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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 حَلَقَ رَأْسَهُ, (S, K,) and شَعَرَهُ, (S, M, Msb,) aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. حَلْقٌ (S, * M, Msb, K) and حِلَاقٌ (S, * Msb, K *) and تَحْلَاقٌ, (S, * K,) He removed the hair of his head [with a razor, or shaved his head], (K,) [and he shaved off his hair;] as also ↓ احتلقهُ; (S, K;) and ↓ حلّقهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَحْلِيقٌ: (TA:) or the latter verb has an intensive signification, (O, Msb,) and applies to many objects, (S, Msb,) as in the phrase, حَلَّقُوا رُؤُوسَهُمْ [they shaved their heads]: (S:) and you say also, حَلَقَ مَعْزَهُ [he shore his goats]; but not جَزَّ save in the case of sheep: (S:) [for] الحَلْقُ with respect to the hair of human beings and of goats is like الجَزُّ with respect to wool. (M, TA.) [Hence,] إِنَّ رَأْسَهُ لَجَيِّدُ الحِلَاقِ [Verily his head is well shaven]. (S, K. *) And يَوْمُ تَحْلَاق اللَّمَمِ [The day of the shaving off of the locks termed لمم]; which was a day fought by Teghlib (S, K) against Bekr Ibn-Wáïl; (S;) because their [i. e. Teghlib's] distinctive sign was shaving (الحَلْق), (S, K,) on that day. (S.) b2: عَقْرًا حَلْقًا, or ↓ عَقْرَى حَلْقَى, (S, K, *) is an expression occurring in a trad.: (S:) the latter is rare; or is an incorrect variation of the relaters of traditions: (K:) A 'Obeyd says, it is عَقْرًا حَلْقًا, for which the relaters of traditions say ↓ عَقْرَى حَلْقَى; and the original form and meaning is عَقَرَهَا اللّٰهُ وَحَلَقَهَا, (S,) or عَقَرَهَا اللّٰهُ عَقْرًا وَحَلَقَهَا حَلْقًا, (TA,) i. e., [accord. to A 'Obeyd,] May God wound her body, and afflict her with pain in her حَلْق [or fauces]: (S, K: *) but this explanation is not valid: accord. to the T, it is a form of imprecation uttered against a woman, [not in earnest, though denoting a degree of displeasure,] meaning may she be bereft of her husband, or became a widow, so that she shall shave off her hair: and Az says that عَقْرَى ↓ حَلْقَى means she is unlucky [to others] and annoying: ISd says, it is said to mean she is unlucky [to others]; but I am not sure of it. (TA.) Accord. to Aboo-Nasr (S, TA) Ahmad Ibn-Hátim, (S,) one says on the occasion of an event at which one wonders, خَمْشَى

↓ عَقْرَى حَلْقَى, as though [meaning May she who has occasioned this, scratch and wound her face, and shave off her hair:] from الحَلْقُ [the act of shaving] and العَقْرُ [the act of wounding] and الخَمْشُ syn. with الخَدْشُ [the act of scratching]: (S, TA: *) and he cites this verse: ↓ أَلَا قَوْمِى أُولُو عَقْرَى وَحَلْقَى

لِمَا لَا قَتْ سَلَامَانُ بْنُ غَنْمِ (TA, and so in some copies of the S,) meaning [Now surely] my people have women who have wounded and scratched their faces and shaven off their hair [on account of what the tribe of Selámán Ibn-Ghanm has experienced]: so, says IB, IKtt relates this verse, and so Hr in the Ghareebeyn: but ISk, thus: أَلَا قَوْمِى إِلَى عَقْرَى وَحَلْقَى

[and so I find it in one copy of the S:] and IJ explains it by saying that عقرى وحلقى originally denotes the case of a woman who, when some one honourable in her estimation has been smitten, or wounded, takes a pair of sandals, and beats with them her head, and wounds or scratches it, and shaves off her hair; and the poet means, my people have come to the condition of wounded, or scratched, and shaven, women. (TA.) [Fei says,] حَلْقًا لَهُ وَعَقْرًا is a form of imprecation, meaning May God afflict him with pain in his حَلْق [or fauces], and wound his body: but the relaters of traditions say عَقْرَى ↓ حَلْقَى, with the fem. alif, making them act. part. ns.; [the former meaning, accord. to one of the explanations given above, an unlucky woman to others, though this is doubtful; and] the latter meaning a woman annoying her people: (Msb:) or both these words are inf. ns., like دَعْوَى. (TA in art. عقر.

[See more in that art]) b3: They said also, بَيْنَهُمُ احْلِقِى وَقُومِى [Among them is heard the saying, Shave, O woman, and arise]; i. e. among them is trial, or trouble, and distress, affliction, calamity, or adversity: and يُوْمُ احْلِقِى وَقُومِى [A day of the saying Shave, &c.; i. e., of trial, &c.]. (TA.) b4: Also حَلَقَ الشَّىْءَ. aor. ـِ inf. n. حلْقٌ, He peeled the thing; or stripped off, or otherwise removed, its superficial part: or he peeled, stripped, pared, scraped, or rubbed, off the thing: syn. قَشَرَهُ. (TA.) b5: And حَلَقَ (assumed tropical:) He, or it, destroyed; and cut off entirely, like as the razor does hair. (TA.) b6: And, aor. as above, (assumed tropical:) He (a man) pained, or caused to suffer pain. (IAar, TA.) A2: حَلَقَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ (K) and حَلِقَ, (TA,) He hit, or hurt, his حَلْق [or fauces]; (S, K;) a verb similar to رَأَسَهُ, and عَضَدَهُ and صَدَرَهُ, meaning “ he struck his head ” and “ his upper arm ” and “ his breast: ” and He (God) afflicted him with pain in his حَلْق; as explained in a phrase mentioned above. (S.) b2: And (tropical:) He filled it, namely, a watering-trough or tank, (K, TA,) up to its حَلْق [q. v.]; (TA;) as also ↓ احلقهُ. (Sgh, K.) A3: حَلَقَ الشَّىْءَ i. q. قَدَّرَهُ [He made the thing according to a measure; &c.]; (K;) like خَلَقَهُ [q. v.], with the pointed خ. (TA.) A4: حَلَقَ الضَّرْعُ, aor. ـَ [so in the TA, app. a mistranscription for حَلُقَ, since neither the medial nor final radical letter is faucial,] inf. n. حُلُوقٌ, (assumed tropical:) The udder rose to the belly, and became contracted: b2: and also (assumed tropical:) The udder contained much milk: (Kr, ISd, TA:) thus it has two contr. meanings. (TA.) [See the part. n. حَالِقٌ.]

A5: حَلِقَ, aor. ـَ He (a man) suffered pain: or had a complaint of his حَلْق [or fauces]. (IAar, TA.) 2 حلّق, inf. n. تَحْلِيقٌ: see 1, first sentence.

A2: حلّقهُ حَلْقَةً He clad him with a حلقة [or coat of mail, &c.]. (TA.) b2: حلٌّق حَلْقَةً He turned [or drew] a circle. (TA.) b3: [Hence, perhaps,] حلّق عَلَى اسْمِ فُلَانٍ [if, as I suppose, originally meaning He drew a line round the name of such a one;] (tropical:) he cancelled the stipend, or pay, or allowance, of such a one. (TA.) b4: [حلّق الإِبِلَ He branded the camels with a mark in the form of a ring: see the pass. part. n.] b5: حلَق بِإِصْبعِهِ He bent his finger round like a حَلْقَة [or ring]. (TA.) b6: حلّق said of the moon, It had a halo around it; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ تحلّق. (K.) b7: Said of a bird, inf. n. as above, (tropical:) It soared in its flight, (S, K, TA,) and circled in the air. (TA.) b8: Said of the نَجْم, (K,) meaning the Pleiades (الثُّرَيَّا), (T in art. فغر,) (assumed tropical:) It was, or became, high: (K:) or it became overhead. (T ubi suprà: see فَغَرَ.) It is said that تَحْلِيقُ الشَّمْسِ, in the former part of the day, means (assumed tropical:) The sun's rising high from the east: and in the latter part of the day, the sun's going down: but Sh says, I know not التحليق except as meaning the being, or becoming, high. (TA.) b9: حلّق بِبَصَرِهِ إِلَى السَّمآءِ (assumed tropical:) He raised his eyes towards the sky. (TA.) b10: حلّق ضَرْعُ النَّاقَةِ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) The she-camel's milk became drawn up [and consequently her udder also] (IDrd, K) to her belly (IDrd, TA.) And accord. to ISd, حلّق اللَّبَنُ (assumed tropical:) The milk [became drawn up, or withdrawn, i. e.,] went away. (TA.) And حلّق is said of the water in a drinking-trough, meaning (assumed tropical:) It became little in quantity; and went away. (TA.) b11: حَلَّقَتْ عُيُونُ الإِبِلِ (tropical:) The eyes of the camels sank, or became depressed, in their heads. (AA, K, TA.) b12: حلّق البُسْرُ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) The ripening dates became ripe [as far as the حَلْق, i. e.,] to the extent of two thirds: (AHn, K:) and ↓ حَلْقَنَ signifies the same; or they began to be ripe (K in art. حلقن) next the base; (TA in that art.;) as also ↓ حَلْقَمَ. (TA in art. حلقم.) b13: حلّق بِهِ (tropical:) It (a draught of [milk and water such as is termed] صُوَاح) caused his belly to become inflated. (Ibn-' Abbád, K, TA.) b14: حلّق بِالشَّىْءَ إِلَيْهِ He threw the thing to him. (K.) 4 أَحْلَقَ see 1, near the end.5 تحلّقوا They sat in rings, or circles. (S, K.) The doing thus before prayers [in the mosque] is forbidden. (TA.) b2: See also 2.7 انحلق شَعَرُهُ [His hair came off; as though it were shaven]. (K voce مُتَقَوِّبٌ.) 8 إِحْتَلَقَ see 1, first sentence. Q. Q. 1 حَلْقَمَهُ He cut, or severed, his حُلْقُوم [q. v. voce حَلْقٌ]. (Msb, See also art. حلقم.) A2: حَلْقَمَ and حَلْقَنَ: see 2.

A3: حَوْلَقَ, (TA,) inf. n. حَوْلَقَةٌ, (S,) He said لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللّٰهِ: [see art. حول:] so says ISk: (S:) others say حَوْقَلَ. (IAth, TA.) حَلْقٌ [The fauces: and hence, by a synecdoche, the throat, or gullet, i. e. the œsophagus:] the place of the غَلْصَمَة [or epiglottis]; and the place of slaughter in an animal: (Az, TA:) or the fore part of the neck: (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) or the passage of, or place by which pass, the food and drink, into the مَرِىْء [or œsophagus]: (TA:) or i. q. ↓ حُلْقُومٌ: (S, Msb, K:) [but] the latter is the windpipe; the passage of the breath; (Zj ubi suprà, Az, Msb;) which has branches branching from it into the lungs, [namely, the bronchi, consisting of two main branches, which divide into smaller and smaller,] called the قَصَب: (Zj ubi suprà, and Msb:) [this word (حلقوم), however, as well as the former, is sometimes applied to the throat, or gullet: but the former (حلق) generally signifies the fauces; and the latter (حلقوم), the windpipe: (see another explanation of the latter word in art. حلقم, from the M:) a morsel of food, or the like, is commonly said to stick in the حلق, but not in the حلقوم:] حَلْقٌ is of the masc. gender: (Msb:) and its pl. is حُلُوقٌ, (S, Msb,) and sometimes حُلُقٌ; (Msb;) or حِلَقٌ, which is extr.; and pl. of pauc. أَحْلَاقٌ; (TA;) and أَحْلُقٌ is allowable [as a pl. of pauc.] on the ground of analogy; but it has not been heard from the Arabs: (Msb:) ↓ حُلْقُومٌ is of the measure فُعْلُومٌ, (TA,) the م being augmentative, (Msb,) accord. to Kh; but of the measure فُعْلُولٌ accord. to others: (TA:) and its pl. is حَلَاقِيمُ, and, by contraction, حَلَاقِمُ. (Msb.) b2: (tropical:) The part through which the water runs of a watering-trough or tank, and of a vessel: pl. حُلُوقٌ. (TA.) b3: and [the pl.] حُلُوقٌ signifies (tropical:) The water-courses, and valleys, of a land; and the narrow, or strait, places, of a land, (K, TA,) and of roads. (TA.) b4: حَلْقُ الجَوِّ [app. (assumed tropical:) The upper region of the air: see 2, as said of a bird, &c.]. (Z, TA.) b5: The حَلْق of a date is (assumed tropical:) The part at the extremity of two thirds thereof: or a part near to the base thereof. (TA.) A2: Unluckiness [to others]. (IAar, K.) Hence, [accord. to some,] عَقْرًا حَلْقًا [explained above: see 1]. (TA.) حُلْقٌ The state of being bereft of a child by death; syn. ثُكْلٌ [in the CK, erroneously, شُكْل]. (K, TA.) So in the prov., لِأُمِّكَ الحُلْقُ [May bereavement of her child befall thy mother]: or, accord. to the A, it means shaving of the head [on account of such, or a similar, bereavement]. (TA.) حِلْقٌ (tropical:) Numerous cattle: (S, K:) because the herbage is cropped by them like as hair is shaven or shorn. (K.) You say, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِالحِلْقِ وَالإِحْرَافِ (S) Such a one came with, or brought, much cattle. (Az, S in art. حرف.) A2: The sealring (IAar, S, K) that is on the hand [or finger], or in the hand, (IAar, TA,) of a king: (IAar, S, K:) or a seal-ring of silver, without a فَصّ [or gem set in it]. (ISd, K.) [Hence,] أُعْطِىَ فُلَانٌ الحِلْقَ Such a one was made prince, or governor, or commander. (TA.) حَلَقٌ: see حَلْقَةٌ. b2: Also Camels branded with the mark termed حَلْقَةٌ; (K;) and so ↓ مُحَلَّقَةٌ. (S, K.) حَلْقَةٌ [A single act of shaving]. One says to a beloved child, when he belches, حَلْقَةً وَكَبْرَةً

وَشَحْمَةً فِى السُّرَّةِ, i. e. May thy head be shaven time after time, (Ibn-'Abbád, K, *) so that thou mayest grow old, (Ibn-'Abbád, TA,) [and acquire fat at the navel:] or mayest thou be preserved so as to have thy head shaven, and to grow old. (A, TA.) A2: As meaning A ring; i. e. anything circular; as a حلقة of iron, and of silver, and of gold; (TA;) a حلقة of a coat of mail, &c.; (Mgh;) the حلقة of a door; and a حلقة of people; (S, K;) in this last instance meaning a ring of people; (Msb, TA;) it is also with fet-h to the ل; i. e. ↓ حَلَقَةٌ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) mentioned by Yoo, on the authority of Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà, (S, Msb,) and with kesr; (K;) i. e. ↓ حَلِقَةٌ; mentioned by Fr and El-Umawee, as of the dial. of Belhárith Ibn-Kaab; accord. to the O; or ↓ حِلْقَةٌ, accord. to the L: (TA:) or there is no such word as ↓ حَلَقَةٌ, (S, K,) in chaste speech, (TA,) except as pl. of حَالِقٌ; (S, K;) accord. to Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee; (S;) or it is a dial. var. of weak authority; (K;) accord. to Th, allowed by all, though of weak authority; (S;) or it is used by poetic license; (Mgh:) Lh says that the حلقة of a door is حَلْقَةٌ and ↓ حَلَقَةٌ; Kr says the same of the حلقة of a company of men; Lth says that it is the former in this case, but that some say the latter; A 'Obeyd prefers the latter in the case of a حلقة of iron, but allows the former; and prefers the former in the case of a حلقة of people, but allows the latter; and Abu-l-'Abbás prefers the former in both cases, but allows the latter: (L:) the pl. is ↓ حَلَقٌ, (S, Msb, K,) which is anomalous in relation to حَلْقَةٌ, (S, Msb,) or [rather] a quasipl. n., (TA,) but regular in relation to حَلَقَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) [as a coll. gen. n.,] like قَصَبٌ in relation to قَصَبَةٌ; (Msb;) and, (K,) accord. to As, (S,) حِلَقٌ, (S, K,) as pl. of حَلْقَةٌ meaning a حلقة of men and of iron, (TA,) like بِدَرٌ (S, K) pl. of بَدْرَةٌ, and قِصَعٌ pl. of قَصْعَةٌ; (S;) or this is a regular pl. of حِلْقَةٌ; (TA;) and حَلَقَاتٌ, (AA, Yoo, S, K,) which is pl. of حَلَقَةٌ; (TA;) and حِلَقَاتٌ, (K,) which is pl. of حِلْقَةٌ; (TA;) and حِلَاقٌ in relation to a company of men. (TA.) You say, اِنْتَزَعْتُ حَلْقَتَهُ [lit. I pulled off his ring], meaning, (app., Ibn-'Abbád,) (assumed tropical:) I outwent him, or preceded him. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) and كَالحَلْقَةِ المُفْرَغَةِ [Like the solid and continuous ring]: a prov., applied to a company of men united in words and action. (TA.) And ضَرَبُوا بُيُوتَهُمْ حِلَاقًا They pitched their tents in one series, (K, TA,) so as to form a ring [or rings]: the last word being a pl. of حَلْقَةٌ or of حلقَةٌ. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., نُهِىَ عَنِ الحِلَقِ قَبْلَ الصَّلَاةِ, i. e. Rings of men [sitting in the mosque before prayer are forbidden]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] حَلْقَتَا الرَّحِمِ (tropical:) [The two rings of the womb]: one of these is the mouth of the vulva, at its extremity; [the meatus of the vagina:] and the other is that which closes upon the مَآء [or seminal fluid] and opens for the menstrual discharge; [the os uteri:] (K:) or, as some say, the other is that whence the urine is emitted; [the meatus urinarius: but the former is the right explanation: and hence] one says, مَآء

النُّطْفَةُ فِى حَلْقَةِ الرَّحِمِ (tropical:) The seminal fluid fell into the entrance of the womb. (TA.) [Hence also,] حَلْقَةُ الدُّبُرِ (assumed tropical:) The anus; syn. حِتَارُهُ and شَرَجُهُ. (Mgh in art. شرج.) [See also خَاتَمٌ, last sentence but two.] b3: حَلْقَةٌ also signifies A brand upon camels, (K, TA,) of a round form, like the حلقة [or ring] of a door. (TA.) b4: And A coat of mail: [because made of rings:] (K:) or coats of mail: (S, Mgh:) or arms, or weapons, in general, (M, Mgh, Msb,) and coats of mail, and the like. (M, TA.) It is said in a trad., إِنَّكُمْ

أَهْلُ الحَلْقَةِ والحُصُونِ [Verily ye are people of the coat of mail, &c., and of fortresses]. (TA.) b5: And A rope. (K, TA.) b6: And, of a vessel, (Az, K,) and of a watering-trough, (Az,) (tropical:) The portion that remains vacant after one has put in it somewhat (Az, K) of food or beverage, up to the half; the portion that is above the half being thus called: (Az:) [or] of a wateringtrough, (tropical:) the fulness; or less than that. (Aboo-Málik, K.) One says, وَفَّيْتُ حَلْقَةَ الحَوْضِ and الإِنَآءَ (tropical:) [I filled up the حلقة of the watering-trough and of the vessel]. (Az, TA.) حِلْقَةٌ: see حَلْقَةٌ.

حَلَقَةٌ: see حَلْقَةٌ, in three places.

حَلِقَةٌ: see حَلْقَةٌ.

حَلْقَى: see 1, in six places.

حَلْقِىٌّ [Of, or relating to, the حَلْق; faucial; guttural]. الحُرُوفُ الحَلْقِيَّةُ [The faucial, or guttural, letters] are six; namely, ء and ه, to which are appropriated the furthest part of the حَلْق; and ع and ح, to which are appropriated the middle thereof; and غ and خ, to which are appropriated the nearest part thereof. (TA.) بُسْرٌ حُلْقَانُ (assumed tropical:) Ripening dates that have become ripe as far as the حَلْق; which is said by some to be near the base: (TA:) or that have begun to be ripe (K in art. حلقن) next the base; (TA in that art.;) and so ↓ رُطَبٌ مُحَلْقِمٌ; and a single date in that state is termed ↓ رُطَبَةٌ حُلْقَامَةٌ: (K in art. حلقم:) or ripening dates that have become ripe to the extent of two thirds; as also ↓ مُحَلْقِنٌ, (S, K,) and ↓ مُحَلِّقٌ, (K, TA,) like مُحَدِّثٌ: (TA:) [in the CK مُحَلَّق, like مُعَظَّم:]) and the last signifies, (K,) accord. to Ibn-'Abbád, (TA,) dates partly ripe (K, TA) and partly unripe: (TA:) n. un. with ة: (S, K:) such dates are also termed ↓ حَوَالِيقُ, held by ISd to be a kind of rel. n., [as though pl. of حَالِقَةٌ,] though the reason of the insertion of the ى in this word, he says, was unknown to him: (TA:) and ↓ رُطَبٌ حُلْقَانِىٌّ: (TA from a trad.:) the pl. of مُحَلِّقٌ is مَحَالِيقُ. (TA.) حُلْقُومٌ: see حَلْقٌ, in two places.

رُطَبَةٌ حُلْقَامَةٌ: see حُلْقَانٌ.

رُطَبٌ حُلْقَانِىٌّ: see حُلْقَانٌ.

حَلَاقِ, (S, K,) indecl., with kesr for its termination, because changed from its original form, which is حَالِقَةٌ, of the fem. gender, and an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant; (S;) (tropical:) Death (S, K, TA) that peels [people] off; (TA;) as also حَلَاقٌ, (K,) allowed by Ibn-'Abbád; and, accord. to the Tekmileh, ↓ حِلَاقٌ also. (TA.) One says, سُقُوا بِكَأْسِ حَلَاقِ (tropical:) [They were given to drink the cup of death]. (ISd, TA.) [See also جَعَارِ.]

حُلَاقٌ Pain in the حَلْق [or fauces]. (S, K.) حِلَاقٌ: see حَلَاقِ.

رَأْسٌ حَلِيقٌ i. q. ↓ مَحْلُوقٌ [A shaven head]: (ISd, TA:) and شَعَرٌ حَلِيقٌ [hair shaven off]: (Az, S:) and لِحْيَةٌ حَلِيقٌ [a beard shaven off]; not حَلِيقَةٌ: (Az, S, K:) and ↓ عَنْزٌ مَحْلُوقَةٌ [a shorn she-goat]. (Az, S.) The pl. of حَلِيقٌ is [حَلْقِى and] حِلَاقٌ. (TA.) حُلَاقَةٌ Shorn hair of a goat. (S, K.) حَلَّاقٌ: see what next follows.

حَالِقٌ [Shaving: and] a shaver; (S, TA;) and a shearer of goats: (T, TA:) pl. حَلَقَةٌ: (T, S, K:) and ↓ حَلَّاقٌ is syn. with حَالِقٌ; (TA;) [or has an intensive signification, or denotes frequency of the action.] The saying لَا تَفْعَلْ ذَاكَ أُمُّكَ حَالِقٌ means [Do not thou that:] may God cause thy mother to be bereft of her child so that she shall shave off her hair. (S.) And حَالِقَةٌ occurs in a trad. as an epithet applied to a woman cursed by Mohammad; (TA;) meaning One who shaves off her hair in the case of an affliction: (K, TA:) or who shares her face for the sake of embellishment. (TA.) It is also applied to a wound on the head (شَجَّةٌ) That scrapes off the skin from the flesh. (TA in art. دمغ.) b2: (tropical:) Sharp; applied to a knife: (TA:) and so ↓ حَالُوقَةٌ; applied to a sword; and also to a man. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) [Hence, perhaps,] فُلَانٌ حَالِقٌ إِلَىَّ بِعَيْنِهِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is looking at me intently, or sharply; as also ↓ مُحَلِّقٌ. (T, TA in art. زنر.) b3: (assumed tropical:) Quick, or swift; and light, active, or agile. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) Lean, or light of flesh; slender, and lean; or lean, and lank in the belly. (TA.) b5: Accord. to A'Obeyd and the K, it means An udder: and accord. to the K, it means also full: (TA:) but it is an epithet applied to an udder; and thus applied, it has this latter meaning, i. e. (tropical:) full; (T, S, TA;) so ISd thinks; (TA;) as though the milk in it reached to its حَلْق: (S, TA:) or big, so that it rubs off the hair of the thighs by reason of its bigness: (TA:) and it has also the contr. meaning; (T, TA;) raised (IAar, T, Kr, ISd, TA) towards the belly, (Kr, ISd, TA,) and contracted, (T, Kr, ISd, TA,) so that its milk has become scanty, (IAar, T, TA,) or has gone away: (Kr, ISd, TA:) pl. حُلَّقٌ and حَوَالِقُ (S, TA) and حَلَقَةٌ. (TA. [The last is mentioned as pl. of حالق in the latter sense.]) Accord. to As, أَصْبَحَتْ ضَرَّةُ النَّاقَةِ حَالِقًا means (assumed tropical:) The she-camel's udder became nearly full. (TA.) And one says نَاقَةٌ حَالقٌ meaning A she-camel having much milk: (TA:) or having great abundance of milk, and a large udder: and ↓ إبِلٌ مُحَلِّقَةٌ camels having much milk: (En-Nadr, TA:) and the pl. of حالق is حَوَالِقُ and حُلَّقٌ. (TA.) b6: (tropical:) A high mountain, (S, K, TA,) rising above what surrounds it, and without vegetable produce: or, as some say, a mountain having no vegetable produce; as though it were shaven, or shorn; of the measure فَاعِلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ: but Z says that it is from حَلَّقَ, said of a bird: (TA:) and a high, or an overtopping or overlooking, place. (S.) One says also, هَوَى مِنْ حَالِقٍ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He fell from a high to a low place. (Har p. 37.) And its pl. حُلُقٌ signifies (assumed tropical:) The vacant spaces between heaven and earth. (TA.) A2: (tropical:) Unlucky (K, TA) to a people; as though peeling them; and so ↓ حَالِقَةٌ, accord. to the copies of the K; but correctly ↓ حَالُوقَةٌ, as in the O and Tekmileh. (TA.) A3: A tendril, or twining portion, of a grape-vine, (S, K, TA,) and of a colocynth and the like, (TA,) hanging to the shoots: (S, K, TA:) because it has a circular form, like a حَلْقَة [or ring]. (T, TA.) حَالِقَةٌ [an epithet (being fem. of حَالِقٌ q. v.) in which the quality of a subst. predominates] (tropical:) A year of drought, barrenness, or dearth: so in the saying, وَقَعَتْ فِيهِمْ حَالِقَةٌ لَا تَدَعُ شَيْئًا إِلَّا أَهْلَكَتْهُ (tropical:) [A year of drought, &c., happened among them, not leaving anything without its destroying it]. (TA.) b2: And الحَالِقَةُ (tropical:) The cutting, or abandoning, or forsaking, of kindred, or relations; syn. قَطِيعَةُ الرَّحِمِ; (Khálid Ibn-Jenebeh, K, TA;) and mutual wronging, and evil-speaking: (Khálid Ibn-Jenebeh, TA:) or that which destroys, and utterly cuts off, religion; like as the razor utterly cuts off hair: occurring in a trad., in which البَغْضَآءُ [i. e. vehement hatred] and الحَالِقَةُ are termed the disease of the nations (دَآءُ الأُمَمِ). (TA.) b3: See also حَالِقٌ, last sentence but one.

حَالُوقَةٌ: see حَالِقٌ, fifth sentence, and last sentence but one.

حَوَالِيقُ: see حُلْقَانٌ مِحْلَقٌ A razor; (K;) the instrument of shaving. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] كِسَآءٌ مِحْلَقٌ (S, K) (assumed tropical:) A very rough [garment of the kind called] كساء; (K, TA;) as though it shaved off the hair, (S, K,) by reason of its roughness: pl. مَحَالِقُ. (S.) المُحَلَّقُ The place of the shaving of the head, in [the valley of] Minè. (Lth, K.) A2: مُحَلَّقَةٌ, applied to camels: see حَلَقٌ.

مُحَلِّقٌ: see حُلْقَانٌ: b2: and حَالِقٌ, in two places. b3: Also A vessel less than full. (K.) b4: (assumed tropical:) Lean, or emaciated; applied to sheep or goats. (Ib-'Abbád, K.) b5: فَلَاةٌ مُحَلِّقٌ (assumed tropical:) A desert in which is no water. (TA.) مَحْلُوقٌ: see حَلِيقٌ, in two places.

مُحَلْقِمٌ: see حُلْقَانٌ.

مُحَلْقِنٌ: see حُلْقَانٌ.



1 حَقَفَ, aor. ـُ inf.n. حُقُوفٌ, It (a thing) was, or became, curved, bent, or winding. (Msb.) حُقُوفٌ also signifies A gazelle's being in the condition denoted by [the part. n.] حَاقِفٌ in the phrase ظَبْىٌ حَاقِفٌ, which see below. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) 12 احقوقف, said of sand, and of the هِلَال [or moon when, being near the sun, it shows a narrow rim of light], (S, K,) and of the back, (K,) or of anything, such as the back of a camel, (L,) It was curved, bent, or winding, (S, L, K,) and long. (L, K.) حِقْفٌ A curving, or winding, tract of sand: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَحْقَافٌ (S, Msb, K) and [of mult.] حِقَافٌ (S, K) and حُقُوفٌ, (O, L, K,) and pl. pl. حَقَائِفُ and حِقَفَةٌ, (K,) the former of these two being pl. of أَحْقَافٌ or of حِقَافٌ, (L, TA,) but the latter of them, accord. to the O, is a pl., not a pl. pl. : (TA:) or a heap, or hill, of sand, that has assumed a bowed form: (IDrd, TA:) or a curving, or winding, thin tract of sand: (Har p. 51:) or a great, round tract of sand: (Ibn-' Arafeh, K:) or an oblong, elevated tract of sand: (Fr, K:) or الأَحْقَافُ applies [particularly] to certain oblong tracts of sand in the region of Esh-Shihr: (K, * TA:) accord. to J, [in the S,] to the country of 'Ád. (TA.) b2: Also The lower, or lowest, part of a tract of sand, and of a mountain, and of a wall. (O, L, K.) حَاقِفٌ A gazelle [lying] bent together, or curled, (A 'Obeyd, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) like a حِقْف of sand, (Az, Sgh, K,) in his sleep, (A'Obeyd, S, K,) or in consequence of a wound &c.: (Msb:) or lying upon his breast on a حِقْف of sand: (IAar, K:) or, as some say, upon, or at, the lower, or lowest, part of a حِقْف. (Mgh.) أَحْقَفُ A camel lank in the belly. (ISh, K.)



1 غَلَبَهُ, (S, Msb,) [and غَلَبَ عَلَيْهِ,] aor. ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. غَلَبٌ and غَلْبٌ, (S, K, TA,) the former of which is the more chaste, (TA,) or the latter is an inf. n. and the former is a simple subst., (Msb,) and غَلَبَةٌ, (S, K, TA,) [the most common form,] or this is a simple subst. like غَلَبٌ, (Msb,) which is perhaps formed from it by the elision of the ة, (Fr, S,) and مَغْلَبٌ and مَغْلَبَةٌ, (K, TA,) which last is rare, (TA,) and غَلَابِيَةٌ and [in an intensive sense] غُلُبَّى and غِلِبَّى (K, TA) and غُلُبَّةٌ (Lh, K, TA, said in the S to be syn. with غَلَبَةٌ) and غَلُبَّةٌ, with fet-h to the غ, (K, TA, in the CK غلَبَّة,) and غِلِبَّآءُ, (Kr, TA,) He, or it, overcame, conquered, subdued, overpowered, mastered, or surpassed, him, or it; gained ascendency or the mastery, prevailed, or predominated, over him, or it; or was, or became, superior in power or force or influence, to him, or it. (A, MA, K, PS, TK, &c.) [See also 5.] b2: One says, غَلَبْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ meaning [I overcame him in contending for it; i. e.] I took it, or obtained it, from him [by superior power or force]. (A.) And غُلِبَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ Such a one had the thing taken from him by superior power or force. (Mgh.) Hence the saying, لَا تُغْلَبُوا عَلَى صَلَاةٍ

قَبْلَ طُلُوعِ الشَّمْسِ وَقَبْلَ غُرُوبِهَا Be not ye overcome and anticipated by others in performing prayer before the rising of the sun and before its setting, so that the opportunity for your doing so escape you. (Mgh.) b3: And غَلَبَهُ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ He forced him, or constrained him against his will. (A, TA.) b4: [And غَلَبَهُ الأَمْرُ The affair overcame, defeated, or baffled, him.] b5: And غَلَبَهُ بِالخَوْفِ He exceeded him in fear. (S in art. خوف.) b6: and غَلَبَ عَلَى فُلَانٍ الكَرَمُ Generosity was, or became, the predominant quality of such a one. (TA.) b7: And غَلَبَ أَنْ يُخْطَمَ [He refused to have the خِطَام (or leading-rope) put upon him]; said of a camel. (TA in art. خطم.) b8: And أَيُغْلَبُ أَحَدُكُمْ

أَنْ يُصَاحِبَ النَّاسَ مَعْرُوفًا meaning أَيَعْجِزُ [i. e. Is any one of you unable to associate with men kindly?]. (A.) A2: غَلِبَ, aor. ـَ (K, TA,) inf. n. غَلَبٌ, (S, * TA,) He was, or became, thick-necked: (K, TA:) or thick and short in the neck: or thick and inclining in the neck: from disease or other cause. (TA.) 2 غَلَّبْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. تَغْلِيبٌ, [I made him to overcome, conquer, subdue, overpower, master, or surpass, him, or it; &c.: see 1: and] I made him to gain the mastery over it, or to obtain possession of it, (namely, a town, or country,) by [superior power or] force. (S.) b2: And غُلِّبَ عَلَى صَاحِبِهِ He (a poet) was judged to have overcome his fellow. (TA.) [See مُغَلَّبٌ.] b3: [غَلَّبَ لَفْظًَا عَلَى لَفْظٍ آخَرَ, a conventional phrase of the lexicologists, means He made a word to predominate over another word; as in القَمَرَانِ for الشَّمْسُ وَالقَمَرُ; and سِرْنَا عَشْرًا for سِرْنَا عَشْرَ لَيَالٍ

بِأَيَّامِهَا: of the former instance you say, فِيهِ تَغْلِيبُ القَمَرِ عَلَى الشَّمْسِ In it is the attribution of predominance to the moon over the sun; and in the latter, فيه تَغْلِيبُ اللَّيْلِ عَلَى النَّهَارِ In it is the attribution of predominance to the night over the day. See more in Kull p. 115.]3 غالبهُ [He vied, contended, or strove, with him, to overcome, conquer, subdue, overpower, master, or surpass, &c., (see 1,) or for victory, or superiority], inf. n. مُغَالَبَةٌ and غِلَابٌ. (S, Msb, TA.) You say, غَالَبْتُهُ فَغَلَبْتُهُ [I vied, contended, or strove, with him, to overcome, &c., and I overcame him.

&c.]. (O.) And Kaab Ibn-Málik says, هَمَّتْ سَخِينَةُ أَنْ تُغَالِبَ رَبَّهَا وَلَيُغْلَبَنَّ مُغَالِبُ الغَلَّابِ

[Sakheeneh (a by-name of the tribe of Kureysh) proposed to themselves to contend for victory with their Lord: but he who contends for victory with the very victorious will assuredly be overcome]. (TA.) 5 تغلّب عَلَى بَلَدِ كَذَا He gained the mastery over such a town, or country, or obtained possession of it, by [superior power or] force. (S, K, *) 6 تغالبوا عَلَى البَلَدِ [They vied, contended, or strove, one with another, against the town, or country, to take it]. (A.) 10 استغلب عَلَيهِ الضَّحِكُ Laughter became vehement in its effect upon him. (TA.) 12 اغلولب العُشْبُ The fresh, or green, herbage attained to maturity, and became tangled and luxuriant, or abundant and dense: (S:) or became compact and dense. (TA.) غَلَبَةٌ an inf. n. of غَلَبَ, (S, K, TA,) or a simple subst. (Msb.) [It is much used as a subst., signifying The act of overcoming, conquering, subduing, &c.; (see 1;) victory, conquest, ascendency, mastery, prevalence, predominance, superiority. or superior power or force or influence; success in a contest; or the act of taking, or obtaining, by superior power or force.]

A2: And pl. of غَالِبٌ. (TA.) غُلَبَةٌ: see what next follows.

غُلُبَّةٌ and غَلُبَّةٌ and غَلَبَّةٌ: see what next follows.

غُلُبَّى and غِلِبَّى: see what next follows.

غَلَّابٌ (S, O) and ↓ غُلَبَةٌ (O) and ↓ غُلُبَّةٌ and ↓ غَلُبَّةٌ (O, TA) and ↓ غَلَبَّةٌ (O) and ↓ غُلُبَّى and ↓ غِلِبَّى, (Fr, O,) [all of which except the first and second, and app. the fifth, are originally inf. ns.,] A man who overcomes, conquers, subdues, overpowers, masters, or surpasses, much, or often, (S, O, TA,) and quickly; (O;) [very, or speedily, or very and speedily, victorious:] or the third, accord to As, signifies a man who overcomes, or conquers, &c., quickly: (S:) pl. of the first غَلَّابُونَ. (TA.) رَجُلٌ غَالِبٌ A man who overcomes, conquers, subdues, overpowers, masters, or surpasses; or overcoming, &c.: pl. غَلَبَةٌ. (TA.) b2: اِسْمٌ غَالِبٌ A noun [used predominantly in one of its senses,] such as دَابَّةٌ applied to “ a horse,” and مَالٌ applied to “ camels. ” (TA in art. سنه.) And صِفَةٌ غَالِبَةٌ [i. e. غَالِبَةٌ اسْمِيَّتُهَا, or غَلَبَتْ عَلَيْهَا الاِسْمِيَّةُ,] An epithet [in which the quality of a substantive is predominant,] such as حَاجِبٌ applied to “ a doorkeeper. ” (TA in art. حجب.) b3: [And الغَالِبُ signifies also The most, or the most part; and the generality: whence, غَالِبًا and فِى الغَالِبِ meaning Mostly, or for the most part: in which sense ↓ فى الأغْلَبِ is sometimes used: and generally. b4: And What is most probable: whence, غَالِبًا and فِى الغَالِبِ meaning Most probably.]

أَغَْلَبُ [More, and most, overcoming or conquering &c.: fem. غَلْبَآءُ: and pl. غُلْبٌ]. One says قَبِيلَةٌ غَلْبَآءُ A [most overcoming or] mighty, resistive, tribe. (K.) And عِزَّةٌ غَلْبَآءُ [Most overpowering might]. (S.) b2: See also غَالِبٌ.

A2: Also Thick-necked, (S, TA,) applied to a man: (S:) [or thick and short in the neck: or thick and inclining in the neck: (see 1, last sentence:)] fem.

غَلْبَآءُ, applied to a she-camel: and pl. غُلْبٌ. (TA.) And Thick, applied to a neck. (Lh, TA.) b2: [Hence,] حَدِيقَةٌ غَلْبَآءُ (tropical:) [A garden, or walled garden, &c.,] of tangled and luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees: (S:) or of compact and dense trees; as also ↓ مُغْلَوْلِبَةٌ. (K, TA.) In the phrase حَدَائِقَ غُلْبًا in the Kur [lxxx. 30], the epithet is expl by Bd as meaning (tropical:) Large. (TA.) And the fem. is applied to a [mountain, or hill, such as is termed] هَضْبَة, (S, TA,) meaning (tropical:) Lofty and great. (TA.) b3: And الأَغْلَبُ meansThe lion [app. because of the thickness of his neck]. (K.) مَغْلَبَةٌ A place where one is overcome, or conquered. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)]

مُغَلَّبٌ Overcome, conquered, &c., repeatedly, several times, or many times; (S, A, K, TA;) applied to a poet: (A:) and (so applied, S, A, TA) judged to have overcome (S, A, * K, TA) his fellow, (S, TA,) much, or often: (A:) thus having two contr. significations: (S, K:) an epithet of praise as well as of dispraise: (O:) or, when the Arabs say of a poet that he is مُغَلَّب, the meaning is that he is overcome; but if they say, غُلِّبَ فُلَانٌ, the meaning is, such a one has [been judged to have] overcome: thus they say, غُلِّبَتْ لَيْلَى الأَخْيَلِيَّةُ عَلَى نَابِغَةِ بَنِى جَعْدَةَ, for she overcame him, and he ([En-Nábighah] El-Jaadee) was مُغَلَّب. (Mohammad Ibn-Selám, TA.) مَغْلُوبٌ [pass. part. of غَلَبَ, Overcome, conquered, subdued, &c. b2: And] part. n. of غُلِبَ in the phrase غُلِبَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ expl. above: [see 1:] (Mgh: [and the like is said in the A:]) a poet says, فَكُنْتُ كَمَغْلُوبٍ عَلَى نَصْلِ سَيْفِهِ [And I was like one whose blade of his sword has been taken from him by superior power or force; or who has had his blade of his sword taken from him &c.]. (Mgh.) مُغْلَنْبٍ One who overcomes, conquers, or subdues, another; who gains ascendency, or the mastery, over him: (K, TA:) it is quasi coordinate to [مُحْرَنْجِمٌ, part. n. of] اِحْرَنْجَمَ [which is from حَرْجَمَ]. (TA.) حَدِيقَةٌ مُغْلَوْلِبَةٌ: see أَغْلَبُ.



1 عَطِشَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَطَشٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and sometimes مَعْطَشٌ, (TA,) He thirsted; was thirsty: was in want of drink; and it was in want of irrigation: عَطَشٌ being the contr. of رِىٌّ. (S, O, TA.) b2: عَطِشَ إِلَى لِقَائِهِ (tropical:) He longed, or desired, [lit. thirsted,] to meet with him: like as they say ظَمِئَ. (IDrd, O.) And أَنَا شَدِيدُ العَطَشِ إِلَى لِقَائِكَ (tropical:) [I am vehemently longing, or desiring, to meet with thee]. (A.) [See also the first paragraph of art. عمى.]

A2: عَاطَشَهُ فَعَطَشَهُ: see 3.2 عَطَّشَ see 4.3 عَاطَشَهُ فَعَطَشَهُ [aor. of the latter, accord. to general rule, عَطُشَ, He vied with him in endeavouring to satisfy, (see 6,) or in bearing, thirst, and surpassed him therein]. (O, K, TA. [But whether sanctioned by usage, seems to be doubtful.]) 4 اعطش His camels, or cattle, thirsted. (T, S, M, O, K.) A2: اعطش فُلَانًا He made such a one to thirst. (O, * K, * TA.) b2: اعطش الإِبِلَ He increased the intervals between the two drinkings, or waterings, of the camels, and withheld them from coming to the water, (O, K,) or from the water on the day of their coming thereto: (TA:) and ↓ عطّشها, [in like manner,] he increased their thirsting: (A:) or the latter, of which the inf. n. is تَعْطِيشٌ, has a more intensive signification than the former verb: (O, K, TA:) or it signifies he kept them thirsty; i. e., did not water them at all; or, watered them little, so that they were not satisfied: (TA, voce ثَأْثَأَ:) when a man has been accustomed to bring his camels to water on the third day, or the fourth, and waters them one day beyond that, you say أَعْطَشَهَا. (TA.) 5 تعطّش He constrained himself to thirst; syn. تَكَلَّفَ العَطَشَ. (O, K.) 6 تَعَاطَشَا [app. They vied, each with the other, in endeavouring to satisfy their thirst, (see K, voce تَجَاشَعَا,) or in bearing thirst].

عَطُشٌ; fem. with ة: see the next paragraph, in three places.

عَطِشٌ (Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عَطُشٌ (K) and ↓ عَطْشَان [without and with tenween, as is shown by the two forms of its fem., which see in what follows,] (S, Mgh, O, Msb) and ↓ عَاطِشٌ (TA) Thirsting; or thirsty: (S, TA:) or needing water: (Mgh:) or you say, الْآنَ ↓ هُوَ عَطْشَانُ [He is thirsting, or thirsty, now]; (Lh, K;) and هُوَ غَدًا ↓ عَاطِشٌ [He will be thirsting, or thirsty, tomorrow]; (Lh, O, K;) and بَعْدَ ↓ مَا هُوَ بِعَاطِشٍ

هٰذَا الــيَوْمِ [He will not be thirsting, or thirsty, after this day]: (Lh, TA:) fem. [of the first]

عَطِشَةٌ (O, Msb, K) and [of the second] ↓ عَطُشَةٌ (TA) and [of the third] ↓ عَطْشَى, (S, O, Msb, K,) which is also used as a pl., (S, K,) and ↓ عَطْشَانَةٌ: (Lth, O, K:) pl. masc. [of the first and third and fourth, and perhaps of the second also,] عِطَاشٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and عُطَاشٌ [which is irregular] and عَطِشُونَ and [of the second]

عَطُشُونَ (TA) and [of the third] عَطَاشَى: (S, O, K:) pl. fem. عِطَاشٌ, like the masc., (S, O, K,) and [of the first] عَطِشَاتٌ, (Lth, O, K,) but this was ignored by Aboo-Leylà, (O,) and [of the second] عَطُشَاتٌ (TA) and [of the third] عَطْشَانَاتٌ. (Lth, O, K.) Accord. to Mohammad Ibn-EsSeree, ↓ عَطْشَان is originally عَطْشَآءُ, like صَحْرَآءُ, the ن being substituted for the fem. ا, as is shown by its plural's being عَطَاشَى like صَحَارَى: (S, O:) [but there are many similar pls. of epithets of the measure فُعْلَان; as سَكَارَى and غَيَارَى and نَدَامَى and كَسَالَى &c.] You say also عَطْشَانُ نَطْشَانُ; the latter being an imitative sequent to the former, not used alone. (S, O.) And إِنَّكَ كَأَنَّكَ عَطْشَانُ ↓ إِلَى الدَّمِ عَطْشَانُ [Verily thou art thirsting for blood, as though thou wert 'Atshán]: (A:) this being the name of a sword of 'Abd-ElMuttalib Ibn-Háshim. (A, O, K.) The dim. of عَطِشٌ is ↓ عُطَيْشَان, as though from عَطْشَان; and ↓ عُطَيْشٌ also; but the former is the better. (ISk, O.) b2: [Hence,] ↓ عَطْشَان also signifies (tropical:) Longing; or desiring. (K.) You say, إِنِّى إِلَيْكَ

↓ لَعَطْشَانُ (tropical:) [Verily I am longing for seeing thee]. (IAar, O.) b3: مَكَانٌ عَطِشٌ (S, O, Msb) and ↓ عَطُشٌ (S, O) A place in which is little water: (S, O, Msb:) or in which is no water. (Msb.) b4: الوِشَاحِ ↓ فُلَانَةُ عَطْشَى (A) or عَطِشَةُ الوِشَاحِ (TA) (tropical:) [Such a woman is slender in the waist; or in the belly and flanks; like غَرْثَى الوِشَاحِ].

عَطْشَان: fem. عَطْشَى and عَطْشَانَةٌ: see عَطِشٌ, throughout.

عُطَاشٌ [Insatiable thirst;] a certain disease, (S, O, K, TA,) that attacks a man, (S, O, TA,) or a child, (TA,) the sufferer from which drinks water and cannot satisfy his thirst: (S, O, K, * TA:) or intense thirst: the sufferer thereof is permitted to break his fast. (TA.) عُطَيْشٌ: dims. of عَطِشٌ, q. v. (ISk, O.) عُطَيْشَان: dims. of عَطِشٌ, q. v. (ISk, O.) عَاطِشٌ: see عَطِشٌ, in three places.

مَعْطَشٌ [The space in which one becomes thirsty: see an ex. voce مَجَاعٌ. And] sing. of مَعَاطِشُ, (O, K,) which signifies The appointed times (مَوَاقِيت, S, A, O, K) of thirst, or of the restraining of camels from water, (S, A, O,) or of thirsts, or of the restrainings of camels from water. (K.) مُعْطِشٌ A man whose camels have become thirsty. (TA.) [See also مِعْطَاشٌ.] b2: See also مَعْطَشَةٌ.

مِعْطَشٌ A man who has not had drink given to him. (TA.) مَعْطَشَةٌ A land in which is no water; (O, K;) as also ↓ أَرْضٌ مُعْطِشَةٌ: (TA:) pl. of the former مَعَاطِشُ. (O, K.) b2: A cause of thirst. (TA in art. بخل.) مُعَطَّشٌ Confined, or withheld, (O, K, TA,) from water, purposely. (TA.) مِعْطَاشٌ Very thirsty; or often thirsty: applied to a man and to a woman. (Lh) b2: Having thirsty camels: applied to a man and to a woman. (O, K.) [See also مُعْطِشٌ.]



1 عَرُبَ لِسَانُهُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. عُرُوبَةٌ, His tongue [or speech] was, or became, Arabic, (S, O,) or chaste Arabic. (Msb.) b2: See also 4, first sentence, in three places.

A2: عَرِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَرَبٌ, He (a man) became disordered in the stomach by indigestion. (TA.) And عَرِبَتْ مَعِدَتُهُ, inf. n. as above, His stomach became in a corrupt, or disordered, state, (S, O, Msb, K,) from being burdened. (TA.) b2: Also, (O, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) said of a camel's hump, (O, TA,) It became swollen and purulent. (O, K, TA.) b3: And, said of a wound, (S, O, K, TA,) It became corrupt: (TA:) or it broke open again; or became recrudescent: (S, O:) or it had a scar remaining after it had healed. (K.) b4: Said of a river, It abounded with water. (K.) and عَرِبَتِ البِئْرُ The well contained much water; or its water became abundant. (K.) b5: And, (K, TA,) inf. n. عَرَبٌ (O, * K, * TA) and عَرَابَةٌ, said of a man, (TA,) He was, or became, brisk, lively, or sprightly. (K, TA.) A3: عَرَبَ, (O, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَرْبٌ, (TK,) He ate (O, K) food. (TK.) 2 عرّب, (S, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ, (S,) He (an Arab) arabicized a foreign word; spoke it, or pronounced it, agreeably with the ways of Arabic speech; (S;) as also ↓ اعرب, (S, O, *) inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ. (TA.) b2: And He taught another the Arabic language. (TA, from a trad.) b3: See also 4, in fourteen places. b4: The inf. n. signifies also The showing, or declaring, one's saying, (K, TA,) and one's deed, (TA,) to be bad, evil, abominable, or foul. (K, TA.) One says, عرّب عَلَيْهِ He showed him, or declared to him, that his saying, and his deed, was bad, &c.; and upbraided him for it. (TA.) And فَعَلْتُ كَذَا وَكَذَا فَمَا عَرَّبَ عَلَىَّ أَحَدٌ I did so and so, and no one upbraided me; or charged me with having acted disgracefully. (Az, TA.) And عرّب عَلَيْهِ فِعْلَهُ, (S, O,) and قَوْلَهُ, (TA,) He showed him, or declared to him, that his deed was bad, evil, abominable, or foul, (S, O,) and so his saying. (TA.) تَعْرِيبٌ is The saying to a man who has uttered what is foul, or erroneous, “It is not so, but so; ” telling him what is more correct. (Sh, TA.) And The replaying against a speaker; (K, TA;) and so ↓ إِعْرَابٌ. (TA.) One says, عرّب عَلَيْهِ He replied against him, denying or disallowing or disapproving what he said: (S:) or he prevented, hindered, or forbade, him: or he did so, and denied or disallowed or disapproved [what he said or did]. (TA.) [See what next follows.] b5: Also The treating medically, to remove his disease, one whose stomach is in a corrupt, or disordered, state. (O, K. [In both, التَّعْرِيبُ is expl. as meaning تَمْرِيضُ العَرِبِ i. e. الذَّرِبِ المَعِدَةِ. Freytag has strangely rendered the verb as signifying “ ægrotum reddidit aliquem stomachi corruptio. ”]) Az says that التَّعْرِيبُ followed by عَلَى and having for its object him who says what is disapproved may be from this. (TA.) b6: Also The lopping a palm-tree; or pruning it by cutting off some of its branches. (S, O, K. *) b7: And The scarifying a horse or similar beast in the parts of the skin next the hoofs and then cauterizing those parts: (K, TA:) or the cauterizing a horse in several places in those parts, and then gently scarifying them without producing any effect upon the sinews, or tendons, (Az, O, TA,) in order to strengthen the parts, (Az, TA,) or in order that the hair may become strong: (O:) or عرّب الفَرَسَ signifies he made an incision in the bottom of the horse's hoof; and the verb implies that, by this operation, what was concealed becomes apparent to the eye, so that one knows the state of the hoof, whether it be hard or soft, sound or diseased. (L, TA. See also 1 in art. بزغ.) A2: Also, the inf. n., The getting, or procuring for oneself, an Arabian horse. (TA. [See also 4, near the end.]) b2: And The taking, or making, for oneself, an Arabian bow. (O, K.) A3: Also the drinking much clear, or limpid, water, (O, K,) which is termed عَرِب. (O.) A4: عرّب البَقَرَةَ, (K,) or ↓ أَعْرَبَهَا, (O,) He rendered the cow desirous [of copulation]; said of a bull. (O, K.) A5: And عرّب, (Fr, Mgh, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ; (Fr, O, K;) and ↓ اعرب, (Fr, Mgh, O, Msb,) inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ; (Fr, Mgh, K;) and ↓ عَرْبَنَ; (O, and S and K in art. عربن;) He gave what is termed an عُرْبُون (O, Msb, K) or عُرْبَان (Fr, Mgh) [i. e. an earnest], فِى كَذَا [in the case of such a thing], (O,) or فِى بَيْعِهِ [in the case of his purchase]. (Msb.) One says, ↓ أَعْرَبُوا فِى الدَّارِ أَرْبَعَمِائَةٍ They paid in advance, as an earnest, in the case of the house, four hundred [dirhems]. (L, TA.) It is related in a trad. that ↓ الإِعْرَاب in buying and selling is forbidden: (Mgh, O, TA:) this is said by Sh to mean A man's saying to another, If I do not purchase this for so much, thou shalt have such and such of my property. (O, TA.) 3 عَاْرَبَ [The following ex. is given of the inf. n. of this verb.] One says, مَا أُوتِىَ أَحَدٌ مِنْ مُعَارَبَةِ النِّسَآءِ مَا أُوتِىَ فُلَانٌ, (O,) or مَا أُوتِيتُهُ أَنَا, (TA,) meaning, (O, TA,) app., (TA,) [No one has been given what such a one has been given, or what I have been given, of] the means of coïtus [with women]. (O, TA.) 4 اعرب, (Az, Msb, TA,) [for اعرب الكَلَامَ, like افصح for افصح الكَلَامَ,] inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ, (A, K,) He spoke clearly, plainly, distinctly, or intel-ligibly, (Az, A, Msb, K, * TA,) in Arabic; (Msb;) as also ↓ تعرّب, and ↓ استعرب; said of a foreigner, or one [previously] not clear, plain, distinct, or intelligible, in speech: (Az, Msb, TA:) and ↓ عَرُبَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُرْبٌ and عُرُوبٌ, accord. to Th, and عُرْبَةٌ and عِرَابَةٌ [which accord. to general analogy would be عَرَابَةٌ] and عُرُوبِيَّةٌ; (TA;) or ↓ عَرِبَ, aor. ـَ (Msb;) [likewise] signifies he spoke clearly, plainly, or distinctly, after being barbarous, or vitious, in speech: (Msb, TA:) and ↓ عَرُبَ he spoke without incorrectness; (Msb;) and [so اعرب, for] إِعْرَابٌ signifies the committing no error in speech: (K, TA:) and the expressing of meanings clearly, plainly, distinctly, or perspicuously, by words. (TA.) [↓ عرّب, also, has a similar meaning:] it is said in a trad., أَنْ ↓ كَانُوا يَسْتَحِبُّونَ أَنْ يُلَقِّنُوا الصَّبِىَّ حِينَ يُعَرِّبُ يَقُولَ لَا إِلَاهَ إِلَّا اللّٰهُ سَبْعَ مَرَّاتٍ (O, TA) i. e. [They used to like teaching the boy,] when he spoke distinctly, or articulately, [to say “ There is no deity but God ” seven times.] (TA.) And one says, اعرب الكَلَامَ, and اعرب بِهِ, meaning He made the speech [that he spoke] clear, plain, distinct, or perspicuous. (TA.) And اعرب بِحُجَّتِهِ He declared, or spoke out clearly or plainly, his argument, plea, allegation, or the like, without fearing any one. (S, O.) And أَعْرَبْتُ الشَّىْءَ and اعربت عَنْهُ, and ↓ عَرَّبْتُهُ and عرّبت عَنْهُ, which last, accord. to Fr, is better than عرّبتهُ and اعربتهُ, I made the thing clear, plain, distinct, or manifest. (Msb.) And اعرب عَمَّا فِى ضَمِيرِهِ He declared, or spoke out clearly or plainly, what was in his mind. (TA.) And اعرب عَنْهُ لِسَانُهُ, and ↓ عرّب عنه, His tongue made clear, or plain, or spoke clearly, or plainly, for him: and عَمَّا فِى ↓ يُعَرِّبُ قَلْبِهِ لِسَانُهُ His tongue tells plainly, or declares, what is in his heart. (Az, TA.) It is said in a trad., الثَّيِّبُ تُعْرِبُ عَنْ نَفْسِهَا, (S,) or الأَيِّمُ, and ↓ تُعَرِّبُ, accord. to different relaters, but some say the former only, (Msb,) i. e. [She who has become a widow, or been divorced, &c., or she who has no husband, whether she be a virgin or not, or not being a virgin,] shall speak out plainly for herself [when demanded in marriage]: (S, Msb:) or الثَّيِّبُ يُعْرِبُ عَنْهَا لِسَانُهَا, so accord. to IKt, (O,) or عنها ↓ يُعَرِّبُ, (Mgh, O,) so accord. to A 'Obeyd, but, as IAmb says, both are dial. vars. of which neither is preferable to the other; and the meaning is [she who has become a widow, &c., her tongue] shall declare for her. (O.) One says also, اعرب عَنِ الرَّجُلِ He spoke out, or explained, for the man. (TA.) And عَنِ القَوْمِ ↓ عَرَّبْتُ I spoke for the people, or party; (Fr, S, Mgh, * O, K;) and pleaded for them; (Fr, Mgh, * TA;) as also أَعْرَبْتُ; but the former in this sense is better known. (Mgh.) And اعرب عَنْهُ, and عنه ↓ عرّب, He pleaded his cause. (TA.) and عَنْ حَاجَتِهِ ↓ عرّب He spoke and pleaded for the object of his want. (A.) b2: اعرب also signifies He was, or became, chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech; although not an Arab. (Msb.) And لَهُ الكَلَامَ ↓ عَرَّبْتُ, inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ; as also أَعْرَبْتُ له, inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ; I made the speech [that I spoke] clear, or plain, to him, so that there was in it no barbarousness. (TA.) And مَنْطِقَهُ ↓ عرّب, (S, O,) inf. n. تَعْرِيبٌ, (K,) He made his speech free from error, or incorrectness. (S, O, K.) And أَعْرَبْتُ الحَرْفَ I made the حرف [i. e. word] clear, or plain: or the ا in this case denotes privation, and the meaning is (assumed tropical:) I removed its عرب, [app. ↓ عَرَب, from this word as inf. n. of عَرِبَ used in relation to the stomach &c.,] i. e. vagueness. (Msb.) And اعرب كَلَامَهُ He made his speech free from error, or incorrectness, in [what is termed] الإِعْرَاب [here meaning what grammarians generally intend thereby, namely, desinential syntax, or the science of the various inflections of words, literal or virtual, by reason of the various governing words]. (S, O.) [اعرب is also used by grammarians as meaning He declined a word; and أُعْرِبَ as meaning It was declined, or declinable; in these senses opposed to بَنَى and بُنِىَ, inf. n. بِنَآءٌ: and the former also as meaning He analyzed grammatically, or parsed, a sentence: and the inf. n. of the verb (act. and pass.) in these senses is إِعْرَابٌ.] b3: See also 2, first sentence: b4: and again in the first third part of the paragraph. b5: إِعْرَابٌ also signifies The making [a person] to revert from, or relinquish, foul speech; (K, TA;) and so ↓ تَعْرِيبٌ. (TA.) b6: And The speaking foul, or obscene, language; as also ↓ تَعْرِيبٌ, and ↓ اِسْتِعْرَابٌ: (O, K:) thus it bears two contr. significations. (K, TA.) One says of a man, اعرب [&c.], (S, O,) or اعرب فِى كَلَامِهِ, (Msb,) He spoke foul, or obscene, language. (S, O, Msb.) [Golius and Freytag have assigned this meaning to ↓ تعرّب also: the latter of them as from the S and K; in neither of which do I find it.] b7: And The act of copulating: or the speaking of that act in an oblique, or indirect, manner. (K.) A2: and اعرب, (S, O,) inf. n. إِعْرَابٌ, (K,) He had a child born to him of Arabian complexion, or colour. (S, O, K.) b2: And He possessed, or acquired, or sought to acquire, horses, or camels, of pure Arabian race. (TA. [See also 2, in the middle of the latter half; and see مُعْرِبٌ.]) b3: And إِعْرَابٌ signifies One's knowing a horse of pure Arabian race from one of mean race by his neighing. (K.) And A horse's being known by his neighing to be of pure Arabian race, free from any admixture of other than Arabian blood: (K, TA:) [or his making himself to be known as such by his neighing; for] اعرب means he (a horse) neighed, and was consequently known to be of Arabian race. (A.) b4: And The making a horse to run. (K.) Accord. to Fr, one says, اعرب عَلَى فَرَسِهِ, meaning He made his horse to run: but he adds that some say اغرب. (O.) A3: And إِعْرَابٌ signifies The taking as one's wife a woman such as is termed عَرُوبٌ [q. v.]. (K.) A4: اعرب سَقْىُ القَوْمِ meansThe people's watering [of their camels], having been at one time on alternate days, and another time on the fourth day after that of the next preceding watering, then became, and continued to be, of one uniform way. (S, O.) A5: See also 2, last four sentences.5 تعرّب He assimilated himself to the Arabs. (S.) He (a man not of genuine Arabian descent) introduced himself among the Arabs, and spoke their language, and imitated their manner or appearance; [he became a naturalized, or an insitious, Arab; (see العَرَبُ;)] as also ↓ استعرب. (Az, TA.) b2: He became an Arab of the desert; (S, Mgh;) he returned to the desert, (Az, Mgh, TA,) after he had been dwelling in a region of cities or towns or villages and of cultivated land, and joined himself to the Arabs of the desert. (Az, TA.) Hence, تعرّب بَعْدَ هِجْرَتِهِ He became an Arab of the desert [after his flight, or emigration, for the sake of El-Islám], (S, Mgh,) returning to the desert. (Mgh.) b3: He dwelt, or abode, in the desert. (O, K.) b4: See also 4, first sentence. b5: تَعَرَّبَتْ لِزَوْجِهَا She acted in an amorous manner, or with amorous dalliance, and mani-fested love, to her husband. (A, TA.) b6: Respecting a meaning assigned to تعرّب by Golius and Freytag, see 4, latter half.10 استعرب: see 5: b2: see also 4, first sentence: b3: and the same again in the latter half of the paragraph.

A2: استعرب جَرَبًا, said of a camel, He was affected with mange, or scab, which began in his armpits and groins or similar parts, and his lips, and appeared upon the general extent of his skin. (O.) b2: And استعربت, said of a cow, She desired the bull. (O, K.) Q. Q. 1 عَرْبَنَ: see 2, near the end.

عَرْبٌ is syn. with إِعْرَابٌ in the sense of إِفْصَاحٌ [but app. as a subst. (not an inf. n.) meaning Clear, plain, or distinct, speech]. (TA.) b2: and syn. with عِرَابَةٌ, q. v. (TA.) b3: And syn. with عَرَبٌ as [inf. n. of عَرِبَ, and] meaning نَشَاطٌ [i. e. Briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness]. (O, K.) العُرْبُ: see العَرَبُ, first sentence.

عِرْبٌ Such as is dried up, of the [species of barley-grass called] بُهْمَى: (S, O, K:) or of any herb, or leguminous plant: n. un. with ة: or عِرْبُ البُهْمَى signifies the prickles of the بُهْمَى. (TA.) العَرَبُ, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K, &c.,) as also ↓ العُرْبُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) A certain people, or nation; [the Arabs, or Arabians;] (S, O;) the contr. of العَجَمُ (A, Msb, K, TA) and العُجْمُ; (TA;) the inhabitants of the cities, or large towns, (S, A, O, K,) or of the Arabian cities and towns or villages: (Mgh:) [but now, on the contrary, generally applied to those who dwell in the desert:] or those who have alighted and made their abode in the cultivated regions, and have taken as their homes the Arabian cities and towns or villages, and others also that are related to them: (Az, Msb:) or [accord. to general usage] an appellation of common application [to the whole nation]: (T, K:) [and in the lexicons and lexicological works applied to the desert Arabs of pure speech:] it is of the fem. gender: (Msb, K:) and العَرَبُ has two pls., namely, العُرُبُ, with two dammehs, and الأَعْرُبُ [which is a pl. of pauc.]: (Msb:) the rel. n. [which serves as a sing.] is ↓ عَرَبِىٌّ: (S, O, K: [عَرَبٌ عَرَبِىٌّ in the CK is a mistake:]) accord. to Az, (TA,) this appellation is applied to a man of established Arab lineage, even if he be not chaste, or correct, in speech. (Msb, TA.) The dim. of العَرَبُ is ↓ العُرَيْبُ, (S, O,) without ة, (O, TA,) an extr. word [with respect to analogy, as the undiminished noun is fem.]: (TA:) a poet (Abu-l-Hindee, whose name was 'Abd-El-Mu-min, son of 'AbdEl-Kuddoos, O, TA) says, وَمَكْنُ الضِّبَابِ طَعَامُ العُرَيْبِ وَلَا تَشْتَهِيهِ نُفُوسُ العَجَمْ

[And the eggs of dabbs are food of the little Arabs; but the souls of the Foreigners do not desire them]: in which he uses the dim. form to imply respect, or honour, like as it is used in the saying أَنَا جُذَيْلُهَا المُحَكَّكُ وَعُذَيْقُهَا المُرَجَّبُ [expl. in art. جذل]. (S, O.) b2: ↓ العَرَبُ العَارِبَةُ (in which the latter word is used as a corroborative of the former as in لَيْلٌ لَائِلٌ, S, O) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرْبَآءُ (S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرَبِيَّةُ (O) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرِبَةُ (K) and ↓ العَرَبُ العَرِبَاتُ (CK [but this I do not find in any other copy of the K]) are appellations of The pure, or genuine Arabs: (S, A, O, K:) or those who spoke the language of Yaarub Ibn-Kahtán; which is the ancient language: (Msb:) and ↓ العَرَبُ المُسْتَعْرِبَةُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) as also ↓ العَرَبُ المُتَعَرِّبَةُ, (S, O, K,) is an appellation of The insititious [or naturalized Arabs]; (K;) those who are not pure, or genuine, Arabs: (S, O:) or those who spoke the language of Ismá'eel [or Ishmael] the son of Ibráheem [or Abraham], i. e., the dialects of El-Hijáz and the parts adjacent thereto: (Msb:) and the appellation of ↓ مُسْتَعْرِبَةٌ is thought by Az to apply [also] to people not of pure Arabian descent, who have introduced themselves among the Arabs, and speak their language, and imitate their manner or appearance. (TA.) [The former division is most reasonably considered as consisting of the extinct tribes ('Ád, Thamood, and others mentioned in what follows); or of these together with the unmixed descendants of Kahtán, whose claims to the appellation of genuine Arabs are held by many to be equally valid: and the latter division, as consisting of those whose origin is referred, through Ma'add and 'Adnán, to Ismá'eel (or Ishmael), whose wife was descended from Kahtán. What I find in the TA, on this subject, is as follows.] The former of these two divisions consisted of nine tribes, descendants of Irem [or Aram] the son of Sám [or Shem] the son of Nooh [or Noah]; namely, 'Ád, Thamood, Umeiyim, 'Abeel, Tasm, Jedees, 'Imleek [or Amalek], Jurhum, and Webári; and from them Ismá'eel [or Ishmael is said to have] learned the Arabic language: and the ↓ مُتَعَرِّبَة are [said to be] the descendants of Ismá'eel, the descendants of Ma'add the son of 'Adnán the son of Udd: so says Abu-l-Khattáb Ibn-Dihyeh, surnamed Dhun-Nesebeyn: or the former division consisted of seven tribes, namely, 'Ád, Thamood, 'Imleek, Tasm, Jedees, Umeiyim, and Jásim; the main portion of whom has become extinct, some remains of them, only, being scattered among the [existing] tribes: so says IDrd: and the appellation of ↓ العَرَبُ العَارِبَةُ is also given to the descendants of Yaarub the son of Kahtán [only]. (TA.) [It should be observed, however, that the appellation of ↓ المُتَعَرِّبَةُ is, by those who hold the extinct tribes above mentioned as the only genuine Arabs, applied to the unmixed descendants of Kahtán; and ↓ المُسْتَعْرِبَةُ, to those who are held to be the descendants of Ismá'eel: thus in the Mz, 1st نوع.

Also, it should be observed that the appellation of ↓ العَرَبُ العَارِبِةُ, in the conventional language of Arabic lexicology, is often applied to the Arabs of the classical ages, and the later Arabs of the desert who retained the pure language of their ancestors, indiscriminately: it is thus applied by writers quoted in the Mz (1st نوع) to all the descendants of Kahtán, and those of Ma'add the son of 'Adnán (through whom all the descendants of Ismá'eel trace their ancestry) who lived before the corruption, among them, of the Arabic language.] b3: ↓ الأَعْرَابُ is the appellation given to Those [Arabs] who dwell in the desert; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) such as go about in search of herbage and water; and Az adds, whether of the Arabs or of their freedmen: he says that it is applied to those who alight and abide in the desert, and are neighbours of the dwellers in the desert, and journey, or migrate, with them, to seek after herbage and water: (Msb:) it is not a pl. of العَرَبُ, not being like الأَنْبَاطُ, which is pl. of النَّبَطُ; (S, O;) but is a [coll.] gen. n.: (S:) الأَعَارِيبُ occurs as its pl. (S, O, K) in chaste poetry: (S:) it has no sing. [properly so termed]: (K:) the rel. n. is ↓ أَعْرَابِىٌّ, (S, O,) which is applied to single person; (Msb;) as also بَدَوِىٌّ: (TA:) Az says, if one say to an أَعْرَابِىّ, يَا عَرَبِىُّ, he is pleased; and if one say to an عَرَبِىّ, يَا أَعْرَابِىُّ, he is angry. (TA.) b4: Authors differ as to the cause why the عَرَب were thus called: some say, because of the perspicuity of their speech, from إِعْرَابٌ: others, that they were so called from Yaarub the son of Kahtán, who is said to have been the first that spoke the Arabic language; his original language having been, as asserted by IDrd, [what the Arabs term] Syriac; though some say that Ismá'eel was the first that spoke the Arabic language; and some, that Yaarub was the first that spoke Arabic, and that Ismá'eel was the first that spoke the pure Arabic of El-Hijáz, in which the Kur-án was revealed: others say that the عَرَب were so called from العَرَبَةُ, the name of a tract near El-Medeeneh, or a name of Mekkeh and the adjacent region, where Ismá'eel settled, or the same as Tihámeh [as is said in the Mgh, in which this is pronounced to be the most correct derivation], or the general name of the peninsula of Arabia, which is also called العَرَبَاتُ [as is said in the Msb]: but some say that they were so called in like manner as were the فُرْس and the رُوم and the تُرْك and others, not after the name of a land or other than a land, but by the coining of the name, not a term expressive of a quality or a state or condition &c. (TA.) [If the country were called العَرَبَةُ, an inhabitant thereof might be called, agreeably with analogy, عَرَبِىٌّ; and then, the people collectively, العَرَبُ: but I think that the most probable derivation is from the old Hebrew word

עְרֶב, meaning “ a mixed people,”

which the Arabs assert themselves to have been, almost from the first; and in favour of this derivation it may be reasonably urged that the old Himyeritic language agrees more in its vocabulary with the Hebrew and Phœnician than it does with the classical and modern Arabic.]

A2: See also عَرَبَةٌ.

A3: And see عَرِبٌ.

A4: [It also app. signifies (assumed tropical:) Vagueness (considered as an unsoundness) in a word; from the same as inf. n. of عَرِبَ used in relation to the stomach &c.:] see 4, latter half.

عَرِبٌ [part. n. of عَرِبَ, q. v.: as such signifying] Having the stomach in a bad, or corrupt, state. (O, K.) And مَعِدَةٌ عَرِبَةٌ A stomach in a bad, or corrupt, state, (S, O, TA,) from being burdened. (TA.) b2: Also, and ↓ عَرَبٌ, (O, K,) the former of which is the more common, (TA,) and ↓ عُرْبُبٌ, (O, K,) Abundant water, (O, K,) such as is clear, or limpid. (K.) And نَهْرٌ عَرِبٌ (TA) and ↓ عَارِبٌ and ↓ عَارِبَةٌ (K) A river containing abundance of water. (K, TA.) And بِئْرٌ عَرِبَةٌ A well containing much water. (K.) b3: عَرِبَةٌ applied to a woman: see عَرُوبٌ, in four places. b4: العَرَبُ العَرِبَةُ and العَرِبَاتُ: see العَرَبُ, first quarter.

عَرْبَةٌ: see عِرَابَةٌ.

عَرَبَةٌ A river that flows with a vehement, or strong, current. (S, O, K.) A2: And i. q. نَفْسٌ [The soul, mind, or self]. (S, O, K.) [It is thought to occur in a pl. sense, without ة, as a coll. gen. n., in the following sense, quoted in the S immediately after the explanation above.] A poet says, (S,) namely, Ibn-Meiyádeh, (O,) لَمَّا أَتَيْتُكَ أَرْجُو فَضْلَ نَائِلِكُمْ

↓ نَفَحْتَنِى نَفَحَةً طَابَتْ لَهَا العَرَبُ [When I came to thee, hoping for the redundance of your bounty, thou gavest me a gift with which the souls were pleased]: (S, O:) thus related by some, and expl. as meaning طَابَتْ لَهَا النُّفُوسُ: but the [approved] relation is, طَارَتْ بِهَا العَرَبُ [(assumed tropical:) which the Arabs made to fly upon the wings of fame], i. e. حَدَّثَتِ العَرَبُ النَّاسَ بِهَا [meaning (assumed tropical:) of which the Arabs talked to the people]. (O.) A3: Also sing. of عَرَبَاتٌ (TA) which is the name of Certain stationary vessels that used to be in the Tigris. (K, TA.) b2: [As meaning A wheel-carriage of any kind (which is commonly called in Egypt عَرَبِيَّة) it is post-classical.]

العَرَبُ العَرْبَآءُ: see العَرَبُ, first quarter: and see عَرْبَانُ.

عُرْبُبٌ: see عَرِبٌ.

عَرَبِىٌّ; and العَرَبُ العَرَبِيَّةُ: see العَرَبُ, first quarter. b2: لَا تَنْقُشُوا فِى خَوَاتِيمِكُمْ عَرَبِيًّا, (Mgh, O, K, TA,) in a trad., or, as some relate it, ↓ العَرَبِيَّةَ, (TA,) means Engrave not on your signets مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ اللّٰهِ; (Mgh, O, K, TA;) because this was engraved on the Prophet's own signet: (O, TA:) as though he had said, نَبِيًّا عَرَبِيًّا [an Arabian prophet]; meaning himself. (O, K, TA.) Omar said, ↓ لَا تَنْقُشُوا فِى خَوَاتِيمِكُمُ العَرَبِيَّةَ [Engrave not on your signets Arabic]: and Ibn-'Omar disapproved of engraving on a signet words from the Kurn. (Mgh, * O, TA.) [عَرَبِىُّ الوَجْهِ often occurs in post-classical works as meaning Having an Arab face; i. e. long-faced; opposed to تُرْكِىُّ الوَجْهِ.] b3: See also عِرَابٌ, in two places.

A2: Also A white barley, the ears of which are bifurcate [so I render, agreeably with the TK, سُنْبُلُهُ حَرْفَانِ]: (K, TA:) it is wide, and its grain is large, larger than the grain of the barley of El-'Irak, and it is the best of barley. (TA.) العَرَبِيَّةُ The Arabic language; (S, TA;) the language of the Kurn. (Msb.) Katádeh says that the tribe of Kureysh used to cull, or select, what was most excellent in the dialects of the Arabs, [in the doing of which they were aided by the confluence of pilgrims from all parts of the country,] so that their dialect became the most excellent of all, and the Kur-án was therefore revealed in that dialect. (TA.) See also عَرَبِىٌّ, in two places. b2: And see عُرُوبَةٌ.

عَرْبَانُ [written in the TA without any syll. signs, but it is app. thus, fem. عَرْبَآءُ (like حَيْرَآءُ fem. of حَيْرَانُ), whence, probably, the appellation ↓ العَرَبُ العَرْبَآءُ,] A man chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech: so in the Towsheeh. (TA.) [See also عَرِيبٌ.]

عُرْبَانٌ and عُرُبَّانٌ: see what next follows.

عَرَبُونٌ and عُرْبُونٌ and ↓ عُرْبَانٌ (Mgh, * O, Msb, K) and ↓ عُرُبَّانٌ, mentioned on the authority of Ibn-Es-Seed, as of the dial. of El-Hijáz, and عَرْبُونٌ, mentioned by AHei, but this last is a vulgar word, and is disallowed by Lb; (TA;) as also أَرَبُونٌ and أُرْبُونٌ and أُرْبَانٌ; (Mgh, * Msb, K;) [An earnest, or earnest-money;] a portion of the price, whereby a bargain is ratified; (K, TA;) a thing that is paid by the purchaser of a commodity, (Mgh, O, Msb,) or by the hirer of a thing, (Msb,) on the condition that if the sale (Mgh, O, Msb) or hire (Msb) have effect, it shall be reckoned as part of the price, and otherwise shall not be reclaimed; (Mgh, O, Msb;) called by the vulgar رَبُون: (O:) it is forbidden in a trad., (Mgh, O, TA,) and by most of the lawyers, but allowed by some: (TA:) عربون is said by As to be a foreign word arabicized, (Msb,) and so say many authors; though it is said by some of the expositors of the Fs to be from التَّعْرِيبُ signifying “ the making clear, plain,” &c.; اربون being also derived from أُرْبَةٌ signifying “ a knot: ” (TA:) and [it is said that] the ن in عربون and عربان may be augmentative or radical, because one says أَعْرَبَ فِى كَذَا and عَرْبَنَ. (O.) b2: [Hence,] أَلْقَى عَرَبُونَهُ (assumed tropical:) He ejected his excrement, or ordure. (O, K, TA.) عِرْبِيَآءُ: see عَرُوبَآءُ.

عَرَابٌ The fruit of the species of tree called خَزَم [q. v.], of the bark of which [tree] ropes are made: (O, K, TA:) [beads which are used in prayer are made thereof, (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees,) i. e., of the berries thus called, and] it [the fruit] is eaten by the apes, or monkeys, and sometimes, in a case of hunger, by men: n. un. with ة. (O, TA.) خَيْلٌ عِرَابٌ Horses of pure Arabian race; (Mgh, K;) opposed to بَرَاذِينُ; (S, O, Msb;) also termed ↓ أَعْرُبٌ and ↓ مُعْرِبَةٌ, (K,) which last [erroneously written in the CK مَعْرِبَةٌ] is fem. of مُعْرِبٌ, signifying a horse having no strain of admixture of other than Arabian blood: (Ks, S, O:) one of such horses is [also] termed ↓ عَرَبِىٌّ: (Mgh, Msb:) by the pl. عِرَابٌ, they distinguish beasts from human beings. (Mgh.) b2: And إِبِلٌ عِرَابٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ أَعْرُبٌ (TA) Camels of pure Arabian race: (K;) opposed to بَخَاتِىٌّ. (S, O, Msb.) b3: And بَقَرٌ عِرَابٌ A goodly sort of oxen, of generous race, with short and fine hair, smooth, or sleek, (Msb,) having even backs, and thick hoofs and hides: one of which is termed ↓ عَرَبِىٌّ. (TA voce دَرَبَانِيَّةٌ.) عَرُوبٌ A woman who manifests love to her husband; (IAar, S, O, K, TA;) and is obedient to him; (IAar, TA;) as also ↓ عَرُوبَةٌ: (TA:) and (so in the O and TA, but in the CK “ or ”) a woman disobedient to her husband; (IAar, O, K, TA;) unfaithful to him by unchastity; corrupt in her mind: (IAar, O, TA:) as though having two contr. meanings; [the latter meaning] from عَرْب [a mistranscription for عَرَب] signifying

“ corruptness ” of the stomach: (O:) or who loves him passionately, or excessively: or who manifests love to him, evincing passionate, or excessive, desire: [lit., evincing that; meaning what is expressed by the words immediately preceding it; for otherwise this last explanation would be the same as the first; and as I have rendered it, it is nearly the same as an explanation in the Expos. of the Jel (lvi. 36), manifesting love to her husband, by reason of passionate, or excessive, desire:] (K:) and (so in the TA, but in the CK “ or ”) a woman who is a great laugher: and ↓ عَرُوبَةٌ and ↓ عَرِبَةٌ signify the same: (K:) the pl. of the first is عُرُبٌ (S, O, K) and عُرْبٌ; (TA;) and the pl. of ↓ عَرِبَةٌ is عَرِبَاتٌ: (K:) IAth says that ↓ عَرِبَةٌ signifies a woman who is eager for play, or sport: and عُرُبٌ, he adds, is pl. of ↓ عَرِيبٌ, which signifies a woman of goodly person, who manifests love to her husband: and it is also said that عُرُبٌ signifies women who use amorous gesture or behaviour, and coquettish boldness, with feigned coyness or opposition: or who make a show of, or act with, lasciviousness: or passionately loving: and ↓ عَرِبَةٌ and عَرُوبٌ, accord. to Lh, signify a woman passionately loving, and lascivious. (TA.) عَرِيبٌ i. q. ↓ مُعْرِبٌ, which means, accord. to Az, A man chaste, uncorrupt, or free from barbarousness, in speech. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] مَا بِالدَّارِ عَرِيبٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ مُعْرِبٌ (K) (assumed tropical:) There is not in the house any one: (S, O, K:) used [in this sense] as applying to either sex, but only in a negative phrase. (TA.) b3: See also عَرُوبٌ, latter half.

العُرَيْبُ: see العَرَبُ (of which it is the dim.), second sentence.

عَرَابَةٌ: see عِرَابَةٌ. b2: Also Coïtus. (TA.) A2: And A bag with which the udder of a sheep, or goat, is covered: pl. عَرَابَاتٌ. (IAar, O, K.) عِرَابَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ عَرَابَةٌ (O, TA) and ↓ عَرْبَةٌ (O) or ↓ عَرْبٌ (TA) Foul, or obscene, speech or talk; (S, O, K, TA;) like إِعْرَابٌ and تَعْرِيبٌ. (K.) عَرُوبَةٌ: see عَرُوبٌ, in two places.

A2: عَرُوبَةُ (O, K) and العَرُوبَةُ (K) and (O) يَوْمُ العَرُوبَةِ (S, O) Friday; (S, O, K;) and ancient name of that day (S, O, TA) in the Time of Ignorance: (TA:) accord. to some, it is most chastely without the article; (TA;) thus it occurs in old poetry of the Time of Ignorance; (O;) and it is thought to be not Arabic; (TA;) and said to be arabicized from the Nabathæan أَرُبَا: (Har p. 340, q. v.:) accord. to others, the article is inseparable from it; and its meaning, accord. to Ibn-En-Nahhás is the manifest and magnified, from أَعْرَبَ “ he made clear, plain,” &c.; or accord. to an authority cited in the R, its meaning is mercy. (TA.) [See art. ابجد.]

عُرُوبَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ عُرُوبِيَّةٌ (K) The quality of being Arabian: (S, K, TA:) each [said to be] an inf. n. having no verb. (TA. [But see عَرُبَ at the commencement of this art. and under أَعْرَبَ.]) And ↓ عَرَبِيَّةٌ is used [in the same sense] as denoting the quality of a horse such as is termed عَرَبِىٌّ. (TA.) عَرُوبَآءُ a name of The seventh heaven: (IAth, K, TA:) or, accord. to Sub, it is ↓ عِرْبِيَآءُ, corresponding to جِرْبِيَآءُ, which is a name of “ the seventh earth; ” (TA in this art.;) or these two words are with the article ال. (TA in art. جرب.) عُرُوبِيَّةٌ: see عُرُوبَةٌ.

عَرَّابٌ One who makes عَرَابَات (pl. of عَرَابَةٌ) i. e. bags to cover the udders of sheep or goats. (IAar, O, K.) عَرَبْرَبٌ i. q. سُمَّاقٌ [i. e. Sumach]. (O, TA.) قِدْرٌ عَرَبْرَبِيَّةٌ i. q. سُمَّاقِيَّةٌ [app. meaning A cooking-pot in which food prepared with sumach is cooked]. (O.) عَارِبٌ and عَارِبَةٌ: see عَرِبٌ. b2: العَرَبُ العَارِبَةُ: see العَرَبُ, in two places.

أَعْرَبُ More, or most, distinct or plain [&c.]. (TA.) الأَعْرُبُ is a pl. of العَرَبُ [q. v.]. (Msb.) b2: See also عِرَابٌ, in two places.

الأَعْرَابُ: see العَرَبُ, latter half.

أَعْرَابِىٌّ: see العَرَبُ, latter half.

مُعْرِبٌ: see عَرِيبٌ, in two places: b2: and see عِرَابٌ. b3: Also One who has horses of pure Arabian race: (S, O:) one who has with him a horse of such race: and one who possesses, or acquires, or seeks to acquire, horses, or camels, of such race. (TA.) اسْمٌ مُعَرَّبٌ [An arabicized noun;] a noun received by the Arabs from foreigners, indeterminate, [i. e. significant of a meaning, (as is said in the Mz, 19th نوع,)], such as إِبْرِيسَم [meaning “ silk ”], and, if possible, accorded to some one of the forms of Arabic words; otherwise, spoken by them as they received it; and sometimes they derived from it: but if they received it as a proper name, it is not termed مُعَرَّبٌ, but أَعْجَمِىٌّ, like إِبْرَاهِيمُ and إِسْحَاقُ. (Msb.) [مُعَرَّبٌ alone is also used in this sense, as a subst: and as such its pl. is مُعَرَّبَاتٌ: thus in the Mz, ubi suprà; and often in lexicons &c.]

العَرَبُ المُتَعَرِّبَةُ and see العَرَبُ, each in three places.

العَرَبُ المُسْتَعْرِبَةُ: see العَرَبُ, each in three places.



1 عَسَبَ النَّاقَةَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَسْبٌ, He (the stallion) covered, or compressed, the she-camel. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) [See also عَسْبٌ below.] b2: And one says, الكَلْبُ يَعْسِبُ The dog chases the bitches with the desire of coupling. (TA.) b3: and عَسَبَهُ فَحْلَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He let him his stallion to cover for hire. (S.) [See also 4.]

b4: And عَسَبَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He gave hire for a stallion's covering. (A, * K.) You say, عَسَبْتُ الرَّجُلَ, inf. n. as above, I gave the man hire for a stallion's covering. (Msb.) 4 اعسبهُ جَمَلَهُ He lent him his he-camel [app. for covering]. (Lh, TA.) [See also 1.]

A2: اعسب said of a wolf, He ran, and fled. (O, K.) 10 استعسبهُ جَمَلَهُ He asked, or demanded, or desired, of him, the loan of his he-camel [app. for covering]. (TA.) b2: استعسبت She (a mare) desired the stallion. (S.) And استعسب He (a dog) became excited by lust: you say, فُلَانٌ يَسْتَعْسِبُ اسْتِعْسَابَ الكَلْبِ Such a one becomes excited by lust like as does the dog. (TA.) A2: And استعسبت نَفْسِى مِنْهُ My soul disliked, or hated, him, or it. (O, K. *) عَسْبٌ A stallion's covering, or compressing: (S, A, Mgh, O, K:) [in this sense an inf. n.: (see 1:)] also used, metaphorically, as relating to a man: (TA:) or (so in the A and K; but in the S, “and, it is said,” ) his sperma; (S, A, K, TA;) that of a horse or of a camel; in which sense it has no verb: (TA:) or his progeny: and offspring; syn. وَلَدٌ; (A, O, K;) [app. of human beings; for it is added by SM that,] in this sense, it is, accord. to some, tropical. (TA.) One says, قَطَعَ اللّٰهُ عَسْبَهُ, (A, TA,) meaning [God cut short, or may God cut short,] his progeny, (A,) or his sperma and his progeny. (TA.) And Kutheiyir says, describing mares that had cast abortively their offspring, يُغَادِرْنَ عَسْبَ الوَالِقِىِّ وَنَاصِحٍ

تَخُصُّ بِهِ أُمُّ الطَّرِيقِ عِيَالَهَا [They leave behind them the offspring of ElWálikee and Násih: the hyena appropriates them to her dependants for maintenance]: (O, TA:) الوالقىّ and ناصح were two horses; (O;) two stallions; and امّ الطريق is the hyena. (TA.) b2: Also The hire of covering, for كِرَآءُ عَسْبٍ; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) the hire that is taken for a stallion's covering: (S, O, TA:) so in a trad. in which it is said that عَسْبُ الفَحْلِ is forbidden. (S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA.) رَأْسٌ عَسِبٌ A head that has remained long without being combed and anointed. (O, * K, * TA.) عَسْبَةٌ: see عَسِيبٌ, last sentence.

عَسُوبٌ: see يَعْسُوبٌ.

عَسِيبٌ A palm-branch from which the leaves have been removed: (T, Msb, TA:) or a straight and slender palm-branch from which the leaves have been stripped off: and one upon which leaves have not grown: (K:) or the part, of a palmbranch, a little above the كَرَب [or lower, thick, and broad, portions,] upon which no leaves have grown; that [or those parts] upon which leaves have grown being termed سَعَفٌ: (S, O:) pl. [of mult.] عُسُبٌ, (O, Msb, TA,) with two dammehs, (TA,) and عُسْبَانٌ (Msb, TA) and عِسْبَانٌ and عُسُوبٌ and [of pauc.] أَعْسِبَةٌ. (TA.) It is said of the Prophet, in a trad., قُبِضَ وَالقُرْآنُ فِى العُسُبِ وَالقُضُمِ وَالكَرَانِيفِ [He was taken, i. e. he died, while the Kur-án was written only upon leafless palm-branches, and skins, or white skins, and stumps of palm-branches]. (O, TA.*) b2: Also The bone of the tail; and so ↓ عَسِيبَةٌ: (K:) or the slender part thereof: (TA:) or the part where grows the hair thereof, (K, TA,) i. e. of the tail: (TA:) or عَسِيبُ الذَّنَبِ signifies the part, of the skin and bone of the tail, where the hair grows. (S, O, TA.) b3: And The outer [here meaning upper] part of the human foot: and likewise [i. e. the shorter side, or app., accord. to some, the shaft (see ظَهْرٌ as used in relation to a feather),] of a feather, lengthwise. (K.) b4: And A cleft, or fissure, in a mountain; as also ↓ عَسْبَةٌ. (K.) عَسِيبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

يَعْسُوبٌ The king of the bees: (S, O, K: *) the male bee. (A, O, * K.) b2: And hence, (S, O,) (tropical:) The lord, or chief, of his people: (S, A, O:) or a great chief; as also ↓ عَسُوبٌ; (K;) or this signifies [simply] a lord, or chief, like يَعْسُوبٌ: (O:) pl. يَعَاسِيبُ. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Alee, When such and such things shall happen (mentioning factions, or seditions), ضَرَبَ يَعْسُوبُ الدِّينِ بِذَنَبِهِ; (A, O, TA;) in which, accord. to As, يعسوب الدين means the chief of men in respect of religion at that time; (TA;) or it means the leader of the religion: (T and TA in art. ضرب:) and it is said that ضرب بذنبه here means shall quit the faction, or sedition, and its party, with his partisans in religion; by ذنبه being meant his followers; and by ضرب, shall go away through the land, journeying, or warring in the cause of the religion: or , as Z says, ضرب بذنبه means (tropical:) shall remain, and be firm, together with his religious followers; and accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, the same is said of the locust, when it lays its eggs, thrusting its tail into the ground; and the meaning here is, (assumed tropical:) shall remain firm until the people shall return to him, and the religion become manifest, and spread abroad. (TA. [See also ضَرَبَ and ذَنَبٌ.]) b3: Also (tropical:) Gold; so called because it is that by means of which an affair is managed, or ordered: and [in a larger sense] a thing to which one has recourse for protection or the like; as in a saying of 'Alee, in which wealth is termed the يعسوب of the unbelievers or of the hypocrites. (TA.) b4: And A certain flying thing, smaller than the locust; (As, A'Obeyd, K;) or larger; (K;) and having a long tail: (TA:) or a certain flying thing, longer than the locust, that does not contract its wings when it alights; to which a horse is likened for the slenderness of its body: (S, O:) or a kind of moth, or the like, (فَرَاشَةٌ,) of a greenish colour, that flies in the [season called] رَبِيع. (IAth, TA.) [Golius explains it as “ Insectum oblongum, quaternis pennis volucre, mordella Gazæ, seu orsodacna Aristot. ” ] b5: And A species of حَجَل [or partridge]. (O, K, TA.) b6: And A blaze, or white mark, on a horse's face, (K, TA,) of a long shape, terminating before it extends as far as the upper parts of the nostrils; or extending upwards along the bone of the nose, wide and straight, until it reaches the lower part of the even portion of the forehead, whether it be little or much, if it do not reach as far as the eyes: (TA:) or a white line, or stripe, of the blaze, extending downwards until it touches the fore part of the nose and mouth. (En-Nadr, A'Obeyd, Az, O.) b7: And (accord. to Lth, O) A دَائِرَة [or what we term a feather] in the part of the flank of a horse where the rider strikes it with his foot: (O, K, TA:) but Az says that this is a mistake, and that the correct meaning is that given above on the authority of A'Obeyd. (TA.) b8: The ى in يَعْسُوبٌ is augmentative; because there is no Arabic word of the measure فَعْلُولٌ except صَعْفُوقٌ. (S, O.)



1 عَصَبَ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَصْبٌ, (S, A, Mgh, O, K,) He twisted [a thing], or wound [it] round: (A, K, TA:) this is the primary signification: (TA:) and he folded [it]; (A, K;) or he folded [it] tightly: (S, O, TA:) and he bound [it], or tied [it]: (A, Mgh, K, TA:) عَصْبٌ denotes the binding, or tying, a thing with another thing, lengthwise, or [more commonly] around. (O.) See also 2, first sentence. [And see مَعْصُوبٌ.] b2: He twisted, or spun, thread. (K, * TA.) And He put together thread, and bound it, previously to dyeing it. (TA.) b3: عَصَبَ الكَبْشَ, (S, O, Msb, K, *] aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (S, Msb, K,) He bound, or tied, (tightly, TA) the testicles of the ram, in order that they might fall, without his extracting them: (S, O, Msb, K:) and in like manner one says of a goat, (K,) and of other beasts. (TA.) b4: عَصَبَ النَّاقَةَ, (O, Msb, K, *) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (Msb, K, TA,) and عِصَابٌ also; (TA;) and ↓ اعتصبها; (O, K;) He bound the thighs of the she-camel, (Msb, K, TA,) or the lower parts of her nostrils, (TA,) with a cord, (Msb, TA,) in order that she might yield her milk copiously: (Msb, K, TA:) and (O) عَصَبَ فَخِذَ النَّاقَةِ [He bound the thigh of the she-camel] for that purpose. (S, O.) [See عَصُوبٌ.] Hence one says, أَعْطَى عَلَى العَصْبِ (tropical:) He gave by means of force. (TA.) And مِثْلِى لَا يَدِرُّ بِالعِصَابِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one as I am will not give by means of force. (A, TA.) b5: عَصَبَتْ فَرْجَهَا She (a woman) bound her vulva with a bandage. (Msb.) b6: عَصَبَ الشَّجَرَةَ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ, (K,) He drew together the branches of the tree (S, O, K, TA) that were straggling, (K, TA,) by means of a rope, (TA,) and then beat it, (S, O, K, TA,) in order that its leaves might fall. (S, O, TA.) [Golius assigns this signification also to عَصَّبَ, as on the authority of the S, in which I do not find it.] El-Hajjáj said, (S, TA,) when preaching to the people at El-Koofeh, (TA,) لَأَعْصِبَنَّكُمْ عَصْبَ السَّلَمِ (S) or السَّلَمَةِ (TA) [I will assuredly draw you together and beat you as one does the selem or the selemeh]. The سَلَمَة is a tree of the kind called عِضَاه, having thorns, and its leaves are the قَرَظ with which hides are tanned: [but see قَرَظٌ:] the removal of the leaves with the hand being difficult on account of the many thorns, its branches are drawn together and bound tightly with a rope; then the beater pulls them towards him, and beats them with his staff; whereupon the leaves become scattered for the cattle and for him who desires to gather them. (TA.) Or this is done, (S, O, TA,) accord. to A 'Obeyd, (S, O,) only (TA) when they desire to cut down the selemeh, that they may get at the stock. (S, O, TA.) [Hence,] one says, فُلَانٌ لَا تُعْصَبُ سَلَمَاتُهُ [Such a one will not have his selemehs bound round with a rope, and beaten]: a prov., applied to a strong, mighty man, not to be subdued nor abased. (A, * TA.) And one says also of winds, تَعْصِبُ الشَّجَرَ عِنْدَ دُرُوجِهَا فِيهِ (assumed tropical:) [They compress the branches of the trees, as though they bound them round, in their passage among them]: and such winds are termed ↓ عَصَائِبُ. (O.) And عَصَبَ القَوْمَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ, (assumed tropical:) It (an affair, or event,) drew the people together, and became severe to them. (Az, TA.) b7: عَصَبَ صَدْعَ الزُجَاجَةِ بِضَبَّةٍ مِنْ فِضَّةٍ He (a smith) repaired the crack of the glass vessel by putting round it a band of silver. (O, TA.) b8: عَصَبَ بِرَأْسِ قَوْمِهِ العَارَ (assumed tropical:) He made disgrace to befall his people [as though he bound it upon the head of their chief or upon the head of each of them]. (O.) It is related in a trad. respecting the battle of Bedr, that 'Otbeh the son of Rabee'ah said, اِرْجِعُوا وَلَا تُقَاتِلُوا وَاعْصِبُوهَا بِرَأْسِى (assumed tropical:) [Return ye, and fight not; and bind it upon my head]; meaning attach and attribute to me the disgrace that will befall you for relinquishing the battle and inclining to peace. (IAth, TA.) And it is said in another trad., قُومُوا بِمَا عَصَبَكُمْ بِهِ (assumed tropical:) Fulfil ye the obligations with which He (meaning God) has bound you; or which He has imposed upon you and attached to you; by his commands and prohibitions. (TA.) b9: عَصَبَ الشَّىْءَ and عَلَى

الشَّىْءِ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ and عِصَابٌ, He grasped the thing with his hand. (K, * TA.) A poet, cited by IAar, says, وَكُنَّا يَا قُرَيْشُ إِذَا عَصَبْنَا يَجِىْءُ عِصَابُنَا بِدَمٍ عَبِيطِ [And we were, O Kureysh, when we grasped our opponents, such that our grasping brought fresh blood]; عِصَابُنَا meaning our grasping those whom we opposed with the swords. (TA.) b10: and عَصَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ, He clung, or kept, to a thing. (K.) One says, عَصَبَ المَآءَ He kept to, or by, the water. (IAar, TA.) And عَصَبَ الرَّجُلُ بَيْتَهُ The man remained, or stayed, in his house, or tent, not quitting it. (O, TA.) b11: And He went round, encompassed, or surrounded, a thing. (K.) It is said in a trad., of the angel Gabriel, on the day of Bedr, قَدْ عَصَبَ رَأْسَهُ الغُبَارُ The dust had overspread, [or surrounded,] and clung to, his head: or, as some relate it, قَدْ عَصَمَ ثَنِيَّتَيْهِ الغُبَارُ; and if this be not a mistake, the latter verb is syn. with the former: ب and م being often interchangeable: (L, TA:) the latter phrase means, as also with عَصَبَ, the dust had stuck to his two central incisors. (TA in art. عصم.) And Ibn Ahmar says, إِذْ عَصَبَ النَّاسَ شَمَالٌ وَقُرٌ [وَقُرْ being for وَقُرٌّ] i. e. When north wind and cold environ me. (L, TA.) And one says also, عَصَبَ الغُبَارُ بِالجَبَلِ The dust encompassed, or surrounded, the mountain. (L, TA.) And عَصَبُوا بِهِ They encompassed, or surrounded, him: (S, A, Mgh, O, TA:) and they encompassed, or surrounded, him, looking at him: (S, O:) and, (Msb, K,) as also عَصِبُوا, (K,) aor. of the former عَصِبَ, (Msb, K,) and inf. n. عَصْبٌ, (Msb,) and aor. of the latter عَصَبَ, (K,) they assembled around him (Msb, K) for fight or defence. (Msb. For another explanation of عَصَبَ and عَصِبَ, see 12.) And عَصَبَ القَوْمُ بِالنَّسَبِ i. q. أَحَاطُوا بِهِ [app. meaning The people, or party, included, or comprehended, the relations, or kinsmen; for النَّسَبُ is often used for ذَوُو النَّسَبِ]. (Msb.) and عَصَبَتِ الإِبِلُ بِالمَآءِ The camels surrounded, or encircled, the water. (S, O.) b12: عَصَبَ الرِّيقُ بِفِيهِ, (S, O, K, * TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ; (K, TA;) and عَصِبَ, aor. ـَ (TA;) The saliva became dry in his mouth. (S, O, K, * TA.) And عَصَبَ الرِّيقُ فَاهُ (S, O, TA) The saliva by its drying made his mouth dry: and the saliva adhered to his mouth. (TA.) Aboo-Mohammad El-Fak'asee says, يَعْصِبُ فَاهُ الرِّيقُ أَىَّ عَصْبِ عَصْبَ الجُبَابِ بِشَفَاهِ الوَطْبِ

[The saliva makes his mouth dry, with what a drying ! as the drying of the spume of camels' milk on the lips of the skin]. (S, O.) and عَصَبَ فُوهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ, His mouth, with his saliva, became dry. (O.) And عَصَبَ الفَمُ, (K, * TA,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْبٌ and عُصُوبٌ, meaning [The mouth, or teeth, (the latter accord. to the explanation in the K,)] became foul, or dirty, from dust and the like, (K, TA,) as from vehement thirst, or fear. (TA.) b13: عَصَبَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عُصُوبٌ, He was, or became, [hungry; or] very hungry; or his bowels were almost dried up with hunger: because it is said of the practice of a hungry man's binding round his belly, as expl. voce مَعْصُوبٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) b14: عَصَبَ الأُفُقُ The horizon became red. (S, O. [In Freytag's Lex. عَصِبَ, as from the K, in which I do not find it. See عَصْبٌ.]) A2: عَصِبَ, (S, O, K,) with kesr, (S, O,) like فَرِحَ, (K,) said of flesh, or flesh-meat, It had many عَصَبَ [i. e. sinews, or tendons]. (S, O, K.) b2: And عَصِبَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَصْبٌ, [so in the TA, and so in a verse there cited, not عَصَبٌ,] He was, or became, firm and compact in flesh. (TA.) b3: [Other meanings of this verb have been mentioned above.]2 عصّب, (S, A, O, &c.,) inf. n. تَعْصِيبٌ, (S, A, O,) [He bound, or wound round, a thing with several circumvolutions:] he bound [or wound round] a man's head with a turban, fillet, bandage, or the like; (S, * O, * Msb, K, * TA;) as also ↓ عَصَبَ, inf. n. عَصْبٌ: (MA:) and he bound a broken limb, or a wound, with a piece of rag or a bandage. (L, TA.) He turbaned a man; attired him with a turban. (A, TA.) b2: Hence, (A, O,) تَعْصِيبٌ signifies (tropical:) [The crowning a man: (see the pass. part. n.:)] the making a man a chief: (A, O, K, TA:) for turbans are the crowns of the Arabs: (O:) when a man's people made him a chief, they bound his head with a turban: (A, TA:) as kings wore crowns, so the chiefs of the Arabs wore red turbans: (L, TA:) there were brought to the desert, from Haráh (هَرَاة), red turbans, which the nobles among the Arabs wore. (Az, TA.) b3: [Hence also,] عصّبهُ بِالسَّيْفِ i. q. عَمَّمَهُ بِهِ (assumed tropical:) [He cut, or wounded, him in the place of the turban, with the sword]. (A, TA.) b4: And عصّبهُ, inf. n. as above, He, or it, [caused him to bind his waist by reason of hunger: (see the pass. part. n.:) and hence,] made him to hunger: (K:) and عَصَّبَتْهُمُ السِّنُونَ The years of drought, or sterility, made them to hunger: (TA:) or عصّبتهُ السِّنُونَ The years of drought, or sterility, ate up his property, or cattle. (A 'Obeyd, S, O.) And It [i. e. drought or the like] destroyed him: (K:) and عصّب الدَّهْرُ مَالَهُ Adverse fortune destroyed his cattle, or camels &c. (TA.) b5: And He called him مُعَصَّب [meaning poor]: so says IAar; and he cites as an ex., يُدْعَى المُعَصَّبَ مَنْ قَلَّتْ حَلُوبَتُهُ وَهَلْ يُعَصَّبُ مَاضِى الهَمِّ مِقْدَامُ [He is called the poor, whose milch-cattle have become few: but should one whose purpose is effectual, one of great boldness, be called poor?]. (TA.) b6: الذَّكَرُ يُعَصِّبُ الأُنْثَى means The male makes the female to be such as is termed عَصَبَةٌ [by his being consociated with her as such]. (Mgh.) 4 أَعْصَبَ see 12. b2: [Golius explains this v. as meaning “ Firmiter religavit: ” or, as a trans. v. governing an accus., “constringi jussit: ” as on the authority of the S, in which I do not find it in any sense.]5 تعصّب i. q. شَدَّ العِصَابَةَ [i. e. He bound the turban, or fillet, round his (own) head; a meaning well known, whence that explained in the next sentence: (see also 8:) and he bound a bandage of some kind round his (own) body, by reason of hunger: see مُعَصَّبٌ]. (S, O, Msb, * K.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) He was made a chief; quasi-pass. of 2 [q. v.]. (L, TA.) b3: And it has also another signification, from العَصَبِيَّة; (S, O;) [i. e.] it signifies also أَتَى بِالعَصَبِيَّةِ; (K, TA;) which means [He aided his people, or party, against hostile conduct: or he was angry, or zealous, for the sake of his party, and defended them: (see عَصَبِىٌّ and عَصَبِيَّةٌ:) or] he invited, or summoned, others to the aid of his party, and to combine, or league, with them against those who acted towards them with hostility, whether they were wrongdoers or wronged. (TA.) And you say, تَعَصَّبُوا عَلَيْهِمْ They leagued, or collected themselves, together against them: and تَعَصَّبْنَا لَهُ, and مَعَهُ, We [leagued together for him, and with him, and] defended him. (TA.) [See also De Sacy's Chrest. Ar., see. ed., i. 445-6; where it is shown that التَّعَصُّبُ in religion means The being zealous, or a zealot: and see Har pp.423 and 573.] b4: And تعصّب بِالشَّىْءِ He was, or became, content with the thing; as also ↓ اعتصب.

بِهِ. (K.) 7 انعصب i. q. اِشْتَدَّ [app. meaning, as seems to be indicated by the context (both before and after) in the S, It was, or became, hard, firm, or strong]. (S, O, K.) 8 اعتصب بِالعِمَامَةِ [He attired himself, or surrounded his head, with the turban], and بِالتَّاجِ [with the crown]. (S, O.) And اعتصب التَّاجَ عَلَى

رَأْسِهِ He encircled his [own] head with the crown. (Az, TA.) b2: اعتصب النَّاقَةَ: see 1, in the middle of the first quarter. b3: اعتصبوا They became formed, or collected, into companies such as those whereof one is called عُصْبَة: (K:) or, into one of such companies. (M, L, TA.) [See also 12.] b4: اعتصب بِهِ: see 5, last sentence.12 اِعْصَوْصَبَ القَوْمُ The people, or party, collected themselves together: (TA:) or did so, and became companies such as are called عَصَائِب, (S, O, TA,) and became one of such companies: [see also 8; and see عُصْبَةٌ:] and in like manner, [did so, and] strove, or exerted themselves, in journeying, or pace. (TA.) And اعصوصبت الإِبِلُ The camels strove, or exerted themselves, in journeying, or pace; as also ↓ اعصبت: and collected themselves together; (K;) [and] so ↓ عَصَبَت and ↓ عَصِبَت: (Fr, S, O:) or collected themselves together so as to become one عِصَابَة, and strove, or exerted themselves, in journeying, or pace. (TA.) b2: اعصوصب is also said of a day, [app. in relation to heat,] meaning It was, or became, vehement, or severe: (S, O:) and of evil, meaning it was, or became, vehement, or severe, (K, TA,) and concentrated. (TA.) عَصْبٌ: see عِصَابَةٌ, in two places. b2: And see also عُصْبٌ. b3: Also A particular sort of the garments called بُرُود, (S, A, Mgh, O, K,) of the fabric of El-Yemen; (S, Mgh, O;) a بُرْد of which the yarn is dyed, and then woven; (Msb;) or of which the yarn is put together and bound, then dyed, and then woven; (A, Mgh, TA; *) not of the sort called بُرُودُ الرَّقْمِ: (TA:) it has no pl., (Nh, Msb, TA,) nor dual: (Msb:) you say بُرْدُ عَصْبٍ (Nh, Mgh, TA) and بُرُودُ عَصْبٍ (Nh, Mgh, Msb, TA) and يُرْدَا عَصْبٍ, (Msb,) and also يُرْدٌ عَصْبٌ and بُرُودٌ عَصْبٌ, (Nh, TA,) and ثَوْبٌ, عَصْبٌ, (Msb,) and أَرْدِيَةُ العَصْبِ; (A, TA;) and sometimes they say عَصْبٌ alone, the بُرْد being known by this name: (TA:) or garments of the kind called بُرُود, of the fabric of El-Yemen, the yarn of which is put together and bound, and then dyed, and woven, so that they become partycoloured, because what has been bound thereof remains white, the dye not having taken it; and such garments a woman in the period termed عِدَّة [q. v.] is allowed to wear, but not garments that are [wholly] dyed: or striped garments of the kind called بُرُود: and what is forbidden in that case is a garment that has been dyed after it has been woven; or what are forbidden are the عَصْب of El-Yemen, which are said to have been dyed with urine; so in the L &c.: (TA:) or, accord. to Sub, garments of the kind called بُرُود of the fabric of El-Yemen; so called because they are dyed with عَصْب, which grows only in El-Yemen; [he says that العَصْبُ is a certain dyed that does not grow but in El-Yemen; (Msb;)] but in this he opposes the generality of authorities; for they agree in stating that the garments in question are thus called from العَصْبُ, “the act of binding,” because the yarn is bound in order that the dye may not pervade the whole of the بُرْد. (MF, TA.) b4: Hence, (assumed tropical:) Clouds like such as are termed لَطْخ [q. v.]: (S, O:) or red clouds or mist (K, TA) seen in the western horizon (TA) in a time of drought, or sterility; as also ↓ عِصَابَةٌ, (K, TA,) pl. عَصَائِبُ. (TA.) A2: In a trad., mention occurs of a necklace made of عَصْب: ElKhattábee says, if it do not mean the garments of El-Yemen, I know not what it is; yet I see not how a necklace can be made of these: Aboo-Moosà thinks it may be عَصَب, meaning the tendons of joints, as they may have taken the tendons of certain clean animals, and cut them in pieces, and made them like beads, and, when dry, made neck laces of them; but he adds his having been told by some of the people of El-Yemen that عَصْبٌ is the name of A certain beast of the sea, or of the great river, called also فَرَسُ فِرْعَوْنَ [i. e. Pharaoh's horse, perhaps meaning the hippopotamus], of which [meaning of the teeth or bones of which] beads and other things, as the handles of knives &c., are made, and which is white. (L, TA.) A3: And Saliva that sticks and dries in the mouth: whence the saying, لَفَظَ فُلَانٌ عَصْبَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one died. (T and TA in art. لفظ.) A4: And A light, or an active, and sharp-headed, boy, or young man; (IAar, TA;) [and] so عَضْبٌ. (IAar, TA in art. عضب.) عُصْبٌ and ↓ عَصْبٌ and ↓ عَصَبٌ (K, TA) Certain trees that twine round other trees, having weak leaves; (TA;) the kind of tree called لَبْلَاب [dolichos lablab of Linn.]; (K;) said by Sh to be a kind of plant that twines round trees, i. q. لَبْلَابٌ: [coll. gen. ns.:] the ns. un. are عُصْبَةٌ and عَصْبَةٌ and عَصَبَةٌ: (TA:) accord. to Abu-lJarráh, (O, TA,) عَصْبَةٌ signifies a certain thing [app. meaning plant] that twines about a قَنَادَة [or tragacanth], (O, K, TA,) thus, correctly, in many copies of the K, but in some فَتَاة, and in some قَنَاة, both of which are wrong, though some assert the latter to be correct, (TA,) not to be pulled off from it but with an effort: (O, K, TA:) [see عِطْفَةٌ:] one says of a man strong in struggling for the mastery, قَتَادَةٌ لُوِيَتْ بِعُصْبَةٍ (assumed tropical:) [A tragacanth twined about by a lebláb; the strong man being app. likened to a tragacanth, and his antagonist to a lebláb]: (TA:) and in a trad. of Ez-Zubeyr Ibn-El-'Owwám, he is related to have said, عَلِقْتُهُمْ إِنِّى خُلِقْتُ عُصْبَهْ قَتَادَةً تَعَلَّقَتْ بِنُشْبَهْ (O, TA:) he puts عصبه for علقه, [evidently, I think, a mistranscription for عَلِقًا, (see نُشْبَةٌ, in its proper art., for a confirmation,)] the meaning being خلقت علقة لخصومى [in which for علقة I read عَلِقًا]; then he likens himself to a tragacanth in respect of his excessive tenaciousness; for بنشبه means “ by the help of a thing of great tenaciousness: ” [or نشبه may be here an inf. n., i. e. of نَشِبَ: the meaning of the verse may therefore be, I clung to them: verily I have been created a grasper, and a tragacanth that has clung by means of a strong holdfast, or that has clung with great tenaciousness:] (TA:) Sh explains عُصْبَة (O, TA) with damm on the authority of Ed-Deenawaree [i. e. AHn], and عَصْبَة with fet-h on the authority of AA, (O,) as meaning a certain plant that twines about a tree, and is called لَبْلَاب; and نُشْبَة as meaning a man who, when he sports with a thing (عَبِثَ بِشَىْءٍ [but probably the right reading is شَبِثَ بشىء or تَشَبَّثَ i. e. clings to a thing]), hardly, or never, quits it. (O, TA.) عَصَبٌ [The sinews, or tendons; though the following explanation seems rather to denote the ligaments;] the أَطْنَاب of the joints, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) which connect and bind together the structure thereof, in man and in others, such as the ox-kind, and sheep or goats, and gazelles, and ostriches; so says AHn; (TA;) i. q. عَقَبٌ: (S and K &c. in art. عقب:) or such as are yellow of the اطناب (Mgh, Msb) of the joints; the عَقَب being the white: (Mgh:) [it is also used as meaning ligaments: (see an ex. of its n. un. in an explanation of الصَّدَفَتَانِ, voce صَدَفٌ:) and sometimes it means nerves: (see a usage of its pl. voce صَرْعٌ:) it is a coll. gen. n.:] the n. un. is with ة: (S, O, TA:) and the pl. is أَعْصَابٌ. (S, Mgh, O, Msb.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) The best (in a pl. sense) of a people or party. (K.) b3: See also عُصْبٌ.

عَصِبٌ Flesh, or flesh-meat, having many عَصَب [i. e. sinews, or tendons]. (TA.) عَصْبَةٌ n. un. of عَصْبٌ as syn. with عُصْبٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) عُصْبَةٌ n. un. of عُصْبٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) b2: and A party, or company, of men (Az, S, O, Msb) who league together to defend one another; (O; [See also عَصَبَةٌ;]) in number from ten to forty; (Az, S, O, Msb;) or, about ten: (IF, Msb:) or accord. to Akh, a company [of men]; as also ↓ عِصَابَةٌ; having no sing.: (O:) or ↓ the latter, (S, O, Msb,) or each, (K,) signifies a company, or an assemblage, of men, and of horses, (S, O, Msb, K,) or of horses with their riders, (TA,) and of birds, (S, O, Msb, K,) and of other things, (TA,) in number from ten to forty, (K, TA,) or the former from three to ten, or consisting of forty, or of seventy, but said to be originally applied to an unlimited number: its pl. is عُصَبٌ: (IAth, Msb, TA:) and the pl. of ↓ عِصَابَةٌ is عَصَائِبُ. (S, O, Msb, TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Alee that the أَبْدَال are in Syria; and the نُجَبَآء, in Egypt; and the ↓ عَصَائِب, in El-'Irák; meaning, by the last, Companies assembled for wars: or a company of devotees, because coupled with the ابدال and the نجباء. (TA.) عِصْبَةٌ A mode, or manner, of binding, or winding round, one's head with a turban or the like. (L, TA.) عَصَبَةٌ n. un. of عَصَبٌ. (S, &c. [See the latter word in the paragraph headed by it and also voce عُصْبٌ.]) b2: Also A man's people, or party, who league together for his defence: (K, TA: [see also عُصْبَةٌ:]) thus accord. to the leading lexicologists. (TA.) b3: And The heirs of a man who has left neither parent nor offspring: and [particularly], with respect to the [portions of inheritances termed] فَرَائِض [pl. of فَرِيضَةٌ q. v.], all such as have not a فَرِيضَة named, and who receive if there remain anything after [the distribution of] the فَرَائِض: (K, TA:) thus accord. to those who treat of the فرائض, and accord. to the [other] lawyers: (TA:) or the relations by the side of the males: this is the meaning of what is said by the leading lexicologists: (Msb:) or, as is said by Az, a man's heirs consisting of male relations: (Msb, TA:) or his sons, and relations on the father's side: (S:) so called because they encompass him; the father being a طَرَف [i. e. an extremity in the right line], and so the son, and the paternal uncle being a جَانِب [i. e. a collateral relation], and so the brother: (Az, S, TA:) or a man's relations on the father's side; (Mgh, TA;) because they encompass him and he is strengthened by them: (TA:) afterwards it became applied to a single person as well as to a pl. number, and both a male and a female: (Mgh:) or the lawyers apply it to a single person when there is no other than he, because he stands in the place of the collective number in receiving the whole of the property; and in the language of the law it is applied to a female in certain cases relating to emancipation and inheritances, but not otherwise either in the proper language or in the language of the law: (Msb:) and ↓ عُصُوبَةٌ is used as its inf. n. [meaning the state of being persons, or a person, to whom the term عَصَبَةٌ is applied]: (Mgh:) it is said [by Az] in the T, “I have not heard any sing. of عَصَبَةٌ: accord. to analogy it should be عَاصِبٌ, like as طَالِبٌ is sing. of طَلَبَةٌ: ” (TA: [and the like is also said in the Mgh: in the Msb it is said that عَصَبَةٌ is pl. of عَاصِبٌ, like as كَفَرَةٌ is pl. of كَافِرٌ:]) the pl. is عَصَبَاتٌ. (Az, S, TA.) عَصَبِىٌّ One who aids his people, or party, against hostile conduct: or who is angry [or zealous] for the sake of his party, and defends them: [or one who invites others to the aid of his party, or to combine, or league, with them against those who act towards them with hostility, whether they be wrongdoers or wronged: or one who leagues with others: or one who defends others: or a partisan; a person of party-spirit; or one zealous in the cause of a party: (see 5, and see the paragraph next following this:)] occurring in a trad. (TA.) عَصَبِيَّةٌ [The quality of him who is termed عَصَبِىٌّ: i. e., of him who aids his people, or party, against hostile conduct: or of him who is angry, or zealous, for the sake of his party, and defends them: or of him who invites others to the aid of his party, and to combine, or league, with them against those who act towards them with hostility, whether they be wrongdoers or wronged: or of him who leagues with others: or of him who defends others: or partisanship; party-spirit; or zeal in the cause of a party: or (as expl. by De Sacy, Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., i. 411,) a strong attachment, which holds several persons closely united by the same interest or the same opinion: see 5, and see the paragraph next preceding this]. (S, K, TA.) عِصَابٌ A cord with which the thigh of a she-camel is bound in order that she may yield her milk copiously. (S.) b2: See also عِصَابَةٌ, in two places.

عَصُوبٌ A she-camel that will not yield her milk copiously unless her thigh, (S, O,) or thighs, (A, K,) be bound with a cord: (S, A, O, K:) or unless the lower parts of her nostrils be bound with a cord, and she be then urged to rise, and not loosed until she is milked. (Az, TA.) b2: And A woman having little flesh in her posteriors and thighs: or light in the hips, or haunches. (Kr, K.) عَصِيبٌ Lights [of an animal] bound round with guts, and then roasted, or broiled: (S, O, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْصِبَةٌ (K) and [of mult.] عُصُبٌ. (S, O, K.) And Such as are twisted, of the guts of a sheep or goat. (TA.) And its pl. عُصُبٌ, Guts of a sheep or goat, folded, and put together, and then put into one of the winding guts of the belly. (L, TA.) A2: Also, and ↓ عَصَبْصَبٌ A vehement, or severe, day: (Fr, S, O, K:) or a vehemently-hot day: (Fr, K:) and the former is in like manner applied to a night (لَيْلَة), without ة: (TA:) and ↓ the latter signifies also a cold, and very cloudy, day, in which nothing is seen of the sky. (Abu-l- 'Alà, L, TA.) عِصَابَةٌ A thing with which another thing is bound, or wound round; as also ↓ عِصَابٌ (K, TA) and ↓ عَصْبٌ: (L, TA:) or a thing with which the head is bound, or wound round: (S, A, Mgh, O, TA;) and ↓ عِصَابٌ signifies a thing with which a thing other than the head is bound, or wound round; (A, TA;) anything, such as a piece of rag, or a fillet, or bandage, with which a broken limb, or a wound, is bound, is termed thus, i. e. عِصَابٌ: (L, TA:) and عِصَابَةٌ signifies also a turban; syn. عِمَامَةٌ: (A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA:) or this [in the TA by mistake written عمامة] signifies a small thing that serves as a covering for the head, [such as a kerchief or a fillet,] being wound round it; and what is larger is termed عِمَامَةٌ: ('Ináyeh of Esh-Shiháb, MF, TA:) or whatever is bound, or wound, round the head, whether it be a turban or a kerchief or a piece of rag: (TA, from an explanation of a trad.:) and ↓ عَصْبٌ [likewise] signifies a turban, and anything with which the head is bound, or wound round: (S, O:) the pl. of عِصَابَةٌ is عَصَائِبُ. (Mgh, TA.) El-Farezdak says, وَرَكْبٌ كَأَنَّ الرِّيحَ تَطْلُبُ مِنْهُمُ لَهَا سَلَبًا مِنْ جَذْبِهَا بِالعَصَائِبِ [And a company of riders in such a state that it seemed as though the wind desired to take for itself spoil from them, by its dragging away the turbans]: he means that the wind untwisted their turbans by its violence, as though it despoiled them thereof. (TA.) b2: And [hence] (assumed tropical:) A crown. (A, TA.) b3: See also عَصْبٌ, latter half. b4: and see عُصْبَةٌ, in four places. b5: And for the pl. applied to winds, see 1, former half.

عُصُوبَةٌ: see عَصَبَةٌ, near the end.

عَصَبْصَبٌ: see عَصِيبٌ, in two places.

عَصَّابٌ A vender, or spinner, of thread, or yarn; syn. غَزَّالٌ. (AA, S, O.) فُوهُ عَاصِبٌ His mouth is dry from the drying up of the saliva: and رَجُلٌ عَاصِبٌ A man in whose mouth the saliva has dried up. (TA.) مُعَصَّبُ, (S, O, TA,) accord. to the author of the K ↓ مُعَصِّبٌ, like مَحَدِّثٌ, in all its senses there explained, but accord. to others like مُعَظَّمٌ, (TA,) One having his waist bound round in consequence of hunger; (S, O;) one who binds round his body (يَتَعَصَّبُ) with pieces of a garment or of cloth, by reason of hunger; (K, TA;) one who, in consequence of leanness occasioned by hunger, binds round his belly with a stone [placed under the bandage: see مَعْصُوبٌ]: (TA:) or, accord. to A 'Obeyd, one whose property, or cattle, years of drought, or sterility, have eaten up: (S, O:) [or] it signifies also a poor man. (K, TA.) b2: And Turbaned; attired with a turban; (O, L, TA;) [as also ↓ مُعْتَصِبٌ.] b3: And [hence] (assumed tropical:) A chief; (K;) one made a chief. (Az, L, TA. [See 2.]) b4: And [hence] (assumed tropical:) Crowned: (O:) or a crowned king; as also ↓ مُعْتَصِبٌ: (A, TA:) because the crown encircles the head like a turban. (Az, TA.) مُعَصِّبٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مَعْصُوبٌ [Twisted, or wound round: and folded, or folded tightly: and bound, or tied: see 1, first sentence. b2: And hence,] (assumed tropical:) Firm, or strong, in the compacture of the flesh. (S, O,) You say رَجُلٌ مَعْصُوبُ الخَلْقِ (assumed tropical:) [A man firm, or compact, in respect of make]; (S, A, O;) strongly, or firmly, knit, or compacted; not flabby in flesh. (TA.) And جَارِيَةٌ مَعْصُوبَةٌ, meaning حَسَنَةُ العَصْبِ i. e. مَجْدُولَةُ الخَلْقِ (assumed tropical:) [A girl, or young woman, goodly in respect of compacture; well compacted in respect of make]. (S, O.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) A slender, or an elegant, sword. (K.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) Hungry, having his belly bound round: (A:) or [simply] hungry; in the dial. of Hudheyl: (S, O:) or very hungry: (K:) or one whose bowels are almost dried up by hunger: an epithet said to be applied to a hungry man because he binds round his belly with a stone [within the bandage] on account of his hunger: it is said to have been the custom of any hungry man, among the Arabs, to bind his belly with a bandage, under which he sometimes put a stone. (TA.) b5: And (assumed tropical:) A letter (كِتَابٌ); thus called because bound round with a thread, or string: so in the saying, وَرَدَ عَلَىَّ مَعْصُوبٌ [A letter came to me]. (A, TA.) مُعْتَصِبٌ: see مُعَصَّبٌ, in two places.

رَجُلٌ يَعْصُوبٌ, A strong, or sturdy, man. (TA.)



1 عَوِجَ, (S, O, L, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (TA,) inf. n. عَوَجٌ (S, O, L, Msb) and عِوَجٌ, (L,) or the latter is a simple subst.; (S, O, K;) and ↓ اِعْوَجَّ, [which is more common,] inf. n. اِعْوِجَاجٌ; (S, O, L, Msb, K;) and ↓ انعاج; and ↓ تعوّج; (L;) It was, or became, crooked, curved, bent, winding, wry, contorted, distorted, or uneven: (L:) or [عَوِجَ and] ↓ اعوجّ, it was, or became, so of itself; and [↓ انعاج and] ↓ تعوّج,it was, or became, so by the operation of an external agent; (L, Msb;) as is said by Az: (L:) ↓ انعاج is quasi-pass. of عُجْتُهُ; (L;) and ↓ تعوّج is quasi-pass. of عَوَّجْتُهُ: (Az, S, O, L, Msb, K:) and عَوَجٌ and عِوَجٌ are said to be used in relation to different things: (S, O, L, Msb, K, &c.:) [for instance,] one says, عَوِجَ العُودُ, inf. n. عَوَجٌ, The wood, or stick, was, or became, crooked, curved, bent, or distorted: and عَوِجَ الأَمْرُ, inf. n. عِوَجٌ, The affair was, or became, difficult, arduous, or troublesome. (MA.) [See عَوَجٌ below.] b2: لَا عِوَجَ لَهُ, in the Kur xx. 107, means There shall be no evading it. (Jel.) b3: عُجْتُ إِلَيْهِ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عِيَاجٌ and عِوَجٌ, I turned, or inclined, towards it; namely, a place of abode. (L.) And عَلَيْهِ ↓ انعاج He turned, or inclined, towards it, or him. (S, O.) And ↓ انعاجت and ↓ تعوّجت, said of a she-camel, She turned aside; or became turned aside; the former quasi-pass. of عَاجَهَا; and the latter, of عَوَّجَهَا. (TA.) b4: عاج بِهِ He inclined, and came to him, or came to him and alighted at his abode as a guest: and he passed by him. (L.) and عُجْتُ بِالمَكَانِ, aor. ـُ (S, O, K, *) inf. n. عَوْجٌ and مَعَاجٌ; (K;) and ↓ عوّجتُ; (TA;) I remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, in the place. (S, O, K. *) And عاج عَلَيْهِ He stopped, or paused, at it. (S, * O, * K, * TA.) A poet says, عُجْنَا عَلَى رَبْعِ سَلْمَى أَىَّ تَعْرِيجِ [We stopped at the abode of Selmà, with what a staying!]: putting تعريج [in some copies of the S تعويج] in the place of عَوْج because their meaning is one. (S, O, TA.) b5: فُلَانٌ مَا يَعُوجُ عَنْ شَىْءٍ Such a one does not revert from, or relinquish, anything. (IAar, S, O, K. *) b6: Accord. to AA, [the inf. n.] عِيَاجٌ signifies The returning to that upon which one had been intent, or attent, or employed. (O and TA in art. عيج.) A2: عُجْتُهُ: see 2. b2: عُجْتُ البَعِيرَ, (S, A, * O, K, *) and عُجْتُ رَأْسَ البَعِيرِ, (L,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَوْجٌ (S, O, L) and مَعَاجٌ, (S, O,) I turned the camel's head by means of the nose-rein: (S, A, * O, L, K: *) and in like manner one says of a horse: and عاج نَاقَتَهُ, and ↓ عوّجها, He turned aside his she-camel. (TA.) And عاج رَأْسَهُ إِلَى المَرْأَةِ (O and TA from a trad.) He inclined his head towards the woman, and looked towards her. (TA.) And المَرْأَةُ تَعُوجُ رَأْسَهَا إِلَى ضَجِيعِهَا [The woman turns her head towards her bedfellow]. (TA.) And عاج عُنُقَهُ, inf. n. عَوْجٌ, He inclined, or bent, his neck. (TA.) And عُجْ لِسَانَكَ عَنِّى وَلَا تُكْثِرْ [Turn, or withhold, thy tongue from me, and do not multiply words]. (A.) And بِهِ الطَّرِيقُ ↓ عَوَّجَ [The road led him, or turned him, aside]. (K in explanation of حَوَّجَ.) b3: مَا أَعُوجُ بِكَلَامِهِ I do not pay regard, or attention, to his speech, (ISk, S in art. عيج, A, * and O,) is a phrase of the Benoo-Asad, who take it from عُجْتُ النَّاقَةَ: (ISk, S, O:) others say مَا أَعِيجُ. (O.) And one says, مَا عُجْتُ بِحَدِيثِهِ [I did not pay regard to his discourse]. (A.) b4: عُجْتُهُ بِالمَكَانِ I made him to remain, stay, dwell, or abide, in the place: the verb being trans. as well as intrans. (S, O.) 2 عَوَّجْتُهُ, (T, S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْوِيجٌ; (T, S, O, Msb;) I crooked it, curved it, bent it, contorted it, distorted it, or rendered it uneven; (T, S, * O, * Msb, K, * TA;) namely, a thing; (T, S, O, Msb, TA;) as also ↓ عُجْتُهُ, inf. n. عَوْجٌ and عِيَاجٌ. (TA.) b2: See also 1, latter half, in two places. b3: تَعْوِيجٌ [as an inf. n. of which the verb, if it have one in the following sense, is عُوِّجَ], in a horse, is syn. with تَجْنِيبٌ [app. as meaning A bending, or curving, and tension of the sinews, in the kind leg] which is a quality approved. (TA.) A2: See also 1, near the middle. [Hence] one says, مَا لَهُ عَلَى أَصْحَابِهِ تَعْوِيجٌ, meaning [There is not for him any] remaining, or staying, [at the abode of his companions;] as also تَعْرِيجٌ. (TA.) A3: عوّجهُ, inf. n. as above, also signifies He set it, or inlaid it, with عَاج [which means ivory, and tortoise-shell]; (O, K, TA;) namely, a thing, (O,) or a vessel. (TA.) 5 تَعَوَّجَ see 1, former half, in four places.7 إِنْعَوَجَ see 1, former half, in five places.9 إِعْوَجَّ see 1, first sentence, in two places.

عَاجٌ, as an epithet applied to a she-camel, Pliable; syn. لَيِّنَةٌ الأَعْطَافِ, or لَيِّنَةُ الاِنْعِطَافِ, accord. to different copies of the K; and by the latter words is expl. (but not in the K) ↓ عَائِجَةٌ, as so applied: in the L, عَاجٌ is expl. as meaning tractable, submissive, or manageable; syn. مِذْعَانٌ: (TA:) or مِذْعَانُ السَّيْرِ لَيِّنَةُ الاِنْعِطَافِ (thus in the O:) and it is said to be without a parallel in respect of the dropping of the [fem. termination] ة, whether its original measure be فَعِلٌ or فَاعِلٌ [?]. (TA.) A2: Also [Ivory;] elephant's bone; (S, O, K;) or [rather] only elephant's tusk; (Lth, Msb, TA;) thus say ISd and Kz: (TA:) n. un. with ة [signifying a piece of ivory]: (S, O:) of its properties are these: that if seed-produce or trees be fumigated with it, worms will not approach them; and the woman who drinks of it every day two drachms with water and honey, if compressed after seven days, conceives. (K.) b2: and Tortoise-shell; syn. ذَبْلٌ [q. v.]; (O, K;) i. e. (O) the back [or shell] of the sea-tortoise [or turtle]: (O, Msb:) i. q. مَسَكٌ: (Sh, L:) or a thing that is made from the back of the sea-tortoise: (L:) and it is said that the Arabs called any [sort of] bone by this name: n. un. with ة. (TA.) The Prophet is related to have had a comb of عاج, i. e. ذَبْل: (L:) and he is said to have ordered to purchase for Fátimeh a pair of bracelets of عاج, by which he meant not what is turned of elephants' tusks, for their tusks are مَيْتَة, [i. e. they are taken from an animal of which the flesh is unlawful food,] but ذبل: (O, * L, Msb: *) the عاج of the elephant is impure accord. to EshSháfi'ee, but pure accord. to Aboo-Haneefeh. (L.) b3: Also Bracelets of عاج, as distinguished from ذَبْل, [i. e. of ivory: and probably of tortoise-shell also:] (ISh:) n. un. with ة. (TA in art. جوج.) A3: عَاجِ, (S, O, L, K,) indecl., with kesr for its termination, (L, K,) as a determinate noun; and عَاجٍ, with tenween, as an indeterminate noun; (L;) A cry by which a she-camel is chidden: (S, O, L, K:) Az says, in chiding a she-camel, one says عَاجِ, without tenween; and if he please, عَاجْ, with jezm, as though a pause were imagined to be made after it: or, accord. to A'Obeyd, one says to her عَاجٍ, and جَاهٍ, with tenween: [but see art. جوه:] accord. to AHeyth, a word of this kind is originally mejzoom; but in the case of a rhyme, [and in any case of poetical necessity,] it may be makhfood. (TA.) [See also art. عج.]

عَوَجٌ and ↓ عِوَجٌ [are inf. ns. of عَوِجَ, q. v., or the latter is a simple subst.; and both, used as simple substs.,] signify Crookedness, curvity, a bending, a winding, wryness, contortion, distortion, or unevenness: (L:) or the former is peculiar to objects of the sight, as bodies; and the latter, to what are not seen, as opinion, and a saying, and religion: or, as some say, the latter is used in both of these cases; but the distinction is more common: (IAth, TA:) Az makes the same distinction; but adds that some of the Arabs used the latter word in relation to a road: (Msb:) accord. to ISk, (S, O,) the former is in anything erect, (S, O, K,) or in anything that was erect and has inclined, (TA,) as a wall, (S, O, K, TA,) and a stick, (S, O, Msb,) or a staff, (K, TA,) and a spear; (TA;) and the latter, in land, or ground, and in religion, (S, O, Msb, K, TA,) and in means of subsistence: (S, O:) in land, or ground, the latter means unevenness; thus in the Kur xx.

106: in a road, deflection; as also عَوَجٌ: in religion, and in natural disposition, corruptness, or deviation from rectitude: (TA:) and عَوَجٌ, (S, O, TA, [thus accord. to both of my copies of the S,]) or عِوَجٌ, (accord. to a copy of the A, [which I incline to regard as the right, in consideration of its consistency with explanations here preceding, notwithstanding the apparent preponderance of authority in favour of عَوَجٌ,]) in a man, signifies evilness of natural disposition: (S, A, O: [and so, app., هَوَجٌ:]) or عَوَجٌ, with fet-h to the ع, as an inf. n., signifies the being evil in natural disposition. (KL.) عِوَجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

العُوَيْجَآءُ [dim. of العَوْجَآءُ fem. of الأَعْوَجُ] A species of ذُرَة [or millet]. (TA.) عَوَّاجٌ A possessor of عَاج [i. e. ivory, and app. tortoise-shell also]; (S, O, K;) accord. to Sb: (S, O:) and (O, K) accord. to another or others (O) a seller thereof. (O, K.) عَائِجٌ: for its fem. (with ة) as an epithet applied to a she-camel, see عَاجٌ, first sentence. b2: See also أَعْوَجُ, near the end. b3: Also Stopping, or pausing. (S, O.) أَعْوَجُ Crooked, curved, bent, or bending, winding, wry, contorted, distorted, or uneven: (S, * O, * L, Msb:) and ↓ مُعْوَجٌّ, [or this and the former also,] crooked, curved, &c., of itself: fem. of the former عَوْجَآءُ: (L, Msb:) and pl. عُوجٌ. (L.) One says ↓ عَصًا مُعْوَجَّةٌ [A crooked, or crooking, staff or stick]; but not مِعْوَجَّةٌ, with kesr to the م: (S, O:) or, accord. to ISk, one says the former; but not ↓ مُعَوَّجَةٌ, with fet-h to the ع and teshdeed to the و; though analogy does not forbid this, as it is allowable to say عَوَّجَهَا: accord. to As, one should not say ↓ مُعَوَّجٌ, with teshdeed to the و, except in applying it to a stick, or in another sense expl. below: Az says that this word is allowable as signifying rendered crooked or curved &c. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] العَوْجَآءُ signifies The bow. (S, A, K.) b3: And عَوْجَآءُ applied to a woman, Inclining, or bending, towards her child, to suckle it. (TA.) And, so applied, That has become crooked by reason of leanness and hunger. (Ham p. 744.) And, applied to a she-camel, Lean, lank, light of flesh, slender, or lank in the belly: (S, A, K:) or emaciated so that her back has become crooked, or curved. (TA.) b4: [and أَعْوَجُ applied to a هِلَال (or new moon), Oblique: see أَدْفَقُ.] b5: نَخِيلٌ عُوجٌ signifies Palm-trees inclining, or leaning, and therefore crooked, or curved: and accord. to some, the saying of Lebeed, describing a [wild] he-ass and his she-asses, وَأَوْرَدَهَا عَلَى عُوجٍ طِوَالِ [the latter hemistich of a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. حوذ] means, And he brought them to the watering-place at [tall] palm-trees growing over the water, inclining and curving by reason of the abundance of their fruit: but others say that the meaning of على عوج is, upon their crooked legs. (TA.) b6: Hence, عُوجٌ signifies The legs of a horse or similar beast; (O, TA;) as ISd says, thus used as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates [app. implying their having that bending, or curving, and tension of the sinews, termed تَجْنِيب, agreeably with what here follows]. (TA.) b7: And hence also, (TA,) خَيْلٌ عُوجٌ meaning Horses that have, in their hind legs, the quality termed تَجْنِيب. (A, TA. *) b8: أَعْوَجُ applied to a man means [Crooked in temper, or] evil in natural disposition. (S, A, O, K.) b9: المِلَّةُ العَوْجَآءُ [The crooked, or perverted, or corrupted, religion] is a phrase occurring in a trad., applied to the religion of Abraham as changed by the Arabs from its state of rectitude. (TA.) And one says خُطَّةٌ عَوْجَآءُ, and رَأْىٌ أَعْوَجُ, meaning [An affair, and an opinion,] not of a right kind. (A.) b10: الأَيَّامُ عُوجٌ رَوَاجِعُ [The days are apt to decline from the right course, apt to return,] is a prov., (Meyd, O, TA,) meaning fortune at one time declines from thee, and at another time returns to thee; (Meyd;) said by him at whose affliction one rejoices, or said on his part, and sometimes on an occasion of threatening: Az says that عُوجٌ, here, may be pl. of أَعْوَجُ, or of عَوْجَآءُ; or it may be pl. of ↓ عَائِجٌ, and originally عُوُجٌ. (O, TA.) [Hence,] العُوجُ is used as signifying The days [in allusion to their variableness with respect to good and evil]. (TA.) b11: and أَعْوَجُ is a [proper] name of A watering-trough. (Th, TA.) b12: See also the next paragraph, in four places.

أَعْوَجِىٌّ the rel. n. of أَعْوَجُ: (Msb, TA:) and applied to A [single] horse of those termed الأَعْوَجِيَّاتُ, (TA,) an appellation of certain horse so called in relation to one named أَعْوَجُ, belonging to the Benoo-Hilál, (S, O, K,) a stallion than which there was none more celebrated among the Arabs, nor any that had a more numerous progeny: (S, O:) they were also called الخَيْلُ الأَعْوَجِيَّةُ, (L,) and ↓ بَنَاتُ أَعْوَجَ, (S, O,) and ↓ بَنَاتُ عُوجٍ; and a poet says, وَقَاحُ الحَافِرِ ↓ أَحْوَى مِنَ العُوجِ [Brown, or a blackish bay, of the progeny of Aawaj, hard in the hoof]; meaning ↓ مِنْ وَلَدِ أَعْوَجَ; using that form of pl. because أَعْوَجُ is originally an epithet. (TA.) مَعَاجٌ A place to which one turns; or in which one remains, stays, dwells, or abides. (Har p. 325.) A2: Also an inf. n. of عَاجَ signifying “ he remained ” &c.: (K:) and of the verb in the phrase عُجْتُ البَعِيرَ. (S, O.) مُعْوَجٌّ: see أَعْوَجُ, first and second sentences.

مُعَوَّجٌ: see أَعْوَجُ, second sentence, in two places.

A2: Also A thing set, or inlaid, with عَاج [which means ivory, and tortoise-shell]: (As, Msb:) applied in this sense to a vessel. (TA.)



1 عَبَدَ اللّٰهَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عِبَادَةٌ (IKtt, L, Msb, &c.) and عُبُودَةٌ and عُبُودِيَّةٌ (IKtt) and مَعْبَدٌ and مَعْبَدَةٌ, (L,) He served, worshipped, or adored, God; rendered to Him religious service, worship, or adoration: (L:) or he obeyed God: (IKtt:) or he obeyed God with humility or submissiveness; rendered to Him humble, or submissive, obedience: (IAth, L, Msb:) [or, inf. n. عِبَادَةٌ, he did what God approved: and, inf. n. عُبُودَةٌ, he approved what God did: (see the former of these ns. below:)] the verb is used in these senses only when the object is God, or a false god, or the Devil. (TA.) A2: عَبَدْتُ بِهِ أُوذِيهِ I was excited against him to annoy, molest, harm, or hurt, him. (O, K.) b2: And مَا عَبَدَكَ عَنِّى What has withheld thee from me? (IAar, L.) A3: عَبُدَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُبُودَةٌ and عُبُودِيَّةٌ, accord. to Lh and IKtt, but A'Obeyd held that there is no verb to these two ns., He was, or became, a slave, or in a state of slavery: or he was, or became, in a state of slavery, his fathers having been so before him; as also ↓ عُبِّدَ. (L.) b2: Lth read [in the Kur v. 65] وَعَبُدَ الطَّاغُوتُ; explaining the meaning to be, Et-Tághoot having become an object of worship; and saying that عَبُدَ, here, is a verb similar to ظَرُفَ and فَقُهَ: but Az says that in this he has committed a mistake. (L.) A4: عَبِدَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَبَدٌ (and عَبَدَةٌ, or this is a simple subst., L), He was, or became, angry; (Fr, S, O, * L, Msb, K;) [and so ↓ تعبّد, in the Deewán of Jereer, accord. to Freytag;] like أَبِدَ and أَمِدَ and أَحِنَ: (Fr:) and he was long angry. (L.) You say, عَبِدَ عَلَيْهِ He was angry with him. (Fr.) And ElFarezdak makes it trans. without a prep., saying يَعْبَدُنِى. (L.) b2: He disdained, or scorned. (Az, S, O, L.) El-Farezdak says, وَأَعْبَدُ أَنْ أَهْجُو كُلَيْبًا بِدَارِمِ [And I disdain to satirize Kuleyb with Dárim: the former being unworthy to be coupled with the latter even as an object of satire]. (S, O, L.) [See also عَبِدٌ.] b3: He denied, disacknowledged, or disallowed. (O, K.) [See, again, عَبِدٌ.] b4: He repented, and blamed himself, (O, K, TA,) for having been remiss, or having fallen short of doing what he ought to have done. (TA.) b5: He mourned, grieved, or was sorrowful. (L.) b6: He was covetous; or inordinately, or culpably, desirous. (O, K.) And عَبِدَ بِهِ He clave, or kept, to it, or him, inseparably. (L.) b7: And, (O, L, K,) said of a camel, (L,) He was, or became, affected with mange, or scab: (L:) or with incurable mange or scab: (O, L:) or with severe mange or scab. (K.) 2 عبّدهُ, (S, * A, O, ast; Msb, K, *) inf. n. تَعْبِيدٌ; (S, O, K;) and ↓ اعبدهُ, (S, A, O, K,) inf. n. إِعْبَادٌ; (S;) and ↓ تعبّدهُ, and ↓ اعتبدهُ, (S, O, K,) and ↓ استعبدهُ; (S, * O, * Msb, K; *) He made him, or took him as, a slave; he enslaved him: (S, A, O, Msb, K:) or عبّدهُ and ↓ اعبدهُ (TA) and ↓ تعبّدهُ and ↓ اعتبدهُ (A) he made him to be as a slave to him. (A, TA.) See also 1, former half. You say [also] الطَّمَعُ ↓ استعبدهُ Covetousness made him a slave. (A.) And فُلَانًا ↓ أَعْبَدَنِى He made me to posses such a one as a slave: (A, O, Msb, K:) so accord. to Lth: but Az says that the meaning of أَعْبَدْتُ فُلَانًا as commonly known to the lexicologists is اِسْتَعْبَدْتُهُ: he adds, however, that he does not deny the meaning assigned by Lth if it can be verified. (L.) مُحَرَّرًا ↓ اِعْتَبَدَ, occurring in a trad., or as some relate it, ↓ أَعْبَدَ, means He took an emancipated man as a slave: i. e. he emancipated a slave, and then concealed the act from him, or confined him, and made him to serve him by force; or he took a freeman, and pretended that he was a slave, and took possession of him by force. (L.) b2: عبّدهُ also signifies He brought him under, (namely, a man,) subdued him, or rendered him submissive, so that he did the work of slaves. (Az, TA.) عبّد, inf. n. as above, is syn. with ذَلَّلَ. (S, O.) [And hence it has also the following significations, among others indicated by explanations of its pass. part. n. below. b3: He rendered a camel submissive, or tractable. b4: And He beat, or trod, a road, or path, so as to make it even, or easy to walk or ride upon.]

A2: عبّد [as intrans.], inf. n. as above, He departed, taking fright, and running away, or going away at random: (O, K:) or he hastened, or went quickly. (TA.) And عبّد يَعْدُو He hastened time after time, running. (TA.) b2: مَا عَبَّدَ أَنْ فَعَلَ ذَاكَ, (inf. n. as above, S,) He delayed not, or was not slow, to do, or in doing, that. (S, O, K. *) 4 اعبد as trans.: see 2, former half, in four places.

A2: اعبدوا They collected themselves together; assembled together. (K.) b2: اعبد القَوْمُ بِالرَّجُلِ The people, or party, beat the man: (O, K:) or collected themselves together and beat him. (TA.) A3: أُعْبِدَ بِهِ His riding-camel became fatigued: (S, O, K:) or perished; or flagged, or became powerless; or stopped with him: (S, O:) or died, or became ill, or went away, so that he was obliged to stop: (L:) i. q. أُبْدِعَ بِهِ [q. v.], (S, O, L, K,) from which it is formed by transposition. (TA.) 5 تعبّد He became, or made himself, a servant of God; devoted himself to religious services or exercises; applied himself to acts of devotion. (S, A, O, L, Msb, K.) And تعبّد بِالْإِسْلَامِ He became, or made himself, a servant of God by [following the religion of] El-Islám; [i. e. he followed El-Islám as his religion;] syn. ذَانَ بِهِ. (Msb in art. دين.) A2: Also, He (a camel) became refractory, and difficult to manage, (K,) like a wild animal. (L.) b2: See also عَبِدَ, first sentence.

A3: تعبّدهُ: see 2, first sentence, in two places. b2: Also He called him, or invited him, to obedience. (Msb.) A4: تعبّد البَعِيرَ He drove away the camel until he became fatigued (O, K, TA) and was obliged to stop. (TA.) 8 إِعْتَبَدَ see 2, former half, in three places.10 إِسْتَعْبَدَ see 2, in two places. R. Q. 2 تَعَبْدَدُوا They (a people) went away in parties in every direction. (TA.) [See عَبَادِيدُ.]

عَبْدٌ, originally an epithet, but used as a subst., (Sb, TA,) A male slave; (S, A, O, L, Msb, K;) i. q. مَمْلُوكٌ; (L, K;) [but عَبْدٌ is now generally applied to a male black slave; and مَمْلُوكٌ, to a male white slave; and this distinction has long obtained;] contr. of حُرٌّ; (S, A, O, L, Msb;) as also ↓ عَبْدَلٌ, (L, K,) in which the ل is augmentative: (L:) and a servant, or worshipper, of God, and of a false god, or of the Devil: (Lth, L, &c.:) [you say عَبْدُ اللّٰهِ and عَبْدُ الشَّمْسِ &c.: see also عَابِدٌ, which signifies the same; and see the remarks in this paragraph on the pls. عَبِيدٌ and عِبَادٌ and عَبَدَةٌ &c.:] and a man, or human being; (M, A, L, K;) as being a bondman (مَرْبُوبٌ) to his Creator; (L;) applied to a male and to a female; (Ibn-Hazm, TA;) whether free or a slave: (K:) pl. أَعْبُدٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and أَعْبِدَةٌ and أَعْبَادٌ, (IKtt, TA,) [all pls. of pauc.,] of which the first is the most commonly known, (Msb,) and ↓ عَبِيدٌ and عِبَادٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) which two and the first are the most commonly known of all the many pls. of عَبْدٌ, (Msb,) عَبِيدٌ being like كَلِيبٌ as pl. of كَلْبٌ, a rare form of pl.; (S, O;) or, accord. to some, it is a quasipl. n.; accord. to Ibn-Málik, فَعِيلٌ occurs as a pl. measure, but sometimes they use it in the manner of a pl. and make it fem., as in the instance of عَبِيدٌ, and sometimes they use it in the manner of quasi-pl. ns. and make it masc., as in the instances of حَجِيجٌ and كَلِيبٌ; (MF;) [accord. to the general and more approved opinion, it is a quasi-pl. n., and therefore fem. and masc., but most commonly fem.;] and further it should be remarked that the common people agree in making a difference between عَبِيدٌ and عِبَادٌ, by the former meaning slaves [and by the latter meaning servants of God and also simply, with the article ال, mankind], saying, هٰؤُلَآءِ عَبِيدٌ these are slaves, and هٰذَا عَبْدٌ مِنْ عِبَادِ اللّٰهِ [this is a servant, of the servants of God]: (Az, L:) [and a distinction is also made between عِبَادٌ and عَبَدَةٌ, respecting which see what follows:] other pls. of عَبْدٌ are عُبْدَانٌ, (S, O, K,) like تُمْرَانٌ pl. of تَمْرٌ, (S, O,) and عِبْدَانٌ, (S, O, K,) like جِحْشَانٌ pl. of جَحْشٌ, (S, O,) and عُبُدٌ, (S, O, K,) like سُقُفٌ pl. of سَقْفٌ, (S, O,) or this is pl. of عَبِيدٌ, like رُغُفٌ pl. of رَغِيفٌ, (Zj,) and is also a pl. of عَابِدٌ, (L,) and some read [in the Kur v. 65] عُبُدَ الطَّاغُوتِ, (Akh, S, O,) and عُبْدٌ (MF) and عُبُودٌ and عُبَّدٌ and عُبَّادٌ and عَبَدَةٌ, (IKtt, TA,) the last three of which are also pls. of عَابِدٌ: (L:) one says of the worshippers of a plurality of gods, هُمْ عَبَدَةُ الطَّاغُوتِ [they are the servants of Et-Tághoot]; but the Muslims one calls عِبَادُ اللّٰهِ, meaning the servants, or worshippers, of God: (Lth, L:) [all these are pls. in the proper sense of the term, of the broken class:] and عَبْدُونَ, (O, K,) a pl. of the sound class, adopted because عَبْدٌ is originally an epithet: (TA:) and [the following, with the exception of the first, and of some which are particularized as being pls. of pls., are also said to be pls., but are properly speaking quasi-pl. ns., namely,] ↓ عَبُدٌ, (O, K,) accord. to some, who read [in the Kur ubi suprà] عَبُدَ الطَّاغُوتِ, making the former a prefixed noun, as meaning the servants (خَدَم) of Et-Tághoot; but it is a n. of the measure فَعُلٌ, like حَذُرٌ and نَدُسٌ, not a pl.; the meaning being the servant (خَادِم) of Et-Tághoot; (Akh, S, O;) and it is also used by poetic license for عَبْدٌ; (Fr, T, S, O;) and ↓ عِبِدَّانٌ and ↓ عِبِدَّآءُ and ↓ عِبِدَّى; (S, O, K;) or, accord. to some, the last of these signifies slaves born in a state of slavery; and the female is termed ↓ عَبْدَةٌ; and Lth says that ↓ عِبِدَّى signifies a number of slaves born in a state of slavery, generation after generation; but Az says that this is a mistake, that عِبِدَّى اللّٰهِ signifies the same as عبَادُ اللّٰهِ, that it is thus used in a trad., and that عِبِدَّى is applied in another trad. to poor men of the class called أَهْلُ الصُّفَّة; (L;) and ↓ عُبُدَّآءُ and ↓ عِبِدَّةٌ and ↓ عِبَادٌّ (IKtt, TA) and ↓ مَعْبَدَةٌ, like مَشْيَخَةٌ, (T, O, K,) and ↓ مَعْبُودَآءُ (Yaakoob, S, O, K) and ↓ مَعْبُودَى, (IKtt, TA,) and [pl. pl.] ↓ مَعَابِدُ, (O, K,) said to be pl. of مَعْبَدَةٌ; (TA;) and pl. pl. أَعَابِدُ, (K,) pl. of أَعْبُدٌ; (TA;) and عَبِيدُونَ, (Es-Suyootee, MF,) app. pl. of ↓ عَبِيدٌ. (MF.) فَادْخُلِى فِى عِبَادِى, in the Kur lxxxix. 29, means Then enter thou among my righteous servants: (Ksh, Bd, Jel:) or it means فِى حِزْبِى [among my peculiar party]. (S, O.) b2: Also (tropical:) Ignoble, or base-born; like as حُرٌّ is used to signify “ generous,” “ noble,” or “ well-born. ” (Mgh in art. حر.) A2: Also A certain plant, of sweet odour, (O, K, TA,) of which the camels are fond because it makes the milk to become plentiful, and fattens; it is sharp, or hot, (حَادّ O, or حَارّ TA,) in temperament; and when they depasture it they become thirsty, and seek the water: (O, TA:) so says IAar. (O.) A3: And A short and broad نَصْل [or arrow-head, or spear-head, or blade]. (AA, O, * K.) عَبَدٌ: see عَابِدٌ.

عَبُدٌ: see the paragraph commencing with عَبْدٌ, latter half.

عَبِدٌ and ↓ عَابِدٌ (but the latter is rarely used, Ibn-'Arafeh) Angry. (L.) And (both words) Disdaining, or disdainful; scorning, or scornful. (L.) Accord. to AA, العَابِدِينَ in the words of the Kur [xliii. 81], إِنْ كَانَ لِلرَّحْمٰنِ وَلَدٌ فَأَنَا أَوَّلُ

↓ العَابِدِينَ, means The disdainers, or scorners, and the angry: (S, * L:) but Ibn-'Arafeh rejects this assertion: (TA:) these words are variously explained; as meaning There is not to the Compassionate a son; and I am the first of the angry disdainers or scorners of the assertion that there is: or, and I am the first of the deniers of this assertion: or, and I am the first of the worshippers of God according to the unitarian doctrine, or, of the worshippers of God of this people: or if there were to the Compassionate a son, I would be the first of his worshippers: or if there be to the Compassionate a son, I am the first of worshippers; but I am not the first worshipper of God: or, accord. to Az, the best interpretation is one ascribed to Mujáhid; i. e. if there be to the Compassionate a son in your opinion, I am the first of those who have worshipped God alone, and who have thus charged you with uttering a falsehood in this your assertion. (L.) عَبْدَةٌ: see عَبْدٌ, latter half.

عَبَدَةٌ [as a subst. from عَبِدَ (q. v.), Anger. b2: ] Disdain, or scorn; (S, O, L, K;) disdain occasioned by a saying at which one is ashamed, and from which one abstains through scorn and pride: (L:) or intense disdain or scorn. (A.) b3: Strength: so in the saying مَا لِثَوْبِكَ عَبَدَةٌ [There is not any strength to thy garment]. (S, O.) b4: Strength and fatness: (S, O, K:) thus in the phrase نَاقَةٌ ذَاتُ عَبَدَةٍ [A she-camel possessing strength and fatness]. (S, O.) And one says [also] نَاقَةٌ عَبَدَةٌ [if this be not a mistake for the phrase here next preceding] meaning A strong she-camel. (L, Msb.) b5: And Lastingness, or continuance; syn. بَقَآءٌ; (O, L, K, TA;) in some lexicons نَقَآءٌ; (TA;) and strength. (L.) One says, لَيْسَ لِثَوْبِكَ عَبَدَةٌ meaning There is not to thy garment any lastingness, or continuance, and strength. (Lh, L.) A2: Also A stone with which perfume is bruised, or pounded. (O, L, K.) عَبْدِىٌّ [a rel. n. from عَبْدٌ]. الدَّرَاهِمُ العَبْدِيَّةُ Certain Dirhems, which were superior to those of late times, and of greater weight. (O, K, TA.) عَبْدِيَّةٌ, as a subst.: see عِبَادَةٌ: b2: and عُبُودِيَّةٌ.

عِبِدَّةٌ: see عَبْدٌ, last quarter.

عِبِدَّى: see عَبْدٌ, latter half, in two places.

عِبِدَّى: see عَبْدٌ, latter half.

عُِبُِدَّآءٌ: see عَبْدٌ, latter half.

عَبْدَلٌ: see عَبْدٌ, near the beginning.

عَبْدَلِّىٌّ and عَبْدَلَّاوِىٌّ [both post-classical, the latter, which is the more common, said by Forskål to be an appellation of the Cucumis chate, which is app. from قِثَّآء, denoting several species of cucumber; but it is] a sort of melon, [abounding in Egypt, of little flavour, eaten with sugar,] said to be thus called in relation to 'AbdAllah Ibn-Táhir, a governor of Egypt on the part of El-Ma-moon. ('Abd-El-Lateef: see pp. 52 and 54 of the Ar. text, and pp. 34 and 35, and 125-7, of De Sacy's Transl. and Notes: and see also Forskål's Flora Ægypt. Arab. pp. lxxvi. and 168.) [See also عَجُورٌ.]

عَبِيدٌ: see عَبْدٌ, first and last quarters.

عُبَيْدٌ [dim. of عَبْدٌ. b2: And, used as a proper name,] The son of the desert, or of the waterless desert: thus expl. by El-Kanánee to Fr. (O.) b3: And [hence] أُمُّ عُبَيْدٍ The desert, or waterless desert, (Fr, O, K,) that is vacant, or desolate: (K:) or the land that is vacant, or desolate: (El-Kaná- nee, Fr, O:) or the land that the rain has missed. (O, K.) And sometimes it is used as meaning (assumed tropical:) Great calamity: (TA:) it is said in a prov., وَقَعُوا فِى أُمِّ عُبَيْدٍ تَصَايَحُ حَيَّاتُهَا [for تَتَصَايَحُ, lit. They became, or found themselves, in the desert, &c., of which the serpents were hissing, one at another], meaning (assumed tropical:) [they fell] into a great calamity. (Meyd, TA.) عِبَادَةٌ (S, IKtt, A, IAth, L, K) and ↓ عُبُودِيَّةٌ and ↓ عُبُودَةٌ (IKtt, K) and ↓ عَبْدِيَّةٌ (Fr, K) and ↓ مَعْبَدٌ and ↓ مَعْبَدَةٌ (L) [all said by some to be inf. ns., except the fourth,] Religious service, worship, adoration, or devotion; (L;) obedience: (S, IKtt, A, K:) obedience with humility or submissiveness; humble, or submissive, obedience: (IAth, L:) or عِبَادَةٌ signifies the Doing what God approves: and ↓ عُبُودَةٌ, the approving what God does: and the primary signification of ↓ عُبَودِيَّةٌ is humility, and submissiveness: (S, A, O:) عِبَادَةٌ is rendered only to God, or a false god, or the Devil. (TA.) عُبُودَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places: b2: and see عُبُودِيَّةٌ.

العُبَيْدَةُ The [portion, or appertenance, of the stomach, of a ruminant, called] فَحِث, (O, K, TA,) also called حَفِث [q. v.]. (TA.) عُبُودِيَّةٌ The state, or condition, of a slave; slavery; servitude; (S, O, L, Msb;) as also ↓ عُبُودَةٌ (S, O, L) and ↓ عَبْدِيَّةٌ (O, Msb) and ↓ تَعْبِيدَةٌ. (L.) b2: See also عِبَادَةٌ, in two places.

عِبَادٌّ: see عَبْدٌ, last quarter.

عَبَادِيدُ and عَبَابِيدُ, each a pl. having no sing., Parties of people (S, O, K) going in every direction: (S, O:) and horsemen going in every direction. (K.) One says, صَارَ القَوْمُ عَبَادِيدَ and عَبَابِيدَ The people became divided into parties going in every direction. (S, O.) And ذَهَبُوا عَبَادِيدَ and عَبَابِيدَ They went away in parties in every direction. (TA.) b2: Also (both words, K, or the latter [only], TA,) Far-extending roads: (K:) or diverse and far-extending roads: said to be used in this sense not with respect to coming, but only with respect to dispersion, and going away. (TA.) b3: Also (or the former [only], TA) Hills such as are called إِكَام or آكَام [pls. of أَكَمَةٌ]. (K, TA.) b4: And one says, مَرَّ رَاكِبًا عَبَادِيدَهُ He passed, or went away, riding upon the extremities of his buttocks. (O, K.) عَبَادِيدِىٌّ (S, O) and عَبَابِيدِىٌّ (O, TA) rel. ns. from عَبَادِيدُ (S, O) and عَبَابِيدُ (O, TA) thus formed because the said ns. have no sings., (Sb, S, O, TA,) Of, or relating to, parties of people going in every direction. (S, O.) عَابِدٌ A server, a worshipper, or an adorer, of God: (L:) an obeyer of God with humility, or submissiveness: (L, Msb:) [a devotee:] a unitarian: (L:) by a secondary application, used of him who takes for his god other than the True God, such as an idol, and the sun, &c.: (Msb:) pl. عُبَّادٌ and عَبَدَةٌ (L, Msb) and عُبُدٌ and عُبَّدٌ, all of which are also pls. of عَبْدٌ [q. v.]: (L:) [and quasi-pl. n. ↓ عَبَدٌ (like as خَدَمٌ is of خَادِمٌ), accord. to a reading of a phrase in the Kur v. 65, as expl. by some.] b2: And A servant: a meaning said to be tropical. (TA.) b3: See also عَبِدٌ, in two places.

تَعْبِيدَةٌ: see عُبُودِيَّةٌ.

مَعْبَدٌ: see عِبَادَةٌ: A2: and see also مُتَعَبَّدٌ.

مِعْبَدٌ A shovel, or spade, of iron; syn. مِسْحَاةٌ: (K:) pl. مَعَابِدُ. (TA.) مَعْبَدَةٌ, and the pl. مَعَابِدُ: see عَبْدٌ, last quarter: A2: and for the former see also عِبَادَةٌ.

مُعَبَّدٌ, applied to a camel, Rendered submissive, or tractable; broken, or trained; syn. مُذَلَّلٌ: (A, L:) or anointed with tar, (S, O, K,) and rendered submissive, or tractable: (S, O:) or whose whole skin is anointed with tar: (Sh:) or mangy, or scabby, whose fur has fallen off by degrees, and which is set apart from the other camels to be anointed with tar: or rendered submissive by the mange, or scab: or affected with the mange, or scab; or with incurable mange or scab. (L. [And, applied to a camel, it has other meanings, which see in what follows.]) [And hence, app.,] سَفِينَةٌ مُعَبَّدَةٌ A ship, or boat, tarred: (AO, S, O, L, K:) or smeared with fat, or oil. (AO, L.) b2: Applied to a road, Beaten; syn. مُذَلَّلٌ; (S, A, O, K;) trodden; (Az, TA;) or travelled by many passengers going to and fro: (TA:) and syn. with مُذَلَّلٌ as applied to other things also. (K.) b3: And [hence] A wooden pin, peg, or stake. (Az, O, K, TA. [In the CK, المُؤَتَّدُ is erroneously put for الوَتِدُ.]) So in the following verse of Ibn-Mukbil: وَضَمَّنْتُ أَرْسَانَ الجِيَادِ مُعَبَّدًا

إِذَا مَا ضَرَبْنَا رَأْسَهُ لَا يُرَنَّحُ [And I made a wooden peg to be a guarantee for the ropes of the coursers: when we beat its head, it did not wabble]. (Az, O, TA.) b4: Also Honoured, or treated with honour, (L, K,) and served; applied to a camel. (L.) Thus it has two contr. significations. (K.) b5: And A camel left unridden. (O, L.) b6: And, applied to a stallion [camel], Excited by lust, or by vehement lust. (O, K.) b7: Also, applied to a country, or tract of land, In which is no footprint, or track, nor any sign of the way, nor water: (O, K:) you say بَلَدٌ مُعَبَّدٌ. (O.) مَعْبُودَى and مَعْبُودَآءُ: see عَبْدٌ, last quarter.

مُتَعَبَّدٌ [and ↓ مَعْبَدٌ] A place appropriated to religious services or exercises, or acts of devotion. (TA.)



عَطْدٌ Hardness, severity, rigour, or difficulty. (IDrd, * O, * L.) عَطَوَّدٌ Hard, severe, rigorous, or difficult: (IDrd, O, L, K:) applied in this sense to anything: and particularly to a journey: or in this case meaning distant. (L.) b2: A quick pace, or rate of going: (S, O, L, K:) and so عَطَرَّدٌ [q. v.]. (L.) b3: A high mountain: (O, L, K, TA: [in the CK, من الحِبالِ is erroneously put for مِنَ الجِبَالِ:]) as also عَصَوَّدٌ and عَطَرَّدٌ. (L.) b4: A long day: (O, K:) a complete day (L) or year: (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K:) a whole day. (T, O, L, K.) One says, ذَهَبَ عَطَوَّدًا He went away a whole day. (O, K.) b5: A conspicuous, clear, open, road, along which one goes whithersoever he will. (ISh, O, L, K.) b6: A generous, noble, liberal, man. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b7: A sharpened spearhead. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b8: Accord. to [IDrd and] Az [and J], this word is quasi-coordinate to the quinqueliteral-radical class. (TA.)



1 عَمَدَهُ, (S, A, O, L, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (L,) inf. n. عَمْدٌ; (L, Msb;) and ↓ اعمدهُ; (Msb, K;) He stayed it, propped it up, or supported it; (S, A, O, L, Msb, K;) namely, a wall, (A, L, Msb,) or other thing; (S, O, L;) i. q. دَعَمَهُ: (A, L, Msb:) or ↓ اعمده, [and app. sometimes عَمَدَهُ, (see مَعْمُودٌ,) and in a similar manner ↓ عمّدهُ is expl. by Golius, as on the authority of J, whom I do not find to have anywhere mentioned it, but it is probably correct, (see its pass. part. n. in this art.,)] he placed beneath it columns, pillars, or props. (S, O. [See عَمُودٌ, &c.]) b2: And عَمَدَهُ, (L, K,) aor. ـِ (L,) or ـُ (TA,) inf. n. عَمْدٌ, (L,) He struck him, or beat him, with an [iron weapon such as is called] عَمُود. (O, L, K.) b3: And He struck him, or beat him, upon the part called عَمُودُ البَطْن. (O, L, K.) A2: عَمَدَ لَهُ, (S, A, O, L, Msb,) and عَمَدَ إِلَيْهِ, (L, Msb,) and عَمَدَهُ, (L, K,) aor. ـِ [or عَمِدَ and عَمُدَ, (Har p. 299,)] inf. n. عَمْدٌ (S, O, L, Msb) and عَمَدٌ and عِمَادٌ and عُمْدَةٌ (Mtr, TA) and عُمُودٌ (Nawádir el-Aaráb, TA) and مَعْمَدٌ; (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA;) and ↓ تعمّدهُ, (L, Msb, K,) and لَهُ ↓ تعمّد; (S, L;) and ↓ اعتمدهُ; (L, TA;) He intended it, or purposed it; did it intentionally, or purposely; the inf. n. signifying the contr. of خَطَأٌ: (Az, S, L, TA:) he directed himself, or his course or aim, to it, or towards it; made for it, or towards it; made it his object; aimed at it; sought, or endeavoured, after it; or tended, repaired, or betook himself, to it, or towards it; syn. قَصَدَهُ; (L, K;) or قَصَدَ لَهُ, (S, A, O,) or إِلَيْهِ. (Msb.) You say, الأَمْرَ ↓ اعتمد He intended, or purposed, the affair; or aimed at it; &c.; syn. صَمَدَهُ; (A in art. صمد;) or صَمَدَ صَمْدَهُ, i. e. قَصَدَ قَصْدَهُ. (M in that art.) And ذَنْبًا ↓ تعمّد He committed a sin, or the like, intentionally. (TA in art. خطأ.) And تعمّد ↓ صَيْدًا [He aimed at an object of the chase]. (Sgh, in Msb.) And عَمَدَ لِرَأْسِهِ بِالعَصَا He aimed at his head with the staff, or stick. (M in art. صمد.) And عَمَدَهُ, [and عَمَدَ إِلَيْهِ,] aor. ـِ and ↓ اعتمدهُ; and ↓ تعمّدهُ; He betook himself to him, or had recourse to him, in a case of need. (A.) b2: And [hence] one says, فَعَلْتُهُ عَمْدًا عَلَى عَيْنٍ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and عَمْدَ عَيْنٍ, (S, A, O, Msb, K,) I did it seriously, or in earnest, and with certain knowledge, or assurance. (S, A, O, Msb, K. [See also عَيْنٌ.]) When a man sees a bodily form and imagines it to be an object of the chase and therefore shoots at it, he cannot use this phrase, for he only aims at what is an object of the chase in his imagination: so says Sgh. (Msb.) A3: عَمَدَهُ, (S, O, L, K,) aor. ـِ (L,) said of disease, (S, O, L,) It pressed heavily upon him, or oppressed him; (S, O, L, K;) on the authority of IAar: (TA:) and so said of straitness, or confinement, or imprisonment, and captivity; (O;) and it caused him to fall; (O, K;) in this sense in like manner said of confinement, &c.: (O:) also, (O, K,) said of a disease, (O,) it pained him. (O, K.) And عَمَدَهُ, (K, TA,) aor., in this case, عَمُدَ, (TA, [but this, I think, requires confirmation,]) It grieved him, or made him sorrowful. (K, TA.) One says, مَا عَمَدَكَ What has grieved thee, or made thee sorrowful? (TA.) A4: عَمِدَ, (S, O, L, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. عَمَدٌ, (S, O,) said of earth, It became moistened by rain so that when a portion of it was grasped in the hand it became compacted by reason of its moisture: (S, O, L, K:) or it became moistened by rain and compacted, layer upon layer. (L.) And عَمِدَتِ الأَرْضُ, inf. n. as above, The land became moistened by the rain's sinking into the earth so that when a portion of it was grasped in the hand it became compacted by reason of its moisture. (Az.) b2: Also, (inf. n. as above, L,) said of a camel, He had the inner part of his hump broken [or bruised] by being [much] ridden, while the outer part remained whole, or sound: (S, O, L, K:) or he had his hump swollen in consequence of the galling of the saddle and the cloth beneath it, and broken [or bruised]: whence عَمِيدٌ and مَعْمُودٌ as epithets applied to a man. (L.) And عَمِدَتْ أَلْيَتَاهُ مِنَ الرُّكُوبِ His buttocks became swollen, and quivered, or throbbed, in consequence of [long and hard] riding. (En-Nadr, O, K.) And عَمِدَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, said of a pustule, It became swollen in consequence of its having been squeezed before it had become ripe, and its egg [or white globule] did not come forth. (L, TA.) b3: Also He suffered pain. (L.) b4: And, (T, O, L, K,) inf. n. as above, (T, L,) He was, or became, angry: (T, O, L, K:) like عَبِدَ (T, L) [and أَمِدَ and أَبِدَ]. One says, عَمِدَ عَلَيْهِ He was angry with him. (T, L.) b5: [And He wondered.] One says, أَنَا أَعْمَدُ مِنْهُ I wonder at him, or it: (S, O, L, K:) or, as some say, I am angry at him, or it: and some say that it means I lament at, or complain of, him, or it. (L.) أَعْمَدُ مِنْ سَيِّدٍ قَتَلَهُ قَوْمُهُ (S, O, L) i. e. Do I wonder at a chief whom his [own] people have slain? (L) was said by Aboo-Jahl (S, O, L) when he lay prostrated at Bedr; meaning, hath anything more happened than the slaughter of a chief by his [own] people? this is not a disgrace [to him]: he meant thereby that the destruction that befell him was a light matter to him: (A'Obeyd, L:) the saying is interrogative; (Sh, L;) أَعْمَدُ being app. contracted from أَأَعْمَدُ, by the suppression of one of the two hemzehs. (Az, L.) And أَعْمَدُ مِنْ كَيْلٍ مُحِّقَ, as related by A'Obeyd, [and thus in the O, in two copies of the S written مُحِقّ, and in a third copy omitted,] or مُحِقَ, without teshdeed, as seen by Az written in an old book, [i. e. Do I wonder at a measure incompletely filled?] is a saying of the Arabs, expl. in the book above alluded to, and, Az thinks, correctly, as meaning is it anything more than a measure incompletely filled? [and in a similar manner, but not so fully, expl. in two copies of the S and in the O:] or, accord. to IB, is it anything more than the fact of my measure's being incompletely filled? (L:) thus expl. also by ISk: and in a similar manner the saying of Aboo-Jahl. (From a marginal note in one of my copies of the S.) b6: عَمِدَ بِهِ means He kept, or clave, to it; (Ibn-Buzurj, O, K;) namely, a thing. (O.) 2 عمّد السَّيْلَ, inf. n. تَعْمِيدٌ, He stopped, or obstructed, the course of the torrent, so as to make it collect in a place, by means of earth, (O, K,) or the like, (K,) or stones. (O.) b2: See also 1, first sentence. b3: [عمّدهُ as used by the Christians, and held to be of Syriac origin, means He baptized him: see مَعْمُودِيَةٌ.]4 أَعْمَدَ see 1, first sentence, in two places. b2: أَعْمَدَتَاهُ رِجْلَاهُ occurs in a trad. as meaning His legs rendered him عَمِيد, i. e. in such a state that he could not sit unless propped up by cushions placed at his sides: (L:) it is of the dial. of Teiyi, who say in like manner أَكَلُونِى البَرَاغِيثُ. (TA.) 5 تَعَمَّدَ see 1, former half, in five places.7 انعمد It became stayed, propped up, or supported; (S, O, L, K;) said of a wall, (L,) or other thing. (S, O, L.) 8 اِعْتَمَدْتُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ I leaned, reclined, bore, or rested, upon the thing; stayed, propped, or supported, myself upon it. (S, O, L, Msb.) b2: and [hence] اعتمدت عَلَيْهِ فِى كَذَا (assumed tropical:) I relied upon him in such a thing, or case; (S, O, L;) as also اِعْتَمَدْتُهُ. (L.) And اعتمدت عَلَى الكِتَابِ [and اعتمدت الكِتَابَ, and perhaps بِالكِتَابِ (see De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., i. 315),] (tropical:) I relied upon the book, and held to it: a metaphorical phrase, from the first above. (Msb.) b3: [Hence also the phrase, used by grammarians, يَعْتَمِدُ عَلَى مَا قَبْلَهُ (assumed tropical:) It is syntactically dependent upon what is before it; as, for instance, an enunciative upon its inchoative, an epithet upon the subst. which it qualifies, and an objective complement of a verb upon its verb. b4: اعتمد المَطَرُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ, a phrase occurring in the K in art. نكح, app. meansThe rain rested upon the ground so as to soak into it: see عَمِدَ.] b5: اعتمد عَلَى السَّيْرِ He went, or journeyed, gently; went a gentle pace. (L in art. هود.) And اعتمد لَيْلَتَهُ He rode on journeying during his night. (A, O, K.) A2: See also 1, former half, in three places. b2: [اعتمدهُ بِكَذَا means قَصَدَهُ بِكَذَا i. e. He brought to him such a thing; lit. he directed, or betook, himself to him with such a thing: see two exs. in the first paragraph of art. بى.]

عَمَدٌ: see عَمُودٌ (of which it is a quasi-pl. n., as it is also of عِمَادٌ), in four places: and عُمْدَةٌ.

A2: [It is also an inf. n. of عَمَدَ لَهُ, q. v.: A3: and the inf. n. of عَمِدَ, q. v.: b2: and hence it signifies] A swelling, with galls, in the back of a camel. (L.) عَمِدٌ Earth moistened by rain so that when a portion of it is grasped in the hand it becomes compacted by reason of its moisture: (S, O, L:) or moistened by rain and compacted, layer upon layer. (L.) b2: [Hence] one says, هُوَ عَمِدُ الثَّرَى abundant in goodness, beneficence, or bounty. (Az, Sh, O, K.) b3: عَمِدٌ is also applied to a camel, meaning Having the inner part of his hump broken [or bruised] by his being [much] ridden, while the outer part remains whole, or sound: (S, O, L:) or having his hump swollen in consequence of the galling of the saddle and of the cloth beneath it, and broken [or bruised]: fem. with ة: and, with ة, a she-camel broken, or subdued, by the weight of her burden. (L.) Lebeed says, describing rain (S, O, L) that caused the valleys to flow, (S,) فَبَاتَ السَّيْلُ يَرْكَبُ جَانِبَيْهِ مِنَ البَقَّارِ كَالعَمِدِ الثَّقَالِ [And the torrent continued during the night, what resembled the heavy, or slow-paced, camel such as is termed عَمِد overlying its two sides, from the valley of El-Bakkár]: As says, he means that a collection of clouds resembling the [camel termed]

عَمِد overlay the two sides of the torrent; i. e., that clouds encompassed it with rain. (S, O, L.) b4: Also, applied to a pustule, Swollen in consequence of its having been squeezed before it had become ripe, and retaining its egg [or white globule]. (L.) عُمْدَةٌ A thing by which another thing is stayed, propped, or supported; a stay, prop, or support; as also ↓ عِمَادٌ; of which latter the pl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] is ↓ عَمَدٌ; (Msb;) as it is also of عَمُودٌ: (S, Msb, &c.:) a thing upon which one leans, reclines, or bears; upon which one stays, props, or supports, himself: a thing upon which one relies: (S, * O, * L, * K, TA:) and أَمْرٍ ↓ عِمَادُ (S and K voce قِوَامٌ) and ↓ عَمُودُهُ and ↓ عَمِيدُهُ (L) signify the stay, or support, of a thing or an affair; that whereon it rests, or whereby it subsists; its efficient cause of subsistence; that without which it would not subsist: (L, and S * and K * ubi suprà:) and ↓ مُعْتَمَدٌ, applied to a man, is syn. with سَنَدٌ [meaning a person upon whom one leans, rests, stays himself, or relies; a man's stay, support, or object of reliance; like عَمْدَةٌ and ↓ عِمَادٌ]: (S and K * in art. سند:) عُمْدَةٌ is used alike as masc. and fem. and as sing. and dual and pl.: (TA:) one says, أَنْتَ عُمْدَتُنَا Thou art he to whom we betake ourselves, or have recourse, in our necessities; (A;) or عُمْدَ تُنَا فِى الشَّدَائِدِ our stay, or support, or object of reliance, (↓ مُعْتَمَدُنَا,) in difficulties: (Msb:) and أَنْتُمْ عُمْدَتُنَا Ye are they upon whom we stay ourselves, or rely: (TA:) and one says also حَيِّهِ ↓ هُوَ عَمُودُ He is the stay, or support, of his tribe: (A:) and القَوْمِ ↓ عِمَادُ means the stay, support, or object of reliance, of the people, or party; syn. سَنَدُهُمْ. (Ham p. 457.) See also عَمُودٌ, second quarter. b2: [Hence, as used by grammarians,] (assumed tropical:) An indispensable member of a proposition; as, for instance, the agent; contr. of فَضْلَةٌ. (I'Ak p. 143.) b3: Also An intention, a purpose, an aim, or a course: so in the phrase اِلْزَمْ عُمْدَتَكَ [Keep to thy intention, &c.]. (A.) عِمْدَةٌ The place that swells, or becomes inflated, in the hump and withers of a camel. (L. [See عَمِدَ and عَمَدٌ.]) عُمْدَانٌ: see عَمُودٌ, second quarter.

عُمُدٌّ and ↓ عُمُدَّانِىٌّ (O, L, K) and ↓ عُمُدَّانٌ and ↓ مُعَمَّدٌ (L) or ↓ مُعْمَدٌ (TA) A youth, or young man, full of the sap, or vigour, of youth: (O, L, K:) or bulky, or corpulent, and tall: (L:) the fem. (of every one of these, L) is with ة: (L, K:) and the pl. of the second is ↓ عُمُدَّانِيُّونَ: and ↓ عُمُدَّانِيَّةٌ signifies a corpulent, bulky, woman; (O, L;) as also ↓ عُمُدَّانَةٌ. (O.) عُمُدَّانٌ (O, K, TA, in the CK عُمَّدان) Tall; (O, K;) applied to a man; fem. with ة, applied to a woman: (O:) and ↓ مُعْمَدٌ, (A, K,) like مُكْرَمٌ [in measure], (K,) or ↓ مُعَمَّدٌ, (O,) signifies the same, (A, O, K,) applied to a man; (A;) and so ↓ طَوِيلُ العِمَادِ. (Mbr, L.) b2: See also عُمُدٌّ, in two places.

عُمُدَّانِىٌّ, and its pl., and fem.: see عُمُدٌّ.

عِمَادٌ: see عُمْدَةٌ, in four places: b2: and عَمُودٌ also, former half, in four places. b3: Also Lofty buildings: (S, O, L, Msb, K:) masc. and fem.: (S, O, L, K:) [being a coll. gen. n.:] one thereof is called عِمَادَةٌ. (S, O, L, Msb, K.) b4: إِرَمُ ذَاتُ العِمَادِ [mentioned in the Kur lxxxix. 6] means Irem possessing lofty buildings supported by columns: or possessing tallness: (L:) or possessing tallness and lofty buildings: (O:) or, accord. to Fr, the possessors of tents; i. e. who dwelt in tents, and were accustomed to remove to places of pasture and then to return to their usual places of abode. (O, L.) b5: طَوِيلُ العِمَادِ: see عُمُدَّانٌ. b6: Also (i. e. طويل العماد) (assumed tropical:) A man whose abode is a place known for its visiters. (S, O, L, K.) b7: And فُلَانٌ رَفِيعُ العِمَادِ means (assumed tropical:) [Such a one is a person of exalted nobility; lit.] such a one has a high pole of the tent of nobility. (A.) عَمُودٌ a word of well-known meaning, (Msb, K,) The عَمُود of a بَيْت, (S, O,) or of a خَيْمَة; (Mgh;) [i. e.] a pole of a tent; as also ↓ عِمَادٌ: and a column, or pillar, of a house or the like: (L:) pl. (of pauc., S, O) أَعْمِدَةٌ, and (of mult., S, O) عُمُدٌ, and (quasi-pl. n., L) ↓ عَمَدٌ. (S, O, L, Msb, K.) [The former is the primary, and more common, meaning: and hence the phrase]

أَهْلُ عَمُودٍ (Lth, A, Msb) and عُمُدٍ or ↓ عَمَدٍ, (Msb,) or this last is not said, (L,) and ↓ أَهْلُ عِمَادٍ, (Lth, A, Msb, K,) [The people of the tent-pole or of the tent-poles;] meaning the people of, or who dwell in, tents: (Lth, A, Msb, K:) or the last means the people of lofty tents, (K,) or of lofty structures. (TA.) تَرَوْنَهَا ↓ خَلَقَ السَّمٰوَاتِ بِغَيْرِ عَمَدٍ, in the Kur [xxxi. 9 (and see also xiii. 2)], (O, L,) accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, (O,) or Fr, (L,) meanseither He created the heavens without عَمَد [or pillars] as ye see them; and with the sight ye need not information: or He created the heavens with pillars (عَمَد) that ye see not; [i. e., with invisible pillars;] (O, * L;) the pillars that are not seen being his power; or, accord. to Lth, Mount Káf, which surrounds the world [or earth]; the sky being like a cupola, whereof the extremities rest on that mountain, which is of green chrysolite, whence, it is said, results the greenness of the sky. (L.) And ↓ عَمَدٍ and عُمُدٍ in the Kur [civ., last verse], accord. to different readings, are pls. [or rather the former is a quasipl. n.] of عَمُودٌ; (Fr, L;) or of ↓ عِمَادٌ; and mean [pillars] of fire. (Zj, L.) b2: Also Any tent (خِبَآء) supported on poles: or any tent extending to a considerable length along the ground, supported on many poles. (L.) b3: See also عُمْدَةٌ, in two places. b4: [Hence,] A lord, master, or chief, (S, O, K,) of a people, or party; (S, O;) as also ↓ عَمِيدٌ; (S, A, O, K;) both signify a lord, master, or chief, upon whom persons stay themselves, or rely, in their affairs, or to whom they betake themselves, or have recourse; and the pl. of the latter is عُمَدَآءُ. (TA.) And (accord. to IAar, O, L, TA) The رَئِيس [or chief, or commander], (so in the L, and in the copy of the K followed in the TA,) or رَسِيل [app. meaning, if correct, the scout, or emissary, or perhaps the advanced guard], (so in the O, and in the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K,) of an army; (O, L, K;) also called the زُوَيْر [which corroborates the former explanation, being syn. with رَئِيس]; (L, TA; [in the O written زَوِير;]) as also ↓ عِمَادٌ and ↓ عُمْدَةٌ and ↓ عُمْدَانٌ. (O, L, K.) b5: Also, [from the same word in the first of the senses expl. above,] A staff, or stick. (L.) b6: And A weapon made of iron, with which one beats, or strikes; (Mgh;) a rod of iron; (L;) [a kind of mace; app. a rod of iron with a ball of the same metal at the head: I have heard this appellation applied to the kind of weapon which I have mentioned in an explanation of طَوَارِقُ, pl. of طَارِقَةٌ, q. v.; and it is vulgarly said, in Egypt, to have been used by the فِدَاوِيَّة, the sect called in our histories of the Crusades “ the Assassins: ”] pl. [of pauc.] أَعْمِدَةٌ. (Mgh.) b7: [And A bar of iron, or of any metal. b8: And A perpendicular.] b9: And A slender and lofty mountain: so in the saying, العُقَابُ تَبِيضُ فِى رَأْسِ عَمُودٍ [The eagle lays her eggs in the top of a slender and lofty mountain]. (A.) b10: عَمُودُ البِئْرِ [Each of] the two upright supports (قَائِمَتَانِ [or قَامَتَانِ]) upon which is [placed the horizontal cross-piece of wood whereto is suspended] the great pulley (مَحَالَة) of the well: (O, K:) [both together being termed the عَمُودَانِ:] a poet says, إِذَا اسْتَقَلَّتْ رَجَفَ العَمُودَانْ [When it (the bucket, الدَّلْوُ,) rises, the two upright supports of the piece of wood to which hangs the great pulley tremble]. (O.) b11: عَمُودُ الظَّلِيم [Each of] the two legs of the male ostrich: (K:) his two legs are called his عَمُودَانِ. (O, L, TA.) b12: عَمُودُ الصَّلِيبِ [The upright timber of the cross] is an appellation applied by the vulgar to the star [e] upon the tail of the constellation Delphinus. (Kzw.) b13: عَمُودُ المِيزَانِ The شَاهِين, (K voce شاهين,) i. e. the beam of the balance; the same as the مِنْجَم, except that it (the عَمُود) is generally of the قَبَّان, or steelyard. (MA.) b14: عَمُودُ السَّيْفِ The شَطِيبَة [or شُطْبَة, generally meaning a ridge, but sometimes a channel, or depressed line,] that is in the مَتْن [or broad side, or middle of the broad side, of the blade] of the sword, (En-Nadr, O, K,) in the middle of its مَتْن, extending to its lower part: (En-Nadr, O:) [the swords of the Arabs in the earlier ages being generally straight and twoedged:] and sometimes the sword had three أَعْمِدَة [pl. of pauc. of عَمُودٌ] in its back, termed شُطُب and شَطَائِب. (En-Nadr, O.) b15: And عَمُودُ السِّنَانِ The ridge (عَيْر, in the O and in copies of the K [erroneously] written غَيْر,) rising along the middle of the spear-head, between its two cutting sides. (ISh, O, L, K. *) b16: عَمُودُ البَطْنِ The back; (S, A, Mgh, O, L, K;) because it supports the belly: (Mgh, O, L:) or a vein (عِرْق), (K,) or a thing resembling a vein, (O, L,) extending from the place of the رُهَابَة [or lower extremity of the sternum] to a little below the navel, (O, L, K,) in the middle whereof the belly of the sheep or goat is cut open; so says Lth: (O, L:) or, accord. to Lth, a vein extending from the رهابة to the navel. (Mgh.) They said, حمَلَهُ عَلَى عَمُودِ بَطْنِهِ, meaning He carried it on his back: (S, O, L:) or, in the opinion of A'Obeyd, (tropical:) with difficulty, or trouble, and fatigue; whether upon his back or not. (O, L.) b17: عَمُودُ الكَبِدِ The rising thing (المُشْرِفُ [app. meaning the longitudinal ligament]) in the middle of the liver: (Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”) or a certain vein that irrigates the liver: (Lth, O, L, K:) or عَمُودَا الكَبِدِ signifies two large veins, on the right and left of the navel. (ISh, O, L.) One says, إِنَّ فُلَانًا لَخَارِجٌ عَمُودُ كَبِدِهِ مِنَ الجُوعِ [Verily such a one has his عمود of his liver coming forth in consequence of hunger]: (O:) or عَمُودُهُ مِنْ كَبِدِهِ [his عمود from his liver]; (L, TA;) and some say that by his عمود in this saying is meant what here next follows. (TA.) b18: عَمُودُ السَّحْرِ The وَتِين [app. meaning the aor. a, as though it were considered as the support of the lungs]. (O, K.) b19: عَمُودُ الأُذُنِ The main part, and support, of the ear: (O, L, K, TA: [in the CK, قَوامُها is erroneously put for قِوَامُهَا:]) or the round part which is above the lobe. (L.) b20: عَمُودُ القَلْبِ The middle of the heart, (A, L,) lengthwise: or, as some say, a certain vein that irrigates it. (L.) One says, اِجْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ فِى عَمُودِ قَلْبِكَ Put thou that in the middle of thy heart. (A.) b21: عَمُودُ اللِّسَانِ The middle of the tongue, lengthwise. (L.) b22: عَمُودُ الكِتَابِ The text of the book: thus in the saying, هُوَ مَذْكُورٌ فِى عَمُودِ الكِتَابِ [It is mentioned in the text of the book]. (A, TA.) b23: عَمُودُ الصُّبْحِ The bright gleam of dawn; (L;) the dawn that rises and spreads, (A, L, Msb, *) filling the horizon with its whiteness: (Msb voce فَجْرٌ:) [app. thus called as being likened to a tent, or long tent:] it is the second, or true, فَجْر, and rises after the first, or false, فجر has disappeared; and with its rising, the day commences, and everything by which the fast would be broken becomes forbidden to the faster. (Msb voce فَجْرٌ.) One says, سَطَعَ عَمُودُ الصُّبْحِ, (S, O, L,) or ضَرَبَ الصُّبْحُ بِعَمُودِهِ, (A,) or ضَرَبَ الفَجْرُ بِعَمُودِهِ, i. e. [The bright gleam of dawn] rose and spread. (Msb.) b24: عَمُودُ الإِعْصَارِ That [meaning the dust] which rises into the sky, or extends along the surface of the earth, in consequence of the [wind called] إِعْصَار [q. v.]. (O, L.) b25: عَمُودُ الحُسْنِ (assumed tropical:) Tallness of stature. (TA in art. ملأ.) b26: عَمُودُ النَّوَى (tropical:) The state of distance, from their friends, in which travellers continue. (L.) b27: دَائِرَةُ العَمُودِ The curl of the hair [which we term a feather] on a horse's neck, in the places of the collar: it is approved by the Arabs. (L.) b28: اِسْتَقَامُوا عَلَى عَمُودِ رَأْيِهِمْ means They continued in the course upon which they placed reliance. (O, K.) A2: Also, i. e. عَمُودٌ, (accord. to the O and K,) or ↓ عَمِيدٌ, (accord. to the TA [agreeably with an explanation of the latter in the L],) Affected with vehement, or intense, grief or sorrow. (O, K, TA.) عَمِيدٌ: see عُمْدَةٌ b2: and see also عَمُودٌ, first quarter. b3: Also A man sick, (L,) or very sick, (A,) so that he cannot sit unless propped up by cushions placed at his sides. (A, * L.) b4: Also, and ↓ مَعْمُودٌ, (S, O, L, K,) and ↓ معَمَّدٌ, (K,) A man broken, or enervated, by the passion of love; (S, O, K;) and in like manner all the three are applied to a heart: (O:) or the first and second signify a man whose عَمُود of his heart is severed: (A:) or a man much distressed, or afflicted, by love; likened to a camel's hump of which the interior is broken: (L. [See عَمِدَ:]) and ↓ مَعْمُودٌ signifies diseased, or sick. (L.) b5: See also عَمُودٌ, last sentence.

A2: عَمِيدُ الوَجَعِ The place of pain. (L.) عَامِدٌ applied to the latter part of the night, Causing pain. (IAar, O.) And لَيْلَةٌ عَامِدَةٌ A night causing pain. (IAar, Az, O.) مُعْمَدٌ A tall [tent such as is called] طِرَافٌ. [So in a copy of the A. [Perhaps a mistranscription for مُعَمَّدٌ, q. v.]) See also عُمُدَّانٌ. b2: And see عُمُدٌّ.

مُعَمَّدٌ, applied to a tent, Set up with poles: (O, K:) occurring in a verse of [the Mo'allakah of] Tarafeh [p. 88 in the EM]. (O. [See also مُعْمَدٌ.]) b2: وَشْىٌ مُعَمَّدٌ (O, K, TA, in some copies of the K شَىْءٌ,) A sort of وَشْى [or variegated cloth] (O, K, TA) [figured] with the form of عِمَاد [app. meaning lofty buildings]. (TA.) b3: See also عَمُدَّانٌ: b4: and عُمُدٌّ: and عَمِيدٌ.

مُعْمِدَانٌ and مُعْمِدَانِىٌّ and مَعْمُودَانِىٌّ epithets used by the Christian Arabs, meaning A baptist.]

مَعْمُودٌ applied to a thing that presses heavily, such as a roof, Held [up, or supported,] by columns: differing from مَدْعُومٌ [q. v.]. (TA in art. دعم.) A2: Also A person resorted to in cases of need. (A.) A3: See also عَمِيدٌ, in two places.

المَعْمُودِيَةُ, thus correctly, as in the 'Ináyeh, without teshdeed to the ى, but in the copies of the K with teshdeed, [and so in the O; held by some to be of Arabic origin, but by others, of Syriac;] said by Es-Sowlee to be an arabicized word, from مَعْمُوذِيت, with the pointed ذ, signifying الطَّهَارَةُ [app. as meaning “ ablution,” or “ purification ”]; (TA;) [Baptism: and baptismal water; expl. as signifying] a yellow water, pertaining to the Christians, (O, K, TA,) consecrated by what is recited over it from the Gospel, (TA,) in which they dip their children, believing that is is a purification to them, like circumcision to others. (O, K, TA.) [See also صِبْغَةٌ.]

مُعْتَمَدٌ: see عُمْدَةٌ, in two places. b2: [Also A ground of reliance:] one says, مَا عَلَى فُلَانِ مَعْتَمَدٌ [There is not any ground of reliance upon such a one]. (S voce مَحْمِلٌ, q. v.)



1 عَهِدَ إِلَيْهِ, (S, A, &c.,) aor. ـَ (Msb,) inf. n. عَهْدٌ, (TA,) He enjoined, charged, bade, ordered, or commanded, him; (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K, TA;) as also مِنْهُ ↓ استعهد. (A.) One says, عَهِدْتُ إِلَيْهِ بِالأَمْرِ I enjoined him, or charged him, &c., to do the thing. (Msb.) And it is said in the Kur [xxxvi. 60], أَلَمْ أَعْهَدْ إِلَيْكُمْ يَا بَنِى آدَمَ أَنْ لَا تَعْبُدُوا الشَّيْطَانَ [Did I not enjoin you, or charge you, &c., O sons of Adam, that ye should not serve the Devil? or, saying, Serve not ye the Devil?]. (O, Msb.) [And in the same, ii. 119, وَعَهِدْنَا إِلَى إِبْرٰهِيمَ وَإِسْمٰعِيلَ أَنْ طَهِّرَا بَيْتِى And we enjoined, or charged, &c., Abraham and Ishmael, saying, Purify ye my house.] And one says also, عَهِدَ إِلَيْه فِيهِ, meaning تَقَدَّمَ [i. e. He enjoined him, or charged him, &c., respecting it, or to do it]. (TK.) And He obliged him to do it. (L in art. عقد.) b2: Also He imposed a condition, or conditions, upon him; (A;) and so مِنْهُ ↓ استعهد: (A, K:) which latter signifies (O, K) also (K) he wrote a statement of a compact, covenant, confederacy, or league, as binding upon him. (O, K.) b3: And He made a compact, contract, covenant, or the like, with him; or a promise to him. (MA.) [See also 3.] b4: And عَهِدَ إِلَىَّ فُلَانٌ فِى

كَذَا Such a one was, or became, or made himself, responsible, answerable, accountable, amenable, surety, or guarantee, to me, for, or in respect of, such a thing. (TK.) A2: عَهِدَ وَعْدَهُ, inf. n. عَهْدٌ, He fulfilled his promise. (TK.) b2: And عَهِدَ الحُرْمَةَ, inf. n. as above, He was mindful, regardful, or observant, of that which should be sacred, or inviolable; or of that which was entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence. (TK.) A3: عَهِدَهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. عَهْدٌ, (Msb, K,) He met, or met with, him, or it, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, *) بِمَكَانِ كَذَا in such a place. (S, Mgh, Msb.) [See also عَهْدٌ below.] b2: And He knew, or was acquainted with, him, or it, (Msb, K, * TA,) عَلَى حَالٍ in a state, or condition, or فِى مَكَانٍ in a place. (TA.) And عُهِدَ He, or it, was known. (S, O.) One says, الأَمْرُ كَمَا عَهِدْتَ The affair, or case, was as thou knewest. (Msb.) And the saying of Umm-Zara, وَلَا يَسْأَلُ عَمَّا عَهِدَ (O, TA,) means Nor used he to ask respecting that which he saw, (O,) or that which he knew, (TA,) in the tent, or house, by reason of his liberality. (O, TA.) [See, again, عَهْدٌ below.]

A4: عُهِدَتِ الأَرْضُ, (S,) or الرَّوْضَةُ, (A,) The land, or the meadow, was rained upon (S, A) by the rain called عَهْدَة [or عَهْد]: (A:) and عُهِدَ المَكَانُ [in the CK بالمَكَانِ] the place was rained upon by the rain called عهْد, i. e. the first of the rain called الوَسْمِىّ: (K:) or was altogether rained upon. (TA.) 3 مُعَاهَدَةٌ is between two persons; (O;) signifying The uniting with another in a compact, a contract, a covenant, an agreement, a confederacy, a league, a treaty, or an engagement, (Msb,) عَلَى

كَذَا [respecting, or to do, such a thing]. (MA.) You say, يُعَاهِدُكَ وَتُعَاهِدُهُ [He makes a compact, &c., with thee, and thou makest a compact, &c., with him]. (S, O.) [See also عَهِدَ إِلَيْهِ.] b2: and عاهدهُ He swore to him. (K in this art., and Mgh in art. وثق.) A2: See also 5.4 أَنَا أُعْهِدُكَ مِنْ إِبَاقِهِ, (ISh, O, K,) inf. n.إِعْهَادٌ, (K,) I hold thee clear of responsibility for his running away: (ISh, O, K, TA:) said by one who has purchased a slave. (TA.) And in like manner, أَنَا أُعْهِدُكَ مِنْ هَذٰا الأَمْرِ I hold thee, or make thee, secure from this thing. (TA.) Hence the term ↓ عُهْدَةٌ. (TA.) And the latter phrase signifies [also] I am responsible for thy security from this thing. (ISh, O, K.) 5 تعهّدهُ He renewed his acquaintance with it, or his knowledge of it; (S, O, L, Msb, K;) this is the proper signification; (Msb;) as also ↓ اعتهدهُ; (O, * L, K;) and ↓ تعاهدهُ; (L, K;) and ↓ عاهدهُ, inf. n. مُعَاهَدَةٌ: (L:) and he sought it, or sought for it or after it, it being absent from him; syn. تَفَقَّدَهُ; as also ↓ تعاهدهُ, and ↓ اعتهده: (K:) or تعهّدهُ and تفقّدهُ are used, by some, each in the place of the other; but accord. to Er-Rághib and many others, the former signifies he sought, or sought leisurely or repeatedly, to obtain knowledge of it, having known of it before; and the latter, he sought, or sought leisurely or repeatedly, to obtain knowledge of it, having lost it: (MF in art. فقد:) or تعهّدهُ signifies he renewed his acquaintance with it, or his knowledge of it, and sought, or sought leisurely or repeatedly, to find means of rectifying it, reforming it, or putting it into a good or right or proper state: (IDrst, TA:) or he came to it, and rectified it, reformed it, or put it into a good or right or proper state: (Mgh:) or as first expl. above, and also he returned to it time after time, or went frequently to it, and rectified it, reformed it, or put it into a good or right or proper state: (Msb:) or, simply, [as also ↓ تعاهدهُ,] he returned, or recurred, to it time after time, [see an instance voce أَخْرَقُ,] or went frequently to it: (Et-Tedmuree, TA:) and also [i. e. both signify also he paid repeated, or frequent, attention to it; or] he was careful, or mindful, of it; or attentive to it. (S, O, Msb. *) One says also, تَعَهَّدْتُ فُلَانًا [I renewed my acquaintance with such a one; repaired, or betook myself, to him frequently; paid frequent attention to him; or simply paid attention to him]. (S, O.) And تَعَهَّدْتُ ضَيْعَتِى, (S, O, Mgh,) properly signifying I renewed my acquaintance with, or my knowledge of, my estate, is used as meaning I came to my estate, and put it into a good or right or proper condition: (Mgh:) [or I paid repeated, or frequent, or much, attention to it, taking good and effectual care of it; I husbanded it well:] or, accord. to IDrst, the verb here has the meaning given above on his authority: or, accord. to Ed-Tedmuree, the meaning is that given above as his explanation; and is from عَهْدٌ as signifying “ rain that falls after other rain,” or from the same word as signifying “ a place of abode in which one has known a thing: ” (TA:) and one may say also ↓ تَعَاهَدْتُ; (Fr, ISk, Mgh;) but تَعَهَّدْتُ is more chaste, (El-Fá- rábee, S, O, Msb,) because ↓ تَعَاهُدٌ is only between two [or more]: (S, O:) or تعاهدت is not allowable, (Az, AHát, Th, IF, Msb,) for the reason just mentioned: (IF, Msb:) Az says that six Arabs of the desert, of chaste speech, being asked in the presence of himself and of Yoo, one after another, whether they said تعهّدت ضيعتى or ↓ تعاهدت, all answered, تعهّدت. (AHát, TA.) One also says, of a man, يَتَعَهَّدُهُ صَرْعٌ [Epilepsy befalls him repeatedly, or time after time]. (S, O.) 6 تعاهدوا They united in a compact, a contract, a covenant, an agreement, a confederacy, a league, a treaty, or an engagement, [عَلَى كَذَا respecting, or to do, such a thing;] syn. تَعَاقَدُوا, (S and K in art. عقد,) and تَحَالَفُوا. (S and K in art. حلف.) A2: See also 5, in six places.8 إِعْتَهَدَ see 5, near the beginning, in two places.10 إِسْتَعْهَدَ see 1, former half, in two places. b2: One says also, اسْتَعْهَدْتُهُ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ, meaning I made him responsible for accidents [arising, or that might arise,] from himself. (O, K. *) عَهْدٌ [an inf. n. of 1, q. v.: used as a simple subst.,] An injunction, a charge, a bidding, an order, or a command. (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K, TA.) [Pl. in this and other senses عُهُودٌ.] عَهْدِى

أَنْ لَا آخُذَ مِنْ رَاضِعٍ شَيْئًا, occurring in a trad., is a phrase tropically abridged, meaning (tropical:) It is in the injunction, or charge, prescribed as obligatory on me [that I should not take anything from a suckling]. (Mgh.) b2: A compact, a contract, a covenant, an agreement, a confederacy, a league, a treaty, an engagement, a bond, an obligation, or a promise: (S, A, Mgh, O, L, Msb, K, TA:) pl. عُهُودٌ: or, accord. to AHeyth, ↓ عَهْدَةٌ has this this meaning, and عَهْدٌ is its pl. [or rather a coll. gen. n.]. (TA.) Hence وَلِىُّ عَهْدٍ The suc-cessor by virtue of a covenant of a Khaleefeh [or King]. (TA.) [And وِلَايَةُ عَهْدٍ The succession by virtue of a covenant.] b3: Protection, or safeguard; a promise, or an assurance, of security or safety; responsibility, or suretiship; syn. أَمَانٌ; and ذِمَّةٌ; (Sh, S, A, O, Msb, K;) and ضَمَانٌ; (O, K;) as also ↓ عُهَّيْدَى [in the O ↓ عُهَيْدَى] and ↓ عِهْدَانٌ [which last is said in the S and O to be syn. with عَهْدٌ, but in what sense is not there specified]. (K.) Hence, ذُو عَهْدٍ, an appel-lation given to a Christian, and a Jew, [and a Sabian, who is a subject of a Muslim government,] meaning One between whom and the Muslims a compact, or covenant, subsists, whereby the latter are responsible for his security [and freedom and toleration] as long as he acts agreeably to the compact [by living peaceably with them and paying a poll-tax]; (Mgh, * Msb, * TA;) [i. e. a free non-Muslim subject of a Muslim government;] as also ↓ مُعَاهِدٌ and ↓ مُعَاهَدٌ, the act. and pass. forms being both applied to such a person because the compact is mutual; (Msb;) both syn. with ذِمِّىٌّ: (S:) persons of this description are called collectively أَهْلُ العَهْدِ. (TA.) b4: An oath: (S, A, O, K:) pl. عُهُودٌ: or, accord. to AHeyth, ↓ عَهْدَةٌ signifies an oath whereby one secures himself against him with whom he makes a compact, contract, covenant, or the like, and عَهْدٌ is its pl. [or rather a coll. gen. n.]. (TA.) [But it is generally used as a sing.: hence,] one says, عَلَىَّ عَهْدُ اللّٰهِ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ كَذَا [The oath by attestation of God is binding on me that I will assuredly do such a thing]. (S, O.) b5: A writ, or diploma, of appointment to the office of a prefect or governor or the like: (S, O, K:) pl. عُهُودٌ. (TA.) b6: Defence of those persons, or things, that should be sacred, or inviolable, or that are entitled to reverence, respect, honour, or defence; (S, A, O, K;) and mindfulness, regard, or observance, (S, K,) of such things, (K,) or of love, or affection; occurring in this sense in a trad., in which it is said that generosity therein is a point of religion. (S.) b7: Fulfilment of a promise or the like. (O, K.) So in the Kur vii. 100. (O.) b8: The assertion of the unity of God: whence, إِلَّا مَنِ اتَّخَذَ عِنْدَ الرَّحْمٰنِ عَهْدًا [Except such as hath made a covenant with the Compassionate to assert his unity], (O, K,) in the Kur [xix. 90]: (O:) and the words of a trad. relating to prayer, أَنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ وَوَعْدِكَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ I am persevering in the observance of my covenant and promise to Thee to believe in Thee and to assert thy unity incessantly [as far as I am able]. (TA.) A2: Also A time; (S, * A, K;) and so ↓ عِهْدَانٌ. (A, TA.) One says, كَانَ عَلَى عَهْدِ فُلَانٍ and ↓ عِهْدَانِهِ It was in the time of such a one. (A.) And كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى عَهْدِ شَبَابِى That was in the time of my youth, or young manhood. (TK.) And أَتَى عَلَيْهَا عَهْدٌ طَوِيلٌ [Over which a long time has passed]. (S, in explanation of قَرْيَةٌ عَهِيدَةٌ meaning قَدِيمَةٌ.) b2: One says also, عَهْدِى بِهِ قَرِيبٌ i. e. My meeting [with him, or it, was a short time ago]. (S, * Msb.) And هُوَ قَرِيبُ العَهْدِ بَكَذَا He knew, or was acquainted with, such a thing, and was in such a state, or condition, recently, or a short time ago. (Msb. [And in like manner one says حَدِيثُ العَهْدِ and حَدِيثُ عَهْدٍ.]) And عَهْدِى بِهِ بِمَوْضِعِ كَذَا, (K, TA,) and فِى حَالِ كَذَا, (TA,) I met, or met with, or I knew, [or I saw,] him, or it, in such a place, (K, TA,) and in such a state, or condition. (TA.) And مَا لِى عَهْدٌ بِهِ [I have not any knowledge of, or acquaintance with, him, or it]. (A.) And مَتَى عَهْدُكَ بِفُلَانٍ When didst thou meet, or meet with, such a one? (Mgh:) or see such a one? (TA.) And مَتَى عَهْدُكَ بِالخُفِّ When didst thou wear the boots? (Mgh.) and مَتَى عَهْدُكَ بِأَسْفَلِ فِيكَ [When didst thou see the lower part of thy mouth?]: a prov.; said in asking a person respecting an old affair of which he has no knowledge. (L.) The saying of the poet, (Aboo-Khirásh El-Hudhalee, TA, and so in a copy of the S,) فَلَيْسَ كَعَهْدِ الدَّارِ يَا أُمَّ مَالِكٍ

وَلٰكِنْ أَحَاطَتْ بِالرِّقَابِ السَّلَاسِلُ [And it is not like the formerly-known state of the abode, O Umm-Málik; but chains have surrounded the necks;] is expl. as meaning, the case is not as thou knewest it; but El-Islám has come, and has subverted that case. (S, TA.) [Hence, لِلْعَهْدِ and ↓ لِلْمَعْهُودِ, said of the article اَلْ; meaning Used to distinguish a noun as known to the hearer, or reader, in a particular sense.]

A3: Also A first rain; the rain immediately following which is called وَلْىٌ: (TA:) or the first of the rain called الوَسْمِىُّ; (IAar, M, K;) and so ↓ عَهْدَةٌ and ↓ عِهْدَةٌ and ↓ عِهَادَةٌ, (M, K, TA,) or, as in some copies of the K [and in the CK], ↓ عِهَادٌ, which is pl. of عَهْدٌ. (TA.) b2: And Rain that falls after other rain, (AHn, S, K,) while the moisture of the former yet remains; (AHn, K;) as also ↓ عَهْدَةٌ and ↓ عِهْدَةٌ: (TA:) pl. عِهَادٌ and عُهُودٌ: (S:) or عِهَادٌ, accord. to some, signifies recent rains; app. from the saying, أَصَابَتْنَا دِيمَةٌ بِعْدَ دِيمَةٍ عَلَى عِهَادٍ

غَيْرِ قَدِيمَةٍ [A continuous and still rain fell upon us after a continuous and still rain following upon عهاد not long anterior]: (AHn, TA:) or عِهَادٌ signifies rains of the [season called] رَبِيع [here meaning autumn, as is shown voce نَوْءٌ], after the rain called الوَسْمِىّ: (A:) or weak, fine rain, of that which is called وَسْمِىّ. (IAar, TA.) b3: And عَامُ العُهُودِ means The year of few rains. (TA.) A4: See also عُهْدَةٌ, near the middle, in two places: A5: and see مَعْهَدٌ, in three places.

عَهِدٌ A man who applies himself repeatedly to affairs, and to prefectures or governments or the like; or who applies himself repeatedly thereto, and to the reforming thereof; expl. by the words يَتَعَاهَدُ الأُمُورَ وَالوِلَايَاتِ: (S, K:) or one who loves prefectures or the like, and writs of appointment thereto; expl. by مُحِبٌّ لِلْوِلَايَاتِ وَالعُهُودِ. (A.) عَهْدَةٌ: see عَهْدٌ, former half, in two places: A2: and again, in the last quarter, in two places.

A3: عهدة [thus written, without any syll. sign], in a verse cited by AHeyth, [the measure of which shows it to be عَهْدَةٌ or ↓ عُهْدَةٌ or ↓ عِهْدَةٌ, and in which it is applied to the depository of a secret,] is expl. as signifying [properly] A place on which the sun does not come. (TA.) عُهْدَةٌ A written statement of a purchase or sale: (S, Msb, K:) so called because one recurs to it on an occasion of doubt. (Msb.) And A written statement of a confederacy, league, compact, or covenant. (K.) b2: Also A return [to claim an indemnification for a fault or the like in a thing purchased]; syn. رَجْعَةٌ: so in the saying, لَا عُهْدَةَ [There shall be no return to claim an indemnification]: (S, O, K:) one says, أَبِيعُكَ المَلَسَى لَا عُهْدَةَ i. e. [I sell to thee on the condition that] thou shalt get thee away, and not return to me, (S in this art., and S and Msb and K in art. ملس,) nor have any claim upon me for indemnification: (Msb in art. ملس:) عُهْدَةٌ with respect to an article of merchandise being when it is sold in a faulty state or subject to a claim on the part of its owner. (TA. [See more voce مَلَسَى.]) One says also, عَلَيْكَ فِى

هٰذِهِ عُهْدَةٌ لَا تَتَفَصَّى مِنْهَا Thou art subject to a claim for acting unjustly [in respect of this, from which thou wilt not liberate thyself]. (A, TA.) And عُهْدَةُ الرَّقِيقِ ثَلَاثَةُ أَيَّامٍ The claim for indemnification for a fault in a slave, from the property of the seller, if he have sold him without making it a condition that he is clear of responsibility for any fault, is during three days, and the purchaser may return him without proof; but if he find a fault after three days, he may not return him without proof. (TA, from a trad.) And ↓ عَهْدٌ and عُهْدَةٌ signify the same: (TA:) you say, بَرِئْتُ

إِلَيْكَ مِنْ عُهْدَةِ هٰذَا العَبْدِ [and ↓ مِنْ عَهْدِهِ], meaning I am clear of responsibility to thee for any fault that thou mayest find in this slave known to exist in him while he was with me. (AHeyth, Mgh, TA.) See 4. And you say also, عُهْدَتُهُ عَلَى فُلَانٍ The responsibility for the rectification of any fault that may be found in him, or it, is upon such a one. (S, * Mgh, Msb, * K, * TA.) and فِى الأَمْرِ عُهْدَةٌ In the affair is an occasion for reverting to it for the purpose of its rectification; (Msb;) i. e. the affair is not yet performed soundly, thoroughly, or well, (S, O, Msb,) and the manager thereof has to revert to it in order to render it so. (Msb.) And فِيهِ عُهْدَةٌ In it is a fault, a defect, or an imperfection. (TA.) and فِى عَقْلِهِ عُهْدَةٌ In his intellect is a weakness. (S, A, O, K.) And فِى خَطِّهِ عُهْدَةٌ In his handwriting is a weakness: (K:) or badness: (A:) or faulty formation of the letters. (O.) A2: See also عَهْدَةٌ.

عِهْدَةٌ: see عَهْدٌ, last quarter, in two places: A2: and see also عَهْدَةٌ.

عِهْدَانٌ: see عَهْدٌ, in three places.

عِهَادٌ: see عَهْدٌ, near the end of the paragraph. b2: Also Parts of land upon which the rain called الوَسْمِىّ has fallen. (TA.) عَهِيدٌ One who makes, and with whom is made, a compact, a contract, a covenant, an agreement, a confederacy, a league, a treaty, or an engagement; [a confederate;] (S, O;) i. q. ↓ مُعَاهِدٌ [and ↓ مُعَاهَدٌ]. (A, K.) A2: Also Old, or ancient. (K.) قَرْيَةٌ عَهِيدَةٌ means An old, or ancient, town or village. (S, O.) عِهَادَةٌ: see عَهْدٌ, last quarter.

عُهَيْدَى and عُهَّيْدَى: see عَهْدٌ, first quarter.

مَعْهَدٌ A place in which one used to know, or be acquainted with, or meet with, a thing; (S, A, O;) a place in which a thing is, or has been, known, or met with; as also ↓ عَهْدٌ; (K;) the latter originally an inf. n.: (TA:) an abode in which one used to know love, or desire: (TA:) and, as also ↓ عَهْدٌ, a place of abode to which people return: (A:) or a place of abode to which people, when they have gone far away from it, always return: (S, O:) pl. of the former مَعَاهِدُ. (A.) One says, الأَحِبَّةِ ↓ اِسْتَوْقَفَ الرَّكْبَ عَلَى عَهْدِ and عَلَى مَعْهَدِهِمْ [He asked the company of riders to stop at the place where he used to know, or meet, the objects of love; or] at the abode to which the objects of love used to return. (A.) أَرْضٌ مُعَهَّدَةٌ Land upon which a partial rain has fallen. (Az, O, K. *) مَعْهُودٌ Known. (S, O.) مَعْهُودٌ وَمَشْهُودٌ وَمَوْعُودٌ, as meaning Past and present and future, are applied to denote the tenses of a verb. (Kh, L.) See also عَهْدٌ, last quarter.

A2: Also, applied to a place, (K,) and, with ة, to a land, (أَرْضٌ, S,) and to a meadow, (رَوْضَةٌ, A,) Rained upon by the rain called عَهْدٌ (S, * K) or عَهْدَةٌ. (A.) مُعَاهِدٌ and مُعَاهَدٌ: see عَهِيدٌ: and see also عَهْدٌ, former half. معاهد [i. e. either the act. or the pass. part. n.] is mostly applied in the trads. to A person of the class called أَهْلُ الذِّمَّةِ [or أَهْلُ العَهْدِ, expl. voce عَهْدٌ]: but sometimes it is applied also to any other of the unbelievers with whom one is on terms of peace, or with whom peace has been made, for a definite time. (L.)



1 عَجَرَ عُنُقَهُ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَجْرٌ, He bent his neck, (ISk, S, O, K, TA,) and twisted it: said of one who desires not to comply with a command to do a thing: or عَجَرَ عُنُقَهُ إِلَى كَذَا وَكَذَا [he bent, and twisted, his neck, turning towards such and such things,] is said of one who is going in a particular direction, and returns from it to a thing behind him which he is forbidden: so in the Nawádir el-Aaráb. (TA.) b2: And one says, عَجَرَ بِهِ بَعِيرُهُ as though meaning His camel returned with him towards his usual associates and his family when he was desiring to ride him in a particular direction; as also عَكَرَ بِهِ. (ISk, S, O.) [See also the latter verb.] b3: And عَجَرَ الفَرَسُ, (S, O,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَجْرٌ and عَجَرَانٌ, (O,) The horse extended [or, accord. to an explanation of the act. part. n. in the L, raised] his tail towards his عَجُز [or. croup] in running. (S, O.) b4: and hence, (S,) مَرَّ الفَرَسُ يَعْجِرُ (S, O, K *) and يَعْجُرُ, (so in one of my copies of the S, and accord. to the TA,) inf. n. عَجْرٌ (S, K) and عَجَرَانٌ, (K,) The horse went along swiftly, (S, O, K, *) by reason of briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness, (O,) or from fear and the like: and ↓ مُعَاجَرَةٌ is syn. with the inf. ns. of يَعْجِرُ used in this sense: (K:) [so that one says in like manner ↓ مَرَّ يُعَاجِرُ:] and one says also, الرَّجُلُ الرَّجُلَ ↓ عاجر, meaning The man ran before the man, fleeing. (O, TA.) b5: عَجَرَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَجْرٌ, said of an ass, is syn. with قَمَصَ [app. as meaning He raised his fore legs together and put them down together, and beat the ground with his kind legs]: (K, TA:) and a similar action is signified by the phrase يَعْجِرُ بِرِجْلَيْهِ, inf. n. عَجَرَانٌ, [app. meaning He beats the ground with his kind legs, rearing while doing so], said of a horse. (TA.) A2: عَجَرَهُ بِالعَجْرَآءِ He beat him, or struck him, with the knotted staff or stick, so that the place struck became swollen; as also بَجَرَهُ. (O.) b2: and عَجَرْتُ الشَّىْءَ I clave, or split, the thing. (IKtt, TA.) b3: And عَجَرَ عَلَيْهِ بِالسَّيْفِ, (S, O, K, *) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَجْرٌ, (K,) He made an assault, or attack, upon him with the sword. (S, O, K. *) b4: عَجَرْتُ عَلَيْهِ, (Sh, O, K, *) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَجْرٌ, (K,) is also syn. with حَجَرْتُ عَلَيْهِ [meaning I prohibited him from using, or disposing of, his property according to his own free will]. (Sh, O, K. *) b5: And عَجْرٌ is also syn. with إِلْحَاحٌ; in which sense, as in others, its aor. is said in the K to be يَعْجِرُ; but this is not the case, for the verb is used only in the pass. form: you say, عُجِرَ عَلَى

الرَّجُلِ, meaning The man was importuned for his property, or was asked for it by many persons, so that it became little. (TA.) One says رَجُلٌ عَلَيْهِ ↓ مَعْجُورٌ meaning A man importuned by begging so that all his property has been taken from him. (K, * TA.) A3: One says also, عَجَرَ الرَّجُلُ بِثَوْبِهِ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ [app. meaning The man wound his garment upon his head: see 8]. (TA.) b2: And hence, عَجَرَ الرِّيقُ عَلَى أَنْيَابِهِ (tropical:) The saliva became dry upon his canine teeth, and stuck. (TA.) A4: عَجِرَ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـَ inf. n. عَجَرٌ, (S,) He (a man, S) was, or became, thick and fat. (S, O, K.) And عَجِرَ, (K,) inf. n. عَجَرٌ, (S, O,) He (a man, S, O) was, or became, bigbellied. (S, O, K.) b2: Also He (a horse) was, or became, hard (K, TA) in his flesh. (TA.) And عَجِرَ, inf. n. عَجَرٌ and عُجْرَةٌ, It (a solid hoof, and the belly,) was, or became, hard. (IKtt, TA.) [See also عَجَرٌ below.]3 عاجر, inf. n. مُعَاجَرَةٌ: see 1, in three places.5 تعجّر said of the belly (S, O) of a man, (S,) It became wrinkled by reason of fatness. (S, O.) 8 اعتجرت She (a woman) bound a مِعْجَر [q. v.] upon her head; (S;) she attired herself with the مِعْجَر: (O, Msb:) or with a خِمَار: (Mgh:) اِعْتِجَارٌ is a mode of attiring peculiar to a woman, (K, TA,) resembling that termed اِلْتِحَافٌ. (TA.) b2: And اعتجر He wound a turban round his head: (IF, S, Mgh, O, Msb:) and he wound a turban (or a piece of cloth, TA) upon his head without turning [a portion of] it beneath his lower jaw; (Az, El-Ghooree, Mgh, K, * TA;) as also اِقْتَعَطَ: the winding it in which manner [and so wearing it] in prayer, is forbidden: but another explanation, which is, he wound the turban upon his head so as to show the هَامَة [or crown of the head], is more probable; as it is from مِعْجَرٌ, meaning “ a piece of a cloth, like a fillet, wound upon the round of a woman's head. ” (Mgh.) One says, ↓ هُوَ حَسَنُ المُعْتَجَرِ He is comely in respect of the manner of winding the turban upon the head. (A.) [See also عِجْرَةٌ: and see مُعْتَجِرٌ.] b3: One says also اعتجرت بِغُلَامٍ, or بِجَارِيَةٍ, meaning (tropical:) She brought forth a boy, or a girl, after she had despaired of her giving birth to a child. (O, K, TA.) عَجَرٌ inf. n. of عَجِرَ [q. v.]. (S.) b2: Also Projection, protrusion, prominence, or protuberance, and elevation. (S, O, TA.) b3: And Strength, with greatness of body. (TA.) عَجُرٌ: see what next follows.

عَجِرٌ and ↓ عَجُرٌ, applied to a وَظِيف [or shank of a beast], (S, O, K,) Thick; (S, O;) as also ↓ أَعْجَرُ: (O:) or hard, (K, * TA,) and strong; and in like manner applied to a solid hoof, and to a pastern. (TA.) b2: And for another meaning of the first of the words, see أَعْجَرُ.

عُجْرَةٌ A place of projection, protrusion, prominence, or protuberance, and elevation. (A, * K * TA.) b2: [A protuberance; a knob; a lump.]

b3: A knot in wood, (S, Mgh, O, K,) and the like, (K,) or in other things: (Mgh:) or in the veins of the body: (S:) or a knotted vein in the body; and بُجْرَةٌ, with which it is coupled, “a knotted vein in the belly,” particularly: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) or the former, a thing that collects in the body, like a ganglion (سِلْعَة); (As, O, TA;) and the latter signifies the like: (As, TA:) or, as some say, عُجَرٌ, which is the pl., signifies the vertebræ of the back: (IAth, TA:) or عُجْرَةٌ signifies a tumour, or swelling, or an inflation, in the back; and بُجْرَةٌ, the like in the navel. (TA.) [See also بُجْرَةٌ.] b4: Hence, one says, ذَكَرَ عُجَرَهُ وَبُجَرَهُ (tropical:) He mentioned his vices, or faults, which no one knew save he who tried him, or tested him: (TA:) or his external and internal conditions; what he showed and what he concealed. (IAth, TA.) And أَفَضَيْتُ إِلَيْهِ بِعُجَرِى وَبُجَرِى (tropical:) I revealed to him my vices, or faults, by reason of my confidence in him: (A 'Obeyd, O, TA:) or I acquainted him with my whole state, or case; not concealing from him anything thereof. (As, TA.) And أُحَدِّثُهُ بِعُجَرِى وَبُجَرِى (tropical:) I relate to him my vices, or faults. (TA.) And يَشْكُو عُجَرَهُ وَبُجَرَهُ (tropical:) He complains of his vices, or faults, or the like: and of his sorrows: and of what is apparent and what is concealed. (K, * TA. [In the CK, اُبْدِرَ is put by mistake for أُبْدِىَ.]) One says also, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِالعُجَرِ وَالبُجَرِ (assumed tropical:) i. e. [Such a one uttered] falsehood: or a great, or terrible, thing. (Fr, TA.) [See, again, بُجْرَةٌ.] b5: عُجْرَةٌ also signifies The mark made upon the waist by the running string of the drawers. (A, TA.) To this a poet likens the mark made by a blunt sword. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) b6: And one says, السَّيْفٌ فِى فِرِنْدِهِ عُجَرٌ [The sword has, in its diversified wavy marks, what resemble knots]. (TA.) عِجْرَةٌ A mode of winding the turban upon the head. (S, O.) One says, فُلَانٌ حَسَنُ العِجْرَةِ [Such a one is comely in respect of the mode of winding the turban upon the head]. (O. [See also 8.]) عِجَارٌ: see مِعْجَرٌ.

عَجُورٌ [A species of melon: accord. to Forskål, (Flora Aegypt. Arab., pp. lxxvi. and 168,) this name and عبدلّاوى are both applied to the cucumis chate: but accord. to Delile, (Floræ Aegypt. Illustr., no. 922,) the latter name is thus applied; and عجور (written by him as though it were عَجُّور, but it is without teshdeed,) is the name of the fruit of this species of cucumis while immature; so too says 'Abd-El-Lateef: (see De Sacy's Transl. and Notes, pp. 35 and 127; and p. 54 of the Ar. Text edited by White:) I have, however, found the name عَجُور to be commonly applied to a species different from the عَبْدَلَّاوِىّ, (which is also called عَبْدَلِّىّ, see art. عبد,) as Sonnini asserts it to be, (in his Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, pp. 574 and 636 of the Engl. Transl., 4to., London, 1800,) and differing therefrom in shape, being, as he describes it, in some instances round, in some instances oval, and in others much elongated: the name is probably derived from the Greek ἀγγούριον (in modern Greek a>ggouri), signifying the “ water-melon ”]: it is said in the Msb that قِثَّآء is a name of what the [common] people call خِيَار and عَجُور and فَقُّوس: but it is said [by some, not by the author of the Msb,] that عَجُور signifies large قِثَّآء [q. v.]. (TA in art. قثأ.) أَعْجَرُ, applied to a man, (S, O,) Thick and fat: (K:) big-bellied: (S, O, K:) a stallion big, or bulky: (S, O:) and a belly, (TA,) and a purse, (S, O,) full: (S, O, TA:) pl. عُجْرٌ. (TA.) See also عَجِرٌ. b2: Anything having knots: (TA:) and so ↓ عَجِرٌ applied to a string, or thread: (Ham p. 815:) and the former, knotty, or having many knots. (TA.) [Hence,] عَجْرَآءُ [for عَصًا عَجْرَآءُ] A staff, or stick, knotted, or having knots. (A, O, K.) One says, ضَرَبَهُ بِعَجْرَآءَ مِنْ سَلَمٍ [He beat him, or struck him, with a knotted staff, or stick, of wood of the سَلَم]. (TA.) b3: It is also applied to a sword [as meaning Having, in its diversified wavy marks, what resemble knots: see عُجْرَةٌ, and see also the paragraph next following this]. (TA.) b4: Also Hump-backed. (Fr, O, TA.) سَيْفٌ ذُو مَعْجَرٍ فِى مَتْنِهِ A sword having what resemble knots [in the diversified wavy marks of the broad side of its blade: see also the next preceding paragraph]. (TA.) مِعْجَرٌ (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عِجَارٌ (S, Msb, TA, in the O [erroneously] written مِعْجَار,] A piece of cloth (Msb, K, TA) which is bound upon the head, (K, TA,) smaller than the رِدَآء, (Msb, TA,) and large than the مِقْنَعَة, (TA,) worn by a woman: (Msb:) a thing which a woman binds upon her head: (S:) a piece of cloth, (Lth, Mgh, O, Msb, L,) like a fillet, (Mgh, Msb,) which a woman winds upon the round of her head, (Lth, Mgh, O, Msb, L,) after which she puts on, over it, her [garment, or covering, called] جِلْبَاب; (Lth, O, L:) [it is also said that]

مِعْجَرٌ signifies a turban: or a turban [wound] upon the head without a turning [of a portion thereof] beneath the jaw: (Ham p. 709:) its pl. is مَعَاجِرُ: whence الاِعْتِجَارُ. (L, TA.) b2: and مِعْجَرٌ signifies also A kind of garment, or cloth, of the fabric of El-Yemen, (Lth, K, TA,) used as the لِحَاف or مِلْحَفَة and the رِدَآء: pl. as above. (TA.) b3: And A thing woven of [the fibres of the palm-tree called] لِيف, like the جُوَالِق: (K:) pl. as above. (TA.) مُعَجَّرٌ, applied to a rope, or to a bow-string: see مُجَرَّعٌ and مُحَرَّدٌ, with which it is syn. مَعْجُورٌ عَلَيْهِ: see 1, last quarter.

مُعْتَجَرٌ: see 8, of which it is an inf. n. مُعْتَجِرٌ is expl. as meaning A man wearing his turban as a نِقَاب [q. v.], so that [a portion of] it covers his nose [and the lower part of his face]. (Mgh.) [See also its verb, 8.]



1 عَصَرَهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ (O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَصْرٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ اعتصرهُ; (S, O, Msb, K;) [He pressed it, or squeezed it, so as to force out, i. e. he expressed, its juice, sirup, honey, oil, water, or moisture;] he extracted, or fetched out by labour or art [i. e. by pressure or wringing], (Msb, K,) its water, or juice, or the like, (Msb,) or what was in it, (K,) namely, what was in grapes, (S, Msb, K,) and the like, (Msb, K,) of things having oil, or sirup, or honey: (TA:) or عَصَرَهُ signifies he performed that act himself; (K;) as also ↓ عصّرهُ, inf. n. تَعْصِيرٌ: (Sgh, TA:) or the latter, he superintended the pressing thereof, i. e., of grapes: (O:) and ↓ اعتصرهُ, he had it done for him: (K:) or this last, he did it for another, or others: (Mgh, as implied by an explanation of مُعْتَصِرٌ:) and عَصِيرًا ↓ اعتصر he prepared expressed juice or the like. (S, O.) [See also 8 below.] عُصْرَ is used as a contraction of عُصِرَ. (S, O.) b2: [Hence,] عَصَرَ الثَّوْبَ, inf. n. as above, He wrung out the water of the garment, or piece of cloth; he forced out its water by wringing it. (Msb.) b3: And عَصَرَ الدُّمَّلَ لِتَخْرُجَ مِدَّتُهُ [He squeezed, or pressed, the pustule in order that its thick purulent matter might come forth]. (Msb.) b4: And عَصَرَ حَلْقَهُ [He squeezed his throat]. (Mgh and Msb in art. خنق.) b5: and عَصَرَ, aor. ـِ (assumed tropical:) He took, or collected, the produce of the earth: from the same verb in the first of the senses expl. above: and hence, accord. to Abu-l-Ghowth, in the Kur [xii. 49], وَفَيهِ يَعْصِرُونَ (assumed tropical:) And in it they shall take, or collect, the produce of the earth: (S:) or the meaning is, and in it they shall press grapes, or olives, or the like: or they shall milk the udders. (Bd.) [And there are other explanations, which see below.]

A2: عُصِرُوا, (S, IKtt, O,) or ↓ أُعْصِرُوا, (O, K,) They were rained upon; they had rain; syn. مُطِرُوا, (S, O,) or أُمْطِرُوا [which is less correct]. (IKtt, K.) Hence, in the Kur [ubi suprà], accord. to one reading, وَفِيهِ يُعْصَرُونَ [And in it they shall have rain]. (S, O.) [See also above, and below.]

A3: عَصَرَهُ also signifies He saved him; preserved him: and hence, in the Kur [ubi suprà], accord. to one reading, وَفِيهِ يُعْصَرُونَ [And in it they shall be saved, or preserved]. (Bd.) b2: Hence also, perhaps, the other reading, وَفِيهِ يُعْصِرُونَ And in it they shall aid, or succour, one another. (Bd.) b3: See also 8, last quarter, in two places.

A4: Also, عَصَرَهُ, (O, TA,) inf. n. عَصْرٌ, (O, K, TA,) It [or he] withheld, hindered, or prevented, him: (O, K, * TA:) one says, مَا عَصَرَكَ What withheld, hindered, or prevented, thee? (O, TA.) And He refused, and withheld, it; (K, * TA;) namely, anything. (TA.) [See also 8, which signifies the same.] b2: And عَصَرَهُ, (K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. عَصْرٌ, He gave (O, K, TA) to him. (K, TA.) Thus it has two contr. significations. (IKtt, TA.) Tarafeh says, لَوْ كَانَ فِى أَمْلَاكِنَا أَحَدٌ يَعْصِرُ فِينَا كَالَّذِى تَعْصِرُ (S, O, TA, but in the S with مَلِكٌ in the place of أَحَدٌ,) i. e. [If there were, or would that there were, among our kings one] giving to us the like of what thou givest: (TA:) and another reading is, مِثْلَ مَا تَعْصِرُ; (O;) and it is expl. (by A'Obeyd, TA) as meaning, doing to us benefits (O, TA) like as thou dost: (O:) but Aboo-Sa'eed relates it thus; يُعْصَرُ فِينَا كالَّذِى تُعْصَرُ i. e. يُصَابُ مِنْهُ [app. from عَصَرَ signifying “ he pressed ” grapes and the like; and thus meaning, (assumed tropical:) from whom is gotten, among us, like what is gotten from thee; or, as it may be less freely rendered, who has his bounty drawn forth, among us, like as thou hast thine drawn forth]; and he disallowed the reading [يَعْصِرُ and] تَعْصِرُ. (TA.) See also 8, first quarter.

A5: See also 4, second sentence: b2: and last two sentences.

A6: And see the paragraph here following.2 عَصَّرَ see 1: A2: and see also 4, second sentence.

A3: عصّر الزَّرْعُ, inf. n. تَعْصِيرٌ; (K, TA;) but in the Tekmileh written الزَّرْعُ ↓ عَصَرَ, without teshdeed; (TA;) The corn put forth its glumes: (K, TA:) app. from عَصَرٌ meaning “ a place of protection: ”

i. e. [the rudiments of its ears] became protected in its glumes. (TA.) 3 عاصر فُلَانًا, inf. n. مُعَاصَرَةٌ and عِصَارٌ, He was contemporary with such a one: or he attained to, or reached, the time of such a one. (O, TA.) Hence the saying, المُعَاصَرَةُ مُعَاسَرَةٌ وَالمُعَاصِرُ لَا يُنَاصِرُ [The being contemporary is an occasion of hard, or harsh, treatment; and the contemporary will not render reciprocal aid to his fellow]. (TA. [But I have substituted معاسرة for معاصرة, which latter seems to have been written by mistake for the former.]) A2: See also 8, last quarter.4 اعصر He (a man, TA) entered upon the time called العَصْر: (K, TA:) and also he entered upon the evening, or last part of the day; like اقصر. (TA.) b2: And اعصرت, (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ عصّرت, (K,) so in all the copies of the K, but in a copy of the Tahdheeb of IKtt ↓ عَصَرَتْ, without tesh-deed, (TA,) (tropical:) She (a girl, S, Msb, or woman, K) attained the عَصْر of her youth, (TA,) or [simply] attained the period of her youth, (K,) and arrived at the age of puberty: (K, TA:) or entered upon the time of puberty, and began to have the menstrual discharge; (S, O;) because of her womb's being pressed; (O;) or as though she entered upon the عَصْر of her youth: (S, O, TA:) or she attained the age of puberty: (S, IKtt:) or she had the menstrual discharge: (Msb:) or she entered upon the time of that discharge: (K:) or she approached that time; for, said of a girl, it is like رَاهَقَ said of a boy; accord. to Abu-lGhowth el-Aarábee: (S:) or she approached the age of twenty: (K:) or she became confined in the house, (K,) and had a retreat (عَصَرٌ) appointed for her, (TA,) at the time of her having the menstrual discharge: (K:) or she brought forth; (K;) in which sense it is of the dial. of Azd. (TA.) The woman, or girl, is termed ↓ مُعْصِرٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مُعْصِرَةٌ, with ة: (IDrd, O, TA:) pl. مَعاصِرٌ (S, K) and مَعَاصِيرُ. (K.) A2: أَعْصَرَتِ السَّحَائِبُ (assumed tropical:) The clouds were at the point of having rain pressed forth from them by the winds. (O, and Bd in lxxviii. 14. [But see مُعْصِرٌ.]) b2: أُعْصِرُوا: see 1.

A3: اعصرت الرِّيحُ, (O, TA,) and ↓ عَصَرَت, (TA,) The wind brought what is termed إِعْصَار [q. v. infrà.]. (O, TA.) And you say also, الرِّيحُ بِالتُّرَابِ فِى الهَوَآءِ ↓ عَصَرَتِ [The wind raised the dust into the air in the form of a pillar]. (TA.) 5 تعصّر: see 7: A2: and 8, latter half.

A3: I. q.

تَعَسَّرَ [it was, or became, difficult, strait, or intricate]. (TA.) A4: (tropical:) He wept. (A.) 7 انعصر quasi-pass. of 1 in the first of the senses expl. above; [It became pressed, or squeezed, so that its juice, sirup, honey, oil, water, or moisture, was forced out; its juice, or the like, became extracted, or fetched out by labour or art, i. e. by pressure or wringing;] (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تعصّر. (S, O, K.) b2: You say also, انعصر الخِنَاقُ فِى حَلْقِهِ [The strangling-rope, or the like, became compressed upon his throat]. (TA in art. خنق.) 8 اعتصرهُ: see عَصَرَهُ, in three places. b2: [Hence, app.,] اعتصر (tropical:) He voided his ordure. (O, K, * TA.) [See the act. part. n., below.] b3: And اعتصر بِالمَآءِ (assumed tropical:) He swallowed the water by little and little in order that some food by which he was choked might be made to descend easily in his throat. (S, O, K.) b4: And اعتصر مَالَهُ (tropical:) He extracted, or extorted, his property from his hand, or possession: (S, Msb, TA:) from the same verb as syn. with عَصَرَ expl. in the beginning of this art.: (Msb:) he took forth his property for a debt or for some other reason: (K, * TA:) and اعتصر, (assumed tropical:) he took; (K;) as also ↓ عَصَرَ, aor. ـِ (TA:) (assumed tropical:) he took of, or from, a thing: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) he got, and took, of, or from, a thing: (S, as implied in an explanation of the act. part. n.:) (assumed tropical:) he got a thing from a person: (L:) or, accord. to El-'Itreefee, (assumed tropical:) he took the property of his son for himself; or he suffered the property of his son to remain in his (the latter's) possession: you do not say اعتصر فُلَانٌ مَالَ فُلَانٍ [such a one took for himself the property of such a one] unless he be a relation to him: [you say so of a father:] and of a boy you say, اعتصر مَالَ أَبِيهِ, meaning, (assumed tropical:) he took the property of his father. (TA.) [See اعتسر.] And بِالمَالِ ↓ اعتصر العَصَّارُ [or المَالَ?

i. e. (tropical:) The extorter, or exacter, extorted, or exacted the property]. (A, TA.) b5: Also اعتصر, (tropical:) He took back a gift: (A, Mgh, L, TA:) in the K, the inf. n. is expl. by اِنْتِجَاعُ العَطِيَّةِ; but in the L, the verb is expl. by اِرْتَجَعَ العَطِيَّةَ, [and in like manner in the A and Mgh,] and رَجَعَ فِيهَا: (TA:) (assumed tropical:) he revoked, recalled, or retracted, the gift; syn. اِرْتَجَعَ, (Mgh, O,) and اِسْتَرَدَّ. (Mgh.) Hence the trad. of 'Omar, الوَالِدُ يَعْتَصِرُ وَلَدَهُ فِيمَا

أَعْطَاهُ وَلَيْسَ لِلْوَلَدِ أَنْ يَعْتَصِرَ مِنْ وَالِدِهِ, i. e., (tropical:) The father may take from his child what he has given him; [but it is not for the child to take from his father what he has given him.] (Mgh, O.) But as to the trad. of Esh-Shaabee, يَعْتَصِرُ الوَالِدُ عَلَى

وَلَدِهِ فِى مَالِهِ [(tropical:) The father may take back what he has given to his child], the verb is made trans. by means of على because it implies the meaning of يَرْجِعُ عَلَيْهِ, and يَعُودُ عَلَيْهِ: (IAth, Mgh, O: *) or this latter trad. means, the father may forbid his child his property, and withhold it from him: (S:) and [in like manner] the former trad., the father may withhold his child from giving his property, and forbid it to him: (TA:) for اعتصر also signifies he prevented, hindered, withheld, or refused; syn. مَنَعَ. (K, TA.) Hence, اِعْتِصَارُ الصَّدَقَةِ [The withholding, or refusing, the poorrate]. (TA.) [See also 1.] b6: اعتصر also signifies (assumed tropical:) He was niggardly, or avaricious, (K, TA,) عَلَيْهِ towards him. (TA.) A2: اعتصر بِهِ; (S, A, K;) and به ↓ تعصّر, (S, K,) or إِلَيْهِ; (O;) and به ↓ عَصَرَ, inf. n. عَصْرٌ; (TA;) and ↓ عاصرهُ; (A;) (tropical:) He had recourse to him for refuge, protection, or preservation; (S, A, K;) and sought, desired, or asked, aid, or succour, of him. (A.) In the Kur [xii. 49], ↓ وَفِيهِ تُعْصَرُونَ [sic], which is one reading, is expl. by Lth as signifying And in it ye shall have recourse for refuge, or protection; but Az disapproves of this: (TA:) [the common reading] وفيه يَعْصِرُونَ, accord. to AO, (so in one copy of the S,) or A'Obeyd, (as in another copy of the S,) signifies and in it they shall be safe; from عُصْرَةٌ signifying “ a cause, or means, of safety: ” (S:) or they shall be safe from trial, or affliction, and shall preserve themselves by plenty, or fruitfulness. (TA.) عَصْرٌ [which is the most common form] and ↓ عُصُرٌ (S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عُصْرٌ (S, A, O, K) and ↓ عِصْرٌ (A, O, K) i. q. دَهْرٌ [as meaning Time; or a time; or a space or period of time]; (S, A, O, Msb, K;) or any unlimited extent of time, during which peoples pass away and become extinct; (Esh-Shiháb, in the “ Sharh esh-Shifè; ”) [a succession of ages:] such is said by Fr to be its meaning in the Kur ciii. l: (TA:) pl. (of pauc., O) أَعْصُرٌ (O, K) and أَعْصَارٌ; (K;) and [of mult.] عُصُورٌ (S, O, K) and عُصُرٌ. (K.) You say, مَا فَعَلْتُهُ عَصْرًا, and بِعَصْرٍ, I did it not in its time. (A.) And ↓ جَآءُ لٰكِنَّ لَمْ يَجِئْ لِعُصْرٍ He came, but he came not at the [proper] time of coming. (Az, O, K: but Az relates it without لكنّ. TA.) And ↓ نَامَ وَمَا نَامَ لِعُصْرٍ, (K,) or, accord. to Az and Sgh and the author of the L and others, ما ↓ نام عُصْرًا, (TA,) He slept, but hardly, or scarcely, slept. (Az, K, &c.) And نَامَ فُلَانٌ وَلَمْ يَنَمْ عَصْرًا, and بِعَصْرٍ, Such a one slept, but slept not during a [considerable period of] time, or day; (A;) agreeably with other significations, here following. (TA.) b2: عَصْرٌ also signifies An hour, or a time, (سَاعَةٌ,) of the day. (Katádeh, O.) b3: A day: (K:) [or day, as opposed to night:] and a night: (K:) [or night, as opposed to day:] also the morning, before, or after, sunrise; syn. غَدَاةٌ: and the afternoon; or evening; or last part of the day; until the sun becomes red; as also ↓ عَصَرٌ, (IDrd, K.) Hence, العَصْرَانِ The night and the day: (O, TA:) or night and day: (Msb:) and the morning, before, or after, sunrise, and the afternoon or evening; or the first part of the day and the last part thereof: الغَدَاةُ وَالعَشِىُّ. (ISk, S, O, Msb.) [See also الأَبْرَدَانِ.] A poet says, وَأَمْطُلُهُ العَصْرَيْنِ حَتَّى يَمَلُّنِى

وَيَرْضَى بِنِصْفِ الدَّيْنِ وَالأَنْفُ رَاغِمُ [And I put him off, delaying the payment of his debt, morning and evening, or from morning to evening, so that he loathes me, and is content with half of the debt, though unwilling]: meaning, when he comes to me in the first part of the day, I promise to pay him in the last part of it: (ISk, S:) or, accord. to Sgh, the right reading (instead of والانف راغم) is فِى غَيْرِ نَائِلِ [without liberality]: and the verse is by 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr El-Asadee. (TA.) b4: Hence also (S, O) صَلَاةُ العَصْرِ, (S, O, Msb,) and ↓ صلاة العَصَرِ, (O, TA,) fem. only, and simply العَصْرُ, [and ↓ العَصَرُ,] mase. and fem., (Msb,) [The prayer of afternoon; the time of which commences about mid-time between noon and nightfall; or accord. to the Shá-fi'ees, Málikees, and Hambelees, when the shade of an object, cast by the sun, is equal to the length of that object, added to the length of the shade which the same object casts at noon; and accord. to the Hanafees, when the shadow is equal to twice the length of the object added to the length of its mid-day shadow: its end being sunset, or the time when the sun becomes red:] so called because performed in one of the عَصْرَانِ, i. e., in the last portion of the day: (O:) also called الصَّلَاةُ الوَسْطَى [accord. to some], because it is between the two prayers of the day [that of daybreak and that of noon] and the two prayers of the night [that of sunset and that of nightfall]: (Abu-l-'Abbás:) pl. [of pauc.] أَعْصُرٌ; and [of mult.] عُصُورٌ. (Msb.) [And hence likewise,] العَصْرَانِ is applied in a trad. to The prayer of daybreak and that of the عَصْر; one being made predominant over the other; (Msb, TA;) as is the case in القَمَرَانِ applied to the sun and the moon; (TA;) or they are so called because they are performed at the two extremities of the عَصْرَانِ, meaning the night and the day; (Msb, TA;) but the former is the more likely. (TA.) [See an ex. of the dim., العُصَيْرُ, voce مُرْهِقَة, in art. رهق.]

b5: You say also, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ عَصْرًا, meaning Such a one came late. (Ks, S, O.) A2: See also عَصِيرٌ. b2: عَصْرٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Rain from the [clouds called] مُعْصِرَات. (K.) A3: Also A man's [near kinsfolk such as are termed his] رَهْط and عَشِيرَة: (O, K, * TA:) or his عَصَبَة [q. v.]. (TA.) عُصْرٌ: see عَصْرٌ, in four places.

A2: And see also عَصَرٌ.

عِصْرٌ: see عَصْرٌ.

عَصَرٌ: see عَصْرٌ, in three places.

A2: Also A place to which one has recourse for refuge, protection, preservation, concealment, covert, or lodging; a place of refuge; an asylum; a refuge: (S, O, K:) and a cause, or means, of safety; syn. مَنْجَاةٌ: (S, K:) as also ↓ عُصْرٌ (K) and ↓ عُصْرَةٌ (S, O, TA) and ↓ مُعَصَّرٌ (O, K) and ↓ مُعْتَصَرٌ (TA) and ↓ عُصُرٌ, from which عُصْرٌ is said to be contracted, (TA,) [and ↓ عَصِيرَةٌ.] You say, ↓ زَيْدٌ عُصْرَتِى and ↓ عَصِيرَتِى and ↓ مَعْتَصَرِى (tropical:) [Zeyd is my refuge]. (A.) A3: Also Dust; or dust raised and spreading; syn. غُبَارٌ: (S, O, K:) or vehement dust; (TA;) which latter is also the signification of ↓ عِصَارٌ and ↓ عَصَرَةٌ: (O, K, TA:) or this last, or, accord. to some, ↓ عُصْرَةٌ, has the former signification. (L.) It is said in a trad., مَرَّتِ امْرَأَةٌ مُتَطَيِّبَةٌ لِذَيْلِهَا عَصَرٌ, (S, O,) or ↓ عُصْرَةٌ.

or, as some relate it, ↓ عَصَرَةٌ, (l.,) A perfumed woman passed by, her skirt having a dust proceeding from it, (S, A, L,) occasioned by her dragging it along [upon the ground], (l.,) or occasioned by the abundance of the perfume: (A:) or ↓ عَصَرَةٌ may mean (tropical:) an exhalation of perfume: (L, TA: *) [for] it has this meaning also: (IDrd, O:) but accord. to one relation, it is إِعْصَارٌ, (L,) which also signifies dust raised by wind. (TA.) عُصُرٌ: see عَصْرٌ: A2: and see عَصَرٌ.

عُصْرَةٌ [app., A thing from which water or the like may, or may almost, be expressed, or wrung out]. You say, بَلَّ المَطَرُ ثِيَابَهُ حَتَّى صَارَتْ عُصْرَةً

The rain wetted his clothes so that their water was almost wrung out. (TA.) A2: See also عَصَرٌ, in four places.

A3: Also i. q. دِنْيَةٌ: one says, هٰؤُلَآءِ مَوَالِينَا عُصْرَةً i. e. دِنْيَةً [These are sons of our paternal uncle, or the like, closely related], exclusively of others: (S, O:) and so قُصْرَةً. (TA.) عَصَرَةٌ: see عَصَرٌ, in three places.

عُصَارٌ: see عُصَارَةٌ.

عِصَارٌ: see عَصَرٌ, and إِعْصَارٌ.

عَصُورٌ: see عَاصِرٌ.

عَصِيرٌ i. q. ↓ مَعْصُورٌ [Pressed, or squeezed, or wrung, so that its juice, sirup, honey, oil, water, or moisture, is forced out]; (K;) as also ↓ عَصْرٌ. (TA.) See also عُصَارَةٌ, in two places.

عُصَارَةٌ Expressed juice or the like; what flows (S, O, Msb, K) from grapes and the like, (Msb, K,) of things having oil or sirup or honey, (TA,) on pressure or squeezing or wringing; (IDrd, S, O, Msb, TA;) [an extract; but properly, such as is expressed;] as also ↓ عَصِيرٌ (Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ عُصَارٌ; (K;) or, as some say, عُصَارٌ is a pl. of [or rather a coll. gen. n. of which the n. un. is]

عُصَارَةٌ. (TA.) b2: Also What remains of dregs, after pressing to force out the juice or the like. (S, O, TA.) b3: Also The choice part, or the refuse, (نُقَايَة [which has these two contr. significations]) of a thing. (TA.) b4: Also (tropical:) The produce (IF, A, O) of a land. (A.) b5: وَلَدُ فُلَانٍ عُصَارَةُ كَرَمٍ and مِنْ عُصَارَاتِ الكَرَمِ [means (tropical:) The children of such a one are of generous race, or of generous disposition]. (A.) b6: رَجُلٌ كَرِيمُ العُصَارَةِ, (K,) and ↓ المَعْصَرِ, (S, O, K,) and ↓ المُعْتَصَرِ, (K,) (tropical:) A man generous, or liberal, when asked. (S, O, K.) And ↓ مَنِيعُ المُعْتَصَرِ (tropical:) One with whom one cannot take refuge, or whose protection is unobtainable. (TA.) And ↓ كَرِيمُ العَصِيرِ, (O, L,) or كَثِيرُ العَصِيرِ, not كَرِيمُ العَصْرِ as in the [O and] K, (TA,) (tropical:) Of generous race. (O, L, K.) [See also عُنْصُرٌ.]

عَصِيرَةٌ: see عَصَرٌ, in two places.

عَصَّارٌ A presser of [grapes or] oil [and the like]. (MA, KL.) b2: [And hence, (tropical:) An extorter, or exacter.] See 8, former half.

عَاصِرٌ act. part. n. of 1. b2: لَا أَفْعَلُهُ مَا دَامَ لِلزَّيْتِ عَاصِرٌ [I will not do it as long as there is an expresser of the oil of the olive]; i. e., ever. (S, O.) b3: ↓ عَوَاصِرُ [as though pl. of عَاصِرٌ or of عَاصِرَةٌ] Three stones with which grapes are pressed so as to force out the juice, (K,) being placed one upon another. (TA.) b4: عَاصِرٌ and ↓ عَصُورٌ (tropical:) One who takes of the property of his child without the latter's permission. (TA.) b5: فُلَانٌ عَاصِرٌ (tropical:) Such a one is tenacious, or avaricious. (TA.) عُنْصُرٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and عُنْصَرٌ, (S, O, K,) the former of which is the more commonly known, but the latter [accord. to my copy of the Msb عَنْصر, but this I regard as a mistake of the copyist,] is the more chaste, (TA,) Origin; syn. أَصْلٌ: (S, O, Msb, K:) race, lineage, or family: (Msb:) rank or quality, nobility or eminence, reputation or note or consideration, derived from ancestors, or from one's own deeds or qualities; syn. حَسَبٌ: (S, O, K:) pl. عَنَاصِرُ. (Msb.) You say فُلَانٌ كَرِيمُ العُنْصُرِ [Such a one is of generous origin, or race, &c.,] like as you say كَرِيمُ العَصِيرِ. (L.) b2: An element (أَصْلٌ) [of those] whereof are composed the material substances of different natures; [an element considered as that from which composition commences:] it is of four kinds; namely, fire, air, earth, and water. (KT.) [But this application belongs to the conventional language of philosophy. See also مَادَّةٌ, and جِسْمٌ.]

عَوَاصِرُ: see عَاصِرٌ.

إِعْصَارٌ A whirlwind of dust [or sand], resembling a pillar; a wind that raises dust [or sand] between the sky and the earth, and revolves, resembling a pillar; called also by the Arabs a زَوْبَعَة; of the masc. gender; (Msb;) a wind that raises the dust [or sand], and rises towards the sky, as though it were a pillar; (S, O;) a wind that blows from the ground, (K, TA,) and raises the dust [or sand], and rises (TA) like a pillar towards the sky; (K, TA;) called by the people a زَوْبَعَة: (TA:) unless it blow in this manner, with vehemence, it is not thus called: (Zj, TA:) [see عَمُودٌ:] a wind that rises into the sky: (Az:) or a wind that raises the clouds, (S, O, K,) with thunder and lightning: (S, O:) or in which is fire: (K:) mentioned in the Kur ii. 268: (S, O:) or in which is ↓ عِصَار, which signifies vehement dust, (K,) or this latter word signifies dust raised into the air, by the wind, in the form of a pillar (مَا عَصَرَتْ بِهِ الرِّيحُ مِنَ التُّرَابِ فِى الهَوَآءِ): (TA:) [see also عَصَرٌ:] pl. أَعَاصِيرُ, (Msb, TA,) and أَعَاصِرُ [occurring in poetry]. (Ham p. 678.) b2: إِنْ كُنْتَ رِيحًا فَقَدْ لَاقَيْتَ إِعْصَارًا [If thou be a wind, thou hast met with a whirlwind of dust like a pillar] is a prov. of the Arabs, (O, TA,) relating to a man in whom is somewhat of power and who meets with one superior to him, (O,) or to a man who meets his adversary with courage. (TA.) b3: And one says, وَعْدُهُ إِعْصَارٌ [His promising is unprofitable like a whirlwind of dust]. (A, TA.) كَرِيمُ المَعْصَرِ: see عُصَارَةٌ.

مُعْصِرٌ and مُعْصِرَةٌ: see 4, near the end. b2: مُعْصِرَاتٌ signifies (assumed tropical:) Clouds; (Az, K;) so called because they press forth water: (Aboo-Is-hák, TA:) this explanation is most agreeable with what is said in the Kur lxxviii. 14, because the winds called أَعَاصِيرُ [pl. of إِعْصَارٌ] are not of the winds of rain: (Az, TA:) or clouds at the point of having rain pressed forth from them by the winds: (Bd in lxxviii. 14; and TA: *) or clouds ready to pour forth rain: (TA:) or clouds pressing forth rain: (S, O:) or clouds that flow with [or ooze forth] rain but have not yet collected together; like as مُعْصِرٌ is applied to a girl who has almost had the menstrual discharge but has not yet had it: (Fr, TA:) or winds ready to press forth the rain from the clouds: (Bd, ubi suprà:) or winds having أَعَاصِير; (Bd, ubi suprà; and TA;) i. e., dust. (TA.) مِعْصَرٌ (K, TA) and مِعْصَرَةٌ (S, O, TA) The thing in which grapes (S, O, K) and olives (S) are pressed, to force out their juice (S, O, K) and oil. (S.) [See also مِعْصَارٌ.]

مَعْصَرَةٌ A place in which grapes and the like are pressed, to force out their juice or the like. (K, * TA.) مُعَصَّرٌ: see عَصَرٌ.

مِعْصَارٌ That in which a thing is put and pressed, in order that its water, or the like, may flow [or ooze] out. (K, * TA.) [See also مِعْصَرٌ.]

مَعْصُورٌ: see عَصِيرٌ. b2: Also (tropical:) A tongue dry (O, TA) by reason of thirst. (TA.) مُعْتَصَرٌ: see عَصَرٌ, in two places: b2: and see عُصَارَةٌ, in two places.

مُعْتَصِرٌ: One who expresses the juice of grapes, to make wine, for another or others. (Mgh.) [But see 1.] b2: (tropical:) Voiding ordure: (Mgh, K, * TA:) from عَصْرٌ, or from عَصَرٌ signifying “ a place of refuge or concealment. ” (TA.) b3: and (tropical:) One who gets, and takes, of, or from, a thing. (S, O.)



1 عَفَرَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَفْرٌ, (S, O, Msb,) He rubbed it (namely a vessel) with dust: and ↓ عفّرهُ he rubbed it much with dust: (Msb:) or the latter, he defiled, or soiled, it with dust: (Mgh:) and the former, and ↓ latter, (S, O, K,) of which the inf. n. is تَعْفِيرٌ, (S, O,) he rolled, or turned over, him, or it, فِى التُّرَابِ in the dust: (S, O, K:) or he hid (دَسَّ) him, or it, therein. (K.) It is is said in a trad. of Aboo-Jahl, مُحَمَّدٌ وَجْهَهُ بَيْنَ أَظْهُرِكُمْ ↓ هَلْ يُعَفِّرُ [Doth, or shall, Mohammad defile his face with dust, or rub his face in the dust, in the midst of you?], meaning his prostrating himself in the dust: and at the end he says, ↓ لَأَطَأَنَّ عَلَى رَقَبَتِهِ أَوْ لَأُعَفِّرَنَّ وَجْهَهُ فِى التُّرَابِ [I will assuredly trample upon his neck, or I will defile, or roll, his face in the dust]; meaning that he would abase him, or render him abject. (TA.) b2: He dragged him, being about to roll him in the dust: and you say ثَوْبَهُ فِى االتُّرَابِ ↓ اِعْتَفَرَ [He dragged his garment in the dust]. (Aboo-Nasr, L, TA.) b3: And عَفَرَهُ, (K,) inf. n. عَفْرٌ, (TA,) He cast him upon the ground; as also ↓ اعتفرهُ. (K.) You say, ↓ اعتفرهُ الأَسَدُ The lion cast him upon the ground: (A:) or the lion seized him, and broke his neck, (S, O, TA,) and cast him upon the ground, and shook him about. (TA.) And ↓ اعتفرهُ He leaped, or sprang, upon him, or at him, (سَاوَرَهُ, O, K, for which شَاوره is erroneously put in some copies of the K, TA,) and dragged him, and cast him upon the ground. (TA.) [See also 2.]

A2: عَفِرَ, aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) inf. n. عَفَرٌ, (Msb,) He, or it, was of the colour termed عُفْرَة: (Msb, K:) or of a colour resembling that. (Msb.) 2 عَفَّرَ see 1, in four places. b2: عفّر قِرْنَهُ, and فَأَلْزَقَهُ بِالعَفَرِ ↓ عافرهُ, He wrestled with his adversary, and made him cleave to the dust. (A.) A2: عفّر, inf. n. تَعْفِيرٌ, He mixed his black sheep or goats with others of the colour termed عُفْرَةٌ: (O, K, TA:) or he took white sheep or goats in exchange for black; because the former have more increase. (S, O, TA.) b2: And He made, or rendered, white. (S, O.) 3 عَاْفَرَ see the next preceding paragraph.5 تَعَفَّرَ see 7, in three places. b2: تعفّر الوَحْشُ (tropical:) The wild animals became fat. (O, K, TA.) 6 تعافر said of [food of the kind called] ثَرِيد, It was made white. (K. [See أَعْفَرُ, latter half.]) 7 انعفر and ↓ اعتفر It (a vessel) became rubbed with dust: and ↓ تعفّر it became much rubbed with dust: (Msb:) or the first and ↓ second, (S, O,) and ↓ the last also, (O,) it (a thing) became defiled with dust: (S, O:) or the first and ↓ last, he or it, became rolled, or turned over, فِى التُّرَابِ in the dust: or became hidden therein. (K.) b2: And one says, دَخَلْتُ المَآءَ فَمَا انْعَفَرَتْ قَدَمَاىَ I entered the water, and my feet did not reach the ground. (A, TA.) 8 إِعْتَفَرَ see 1, in four places.

A2: See also 7, in two places. Q. Q. 2 تَعَفْرَتَ He became, or acted like, an عِفْرِيت; (K, TA;) from which latter word this verb is derived, the [final] augmentative letter being preserved in it, with the radical letters, to convey the full meaning, and to indicate the original. (TA.) عَفْرٌ: see عَفَرٌ, in four places.

عُفْرٌ: see عِفْرٌ.

A2: Also pl. of أَعْفَرُ [q. v.]. (S, &c.) عِفْرٌ A boar; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ عُفْرٌ: or a swine, as a common term: or the young one of a sow. (K.) A2: عِفْرٌ (S, A, O, K) and ↓ عَفِرٌ (Sgh in TA in art. نفر) and ↓ عِفْرِيَةٌ, (A, O, K,) in which the ى is to render the word quasi-coordinate to شِرْذِمَةٌ, [I substitute this word for شِرْذِوَةٌ, in the L, and شِرْذِذَةٌ in the TA,] and the ة to give intensiveness, (L, TA,) and ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ, (A, O, K,) in which the ت is to render the word quasicoordinate to قِنْدِيلٌ, (TA,) [or to render it a contraction of عِفْرِيَةٌ,] and ↓ عَفْرِيتٌ, which occurs in one reading of the Kur, [xxvii. 39, and is agreeable with modern vulgar pronunciation,] (O, CK,) and ↓ عِفْرَاتٌ, (CK,) and ↓ عُفَارِيَةٌ, (A, O, L, K,) in which the ى is to render the word quasi-coordinate to عُذَافِرَةٌ, and the ة is to give intensiveness, (TA,) and ↓ عِفِرٌّ, (O, K,) and ↓ عِفْرِىٌّ, (Sgh, K,) and ↓ عُفَرْنِيَةٌ, (Sgh, K,) and ↓ عِفْرِينٌ, and ↓ عِفِرِّينٌ, (Lh, TA,) and ↓ عَفَرْنًى, (Lth, TA,) [respecting which last, see the latter portion of this paragraph,] applied to a man, (S, O, K,) and to a jinnee, or genie, (Kur, ubi suprá,) Wicked, or malignant; (S, O, K;) crafty, or cunning; (S, O;) abominable, foul, or evil; (K;) abounding in evil; (TA;) strong, or powerful; (A;) insolent and audacious in pride and in acts of rebellion or disobedience; (A, TA;) who roils his adversary in the dust: (A:) and the epithet applied to a woman is عِفْرَةٌ, (S, O,) and ↓ عِفْرِيتَةٌ, (Lh, K,) and ↓ عِفِرَّةٌ: (Sh, O:) or ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ signifies anything that exceeds the ordinary bounds; and ↓ عُفَارِيَةٌ is syn. with it: (AO, S, O:) and ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ and ↓ عِفْرِينٌ and ↓ عِفِرِّينٌ (Zj, K) applied to a man, and as applied in the Kur, ubi suprá, [to a jinnee,] (Zj,) sharp, vigorous, and effective, in an affair, exceeding the ordinary bounds therein, with craftiness, or cunning, (Zj, O, K,) and wickedness, or malignity: (Zj:) or ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ is properly applied to a jinnee, and signifies evil in disposition, and wicked or malignant; and is metaphorically applied to a man, like as is شَيْطَانٌ: (B:) it is applied to an evil jinnee that is powerful, but inferior to such as is termed مَارِدٌ: (Mir-át ez-Zemán:) ↓ عِفْرِيَةٌ also signifies i. q. دَاهِيَةٌ [app. meaning very crafty or cunning, rather than a calamity]: (S, O:) ↓ عِفْرِيَةٌ and ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ are also applied as epithets to a شَيْطَان [or devil]: (Kh, S:) the pl. of the former of these two epithets is عَفَارِيَةٌ, (Kh, S, O,) or عَفَارِىُّ; (Fr;) and that of ↓ عفريت is عَفَارِيتُ; (Kh, Fr, S, O;) and that of ↓ عِفِرٌّ is عِفِرُّونَ; (Sh;) and that of عِفْرٌ is أَعْفَارٌ. (TA in art. جشم.) You say, فُلَانٌ نِفْرِيتٌ ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ, and نِفْرِيَةٌ ↓ عِفْرِيَةٌ; [Such a one is wicked, or malignant; &c.;] the latter of these two words being an imitative sequent. (AO, S, O.) And in a trad. it is said, إِنَّ اللّٰهَ يَبْغُضُ النِّفْرِيَةَ الَّذِى لَا يُرْزَأُ فِى أَهْلٍ وَلَامَالٍ ↓ العِفْرِيَةَ (AO, S) [Verily God hates] the crafty or cunning, the wicked or malignant, the abounding in evil; or him who collects much and refuses to give; or him who acts very wrongfully or unjustly or tyrannically; [who will not suffer loss in his family nor in his property.] (TA.) b2: أَسَدٌ عِفْرٌ, and ↓ عِفْرِيَةٌ, and ↓ عِفْرِيتٌ, and ↓ عُفَارِيَةٌ, (K,) and ↓ عِفِرٌّ, (TA,) and ↓ عَفَرْنًى, (K, [respecting which see what follows: in the CK عَفَرْتٰى, which is wrong in two respects:]) A strong, (K,) powerful, great, (TA,) lion: (K, TA:) or العَفَرْنَى the lion; so called because of his strength: (S, O:) and لَبُؤَةٌ عَفَرْنًى, (S, O, TA,) like the masc., (TA. [or it may be in this case with the fem. ى, i. e. without tenween,]) or ↓ عَفَرْنَاةٌ, (K, TA,) a strong lioness: (S, O, K:) or the epithet, of either gender, signifies bold: from عَفَرٌ signifying

“ dust,” or from عَفْرٌ in the sense of اِعْتِفَارٌ, or from the strength and hardiness of the animal: (TA:) and نَاقَةٌ عَفَرْنَاةٌ a strong she-camel; pl. عَفَرْنَيَاتٌ: (S, O:) but you do not say جَمَلٌ عَفَرْنًى; (Az:) the alif [which is in this case written ى] and ن in عَفَرْنًى are to render it quasi-coordinate to سَفَرْجَلٌ [which shows that it is with tenween]. (S.) عَفَرٌ (IDrd, S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عَفْرٌ (IDrd, A, O, K) Dust: (IDrd, S, O, Msb:) [like عَفَارٌ the dust of the earth: (Freytag, from Meyd:)] or the exterior of the dust or earth: (A, K:) and the surface of the earth; (Msb;) as also الأَرْضِ ↓ عَفْرُ: (TA:) pl. أَعْفَارٌ. (K.) You say الأَرْضِ مِثْلُهُ ↓ مَا عَلَى عَفْرِ There is not upon the face of the earth the like of him, or it. (O, TA.) And كَلَامٌ لَا عَفَرَ فِيهِ, (K,) or لَهُ ↓ لَا عَفْرَ, (TS, TA,) [lit., Language in which is no dust; or which has no dust; like the saying كَلَامٌ لَا غُبَارَ عَلَيْهِ “ language on which is no dust; ” meaning] (assumed tropical:) language in which is nothing difficult to be understood. (K.) And IAar mentions, but without explaining it, the saying, وَالدَّبَارْ وَسُوْءُ ↓ عَلَيْهِ العَفَارْ الدَّارْ [app. meaning, May the dust, and perdition, and evil of the dwelling, be his lot. See دَبَرَ]. (O, TA.) عَفِرٌ [part. n. of عَفِرَ]. أَرْضٌ عَفِرَةٌ Land of the colour termed عُفْرَةٌ [q. v.]. (O and TA in art. عثر.) A2: See also عِفْرٌ.

عِفِرٌّ, and the fem., with ة: see عِفْرٌ, in four places.

عُفْرَةٌ A dust-colour inclining to whiteness; a whitish dust-colour: (TA:) or whiteness that is not clear: (Mgh, Msb:) or whiteness that is not very clear, (Az, As,) like the colour of the surface of the earth: (Az, As, Mgh:) or whiteness with a tinge of redness over it: (A:) the colour of an antelope such as is termed أَعْفَرُ. (K.) b2: See also عِفْرِيَةٌ, in three places.

عَفْرَى, or عَفْرًى: see عِفْرِيَةٌ.

عِفْرِىٌّ: see عِفْرٌ, first quarter.

عِفْرَاةٌ: see عِفْرِيَةٌ.

عِفْرَاتٌ: see عِفْرٌ, first quarter: A2: and see the next paragraph, in three places.

عِفْرِيَةٌ: see عِفْرٌ, in six places.

A2: The hair, and the feathers, of the back of the neck, of the lion, and of the cock, &c., which it turns back towards the top of its head when exasperated; as also ↓ عُفْرَةٌ (S, O) and ↓ عِفْرَاتٌ, (S,) or ↓ عِفْرَاةٌ: (O, TA:) and ↓ عُفْرَةٌ, the feathers around the neck of a cock and of a bustard (حُبَارَى) &c.: (S in art. برل:) or عِفْرِيَةٌ and ↓ عَفْرَى, or عَفْرًى, [whether without or with tenween is not shown, but I think it is more probably without,] of a cock, the feathers of the neck; (K;) as also ↓ عُفْرَةٌ: (TA:) and of man, the hair of the back of the neck: (K:) or the hair of the part over the forehead: (TA:) and of a beast, the hair of the fore-lock: (K:) or the hair of the back of the neck: (TA:) and [of a man,] the hairs that grow in the middle of the head, (K,) that stand up on an occasion of fright; (TA;) as also ↓ عِفْرَاتٌ and ↓ عُفَرْنِيَةٌ. (K.) You say جَآءَ فُلَانٌ نَافِشًا عِفْرِيَتَهُ, meaning Such a one came in a state of anger. (S, O.) And جَآءنَاشِرًا عِفْرِيَتَهُ, and ↓ عِفْرَاتَهُ, He came spreading his hair, by reason of covetousness, and inordinate desire. (ISd, TA.) عِفْرِيتٌ; and عَفْرِيتٌ: and the fem., عِفْرِيتَةٌ: see عِفْرٌ, in ten places.

عِفْرِينٌ: see عِفْرٌ, in two places.

عِفِرِّينٌ: see عِفْرٌ, in two places.

A2: لَيْثُ عِفِرِّينَ The lion. (AA, K.) So in the prov., إِنَّهُ لَأَشْجَعُ مِنْ لَيْثِ عِفِرِّينَ [Verily he is more courageous than the lion]. (AA, TA.) عِفِرِّينُ is the name of a certain place in which are lions, or abounding with lions: (S, O, K:) or the name of a certain country or town. (As, AA, S, M.) A3: A certain insert, whose retreat is the soft dust at the bases of walls; (O, K:) that rolls a ball, and then hides itself within it; and when it is roused, throws up dust: (O, TA:) the word [عفرّين] is of one of those forms not found by Sb: (TA:) or a certain creeping animal (دَابَّة), like the chameleon, that opposes itself to the rider [upon a camel or horse], and that strikes with its tail. (O, K.) [See also طُحَنٌ: and see Ham p. 131.]

b2: Also (tropical:) A complete man; [i. e., complete with respect to bodily vigour, having attained the usual term thereof;] (O, K, TA;) fifty years old. (O, TA.) b3: And (tropical:) Resolute, or firm-minded; strong, or powerful. (S, O, K, TA.) عَفَرْنًى and عَفَرْنَاةٌ: see عِفْرٌ, in three places. b2: The latter also signifies The [kind of goblin, or demon, called] غُولٌ. (O, K.) عُفَرْنِيَةٌ: see عِفْرٌ; first quarter.

A2: and see عِفْرِيَةٌ.

عَفَارٌ: see عَفَرٌ.

A2: Also A certain kind of tree, (S, O, K,) by means of which fire is produced; (S, O;) زِنَاد [or pieces of wood, or stick, used for that purpose,] being made of its branches: (K, * TA:) accord. to information given to AHn by certain of the desert-Arabs of the Saráh (السَّرَاة), it resembles the kind of tree called the غُبَيْرَآء, by reason of its smallness, so that when one sees it from afar he doubts not its being the latter kind of tree; its blossom, also, is like that of the latter tree; and it is a kind of tree that emits much fire, so that the زناد made of it are excellent: (TA:) pl. of عَفَارَةٌ; (K;) or, more properly, [a coll. gen. n., and] its n. un. is with ة: (O, TA:) it and the مَرْخ contain fire that is not in any other kind of tree: Az says, I have seen them both in the desert, and the Arabs make them the subject of a prov., relating to high nobility: (TA:) they say فِى كُلِّ شَجَرٍ نَارْ وَاسْتَمْجَدَ المَرْخُ وَالعَفَارْ (S, O, TA) In all trees is fire; but the markh and 'afár yield much fire, more than all other trees. (O, * TA.) [See also مَرْخٌ, and استمجد.] It is also said, in another prov., اِقْدَحْ بِعَفَارٍ أَوْ مَرْخِ ثُمَّ اشْدُدْ إِنْ شِئْتَ أَوْ أَرْخِ [Produce thou fire with markh or with 'afár: then tighten, if thou please, or loosen]. (TA.) A3: See also عَافُور.

عَفَارَةٌ The quality, or disposition, of him who is termed عِفْرٌ and عِفْرِيَةٌ and عِفْرِيتٌ &c.; i. e., wickedness, or malignity, &c. (K, * TA.) عُفَارِيَةٌ: see عِفْرٌ, in three places.

عَافِرٌ and ↓ مُنْعَفِرٌ and ↓ مَعْفُورٌ and ↓ مُعَفَّرٌ Defiled with dust: hence, العَافِرُ الوَجْهِ He whose face is defiled with dust: and الوَجْهِ فِى التُّرَابِ ↓ هُوَ مُنْعَفِرُ, and ↓ مُعَفَّرُهُ, He has the face defiled in the dust. (TA.) وَقَعُوا فِى عَافُورِ شَرٍّ, (S, K,) and شَرٍّ ↓ فِى عَفَارِ, (TA,) i. q. فِى عَاثُورِ شَرٍّ, (Fr, S, K,) i. e., They fell into difficulty, or distress. (S.) Some say that the ف is substituted for ث. (TA.) [But see عاثور.]

أَعْفَرُ Dust-coloured inclining to white; of a whitish dust-colour: (TA:) or white, but not of a clear hue: (Msb:) or, applied to a buckantelope, white, but not of a very clear white, (Az, As, S, O, K,) being like the colour of the surface of the earth: (Az, As, Mgh:) or a buck-antelope having a tinge of red over his whiteness, (AA, S, A, K,) with a short neck; and such is the weakest of antelopes in running: (AA, S, O:) or having a redness in his back, with white flanks: (K:) [in the CK, after the words thus rendered, is an omission, of the words أَوِ الأَبْيَضُ وَ:] or such as inhabits elevated, rugged, stony tracts, and hard grounds; and such is red: (Az:) or having white horns: (A:) fem. عَفْرَآءُ: (S, K, &c.:) also applied to a she-goat, meaning of a clear white colour: (TA:) pl. عُفْرٌ. (S, A, O.) b2: El-Kumeyt says, وَكُنَّا إِذَا جَبَّارُ قَوْمٍ أَرَادَنَا بِكَيْدٍ حَمَلْنَاهُ عَلَى قَرْنِ أَعْفَرَا [And we used, when an insolent tyrant of a people desired to execute against us a plot, to carry him upon the horn of an antelope of a whitish dustcolour, or white but not of a clear hue, &c.]; meaning, we used to slay him, and to carry his head upon the spear-head; for the spear-heads, in time past, were of horns. (S, O.) b3: Hence the saying رَمَانِى عَنْ قَرْنِ أَعْفَرَ i. q. رمانى بِدَاهِيَةٍ (tropical:) [He sent upon me a calamity; or he made a very crafty man to be my assailant]: for the same reason, also, قَرْنُ أَعْفَرَ is proverbially used to signify (tropical:) A difficulty, or distress, that befalls one: and one says to a man who has passed the night in disquieting distress, كُنْتَ عَلَى قَرْنِ أَعْفَرَ (tropical:) [Thou wast pierced by grief]. (TA.) One says also, of him who is frightened and disquieted, كَأَنَّهُ عَلَى قَرْنِ أَعْفَرَ [He is as though he were upon the horn of an antelope of a whitish dustcolour, &c.: meaning, upon the head of a spear]: the like of this phrase is used by Imra-el-Keys. (A.) b4: Also عَفْرَآءُ, A ewe of a colour inclining to whiteness. (O.) b5: And أَعْفَرُ, Red sand. (S, O.) b6: [Food of the kind called] ثَرِيد made white: (K, TA:) from عُفْرَةٌ signifying the “ colour of the earth. ” (TA.) b7: عَفْرَآءُ White. (K.) b8: أَرْضٌ عَفْرَآءُ Untrodden land. (K, TA.) b9: العَفْرَآءُ The thirteenth night [of the lunar month]: (S, O:) or the night of blackness: (A:) but accord. to IAar, اللَّيَالِى العُفْرُ signifies the white nights; (A;) and so says Th, without particularizing: (TA:) or the nights thus called are the seventh and eighth and ninth nights of the lunar month; (K;) because of the whiteness of the moon [therein]. (TA.) It is said in a trad. لَيْسَ عُفْرُ اللَّيَالِى

كَالدَّآدِئِ The moon-lit nights are not like the black nights: some say that this is a proverb. (TA.) مُعَفَّرٌ: see عَافِرٌ, in two places.

مُعَفِّرٌ One whose sheep or goats are of the colour termed عُفْرَةٌ: there is no tribe among the Arabs to whom this appellation applies, except Hudheyl. (A, TA.) [Accord. to analogy, this should rather be written مُعْفِرٌ; and perhaps it is thus in correct copies of the A.]

مَعْفُورٌ: see عَافِرٌ. b2: أَرْضٌ مَعْفُورَةٌ Land of which the herbage has been eaten. (S, O.) مَعَافِرُ: see مَعَافِرِىٌّ, in three places.

مُعَافِرٌ (tropical:) One who walks with companies of travellers, (S, O, K, TA,) and so, accord. to the L, ↓ مُعَافِرِىٌّ, (TA,) and obtains of their superabundance [of provisions]. (S, O, TA.) ثَوْبٌ مَعَافِرِىٌّ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) pl. ثِيَابٌ مَعَافِرِيَّةٌ, (S, O, K,) and بُرْدٌ مَعَافِرِىٌّ, (Az,) and hence, simply, ↓ مَعَافِرُ, (Az, Mgh,) as a subst., (Az,) without the relative ى, (Az, Mgh,) accord. to As, (Mgh,) A kind of garment, or piece of cloth, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) and a garment of the kind called بُرْد, (Az,) so called in relation to ↓ مَعَافِرُ, (S, O, K, &c.,) a word imperf. decl., (S, O, K,) because of its being of the form of an imperf. decl. pl., (S, O,) as the name of a tribe of Hemdán; (S, O;) or as being the name of a son of Murr, (Sb, Mgh, Msb,) brother of Temeem the son of Murr, (Sb, Mgh,) and father of the tribe above mentioned, (Msb, K,) which was a tribe of El-Yemen; (Msb;) or as being the name of a place, (IDrd, O,) or a town, or district, (K, TA,) of El-Yemen, (IDrd, O, TA,) in which Ma'áfir Ibn-Udd took up his abode, accord. to Z: (TA;) معافرىّ is perfectly decl. because the relative ى is added to it: (S:) and it is thus formed because مَعَافِرُ is sing. in its application; whereas, in a rel. n. from a pl. used as a pl., the formation is from the sing., as in the instance of مَسْجِدِىٌّ as a rel. n. from مَسَاجِدُ: (TA:) ↓ معافر should not be pronounced with damm to the م: (Msb, K:) and it is wrong to call the kind of garment above mentioned مُعَافِرِىٌّ, with damm, and مَعَافِرِىُّ, without tenween, and مَعَافِيرُ. (Mgh.) مُعَافِرِىٌّ: see مُعَافِرٌ.

مُنْعَفِرٌ: see عَافِرٌ, in two places.

يَعْفُورٌ The dust-coloured gazelle: (K:) or the gazelle, as a general term: (K, * TA:) as also يُعْفُورٌ: (K:) and the [young gazelle such as is called] خِشْف: (S, O, K:) or the buck-gazelle: (S, Mgh, O:) and (S, IAth, O, in the Mgh “ or ”) the young one of the wild cow: (S, IAth, Mgh, O:) n. un. with ة: (TA:) pl. يَعَافِيرُ. (S, O.) b2: Also A light, or an active, ass. (IAar.) b3: And it is said to mean (assumed tropical:) The form of a man, seen from a distance, resembling a يَعْفُور [in one of the senses expl. above]. (L, TA.) A2: And One of the divisions of the night, (K, TA,) which are five, called سُدْفَةٌ and سُتْفَةٌ and هَجْمَةٌ and يَعْفُورٌ and خُدْرَةٌ. (TA.)



1 عَقَرَهُ, (S, Mgh, O, &c.,) aor. ـِ (Mgh, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَقْرٌ, (S, * Mgh, O, Msb, K,) He wounded him; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) [and so, app., accord. to the K, ↓ عقّرهُ, inf. n. تَعْقِيرٌ; or the latter signifies he wounded him much; for it is said that] تَعْقِيرٌ signifies more than عَقْرٌ: (S, O:) you say of a lion, and of a lynx, and of a leopard, and of a wolf, يَعْقِرُ النَّاسَ [He wounds men]. (Az, Msb.) b2: And عَقَرَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K, &c.,) and عَقَرَهَا, (L, Mgh, &c.,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. عَقْرٌ; (Mgh, &c.;) and ↓ عقّرهُ, (K,) and عقّرها, (L,) inf. n. تَعْقِيرٌ; (TA;) [or the latter has an intensive signification, or applies to many objects; see above;] He hocked, houghed, or hamstrung, (عَرْقَبَ,) him, or her, namely, a beast; (TA;) he laid bare his [or her] (namely, a camel's) عُرْقُوب [or hock-tendon]; such being the meaning of عقر with the Arabs; (Az, TA;) he struck, (S, IAth, Mgh, Msb,) or cut, (TA,) his, (a camel's, S, IAth, O, Msb, or a horse's, S, O, or a sheep's or goat's, IAth,) or her, (a camel's, L, Mgh,) legs, بِالسَّيْفِ with the sword, (S, IAth, Mgh, O, Msb, TA,) while the beast was standing; (IAth;) he cut one of his, or her, (a camel's,) legs, previously to stabbing the animal, that it might not run away when being stabbed, but might fall down, and so be within his power; he moved [his or] her (a camel's) legs with the sword; (IKtt, TA;) he made a mark, or wound, like a notch, in his, or her, (a horse's, or a camel's,) legs. (K.) [See عَقْرٌ, below.] b3: Hence (Az, TA,) عَقَرَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He stabbed him, namely, a camel; slaughtered him by stabbing: (Az, Msb, TA:) because the slaughterer of the camel first lays bare its عَرْقُوب [or hocktendon; or hocks it; or strikes or cuts its legs, or one of its legs, with a sword: see above]. (Az, TA.) So in the saying of Imra-el-Keys, وَــيَوْمَ عَقَرْتُ لِلْعَذَارَى مَطِيَّتِى

[And the day when I slaughtered for the virgins my riding-camel]. (TA.) And so in the trad. لَا عَقْرَ فِى الإِسْلَامِ [There shall be no slaughtering of camels at the grave in the time of El-Islám]: for they used to slaughter camels at the graves of the dead, saying, The occupant of the grave used to slaughter camels for guests in the days of his life; so we recompense him by doing the like after his death. (IAth, TA.) b4: Hence also, He slew him; he destroyed him: of this signification we have an ex. in the story of Umm-Zara: وَعَقْرَ جَارَتِهَا And [a cause of] the destruction of her fellow-wife through [the latter's] envy [of her] and rage [against her]. (TA.) b5: حَلْقَى ↓ عَقْرَى, (Mgh, O, Msb, K, &c.,) said of a woman, (TA,) occurring in a trad. of Safeeyeh, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) in which Mohammad is related to have used this expression, on the day of the return of the pilgrims from Minè, when he was told that she had her menstrual flux, to which he added, “I see her not to be aught but a hinderer of us; ” thus accord. to the relaters of traditions, each word being an inf. n., like دَعْوَى; (O, * TA;) of the measure فَعْلَى; or, as some say, the ى is to mark a pause; (Mgh;) and عَقْرًا حَلْقًا, (O, K,) which are also inf. ns.; (TA;) and this is accord. to the usage of the Arabs; (Az, TA;) being a form of imprecation, though not meant to express a desire for its having effect, (Az, Msb, TA,) for what is meant by it is only blame; (Msb;) expl. by وَعَقَرَهَا اللّٰهُ تَعَالَى وَحَلَقَهَا, (K,) i. e., [May God (exalted be He) wound her, &c., and] shave her hair, or afflict her with a pain in her throat: (TA:) or may her body be wounded (عُقِرَ), and may she be afflicted with a disease in her throat: (Mgh, O: *) so accord. to A'Obeyd: or may her leg and her throat be cut: or may her leg be cut and her head shaven: (Mgh:) [or may she be destroyed, and may her throat be cut:] or the two words عقرى and حلقى are epithets, applied to a woman of ill luck; and the meaning is, (Z, O, TA,) she is one who extirpates [or destroys, and cuts the throats of,] her people, by the effect of her ill luck upon them; (Z, O, K, * TA;) being virtually in the nom. case, as enunciatives; i. e., وَحَلْقَى ↓ هِىَ عَقْرَى. (Z, TA.) Lh mentions the phrase, ↓ لَا تَفْعَلْ ذٰلِكَ أُمُّكَ عَقْرَى [app. meaning, Do thou not that: may thy mother be childless: (see عَقُرَت:)] without explaining it: but he mentions it with the phrases أُمُّكَ ثَاكِلٌ and أُمُّكَ هَابِلٌ. (TA.) Or ↓ عَقْرَى signifies Having the menstrual flux. (K.) One says also, imprecating a curse upon a man, جَدْعًا لَهُ وَعَقْرًا وَحَلْقًا, meaning, May God [maim him, and] wound (عَقَرَ) his body, and afflict him with a pain in his throat: and sometimes, حَلْقَى ↓ عَقْرَى, without tenween. (S.) [See also 1 in art. حلق.] b6: عَقَرَبِهِ He killed the beast which he was riding, and made him to go on foot: he hocked, houghed, or hamstrung, his beast. (TA.) b7: Hence, عَقَرْتَ بِى Thou hast long detained me, or restrained me; as though thou hadst hocked (عَقَرْتَ) my camel and I were therefore unable to journey: ISk cites as an ex.

قَدْ عَقَرَتْ بِالْقَوْمِ أُمُّ خَزْرَجِ [Umm-Khazraj has long detained the party, or people]. (S, O, TA.) And in the A it is said that عَقَرَتْ فُلَانَةُ بِالرَّكْبِ means Such a woman, or girl, came forth to the riders on camels, and they staid long in her presence; as though she hocked (عَقَرَت) the camels upon which they rode. (TA.) One says also قَدْ كَانَتْ لِى حَاجَةٌ فَعَقَرَنِى

عَنْهَا I had a want, and he withheld me from it, and hindered me. (Ibn-Buzurj, L.) Hence, عَقْرُ النَّوَى, (Az, TA,) meaning صَرْفُهَا حَالًا بَعْدَ حَالٍ

[i. e. The shifting about of the course of a journey by successive changes: see صَرْفٌ, third sentence]. (O, TA.) b8: And عَقَرَ بِالصَّيْدِ i. q. وَقَعَ بِهِ [app. meaning He made much slaughter among the objects of the chase]. (O, K.) b9: And عَقَرَتْ بِهِمْ She (a woman) smote their souls, and wounded their hearts. (O.) b10: عَقَرَ النَّخْلَةَ, (inf. n. عَقْرٌ, TA, and subst. [or quasi-inf. n., like جَدَادٌ and صَرَامٌ and قَطَافٌ &c.,] ↓ عَقَارٌ, T, S, O, TA,) He cut off the head of the palm-tree, (T, S, O, K,) altogether, with the heart (الجُمَّار), (T, S, O,) so that it dried up, (K,) and nothing came forth from its trunk. (IKtt.) b11: لَا تَعْقِرَنَّ شَجَرًا Thou shalt by no means cut down trees. (Mgh.) b12: عَقَرَ المَرْعَى He cut down the trees of the pasture-land: he cut down the herbage, or pasture, and spoiled it. (TA.) b13: عَقَرَ الكَلَأَ He ate the herbage, or pasture. (O, K.) And He had the herbage for pasturage. (O.) b14: You say of wine, يَعْقِرُ العَقْلَ [It disables the intellect; like as a man disables a beast by hocking him]. (IAar.) b15: عَقَرَهُ, (S, O, TA,) aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. عَقْرٌ, (S, O, TA,) He (a man) galled his (a camel's) back: (TA:) he galled it; namely, a camel's back: (S, O:) it (a camel's saddle, TA, and a horse's saddle, S, O, TA) galled his (the beast's) back. (S, O, TA.) b16: And عُقِرَتْ رَكِيَّتُهُمْ Their well was demolished. (O.) A2: عَقِرَ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. عَقَرٌ, (S, O,) His (a man's) legs betrayed him, so that he was unable to fight, by reason of fright and stupefaction: (S, O:) he became stupified, or deprived of his reason: (S, K:) or he was taken by sudden fright, (K, TA,) and stupified, or deprived of his reason, (TA,) so that he could not advance nor retire. (K, TA.) عَقِرْتُ حَتَّى خَرَرْتُ إِلَى الأَرْضِ [My legs betrayed me, &c., so that I fell to the earth] was said by 'Omar. (S.) And one says, عَقِرْتُ حَتَّى مَا أَقْدِرُ عَلَى الكَلَامِ [I am stupified, or taken by sudden fright, &c., so that I am not able to talk]. (M, TA.) [And عَقِرَ alone means He became unable to speak. In one place in the L, this verb is written عُقِرَ; but this is probably a mistake.]

A3: عَقُرَتْ, aor. ـُ (S, IJ, M, IKtt, L, Msb;) in the K, عُقِرَتْ, of the class of عُنِىَ; but the authorities indicated above show that عَقُرَتْ is the correct form; (TA;) and عَقَرَتْ, aor. ـِ (M, IKtt, L, Msb, K;) and عَقِرَتْ, aor. ـَ (M, IKtt, L;) inf. n. عُقْرٌ, (S, M, IKtt, L, Msb, K,) of the first, (S, Msb, like as حُسْنٌ is inf. n. of حَسُنَتْ, (S,) or of the second, (M, L, K,) and عَقَارَةٌ (M, L, K) and عُقَارَةٌ, (K,) or عِقَارَةٌ, (M and L, as in the TA,) which are of the first, (M, L, K,) and عَقْرٌ, (M, IKtt, L, Msb, K,) which is of the second, (M, L, Msb, K,) and عَقَارٌ, or عُقَارٌ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) or عِقَارٌ, (M and L, as in the TA,) also of the second, (K,) or of the third; (M, L;) She (a woman [and a camel &c.]) was, or became, barren: (K, TA:) or did not conceive: (S:) or ceased to conceive. (IKtt, Msb.) b2: عَقَرَ, aor. ـِ and عَقِرَ, aor. ـَ He (a man [and a beast]) was barren; did not generate. (TA.) b3: عَقُرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عُقْرٌ, (assumed tropical:) It (an affair) did not produce any issue, or result. (K.) A4: عَقَرَهَا He (God) made her [to be barren, or] to cease to conceive. (Msb.) 2 عقّرهُ: see 1, first and second sentences. b2: جَدَّعْتُهُ وَعَقَّرْتُهُ I said to him جَدْعًا لَكَ وَعَقْرًا. (Sb.) [See 1.]3 عاقرهُ He contended with him for superior glory (K, TA) and generosity and excellence (TA) in the hocking, or slaughtering, (عَقْر [see 1],) of camels. (K, TA.) It was customary for two men thus to contend for superior munificence, [giving away the flesh of the victims,] but they did so for the sake of display and vain glory; wherefore the eating of the flesh of camels slaughtered on an occasion of this kind is forbidden in a trad., and they are likened to animals sacrificed to that which is not God. (TA.) b2: And عاقرهُ, (TK,) inf. n. مُعَاقَرَةٌ, (S, K,) He held a dialogue or colloquy, or a disputation or debate, with him, (S, K,) and encountered him with mutual reviling and satire (S, TA) and cursing. (TA.) A2: Also عاقرهُ, (K,) inf. n. مُعَاقَرَةٌ, (S, O, K,) He, or it, kept, confined himself or itself, clave, clung, or held fast, to him, or it: (S, O, K: *) he kept, or applied himself, constantly, or perseveringly, to him, or it. (TA.) You say عاقر الخَمْرَ, (S, * TA,) and simply عاقر, (TA,) He kept, or applied himself, constantly, or perseveringly, to the drinking of wine: (S, TA:) or مُعَاقَرَةُ الشَّرَابِ signifies the contending with wine for superiority; as when a man says, I have more, or most, strength for drinking, and so contending with it for superiority, and being overcome thereby. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.) You say also, عَاقَرَتِ الخَمْرُ الدَّنَّ The wine remained long confined to the [jar called] دَنّ; syn. لَازَمَتْهُ. (S, K.) And عاقرت الخَمْرُ العَقْلَ [app., The wine took hold upon the intellect: or contended with it for superiority]. (S.) 4 اعقرهُ He stupified him [so that his legs betrayed him and he was unable to fight or to advance or retire: see عَقِرَ]. (S, O.) A2: اعقر اللّٰهُ رَحِمَهَا God rendered her womb barren; (O, TA;) God affected her womb mith a disease (K, TA) so that she did not conceive. (TA.) A3: اعقر فُلَانًا He assigned to such a one a grant of land; syn. أَطْعَمَهُ عُقْرَةً i. e. طُعْمَةً. (K.) b2: and one says, أَعْقَرْتُكَ كَلَأَ مَوْضِعِ كَذَا I have given thee permission to pasture thy beasts upon the herbage of such a place. (O.) A4: And اعقر He became possessed of much property such as is termed عَقَار. (S, IKtt, O.) 6 تَعَاقَرَا, (K,) or تعاقرا إِبِلَهُمَا, (S, O,) They two hocked, or hamstrung, their camels, (عَرْقَبَا

إِبِلَهُمَا, S, O, or عَقَرَاهَا, K,) vying, each with the other, therein, (S, O,) that it might be seen which of them should do so most. (K.) [See 3.]7 انعقر He (a camel, and a horse, [&c.,]) [became hocked, houghed, or hamstrung; had his hock-tendon laid bare;] had his legs struck [or cut] with a sword. (S.) [See 1.] b2: It (a camel's or a horse's back) became galled by the saddle; as also ↓ اعتقر. (S, K.) 8 إِعْتَقَرَ see what next precedes.

عَقْرٌ The act of wounding; &c.: [see 1:] a mark, or wound, (أَثَرٌ,) like a notch, (كالحَزِّ, K, TA, [in the CK, كالخَرِّ,]) in the legs of a horse, and of a camel. (K.) [Hence, عَقْرًا حَلْقًا, and عَقْرَى حَلْقَى: see 1.]

A2: See also عُقْرٌ, first sentence: A3: and again in the last quarter.

A4: Also What is, or constitutes, the most essential part, of anything; or the prime, or the principal part, thereof; syn. أَصْلٌ: [such appears to me to be the meaning of اصل as here used, from what follows.] (S, IF, Msb.) b2: The principal part (أَصْل) of a دَار [i. e., a country]; (As, S, Msb, K;) which is the place where the people dwell, or abide; (As, S;) as also ↓ عُقْرٌ: (As, S, Msb, K:) the former of the dial. of Nejd; (As, TA;) and the latter of the dial. of the people of El-Medeeneh, (As, S,) or of the dial. of El-Hijáz; (TA;) or both of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz; and the latter, in the dial. of others, signifies the chief, or main, part of a دار; (Msb;) and the latter also signifies the middle [or heart] of a دار: (K:) or عَقْرُ الدَّارِ and ↓ عُقْرُهَا both signify the principal part (اصل) of the place of abode of a people, upon which they rest their confidence. (Mgh, O.) This last signification is exemplified by the trad. of 'Alee, مَا غُزِىَ قَوْمٌ فِى عَقْرِ دَارِهِمْ إِلَّا ذَلُّوا [No people have had war waged against them in the principal part of their country, upon which they rest their confidence, but they have become abased, or brought into subjection]: (Mgh, O:) or the meaning here is, in the midst [or heart] of their country, &c.; i. e., in the place where they abide, or lodge. (L.) It is said in another trad., عَقْرُ دَارِ الْإِسْلَامِ الشَّأْمُ, meaning, The principal part (اصل), and the place, of the country of El-Islám is Syria: apparently pointing to a time of conflicts and factions, or seditions, when Syria should be free from them, and the Muslims should there be more secure. (TA.) Lth has confounded in explaining what is the عُقْر of a دار and what is the عُقْر of a tank or trough for watering beasts &c. (Az.) عُقْرٌ (S, M, &c.) and ↓ عَقْرٌ, (M,) or ↓ عَقْرَةٌ and ↓ عُقْرَةٌ, (A, K,) Barrenness, in a woman, (S, K, &c.,) and in a man. (S, TA.) You say also لَقِحَتِ النَّاقَةُ عَنْ عُقْرٍ [The she-camel conceived after having been barren]. (S, O.) And لَقِحَ لِقَاؤُكَ عَنْ عُقْرٍ [app., (assumed tropical:) The meeting thee hath been productive of good after barrenness thereof]. (A, TA.) And لَقِحْنَ إِلَى عُقْرٍ, a phrase used by Dhu-r-Rummeh, referring to wars; i. e. (assumed tropical:) They returned to stillness. (TA.) And رَجَعَتِ الحَرْبُ

إِلَى عُقْرٍ (assumed tropical:) The war became languid. (A, TA.) b2: عُقْرٌ in a palm-tree means [Barrenness, or a drying up, and perishing, occasioned by] having the [fibrous substance called] لِيف stripped off (O, K, TA) from the heart, (O, TA,) and the heart itself taken away; (O, K, TA;) which being done, it dries up and perishes. (Az, O, TA.) A2: Also, or ↓ عُقُرٌ, or the latter is used only by poetic license, Anything which a man drinks, and in consequence thereof has no offspring born to him. (O, TA.) A3: Also, عُقْرٌ, A kind of dowry, (S,) or compensation, (IAth,) which is given to a woman when connection has been had with her in consequence of dubiousness, or a likeness [on her part to the man's wife]: (إِذَا وُطِئَتْ عَنْ شُبْهَةٍ, S; or بِشُبْهَةٍ, Mgh; or عَلَى وَطْءِ الشُّبْهَةِ, IAth:) or a recompense which is given to a woman for connection with her: (AO:) or a mulct, or fine, which is paid to a woman for ravishing her: (Lth, Msb, K:) or what is given to a female slave who has been ravished, like a dowry in the like case to a free woman: (Ahmad Ibn-Hambal:) so called because devirgination wounds the object of it: pl. أَعْقَارٌ. (IAth, TA.) b2: Hence, in consequence of frequency of usage, (Msb,) A woman's dowry; (Msb, K;) i. q. بُضْعُهَا. (O.) b3: Also The exploration of a woman to see if she be a virgin or not: (Kh, O, K, TA:) but Az says that this is unknown. (TA.) [Perhaps it is a meaning inferred from what here follows.] b4: بَيْضَةُ العُقْرِ is That [egg] with which a woman is tested on the occasion of devirgination: (K: [but what is meant by this, I have not been able to learn:]) or the first egg of the hen; (K, TA;) because it wounds her: (TA:) or the last egg of the hen; (O, K, TA;) when she is old and weak: (TA:) or the egg of the cock, which [they say] he lays once in the year, (O, K,) [or once in his life, for] they assert that it is the egg of the cock, because he lays, in his life, one egg, somewhat inclining to length; so called because the virginity of the girl, or young woman, is tested with it: hence, they say of a thing given one time [only], كَانَتْ بَيْضَةَ العُقْرِ: or, as some say, it is like the phrases بَيْضُ الأَنُوقِ and الأَبْلَقُ العَقُوقُ; so that it is a phrase proverbially used as applied to a thing that never is: (S, O:) accord. to A'Obeyd, when a niggard gives once, and not again, one says [of the gift], كَانَتْ بَيْضَةَ الدِّيكِ; and when he gives a thing, and then stops doing so, one says of the last time [of his giving], كَانَتْ بَيْضَةَ العُقْرِ. (TA.) One says also, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ بَيْضَةَ العُقْرِ meaning * That happened once, not a second time. (TA.) and بَيْضَةُ العُقْرِ means also (tropical:) He who has no offspring. (K, TA. [See also عَاقِرٌ.]) And (assumed tropical:) He who stands another in no stead. (TA.) A4: Also A grant of land; syn. طُعْمَةٌ; (O, K;) and so ↓ عُقْرَةٌ. (K. [See 4.]) b2: And A place where people alight (مَحَلَّةُ قَوْمٍ, K, TA) between the house, or abode, and the trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c.; (TA;) as also ↓ عَقْرٌ: (K, TA:) or (TA, but in the K “ and ”) the hinder part of a trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c., (S, K, TA,) where the camels stand when they come to water; as also ↓ عُقُرٌ: (S:) or the station of the drinker; (K;) as in all the copies of the K; but accord. to the T and Nh, the station of the animals drinking: (TA:) or the place where the bucket is emptied, at the hinder part of the trough, or tank; the place at the fore part being called its إِزَآء: (IAar:) pl. أَعْقَارٌ. (S, O.) It is said in a prov., إِنَّمَا يُهْدَمُ الحَوْضُ مِنْ عُقْرِهِ [lit., The trough, or tank, for watering beasts &c. is demolished only by commencing from its hinder part]; meaning, an affair is performed only by setting about it in the proper way. (TA.) b3: Also The part of a well where the fore feet of the animals watering stand when they drink. (TA.) b4: See also عَقْرٌ, in two places.

عَقِرٌ: fem. عَقِرَةٌ: see the latter voce عَقِيرٌ: A2: and see عَاقِرٌ.

A3: نَاقَةٌ عَقِرَةٌ, accord. to the K, A she-camel that will not drink save from fear: but accord. to IAar [and the S and O], that will not drink save from the عُقْر of the trough, or tank; and أَزِيَةٌ signifies one “ that will not drink save from its إِزَآء,” i. e. “ from its fore part. ” (TA.) عُقَرٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ, in two places.

عُقُرٌ: see عُقْرٌ, in two places.

عَقْرَةٌ: see عُقْر, first sentence.

عُقْرَةٌ: see عُقْرٌ, first sentence: A2: and again in the last quarter.

عُقَرَةٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ, in two places; and عَقُورٌ.

A2: Also A kind of bead (خَرَزَةٌ, S, O, K) which a woman binds upon her flanks, in order that she may not conceive; (T, S, O;) or which a woman bears, or carries, in order that she may not bear offspring: (K:) accord. to IAar, a kind of bead which is hung upon her who is barren, in order that she may bear offspring; but this is strange. (TA.) Hence the saying, عُقَرَةُ العِلْمِ النِّسْيَانُ [That which renders knowledge barren is forgetfulness]. (S, O.) A3: See also عَاقِرٌ, in two places.

عَقْرَى: see 1, in five places.

عُقْرَى: see the paragraph here following.

عَقَارٌ: see عَقَرَ النَّخْلَةَ.

A2: Also Real, or immovable, property, (كُلُّ مَالٍ لَهُ أَصْلٌ, Mgh, or مِلْكٌ ثَابِتٌ لَهُ أَصْلٌ, Msb, or مَا لَهُ أَصْلٌ وَقَرَارٌ, KT,) [an estate] consisting of a house or land yielding a revenue; (Mgh;) or such as land and a house; (KT;) or such as a house and palm-trees: (Msb:) or simply, land yielding a revenue; syn. ضَيْعَةٌ; (Mgh, K:) as also ↓ عُقْرَى: (Sgh, K:) or land; or lands yielding revenues (syn. ضِيَاعٌ); and palmtrees; (S, O, TA;) and the like: (TA:) and palm-trees (L, K) in particular: (L:) pl. عَقَائِرُ. (Msb.) You say مَا لَهُ دَارٌ وَلَا عَقَارٌ He has not a house nor land, or lands yielding revenues, or palm-trees. (S, O.) b2: Also (sometimes, Msb) Household goods, or furniture and utensils, (S, O, Msb, * K, TA,) which are not used except on the occasions of festivals, (K, TA,) and necessary affairs of great importance, (TA,) and the like: (K, TA:) thus, with fet-h, accord. to Az and IAar; (TA;) and sometimes with damm [↓ عُقَارٌ], (K,) thus accord. to As; (O, TA;) but in saying so, he differs from the generality of authorities: (TA:) or the best of furniture and the like, because none but the best is spread on the occasions of festivals: (TA:) and the best of anything. (O, TA.) One says فِى البَيْتِ عَقَارٌ حَسَنٌ In the house, or tent, are goodly furniture and utensils. (S, O.) عُقَارٌ Wine: (S, O, K:) or wine that does not delay to intoxicate: (TA:) so called because of its taking hold upon the intellect, or contending with it for superiority, (لِأَنَّهَا عَاقَرَتِ العَقْلَ,) accord. to Aboo-Nasr; (S;) or because of its remaining long confined to the [jar called] دَنّ, (S, O, K,) accord. to AA; (S, O;) [see 3;] or because the drinker keeps closely to it; (TA;) or because it prevents the drinker from walking; (K;) or because it disables (يَعْقِرُ) the intellect. (IAar.) A2: See also عَقَارٌ.

عَقُورٌ, applied to a dog, (S, O, Msb, K,) and to any animal of prey, as a lion, and a lynx, and a leopard, and a wolf, (Az, IAth, Msb,) and the like, (IAth,) each of these being called كَلْبٌ عَقُورٌ, (Az, IAth, Msb,) because of the same rapacious nature as the dog, (IAth,) meaning, That wounds, (Az, * IAth, O, Msb,) and kills, and seizes its prey and breaks its neck: (IAth:) [or that wounds, &c., much; for] it is an intensive epithet: (TA:) only applied to an animal; (S, K; [in the latter of which, the words thus rendered are preceded by “ or; ” the epithet in what precedes being restricted to a dog, but not explained;]) ↓ عُقَرَةٌ being applied to an inanimate thing: (K:) pl. عُقُرٌ, (Msb, and so in some copies of the K,) or عُقْرٌ. (So in some copies of the K, and in the TA.) عَقِيرٌ i. q. ↓ مَعْقُورٌ; (IF, O, K;) applied to a man, Wounded: (S, O:) pl. عَقْرَى. (S, Mgh, O, K.) b2: Applied to a camel, (S, Mgh, O,) both to a male and to a female, (TA,) and to a horse [or mare, &c.], (S, O,) [Hocked, houghed, or hamstrung;] having the [hock-tendon or] two hock-tendons laid bare, so as to be unable to run; applied to a horse; (TA;) struck [or cut] in the legs with a sword; (S, Mgh, O;) [a camel having one of the legs cut, previously to being stabbed; having a mark, or wound, like a notch, made in his, or her, (a camel's or a horse's) legs: see 1:] pl. as above. (S, Mgh.) [See also عَقِيرَةٌ.] b3: [Hence,] applied to a camel, (male, Msb, and female, L,) Stabbed; slaughtered by stabbing: (L, Msb, TA:) pl. as above. (Msb.) b4: Applied to a palm-tree (نَخْلَةٌ), as also ↓ مَعْقُورَةٌ, (Az, TA,) and, accord. to the copies of the K, ↓ عَقِيرَةٌ, but correctly ↓ عَقِرَةٌ, as in the M, (TA,) Having its head cut off, (Az, K, TA,) altogether, with the heart, (Az, TA,) and having in consequence dried up, (K, TA,) so that nothing comes forth from its trunk. (IKtt, TA.) A2: A man unable to walk, or to fight, by reason of fright and stupefaction; (TA;) taken by sudden fright, so as to be unable to advance or retire: or stupified: (K:) in which last sense it is applied to an antelope. (TA.) A3: See also عَاقِرٌ.

عَقِيرَةٌ signifies مَا عُقِرَ [What is wounded, or hocked, or struck or cut in the legs,] of wild animals that are snared or hunted or chased, and the like; (K;) of the measure فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولَةٌ. (TA.) See عَقِيرٌ. b2: A man of high rank who is slain. (S, K.) So in the saying, مَا رَأَيْتُ كَالْــيَوْمِ عَقِيرَةً وَسْطَ قَوْمٍ [I have not before seen, as on this day, a man of high rank who is slain in the midst of a people]. (S.) b3: A leg, or shank, cut. (S, O, K.) b4: Hence, The voice, or a cry; (S;) the voice of a singer (K, TA) singing; (TA;) the voice of a weeper (K, TA) weeping; (TA;) the voice of a reciter or reader (K, TA) reciting or reading; (TA;) the utmost extent of the voice or of a cry. (TA.) You say رَفَعَ فُلَانٌ عَقِيرَتَهُ Such a one raised his voice: the origin of the saying was this: a man had one of his legs cut, or cut off, and he raised it, and put it upon the other, and cried out with his loudest voice: so this was afterwards said of any one who raised his voice: (S, O:) or it is expl. thus: a man had one of his limbs wounded, and he had camels which were accustomed to his singing in driving them, and which had become dispersed from him; so he raised his voice, crying, by reason of the wound; and his camels, hearing, and thinking that he was singing to drive them, came together to him: and hence this was afterwards said of any one who raised his voice, singing. (Az, TA.) عُقَيْرَى a dim. n., of the occurrence of which the only instance known to KT is in a trad. cited and expl. voce أَصْحَرَ: said by IAth to be derived from عَقْرٌ in the phrase عَقْرُ الدَّارِ. (TA.) عَقَّارٌ [A simple; a drug;] any of the elements (أُصُول) of medicines; (S, O;) what is used medicinally, of plants and of their roots (أُصُول) and of trees: (K, TA:) [accord. to the CK, what is used medicinally, of plants, or of their roots: and trees: the last word being in the nom. case:] as also ↓ عِقِّيرٌ: (K:) or what is used medicinally, of plants and trees: (L, TA:) or a medicine that is used for moving the bowels: (Az, TA:) or any curative plant; as also its pl., (AHeyth,) which is عَقَاقِيرُ: (AHeyth, S:) nothing thus termed is called فُوهٌ. (AHeyth.) b2: [Hence,] حَدِيدٌ جَيِّدُ العَقَاقِيرِ (assumed tropical:) Iron of excellent manufacture. (O, K.) عِقِّيرٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

عَاقِرٌ; see مِعْقَرٌ.

A2: Also, applied to a woman, Barren: (O, K, TA:) that does not conceive: (S, O:) or that has ceased to conceive: (Msb:) as being from عَقُرَتْ, it is an instance of the confusion of dialects; [being properly from عَقَرَتْ;] or it is a possessive epithet [meaning having the quality of barrenness]: (IJ:) pl. عُقَّرٌ, (K, TA,) which is applied to women and to she-camels, (TA,) or عَوَاقِرُ and عَاقِرَاتٌ: (Msb:) and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ is in like manner applied to a woman, signifying, having a disease in her womb, (O, K, TA,) in consequence of which she does not conceive. (TA.) b2: Applied to a man, Barren; that has no offspring born to him; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓ عَقِيرٌ: (K:) the former anomalous; [if regarded as from عَقُرَ, not from عَقَرَ; but عَقُرَ said of a man, I do not find;] the latter regular; [if from عَقُرَ;] and the latter has not been heard applied to a woman: (TA:) pl. عُقَّرٌ: (Msb, TA:) and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ is also applied to a man, and signifies, one who comes to women, and feels them, and indulges himself with them in mutual embracing, or pressing to the bosom, (يُحَاضِنُهُنَّ,) but has no offspring born to him. (IAar, TA.) b3: (tropical:) A tree (شَجَرَةٌ) that does not bear; barren: and in like manner ↓ عَقِرَةٌ, occurring in a trad., as the name of a certain tract of land (أَرْضٌ), which name Mohammad changed to خَضِرَةٌ; or this may be from the same epithet applied to a palm-tree. (TA.) [See also عَقِيرٌ.] b4: Applied to a tract of sand (رَمْلَةٌ), (tropical:) That produces no plants or herbage; (O, K, TA;) likened to a [barren] woman: (TA:) or of which the sides produce plants or herbage, but the middle does not produce: (TA:) or such as is large: (K:) or large and producing no plants or herbage. (S.) عَاقُورٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ.

أَعْقَرُ مِنْ بَغْلَةٍ [More barren than a she-mule]. (TA in art. بغل.) مُعْقِرٌ A man having much properly such as is termed عَقَارٌ. (S, K.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

مِعْقَرٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ مِعْقَارٌ and ↓ مُعْقِرٌ (K) and ↓ عُقَرٌ (Az, S, O, K) and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ عَاقُورٌ, (O, K,) applied to the saddle of a horse (S, K) and that of a camel, (TA,) That galls the back; (S, * O, * K;) i. e., that usually galls the back: if it galls it but once it is only termed ↓ عَاقِرٌ. (A' Obeyd.) b2: Also مِعْقَرٌ and ↓ عُقَرٌ and ↓ عُقَرَةٌ A man who galls the backs of camels by fatiguing them with labour, or by urging them much in a journey. (L, K.) مُعْقَرَةٌ Having her womb rendered barren by God. (TA.) مِعْقَارٌ: see مِعْقَرٌ.

مَعْقُورٌ and مَعْقُوَرةٌ: see عَقِيرٌ.

مُعْتَقَرٌ A place of عَقْر [or اِعْتِقَار, i. e. of galling, or being galled, upon the back of a camel or the like]. (TA in art. ارى.)



1 عَمِرَ, aor. ـَ (S, O, Msb, K;) and عَمَرَ, aor. ـُ (K) and عَمِرَ; (Sb, K;) inf. n. عَمْرٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and عُمْرٌ, (S, O, Msb,) both anomalous, as inf. ns. of عَمِرَ, for by rule the inf. n. should be عَمَرٌ, (S,) but عَمَرٌ is also an inf. n., (TA,) and عُمُرٌ, which is the most chaste, (O,) and عَمَارَةٌ; (K;) He lived, (S, O,) or continued in life (بَقِىَ), (K,) long, or a long time; (S, O, K; *) his life was, or became, long: (Msb:) and عَمِرَ he grew old. (TA.) b2: عَمَرَ بِمَكَانٍ He remained, continued, stayed, resided, dwelt, or abode, in a place. (B, TA.) A2: عَمَرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عَمْرٌ, (Msb,) or عِمَارَةٌ and عُمْرَانٌ, (MA,) It (a place of abode) became inhabited; (MA, Msb;) بِأَهْلهِ [by its people]: (Msb:) [it became peopled, well peopled, well stocked with people and the like, in a flourishing state, in a state the contrary of desolate or waste or ruined, or in a state of good repair:] and in like manner you say, عَمِرَتِ الدَّارُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. عَمْرٌ, the house became inhabited [&c.]. (MA.) b2: [You say also, عَمَرَتِ الأَرْضُ The land became inhabited, peopled, well stocked with people and camels and the like, colonized, cultivated, well cultivated, in a flourishing state, or in a state the contrary of waste: see its act. part. n., عَامِرٌ.] b3: And عَمَرَ المَالُ, aor. ـُ and عَمِرَ, aor. ـَ (K;) and عَمُرَ, aor. ـُ (Sb, K;) inf. n. عِمَارَةٌ; (K; [so in most copies; in the TA, عَمَارَةٌ, and there said to be inf. n. of عَمُرَ; but, I think, erroneously;]) i. q. صَارَ عَامِرًا [The property, consisting of camels or the like, became in a flourishing state]; (K;) the property became much; the camels, or the like, became many, or numerous. (Sgh.) A3: عَمَرَهُ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. عِمَارَةٌ (K [so in most copies, but in the TA, عَمَارَةٌ, with fet-h, which I think erroneous;]) and عُمُورٌ (K) and عُمْرَانٌ, (TA,) He inhabited it; remained, continued, stayed, resided, dwelt, or abode, in it; namely, a place of abode: (Msb:) he kept to it; namely, his property, or his camels or the like, and his house, or tent: (K:) one should not say, of a man, مَنْزِلِهُ ↓ أَعْمَرَ, with ا. (Az, TA.) إِنَّمَا يَعْمُرُ مَسَاجِدَ اللّٰهِ, in the Kur [ix. 18], signifies Only he shall abide in the mosques, or places of worship, of God: or shall visit them: (TA:) see 8: but Z says, I know not عَمَرَ as occurring in the sense of اعتمر [he visited]: (TA:) or shall enter them and sit in them: (Jel:) or the verb in the above-cited phrase of the Kur has another signification, which see below. (TA.) A4: عَمَرَهُ is also syn. with عَمَّرَهُ, in the first of the senses expl. below: see 2.

A5: عَمَرَ اللّٰهُ بِكَ مَنْزِلَكَ, (Az, S, O, K, *) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. عِمَارَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ أَعْمَرَهُ; (Az, S, O, K;) May God make thy place of abode to become peopled, [or well peopled, well stocked with people and the like, in a flourishing state, in a state the contrary of ruined or waste or desolate, or in a state of good repair,] by thee [or by thy means]: (K, * TA:) but Az says that one should not say, of a man, مَنْزِلَهُ ↓ أَعْمَرَ, with ا. (S.) b2: عَمَرَ الخَرَابَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, [He made the ruin, or waste, or the like, to become in a state of good repair, in a state the contrary of ruined or waste or desolate.] (S, O, TA.) b3: [عَمَرَ الأَرْضَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He peopled the land; stocked it well with people and camels and the like; colonized it; cultivated it, or cultivated it well; rendered it in a flourishing state, or in a state the contrary of waste.] b4: And عَمَرَ البِنَآءَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He kept the building in a good state; syn. حَفِظَهُ. (TA.) So accord. to some, in the Kur, إِنَّمَا يَعْمُرُ مَسَاجِدَ اللّٰهِ, [quoted above,] Only he shall keep in a good state [or in repair] the mosques, or places of worship, of God: (TA:) among the significations of the verb as here used, are these; he shall adorn them with carpets or the like, and light them with lamps, and continue the performance of religious worship and praise and the study of science in them, and guard them from [desecration by] that for which they are not built, such as worldly discourse. (Bd.) b5: عَمَرَ الدَّارَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عَمْرٌ [and عِمَارَةٌ, (MA,) or this, accord. to the Msb, is a simple subst.], He built the house. (Msb.) [And] He made the house to be inhabited; he peopled it; (MA;) [or made it to be well stocked with people and the like, or in a flourishing state, or in a state of good repair.] b6: عَمَرَ الخَيْرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عَمْرٌ and عِمَارَةٌ, [app., He instituted what was good: or perhaps, he cultivated, or promoted, it: or he kept to it; or observed it; or regarded it.] (Az, TA.) A6: عَمَرَ رَبَّهُ, (IAar, K,) aor. ـُ (IAar, O,) [inf. n. عِمَارَةٌ,] He served, or worshipped, his Lord; (IAar, K;) he prayed and fasted. (Ks, Lh, O, K.) You say تَرَكْتُ فُلَانًا يَعْمُرُ رَبَّهُ I left such a one worshipping his Lord, praying and fasting. (TA.) 2 عَمَّرَهُ اللّٰهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَعْمِيرٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ عَمَرَهُ, (Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. عَمْرٌ; (TA;) God lengthened, or prolonged, his life; (S, O, Msb, TA;) made him to continue in life; preserved him alive; (K, TA;) as also ↓ استعمرهُ. (O and Bd in xi. 64.) It is said in the Kur [xxxv. 12], وَمَا يُعَمَّرُ مِنْ مُعَمَّرٍ وَلَا يُنْقَصُ

إِلَّا فِى كِتَابٍ, i. e., No one whose life is prolonged has life prolonged, nor is aught diminished of his, meaning another's, life, but it is recorded in a writing: (I'Ab, Fr, * O: *) or the meaning is, nor does aught pass of his, i. e. the same person's, life: (Sa'eed Ibn-Jubeyr:) both these explanations are good; but the former seems more probably correct. (Az, TA.) b2: عمّر نَفْسَهُ He determined for himself, or assigned to himself, a limited life. (K.) b3: عمّر اللّٰهَ, inf. n. تَعْمِيرٌ, He acknowledged the everlasting existence of God. (S, TA.) b4: عَمَّرْتُكَ اللّٰهَ I ask, or beg, God to prolong thy life: (Ks, O, TA:) or I remind thee of God. (TA, app. on the authority of Mbr.) [It also seems to signify I swear to thee by the everlasting existence of God. See عَمْرَ اللّٰهِ.] b5: أُعَمِّرُكَ اللّٰهَُ أَنْ تَفْعَلَ كَذَا I adjure thee by God, and beg thee by the length of thy life, that thou do such a thing. (K, * TA.) b6: See also 4.

A2: عَمَّرَ خِبَآءً بِمَا احْتَاجَ إِلَيْهِ [He furnished a tent with what he required]. (Msb in art. بنى.) 3 عَامَرْتُهُ طُولَ حَيَاتِهِ [I lived with him for the length of his life]. (M in art. بلو.) 4 أَعْمَرَ see 1, in three places. b2: اعمرهُ المَكَانَ, (K,) and فِيهِ ↓ استعمرهُ, (S, K,) i. q. جَعَلَهُ يَعْمُرُهُ (K) or جعله عَامِرَهُ (S) [He made him to inhabit the place, or to people, or colonize, or cultivate, it]. So the latter signifies in the Kur [xi. 64], فِيهَا ↓ وَاسْتَعْمَرَكُمْ (S) And He hath made you to dwell therein: (O, Jel:) or hath required of you to inhabit it, or to people it, &c.: (Z:) or hath enabled and commanded you to do so: (Bd:) or hath permitted you to do so, and to fetch out by labour, or art, your food [for قومكم in the L and TA, I read قُوتكم, and this is evidently the right,] from it: (TA:) or hath given you your houses therein for your lives; or made you to dwell in them during your lives, and then to leave them to others: (Bd:) or hath prolonged your lives therein. (Ibn-'Arafeh, O.) b3: أَعْمَرْتُهُ دَارًا, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, *) or أَرْضًا, or إِبِلًا, (S, O,) and إِيَّاهَا ↓ عَمَّرْتُهُ, (K, *) I assigned to him the house for his life, (Msb, K,) or for my life, (K,) to inhabit it for that period; (Msb, TA;) I said to him, of a house, (S, Mgh, O,) or of land, or of camels, (S, O,) It is thine, (S, Mgh, O,) or they are thine, (S, O,) for my life, (S, Mgh, O,) or for thy life, and when thou diest it returns, or they return, to me. (S, O.) The doing so is forbidden. (Mgh, TA.) [See also عُمْرَى: and see أَرْقَبَ, and رُقْبَى.] b4: اعمر الأَرْضَ He found the land to be عَامِرَة, (S, O, K,) i. e., peopled [and cultivated, or in a flourishing state]. (TA.) b5: اعمر عَلَيْهِ He rendered him rich; made him to be possessed of competence or sufficiency, to be without wants, or to have few wants. (K.) A2: اعمرهُ He aided him to perform the visit called عُمْرَة; (Mgh, O, K;) [said to be] on the authority of analogy; not on that of hearsay; (Mgh;) but occurring in a trad.: (Mgh, TA:) or he made him to perform that visit. (IKtt, Msb.) A3: See also 8.8 اعتمر He visited. (Msb, K: in some copies of the K اعتمرهُ.) You say, اعتمرهُ, (S, O,) and ↓ اعمرهُ, (ISk, Msb,) He visited him, or it; (S, O;) he repaired, or betook himself, to him, or it; (ISk, S, O, Msb;) as also ↓ عَمَرَهُ, accord. to one explanation of a passage in the Kur ix. 18, quoted above: [see 1:] but Z says, I know not عَمَرَ as occurring in the sense of اعتمر. (TA.) b2: He performed the religious visit called عُمْرَة. (O, TA.) You say اعتمر فِى الحَجِّ [He performed the visit so called in the pilgrimage]. (S.) b3: اعتمر أَمْرًا He betook himself to a thing, or an affair; as, for instance, a warring and plundering expedition; aimed at it; purposed it. (TA.) A2: Also He attired his head (i. e. his own head) with an عَمَارَة, i. e., a turban, &c. (S, K.) 10 إِسْتَعْمَرَ see 2: b2: and also 4, in two places.

عَمْرٌ and ↓ عُمْرٌ are both inf. ns., signifying the same. (S, O.) [See 1. As such, the former is the more common.] And both of these words, (Mgh, K, &c.,) and ↓ عُمُرٌ, (K, &c.,) [used as simple substs., or abstract ns., in which case the second is more common than the first, except in forms of swearing, in which the former is used, and the third is more chaste than the second,] signify Life; (Msb, K;) [the age to which the life extends;] the period during which the body is inhabited by life: so that it denotes less than بَقَآءٌ: wherefore the latter is [frequently] used as an attribute of God; but عمر is seldom used as such: (Er-Rághib, B:) pl. أَعْمَارٌ. (K.) Yousay ↓ أَطَالَ اللّٰهُ عُمُرَكَ and عَمْرَكَ [May God prolong thy life]. (S, O.) In a form of swearing, عَمْر only is used. (S.) [In a case of this kind, when ل is not prefixed to it, it is in the accus. case, as will be shown and expl. below: but when ل is prefixed to it, it is in the nom.] You say لَعَمْرُكَ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ, meaning By thy life, I will assuredly do [such a thing]. (Msb.) لَعَمْرُكَ occurs in the Kur xv. 72, and means By thy life: (I'Ab, Akh, Bd, Jel:) and ↓ لَعَمَرُكَ is a dial. var., mentioned by Yoo: (O:) or the former, accord. to the grammarians, means by thy religion: (AHeyth, O:) and [in like manner] لَعَمْرِى, and ↓ لَعَمَرِى, [by my life, or] by my religion. (K.) لَعَمْرُكَ is an inchoative, of which the enunciative, مَا أُقْسِمُ بِهِ, [that by which I swear, so that the entire phrase means thy life is that by which I swear,] is understood; therefore it is in the nom. case: (IJ, TA:) or the complete phrase is وَعَمْرِكَ فَلَعَمْرُكَ عَظِيمٌ [by thy life, &c.: and thy life is of great account]. (Fr, as related by A'Obeyd.) You say also لَعَمْرُ أَبِيكَ الخَيْرَ, and الخَيْرِ; the former meaning By thy father's instituting, or promoting, or keeping to, or observing, or regarding, what is good; الخير being the objective complement of عمر, from عَمَرَ الخَيْرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. عَمْرٌ and عِمَارَةٌ; [see 1;] but in the latter case, الخَيْرِ is an epithet added to أَبِيكَ [so that the meaning is by the life of thy good father]. (AHeyth, Az, O, TA.) [See also art. خير.] You also say لَعَمْرُ اللّٰهِ, meaning By the everlasting existence of God; (S, O, K;) عمر being here in the nom. case as an inchoative, with ل prefixed to it as a corroborative of the inchoative state: the enunciative is understood; the complete phrase being لَعَمْرُ اللّٰهِ قَسَمِى or مَا أُقْسِمُ بِهِ [the everlasting existence of God is my oath, or that by which I swear]. (S, O.) This expression is forbidden in a trad., (K,) because عَمْرٌ [properly] means the life of the body: (TA:) [but] لَعَمْرُ

إِلٰهِكَ, meaning By the everlasting existence of thy God, occurs in a trad. (TA.) When you do not prefix ل, you make it to be in the accus. case, as an inf. n.: thus you say, عمْرَ اللّٰهِ مَا فَعَلْتُ كَذَا (S, O, K) I swear by the everlasting existence of God, I did not so: (S, O:) and عَمْرَكَ اللّٰهَ مَا فَعَلْتُ كَذَا (S, O, K, [in the CK اللّٰهُ, but this is a mistake,]) By thine acknowledgment of the everlasting existence of God, I did not so: (S, O:) or the original thereof is عَمَّرْتُكَ اللّٰهَ تَعْمِيرًا, (O, K,) i. e., I ask, or beg, God to prolong thy life: (Ks, O:) [and it is said in the S that عَمْرَكَ اللّٰهَ sometimes has this signification:] and in like manner عَمْرَكَ اللّٰهَ لَا أَفْعَلُ ذَاكَ means I beg God to prolong thy life: I will not do that: or it may be a form of oath without و [for وَعَمْرِكَ]: (Ks:) and you say عَمْرَكَ اللّٰهَ اِفْعَلْ كَذَا and إِلَّا فَعَلْتَ كَذَا [and إِلَّا مَا فَعَلْتَ كَذَا By thine acknowledgment of the everlasting existence of God, &c., do thou so]: (TA:) or عَمْرَكَ اللّٰهَ signifies by thy worship of God: (AHeyth:) or I remind thee, reminding thee, of God. (K.) Mbr says of this phrase, عمرك اللّٰه, that عمر may be in the accus. case on account of a verb understood; [such, for instance, as أُذَكِّرُكَ;] or by reason of و suppressed, the complete phrase being وَعَمْرِكَ اللّٰهَ; or as being for [the inf. n.] تَعْمِير. (TA.) It may also be [found written] عَمْرَ اللّٰهَ; but this is bad. (Ks.) Some of the Arabs, for لَعَمْرُكَ, said رَعَمْلُكَ. (Az.) b2: عَمْرًا وَشَبَابًا: see قُحَابٌ.

A2: عَمْرٌ (AHeyth, K) and ↓ عَمَرٌ (K) signify Religion; (AHeyth, K;) as in the phrases لَعَمْرِى and ↓ لَعَمَرِى (K) and لَعَمْرُكَ (AHeyth) [mentioned above].

A3: Also عَمْرٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عُمْرٌ (IAth, O, K) The flesh that is between the teeth: (S, O, Msb, K:) or the pendent piece of flesh between the teeth: (Az, Msb:) or the flesh that is between the places in which the teeth are set: (TA:) or the flesh of the gum: (K:) or the flesh of the gum that runs between any two teeth: (TA:) or what appears of the gum: (Kh, Msb:) or (so accord. to the TA, but in the K “ and ”) anything of an oblong shape between two teeth: (K:) pl. عُمُورٌ: (S, O, Msb, K:) which some explain as signifying the places whence the teeth grow. (TA.) It is said in a trad., أَوْصَانِى جِبْرِيلُ بِالسِّوَاكِ حَتَّى خَشِيتُ عَلَى عُمُورِى [Gabriel enjoined me to make use of the tooth-stick so that I feared for my عمور]. (O, TA.) A4: أُمُّ عَمْرٍو: see عَامِرٌ.

عُمْرٌ: see عَمْرٌ, in two places.

عَمَرٌ: see عَمْرٌ, in four places.

عُمُرٌ: see عَمْرٌ, in two places.

عَمْرَةٌ: see عَمَارَةٌ.

A2: أَبُو عَمْرَةَ means Bankruptcy, insolvency, or the state of having no property remaining; (Lth, O, K;) which is said to be thus called because it was the name of an envoy of El-Mukhtár the son of Aboo-'Obeyd, on the occasion of whose alighting at the abode of a people, slaughter and war used to befall them: (Lth, O, K: *) b2: and (K) hunger. (IAar, K.) عُمْرَةٌ A visit, or a visiting: (S, Msb, K:) or a visit in which is the cultivation (عِمَارَة) of love or affection: (TA:) or a repairing to an inhabited, or a peopled, place: this is the primary signification. (Mgh.) b2: Hence the عُمْرَة in pilgrimage [and at any time]; (S, O; *) i. e. [A religious visit to the sacred places at Mekkeh, with the performance of the ceremony of الإِحْرَام,] the circuiting round the Kaabeh, and the going to and fro between Es-Safà and El-Marweh: الحَجُّ [differs from it inasmuch as it is at a particular time of the year and] is not complete without the halting at 'Arafát on the day of 'Arafeh: (Zj, TA:) the عُمْرَة is the minor pilgrimage (الحَجُّ الأَصْغَرُ); (Msb, and Kull p. 168;) what is commonly termed الحَجُّ being called sometimes the greater pilgrimage (الحَجُّ الأَكْبَرُ): (Kull:) pl. عُمَرٌ (S, O, Msb) and عُمَرَاتٌ or عُمُرَاتٌ or عُمْرَاتٌ. (Msb.) b3: Also A man's going in to his [newlymarried] wife in the abode of her family: (IAar, S, K:) if he removes her to his own family, the act is termed عُرْسٌ. (IAar, S.) عُمْرَى a subst., (إِسْمٌ [strangely read by Golius أَسْمَرُ], S, O,) or an inf. n., (TA,) [or rather a quasiinf. n.,] from أَعْمَرَهُ دَارًا and the like; (S, O, TA;) A man's assigning to another a house for the life of the latter, or for the life of the former; (accord. to the explanation of the verb in the K;) a man's saying to another, of a house, or of land, or of camels, It is thine, or they are thine, for my life, or for thy life, and when thou diest it returns, or they return, to me; (accord. to the explanation of the verb in the S and Mgh and O;) a man's giving to another a house, and saying to him, This is thine for thy life, or for my life: (Th, in TA: [in which is added, “whichever of us dies,” ايّنا مات, but this I consider a mistake for إِذَا مَاتَ, “when he dies,”) “ the house is given to his family: ”]) so they used to do in the Time of Ignorance: (TA:) but some of the Muslim lawyers hold the gift to be absolute, and the condition to be null. (TA, &c.) b2: Also [The property, or house, &c., so given;] what is assigned, or given, to another for the period of his life, or for that of the life of the giver. (K.) [See also رُقْبَى.]

عُمْرِىٌّ, applied to trees (شَجَر), Old; (K;) a rel. n. from عُمْرٌ: (TA:) عُمْرِيَّةٌ, [the fem.,] applied to a tree (شَجَرَة), signifies great and old, having had a long life: (IAth, TA:) or the former, the [species of lote-tree called] سِدْر, that grows upon the rivers (O, K) and imbibes the water; as also عُبْرِىٌّ: (O:) or, accord, to Abu-l-'Ameythel [or 'Omeythil] El-Aarábee, the old, whether on a river or not; (O, TA;) and in like manner says As, the old of the سِدْر, whether on a river or not; and the ضَال is the recent thereof: some say that the م is a substitute for the ب in عُبْرِىٌّ [q. v.]. (TA.) الفَرِيضَةُ العُمَرِيَّةُ: see المُشَرَّكَةُ.

عُمْرَانٌ [an inf. n. of عَمَرَ: b2: and of عَمَرَهُ: b3: then app. used as an epithet syn. with عَامِرٌ, q. v.: (of which it is also a pl.:) b4: and then as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant; meaning A land, or house, inhabited, peopled, well people, well stocked with people and the like, in a flourishing state, in a state the contrary of desolate or waste or ruined; a land colo-nized, cultivated, or well cultivated; a house in a state of good repair: such seems to be meant in the JK and A and K, in art. خرب, where, as in the O in this art., it is said to be contr. of خَرَابٌ, q. v.] b5: It is also a subst. signifying بُنْيَانٌ [A building; a structure; and edifice: or perhaps the act of building]. (Msb.) [See also عِمَارَةٌ. b6: It is also a pl. of عَامِرٌ, q. v.]

عَمَارٌ: see عَمَارَةٌ, in three places.

عَمِيرٌ: see عَامِرٌ.

أَبُو عُمَيْرِ The ذَكَر. (K; and TA voce شَامَ, q. v., in art. شيم.) عَمَارَةٌ Anything (AO, S, O, K) which one puts, (S, O,) or which a chief puts, (TA,) upon his head, such as a turban, and a قَلَنْسُوَة, and a crown, &c., (AO, S, O, K,) as a sign of headship, and for keeping it in mind; (TA;) as also ↓ عَمْرَةٌ (K) and ↓ عَمَارٌ: (S, O, * TA:) which last [is app. a coll. gen. n., of which عَمَارَةٌ is the n. un., and] also signifies any sweet-smelling plant (رَيْحَان) which a chief puts upon his head for the same purpose: and hence, (tropical:) any such plant, absolutely: (B:) or any such plant with which a drinkingchamber is adorned, (S, K,) called by the Persians مَيْوَرَانْ; when any one comes in to the people there assembled, they raise somewhat thereof with their hands, and salute him with it, wishing him a long life: so, accord. to some, in a verse of El-Aashà, which see below: (S:) or it there signifies crowns of such plants, which they put upon their heads, as the foreigners (العَجَم) do; but ISd says, “I know not how this is: ” or the myrtle; syn. آس: (TA:) and عَمَارةٌ signifies a plant of that kind, with which one used to salute a king, saying, May God prolong thy life: or, as some say, a raising of the voice, saying so: (Az, TA:) a salutation; (K;) said to mean, may God prolong thy life; (TA;) as also ↓ عَمَارٌ (S, K) and ↓ عِمَارَةٌ; (L;) but Az says that this explanation is not valid. (TA.) El-Aashà says, فَلَمَّا أَتَانَا بُعَيْدَ الكَرَى

↓ سَجَدْنَا لَهُ وَرَفَعْنَا العَمَارَا [And when he came to us, a little after slumber, we prostrated ourselves to him, and] we put the turbans from our heads, in honour of him: (S:) but IB says that, accord. to this explanation, the correct reading is وَضَعْنَا العَمَارَا: (TA:) or the former reading means, we raised our voices with prayer for him, and said, May God prolong thy life: or we raised the sweet-smelling plants: &c.: see above. (S, TA.) b2: Also عَمَارَةٌ, (K,) or ↓ عِمَارَةٌ, (O,) An ornamented piece of cloth which is sewed upon a مِظّلَّة, [by which is meant a kind of tent,] (O, K, TA,) i. e. sewed to the طَرِيقَة [q. v.], on each side of the tent-pole, (O,) as a sign of headship. (TA.) A2: See also عِمَارَةٌ.

عُمَارَةٌ Hire, pay, or wages, of, or for, عِمَارَة as signifying مَا يُعْمَرُ بِهِ المَكَانُ [see below]. (K, TA.) عِمَارَةٌ [is an inf. n.: and often signifies Habitation and cultivation; or a good state of habitation and cultivation: b2: and is also expl. as signifying]

مَا يُعْمَرُ بِهِ المَكَانُ [That by which a place is rendered inhabited, peopled, well stocked with people and the like, colonized, cultivated, well cultivated, in a flourishing state, or in a state the contrary of desolate or waste or ruined; app. meaning, work, or labour, by which a place is rendered so; as it is immediately added in the K that عُمَارَةٌ signifies hire, pay, or wages, of it, or for it; and the explanation which I have here given is agreeable with ancient and modern usage; to which it may be further added, that the measure (فِعَالَةٌ) is common to words signifying arts, occupations, or employments, as زِرَاعَةٌ and فِلَاحَةٌ &c.]. (K, TA.) b3: Also a subst. from عَمَرَ الدَّارَ. (Msb.) [It has two significations, either of which may be meant in the Msb: The act, or art, of building a house: b4: and A building; a structure; an edifice: generally, accord. to modern usage, a public edifice: pl. عَمَائِرُ. See also عُمْرَانٌ.]

A2: Also The breast of a man. (TA.) b2: Hence, (TA,) عِمَارَةٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عَمَارَةٌ, (Msb, K,) the latter allowed by Kh, (O,) but the former is the more common, (Msb,) A great tribe, syn. قِبِيلَةٌ عَظِيمَةٌ, (Msb,) or حَىٌّ عَظِيمٌ, (O, K, TA,) that subsists by itself, migrating by itself, and abiding by itself, and seeking pasturage by itself: (O, TA:) or it is called by the former name because it peoples a land; and by the latter, because complex like a turban; (TA;) and ↓ عَمِيرَةٌ signifies the same; or, as some say, all signify a بَطْن: (Ham p. 682:) or i. q. قَبِيلَةٌ and عَشِيرَةٌ: (S, O:) or less than a قبيلة: (O, K:) or less than a قبيلة and more than a بَطْن: (IAth, TA:) [see also شَعْبٌ:] or a body of men by which a place is peopled: (B, TA:) pl. عَمَائِرُ. (TA.) A3: See also عَمَارَةٌ, in two places.

عَمِيرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, near the end.

عَامِرٌ Living long. (Msb, TA.) b2: Remaining, continuing, staying, residing, dwelling, or abiding, in a place: (TA:) and thus, or remaining, &c., and congregated, in a pl. sense. (Mus'ab, O.) [Hence,] An inhabitant of a house: pl. عُمَّارٌ. (TA.) And عُمَّارُ البُيُوتِ The jinn, or genii, that inhabit houses. (S.) And عَوَامِرُ البُيُوتِ The serpents that are in houses: sing. عَامِرٌ and عَامِرَةٌ: accord. to some, they are so called because of the length of their lives. (TA.) b3: See also مُعْتَمِرٌ.

A2: Also i. q. ↓ مَعْمورٌ. (O, TA.) [See also عُمْرَانٌ.] You say أَرْضٌ عَامِرَةٌ A land peopled; [colonized; cultivated; &c.] (TA.) [See عَمَرَ.] And مَنْزِلٌ عَامِرٌ A place of abode inhabited [&c.]. (Msb.) And مَكَانٌ عَامِرٌ, and ↓ عَمِيرٌ, (S, O, TA,) i. e. ذُو عِمَارَةٍ [A place inhabited, peopled, well stocked with people and the like, in a flourishing state, in a state the contrary of desolate or waste or ruined]. (TA.) b2: It is applied also to that which has been a ruin or waste or the like [as meaning In a state of good repair; in a state the contrary of ruined or waste or desolate]; and so ↓ مَعْمُورٌ. (S, TA.) [Pl. عُمْرَانٌ.]

A3: إِنَّهُ لَعَامِرٌ لِرَبِّهِ Verily he is a server, or worshipper, of his Lord. (TA.) A4: أُمُّ عَامِرٍ, (S, O, K,) and ↓ أُمُّ عَمْرٍو, (K,) but the latter is extr., (TA,) The hyena; (S, O, K;) a metonymical surname, (S, O,) determinate, as applying to the species. (TA.) It is said in a prov., خَامِرى أُمَّ عَامِرِ أَبْشِرِى بِجَرَادٍ عَظْلَى وَكَمَرِ رِجَالٍ قَتْلَى [Hide thyself, O Umm-'Ámir: rejoice thou at the news of locusts cohering, and the glands of the penes of slain men: (in this prov., for كَمِّ, in the TA, I have substituted كَمَرٍ, which is the reading in variations of the prov.: see Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 431:)] this being said by a man, [it is asserted that] the animal becomes obsequious to him, so that he muzzles it, and then drags it forth; for the hyena, says Az, is proverbial for its stupidity, and for its being beguiled with soft speech. (TA.) It is called امّ عامر, as though its young one were called عَامِرٌ, and it is so called by a Hudhalee poet: (L:) or its whelp is called العَامِرُ: (K:) but it is not known with ال in the compound name with the prefixed noun [امّ, nor, app., without امّ]. (MF, from the Expos. of the دُرَّة.) عَوْمَرَةٌ Clamour and confusion, (S, O, * K,) and evil, or mischief: (O:) or wearying contention or altercation. (TA in art. دقر.) مَعْمَرٌ A place of abode peopled, or inhabited: (so in a copy of the S:) a place of abode spacious, (O, TA,) agreeable, peopled or inhabited, (TA,) abounding with water and herbage, (S, O, * K, TA,) where people stay. (TA.) مِعْمَارٌ and ↓ مِعْمَارِىٌّ, of which latter مِعْمَارِيَّةٌ is the coll. n., An architect: both app. postclassical.]

مَعْمُورٌ: see عَامِرٌ, in two places. b2: دَارٌ مَعْمُورَةٌ A house inhabited by jinn, or genii. (Lh.) b3: البَيْتُ المَعْمُورُ is [The edifice] in heaven, (K,) in the third heaven, or the sixth, or the seventh, (Jel, in lii. 4,) or in the fourth, (O, Bd,) over, or corresponding to, the Kaabeh, (O, Jel, K,) which seventy thousand angels visit every day, [or seventy thousand companies of which every one consists of seventy thousand angels, (see دِحْيَةٌ,)] circuiting around it and praying, never returning to it: (O, * Jel:) or the Kaabeh: or the heart of the believer. (Bd.) A2: Also Served [or worshipped]. (TA.) مِعْمَارِىٌّ: see مِعْمَارٌ.

مُعْتَمِرٌ Visiting; a visiter. (S, K.) b2: Performing the religious visit called عُمْرَة: (Kr, S:) having entered upon the state of إِحْرَام for the performance of that visit: (TA:) pl. مُعْتَمِرُونَ: and عُمَّارٌ [a pl. of ↓ عَامِرٌ] is syn. with مُعْتَمِرُونَ. (Kr.) b3: And Betaking himself to a thing; aiming at it; purposing it. (K, TA.) A2: Also Having his head attired with an عَمَارَة, i. e. a turban [&c.]. (AO, S.) مَا لَكَ مُعَوْمِرًا بِالنَّاسِ عَلَى بَابِى means Wherefore art thou congregating and detaining the people at my door? (Sgh, TA.) يَعْمُورٌ A kid: (IAar, S, O, K:) and a lamb: pl. يَعَامِيرُ. (IAar, S, O.)



1 عَافَتِ الطَّيْرُ, (Sh, O, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. عَوْفٌ, (Sh, O,) The birds circled over a thing, (Sh, O, K,) or over the water, or over carcasses or corpses: or circled over a thing, going to and fro and not going away, desiring to alight: (K:) AA says that the medial radical is و; others say that it is ى, as will be shown in art. عيف. (TA.) A2: And عَافَ He (a man, TA) kept, or clave, to the trees, or plants, called عَوْف. (O, K, * TA.) 5 تعوّف He (a lion) sought, or sought for or after, the prey, by night. (TA.) [It is used as intrans. and as trans.:] see عَوْفٌ and عُوَافَةٌ.

عَافٌ i. q. سَهْلٌ [A soft tract, or a plain, &c.]. (O, K.) عَوْفٌ A state, condition, or case. (S, O, K.) So in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ [May thy state, &c., be good, or pleasant]. (S, O.) One says also, أَصْبَحَ فُلَانٌ بِعَوْفِ سَوْءٍ, and بِعَوْفِ خَيْرٍ, meaning [Such a one entered upon the morning, or, simply, became,] in an evil state, and in a good state: or, accord. to some of the lexicologists, one should not say بِعَوْفِ خَيْرٍ, but only شَرٍّ [or سَوْءٍ]. (IDrd, O.) b2: Also Fortune; syn. جَدٌّ and حَظٌّ. (O, K.) And so, accord. to some, in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ [i. e. May thy fortune be good]. (O, TA.) b3: And i. q. طَائِرٌ [as meaning An omen]. (K, TA.) And thus it is said to signify in the form of prayer above mentioned: (TA:) [for,] as some say, the meaning is, نَعِمَ طَيْرُكَ [May thy omen be good]. (O, TA.) b4: And The ذَكَر. (O, K.) One says to a man on the morning after his first going in to his wife, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ, meaning thereby the ذَكَر [i. e. May thy ذكر be in a good state]. (O, TA.) A'Obeyd says, Some men used to explain (يَتَأَوَّلُ [for which يَتَنَاوَلُ is erroneously put in the O]) العَوْف as the فَرْج [meaning the ذَكَر], and I mentioned it to AA, and he disapproved it: (S, O, TA:) but a verse has been cited in which عَوْفِى [certainly] means ذَكَرِى. (TA.) b5: and A guest. (Lth, O, K.) And thus it has been expl. as used in the saying, نَعِمَ عَوْفُكَ. (O, * TA.) b6: And The cock. (O, K.) b7: And The lion: because he seeks his prey (↓ يَتَعَوَّفُ) by night. (O, K.) b8: And The wolf. (O, K.) b9: And One who toils, or seeks the means of subsistence, for his household, or family. (IAar, O, K.) b10: And A certain idol. (O, K.) b11: and A species of trees; (O;) or a species of plants, (AHn, O, K,) of the plants of the desert, (AHn, O,) of sweet odour. (AHn, O, K.) b12: أُمُّ عَوْفٍ

The جَرَادَة, (S, O,) [i. e.] the female of the جَرَاد [or locust]. (K.) And أَبُو عَوْفٍ The جَرَاد [meaning the male locust]. (Az, O, K.) A2: Also (i. e. عَوْفٌ) a good manner of tending or pasturing [cattle]: (O, K:) [or rather, simply,] the tending or pasturing [cattle]: so in the saying, إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ العَوْفِ فِى إِبِلِهِ [Verily he is one who has a good quality of tending, or pasturing, in respect of his camels]. (TA.) عُوَافٌ: see عُوَافَةٌ.

أُمُّ عُوَيْفٍ A small creeping thing (دُوَيَّبَةٌ), other than the جَرَادَة [which is termed أُمُّ عَوْفٍ]. (TA.) b2: And, accord. to AHát, أَبُو عَوْفٍ A species of the [beetles called] جِعْلَان [pl. of جُعَلٌ]: it is a small creeping thing (دُوَيْبَّة), dust-coloured, that excavates with its tail and with its two horns, and [then] never appears. (TA.) عُوَافَةٌ (O, K) and ↓ عُوَافٌ (K) The prey which the lion seeks (الأَسَدُ ↓ مَا يَتَعَوَّفُهُ) by night, and which he devours. (O, K.) b2: And (both words, K) A thing that becomes, or has become, an acquisition of any one (O, K, TA) by night. (TA.)



1 حَلَسَ البَعِيرَ, aor. ـِ (Sgh, L, K) and حَلُسَ, (L,) inf. n. حَلْسٌ; (TA;) and ↓ احلسهُ, (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. إِحْلَاسٌ; (TA;) He clad, or covered, the camel with a حِلْس [q. v.]; (S, K, &c.;) put upon him a حِلْس. (Sh.) A2: حَلَسَتِ السَّمَآءُ, (T, K,) inf. n. حَلْسٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) The sky rained continually; as also ↓ احلست: (K:) or rained a fine and continual rain; (T;) and so ↓ the latter. (T, S, A, K.) 4 أَحْلَسَ see 1, in three places: b2: and see 10, in two places.10 استحلسهُ He made it to be as a حِلْس. (TA.) b2: So the verb signifies in the phrase استحلس فُلَانٌ الخُوْفَ [in the CK فُلانًا الخَوْفُ] (TA) (tropical:) Such a one relinquished not fear. (Mgh, * K, TA.) b3: استحلس اللَّيْلُ بِالظَّلَامِ (tropical:) The night became dense with darkness. (A, TA.) b4: استحلس النَّبْتُ (tropical:) The herbage covered the land with its abundance (As, S, K, TA) and tallness; (Z, TA;) as also ↓ احلس. (K.) And الأَرْضُ ↓ أَحْلَسَتِ (tropical:) The land became altogether green [as though covered with a حِلْس: see the part. n. below]: (Sh, TA:) or, as also استحلستَ, became clad with sprouting herbage: or became green, with erect herbage. (TA.) حِلْسٌ A piece of cloth (كِسَآء), (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) of thin texture, (S, TA,) which is put on the back of a camel, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) beneath the بَرْذَعَة, (S, A, Mgh, K,) or beneath the رَحْل; (Msb;) a piece of hair-cloth used as a covering for a horse or the like: (A:) or anything that is next the back of the camel or other beast, beneath the saddle, in the place of the مِرْشَحَة, being beneath the felt cloth: (TA:) and a [piece of cloth of the kind called] كِسَآء, (S, * A, Mgh, K,) or a piece of hair-cloth, (A,) or the like, (TA,) or a carpet, (IAar, Msb,) that is spread in a house or tent, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) beneath the best of the pieces of cloth: (S, Mgh, K:) and ↓ حَلَسٌ signifies the same, in both applications: (A 'Obeyd, S, K:) pl. [of pauc.] أَحْلَاسٌ (S, Msb, K) and [of mult.] حُلُوسٌ (K) and حِلَسَةٌ. (Fr, Sgh, K.) b2: [Hence,] فُلَانٌ مِنْ أَحْلَاسِ الخَيْلِ (tropical:) Such a one is of those who train and manage horses and are constantly upon their backs. (TA.) And نَحْنُ أَحْلَاسُ الخَيْلِ (tropical:) We are acquirers of horses and constantly upon their backs. (S.) b3: أُمُّ الحِلْسِ (assumed tropical:) The she-ass. (S, K.) b4: هُوَ حِلْسُ بَيْتِهِ (tropical:) He is one who does not quit his place [or house or tent]: (K:) said [generally] in dispraise; meaning, that he is not fit for anything but to keep to the house or tent. (Az, TA.) [But it does not always imply dispraise; for] it is said in a trad., (S,) كُنْ حِلْسَ بَيْتِكَ, (S, A,) or كُنْ حِلْسًا مِنْ أَحْلَاسِ بَيْتِكَ, (TA,) (tropical:) Keep thou to thy house or tent; (A;) quit not thou thy house or tent: (S:) meaning, in a case of sedition. (TA.) You say also, فُلَانٌ مِنْ أَحْلَاسِ البِلَادِ, and حِلْسٌ بِهَا (tropical:) Such a one does not quit the country, by reason of his love of it: and this is said in praise; meaning, that he is a person of might and strength, and that he does not quit it, not caring for debt nor for dearth or drought, waiting until the country be fruitful. (Az, TA.) And فُلَانٌ كَالْحِلْسِ المُلْقَى [Such a one is like the castaway حلس] meaning, (assumed tropical:) is one who stands in no stead when an event presses heavily upon him, or oppresses him suddenly: and, accord. to El-Marzookee, هُوَ كَالْحِلْسِ, as meaning (assumed tropical:) He is one who does not sit a horse well; is not a horseman. (Ham p. 143.) And هٰذَا مِنْ أَحْلَاسِ فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) This is not of the implements, or apparatus, or the like, of such a one. (Ham ibid.) b5: حِلْسٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ (tropical:) A great one of men; syn. كَبِيرٌ; (K, TA;) because he keeps to his place of abode, not quitting it: but [SM adds] I have seen, in the Moheet, this expression explained by كَثِيرٌ [a multitude of men]; and Sgh explains it as meaning a company of men. (TA.) b6: هُوَ حِلْسُهَا [app., (assumed tropical:) He is the careful and skilful manager of it, constantly attending to it]: accord. to Fr, this expression, and هُوَ ابْنُ بُعْثُطِهَا, and سُرْسُورُهَا, and ابْنُ بَجْدَتِهَا, and ابْنُ سِمْسَارِهَا, and سَفِيرُهَا, all signify the same. (TA.) b7: رَفَضْتُ فُلَانًا وَ نَفَضْتُ أَحْلَاسَهُ (tropical:) I have forsaken, or abandoned, such a one. (A, TA.) A2: الحِلْسُ The fourth of the arrows used in the game called المَيْسِر; (A 'Obeyd, S, K;) as also ↓ الحَلِسُ: (IF, K:) it has four notches, and four portions assigned to it if it be successful, and the forfeiture of four portions if unsuccessful. (Lh, TA.) حَلَسٌ: see حِلْسٌ.

الحَلِسُ: see حِلْسٌ.

أَرْضٌ مُحْلِسَةٌ (tropical:) Land covered with abundant herbage, as though with a حِلْس: (K, TA:) or altogether green. (Sh, TA.)



1 عَسَلَ الطَّعَامَ, aor. ـُ and عَسِلَ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. عَسْلٌ, (TA,) He made, or prepared, the food with عَسَل [i. e. honey]: (S, O:) or, as also ↓ عسّلهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. تَعْسِيلٌ, (TA,) he mixed the food with honey, (K, TA,) and made it pleasant and sweet. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] عَسَلَهُ (tropical:) He made him an object of eulogy. (IAar, K, TA.) And (tropical:) He (i. e. God) made him an object of love to men. (K, TA.) Accord. to an explanation by the Prophet, of a saying of his in which it occurs, (tropical:) He (i. e. God) granted him, or permitted him, (O, TA,) i. e. disposed him, (TA,) to do a good deed, before his death, so that those around him were pleased with him, and eulogized him; the good deed being likened to honey. (O, TA.) b3: And He fed him with honey. (TA.) See also 2. b4: The inf. n. عَسْلٌ also signifies The extracting honey from a bee-hive. (KL.) b5: And عَسَلَ المَرْأَةَ, aor. ـِ (K, TA,) inf. n. عَسْلٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He compressed the woman: (K, TA:) the verb in this sense may be derived from a phrase mentioned voce عُسَيْلَةٌ, or it may be a word independently coined: ISd says, “In my opinion it is derived. ” (TA.) b6: عَسَلَ مِنْ طَعَامِهِ, inf. n. عَسَلٌ, [in form] like حَلَبَ, inf. n. حَلَبٌ, He tasted his food. (AA, O, K.) A2: عَسَلَ, said of a spear, aor. ـِ inf. n. عَسَلَانٌ (S, O, K) and عَسْلٌ [correctly عَسَلٌ] and عُسُولٌ, (K,) It quivered: (S, K:) or quivered much. (K. [In the CK, عَسْلًا and عَسْلانًا are put for عَسَلًا and عَسَلَانًا.]) b2: And عَسَلَ said of water, inf. n. عَسَلٌ and عَسَلَانٌ, (K, TA,) both with fet-h to the س, (TA, [but the former in the CK is with the س quiescent,]) It became agitated (K, TA) and rippled, (TA,) being put in a state of commotion by the wind. (K, TA.) b3: And عَسَلَ said of a wolf, (S, O, K,) or of a horse, (K,) or of a fox, (TA,) inf. n. عَسَلٌ and عَسَلَانٌ, (S, O, K, TA, [but both in the CK with the س quiescent,]) He went the pace termed عَنَق, or خَبَب, [i. e., with wide steps,] and quickly: and in like manner said of a man: (S, O:) or he was in a state of agitation in his running, and shook his head, (K, TA,) going along quickly: (TA:) or عَسَلَانٌ signifies the shaking of the limbs in running; and is mostly used in relation to the wolf: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and, as some say, عَسَلُ الفَرَسِ and عَسَلَانُهُ signify the horse's being vehement, or ardent, (أَنْ يَضْطَرِمَ,) in his running, bending down his head, and having his back even: and عَسَلَ الطَّرِيقَ, said of a fox, occurs in a verse of Sá'ideh Ibn-Ju-eiyeh, for عَسَلَ عَنِ الطَّرِيقِ [app. a mistranscription for عسل فِى الطريق], like the phrase دَخَلْتُ البَيْتَ [ for دخلت فِى البَيْتِ]. (TA. [See what next follows.]) One says also, of a guide, عَسَلَ بِالْمَفَازَةِ, (K, TA,) or فِى الطَّرِيقِ, (Ham p. 353,) He went quickly, (K,) or went with wide steps, like the wolf, (TA,) [in the desert, or waterless desert, or in the way].

كَذَبَ عَلَيْكَ العَسَلُ (S, K) and العَسَلَ, (K,) occurring in a trad., means Keep thou to going along quickly; (S, K, TA;) from العَسَلَانُ signifying the going along of the wolf and the quivering of the spear: or, as some say, by العَسَلُ is here meant عَسَلُ النَّحْلِ [the honey of bees]. (TA. See also art. كذب.) A3: عَسِلَ بِالشَّىْءِ, (O, TA,) with kesr [to the س], (O,) like عَلِمَ, (TA,) or عَسَلَ بالشّىء, (so in two copies of the S, [in one of my copies of the S omitted,]) inf. n. عَسَلٌ, with fet-h to the س, (O,) or عُسُولٌ (S, TA) and عَسْلٌ, (TA,) He kept, or clave, to the thing. (S, O, TA.) 2 عسّل الطَّعَامَ, inf. n. تَعْسِيلٌ: see 1, first sentence. b2: عَسَّلْتُهُمْ, (S, O, K,) inf. n. as above, (S, O,) I furnished them with عَسَل [i. e. honey] for travelling-provision; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ عَسَلْتُهُمْ. (K.) b3: And عسّل الرَّجُلَ, inf. n. as above, He made the man's condiment to be عَسَل [or honey]. (TA.) b4: And the Arabs say, عَسِّلُوا ضَيْفَكُمْ, meaning Divert ye your guest with something [whereby to allay the craving of his stomach] before the [morning-meal called] غَدَآء; like لَمِّجُوهُ and لَهِّجُوهُ &c. (El-Umawee, TA in art. لهج.) b5: And عَسَّلَتِ النَّحْلُ The bees made honey. (TA.) b6: [And, accord. to Freytag, عسّل signifies He collected honey: but for this he names no authority.]10 استعسلوا They sought, or demanded, or asked for, عَسَل [i. e. honey], (S, O, K,) as a gift. (K.) عَسْلٌ: see عَنْسَلٌ, below.

A2: عَسْلًا لَهُ meansتَعْسًا لَهُ [i. e. May he stumble and fall; &c.; (see art. تعس;) عَسْلًا being app. an inf. n., of which, in this sense, the verb is not mentioned]: (O, K:) [or may he be reviled; for] it is said that العَسْلُ signifies the reviling in blaming. (TA.) عِسْلُ مَالٍ (O, K) and مَالٍ ↓ عَسِيلُ (O) i. q. إِزَاؤُهُ, (O, K, TA,) i. e. A good manager and pastor of cattle, or camels &c.: the pl. of عِسْلٌ is أَعْسَالٌ. (TA.) b2: And هٰذَا عِسْلُ هٰذَا means This is the like of this: and so عِسْنُهُ. (O.) عَسَلٌ [Honey;] the fluid that is discharged from the mouths of bees, (K, TA,) when they have eaten, of the flowers and the leaves, what fills their bellies, these substances being then converted by God, within their bellies, into عَسَل, which they eject from their mouths: (TA: [in which, and in the K, several other explanations are added, too fanciful to deserve notice:]) the word is mase. and fem.; (S, O, Msb, K;) in most instances fem.: (S, O, Msb:) عَسَلَةٌ signifies a portion, or somewhat, thereof; (S, Mgh, O, TA;) being the n. un.: (TA:) the dim. is ↓ عُسَيْلَةٌ, with ة, because عَسَلٌ is mostly fem., or as meaning عَسَلَةٌ; (S, O, Msb;) or it is the dim. of عَسَلَةٌ: (Mgh:) the pl. of عَسَلٌ is أَعْسَالٌ [a pl. of pauc.] and عُسُلٌ and عُسْلٌ and عُسُولٌ and عُسْلَانٌ; (AHn, K;) and these pls. are used when one means sorts of عَسَل. (AHn, TA.) b2: [It is also used tropically for نَوْرٌ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) Flowers, or blossoms; because honey is made therefrom. (See جَرَسَ.) b3: And it is applied also to (assumed tropical:) The sweet, thick, inspissated, or melligenous, juice of fruit:] and it signifies [particularly] (assumed tropical:) the juice that flows from fresh ripe dates; (O, K, * TA;) because of its sweetness. (O.) [See also دِبْسٌ.] b4: Also (assumed tropical:) The gum of the [species of mimosa called] عُرْفُط [q. v.]; (O, K;) because of its sweetness. (O.) And عَسَلُ اللُّبْنَى is (assumed tropical:) The gum that flows from the species of tree called اللُّبْنَى, having no sweetness; (O;) a thing [or substance], (M, TA,) or a certain odoriferous substance, (K,) that exudes from the species of tree above mentioned, (M, K, * TA,) i. e. المَيْعَةُ [generally applied to storax, or styrax], (TA in art. لبن,) used for fumigation, and called by the vulgar حَصَى لُبَانٍ. (K. [See art. حصو and حصى.]) And عَسَلُ الرِّمْثِ is A white thing [or substance, a species of manna,] that comes forth from the [shrub called] رِمْث, [q. v.], resembling جُمَان [i. e. pearls, or silver beads like pearls]. (K, * TA.) b5: Also (assumed tropical:) A good, or righteous, deed, the eulogy for which is deemed sweet. (Az, O.) See عَاسِلٌ.

A2: And The حَبَاب [app. as meaning ripples] of running water, (IAar, O, K,) [arising] from the blowing of the wind. (IAar, O.) b2: [In one place in the CK, العَسَلُ is erroneously put for العَسْلُ: see عَنْسَلٌ, below.]

عَسِلٌ, (S, O, TA,) in the K erroneously said to be like أَمِيرٌ, i. e. ↓ عَسِيلٌ, (TA,) applied to a man, (K,) Vehement in beating, (S, O, K,) quick in the raising, (سَرِيعُ رَفْعِ, O, and so in copies of the S,) or in the falling, (وَقْعِ, so in a copy of the S,) or in the returning, (رَجْعِ, so in the K,) of the hand, or arm, (S, O, K,) with the beating. (TA.) أَبُو عِسْلَةَ: see عَاسِلٌ.

عَسَلَةٌ n. un. of عَسَلٌ [q. v.]. b2: [مَضْرِبُ عَسَلَةٍ is a euphemism for (assumed tropical:) The place of injection of sperma: and hence it means (assumed tropical:) the source from which one springs; origin; ancestry, or parentage; &c.] One says, مَا لِفُلَانٍ مَضْرِبُ عَسَلَةٍ i. e. (assumed tropical:) [Such a one has no source] of kindred (نَسَب), (S, O,) nor of cattle or property (مَال). (S in art. ضرب.) And مَا أَعْرِفُ لَهُ مَضْرِبَ عَسَلَةٍ meaning أَعْرَاقَهُ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) I know not the sources (or the source) from which he has sprung; or his ancestry, or parentage]: (S, O, * K:) or (tropical:) his origin, and any wife from whom he has sprung. (A, TA.) and مَا تَرَكَ لَهُ مَضْرِبَ عَسَلَةٍ (tropical:) He reviled him so that he demolished his parentage, and denied his origin, or rank or quality. (Z, TA.) And كُلُّ ضَرْبَةٍ

لَهَا مِنْ عَسَلَةٍ, said respecting his mother by an Arab of the desert, meaning (tropical:) Every child that she has brought forth is from a manly sire. (A, TA.) And عَلِمَ فُلَانٌ عَسَلَةَ بَنِى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) Such a one knew the whole company, and case, or condition, [or origin,] of the sons of such a one. (O.) عَسَلِىٌّ A thing of the colour of عَسَل [i. e. honey]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] عَسَلِىُّ اليَهُودِ The distinctive mark, or sign, [which has sometimes been a honey-coloured turban, at other times a girdle, or some other article of attire, of the same colour,] of the Jews. (S, Mgh, O, K.) عَسُولٌ: see عَاسِلٌ: A2: and see also عَسَّالٌ.

عَسِيلٌ The broom, or implement for sweeping, of the seller of perfumes, (S, O, K, * TA, كَمِكْنَسَةِ in the K being a mistake for مِكْنَسَةُ, TA,) with which he gathers together the perfume; (S, O, TA;) it is a hair-broom, with which he sweeps up the perfume from his paved floor: (TA:) or a feather with which [the compound of perfumes called] غَالِيَة is detached, or displaced: (Fr, IAar, O, K:) pl. عُسُلٌ. (TA.) A poet says, فَرِشْنِى بِخَيْرٍ لَا أَكُونَنْ وَمِدْحَتِى

كَنَاحِتِ يَوْمًــا صَخْرَةٍ بِعَسِيلِ [Then amend thou my condition by means of wealth: I will assuredly not be, with my mode of praising, like a hewer, one day, of a rock with a hair-broom, or a feather, of a seller of perfumes]: he means, كَنَاحِتِ صَخْرَةٍ يَوْمًــا, this last word intervening between the prefixed noun and its complement because the noun of time is held by them to be like what is redundant. (S, O, TA. [One of my copies of the S has أَكُونًا; the O, اَكُونَا: and each of my copies of the S has صَخْرَةً; and one of them, يَوْمٍ.]) b2: And The pizzle of an elephant, (S, O, K,) and of a camel: pl. as above. (K.) b3: See also عِسْلُ مَالٍ. b4: And see عَسِلٌ.

عُسَيْلَةٌ dim. of عَسَلٌ, q. v.: or of its n. un. b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) i. q. نُطْفَةٌ [i. e. The sperma of a man and of a woman]: or the مَآء [meaning sperma] of a man. (K, TA.) b3: And (tropical:) The deliciousness, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA,) or sweetness, (Mgh, K, TA,) of جِمَاع; as being likened to عَسَل [i. e. honey]. (S, O, Msb, K, TA.) Thus, (Mgh, O, Msb, TA,) or as expl. in the next preceding sentence, (TA,) in the saying of the Prophet to a woman who desired to be divorced from a husband in order that she might return to a former husband, لَا حَتَّى تَذُوقِى عُسَيْلَتَهُ وَيَذُوقَ عُسَيْلَتَكِ. (Mgh, O, Msb, TA. [See 1 in art. ذوقَ.]) b4: And العُسَيْلَتَانِ signifies العُضْوَانِ [meaning The male and female genital organs]; because means of experiencing delight. (Z, TA.) عَسَّالٌ: see عَاسِلٌ.

A2: Also, (S, O, Msb, K,) and ↓ عَاسِلٌ, (Msb, K,) and ↓ عَسُولٌ, (K,) A spear that quivers, (S, O, Msb,) by reason of pliableness: (Msb:) or [so the second, but the first and last,] a spear that quivers much. (K.) And رِمَاحٌ عَسَّالَةٌ [Spears that quiver much]. (A in art. زعب.) b2: See, again, عَاسِلٌ.

عَسَّالَةٌ [as a subst.] Bees. (S, O, K.) b2: and The شُورَة of bees; (K, TA;) i. e. the thing, such as a رَاقُود [q. v.] &c., in which bees make honey. (TA.) [See also مَعْسَلَةٌ.]

عَاسِلٌ A gatherer of honey (S, O, K) from the hive (S, O) or from its place; as also ↓ عَسَّالٌ. (K.) [And نَحْلٌ عَوَاسِلُ Bees occupied in gathering honey: see a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb cited in art. خلف, conj. 3.] b2: Also, as a possessive epithet, A place in which is honey. (TA.) One says خَلِيَّةٌ عَاسِلَةٌ (S, O, TA) A hive containing honey. (TA.) b3: Also an epithet applied to a man, (O, K,) said by Az to be as though it were for ↓ ذُو عَسَلٍ, (O,) meaning (assumed tropical:) Having a good, or righteous, deed attributable to him, for which the eulogy of him is deemed sweet: (Az, O, K:) and (O, K) accord. to IAar, (O,) a good, or righteous, man; as also ↓ عَسُولٌ; (O, K;) the former said by him to be an instance of the measure فَاعِلٌ in the sense of مَفْعُولٌ بِهِ [as meaning (assumed tropical:) made an object of eulogy: see 1, second sentence]: (O:) pl. of both عُسُلٌ, (O, K,) accord. to him. (O.) A2: See also عَسَّالٌ. b2: العَاسِلُ also signifies The wolf; [because of his manner of running; (see 1, latter half;)] (S, O, K;) and so ↓ العَسَّالُ; (TA;) and ↓ أَبُو عِسْلَةَ (O, K) and ابو غِسْلَةَ, with ع and غ: (O:) pl. of the first عُسَّلٌ and عَوَاسِلُ (S, O, K) [and عَاسِلَاتٌ is mentioned by Freytag as signifying wolves from the Deewán of the Hudhalees].

عَنْسَلٌ A swift she-camel; (S, K;) as also ↓ عَسْلٌ: (K, TA: [العَسَلُ in the CK, as syn. with العَنْسَلُ, is a mistranscription:]) the ن in the former is augmentative; (IJ, S, TA;) for, as Sb says, the word is of the measure فَنْعَلٌ from [the inf. n.] العَسَلَانُ; not, as Mohammad Ibn-Habeeb asserts it to be, syn. with عَنْسٌ, and of the measure فَعْلَلٌ, with the ل augmentative. (IJ, TA.) أَعْسَال i. q. [آسَال and] آسَان: so in the saying هُوَ عَلَى أَعْسَالٍ مِنْ أَبِيهِ [He is of a semblance and of characteristics and natural dispositions which are those of his father]. O, K.) تَعْسِيلَةٌ A light sleep: but this is a vulgar [postclassical] word. (TA.) مَعْسَلَةٌ i. q. خَلِيَّةٌ [q. v., i. e. The habitation of bees, whether it be a manufactured hive or a hollow in the trunk of a tree or in a rock, in which they deposit their honey]. (K.) [See also عَسَّالَةٌ.]

مُعَسَّلٌ Made [or preserved] with عَسَل [i. e. honey]: applied as an epithet in this sense to رَنْجَبِيل [or ginger]. (S, TA.) حَدِيثٌ مَعْسُولٌ (assumed tropical:) Sweet [or (as we say) honeyed] talk or discourse. (TA.) And جَارِيَةٌ مَعْسُولَةُ الكَلَامِ (assumed tropical:) A girl, or young woman, sweet in speech, beautiful in expression, pleasing in the modulation of the voice. (TA.) And مَعْسُولُ المَوَاعِيدِ (assumed tropical:) Veracious, or faithful, in promises. (TA.)
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