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1946. سرون2 1947. سرى8 1948. سسب2 1949. سسم6 1950. سطب7 1951. سطح211952. سطر16 1953. سطرنج2 1954. سطع13 1955. سطل12 1956. سطن9 1957. سطو12 1958. سعب9 1959. سعتر8 1960. سعد18 1961. سعر20 1962. سعط16 1963. سعف18 1964. سعل15 1965. سعو3 1966. سغب16 1967. سف4 1968. سفح18 1969. سفد15 1970. سفر20 1971. سفرجل8 1972. سفط14 1973. سفع18 1974. سفق14 1975. سفك14 1976. سفل17 1977. سفن17 1978. سفند1 1979. سفه17 1980. سفو9 1981. سقب17 1982. سقر16 1983. سقرقع4 1984. سقط21 1985. سقف20 1986. سقم17 1987. سقمونيا1 1988. سقى11 1989. سك5 1990. سكب18 1991. سكبج4 1992. سكبينج1 1993. سكت19 1994. سكر20 1995. سكرج4 1996. سكرك5 1997. سكف14 1998. سكن19 1999. سل4 2000. سلأ14 2001. سلب22 2002. سلت15 2003. سلتم7 2004. سلج10 2005. سَلجم1 2006. سلح19 2007. سلحب5 2008. سلحف11 2009. سلخ18 2010. سلس13 2011. سلسبل2 2012. سلط17 2013. سلطح5 2014. سلع18 2015. سلغ9 2016. سلف24 2017. سلق19 2018. سلك20 2019. سلم22 2020. سلهب10 2021. سلو10 2022. سلى5 2023. سم5 2024. سمت21 2025. سمج15 2026. سمح17 2027. سمحج5 2028. سمحق5 2029. سمد18 2030. سمدر7 2031. سمدع6 2032. سمذ3 2033. سمر21 2034. سمس2 2035. سمسر9 2036. سمط18 2037. سمع18 2038. سمعر1 2039. سمغ6 2040. سمق12 2041. سمك16 2042. سمل18 2043. سملق6 2044. سمن16 2045. سمندل4 Prev. 100




1 سَطَحَهُ, (A, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. سَطْحٌ, (Msb,) He spread it, spread it out or forth, or expanded it: (A, Msb, K:) this is the primary signification. (Msb.) You say, سَطَحَ اللّٰهُ الأَرْضَ, inf. n. as above, God spread, or expanded, the earth. (S.) And سَطَحَ التَّمْرَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He spread the dates [to dry]. (Msb.) And سَطَحَ الثَّرِيدَ فِى الصَّحْفَةِ [He spread evenly the crumbled, or broken, bread in the bowl]. (A.) And سَطَحَ سُطُوحَهُ He made even his سُطُوح [or flat roofs]; as also ↓ سَطَّحَهَا, (K,) inf. n. تَسْطِيحٌ. (TA.) And سَطَحَ البَيْتَ, aor. and inf. n. as above; [He made a flat roof to the house, or chamber;] as also ↓ سطّحهُ. (TA.) And القَبْرَ ↓ سَطَّحْتُ, inf. n. as above, I made the top [or roof] of the grave [flat] like the سَطْح [of a house]: (Msb:) تَسْطِيحُ القَبْرِ is the contr. of تَسْنِيمُهُ. (S, A.) b2: He threw him down (A, L, K) [so that he lay] extended on the back of his neck, (A,) or spread upon the ground. (L.) And He threw him down on his side. (K.) And سَطَحَ النَّاقَةَ He made the she-camel to lie down on her breast. (TA.) b3: and He sent him with his mother; namely, a lamb or kid, or a new-born lamb or kid. (O, K.) 2 سَطَّحَ see above, in three places.5 تَسَطَّحَ see what next follows.7 انسح It was, or became, spread, spread out or forth, or expanded; as also ↓ تسطّح. (TA.) b2: Said of a man, He became extended [lying] on the back of his neck, (S, Msb,) affected by a disease of long continuance, or crippled, (Msb,) and moved not: (S, Msb:) or he became thrown down [so that he lay] extended on the back of his neck. (A.) Q. Q. 3 [accord to the S, but of an extr. form].

اِسْلَنْطَحَ It (a thing) was, or became, long and wide. (AA, S. [Mentioned in the S in this art., as though of the measure اِفْلَنْعَلَ: see also art. سلطح.]) سَطْحٌ a word of well-known meaning; (S;) The upper, or uppermost, part [or surface] of a house or chamber &c.; (Msb;) [the flat top or roof of a house &c.;] the back (ظَهْر) of a house or chamber (K, TA) when it is flat, level, or even; because of its expansion: (TA:) and the upper, or uppermost, part [or surface] of anything: (K:) or it has this last meaning [primarily]: and hence the سَطْح of a house or chamber: (A:) pl. سُطُوحٌ. (Msb, TA.) b2: [In geometry, A plane; i. e.] the سَطْح is that which is divisible in length and breadth and is terminated by a line [or lines]. (KT.) سَطِيحٌ Spread, spread out or forth, or expanded; as also ↓ مَسْطُوحٌ. (TA.) b2: Extended, (Msb,) or thrown down [so as to be lying] extended, (A,) or lying as though thrown down or extended, (S,) on the back of his neck, (S, A, Msb,) in consequence of disease of long continuance, or crippleness; (S, Msb;) and ↓ مُنْسَطِحٌ signifies the same: (A:) or spread [upon the ground], slow in rising, by reason of weakness, (L, K,) or And One born weak, unable to stand and to sit, so that he is always spread [upon the ground]. (TA.) And Slain, spread [upon the ground]; as also ↓ مَسْطُوحٌ. (K.) b3: See also the next paragraph.

سَطِيحَةٌ One of the vessels for water; (TA;) a [leathern water-bag of the kind called] مَزَادَة, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) made of two skins (Mgh, TA) placed opposite to each other; it is small, and large; but the مزادة [properly so called] is larger than it; (TA;) and ↓ سَطِيحٌ signifies the same. (S, K, TA.) سُطَّاحٌ A certain kind of plant, (As, AHn, S, O, K,) of the plants that grow in plain, or soft, ground: (AHn, O:) n. un. with ة: (As, AHn, S, O:) accord. to Az, the سُطَّاحَة is a certain herb, or leguminous plant, upon which cattle pasture, and with the leaves of which the heads are washed: (TA:) or it is a certain plant growing in plain, or soft, tracts, and spreading upon the ground: or a certain tree, or shrub, that grows in the places where cattle recline around the waters, spreading, but scanty, and of no use. (L.) And Any kind of plant that spreads (AHn, O, K) upon the ground, and does not grow tall: such as run and extend, as the melon or water-melon (بِطِّيخ), and the cucumber (قِثَّآء), and the colocynth, are all called شَرْىٌ: and such especially as are eaten [by men], like the gourd, and the cucumber (قِثَّآء and خِيَار), and the melon or water-melon (بِطِّيخ), are called يَقْطِينٌ. (AHn, O.) مَسْطَحٌ, (Msb,) or ↓ مِسْطَحٌ, (K,) or both, (S, O,) the former because it means a place, (O,) A place (S, R, O, Msb) that is even, or level, (R,) in which, (S, O, Msb,) or upon which, (R,) dates are spread (S, R, O, Msb) and dried; (S, R, O;) i. q. جَرِينٌ; (K;) of the dial. of El-Yemen: (TA:) [pl. مَسَاطِحُ.] b2: رَأَيْتُ الأَرْضَ مَسَاطِحَ meansI saw the land [bare, or] destitute of pasturage; likened to بُيُوت مَسْطُوحَة [i. e. flat-topped houses]. (TA.) مِسْطَحٌ A rolling-pin; i. e. the implement with which bread [or dough] is expanded. (O, K.) b2: The pole, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb,) or a pole, (K,) of a [tent such as is called] خِبَآء, (S, A, O, Msb, K,) or of a [tent such as is called] فُسْطَاط. (Mgh.) b3: The transverse piece of wood upon the two props of the grape-vine, with the hoops [that are affixed upon it]. (K.) ISh says that when a grape-vine had a raised support made for its branches to lie thereon, recourse was had to props, for [the feet of] which holes were dug in the ground, each prop having two forking portions [at the head]; then a piece of wood (خَشَبَةٌ, so in the O, in the TA [erroneously] شعبة,) is taken, and laid across two props, and this transverse piece of wood is called the مِسْطَح, [pl. مَسَاطِحُ,] and upon the مَسَاطِح are placed hoops, from the nearest part thereof to the furthest; (O, TA;) and the مساطح with the hoops are called مساطح. (O.) b4: A smooth piece of rock or hard stone, surrounded with stones, in which water collects: (S, O, K:) or a wide slab of rock or hard stone, bordered round, for the rain-water [to collect therein]: and sometimes God creates, at the mouth of the well, a smooth, even, piece of rock or hard stone, [thus called,] which is surrounded with stones, and from which the camels are watered, like the حَوْض. (T, TA.) [See also حَوِيَّةٌ.] b5: Also i. q. مَسْطَحٌ, q. v. (S, O.) b6: And A mat (S, O, K) woven (O) of خُوص (A, K) or طُفْى (O) [i. e. leaves] of the دَوْم [or Theban palm]; (O, K;) as also ↓ مِسْطَاحٌ. (A.) b7: A large roasting-pan (مِقْلًى) for wheat, (K, TA,) which is roasted therein. (TA.) b8: And A mug (كُوز) that is used in travelling, having one جَنْب [app. here meaning flat side]; (O, K, TA;) as also ↓ مِسْطَحَةٌ: it is like the مِطْهَرَة; not foursided. (TA.) مِسْطَحَةٌ: see what next precedes.

مُسَطَّحٌ [Plane, or flat; opposed to كُرِىٌّ &c.]. b2: A flat roof (سَطْحٌ) made even. (A, TA.) b3: A nose spreading very widely. (S, K.) مِسْطَاحٌ: see مِسْطَحٌ, last sentence but two.

مَسْطُوحٌ: see سَطِيحٌ, in two places. b2: بَيْتٌ مَسْطُوحٌ [A house, or chamber, having a flat roof made to it]. (TA.) مُنْسَطِحٌ: see سَطِيحٌ.
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