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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4152. منأ10 4153. منجن3 4154. منجنيق3 4155. منح16 4156. منذ10 4157. منع164158. منى11 4159. مه5 4160. مهج14 4161. مهد16 4162. مهر17 4163. مهل18 4164. مهم4 4165. مهن15 4166. مهو10 4167. موأ7 4168. موت20 4169. موث8 4170. موج13 4171. موذ6 4172. مور16 4173. موز11 4174. موس15 4175. موش7 4176. موق13 4177. مول16 4178. موم14 4179. موه17 4180. موى2 4181. ميب4 4182. ميت4 4183. ميث9 4184. ميح14 4185. ميد19 4186. مير17 4187. ميز19 4188. ميس17 4189. ميش9 4190. ميط14 4191. ميع14 4192. ميل20 4193. ن7 4194. نأ1 4195. نأت5 4196. نأث5 4197. نأج9 4198. نأد6 4199. نأدل4 4200. نأش8 4201. نئف2 4202. نام1 4203. ناى1 4204. نب5 4205. نبأ16 4206. نبت17 4207. نبث13 4208. نبج11 4209. نبح16 4210. نبخ10 4211. نبذ19 4212. نبر15 4213. نبز15 4214. نبش13 4215. نبض14 4216. نبط20 4217. نبع19 4218. نبق14 4219. نبل18 4220. نبه14 4221. نبهرج3 4222. نبى2 4223. نبيق1 4224. نت2 4225. نتأ11 4226. نتب6 4227. نتج16 4228. نتح10 4229. نتخ10 4230. نتر14 4231. نتش14 4232. نتع8 4233. نتن13 4234. نث5 4235. نثت4 4236. نثر19 4237. نثل14 4238. نثى1 4239. نج3 4240. نجأ9 4241. نجب16 4242. نجث11 4243. نجح15 4244. نجد20 4245. نجذ13 4246. نجر17 4247. نجز17 4248. نجس17 4249. نجش17 4250. نجص1 4251. نجع17 Prev. 100




1 مَنَعَ He prevented, hindered, held back, [impeded, withheld, arrested, restrained, kept, debarred, precluded, inhibited, forbade, prohibited, interdicted:] (MA, KL, &c.:) he denied, or refused; doubly trans.; (S, K, &c.:) مَنْعٌ is the contr. of إِعْطَآءٌ. (S, Mgh, K.) b2: مَنَعَهُ [He protected it, or defended it, or guarded it, (namely a place or the like) from, or against, encroachment, invasion, or attack:] he protected, defended, or guarded, him. (T in art. ذب.) b3: مَنَعَهُ العَطِيَّةُ [He refused him the gift]. (TA in art. حرم.) b4: مَنَعَهُ الشَّىْءَ i. q.

حَرَمَهُ إِيَّاهُ [q. v.] (S in art. حرم.) b5: مَنُعَ الشَّىْءُ, inf. n. مَنَاعَةٌ, i. q. اِعْتَزَّ and تَعَسَّرَ. (TA.) See 8. b6: مَا مَنَعَكَ أَلَّا تَسْجُدَ (Kur vii. 11): see أَبَى.3 مَانَعَهُ الشَّىْءَ He disputed, or contested, with him the thing: (Msb:) he refused him the thing: (TK:) he endeavoured, or contended with him, to make him, or to entice him, to abstain from, or relinquish, the thing; (TA;) [he endeavoured to turn him away from the thing; to prevent his obtaining it or doing it; he prevented him from obtaining or doing the thing, being also prevented by him; i. e. he reciprocally prevented him, &c.: and hence the meaning in the TA; and then that in the Msb:] مَانَعُوا عَدُوَّهُمْ signifies i. q. حَاجَزُوهُمْ: (TK, art. حجز:) see the latter. b2: تَمَنَّعَ عَلَى السَّنَةِ [he resisted, or withstood, the year of dearth]: said of an animal. (K.) 5 تَمَنَّعَ مِنَ الشَّىْءِ بِقَّوْمِهِ and ↓ اِمْتَنَعَ He became strengthened, or fortified, against the thing by his people, or party; syn. تَقَوَّى. (Msb.) b2: تَمَنَّعَ عَنْهُ He refrained, forbore, or abstained, from it, as being forbidden, or prohibited. (K, * TA.) See 8. b3: تَمَنَّعَ بِهِ and بِهِ ↓ اِمتنع he protected, or defended, himself by it, namely a fortress; syn. اِحْتَمَى. (TA.) 6 تَمَانَعَا i. q.

تَحَاجَزَا: (K, art. حجز:) see the latter.8 اِمْتَنَعَ [It was, or became, prevented from being; it necessarily was not. You say يَمْتَنِعُ هٰذَا لِوُجُودِ ذَاكَ

This is prevented from being, or may not be, or necessarily is not, because of that's being. And يَمْتَنِعُ أَنْ تَكُوَن هٰذَا This may not be.] b2: اِمْتَنَعَ He refrained, forbore, abstained, or held back, (Msb, K,) مِنَ الأَمْرِ from the thing. or affair; (Msb;) as also عَنْهُ ↓ تَمَنَّعَ: (TA:) he did so voluntarily, of his own free will or choice: he refused: you say, اِمْتنَعَ عَنْهُ he refrained, &c., from it voluntarily, &c.; refused it; or refused to do it. (MF. in art. حصر.) See أَبَى. b3: اِمْتَنَعَ عَلَيْهِ

He, or it, opposed him; resisted him; withstood him; repugned him; was incompliant, or unyielding, to him; see أَبَى عَلَيْهِ. b4: اِمْتَنَعَ It was, or became, inaccessible, or inapproachable; like ↓ مَنُعَ; syn. with حَصُنَ, q. v.: and also, difficult of access, as in an instance in art. أبى (last sentence of 4); and also عَرِسَ عَلَىَّ. b5: See 5.


: see مَنَعَةٌ.

مَنَعَةٌ State, and power, of resistance; lit. a state of might of one's people or party, so that such as desires to do so will not prevail against him: [or a state of might in his people or party, &c.; or a state of might, and power of resistance, in his people or party:] (Msb:) [resistibility: or simply resistance:] inaccessibleness, or unapproachableness, of a people; as also ↓ مَنْعَةٌ and ↓ مِنْعَةٌ. (TA.) مَنُوعٌ One who denies, or refuses to give; as also ↓ مَانِعٌ and ↓ مَنَّاعٌ. (K.) مَنِيعٌ

, from مَنُعَ, [Unapproachable; inaccessible:] difficult of access; fortified; strong: (TK, voce وَزَرٌ:) [defended, or protected, against attack: like حَصِينٌ: resistive; resisting attack;] applied to a fortress. (Msb.) b2: قَوْمٌ مُنَعَآءُ [pl. of مَنِيعٌ] An inaccessible, or unapproachable, people. (TA.) مَنَّاعٌ مَنُوعٌ.

مَانِعٌ مَنُوعٌ.

المُتَمَنِّعَانِ The young she-camel and young she-kid: because they resist the year of dearth by reason of their youthful vigour, &c. (K.) مُمْتَنِعٌ Resisting; resisting attack; unyielding; incompliant.
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