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هذا آخَرُ وهذه أُخْرى. والآخِرُ والآخِرَةُ.
وآخِرَةُ الرًحْلِ وقادِمَتُه، ومُؤخَّرُ الرَّحْلِ ومُقَدَّمُها. ومُؤخَّرُ الشَيْءِ ومُقَدَّمُه وقد يُكْسَر. ومُؤخِّرُ العَيْنِ - بالكَسْر -. وجاءَ أخيْراً: أي بِأخِرَةٍ. وبِعْتُه البَيْعَ بِأخِرَةٍ واُخْرِيّاً وإخْرِيّاً: أي بتأخِيرٍ. والأُخُرُ: نَقِيْضُ القُدُم. وفَعَلَ ذلك بالآخِرِ: أي بالأبْعَدِ. والأُخْرَيَاتُ. أُخْرَى القَوْم. ولَقِيْتُه أُخْرِيّاً وآخِرِيّاً وإِخْرِيّاً. والأخِيْرُ: الأبْعَدُ. والآخِرُ: الغائبُ. ويقولونَ: لا أفْعَلُه أُخْرى المَنُون: أى آخِرَ الدَهر. وفي المَثَل: " على أُخْرٍ وقد تَوَلّى الشَّبابُ " يُضْرَبُ لكلِّ مطلبٍ فاتَ. والمِئْخَارُ: النَّخْلةُ التي يَبْقى حَمْلُها إلى آخِرِ الصِّرَام.


2 أخّر, (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. تَأْخِيرٌ, (K,) is trans. (S, K, &c.) and intrans.: (K:) as a trans. verb it signifies He made to go back or backwards, to recede, retreat, retire, or retrograde: he put, or drove, back: he put, or placed, behind, or after; back, or backward: he made to be behind, or posterior, or last: he made to remain behind, hold back, hang back, or lag behind: he kept, or held, back: he postponed, put off, procrastinated, deferred, delayed, or retarded: he made backward, or late: contr. of قَدَّمَ. (Msb, TA.) b2: أَخَّرَنِى

إِلَى مُدَّةٍ He granted me a delay, or postponement, to a certain term, or period. (TA in art. اجل.) A2: For its significations as an intrans. verb, see 5, in two places.5 تأخّر is quasi-pass. of the trans. verb أخّر; (S, A, Msb;) i. e. He, or it, went back or backwards, drew back, receded, retreated, retired, or retrograded: became put, or driven, back: became put, or placed, behind, or after: became behind, posterior, or last: he remained behind, or in the rear; held back, hung back, lagged behind, or delayed; was, or became, backward, or late: it was, or became, kept back, postponed, put off, procrastinated, deferred, delayed, or retarded: contr. of تَقَدَّمَ: (TA:) and ↓ استأخَر is syn. therewith; (S, K:) and ↓ أخّر, inf. n. تَأْخِيرٌ, signifies the same, being intrans. as well as trans. (K.) An ex. of the latter occurs in a saying of Mohammad to 'Omar: عَنّىِ ↓ أَخِّرْ Retire thou from me: or the meaning is, أَخِّرْعَنِّى رَأْيَكَ [hold thou back from me thine opinion; or reserve thou thine opinion until after mine shall have been given]. (TA.) You say, تَأَخِّرَ عَنْهُ تَأَخُّرَةً وَاحِدَةً [He went back, &c., from him, or it, once]. (Lh.) and تأخّر عَنِ الشَّىْءِ, or الأَمْرِ, He went back, &c., from the thing, or the affair: he was, or became, behind, behindhand, or backward, with respect to it: he held back, hung back, refrained, or abstained, from it; and عَنْهُ ↓ استأخر signifies the same. (The Lexicons in many places.) فَإِذَا جَآءَ سَاعَةً ↓ أَجَلُهُمْ لَا يَسْتَأْخِرُونَ, in the Kur vii. 32 and other places, means And when their time is come, for punishment, they will not remain behind, or be respited, [any while, or] the shortest time: or they shall not seek to remain behind, by reason of intense terror. (Bd.) 10 إِسْتَاْخَرَ see 5, in three places.

أَخِرٌ [an epithet variously explained]. One says, in reviling, (S, TA,) but not when the object is a female, (TA,) أَبْعَدَ اَللّٰهُ الأَخِرَ, (Th, S, A, &c.,) and ↓ الآخِرَ (M, &c.,) or this latter is wrong, (Meshárik of 'Iyád, Mgh, Msb,) as is also ↓ الآخَرَ, (Meshárik of 'Iyád,) meaning (tropical:) May God alienate, or estrange, from good, or prosperity, or may God curse, him who is absent from us, (A, Msb, TA,) distant, or remote: (A, Msb:) or the outcast; the alienated: (Msb:) or him who is put back, and cast away: so says Sh: or, accord. to ISh, him who is put back, and remote from good: and he adds, I think that ↓ الأَخِير is meant: (L:) or the base fellow : or the most ignoble: or the miserable wretch: (Et-Tedmuree and others:) or the last speaker: (Nawádir of Th:) or الاخر is here a metonymy for the devil: (Lb:) it is a word used [for the reason explained voce أَبْعَدُ] in relating what has been said by one of two persons cursing each other, to the other; (Expositions of the Fs;) and the phrase above mentioned is meant to imply a prayer for those who are present [by its contrasting them with the person to whom it directly applies]. (A.) One also says, لَا مَرْحَبًا بِالْأَخِرِ, [alluding to a particular person,] meaning [May the place, or land, not be ample, or spacious, or roomy,] to the remote from good. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Mázin, إِنَّ الأَخِرَقَدْ زَنَى

Verily the outcast, (Mgh, Msb,) or he who is remote, and held back, from good,, (Mgh, * TA,) hath committed adultery, or fornication: the speaker meaning himself; (Mgh, Msb;) as though he were an outcast. (Msb.) And in another trad. it is said, المَسْأَلَةُ أَخِرُ كَسْبِ المَرْءِ Begging is the most ignoble [mode of] gain of man: but El-Khattábee relates it with medd, [i. e. ↓ آخِرُ,] explaining it as meaning begging is the last thing whereby man seeks sustenance when unable to gain [by other means]. (TA.) أُخُرٌ The back, hinder, or latter, part: the hindermost, or last, part: contr. of قُدُمٌ. (K.) [See also مُؤَخَّرٌ; from which it appears to be distinguished by its being used only adverbially, or with a preposition: and see آخِرٌ.] You say, شُقَّ ثَوْبُهُ أُخُرًا, and مِنْ أُخُرٍ, (S, K, *) His garment was rent, or slit, in its back, or hinder, part, (S,) or behind. (K.) And تَأَخَّرَ أُخُرًا [He retired backwards]. (A.) And جَآءِ أُخُرًا: see آخِرٌ, in two places.

أُخْرَةً and بِأُخْرَةٍ: see آخِرً.

أَخَرَةً and بِأَخَرَةٍ: see آخِرٌ, in five places.

بِعْتُهُ بِأَخِرَةٍ I sold it (namely the article of merchandise, TA) with postponement of the payment; upon credit; for payment to be made at a future period; syn. بِنَظِرةٍ; (S, A, K;) i. e. بِنَسِئَةٍ. (S.) أُخَرَةً and بِأُخَرَةٍ: see آخِرٌ.

أُخْرَاةٌ: see آخَرُ, of which it is the fem.: and see also آخِرٌ.

أُخْرَاةٌ another fem. of آخَرُ. (K.) أُخْرِيَّا and إِخْرِيَّا and إِخِرِيَّا: see آخِرٌ.

أُخْرَوِىٌّ and أُخْرَاوِىُّ Relating to the other state of existence, or the world to come.]

أَخِيرٌ and أَخِيرًا: see آخِرٌ, in five places. See also أَخِرٌ.

أُخَيْرَى dim. of أُخْرَى, fem. of آخَرُ, q. v. (S.) آخَرُ a subst., of the measure أَفْعَلُ, but implying the meaning of an epithet, (S,) from أَخَّرَ in the sense of تَأَخَّرَ, (TA,) Another; the other; a thing [or person] other than the former or first; (L;) i. q. غَيْرٌ; (K;) as in the phrases, رَجُلٌ آخَرُ another man, and ثَوْبٌ آخَرُ another garment or piece of cloth: (TA:) or one of two things [or persons]; (S, Sgh, Msb;) as when you say, جَآءَ القَوْمُ فَوَاحِدٌ يَفْعَلُ كَذَا وَآخَرُ كَذَا The people came, and one was doing thus, and one [i. e. another] thus: (Sgh, Msb:) originally meaning more backward: (TA:) fem. ↓ أُخْرَى (S, Msb, K) and ↓ أُخْرَاةٌ; (K) which latter is not well known: (MF:) pl. masc. آخَرُونَ and أُخَرُ; (S, K;) [the latter irreg. as such;] and, applied to irrational things, أَوَاخِرُ, like as أَفَاضِلُ is pl. of أَفْضَلُ: (Msb:) and pl. fem. إُخْرَيَاتٌ and إُخَرُ; (S, Msb, K;) which latter is imperfectly decl.; for an epithet of the measure أَفْعَلُ which is accompanied by مِنْ has no [dual nor] pl. nor fem. as long as it is indeterminate; but when it has the article ال prefixed to it, or is itself prefixed to another noun which it governs in the gen. case, it has a dual and a pl. and a fem.; but it is not so with آخَرُ; for it has a fem. [and dual] and pl. without مِنْ and without the article ال and without its being prefixed to another noun: you say, مَرَرْتُ بِرَخُلٍ آخَرَ, and بِرِجَالٍ أُخَرَ and آخَرِينَ, and بِاٌمْرَأَةٍ, and بِنِسْوَةٍ [I passed by another man, and by other men, and by another woman, and by other women;] therefore, as it [namely إُخَرُ] is thus made to deviate from its original form, [i. e. آخَرُ, (I' Ak p. 287,) which is of a class of words used, when indeterminate, alike as sing. and dual and pl.,] and is [essentially and originally] an epithet, it is imperfectly decl., though a pl.: but when you name thereby a man, it is perfectly decl., when inderminate, accord. to Akh, or imperfectly decl. accord. to Sb. (S, L.) The dim. of آخَرُ is ↓ أُوَيْخِرُ; the ا with the ء suppressed following the same rule as the ا in ضَارِبٌ: (TA:) and the dim. of إُخْرَى is ↓ أُخَيْرَى. (S.) See also الأُخْرَى voce آخِرٌ. b2: لَا أَفْعَلُهُ أُخْرَى

اللَّيَالِى, (S, K,) or اخرى المَنُونِ, (K,) means I will not do it ever: (S, K:) or the latter, I will not do it to the end of time. (S.) And أُخْرَى

القَوْمِ, The last of the people. (S, K.) One says, جَآءَ فِى أُخْرَى القَوْمِ He came among the last of the people. (TA.) And جَآءِ فِى أُخْرَيَاتِ النَّاسِ He came among those who were the last of the people. (S, A, K.) [See also آخِرٌ.] b3: In أَبْعَدَ اللّٰهُ الآخَرَ, the last word is a mistake for الأَخِرَ q. v. (Meshárik of 'Iyád.) آخِرٌ, (S, Msb, K,) an epithet, of the measure فَاعِلٌ, (S,) and ↓ أَخِيرٌ, (S, Msb,) The last; aftermost; hindmost: and the latter; after; hinder: and [as a subst.] the end: contr. of أَوَّلُ: [or of أَوَّلٌ when used as a subst.:] (A, Msb, K:) or of مُتَقَدِّمٌ: (Lth, Msb:) or what is after the first or former: (S:) fem. of the former آخِرَةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) pl. [masc.] آخِرُونَ (Kur xxvi. 84, &c.,) and (masc. and fem., Msb) أَوَاخِرُ (S, Msb) and fem.

آخِرَاتٌ also: (Th:) and ↓ مَآخِيرُ is syn. with أَوَاخِرُ; as in مَآخِيرُاللَّيْلِ [occurring in the S and K in art. جهم, meaning The last, or latter, parts, or portions, of the night]. (TK in art. جهم.) You say, جَآءِ آخِرًا and ↓ أَخِيرًا and ↓ أُخُرًا and ↓ بِأَخَرَةٍ, all meaning the same [He came lastly, or latterly]: and in like manner, ↓ مَا عَرَفْتُهُ إِلَّا أَخِيرًا and ↓ الّا بِأَخَرَةٍ [I did not know it save at the last, or lastly, or latterly]: (S:) or ↓ جَآءِ أَخِيرًا and ↓ أُخُرًا and ↓ أَخْرَةٌ and ↓ بِأُخْرَةٍ and ↓ أُخَرَةٍ and ↓ بِأُخَرَةٍ (K,) or ↓ أُخْرَةٌ and ↓ بِأُخْرَةٍ (Lh, L,) and بِآخِرَةٍ (TA) and ↓ إِخْرِيَّا and ↓ أُخْرِيَّا and ↓ إِخِرِيَّا and ↓ آخِرِيَّا (K) mean he came lastly of everything. (K.) It is said in a trad., respecting Mohammad, إِذَا أَرَادَ أَنْ يَقُومَ مِنَ المَجْلِسِ ↓ كَانَ يَقُولُ بِأَخَرَةٍ

كَذَا وَكَذَا He used to say, at the end of his sitting, when he desired to rise from the place of assembly, thus and thus: or, accord. to IAth, it may mean, in the last, or latter, part of his life. (TA.) and you say, أَتَيْتُكَ آخِرَ مَرَّتَيْنِ and آخِرَ مَرَّتَيْنِ (IAar, M, K. *) And لَا أُكَلِّمُهُ آخِرَ الدَّهْرِ I will not speak to him [to the end of time, or] ever. (A.) [See a similar phrase above, voce آخَرُ.] and جَاؤُوا عَنْ آخِرِهِمْ [They came with the last of them; عن being here syn. with بِ; meaning they came all, without exception]. (A.) [and كَانَ ذلِكَ فِى آخِرِ الشَّهْرِ, and السَّنَةِ; and فى أَوَاخِرِ هِمَا, That was in the end of the month, and of the year; and in the last days thereof.] and النَّهَارُ يَجُرٌ عَنْ آخِرٍ فَآخِرٍ[The day lengthens] hour by hour. (A.) See also أَخِرٌ, last sentence. b2: الآخِرُ is a name of God, signifying [The last; or] He who remaineth after all his creatures, both vocal and mute, have perished. (Nh.) b3: الآخِرَانِ The two hinder dugs of the she-camel; opposed to the قَادِمَانِ; (TA;) the two dugs that are next the thighs. (K.) b4: الآخِرَةٌ, (K,) for الدّارُ الآخِرَةُ, (Bd in ii. 3,) [and الحَيَاةُ الآخِرَةُ,] and ↓ الأُخْرَى, (K,) [The latter, ultimate, or last, and the other, dwelling, or abode, and life; i. e. the latter, ultimate, or last, and the other, world; the world, or life, to come; and the ultimate state of existence, in the world to come;] the dwelling, or abode, [and life,] of everlasting duration: (K:) [each] an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates. (Z, and Bd ubi suprà.) [Opposed to الدُّنْيَا. And آخِرَةٌ also signifies The enjoyments, blessings, or good, of the ultimate state; of the other world; or of the world, or life, to come: in which sense likewise it is opposed to دُنْيَا: (see an ex. of both voce بَاعَ, in art. بيع: so too ↓ أُخْرَى.)]

b5: آخِرَةُ الرَّحْلِ, (S, Msb, K,) and السَّرْجِ, (Msb,) and آخِرُهُ, (S in art. قدم, and K,) and ↓ مُؤْخِرَتُهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) which is a rare form, or, accord. to Yaakoob, not allowable, (S,) and ↓ مُؤخِرُهُ, and مُؤَخَّرَتُهُ, and ↓ مُؤَخَّرُهُ, (S in art. قدم, and K,) and ↓ مُؤَخِّرَتُهُ, (Msb, K,) or this is a mistake, (Mgh, Msb,) and ↓ مُؤَخِّرُهُ, (K,) but the first of all is the most chaste, (Msb,) The thing, (S,) or piece of wood, (Msb,) of the camel's saddle, (S, Msb,) and of the horse's, (Msb,) against which the rider leans [his back]; (S, Msb;) the contr. of its قَادِمَة [by which term قادمة is meant the وَاسِط]: (K:) the واسط of the camel's saddle is the tall fore part which is next to the breast of the rider; and its آخرة is its hinder part; (Az, L;) i. e. its broad piece of wood, (Mgh,) or its tall and broad piece of wood, (Az, L,) which is against, or opposite to, (تُحَاذِى,) the head [and back] of the rider: (Az, Mgh, L:) [for] the آخرة and the واسط are the شَرْخَانِ, between which the rider sits: this is the description given by En-Nadr [ISh]; and all of it is correct: there is no doubt respecting it: (Az, L:) the pl. of آخرة is is أَوَاخِرُ. (Msb.) ↓ آخِرَةُ العَيْنِ: see مُؤْخِرُالعَيْنِ.

↓ آخِرٌ and ↓ أَخِيرٌ [accord. to some] also signify Absent. (K.) But see أَخِرٌ, second sentence.

آخِرِيَّا: see آخِرٌ.

أُوَيْخِرُ dim. of آخَرُ, q. v. (TA.) مُؤْخِرُ العَيْنِ, (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, [in the CK مُؤَخَّرها,]) said by AO, (Msb,) or A 'Obeyd, (TA,) to be better without teshdeed, from which observation it is to be understood that teshdeed in this case is allowable, though rare, but Az disallows it, (Msb, TA,) and مُؤْخِرَتُهَا, and ↓ آخِرَتُهَا, (K,) [The outer angle of the eye;] the part of the eye next the temple; (S, A, Mgh, Msb;) the part next the لَحَاظ: (K:) opposed to its مُقْدِم, which is the extremity thereof next the nose: (S, Mgh, Msb:) pl. مَآخِرُ. (Mgh.) You say, إَلَيَّ بِمُؤْخِرِ [He looked at, or towards, me from (lit. with) the outer angle of his eye]. (S.) b2: مُؤْخِرُ الرَّحْلِ, and مُؤْخِرَتُهُ: see آخِرٌ.

مُؤَخَّرٌ The back, hinder, or latter, part of anything: its hindermost, or last, part: contr. of مُقَدَّمٌ: as in the phrase, ضَرَبَ مُؤَخَّرَ رَأْسِهِ [He struck the back, or hinder part, of his head]. (S, Msb.) [See also أُخُرٌ and آخِرٌ.] b2: مُؤَخَّرُالرَّحْلِ, and مُؤَخَّرَتُهُ: see آخِرٌ.

المُؤَخِّرُ a name of God, [The Postponer, or Delayer;] He who postpones, or delays, things, and puts them in their places: [or He who puts, or keeps, back, or backward: or He who degrades:] contr. of المُقَدِّمُ. (TA.) b2: مُؤَخِّرُ الَّرحْلِ, and مُؤَخِّرَتُهُ: see آخِرٌ.

نَخْلَةٌ مِئْخَارٌ A palm-tree of which the fruit remains until the end of winter: (AHn, K:) and until the end of the time of cutting off the fruit of palm-trees: (S, M, K:) contr. of مِبْكَارٌ and بَكُورٌ: pl. مَآخِيرُ. (A.) مَآخِيرُ [reg. pl. of مِئْخَارٌ]: see آخِرُ, first sentence.

مُتَأَخِّرٌ: see its verb. ↓ [An author, or other person, of the later, or more modern, times.]

المُسْأْخِرِينَ in the Kur xv. 24 is said by Th to mean Those who come to the mosque after others, or late: (TA:) or it means those who are later in birth and death: or those who have not yet come forth from the loins of men: or those who are late, or backward, in adopting the Muslim religion and in fighting against unbelievers and in obedience. (Bd.)


(الإست) الْعَجز وَقد يُرَاد بهَا حَلقَة الدبر (مؤنث) وَأَصلهَا السِّتَّة (ج) أستاه وفيهَا لُغَات مِنْهَا السه والست وَيُقَال لأراذل النَّاس أستاه وَكَانَ هَذَا على است الدَّهْر فِي أَوله وَمَا زَالَ فلَان على است مَجْنُونا لم يزل يعرف بالجنون وَابْن استها ابْن الْأمة وَولد الــزِّنَى


(المسبع) (فِي الهندسة) شكل عدد أضلاعه سَبْعَة (مج)

(المسبع) مَوضِع السَّبع (ج) مسابع

(المسبع) المترف وَمن تَمُوت أمه فترضعه غَيرهَا وَولد الــزِّنَى والدعي والمولود لسبعة أشهر



مَرُؤَ(n. ac. مَرَاْءَة)
a. see I (a)b. Was healthy, salubrious (country).
c.(n. ac. مُرُوْءَة
[مُرُوْءَة]), Was manly, virile.
أَمْرَأَa. see I (b)b. Made wholesome.

تَمَرَّأَa. Showed manliness; paraded, displayed manliness

إِسْتَمْرَأَa. Considered wholesome.
b. see I (a)
مَرْءa. A man.

مَرْأَة []
a. Woman.
b. Wife.

مَرْءِيّ []
a. see 25 (b)
مُِرْء [مِرْء]
a. see 1
مَرِيْء [] (pl.
أَمْرِئَة [ 15t ]
مُرُوْء [] )
a. CEsophagus, gullet.
b. Manly, manful, virile; brave, courageous.
c. Wholesome, good (food); healthy
salubrious (country).
مُرُوْءَة []
a. Manliness, manfulness; manhood; virility.
b. Courage, bravery; fortitude.
c. Humanity, humaneness.

امْرَأ امْرُوْ
a. see 1
إِمْرأَة مَرَة
a. see 1t
a. Little man; manikin.

a. Little woman; silly weak woman.

a. see 27t
مَرِيْئًا هَنِيْئًا
a. Your good health!
م ر ء : الْمَرِيءُ وِزَانُ كَرِيمٍ رَأْسُ الْمَعِدَةِ وَالْكَرِشِ اللَّازِقُ بِالْحُلْقُومِ يَجْرِي فِيهِ الطَّعَامُ وَالشَّرَابُ وَهُوَ مَهْمُوزٌ وَجَمْعُهُ مُرُؤٌ بِضَمَّتَيْنِ مِثْلُ بَرِيدٍ وَبُرُدٍ وَمَرِيءُ الْجَزُورِ يُهْمَزُ وَلَا يُهْمَزُ قَالَهُ الْفَارَابِيُّ.
وَقَالَ ثَعْلَبٌ وَغَيْرُ الْفَرَّاءِ: لَا يَهْمِزُهُ وَمَعْنَاهُ يَبْقَى بِيَاءٍ مُشَدَّدَةٍ وَهَكَذَا أَوْرَدَهُ الْأَزْهَرِيُّ فِي بَابِ الْعَيْنِ قَالَ وَيُجْمَعُ مَرِيُّ النُّوقِ مَرَايَا مِثْلُ صَفِيٍّ وَصَفَايَا.

وَالْمُرُوءَةُ آدَابٌ نَفْسَانِيَّةٌ تَحْمِلُ مُرَاعَاتُهَا الْإِنْسَانَ عَلَى الْوُقُوفِ عِنْدَ مَحَاسِنِ الْأَخْلَاقِ وَجَمِيلِ الْعَادَاتِ يُقَالُ مَرُؤَ الْإِنْسَانُ وَهُوَ مَرِيءٌ مِثْلُ قَرُبَ فَهُوَ قَرِيبٌ أَيْ ذُو مُرُوءَةٍ قَالَ الْجَوْهَرِيُّ وَقَدْ تُشَدَّدُ فَيُقَالَ مُرُوَّةٌ وَالْمِرْآةُ وِزَانُ مِفْتَاحٍ مَعْرُوفَةٌ وَالْجَمْعُ مَرَاءٍ وِزَانُ جَوَارٍ وَغَوَاشٍ.

وَمَرُؤَ الطَّعَامُ مَرَاءَةً مِثَالُ ضَخُمَ ضَخَامَةً فَهُوَ مَرِيءٌ وَمَرِئَ بِالْكَسْرِ لُغَةٌ وَمَرِئْتُهُ بِالْكَسْرِ أَيْضًا يَتَعَدَّى وَلَا يَتَعَدَّى وَاسْتَمْرَأْتُهُ وَجَدْتُهُ مَرِيئًا وَأَمْرَأَنِي الطَّعَامُ بِالْأَلِفِ وَيُقَالُ أَيْضًا هَنَّأَنِي الطَّعَامَ وَمَرَأَنِي بِغَيْرِ أَلِفٍ لِلِازْدِوَاجِ فَإِذَا أُفْرِدَ قِيلَ أَمْرَأَنِي بِالْأَلِفِ وَمِنْهُمْ مَنْ يَقُولُ مَرَأَنِي وَأَمْرَأَنِي لُغَتَانِ.

الرَّجُلُ بِفَتْحِ الْمِيمِ وَضَمُّهَا لُغَةٌ فَإِنْ لَمْ تَأْتِ بِالْأَلِفِ وَاللَّامِ قُلْتَ امْرُؤٌ وَامْرَآنِ وَالْجَمْعُ رِجَالٌ مِنْ غَيْرِ لَفْظِهِ وَالْأُنْثَى امْرَأَةٌ بِهَمْزَةِ وَصْلٍ وَفِيهَا لُغَةٌ أُخْرَى مَرْأَةٌ وِزَانُ تَمْرَةٍ وَيَجُوزُ نَقْلُ حَرَكَةِ هَذِهِ الْهَمْزَةِ إلَى الرَّاءِ فَتُحْذَفُ وَتَبْقَى مَرَةٌ وِزَانُ سَنَةٍ وَرُبَّمَا قِيلَ فِيهَا امْرَأٌ بِغَيْرِ هَاءٍ اعْتِمَادًا عَلَى قَرِينَةٍ تَدُلُّ عَلَى الْمُسَمَّى قَالَ الْكِسَائِيُّ سَمِعْتُ امْرَأَةً مِنْ فُصَحَاءِ الْعَرَبِ تَقُولُ أَنَا امْرَأٌ أُرِيدُ الْخَيْرَ بِغَيْرِ هَاءٍ وَجَمْعُهَا نِسَاءٌ وَنِسْوَةٌ مِنْ غَيْرِ لَفْظِهَا وَامْرَأَةُ رِفَاعَةَ الَّتِي طَلَّقَهَا فَنَكَحَتْ بَعْدَهُ عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنَ الزُّبَيْرِ اسْمُهَا تَمِيمَةُ بِنْتُ وَهْبٍ الْفَزَارِيِّ بِتَاءٍ مُثَنَّاةٍ عَلَى لَفْظِ التَّصْغِيرِ عِنْدَ بَعْضِهِمْ وَوِزَانُ كَرِيمَةٍ عِنْدَ الْأَكْثَرِ وَــزَنَى مَاعِزٌ بِامْرَأَةٍ قِيلَ اسْمُهَا فَاطِمَةُ فَتَاةُ هَزَّالِ وَقِيلَ اسْمُهَا مُنِيرَةُ وَامْرُؤُ الْقَيْسِ اسْمٌ لِجَمَاعَةٍ مِنْ شُعَرَاءِ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ.

وَمَارَيْتُهُ أُمَارِيهِ مُمَارَاةً وَمِرَاءً جَادَلْتُهُ وَتَقَدَّمَ الْقَوْلُ إذَا أُرِيدَ بِالْجِدَالِ الْحَقُّ أَوْ الْبَاطِلُ وَيُقَالُ مَارَيْتُهُ أَيْضًا إذَا طَعَنْتَ فِي قَوْلِهِ تَزْيِيفًا لِلْقَوْلِ وَتَصْغِيرًا لِلْقَائِلِ وَلَا يَكُونُ الْمِرَاءُ إلَّا اعْتِرَاضًا بِخِلَافِ الْجِدَالِ فَإِنَّهُ يَكُونُ ابْتِدَاءً وَاعْتِرَاضًا.

وَامْتَرَى فِي أَمْرِهِ شَكَّ وَالِاسْمُ الْمِرْيَةُ بِالْكَسْرِ.

وَالْمَرْوُ الْحِجَارَةُ الْبِيضُ الْوَاحِدَةُ مَرْوَةُ وَسُمِّيَ بِالْوَاحِدَةِ الْجَبَلُ الْمَعْرُوفُ بِمَكَّةَ.

وَالْمَرْوَانِ بَلَدَانِ بِخُرَاسَانَ يُقَالُ لِأَحَدِهِمَا مَرْوُ الشَّاهِجَانِ وَلِلْآخَرِ مَرْوُرُوذُ وِزَانُ عَنْكَبُوتٍ وَالذَّالُ مُعْجَمَةٌ وَيُقَالُ فِيهَا أَيْضًا مروذ وِزَانُ تَنُّورٍ وَقَدْ تَدْخُلُ الْأَلِفُ وَاللَّامُ فَيُقَالُ مَرْوُ الرُّوذِ وَالنِّسْبَةُ إلَى الْأُولَى فِي الْأَنَاسِيِّ مَرْوَزِيٌّ بِزِيَادَةِ زَايٍ عَلَى غَيْرِ قِيَاسٍ وَنِسْبَةُ الثَّوْبِ مَرْوِيٌّ بِسُكُونِ الرَّاءِ عَلَى لَفْظِهِ وَالنِّسْبَةُ إلَى الثَّانِيَةِ عَلَى لَفْظِهَا مَرْوَرُوذِيٌّ وَمَرُّوذِيٌّ وَيُنْسَبُ إلَيْهِمَا جَمَاعَةٌ مِنْ أَصْحَابِنَا. 


(الْأَبْعَد) كلمة يكنى بهَا عَن الِاسْم حِين الذَّم يُقَال أهلك الله الْأَبْعَد وَفِي الحَدِيث أَن رجلا جَاءَ إِلَى النَّبِي صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم فَقَالَ (إِن الْأَبْعَد قد زنى) يكني عَن نَفسه


بنَى/ بنَى بـ/ بنَى على يبنِي، ابنِ، بناءً وبُنيانًا وبنايةً، فهو بانٍ، والمفعول مَبْنِيّ
• بنَى المنزلَ: أقام جدارَه ونحوَه، ويستعمل مجازًا في معانٍ تدور حول التأسيس والتنمية "بنى مجدَه/ الرِّجالَ- يبني قصرًا ويهدم مصرًا [مثل]: يضرب في مَنْ يقدّم خيرًا قليلاً ويؤذي كثيرًا- يبني الرِّجالَ وغيره يبني القرى ... شتان بين قرى وبين رجالِ- {وَقَالَ فِرْعَوْنُ يَاهَامَانُ ابْنِ لِي صَرْحًا} " ° بنى أمره على: عزم، صمّم على، قرّر- بنى نظريّة: أوجدها وصاغها، أقام الدليل عليها- يبني قصورًا في الهواء: يعيش على الأوهام، يسعى في غير طائل.
• بنَى الطَّعامُ فلانًا/ بنَى الطَّعامُ جسمَ فلانٍ: غذّاه وسمَّنه.
• بنَى الكلمةَ: (نح) ألزم آخرها حالة واحدة "الآنَ: ظرف للزمان مبنيّ على الفتح".
• بنَى بزوجته/ بنَى على زوجته: دخل بها "وَهُوَ يُرِيدُ أَنْ يَبْنِيَ بِهَا [حديث] ".
• بنَى على كلامه: احتذاه واعتمد عليه، استند إليه "بنى نظريتَه على وقائع ثابتة/ النتائجَ على المقدِّمات/ شبهاته على الاحتمال". 

ابتنى يبتنَي، ابتَنِ، ابتناءً، فهو مُبتنٍ، والمفعول مُبتنًى
• ابتنَى المنزلَ: بناه، أقام جدارَه ونحوَه. 

انبنى/ انبنى على ينبَني، انبَنِ، انبناءً، فهو مُنْبنٍ، والمفعول مُنبنًى عليه
• انبنَى الشَّيءُ: مُطاوع بنَى/ بنَى بـ/ بنَى على: بُنِيَ "تنبني نظريّة ابن خلدون على نموذج محدَّد".
• انبنَى عليه الأمرُ: تأسَّس، ترتَّب عليه "ينبني على هذا الأمر نتائج مهمة- انبنى على إهماله احتراقُ المبنى- انبنى السَّلام على حسن النَّوايا". 

تبنَّى يَتبنَّى، تبَنَّ، تبَنّيًا، فهو متبنٍّ، والمفعول مُتبنًّى
• تبنَّى الطِّفلَ: اتّخذه ابنًا أو عامله كابنه "عندما تأكّد من صدقه وإخلاصه تبنّاه وسلَّمه إدارة العمل".
• تبنَّى الرَّأيَ: قبله، أخذ به "تبنّى مشروع قانون". 

ابتناء [مفرد]: مصدر ابتنى. 

ابتنائيَّة [مفرد]:
1 - اسم مؤنَّث منسوب إلى ابتناء.
2 - مصدر صناعيّ من ابتناء.
• الموادُّ الابتنائيَّة: (حي) مجموعة هرمونات صناعيّة تعزِّز مخزون البروتين ونمو الأنسجة. 

ابْن1 [مفرد]: ج بنون وأبناء: ولد ذكر، ويدخل في تسمية أبناء الأقارب، يطلق على كلّ ما ترتب على غيره بالسببيّة أو التبعيّة أو الملازمة أو المشابهة "رزقه الله ابنًا صالحًا- يؤخذ الأبناء بجرائر الآباء- أبناء مهنة واحدة-
 {الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا} - {وَءَاتَيْنَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ الْبَيِّنَاتِ} " ° أبناء الشَّعب/ أبناء الوطن: المواطنون- أبناء الضَّاد: العرب- ابن أبيه: مشابه له في صفاته- ابن أكابر: من أسرة مشهورة- ابن الآخرة: الزاهد- ابن الحرب: الشُّجاع الذي تعوَّد الحرب وألِفها- ابن السَّبيل: المسافر- ابن الطَّريق/ ابنُ اللَّيل: اللِّص- ابن اللُّغة: المتحدث بها كلغة أولى- ابن بطنه: أكول نهِم- ابن بلد: شهم، يعرف الأصول- ابن حرام/ ابن سِفاح: ابن زِنًى، خسيس، لِصّ- ابن ساعته: من غير ترتيب سابق، وقتيّ لا يدوم طويلا- ابن سبعة: سريع الغضب، أو مولود لسبعة أشهر- ابن كلمة: سريع التَّصديق لما يقال- ابن كيف: مدمن- ابن نكتة: فكِه، يأتي بالنوادر والفكاهات- ابن يومه: لا يدوم، لا يفكّر في غده- بالرِّفاء والبنين: دعاء للمتزوِّج بالالتئام والاتفاق وجمع الشَّمل وإنجاب البنين- بنو آدم: البشر- ليس ابنَ البارحة: ليس جاهلاً بل خبيرًا ومحنَّكًا. 

ابْن2 [مفرد]: ج بنات
• ابن آوى: (حن) حيوان من فصيلة الكلبيّات ورتبة اللّواحم يعيش في البلدان الحارَّة، وهو أصغر حجمًا من الذئب.
• ابن عِرْس: (حن) دويبّة تشبه الفأر، مقطوعة الأذنين، مستطيلة الجسم والذيل، تفتك بالدجاج ونحوه.
• ابن الماء: (حن) طائر من طويلات الساق، وتعرف بعض أنواعه في مصر بالبلشون "لبنات الماء ريش جميل يستعمل في التزيين". 

ابنة [مفرد]: ج بنات:
1 - بنت، صبيَّة، وتستعمل في تسمية بنات الأقارب "ابنة العمّ/ الخال- {وَمَرْيَمَ ابْنَتَ عِمْرَانَ الَّتِي أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَهَا} " ° بناتُ الأفكار: الخواطر- بناتُ الدَّهر: شدائده- بناتُ الصَّدْر: همومه ووساوسه- بناتُ اللَّيل: الهموم والوساوس، البغايا- ابنةُ الجبل: الصدى- بناتُ الحشا: الأمعاء- بناتُ الحمْل/ بناتُ الأسفار: الإبل- بناتُ النَّفس: الهموم والوساوس- غَزْل البنات: حلوى قطنيَّة الشكل تُصنع من السكَّر المغزول- بناتُ الحجال/ بناتُ الخُدور: النِّساء.
2 - امرأة من نساء الأمّة " {قَالَ يَاقَوْمِ هَؤُلاَءِ بَنَاتِي هُنَّ أَطْهَرُ لَكُمْ} ".
• بنات نعْش الكُبرى: (فك) سبعة كواكب تشاهد جهة القطب الشماليّ. 

انبناء [مفرد]: مصدر انبنى/ انبنى على. 

بِناء [مفرد]: ج أَبْنِيَة (لغير المصدر):
1 - مصدر بنَى/ بنَى بـ/ بنَى على ° البناء الاجتماعيّ: الهيكل أو التنظيم الاجتماعي- البناء الحُرّ: الماسونيّة- البناء القوميّ/ البناء الفوقيّ: يُراد به المؤسَّسات ونظم الحكم- بناءً على هذا/ بناءً على ذلك/ بناءً عليه: وفقا أو نتيجة له أو اعتمادًا عليه واستنادًا إليه.
2 - ما بُني كالدُّور ونحوها، بناية، عمارة "وعدت الحكومة بإنشاء عدد من الأبنية- {الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الأَرْضَ قَرَارًا وَالسَّمَاءَ بِنَاءً} " ° بناء مشترك: بناية كبيرة تشيّدها جماعة من النَّاس ويخصصونها للعائلات ذات الدَّخل الزهيد- بناء مُفرّغ: بناء من جدران خشبية تُملأ فراغاتُها بمواد خفيفة كالآجر والجِصّ- عامل بناء: بَنَّاء.
3 - (نح) لزوم آخر الكلمة حالة واحدة، خلاف الإعراب.
4 - (لغ) صيغة الكلمة والهيئة الحاصلة من ترتيب الحروف والحركات "في العربية أبنية لم يلتفت إليها الصرفيّون".
• البِناء الدِّراميّ: (فن) الجسم الدِّراميّ المتكامل في حدِّ ذاته، الذي يتكون من أعمال مرتَّبة ترتيبًا خاصًّا، ليُحدث تأثيرًا في الجمهور. 

بِنائيّ [مفرد]: اسم منسوب إلى بِناء ° طور بنائيّ: طور انفصاليّ. 

بنائيَّة [مفرد]: اسم مؤنَّث منسوب إلى بِناء: "مواد/ زخرفة بنائيّة" ° أبحاث بنائيّة: ذات علاقة ببناء مجموع معنويّ كالدَّولة والمجتمع وغيرهما. 

بناية [مفرد]:
1 - مصدر بنَى/ بنَى بـ/ بنَى على.
2 - مبنى، عمارة، بيت كبير متعدد الطَّبقات والمنازل ° بناية فسيحة: مبنى كبير متعدد المنازل والطَّبقات يتألَّف من شقق للإيجار، عمارة.
3 - حرفة البِناء. 

بنت [مفرد]: ج بنات:
1 - ابنة، أنثى لم يسبق لها الزَّواج، صبيَّة، وتستعمل في تسمية بنات الأقارب "بنت العمّ/ الخال- {فَاسْتَفْتِهِمْ أَلِرَبِّكَ الْبَنَاتُ وَلَهُمُ الْبَنُونَ} " ° بناتُ الأفكار: الخواطر- بناتُ الدَّهر: شدائده- بناتُ الصَّدْر: همومه ووساوسه- بنت الشَّفة: الكلمة- بنت اليمن: القهوة- بنت عنب: الخمر- بناتُ اللَّيل: الهموم والوساوس، البغايا- بنت العَيْن: الدّمعة- بنت الحلال: الزّوجة الصَّالحة- بناتُ الحشا: الأمعاء- بناتُ الحمْل/ بناتُ الأسفار: الإبل- بناتُ النَّفس: الهموم والوساوس- غَزْل البنات: حلوى قطنيَّة الشكل تُصنع من السكَّر المغزول- لم ينبس ببنت شفة/ ما نبس ببنت شفة: لم يفتح فاه، سكت، لم يتكلّم مطلقًا- بناتُ الحجال/ بناتُ الخُدور: النِّساء.
2 - امرأة من نساء الأمّة " {قَالَ يَاقَوْمِ هَؤُلاَءِ بَنَاتِي هُنَّ أَطْهَرُ لَكُمْ} ".
• بنت الأذن: (شر) الغدّة النكفيَّة وهي غدّة أسفل الأذنَيْن.
• بنات نعْش الكُبرى: (فك) سبعة كواكب تشاهد جهة القطب الشماليّ.
• بنات نَعْش الصُّغرى: (فك) سبعة كواكب تقع قرب الأُوَل. 

بنَّاء [مفرد]:
1 - من حرفته البناء "بنّاء مدن- {وَالشَّيَاطِينَ كُلَّ بَنَّاءٍ وَغَوَّاصٍ} ".
2 - إيجابيّ، منتج "محادثات بنّاءة" ° البنَّاءون الأحرار: جمعية شبه سرّيَّة تقول بمبدأ الأخوة بين أعضائها ويقال لهم: الماسونيون- نقد بنَّاء: يدفع إلى الارتقاء والتقدّم، إيجابيّ. 

بُنُوّة [مفرد]: صلة النَّسب بين المولود والوالد "اعترف ببُنوّة ولد". 

بُنْيان [مفرد]:
1 - مصدر بنَى/ بنَى بـ/ بنَى على: "الطَّبيعة تكره الهدم من غير بنيان".
2 - ما بُنيَ، شيء مبنيّ "الْمُؤْمِنُ لِلْمُؤْمِنِ كَالْبُنْيَانِ يَشُدُّ بَعْضُهُ بَعْضًا [حديث]- {أَفَمَنْ أَسَّسَ بُنْيَانَهُ عَلَى تَقْوَى مِنَ اللهِ وَرِضْوَانٍ خَيْرٌ أَمْ مَنْ أَسَّسَ بُنْيَانَهُ عَلَى شَفَا جُرُفٍ هَارٍ فَانْهَارَ بِهِ فِي نَارِ جَهَنَّمَ} " ° البنيان المرصوص: المتين- بنيان المجتمع: بناؤه، تكوينه.
3 - جدار، حائط " {فَقَالُوا ابْنُوا عَلَيْهِمْ بُنْيَانًا} ". 

بُنْية [مفرد]: ج بُنًى:
1 - ما بُنِي "الصناعة ووسائل الإنتاج هي بُنًى تحتية أمّا القوانين والأدبيّات فهي بنًى فوقيّة".
2 - خِلْقَة، جسم، جثمان "صحيح البُنْية". 

بِنْيَة [مفرد]: ج بِنًى:
1 - بُنْية، ما بُنيَ " {فَأَتَى اللهُ بِنْيَتَهُمْ مِنَ الْقَوَاعِدِ} [ق] " ° بنية المجتمع الفوقيّة: مجموع المؤسسات والأفكار والثقافة في ذلك المجتمع- بنية خاصّة: استعداد فردي خاصّ فطري عادة لمقاومة العوامل الخارجية.
2 - هيئة البناء وتركيبه "عاش المجتمع العربيّ في بنيته الاجتماعية أمدًا طويلاً- بنية سياسيَّة/ اقتصاديَّة/ إداريَّة" ° بنية الجسم البشريّ: قوامه، تركيبه- صحيح البِنْية/ قويّ البِنْية: في وضع صحِّيّ سليم- ضعيف البنية: ضعيف صحّيًّا، نحيل، معرَّض للمرض- عديم البنية: عديم الخلايا.
3 - بُنْية، خِلْقَة، جسم، جثمان.
4 - (حي) ترتيب وتشكيل الأنسجة، أو الأعضاء، أو أجزاء الكائن الحي العضوي.
• بِنْية الكلمة: بناؤها، صيغتها الصرفيّة.
• البِنْيَة التَّحْتِيَّة: تجهيزات أساسيّة تقوم بها الحكومة كالصَّرف الصِّحيّ، وتعبيد الطُّرق، والكهرباء، والمياه. 

بِنْيَويّ [مفرد]: ج بِنْيَويون:
1 - اسم منسوب إلى بِنْيَة.
2 - خاصّ ببنية الإنسان "تعب بنيويّ".
3 - مَنْ يدرس البِنَى ويحلِّل عناصرها "عالم بِنْيَويّ". 

بِنْيَويَّة [مفرد]:
1 - اسم مؤنَّث منسوب إلى بِنْيَة ° أبحاث بنيويَّة: ذات علاقة ببناء مجموع معنويّ كالدَّولة والمجتمع وغيرهما.
2 - مصدر صناعيّ من بِنْيَة.
3 - مذهب في العلوم والفلسفة مؤدّاه الاهتمام أولاً بالنظام العام لفكرة أو لعدّة أفكار مرتبطة بعضها ببعض، وامتد إلى علوم اللغة عامة وعلم الأسلوب خاصّة ويُعرف أحيانًا باسم البنائيّة والتركيبيّة.
4 - (لغ) نظرية تهتمّ بالجانب الوصفيّ من اللغة، وتنظر إليها على أنها وحدات صوتيّة تتجمّع لتكوِّن المورفيمات التي تكوِّن الجملة، ومن أعلام هذه النظرية بلومفيلد الأمريكي. 

بُنَيّ [مفرد]: تصغير ابْن1: شاب صغير السنّ، ويستعمل عادة في النداء " {يَابُنَيَّ لاَ تُشْرِكْ بِاللهِ} ". 

بُنَيَّة [مفرد]:
1 - تصغير ابنة.
2 - فتاة صغيرة "أبنيّتي تشجّعي ولا تخافي". 

تَبَنٍّ [مفرد]:
1 - مصدر تبنَّى.
2 - إحدى الوسائل الاجتماعية القانونية لرعاية الأطفال الذين فقدوا عائلاتهم الطبيعيّة. 

مَبْنًى [مفرد]: ج مبانٍ:
1 - ما بُني من الدُّور ونحوها، أساس، قاعدة البناء، بناية "أعجبني مبنى الكليّة" ° المباني العامّة: مباني الدَّولة- مبنى مطار: محطَّة مطار.
2 - (دب) شكل أو قالب يصاغ فيه المعنى المعبّر عنه "يتكون العمل الأدبيّ من المبنى والمعنى- أبدع الكاتب في روايته معنًى ومبنًى".
• حروف المباني/ أحرف المباني: (لغ) الحروف الهجائيّة التي تُبنى منها الكلمة، وليس للحرف معنى مستقل. 

مَبْنِيّ [مفرد]: اسم مفعول من بنَى/ بنَى بـ/ بنَى على.
• المَبْنِيّ: (نح) ما لا تتغيَّر حركة آخره خلاف المُعرب.
• الفِعْل المَبْنِيّ للمعلوم: (نح) الفعل الذي يحتفظ بحركاته الأصلية ويصحبه فاعلُه اسمًا ظاهرًا أو ضميرًا بارزًا أو مستترًا، وخلافه المبنيّ للمجهول.
• الفِعْل المَبْنِيّ للمجهول: (نح) الفعل الذي يحذف فاعله لغرضٍ ما ويأتي المفعول به نائبًا عنه، ويضمُّ أوّله ويكسر ما قبل آخره إن كان ماضيًا، أو يضمُّ أوله ويفتح ما قبل آخره إن كان مضارعًا، وخلافه المبني للمعلوم. 


[في الانكليزية] Repudiation
[ في الفرنسية] Repudiation
بالكسر لغة مصدر ظاهر الرجل أي قال لزوجته: أنت عليّ كظهر أمي أي أنت عليّ حرام كظهر أمي، فكنّى عن البطن بالظهر الذي هو عمود البطن لئلّا يذكر ما يقارب الفرج. ثم قيل ظاهر من امرأته فعدّي بمن لتضمين معنى التجنب لاجتناب أهل الجاهلية عن المرأة المظاهر منها، إذ الظّهار طلاق عندهم كما في الكشاف. وشرعا تشبيه مسلم عاقل بالغ زوجته أو جزء منها شائعا كالثلث والربع أو ما يعبّر به عن الكلّ بما لا يحلّ النظر إليه من المحرّمة على التأبيد ولو برضاع أو صهرية، وزاد في النهاية قيد الاتفاق احترازا عمّا لو قال أنت علي مثل فلانة وفلانة أم من زنى بها أو بنتها لم يكن مظاهرا. ولا فرق بين كون ذلك العضو أو غيره مما لا يحلّ إليه النظر. وإنما خصّ باسم الظّهار تغليبا للظّهر لأنّه كان الأصل في استعمالهم، فالتشبيه مخرج لنحو أنت أمي وأختي فإنّه ليس ظهارا كما في مبسوط صدر الإسلام فلو قال إن فعلت كذا فأنت أمي وفعلته فهو باطل، وإن نوى التحريم. وقيد المسلم احتراز عن الذمي والعاقل عن المجنون والبالغ عن الصبي، فإنّ ظهار هؤلاء غير صحيح.
والإضافة مخرجة لما قالت المرأة لزوجها أنت عليّ كظهر أمي فإنّه ليس بشيء. وعن أبي يوسف أنّه ظهار وقال الحسن إنّه يمين كما في المحيط. وقيد الزوجة مخرج لأجنبية أو لأمته قال لها إن تزوّجتك فأنت عليّ كظهر أمي فإنّه لم يكن ظهارا إلّا إذا تزوّج الأجنبية والأمة بعد إعتاقها، فإنّه ينقلب ظهارا كما في قاضي خان وغيره. وقيد على التأبيد مخرج لما إذا شبّه بمزنيّة الأب أو الابن فإنّ حرمتها لا تكون مؤبّدة، ولذا لو حكم بجواز نكاحها نفذ عند محمد خلافا لأبي يوسف ويدخل ما إذا شبّه بظهر أم امرأة، قبّل هذه المرأة أو نظر إلى فرجها بشهوة، فإنّه ظهار عند أبي يوسف خلافا لأبي حنيفة. ثم حكم الظّهار حرمة الوطء ودواعيه إلى وجود الكفارة، هكذا يستفاد من جامع الرموز وفتح القدير.


[في الانكليزية] Suspicion
[ في الفرنسية] Soupcon ،suspicion
بالضم وسكون الموحدة خفاء الأمر، والإشكال في العمل مثل الأمور المشتبهة، كذا في بحر الجواهر. وفي جامع الرموز في بيان حدّ الزّنا في كتاب الحدود أنّ الشّبهة اسم من الاشتباه، وهي ما بين الحلال والحرام والخطاء والصّواب كما في خزانة الأدب، وبه يشعر ما في الكافي من أنّها ما يشبه الثابت وليس بثابت، وما في شرح المواقف من أنّ الشّبهة ما يشتبهه الدليل وليست به كأدلة المبتدعين.
وفي القاموس وغيره أنّها الالتباس كما عرفت سابقا. وهي على ما في جامع الرموز وفتح القدير وغيرهما من التلويح ومعدن الغرائب أنواع. منها شبهة العقد كما إذا تزوج امرأة بلا شهود أو أمة بغير إذن مولاها أو تزوّج محرّمة بالنّسب أو الرّضاع أو المصاهرة فلا حدّ في هذه الشّبهة عند أبي حنيفة، وإن علم بالحرمة لصورة العقد، لكنه يعزّر. وأمّا عندهما فكذلك إلّا إذا علم بالحرمة. والصحيح الأوّل كما في الأوّل. ومنها شبهة في الفعل ويسمّى بشبهة الاشتباه وشبهة مشابهة وشبهة في الظّن، أي شبهة في حقّ من اشتبه عليه دون من لم يشتبه عليه، وهي أن يظنّ ما ليس بدليل الحلّ أو الحرمة دليلا، ولا بدّ فيها من الظّنّ ليتحقّق الاشتباه، فإذا زنى بجارية امرأته أو والده بظنّ أنّها تحلّ له بناء على أنّ مال الزوجة مال الزوج لفرط الاختلاط، وأنّ ملك الأصل ملك الجزء، أو حلال له، فهذه شبهة اشتباه سقط بها الحدّ لكن لا يثبت النّسب ولا تجب العدّة لأنّ الفعل قد تمحّض زنا. ومنها شبهة في المحلّ ويسمّى شبهة حكمية وشبهة ملك. وشبهة الدليل وهي أن يوجد الدليل الشرعي النافي للحرمة أو الحلّ مع تخلّف حكمه لمانع اتّصل به فيورث هذا الدليل شبهة في حلّ ما ليس بحلال وعكسه.
وهذا النوع لا يتوقّف تحقّقه على الظّنّ. ولذا كان أقوى من الشّبهة في الظّنّ أي في الفعل فإنّها ناشئة عن النصّ في المحلّ، بخلاف الشّبهة في الظّنّ فإنّها ناشئة عن الرأي والظّنّ، فإذا وطئ جارية الابن فإنّه يسقط الحدّ ويثبت النّسب والعدّة لأنّ الفعل لم يتمحّض زنا نظرا إلى الدليل، وهو قوله عليه السلام: «أنت ومالك لأبيك»، وكذا وطئ معتدّة الكنايات لقول بعض الصحابة: إنّ الكنايات رواجع. وأمّا جارية الأخ أو الأخت فليست محلا للاشتباه بشبهة فعل ولا شبهة محلّ فلا يسقط الحد.

قال في فتح القدير: تقسيم الشّبهة إلى الشّبهة في العقد والمحلّ والفعل إنّما هو عند أبي حنيفة. وأمّا عند غيره من أصحابه فلا تعتبر شبهة العقد. ثم قال: والشافعية قسّموا الشّبهة ثلاثة أقسام. شبهة في المحلّ وهو وطئ زوجته الحائض والصائمة والمحرّمة وأمته قبل الاستبراء وجارية ولده ولا حدّ فيه. وشبهة في الفاعل مثل أن يجد امرأة على فراشه فيطأها ظانّا أنّها امرأته فلا حدّ. وإذا ادّعى أنّه ظنّ ذلك صدّق [لا] بيمينه. وشبهة في الجهة. قال الأصحاب: كلّ جهة صحّحها بعض العلماء وأباح الوطء بها لا حدّ فيها وإن كان الواطئ يعتقد الحرمة كالوطء في النكاح بلا شهود ولا وليّ انتهى. وقال ابن الحجر في شرح الأربعين للنووي في شرح الحديث السادس: المشتبه بمعنى ما ليس بواضح الحلّ والحرمة أربعة أقسام. الأول الشكّ في المحل والمحرّم فإن تعادلا استصحب السابق، وإن كان أحدهما أقوى لصدوره عن دلالة معتبرة في اليقين فالحكم له. والثاني الشّكّ في طرء محرّم على الحلّ المتيقّن، فالأصل الحلّ. والثالث أن يكون الأصل التحريم ثم يطرأ ما يقتضي الحلّ بظنّ غالب، فإن اعتبر سبب الظّن شرعا حلّ وألغي النّظر لذلك الأصل، وإلّا فلا. والرابع أن يعلم الحلّ ويغلب على الظّن طرء محرّم فإن لم تستند غلبته لعلامة تتعلّق بعينه لم يعتبر، وإن استندت لعلامة تتعلّق بعينه اعتبرت وألغي أصل الحلّ لأنّها أقوى منه. والتفصيل يطلب منه وقد سبق بيان المشتبه في لفظ الحل.

الطُّهْر وَالطَّهَارَة

الطُّهْر وَالطَّهَارَة: فِي اللُّغَة النَّظَافَة وَهُوَ على نَوْعَيْنِ ظاهري وباطني وَالطَّهَارَة الظَّاهِرِيَّة فِي الشَّرْع عبارَة عَن غسل أَعْضَاء مَخْصُوصَة بِصفة مَخْصُوصَة وَهِي نَوْعَانِ الطَّهَارَة الْكُبْرَى وَهِي الْغسْل أَو نَائِبه وَهُوَ التَّيَمُّم للْغسْل وَالطَّهَارَة الصُّغْرَى وَهِي الْوضُوء أَو نَائِبه وَهُوَ التَّيَمُّم للْوُضُوء وَالطَّهَارَة الباطنية تَنْزِيه الْقلب وتصفيته عَن نَجَاسَة الْكفْر والنفاق وَسَائِر الْأَخْلَاق الذميمة الْبَاطِنَة.

وَالطُّهْر عِنْد الْفُقَهَاء: فِي بَاب الْحيض هُوَ الْفَاصِل بَين الدمين وَأقله عِنْد أبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى خَمْسَة عشر يَوْمًا كَمَا رُوِيَ عَن إِبْرَاهِيم النَّخعِيّ وَلَا يعرف ذَلِك إِلَّا سَمَاعا. وَالتَّفْصِيل فِي كتب الْفِقْه. وَلَا حد لأكْثر الطُّهْر لِأَنَّهُ قد يَمْتَد إِلَى سنة وسنتين فَصَاعِدا وَقد لَا ترى الْحيض أصلا فَلَا يُمكن تَقْدِيره فَحِينَئِذٍ تصلي وتصوم وَمَا يرى فَهُوَ الطُّهْر وَإِن استغرق لَكِن إِذا اسْتمرّ الدَّم فَإِن كَانَت مبتدئة فحيضها عشرَة وطهرها عشرُون. وَإِن كَانَت مُعْتَادَة فَإِن كَانَت ناسية أَيَّامهَا فتردت بَين الْحيض وَالطُّهْر وَالْخُرُوج من الْحيض فَإِنَّهَا تصلي بِالْغسْلِ لكل صَلَاة بِالشَّكِّ كَمَا قَالَ صَاحب نَام حق.
(هرزنى راكه كم شود أَيَّام ... غسل بايد بهر نمازمدام)

بِضَم الْغَيْن الْمُعْجَمَة لَا بِفَتْحِهَا كَمَا زعم الجهلاء. وَالْقِيَاس أَن تَغْتَسِل لكل سَاعَة لَكِن سقط ذَلِك للْحَرج وَلَا يطَأ زَوجهَا بِالتَّحَرِّي لِأَنَّهُ لَا يجوز فِي بَاب الْفروج. وَقَالَ بعض مَشَايِخنَا يَطَأهَا بِالتَّحَرِّي لِأَنَّهُ حَقه فِي حَالَة الطُّهْر وزمانه غَالب. وَفِي الْمَبْسُوط إِذا كَانَت لَهَا أَيَّام مَعْلُومَة فِي كل شهر فَانْقَطع عَنْهَا الدَّم أشهرا ثمَّ عَاد وَاسْتمرّ بهَا وَقد نسيت أَيَّامهَا فَإِنَّهَا تمسك عَن الصَّلَاة ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام من أول الِاسْتِمْرَار ثمَّ تَغْتَسِل لكل صَلَاة من سَبْعَة أَيَّام ثمَّ تتوضأ عشْرين يَوْمًا لوقت كل صَلَاة ويأتيها زَوجهَا وَإِن كَانَت عَالِمَة حافظة أَيَّام حَيْضهَا وطهرها فَيحْتَاج إِلَى نصب الْعَادة. وَاخْتلفُوا فِيهِ فَقَالَ أَبُو عصمَة سعيد بن معَاذ الْمروزِي وَأَبُو حَازِم عبد الحميد لَا يقدر طهرهَا بِشَيْء وَلَا تَنْقَضِي عدتهَا أبدا. وَقَالَت الْعَامَّة يقدر طهرهَا للضَّرُورَة والبلوى. ثمَّ اخْتلفُوا فَقَالَ مُحَمَّد بن إِبْرَاهِيم الميداني يقدر بِسِتَّة أشهر إِلَّا سَاعَة.
الطُّهْر وَالطَّهَارَة: فقد جَاءَ فِي (الْكَنْز الْفَارِسِي) بقول (مُحَمَّد بن إِبْرَاهِيم الميداني أَنه بعد مُضِيّ تِسْعَة عشر شهرا وَعشرَة أَيَّام إِلَّا أَربع سَاعَات من وُقُوع الطَّلَاق يُمكن للْمَرْأَة أَن تتَزَوَّج ثَانِيَة (انْتهى)) وَإِذا قلت لماذا تِسْعَة عشر شهرا وَعشرَة أَيَّام؟ فَإِن قَوْله ذَلِك هُوَ عدَّة تِلْكَ الْمَرْأَة، وَالْجَوَاب هُوَ أَن عدَّة الْمُطلقَة ثَلَاثَة حيضات وَبِمَا أَن كل حَيْضَة هِيَ عشرَة أَيَّام وَثَلَاثَة تَسَاوِي شهرا وكل طهر عِنْده هُوَ سِتَّة أشهر فمجموع الْأَطْهَار الثَّلَاثَة يصبح ثَمَانِيَة عشر شهرا، ويضاف إِلَيْهَا الشَّهْر الْمَفْرُوض للحيضات الثَّلَاثَة فَيُصْبِح الْمَجْمُوع تِسْعَة عشر شهرا، أما زِيَادَة الْأَيَّام الْعشْرَة فَيَعُود إِلَى احْتِمَال أَن يكون الطَّلَاق من زَوجهَا قد وَقع أثْنَاء الْحيض فَلَا تعد هَذِه الْحَيْضَة من الْعدة. فَمن بَاب الِاحْتِيَاط أضَاف عشرَة أَيَّام. وَإِذا قلت لماذا إِلَّا أَربع سَاعَات؟ فَيكون الْجَواب نقلل ثَلَاث سَاعَات من الْأَطْهَار الثَّلَاثَة، لِأَن الطُّهْر على مَذْهَبنَا مِقْدَاره سِتَّة أشهر إِلَّا سَاعَة وَاحِدَة، لِأَن الْعَادة نُقْصَان طهر غير الْحَامِل عَن الْحَامِل، وَأَقل مُدَّة الْحمل سِتَّة أشهر فانتقص عَن هَذَا شَيْء وَهُوَ السَّاعَة، أما إنقاص السَّاعَة الرَّابِعَة من أجل أَن الْعد للعدة يبْدَأ من بعد زمن التَّطْلِيق وَلَيْسَ من زمن التَّطْلِيق فَافْهَم واحفظ فَإِنَّهُ ينفعك هُنَاكَ.
الطُّهْر المتخلل بَين الدمين فِي الْمدَّة حيض ونفاس: هَذِه الْمَسْأَلَة وَاقعَة فِي أَكثر كتب الْفِقْه وَشرح الْوِقَايَة فِي هَذَا الْمقَام معركة آراء الطلباء بل مزال أَقْدَام الْفُضَلَاء وَقد وَقع أَوَان تكْرَار بعض الأحباب طول المباحثة فِي تَحْقِيقه فنقلت عَن الْأُسْتَاذ رَحمَه الله مَا سمح بِهِ خاطري فَاسْتَحْسَنَهُ وحرره بِعِبَارَة هَكَذَا إِن قَوْله (الطُّهْر) مُبْتَدأ مَوْصُوف و (المتخلل) صفته و (بَين) ظرف مُضَاف إِلَى (الدمين) مُتَعَلق بالمتخلل و (فِي الْمدَّة) ظرف مُسْتَقر حَال عَن الدمين وَالْمعْنَى أَن الطُّهْر المتخلل بَين الدمين حَال كَونهمَا واقعين فِي مُدَّة الْحيض حيض وَفِي مُدَّة النّفاس نِفَاس على رِوَايَة مُحَمَّد عَن أبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى بل على رِوَايَة مُحَمَّد عَن أبي يُوسُف كَمَا هُوَ التَّحْقِيق فمسألة الْمُتُون على مَا قَررنَا لَا تصدق إِلَّا على صُورَة وجد فِيهَا دمان فِي الْمدَّة وَأما إِذا خرج أحد الدمين عَن الْمدَّة فَلَا تصدق فَالْمَسْأَلَة الْوَاقِعَة فِي الْوِقَايَة مثلا مَا رَوَاهُ مُحَمَّد عَن أبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى لَا غير بل مَا رَوَاهُ أَبُو يُوسُف رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى كَمَا مر فَبين قَول صَاحب الْوِقَايَة وَقَول شارحها وَهُوَ قَوْله وَاعْلَم أَن الطُّهْر الَّذِي يكون أقل من خَمْسَة عشر إِذا تخَلّل بَين الدمين إِلَى آخر الاختلافات عُمُوم وخصوص مُطلق أَعنِي قَول صَاحب الْوِقَايَة اخص وَقَول شارحها أَعم لِأَنَّهُ كل مَا صدق عَلَيْهِ تخَلّل الطُّهْر بَين الدمين فِي الْمدَّة صدق عَلَيْهِ تخَلّل الطُّهْر بَين الدمين وَلَا عكس فالطهر الَّذِي يكون أقل من خَمْسَة عشرَة إِذا تخَلّل بَين الدمين فَإِن كَانَ يَوْمًا أَو يَوْمَيْنِ أَو ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام أَو أَرْبَعَة أَو خَمْسَة أَو سِتَّة أَو سَبْعَة أَو ثَمَانِيَة فَهُوَ دَاخل تَحت مَسْأَلَة الْوِقَايَة وَأما إِذا كَانَ ذَلِك الطُّهْر تِسْعَة أَو عشرَة أَو أحد عشرَة أَو اثْنَا عشر أَو ثَلَاثَة عشر أَو أَرْبَعَة عشر فَلَا فالشارح إِنَّمَا ذكر مَا سوى مَسْأَلَة الْوِقَايَة للفائدة لَا لِأَن جَمِيع الاختلافات مندرجة تَحت مَسْأَلَة الْوِقَايَة بِأَن تكون مُشْتَمِلَة على رِوَايَة مُحَمَّد رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى وَغَيرهَا على مَا وهم حَتَّى يَقع الْخبط والصعوبة فِي تطبيق مَسْأَلَة الْوِقَايَة على جَمِيع الرِّوَايَات واندراجها فِيهَا.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: وَاعْلَم أَن الطُّهْر الَّذِي يكون أقل من خَمْسَة عشر إِذا تخَلّل بَين الدمين فَإِن كَانَ أقل من ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام لَا يفصل بَينهمَا بل هُوَ كَالدَّمِ المتوالي إِجْمَاعًا انْتهى (المُرَاد بِعَدَمِ الْفَصْل) أَن لَا يَجْعَل الطُّهْر طهرا بل يَجْعَل كأيام ترى فِيهَا الدَّم كَمَا أَشَارَ إِلَيْهِ بقوله بل هُوَ كَالدَّمِ المتوالي وَإِنَّمَا لَا يفصل الطُّهْر إِلَّا أقل من ثَلَاثَة لِأَن دون الثَّلَاث من الدَّم لَا حكم لَهُ فَكَذَا الطُّهْر. (صورته) امْرَأَة رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَيَوْما أَو يَوْمَيْنِ طهرا أَو يَوْمًا دَمًا فَهَذَا الطُّهْر مَعَ الدمين حيض بالِاتِّفَاقِ (فَإِن قيل) لَا يعلم من كَون ذَلِك الطُّهْر دَمًا مُتَوَلِّيًا أَنه حيض (قُلْنَا) لَا شكّ أَن الدَّم إِذا صلح للْحيض يكون حيضا وَإِذا لم يصلح فَهُوَ استحاضه وَالدَّم الصَّالح للْحيض مَا يكون أَكثر من يَوْمَيْنِ وَأَقل من أحد عشر يَوْمًا فَإِذا جعل ذَلِك الطُّهْر فِي هَذِه الصُّورَة دَمًا صَار الدَّم ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام على تَقْدِير كَون الطُّهْر يَوْمًا وَأَرْبَعَة أَيَّام على تَقْدِير كَونه يَوْمَيْنِ وَذَلِكَ الدَّم يصلح أَن يكون حيضا فَاعْتبر كَذَلِك.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: وَإِن كَانَ أَي الطُّهْر ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام أَو أَكثر وَهُوَ مَا بَين ثَلَاثَة وَخمْس عشر فَعِنْدَ أبي يُوسُف رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى وَهُوَ قَول أبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله لَا يفصل أَي الطُّهْر بَين الدمين بل هُوَ كَالدَّمِ المتوالي لِأَن مَا دون خَمْسَة عشر طهر فَاسد فَيكون كَالدَّمِ. (صورته) رَأَتْ يَوْمَيْنِ دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا وَيَوْما مَا دَمًا أَو رَأَتْ يَوْمَيْنِ دَمًا وَأَرْبَعَة عشر طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا لَا يفصل الطُّهْر عِنْد أبي يُوسُف رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى وَهُوَ قَول آخر لأبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى فأيام الْحيض على الأول سِتَّة وعَلى الثَّانِي عشرَة وَإِنَّمَا قَالَ آخر لِأَن القَوْل السَّابِق الَّذِي عَلَيْهِ الاجماع قَالَ بِهِ أَيْضا أَبُو حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى فَهَذَا القَوْل بِالنِّسْبَةِ إِلَيْهِ قَول آخر وَإِنَّمَا قَالَ وَإِن كَانَ أَكثر من عشرَة بالوصل مَعَ أَنه كَانَ متفهما من قَوْله السَّابِق أَو أَكثر توضيحا للمراد ودفعا لتوهم أَن المُرَاد دفعا بِالْأَكْثَرِ الأول أَكثر من ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام فَقَط.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: فَيجوز بداية الْحيض وختمه بِالطُّهْرِ عطف على قَوْله لَا يفصل.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: على هَذَا القَوْل فَقَط أَي على قَول أبي يُوسُف رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى دون الْأَقْوَال الْخَمْسَة الْبَاقِيَة. (صورته) امْرَأَة عَادَتهَا فِي أول كل شهر خَمْسَة فرأت قبل أَيَّامهَا يَوْمًا دَمًا ثمَّ طهرت خمستها ثمَّ رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا فَعنده خمستها حيض إِذا جَاوز الْعشْرَة أما إِذا لم يتَجَاوَز فَيكون الْجَمِيع حيضا والأوضح فِي التَّصْوِير أَن يُقَال مُعْتَادَة بِعشْرَة حيضا وَعشْرين طهرا رَأَتْ تِسْعَة عشر طهرا ثمَّ يَوْمًا دَمًا ثمَّ عشرَة طهرا ثمَّ يَوْمًا دَمًا فالعشرة بَين الدمين حيض فَحِينَئِذٍ بداية الْحيض بِالطُّهْرِ وختمه أَيْضا بِهِ ظَاهر فطهر مِنْهُ أَن تصور الْبِدَايَة والختم مَعًا بِالطُّهْرِ لَا يُمكن إِلَّا فِيمَن لَهَا عَادَة مَعْرُوفَة.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: قد ذكر أَن الْفَتْوَى على هَذَا تيسيرا على الْمُفْتِي والمستفتي لِأَن فِي مَذْهَب مُحَمَّد وَغَيره تفاصيل يحرج الْمُفْتِي والمستفتي فِي ضَبطهَا والتيسير هُوَ اللَّائِق فِي الشَّرِيعَة لقَوْله عَلَيْهِ الصَّلَاة وَالسَّلَام يسروا وَلَا تُعَسِّرُوا (فَإِن قلت) إِذا كَانَ الْفَتْوَى على قَول أبي يُوسُف رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى للتيسير وَمَعَ ذَلِك قد اجْتمع عَلَيْهِ الشَّيْخَانِ فَكيف ذكر فِي الْمُتُون رِوَايَة مُحَمَّد وشارح الْوِقَايَة ذكرهَا فِي مُخْتَصر الْوِقَايَة أَيْضا (قلت) كَونهَا رِوَايَة مُحَمَّد وهم لِأَن الطُّهْر المتخلل بَين الدمين مُطلقًا حَال كَون الطُّهْر فِي مُدَّة الْحيض حيض على رِوَايَة أبي يُوسُف رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى سَوَاء كَانَ الدمَان فِي مُدَّة الْحيض أَو لَا (نعم) يجب تَقْيِيد الطُّهْر بالناقص.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: وَفِي رِوَايَة مُحَمَّد عَنهُ أَي عَن أبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى لَا يفصل إِن أحَاط الدَّم بطرفيه فِي عشرَة أَو أقل. (صورته) امْرَأَة رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَثَمَانِية طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا أَو رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهر أَو يَوْمًا دَمًا فالحيض على الصُّورَة الأولى عشرَة أَيَّام وعَلى الثَّانِيَة خَمْسَة أَيَّام.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: فِي رِوَايَة ابْن الْمُبَارك عَنهُ أَي عَن أبي حنيفَة رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى يشْتَرط مَعَ ذَلِك أَي مَعَ اشْتِرَاط إحاطة الدَّم بطرفيه فِي عشرَة أَو أقل كَون الدمين نِصَابا يَعْنِي ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام ولياليها كمن رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَسَبْعَة طهرا ويومين دَمًا أَو رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَأَرْبَعَة طهرا ويومين دَمًا فالحيض على الصُّورَة الأولى عشرَة أَيَّام وعَلى الثَّانِيَة سَبْعَة أَيَّام.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: وَعند مُحَمَّد رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى يشْتَرط مَعَ هَذَا أَي يشْتَرط عِنْده مَعَ كَون الدمين نِصَابا كَون الطُّهْر مُسَاوِيا للدمين أَو أقل كمن رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا ويومين دَمًا وَرَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا ويومين طهرا ويومين دَمًا فالحيض على الصُّورَة الأولى سِتَّة أَيَّام وعَلى الثَّانِيَة خَمْسَة أَيَّام.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: ثمَّ إِذا صَار دَمًا عِنْده. الضَّمِير الْمُسْتَتر فِي قَوْله صَار رَاجع إِلَى الطُّهْر المتخلل الْمسَاوِي للدمين أَو الْأَقَل وَالضَّمِير الْمَجْرُور فِي قَوْله عِنْده رَاجع إِلَى مُحَمَّد رَحمَه الله تَعَالَى.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: فَإِن وجد. شَرط مَعَ جَزَائِهِ جَزَاء لقَوْله إِذا صَار.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: فِي عشرَة. مُتَعَلق بقوله وجد. قَالَ الشَّارِح: هُوَ فِيهَا. جملَة وَقعت صفة لقَوْله عشرَة وَضمير هُوَ رَاجع إِلَى الطُّهْر وَضمير فِيهَا عَائِد إِلَى قَوْله عشرَة.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: طهر. مفعول مَا لم يسم فَاعله لقَوْله وجد. وَقَوله آخر صفة لقَوْله طهر.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: يغلب. جملَة وَقعت صفة ثَانِيَة لقَوْله طهر وَالضَّمِير الْمُسْتَتر فِي يغلب رَاجع إِلَى الطُّهْر الآخر.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: الدمين. مفعول بِهِ لقَوْله يغلب.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: المحيطين. صفة لقَوْله الدمين.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: بِهِ رَاجع. إِلَى الطُّهْر الاخر.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: لَكِن، عاطفة.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: يصير مَغْلُوبًا، مَعْطُوف على قَوْله يغلب وَالضَّمِير الْمُسْتَتر فِي قَوْله يصير رَاجع إِلَى الطُّهْر الآخر.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: إِن عدد ذَلِك الدَّم الْحكمِي دَمًا. مُتَعَلق بقوله يصير مَغْلُوبًا وَالْمرَاد بقوله ذَلِك الدَّم الْحكمِي الطُّهْر الْمَذْكُور أَي الطُّهْر الأول.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: فَإِنَّهُ يعد دَمًا. جَزَاء لقَوْله فَإِن وجد. وَالضَّمِير الْمَنْصُوب رَاجع إِلَى الطُّهْر الآخر وَكَذَا الضَّمِير الْمُسْتَتر فِي قَوْله يعد.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: حَتَّى يَجْعَل الطُّهْر الآخر حيضا أَيْضا مُتَعَلق بقوله يعد.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: إِلَّا فِي قَول أبي سُهَيْل. يَعْنِي أَنه لَا يعد ذَلِك الطُّهْر الآخر دَمًا (صورته) امْرَأَة رَأَتْ يَوْمَيْنِ دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا أَو يَوْمًا دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا فالحيض عِنْد مُحَمَّد الْعشْرَة كلهَا وَعند أبي سُهَيْل السِّتَّة الأول حيض.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: وَلَا فرق بَين كَون الطُّهْر الآخر مقدما على ذَلِك الطُّهْر أَو مُؤَخرا. يَعْنِي يجوز فِي الْمِثَال أَن يَجْعَل الثَّلَاثَة الأول دَمًا حكما. وَيجْعَل الثَّانِيَة كَذَلِك وَيجوز الْعَكْس أَيْضا. صورته امْرَأَة رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا ويومين دَمًا فَيجْعَل الطُّهْر الثَّانِي حيضا لكَونه مُسَاوِيا للدمين المحيطين بِهِ ثمَّ يَجْعَل الطُّهْر الأول أَيْضا حيضا لكَونه أقل من الدمين المحيطين وَيجْعَل الطُّهْر الثَّانِي دَمًا.
قَالَ الشَّارِح: وَعند الْحسن بن زِيَاد الطُّهْر الَّذِي يكون ثَلَاثَة أَو أَكثر يفصل مُطلقًا أَي سَوَاء كَانَ ذَلِك الطُّهْر مُسَاوِيا للدمين المحيطين بِهِ أَو أقل مِنْهُمَا أَو أَكثر. فَإِن رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَثَلَاثَة طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا. أَو رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَأَرْبَعَة طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا. فَفِي هَاتين الصُّورَتَيْنِ يفصل الطُّهْر عِنْده. وَإِن رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا وَيَوْما طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا. أَو رَأَتْ يَوْمًا دَمًا ويومين طهرا وَيَوْما دَمًا. فالحيض على الصُّورَة الأولى عِنْده ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام وعَلى الثَّانِيَة أَرْبَعَة أَيَّام.


الْإِحْصَان: فِي اللُّغَة الْمَنْع وَالدُّخُول فِي الْحصن يُقَال إِنَّه أحصن أَي دخل فِي الْحصن كَمَا يُقَال فلَان أعرق أَي دخل فِي الْعرق. وَفِي الشَّرْع أَن يكون الْإِنْسَان رجلا أَو امْرَأَة عَاقِلا بَالغا حرا مُسلما حصل لَهُ الوطئ بِإِنْسَان بَالغ حر مُسلم بِنِكَاح صَحِيح. وَهَذَا إِحْصَان الرَّجْم فَمن كَانَ على هَذِه الصِّفَات الْخمس وزنى بِأَيّ امْرَأَة كَانَت على صِفَات الْإِحْصَان أَولا رجم فَإِن كَانَت المزنية على صِفَات الْإِحْصَان رجمت أَيْضا وَإِلَّا حدت وَإِن كَانَت امْرَأَة على هَذِه الصِّفَات الْخمس وزنت بِأَيّ زَان كَانَ على صِفَات الْإِحْصَان أَولا رجمت فَإِن كَانَ الزَّانِي أَيْضا على صِفَات الْإِحْصَان رجم وَإِلَّا حد فَكَانَ الْإِنْسَان يصير دَاخِلا فِي الْحصن عِنْد وجود الصِّفَات الْخمس الْمَذْكُورَة. وَأما إِحْصَان حد الْقَذْف كَون الْمَقْذُوف عَاقِلا بَالغا حرا مُسلما عفيفا عَن زنا شَرْعِي.



1 أَمِنَ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـَ (T, Msb, K,) inf. n. أَمْنٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and إِمْنٌ (Zj, M, K) and أَمَنٌ (M, K) and أَمَنَةٌ (T, S, M, K) and إِمْنَةٌ (T) and أَمَانٌ (M, K) [and app. أَمَانَةٌ, for it is said in the S that this is syn. with أَمَانٌ,] and آمنٌ, an instance of an inf. n. of the measure فَاعِلٌ, which is strange, (MF,) or this is a subst. like فَالِجٌ, (M,) He was, or became, or felt, secure, safe, or in a state of security or safety; originally, he was, or became, quiet, or tranquil, in heart, or mind; (Msb;) he was, or became, secure, or free from fear; أَمْنٌ signifying the contr. of خَوْفٌ, (S, M, K,) and so أَمَنَةٌ (S) and آمِنٌ [&c.]: (M, K:) he was, or became, or felt, free from expectation of evil, or of an object of dislike or hatred, in the coming time; originally, he was, or became, easy in mind, and free from fear. (El-Munáwee, TA.) [See أَمْنٌ, below.] You say also, يَإْمَنُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ [He is secure, or safe, or free from fear, for himself]. (M.) And أَمِنَ البَلَدُ, meaning The inhabitants of the country or district, or town, were in a state of security, or confidence, therein. (Msb.) The verb is trans. by itself, and by means of the particle مِنْ; as in أَمَنَ زَيْدٌ الأَسَدَ and أَمِنَ مِنَ الأَسَدِ, meaning Zeyd was, or became, or felt, secure from, safe from, [or free from fear of,] the lion. (Msb.) You say also, أَمِنَ كَذِبَ مَنْ

أَخْبَرَهُ [He was secure from, or free from fear of, the lying of him who informed him]. (M.) And لَا آنَنُ أَنْ يَكُونَ كَذلِكَ [I am not free from fear of its being so; I am not sure but that it may be so]. (Mgh in art. نبذ; and other lexicons passim.) And, of a strong-made she camel, أَمِنَتْ

أَنْ تَكُونَ ضَعَيفَةً [She was secure from, or free from fear of, being weak]: (M: [in a copy of the S أُمِنَتْ:]) and أَمِنَتِ العِثَارَ وَالإَعْيَآءٍ [ She was secure from, or free from fear of, stumbling, and becoming jaded]: (M:) and أُمِنَ عِثَارُهَا [Her stumbling was not feared]. (So in a copy of the S.) And, of a highly-prized camel, أُمِنَ أَنْ يُنْحَرَ [It was not feared that he would be slaughtered; or his being slaughtered was not feared]. (M.) [أَمنَهُ sometimes means He was, or became, free from fear, though having cause for fear, of him, or it. i. e. he thought himself secure, or safe, from him or it. (See Kur vii. 97.)] b2: أمِنَهُ (inf. n. أَمْنٌ TK) [and accord. to some copies of the K ↓ آمَنَهُ] and ↓ أمّنهُ (inf. n. تَأْمِينٌ K) and ↓ ائتمنهُ ([written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَمَنَهُ, and] also written اِتَّمَنَهُ, on the authority of Th, which is extr., like اِتَّهَلَ [&c.], M) and ↓ استأمنهُ all signify the same (M, K, TA) [He trusted, or confided, in him; (as also آمن بِهِ, q. v.;) he intrusted him with, or confided to him, power, authority, control, or a charge; he gave him charge over a thing or person: these meanings are vaguely indicated in the M and K and TA.]. You say, يَأْمَنُهُ النَّاسُ وَلَا يَخَافُونَ غَائِلَتَهُ [Men, or people, trust, or confide, in him, and do not fear his malevolence, or mischievousness]. (T, M.) and أَمِنَهُ عَلَى كَذَا (S, Mgh, * Msb *) and ↓ ائتمنهُ عَلَيْهِ, (S, Msb, K,) [He trusted, or confided, in him with respect to such a thing; he intrusted him with, or confided to him, power, authority, control, or a charge, over it; he gave him charge over it;] he made him, or took him as, أَمِين over such a thing. (Mgh.) Hence, in a trad., the مُؤَذِّن is said to be مُؤْتَمَنٌ; i. e. النَّاسُ عَلَ الأَوْقَاتِ الَّتِى يُؤَذَّنُ فِيهَا ↓ يَأْتَمِنُهُ [Men trust, or confide, in him with respect to the times in which he calls to prayer], and know, by his calling to prayer, what they are commanded to do, as to praying and fasting and breaking fast. (Mgh.) It is said in the Kur [xii. 11], مَا لَكَ لَا تَأْمَنُنَا عَلَى يُوسُفَ and [تَأْمَنَّا] with idghám [i. e. What aileth thee that thou dost not trust, or confide, in us with respect to Joseph? or, that thou dost not give us charge over Joseph?]; (S;) meaning, why dost thou fear us for him? (Bd;) some pronouncing the verb in a manner between those of the former and the latter modes of writing it; but Akh says that the latter is better: (S:) some read تِيمَنَّا. (Bd.) You say also, ↓ اُوتُمِنَ فُلَانٌ [Such a one was trusted, or confided, in &c.;] when it begins a sentence, changing the second ء into و; in like manner as you change it into ى when the first is with kesr, as in اِيتَمَنَهُ; and into ا when the first is with fet-h, as in آمَنَ. (S.) The phrase أَمَانَةً ↓ اُوتُمِنَ, in a saying of Mohammad, if it be not correctly عَلَى أَمَانَةٍ, may be explained as implying the meaning of اُسْتُحْفِظَ أَمَانَةً [He was asked to take care of a deposite; or he was intrusted with it]. (Mgh.) [You also say, أَمِنَهُ بِكَذَا, meaning He intrusted him with such a thing; as, for instance, money or other property: see two exs. in the Kur iii. 68.]

A2: أَمُنَ, (M, Mgh, K,) or أَمِنَ, (Msb,) inf. n. أَمَانَةٌ, (M, Mgh, Msb,) He was, or became, trusted in, or confided in: (M, K:) or he was, or became, trusty, trustworthy, trustful, confidential, or faithful: said of a man. (Mgh.) 2 أمّنهُ, inf. n. تَأْمِينٌ: see 4: b2: and see also أَمِنَهُ.

A2: أمّن, inf. n. as above, also signifies He said آمِينَ or أَمِينَ, (T, S, Msb,) after finishing the Fátihah, (T,) or عَلَي الدُّعَآءِ on the occasion of the prayer, or supplication. (Msb.) 4 آمَنَ is originally أَأْمَنَ; the second ء being softened. (S.) You say, آمنهُ, [inf. n. إِيمَانٌ;] (S, M, Msb;) and ↓ أمّنهُ, [inf. n. تَأْمِينٌ;] (M, TA;) meaning He rendered him secure, or safe; (Msb;) he rendered him secure, or free from fear; (S, M, TA;) contr. of أَخَافهُ: (TA:) so in آمَنْتُهُ مِنْهُ I rendered him secure, or safe, from him, or it. (Msb.) And of God you say, آمَنَ عِبادَهُ مِنْ أَنْ يَظْلِمَهُمْ [He hath rendered his servants secure from his wronging them]. (S.) And يُؤْمِنُ عِبَادَهُ مِنْ عَذَابِهِ [ He rendereth his servants secure from his punishment]. (M.) You say also, آمَنْتُ الأَسِيرَ, meaning I gave, or granted, الأَمَان [i. e. security or safety, or protection or safeguard, or the promise or assurance of security or safety, or indemnity, or quarter,] to the captive. (Msb.) And آمَنَ فُلَانٌ الَعَدُوَّ [Such a one granted security, &c., to the enemy], inf. n. as above. (T.) It is said in the Kur ch. ix. [verse 12], accord. to one reading, لَا إِيمَانَ لَهُمْ They have not the attribute of granting protection; meaning that when they grant protection, they do not fulfil their engagement to protect. (T.) A2: إِيمَانٌ also signifies The believing [a thing, or in a thing, and particularly in God]; syn. تَصْدِيقٌ; (T, S, &c.;) by common consent of the lexicologists and other men of science: (T:) its primary meaning is the becoming true to the trust with respect to which God has confided in one, by a firm believing with the heart; not by profession of belief with the tongue only, without the assent of the heart; for he who does not firmly believe with his heart is either a hypocrite or an ignorant person. (T, TA.) Its verb is intrans. and trans. (TA, from a Commentary on the Mutowwal.) You say, آمَنَ, meaning He believed. (T.) and it is said to be trans. by itself, like صَدَّقَ; and by means of بِ, considered as meaning اِعْتِرَافٌ [or acknowledgment]; and by means of لِ, considered as meaning إِذْعَانٌ [or submission]. (TA.) [Thus] you say, [آمنهُ and] آمن بِهِ, (inf. n. إِيمَانٌ, T, K,) namely, a thing. (T, M.) And آمن بِاللّٰهِ He believed in God. (T.) It seems to be meant by what is said in the Ksh [in ii. 2], that آمن بِهِ [or آمَنَهُ] properly signifies آمَنَهُ التَّكْذِيبَ [He rendered him secure from being charged with lying, or falsehood]; and that the meaning he believed him or in him, is tropical; but this is at variance with what its author says in the A; and Es-Saad says that this latter meaning is proper. (TA.) The phrase in the Kur [ix. 61], وَيُؤْمِنُ لِلْمؤْمِنِينَ, accord. to Th, means And he believeth the believers; giveth credit to them. (M.) b2: Sometimes it is employed to signify The acknowledging with the tongue only; and hence, in the Kur [lxiii. 3], ذلِكَ بأَنَّهُمْ آمَنُوا ثُمَّ كَفَرُوا That is because they acknowledged with the tongue, then disacknowledged with the heart. (TA.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The trusting, or confiding, or having trust or confidence. (M, K.) [You say, آمن بِهِ, meaning He trusted, or confided, in him, or it: for] the verb of ايمان in this sense is trans. by means of بِ without implication; as Bd says. (TA.) [And it is also trans. by itself: for] you say, مَا آمَنَ أَنْ يَجِدَ صَحَابَةً, meaning (tropical:) He trusted not that he would find companions; (M, * K, * TA;) said of one who has formed the intention of journeying: or the meaning is مَا كَادَ [i. e. he hardly, or scarcely, found &c.; or he was not near to finding &c.]. (M, K.) See also أَمِنَهُ. b4: Also The manifesting humility or submission, and the accepting the Law, (Zj, T, * K,) and that which the Prophet has said or done, and the firm believing thereof with the heart; (Zj, T, M;) without which firm belief, the manifesting of humility or submission, and the accepting that which the Prophet has said or done, is termed إِسْلَامٌ, for which one's blood is to be spared. (T.) [In this sense, it is trans. by means of لِ, accord. to some, as shown above; or by means of بِ, for, accord. to Fei,] you say, آمَنْتُ بِاللّٰهِ, inf. n. as above, meaning I submitted, or resigned, myself to God. (Msb.) [There are numerous other explanations which it is needless to give, differing according to different persuasions. b5: See also إِيمَان below.]8 إِاْتَمَنَ see 1, in five places.10 استأمنهُ He asked, or demanded, of him الأَمَان [i. e. security or safety, or protection or safeguard, or the promise or assurance of security or safety, or indemnity, or quarter]. (T, * Msb, TA.) b2: See also أَمِنَهُ. b3: استأمن إِلَيْهِ He entered within the pale of his أمَان [or protection, or safeguard]. (S, Msb.) أَمْنٌ [an inf. n. of أَمِنِ: as a simple subst. it signifies Security, or safety: (see أَمِنَ:) or] security as meaning freedom from fear; contr. of خَوْفٌ; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ إِمْنٌ (Zj, M, K) and ↓ أَمِنٌ (M, K) and ↓ أَمَنَهُ (S, M, K) [and ↓ إِمْنَةٌ (see أَمِنَ)] and ↓ أَمَانٌ and ↓ آمِنٌ, (M, K,) which last is an inf. n. of أَمِنَ [like the rest], (MF,) or a subst. like فَالِجٌ; (M;) and ↓ أَمَانَةٌ is syn. with أَمَانٌ, (S,) both of these signifying security, or safety, and freedom from fear: (PS:) or أَمْنٌ signifies freedom from expectation of evil, or of an object of dislike or hatred, in the coming time; originally, ease of mind, and freedom from fear. (El-Munáwee, TA.) You say, أَنْتَ فِى أَمْنٍ [Thou art in a state of security], (T, M,) مِنْ ذَاكَ [from that]; and ↓ فى أَمَانٍ signifies the same; (T;) and so ↓ فى آمِنٍ. (M.) And نُعَاسًا ↓ أَمَنَةً, in the Kur [iii. 148], means Security (أَمْنًا) [and slumber]. (S.) ↓ أَمَانٌ also signifies Protection, or safeguard: and [very frequently] a promise, or an assurance, of security or safety; indemnity; or quarter: in Pers\. پَنَاهْ and زِنْهَارٌ: (KL:) syn. إِلُّ. (K in art. ال.) Yousay, ↓ دَخَلَ فِى أَمَانِهِ [He entered within the pale of his protection, or safeguard]. (S, Msb.) [and اللّٰهِ ↓ كُنٌ فِى أَمَانِ Be thou in the protection, or safeguard, of God.] And ↓ أَعْطَيْتُهُ الأَمَانَ [I gave, or granted, to him security or safety, or protection or safeguard, or the promise or assurance of security or safety, or indemnity, or quarter]; namely, a captive. (Msb.) And طَلَبَ

↓ مِنْهُ الأَمَانَ [He asked, or demanded, of him security or safety, or protection or safeguard, &c., as in the next preceding ex.]. (Msb, TA.) b2: أَمْنًا in the Kur ii. 119 means ذَا أَمْن [Possessed of security or safety]: (Aboo-Is-hák, M:) or مَوْضِعَ أَمْنٍ [a place of security or safety; like مَأْمَنًا]. (Bd.) b3: See also آمِنٌ. b4: You say also, مَا أَحْسَنَ أَمْنَكَ, and ↓ أَمَنَكَ, meaning How good is thy religion! and thy natural disposition! (M, K.) إِمْنٌ: see أَمْنٌ.

أَمَنٌ: see أَمْنٌ, first and last sentences.

أَمِنٌ: see آمِنٌ. b2: Also, (K, [there said to be like كَتِفٌ,]) or ↓ آمِنٌ, (M, [so written in a copy of that work,)] Asking, or demanding, or seeking, protection, in order to be secure, or safe, or free from fear, for himself: (M, K:) so says IAar. (M.) إِمْنَةٌ: see أَمْنٌ.

أمَنَةٌ: see أَمْنٌ, in two places: b2: and see also أَمَانَةٌ.

A2: Also A man who trusts, or confides, in every one; (T, S, M;) and so ↓ أُمَنَةٌ: (S:) and who believes in everything that he hears; who disbelieves in nothing: (Lh, T:) or in whom men, or people, trust, or confide, and whose malevolence, or mischievousness, they do not fear: (T, M:) and ↓ أُمَنَةٌ signifies trusted in, or confided in; [like أَمِينٌ;] and by rule should be أُمْنَةٌ, because it has the meaning of a pass. part. n. [like لُعْنَةٌ and ضُحْكَةٌ and لُقْطَلةٌ &c. (see لَقَطٌ)]: (M:) or both signify one in whom every one trusts, or confides, in, or with respect to, everything. (K.) b2: See also أَمِينٌ.

أُمَنَةٌ: see أَمَنَةٌ, in two places.

أَمَانٌ: see أَمْنٌ, in seven places.

أَمُونٌ, applied to a she camel, of the measure فَعُولٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ, like عَصُوبٌ and حَلُوبٌ, (tropical:) Trusted, or confided, in; (T;) firmly, compactly, or strongly, made; (T, S, M, K;) secure from, or free from fear of, being weak: (S, M:) also, that is secure from, or free from fear of, stumbling, and becoming jaded: (M:) or strong, so that her becoming languid is not feared: (A, TA:) pl. أُمُنٌ. (M, K.) [See also what next follows.]

أَمينٌ Trusted; trusted in; confided in; (T, * S, * M, Msb, * K;) as also ↓ أُمَّانٌ; (S, M, K;) i. q. ↓ مَأْمُونٌ (S, M, K) and ↓ مُؤْتَمَنٌ: (ISk, T, K:) [a person in whom one trusts or confides; a confidant; a person intrusted with, or to whom is confided, power, authority, control, or a charge, عَلَى شَىْءٍ over a thing; a person intrusted with an affair, or with affairs, i. e., with the management, or disposal, thereof; a confidential agent, or superintendent; a commissioner; a commissary; a trustee; a depositary;] a guardian: (TA:) trusty; trustworthy; trustful; confidential; faithful: (Mgh, Msb: *) pl. أُمَنَآءُ, and, accord. to some, ↓ أَمَنَةٌ, as in a trad. in which it is said, أَصْحَابِى أَمَنَةٌ لِأُمَّتِى, meaning My companions are guardians to my people: or, accord. to others, this is pl. of ↓ آمِنٌ [app. in a sense mentioned below in this paragraph, so that the meaning in this trad. is my companions are persons who accord trust, or confidence, to my people]. (TA.) Hence, أَلَمْ تَعْلَمِى يَا أَسْمَ وَيْحَكِ أَنَّنِى

حَلَفْتُ يَمِينًا لَا أَخُونُ أَمِينِى

[Knowest thou not, O Asmà (أَسْمَآء, curtailed for the sake of the metre), mercy on thee! or woe to thee! that I have sworn an oath that I will not act treacherously to him in whom I trust?] i. e. ↓ مَأْمُونِى: (S:) or the meaning here is, him who trusts, or confides, in me; (ISk, T;) [i. e.] it is here syn. with ↓ آمِنِى. (M.) [Hence also,] الأَمِينُ فِى القِمَارِ, (K voce مُجُمِدٌ, &c.,) or أَمِينُ, القِمَارِ, [The person who is intrusted, as deputy, with the disposal of the arrows in the game called المَيْسِر; or] he who shuffles the arrows; الَّذِى.

يَضْرِبُ بِالقِدَاحِ. (EM p. 105.) [Hence also,] الرُّوحُ الأَمِينُ [The Trusted, or Trusty, Spirit]; (Kur xxvi. 193;) applied to Gabriel, because he is intrusted with the revelation of God. (Bd.) ↓ أُمَّانٌ, mentioned above, and occurring in a verse of El-Aashà, applied to a merchant, is said by some to mean Possessed of religion and excellence. (M.) ↓ مُؤْتَمَنٌ is applied, in a trad., to the مُؤَذِّن, as meaning that men trust, or confide, in him with respect to the times in which he calls to prayer, and know by his call what they are commanded to do as to praying and fasting and breaking fast. (Mgh.) المُعَامَلَةِ ↓ هُوَ مَأْمُونُ means He is [trusty, or trustworthy, in dealing with others; or] free from exorbitance and deceit or artifice or craft to be feared. (Msb.) b2: An aid, or assistant; syn. عَوْنٌ [here app. meaning, as it often does, an armed attendant, or a guard]; because one trusts in his strength, and is without fear of his being weak. (M.) b3: (assumed tropical:) The strong; syn. قَوِىٌّ. (K, TA: [in the latter of which is given the same reason for this signification as is given in the M for that of عون; for which قوى may be a mistranscription; but see أَمُونٌ.]) b4: One who trusts, or confides, in another; (ISk, T, K;) [as also ↓ آمِنٌ, of which see an ex. voce حَذِرٌ;] so accord. to ISk in the verse cited above in this paragraph: (T:) thus it bears two contr. significations. (K.) b5: See also آمِنٌ, in five places.

A2: And see آمِينَ.

أَمَانَةٌ: see أَمْنٌ, first sentence. b2: Trustiness; trustworthiness; trustfulness; faithfulness; fidelity; (M, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ أَمَنَةٌ. (M, K.) أَمَانَةُ اللّٰهِ [for أَمَانَةُ اللّٰهِ قَسَمِي or مَا أُقْسِمُ The faithfulness of God is my oath or that by which I swear] is composed of an inf. n. prefixed to the agent, and the former is in the nom. case as an inchoative; the phrase being like لَعَمْرُ اللّٰهِ, as meaning an oath; and the enunciative being suppressed, and meant to be understood: accord. to some, you say, أَمَانَةَ اللّٰهِ [app. for نَشَدْتُكَ أَمَانَةَ اللّٰهِ I adjure thee, or conjure thee, by the faithfulness of God, or the like], making it to be governed in the accus. case by the verb which is to be understood: and some correctly say, وَأَمَانَةِ اللّٰهِ [By the faithfulness of God], with the و which denotes an oath: (Mgh:) or this last is an oath accord. to Aboo-Haneefeh; but Esh-Sháfi'ee does not reckon it as such: and it is forbidden in a trad. to swear by الأَمَانَة; app. because it is not one of the names of God. (TA.) [Or these phrases may have been used, in the manner of an oath, agreeably with explanations here following.]

A2: A thing committed to the trust and care of a person; a trust; a deposite; (Mgh, Msb;) and the like: (Msb:) property committed to trust and care: (TA:) pl. أَمَانَاتٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) It is said in the Kur [viii. 27], وَتَخُونُوا أَمَانَاتِكُمْ [Nor be ye unfaithful to the trusts committed to you]. (Mgh.) And in the same [xxxiii. 72], إِنَّا عَرَضْنَاالأَمَانَةَ عَلَى

السّموَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِوَالْجِبَالِ فَأَبَيْنَ أَنْ يَحْمِلْنَهَا وَأَشْفَقْنَ مِنْهَا وَحَمَلَهَا الْإِنْسَانُ [Verily we proposed, or offered, the trust which we have committed to man to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and (accord. to explanations of Bd and others) they refused to take it upon themselves, or to accept it, and they feared it, but man took it upon himself, or accepted it: or, (accord. to another explanation of Bd, also given in the T, and in the K in art. حمل, &c.,) they refused to be unfaithful to it, and they feared it, but man was unfaithful to it: but in explaining what this trust was, authors greatly differ: accord. to some,] الامانة here means obedience; so called because the rendering thereof is incumbent: or the obedience which includes that which is natural and that which depends upon the will: [for] it is said that when God created these [celestial and terrestrial] bodies, He created in them understanding: or it may here [and in some other instances] mean reason, or intellect: [and the faculty of volition: and app. conscience: these being trusts committed to us by God, to be faithfully employed: (see an ex. voce جَذْرٌ:)] and the imposition of a task or duty or of tasks or duties [app. combined with reason or intellect, which is necessary for the performance thereof]: (Bd:) or it here means prayers and other duties for the performance of which there is recompense and for the neglect of which there is punishment: (Jel:) or, accord. to I'Ab and Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr, (T,) the obligatory statutes which God has imposed upon his servants: (T, K: *) or, (T, K,) accord. to Ibn-'Omar, [the choice between] obedience and disobedience was offered to Adam, and he was informed of the recompense of obedience and the punishment of disobedience: but, in my opinion, he says, (T,) it here means the intention which one holds in the heart, (T, K,) with respect to the belief which he professes with the tongue, and with respect to all the obligatory statutes which he externally fulfils; (K;) because God has confided to him power over it, and not manifested it to any [other] of his creatures, so that he who conceives in his mind, with respect to the acknowledgment of the unity of God, (T, K,) and with respect to belief [in general], (T,) the like of that which he professes, he fulfils the امانة [or trust], (T, K,) and he who conceives in his mind disbelief while he professes belief with the tongue is unfaithful thereto, and every one who is unfaithful to that which is confided to him is [termed] حَامِلٌ, (T,) or حَامِلُ الأَمَانَةِ, and مُحْتَمِلُهَا: (Bd:) and by الإِنْسَانُ is here meant the doubting disbeliever. (T.) b2: Also, [as being a trust committed to him by God, A man's] family, or household; syn. أَهْلٌ. (TA.) أُمَّانٌ: see أَمينٌ, in two places.

A2: Also One who does not write; as though he were (كَأَنَّهُ [in the CK لاَنَّهُ because he is]) an أُمِّى. (K, TA.) [But this belongs to art. ام; being of the measure فُعْلَانٌ, like عُرْيَانٌ.] b2: And A sower, or cultivator of land; [perhaps meaning a clown, or boor;] syn. زَرَّاعٌ: (CK:) or sowers, or cultivators of land; syn. زُرَّاعٌ: (K, TA:) in one copy of the K زِرَاع. (TA.) آمِنٌ Secure, safe, or free from fear; as also ↓ أَمِينٌ (Lh, T, * S, * M, Msb, K) and ↓ أَمِنٌ. (M, K.) Hence, in the Kur [xcv. 3], ↓ وَهذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ [And this secure town]; (Akh, Lh, T, S, M;) meaning Mekkeh. (M.) بَلَدٌ آمِنٌ and ↓ أَمِينٌ means A town, or country, or district, of which the inhabitants are in a state of security, or confidence, therein. (Msb.) It is also said in the Kur [xliv. 51], ↓ إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي مَقَامٍ أَمِينٍ, meaning [Verily the pious shall be in an abode] wherein they shall be secure from the accidents, or casualties, of fortune. (M.) [And hence,] ↓ الأَمِينُ is one of the epithets applied to God, (Mgh, K,) on the authority of El-Hasan; (Mgh;) an assertion requiring consideration: it may mean He who is secure with respect to the accidents, or casualties, of fortune: but see المُؤْمِنُ, which is [well known as] an epithet applied to God. (TA.) آمِنُ المَالِ means What is secure from being slaughtered, of the camels, because of its being highly prized; by المال being meant الإِبِل: or, as some say, (tropical:) what is highly esteemed, of property of any kind; as though, if it had intellect, it would feel secure from being exchanged. (M.) You say, أَعْطَيْتُهُ مِنْ آمِنِ مَالِي, (K, TA, [in the CK آمَنِ,]) meaning (tropical:) I gave him of the choice, or best, of my property; of what was highly esteemed thereof; (K, TA;) and مَالِى ↓ مِنْ أَمْنِ which Az explains as meaning of the choice, or best, of my property. (TA: [in which is given a verse cited by ISk showing that أَمْن, thus used, is not a mistranscription for آمِن.]) And آمِنُ الحِلْمِ means Steadfast in forbearance or clemency; of whose becoming disordered in temper, and free from self-restraint, there is no fear. (M.) b2: See also أَمِينٌ, in three places: b3: and see اَمِنٌ.

A2: See also أَمِينٌ, in two places.

آمِينَ [in the CK, erroneously, آمِينُ] and ↓ أَمِينَ; (Th, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) both chaste and well known, (TA,) the latter of the dial. of El-Hijáz, (Msb, TA,) as some say, (TA,) [and this, though the less common, is the original form, for] the medd in the former is only to give fulness of sound to the fet-hah of the أ, (Th, M, Msb, TA,) as is shown by the fact that there is no word in the Arabic language of the measure فَاعِيلٌ; (Msb, TA;) and some pronounce the former آمِّينَ, (K,) which is said by some of the learned to be a dial. var., (Msb,) but this is a mistake, (S, Msb,) accord. to authorities of good repute, and is one of old date, originating from an assertion of Ahmad Ibn-Yahyà, [i. e. Th,] that آمِينَ is like عَاصِينَ, by which he was falsely supposed to mean its having the form of a pl., [and being consequently آمِّينَ,] (Msb, [and part of this is said in the M,]) whereas he thereby only meant that the م is without teshdeed, like the ص in عَاصِينَ; (M;) beside that the sense of قَاصِدِينَ [which is that of آمِّينَ, from أَمَّ,] would be inconsistent after the last phrase of the first chapter of the Kur [where آمينَ is usually added]; (Msb;) and sometimes it is pronounced with imáleh, [i. e. “émeena,”] as is said by ElWáhidee in the Beseet; (K;) but this is unknown in works on lexicology, and is said to be a mispronunciation of some of the Arabs of the desert of El-Yemen: (MF:) each form is indecl., (S,) with fet-h for its termination, like أَيْنَ and كَيْفَ, to prevent the occurrence of two quiescent letters together: (T, S, TA:) it is a word used immediately after a prayer, or supplication: (S, * M:) [it is best expressed, when occurring in a translation, by the familiar Hebrew equivalent Amen:] El-Fárisee says that it is a compound of a verb and a noun; (M;) meaning answer Thou me; [i. e. answer Thou my prayer;] (M, Mgh;*) or O God, answer Thou: (Zj, T, Msb, K:) or so be it: (AHát, S, Msb, K:) or so do Thou, (K, TA,) O Lord: (TA:) it is strangely asserted by some of the learned, that, after the Fátihah, [or Opening Chapter of the Kur-án,] it is a prayer which implies all that is prayed for in detail in the Fátihah: so in the Towsheeh: (MF:) or it is one of the names of God: (M, Msb, K:) so says El-Hasan (M, Msb) El-Basree: (Msb:) but the assertion that it is for يَا اَللّٰهُ [O God], and that اسْتَجِبٌ [answer Thou] is meant to be understood, is not correct accord. to the lexicologists; for, were it so, it would be with refa, not nasb. (T.) إِيمَانٌ [inf. n. of 4, q. v. b2: Used as a simple subst., Belief; particularly in God, and in his word and apostles &c.: faith: trust, or confidence: &c.] b3: Sometimes it means Prayer; syn. صَلَاةٌ: as in the Kur [ii. 138], where it is said, وَمَا كَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيُضِيعَ إِيَمانَكُمْ, (Bd, Jel, TA,) i. e. [God will not make to be lost] your prayer towards Jerusalem, (Bd, * Jel,) as some explain it. (Bd.) b4: Sometimes, also, it is used as meaning The law brought by the Prophet. (Er-Rághib, TA.) مَأْمَنٌ A place of security or safety or freedom from fear; or where one feels secure. (M, TA.) مُؤْمَنٌ pass. part. n. of آمَنَهُ. (T.) It is said in the Kur [iv. 96], accord. to one reading, (T, M,) that of Aboo-Jaafar El-Medenee, (T,) لَسْتَ مُؤْمَنًا [Thou art not granted security, or safety, &c.; or] we will not grant thee security, &c. (T, M.) مُؤْمِنٌ [act. part. n. of 4; Rendering secure, &c.]. المُؤْمِنُ is an epithet applied to God; meaning He who rendereth mankind secure from his wronging them: (T, S:) or He who rendereth his servants secure from his punishment: (M, IAth:) i. q. المُهَيْمِنُ, (M,) which is originally المُؤَأْمِنُ; [for the form مُفْعِلٌ is originally مُؤَفْعِلٌ;] the second ء being softened, and changed into ى, and the first being changed into ه: (S:) or the Believer of his servants (Th, M, TA) the Muslims, on the day of resurrection, when the nations shall be interrogated respecting the messages of their apostles: (TA:) or He who will faithfully perform to his servants what He hath promised them: (T, TA:) or He who hath declared in his word the truth of his unity. (T.) b2: [Also Believing, or a believer; particularly in God, and in his word and apostles &c.: faithful: trusting, or confiding: &c.: see 4.]

مَأْمُونٌ: see أَمِينٌ, in three places. b2: مَأْمُونَةٌ A woman whose like is sought after and eagerly retained because of her valuable qualities. (M.) مَأْمُونِيَّةٌ A certain kind of food; so called in relation to El-Ma-moon. (TA.) مُؤْتَمَنٌ: see أَمِينٌ, in two places.
[امن] فيه: ويلقى الشيطان في "أمنيته" أي قراءته، و"تمنى" إذا قرأ والأماني جمعه ومنه: إلا "أماني" أي ما يقرؤنه. وإياكم و"الأماني" بتشديد ياء وخفتها. قا: إلا "أماني" الاستثناء منقطع، والأمنية ما يقدره في النفس، ولذا يطلق على الكذب، وعلى ما يتمنى، وما يقرأ أي ولكن يعتقدون أكاذيب تقليداً، أو مواعيد فارغة من أن الجنة لا يدخلها إلا اليهود ونحوه. نه وفيه: "المؤمن" تعالى أي يصدق عباده وعده من الإيمان التصديق، أو يؤمنهم في القيعذابه من الأمان ضد الخوف. ونهران "مؤمنان" النيل والفرات شبهاً بالمؤمن في عموم النفع لأنهما يفيضان على الأرض فيسقيان الحرث بلا مؤنة وكلفة، وشبه دجلة ونهر بلخ بالكافر في قلة النفع لأنهما لا يسقيان ولا ينتفع بهما إلا بمؤنة وكلفة. ولا يزني الزاني وهو "مؤمن" قيل: هو نهي في صورة الخبر أي لا يزن المؤمن فإنه لا يليق بالمؤمنين، وقيل:مده أكثر من القصر، أي أنه طابع الله على عباده للآفات والبلايا تدفع به كخاتم الكتاب يصونه من فساده وإظهار ما فيه، وهو مبني على الفتح ومعناه استجب لي، أو كذلك فليكن. وفيه: "أمين" درجة في الجنة أي كلمة يكتسب بها قائلها درجة. شا: قولهم في الدعاء "أمين" أنه اسم من أسماء الله بمعنى المؤمن أن بالفتح بمعنى التعليل، ومعناه يا أمين استجب، ورده النووي إذ لم يثبت بالقرآن والسنة المتواترة، وأسماؤه لا تثبت بدونهما. نه: لا تسبقني "بأمين" لعل بلالاً كان يقرأ الفاتحة في السكتة الأولى من سكتتي الإمام فربما يبقى عليه منها شيء ورسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قد فرغ من قراءتها فاستمهله بلال في التأمين بقدر ما يتم فيه بقية السورة حتى ينال بركة موافقته في التأمين. ط: إذا "أمن" الإمام "فأمنوا" فإنه من وافق عطف على محذوف أي فإن الملائكة تؤمن فمن وافق، والمراد الحفظة، وقيل غيرهم، فإن الإمام علة لترتب الجزاء على الشرط.


[ام] ن: "أم" والله لأستغفرن بحذف ألف أما في ضبطنا. ط: أيقتله "ام" كيف يفعله، أم متصلة يعني إذا رأى الرجل هذا المنكر القطيع وثارت عليه الحمية أيقتله أم يصبر على ذلك العار؟ أو منقطعة سأل أولاً عن القتل مع القصاص ثم أضرب إلى سؤال آخر أي كيف يفعل يصبر على العار أو يحدث الله مخلصاً، فقوله قد أنزل فيك مطابق لهذا القدر. فالوجه هو المنقطعة، والمنزل والذين يرمون أزواجهم، ومن قتل من زعم أنه زنى مع امرأته يقتل، ولا شيء عليه عند الله إن صدق زعمه.


1 أَمَّهُ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـُ (T, M, Msb,) inf. n. أَمٌّ, (T, S, M, Msb,) He tended, repaired, betook himself, or directed his course, to, or towards, him, or it; aimed at, sought, endeavoured after, pursued, or endeavoured to reach or attain or obtain, him, or it; intended it, or purposed it; syn. قَصَدَهُ, (Lth, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and تَوَخَّاهُ, (T,) and تَعَمَّدَهُ, (Mgh,) and تَوَجَّهَ إِلَيْهِ; (TA;) as also ↓ أَمَّمَهُ, and ↓ تأمّمهُ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ ائتمّهُ, (M, K,) and ↓ يَمَّمّهُ, (T, M, K,) and ↓ تَيَمَّمَهُ; (T, M, Mgh, K;) the last two being formed by substitution [of ى for أ]. (M.) Hence, يَااَللّٰهُ أُمَّنَا بِخَيْرٍ [O God, bring us good]. (JK in art. اله, and Bd in iii. 25.) and لَأَمَّ مَا هُوَ, occurring in a trad., meaning He has indeed betaken himself to, or pursued, the right way: or it is used in a pass. sense, as meaning he is in the way which ought to be pursued. (TA.) And رَسُولَ اللّٰهِ ↓ انْطَلَقْتُ أَتَأَمَّمُ, in another trad., I went away, betaking myself to the Apostle of God. (TA.) Hence, also, تَيَمَّمَ ↓ الصَّعِيدَ لِلصَّلَاهِ [He betook himself to dust, or pure dust, to wipe his face and his hands and arms therewith, for prayer]: (T, * M, * Mgh, TA:) as in the Kur iv. 46 and v. 9: (ISk, M, TA:) whence الَّتَّيَمُّمُ as meaning the wiping the face and the hands and arms with dust; (ISk, T, * M, * Mgh, TA;) i. e. the performing the act termed تَوَضُّؤٌ with dust: formed by substitution [of ى for آ]: (M, K:) originally التَّأَمُّمُ. (K.) b2: See also 8.

A2: أَمَّهُ, (S, M, Mgh, &c.,) aor. ـُ (M, Mgh,) inf. n. أَمٌّ, (M, Mgh, K,) He broke his head, so as to cleave the skin, (S, Msb,) inflicting a wound such as is termed آمَّة [q. v.]; (S;) [i. e.] he struck, (M, Mgh, K,) or wounded, (M, K,) the أُمّ [q. v.] of his head, (M, Mgh, K,) with a staff, or stick. (Mgh.) A3: أَمَّهُمْ (S, M, K) and أَمَّ بِهِمْ, (M, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. إِمَامَةٌ, (S, [but in the M and K it seems to be indicated that this is a simple subst.,]) He preceded them; went before them; took precedence of them; or led them, so as to serve as an example, or object of imitation; syn. تَقَدَّمَهُمْ; (M, K;) [and particularly] فِى الصَّلَاةِ [in prayer]. (S.) And أَمَّهُ and بِهِ أَمَّ He prayed as إِمَام [q. v.] with him. (Msb.) And أَمَّ الصُّفُوفَ He became [or acted as] إِمَام to the people composing the ranks [in a mosque &c.]. (Har p. 680.) You say also, لَا يَؤُمُّ الرَّجُلُ الرَّجُلَ فِى سُلْطَانِهِ [A man shall not take precedence of a man in his authority]; meaning, in his house, and where he has predominance, or superior power, or authority; nor shall he sit upon his cushion; for in doing so he would show him contempt. (Mgh in art. سلط.) A2: أَمَّتٌ, (S, M, K,) [first Pers\. أَمُمْتُ,] aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. أُمُومَةٌ, (M, K,) She (a woman, S) became a mother; (S, M, K;) [as also أَمَّتٌ having for its first Pers\. أَمِمْتُ, aor. ـَ for] you say, مَا كُنْتِ أُمَّا وَلَقَدْ أَمِمْتِ [Thou wast not a mother, and thou hast become a mother], (S, M, K, [in the last فَأَمِمْتِ,]) with kesr, (K,) inf. n. أُمُومَةٌ. (S, M, K.) b2: أَمَمْتُهُ I was to him a mother. (A in art. ربض.) IAar, speaking of a woman, said, كَانَتْ لَهَا عَمَّةٌ تَؤُمُّهَا, meaning [She had, lit. there was to her, a paternal aunt] who was to her like the mother. (M.) 2 أَمَّمَهُ and يَمَّمَهُ: see 1, first sentence, in two places.3 آمّهُ It agreed with it, neither exceeding nor falling short. (M.) b2: [See also the part. n. مُؤَامٌّ, voce أَمَمٌ; whence it seems that there are other senses in which آمَّ may be used, intransitively.]5 تَأَمَّمَ and تَيَمَّمَ: see 1, former part, in four places.

A2: تأمّم بِهِ: see 8.

A3: تَمَّمْتُ I took for myself, or adopted, a mother. (S.) And تَأَمَّمَهَا He took her for himself, or adopted her, as a mother; (S, * M, K;) as also ↓ استآمّها, (M, K,) and تَأَمَّهَهَا. (M.) 8 ائتمّهُ [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَمَّهُ]: see 1, first sentence.

A2: ائتمّ بِهِ He followed his example; he imitated him; he did as he did, following his example; or taking him as an example, an exemplar, a pattern, or an object of imitation; (S, Mgh, Msb;) as also ↓ أَمَّهُ: (Bd in xvi. 121:) the object of the verb is termed إِمَامٌ; (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) applied to a learned man, (Msb,) or a head, chief, or leader, or some other person. (M, K.) He made it an أُمَّة or إِمَّة [i. e. a way, course, or rule, of life or conduct; as explained immediately before in the work whence this is taken]; as also به ↓ تأمّم. (M.) You say, ائتمّ بِالشَّيْءِ and ائْتَمَى به, by substitution [of ى for م], (M, K,) disapproving of the doubling [of the م]. (M.) 10 إِسْتَاْمَ3َ see 5.

أَمْ is a conjunction, (S, M, K,) connected with what precedes it (Msb, Mughnee) so that neither what precedes it nor what follows it is independent, the one of the other. (Mughnee.) It denotes interrogation; (M, K;) or is used in a case of interrogation, (S, Msb,) corresponding to the interrogative أَ, and meaning أَىّ, (S,) or, as Z says, أَىُّ الأَمْرَيْنِ كَائِنٌ; [for an explanation of which, see what follows;] (Mughnee;) or, [in other words,] corresponding to the interrogative أَ, whereby, and by أَمْ, one seeks, or desires, particularization: (Mughnee:) it is as though it were an interrogative after an interrogative. (Lth, T.) Thus you say, أَزَيُدٌ فِى الدَّارِ أَمْ عَمْرٌو [Is Zeyd in the house, or 'Amr?]; (S, Mughnee;) i. e. which of them two (أَيُّهُمَا) is in the house? (S;) therefore what follows ام and what precedes it compose one sentence; and it is not used in commanding nor in forbidding; and what follows it must correspond to what precedes it in the quality of noun and of verb; so that you say, أَزَيْدٌ قَائِمٌ أَمع قَاعِدٌ [Is Zeyd standing, or sitting?] and أَقَامَ زَيْدٌ أَمْ قَعَدَ [Did Zeyd stand, or sit?]. (Msb.) It is not to be coupled with أَ after it: you may not say, أَعِنْدَكَ زَيْدٌ أَمْ أَعِنْدَكَ عَمْرٌو. (S.) b2: As connected in like manner with what goes before, it is preceded by أَ denoting equality [by occurring after سَوَآءٌ &c.], and corresponds thereto, as in [the Kur lxiii. 6,] سَوَآءُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَسْتَغْفَرْتَ لَهُمٌ لَمٌ تَسْتَغُفِرْ لَهُمٌ [It will be equal to them whether thou beg forgiveness for them or do not beg forgiveness for them]. (Mughnee.) b3: It is also unconnected with what precedes it, (S, Msb, Mughnee,) implying always digression, (Mughnee,) preceded by an enunciative, or an interrogative, (S, Msb, Mughnee,) other than أَ, (Mughnee,) or by أَ not meant [really] as an interrogative but to denote disapproval, (Mughnee,) and signifies بَلْ, (Lth, Zj, T, S, M, Mughnee, K,) or بَلْ and أَ together, (Msb,) and this is its meaning always accord. to all the Basrees, but the Koofees deny this. (Mughnee.) Thus, using it after an enunciative, you say, إِنَّهَا لَإِبِلٌ أَمْ شَآءٌ [Verily they are camels: nay, or nay but, they are sheep, or goats: or nay, are they sheep, or goats?]: (S Msb, Mughnee:) this being said when one looks at a bodily form, and imagines it to be a number of camels, and says what first occurs to him; then the opinion that it is a number of sheep or goats suggests itself to him, and he turns from the first idea, and says, أَمْ شَآءٌ, meaning بَلْ, because it is a digression from what precedes it; though what follows بل is [properly] a thing known certainly, and what follows ام is opined. (S, TA.) And using it after an interrogative in this case, you say, هَلْ زيْدٌ مُنْطَلِقٌ أَمْ عَمْرٌو [Is Zeyd going away? Nay rather, or, or rather, is 'Amr?]: you digress from the question respecting Zeyd's going away, and make the question to relate to 'Amr; so that ام implies indecisive opinion, and interrogation, and digression. (S.) And thus using it, you say, هَلْ زَيْدٌ قَامَ أَمْ عَمْرٌو [Did Zeyd stand? Nay rather, or or rather, did 'Amr?]. (Msb.) And an ex. of the same is the saying [in the Kur xiii. 17], هَلْ يَسْتَوِى الْأَعْمَى وَالْبَصِيرُ أَمْ هَلْ تَسْتَوِى الظُّلُمَاتُ وَالنُّورُ [Are the blind and the seeing equal? Or rather are darkness and light equal?]. (Mughnee.) And an ex. of it preceded by أَ used to denote disapproval is the saying [in the Kur vii. 194], أَلَهُمْ أَرْجُلٌ يَمْشُونَ بِهَا أَمْ لَهُمْ أَيْدٍ يَبْطِشُونَ بِهَا [Have they feet, to walk therewith? Or have they hands to assault therewith?]: for أَ is here equivalent to a negation. (Mughnee.) [It has been shown above that] أَمْ is sometimes introduced immediately before هَلْ: (S, K:) but IB says that this is when هل occurs in a phrase next before it; [as in the ex. from the Kur xiii. 17, cited above;] and in this case, the interrogative meaning of ام is annulled; it being introduced only to denote a digression. (TA.) b4: It is also used as a simple interrogative; accord. to the assertion of AO; in the sense of هَلْ; (Mughnee;) or in the sense of the interrogative أَ; (Lth, T, K) as in the saying, أَمْ عِنْدَكَ غَدَآءِ حَاضِرٌ, meaning Hast thou a morning-meal ready? a good form of speech used by the Arabs; (Lth, T;) and allowable when preceded by another phrase. (T.) b5: And sometimes it is redundant; (Az, T, S, Mughnee, K) in the dial. of the people of El-Yemen; (T;) as in the saying, يَا دَهْنَ أَمْ مَا كَانَ مَشْيِى رقَصَا بَلْ قَدْ تَكُونُ مِشْيَتِى تَوَقُّصَا (T, S, * [in the latter, يا هِنْدُ, and only the former hemistich is given,]) meaning O Dahnà, (the curtailed form دَهْنَ being used for دَهْنَآء,) my walking was not, as now in my age, [a feeble movement like] dancing: but in my youth, my manner of walking used to be a bounding: (T:) this is accord. to the opinion of Az: but accord. to another opinion, ام is here [virtually] conjoined with a preceding clause which is suppressed; as though the speaker had said, يَا دَهْنَ أَكَانَ مَشْيِى رَقَصَّا أَمْ مَا كَانَ كَذلِكَ. (A 'Hát, TA.) A2: It is also used (T, Mughnee) in the dial. of the people of El-Yemen, (T,) or of Teiyi and Himyer, (Mughnee,) in the sense of ال, (T,) to render a noun determinate. (Mughnee.) So in the trad., لَيْسَ مِنَ امْبِرّ امْصِيامُ فِى امْسَفَرِ, (T, Mughnee,) i. e. الَيْسَ مِنَ البِرِّ الصِّيَامُ فِى السَّفَرِ [Fasting in journeying is not an act of obedience to God]. (T, and M in art. بر.) So too in the trad., اَلْآنَ طَابَ امْضَرْبُ Now fighting has become lawful; as related accord. to the dial. of Himyer, for الضَّرْبُ. (TA in art. طيب.) It has been said that this form ام is only used in those cases in which the ل of the article does not become incorporated into the first letter of the noun to which it is prefixed; as in the phrase, خُذِ الرُّمْحَ وَارْكَبِ امْفَرَسَ [Take thou the spear, and mount the mare, or horse], related as heard in El-Yemen; but this usage may be peculiar to some of the people of that country; not common to all of them; as appears from what we have cited above. (Mughnee.) A3: أَمَ for أَمَا, before an oath: see art. اما.

A4: And أَمَ اللّٰهِ and أَمُ اللّٰهِ &c.: see أَيْمُنُ اللّٰهِ, in art. يمن.

أُمٌّ A mother (T, S, M, Msb, K, &c.) [of a human being and] of any animal; (IAar, T;) as also ↓إِمٌّ, (Sb, M, Msb, K) and ↓إُمَّةٌ, (T, M, Msb, K,) and ↓أُمَّهَةٌ, (S, M, Msb, K,) which last is the original form (S, Msb) accord. to some, (Msb,) or the ه in this is augmentative (M, Msb) accord. to others: (Msb:) the pl. is أُمَّهَاتٌ (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, K) and أُمَّاتٌ; (S, M, Msb, K;) or the former is applied to human beings, and the latter to beasts; (T, S;) or the former to rational beings, and the latter to irrational; (M, K;) or the former is much applied to human beings, and the latter to others, for the sake of distinction; (Msb;) but the reverse is sometimes the case: (IB:) IDrst and others hold the latter to be of weak authority: (TA:) the dim. of أُمٌّ is ↓ أُمَيْمَةٌ (T, S, K) accord. to some of the Arabs; but correctly, [accord. to those who hold the original form of أُمٌّ to be أُمَّهَةٌ,] it is ↓ أُمَيْمِهَةٌ. (Lth, T, TA. [In a copy of the T, I find this latter form of the dim. written اميهة.]) b2: أُمَّ لَكَ denotes dispraise; (S;) being used by the Arabs as meaning Thou hast no free, or ingenuous, mother; because the sons of female slaves are objects of dispraise with the Arabs; and is only said in anger and reviling: (A Heyth, T:) or, as some say, it means thou art one who has been picked up as a foundling, having no Known mother: (TA:) [or] it is also sometimes used in praise; (A 'Obeyd, T, S, K;) and is used as an imprecation without the desire of its being fulfilled upon the person addressed, being said in vehemence of love; [lit. meaning mayest thou have no mother!], like ثَكِلَتْكَ أُمُّكَ, and لَا أَبَا لَكَ, [and قَاتَلَكَ اللّٰهُ,] &c. (Har p. 165.) b3: Some elide the ا of أُمّ; as in the saying of 'Adee Ibn-Zeyd.

أَيُّهَا العَائِبُ عِنْدِمَّ زَيْدٍ

[O thou who art blaming in my presence the mother of Zeyd]; meaning, عِنْدِى أُمَّ زَيْدٍ; the ى of عندى being also elided on account of the occurrence of two quiescent letters [after the elision of the ا of أُمّ]: (Lth, T, S:) and as in the phrase وَيْلُمِّهِ, (S,) which means وَيْلٌ لِأُمِّهِ. (S, and K in art. ويل, q. v.) b4: هُمَا أُمَّاكّ means They two are thy two parents: or thy mother and thy maternal aunt. (K.) [But] فَدَّاهُ بِأُمَّيْهِ is said to mean [He expressed a wish that he (another) might be ransomed with] his mother and his grandmother. (TA.) b5: One says also, لَا تَفْعَلِى ↓ يَا أُمَّتِ [O my mother, do not thou such a thing], and [in like manner] يَا أَبَتِ افْعَلْ; making the sign of the fem. gender a substitute for the [pronominal] affix ى; and in a case of pause, you say يَا أُمَّهْ. (S.) b6: And one says, مَا أُمِّى وَأُمُّهُ, and مَا شَكْلِى وَشَكْلُهُ, meaning [What relationship have I to him, or it? or what concern have I with him, or it? or] what is my case and [what is] his or its, case? because of his, or its, remoteness from me: whence, (T,) وَمَا أُمِّى وَأُمُّ الوَحْشِ لَمَّا تَفَرَّعَ فِى مَفَارِقِىَ الْمَشِيبُ [And what concern have I with the wild animals when hoariness hath spread in the places where my hair parts?]; (T, S;) i. e. مَا أَنَاوَطَلَبُ الوَحْشِ بَعْدَ مَا كَبِرْتُ [i. e. مَا أمْرِي وَطَلَبُ الوَحْشِ: in one copy of the S, وَطَلَبَ, i. e. with وَ as a prep. denoting concomitance, and therefore governing the accus. case: both readings virtually meaning what concern have I with the pursuing of the wild animals after I have grown old?]: he means, the girls: and the mention of أُمّ in the verse is superfluous. (S.) b7: أُمٌّ also relates to inanimate things that have growth; as in أُمُّ الشَّجَرَةِ [The mother of the tree]; and أُمُّ النَّخْلَةِ [the mother of the palm-tree]; and أُمُّ المَوْزِةَ [the mother of the banana-tree; of which see an ex. in art. موز]; and the like. (M, TA.) b8: and it signifies also The source, origin, foundation, or basis, (S, M, Msb, K,) of a thing, (S, Msb, [in the former of which, this is the first of the meanings assigned to the word,]) or of anything; (M, K) its stay, support, or efficient cause of subsistence. (M, K.) b9: Anything to which other things are collected together, or adjoined: (IDrd, M, K:) anything to which the other things that are next thereto are collected together, or adjoined: (Lth, T:) the main, or chief, part of a thing; the main body thereof: and that which is a compriser, or comprehender, of [other] things: (Ham p. 44:) the place of collection, comprisal, or comprehension, of a thing; the place of combination thereof. (En-Nadr, T.) b10: And hence, (IDrd, M,) The head, or chief, of a people, or company of men; (IDrd, S, M, K;) because others collect themselves together to him: (IDrd, TA:) so in the phrase أُمُّ عِيَالٍ [lit. the mother of a household], in a poem of Esh-Shenfarà: (IDrd, M:) or in this instance, it has the signification next following, accord. to Esh-Sháfi'ee. (T.) b11: A man who has the charge of the food and service of a people, or company of men; accord. to EshSháfi'ee: (T:) or their servant. (K.) b12: A man's aged wife. (IAar, T, K.) b13: A place of habitation or abode. (K.) So in the Kur [ci. 6], فَأُمُّهُ هَاوِيَةٌ His place of habitation or abode [shall be] the fire [of Hell]: (Bd, Jel, TA:) or, as some say, the meaning is أُمُّ رَأْسِهِ هَاوِيَةٌ فِيهَا [his brain shall fall into it, namely, the fire of Hell]. (TA.) b14: The ensign, or standard, which an army follows. (S.) [See أُمُّ الرُّمْحِ, below.] b15: It is said in a trad., respecting the prophets, أُمَّهَا تُهُمْ شَتَّى, meaning that, though their religion is one, their laws, or ordinances, or statutes, are various, or different: or the meaning is, their times are various, or different. (TA in art. شت.) b16: See also أُمَّةٌ, in two places. b17: أُمّ is also prefixed to nouns significant of many things. (M.) [Most of the compounds thus formed will be found explained in the arts. to which belong the nouns that occupy the second place. The following are among the more common, and are therefore here mentioned, with the meanings assigned to them in lexicons in the present art., and arranged in distinct classes.] b18: أُمُّ الرَّجُلِ The man's wife; and the person who manages the affairs of his house or tent. (TA.) And أُمُّ مَثْوَى الرَّجُلِ The man's wife, to whom he betakes himself for lodging, or abode: (T:) the mistress of the man's place of abode. (S, M.) b19: أُمُّ عَامِرٍ The hyena, or female hyena; as also أُمُّ عَمْرٍو; (TA;) and أُمُّ الطَّرِيقِ. (S, TA. [See also other significations of the first and last below.]) أُمُّ حِلْسٍ [or أُمُّ الحِلْسِ (as in the S and K in art. حلَس)] The she-ass. (TA.) أُمُّ البَيْضِ The female ostrich. (S, K.) b20: أُمُّ الرَّأُسِ The brain: (T, M, K:) or the thin skin that is upon it: (IDrd, M, K:) or the bag in which is the brain: (T:) or the skin that comprises the brain; [the meninx, or dura mater and pia mater;] (S, Mgh;) which is called أُمُّ الدِّمَاغِ (S, Msb) likewise. (S.) b21: أُمُّ النُّجُومِ The Milky way; (S, M, K) because it is the place where the stars are collected together [in great multitude]: (M:) or, as some say, the sun; which is the greatest of the stars. (Ham pp. 43 and 44.) Because of the multitude of the stars in the Milky way, one says, مَا أَشْبَهَ مَجْلِسَكَ بِأُمِّ النُّجُومِ (assumed tropical:) [How like is thine assembly to the Milky way!]. (TA.) b22: أُمُّ القُرَى [The mother of the towns; the metropolis: particularly] Mekkeh; (T, S, M, K) because asserted to be in the middle of the earth; (M, K;) or because it is the Kibleh of all men, and thither they repair; (M, K; *) or because it is the greatest of towns in dignity: (M, K:) and every city is the أُمّ of the towns around it. (T.) أُمُّ التَّنَائِفِ The most difficult of deserts or of waterless deserts: (T:) or a desert, or waterless desert, (S, K,) far extending. (S.) أُمُّ الطَّرِيقِ (T, S, M) and أُمَّةٌ ↓ الطَّرِيقِ (M, K) The main part [or track] of the road: (T, S, M, K:) when it is a great road or track, with small roads or tracks around it [or on either side], the greatest is so called. (T. [The former has also another signification, mentioned above.]) أُمُّ عَامِرٍ The cemetery, or place of graves. (T. [This, also, has another signification, mentioned before.]) أُمُّ الرُّمْحِ The ensign, or standard; (M, K;) also called أُمُّ الحَرْبِ; (TA;) [and simply الأُمُّ, as shown above;] and the piece of cloth which is wound upon the spear. (T, M. *) أُمُّ جَابِرٍ Bread: and also the ear of corn. (T.) أُمُّ الخَبَائِثِ [The mother of evil qualities or dispositions; i. e.] wine. (T.) أُمُّ الكِتَابِ [in the Kur iii. 5 and xiii. 39] (S, M, &c.) The original of the book or scripture [i. e. of the Kur-án]: (Zj, M, K:) or the Preserved Tablet, اللَّوْحُ المَحْفُوظُ: (M, Msb, K:) or it signifies, (M, K,) or signifies also, (Msb,) the opening chapter of the Kur-án; the فَاتِحَة; (M, Msb, K;) because every prayer begins therewith; (M;) as also أُمُّ القُرْآنِ: (Msb, K:) or the former, the whole of the Kur-án, (I'Ab, K,) from its beginning to its end: (TA:) and the latter, every plain, or explicit, verse of the Kur-án, of those which relate to laws and statutes and obligatory ordinances. (T, K.) أُمُّ الشَّرِّ Every evil upon the face of the earth: and أُمُّ الخَيْرِ every good upon the face of the earth. (T.) إِمُّ: see أُمٌّ, first sentence.

أَمَّةٌ: see آمَّةٌ.

أُمَّةٌ A way, course, mode, or manner, of acting, or conduct, or the like; (Az, S;) as also ↓ إِمَّةٌ: (Az, S, K:) Fr assigns this meaning to the latter, and that next following to the former: (T:) a way, course, or rule, of life, or conduct; (Fr, T, M, K;) as also ↓ إِمَّةٌ. (M, K.) b2: Religion; as also ↓ إِمَّةٌ: (Az, S, M, K: [one of the words by which this meaning is expressed in the M and K is شِرْعَة; for which Golius found in the K سرعة:]) one course, which people follow, in religion. (T.) You say, فُلَانٌ لَا أُمَّةَ لَهُ Such a one has no religion; no religious persuasion. (S.) And a poet says, وَهَلْ يَسْتَوِى ذُو أُمَّةٍ وَكَفُورُ [And are one who has religion and one who is an infidel equal?]. (S.) b3: Obedience [app. to God]. (T, M, K.) A2: The people of a [particular] religion: (Akh, S:) a people to whom an apostle is sent, (M, K,) unbelievers and believers; such being called his أُمَّة: (M:) any people called after a prophet are said to be his أُمَّة: (Lth, T:) the followers of the prophet: pl. أُمَمٌ. (T, Msb.) It is said in the Kur [ii. 209], كَانَ النَّاسُ أُمَّةٍ واحِدَةً, meaning Mankind was [a people] of one religion. (Zj, T, TA.) b2: A nation; a people; a race; a tribe, distinct body, or family; (Lth, T, M, K;) of mankind; (Lth, T;) or of any living beings; as also ↓ أُمٌّ: (M, K:) a collective body [of men or other living beings]; (T, S;) a sing. word with a pl. meaning: (Akh, S:) a kind, genus, or generical class, (T, S, M, K,) by itself, (T,) of any animals, or living beings, (T, S, M, TA,) others than the sons of Adam, (T,) as of dogs, (T, S, M,) and of other beasts, and of birds; (T, M, * TA;) as also ↓ أُمٌّ; (M, K;) pl. of the former أُمَمٌ; (S, M;) which occurs in a trad. as relating to dogs; (S;) and in the Kur vi. 38, as relating to beasts and birds. (T, M, * TA.) b3: A man's people, community, tribe, kinsfolk, or party; (M, K, TA;) his company. (TA.) b4: A generation of men; or people of one time: pl. أُمَمٌ: as in the saying, قَدْ مَضَتْ أُمَمٌ Generations of men have passed away. (T.) b5: The creatures of God. (M, K.) You say, مَا رَأَيْتُ مِنْ أُمَّةِ اللّٰهِ أَحْسَنَ مِنْهُ [I have not seen, of the creatures of God, one more beautiful than he]. (M.) A3: I. q. إِمَامٌ; (T, M, K;) accord. to A 'Obeyd, applied in this sense to Abraham, in the Kur xvi. 121. (T.) b2: A righteous man who is an object of imitation. (T.) b3: One who follows the true religion, holding, or doing, what is different from, or contrary to, all other religions: (M, K:) [said to be] thus applied to Abraham, ubi suprà. (M.) b4: One who is known for goodness: (Fr, T:) and so explained by Ibn-Mes'ood as applied to Abraham: (TA:) or, so applied, it has the signification next following: (TA:) a man combining all kinds of good qualities: (T, M, K:) or, as some say, repaired to: or imitated. (Bd:) b5: A learned man: (T, M, K:) one who has no equal: (T:) the learned man of his age, or time, who is singular in his learning: (Msb:) and one who is alone in respect of religion. (T.) A4: See also إُمٌّ, first sentence. Hence, يَاأُمَّتِ which see in the same paragraph.

A5: The stature of a man; tallness, and beauty of stature; or justness of stature; syn. قَامَةٌ; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) and شَطَاطً: (M, TA: [in the K, the signification of نَشَاطٌ is assigned to it; but this is evidently a mistake for شَطَاطٍ; for the next three significations before the former of these words in the K are the same as the next three before the latter of them in the M; and the next five after the former word in the K are the same as the next five after the latter in the M, with only this difference, that one of these five is the first of them in the M and the third of them in the K:]) pl. أُمَمٌ. (T, S, M. *) You say, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ الأُمَّةِ, i. e. الشَّطَاطِ [Verily he is beautiful in justness of stature]. (M.) And El-Aashà says, حِسَانُ الوُجُوهِ طِوَالُ الأُمَمْ [Beautiful in respect of the faces,] tall in respect of the statures. (T, S, M. * [In the last, بيضُ الوُجُوهِ.]) b2: The face. (T, M, K.) b3: أُمَّةُ الآوَجْهِ The form of the face: (Az, T:) or the principal part thereof; (M, K;) the part thereof in which beauty is usually known to lie. (M) You say, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ أُمَّةِ الآوَجْهِ Verily he is beautiful in the form of the face: and إِنَّهُ لآَقَبِيحُ أُمَّةِ الآوَجْهِ verily he is ugly in the form of the face. (Az, T.) b4: أُمَّةُ الطَّرِيقِ: see أُمٌّ.

A6: A time; a period of time; a while. (T, S, M, K.) So in the Kur [xii. 45], وَادَّكَرَ بَعْدَ أُمَّةٍ [And he remembered, or became reminded, after a time]: (S, M:) or, after a long period of time: but some read ↓ إِمَّةٍ, i. e., after favour had been shown him, in his escape: and some read أَمَةٍ, i. e., forgetting. (Bd.) and so in the same [xi. 11], وَلَئِنْ أخَّرْنَا عَنْهُمُ العَذَابَ

إِلآَى أُمَّةٍ مَعْدُودَة [And verily, if we kept back from them the punishment] until a short period of time. (S * Bd.) إِمَّةٌ: see أُمَّةٌ, in three places; first and second sentences. b2: I. q. ↓ إِمَامَةٌ (K) [i. e. The office of إِمَام, q. v. : or] the acting as, or performing the office of, إِمَام: (T in explanation of إِمَّةٌ, and M and Msb in explanation of إِمَامَةٌ:) and the mode, or manner, of performing that office. (T.) b3: I. q. هَيْئَةٌ (Lh, M, K) and شَأْنٌ (M, K) and حَالٌ (M) and حَالَةٌ (M, K) [all as meaning State, condition, or case: or by the first may be here meant external state or condition; form, or appearance; or state with respect to apparel and the like]. b4: An easy and ample state of life; (T;) easiness, or pleasantness of life; ampleness of the conveniences of life, or of the means of subsistence; ease and enjoyment; plenty; prosperity; welfare. (IAar, M, K. *) You say of an old man when he has strength remaining, فُلَانٌ بِإِمَّةٍ, meaning Such a one is returning to a state of well-being and ease and enjoyment. (TA.) b5: Dominion; mastership; authority. (Fr, T, IKtt.) b6: A blessing, or what God bestows upon one; a benefit, benefaction, favour, or boon; a cause of happiness; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) as being that which men aim at, pursue, or endeavour to obtain, (T.) See أُمَّةٌ, last sentence but one.

A2: Accord. to IKtt, it signifies also i. q. أَمَمٌ [but in what sense is not said]. (TA.) أَمَمٌ Nearness. (S, M, K.) b2: [Near; nigh.] You say, أَخَذْتُ ذلِكَ مِنْ أَمَمٍ I took that from near; from nigh. (S, TA.) And دَارُكُمْ أَمَمٌ Your house is near, or nigh. (M, TA.) and هُوَ أَمَمٌ مِنْكَ He, or it, is near to thee: and in like manner you say of two: (M, TA:) and of a pl. number. (S, M, TA.) And دَارِى أَمَمَ دَارِهِ My house is opposite to, facing, or in front of, his house. (S.) b3: Easy: (S, M, K:) near at hand; near to be reached, or laid hold of. (T, TA.) b4: Between near and distant. (ISk, T, S.) b5: Conforming, or conformable, to the just mean: (M, K: *) and ↓ مُؤَامٌّ, (AA, T, S, M, K,) [in form] like مُضَارٌّ, (S,) originally مُؤَامِمٌ, (TA,) the same; (T;) of a middle, or middling, kind or sort; neither exceeding, nor falling short of, what is right; (AA, T, S, M;) applied to an affair, or a case, (T, S,) and a thing [of any kind]; (S;) as also ↓ مُؤَمٌّ; (TA;) and convenient, or suitable: (M, K:) and أَمَمٌ and ↓ مُؤَامٌّ both signify an affair, or a case, that is manifest, clear, or plain, (M, K,) not exceeding the due bounds or limits. (M.) الأَمَامُ The location that is before; (M, Msb, * K;) contr. of الوَرَآءُ. (M, K.) It is used [absolutely] as a noun, and adverbially, (M, Msb, * K,) necessarily prefixed to another noun: (Mgh:) and is fem., (Ks, M,) and sometimes mase.: (M, K:) or it is mase., and sometimes fem. as meaning the جِهَة: or, as Zj says, they differ as to making it masc. and making it fem. (Msb.) You say, كُنْتُ أَمَامَهُ I was before him, in respect of place. (S.) In the saying of Mohammad, to Usámeh, الصلَاةُ أَمَامَكَ, the meaning is The time of prayer [is before thee], or the place thereof; and by the prayer is meant the prayer of sunset. (Mgh.) You also say, أَمَامَكَ [i. c. Look before thee; meaning beware thou; or take thou note;] when you caution another, (M, K,) or notify him, of a thing. (M.) إِمَامٌ A person, (S, Mgh,) or learned man, (Msb,) whose example is followed, or who is imitated; (S, Mgh, Msb;) any exemplar, or object of imitation, (T, M, K,) to a people, or company of men, (T,) such as a head, chief, or leader, or some other person, (M, K,) whether they be following the right way or be erring therefrom: (T:) applied alike to a male and to a female: (Mgh, Msb:) applied to a female, it occurs in a phrase in which it is written by some with ة: (Mgh:) but this is said to be a mistake: (Msb:) it is correctly without ة, because it is a subst., not an epithet: (Mgh, Msb:) or it is allowable with ة, because it implies the meaning of an epithet: (Msb:) and ↓ أُمَّةٌ signifies the same: (T, M, K:) the pl. of the former is أَيِمَّةْ, (T, S, M, K, [but omitted in the CK,]) originally أَأْمِمَةٌ, (T, S,) of the measure أَفعِلَةٌ, like أَمْثِلَةٌ, pl. of مِثَالٌ, (T,) but as two meems come together, the former is incorporated into the latter, and its vowel is transferred to the hemzeh before it, which hemzeh, being thus pronounced with kesr, is changed into ى; (T, S; *) or it is thus changed because difficult to pronounce; (M;) or, as Akh says, because it is with kesr and is preceded by another hemzeh with fet-h: (S:) but some pronounce it أَئِمَّةٌ, (Akh, T, S, M, K,) namely, those who hold that two hemzehs may occur together; (Akh, S;) the Koofees reading it thus in the Kur ix. 12; (M;) but this is anomalous: (M, K:) it is mentioned as on the authority of Aboo-Is-hák, and [Az says,] I do not say that it is not allowable, but the former is the preferable: (T:) or the pl. is أَئِمَّةٌ, originally أَأْمِمَةٌ like أَمْثِلَةٌ: one of the two meems being incorporated into the other after the transfer of its vowel to the hemzeh [next before it]; some of the readers of the Kur pronouncing the [said] hemzeh with its true sound; some softening it, agreeably with analogy, in the manner termed بَيْنَ بَيْنَ; and some of the grammarians changing it into ى; but some of them reckon this incorrect, saying that there is no analogical reason for it: (Msb:) and accord. to some, (M,) its pl. is also إِمَامُ, (M, K,) like the sing., (K,) occurring in the Kur xxv. 74; (M;) not of the same category as عَدْلٌ (M, K) and رِضَّى, (M,) because they sometimes said إِمَامَانِ, but a broken pl.: (M, K: *) or, accord. to A 'Obeyd, it is in this instance a sing. denoting a pl.: (M, S: *) or it is pl. of آمٌّ, [which is originally آمِمْ,] like as صِحَابٌ is pl. of صَاحِبٌ: (M:) the dim. of أَيِمَّةٌ is ↓ أُوَيْمَّةْ; or, as El-Mázinee says, ↓ أُيَيْمَّةٌ. (S.) b2: الإمَامُ also signifies The Prophet: (K:) he is called إِمَامُ [the exemplar, object of imitation, leader, or head, of his nation, or people]; (T;) or إِمَامُ الأمَّةِ [the exemplar, &c., of the nation, or people]; (M;) it being incumbent on all to imitate his rule of life or conduct. (T.) b3: The Khaleefeh: (Msb, K:) he is called إمَامُ الرَّعِيَّةِ [the exemplar, &c., of the people, or subjects]. (M.) The title of الإمَامُ is still applied to the Kings of El-Yemen: Aboo-Bekr says, you say, فُلَانٌ إِمَامُ القَوْمِ, meaning such a one is the first in authority over the people, or company of men: and إِمَامُ المَسْلِمِينَ means the head, chief, or leader, of the Muslims. (TA.) b4: The person whose example is followed, or who is imitated, [i. e. the leader,] in prayer. (Msb.) b5: [The leading authority, or head, of a persuasion, or sect. The four أيِمَّة or أَئِمَّة are the heads of the four principal persuasions, or sects, of the Sunnees; namely, the Hanafees, Sháfi'ees, Málikees, and Hambelees. And the Hanafees call the two chief doctors of their persuasion, after Aboo-Haneefeh, namely, Aboo-Yoosuf and Mohammad, الإِمَامَانِ The two Imáms.] b6: The leader of an army. (M, K.) b7: The guide: (K:) he is called إِمَامُ الإِبِلِ [the leader of the travellers]. (M.) b8: The conductor, or driver, of camels (M, K) is called إِمَامُ الإِبِلِ, though he be behind them, because he guides them. (M.) b9: The manager, or conductor, and right disposer, orderer, or rectifier, of anything. (M, K. *) b10: The Kur-án (M, K) is called إِمَامُ المُسْلِمينَ [the guide of the Muslims]; (M;) because it is an exemplar. (TA.) [The model-copy, or standard-copy, of the Kur-án, namely the copy of the Khaleefeh 'Othmán, is particularly called الإِمَامُ.] b11: [The scripture of any people: and, without the article, a book, or written record.] It is said in the Kur [xvii. 73], يَوْمَ نَدْعُو كُلَّ أُنَاسٍ بِإمَامِهِمْ The day when we shall call every one of mankind with their scripture: or, as some say, with their prophet and their law: or, as some say, with their book in which their deeds are recorded. (T.) It is also said in the Kur [xxxvi. 11], كُلَّ شَيْءٍ أَحْصَيْنَاهُ فِى إِمَامٍ مُبِينٍ, meaning, says El-Hasan, [And everything have we recorded] in a perspicuous book, or writing; (S, Jel;) i. e., on the Preserved Tablet. (Bd, Jel.) b12: The lesson of a boy, that is learned each day (T, M, K) in the school: (T:) also called السَّبَقُ. (TA.) b13: The model, or pattern, of a semblance, or shape. (M, K.) b14: The builder's wooden instrument [or rule] whereby he makes the building even. (S, K. *) b15: The cord which the builder extends to make even, thereby, the row of stones or bricks of the building; also called التُّرُّ and المِطْهَرُ; (T;) the string which is extended upon, or against, a building, and according to which one builds. (M, K. *) b16: إِمَامٌ signifies also A road, or way: (S, [but omitted in some copies,] M, K:) or a manifest road, or way. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [xv. 79], وَ إِنَّهُمَا لَبِإمَامٍ مُبِينٍ (S, M) And they were both, indeed, in a way pursued and manifest: (M:) or in a way which they travelled in their journeys. (Fr.) b17: The direction (تَلْقَآء) of the Kibleh. (M, K. *) b18: A tract, quarter, or region, of land, or of the earth. (S.) b19: A string [of a bow or lute &c.]; syn. وَتَرٌ. (Sgh, K.) أَمِيمٌ Beautiful in stature; (K;) applied to a man. (TA.) A2: I. q. ↓ مَأْمُومٌ; (S, M, Msb, K;) i. e. one who raves, or is delirious, (يَهْذِى, [in two copies of the S يَهْدِى, but the former appears, from a remark made voce آمَّةٌ, to be the right reading,]) from [a wound in] what is termed أُمُّ رَأْسِهِ [see أُمٌّ]: (S:) or wounded in what is so termed; (M, K;) having a wound such as is termed آمَّة, q. v. (Msb.) It is also used, metaphorically, in relation to other parts than that named above; as in the saying, وَ حَشَاىَ مِنْ حَرِّ الفِرَاقِ أَمِيمُ (tropical:) [And my bowels are wounded by reason of the burning pain of separation]. (M.) A3: A stone with which the head is broken: (S, O:) but in the M and K ↓ أمَيْمَةٌ, [in a copy of the M, however, I find it without any syll. signs, so that it would seem to be ↓ أَمِيمَةٌ,] explained as signifying stones with which heads are broken: (TA:) pl. أَمَائِمُ. (S, TA.) أُمَائِمُ Three hundred camels: (M, K:) so explained by Abu-l-'Alà. (M.) إِمَامَةٌ: see إِمَّةٌ.

أَمِيمَةٌ: see أَمِيمٌ b2: Also, (Sgh,) or ↓ أُمَيْمَةٌ, (K,) A blacksmith's hammer. (Sgh, K.) أُمَيْمَةٌ dim. of أُمٌّ, q. v. (T, S, K.) A2: See also أَمِيمٌ: b2: and أمَيمَةٌ.

الإِمِامِيَّةُ One of the exorbitant sects of the Shee'ah, (TA,) who asserted that 'Alee was expressly appointed by Mohammad to be his successor. (Esh-Shahrastánee p. 122, and KT.) أُمَيْمِهةٌ [dim. of أُمَّهةٌ] : see أُمٌّ, first sentence.

أُمِّىٌّ (T, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ أُمَّانٌ (K) [the former a rel. n. from أُمَّةٌ, and thus properly meaning Gentile: whence, in a secondary, or tropical, sense,(assumed tropical:) a heathen;] (assumed tropical:) one not having a revealed scripture; (Bd in iii. 19 and 69;) so applied by those having a revealed scripture: (Bd in iii.69:) [and particularly] an Arab: (Jel in iii. 69, and Bd and Jel in lxii. 2:) [or] in the proper language [of the Arabs], of, or belonging to, or relating to, the nation (أُمَّة) of the Arabs, who did not write nor read: and therefore metaphorically applied to (tropical:) any one not knowing the art of writing nor that of reading: (Mgh:) or (assumed tropical:) one who does not write; (T, M, K;) because the art of writing is acquired; as though he were thus called in relation to the condition in which his mother (أُمَّهُ) brought him forth: (T:) or (assumed tropical:) one who is in the natural condition of the nation (الأُمَّة) to which he belongs, (Zj, * T, M, * K, *) in respect of not writing, (T,) or not having learned writing; thus remaining in his natural state: (M, K:) or (assumed tropical:) one who does not write well; said to be a rel. n. from أمٌّ; because the art of writing is acquired, and such a person is as his mother brought him forth, in respect of ignorance of that art; or, as some say, from أُمَّةُ العَرَبِ; because most of the Arabs were of this description: (Msb:) the art of writing was known among the Arabs [in the time of Mohammad] by the people of Et-Táïf, who learned it from a man of the people of El-Heereh, and these had it from the people of El-Ambár. (T.) أُمِّيُّون لَا يَعْلَمُونَ, الكِتَابَ, in the Kur ii. 73, means Vulgar persons, [or heathen,] who know not the Book of the Law revealed to Moses: (Jel:) or ignorant persons, who know not writing, so that they may read that book; or, who know not the Book of the Law revealed to Moses. (Bd.) Mohammad was termed أُمِّىّ [meaning A Gentile, as distinguished from an Israelite: or, accord. to most of his followers, meaning illiterate;] because the nation (أُمَّة) of the Arabs did not write, nor read writing; and [they say that] God sent him as an apostle when he did not write, nor read from a book; and this natural condition of his was one of his miraculous signs, to which reference is made in the Kur [xxix. 47], where it is said, “thou didst not read, before it, from a book, nor didst thou write it with thy right hand:” (T, TA:) but accord. to the more correct opinion, he was not well acquainted with written characters nor with poetry, but he discriminated between good and bad poetry: or, as some assert, he became acquainted with writing after he had been unacquainted therewith, on account of the expression “ before it ”

in the verse of the Kur mentioned above: or, as some say, this may mean that he wrote though ignorant of the art of writing, like as some of the kings, being أُمِّيُّون, write their signs, or marks: (TA:) or, accord. to Jaafar Es-Sádik, he used to read from the book, or scripture, if he did not write. (Kull p. 73.) [Some judicious observations on this word are comprised in Dr. Sprenger's Life of Mohammad (pp. 101-2); a work which, in the portion already published (Part I.), contains much very valuable information.] b2: Also, (K,) or [only] أُمِّىٌّ, (Az, T, M,) applied to a man, (Az, T,) Impotent in speech, (عَيِىّ, in the K incorrectly written غَبِىّ, TA,) of few words, and rude, churlish, uncivil, or surly. (Az, T, M, K.) أُمِّيَّةٌ The quality denoted by the epithet أُمِّىٌّ: (TA:) [gentilism: (assumed tropical:) heathenism: &c.:] (assumed tropical:) the quality of being [in the natural condition of the nation to which one belongs, or] as brought forth by one's mother, in respect of not having learned the art of writing nor the reading thereof. (Kull p. 73.) أُمَّانٌ: see أُمِّىٌّ; and see also art. امن

أُمَّهَدٌ: see أُمٌّ.

آمٌّ [act. part. n. of 1;] i. q. قَاصِدٌ: [see 1, first sentence:] (TA:) pl. إِمَامٌ, like as صِحَابٌّ is pl. of صَاحِبٌ, (M, K,) accord. to some, but others say that this is pl. of إِمَامٌ [q. v.; the sing. and pl. being alike]; (M;) and آمُّونَ. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur [v. 2], وَلَا آمِّينَ الْبَيْتَ الْحَرَامَ [Nor those repairing to the Sacred House]. (TA.) آمَّةٌ (S, Msb) and ↓ مَأْمُومَةٌ, as some of the Arabs say, (IB, Msb,) because it implies the meaning of a pass. part. n., originally; (Msb;) but 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh says that this is a mistake; for the latter word is an epithet applied to the part called أُمُّ الدِّمَاغِ when it is broken; (IB;) or شَجَّةٌ آمَّةٌ and ↓ مَأْمُومَةٌ; (M, Mgh, K;) A wound by which the head is broken, (S, M, Msb, K,) reaching to the part called أُمُّ الدِّمَاغِ, (S, Msb,) or, [which means the same,] أُمُّ الرَّأْسِ, (M, K,) so that there remains between it and the brain [only] a thin skin: (S:) it is the most severe of شِجَاج [except that which reaches the brain (see شَجَّةٌ)]: ISk says that the person suffering from it roars, or bellows, (يَصْعَقُ,) like thunder, and like the braying of camels, and is unable to go forth into the sun: (Msb:) the mulct for it is one third of the whole price of blood: (TA:) IAar assigns the meaning of [this kind of] شَجَّة to ↓ أَمَّةٌ; which seems, therefore, to be either a dial. var. or a contraction of آمَّةٌ: (Msb:) the pl. of آمَّةٌ is أَوَامُّ (Mgh, Msb) and ↓ مآئِمُ; or this latter has no proper sing.: (M, TA:) the pl. of ↓ مأْمُومَةٌ is مَأْمُومَاتٌ. (Mgh, Msb.) أَوَمُّ and أَيَمُّ Better in the performance of the office termed إِمَامَةٌ; followed by مِنْ: (Zj, T, M, K:) originally أَأَمُّ: the second hemzeh being changed by some into و and by some into ى. (Zj, T, M.) أُيَيْمَّةٌ, or أُيَيْمَّةٌ, dim. of أَيِمَّةٌ, pl. of إِمَامٌ, q. v. (S.) مُؤمٌّ: see أَمَمٌ.

مِئَمٌّ A camel that leads and guides: (M:) or a guide that shows the right way: and a camel that goes before the other camels: (K:) fem. with ة; (M, K;) applied to a she-camel (M, TA) that goes before the other she-camels, and is followed by them. (TA.) مأْمُومٌ: see أَمِيمٌ. b2: Also A camel having his hump bruised internally by his being much ridden, or having his hump swollen in consequence of the galling of the saddle and the cloth beneath it, and bruised, and having his hump corroded: (S:) or whose fur has gone from his back in consequence of beating, or of galls, or sores, produced by the saddle or the like. (M, K.) b3: مأْمُومَةٌ: see آمَّةٌ, in three places.

مُؤَامٌّ: see أَمَمٌ, in two places.

مؤْتَمٌّ act. part. n. of ائْتَمَّ بِهِ; Following as an example; imitating; taking as an example, an exemplar, a pattern, or an object of imitation. (Msb.) b4: مُؤْتَمٌّ بِهِ pass. part. n. of the same; Followed as an example; imitated; &c.: thus distinguished from the former by the preposition with the object of its government. (Msb.) مَآئِمُ: see آمَّةٌ.
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