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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
493. تهر8 494. تهم15 495. تو2 496. توأ1 497. توب16 498. توت10499. توتيا1 500. توث6 501. توج13 502. توح3 503. تور16 504. توق16 505. تولب1 506. توم14 507. توه8 508. توى6 509. تى1 510. تيا3 511. تيتل1 512. تيح10 513. تير14 514. تيس13 515. تيك7 516. تيل5 517. تيم14 518. تين16 519. ث5 520. ثأ1 521. ثأب11 522. ثأر12 523. ثأل12 524. ثا1 525. ثبت14 526. ثبج16 527. ثبر18 528. ثبط18 529. ثبن9 530. ثبو4 531. ثتل8 532. ثج5 533. ثجر15 534. ثخن17 535. ثدأ7 536. ثدو4 537. ثدى3 538. ثرب19 539. ثرد18 540. ثرم14 541. ثرو9 542. ثرى8 543. ثط3 544. ثعب17 545. ثعد9 546. ثعل10 547. ثعلب13 548. ثغر15 549. ثغم13 550. ثغو9 551. ثفاً1 552. ثفر14 553. ثفرق8 554. ثفل19 555. ثفن12 556. ثفو4 557. ثفى5 558. ثقب19 559. ثقف19 560. ثقل17 561. ثكل15 562. ثل4 563. ثلب14 564. ثلث18 565. ثلج15 566. ثلط13 567. ثلم15 568. ثم3 569. ثمت3 570. ثمد16 571. ثمر17 572. ثمل17 573. ثمن18 574. ثن2 575. ثنتان1 576. ثنى11 577. ثو1 578. ثوأ3 579. ثوب20 580. ثوخ7 581. ثور18 582. ثول17 583. ثوم11 584. ثوى8 585. ثى1 586. ثيب7 587. ثيتل3 588. ثيخ2 589. ثيل8 590. ج19 591. جأ1 592. جأب7 Prev. 100




تُوتٌ (ISk, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and تُوثٌ; (Mgh, and L and K in art. توث, q. v.;) the latter sometimes used; (Msb;) or this is not allowable; (ISk, T, S, Msb;) for the word, which is app. Persian, is pronounced by the Arabs with ت for the final as well as for the initial letter; (T, Msb;) [The mulberry; and especially the white mulberry;] i. q. فِرْصَادٌ: (ISk, T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K:) or, accord. to the people of El-Basrah, (Msb,) or some of the people of El-Basrah, (Mgh,) توت is the name of the fruit, and فرصاد is that of the tree; (Mgh, Msb;) and this is what is commonly held: (Msb:) or, accord. to IDrd and others, توت is an arabicized word, and فرصاد is the Arabic name: (TA:) [توت is a coll. gen. n.:] the n. un. is with ة. (M.) [Golius says, in his Lex., on the authority of Zeyn El-' Attár, that there are three kinds: “ توت حلو,” i. e. حُلْوٌ, “ the sweet and white mulberry, peculiarly called فرصاد; and توت حامض,” i. e. حَامِضٌ, ““ the sour and black mulberry; and توت وحشى,” i. e. وَحْشِىٌّ, “and توت العليق,” i. e. العُلَّيْقٌ, “the wild mulberry, i. e., with red fruit. ” In Egypt, توت is applied to the sweet mulberry, white and black, and especially to the former, as also توت بَلَدِىّ; and توت شَامِىّ to the latter. In the present day, توت العُلَّيْق is applied to the raspberry; as also توت شَوْكِىّ: and توت وَحْشِىّ, I believe, to the blackberry. توت أَرْضِىّ and توت إِفْرَنْجِىّ are applied to the strawberry.]

تُوتِيَآءٌ, [of the masc. gender, as is shown by the phrase توتياء مَعْدَنِىٌّ, and therefore perfectly decl.,] an arabicized word, (S, Msb,) [Tutia, or tutty; an impure protoxide of zinc;] a certain stone [or mineral], (S, K,) well known, (M, K,) employed as a collyrium. (S, Msb.) [It is also applied in the present day to several kinds of vitriol; the sulphates of zinc and of copper and of iron. De Sacy says, on the authority of Ibn-Beytár, that there are two species thereof; one which is found in mines; the other, in the furnaces in which copper is melted, like cadmia; and this latter species is what the Greeks call pompholyx: of the fossil tutia there are three varieties; one is white; another, greenish; the third, yellow, with a strong tinge of red: the white is the finest variety; the green, the coarsest. (Chrest. Arabe, 2nd ed., iii. 453; where see more.) Golius, on this word, in his Lex., says, “Optima est quæ vel naturalis, sc. Indica, cærulea, et pellucida; vel artificialis, sc. Carmanica, alba cum partis viridioris strictura. Zein. ” i. e. Zeyn El-' Attár. “ turbans among præstantissimi, quod dicitur قلعى, fuligine concrescere præstantissimum genus, commune vero ex fuligine æris, tradit Jacutus ex Abulfed. ”.]
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