Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
354. بلح15 355. بلد18 356. بلز6 357. بلس17 358. بلسان2 359. بلط18360. بلع15 361. بلعم12 362. بلغ18 363. بلغم10 364. بلق13 365. بلقع11 366. بلن6 367. بله18 368. بلو9 369. بلور4 370. بلى6 371. بم3 372. بن6 373. بنج10 374. بند12 375. بندر6 376. بندق12 377. بنصر5 378. بنفسج4 379. بنق12 380. بنم4 381. بنو4 382. بنى9 383. بهأ10 384. بهت20 385. بهج17 386. بهر20 387. بهرج14 388. بهظ11 389. بهق14 390. بهل18 391. بهم20 392. بهو9 393. بهى3 394. بو2 395. بوأ15 396. بوب16 397. بوح14 398. بوخ11 399. بود7 400. بور19 401. بوز9 402. بوس14 403. بوش11 404. بوع14 405. بوق16 406. بول14 407. بوم9 408. بون14 409. بوه7 410. بى1 411. بيب5 412. بيت15 413. بيد16 414. بيص8 415. بيض17 416. بيع20 417. بيلون1 418. بين19 419. بيه3 420. ت5 421. تأ1 422. تأر6 423. تأم11 424. تا5 425. تب4 426. تبت8 427. تبر19 428. تبع21 429. تبل17 430. تبن18 431. تبه5 432. تبو2 433. تتر4 434. تجر17 435. تحت10 436. تحف14 437. تحين2 438. تخ4 439. تخت6 440. تخذ10 441. تخرص3 442. تر4 443. ترب19 444. ترج11 445. ترجم7 446. ترح15 447. ترس15 448. ترع17 449. ترف18 450. ترق15 451. ترك17 452. ترما2 453. ترمس10 Prev. 100




1 بَلَطَ, (IDrd, K,) [aor., accord. to a rule observed in the K, بَلُطَ,] inf. n. بَلْطٌ, (IDrd, TA,) He spread, or paved, (K, TA,) a house, (K,) and the ground, (TA,) with بَلَاط [or flag-stones], (K, TA,) or with baked bricks; (TA;) as also ↓ بلّط, (K,) inf. n. تَبْلِيطٌ; (TA;) and ↓ ابلط: (K:) or, as also ↓ the second, he made [or constructed] a wall with بَلَاط: (IDrd, TA:) or ↓ the second, he made a house plain, or even. (TA.) A2: He struck him, or it, with the بَلْط [q. v.]. (TA.) 2 بَلَّطَ see 1, in three places.

A2: The vulgar phrase بَلِّطِ السَّفِينَةَ signifies Make thou fast the ship; as though it were an order to make it cleave to the ground. (TA.) [You say, بَلَّطَ السَّفِينَةَ فِى الرَّمْلِ, meaning He ran the ship aground upon the sand.]3 بالط القَوْمُ بَنِى فُلَانٍ The people, or company of men, alighted with the sons of such a one, each party to oppose the other, upon the ground: (K, * TA:) from بَلَاطٌ signifying the “ earth,” or “ ground; ” or “ even, smooth ground. ” (TA.) بالط القَوْمُ, (K,) inf. n. مُبَالَطَةٌ, (S,) The people, or company of men, contended, one with another, in fight with swords, (S, * K, TA,) upon their feet; (TA;) as also ↓ تبالطوا: (S, K:) مبالطة is only upon the ground; (Z, TA;) and you do not say تبالطوا when the people are riders. (TA.) b2: بَالَطَنِى He fled from me, (AHn, K,) and went away in the land: (AHn, TA:) or he left me; quitted me. (TA.) 4 أَبْلَطَ He clave to the [بَلَاط, i. e.] earth, or ground; (K;) said of a man: (TA:) he became bankrupt, or insolvent, or reduced to a state of difficulty or poverty, or without any property, and clave to the بَلَاط: (AHeyth:) he became poor, and his property went away; as also أُبْلِطَ: (S, K:) so says Ks; and Az says the like: (S:) or he became poor; or had little property. (TA.) A2: أَبْلَطَ اللِّصُّ القَوْمَ The robber left the people, or company of men, upon the surface of the ground, and left them not anything: (Lh, TA:) or simply, left them not anything. (K.) b2: ابلط المَطَرُ الأَرْضَ The rain fell upon the بَلَاط [or surface] of the earth, (K, TA,) so that no dust was seen upon it. (TA.) b3: See also 1.6 تَبَاْلَطَ see 3.

بَلْطٌ and ↓ بُلْطٌ [An axe;] i. q. مِخْرَطٌ; (K, TA;) i. e. the iron instrument with which the خَرَّاط barks and planes (يَخْرِطُ) [a branch of a tree]: an Arabic word: the vulgar call it ↓ بَلْطَةٌ [now mostly applied to a battle-axe; in Turkish بَالْتَهْ]. (TA.) AHn says, An Arab of the desert quoted to me, فَالْبَلْطُ يَبْرِى حِيَدَ الفَرْفَارِ [And the axe pares off the knobs, or knots, of the tree called farfár]: حَيْدَةٌ [the sing. of حِيَدٌ] signifying a knob (سِلْعَة) in a tree; or a knot; which is cut off, and whereof vessels are shaped out, so that they are variegated and beautiful. (TA.) بُلْطٌ: see بَلْطٌ.

بَلْطَةٌ: see بَلْطٌ.

بُلْطِىٌّ [The labrus Niloticus;] a kind of fish that is found in the Nile, said to eat of the leaves of Paradise: it is the best of fish: and they liken to it him who is rising out of childhood, in a state of youthfulness and tenderness or delicateness. (TA.) بَلَاطٌ The earth, or ground: (TA:) or even, smooth ground. (K, TA.) b2: The face, or surface, of the earth, or ground: (K:) or the part where what is hard, thereof, i. e. of the earth or ground, ends: (AHn, K:) or the hard part of the exterior thereof. (A, TA.) b3: [Flag-stones, or flat stones for pavement; and baked bricks for pavement; (a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is with ة;)] stones, (S, Msb, K,) and any other things, (Msb,) which are spread in a house (S, K) &c., (S,) or with which a house is spread or paved. (Msb.) b4: Any ground, or floor, paved with such stones, or with baked bricks; (K;) [a pavement.]

b5: You say with respect to a niggardly and mean man, مَا ذَا يَأْخُذُ الرِّيحُ مِنَ البَلَاطِ [What will the wind take from the pavement?]. (TA.) b6: and رَجُلٌ بَلَاطٌ (assumed tropical:) A man poor, or in want. (TA.) b7: And إِنَّهَا حَسَنَةُ البَلَاطِ إِذَا جُرِّدَتْ (tropical:) Verily she is goodly, or beautiful, in skin when she is stripped. (TA.) بَلُّوطْ [The acorn;] a certain thing well known; (S;) the fruit, or produce, of a kind of tree, [namely, the oak,] which is eaten, (Mgh, Msb,) sometimes, (Msb,) and with the bark of which one tans, (Mgh, Msb,) sometimes: (Msb:) or [the oak; or this kind of tree is properly called شَجَرُ البَلُّوطِ;] a kind of tree; the fruit, or produce, whereof they used as food, in ancient times; cold and dry (K, TA) in the second degree, or, as some say, in the first; or its dryness is in the third degree; or it is hot in the first degree; (TA;) heavy, coarse, (K, TA,) slow of digestion, bad for the stomach, occasioning headache, injurious to the bladder, but rendered good by its being roasted and having sugar added to it; (TA;) suppressing the urine, (K, TA,) and rendering it difficult; preventing exhaustion by loss of blood, and the emission of blood [from a wound]; good for hardnesses, with the fat of a kid; preventing the progress of [the disease in the mouth called] قُلَاع, and فروع [app. a mistake for قُرُوح, or wounds], when it is burnt; preventing also excoriation, and poisons, and looseness of the bowels; and very nutritious when easily digested. (TA.) [See also عَفْصٌ. b2: Forskål, in his Flora Aegypt., p. lvi., mentions this name as applied to The common ash-tree; fraxinus excelsior.] b3: بَلُّوطُ المَلِكِ, according to some, The walnut: accord. to others, the شَاهْبَلُّوط [a Persian word, and also used by Arabs in the present day, applied to the chestnut]: as is said in the Minháj. (TA.) b4: بَلُّوط الأَرْضِ [applied in the present day to The herb germander, or chamædrys;] a certain plant, the leaves of which resemble the هِنْدِ بَآء [or endive]: it is diuretic; aperient; and wasting to the spleen. (K.) بَلَالِيطٌ Level, or even, lands, or tracts of ground: (K:) no sing. to it is known. (Seer.) [See also بَلَاطٌ.]

مُبْلِطٌ and مُبْلَطٌ, as epithets applied to a man, part. ns. of أَبْلَطَ and أُبْلِطَ, which see above.]
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