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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1999. سل4 2000. سلأ14 2001. سلب22 2002. سلت15 2003. سلتم7 2004. سلج102005. سَلجم1 2006. سلح19 2007. سلحب5 2008. سلحف11 2009. سلخ18 2010. سلس13 2011. سلسبل2 2012. سلط17 2013. سلطح5 2014. سلع18 2015. سلغ9 2016. سلف24 2017. سلق19 2018. سلك20 2019. سلم22 2020. سلهب10 2021. سلو10 2022. سلى5 2023. سم5 2024. سمت21 2025. سمج15 2026. سمح17 2027. سمحج5 2028. سمحق5 2029. سمد18 2030. سمدر7 2031. سمدع6 2032. سمذ3 2033. سمر21 2034. سمس2 2035. سمسر9 2036. سمط18 2037. سمع18 2038. سمعر1 2039. سمغ6 2040. سمق12 2041. سمك16 2042. سمل18 2043. سملق6 2044. سمن16 2045. سمندل4 2046. سمهدر4 2047. سمهر9 2048. سمو10 2049. سن4 2050. سنبق3 2051. سنبك9 2052. سنبل11 2053. سنت11 2054. سنج12 2055. سنجاب1 2056. سنح16 2057. سنخ13 2058. سند15 2059. سندر12 2060. سندس11 2061. سندق4 2062. سندل6 2063. سنر11 2064. سنط15 2065. سنف14 2066. سنق9 2067. سنم21 2068. سنه14 2069. سه3 2070. سهب14 2071. سهج9 2072. سهد13 2073. سهر17 2074. سهك11 2075. سهل17 2076. سهم20 2077. سهو10 2078. سو1 2079. سوأ16 2080. سوب5 2081. سوج14 2082. سوح13 2083. سوخ13 2084. سود25 2085. سور18 2086. سوس16 2087. سوسن3 2088. سوط17 2089. سوع15 2090. سوغ19 2091. سوف16 2092. سوق19 2093. سوك14 2094. سول15 2095. سوم17 2096. سون3 2097. سوى4 2098. سى2 Prev. 100




1 سَلِجَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. سَلَجَانٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and سَلْجٌ, (S, O, K,) He swallowed (S, O, Msb, K) a morsel, or mouthful, or gobbet, (S, O, K,) and food, (TA,) or a thing; (Msb;) as also سَلَجَ, aor. ـُ (Msb;) and ↓ تسلّج: (O, K: *) or سَلَجَانٌ signifies the eating quickly. (TA.) Hence the saying, الأَكْلُ سَلَجَانٌ وَالقَضَآءُ لَيَّانٌ [Eating is a swallowing, and paying is a putting off], (S, Meyd, O,) or الأَخْذُ سَلَجَانٌ الخ [Taking, or receiving, is a swallowing, &c.]: (Meyd, TA:) i. e., when a man receives a loan, or the like, he devours it [greedily]; but when he from whom he has received it demands his due, he puts him off by promising to pay it: (S, O:) a prov., (Meyd, O, TA,) applied to him who takes the property of others and to whom it is easy to do so; but when he is sued for payment, puts off, and it is difficult to him: (Meyd:) meaning that one loves to take, and hates to return, or restore. (L. [See also سُرَّيْطَى.]) b2: سَلَجَ النَّاقَةَ, said of a young camel, He sucked the she-camel; (O, K;) as also مَلَجَهَا. (L, TA.) A2: سَلَجَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. ـُ (S, K, TA,) inf. n. سُلُوجٌ; (TA;) and سَلِجَت, aor. ـَ (K, TA;) or the latter only accord. to AHn; (TA;) or the latter is better than the former accord. to Sh; (O, TA;) The camels had a looseness (S, K) of their bellies (S) from eating the plant called سُلَّج. (S, K.) 5 تسلّج: see 1, first sentence. b2: Also He persevered, or persisted, in drinking (Lh, O, K) the beverage called نَبِيذ, (Lh,) or wine; (O, K;) like تَزَلَّجَ; (Lh;) meaning he made it to enter his سِلِّجَان; (O;) or as though he filled with it his سِلِّجَان, (K,) i. e. his حُلْقُوم: (TA:) and so ↓ استلج. (O, K.) 8 إِسْتَلَجَ see what next precedes.

سَلِيجٌ: see سَلَجْلَجٌ, below.

سَلِيجَةٌ A سَاجَة, (O, K,) i. e. an oblong and squared piece of wood of the tree called سَاج, as brought from India, (TA in art. سوج,) from which a door is cloven, or divided off, lengthwise: (O, K:) so says AHn. (TA.) A2: See also what next follows.

سُلَّجٌ A certain plant, (S, K,) upon which the camels pasture, (S,) soft, flaccid, or fragile, of the shrub-kind; (TA;) also called ↓ سُلُّجَانٌ, (K, TA,) or ↓ سُلَّجَانٌ, (CK,) like قمّحان; (K;) and ↓ سَلِيجَةٌ: (TA:) or the ↓ سلّجان, (O, TA,) i. e. سُلَّجَان, with damm to the س, and teshdeed and fet-h to the ل, (O,) is a species of the سُلَّج; (O, TA;) and this last is one of the largest of the kind of trees called حَمْض: (O:) accord. to AHn, (TA,) or as is said by some one or more of the Arabs of the desert, (O,) the سُلَّج is a large kind of trees, like the tails of the [lizards called]

ضِبَاب [pl. of ضَبٌّ], green, and having thorns, and [of the kind termed] حَمْض: (O, TA:) in the T it is said to be a sort of حَمْض that ceases not to be green in the summer, or hot season, and in the رَبِيع [app. here meaning autumn], and is weak, or weak and soft: Az also says that it grows in the plains, or level tracts, has a fruit, or produce, with a sharpness in the extremities thereof, and is green in the [season called] رَبِيع, and then dries up, and becomes yellow: and he adds, [contr. to what has been said above, from his work, the T,] it is not reckoned among the trees called حَمْض. (L, TA.) سُلَّحَانٌ or سُلُّحَانٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.

سِلِّجَانٌ The حُلْقُوم [properly the windpipe, but here app. meaning the gullet: see 5]. (O, K.) One says, رَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ فِى سِلِّجَانِهِ [May God smite him, or afflict him, in his سلّجان]. (O.) طَعَامٌ سَلَجْلَجٌ and سُلَجْلَجٌ and ↓ سَلِيجٌ Good, or pleasant, food, (O, K, TA,) that is swallowed (K, TA) with ease. (TA.) أَسْلَجُ Bald in the fore part of the head; like أَسْلَخُ; but the former is the more common. (TA in art. سلخ.)
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