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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1487. رثأ10 1488. رثد10 1489. رثم12 1490. رثو6 1491. رثى7 1492. رج61493. رجأ13 1494. رجب15 1495. رجح15 1496. رجحن6 1497. رجز17 1498. رجس18 1499. رجع15 1500. رجعن3 1501. رجف18 1502. رجل21 1503. رجم17 1504. رجن13 1505. رجو11 1506. رجى1 1507. رح3 1508. رحب19 1509. رحض17 1510. رحق12 1511. رحل17 1512. رحم18 1513. رخ2 1514. رخص13 1515. رخل8 1516. رخم17 1517. رخو8 1518. رد3 1519. ردأ15 1520. ردب9 1521. ردج9 1522. ردح12 1523. ردس10 1524. ردع16 1525. ردغ15 1526. ردف18 1527. ردم20 1528. ردن13 1529. ردو4 1530. ردى7 1531. رذ2 1532. رذل17 1533. رز2 1534. رزأ11 1535. رزب16 1536. رزتق3 1537. رزح13 1538. رزدق7 1539. رزغ12 1540. رزق18 1541. رزم17 1542. رزن14 1543. رزى5 1544. رس4 1545. رسب16 1546. رستق6 1547. رسح13 1548. رسخ13 1549. رسدق3 1550. رسغ14 1551. رسف14 1552. رسل19 1553. رسم18 1554. رسن16 1555. رسو8 1556. رش3 1557. رشأ10 1558. رشح15 1559. رشد16 1560. رشف14 1561. رشق15 1562. رشم10 1563. رشن12 1564. رشو13 1565. رص4 1566. رصد17 1567. رصع14 1568. رصف16 1569. رصن14 1570. رض2 1571. رضب12 1572. رضح9 1573. رضخ13 1574. رضع20 1575. رضف15 1576. رضو3 1577. رطب18 1578. رطل15 1579. رطم12 1580. رطن15 1581. رطى1 1582. رع3 1583. رعب15 1584. رعث11 1585. رعد17 1586. رعز10 Prev. 100




1 رَجَّهُ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. رَجٌّ, (S, Msb, K,) He put it in motion, or in a state of commotion or agitation: (S, A, Msb, K:) he put it in a state of convulsion, or violent motion; or made it to shake, quake, or quiver: (S, A, TA:) as also ↓ رَجْرَجَهُ. (A.) Hence, in the Kur [lvi-4], إِذَا رُجَّتِ الأَرْضُ رَجًّا When the earth shall be convulsed with violent convulsion. (TA.) And رَجَّ البَابَ He shook the door violently. (TA from a trad.) A2: See also 8.4 أَرَجَّتْ She (a mare) was near to bringing forth, and the part on either side of her tail (صَلَاهَا) quivered, or quaked; (K;) as also ↓ اِرْتَجَّتْ. (TA.) The part. n. applied to the mare in this case is ↓ مُرِجٌّ [without ة]. (K.) 8 ارتجّ, (S, A,. Msb,) inf. n. اِرْتِجَاجٌ, (K,) It was, or became, in a state of commotion or agitation; (S, A, Msb, * K;) or of convulsion, or violent motion; or it shook, quaked, or quivered; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ تَرَجْرَجَ; (A, K;) and ↓ رَجْرَجَ inf. n. رَجْرَجَةٌ; (S, K; but they mention only the inf. n. of this verb;) and so ↓ رَجَّ, inf. n. رَجٌّ: (K, * TA; but of this verb, also, only the inf. n. is mentioned:) ارتجّ is quasi-pass. of رَجَّهُ; (T, A, Msb;) and is said of the sea, as meaning it was, or became, in a state of commotion or agitation (S, Msb) with its waves; and in like manner of other things: (S:) and ↓ تَرَجْرَجَ signifies it (a thing) went to and fro; and is said of a woman's flesh; (S;) or [particularly] of her hinder part; (A;) or of both. (TA.) It is said in a trad. respecting the blowing of the horn [on the day of resurrection], فَتَرْتَجُّ الأَرْضُ بِأَهْلِهَا And the earth shall be in a state of commotion or agitation, with its inhabitants. (TA.) See also 4. b2: [Hence,] ارتجّ الظَّلَامُ (assumed tropical:) The darkness became confused. (Msb.) b3: And ارتجّ الكَلَامُ (assumed tropical:) The speech, or language, became confused; mentioned by ISd in this art: (TA:) or اِرْتَجَّ عَلَيْهِ الكَلَامُ (tropical:) the speech, or language, became conflicting and confused to him. (A.) [See also اُرْتُجَّ عَلَيْهِ in the first paragraph of art. رتج.] R. Q. 1 رَجْرَجَ, inf. n. رَجْرَجَةٌ: see 1: A2: and see also 8. b2: رَجْرَجَةٌ also signifies The being fatigued, tired, weary, or jaded, (K, TA,) and weak [app. so as to shake, or totter]. (TA.) R. Q. 2 تَرَجْرَجَ: see 8, in two places.

رَجَّةٌ [app. A confused, or murmuring, or rumbling, sound:] the confusion of the voices [or the confused voices] of a company of men: and the sound of thunder. (TA.) سُمِعَتْ رَجَّةُ صَدْرِهِ [app. meaning The rumbling of his chest was heard] occurs in a trad. as describing the result of [fright occasioned by] a cry, or shout. (TA.) رُجَّةٌ A state of confusion: so in the phrase, وَقَعَ فِى رُجَّةٍ [He fell into a state of confusion]. (Mgh in art. رتج.) رَجَجٌ A state of commotion, agitation, convulsion, shaking, quaking, or quivering. (TA.) رَجَاجٌ Lean, or emaciated, sheep or goats, (S, K,) and camels: (TA:) and نَعْجَةٌ رَجَاجَةٌ a lean, or an emaciated, ewe; (S, K;) or a weak ewe, that has no marrow in her bones. (As, TA.) And Weak men, and camels; (S, K;) and so ↓ رَجْرَاجٌ applied to the latter, and to men as meaning weak, without understanding, intellect, or intelligence. (TA.) Hence, it is said of men who have become weak by reason of travel, and whose camels upon which they are riding have also become weak, فَهُمْ رَجَاجٌ وَعَلَى رَجَاجِ [And they are weak men, and upon weak beasts]. (S.) رِجَاجَةٌ The covert, or retreat, of a lion. (TA.) رَجَّآءُ A she-camel having a large hump: (S:) or having a large, and shaking, quaking, or quiver-ing, hump: (K:) IDrd says, in the JM, They assert it to mean having a shaking, quaking, or quivering, hump; but I know not what is its true meaning. (TA.) رَجْرَجٌ an epithet applied to that which is ↓ مُتَرَجْرِج [or In a state of commotion or agitation; or of convulsion, or violent motion; or shaking, quaking, or quivering, or going to and fro]; (S;) [and so ↓ رَجْرَاجٌ.]

رِجْرِجٌ: see رِجْرِجَةٌ. b2: Also Slaver, or drivel. (TA. [See, again, رِجْرِجَةٌ.]) b3: And i. q. مَآءُ قَرِيسٍ [app. meaning The fluid of the gelatinous substance termed قَرِيس, prepared from fish &c.]. (TA.) b4: And Crumbled, or broken, bread, (ثَرِيد,) made soft with grease, or gravy: (TA:) and ↓ رِجْرِجَةٌ [as its n. un.] signifies a mess of such bread (ثَرِيدَةٌ) so made soft; (Sudot;;) and ثَرِيدَةٌ رَجْرَاجَةٌ [signifies the same, or] a mess of such bread made soft and compact. (TA.) A2: Also, [said in the K and TA to be like قِلْقِلٌ, but in the CK like فُلْفُلٌ,] A certain plant. (S, K.) رِجْرِجَةٌ Remains of water in a watering-trough, or tank, (S, K,) turbid, and mixed with mud; (S;) as also ↓ رِجْرِجٌ: in a trad., in which it occurs, accord. to one relation it is ↓ رَجْرَاجَةٌ; but رِجْرِجَةٌ is the word commonly known: accord. to As, it is syn. with رَدْهَةٌ: the pl. is رَجَارِجُ. (TA.) b2: Also Water mixed with slaver, or drivel. (TA.) b3: And Spittle, or saliva, that has gone forth from the mouth; or flowing saliva: (K, TA:) so in the saying, إِنَّ فُلَانًا كَثِيرُ الرِّجْرِجَةِ [Verily such a one has much spittle, &c.: and رِجْرِجٌ signifies nearly, or exactly, the same]. (TA.) b4: See also رِجْرِجٌ.

A2: Also A large company, or troop, in war. (K.) A3: And [an epithet signifying] Devoid of understanding, intellect, or intelligence; (K:) and devoid of good: (TA:) or the evil, bad, or corrupt, of mankind, in a pl. sense: (Nh, TA:) or the low, base, vile, or mean, of mankind, or of the young thereof; or the lowest, basest, or meanest, sort, or refuse, of mankind, that have no understanding, intellect, or intelligence; as also ↓ رَجْرَاجَةٌ: (Sh, TA:) or, in a pl. sense, such as have no understanding, intellect, or intelligence, of a people, or party. (El-Kilábee, TA.) رَجْرَاجٌ: see رَجْرَجٌ. b2: [Hence,] رَجْرَاجَةٌ A woman, (S,) or girl, (A,) whose flesh, (S,) or hinder part, (A,) quivers, or quakes; (S, A;) [and so ↓ مُتَرَجْرِجَةٌ, occurring in the A and TA in art. ديص.] b3: And ثَرِيدَةٌ رَجْرَاجَةٌ: see رِجْرِجٌ. b4: And كَتِيبَةٌ رَجْرَاجَةٌ (tropical:) And army, or a troop, agitated to and fro (A, L) in its march, (L,) scarcely moving onwards, (A, L,) by reason of its multitude: (L:) or as though agitated to and fro, and not moving onwards, by reason of its multitude. (S.) b5: See also رَجَاجٌ. b6: Also A certain medicine, (L, K,) well known. (K.) رَجْرَاجَةٌ [fem. of رَجْرَاجٌ, q. v. b2: Also, as a subst.,] A mess of the kind of food called فَالُوذ [q. v.]. (A.) A2: See also رِجْرِجَةٌ, in two places.

رَاجٌّ Having a confusion of voices, by reason of the multitude of the people therein. (Aboo-Moosà, TA in art. زج) مُرِجٌّ: see 4.

مُتَرَجْرِجٌ; and its fem., with ة: see رَجْرَجٌ, and رَجْرَاجٌ
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