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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
382. بنى9 383. بهأ10 384. بهت20 385. بهج17 386. بهر20 387. بهرج14388. بهظ11 389. بهق14 390. بهل18 391. بهم20 392. بهو9 393. بهى3 394. بو2 395. بوأ15 396. بوب16 397. بوح14 398. بوخ11 399. بود7 400. بور19 401. بوز9 402. بوس14 403. بوش11 404. بوع14 405. بوق16 406. بول14 407. بوم9 408. بون14 409. بوه7 410. بى1 411. بيب5 412. بيت15 413. بيد16 414. بيص8 415. بيض17 416. بيع20 417. بيلون1 418. بين19 419. بيه3 420. ت5 421. تأ1 422. تأر6 423. تأم11 424. تا5 425. تب4 426. تبت8 427. تبر19 428. تبع21 429. تبل17 430. تبن18 431. تبه5 432. تبو2 433. تتر4 434. تجر17 435. تحت10 436. تحف14 437. تحين2 438. تخ4 439. تخت6 440. تخذ10 441. تخرص3 442. تر4 443. ترب19 444. ترج11 445. ترجم7 446. ترح15 447. ترس15 448. ترع17 449. ترف18 450. ترق15 451. ترك17 452. ترما2 453. ترمس10 454. ترن6 455. ترنج2 456. ترنجبين1 457. تره12 458. تسع13 459. تشرين3 460. تع1 461. تعب11 462. تعس17 463. تفث15 464. تفح11 465. تفرق3 466. تفل16 467. تفه17 468. تقد7 469. تقن12 470. تقى2 471. تك2 472. تل4 473. تلأب4 474. تلان3 475. تلب9 476. تلد14 477. تلع15 478. تلف15 479. تلك5 480. تلمذ8 481. تلو14 Prev. 100




Q. 1 بُهْرِجَ, in the pass. form, (KT, Msb,) inf. n. بَهْرَجَةٌ, (K,) (assumed tropical:) It (a thing) was taken otherwise than by, or in, the right way: (Msb:) or (tropical:) it was turned away, or conveyed by turning away, (KT, K, TA,) from the beaten way or road, (KT, TA,) or from the direct, or right, main road. (K, TA.) And بَهْرَجَ بِهِمْ (tropical:) It (the road, A) lead them otherwise than in the beaten track. (T, A, TA.) [See بَهْرَجٌ, from which the verb is derived.] b2: (tropical:) It (a man's blood) was made to be of no account, to go for nothing, unretaliated, or uncompensated by a mulct; was made allowable to be taken or shed. (Mgh.) And بَهْرَجَ دَمَهُ (tropical:) He made his blood to be of no account, &c. (TA.) b3: Hence, (TA,) أَمَا إِذْ بَهْرَجْتَنِى فَلَا أَشْرَبُهَا

أَبَدًا (K, * TA) (tropical:) Verily, since thou hast made me [meaning my offence] to pass unnoticed, or hast taken no account of me, (هَدَرْتَنِى,) by annulling in respect of me the prescribed castigation, (K, TA,) I will not drink it (i. e. wine) henceforth: (TA:) said by Aboo-Mihjen (K, TA) Eth-Tha- kafee, (TA,) to Ibn-Abee-Wakkás. (TA.) b4: You say also, بَهْرَجَ المَكَانِ (assumed tropical:) He made the place free to the people in general to pasture their beasts in it. (IAar, L.) Q. 2 تَبَهْرَجَ It (a place) became, or was made, free to the people in general to pasture their beasts in it. (IAar, L.) بَهْرَجٌ an arabicized word, (T, S, Mgh, L, TA,) from نَبَهْرَهْ, (T, Mgh, L, TA,) which is Persian; (L, TA;) or, as some say, it is an Indian word, originally نَبَهْلَهْ, meaning Bad, whence the Persian نَبَهْرَهْ, and hence the arabicized بَهْرَجٌ; (TA;) applied to a dirhem, as meaning bad; (Kr, S;) false; (S, El-Marzookee;) adulterated; (Shifá el-Ghaleel, El-Marzookee;) of bad silver; (A, Mgh, L, Msb;) with which one cannot buy: (IAar, TA:) or, as some say, in which the silver is predominant: or, accord. to IAar, of which the die has been falsified: (Mgh:) or not coined in the government-mint: (Lb, TA:) and ↓ مُبْهَرَجٌ signifies the same, applied to a dirhem; (Lh, A, Mgh;) and so ↓ نَبَهْرَجٌ; (Lh, El-Marzookee;) but [Mtr says,] I have not found it with ن, except on the authority of Lh (Mgh;) and IKh says that it is a word of the vulgar: (TA:) the pl. [of بهرج] is بَهَارِجُ, and [of نبهرج,] نَبَهْرَجَاتُ. (TA.) b2: Hence, metaphorically, (Mgh,) (tropical:) Bad; (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb, K;) and false, or of no account; (S, A, Mgh, K;) applied to a thing (S, A, Mgh, L, Msb) of any kind: (A, Mgh, L:) anything rejected; not received or accepted; rejected as wrong or bad; as also ↓ نَبَهْرَجٌ: (TA:) and a thing is termed ↓ مُبَهْرَجٌ when it is as though it were cast away, and not an object of emulous desire or envy, or not in request. (El-Marzookee, TA.) You say, كَلَامٌ بَهْرَجٌ (tropical:) Bad language. (A, L.) And عَمَلٌ بَهْرَجٌ (tropical:) A bad action. (A, L.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Allowed or allowable [to any person, to be taken or let alone, or to be possessed or made use of or done]; made allowable, free, or lawful. (K.) Yousay, دَمٌ بَهْرَجٌ (tropical:) Blood made to be of no account, to go for nothing, unretaliated, or uncompensated by a mulct; allowed to be taken or shed; (A, L;) as also ↓ مُبَهْرَجٌ. (K.) And مَكَانٌ بَهْرَجٌ (assumed tropical:) A place free to the people in general to pasture their beasts in it. (IAar, L.) And ↓ مَآءٌ مُبَهْرَجٌ (assumed tropical:) A water left free to those who come to water at it. (A, K, * TA.) مُبَهْرَجٌ: see بَهْرَجٌ, in four places.

نَبَهْرَجٌ: see بَهْرَجٌ, in two places.
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