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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1995. سكرج4 1996. سكرك5 1997. سكف14 1998. سكن19 1999. سل4 2000. سلأ142001. سلب22 2002. سلت15 2003. سلتم7 2004. سلج10 2005. سَلجم1 2006. سلح19 2007. سلحب5 2008. سلحف11 2009. سلخ18 2010. سلس13 2011. سلسبل2 2012. سلط17 2013. سلطح5 2014. سلع18 2015. سلغ9 2016. سلف24 2017. سلق19 2018. سلك20 2019. سلم22 2020. سلهب10 2021. سلو10 2022. سلى5 2023. سم5 2024. سمت21 2025. سمج15 2026. سمح17 2027. سمحج5 2028. سمحق5 2029. سمد18 2030. سمدر7 2031. سمدع6 2032. سمذ3 2033. سمر21 2034. سمس2 2035. سمسر9 2036. سمط18 2037. سمع18 2038. سمعر1 2039. سمغ6 2040. سمق12 2041. سمك16 2042. سمل18 2043. سملق6 2044. سمن16 2045. سمندل4 2046. سمهدر4 2047. سمهر9 2048. سمو10 2049. سن4 2050. سنبق3 2051. سنبك9 2052. سنبل11 2053. سنت11 2054. سنج12 2055. سنجاب1 2056. سنح16 2057. سنخ13 2058. سند15 2059. سندر12 2060. سندس11 2061. سندق4 2062. سندل6 2063. سنر11 2064. سنط15 2065. سنف14 2066. سنق9 2067. سنم21 2068. سنه14 2069. سه3 2070. سهب14 2071. سهج9 2072. سهد13 2073. سهر17 2074. سهك11 2075. سهل17 2076. سهم20 2077. سهو10 2078. سو1 2079. سوأ16 2080. سوب5 2081. سوج14 2082. سوح13 2083. سوخ13 2084. سود25 2085. سور18 2086. سوس16 2087. سوسن3 2088. سوط17 2089. سوع15 2090. سوغ19 2091. سوف16 2092. سوق19 2093. سوك14 2094. سول15 Prev. 100




أ1 سَلَأَ السَّمْنَ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (M, Msb, K,) inf. n. سَلْءٌ; (M, Msb;) and ↓ استلأهُ; (S, K;) He cooked the سَمْن [here meaning butter], (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and worked it together, (S, Mgh, K,) and melted its زُبْد [or fresh, unclarified, portion], (M,) until it became clear (Mgh, Msb) from the milk remaining in it; (Msb;) he cleared the سمن [or butter] from the زُبْد [or fresh, unclarified, portion]; (Ham p. 2, in explanation of the former phrase; [i. e. he clarified the butter:] and سُلِئَ سَمْنًا, said of fresh butter, it was made into سَمْن [or clarified butter; i. e., was clarified]. (Mgh.) b2: And سَلَأَ السِمْسِمَ, (M, K,) [aor. and] inf. n. as above, (M,) He pressed the sesame, or sesamum, (M, K,) and extracted its oil. (M.) A2: سَلَأَ النَّخْلَ, (Az, S,) or النَّخْلَةَ, (AHn, M,) or الجِذْعَ, (M, K,) and العَسِيبَ, [aor, and] inf. n. as above, (Az, AHn, S, M,) He plucked off the prickles, (Az, S, M, K,) i. e. (K) what are called the سُلَّآء, (AHn, M, K,) of the palm-trees, (Az, S,) or of the palm-tree, (AHn, M,) or of the palm-trunk, (M, K,) and of the [part called]

عَسِيب [of a palm-branch]. (Az, AHn, S, M.) A3: سَلَأَهُ مِائَةَ سَوْطٍ, (As, S, M, K, *) [aor. and] inf. n. as above, (M,) He inflicted upon him a hundred lashes of the whip. (M, K. *) b2: and سَلَأَهُ مِائَةَ دِرْهَمٍ, (As, S, M, K, *) [aor. and] inf. n. as above, (M,) He payed him, or payed him in ready money, a hundred dirhems, (As, S, M, K, *) promptly, or quickly. (K.) 8 إِسْتَلَاَ see above, first sentence. [See also 8 in art. سلى].

سِلَآءٌ [Clarified butter;] the subst. from سَلَأَ السَّمْنَ: pl أَسْلِئَةٌ. (S, M, K.) El-Farezdak says, كَانُوا كَسَالِئَةٍ حَمْقَآءَ إِذْ حَقَنَتْ سِلَآءَهَا فِى أَدِيمٍ غَيْرِ مَرْبُوبِ [They were like a stupid female clarifying butter, when she collected her clarified butter in a skin not seasoned with rob]. (S.) A2: See also what follows.

سُلَّأءٌ The prickles of the palm-tree: [a coll. gen. n.:] n. un. with ة. (S, M, Msb, K.) b2: Also, (K,) or [correctly the n. un.] سُلَّآءَةٌ, (M,) A sort of arrow-head, or spear-head, (M, K, *) in shape like the prickle of the palm-tree: (M, K:) and سلاءة, app. [سِلَآءَةٌ] without teshdeed [and with kesr], occurs in a trad. in this sense; for it is said that its pl. is ↓ سِلَآءٌ, of the same measure as حِمَارٌ. (TA.) A2: Also A certain bird, (M, K,) dust-coloured, and long-legged. (M.)
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