. (K.) So, as some say, in the Kur xxix. 26. (TA.) أَجُرٌّ and أُجُرٌ: see آجُرٌّ.

أُجْرَةٌ: see أَجْرٌ, in three places.

إِجْرِيَّا and إِجْرِيَّآءُ: see إِجِّيرَى.

أَجُورٌ: see آجُرٌّ.

أَجِيرٌ (S, K, &c.) A hired man; a hireling: (L:) or of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مُفَاعَلٌ, i. e. a man with whom one has engaged to give him hire, pay, or wages: (Mgh, Msb: *) pl. أُجَرَآءُ. (L, Msb.) إِجَارَةٌ and أَجَارَةٌ and أُجَارَةٌ: see أَجْرٌ, in four places. b2: إِجَارَةٌ also signifies The giving of usufructs for a compensation. (Mgh.) b3: And Land which its owners have let to him who will build upon it: so explained by the lawyers. (Mgh.) إِجَّارٌ (S, M, IAth, Mgh, K) and ↓ إِجَّارَةٌ (M) and ↓ إِنْجَارٌ (Mgh, K) The flat top, or roof, of a house, (S, M, IAth, Mgh, K,) that has not around it anything to prevent a person's falling from it: (M, * IAth:) of the dial. of the people of Syria and of El-Hijáz: (S:) pl. [of the first and second]

أَجَاجِيرُ and أَجَاجِرَةٌ; (A'Obeyd, S, K;) and [of the third] أَنَا جِيرُ. (Mgh, K.) إِجَّارَةٌ: see إِجَّارٌ.

إِجِّيرَى (ISk, K) and ↓ إِجْرِيَّا and ↓ إِجْرِيَّآءُ (S in art. هجر) A custom; a habit. (ISk, K, and S ubi suprà.) The hemzeh is said to be a substitute for ه [in هِجِّيرَى &c.] (TA.) You say, مَا زَالَ ذٰلِكَ إِجِّيرَاهُ That ceased not to be his custom, or habit. (ISk.) آجَرٌ and آجُرٌ and آجِرٌ, and the pls. آجُرُونَ and آجِرُونَ: see what next follows.

آجُرٌّ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ آجُرٌّ (AA, Ks, K) and ↓ آجُورٌ (S, K) and ↓ أَجُورٌ and ↓ يَاجُورٌ (K) and ↓ أَجُرٌ (as in some copies of the K) and ↓ آجَرٌ, (as in some copies of the K and in the TA,) or ↓ أُجُرٌ, (as in other copies of the K,) and ↓ آجِرٌ [to which is erroneously added in the CK آجِرَةٌ] and [the pls.] ↓ آجُرُونَ and ↓ آجِرُونَ (K) are syn., (S, K,) of Persian origin, (S,) [from آگُورْ or آگُرْ,] arabicized, (S, Mgh, K,) signifying Baked bricks; (Msb;) baked clay, (Mgh, L,) with which one builds: (S, L:) آجُرٌّ and آجُورٌّ and آجُرٌ [&c.] are pls., [or rather coll. gen. ns., except the two forms ending with و and ن,] and their sings. [or rather ns. un.] are with ة, i. e. آجُرَّةٌ &c. (L.) آجُورٌ: see آجُرٌّ.

إِنْجَارٌ: see إِجَّارٌ.

مُؤْجَرٌ [A slave, or] a house, let on hire; (Akh, T, Msb;) as also ↓ مَأْجُورٌ; (L;) and some say, ↓ مُؤَاجَرٌ. (Akh, Msb.) مُؤْجِرٌ One who lets on hire [a slave, or] a house: one should not say ↓ مُوَاجِرٌ; for this is wrong with respect to the classical language, and abominable with respect to the conventional acceptation and common usage; a foul reproach being meant thereby [as is shown by the explanation of آجَرَتْ, given above: or, accord to some, it is allowable when it relates to a house: (see أَجَرَهُ:) it seems to be disallowed only when used absolutely]. (A, Mgh.) مَأْجُورٌ: see مُؤْجَرٌ.

مُؤَاجَرٌ: see مُؤْجَرٌ.

مُؤَاجِرٌ: see مُؤْجِرٌ.

مُؤْتَجَرَ [part. n. of اُوتُجِرَ]. Mohammad Ibn-Bishr El-Khárijee, not [as is said in the S] Aboo-Dahbal, says, (L,) يَا لَيْتَ أَنِّى بِأَثْوَابِي وَ رَاحِلَتِى عَبْدٌ لِأَهْلِكَ هٰذَا الشَّهْرَ مُؤْتَجَرُ [O would that I were, with my clothes and my riding-camel, a hired slave to thy family, this month]: (S, L.) i. e., مَعَ أَثْوَابِي. (S.) يَاجُورٌ: see آجُرٌّ.


من (ج و ر) تصغير جُور، والجوير: فخذ من آل ساير بالعراق.
من (ج و ر) تصغير جار: الذي يجاوك في السكن، والشريك في العقار، والحليف، والشريك في الــتجارة والحسن الجوار، وما قرب من المنازل من الساحل، والمنافق والمجير والمستجير والزوج.


من (د خ ل) نسبة إلى الدخل وهو المال الذي يدخل على الإنسان من زراعة أو صناعة أو تجارة.
من (د خ ل) نسبة إلى الدَّخْلَة: باطن الأمر والنية، وتخليط لونين أو أكثر ليؤخذ منها لون آخر.


(الْعمرَان) أَبُو بكر وَعمر رَضِي الله عَنْهُمَا
(الْعمرَان) الْبُنيان وَمَا يعمر بِهِ الْبَلَد وَيحسن حَاله بوساطة الفلاحة والصناعة وَالــتِّجَارَة وَكَثْرَة الأهالي ونجح الْأَعْمَال والتمدن يُقَال استبحر الْعمرَان وَالْعدْل أساس الْعمرَان وَعلم الْعمرَان (عِنْد ابْن خلدون) علم الِاجْتِمَاع


براءين مهملتين: ناحية من نواحي الأهواز أو قربها. والرور أيضا: ناحية بالسند تقرب من الملتان في الكبر وعليها سوران، وهي على شاطئ نهر مهران على البحر، وهي من حدود المنصورة والديبل، وهي متجر وفرضة بهذه البلاد، وزروعهم مباخس وليس لهم كثير شجر ولا نخل، وهو بلد قشف وإنّما يقيمون به للــتجارة، وبينه وبين الملتان أربع مراحل، بالقرب منه بلد يقال له بغرور، ذكر في فتوح السند.
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