1 سَطَعَ, aor. ـَ (S, Mgh, * Msb, K,) inf. n. سُطُوعٌ (S, K) and سَطْعٌ (TA) and سَطِيعٌ, which last is rare, (K,) It rose: (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) or it spread, or diffused itself: (Mgh, TA:) said of duct, and of the dawn, (S, Msb, K,) [meaning as above, and it radiated, gleamed, or shone, (see سَاطِعٌ,)] and of light, (TA,) and of lightning, and of the rays of the sun, (K,) and (tropical:) of odour, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) in relation to which last it is tropical, and signifies it diffused itself, and rose: or it was originally said only of light; and was then used absolutely, as meaning it appeared, or became apparent. (TA.) Yousay also سَطَعَ السَّهْمُ The arrow, being shot, rose into the sky, glistening. (TA.) And يَسْطَعُ, the aor. of سَطَعَ, is used by Dhu-r-Rummeh, in describing an ostrich, as meaning He raises his head, and stretches his neck. (TA.) And you say, سَطَعَ لِى أَمْرُكَ (assumed tropical:) Thine affair became, or has become, apparent, or manifest, to me. (Lh.) b2: سَطَعَتْنِى رَائِحَةُ المِسْكِ (tropical:) The odour of the musk rose to my nose. (K, TA.) A2: سَطَعْتُ الشَّىْءَ I laid hold of the thing with the palm of the hand, or with the hand, striking [the thing]. (Msb.) And سَطَعَ بِيَدَيْهِ, inf. n. سَطْعٌ, He clapped with his hands: whence the subst. سَطَعٌ [q. v.]. (IDrd, K.) A3: سَطِعَ, aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. سَطَعٌ, (TK,) He was long-necked; he had a long neck. (K.) [See أَسْطَعُ.]2 سطّعهُ, inf. n. تَسْطِيعٌ, He marked him (namely a camel) with the mark called سِطَاع. (K.) اِسْطَعْتُهُ (for اِسْتَطَعْتُهُ), aor. ـْ (for أَسْتَطِيعُهُ); or أَسْطَعْتُهُ (for أَطَعْتُهُ), aor. ـْ (for أُطِيعُهُ): see in art. طوع. (TA.) سَطَعٌ Length of neck. (S.) It is said of Mo-hammad, فِى عُنُقِهِ سَطَعٌ In his neck was length. (TA.) [See أَسْطَعُ.]A2: A clapping with the hands, or striking with one hand upon the other, or upon the hand of another: (K:) or a striking a thing with the palm of the hand, or with the fingers. (TA.) And The sound of a striking or throwing: as in the saying, سَمِعْتُ لِوَقْعِهِ سَطَعًا شَدِيدًا [I heard, in consequence of its falling, a loud sound of a striking or throwing]. (K.) It is with fet-h to the medial radical because it is an onomatopœia, not an epithet nor an inf. n., for onomatopœias are sometimes made to differ [in form] from epithets. (Lth, K.) سِطَاعٌ The pole of the [tent called] بَيْت: (S, K:) and the longest of the poles of the [tent called]
خِبَآء: (K:) from سَاطِعٌ applied to the dawn: (Az, TA:) and a pole that is set up in the middle of the خباء and of the [tent called] رِوَاق: pl. [of pauc.] أَسْطِعَةٌ and [of mult.] سُطُعٌ. (TA.) b2: Hence, as being likened thereto, (tropical:) The neck. (TA.) b3: Hence also, (Az, TA,) (tropical:) A tall, bulky, camel. (Az, Ibn-'Abbád, K, TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) A mark made with a hot iron upon the neck of a camel, (Az, S, K,) or upon his side, (TA,) lengthwise: (Az, S, K, TA:) in the R, it is said to be upon the limbs, or members. (TA.) سَطِيعٌ Tall, or long. (K.) b2: See also سَاطِعٌ.
سَاطِعٌ Rising: or spreading, or diffusing itself: [and radiating, gleaming, or shining:] applied [to dust, (see 1,) and] to the dawn, and to light, and to fire [&c.]: applied to the dawn, it denotes that extending lengthwise into the sky, and called ذَنَبُ السِّرْحَانِ [q. v.]. (TA.) b2: Also The dawn [itself]; (TA;) and so ↓ سَطِيعٌ; (S, TA;) because of its shining, and spreading; when it first breaks, extending lengthwise. (TA.) b3: نَاقَةٌ سَاطِعَةٌ A she-camel having the front of the neck, and the [whole] neck, extended. (TA.) أَسْطَعُ Long-necked; (K;) applied to a camel, and an ostrich: (TA:) fem. سَطْعَآءُ; applied to a she-camel, (TA,) and a she-ostrich. (S.) b2: عُنُقٌ أَسْطَعُ A long, erect, neck: (TA:) and عُنُقٌ سِطْعَآءُ a neck that is long, and erect in its sinews. (AO, in describing horses; and TA.) مِسْطَعٌ Chaste in speech; or eloquent; (Lh, K, TA;) fluent in speech. (TA.) مُسَطَّعٌ (assumed tropical:) A camel marked with the mark called سِطَاع; (S, TA;) fem. with ة. and ↓ مَسْطُوعَةٌ signifies the same, applied to a she-camel. (TA.) b2: And إِبِلٌ مُسَطَّعَةٌ (assumed tropical:) Camels tall as the tent-poles called سُطُعٌ, pl. of سِطَاعٌ. (TA.) مَسْطُوعَةٌ: see مُسَطَّعٌ.