المَيْسَانُ One of the two stars called الهَنْعَةُ.
The other [c] is called الزِّرُّ. (El-Kazweenee.)
1 مَاسَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. مَيْسٌ and مَيَسَانٌ, He walked with an elegant and a proud and selfconceited gait; or so walked with an affected inclining of the body from side to side; (S, M, A, K;) excepting that in the A the fem. forms of the pret. and aor. are given;) as also ↓ تميّس: (S, A, * K:) accord. to the Lth, مَيْسٌ signifies a kind of مَيَسَان, [app. a mistranscription for مَيَلَان, or inclining,] with, or in, the gait and motion above described, like that of the bride, and of the camel; for he sometimes does this in going along with his هَوْدَج [or litter which serves as a vehicle for women]. (TA.) 4 أَمَاسَتْ جِسْمَهَا [She (a woman) made her body to incline from side to side in walking in the manner above described.] (M.) 5 تَمَيَّسَ see 1.مَيْسٌ A kind of tree, (AHn, S, M, K,) of great size, (A, Hn, M, K,) resembling in its growth and its leaves the [kind of willow called]
غَرَب: when young, it is white within; but when it grows old, it becomes black, like آبُنُوس [or ebony], and so thick that wide tables are made of it; (AHn, M;) and camels' saddles (رِحَال) are made of it. (AHn, S, M.) b2: Hence, A camel's saddle (رَحْلٌ), as being made of the kind of tree above described. (TA.) b3: Also, A species of grape-vine, that rises somewhat upon a trunk, (AHn, M, K, *) not all of it spreading out into branches: (AHn, M:) AHn adds, its native place is the district of El-Jezeereh called Sarooa (سَرُوع), and it is related, of a person of knowledge, that he saw it at Et-Táïf: and hence the name of the raisins called ↓ مَيْسِىّ: (TA:) [but ISd says, in continuation of AHn's account of the former of the trees above mentioned, not of the latter,] an Arab of the desert informed me, that he had seen it at Et-Táïf, and hence, he said, the raisins called مَيْس [not مَيْسِى] are thus named: (M:) [and F says,] مَيْسٌ signifies a kind of raisins; as well as a species of grapevine &c. (K.) b4: Also, [The pole of a plough;] the long piece of wood that is between the two bulls. (AHn. M.) مَيْسِىٌّ: see مَيْسٌ.
مَيْسَانٌ: see مَيَّاسٌ.
مَيْسُونٌ: see مَيَّاسٌ. b2: Also, A boy beautiful in stature and face. (K.) مَيُوسٌ: see مَيَّاسٌ.
مَيَّاسٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ مَيْسَانٌ (Ibn-'Abbád, A, K) and ↓ مَيُوسٌ and ↓ مَائِسٌ (K) One who walks with an elegant and a proud and selfconceited gait; or who so walks with an affected inclining of the body from side to side: (S, A, K:) [or the first and second and third, one who does so much, or often, or habitually: and the last, being a simple act. part. n., one so walking:] fem. of the first and second, with ة: (A, TA:) and ↓ مَيْسُون signifies the same as مَيَّاسَةٌ, in the sense explained above, applied to a woman, and is of one of the measures not mentioned by Sb, like زَيْتُونٌ; or it is from مَسَنَ, and therefore of the measure فَيْعُولٌ; but more probably from المَيْسُ. (M.) b2: Also, المَيَّاسُ The lion that so walks; (K, TA;) an epithet applied to him because of his little regard for him whom he meets: (TA:) or the lion: (Sgh, TA:) and, (accord. to IDrd, TA,) the wolf; (K;) because he so walks. (TA.) b3: Also, غُصْنٌ مَيَّاسٌ An inclining, or a bending, branch. (M.) مَائِسٌ: see مَيَّاسٌ.