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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1527. ردم20 1528. ردن13 1529. ردو4 1530. ردى7 1531. رذ2 1532. رذل171533. رز2 1534. رزأ11 1535. رزب16 1536. رزتق3 1537. رزح13 1538. رزدق7 1539. رزغ12 1540. رزق18 1541. رزم17 1542. رزن14 1543. رزى5 1544. رس4 1545. رسب16 1546. رستق6 1547. رسح13 1548. رسخ13 1549. رسدق3 1550. رسغ14 1551. رسف14 1552. رسل19 1553. رسم18 1554. رسن16 1555. رسو8 1556. رش3 1557. رشأ10 1558. رشح15 1559. رشد16 1560. رشف14 1561. رشق15 1562. رشم10 1563. رشن12 1564. رشو13 1565. رص4 1566. رصد17 1567. رصع14 1568. رصف16 1569. رصن14 1570. رض2 1571. رضب12 1572. رضح9 1573. رضخ13 1574. رضع20 1575. رضف15 1576. رضو3 1577. رطب18 1578. رطل15 1579. رطم12 1580. رطن15 1581. رطى1 1582. رع3 1583. رعب15 1584. رعث11 1585. رعد17 1586. رعز10 1587. رعش13 1588. رعظ11 1589. رعف18 1590. رعن15 1591. رعو7 1592. رعى8 1593. رغب16 1594. رغث10 1595. رغد16 1596. رغس11 1597. رغف16 1598. رغم19 1599. رغو9 1600. رف6 1601. رفأ14 1602. رفت15 1603. رفث17 1604. رفد18 1605. رفس14 1606. رفض17 1607. رفع19 1608. رفغ14 1609. رفق19 1610. رفل16 1611. رفه18 1612. رفو8 1613. رفى2 1614. رق6 1615. رقأ14 1616. رقب20 1617. رقح12 1618. رقد16 1619. رقش15 1620. رقص15 1621. رقط14 1622. رقع16 1623. رقل12 1624. رقم18 1625. رقو5 1626. رك4 Prev. 100




1 رَذُلَ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (T, S, K,) inf. n. رَذَالَةٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and رُذُلَةٌ; (S, M, Msb, K;) and رَذِلَ, aor. ـَ (Sgh, K;) He (a man) was, or became, low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible; (T, S, M, K;) in his aspect, and in his states, or circumstances: (T:) or it (a thing, M, Msb, K, of any kind, M, K) was, or became, bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved. (M, Msb, K.) A2: رَذَلَهُ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. رَذْلٌ; (M, TA;) and ↓ ارذلهُ; (S, K;) He made, or pronounced, him (a man) to be low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible: (S, * M, K, * TA:) or he made, or pronounced, it (a thing of any kind) to be bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved. (M, K. *) You say, دَرَاهِمَ ↓ ارذل, (T,) or مِنْ دَرَاهِمِى كَذَا, (TA,) He (a man, T, or a money-changer, TA) pronounced, or showed, dirhems or pieces of money, or such of my dirhems or pieces of money, to be bad; syn. فَسَّلَهَا. (T, TA.) And غَنَمِى ↓ ارذل [He pronounced my sheep, or goats, to be bad; or he disapproved, or refused, them]. (T, TA.) And مِنْ رِجَالِهِ كَذَا وَكَذَا رَجُلًا ↓ ارذل (T, TA) He disapproved, or refused, [as low, base, &c.,] of his men, such and such men. (TA.) 4 ارذل He had low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible, companions. (K.) A2: As a trans. v.: see 1, in four places.10 استرذلهُ [He reckoned him or esteemed him, or he found him to be, or he desired that he might be, low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible: or he reckoned it or esteemed it, or found it to be, or desired that it might be, bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved:] contr. of اِسْتَجَادَهُ. (O, K.) Hence the trad., مَا اسْتَرْذَلَ اللّٰهُ عَبْدًا إِلَّا حَظَرَ عَنْهُ العِلْمَ وَالأَدَبَ [God desires not that a servant (meaning a man) may be low, base, vile, mean or contemptible, but He withholds from him knowledge, or science, and discipline of the mind, or good qualities and attributes of the mind or soul, &c.]. (O, TA.) رَذْلٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ رُذَالٌ (S, K) and ↓ رَذِيلٌ and ↓ أَرْذَلُ (M, K) applied to a man, Low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible; (T, S, M, K;) in his aspect, and in his states, or circumstances: (T:) or, applied to a thing (M, Msb, K) of any kind, (M, K,) bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved: (M, Msb, K:) fem. of the first with ة: (M, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.], of the first, أَرْذُلٌ, (Msb,) or [of the same,] أَرْذَالٌ, (T, S, M, O, and so in some copies of the K,) [or this is more probably pl. of ↓ رَذِيلٌ, accord. to analogy,] and رُذُولٌ (S, M, K) and رُذَالٌ, (M, K,) which is of a rare form, (M,) [in the CK رُذّالٌ,] and رَذْلُونَ, (T,) [which is applied only to rational beings,] and (of ↓ رَذِيلٌ, TA) رُذَلَآءُ, (S, M, K,) and, of the pl. أَرْذُلٌ, (Msb, [but] said in the O to be of [the pl.] أَرْذَالٌ, TA,) أَرَاذِلُ, (T, Msb, TA, and so in some copies of the K in the place of أَرْذَالٌ,) and [of ↓ الأَرْذَلُ,] الأَرْذَلُونَ, (T, M, K,) [which is applied only to rational beings, and is said in the M and TA to be used only with the article ال prefixed to it, but is written without the ال in the K.] You say رَجُلٌ رَذْلُ الثِّيَابِ and الفِعْلِ [A man mean, or bad, &c., in respect of clothes and of action]. (T, TA.) And ثَوْبٌ رَذْلٌ A dirty, bad, or vile, garment; (TA;) and so ↓ ثوب رَذِيلٌ: (M, TA:) or ↓ ثوب رَذِلٌ [so accord. to a copy of the T, but perhaps a mistranscription for رَذْلٌ,] a dirty garment: and ↓ ثوب رَذِيلٌ a bad, or vile, garment. (T.) رَذِلٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

رُذَالٌ: see رَذْلٌ [of which it is both a syn. and a pl.]. b2: Also, (S,) or ↓ رُذَالَةٌ, (T,) or both, (M, Msb, K,) The worse or viler, or the worst or vilest, (T,) or the bad, or vile, (S,) of anything: (T, S:) [or the refuse thereof; i. e.] a thing of which the good has been picked out, (M, Msb, K,) and the bad or vile, (M,) or the worse or viler, or worst or vilest, (Msb,) remains. (M, Msb.) You say also, النَّاسِ ↓ هُمْ رُذَالَةُ and رُذَالُهُمْ [They are the lower or baser &c., or lowest or basest &c., or the refuse, of mankind, or of the people]. (T.) رَذِيلٌ: see رَذْلٌ, in five places.

رُذَالَةٌ: see رُذَالٌ, in two places.

رَذِيلَةٌ A low, base, vile, mean, contemptible, or bad, quality; contr. of فَضِيلَةٌ; (M, K:) pl. رَذَائِلُ. (TA.) رُذَالَى: see the next paragraph.

أَرْذَلُ: see رَذْلٌ, in two places. b2: Also The worse, or worst: so in the phrase أَرْذَلُ العُمُرِ [The worse, or worst, part of life]. (O, K.) [In the K, immediately after the words وَأَرْذَلَ صَارَ أَصْحَابُهُ رُذَلَآءَ, we find, in some copies, وَرُذَالَى كَحُبَارَى

وَأَرْذَلُ العُمُرِ أَسْوَؤْهُ; and in other copies, وَرُذَالَى

كَحُبَارَى أَرْذَلُ العُمُرِ أَسْوَؤُهُ: accord. to the former reading, the meaning is, that ↓ رُذَالَى is syn. with رُذَلَآءُ; and such SM holds to be the case: accord. to the latter reading, that رُذَالَى is syn. with

أَرْذَلُ العُمُرِ. I have no doubt that the latter is the original reading in the K, and that it is taken from the O, where (with a preceding context different from that in the K) the words are, وَرُذَالَى اَرذَلِ العُمُرِ اَسْوَؤُهُ; thus, with ارذل in the gen. case: but I believe, as this word thus written suggests, and as some persons, alluded to by MF, have supposed, that كحبارى has been foisted into the text of the K in consequence of a misunderstanding or of a mistranscription of the words in question in some work earlier than the O; that the correct reading is, وَرُدَّ إِلَى أَرْذَلِ العُمُرِ

أَسْوَئِهِ; and that this is taken from what here follows.] It is said in the Kur [xvi. 72 and xxii. 5], وَمِنْكُمْ مَنْ يُرَدُّ إِلَى أَرْذَلِ العُمُرِ, (T, TA,) i. e. [And of you is he who is brought back to] the worse, or worst, [part] of life, (Ksh and Bd and Jel,) and the more, or most, contemptible thereof; (Ksh in xvi. 72;) a state of decrepitude and dotage; (Ksh and Bd and Jel;) which resembles the state of a young infant: (Ksh and Bd:) meaning he who dotes by reason of old age, so that he has no intellect; as is shown by the words in the same [immediately following], لِكَيْلَا يَعْلَمَ بَعْدَ عِلْمٍ شَيْئًا or مِنْ بَعْدِ عِلْمٍ شَيْئًا. (T, TA. *) مَرْذُولٌ A man made, or pronounced, to be low, base, vile, mean, or contemptible: (S, * TA:) and a thing made, or pronounced, to be bad, corrupt, vile, base, abominable, or disapproved. (TA.)
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