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Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane (d. 1876) المعجم العربي الإنجليزي لإدوارد وليام لين

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1 رَدَجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. رَدْجٌ, He (a mare's foal [or a young ass, or a lamb or kid, or any young solid-hoofed animal only,]) voided the excrement termed رَدَج. (TA.) A2: رَدَجَ, inf. n. رَدَجَانٌ, i. q. دَرَجَ, inf. n. دَرَجَانٌ: (K:) one of these is formed by transposition from the other: or, accord. to IJ, each is an original word. (TA.) رَدَجٌ What comes forth, (S, K,) or what first comes forth, (TA,) from the belly of a lamb or kid, or of a mare's foal, (S, K, TA,) and of a young mule, and of a young ass, (TA,) or of any young solid-hoofed animal only, (Az, T, TA,) before it eats: like عِقْىٌ in relation to a child: (S, K:) pl. أَرْدَاجٌ. (TA.) أَرْدَاجٌ pl. of رَدَجٌ: (TA:) A2: and used by Ru-beh for أَرَنْدَج, q. v. (K.) أَرَنْدَجٌ (Lh, S, K) and إِرَنْدَجٌ (K) and ↓ يَرَنْدَجٌ (Lh, S) Black skin [or leather], (S, K,) of which boots are made: termed by Ru-beh, in the following hemistich, ↓ أَرْدَاج: كَأَنَّمَا سُرْوِلْنَ فِى الأَرْدَاجِ [As though they were clad in trousers of ارندج]: (K:) accord. to A' Obeyd, originally Pers\., (S,) arabicized, (K,) from رَنْدَهْ: (S, K:) one should not say رَنْدَجٌ: (ISk, S:) accord. to Lh, i. q. دَارِشٌ: or, he adds, as some say, a skin [or leather] different from that termed دارش: or i. q. زَاجٌ, with which one blackens. (TA. [See what follows.]) With respect to these words of a poet, describing a woman as ignorant, or inexperienced, قَبْلَهَا ↓ لَمْ تَدْرِ مَا نَسْجُ اليَرَنْدَجِ [She knew not what is the weaving of يرندج before it], it is said that he imagined يرندج to be woven, or that he meant that this woman, by reason of her ignorance, or inexperience, imagined it to be so. (TA.) b2: [It is said, app. on the ground of an assertion mentioned above, that]

↓ يَرَنْدَجٌ also signifies A certain black dye; (L;) the black [or blacking] with which boots are blacked: or زَاجٌ [i. e. vitriol]. (K.) b3: Az mentions ارندج and ↓ يرندج as quadriliteral-radical words. (TA.) يَرَنْدَجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in four places.



2 رقّح, (S, A,) inf. n. تَرْقِيحٌ, (S, K,) He ordered, or put into a good or right or proper state, managed well, tended, or took care of, property, or cattle: (S, A, K:) and in like manner, he ordered, put into a good or right or proper state, or managed well, the means of subsistence; (S, * A, TA;) as also ↓ ترقّح [app. with the objective complement (العَيْشَ or المَعِيشَةَ) understood]. (TA.) b2: And He gained, acquired, or earned, property. (TA in art. رقع.) b3: It occurs in a trad., in the phrase رَقَّحَ إِنْسَانًا, as meaning رَفَّأَ [q. v.]. (TA.) 5 تَرَقَّحَ see above. b2: ترقّح لِعِيَالِهِ He gained, acquired, or earned, or he sought, or laboured, to gain or acquire or earn, sustenance for his family, or household; syn. اِكْتَسَبَ, (S, [see also 1,]) or تَكَسَّبَ; (A, K;) on the authority of Lh. (TA.) رَقْحَآءُ A woman who gains her subsistence by prostitution. (MF.) رَقَاحَةٌ Good management of property. (TA.) b2: Gain, acquisition, or earning: and merchandise, commerce, or traffic. (S, K.) Hence, (TA,) the Pagan Arabs, (S, A,) or some of them, (TA,) used to say in the تَلْبِيَة, [i. e. in uttering the ejaculation لَبَّيْكَ, during the performance of the rites of the pilgrimage,] جِئْنَاكَ لِلنَّصَاحَةِ لَمْ نَأْتِ لِلرَّقَاحَةِ [meaning We have come to Thee for the purpose of sincere worship: we have not come for gain, or traffic]. (S, A, TA.) رَقَاحِىٌّ A merchant, trafficker, or trader, (A, TA,) who manages well his property. (TA.) You say, هُوَ رَقَاحِىٌّ مَالٍ He is one who orders, or puts into a good or right or proper state, manages well, tends, or takes care of, property, or cattle: (S, K: *) or who gains, acquires, or earns, property, and orders it, puts it into a good or right or proper state, or manages it well. (A, TA.) هُوَ رَاقِحَةُ أَهْلِهِ He is the gainer, or earner, of sustenance for his family. (A, L.)



1 تَسَعَهُمْ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K) and تَسِعَ (Yoo, Msb, K) and تَسُعَ, (Msb,) inf. n. تَسْعٌ, (T K,) He took the ninth part of their possessions: or he became the ninth of them: (S, Msb, K:) or he made them to be nine with himself; (K;) they having before been eight. (TA.) [See also 2.]2 تسّعهُ He made it nine. (Esh-Sheybánee, and K voce وَحَّدَ.) [See also 1.] b2: تسّع لِامْرَأَتِهِ, or عِنْدَهَا, He remained nine nights with his wife: and in like manner the verb is used in relation to any saying or action. (TA voce سَبَّعَ.) 4 اتسعوا They became nine: (S, K:) and they became ninety. (M and L in art. ثلث.) b2: They were, or became, persons whose camels came to water [on the ninth day, counting the day of the next preceding watering as the first; i. e.,] after an interval of nine days, [of which the first or last, or each of these, was not complete,] and eight nights. (S, * K, * TA.) تَسْعٌ: see تِسْعَةٌ.

تُسْعٌ A ninth part; one of nine parts; (S, Msb, K,) as also ↓ تُسُعٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ تَسِيعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) agreeably with a rule which some hold to be applicable in the case of every similar fractional number; but Sh says, I have not heard تَسِيعٌ on any authority but that of Az. (TA.) تِسْعٌ fem. of تِسْعَةٌ, q. v. b2: Also A certain ظْمء of the أَظْمَآء of camels; (S, K, TA;) i. e., their coming to water [on the ninth day, counting the day of the next preceding watering as the first; or, in other words,] after an interval of nine days, [of which the first or last, or each of these, is not complete,] and eight nights. (TA.) b3: Also The ninth young one, or offspring. (A in art. ثلث.) تُسَعٌ The seventh and eighth and ninth nights of the [lunar] month; (K;) the three nights of the month which are after the نُفَل, because the last night of these is the ninth; (S;) among the nights of the month are three called غُرَرٌ, [pl. of غُرَّةٌ,] and after these are three called نُفَلٌ, and after these are three called تُسَعٌ because the last of them is the ninth night: (Az, TA:) or the three nights of the commencement of the month, as some say; but the first of these explanations is more agreeable with analogy. (TA.) تُسُعٌ: see تُسْعٌ.

تِسْعَةٌ, applied to denote a number, [namely Nine,] is masc. ; and ↓ تِسْعٌ, so applied, is fem.: (S:) the latter is also written ↓ تَسْعٌ, with fet-h to the ت; and is thus pronounced in the Kur xxxviii. 22, (Bd, MF,) accord. to one reading. (Bd.) You say تِسْعَةُ رِجَالٍ [Nine men], and تِسْعٌ نِسْوَةٍ [Nine women]. (K.) When it means the things numbered, not the amount of the number, تسعة is imperf. decl., being regarded as a proper name: thus you say, تِسْعَةُ أَكْثَرُ مِنْ ثَمَانِيَةَ [Nine things are more than eight things]. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [xvii. 103], وَ لَقَدْ آتَيْنَا مُوسَى تِسْعَ آيَاتٍ بَيِّنَاتٍ [And we formerly gave unto Moses nine evident signs; generally understood to mean the principal miracles which he was empowered to perform, and which are differently enumerated in the K and other works; but by some supposed to mean statutes]. (K, * TA.) b2: In تِسْعَةَ عَشَرَ, which is masc., and تِسْعَ عَشْرَةَ, which is fem., [each signifying Nineteen,] each of the two words ends with fet-h in every case, because they are two nouns which are regarded as one noun. (TA.) The former is pronounced by some of the Arabs تِسْعَةَ عْشَرَ: and the latter, thus in the dial. of El-Hijáz [and of most of the Arabs], is pronounced تِسْعَ عَشِرَةَ in the dial. of Nejd. (S in art. عشر.) In the Kur lxxiv. 30, some read, تِسْعَةَ عْشَرَ, making the ع in عشر quiescent, instead of تِسْعَهَ عَشَرَ, from a dislike of this consecution of vowels in what is like one word. (Bd, TA. *) تِسْعُونَ, Ninety: and ninetieth.]

تُسَاعَ, as meaning Nine and nine, or nine and nine together, or nine at a time and nine at a time, seems not to have been in use.] A'Obeyd says that more than أُحَادَ and ثُنَآءَ and ثُلَاثَ and رُبَاعَ has not been heard, except عُشَارَ occurring in a verse of El-Kumeyt. (TA in art. عشر.) تَسِيعٌ: see تُسْعٌ.

تَاسِعٌ [Making to be nine with himself, or itself: and hence, ninth]. You say, هُوَ تَاسِعُ تِسْعَةٍ [He is the ninth of nine]: and تَاسِعُ ثَمَانِيَةٍ [He is making eight to be nine with himself]: but it is not allowable to say, تَاسِعٌ تِسْعَةً. (TA.) b2: [تَاسِعَ عَشَرَ and تَاسِعَةَ عَشْرَةَ, the former masc. and the latter fem., meaning Nineteenth, are subject to the same rules as ثَالِثَ عَشَرَ and its fem., explained in art. ثلث, q. v.]

تَاسُوعَآءُ, (Msb, TA, &c.,) or التَّاسُوعَآءُ, (S, K,) The tenth day of [the month] El-Moharram; (Msb, TA;) [the day] before the day of العَاشُورَآءُ, (S,) or before the day of عَاشُورَآءُ: (K:) or, accord. to some, the same as the day of العاشوراء: (TA:) [see عاشوراء, where this is explained:] it is a post-classical word: (Sgh, K:) J says, in the S, I think it post-classical: (Msb, TA:) but [SM says,] this requires consideration; for it was used by the Prophet: (TA:) one ought to say, that, with عاشوراء, it has this form for the sake of resemblance; but as used alone, it must be conceded that it has not been heard [from the Arabs of the classical times]. (Msb.) مُتَسَّعٌ pass. part. n. of 2, q. v. See also مُثَلَّثٌ.]

مَتْسُوعٌ A rope consisting of nine strands. (TA.)



1 رَمَسَهُ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ـُ (M, Mgh, Msb) and رَمِسَ, (M, Msb,) inf. n. رَمْسٌ, (A, Msb, K,) He buried him, or it; (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) namely, a dead person; a corpse: (S, Mgh, Msb:) this is [said to be] the primary signification: (A:) as also ↓ ارمسهُ: (S, Msb:) or he buried him, and made the earth even over him. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Zeyd Ibn-Soohán, ثُمَّ ارْمُسُونِى Then do ye bury me: or it may mean, conceal my grave, and make it even with the ground. (Mgh.) b2: He poured, (M,) or scattered, (A,) dust, or earth, upon it; (M, A;) namely, anything. (M.) You say also, رَمَسَهُ بِالتُّرَابِ [in this sense]. (A.) And رَمَسْنَاهُ بِالتُّرْبِ We filled it up with dust, or earth. (M.) and it is said in a trad. of Ibn-Maakil, اُرْمُسُوا قَبْرِى, meaning Make ye my grave even with the ground; not gibbous, or elevated. (TA.) b3: He concealed, and covered, him, or it: this is [also said to be] the primary signification. (TA.) You say, رَمَسَ الشَّىْءَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. رَمْسٌ, He, or it, effaced, or obliterated, the traces, or remains, of the thing. (M.) And الرِّيحُ تَرْمُسُ الآثَارَ بِمَا تُثِيرُهُ [The wind effaces the traces, or remains, by what it raises, of dust or sand &c.]. (A.) And رَمَسُوا قَبْرَ فُلَانٍ

They concealed the grave of such a one, and made it even with the ground. (S.) And رَمَسْتُ الخَبَرَ, (K, * Msb,) and الحَدِيثَ, (TA,) I concealed the news, or information, (K, * Msb,) and the story. (TA.) And رَمَسْتُ عَلَيْهِ الخَبَرَ, (S, M,) and الأَمْرَ, (As A,) I concealed from him the news, or information, (S, M,) and the affair. (As, A.) b4: رُمِسَ حُبُّكَ فِى قَلْبِى The love of thee hath become vehement, and firmly settled, [as though buried,] in my heart. (A, TA.) A2: رَمَسْتُهُ بِحَجَرٍ, (S,) inf. n. رَمْسٌ, (K,) I cast a stone at him. (Ibn-'Abbád, S, K. *) 4 أَرْمَسَ see 1, first signification.8 ارتمس فِى المَآءِ i. q. اِنْغَمَسَ (Mgh, Msb) or اِغْتَمَسَ (K) [He immersed himself in the water]; or so that his head and whole person became concealed therein; the doing of which by one fasting is forbidden in a trad.: (Sh, Sgh;) or not remaining long in the water; (Mgh, TA;) whereas انغمس and اغتمس denote [the doing so and] remaining long in the water; and agreeably with this explanation of the difference, the two verbs are used in another trad., where it is said, الصَّائِمُ يَرْتَمِسُ وَلَا يَنْغَمِسُ The faster may immerse himself not remaining long in the water, but not immerse himself and remain long therein. (TA.) رَمْسٌ Dust, or earth: (Msb:) or dust with which the wind effaces traces or remains: (M:) or dust, or earth, that is scattered upon a corpse: (A:) or dust, or earth, of a grave: (S, Mgh, K:) an inf. n. used as a subst. (S, * Mgh, Msb.) b2: Hence, (Msb,) A grave; (M, A, Msb, K;) as also ↓ رَامُوسٌ and ↓ مَرْمَسٌ: (K:) or a grave that is made even with the surface of the ground; not elevated: (TA:) and ↓ مَرْمَسٌ signifies the place of a grave; (S;) or of a رَمْس: (TA:) the pl. [of pauc.] of رَمْسٌ is أَرْمَاسٌ (M, K) and [of mult.]

رُمُوسٌ. (M, Msb, K.) A2: A low, gentle, or soft, sound or voice. (M, TA.) رَمِيسٌ: see مَرْمُوسٌ, in two places.

الرَّامِسَاتُ (AHn, M, A, K) and الرَّوَامِسُ, (AHn, S, M, &c.,) [each pl. of الرَّامِسَةُ,] The winds that bury traces or remains; (K;) the winds that raise the dust, and [spread it so as to] bury traces or remains: (S:) or the winds that transport the dust from one district to another which is some days distant from the former, and sometimes cover the whole face of a land with the dust of another land. (AHn, M.) b2: رَوَامِسُ also signifies Flying things (طَيْرٌ) that fly by night: or any creeping thing (دَابَّة) that comes forth by night (ISh, K) is called رَامِسٌ. (ISh.) b3: It also occurs as a possessive epithet, or as an act. part. n. in the place of a pass. part. n. (M.) رَامُوسٌ: see رَمْسٌ; for the latter, in two places.

مَرْمَسٌ: see رَمْسٌ; for the latter, in two places.

مَرْمُوسٌ Buried; as also ↓ رَمِيسٌ: (M, TA:) having dust, or earth, poured upon it; as also ↓ the latter epithet. (TA.) b2: خَبَرٌ مَرْمُوسٌ Concealed news or information. (TA.) وَقَعُوا فِى مَرْمُوسَةٍ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ They fell into a state of confusion in respect of their affair, or case. (IAar, M.)



1 سَاعَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. ـُ (S, K,) inf. n. سَوْعٌ, (S,) The camels were left to themselves, (S, K,) without a pastor; (K;) as also ساعت with تَسِيعُ for its aor. and سَيْعٌ for its inf. n. (Sh.) 3 عَامَلَهُ مُسَاوَعَةً [He bargained with him for work by, or for, the hour,] is from السَّاعَةُ, like مُيَاوَمَةً from الــيَوْمُ. (S, K. [See also the last sentence of the second paragraph of art. سعى.]) [It is added in the S, that neither of them is used otherwise than thus: but accord. to SM one says also,] ساوعهُ, inf. n. سِوَاعٌ, He hired him, or took him as a hireling, for the hour. (TA.) 4 اساعهُ He left to himself, or itself, left alone, or neglected, and lost, or destroyed, him, or it. (K.) Er-Rághib says, [but why, I do not well see,] that the meaning of neglecting, or the like, is imagined as derived from السَّاعَةُ. (TA.) You say, أَسَعْتُ الإِبِلَ I left the camels to themselves, left them alone, or neglected them. (S.) And رُبَّ نَاقَةٍ تُسِيعُ وَلَدَهَا حَتَّى تَأْكُلَهُ السِّبَاعُ, meaning [Scarce, or many, a she-camel] leaves to itself, or leaves alone, or neglects, her young one [so that the beasts of prey devour it]. (TA.) [See also 4 in art. سيع.]

A2: أَسْوَعَ He (a man, Zj) passed from سَاعَة to سَاعَة [i. e. time to time, or hour to hour]; (Zj, K;) as also اساع, inf. n. إِسَاعَةٌ: (Zj, TA:) or he remained behind, or held back, or delayed, for a سَاعَة [i. e. a time, or an hour]. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) سَاعٌ: see سَاعَةٌ, in two places.

سَوْعٌ and ↓ سُوَاعٌ i. q. هدْءٌ, as used in the phrase, جَآءَنَا بَعْدَ سَوْعٍ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ [He came to us after a period, or portion, of the night; or after about a third or fourth part of the night had elapsed, when men were asleep, or at rest, and the night, and the foot of the passenger, were still; or after a third part of the night]: (S, K: *) or this phrase means he come to us after a سَاعَة [i. e. a short period, or an hour,] of the night. (TA.).

سَاعَةٌ [An hour;] one of the divisions of the night and the day; (Lth, K, TA;) both of which together consist of four and twenty of those divisions; each of them, when they are of equal length, consisting of twelve such divisions; (TA;) [also termed سَاعَةٌ فَلَكِيَّةٌ (an astronomical hour; fifteen دَرَجَات of time; sixty minutes of time;) because ساعة alone is often used in a vague sense, as meaning what is termed سَاعَةٌ زَمَانِيَّةٌ; i. e.] a time of night or of day: but used absolutely by the Arabs as meaning a time; a while; a space, or period; an indefinite [short] time; and a little while; (Msb;) a [short or] little portion, or division, [or space, or period,] of the night and of the day: (TA:) and السَّاعَةُ signifies the pre-sent time: (S, K:) pl. سَاعَاتٌ and ↓ سَاعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) [or the latter is rather a coll. gen. n. of which ساعة is the n. un.,] and سِوَاعٌ. (Msb.) It is used unrestricted in the Kur [vii. 32 and in other places], where it is said, لَا يَسْتَأْخِرُونَ سَاعَةً (Msb) They will not remain behind (Bd) for a time, or any while, (Msb,) or the shortest time: or they shall not seek to remain behind, by reason of intense terror. (Bd.) And so in a trad., where it is said, مَنْ رَاحَ فِى السَّاعَةِ الأُولَى Whoso goeth in the first time; not in the first astronomical ساعة, for then it would necessarily mean that he who should come in the latter part thereof would be on a par with the former person, which is not the case. (Msb.) [سَاعَةً signifies, as shown above, For, or during, an hour: and awhile; for a little while; during a short time; as in the phrase,] جَلَسْتُ عِنْدَكَ سَاعَةً I sat with thee, or at thine abode, for a little while, or during a short time. (TA.) [And فِى سَاعَةٍ, In a short time: in a moment. And السَّاعَةَ, Now: just now: this moment. And سَاعَتَئِذٍ, Then; at that time: or in that hour.] And مُذْ سَاعَةٌٍ [A little while ago;] in the first time near to us: (K in art. انف:) or this signifies السَّاعَةَ [expl. above]. (Zj, T and M in art. انف.) [And مِنْ سَاعَتِهِ At the moment thereof; instantly. Hence, سَمَّ سَاعَةٍ An instantaneous poison.] b2: السَّاعَةُ also signifies (tropical:) The resurrection; (S, K, TA;) the raising of mankind for the reckoning; also termed السَّاعَةُ الكُبْرَى: (Er-Rághib, B:) or the time thereof: (K:) because of the quickness with which its reckoning will be accomplished: (TA:) or because it will come suddenly upon mankind, in a moment, and all creatures will die at one cry. (Zj, Az, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [liv. 1], اِقْتَرَبَتِ السَّاعَةُ (tropical:) The resurrection [or the time thereof] hath drawn nigh. (Jel, TA.) And [in vii. 186 and lxxix. 42,] يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ (tropical:) They ask thee concerning the resurrection [or the time thereof]. (Bd, Jel, TA.) And [in xxxi. last verse and xliii. 85,] عِنْدَهُ عِلْمُ السَّاعَةِ (tropical:) With Him is the knowledge of the resurrection, (TA,) or of the time thereof. (Bd, Jel.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The death of one generation; termed, for distinction, السَّاعَةُ الوُسْطَى: as in the saying of Mohammad, when he saw 'AbdAllah Ibn-Uneys, إِنْ يَطُلْ عُمْرُ هٰذَا الغُلَامِ لَمْ يَمُتْ حَتَّى تَقُومَ السَّاعَةُ (assumed tropical:) [If the life of this boy last long, he will not die until the death of the generation shall come to pass]: accordingly it is said that he was the last that died of the Companions. (Er-Rághib, B.) b4: Also (assumed tropical:) The death of any man; termed, for distinction, السَّاعَةُ الصُّغْرَى: as in the Kur [vi. 31], قَدْ خَسِرَ الَّذَينَ كَذَّبُوا بِلِقَآءِ اللّٰهِ حَتَّى إِذَا جَآءَتْهُمُ السَّاٰعَةُ بَغْتَةً (assumed tropical:) [They have suffered loss who disbelieved in, or denied as false, the meeting with God until, when death came to them suddenly]. (Er-Rághib, B) b5: Also (assumed tropical:) Difficulty, distress, or affliction; and so ↓ السَّاعُ. (TA.) b6: And (assumed tropical:) Distance, or remoteness. (TA.) A2: See also سَائِعٌ.

سَاعَةٌ سَوْعَآءُ A severe, grievous, or distressing [hour or time]; (S, K;) like the phrase لَيْلَةٌ لَيْلَآءُ. (S.) سُوَاعٌ: see سَوْعٌ.

A2: Also, (S, K, [in the CK erroneously without tenween,]) and سَوَاعٌ, (Kh, K,) A certain idol (S, K) which belonged to the people of Noah, (S,) in whose time it was worshipped; then the deluge buried it, but Iblees exhumed it, and it was worshipped [again]; (K;) so says Lth; (TA;) then it became the property of [the tribe of] Hudheyl, (S, K,) and was at Ruhát, (S,) and pilgrimage was performed to it: (S, K:) or it belonged to [the tribe of] Hemdán: (Bd, TA:) Abu-l-Mundhir says, I have not heard the mention of it in the poems of Hudheyl: but one of the Arabs, in verse, mentions Hudheyl as paying devotion to it: (TA:) it is said that it had the form of a woman: (Har p. 362:) [if so, as a fem. proper name, it would be without tenween: but] it is mentioned in the Kur [lxxi. 22, and is there with tenween]. (TA.) [See also وَدٌّ.]

هُوَ ضَائِعٌ سَائِعٌ He is left to himself, left alone, or neglected. (S, * K, * TA.) ↓ سَاعَةٌ [is pl. of سَائِعٌ; and also signifies] In a state of perdition or destruction; perishing; or dying; in a pl. sense; like جَاعَةٌ as signifying جِيَاعٌ, (K,) and طَاعَةٌ as signifying مُطِيعُونَ. (TA.) مُسِيعٌ: see the following paragraph.

مِسْيَاعٌ A she-camel that leaves her young one so that the beasts of prey devour it: (Sh, K:) or a she-camel that goes away in the place of pasturing: (S:) belonging to this art. and to art. سيع, q. v. (K.) You say also, رَجُلٌ مِضْيَاعٌ مِسْيَاعٌ لِلْمَالِ [A man who is wont to neglect the camels or the like; or to leave them to themselves, or alone; or to lose them]; and accord. to A'Obeyd, مُضِيعٌ

↓ مُسِيعٌ. (S.)



1 رَاضَ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. رِيَاضَةٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and رِيَاضٌ, (S, M, K,) or the latter is used poetically for the former, and رَوْضٌ, (M,) He broke, or trained, (M, K, Msb,) a colt, (S, K,) or beast, (M, A, Msb,) and made it easy to ride upon: (M:) or he taught it to go: (TA:) and ↓ روّض, inf. n. تَرْوِيضٌ, he did so well, or vigorously. (S, TA.) b2: Hence, رَاضَ صَاحِبَهُ (assumed tropical:) [He made his companion easy and tractable]. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] رَاضَ نَفْسَهُ (assumed tropical:) [He trained, disciplined, or subdued, himself: or] he became clement, or forbearing. (Msb.) And نَفْسَكَ بِالتَّقْوَى ↓ رَوِّضْ (tropical:) [Train, discipline, or subdue, thyself well by piety]. (A, TA.) b4: [Hence also,] رَاضَ الشَّاعِرُ القَوَافِىَ (tropical:) [The poet rendered rhymes, or verses, easy to him by practice]. (A, TA.) And لَهُ أَمْرًا ↓ روّض (assumed tropical:) He made an affair easy to him; syn. سَوَّسَهُ, q. v. (TA in art. سوس.) b5: [Hence also,] رُضْتُ الدُّرَّ, inf. n. رِيَاضَةٌ, (tropical:) I bored the pearls: and هُوَ صَعْبُ الرِّيَاضَةِ, and سَهْلُ الرياضة, (tropical:) It is difficult to bore, and easy to bore. (A, TA.) 2 رَوَّضَ see 1, in three places.

A2: روّض, (K,) inf. n. تَرْوِيضٌ, (TA,) He kept to the رِيَاض [pl. of رَوْضَة, q. v.]. (K.) A3: روّض القَرَاحَ, (S, K,) or الأَرْضَ, (M, A,) He, or it, (a man, S, or a torrent, M, or the rain, A,) made the clear or bare land, (S, K,) or the land, (M, A,) a رَوْضَة. (S, M, K.) And اللّٰهُ الأَرْضَ ↓ اراض God made the land رِيَاض. (M.) 3 راوضهُ, (S, A, K,) عَلَى أَمْرِ كَذَا, (S,) or عَلَى كَذَا, (A,) inf. n. مُرَاوَضَةٌ, (Mgh,) (tropical:) He coaxed, wheedled, beguiled, or deluded, him; (S, A, Mgh, K;) and he endeavoured to deceive or beguile him; like as he does who is training a beast not yet rendered perfectly tractable; (Mgh;) in order to make him enter into such a thing or affair; (S;) or until he entered into such a thing. (A.) b2: Hence, (Mgh,) بَيْعُ المُرَاوَضَةِ (tropical:) That mode of selling which is termed بَيْعُ المُوَاصَفَةِ; (Mgh, K; *) which is when one describes to a man an article of merchandise not present with him: (Sh, K:) this is said in a trad. to be an action that is disapproved: (K:) but some of the professors of practical law allow it when the article of merchandise agrees with the description. (L.) 4 اراض (Yaakoob, S, A) and أَرْوَضَ (Yaakoob, S) It (a place) became abundant in its رِيَاض [pl. of رَوْضَةٌ, q. v.]; (Yaakoob, S, A;) as also ↓ استراض. (A.) And أَرْوَضَتِ الأَرْضُ and أَرَاضَت The land became clad with plants, or herbage (M.) b2: [And hence,] اراض (tropical:) It (a valley) had water stagnating, or remaining, or collecting, in it; (S, A, Msb, K;) concealing its bottom; (A;) as also ↓ استراض: (S, M, A, Msb, K:) and so the former verb, (S,) or ↓ both, (A,) said of a watering-trough: (S, A:) or, when said of a watering-trough, the former verb signifies (assumed tropical:) it had its bottom, or lower part, covered with water: (M:) and ↓ the latter, (assumed tropical:) the water spread widely upon the surface thereof; (M;) and so the former too: (TA:) or ↓ the latter, (tropical:) it had a sufficient quantity of water poured into it to conceal its bottom; (O, K;) or to cover its bottom, or lower part. (L, TA.) b3: And from اراض, said of a watering-trough, has originated the saying, (S,) شَرِبُوا حَتَّى أَرَاضُوا (assumed tropical:) (assumed tropical:) They drank until they thoroughly satisfied their thirst. (S, K. *) and اراض also signifies (assumed tropical:) He drank a second draught after a first. (K.) A2: اراض اللّٰهُ الأَرْضَ: see 2. b2: [Hence,] اراض الحَوْضَ (assumed tropical:) He poured into the watering-trough a sufficient quantity of water to conceal its bottom. (TA.) b3: And hence, (TA,) أَرَاضَهُمْ, said of a vessel, (tropical:) It satisfied their thirst: (S, * K:) or it satisfied their thirst in some degree. (M, TA.) Hence the saying, فَدَعَا بِإِنَآءٍ يُرِيضُ الرَّهْطَ (tropical:) And he called for a vessel which would satisfy (K, TA) in some degree (TA) the [number of men termed a] رَهْط; (K, TA;) occurring in a trad., (TA,) accord. to one relation, but the more common is يُرْبِضُ, (K, TA,) with the singlepointed ب. (TA.) b4: اراض also signifies (assumed tropical:) He poured milk upon milk; (K;) accord. to A 'Obeyd; but he deems it strange. (TA.) 6 التَّرَاوُضُ in selling and buying is syn. with التَّحَاذِى; i. e. (tropical:) The increasing [of the sum offered] and diminishing [of the sum demanded] which take place between the two parties bargaining; as though each of them were making his companion easy and tractable; from الرِّيَاضَةُ as inf. n. of رَاضَ in the first of the senses expl. above. (TA.) In the phrase تَرَاوَضَا السِّلْعَةَ, meaning (assumed tropical:) They coaxed, wheedled, beguiled, or deluded, each other, with respect to the article of merchandise, [in the manner explained above, or otherwise,] the omission of the prep. [فِى] requires consideration. (Mgh.) You say also, تَرَاوَضَا فِى الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) They practised dissimulation, or showed feigned affection, each to the other, in, or respecting, the thing, or affair; as also تَنَاظَرَا: (TK in art. نظر:) التَّرَاوُضُ فِى الأَمْرِ is syn. with التَّنَاظُرُ. (M and K in art. نظر.) 8 ارتاض, said of a colt, (K,) and ارتاضت, (S, A,) said of a she-camel, (S,) or of a beast (دَابَّة), (A,) It became broken, or trained. (S, A, * K, TA.) b2: [And hence,] ارتاضت القَوَافِى لِلشَّاعِرِ (tropical:) [The rhymes, or verses, became rendered easy by practice to the poet]. (A, TA.) 10 استراض: see 4, in five places. b2: Also (assumed tropical:) It (water) stagnated, or remained, or collected, in a place. (TA.) b3: And (assumed tropical:) It (a place, S, M, K) was, or became, wide, ample, or spacious. (S, M, Msb, K.) b4: And [hence (see its part. n. below)] استراضت النَّفْسُ (tropical:) The mind was, or became, dilated, free from straitness, cheerful, or happy. (K, TA.) رَوْضٌ: see the paragraph next following, near the middle, in three places; and again, in the last sentence of the same.

رَوْضَةٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and ↓ رِيضَةٌ (AA, A, K) and ↓ رِيِّضَةٌ (TA) [seem to be best rendered, in general, A meadow; meaning, a verdant tract of land, somewhat watery; or (as in Johnson's dictionary) ground somewhat watery, not ploughed, but covered with grass and flowers: and sometimes, a garden: accord. to the following explanations:] verdant land: a place where water collects, and the herbage becomes abundant, without trees: or fresh green herbage, with water, or having water by its side; not otherwise: or, accord. to Aboo-Ziyád El-Kilábee, a tract of plain land, producing [lote-trees of the kind called]

سِدْر; which may be of the extent of Baghdád: and also, of herbs, or leguminous plants, and fresh green herbage: (M:) or this last [only]: (S:) or a tract of plain land, in which are جَرَاثِيم [perhaps here meaning ants' nests, as these are generally found in soft soil,] and soft hillocks, in the low, or best and most productive, parts of a country, where water stagnates, or remains, or collects, at least a hundred cubits in extent: (M:) or a tract of sand, and of fresh green herbage, where water stagnates, or remains, or collects; so called because of the stagnation, or remaining, or collecting, of the water therein: (A, K, TA:) it is said that رَوْضَةٌ is mostly applied to a place where beasts pasture at pleasure: some say that it signifies a land having waters and trees, and sweet, or pleasant, flowers: (TA:) or a place that is pleasant with flowers; said to be so called because the waters that flow thither rest there: (Msb:) it is said in the 'Ináyeh, that ↓ رَوْضٌ [perhaps a mistake for رَوْضَةٌ] signifies a garden; and in common conventional language, one having rivers, or rivulets: MF says that rivers, or rivulets, do not necessarily belong to the signification; but that having water does; though not in common conventional language: (TA:) accord. to Th, رَوْضَةٌ signifies a beautiful garden: (M:) the pl. of رَوْضَةٌ is ↓ رَوْضٌ, (S, M, K,) [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] and رِيَاضٌ, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) originally رِوَاضٌ, (S,) and رِيضَانٌ, (Lth, M, K,) originally رِوْضَانٌ, (TA,) or rather رِيضَانٌ is pl. of ↓ رَوْضٌ, (M,) and رَوْضَاتٌ, (M, Msb,) in the dial. of Hudheyl رَوَضَاتٌ: (Msb:) Az says that the رياض of the hard and stony and rugged tracts in the desert are low level places, in which the rainwater stagnates, or remains, or collects, and which consequently produce various kinds of herbage, that do not quickly dry up and wither: that sometimes a رَوْضَة contains thickets of wild سِدْر: and sometimes it is a mile in length and breadth: but such as are very wide are termed قِيعَان. (TA.) It is said in a prov., أَحْسَنُ مِنْ بَيْضَةٍ فِى رَوْضَةٍ [More beautiful than an egg in a meadow, or garden]. (A, TA.) And one says, أَنَا عِنْدَكَ فِى رَوْضَةٍ (tropical:) [I, in thy presence, am as though I were in a meadow, or garden]: and مَجْلِسُكَ رَوْضَةٌ مِنْ رِيَاضِ الجَنَّةِ (tropical:) [Thy sittingplace is like a meadow, or garden, of the meadows, or gardens, of Paradise]. (A, TA.) Mohammad is related to have said, “Between my grave, or between my house, and my pulpit is a رَوْضَة of the رِيَاض of Paradise:” meaning, accord. to Th, that he who abides in this place is as though he abode in a روضة of the رياض of Paradise. (M.) [See another tropical meaning of رِيَاضُ الجَنَّةِ voce رَتَعَ, last sentence.] b2: رَوْضَةٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) Any water that collects in pools left by torrents, or the like, and in places in land or in the ground to which the rain-water flows and which retain it. (K, * TA. [In the CK, الاَخّاذات and المُسّاكات are erroneously put for الإِخَاذَات and المَسَّاكَات.]) b3: Also, (K,) or ↓ رَوْضٌ, (S, M,) (assumed tropical:) About the half of a فِرْبَة [or water-skin] (S, M, K) of water: (S:) and the former, (tropical:) as much of water as covers the bottom of a watering-trough. (S, M, A.) رِيضَةٌ: see رَوْضَةٌ. [It is implied in the K that the former is syn. with the latter in all its senses: but accord. to the TA, this is not the case.]

رَائِضٌ A breaker, or trainer, (M, Msb, K,) of colts, (K,) or of beasts (دَوَابّ): (M, Msb:) pl. رَاضَةٌ and رُوَّاضٌ (S M, K) and رُوَّضٌ. (M.) رَيِّضٌ, originally رَيْوِضٌ, (S,) [in its primary sense seems to be syn. with ↓ مَرُوضٌ. b2: and hence it signifies] (assumed tropical:) Clement, or forbearing. (Msb.) b3: [Also, and more commonly,] applied to a she-camel, (S, K,) and to a he-camel, (S,) In the first stage of training, as yet refractory: (S, K:) and in like manner applied to a boy: (S:) or a colt, (A,) or beast, (L,) that has not received training, nor become skilled in going, or pace, (A, L,) nor become submissive to its rider: (L:) and a she-camel not trained: (A:) or, applied to a horse or the like, and to a camel, to a male and to a female, refractory; contr. of ذَلُولٌ; app. designed as an epithet of good omen, because the beast is so called only before being skilfully trained. (M.) b4: [Hence,] قَصِيدَةٌ رَيِّضَةُ القَوَافِى (tropical:) An ode of difficult rhymes; such rhymes as the poets have not extemporaneously composed: (TA:) or قَصِيدَةٌ رَيِّضَةٌ means (tropical:) an ode not well, or not skilfully, composed. (A.) And أَمْرٌ رَيِّضٌ (tropical:) An affair not well, not skilfully, or not soundly, managed, conducted, ordered, or regulated. (A, TA.) رَيِّضَةٌ as a subst.: see رَوْضَةٌ مَرَاضٌ Hard ground in the lower, or lowest, part of a plain, or of soft ground, which retains water: pl. مَرَائِضُ and مَرَاضَاتٌ. (Az, K.) مَرُوضٌ, (S, K,) and its fem., with ة, (S, Msb,) A colt, (S, K,) and she-camel, (S,) or beast (دَابَّة), (Msb,) broken, or trained. (S * Msb, K.) See also رَيِّضٌ.

أَرْضٌ مُسْتَرْوِضَةٌ Land which has produced good herbage or plants, and of which the herbs, or leguminous plants, have become erect, or strong and erect: and نَبَاتٌ مُسْتَرْوِضٌ plants which have attained their utmost size and height. (M.) b2: اِفْعَلْ ذَاكَ مَا دَامَتِ النَّفْسُ مُسْتَرِيضَةً (tropical:) Do thou that while the mind is free from straitness, cheerful, or happy, (S, M, * Msb, TA, [in the second of which, however, النفس is strangely made masc.,]) is from استراض said of a place, as explained above. (S.) b3: مُسْتَرِيضٌ is also applied, by a poet, (S, M,) El-Aghlab El-'Ijlee, (S,) or Homeyd ElArkat, (AHn, M, IB,) to poetry, and to the metre termed رَجَز; (S, M;) as meaning (assumed tropical:) Easy; practicable. (M, TA.)



1 رَضِعَ أُمَّهُ, aor. ـَ and رَضَعَ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, * K;) the former of the dial. of Tihámeh; (O, L;) the latter of the dial. of Nejd; (S, O, L;) or the former of the dial. of Nejd; and the latter of the dial. of Tihámeh, and used by the people of Mekkeh; (Msb;) and رَضَعَ, (Msb,) i. e. رَضَعَ ثَدْىَ أُمِّهِ, (IKtt, TA,) aor. ـَ (IKtt, Msb;) inf. n. رَضَاعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) of the first, (S, TA,) or of the third, (Msb,) and رِضَاعٌ, (K,) [which is also an inf. n. of 3,] and رَضَعٌ, (Msb, K,) of the first, (Msb, TA,) and رَضْعٌ, (S, Msb, K,) of the second, (S, Msb,) and رَضِعٌ, (Msb, K,) said by some to be the original form of the inf. n. of the second, (Msb,) and رَضَاعَةٌ, (Msb, K,) of the third, (Msb,) and رِضَاعَةٌ; (K;) or the last two are simple substs. form رَضَاعٌ; (IAth;) said of a child; (S, Msb;) He sucked the breast of his mother; (K;) and ↓ ارتضع signifies the same. (Msb, TA.) You say, هٰذَا أَخِى مِنَ الرَّضَاعَةِ [This is my foster-brother]; and هٰذَا رَضِيعِى. (S, K. *) The saying, in a trad., الرَّضَاعَةُ مِنَ المَجَاعَةِ, and الرِّضَاعَةُ, means The sucking which occasions interdiction of marriage [with the woman whose milk is sucked and certain of her relations] is that of an infant when hungry; not of a child that is grown up: (IAth:) or that consequent upon hunger which is stopped by the milk in the time of infancy of the child; not when the child's hunger is only to be stopped by solid food. (Mgh in art. جوع.) You also say, of a man, يَرْضَعُ إِبِلَهُ (S, K) and غَنَمَهُ (S) [He sucks the teats of his camels and of his ewes or she-goats, by reason of his sordidness: see رَاضِعٌ]. b2: رَضِعَ اللُّؤْمَ مِنْ ثَدْىِ

أُمِّهِ (tropical:) [He sucked meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness, from the breast of his mother]; (K;) i. e. he was born in meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness. (TA.) b3: يَرْضَعُ النَّاسَ (assumed tropical:) He begs of men; (K, TA;) asks gifts of them. (TA.) So, accord. to IAar, in the saying of Jereer, وَيَرْضَعُ مَنْ لَا قَى وَإِنْ يَرَ مُقْعَدًا يَقُودُ بِأَعْمَى فَالْفَرَزْدَقُ سَائلُهْ [And he begs of him whom he meets; and if he see a cripple leading a blind person, El-Farezdak asks of him]: but [properly speaking] the مُقعَد is one who cannot stand, so as to lead the blind. (TA.) b4: هُوَ يَرْضَعُ الدُّنْيَا وَيَذُمُّهَا (tropical:) [He sucks the sweets of the present world, and dispraises it]. (TA.) A2: رَضُعَ, (S, Z, K,) with damm, as though what the verb denotes were natural to the person of whom it is said, (S, TA,) or the verb has this form because it is changed in meaning so as to be intensive, (Z, TA,) aor. ـُ and رَضَعَ, aor. ـِ (Ibn-'Abbád, K;) inf. n., (Z, K,) of the former verb, (Z, TA,) رَضَاعَةً, (Z, K,) with fet- h only; (IAth, TA;) (tropical:) He (a man, S) was, or became, mean, sordid, or ignoble: (S, * K, TA:) or he was, or became, very mean, &c.: (Z, TA:) [see رَاضَعٌ:] or one says, لَؤُمَ وَرَضُعَ, for the sake of mutual resemblance; and the meaning is, [he was, or became, mean, sordid, or ignoble, and] he sucked from the teat of the she-camel, fearing lest, if he milked, any one should know of his doing so, and demand of him somewhat. (Msb.) A3: رَضَعَتْ أَلْبَانُهَا (tropical:) Their milk became little in quantity; said in reference to milch-camels abounding with milk. (TA. [But the context in the TA suggests that this is a mistake; that the phrase is said of the wind called رَضَاعَةٌ; and that the right reading is رَضَعَتْ أَلْبَانَهَا; and the meaning, (assumed tropical:) It rendered their milk little in quantity.]) 3 راضعهُ, (Msb, TA,) inf. n. مُرَاضَعَةٌ and رِضَاعٌ (Msb, K, TA) and also رِضَاعَةٌ, (Msb,) [but this last is anomalous, and, if correct, is probably a simple subst.,] He sucked with him; or had him sucking with him; (Msb, * K, * TA;) he had him as his رَضِيع [or foster-brother]. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] بَيْنَهُمَا رِضَاعُ الكَأْسِ (tropical:) [Between them two is the sipping of the wine-cup, or cup of wine]. (TA.) b3: مُرَاضَعَةٌ also signifies An infant's sucking the breast of his mother while she has a child in her belly. (K.) A2: راضع ابْنَهُ He gave, or delivered, his son to the woman who should suckle him. (S, K.) [See also 4.]4 أَرْضَعَتْ She (a woman) had a child which she suckled. (K.) b2: ذَاتُ إِرْضَاعٍ, also, signifies (assumed tropical:) Having milk, though not having a child that is suckled. (IB.) A2: أَرْضْعَتْهُ أُمُّهُ His mother suckled him. (S, Msb, K. *) b2: You say also, أَرْضَعَ الوَلَدَ [app. meaning He caused the child to be suckled: or, perhaps, he suckled the child, by means of his wife or a female slave; because his semen genitale is considered as the source of the milk of a woman who has borne him a child; accord. to a saying of Lth, cited in an explanation of a usage of the word لَقَاحٌ or لِقَاحٌ]. (K voce مَلَحَ, q. v.) [See also 3.]6 تراضعا They both sucked the breast of a woman together; each with the other. (TA.) 8 ارتضع: see 1; first sentence. b2: ارتضعت العَنْزُ The she-goat drank [or sucked] her own milk [from her udder]. (S, K.) b3: Hence اِرْتِضَاعُ الكَأْسِ (assumed tropical:) The drinking [of the cup] of wine. (Har p. 284: [See also 3.]) 10 استرضع He sought, or demanded, a wetnurse. (K.) It is said in the Kur [ii. 233], وَإِنْ أَرَدْتُمْ أَنْ تَسْتَرْضِعُوا أَوْلَادَكُمْ And if ye desire to seek, or demand, wet-nurses for your children; i. e., ان تسترضعوا اولادكم مَرَاضِعَ; the second objective complement [accord. to this order of the words], but the first in reality because the wetnurse is the agent with respect to the child, being suppressed; for you say, اِسْتَرْضَعْتُ المَرْأَةَ وَلَدِى, meaning I sought, or demanded, of the woman that she should suckle my child: (IB:) accord. to some, the verb is doubly trans.: accord. to others, the prep. لِ is suppressed in the Kur; the meaning being لِأَوْلَادِكُمْ. (El-Howfee, in the “ Burhán fee tefseer-el-Kurn. ”) رِضْعٌ A kind of trees upon which camels feed. (O, K.) رَضَعٌ The young ones [or suckers] of palmtrees; (IAar, K;) as also رَصَعٌ, (K,) accord. to Lth and IDrd and the S; (TA in art. رصع;) or the latter, accord. to Az, is a mistranscription: (K * and TA in that art.:) n. un. with ة. (TA.) A2: (tropical:) Meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness; a subst. from رَضُعَ; as also ↓ رَضِعٌ. (K.) رَضِعٌ: see رَاضِعٌ, in two places: A2: : and see رَضَعٌ.

رَضِيعٌ A foster-brother; syn. ↓ مُرَاضَعٌ: pl. رُضَعَآءُ (TA.) You say, هٰذَا رَضِيعِى, (S, Msb, * K, *) i. e. هٰذَا أَخِى مِنَ الرَّضَاعَةِ [This is my foster-brother]. (S, K. *) b2: [A child while it is a suckling;] a child before it is termed فَطِيمٌ [i. e. weaned]. (IAar, TA in art. طبخ. [See also رَاضَعٌ.]) [In explanations of the words وَطْبٌ and شَكْوَةٌ in the S, it is applied as an epithet to a kid, evidently as meaning Sucking; or a suckling; like رَاضِعٌ, q. v., and رَضِعٌ.] b3: See two other significations, voce رَاضَغٌ, in two places.

رَضَاعَةٌ, said in the K to be an inf. n. of 1 in the first of the senses explained in this art., is, accord. to IAth, a simple subst. (TA.) b2: [It is a regular inf. n. of رَضُعَ, q. v.]

A2: الرَّضَاعَةُ also signifies (tropical:) The [west wind, or westerly wind, called] دَبُور: or a wind between that and the [south wind, or southerly wind, called] جَنُوب: (IDrd, K, TA:) because, when it blows upon the milch-camels abounding with milk, their milk becomes little in quantity. (IDrd, TA.) رِضَاعَةٌ, said in the K to be an inf. n. of 1 in the first of the senses expl. in this art., is, accord. to IAth, a simple subst. (TA.) b2: [It is also said, in the Msb, to be an inf. n. of رَاضَعَهُ, q. v.]

رَضُوعَةٌ A female that suckles her young: (TA:) or a ewe or she-goat that suckles, or that has a young one which she suckles. (AO, S, K.) رَضَّاعٌ: see the next paragraph.

رَاضَعٌ Sucking the breast of his mother; a suckling; as also ↓ رَضِعٌ: pl. of the former رُضَّعٌ; and of the latter; رُضُعٌ. (K. [See also رَضِيعٌ, which signifies the same; as is shown below, voce مُرْضِعٌ; and by Bd in xxii. 2; &c.]) b2: One who sucks from the teat of the she-camel, fearing lest, if he milked, any one should know of his doing so, and demand of him somewhat: (Msb:) or a pastor who does not take with him a milkingvessel, and, when he is asked for milk, excuses himself on that ground, (K, TA,) and, when he desires to drink, sucks the teat of his milchbeast: (TA:) pl. رُضَّعٌ. (Msb.) The phrase لَئِيمٌ رَاضِعٌ [i. e. Mean, sordid, or ignoble; who sucks the teats of his she-camels, &c.,] originated, (S, K,) as they assert, (S,) from a certain man's sucking the teats of his she-camels (S, K) or ewes or she-goats, and not milking them, (S,) lest the sound of his milking should be heard and somewhat should be demanded of him: (S, K:) or the origin was the coming of a guest by night to a certain man of the Amalekites, whereupon the latter sucked the udder of his ewe, lest the guest should hear the sound of the streaming of the milk from the teat. (IDrd.) But when a single epithet is used, one says ↓ رَضِيعٌ. (Msb. [See, however, what follows.]) b3: [Hence,] (tropical:) Mean, sordid, or ignoble; (K, TA;) as also ↓ رَضِيعٌ and ↓ رَضَّاعٌ: pl. رُضَّعٌ and رُضَّاعٌ: (K:) and رَضِعُونَ, as a pl., [i. e. pl. of ↓ رَضِعٌ,] has the same signification, of mean, &c. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Selemeh Ibn-El-Akwa', الــيُوْمَ يُوْمُ الرُّضَّعِ, meaning (tropical:) To-day is the day of the destruction of the mean, &c. (TA.) b4: Also (tropical:) Mean, sordid, or ignoble, who has sucked meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness, from the breast of his mother; (ElYemámee, K, TA;) i. e. born in meanness, sordidness, or ignobleness. (TA.) b5: (tropical:) A beggar: (TA:) one who begs of men: (K:) thus Ibn-'Abbád explains لَئِيمٌ رَاضِعٌ. (TA.) b6: (assumed tropical:) One who eats the particles of food remaining between his teeth, lest anything [thereof] should escape him: (K:) or such is termed لَئِيمٌ رَاضِعٌ. (TA.) A2: A possessor of milk: after the usual manner of a possessive epithet [like لَابِنٌ]. (TA.) رَاضِعَةٌ A central incisor when it falls out: (Msb:) or the رَاضِعَتَانِ are the two central incisors (S, Msb, K, TA) of a child, (S K, TA,) over which the milk is drunk [or sucked]: (Msb, TA:) pl. رَوَاضَعُ: (S, Msb, K:) or the رَوَاضِع are the teeth of a child that grow and then fall out in the period of sucking; (Msb, * TA;) and they are said to be six in the upper part of the mouth and six in its lower part: (TA:) [the pl. is applied to all the milk-teeth of a child, and of a horse &c.; it applies to the teeth called رَبَاعِيَات that fall out, as well as to the ثَنَايَا, or central incisors, accord. to AO, in a passage relating to a colt, in his كتاب الخيل quoted in the TA in art. حفر; and to the teeth called قَوَارِح that fall out, accord. to a passage in the S, voce أَحْفَرَ, q. v., as well as the extract from the work of AO mentioned above, and in this case likewise relating to a colt.]

مَرْضَعٌ The breast, as being the place of sucking: pl. مَرَاضِعُ. (Ksh and Bd in xxviii. 11.) b2: and [as an inf. n.] The act of sucking the breast: pi. as above. (Ksh and Bd ibid.) مُرْضَعٌ Suckled: pl. مَرَاضَعُ; which is opposed to فُطُمٌ, pl. of فَطِيمٌ. (Mgh.) مُرْضِعٌ and مُرْضَعَةٌ A mother [or other woman] suckling: (Msb:) or one having with her a child which she suckles: the former epithet may with reason be applied to the mother because suckling is performed only by females, like as the epithets حَائِضٌ and طَامِثٌ are applied to a woman; and if مُرْضَعَةٌ were applied to her who has with her a child, it would be correct: (Fr, TA:) [but see another saying ascribed to Fr in what follows:] or the former, a woman having a child which she suckles; (Kh, S, IB, K;) after the manner of a possessive epithet; (IB;) i. e. having a رَضِيع; (Kh, IB;) like اِمْرَأَةٌ مُطْفِلٌ “ a woman having a طِفْل; ” (Kh;) or ظَبْيَةٌ مُشْدِنٌ “ a doe-gazelle having a شَادِن; ” though مُرْضِعٌ has a verb bearing a signification agreeing with this; and it sometimes occurs as meaning having milk, though not having a child that is suckled: (IB:) but the latter is used in describing a woman as performing an action; (Kh;) signifying suckling a child: (S, K:) the former is used when the [abstract] quality is meant: the latter, when the action is meant: but God knows: (Akh:) or the former signifies one who is near to suckling, but has not yet suckled: and one having with her the child that is suckled [by her] (الصَّبِىُّ الرَّضِيعُ): and the latter, [in the TA the former, but this is a mistranscription, as is shown by what follows,] one who is suckling, her teat being in the mouth of her child; and in this sense it is used in the Kur, in a passage which see below: (Az in the TA:) Th says, the latter signifies one who suckles, though she have not a child, or if she have a child: and the former, one who has not a child with her, and sometimes having with her a child: and in one place he says, when the action is meant, the latter is used, and it is made an epithet: and when the ة is not added, it is meant as a subst: (TA:) Fr and some others say that it is without ة when the proper signification of suckling is meant: and with ة when the tropical signification of a subject of the attribute of suckling in time past or future is meant: (Msb:) the pl. [of both, though said in the Mgh and TA to be that of the former,] is مَرَاضِعُ (Mgh, Msb, TA) and مَرَاضِيعُ. (Msb, TA.) The saying in the Kur [xxii. 2], يَوْمَ تَرَوْنَهَا تَذْهَلُ كُلُّ مُرْضِعَةٍ عَمَّا

أَرْضَعَتْ means [On the day when ye shall see it,] every woman that is suckling;, (Az, Kh,) in the act of doing so, (Kh,) with her teat in the mouth of her child; (Az,) [shall neglect, or become heedless of or diverted from, that which she shall have been suckling:] or مرضعة here has the last signification explained in the preceding sentence [so that the meaning is every woman who shall have been suckling or shall be going to suckle]. (Msb.) b2: It is said in a trad., نِعْمَتِ المُرْضِعَةُ وَبِئْسَتِ الفَاطِمَةُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Excellent in the office of commander, or governor, and the profit, or advantage, which it brings to its possessor; and very evil is death, which destroys his delights, or pleasures, and stops the profits, or advantages, of that office. (TA.) b3: The pl. مَرَاضِيعُ is metaphorically applied as an epithet to bees (جَوَارِس, i. e. نَحْل). (TA.) مُرَاضَعٌ: see رَضِيعٌ. b2: Also An unborn child of a woman who is suckling another child: such a child proves to be meagre in body, slender in the bones, and ill nourished. (En-Nadr, Sgh.) مُسْتَرْضَعٌ [for مُسْتَرْضَعٌ لَهُ, agreeably with an opinion mentioned by El-Howfee, (see 10,) One for whom a wet-nurse has been sought, or demanded]. You say, فُلَانٌ المُسْتَرْضَعُ فِى بَنِى تَمِيمٍ [Such a one is he for whom a wet-nurse has been sought, or demanded, among the Benoo-Temeem]. (TA.)



1 رَاعَهُ, (IAar, Az, S, Msb, K, *) aor. ـُ (Mgh,) inf. n. رَوْعٌ (Msb, TA) and رُوعٌ and رُوُوعٌ and رُؤُوعٌ, (IAar, TA,) [He, or it, affected his رُوع, i. e. heart, or mind, with fright, or fear;] fear of it (namely an affair or event) reached his رُوع; (Az, TA;) he, or it, (a man, S, or an affair or event, IAar, TA, or a thing, Msb,) frightened him; put him in fear; made him afraid; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ روّعهُ, (S, Msb, K, *) inf. n. تَرْوِيعٌ: (TA:) or its beauty and abundance or multitude frightened him: (Lth, TA:) and ↓ the latter also, it frightened him by its abundance or multitude, or its beauty. (TA.) Hence the saying, in a trad., إِذَا شَمِطَ لإِنْسَانُ فِى عَارِضَيْهِ فَذٰلِكَ الرَّوْعُ, as though meaning [When the man becomes grizzled in the hair of the two sides of his face, that is] the warning of death. (TA.) You say also, [using the pass. form,] رِيعَ, aor. ـَ (TA,) inf. n. رَوْعٌ, (S, K,) He was, or became, frightened, or afraid; or he feared; (S, * K, * TA;) as also ↓ ارتاع, and ↓ تروّع. (S, K, TA.) And رَاعَ مِنْهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. رَوْعٌ, He was, or became, frightened at it, or afraid of it; or he feared it. (TK. [But I know of no authority on which this is founded, except a prov. (cited in art. جعر) , in which some read رُوعِى جَعَارِ instead of رُوغِى.]) To a man, you say, لَا تُرَعْ [Be not thou frightened;] fear not thou; let not fear overtake thee: and to a woman, لَا تُرَاعِى. (S, TA.) And hence the saying, in a trad., لَنْ تُرَاعَوْا مَا رَأَيْنَا مِنْ شَىْءٍ [Ye shall not be frightened, or afraid: we saw not, or have not seen, anything]. (TA.) You also say, مِنْهُ ↓ ارتاع and لَهُ He was, or became, frightened at, or afraid of, him, or it; or he feared him, or it. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) [It affected his رُوع, i. e. heart, or mind, with a sudden surprise; it took him by surprise.] One says, مَا رَاعَنِى إِلَّا مَجِيؤُكَ meaning (tropical:) [Nothing took me by surprise but thy coming; i. e. I was surprised by thy coming; or] I knew not save thy coming; as though he said, nothing struck my رُوع but thy coming. (TA.) And خَرَجْتُ وَ مَا رَاعَنِى إِلَّا فُلَانٌ لِالبَابِ (assumed tropical:) [I went forth, and nothing took me by surprise but such a one at the door]; which is equivalent to saying, and lo, such a one was at the door. (Har p. 207.) And it is said in a trad. of I'Ab, فَلَمْ يَرُعْنِى إِلَّا رَجُلٌ آخِذٌ بِمَنْكِبِى, i. e. I knew not [save a man taking hold of, or seizing, my shoulder-joint]; as though he came upon him suddenly, or unexpectedly, without any previous appointment, and without knowledge, and so that event frightened him. (TA.) b3: [It affected his رُوع, i. e. heart, or mind, with admiration, or pleasure;] it excited his admiration and approval; it pleased him, or rejoiced him; (S, Msb, K;) said of beauty [&c.]. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., describing the people of Paradise, فَيَرُوعُهُ مَا عَلَيْهِ مِنَ اللِّبَاسِ And what is upon him, of apparel, excites his admiration &c., by its beauty. (TA.) b4: [It (drink) cooled it, (namely, the heart,) or allayed its thirst.] A poet says, سَقَتْنِى شَرْبَةً رَاعَتْ فُؤَادِى

سَقَاهَا اللّٰهُ مِنْ حَوْضِ الرَّسُولِ [She gave me to drink a draught that cooled, or allayed the thirst of, my heart: may God give her to drink from the pool of the Apostle in Paradise]. (TA.) You say also, هٰذِهِ شَرْبَةٌ رَاعَ بِهَا فُؤَادِى [which may be rendered This is a draught by which he has cooled, or allayed the thirst of, my heart; and it is implied in the TA that this is the right meaning: or it means] this is a draught by which the thirst, or vehement thirst, of my heart has been allayed: (so accord. to the pointing in the copies of the K:) mentioned by Az. (TA.) A2: The verb from رَوَعٌ [q. v. infrà] is one and the same [whether trans. or intrans.; i. e., you say رَاعَهُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. رَوْعٌ, meaning “He,” or “it, excited his admiration and approval,” &c., as expl. above; and رَاعَ, app. with the same aor. and inf. n., meaning He possessed the quality of exciting admiration and approval by his beauty and the pleasingness of his aspect, or by his courage, &c.; and in like manner, رَاعَتْ, said of a woman]; the trans. verb [in this case] being like the trans. [in other cases], and the intrans. [in this case] like the intrans. [in other cases]: but the regular form, accord. to Az, of the [intrans.] verb hence derived is رَوِعَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. رَوَعٌ. (TA.) A3: رَاعَ فِى يَدِى

كَذَا: see art. ريع. b2: And رَاعَ, aor. ـُ and يَرِيعُ, inf. n. of the former رُوَاعٌ, and of the latter رَيْعٌ: see art. ريع.2 رَوَّعَ see 1, first sentence, in two places.5 تَرَوَّعَ see 1, in the former half of the paragraph.8 إِرْتَوَعَ see 1, in the former half of the paragraph, in two places. b2: ارتاع لِلْخَيْرِ i. q. ارتاح لَهُ [He was affected by alacrity, cheerfulness, briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness, disposing him to promptness to do good; he inclined to, and loved, doing good]. (Az.) رَوْعٌ [see 1, of which it is an inf. n. b2: ] Fright, or fear; (S, K;) as also ↓ رَوعٌ [accord. to some, but this seems to be little known]. (TA.) Hence the saying, أَفْرَخَ رَوْعُهُ His fright, or fear, departed. (S.) Az says, All the lexicologists whom I have met say أَفْرَخَ رَوْعُهُ, with fet-h to the ر [in روعه], except El-Mundhiree, who informs me that AHeyth used to say, It is only ↓ افرخ رَوْعُكَ, with damm. (TA.) Accord. to different relations of a trad., you say, ↓ أَفْرَخَ رُوعُكَ, meaning Fright, or fear, hath departed from thy heart; or may fright, or fear, depart from thy heart; (K, TA;) thus expl. by AHeyth; (TA;) and افرخ رَوْعُكَ, with fet-h; or this latter, only, is the right, and means what thou fearest hath quitted thee, and departed from thee, and become removed; or may what thou fearest quit thee, &c.; as though it were taken from the young bird's going forth from the egg, (K, TA,) and the darkness' becoming removed from it; thus expl. by Aboo-Ahmad El-Hasan Ibn-' Abd-Allah Ibn-Sa'eed El-' Askeree; and AO says that افرخ روعك [thus in the TA, without any syll. signs,] means let thy fright, or fear, depart, for the case is not as thou fearest it to be. (TA.) It is also said, in a trad. of Mo'áwiyeh, that he wrote in a letter to Ziyád, ↓ لِيُفْرِخْ رُوعُكَ, with damm; (K, TA;) but the opinion commonly obtaining with the leading lexicologists is, that it is with fet-h; except AHeyth, who relates it thus, with damm; (TA;) meaning Dismiss thou the رَوْع from thy رُوع; (K, TA;) i. e., the fright, or fear, from thy heart: (TA:) for you say أَفْرَخَتِ البَيْضَةُ when the young bird quits the egg; and رَوْع is fright, or fear, which does not depart from itself, but from its place, which is the رُوع, with damm; (AHeyth, K;) the رَوْع in the رُوع being like the young bird in the egg: in like manner also one says أَفْرَخَ فُؤَادُ الرَّجُلِ when a man's fright, or fear, departs: but Dhu-r-Rummeh, though knowing the meaning, has made an inversion, saying, قَدْ أَفْرَخَتْ عَنْ رُوعِهِ الكُرَبُ [for قَدْ أَفْرَخَ عَنِ الكُرَبِ رُوعُهُ His heart had freed itself from griefs]. (AHeyth, TA.) AHeyth adds, (TA,) one also says, عَنِ الأَمْرِ ↓ أَفْرِخَ رُوعَكَ, or عَلَى الأَمْرِ, [accord. to different copies of the K, the latter being the reading in the TA, but the former probably the right,] meaning [Free thy heart from the affair; i. e.] be thou tranquil, and without fear. (K, TA.) Az observes, What AHeyth says is clear; but I am averse from it because of his being alone in his saying; though sometimes later authorities correct things in which the earlier have erred; therefore the correctness of AHeyth may not be [absolutely] denied in this matter, seeing that he had an ample share of knowledge. (TA.) [See also art. فرخ, in several places.] b3: Also (tropical:) War, or battle; as in the phrase, شَهِدَ الرَّوْعَ (tropical:) [He witnessed, or was present at or in, war, or battle]. (TA.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited voce سَعَفٌ.]

رُوعٌ The heart: (S, Msb, K:) or the part thereof which is the place of رَوْع, i. e. fear: (K, * TA:) or the سَوَاد [or core, &c.,] thereof: (K:) and the mind: (S, Msb, K, * TA:) and the understanding; or intellect. (S, K.) See رَوْعٌ, in five places. You say, وَقَعَ ذٰلِكَ فِى رُوعِى That came into my mind. (S, Msb, * TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِنَّ الرُّوحَ نَفَثَ فِى رُوعِى [Verily the Trusted, or Trusty, Spirit (meaning Gabriel) inspired into my mind, or heart]. (S.) You say also, ثَابِ رُوعُهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He went to [app. a mistake for from] a thing, and then returned to it. (TA.) رَوَعٌ The quality of exciting admiration and approval by beauty (S, K) and pleasingness of aspect, or by courage; (K;) the quality denoted by the epithet أَرْوَعُ, applied to a man, (S, K, *) and رَوْعَآءُ, applied to a woman. (S.) [See also 1, near the end of the paragraph.]

رَوِعٌ: see رَائِعٌ; last sentence.

رَوْعَةٌ A fit of fright or fear: (S, K, TA:) pl. رَوَعَاتٌ; (TA;) which is applied by Tarafeh to the frights occasioned by a stallion-camel to a she-camel when he desires to cover her. (EM, p. 66.) It is said in a trad., فَأَعْطَاهُمْ بِرَوْعَةِ الخَيْلِ, meaning And he gave them something for the fright occasioned to their women and their children by the horsemen. (TA.) b2: A trait, or sign, or mark, of beauty [that affects the رُوع, or heart]: (IAar, K:) beauty that excites admiration and approval, or pleases, or rejoices. (TA.) رُوَاعُ الفُؤَادِ and رُوَاعَةُ الفُؤَادِ, applied to a she-camel, Quick, spirited, vigorous; sharp in spirit; syn. شَهْمَةٌ ذَكِيَّةٌ: (K:) and [in like manner]

↓ رَوْعَآءُ, applied to a she-camel and a mare, (S, K,) but not to a male [in this sense, i. e. its masc. form, أَرْوَعُ, is not thus used], (S,) sharp in spirit; syn. حَدِيدَةُ الفُؤَادِ: (S, K:) in the T, رُوَاعٌ, without ة, is applied as an epithet to a mare: and IAar says that ↓ رَوْعَآءُ, thus applied, is not from رَائِعَةٌ, but means one that is as though she were fearful, by reason of her sharpness, and briskness, or lightness, of spirit: he says also, that ↓ أَرْوَعُ, applied to a horse, is like this epithet applied to a man; and IB says, in art. عجس, that, applied to a man, it signifies quickly frightened or afraid: it is also applied to a heart, meaning that is frightened, [or startled,] by reason of its sharpness, at everything that is heard or seen; and so رُوَاعٌ. (TA.) [See also رَائِعٌ, and أَرْوَعُ mentioned and expl. therewith.]

رَائِعٌ [act. part. n. of رَاعَهُ, q. v.,] Frightening; putting in fear; making afraid; [and particu-larly] by its beauty and abundance or multitude. (Lth, TA.) b2: Applied to beauty, That excites admiration and approval in the رُوع [i. e. heart, or mind,] of him who beholds it, and pleases him, or rejoices him. (TA.) Applied to a man, (K, * TA,) as also ↓ أَرْوَعُ (S, K, TA) so applied, (S, TA,) Who excites admiration and approval by his beauty (S, K, TA) and pleasingness of aspect, (K, TA,) with generousness, or nobleness, and excellence, and lordly condition; (TA;) or by his courage: (K, TA:) or the former, beautiful in countenance, who excites admiration and approval by his pleasingness of aspect and by the goodliness of his form or figure or state of apparel and the like: or, as some say, who frightens men by his aspect, inspiring reverence or awe: but the former explanation is the more reasonable: and ↓ the latter epithet, a beautiful man, who excites admiration and approval in him who beholds him: or, as some say, sharp; lively in spirit, and sharp in intellect: (TA:) [see also the next preceding paragraph:] the fem. of the former is with ة: (TA:) that of the latter, ↓ رَوْعَآءُ: (S:) the pl. of رَائِعٌ is أَرْوَاعٌ, (K, * TA,) applied to men, like as رَوَائِعُ [the pl. of رَائِعَةٌ] is to women: (TA:) and the pl. of أَرْوَعُ and رَوْعَآءُ is ↓ رُوعٌ, (K, TA,) applied to men and to women. (TA.) You say also, فَرَسٌ رَائِعٌ A beautiful horse, that frightens (يُرُوعُ, i. e. يُخَوِّفُ, [or rather startles, but better rendered excites admiration and approval in, or pleases, or rejoices,]) the beholder by his beauty: (Mgh:) and فَرَسٌ رَائِعَةٌ, and ↓ رَوْعَآءُ, [but see, respecting the latter, a remark of IAar in the next preceding paragraph,] a mare that excites admiration and approval, or pleases, or rejoices, (تَرُوعُ,) by her generousness, or excellence, or high blood, and her description. (TA.) [See also art. ريع, to which, as well as to the present art., رَائِعٌ, applied to a horse, is said, in the TA, to belong.] And زِينَةٌ رَائِعَةٌ Beautiful ornament. (TA.) And كَلَامٌ رَائِعٌ (tropical:) Surpassing, or excelling, speech, or language. (TA.) A2: Also Frightened, or afraid; and so ↓ رَوِعٌ, with the و unaltered, as though it were of the measure فَعِيلٌ: [or both signify having fright or fear: for] each is a possessive epithet: or the former may be of the measure فَاعِلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ [and therefore have the signification first given]. (TA.) أَرْوَعُ: fem. رَوْعَآءُ: pl. رُوعٌ: see the two paragraphs next preceding; the former in three places; the latter, in five.



1 رَاعَ, aor. ـِ (Msb, K,) inf. n. رَيْعٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and رُيُوعٌ (TA) and رِيَاعٌ (Lh, TA) and رَيَعَانٌ, (TA,) It increased, or augmented; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) said of wheat and other things: or, as some say, it denotes زِيَادَة [i. e. it signifies it became redundant, or it exceeded, as will be seen in what follows; but the truth is, that it has both of these significations; the latter] in relation to flour, and to bread. (TA.) You say, رَاعَتِ الحِنْطَةُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـِ inf. n. رَيْعٌ [&c.]; (Msb;) and ↓ أَرَاعَت, (S, K,) which latter is said by Az to be more commonly used than the former; (TA;) and الطَّعَامُ ↓ رَيَّعَ [which is the same as رَيَّعَتِ الحِنْطَةُ]; (TA;) The wheat increased, or augmented; or received increase and blessing from God; or throve by the blessing of God: (S, Msb, K, TA:) and in like manner one says of other things. (Msb.) And رَاعَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ, and ↓ اراعت, but the former is rare, The tree became abundant in its produce, or fruit. (AHn.) And sometimes they said, (S,) الإِبِلُ ↓ اراعت (S, IF, K) (tropical:) The camels had many young ones; (S;) they increased, and had many young ones. (IF, K.) One says also, رَاعَ الطَّعَامُ, and ↓ اراع, The wheat became redundant; or had a part, or portion, redundant; [app. meaning, over and above the original measure;] in the kneading and the making of bread; syn. صَارَ لَهُ زِيَادَةٌ. (S.) [See the first sentence above; and see رَيْعٌ, below.] And رَاعَ فِى يَدِى كَذَا Such a thing was redundant, or remained over and above, in my hand; as also رَاقَ; syn. زَادَ: (L in this art., and TA in art. روع:) Sgh has mistranscribed the explanation, زاد, in his two books, [the TS and the O,] writing فَادَ; and the author of the K has imitated him in mentioning this in art. روع, instead of the present art., which is its proper place, but has written for the explanation أَفَادَ. (TA.) A2: رَاعَ, aor. ـِ (IDrd, S, K,) inf. n. رَيْعٌ, (S, TA,) He, or it, returned; went, or came, back; reverted: (IDrd, S, K:) and رَاعَ, aor. ـُ (IDrd, and K in art. روع,) inf. n. رُوَاعٌ, (K in that art.,) signifies the same; (IDrd, and K in art. روع;) or it returned to its place: (TA in that art.:) but the former verb is the more common. (TA in the present art.) One says, of camels that have run away, صَاحَ عَلَيْهَا الرَّاعِى فَرَاعَتْ إِلَيْهِ [The pastor cried out at them, and] they returned to him. (TA.) And وَعَظْتُهُ فَأَبِى أَنْ يَرِيعَ [I exhorted him, but he refused] to return, or revert. (TA.) And فُلَانٌ مَا يَرِيعُ بِكَلَامِكَ وَلا بِصَوْتِكَ Such a one does not return, or revert, by reason of thy speech nor by reason of thy voice. (TA.) and you say of vomit, رَاعَ مِنْهُ شَىْءٌ Somewhat of it returned: (S:) and رَاعَ عَلَيْهِ it returned to his inside. (TA.) And in like manner one says of anything that returns to him, رَاعَ, aor. ـِ (TA.) b2: رَاعُوا, They drew, gathered, or collected, themselves together; (Ibn- 'Abbád, TA;) as also ↓ تريّعوا; and ↓ ريّعوا, (Ibn-'Abbád, K,) inf. n. تَرْيِيعٌ. (TA.) b3: See also 5.

A3: It became rent: so in the saying of El-Kumeyt, إِذَا حِيصَ مِنْهُ جَانِبٌ رَاعَ جَانِبٌ [When a side thereof is sewed up, a side becomes rent]. (S.) A4: [It is also said that] رَاعَ, aor. ـِ is like رَدَّ [app. as signifying He returned a reply, or an answer, to a person; for it is mentioned immediately after رَيْعٌ as syn. with مَرْجُوعٌ]. (TA.) 2 ريّع الطَّعَامُ: see 1; second sentence. b2: ريّعوا They ascended, or ascended upon, the رِيعَة [n. un. of رِيعٌ, q. v.]. (Ibn- 'Abbád.) b3: See also 1, near the end of the paragraph.

A2: ريّعهُ: see 4.

A3: [See also رُيِّهَ (in art. ريه), with which رُيِّعَ seems to be syn.]4 اراعثِ الحِنْطَةُ; &c.: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph, in four places. b2: اراعوا Their wheat increased, or augmented; or received increase and blessing from God; or throve by the blessing of God: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) and in like manner, their seed-produce [in general]. (TA.) A2: اراع الشَّىْءَ He increased, or augmented, the thing; or made it to increase, or augment; as also ↓ ريّعهُ. (TA.) 5 تريّعوا: see 1, near the end of the paragraph. b2: تريّع said of grease, or gravy, (TA,) or oil, (S,) and of clarified butter, when much thereof has been put into food; (S, TA;) or of melted grease in a bowl; (A, TA;) or of clarified butter upon a cake of bread; (ISh, TA;) It flowed, or ran, hither and thither, having no direct course; (S, TA;) or went to and fro; (A, TA;) or portions thereof followed a little after other portions: (ISh, TA:) and, said of water, it ran, or flowed. (TA.) b3: In like manner, (S,) said of the mirage (سَرَاب), [It quivered, vibrated, or moved to and fro;] it came and went; (S, K;) as also تَرَيَّهَ: (TA:) and ↓ رَاعَ, aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. رَيْعٌ (K, TA) and رَيَعَانٌ, (TA,) said of the same, it was, or became, in a state of commotion or agitation; it quivered, vibrated, or moved to and fro. (K, TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) He became confounded, or perplexed, [as though vacillating, or wavering,] and unable to see his right course; as also ↓ استراع. (Ibn- 'Abbád, K.) b5: (assumed tropical:) He paused; or waited: (O, L, K:) or (so in the L, but in the O and K “ and ”) he paused; or hesitated; or held, refrained, or abstained. (O, L, K.) [See the part. n., below.] b6: تَرَيَّعَتْ يَدَاهُ بِالجُودِ (tropical:) His two hands overflowed with bounty, [as though they went hither and thither,] for one cause after another. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَرْيَعَ see 5.

رَيْعٌ [see 1, of which it is an inf. n.] Increase; syn. زِيَادَةٌ [which may be meant to include the third of the significations here following]; as in the saying, هٰذَا طَعَامٌ كَثِيرُ الرَّيْعِ [This is wheat of much increase]. (Mgh.) b2: (assumed tropical:) Revenue arising from the increase of land: because it is an augmentation. (Mgh.) b3: (tropical:) Milk; as in the phrase, نَاقَةٌ كَثِيرَةٌ رَيْعُهَا (tropical:) [A she-camel whose milk is abundant]. (A, TA.) b4: Redundance; a part, or portion, redundant; a surplus; or a residue; syn. فَضْلٌ; of anything; as of flour, or meal, (Msb, K,) over and above the measure of the wheat; (Msb;) and of dough [when it has risen]; and of seed for sowing [when it has been sown]; and the like. (K.) Hence it is said, in a trad. of I'Ab, respecting the expiation of an oath, لِكُلِّ مِسْكِينٍ مُدٌّ مِنْ حِنْطَةٍ رَيْعُهُ إِدَامُهُ [To every poor man, a mudd of wheat: the redundance, or redundant part or portion, thereof shall be for its seasoning]: i. e., it is not necessary for the person to give, with the mudd, seasoning; but the redundance that shall arise, of the flour, or meal, of the mudd [of wheat], when he shall have ground it, therewith shall the seasoning be bought. (TA.) Hence also, the trad. of 'Omar, اِمْلِكُوا العَجِينَ فَإِنَّهُ أَحَدُ الرَّيْعَيْنِ (assumed tropical:) Knead ye well, or thoroughly, or soundly, the dough; for this action is one of the رَيْعَانِ [here meaning the two causes of redundance; the other cause being the grinding]. (TA.) [Hence also,] رَيْعُ الدِّرْعِ The redundant parts of the two sleeves of the coat of mail, (S, A, K, TA,) over [and beyond] the ends of the fingers; (TA;) and of the skirt thereof. (A, TA.) b5: See also رِيعٌ. b6: Also, (K,) and ↓ رَيْعَانٌ, [which latter is the more common in this sense,] (S, K,) (tropical:) The first (S, K) and most excel-lent (K) part of anything: (S, K:) said in the B to be a metaphorical application from رَيْعٌ as signifying a high, or an elevated, place. (TA.) Hence, (S, TA,) رَيْعُ الشَّبَابِ, by poetic license written ↓ رَيَع, (TA,) or الشَّبَابِ ↓ رَيْعَانُ, (S, A, L, TA,) (tropical:) The first, or prime, (S, A, TA,) and most excellent, (A, TA,) part, or period, of youth or youthfulness or youthful vigour: (S, A, TA:) or this is from رَيْعٌ in relation to wheat: (A, TA:) or from المَطَرِ ↓ رَيْعَانُ (assumed tropical:) the first of rain. (L, TA.) Hence also, (S,) السَّرَابِ ↓ رَيْعَانُ (S, Sgh, L) (assumed tropical:) The first of the mirage; (S, Sgh;) what comes and goes thereof; (Sgh;) or such as is in a state of commotion or agitation, quivering, vibrating, or moving to and fro. (L.) [Hence also,] رَيْعُ الضُّحَى (tropical:) The whiteness, and beautiful splendour, of the first part of the day after sunrise. (K, TA.) b7: نَاقَةٌ لَهَا رَيْعٌ (tropical:) A she-camel having one pace, or rate of going, [app. a quicker pace,] after another. (TA.) b8: فُلَانٌ لَيْسَ لَهُ رَيْعٌ i. e. مَرْجُوعٌ [app. meaning Such a one has no reply, or answer, to give: or, perhaps, to such a one there is no reply, or answer, to be given]. (K, * TA.) A2: Also Fright, or fear; (K;) like رَوْعٌ. (TA.) رِيعٌ (Fr, S, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ رَيْعٌ, (Fr, K,) the former occurring, (S,) or the latter accord. to one reading, (TA,) in the Kur [xxvi. 128], (S, TA,) High, or elevated, land or ground: (S, K:) or a high, or an elevated, place; (so in some copies of the S and in the Msb;) which latter signification is also assigned to ↓ رِيعَةٌ; (TA;) and whence the phrase, كَمْ رِيعُ أَرْضِكَ, meaning what is the elevation of thy land? [a phrase not to be mistaken for كَمْ رَيْعُ أَرْضِكَ, in which the meaning is “ increase: ”] (Az, TA:) or any [road such as is termed] فَجّ: (K:) or (so accord. to the Msb and K, but in the S “ and ”) a road (S, Msb, K) of any kind, (K, TA,) to which some add, whether travelled or not: (TA: [see an ex. in the first paragraph of art. سمت:]) or a road opening so as to form a gap in a mountain; (Zj, K;) or, as in some copies of the K, from a mountain; but the former is what is termed فَجٌّ, before mentioned: (TA:) or a mountain; (S, Msb;) so accord. to 'Omárah: (S:) or, as in some copies of the S, a small mountain: (TA:) or signifying also a high mountain: (O, K:) n. of un. with ة [i. e. ↓ رِيعَةٌ, as it is written in the S; and ↓ رَيْعَةٌ also, as implied in the K]: (S, K: [in the former immediately following the signification of “ mountain; ” and in the latter, so following that of “ high mountain; ” whence it seems that رِيعٌ and رَيْعٌ are sometimes used, at least in one sense, as coll. gen. ns.:]) pl. [of mult.] رِيَاعٌ, (S, TA,) which is extr., (TA,) and رُيُوعٌ, and [of pauc.] أَرْيَاعٌ: (TA:) but AO says, contr. to J, that ↓ رِيعَةٌ is pl. of رِيعٌ: (IB, TA:) or رِيعٌ and رَيْعٌ signify the channel of the torrent of a valley from any, or every, high, or elevated, place. (K.) Also the former, A high mound, or heap of sand, or hill: and a Christian's cloister or cell; syn. صَوْمَعَةٌ: and a pigeon-turret. (IAar, K.) رَيَعُ الشَّبَابِ: see رَيْعٌ.

رَيْعَةٌ: see رِيعٌ.

رِيعَةٌ: see رِيعٌ, in three places.

A2: Also A number of men who have drawn, gathered, or collected, themselves together: (Ibn-'Abbád, K: *) otherwise, they are not so called. (Ibn-'Abbád.) رَيْعَانٌ: see رَيْعٌ, in four places.

رَيْعَانَةٌ (tropical:) A she-camel abounding with milk. (A, K, TA.) فَرَسٌ رَائِعٌ A fleet, or swift, and excellent, horse. (S, TA.) [See also art. روع, to which, as well as to the present art., it is said in the TA to belong.]

تَرِيعٌ A register in which is written the رَيْع [i. e. increase, or revenue arising from the increase, of the lands] of districts: the ت being augmentative: but it is a post-classical word. (TA.) أَرْضٌ مَرِيعَةٌ, with fet-h to the م, A land [of much رَيْع, or increase;] abounding with herbage; fruitful; or plentiful. (S, Msb, TA.) مُرَيَّعٌ, as an epithet applied to the سَرَاب [or mirage]: see مُرَيَّهٌ, in art. ريه.

مِرْيَاعٌ A she-camel that goes away in the place of pasturing and returns by herself; (K;) or such is termed مِسْيَاعٌ مِرْيَاعٌ: (S, TA:) or upon which one repeatedly journeys: or upon which one journeys and returns: (Az, TA:) or (assumed tropical:) that quickly yields an abundant flow of milk: or (assumed tropical:) that quickly becomes fat: (K:) sometimes used in this sense. (JM, TA.) مُتَرَيِّعٌ (tropical:) A slippery man, who anoints himself with oils. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b2: أَنَا مُتَرَيِّعٌ عَنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ (assumed tropical:) I am holding, refraining, or abstaining, from this affair. (TA.)



1 رَاغَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb,) inf. n. رَوْغٌ (S, Msb, K) and رَوَغَانٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) said of a fox, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and of a man, (K,) He turned aside or away from a thing: (K:) or went this way and that, (Mgh,) or to the right and left, quickly, (Msb,) and deceitfully, or guilefully: (Mgh, Msb:) [or turned aside to deceive him who was behind him: for] the primary signification of رَوْغٌ is the turning aside to deceive him who is behind one. (Er-Rághib, TA.) It is said in a prov., رُوغِى جَعَارِ وَ انْظُرِى أَيْنَ المَفِرْ [for المَفِرُّ, i. e. Turn aside or away, or go this way and that, &c., O she-hyena, and look where is the place to which to flee: or, as some relate it, the first word is رُوعِى: see art. جعر]. (S, TA. [Freytag seems to have found المعز for المفر; and has explained رُوغِى جَعَارِ as meaning “ Vide ubi capræ sint, hyæna! ”]) And you say, راغ الصَّيْدُ The game, or object of the chase, went away this way and that, or hither and thither. (TA. [There said to be tropical; but I see not wherefore.]) And one says, راغ عَنْ فُلَانٍ He turned aside, or away, from such a one [and particularly with deceit or guile; eluded him; dodged him]. (JK.) And هُوَ يَرُوغُ عَنِ الحَقِّ [He deviates from the truth, or from that which is right or just]. (TA.) And راغ الطَّرِيقُ The road turned aside or away, or deviated. (Msb.) And راغ مِنْ كَذَا He turned away from such a thing, and returned, concealing his return: (Har p. 21:) [for,] accord. to Fr, راغ is not said of one who has returned unless he concealed his return. (Har ibid., and TA.) And راغ إِلَى كَذَا, (S, Msb,) or الى فُلَانٍ, (TA,) He turned aside (S, Msb, TA) to such a thing, (S, Msb,) or to such a one, (TA,) secretly. (S, Msb, TA.) Hence, in the Kur [li. 26], فَراغَ

إِلَى أَهْلِهِ فَجَآءَ بِعِجْلٍ سَمِينٍ And he turned aside, (Jel, TA,) or went away, (Bd,) to his family secretly [and brought a fat calf]: (Bd, Jel, TA:) or he returned to his family concealing his return. (Fr, TA.) And in the Kur [xxxvii. 91], فَرَاغَ عَلَيْهِمْ ضَرْبًا بِالْيَمِينِ And he turned against them (Fr, S, Bd, TA) secretly, (Bd, TA,) smiting them with the right hand, or because of the oath that he had sworn; (Bd;) as though the رَوْغ in this case consisted in his employing a pretext against them in order that he might do to their gods what he did: (S, L:) or the meaning is, he advanced against them. (S, TA.) b2: راغ حَاجَةً إِلَى فُلَانٍ, aor. as above, He sought to obtain quickly an object of want of such a one. (JK, TA. [See also 4.]2 روّغ, (IAar, K,) inf. n. تَرْوِيغٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He smeared, seasoned, imbued, or soaked, a mess of ثَرِيد [i. e. broken, or crumbled, bread], (IAar, K, TA,) or a morsel, or mouthful, (TA,) with grease, or gravy, or dripping; (IAar, K, TA;) as also مَرَّغَ, and سَغْبَلَ, and رَوَّلَ: (TA:) or you say, رَوَّغْتُ اللُّقْمَةَ بِالسَّمْنِ, inf. n. as above, I smeared, seasoned, imbued, or soaked, the morsel, or mouthful, with clarified butter; as also رَيَّغْتُ: (Msb:) or رَوَّغْتُ الخُبْزَ فِى الوَدَكِ I soaked the bread in grease, or gravy, or dripping; syn. رَوَّلْتُهُ فِيهِ. (JK.) 3 راوغهُ, (MA, TA,) inf. n. مُرَاوَغَةٌ (KL, TA) and رِوَاغٌ, (TA,) He practised deceit, delusion, guile, or artifice, (MA, KL, TA,) with him, or towards him; (MA, TA;) or strove, endeavoured, or desired, to deceive, delude, beguile, circumvent, or outwit, him; syn. خَادَعَهُ; as also ↓ اراغهُ, inf. n. إِرَاغَةٌ: and both signify he endeavoured to turn him; or endeavoured to turn him by blandishment, or by deceitful arts, or to entice him to turn; syn. رَاوَدَهُ. (TA.) It is said when its object is a person who has turned away from, or shunned, or avoided, that which one has devised, planned, or plotted, against him. (TA.) You say, فُلَانٌ يُرَاوِغُ فِى الأَمْرِ [Such a one practises deceit, &c., in the affair], inf. n. مُرَاوَغَةٌ. (S.) And مَا زِلْتُ أُرَاوِغُهُ عَنْ كَذَا I ceased not to endeavour to turn him, or to entice him to turn, from such a thing, syn. أُرَاوِدُهُ; (TA in this art;) and عَلَيْهِ to it: (TA in art. منع:) and [in like manner] you say, عَلَى أَمْرٍ ↓ فُلَانٌ يُرِيغُنِى Such a one endeavours to turn me, or to entice me to turn, to a thing; and عَنْ أَمْرٍ from a thing; syn. يُرَاوِدُنِى; and seeks, or demands, my doing so. (TA.) b2: مُرَاوَغَةٌ also signifies The act of wrestling together; (S, K;) like ↓ تَرَاوُغٌ. (K.) Yousay, رَاوغهُ He wrestled with him: (TK:) or رواغ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا One of them wrestled with another; [or they wrestled, one with another; or they wrestled together;] as also ↓ تراوغوا. (S, TA.) 4 أَرْوَغَ see 3, in two places. b2: اراغ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِرَاغَةٌ, (Msb, TA,) also signifies He sought, sought for or after, sought to find and take or get, or pursued after, and desired, (S, Msb, K,) a thing; (Msb;) or a thing that was difficult to take; as though it turned aside or away, or went this way and that, &c., (كَأَنَّهُ يَرُوغُ,) before him; (Har p. 21;) and ↓ ارتاغ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. اِرْتِيَاغٌ, (Msb,) signifies the same. (S, Msb, K.) [أَرِيغُونِى إِرَاغَتَكُمْ is expl. in one of my two copies of the S by the words اُطْلُبُونِى طَلِبَتَكُمْ: in the other of those copies, the latter of these words is written طلِبتَكم: I think that the right reading is طِلْبَتَكُمْ; and the meaning, Seek ye me with, or in, your mode, or manner, of seeking: the proper meaning is seek ye me with your seeking.] Khálid Ibn-Jaafar Ibn-Kiláb says, speaking of his mare حِذْقَة, أَرِيغُونِى إِرَاغَتَكُمْ فَإِنِّى

وَ حِذْقَةَ كَالشَّجَا تَحْتَ الوَرِيدِ [Seek ye me with your seeking; but ye will not be able to take me; for I, with Hidhkah, am like the bone sticking fast in the throat beneath the carotid artery]. (TA.) And you say, أَرَغْتُ الصَّيْدَ [I sought, or pursued, the game, or object of the chase]. (S.) And اراغت العُقَابُ الصَّيْدَ The eagle pursued the game this way and that, as the latter went. (Mgh and TA in art. هوى.) And خَرَجْتُ أُرِيغُ بَعِيرًا شَرَدَ مِنِّى I went forth seeking in every road, or way, a camel that had run away from me. (TA, from a trad.) and مَا ذَا تُرِيغُ What is this that thou seekest and desirest? or that which thou seekest and desirest? (S, TA.) And فُلَانٌ يُرِيغُ كَذَا وَ كَذَا Such a one eeks, and devises or plans or plots, such and such things. (T, TA.) 5 تروّغ He (a beast) rolled, or turned himself over. (JK, IDrd, K.) And تروّغ فِى الطِّينِ He became befouled, or bedaubed, in the mud. (JK.) 6 تَرَاْوَغَ see 3, last two sentences.8 إِرْتَوَغَ see 4, second sentence.

رَاغَةٌ: see رِيَاغَةٌ.

رَوَاغٌ [The act, or quality, of turning aside or away from a thing: or of going this way and that, or to the right and left, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully: or of turning aside to deceive him who is behind one: or of eluding, or dodging:] a subst. from رَاغَ. (S, Msb, K.) A2: خَيْرٌ رواغٌ, (so in the TA, the vowel of the ر in رواغ not indicated,) or ↓ خَيْرٌ لَهُ رَوَاغَآءُ and ↓ رُوَاغَآءُ, (so in the JK,) Abundant [wealth, or good of any kind]. (JK, TA.) رِيَاغٌ [originally رِوَاغٌ] A state of plenty; or of abundance of herbage, or of the goods or conveniences or comforts of life. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) You say, فُلَانٌ فِى الرِّيَاغِ Such a one is in a state of plenty, &c. (JK.) A2: See also art. ريغ.

رِوَاغَةٌ: see what next follows.

رِيَاغَةٌ The wrestling-place of a people; (Yz, JK, S, K;) as also ↓ رِوَاغَةٌ, (K,) which is the original form, the و being afterwards changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, though this, as Sgh says, is not a necessary sort of conversion; (TA;) or ↓ رَاغَةٌ. (So in the JK.) رُوَيْغَةٌ i. q. حِيلَةٌ [meaning An evasion or elusion, a shift, a wile, an artifice, an artful contrivance or device, a plot, or a stratagem]: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) from الرَّوْغُ [inf. n. of رَاغَ]: so in the saying, أَخَذْتَنِى بِالرُّوَيْغَةِ [Thou tookest me by an artifice, &c.]. (JK, Ibn-'Abbád, K.) [It has a similar meaning also in a saying cited voce حَوْجَآءُ, q. v.]

رَوَاغَآءُ and رُوَاغَآءُ: see رَوَاغٌ.

رَوَّاغٌ [Wont to turn aside or away from a thing: or to go this way and that, or to the right and left, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully: or to turn aside for the purpose of deceiving him who is behind: or to elude, or dodge]. Mo'áwiyeh said to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr, إِنَّمَا أَنْتَ ثَعْلَبٌ رَوَّاغٌ كُلَّمَا خَرَجْتَ مِنْ جُحْرٍ انْجَحَرْتَ فِى

جُحْرٍ [Thou art only a fox wont to elude: whenever thou comest forth from a burrow, thou enterest into a burrow]. (TA.) [Hence,] الرَّوَّاغُ is an appellation of The fox. (JK, K.) طَرِيقٌ رَائِغٌ A deviating road. (S, TA.) Hence

↓ رَائِغَةٌ [as a subst.] A road deviating from the main road: pl. رَوَائِغُ. (TA, from a trad.) رَائغَة: see what next precedes.

أَرْوَغُ [More, and most, wont to turn aside or away from a thing: to go this way and that, or to the right and left, quickly, and deceitfully, or guilefully: to turn aside for the purpose of deceiving him who is behind: or to elude, or dodge]. Tarafeh Ibn-El-'Abd said to 'Amr Ibn-Hind, censuring his companions, كُلُّهُمُ أَرْوَغُ مِنْ ثَعْلَبٍ

مَا أَشْبَهَ اللَّيْلَةَ بِالبَارِحَهْ [Every one of them is more wont to elude than a fox: how like is this night to yesternight! meaning, how like are they, one to another! see art. برح]: أَرْوَغُ مِنْ ثَعْلَبٍ is a prov. (TA.)



1 رَدِفَهُ, (T, S, O, Msb, K &c.,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. رَدْفٌ, (MA, KL,) He rode behind him [on the same beast]; (Az, Sh, Zj, T, MA, Msb;) [and] so رَدَفَهُ, [aor. ـُ (M;) and ↓ اردفهُ; (Az, Sh, T, M;) said by IAar to signify the same as رَدِفَهُ: (T:) [or, in other words,] رَدِفَهُ signifies he became to him a رِدْف [meaning a رَدِيف]; and so رَدِفَ لَهُ; for the Arabs often add the ل with a trans. v. that governs an accus. noun; so that they say, سَمِعَ لَهُ and شَكَرَ لَهُ and نَصَحَ لَهُ, meaning سَمِعَهُ and شَكَرَهُ and نَصَحَهُ: (Fr, T:) [and also] he, or it, followed, or came after, him, or it; (S, O, K, and Ham p. 148;) and so رَدِفَ لَهُ; (Ham ibid.;) and رَدَفَهُ, aor. ـُ (K;) and ↓ اردفهُ; (S, K, and Ham ubi suprà;) and ↓ ارتدفهُ also signifies the same as رَدِفَهُ; (K;) رَدِفَهُ and ↓ اردفهُ being like تَبِعَهُ and أَتْبَعَهُ in [form and] meaning: (S:) [↓ رَدَّفَهُ, likewise, appears to be syn. with رَدِفَهُ; or, probably, رُدِّفَهُ, which seems to signify lit. he was made to ride behind him; &c.; for it is said that] the inf. n. تَرْدِيفٌ signifies the coming, or going, behind; as also تَرْدَافٌ: (KL:) and رَدِفْتُهُ also signifies I overtook him and outwent him. (Msb: [explained in my copy by لحقته وسبقته: but I think that سبقته is a mistranscription for تَبِعْتُهُ; and that the meaning therefore is, I overtook him and followed him.]) One says, كَانَ نَزَلَ بِهِمْ أَمْرٌ فَرَدِفَ لَهُمْ آخَرُ أَعْظَمُ مِنْهُ [An event had befallen them, and another, of greater magnitude than it, happened afterwards to them]. (Lth, * T, * S, O.) And أَمْرٌ ↓ اردفهُ is a dial. var. of رَدِفَهُ, meaning An event happened to him afterwards: (S, O:) or رَدِفَهُمُ الأَمْرُ and ↓ أَرْدَفَهُم signify the event came upon them suddenly, or unexpectedly; or came upon them so as to overwhelm them. (M.) It is said in the Kur [xxvii. 74], عَسَى أَنْ يَكُونَ رَدِفَ لَكُمْ بَعْضُ الَّذِى تَسْتَعْجِلُونَ, meaning [Perhaps a portion of that which ye desire to hasten] may have drawn near to you; (Yoo, Fr, T, O,) as though the ل were introduced because the meaning is دَنَا لَكُمْ: or it may mean يَكُونَ رَدِفَكُمْ [may have become close behind you]; (Fr, T, O;) the ل being introduced for a reason mentioned above, as in سَمِعَ لَهُ &c. for سَمِعَهُ &c.: (Fr, T:) El-Aaraj read رَدَفَ لكم. (O.) and Khuzeymeh Ibn-Málik Ibn-Nahd says, الثُّرَيَّا ↓ إِذَا الجَوْزَآءُ أَرْدَفَتِ ظَنَنْتُ بِآلِ فَاطِمَةَ الظُّنُونَا [When Orion, or Gemini, shall ride behind, or closely follow, the Pleiades, (an event which will never occur,) I will form in my mind, respecting the family (meaning the father) of Fátimeh, opinions]: (S, O:) cited by Fr [and by J] as an ex. of اردفت in the sense of رَدِفَت: (T:) he means Fátimeh the daughter of Yedhkur Ibn-'Anazeh, who [i. e. Yedhkur] was one of the قَارِظَان. (S, O. [Respecting the قارظان, see art. قَرظ.]) 2 رَدَّفَ see 1, in the former half of the paragraph.3 رادفت الدَّابَّةُ The beast allowed a رَدِيف [to ride it], and was strong enough to bear him; as also ↓ اردفت [accord. to some]. (Msb.) You say, هَذِهِ دَابَّةٌ لَا تُرَادِفُ (T, S, M, O, K) and ↓ لَا تُرْدِفُ, (Lth, M, O, K,) but the latter is rare, (K,) or post-classical, of the language of the people of towns and villages, (T, O,) and not allowable, (T,) This beast will not allow a رَدِيف (Lth, T, M) to ride it; (Lth, T;) will not bear a رديف. (S, O, K.) b2: مُرَادَفَةُ الجَرَادِ signifies The mounting of [locusts one behind, or upon, another;] the male locust upon the female, and the third upon those two. (S, O, K.) b3: And مُرَادَفَةُ المُلُوكِ is [a phrase meaning The acting as a رِدْف, or as أَرْدَاف, to the kings,] from الرِّدَافَةُ [q. v.]. (O, K.) Jereer, who was of the Benoo-Yarbooa, to whom pertained the رِدَافَة in the Time of Ignorance, says, رَبَعْنَا وَرَادَفْنَا المُلُوكَ فَظَلِّلُوا وطَابَ الأَحَالِيبِ الثُّمَامَ المُنَزَّعَا [We have taken the fourth part of the spoils, and we have acted as أَرْدَاف to the kings; therefore shade ye the skins of the camel-loads of milk collected from the camels in the pasture with panic grass plucked up, and so make it cool for us]: (S, * O:) وِطَاب is the pl. of the وَطْب of milk. (S.) b4: [In the conventional language of lexicology, رادفهُ, inf. n. مُرَادَفَةٌ, signifies It was synonymous with it; i. e. a word with another word: as though the former supplied the place of the latter, like as the رِدْف supplied the place of the king. See also 6.]4 أَرْدَفْتُهُ, (T, S, Msb,) inf. n. إِرْدَافٌ, (Msb,) I made him to ride (Sh, Zj, T, S, Msb) behind me, (Sh, * Zj, T, Msb,) or with me, (S,) on the back of the [same] beast; and so ↓ اِرْتَدَفْتُهُ: (Msb:) or ↓ ارتدفهُ signifies he placed him behind him on the beast: (M:) and أَرْدَفْتُهُ مَعَهُ I made him to ride with him [or behind him, on the same beast]. (O, K.) b2: And اردف الشَّىْءَ بِالشَّىْءِ and اردفهُ عَلَيْهِ He made the thing to follow the thing. (M.) b3: See also 1, in six places. b4: اردفت النُّجُومُ, [بَعْضُهَا بَعْضًا being app. understood,] The stars followed one another. (S, O, K.) [See also 6.]

b5: See also 3, in two places.6 تَرَادُفٌ is syn. with تَتَابُعٌ. (T, S, O.) Yousay, تَرَادَفَا They followed each other. (K.) and ترادف القَوْمُ The people, or party, followed one another: and in like manner one says of anything following another thing. (Msb.) [See also 4.] And ترادف الشَّىْءُ The thing was, or became, consecutive in its parts; one part of the thing followed another. (M.) b2: It is also a word alluding to a certain foul act: (M, O:) from الرِّدْفُ signifying العَجُزُ. (M.) You say, (of two boys, or young men, TK,) تَرَادَفَا meaning تَنَاكَحَا. (K.) b3: And تَرَادَفُوا عَلَيْهِ They aided, helped, or assisted, one another against him. (As, S.) And تَرَادَفَا They aided, helped, or assisted, each other; (O, K;) as also ترافدا. (O.) b4: As a conventional term in lexicology, تَرَادُفٌ signifies Synonymousness; or the being synonymous. (Mz, 27th نوع; and Kull p. 130.) [You say, of two words, يَتَرَادَفَانِ They are synonymous. See also 3: and see مُتَرَادِفٌ.]8 إِرْتَدَفَ see 1, in the former half of the paragraph: b2: and see also 4, in two places. b3: You say also, ارتدفهُ meaning He came behind him; syn. اِسْتَدْبَرَهُ. (S, O.) And ارتدف العَدُوَّ He took the enemy, or seized him, or took him captive, or gained the mastery over him and slew him, coming from behind him; syn. أَخَذَهُ مِنْ وَرَائِهِ

أَخْذًا. (K.) أَتَيْنَا فُلَانًا فَارْتَدَ فْنَاهُ is explained by Ks as meaning أَخَذْنَاهُ &c. as above [i. e. We came to such a one, and took him, &c.]. (T, S, M, * O.) 10 استردفهُ He asked him to make him [or to let him] ride behind him on the back of the beast. (S, * O, Msb, K. *) رِدْفٌ: see رَدِيفٌ, in two places. b2: Also A sequent of a thing; (T, S, M, O, Msb, K;) whatever that sequent be: (S, O, Msb, K:) pl. أَرْدَافٌ, which is its pl. in all its senses; (M;) and is particularly applied to the [stars that are] followers of [other] stars; (T, M, O;) [and] its pl. is [also]

رُدَافَى; (T;) which is particularly applied to drivers of camels; or drivers who urge camels, or excite them, by singing to them: (T, S, K:) and to aids, assistants, or auxiliaries; (S, K;) [as being a man's followers; or] because, when any one of them is fatigued, another takes his place: (S:) or, as some say, رُدَافَى is syn. with رَدِيفٌ: (T:) or it is also syn. with رَدِيفٌ, and (O, K) some say, (O,) a pl. thereof. (O, K.) b3: The night: and the day: (K:) الرِّدْفَانِ signifying the night and the day, (T, S, O, K,) because each of them is a رِدْف to the other: (T:) and the morning, between daybreak and sunrise, and the evening, between sunset and nightfall; as also الأَبْرَدَانِ and البَرْدَانِ. (T in art. برد.) b4: The consequence of an event, or affair; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ رَدَفٌ. (O, K.) So the former in the saying, هٰذَا أَمْرٌ لَيْسَ لَهُ رِدْفُ [This is an event, or affair, that has not, or will not have, any consequence, or result]. (S, O.) [So too ↓ رَدِيفٌ; the phrase ↓ الرَّدِيفُ وَالمَرْدُوفُ meaning The consequence and that of which it is the consequence.] b5: The hinder part of anything. (M.) b6: The posteriors, or buttocks, (S, M, O, Msb,) or peculiarly, accord. to some, (M,) of a woman: pl. أَرْدَافٌ; (M, Msb;) with which رَوَادِفُ is syn., but [ISd says,] I know not whether it be an extr. pl. of رِدْفٌ, or pl. of ↓ رَادِفَةٌ. (M.) b7: رِدْفُ المَلِكِ He who, in the Time of Ignorance, supplied the place of the king, (T, M,) in the management of the affairs of the realm, like the وَزِير in the time of El-Islám, (T,) or like the صَاحِبُ الشُّرْطَة in this our age: (M:) in the Time of Ignorance, (S,) he who sat on the right hand of the king, and, when the king drank, drank after him, before others, and, when the king went to war, sat in his place, (S, O, K, *) and was his vicegerent over the people until he returned, and, on the return of the king's army, took the fourth of the spoil: (S, O:) he also rode behind the king upon his horse: (Har p. 321:) pl. أَرْدَافٌ. (T, S, M.) [See also الرِّدَافَةُ.] b8: الرِّدْفُ [is also a name of] The bright star [a] on the tail of the constellation الدَّجَاجَة [i. e. Cygnus; which star is also called الذَّنَبُ, and ذَنَبُ الدَّجَاجَةِ]; (Kzw;) a certain star near to النَّسْرُ الوَاقِعُ [or a of Lyra]; (Lth, M, O, K;) and (M) so ↓ الرَّدِيفُ; (S, M, O;) or this is another star near to النسر الواقع. (K.) And رِدْفُ الثُّرَيَّا i. q. الجَوْزَآءُ [i. e. either Orion or Gemini]. (O.) b9: Lebeed applies the dual رِدْفَانِ to Two sailors in the hinder part of a ship. (O, K.) رَدَفٌ: see رِدْفٌ, in the former half of the paragraph.

بَهْمٌ رَدْفَى Lambs, or kids, brought forth in the خرِيف [or autumn], and in the صَيْف [meaning spring], in the last part of the period in which sheep, or goats, bring forth. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) رِدَافٌ The place upon which the رَدِيف, or رِدْف rides. (S, M, O, K.) b2: See also the next paragraph.

رَدِيفٌ One who rides behind another (S, M, O, Msb, K) on the back of the [same] beast; (Msb;) as also ↓ رِدْفٌ (S, M, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مُرْتَدِفٌ: (S, K:) the pl. (M, K) of the first (M) is رُدَافَى, (M, K, [in my copy of the Msb ردفى, which is app. a mistranscription, and there said to be irreg.,]) or the pl. of رَدِيفٌ is رِدَافٌ, (S, [so in both of my copies,]) and رُدَفَآءُ: (M:) and ↓ رُدَافَى is used as a sing., syn. with رَدِيفٌ, (T, K,) accord. to some, (T,) as well as pl. [thereof]: (K:) or it is pl. of رِدْفٌ [q. v.]. (T.) [Hence,] one says, جَاؤُوا رُدَافَى They came following one another. (K.) [Hence,] also, A حَقِيبَة, and the like, that is [conveyed] behind a man; [i. e. a bag, or receptacle, in which a man puts his travellingprovisions; and any other thing that is conveyed behind a man on his beast;] and so ↓ رِدْفٌ. (M.) b2: See also رِدْفٌ, in two places. b3: Also A star rising in the east, when its opposite star is setting in the west. (S, O, K.) And (K) A star facing a rising star: (Lth, M, O, * K:) used in this sense by Ru-beh; who terms the rising star رَاكِبُ المِقْدَارِ. (Lth, M.) b4: Also One who brings his arrow after the winning of one of the players at the game called المَيْسِر, or of two of them, and asks them to insert his arrow among theirs: (O, K:) or ↓ رِدَافٌ [so in the M accord. to the TT, but app. a mistranscription,] signifies one who brings his arrow after they have divided among themselves the slaughtered camel, and who is not turned back by them disappointed, but is assigned by them a portion of what has become their shares. (M.) الرِّدَافَةُ The function of the رِدْف of a king, (S, O, K,) in the Time of Ignorance: (S: [see رِدْفٌ:]) a term similar to الخِلَافَةُ: (K:) it pertained to the Benoo-Yarbooa, in that time; because there were not among the Arabs any who waged war more than they did against the kings of El-Heereh, who therefore made peace with them on the condition that the ردافة should be assigned to them and that they should abstain from waging war against the people of El-'Irák: (S, O:) it was of two kinds; one being the riding behind the king upon his horse; and the other, what has been explained above, as from the S, voce رِدْفٌ. (Har p. 321.) رُدَافَى: see رَدِيفٌ [of which it is said to be a syn. and also a pl., or pl. of رِدْفٌ, q. v.].

الرَّادِفَةُ, in the Kur lxxix. 7, means The second blast [of the horn on the day of resurrection]: (S, O, Bd, Jel, and K in art. رجف:) or the heaven, and the stars, which shall be cleft and scattered. (Bd.) [See also الرَّاجِفَةُ.] b2: See also رِدْفٌ. b3: رَوَادِفُ is pl. of رَادِفَةٌ and of ↓ رَادُوفٌ. (K.) It signifies The [shoots that are termed] رَوَاكِيب [pl. of رَاكُوبٌ q. v. voce. رَاكِبٌ] of the palm-tree. (S, O, K.) And Streaks [or layers] of fat, overlying one another, in the hinder part of a camel's hump: those in the fore part are called رَوَاكِبُ. (O * and K * in the present art., and A and K and TA in art. ركب.) رَادُوفٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

المَرْدُوفُ as opposed to الرَّدِيفُ: see رِدْفٌ.]

مُرَادِفُ لَفْظٍ, in the conventional language of lexicology, A synonym of a word or expression. (Mz, 27th نوع.) [See 3, last signification: and see also مُتَرَادِفُ.]

مُرْتَدِفٌ: see رَدِيفٌ, first sentence.

مُتَرَادِفٌ, as a conventional term in lexicology, Synonymous: you say أَلْفَاظٌ مُتَرَادِفَةٌ synonymous words or expressions. (Mz, 27th نوع.) [Loosely explained in the K by the words أَنْ يَكُونَ اسْمًا لِشّىْءٍ وَاحِدٍ, meaning significant of one thing; which is the contr. of مُشْتَرَكٌ, i. e. “ homonymous: ” and in like manner, المُتَرَادِفَةُ is expl. in the O, ان تكون أَسْمَآءً لشىءٍ واحدٍ; and is said to be post-classical.] مُتَرَادِفَاتٌ [its pl. when used as a subst.] signifies Synonyms; i. e. single, or simple, words denoting the same thing considered in one and the same respect or light: thus the مُتَرَادِفَانِ differ from the noun and the definition [thereof], because these [generally] are not both single words; and from the مُتَبَايِنَانِ [or “ two disparates ”] such as السَّيْفُ and الصَّارِمُ, because these denote the same thing considered in two different respects, the one in respect of the substance, and the other in respect of the quality: (Fakhred-Deen [Er-Rázee] in the Mz, 27th نوع:) or they may be two simple words, as اللَّيْثُ and الأَسَدُ; and two compound expressions, as, جُلُوسُ اللَّيْثِ and قُعُودُ الأَسَدِ; and a single word and a compound expression, as المُزُّ and الحُلْوُ الحَامِضُ. (Kull p. 130.) [See also مُرَادِفُ لَفْظٍ.] [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and TA to which I have had access.]



1 رَشَقَهُ, (S, Msb,) or رَشَقَهُمْ, (M,) بِالسَّهْمِ, (M, Msb,) or بِالنَّبْلِ, (S, K,) وَغَيْرِهِ, (K,) aor. ـُ (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. رَشْقٌ; (S, M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ ارشقهُ (Msb) [or ارشقهم]; He shot, or shot at, him, or them, with the arrow, or with the arrows, and other things. (S, M, Msb, K.) It is said in a trad., لَهُوَ أَشَدُّ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ رَشْقِ النَّبْلِ [Verily it is harder upon them, or more severe or distressing to them, than the shooting of arrows at them]. (TA.) b2: And رَشَقَهُمْ بِنَظَرِهِ (assumed tropical:) He cast his look at them. (M.) b3: See also 4, in two places.

A2: رَشُقَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَشَاقَةٌ, (S, M, Msb,) He (a man) was, or became, goodly, or beautiful, and slender, in stature, or person: (S, K:) or he (a boy) was, or became, just in proportion, (T, A,) and slender; (A;) and in like manner رَشُقَتْ is said of a girl: (T:) or he (a boy, M, or a person, Msb) was, or became, light, or active, (M, Msb,) in his work; (Msb;) and in like manner رَشْقَتْ is said of a girl. (M. [See also 5.]) 3 راشقهُ, (Moheet, K,) inf. n. مُرَاشَقَةٌ, (Moheet,) (assumed tropical:) He went, or ran, with him; or vied with him in going, or running; syn. سَايَرَهُ. (Moheet, K.) [And] رَاشَقَنِى مَقْصِدِى (tropical:) He vied with me (بَارَانِى) in going to the place to which I was repairing. (A, TA.) 4 ارشق He shot in one direction; (Zj, K; *) as also ↓ رَشَقَ. (Zj, O.) b2: See also 1. b3: (assumed tropical:) He looked sharply, or intently, or attentively: (S, K:) [and] أَرْشَقَتْ, inf. n. إِرْشَاقٌ, she looked sharply, &c.; said of a woman, and of a مَهَاة [or wild cow]. (M.) You say, أَرْشَقْتُ إِلَى القَوْمِ (assumed tropical:) [I looked sharply, &c., or] I raised, or cast, my eyes, and looked, at, or towards, the party, or company of men; (L;) and so القَوْمَ ↓ رَشَقْتُ. (JK.) And أَرْشَقَتِ الظَّبْيَةُ إِلَى مَأْرَبِهَا (assumed tropical:) The she-gazelle looked sharply, or intently, or attentively, at the object of her want. (A, TA.) As some say, (M,) ارشقت الظَّبْيَةُ signifies (tropical:) The she-gazelle extended, or stretched out, her neck. (S, M, K, TA.) A2: مَا أَرْشَقَهَا, said of a bow, (tropical:) How light, and swift in the flight of its arrow, is it (??) (K, TA.) 5 ترشٌّ فِى الأَمْرِ He was, or became, sharp in the affair. (M. [See also 1, last signification.]) رَشْقٌ: see the next paragraph, last sentence.

رِشْقٌ a subst. from 1 in the first of the senses explained above: (S, K:) [i. e. as signifying] A bout (شَوْطٌ) of the shooting of arrows; (T, M, TA;) when persons, competing in shooting, shoot all the arrows that they have with them and then return [to the butt]: (T, TA:) and a direction in which arrows are shot, (S, M, Msb, K,) when the people, all of them, shoot all the arrows: (Msb:) pl. أَرْشَاقٌ. (Msb, TA.) You say, رَمَيْنَا رِشْقًا; (S, K;) or رَمَوْا رِشْقًا, (Msb,) or رموا رِشْقًا وَاحِدًا and عَلَى رِشْقٍ وَاحِدٍ, (M,) We shot, all of us, [a bout,] in one direction; (S, K;) or they shot, (M, Msb,) all of them, (Msb,) [a bout,] in one direction, with all their arrows. (M, Msb.) And it is said in a trad. of Fudáleh, كَانَ يَخْرُجُ فَيَرْمِى الأَرْشَاقَ [He used to go forth, and shoot bouts]. (TA.) Accord. to IDrd, الرِّشْقُ signifies The arrows themselves that are shot. (Msb.) b2: Also The [stridulous] sound of the pen (Lth, M, Z, K) when one writes with it; (Lth, M;) and so ↓ رَشْقٌ. (Lth, M, Z, K.) رَشَقٌ: see the next paragraph but one, in two places.

رَشُوقٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

قَوْسٌ رَشِيقَةٌ (tropical:) A swift-shooting bow; (JK, A, K;) as also ↓ رَشُوقٌ (JK) and ↓ رَشَقٌ. (O, K.) b2: أَجَلٌ رَشِيقٌ and ↓ رَشُوقٌ (assumed tropical:) [A period] quick [in passing]. (JK.) b3: رَشِيقٌ applied to a boy, (T, TA,) or to a man, (S, K,) and ↓ مُرْشِقٌ, (JK,) and رَشِيقَةٌ applied to a girl, (T, TA,) Just in proportion, (JK, T, A,) and slender: (A, TA:) or goodly, or beautiful, and slender, in stature, or person: (S, K:) or رَشِيقٌ (M, Msb) and ↓ مُرْشِقٌ (M) signify a boy, (M,) or a person, (Msb,) light, or active, (M, Msb,) in his work; (Msb;) and in the same sense are applied to a girl: (M:) the pl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] of رَشِيقٌ is ↓ رَشَقٌ, (K,) like as أَدَمٌ is of أَدِيمٌ, and أَفَقٌ of أَفِيقٌ. (TA.) رَاشِقٌ Shooting. (Har p. 37.) b2: سَهْمٌ رَاشِقٌ i. q. ذُو رَشْقٍ, i. e. ذُو رَمْىٍ [lit. An arrow having propulsion; meaning shot; the latter word being] of the class of [possessive epithets, such as] لَابِنٌ and تَامِرٌ. (Har p. 82.) جِيدٌ أَرْشَقٌ An erect neck. (M.) مُرْشِقٌ, applied to a woman, (JK, M,) and to a she-gazelle, (M,) or to a wild animal [of any kind], (JK,) Having her young one with her; (JK, M;) as though she were always watching it. (JK.) b2: [Also (assumed tropical:) Having a stretched out, or long, neck. Hence,] المُرْشِقَاتُ (assumed tropical:) [The long-necked ones] is used as meaning the gazelles: but is not applied to the [wild] oxen or cows, because of the shortness of their necks: these are called by Aboo-Du-ád بَنَاتُ عَمِّ المُرْشِقَاتِ [lit. the sons, or daughters, (for بَنَات applied to irrational animals is pl. of اِبْنٌ as well as of بِنْت,) of the paternal uncle of the long-necked ones, i. e., of the gazelles]: he says, وَلَقَدْ ذَعَرْتُ بَنَاتِ عَمِّ المُرْشِقَاتِ لَهَا بَصَابِصْ meaning [And verily I have frightened] the wild oxen or cows [having waggings of the tail]. (L.) b3: See also the paragraph commencing with قَوْسٌ رَشِيقَةٌ, in two places.

مِرْشَقَةٌ is explained by Golius, on the authority of Meyd, as signifying A ring used in shooting, by means of which the thumb, it being furnished therewith, more easily draws the tighter sort of bow-string.]



1 رَهِقَهُ, (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَهَقٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He, or it, came upon, properly as a thing that covered, him, or it; or came to him, or it; syn. غَشِيَهُ: (S, K:) and (K) reached, or overtook, him, or it: (ElFárábee, Msb, K:) or it signifies, (K,) or signifies also, (S,) he drew near to, or approached, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) whether he took, or did not take, (S, K,) him, or it: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) or he followed him, and was near to reaching, or overtaking, him. (JK.) It is said in the Kur [x. 27], وَلَا يَرْهَقُ وَجُوهَهُمْ قَتَرٌ وَلَا ذِلَّةٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) And there shall not come upon, or overspread, their faces [blackness, or darkness, nor abjectness, or ignominy]. (S, TA.) And you say, رَهِقَهُ الدَّيْنُ, (Msb, TA,) or دَيْنٌ, (Mgh,) Debt, or a debt, came upon him. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) And رَهِقَتْنَا الصَّلَاةُ, (inf. n. رُهُوقٌ, Msb, or رَهَقٌ, TA,) (tropical:) The time of prayer came upon us. (Mgh, * Msb, TA.) And it is said in a trad., إِذَا صَلَّى

أَحَدُكُمْ إِلَى الشَّىْءِ فَلْيَرْهَقْهُ, i. e. [When any one of you prays towards the thing,] let him come near to it. (JK, S. [In the Mgh, إِلَى سُتْرَةٍ

فَلْيَرْهَقْهَا, i. e. towards a thing that he has set up for that purpose, &c.]) One says also, طَلَبْتُ فُلَانًا حَتَّى رَهِقْتُهُ, inf. n. رَهَقٌ, I sought such a one until I drew near to him, and, as it sometimes means, took him, or, as it sometimes means, did not take him. (S.) And طَلَبْتُ الشَّىْءَ حَتَّى رَهِقْتُهُ وَكِدْتُ

آخُذُهُ أَوْ أَخَذْتُهُ [I sought the thing until I came near to it, and I almost took it, or I took it]. (Az, Msb.) And رَهَقَ شُخُوصُ فُلَانٍ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) [Such a one's going, or going forth or away,] drew near. (S.) ↓ أَرْهَقْتُهُ also signifies I drew near to it; syn. دَانَيْتُهُ. (Msb.) And one says, اللَّيْلُ ↓ أَرْهَقَكُمُ فَأَسْرِعُوا, i. e. (tropical:) The night has drawn near [to you, therefore hasten ye]; syn. دَنَا. (TA.) b2: Yousay also, رَهِقَهُ بِمَا يَكْرَهُ, inf. n. رَهَقٌ, He did to him that which he disliked, or hated. (JK.) b3: and رَهِقْتُ إِثْمًا: see 4.

A2: رَهِقَ as an intrans. v.: see رَهَقٌ, which is its inf. n., below.2 رُهِّقَ He was one to whom رَهَقٌ [q. v.] was attributed. (Mgh.) [He was one to whom ignorance was attributed; an object of suspicion in respect of his religion: (see the part. n., below:) or he was suspected of evil conduct.] It is said in a trad., صَلَّى عَلَى امْرَأَةٍ تُرَهَّقُ, (S, Mgh,) meaning [He prayed over a woman] suspected of evil conduct. (S.) 3 راهق, (S, Msb, K,) and راهق الحُلُمَ, (JK, Az, K, all in art. خلف,) inf. n. مُرَاهَقَةٌ, (Msb,) He (a boy) was, or became, near to attaining puberty, or virility; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ ارهق, inf. n. إِرْهَاقٌ. (Msb.) And راهقت العِشْرِينَ [She nearly attained the age of twenty]. (K in art. عصر.) 4 ارهقهُ طُغْيَانًا i. q. أَغْشَاهُ إِيَّاهُ [i. e. He made excessive disobedience to come upon him, properly as a thing that covered him]; (S, K;) and أَلْحَقَهُ بِهِ [i. e. made it to reach him, or overtake him, or befall him]. (K.) It is said in the Kur xviii.

79, فَخَشِينَا أَنْ يُرْهِقَهُمَا طُغْيَانًا وَكُفْرًا, meaning [And we disapproved] that he should make excessive disobedience, and ingratitude, to come upon them twain, by his undutiful conduct, so bringing evil upon them: or that he should couple with the faith of them twain his excessive disobedience and his ingratitude, so that there would be in one house two believers and one who was excessively disobedient and ungrateful: or that he should communicate to them twain his excessive disobedience and his ingratitude. (Ksh, Bd. [See also خَشِىَ.]) And one says, أَرْهَقَنِى فُلَانٌ إِثْمًا

↓ حَتَّى رَهِقْتُهُ, meaning Such a one made me to hear the burden of a sin, [as though he made the sin to come upon me as a burden,] so that I bore it. (S.) And أَرْهَقْتُ الرَّجُلَ أَمْرًا I made, required, or constrained, the man to bear, or endure, a thing, or an event. (Msb.) And راهقهُ عُسْرًا He made, required, or constrained, him to do a difficult thing: (Az, S, Mgh, K:) or he made a difficulty to come upon him, properly as a thing that covered him; syn. أَغْشَاهُ إِيَّاهُ. (Ksh and Bd in xviii. 72.) And ارهقهُ, alone, He demanded of him a difficult thing. (S, Msb, K.) You say, لَا تُرْهِقْنِى لَا أَرْهَقَكَ اللّٰهُ Demand not thou of me a difficult thing: may God not demand of thee a difficult thing. (Az, S, K.) And إِرْهَاقٌ signifies also The inciting, or urging, a man to do a thing that he is not able to do. (Az, K, TA.) b2: Yousay also, أَرْهَقْنَاهُمُ الخَّيْلَ We made the horsemen to overtake them, or come up with them: (TA:) or to be near doing so. (JK.) b3: And ارهق الصَّلَاةَ (tropical:) He delayed the prayer (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA) until it approached the other [next after it], (JK,) or until it almost approached the other, (Mgh, K, TA,) or until the time of the other approached. (S, Msb.) b4: And أَرْهَقْتُهُ أَنْ يُصَلِّىَ i. q. أَعْجَلْتُهُ عَنْهَا [i. e. I hurried him so as to prevent him from praying: see similar phrases in art. عجل]. (K.) b5: See also 1, near the end of the paragraph, in two places: b6: and see 3.

A2: ارهقت الدَّابَّةُ السَّرْجَ: see 4 in art. زهق.

رَهَقٌ The doing of forbidden things: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) wrongdoing; wrongful, unjust, in jurious, or tyrannical, conduct: (Fr, S, K:) it has this meaning in the Kur lxxii. 13, (S, TA,) accord. to Fr; or, as some say, the former mean ing: (TA:) the doing evil: (AA, K:) and a subst. from إِرْهَاقٌ signifying the inciting, or urging, a man to do a thing that he is not able to do: (Az, K:) lightwittedness; or lightness and hastiness of disposition or deportment; (S, K;) and excessive disobedience: so in the Kur lxxii. 6, (S, TA,) accord. to some: (TA:) foolishness, or stupidity: lightness, or levity: (K:) or ignorance, and lightness of intellect: (JK:) and illnature, or evil disposition: (TA:) and haste: (K:) and lying: (Mgh, K:) in all these senses, [i. e. in all that have been mentioned above as from the K, and app. in others also, above and below,] its verb is ↓ رَهِقَ, aor. ـَ [meaning He did forbidden things: acted wrongfully, unjustly, injuriously, or tyrannically: &c.:] (K, TA:) of which it is the inf. n.: (TA:) and the following meanings also are assigned to it [app. by interpreters of the passages in which it occurs in the Kur]: sus picion, or evil opinion: and sin: accord. to Katádeh: lowness, vileness, or meanness; and weakness; accord. to Zj: error; accord. to Ibn El-Kelbee: and bad, or corrupt, conduct: and pride: and so ↓ رَهْقَةٌ, in these two senses: and the commission of a sin or crime or fault; syn. عَنَتٌ: and the act of reaching, or overtaking [app. of some evil accident]: and perdition. (TA.) رَهِقٌ A man in whose conduct, or character, is رَهَقٌ [expl. above: i. e. one who does forbidden things: &c.]: (O:) hasty: quick to do evil: and self-conceited; proud, or haughty. (TA.) and رَهِقَةٌ A vitious woman; or an adulteress, or a fornicatress. (TA.) رَهْقَةٌ: see رَهَقٌ.

يَعْدُو الرَّهَقَى He runs quickly, so as to require his pursuer to do what is difficult or what is beyond his power (حَتَّى يُرْهِقَ طَالِبَهُ, or, as in the CK, حتّى يُرْهَقَ طَالِبُهُ [which is virtually the same]): (M, K, TA:) or he runs quickly, so that he almost reaches, or overtakes, (حتّى يَكَادَ يَرْهَقُ,) the object of his pursuit. (JK.) رُهْقَانُ مِائَةٍ: see what next follows.

رُهَاقُ مِائَةٍ and رِهَاقُ مِائِةٍ As many as a hundred; (Az, ISk, JK, S, K;) as also مائة ↓ رُهْقَانُ: (so in one of my copies of the S:) such are said to be a man's camels, (JK,) or such is said to be a company of men. (Az, ISk, S.) رَهُوقٌ A wide-stepping, and quick, or excellent, she-camel, that comes upon him who leads her so as almost to tread upon him with her feet. (En Nadr, K.) رَهِيقٌ Wine: (K:) a dial. var. of رَحِيقٌ, like as مَدْهٌ is of مَدْحٌ. (TA.) رَاهِقٌ applied to a boy, and رَاهِقَةٌ applied to a girl, From ten to eleven years old. (TA.) [See also مُرَاهِقٌ.]

رَيْهُقَانٌ Saffron. (JK, IDrd, S, K.) مُرْهَقٌ Reached, or overtaken, (JK, S, O, K,) to be slain. (S, O.) b2: Straitened. (Ham p. 682.) أَتَيْنَا فِى العُصَيْرِ المُرْهِقَةِ (tropical:) [app. We came when the time of the afternoon-prayer was drawing near; العُصَيْر being the dim. of العَصْرُ: see the phrase أَرْهَقَكُمُ اللَّيْلُ فَأَسْرِعُوا, near the end of the first paragraph]. (TA.) مُرَهَّقٌ One to whom men come (S, K, TA) often, (TA,) and at whose abode guests alight. (JK, S, K, * TA.) b2: Also One to whom رَهَقٌ [q. v.] is attributed: (JK, K:) [said in the TA to have no verb; but this is not the case: see 2:] one of whom evil is thought: (JK, S, K:) or who is suspected of evil, or of lightwittedness: (TA:) one to whom ignorance is attributed: (Mgh;) an object of suspicion in respect of his religion: (Mgh, TA:) corrupt [in conduct]: one in whom is sharpness [of temper] and lightwittedness. (TA.) مُرَاهِقٌ Near to attaining puberty; applied to a boy: (JK, Mgh, TA:) and with ة applied to a girl. (TA.) [See also رَاهِقٌ.] b2: [Hence,] دَخَلَ مَكَّةَ مُرَاهِقًا (tropical:) He entered Mekkeh nearly at the end of the [proper] time [to do so as a pilgrim], so that he almost missed the halt at 'Arafát. (Nh, O, K, TA.) And صَلَّى الظُّهْرَ مُرَاهِقًا (tropical:) He performed the noon-prayer nearly missing the time. (TA.)



1 رَحِمَهُ, (S, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. رَحْمَةٌ and رُحْمٌ [and رَحَمَةٌ and رُحُمٌ] and مَرْحَمَةٌ, (S, * Msb, K, *) [He had mercy, or pity, or compassion, on him; or he treated him, or regarded him, with mercy or pity or compassion; i. e.] he was, or became, tender [or tender-hearted] towards him; and inclined to favour him [and to benefit him]: (S, Msb, K: [see also رَخِمَهُ and رَخَمَهُ:]) and he pardoned him, or forgave him: (K:) said of a man: (S, Msb, K:) and also of God [in the former sense, but tropically, or anthropopathically: or as meaning He favoured him, or benefited him; or pardoned, or forgave, him: see explanations of رَحْمَةٌ below]: (Msb, K:) and عَلَيْهِ ↓ ترحّم signifies the same, (MA, [and the same seems to be indicated in the S,]) said of a man: (S:) [and so does ↓ ترحّمهُ, (occurring in the S and K in art. رعى, &c.,) accord. to Ibn-Maaroof, for he says that] تَرَحُّمٌ signifies the regarding [another] with mercy or pity or compassion; or pardoning [him], or forgiving [him]: and also the being merciful or pitiful or compassionate or favourably inclined [عَلَى غَيْرِهِ to another]. (KL: but respecting this latter verb, see 2.) A2: رَحُمَتْ, and رَحِمَتْ, (S, K,) and رُحِمَتْ, (K,) inf. n. رَحَامَةٌ, (S, K,) which is of the first, (S, TA,) and رَحَمٌ, (S, K,) which is of the second, (S, TA,) and رَحْمٌ, (K,) which is of the third, (TA,) She had a complaint of her womb after bringing forth, (S, K,) and died in consequence thereof: (K:) said of a camel, (S, TA,) and of a ewe or goat, and of a woman, and of any animal having a womb: (TA:) or she had a disease in her womb, in consequence of which she did not receive impregnation: or she brought forth without letting fall her secundine: (K, TA:) or, accord. to Lh, the bringing forth without letting fall her secundine, by a sheep or goat, is termed ↓ رُحَامٌ. (TA.) b2: رَحِمَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. رَحَمٌ, is also said of a water-skin, meaning It was left, or neglected, by its owners, after its being seasoned with rob, [for غيته, in the phrase بعد غيته, an evident mistranscription, I read, conjecturally, تَمْتِينِهِ, as the only word at all resembling غيته, that I can call to mind, having an apposite signification,] and they did not anoint it, or grease it, so that it became spoilt, or in a bad state, and did not retain the water: the epithet applied to it in this case is ↓ رَحِمٌ. (TA.) b3: and رَحَامَةٌ is also an inf. n. [of which the verb, if it have one, is app. رَحُمَ,] signifying The being connected by relationship. (TA.) 2 رحّم عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. تَرْحِيمٌ; and ↓ ترحّم; but the former is the more chaste; He said to him, رَحِمَكَ اللّٰهُ [May God have mercy on thee; &c.]. (K.) 5 ترحّم عَلَيْهِ and ترحّمهُ: for both see 1; and for the former see also 2. [Accord. to different authorities, it appears that both may be rendered He had mercy, or pity, or compassion, on him; or he pitied, or compassionated, him: (see 1:) or he pitied him, or compassionated him, much: (see what follows:) and the former, he said to him, May God have mercy on thee; &c.; (see 2;) or he expressed a wish that God would have mercy on him; or he expressed pity, or compassion, for him: and also he affected, or constrained himself to have or to show, pity, or compassion.] Though تَرَحَّمْتُ عَلَيْهِ is mentioned by J, and not رَحَّمّهُ, some say that the former is incorrect: and it is said that تَرَحُّمٌ implies self-constraint, and therefore is not to be attributed to God: but some repudiate this assertion, because it occurs in correct traditions, and because تَفَعُّلٌ is not restricted to the denoting peculiarly self-constraint, but has other properties, as in the instances of تَوَحُّدٌ and تَكَبُّرٌ, denoting intensiveness and muchness. (TA.) 6 تراحموا signifies رَحِمَ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا [They had mercy, or pity, or compassion, one on another; &c.]. (S, TA.) 10 استرحمهُ He asked, or demanded, of him الرَّحْمَة [i. e. mercy, or pity, or compassion; &c.]. (TA.) رَحْمٌ: see its syn. رَحِمٌ, in two places.

رُحْمٌ: see its syn. رَحْمَةٌ. b2: [Hence,] أُمُّ رُحْمٍ

one of the names of Mekkeh; (S, K; *) as also أُمُّ الرُّحْمِ; (K;) meaning the source of الرَّحْمَة [or mercy, &c.]. (TA.) [See also زُحْمٌ.]

رِحْمٌ: see its syn. رَحِمٌ, in two places.

رَحَمٌ The coming forth of the womb, in consequence of a disease. (IAar, TA.) [See also رَحِمَتْ and رَحِمَ, of each of which it is an inf. n.]

رَحِمٌ The womb, i. e. the place of origin, (Mgh, Msb, K,) and the receptacle, (Mgh, K,) of the young, (Mgh, Msb, K,) in the belly; (Mgh;) as also ↓ رِحْمٌ, (Msb, K,) a contraction of the former, and ↓ رَحْمٌ, which is of the dial. of Benoo-Kiláb: (Msb:) in this sense, (Msb,) which is the primary signification, (Mgh,) [i. e.] as meaning the رَحِم of the female, (S,) it is fem.; (S, Msb;) or, as some say, masc.; (Msb;) but IB cites a verse in which رِحْم is fem.: (TA:) pl. أَرْحَامٌ. (MA.) b2: Hence, (Mgh, Msb,) as also ↓ رِحْمٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ رَحْمٌ, (Msb,) (tropical:) Relationship; i. e. nearness of kin; syn. قَرَابَةٌ: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) [by some restricted to relationship by the female side; as will be shown below:] and connexion by birth: (Mgh, Msb:) or relationship connecting with a father or an ancestor: or near relationship: so in the T: (TA:) or a connexion, or tie, of relationship: (A, TA:) or the ties of relationship: (M, K, TA:) accord. to the K, الرَّحِمُ signifies القَرَابَةُ or أَصْلُهَا and أَسْبَابُهَا: but in the M it is said, الرَّحِمُ أَسْبَابُ القَرَابَةِ وَأَصْلُهَا الرَّحِمُ الَّتِى هِىَ مَنْبِتُ الوَلَدِ; in which وَأَصْلُهَا forms no part of the explanation of الرحم, as the author of the K asserts it to do: (TA:) as meaning relationship, رحم is in most instances masc.: (Msb:) pl. as above. (K.) It is said in a holy tradition (حَدِيث قُدْسِىّ [i. e. an inspired or a revealed tradition]) that God said, when He created الرَّحِم [meaning “ relationship,” &c.], أَنَا الَّحْمٰنُ وَأَنْتَ الرَّحِمُ شَقَقْتُ اسْمَكَ مِنِ اسْمِى فَمَنْ وَصَلَكَ وَصَلْتُهُ وَمَنْ قَطَعَكَ قَطَعْتُهُ (assumed tropical:) [I am الرحمٰن and thou art الرحم: I have derived thy name from my name: therefore whoso maketh thee close, I will make him close; and who severeth thee, I will sever him]. (TA.) [وَصَلَ رَحِمَهُ means (assumed tropical:) He made close his tie, or ties, of relationship, by kind behaviour to his kindred: and قَطَعَ رَحِمَهُ, He severed his tie, or ties, of relationship, by unkind behaviour to his kindred: see art. وصل: and see also بَلَّ رَحِمَهُ, in the first paragraph of art. بل; and a verse there cited.] b3: ذُو الرَّحِمِ means (assumed tropical:) [The possessor of relationship, &c.; i. e.] the contr. of الأَجْنَبِىُّ: (Mgh, Msb:) the pl. ذَوُو الأَرْحَامِ, [or, as in the Kur viii. last verse, and xxxiii. 6, أُولُو الأَرْحَامِ,] in the classical language, means any relations: and in law, any relations that have no portion [of the inheritances termed فَرَائِض] and are not [such heirs as are designated by the appellation]

عَصَبَة [q. v.]; (KT, TA in art. ذو;) [i. e.,] with respect to the فَرَائِض, it means the relations by the women's side. (IAth, TA in the present art.) ذُو رَحِمٍ مَحْرَمٍ and [some say] مُحَرَّمٍ [and ذُو رَحِمٍ

مَحْرَمٌ also (see art. حرم)] mean (assumed tropical:) A relation whom it is unlawful to marry, [whether male or female, the latter being included with the former, but the female, when particularly meant, is termed ذَاتُ رَحِمٍ مَحْرَمٍ &c.,] such as the mother and the daughter and the sister and the paternal aunt and the maternal aunt [and the male relations of such degrees]: and most of the learned, of the Companions and of the generation following these, and Aboo-Haneefeh and his companions, and Ahmad [Ibn-Hambal], hold that when one possesses a person that is termed ذُو رَحِمٍ مَحْرَمٍ, this person becomes emancipated, whether male or female; but Esh-Sháfi'ee and others of the Imáms and of the Companions and of the generation following these hold that the children and the fathers and the mothers become emancipated, and not any others than these. (IAth, TA.) b4: [حَاسَّةُ رَحِمٍ means (assumed tropical:) A feeling of relationship or consanguinity, or sympathy of blood; and in like manner, elliptically, رَحِمٌ alone. You say, أَطَّتْ لَهُ مِنِّى حَاسَّةُ رَحِمٍ; expl. in art. حس: and أَطَّتْ لَهُ رَحِمِى; and أَطَّتْ بِكَ الرَّحِمُ; expl. in art. اط. b5: رَحِمٌ is also often used for فَرْجٌ or حَيَآءٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) The vulva: see, for exs., شُفْرٌ, and 1 in art. ظآر, and 8 in art. حوص.]

A2: As an epithet, with ة, applied to a she-camel: see رَحُومٌ. b2: And as an epithet without ة, applied to a water-skin: see 1, last sentence but one.

رُحُمٌ: see the next paragraph.

A2: It is also pl. of رَحُومٌ. (TA.) رَحْمَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ رَحَمَةٌ (Sb, K) and ↓ رُحْمٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ رُحُمٌ, (S, K,) thus in a verse of Zuheyr, (S, TA,) and thus in the Kur xviii. 80 accord. to the reading of Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Alà, (TA,) and ↓ مَرْحَمَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) of which last مَرَاحِمُ is pl., (TA,) [all inf. ns.; when used as simple substs. signifying Mercy, pity, or compassion; i. e.] tenderness (S, Msb, K, and Bd on the بَسْمَلَة) of heart; (Bd ibid.;) and inclination to favour, (S, Msb, K,) or inclination requiring the exercise of favour and beneficence: (Bd ubi suprà:) and pardon, or forgiveness: (K:) accord. to Er-Rághib, رَحْمَةٌ signifies tenderness requiring the exercise of beneficence towards the object thereof: and it is used sometimes as meaning tenderness divested of any other attribute: and sometimes as meaning beneficence divested of tenderness; as when it is used as an attribute of the Creator: when used as an attribute of men, it means tenderness, and inclination to favour [without necessarily implying beneficence]: accord. to El-Káshánee, it is of two kinds; namely, gratuitous, and obligatory: the former is that which pours forth favours, or benefits, antecedently to works; and this is the رحمة that embraces everything: the obligatory is that which is promised to the pious and the doers of good, in the Kur vii. 155 and vii. 54: but this, he says, is included in the gratuitous, because the promise to bestow it for works is purely gratuitous: accord. to the explanation of the Imám Aboo-Is-hák Ahmad Ibn-Mohammad-Ibn-Ibráheem Eth-Thaalebee, it is God's desire to do good to the deserving thereof; so that it is an essential attribute: or the abstaining from punishing him who deserves punishment, and doing good to him who does not deserve [this]; so that it is an attribute of operation. (TA.) The saying in the Kur [xxi. 75] وَأَدْخَلْنَاهُ فِى رَحْمَتِنَا (tropical:) [And we caused him to enter into our mercy] is tropical: so says IJ. (TA.) b2: وَاللّٰهُ يَخْتَصُّ بِرَحْمَتِهِ مَنْ يَشَآءُ, in the Kur [ii. 99 and iii. 67], means (assumed tropical:) [And God distinguishes] with his gift of prophecy [whom He will], or his prophetic office or commission. (K, * TA.) b3: رَحْمَةٌ also means (assumed tropical:) Sustenance, or the means of subsistence: this is said to be its meaning as used in the Kur xli. 50. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) Rain: (TA:) so in the Kur vii. 55. (Bd, Jel.) b5: And (assumed tropical:) Plenty; or abundance of herbage, and of the goods, conveniences, or comforts, of life: so in the Kur x. 22 and xxx. 35. (TA.) رَحَمَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

رُحْمَى [The saying رَحِمَكَ اللّٰهُ May God have mercy on thee; &c.;] a subst. from رَحَّمَ عَلَيْهِ [like بُقْيَا from أَبْقَى عَلَيْهِ]. (K.) رَحْمَآءُ: see رَحُومٌ.

الرَّحْمٰنُ [thus generally written when it has the article ال prefixed to it, but in other cases رَحْمَانُ, imperfectly decl.,] and ↓ الرَّحِيمُ are names [or epithets] applied to God: (TA:) [the former, considered as belonging to a large class of words expressive of passion or sensation, such as غَضْبَانُ and عَطْشَانُ &c., but, being applied to God, as being used tropically, or anthropopathically, may be rendered The Compassionate: ↓ the latter, considered as expressive of a constant attribute with somewhat of intensiveness, agreeably with analogy, may be rendered the Merciful: but they are variously explained: it is said that] they are both names [or epithets] formed to denote intensiveness of signification, from رَحِمَ; like الغَضْبَانُ from غَضِبَ, and العَلِيمُ from عَلِمَ; and الرَّحْمَةُ, in the proper language, is “ tenderness of heart,” and “ inclination requiring the exercise of favour and beneficence; ” but the names of God are only to be taken [or understood] with regard to the ultimate imports, which are actions, exclusively of the primary imports, which may be passions: and the former is more intensive in signification than the latter; the former including in its objects the believer and the unbeliever, and ↓ the latter having for its peculiar object the believer: (Bd on the بَسْمَلَة:) accord. to J, (TA,) they are two names [or epithets] derived from الرَّحْمَةُ, and are like نَدْمَانُ and نَدِيمٌ, and are syn.; the repetition being allowable when the [mode of] derivation is different, for the purpose of corroboration: (S, TA:) or the repetition is because the former is Hebrew, [originally 165,] and ↓ the latter is Arabic: (I'Ab, TA:) but the former is applicable to God only; though Museylimeh the Liar was called رَحْمَانُ اليَمَامَةِ; (S, TA;) and it is said to mean the Possessor of the utmost degree of الرَّحْمَة; and accord. to Zj, is a name of God mentioned in the most ancient books: (TA:) whereas ↓ the latter is syn. with

↓ الرَّاحِمُ: (S, TA:) or [rather] ↓ رَاحِمٌ is the act. part. n. [signifying having mercy, &c.], and ↓ رَحِيمٌ has an intensive signification [i. e. having much mercy, &c.]: (Msb:) the latter is applied also to a man; and so is ↓ رَحُومٌ, in the same sense, and likewise to a woman: (TA:) the pl. of ↓ رَحِيمٌ is رُحَمَآءُ; (Msb, TA;) occurring in the trad., إِنَّمَا يَرْحَمُ اللّٰهُ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الرُّحَمَآءَ, or الرُّحَمَآءُ, as related by different persons; [i. e. God has mercy on the merciful only of his servants, or verily those on whom God has mercy, of his servants, are the merciful;] الرحماء being in the accus. case as the objective complement of يرحم, and in the nom. case as the enunciative of ما in the sense of الَّذِى. (Msb.) رَحَمُوتٌ is from رَحْمَةٌ, [with which it is syn.,] (S, TA,) but it is used only coupled with its like in form: (K, TA:) one says, رَهَبُوتٌ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنْ رَحَمُوتٍ [Fear is better for thee than pity, or compassion], meaning thy being feared is better than thy being pitied, or compassionated: (S, K: but in the former, without لك:) or, accord. to Mbr, ↓ رَهَبُوتَى خَيْرٌ مِنْ رَحَمُوتَى. (Meyd. [See art. رهب.]) رَحَمُوتَى: see what next precedes.

رُحَامٌ: see 1, last sentence but two.

رَحُومٌ (Lh, S, K) and ↓ رَحْمَآءُ, (K,) applied to a she-camel, (Lh, S, TA,) and to a ewe or she-goat, and to a woman, (TA,) [and app. to any animal having a womb, (see رَحُمَتْ)] Having a complaint of her womb (Lh, S, M, K) after bringing forth, (Lh, S, K,) and dying in consequence thereof; (K;) and ↓ رَحِمَةٌ, applied to a she-camel, signifies the same: the pl. of رَحُومٌ is رُحُمٌ, with two dammehs. (TA.) b2: For the first, see also الرَّحْمٰنُ, near the end of the paragraph.

رَحِيمُ: see الرَّحْمٰنُ, in seven places. b2: Sometimes it is syn. with ↓ مَرْحُومٌ [i. e. Treated, or regarded, with mercy or pity or compassion; &c.: see 1, first sentence]: 'Amelles Ibn-'Akeel says, (using it in this sense, Ham p. 628,) فَأَمَّا إِذَا عَضَّتْ بِكَ الحَرْبُ عَضَّةً فَإِنَّكَ مَعْطُوفٌ عَلَيْكَ رَحِيمُ (S, and Ham,) i. e. [But at all events,] when war becomes [once] severe to thee, and thine enemy has almost overcome thee, [verily thou art regarded with favour,] treated with mercy, and defended, by us. (Ham.) رَاحِمٌ: see الرَّحْمٰنُ, in two places, in the latter half of the paragraph. b2: Also, applied to a ewe, and to a she-goat, Having the womb swollen. (Lh, K.) أَرْحَمُ [More, and most, merciful, &c.]. God is أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمينَ [The Most Merciful of those that have mercy]. (TA.) مَرْحَمَةٌ: see رَحْمَةٌ.

مُرَحَّمٌ [Treated, or regarded, with much mercy or pity or compassion; &c.]: it is with teshdeed to denote intensiveness of the signification. (S, TA.) b2: [See also 2, of which it is the pass. part. n.]

مَرْحُومٌ: see رَحِيمٌ. b2: المَرْحُومَةُ is a name of El-Medeeneh. (K.) b3: [And المَرْحُومُ, which may be rendered The object of God's mercy, is commonly used in the present day as an epithet applied to the person, whoever he be, that has died in what is believed to be the true faith; as though meaning merely the deceased.]

رحو and رحى1 رَحَتِ الحَيَّةُ, (S, K,) aor. ـْ (S) [and app. تَرْحَى also (see رَحْيَةٌ)]; and ↓ ترحّت; (S, K;) The serpent turned round about, (S, K, TA,) and twisted, or wound, or coiled, itself; ISd adds, كَالرَّحّى [i. e. like the mill, or millstone]; for which reason it is said to be إِحْدّى بَنَاتِ طِبَقٍ. (TA.) A2: رَحَوْتُ الرَّحَا or الرَّحَى, (S, K,) inf. n. رَحْوٌ; (TA;) and رَحَيْتُهَا, (S, K,) inf. n. رَحْىٌ; (TA;) I turned round the رحا or رحى [i. e. the mill, or mill-stone]: (S, K:) or I made it: (K:) in the K, the latter verb is said to be extr.; but not so in the T or S or M: in the M it is said to be the more common. (TA.) A3: And رَحَاهُ He magnified him, or honoured him. (IAar, TA.) 5 تَ1َ2َّ3َ see above, first sentence.

رَحًى (S, Msb, K, &c.) and رَحًا, (Msb, * K,) the former of which is the more approved, (TA,) and some say ↓ رَحَآءٌ, (S,) A mill; syn. طَاحُونٌ: (Msb:) [and] a mill-stone; i. e. the great round stone with which one grinds: (TA:) of the fem. gender: (Zj, S, Msb, K:) dual of the first رَحَيَانِ, (S, Msb, K,) and of the second رَحَوَانِ, (Msb, * K,) and of the third, رَحَاآنِ: (S:) the pl. (of pauc., S) of رَحًى (Msb) [and of رَحًا] is أَرْحٍ and (of mult., S) أَرْحَآءٌ, (S, Msb, K,) which latter is the pl. that is preferred accord. to IAmb, (Msb,) and رُحِىٌّ and رِحِىٌّ, (Msb, K, TA,) with damm and with kesr (Msb, TA) to the ر (Msb,) [for the last of which رَحِىٌّ is substituted in the CK,] and أُرْحِىٌّ, (K, TA,) with damm, and with kesr to the ح and teshdeed to the ى (TA,) [in the CK أَرْحِىٌّ,] and أَرْحِيَةٌ, (Msb, K,) which is extr., (K,) said by AHát to be wrong, and by IAmb to be anomalous, and by Zj to be not allowable, (Msb,) in the T said to be as though it were a pl. pl., (TA,) or it is pl. of رَحَآءٌ [and therefore regular]: (S:) the dim. is ↓ رُحَيَّةٌ. (Zj, Msb.) رَحَا اليَدِ [or رَحَى اليَدِ] signifies The hand-mill. (MA.) b2: [Hence, A molar tooth, or grinder:] i. q. ضِرْسٌ; (S, Msb, K;) pl. أَرْحَآءٌ i. q. أَضْرَاسٌ: (S:) [or rather] the أَرْحَآء, also called the طَوَاحِن, are the twelve teeth, three on each side [above and below], next after the ضَوَاحِك [or bicuspids]. (Zj, in his “ Khalk el-Insán. ”) b3: [And app. A roller with which land is rolled to crush the clods; as being likened to a mill-stone: see 1 in art. ختم, near the end of the paragraph.] b4: Stones: and a great rock, or mass of stone. (TA.) b5: A round piece of ground, rising above what surrounds it, (S, K,) about as large in extent as a mile: (K:) pl. أَرْحَآءٌ: (K, TA:) or this latter, i. e. the pl., signifies pieces of rugged ground, less than mountains, round, and rising above what surrounds them: (M, TA:) or رَحًا مِنَ الأَرْضِ means a round and rugged place [or piece of ground] among sands: (Sh, TA:) or a large and rugged [elevation such as is termed]

قَارَة or أَكَمَة, round, rising above what surrounds it, not spreading upon the surface of the earth, nor producing herbs, or leguminous plants, nor trees. (ISh, TA.) b6: A round cloud; [as being likened to a mill-stone;] (A in art. رجح:) or so رَحَى سَحَابٍ. (S.) b7: The كِرْكِرَة [or callous protuberance upon the breast] of a camel; (T, S, K;) so called because of its roundness: (TA:) pl. أَرْحَآءٌ: (K:) which likewise signifies the callous protuberances upon the knees of the camel. (T, TA.) b8: The foot (فِرْسِن) of the camel and of the elephant: pl. أَرْحَآءٌ. (M, K.) b9: A دَائِرَة [app. meaning a circling border] around the nail. (TA.) b10: The breast, or chest: pl., as in the other senses following, أَرْحَآءٌ. (K.) b11: Spinage, or spinach; (M, K;) because of the roundness of its leaves. (TA.) b12: (tropical:) A collective body of the members of a household. (ISd, K, TA.) b13: (tropical:) An independent tribe: (K, TA:) أَرْحَآءٌ (which is its pl., K, TA) signifies (tropical:) independent tribes, that are in no need of others. (S, TA.) b14: (assumed tropical:) A large number of camels, crowding, or pressing, together; (S, K, TA;) also called طَحَّانَةٌ: (S, TA:) or رَحَا الإِبِلِ means the collective herd of the camels: and in like manner, رَحَا القَوْمِ the collective body of the people, or party. (ISk, TA.) b15: رَحَى القَوْمِ signifies [also] (tropical:) The chief of the people, or party. (T, S, M, K, TA.) [It is added in the TA that 'Omar Ibn-El-Khattáb was called رَحَى الحَرْبِ, as though meaning (assumed tropical:) The chief of war; because of his warlike propensities: but it seems from what here follows, as well as from what precedes, that this may be a mistranscription, for رَحَى القَوْمِ or رَحَى العَرَبِ.] b16: رَحَى الحَرْبِ signifies (tropical:) The most vehement part [or the thickest] of the fight; syn. حَوْمَتُهَا: (S, Msb:) in the K it is said that الرَّحَى signifies حَوْمَةُ الحَرْبِ, and مُعْظَمُهُ; as also ↓ المَرْحَى: but it seems that there is an omission; for الحرب is [generally] fem., and in the M it is said that رَحَى المَوْتِ signifies مُعْظَمُهُ [app. meaning the main stress, or the thickest, of death in battle]. (TA.) In a saying relating to 'Alee's having made an end of الجَمَلِ ↓ مَرْحَي, this expression is expl. by A 'Obeyd as meaning The place around which revolved the thickest of the fight (المَوْضِعُ الَّذِي دَارَتْ عَلَيْهِ رَحَي الحَرْبِ) [in the Battle of the Camel]. (TA.) And دَارَتْ عَلَيْهِ رَحَي المَوْتِ [which may be rendered (assumed tropical:) The main stress of death beset him round about] meansdeath befell him. (Msb, TA.) رَحْيَةٌ [or حَيَّةٌ رَحْيَةٌ meaning A serpent folding, or coiling, itself, so as to resemble a neck-ring]: see رَحَّةٌ, in art. رح.

رَحَآءٌ: see رَحًي, first sentence.

رُحَيَّةٌ dim. of رَحًي, q. v. (Zj, Msb.) قَصْعَةٌ رَحَّآءُ A shallow, or a wide, [bowl such as is termed] قصعة. (TA. [It is there mentioned in art. رحو, but belongs to art. رح q. v.]) مَرْحًي A place of a mill or mill-stone. (MA.) b2: See also رَحًي (near the end of the paragraph), in two places. b3: [Accord. to Freytag, it occurs in the Deewán of the Hudhalees as meaning (assumed tropical:) A place where any one stands firmly.]

مُرَحٍ A maker of mills or mill-stones. (K, TA.) A2: And Moisture in the ground to the extent of a palm. (AHn, TA.)



1 رَفُهَ عَيْشُهُ, (JK, K,) or العَيْشُ, (Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. رَفَاهَةٌ and رَفَاهِيَةٌ (JK, Mgh, Msb, K *) and رُفْهَةٌ, (JK,) His life, or the life, was, or became, ample in its means or circumstances, unstraitened, or plentiful, (JK, Mgh, Msb, K,) and easy, pleasant, soft, or delicate. (JK, * Msb, K.) [See also رَفَاهَةٌ, below.]

A2: رَفَهَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. رُفُوهٌ (JK, Msb, K) and رَفْهٌ (Msb, K) and رِفْهٌ, (K,) [or this last is perhaps a simple subst.,] said of a man, He led [a plentiful, and] an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life; (K;) he found, or experienced, [or enjoyed, (see the part. n. رَافِهٌ, below,)] an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life, with ampleness of the means of subsistence; and ↓ ترفّه is [syn. therewith, its part. n. مُتَرَفِّهٌ being syn. with رَافِهٌ, and the verb itself being] quasipass. of رَفَّهَ: (Msb:) or he found, or experienced, rest, or ease, after fatigue. (JK.) [See also 4.]

b2: رَفَهَتِ الإِبِلُ, (S, Mgh, K,) aor. ـَ (S, Mgh,) inf. n. رَفْهٌ and رُفُوهٌ, (S, [and it is implied in the K that رِفْهٌ also is an inf. n. of the verb thus used, but it is a simple subst. accord. to the S,]) The camels came to the water to drink (S, Mgh, K) every day, (S,) when they would. (S, Mgh, K.) [See رِفْهٌ, below.]

A3: أَمَا تَرْفَهُ فُلَانًا Hast thou not, or wherefore wilt thou not have, mercy, or pity, or compassion, on such a one? (TA. [The meaning is there only indicated by the context.]) 2 رفّه, inf. n. تَرْفِيهٌ: see 4, in five places. b2: رفّه نَفْسَهُ, inf. n. as above, He rested himself; made himself to be at rest or at ease; or gave himself rest. (Mgh, Msb.) b3: رفّه عَنْهُ, (JK, S, Mgh, K,) or عَلَيْهِ, (so accord. to one copy of the S, [both correct, but the former the more common,]) inf. n. as above, (S, K,) He made his circumstances ample and easy; eased him, or relieved him; and granted him a delay; (JK, * S, * Mgh, K; *) namely, his debtor; (S, Mgh;) or one who was in straitness, or distress: (TA:) and he behaved, or acted, gently, softly, tenderly, graciously, or courteously, with him: (JK, TA: *) and رَفِّهْ عَلَىَّ Grant thou to me a delay: it is from رِفْهٌ as used in relation to camels. (Mgh.) and رُفِّهَ عَنْهُ التَّعَبُ Fatigue was removed from him, or made to quit him. (TA.) 4 ارفه He found, or experienced, rest, or ease, (K,) or he remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, and found, or experienced, rest, or ease, (IAar, TA,) عِنْدِنَا at our abode; as also ↓ رفّه, inf. n. تَرْفِيهٌ; (IAar, TA;) and ↓ استرفه. (IAar, K.) b2: He kept continually, or constantly, to the eating of dainty food, (K, TA,) and indulged himself largely in eating and drinking: and this is said to be meant in a trad. in which الإِرْفَاه is forbidden; because it is one of the practices of the foreigners and of worldly people. (TA.) b3: He anointed himself, (JK, S, K,) and combed, or anointed and combed, his hair, (S,) every day: (JK, S, K:) and this also is said to be meant in the trad. above mentioned: (JK, S, TA:) or by الارفاه in that trad. is meant [the indulging in] ease and plenty. (JK.) b4: ارفهُ المَالُ The cattle remained near to the water (K, TA) in the water-ing-trough or tank, pasturing there upon the plants, or trees, called حَمْض. (TA.) b5: and ارفهوا Their camels, (JK,) or their cattle, (K,) came to the water to drink (JK, K) every day, (JK,) or when they would. (K.) A2: أَرْفَهَهُمْ He (God) made them to have an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, and a plentiful, life; as also ↓ رَفَّهَهُمْ, inf. n. تَرْفِيهٌ: (K, TA:) and أَرْفَهْتُهُ and ↓ رَفَّهْتُهُ I made him to find, or experience, [or enjoy, (see 1,)] an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life, with ampleness of the means of subsistence. (Msb.) b2: And ارفه الإِبِلَ; (S, K;) and ↓ رفّهها, (K,) and عَنْهَا ↓ رفّه, inf. n. as above; (TA;) He made the camels to come to the water to drink (S, K, TA) every day, (S, TA,) when they would. (S, K, TA.) 5 تَرَفَّهَ see 1.10 إِسْتَرْفَهَ see 4.

رِفْهٌ [said in the K to be an inf. n. of رَفَهَ said of a man, and app. of رَفَهَت said of camels: or it is] a subst. from رَفَهَت said of camels; (S;) and [thus] signifies The coming of camels to the water to drink (JK, S, * Mgh) every day, (JK, S, *) when they will: (S, * Mgh:) or the shortest and quickest of the times of coming to water. (TA.) [See also ثِلْثٌ, and عُرَيْجَآءُ.] Lebeed uses it metaphorically in relation to palm-trees growing over water, saying, يَشْرَبْنَ رِفْهًا عِرَاكًا غَيْرَ صَادِيَةٍ

فَكُلُّهَا كَارِعٌ فِى المَآءِ مُغْتَمِرُ [(tropical:) They drink every day, together, not thirsting; and every one of them is sipping the water, dipping therein]. (TA.) A2: Also Small, or young, palm-trees. (JK, K, TA. [By Golius and Freytag written, in this sense, رِفَهٌ.]) رُفَهٌ i. q. تِبْنٌ [i. e. Straw; or straw that has been trodden, or thrashed, and cut: by some written رُفَّةٌ; and by some, رُفَتٌ]: (Kr, S, K:) whence the prov., أَغْنَى مِنَ التُّفَهِ عَنِ الرُّفَهِ [More free from want than the badger is from the want of straw]; التُّفَهُ meaning the beast of prey called عَنَاقُ الأَرْضِ; because it does not feed upon straw: (S:) [by some written التُّفَّهُ; and by some, التُّفَةُ; and by some, التُّفَّةُ:] accord. to some, the former word is with ة; and الرُّفَرُفَتٌ occurs as its pl. in a verse cited by IF: accord to ISk, the two words are correctly without teshdeed, and with the radical ه. (TA in art. تفه.) [See also رُفَتٌ, in art. رفت.]

رَفْهَةٌ Pity, compassion, or mercy. (AHeyth, K.) Thus expl. as used in the saying, إِذَا سَقَطَتِ الطَّرْفَهْ قَلَّتْ فِى الأَرْضِ الرَّفْهَه. (TA. [But الطَّرْفَه is here an evident mistranscription for الصَّرْفَه, the name of the Twelfth Mansion of the Moon: the meaning is, When الصرفه sets aurorally, pity becomes little in the earth; because then the cold ends: see art. صرف.]) رَفْهَانُ: see رَافِهٌ, in two places.

رُفَهْنِيَةٌ: see رَفَاهَةٌ.

رَفِيهٌ: see رَافِهٌ, in two places.

رَفَاهَةٌ and ↓ رَفَاهِيَةٌ, (S, Msb, K, [both expressly shown in the JK and Mgh and Msb to be inf. ns.,]) like رَفَاغَةٌ and رَفَاغِيَةٌ, (TA,) and ↓ رُفَهْنِيَةٌ, (S, K,) like رُفَغْنِيَةٌ, (TA,) the last rendered quasi-coordinate to the quinqueliteral-radical class [partly] by means of ا in its latter part, changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, (S, [but mentioned also in a separate art., as well as here, in the S and K,]) A state of life ample in its means or circumstances, unstraitened, or plentiful, (S, Msb, K,) and easy, pleasant, soft, or delicate: (Msb, K:) so in the saying, هُوَ فِى رَفَاهَةٍ مِنَ العَيْشِ (S) and رَفَاهِيَةٍ (S, Msb) and رُفَهْنِيَةٍ (S) He is in a state of life ample in its means &c. (S, Msb.) رَفَاهِيَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

رَافِهٌ, applied to life, as meaning Ample in its means or circumstances, unstraitened, or plentiful, (Mgh,) [and easy, pleasant, soft, or delicate; like

↓ رَفِيهٌ: b2: and] applied to a man, (JK, S, Msb,) In a state of ease, and ampleness of the means or circumstances of life; (JK, S;) in a state of rest, or ease; (Mgh, Msb, K;) enjoying an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life; (Msb, K;) as also ↓ رَفِيهٌ (K [though this seems to be applied more properly to life itself, being from رَفُهَ,]) and ↓ رَفْهَانُ (K) and ↓ مُتَرَفِّهٌ: (Mgh, Msb, K:) or ↓ رَفْهَانُ signifies in a state of rest, or ease, after fatigue; and its pl. is رِفَاهٌ and رَفَاهَى. (JK.) b3: إِبِلٌ رَوَافِهُ, [the latter word being pl. of رَافِهَةٌ,] Camels coming to the water to drink (JK, K) every day, (JK,) when they will. (K.) b4: بَيْنِى

وَبَيْنَكَ لَيْلَةٌ رَافِهَةٌ, (S, Msb, K,) and ثَلَاثُ لَيَالٍ رَوَافِهُ, (JK, S, K, *) [Between me and thee is a night, and are three nights,] of gentle, or easy, journeying. (JK, S, Msb, K.) b5: هُوَ رَافِهٌ بِهِ He is affected with mercy, pity, or compassion, for him. (Aboo-Leylà, K.) هُوَ أَرْفَهُ مِنْهُ means أَكْثَرُ رَفْهًا [i. e. He is one who leads, or enjoys, a more easy, pleasant, soft, or delicate, and plentiful, life than he]. (TA.) مُتَرَفِّهٌ: see رَافِهٌ.



1 سَرَبَ aor. ـُ inf. n. سُرُوبٌ, He went forth: and he went away. (M.) You say, سَرَبَ فِى الأَرْضِ, (M, A, Mgh, Msb,) aor. as above, (M, Msb,) and so the inf. n., (M, A, Msb,) He went away [into the country, or in the land]. (M, A, Mgh, Msb.) And سَرَبَ فِى حَاجَتِهِ He went, or went away, (A'Obeyd, M,) or, as some say, during the day, (M,) for the accomplishment of his want. (A'Obeyd, M.) And هُوَ يَسْرُبُ النَّهَارَ كُلَّهُ فِى

حَوَائِجِهِ [He goes, or goes away, all the day, accomplishing his wants]. (A.) b2: سَرَبَ [or rather سَرَبَ فِى الأَرْضِ] also signifies He (a man) went away at random into the country, or in the land. (Har pp. 448 and 511.) A poet says, (S,) namely, Keys Ibn-El-Khateem, (TA,) ↓ أَنَّى سَرَبْتِ وَكُنْتِ غَيْرَ سَرُوبِ [i. e. Whence hast thou gone away at random? for thou wast not one wont to go away at random:] (S, TA:) thus, سربت, as related by IDrd: accord. to others, [سَرَيْتِ,] with ى. (TA.) b3: سَرَبَتِ الإِبِلُ, aor. and inf. n. as above, The camels went away into the country, or in the land, going forth whithersoever they would: and in like manner سَرَبَ is said of a stallion [camel]': (Az, TA:) or سَرَبَ, (S, K,) said of a stallion [camel], aor. as above, (S,) and so the inf. n., signifies he repaired, or betook himself, to the place of pasture: (S, A, K:) and سَرَبَ المَالُ, aor. ـُ inf. n. سَرْبٌ, the camels, or cattle, pastured during the day without a pastor. (Msb.) b4: سَرَبَ المَآءُ, (A, Mgh, Msb,) aor. as above, (Msb,) inf. n. سُرُوبٌ; (Mgh, Msb;) or سَرِبَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. سَرَبٌ; (M;) The water ran (A, Mgh) upon the surface of the ground: (A:) or flowed; as also ↓ انسرب: (M:) [or the latter signifies it ran swiftly: (see Har p. 586:)] and in like manner one says of the سَرَاب [or mirage], يَسْرَبُ, inf. n. سَرَبٌ, it runs. (AHeyth, TA.) and سَرِبَتِ العَيْنُ, inf. n. سَرَبٌ; and سَرَبَتْ, aor. ـُ inf. n. سُرُوبٌ; The عين [or source, or perhaps (assumed tropical:) eye, (see مَسْرَبٌ,)] flowed; as also ↓ تسرّبت: so says Lh. (M.) And سَرِبَتِ المَزَادَةُ, aor. ـَ (S, K,) inf. n. سَرَبٌ, (S,) The مزادة [or leathern water-bag] flowed. (S, K.) And خَرَجَ المَآءُ سَرَبًا The water came forth from the punctures made in sewing the skin. (TA.) [Or] سَرِبَتْ said of a new [water-skin such as is termed] قِرْبَة, or of a مَزَادَة, signifies It had water poured into it in order that the thong [with which it was sewed] might become moistened, so as to swell, and fill up the holes made in the sewing. (M.) b5: See also سَرَبٌ, below. b6: [Golius explains سَرَبَ, inf. n. سَرَبَانٌ, as on the authority of the KL, as signifying “ Ingressus fuit in rem, totum subivit implevitve locum: ” but this is a mistake, evidently occasioned by his finding سَرَبَانٌ, explained in this sense, instead of سَرَيَان, the reading in my copy of the KL.]

A2: سَرْبٌ [as an inf. n.] is [also] syn. with خَرْزٌ [signifying The sewing of a skin or the like]. (Kr, K, TA. [In a copy of the M, I find السَّرَبُ الخَرَزُ erroneously written for السَّرْبُ الخَرْزُ.]) You say, سَرَبْتُ القِرْبَةَ, inf. n. سَرْبٌ, I sewed the قربة [i. e. water-skin, or milk-skin]. (TK.) A3: سُرِبَ, (M, K,) like عُنِىَ, [i. e. pass. in form but neuter in signification,] (K,) said of a man, (TA,) He became affected with suppression of the feces, or constipation of the bowels, (أَخَذَهُ حُصْرٌ or حَصَرٌ accord. to different copies of the K,) by the entrance of the fume of [molten] silver [see أُسْرُبٌّ] into the innermost parts of his nose, and other passages, (K,) or into his mouth, and the innermost parts of his nose, and his anus, (M, * TA,) and other passages: (TA:) the epithet applied to a man thus affected is ↓ مَسْرُوبٌ: (K:) sometimes he recovers, and sometimes he dies. (TA.) 2 سَرَّبَ [سرّب app. signifies, primarily, He sent camels in a herd or drove, together, to pasture. And hence, b2: ] سرّب عَلَىَّ الإِبِلَ (tropical:) He sent [against me] the camels [app. with armed riders], one detached number after another: (As, S, A, K, TA:) and in like manner, الخَيْلَ (tropical:) [the horsemen]. (S, A, Mgh, TA.) It is said in a trad. of ' Áïsheh, [referring to girls who were her playmates,] كَانَ يُسَرِّبُهُنَّ إِلَىَّ فَيَلْعَبْنَ مَعِى (assumed tropical:) He used to send them to me [app. party after party, and they would play with me]. (TA.) And one says, سَرَّبْتُ إِلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ (assumed tropical:) I sent to him the thing, one by one; or rather, portion by portion. (L, TA.) And سَرَّبْتُ إِلَيْهِ الأَشْيَآءَ (tropical:) I gave him the things, one after another. (A, TA.) And سَرَّبَهُ He sent him back in his سرب [i. e. سَرْب], meaning way [by which he had come]. (Har p. 20.) b3: See also 4.

A2: سرّب سَرَبًا He made a subterranean excavation. (M, A.) b2: سرّب الحَافِرُ, (As, TA,) inf. n. تَسْرِيبٌ, (S, K,) The digger [of a well], in digging, took [i. e. dug] towards the right and left: (As, S, * K, * TA:) in some copies of the K, [and in the S,] right or left: but the former is the correct explanation. (TA.) A3: سرّب القِرْبَةَ, (S, M, A,) inf. n. as above, (K,) He poured water into the قربة [i. e. water-skin, or milk-skin], in order that the holes made in the sewing might become filled up (S, M, A, K) by their being moistened, (S, K,) or by the moistening, and consequent swelling, of the thong [with which it was sewed]; the قربة being new. (M.) 4 اسرب He made water to flow; as also ↓ سرّب. (M.) 5 تَسَرَّبَ see 1, near the middle of the paragraph. b2: [Hence, app.,] تسرّبوا فِيهِ (assumed tropical:) They followed one another continuously in it; namely, a road. (M.) b3: See also 7.

A2: تسرّب مِنَ المَآءِ He became full of water. (TA.) 7 إِنْسَرَبَ see 1, near the middle of the paragraph. b2: انسرب فِيهِ He entered into it; (S, M, K;) i. e., a wild animal, into his سَرَب, (S, M, Msb,) meaning his subterranean habitation, (S, Msb,) or his place of abode; (M;) and a fox, (S,) into his burrow; as also ↓ تسرّب. (S, K.) سَرْبٌ Pasturing مَال, (M, A, TA,) i. e. camels: (M, TA:) or camels, and مَال [here meaning cattle in general], that pasture: (S:) or مَال [i. e. camels or cattle] pasturing during the day without a pastor; an inf. n. used as a subst. in this sense; and ↓ سَارِبٌ [meaning مَالٌ سَارِبٌ] signifies the same: (Msb:) or, accord. to IAar, (M,) any مَاشِيَة [i. e. camels and other cattle]; (M, K;) thus say IJ and Ibn-Hishám El-Lakhmee: and accord. to Kz, ↓ سِرْبٌ also, [q. v.,] with kesr, signifies مَالٌ [syn. with مَاشِيَةٌ]; and IO says the like: (TA:) pl. of the former سُرُوبٌ, (M, TA,) and some say أَسْرَابٌ [which is a pl. of pauc.]. (TA.) Hence the saying, اِذْهَبْ فَلَا أَنْدَهُ سَرْبَكَ, i. e. Go thou away, for I will not drive back thy [pasturing] camels; (S, Msb; *) they shall go, (S,) or I will leave them to pasture, (Msb,) where they will; (S, Msb;) meaning, I have no need of thee: (S:) in the Time of Ignorance, they used to divorce by saying thus, (S, M, Msb,) اِذْهَبِى فَلَا أَنْدَهُ سَرْبَكِ. (S, M, A.) b2: [Freytag also explains it, from the Deewán el-Hudhaleeyeen, as meaning A sheep-fold.]

A2: Also A way, or road; (Az, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) and so ↓ سِرْبٌ with kesr; (M, K;) the latter accord. to Aboo-' Omar and Th, but' disallowed by Mbr, who knew only the former in this sense; said by Ibn-Es-Seed to have been pronounced by Az with fet-h, and by Aboo-' Omar with kesr: (TA:) and one's way, or course; (M, K, * TA;) the way by which one goes. (T, TA. [See also سُرْبَةٌ, and مَسْرَبٌ.]) One says, خَلِّ سَرْبَهُ Leave thou free, or unobstructed, his way (T, M, Mgh, Msb, TA) by which he goes, (T, TA,) and his course; (M, TA;) and so ↓ سِرْبَهُ, with kesr; (M, TA;) accord. to Aboo-' Omar: (TA:) or خَلِّ لَهُ سَرْبَهُ leave thou free, or unobstructed, to him his way. (S, A.) And أَطْلَقَ الأَسِيرَ وَخَلَّى سَرْبَهُ [He loosed the captive and left free to him his way]. (A.) Hence, in a trad., مَنْ أَصْبَحَ آمِنًا فِى سَرْبِهِ, meaning فِى مُتَقَلَّبِهِ and مُتَصَرَّفِهِ [i. e. He who has become secure in his scope, or room, for free action]: or, accord. to one reading, the last words are فِى

↓ سِرْبِهِ, meaning, (tropical:) in respect of his wives, or women under covert, and his household, or family; a metaphorical sense, from the سِرْب of gazelles &c. (A, and so in the Fáïk. [See also سِرْبٌ.]) Hence also the saying, إِذَا كَان مُخَلَّى

السَّرْبِ, meaning When he is made to be in ample circumstances; not straitened. (Mgh.) And you say وَاسِعُ السَّرْبِ, instead of السِّرْبِ; meaning Whose way that he pursues is ample. (TA. [But see what follows.]) A3: Also The bosom, or breast; or the mind; syn. صَدْرٌ. (Mbr, M, K.) إِنَّهُ لَوَاسِعُ السَّرْبِ means Verily he is of ample bosom, or mind; and judgment; and love: (M, TA:) or, as some say, ample of bosom, or mind; slow of anger. (M. [The latter meaning is assigned in the Msb and TA to وَاسِعُ السِرْبِ: see the next paragraph.]) سِرْبٌ: see سَارِبٌ. b2: [Hence, app.,] A قَطِيع, (S, M, K,) or جَمَاعَة, (Mgh, Msb,) [i. e. herd,] of gazelles, (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and of oxen, (M, Mgh, Msb,) [app. meaning wild oxen,] and of [wild] asses, (M,) and of wild animals [in general], (S, Msb,) and [a flock or herd] of sheep or goats, (M,) and [a flock] of the birds called قَطًا, (S, Msb,) and of birds [in general], (M,) and [a party, or bevy,] of women, (S, M, Msb, K,) &c.; (K;) and, as used by El-' Ajjáj, it is of men also: (Sh, TA:) and a poet of the Jinn, as they assert, used it metaphorically in speaking of a سِرْب of the [lizards called] عَظَآء: (M:) it signifies also (assumed tropical:) a collection of palm-trees; (M, K; in some copies of the latter of which النَّحْل is erroneously put for النَّخْل; TA;) so says AHn; and Abu-l-Hasan thinks it to be by way of comparison: and ↓ سُرْبَةٌ is like it [in its meanings]: (M: [particularly mentioned in the K as used in the last of the senses above mentioned:]) each of these words is said to be applied to a قطيع of the birds called قَطًا, and of gazelles, and of sheep or goats, on the authority of As; and the latter [or each] of them is applied to a قطيع of women as being likened to gazelles: (TA:) the pl. of the former is أَسْرَابٌ; (Sh, M, Msb, TA;) and of ↓ the latter, سُرُبٌ, (K, accord. to the TA,) with two dammehs, (TA,) [in the CK سُرُوبٌ,] or سُرْبٌ, (so in my MS. copy of the K, [either a contraction of the former pl. or a coll. gen. n. of which سُرْبَةٌ is the n. un.,]) or both. (TA. [See also سُرْبَةٌ below, where the pl. is said to be سُرَبٌ.]) b3: [Hence, as some explain them, two phrases mentioned below in this paragraph.] b4: See also سَرْبٌ, first sentence.

A2: It is also syn. with سَرْبٌ as meaning A way, or road: and a course: see سَرْبٌ in two places. b2: Also i. q. بَالٌ [app. as syn. with حَالٌ, i. e. State, or condition]. (S, Msb, K.) One says, فُلَانٌ وَاسِعُ السِّرْبِ, meaning رَخِىُّ البَالِ [i. e. Such a one is in an ample, or unstraitened, state or condition: or the meaning may be, such a one is easy, or unstraitened, in mind: see what follows, and see also بَالٌ]: (S, Msb:) or, as some say, ample of bosom, or mind; slow of anger: (Msb, TA:) [see also وَاسِعُ السَّرْبِ, in two places near the end of the next preceding paragraph:] MF thinks that for بَال we should read مَال, agreeably with an explanation of a phrase in what here follows. (TA.) b3: Also The قَلْب [meaning heart, or mind]: (M, K:) and the نَفْس [meaning self]. (IAar, M, Msb, K.) One says, هُوَ آمِنٌ فِى سِرْبِهِ He is secure in, or in respect of, his heart, or mind: or, himself: (M:) but IDrd disallows this latter explanation; and says that the meaning is, his family, and his مَال [or camels, or cattle, or other property], and his, children; as though the phrase آمن فى سربه were originally used in relation to the pastor, and the stallion [camel], and then extended in its relation to others, metaphorically: (TA:) or the meaning is [simply], his مَال: or, his people, or party: (M, TA:) or as expl. above, voce سَرْبٌ, q. v.: or, accord. to Kz, his way. (TA.) The pl. is سِرَابٌ. (El-Hejeree, M, TA.) A3: See also مَسْرُبَةٌ.

سَرَب A subterranean excavation: (M, K:) or a habitation (S, Mgh, Msb, TA) of a wild animal, (S, * Msb,) in, (S, Mgh, Msb,) or beneath, (TA,) the earth, or ground, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) having no passage through it; also called وَكْرٌ: (Msb:) such as has a passage through it is termed نَفَقٌ: (Mgh, Msb:) the burrow, or hole, (M, K,) of a wild animal, (K,) or of a fox, and likewise [the den] of a lion, and of a hyena, and of a wolf; and the place into which a wild animal enters: (M:) pl. أَسْرَابٌ. (M, A, Msb.) In the saying in the Kur [xviii. 60], فَاتَّخَذَ سَبِيلَهُ فِى الْبَحْرِ سَرَبًا [And it (the fish) took its way into the sea &c.], Fr says that when the fish was restored to life by the water that came upon it from the fountain [of life], and fell into the sea, its way became congealed, and like a سَرَب [or subterranean excavation, &c.]: Zj says that سربا may be considered as put in the accus. case in two ways; either as a second objective complement of the verb, or as an inf. n. [of ↓ سَرِبَ, q. v.]: and AHát thinks that it here means ذَهَابًا [going away]: or, accord. to IAth, سَرَبٌ signifies a secret, or hidden, place of passage: or, as used by El-Moatarid Edh-Dhafaree, it means [simply] a road, or way. (TA.) It signifies also A subterranean channel or conduit, by which water enters a حَائِط [or garden, or walled garden of palm-trees]. (M, K.) And طَرِيقٌ سَرَبٌ meansA way, or road, in which people follow one another continuously. (M.) b2: Also Flowing water: (M, K: [see also سَرِبٌ:]) or water flowing from a مَزَادَة [or leathern water-bag] and the like: (S:) or water dropping from the punctures made in the sewing of a water-skin. (A.) b3: and Water that is poured into a قِرْبَة [or skin for water or milk], (M, K,) when it is new, or into a مَزَادَة [or leathern water-bag], (M,) in order that the thong [with which it is sewed] may become moistened, (M, K,) so as to swell, and fill up the holes made in the sewing. (M.) سَرِبٌ Flowing water. (S, * M. [See also سَرَبٌ.]) You say also مَزَادَةٌ سَرِبَةٌ, i. e. [A leathern-water-bag] flowing. (S, K.) سَرْبَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

A2: I. q. خَرْزَةٌ [A single puncture, or stitch-hole, made in sewing a skin or the like]. (K. [There expressly said to be, in this sense, with fet-h; but I think that we should read سُرْبَةٌ, and خُرْزَةٌ: see, again, the next paragraph.]) سُرْبَةٌ A short journey; (IAar, M;) or so ↓ سَرْبَةٌ. (K. [But I think that the former is the right.]) You say, إِنَّكَ لَتُرِيدُ سُرْبَةً Verily thou desirest a short journey. (IAar, M.) A long journey is termed سُبْأَةٌ. (TA.) b2: And i. q. مَذْهَبٌ (S, M, A, K) and طَرِيقَةٌ (A, K) [i. e. A way by which one goes or goes away, a proper meaning of the former word; and a way, course, mode, or manner, of acting or conduct or the like, which is a meaning of both of these words]. One says, فُلَانٌ بَعِيدُ السُّرْبَةِ, (S, A, TA,) meaning [Such a one is] one who takes a distant way into the country, or land: (TA:) or meaning بَعِيدُ المَذْهَبِ (S, A) and الطَّرِيقَةِ (A) [i. e., who follows a distant, or remote, way in journeying, and a long way, course, mode, or manner, of acting or conduct or the like. See also سَرْبٌ, and مَسْرَبٌ]. Esh-Shenfarà says, عَدَوْنَا مِنَ الوَادِى الَّذِى بَيْنَ مِشْعَلٍ

وَبَيْنَ الحَشَا هَيْهَاتَ أَنْسَأْتُ سُرْبَتِى

[We passed from the valley that is between Mish' al and El-Hashà: distant was it: I made my way to lead me far off]; meaning, how distant was the place from which I commenced my journey! (TA.) And one says also, إِنَّهُ لَقَرِيبُ السُّرْبَةِ, meaning قَرِيبُ المَذْهَبِ [i. e. Verily he is one who pursues a near way]; who hastens, or is quick, in accomplishing his want. (Th, M.) A2: Also A portion, or detached number, (S, Mgh, Msb,) of what compose a سِرْب, (Mgh, Msb,) i. e., of a collection [or herd] of gazelles, and of [wild] oxen, (Mgh,) or [of a flock] of the birds called قَطًا, and of horses, and asses, and gazelles: (S:) pl. سُرَبٌ, like غُرَفٌ pl. of غُرْفَةٌ. (Msb.) See also سِرْبٌ, in two places; in the latter of which the pl. is said to be سُرُبٌ and سُرْبٌ. b2: A collection of خَيْل [i. e. horses, or horsemen], from twenty to thirty, (M, K,) or from ten to twenty. (M.) b3: A company of men who steal away from an army, and make a hostile incursion into the territory of a people, and return. (IAar, TA.) b4: A row of grape-vines: (M, K:) and any طَرِيقَة [meaning row or line]. (M.) b5: See also مَسْرُبَةٌ. b6: Also i. q. خُرْزَةٌ [i. e. A seam, or a stitch, or a puncture, or stitch-hole, of a skin or the like]. (M. [See also سَرْبَةٌ.]) سَرَابٌ [The mirage;] i. q. آلٌ: (As, M, TA:) or the semblance of water, (S, M, A, K,) of running water, (M,) at midday, (S, M, A, K,) cleaving to the ground, (M,) and [in appearance] lowering everything so that it becomes [as though it were] cleaving to the ground, having no شَخْص; (TA;) whereas the آل is that which is in the ضُحَى [or early part of the day when the sun is yet low], raising figures seen from a distance, and making them to quiver: (M:) [several other distinctions between the سراب and the آل, mentioned here in the TA, see voce آلٌ:] سَرَابٌ has no pl. (S and K voce نَهَارٌ.) One says أَخْدَعُ مِنْ سَرَابٍ [More deceitful than a middaymirage]. (A.) A2: سَرَابِ, like قَطَامِ, (A, K, TA,) i. e. indecl., with kesr for its termination, as also سَرَابُ, imperfectly decl., (TA,) determinate, (K, TA,) as a proper name, not having the article ال prefixed to it, (TA,) is the name of The she-camel of El-Basoos (البَسُوس), (K,) or the she-camel El-Basoos, (A, TA,) for El-Basoos was her surname: (TA:) whence the saying أَشْأَمُ مِنْ سَرَابِ [More inauspicious than Sarábi]: (A, K, TA:) a celebrated prov.: for she was the cause of a famous war. (TA.) سَرُوبٌ [Wont to go away at random]: see 1, near the beginning of the paragraph.

سَرِيبَةٌ A sheep, or goat, (شَاةٌ,) which one drives back, or brings back, from the water, when the sheep, or goats, are satisfied with drinking, and which they follow. (M, TA. [See also شَرِيبَةٌ.]) سَارِبٌ Going forth: and going away; as also ↓ سِرْبٌ; the latter expl. by IAar as syn. with ذَاهِبٌ and مَاضٍ: (M: [in one place in the TA the latter is erroneously written سيرب:]) or going away at random into the country, or in the land. (S, K.) See also سَرْبٌ, first sentence. You say مَالٌ سَارِبٌ, (A,) and فَحْلٌ سَارِبٌ, (TA,) i. e. [Camels, or cattle, and a stallion-camel,] repairing to the place of pasture: (A, TA:) and ظَيْبَةٌ سَارِبٌ (M) or سَارِبَةٌ (TA) [a she-gazelle] going away in her place of pasture. (M, TA.) A poet says, (S, M,) namely, El-Akhnas Ibn-Shiháb ElTeghlibee, (TA,) وَكُلُّ أُنَاسٍ قَارَبُوا قَيْدَ فَحْلِهِمْ وَنَحْنُ خَلَعْنَا قَيْدَهُ فَهُوَ سَارِبُ

[And all other men have contracted the shackles of their stallion-camel; but we have pulled off his shackles, and he is going away whithersoever he will in his place of pasture]: (S, M, TA: but in the last, حَلَلْنَا is put in the place of خَلَعْنَا: [in the Ham (p. 347) it begins thus: أَرَى كُلَّ قَوْمٍ:]) this, says As, is a prov.; meaning [other] men have abode in one place, not daring to remove to another, and have contracted the shackles of their stallion, that is, confined him, that he may not advance, and be followed by their [other] camels; fearing a hostile attack upon them: but we are people of might, wandering about the land, and going whithersoever we will; and we have pulled off the shackles of our stallion, that he may go whither he will; and whithersoever he hastes away to herbage produced by the rain, thither we follow him: (IB, TA:) or it may be that by the فحل he means the chief, whom, Abu-l-'Alà says, he likens to the stallion-camel. (Ham p. 347.) And hence the saying in the Kur [xiii. 11], مُسْتَخْفٍ بِاللَّيْلِ وَسَارِبٌ بِالنَّهَارِ, (S, M, TA,) i. e. [Hiding himself by night, and] appearing by day: (S:) or appearing by day in his way, or road, or in the roads: or, as is related on the authority of Akh, appearing by night, and hiding himself by day; and Ktr says the same of سارب. (TA.) أُسْرُبٌ, (M, K,) and أُسْرُبٌّ, (M, Msb, K,) the former mentioned by Sh, (TA,) [the latter the more common,] a Pers\. word, (M, TA,) arabicized, (Msb, TA,) originally أُسْرُبْ, (M,) [or أُسْرُپْ,] or أُسْرُفْ, (Msb, MF, TA,) [and in the TA سترب,] i. q. رَصَاصٌ [i. e. Lead], (M, Msb,) or آنُكٌ [which signifies the same, or black lead, or tin, or pewter]. (K.) b2: And the latter, The fume of [molten] silver. (M. [See 1, last sentence.]) مَسْرَبٌ A way by which one goes; [like سَرْبٌ and سُرْبَةٌ;] syn. مَذْهَبٌ: (Har p. 448:) a place in which the مَال [i. e. camels, or cattle,] go to pasture (تَسْرُبُ); (Ham p. 99;) and ↓ مَسْرَبَةٌ signifies [the same, or] a place of pasture: (S, K:) pl. of the former مَسَارِبُ, (Ham ubi suprà,) and so of the latter. (S, K.) b2: And A channel of water. (A, and Har ubi suprà.) [Hence,] one says, اِخْضَلَّتْ مَسَارِبُ عَيْنَيْهِ i. e. (tropical:) The channels of the tears [of his eyes became moist so as to scatter drops]. (A.) مَسْرَبَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph. b2: Also The passage, and place of exit, of the dung; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) in this sense with fet-h (Mgh, Msb) only [i. e. to the ر]; or so and likewise ↓ مَسْرُبَةٌ: and both signify the upper part of the anus. (TA.) b3: See also the next following paragraph. b4: Also [A sitting-place] like a صُفَّة [q. v.], before a [chamber such as is called] غُرْفَة: not مشربة; for this is a غُرْفَة [itself]. (TA.) مَسْرُبَةٌ, (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) with damm to the ر, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and ↓ مَسْرَبَةٌ, (M, Msb,) with fet-h, (Msb,) i. e. to the ر, (TA,) and ↓ سُرْبَةٌ, (M, K,) The narrow hair that extends from the breast to the navel: (S:) or the hair growing in the middle of the breast, extending to the belly: (M, K:) or the hair extending from the breast to the pubes: (A, Mgh:) or the hair of the breast, extending to the pubes: (Msb:) and ↓ سِرْبٌ, also, signifies the hair of the breast. (TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce جِذْمٌ.] b2: The مَسَارِب of beasts are The soft parts of their bellies: (M, TA:) or the مسربة of any beast means the upper parts, from the part next the neck to the root of the tail: and the soft parts of the belly, and the groins, or any similar parts. (A 'Obeyd, TA.) b3: See also مَسْرَبَةٌ.

مَسْرُوبٌ: see 1, last sentence.

مُنْسَرِبٌ Very tall; (K, TA;) applied to a man: and very long; applied to hair. (TA.)



1 سَكَتَ, (S, Msb, TA,) aor. ـُ (Lth, TA,) inf. n. سُكُوتٌ and سَكْتٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and سُكَاتٌ (S, K) and سَاكُوتَةٌ, (K,) [all these ns. said in the K to signify the same, but this is not exactly the case, for the last is of an intensive form,] He was, or became, silent, mute, or speechless; contr. of نَطَقَ; (TA;) i. q. صَمَتَ: (Lth, Msb, TA:) or سَكَتَ is said of him who has the power, or faculty, of speech, but abstains from making use of it; whereas صَمَتَ is sometimes said of that which has not the power, or faculty, of speech: (Er-Rághib, MF, TA:) or سَكَتَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. سُكُوتٌ and سَكْتٌ, signifies he (a man) ceased, or stopped, speaking; and سَكَتَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. سَكْتٌ, (assumed tropical:) he (a man) was, or became, still, or quiet; syn. سَكَنَ: (Zj, TA:) [it is said that] ↓ اسكت, also, is syn. with صَمَتَ, like سَكَتَ; (Msb;) accord. to Az, one says of a man, صَمَتَ and أَصَمَتَ and سَكَتَ and ↓ أَسْكَتَ: (TA:) or, as some say, ↓ اسكت signifies he was, or became, silent, or he spoke not; and he ceased [from speech], or broke off [therefrom], or became cut short [therein]: (Msb:) or سَكَتَ signifies he was, or became, silent intentionally; and ↓ اسكت, he was, or became, silent by reason of thought or disease or fear: (TA:) or you say تَكَلَّمَ ثُمَّ سَكَتَ without ا [when you mean he spoke and then became silent, i. e., intentionally]; (S) but you say ↓ اسكت when you mean his speech became broken off, or cut short, and so he spoke not. (S, K.) It is said in a prov., سَكَتَ أَلْفًا ونَطَقَ خَلْفًا He held his tongue from a thousand words (سَكَتَ عَنْ أَلْفِ كَلِمَةٍ), and then uttered what was wrong. (ISk, S and Msb in art. خلف.) and you say [of the quiescent ه that is sometimes added at the end of a word, after a vowel or a letter of prolongation, as in لَمْ يَرْضَهْ and وَا زَيْدَاهْ], هٰذِهِ هَآءُ السَّكْتِ [This is the هاء of pausation]. (A, TA.) One says also, of a she-camel, سَكَتَتْ, inf. n. سُكُوتٌ, meaning She uttered not the [grumbling] cry termed رُغَآء when the saddle was put upon her. (ISd, TA.) b2: [Hence سَكَتَ, aor. as above, inf. n. سَكْتٌ, as syn. with سَكَنَ, meaning as expl. above; and also (assumed tropical:) It was, or became, still, quiet, motionless, at rest, stilled, quieted, appeased, tranquillized, calm, allayed, assuaged, or quelled; it remitted; it subsided; and so ↓ اسكت.] You say, ضَرَبَهُ حَتَّى سَكَتَتْ حَرَكَتُهُ (A) or حركته ↓ أَسْكَتَتْ (TA) (tropical:) [He beat him until his motion became stilled]; and ↓ حتّى أَسْكَتَ (assumed tropical:) [until he became still]. (TA.) And سَكَتَ الغَضَبُ i. q. سَكَنَ, (S, Msb, TA,) meaning فَتَرَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) The anger remitted; or became stilled, appeased, or allayed]; (TA:) as also ↓ اسكت: (Msb:) and سَكَتَ عَنْهُ الغَضَبُ (tropical:) [Anger, or the anger, became stilled so that it departed from him]. (A.) Hence, in the Kur [vii. 153], وَلَمَّا سَكَتَ عَنْ مُوسَى

الغَضَبُ, (S,) meaning, accord. to Zj, سَكَنَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) And when the anger became stilled so that it departed from Moses]: or, as some say, the phrase is inverted, the meaning being وَلَمَّا سَكَتَ مُوسَى عَنِ الغَضَبِ [And when Moses was silent, ceasing from anger]: but the former is the explanation of those skilled in the Arabic language. (TA. [See also 4.]) You say also, سَكَتَ الحَرُّ, meaning (assumed tropical:) The heat became vehement, or intense, the wind being still. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) He died: (K:) occurring in this sense in a trad. (TA.) b4: سَاكَتَنِى فَسَكَتُّ: see 3.

A2: سَكَتَ said of a horse, [from السُّكَيْتُ,] He came in tenth in a race. (TA.) 2 سَكَّتَ see 4, in two places.3 سَاْكَتَ ↓ سَاكَتَنِى فَسَكَتُّ [may mean He kept silence with me and I was silent: or he vied with me in keeping silence and I surpassed therein: or it may have both of these meanings; both being agreeable with analogy]. (S, TA; in neither of which it is explained.) 4 اسكت as an intrans. verb: see 1, in nine places. b2: He turned away, and spoke not; occurring in this sense in a trad.: and اسكت عَنِ الشَّىْءِ He turned away from the thing. (TA.) A2: اسكتهُ and ↓ سكّتهُ (S, A, Msb) both signify the same, said of God (S) [and of a man]; He made him, or rendered him, silent, mute, or speechless; (Msb;) [he silenced, or hushed, him;] namely, a person speaking. (A.) And اسكتهُ عَنِى [He made him to abstain from speaking of, or to, me]. (As, TA in art. نصت.) And اسكت الصَّبِىَّ بِسُكْتَةٍ

[He silenced, or hushed, the child with a سُكْتَة]. (Lh, S, A, K.) And أُسْكِتَ means He was silenced in a dispute or the like. (A, TA.) b2: [And hence, (assumed tropical:) He stilled, quieted, appeased, tranquillized, calmed, allayed, assuaged, or quelled, it.] In the Kur vii. 153, some read, ↓ وَلَمَّا سُكِتَ عَنْ مُوسَى الغَضَبُ and أُسْكِتَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) And when the anger was stilled so that it was made to depart from Moses]. (Bd. [For the usual reading see 1, latter part.]) سَكْتٌ an inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, &c.) b2: and [hence,] A division [or pause] between two musical sounds, or notes, without breathing; (T, K, TA;) as also ↓ سَكْتَةٌ. (TA.) A2: See also سِكِّيتٌ, in two places.

سَكْتَةٌ A single state of silence, muteness, or speechlessness. (Msb.) One says, لِلْجُبْلَى صَرْخَةٌ ثُمَّ سَكْتَةٌ [To the pregnant woman is attributable a vehement cry, then a silence]. (A, TA.) b2: In prayer, A silence [or pause] after the commencement; [i. e. after what precedes the first recitation of the Opening Chapter of the Kur-án;] which is approved: and, in like manner, after the ending of the recitation of the Opening Chapter of the Kurn. (T, TA.) b3: See also سَكْتٌ. b4: Also A certain disease [by which a person loses his powers of speech and motion], (S, K, TA,) well known among the physicians; (TA;) [i. e. apoplexy; thus called in the present day:] accord. to some, the word in this sense should be written ↓ سِكْتَةٌ, because it denotes a mode [of silence or stillness]; but this is incorrect, being at variance with the authority of transmission. (TA.) b5: See also the next paragraph: A2: and see سِكِّيتٌ.

سُكْتَةٌ: see سِكْتَةٌ. b2: Also A thing (S, A, Msb, K) of any kind (S) with which one silences, or hushes, or quiets, a child, (S, A, Msb, K,) or other person; (S, K;) [generally meaning a lullaby of any kind for a child:] and somewhat remaining in a bag or other receptacle, (K, TA,) i. e. of food. (TA.) One says, مَا لَهُ سُكْتَةٌ لِعِيَالِهِ, and ↓ سَكْتَةٌ, meaning He has not any food with which to silence, or quiet his family, or household. (Lh, TA.) سِكْتَةٌ is a subst. from سَكَتَ; [signifying Silence, &c.; like سُكُوتٌ used as a subst.;] as also ↓ سُكْتَةٌ. (Lh, TA.) b2: See also سَكْتَةٌ.

سُكَاتٌ Constant, or continual, silence. (Msb.) Hence, by way of comparison, one says, الإِفْحَامُ سُكَاتٌ [as though meaning The state of being silenced in a dispute, &c., is a state of constant, or continual, silence: but it seems to mean, more probably, الافحام (as an act. inf. n.) is an act that silences; agreeably with what here follows]. (Msb.) b2: رَمَاهُ بِسُكَاتٍ (Az, M, K) and ↓ سُكَاتَةٍ, (Az, S, M, A, K,) to which latter is generally added وَصُمَاتَةٍ, (M, TA,) He (a man, S, M, and God, TA) smote him, or afflicted him, with a thing that silenced him; (S, A, K;) thought by ISd to mean, with anxiety, or grief, that silenced him, or a thing in consequence of which he became silent: not expl. by Az. (TA.) b3: [In like manner] one says also, ↓ رَمَاهُ بِالمُسْكِتَاتِ [He smote him, or afflicted him, with the words, or acts, that silenced him]. (T in art. رم, from Aboo-Málik.) And بِهِ سُكَاتٌ [He has in him that which makes him silent]: said of one long silent in consequence of disease (A, TA) or of some evil in him. (TA.) And أَصَابَ سُكَاتًا He met with, or experienced, a disease that prevented him from speaking. (TA.) b4: هُوَعَلَى سُكَاتِ الأَمْرِ He is at the point of accomplishing the affair. (K.) And كُنْتُ عَلَى سُكَاتِ هٰذِهِ الحَاجَةِ I was at the point of attaining this want, or needful affair. (S.) b5: حَيَّةٌ سُكَاتٌ (tropical:) A serpent that bites before one has knowledge of it; (S, A, K, TA;) as also ↓ سَكُوتٌ. (TA.) سَكُوتٌ: see سِكِّيتٌ. b2: Applied to a she-camel, That does not utter the [grumbling] cry termed رُغَآء when the saddle is put upon her. (M, TA.) b3: See also سُكَاتٌ, last sentence.

سُكَيْتٌ: see سِكِّيتٌ. b2: السُّكَيْتُ and ↓ السُّكَّيْتُ, (S, Msb, K,) sometimes pronounced thus with teshdeed, (S,) the former being the more common, (Msb,) The tenth horse in a race; i. e. the last of them; (Msb;) the last horse among those that start together in a race, (S, K,) of the ten that are reckoned; (S;) also called الفِسْكِلُّ (S, Msb) and القَاشُورُ; those that come in after this one not being reckoned. (S.) The other nine are thus called, beginning with the first of these: المُجَلِّى, المُصَلِّى, المُسَلِّى, التَّالِى, المُرْتَاحُ, العَاطِفُ, الحَظِىُّ, المُؤَمَّلُ, and اللَّطِيمُ. (TA.) Sb says that سُكَيْتٌ is a contracted dim. of سُكَّيْتٌ; the uncontracted dim. of which is سُكَيْكِيتٌ. (TA.) b3: [Hence,] one says, فُلَانٌ سُكَيْتُ الحَلْبَةِ [lit. Such a one is the tenth horse of those that are started together for a wager], meaning (tropical:) such a one is scrupulously nice and exact, or neat, [and therefore deliberate,] in his handicraft. (A, TA.) سُكَاتَةٌ: see سُكَاتٌ.

سُكَّيْتٌ: see سِكِّيتٌ. b2: السُّكَّيْتُ: see السُّكَيْتُ.

سِكِّيتٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ سَاكُوتٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ سَكُوتٌ (A, TA) and ↓ سُكَيْتٌ and ↓ سُكَّيْتٌ and ↓ سِكْتِيتٌ and ↓ سَاكُوتَةٌ, (K,) [all intensive epithets, and the last doubly intensive,] A man constantly, or continually, silent: (S in explanation of the first and second:) or much, or often, silent, (Msb in explanation of the first, and K in explanation of all above-cited therefrom,) restraining himself from speech; (Msb;) and ↓ سَكْتٌ signifies the same: (K:) and ↓ this last, [which is originally an inf. n., and therefore used as an intensive epithet, like عَدْلٌ &c.,] (Az, K,) and ↓ سَاكُوتٌ and ↓ سَاكُوتَةٌ and ↓ سَكْتَةٌ, (TA,) [but the last, which is written in the TA without any syll. signs, is doubly intensive, as is also that next preceding it,] a man who speaks little, (Az, K, TA,) without inability to express his mind, or to express what he would say, (Az, TA,) and, when he speaks, does so well. (Az, K, TA.) سِكْتِيتٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

سَاكِتٌ [part. n. of 1; Silent, &c.: pl. سُكُوتٌ]. (TA.) سَاكُوتٌ: see سِكِّيتٌ; each in two places.

سَاكُوتَةٌ: see سِكِّيتٌ; each in two places.

اسْكَاتٌ The temperate days in the latter, or last, part of the صَيْف [app. here meaning summer]. (K.) b2: Remains of anything: (K:) as though pl. of سُكْتَةٌ, before mentioned. (TA.) b3: Also, (K,) or أَسْكَاتٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ, (IAar, Lh,) Sundry, or scattered, parties, or classes, of people: (IAar:) or i. q. أَوْبَاشٌ [i. e. a medley, or mixed multitude; or the lowest or basest or meanest sort, or refuse, or riffraff]: (Lh, K:) IAar does not assign to it a sing.: some say that its sing. is سكت [app. سَكْتٌ]; but this demands consideration. (TA.) إِسْكَاتَةٌ, of the measure إِفْعَالَةٌ from السُّكُوتُ; A silence [or pause] of short duration, requiring something to be said or read or recited after it: or an abstaining from elevating the voice in speech; not an absolute silence, in which one ceases, or abstains, from reading or reciting or speaking; for it occurs in a trad. in the words, مَا تَقُولُ فِى إِسْكَاتَتِكَ [What dost thou say in thy اسكاتة?]. (IAth, TA.) رَمَاهُ بِالمُسْكِتَاتِ: see سُكَاتٌ.

المُسَكَّتُ The last of the قِدَاح [or arrows used in the game called المَيْسِر]. (K.) This is omitted in some of the copies of the K. (MF.) الحِكْمَةُ المَسْكُوتُ عَنْهَا The secrets of the science of the Divine Essence. (TA in art. حكم, q. v.)



1 سَرُعَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. سِرَعٌ (S, Msb, K) and سَرَعٌ (TA [and mentioned in the K, but app. as a simple subst.,]) and سِرْعٌ and سَرْعٌ and سَرَاعَةٌ (TA) and سُرْعَةٌ, (K,) or this last is a simple subst. from أَسْرَعَ, (Msb,) [but it is also generally used as syn. with the inf. ns. before mentioned when they are employed as simple substs., and is more common than any of them,] He, or it, was quick, expeditious, hasty, speedy, rapid, swift, or fleet: [in course, tendency, action, speech, &c.:] (S, K:) or, said of a man, i. q. أَسْرَعَ [which may mean as above, or he hastened, made haste, or sped,] in his speech and in his actions: (IAar, TA:) but Sb makes a difference between سَرُعَ and أَسْرَعَ: see the latter below: (TA:) one says also سَرِعَ, aor. ـَ a dial. var. of سَرُعَ: and ↓ تسرّع, said of an affair, or event, signifies the same as سَرُعَ. (TA.) One says, السِّرَعَ السِّرَعَ like الوَحَآءَ الوَحَآءَ, (S, K,) i. e. [Make thou] haste; or haste to be first, or before, or beforehand: haste; or haste to be first, &c. (S and TA in art. وحى.) And سَرُعَ مَا فَعَلْتَ ذَاكَ, (S, * TA,) and سَرْعَ, which is a contraction of the former; for the Arabs contract by the suppression of dammeh and kesreh because they are difficult of pronunciation, saying فَخْذٌ for فَخِذٌ and عَضْدٌ for عَضْدٌ, but one should not say حَجْرٌ for حَجَرٌ, (S, TA,) or the like, accord. to the Basrees, though the Koofees allow the contraction in the case of fet-hah also, as in سَلْفَ for سَلَفَ; (M in art. سلف;) and one says also سُرْعَ, as a contraction of سَرُعَ; all meaning سَرْعَانَ [i. e. Quick was thy doing that: or how quick was thy doing that! or, which is nearly the same, excellently quick was thy doing that; for سَرُعَ is similar to قَضُوَ and رَمُوَ, denoting excellence]. (TA.) 2 سَرَّعَ see 4.3 مُسَارَعَةٌ signifies The hastening with another; or vying, or striving, with another, in hastening; or hastening to be, or get, before another or others; (S, K;) إِلَى شَىْءٍ to a thing; (S;) as also ↓ تَسَارُعٌ; syn. مُبَادَرَةٌ; (S, K;) with which, also, [not, however, as it is expl. above, but in the sense of بُدُورٌ, i. e. simply the hastening to a thing,] ↓ إِسْرَاعٌ is syn. (TA.) One says, سَارَعُوا

إِلَى كَذَا and إِلَيْهِ ↓ تسارعوا, [They hastened, one with another, &c., to such a thing,] both signifying the same. (S.) And [of a single person,] سارع إِلَى الشَّىْءِ He hastened to the thing; syn. بادر. (Msb.) And it is said in the Kur [iii. 127], وَسَارِعُوا إِلَى مَغْفِرَةٍ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ [And vie ye, one with another, in hastening to obtain forgiveness from your Lord]. (TA.) And again, [iii. 170,] الَّذِينَ يُسَارِعُونَ فِى الكُفْرِ Who fall into unbelief hastily, or quickly, (Bd, Jel,) and eagerly. (Bd.) 4 اسرع is originally trans.; (S, K;) [signifying He quickened, or hastened, himself, or his going, &c.;] and hence the saying, in a trad., إِذَا مَرَّ

أَحَدُكُمْ بِطِرْبَالٍ مَائِلٍ فَلْيُسْرِعِ المَشْىَ [When any one of you passes by a high wall, or the like, that is inclining, let him quicken, or hasten, the pace, or going]. (K, * TA.) But [it is used also elliptically, as meaning He hastened, in an intrans. sense; he made haste; he sped; he went quickly; and hence] you say, اسرع فِى السَّيْرِ, (S, K,) like سَرُعَ [He was quick, expeditious, hasty, speedy, rapid, swift, or fleet, in going, journeying, or pace]: (K:) or [rather he hastened, made haste, or sped, therein; for] اسرع signifies he endeavoured, or sought, and affected, to be quick, &c., as though he hastened the pace, or going; but ↓ سَرُعَ denotes what is as it were an innate quality: (Sb:) the verb being originally trans., when you say of one اسرع فى السير it is as though [meaning] he urged himself forward with haste; or he quickened, or hastened, the pace, or going; and it is only because the meaning is understood by the persons addressing one another, that the objective complement is not expressed: (Lth, K:) or the verb may be trans. by means of a particle and without a particle: or when made immediately trans., the phrase may be meant to be understood as elliptical. (TA.) [Accord. to Fei,] اسرع فِى

مَشْيِهِ, &c., inf. n. إِسْرَاعٌ, is originally اسرع مَشْيَهُ [He quickened, or hastened, his pace, or going]; فى being redundant; or اسرع الحَرَكَةَ فِى مَشْيِهِ [he quickened, or hastened, the motion in his going]: and اسرع إِلَيْهِ means اسرع المُضِىَّ إِلَيْهِ [he quickened, or hastened, the going to him]. (Msb.) ↓ سرّع is syn. with اسرع. (TA.) And you say, إِلَى الشَّرِّ ↓ تسرّع, (S, K,) meaning He hastened, or made haste, to [do] evil, or mischief; (K;) as also تزرّع. (Sgh and K in art. زرع.) And ↓ تسرّع بِالأَمْرِ He hastened to do the thing, or affair; syn. بَادَرَ بِهِ. (TA.) See also 3. b2: اسرع إِلَيْهِ occurs in a trad. as meaning He was quick, or hasty, in being angry with him, or in blaming him, or in reviling him. (Mgh.) b3: اسرع بِهِ: see [its contr.] بَطَّأَ بِهِ. b4: أَسْرَعُوا signifies also, Their beasts on which they rode were, or became, quick, swift, or fleet. (Az, S, K.) A2: مَا أَسْرَعَ مَا صَنَعْتَ كَذَا [How quick was thy doing that!]. (S, K.) 5 تَسَرَّعَ see 1 and 4; the latter in two places.6 تَسَاْرَعَ see 3, in two places.

سَرْعٌ [originally an inf. n. of سَرُعَ, like سِرْعٌ and سَرَعٌ accord. to the TA]: see سَرِيعٌ, in two places.

سَرَعٌ: see [1 and] سُرْعَةٌ.

سَرِعٌ: see سَرِيعٌ.

سُرْعَةٌ Quickness, expedition, haste, speed, rapidity, swiftness, or fleetness; [of course, tendency, action, speech, &c.;] (S, K;) as also ↓ سَرَعٌ; (K;) [the former said in the K, and the latter in the TA, to be an inf. n. of سَرُعَ:] and a hastening, making haste, or speeding; i. q. إِسْرَاعٌ [inf. n. of 4]; (TA;) or a subst. therefrom. (Msb.) You say, عَجِبْتُ مِنْ سُرْعَةِ ذَاكَ [I wondered at the quickness, &c., of that]. (S.) سَرْعَانَ and سُرْعَانَ and سِرْعَانَ (S, K) and ↓ سَرُعَانَ, the last with damm to the ر (IAar,) occurring in the phrase سرعانَ ذَا خُرُوجًا, (IAar, S, K,) meaning سَرُعَ ذَا خُرُوجًا [Quick is this in coming forth: or how quick is this in coming forth! or, which is nearly the same, excellently quick &c.], (S, K,) are dial. vars., changed from the original form, which is سَرُعَ, and, for this reason, (S,) made indecl., with the final vowel of سَرُعَ for their termination. (S, K.) The word سرعان is used as a simple enunciative [placed before its inchoative], and also as an enunciative denoting wonder: [see بُطْآنَ:] and hence the saying, (K,) لَسَرْعَانَ مَا صَنَعْتَ كَذَا How quick was thy doing that! (S, K.) The saying سَرَعَانَ ذَا إِهَالَةٌ originated from the fact that a man had a lean ewe, her snivel running from her nostrils by reason of her leanness, and it being said to him “ What is this? ” he answered, “Her grease: ” whereupon the asker said as above: the last word is in the accus. case as a denotative of state; and the meaning is, Quick, or how quick, is this snivel [coming forth] in the state of melted grease! or the last word is a specificative, under the supposition that the action is transferred [from its proper agent, which thus becomes a specificative], as in the phrase تَصَبَّبَ زَيْدٌ عَرَقًا; and the meaning to be understood is, Quick, or how quick, is the melted grease of this! the saying is applied to him who tells of a thing's coming to pass before its time: (O, K:) it is a prov. (TA.) A2: سَرْعَانُ; and its fem., سَرْعَى: see سَرِيعٌ, in two places: see also the paragraph here next following, in two places, سَرَعَانُ النَّاسِ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ سَرْعَانُ الناس, (IAar, K,) The first, or foremost, of the men, or people, (IAar, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) striving, one with another, to be the first to do a thing; (K;) so says As, with reference to soldiers hastening: (TA:) the former word in this phrase is [distinguished from سَرْعَانَ in being] declinable in every case: (S:) in two trads. in which the phrase occurs, we find it differently related, سَرَعَان and سُرْعَان; the latter being pl. of سَرِيعٌ. (TA.) سَرَعَانُ الخَيْلِ, also, signifies The first or foremost, of the horsemen, and sometimes they said الخيل ↓ سَرْعَانُ. (K.) Abu-l-'Abbás says that when سرعان is an epithet applied to men, it has both of the above-mentioned forms; but when applied to others, the former is the more chaste, though the latter is allowable. (TA.) سَرُعَانَ: see سَرْعَانَ.

سُرَاعٌ; and its fem., with ة: see what next follows, in three places.

سَرِيعٌ Quick, expeditious, hasty, speedy, rapid, swift, or fleet; [in course, tendency, action, speech, &c.;] (S, Msb, * TA;) as also ↓ سَرِعٌ [and ↓ سَرْعٌ] and ↓ سُرَاعٌ, of which the fem. is with ة, and ↓ سَرْعَانُ, of which the fem. is سَرْعَى; (TA;) i. q. ↓ مُسْرِعٌ, (K,) which signifies as above; (TA;) [and which also signifies hastening, making haste, or speeding;] and ↓ مِسْرَعٌ, also, signifies quick, &c., (سَرِيع,) to [do] good or evil: (K:) the pl. of سريع is سُرْعَانٌ, (K,) and سِرَاعٌ is [also a pl. of the same,] syn. with مُسْرِعُونَ. (Msb.) You say, فَرَسٌ سَرِيعٌ and ↓ سُرَاعٌ [A quick, swift, or fleet, horse]: (IB:) and ↓ حِجْرٌ سُرَاعَةٌ meaning سَرِيعَةٌ [a quick, swift, or fleet, mare]. (K.) and ↓ اِسْعَ عَلَى رِجْلِكَ السَّرْعَى [Go thou quickly; lit. go thou, or walk thou, or run thou, upon thy quick, or swift, leg]. (Fr.) And ↓ جَآءَ سَرْعًا meaning سَرِيعًا [He, or it, came quickly, hastily, speedily, &c.]. (TA.) And God is said [in the Kur ii. 198, &c.] to be سَرِيعُ الحِسَابِ [Quick in reckoning], meaning that his reckoning will inevitably come to pass; or that one reckoning will not divert Him from another reckoning, nor one thing from another thing; or that his actions are quick, none of them being later than He desireth, because it is done without manual operation and without effort, so that He will reckon with mankind, after raising them from death and congregating them, in the twinkling of an eye, without numbering, or calculating: (K:) and [in like manner He is said in the same, chap. vi., last verse, to be] سَرِيعُ العِقَابِ [quick in punishing]. (El-Mufradát, B.) b2: Also A certain kind of going, or pace; coupled with سُنْبُكٌ, which signifies another kind thereof. (Ibn-Habeeb, TA.) b3: [السَّرِيعُ The ninth metre (بَحْر) in prosody, in which each hemistich originally consisted of مُسْتَفْعِلُنْ مُسْتَفْعِلُنْ مَفْعُولَاتُ.] b4: And أَبُو سَرِيعٍ

The [shrub called] عَرْفَج: or the fire that is therein. (K. [See زَحْفَةٌ.]) A2: Also A shoot, or twig, that falls from the بَشَام [or tree of the balsam of Mekkeh]: pl. سِرْعَانٌ and سُرْعَانٌ. (K.) أَسْرَعُ [More, and most, quick, expeditious, hasty, speedy, rapid, swift, or fleet, of course, tendency, action, speech, &c.]. [It is said, of God, in the Kur vi. 62,] وَهُوَ أَسْرَعُ الحَاسِبِينَ [And He is the quickest of the reckoners]. (K.) [The fem.] سُرْعَى is applied to a she-camel by Honeyf El-Hanátim [as meaning Surpassingly quick or fleet]. (IAar, TA in art. بهى.) مُسْرِعٌ: see سَرِيعٌ.

مِسْرَعٌ: see سَرِيعٌ.

مِسْرَاعٌ Very quick, or hasty, (K, TA,) to [do] good or evil, (K,) or in affairs. (TA.)



1 رَبَدَ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, L,) or ـِ (Msb,) inf. n. رُبُودٌ, (S, L, K,) or رَبْدٌ, (Msb,) He remained, stayed, dwelt, or abode, (S, M, L, Msb, K,) بِمَكَانٍ in a place. (S, M, L, Msb.) A2: رَبَدَ, (IAar, S, M, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (M,) inf. n. رَبْدٌ, (T, M, Msb,) He confined; kept close, or within certain limits; or shut up; (IAar, T, S, M, Msb, K;) him, or it; (IAar, S, M, Msb;) or camels [&c.]. (M.) b2: He tied camels. (A, TA.) b3: Also, (TA,) or ↓ ربّد, (so accord. to the TT, as from the T,) [or ربد التَّمْرَ,] He stowed, or packed, dates, or the dates, in رَبَائِد, i. e. oblong pieces of matting [of woven palm-leaves]. (AA, T, TA.) [From what here follows, and from the usage of the part. n. رَابِدٌ (q. v.), it appears that the former verb is correct; but the latter may be so too, or may have an intensive signification.] You say also, رَبَدْتُ تَمْرَكَ رَبْدًا حَسَنًا I stowed thy dates in the مِرْبَد in a good manner. (A.) 2 رَبَّدَ see 1.

A2: رَبَّدَتْ, said of a ewe or she-goat, She secreted milk in her udder a little before her bringing forth (أَضْرَعَتْ), and her udder exhibited patches, or shining hues, of black (S, M, A) and white: (S:) or her udder exhibited patches, or shining hues, of faint blackness and whiteness: (T:) a dial. var. of رَمَّدَتْ [q. v.]. (S.) 4 اربد He (a man) marred, or wasted, or ruined, his property, and his goods. (M, TA. [See also ارمد.]) 5 تربّد It (the udder of a ewe or goat) exhibited patches, or shining hues, of black (M, A, L) and white, (L,) or of faint blackness and whiteness. (T.) He, or it, was, or became, marked, in oblong shapes, (كَانَ مُوَلَّعًا,) with black and white; (TA;) and so ↓ اربدّ and ↓ اربادّ: (K, TA:) or all three signify it became of a red hue in which was blackness; (M and L and TA in explanation of the first and second, and TA in explanation of the third also;) said of a man's face, on an occasion of anger: (M, L:) or, said of a man's face, (S, TA,) تربّد signifies it became altered, (S, K, TA,) by reason of anger; (S;) and so ↓ اربدّ and ارمدّ: (As, T:) or it became like the colour of ashes; as also ارمدّ: (TA:) or was as though parts of it became black, on an occasion of anger: (T, TA:) and ↓ اربدّ, said, in a trad., of the Prophet's face when revelations came down to him, it became altered to a dusty hue: (TA:) and تربّد said of a man's colour, it assumed various hues; appearing at one time red, and another time yellow, and another time أَخْضَر [here meaning a dark, or an ashy, dustcolour], by reason of anger. (ISh, TA.) b2: Also He (a man, S) looked sternly, austerely, or morosely. (S, K.) b3: And تربّدت السِّمَآءُ The sky became clouded. (S, M, A, K.) 9 اربدّ, (S, M, K,) or اربدّ لَوْنُهُ, (T,) He (an ostrich, S, M) was, or became, of the colour termed رُبْدَةٌ; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ اربادّ. (K.) b2: See also 5, in three places.11 إِرْبَاْدَّ see what next precedes: b2: and see also 5.

رَبْدٌ or رَبَدٌ: see رُبْدَةٌ.

رُبَدٌ [app. pl. of رُبْدَةٌ] The diversified wavy marks, streaks, or grain, (فِرِنْد,) of a sword: (S, M, A, K:) of the dial, of Hudheyl. (M.) You say سَيْفٌ ذُو رُبَدٍ A sword [having such marks;] خَشِيبَةٌ in which one sees what resembles dust, or the tracks of ants. (S, L.) [See an ex. in a verse of Sakhr, cited voce رُبْدَةٌ.]

وُرْقَةٌ A colour like رُمْدَةٌ, inclining to blackness; as also رُمْدَةٌ: (T:) or dust-colour: (M:) or a colour inclining to that of dust: (S, K:) or a colour between blackness and dust-colour: (AO, TA:) or ash-colour; like رُمْدَةٌ: (A:) or blackness mixed with dinginess, or duskiness: (Msb:) or, in the ostrich, (M, L,) as also ↓ رَبَدٌ, (M,) or ↓ رَبْدٌ, (L,) a mixed black colour: or, accord. to Lh, entire blackness. (M, L.) Also Dust-colour in the lip. (M, L.) [See also أَرْبَدُ.]

رَبِيدٌ Dates (تَمْرٌ) laid one upon another (S, M, K) in an earthen pot, (S,) or in jars, (M,) and then sprinkled with water. (S, M, K.) [See also رَبِيطٌ.]

رَبِيدَةٌ The [kind of repository termed] قِمَطْر [q. v.] of the [records termed] مَحَاضِر, (K, TA,) i.e. سِجِلَّات. (TA.) b2: See also رَبَائِدُ.

رُبَيْدَانٌ A certain plant. (M, L.) رَبَائِدُ [a pl. of which the sing. (probably ↓ رَبِيدَةٌ) is not indicated] Oblong pieces of matting [of woven palm-leaves], in which dates are stowed, or packed. (AA, T.) رَابِدٌ One who reposits, stows, lays up, keeps, preserves, or guards, property &c.; a treasurer: (IAar, T, K:) fem. with ة. (IAar, T.) أَرْبَدُ, and its fem. رَبْدَآءُ, applied to an ostrich, Of the colour termed رُبْدَةٌ; (S, M, A;) and so the former applied to dates (تَمْرٌ): (A:) accord. to Lh, (M,) the latter, applied to an ostrich, (T, M,) as also رَمْدَآءُ, (T,) signifies black; (T, M;) entirely: (M:) or, (T, M,) as he says in one place, (M,) having, in its blackness, specks of white or red: (T, M:) pl. رُبْدٌ. (S.) Hence أَرْبَدُ meaning A male ostrich. (T, L.) Also the fem., applied to a ewe (Msb, TA) or she-goat, (T, S, K,) to the latter specially, (S,) Speckled, and marked in the place of the girdle with red: (T, L:) or speckled with red and white or black: (L, TA:) or black, speckled with red (S, Msb, K) and white. (Msb.) b2: Also A man, and a woman, having a dusty hue in the lips. (M, L.) b3: الأَرْبَدُ also signifies A species of serpent, (T, M, K, * TA,) of a foul, malignant, or noxious, nature, (T, K,) that bites so that the face in consequence alters to an ashy hue or the like (يَتَرَبَّدُ), (M, [but this addition in the M seems to be founded upon a mistranscription in a passage in the T immediately following, but not relating to, what is said of this serpent,]) or that bites camels. (TA.) b4: And The lion; as also ↓ المُتَرَبِّدُ. (K.) b5: [Hence also,] دَاهِيَةٌ رَبْدَآءُ (tropical:) An abominable calamity. (S, A, K. *) And أُمُورٌ رُبْدٌ (assumed tropical:) Black calamities. (M.) b6: And عَامٌ أَرْبَدُ (tropical:) A year of drought. (A.) مِرْبَدٌ, a subst. like مِطْبَخٌ [q v.], (Sb, M,) from the trans. v. رَبَدَ, (Msb, TA,) [properly A thing with which one confines, &c.: and hence,] a place of confinement: (K:) [pl. مَرَابِدُ. And particularly] Anything with which camels are confined; (As, T;) and also sheep or goats: (TA:) a place in which camels (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb) and other animals (S, Mgh) are confined (T, S, M, A, * Mgh) or stationed. (Msb.) In the phrase عَصَا مِرْبَدٍ, used by a poet, the latter word is said to signify A piece of wood, or a staff, that is put across the breasts of camels to prevent them from going forth: (M:) or, accord. to As, by that word is meant a staff put across at the entrance [of an enclosure] to prevent the camels from going forth; wherefore it is thus called: but others disapprove of this; and say that the poet means [by the phrase] a staff put across at the entrance of the مِرْبَد; not that the staff is a مِرْبَد. (T.) b2: Also The place of dates, (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb,) in which they are put to dry (S, A) in the sun; (A;) in the dial. of El-Medeeneh; (S;) i. q. مِسْطَحٌ (S, Msb) in the dial. of El-Yemen, (TA in art. سطح,) and جَرِينٌ (T, S, Mgh, K) in the dial. of Nejd: (S:) or مِرْبَدُ التَّمْرِ signifies the جَرِين of dates, [i. e. the place] in which they are put, after the cutting, in order that they may dry: (M:) accord. to A 'Obeyd, مِرْبَدٌ and جَرِينٌ in this sense are both of the dial. of El-Hijáz, and أَنْدَرٌ of that of Syria, and بَيْدَرٌ of El-' Irák. (T.) b3: Also A court, or yard, or spacious place, behind houses, of which use is made. (M.) b4: And The like of a حُجْرَة [i. e. a chamber, or an upper chamber,] in a house. (M.) مُرْبَدٌّ Marked, in oblong shapes, (مُوَلَّعٌ,) with black and white. (Aboo-' Adnán, K.) [See also its verb, 9.]

المُتَرَبِّدُ: see أَرْبَدُ.



1 صَاحَ, (S, A, O, Msb, &c.,) aor. ـِ (S, O, Msb,) inf. n. صِيَاحٌ and صَيْحَةٌ (S, A, * O, Msb, K *) and صَيْحٌ and صُيَاحٌ and صَيَحَانٌ, (S, O, K, *) He raised his voice, voiced, called or called out, cried or cried out: (S, A, O, Msb, K:) or did so vehemently, cried aloud, uttered a loud cry or crying, shouted, exclaimed, or vociferated: (T, S, * A, * O, * Msb, * TA:) or did so with his utmost force or power; (K, TA;) as also ↓ صيّح: (A, * TA:) it is said of a man, and of other things: (TA:) or of anything: (T, TA:) originally, of an animal, and often of a bird of the crow-kind, but rarely of a bird unrestrictedly, and sometimes of a spear as being likened to an animal. (Ham p.

187.) One says, صَاحَ صَيْحَةً شَدِيدَةً [He called, or cried, &c., with a vehement calling or crying &c., or with a vehement call or cry &c.]. (A.) And صاج بِهِ He called or cried, or called out or cried out, to it [or to him]. (Msb.) And صِحْ لِى بِفُلَانٍ Call thou to me such a one. (A, TA.) And بِهِ ↓ صَايَحَ and صَايَحَهُ, (A, TA,) and ↓ صَيَّحَ بِهِ and صَيَّحَهُ, (A,) He called, hailed, or summoned, him; called out, cried out, or shouted, to him. (A, TA.) b2: And صِيحَ بِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) They were frightened, or terrified. (K.) And صِيحَ فِيهِمْ (assumed tropical:) They perished. (K.) b3: One says also, لَقِيتُهُ قَبْلَ كُلِّ صَيْحٍ وَنَفْرٍ I met him before every calling, or crying, and dispersing; meaning (assumed tropical:) I met him before daybreak: (S, TA:) so in the Proverbs of Meyd. (TA.) Or أَتَيْتُهُ قَبْلَ صَيْحٍ وَنَفْرٍ (tropical:) I came to him before everything. (A.) and غَضِبَ مِنْ غَيْرِ صَيْحٍ وَلَا نَفْرٍ (tropical:) He was angry for neither little nor much: (ISk, S, K:) or for nothing. (A.) b4: And صَاحَتِ الشَّجَرَةُ, (A, Msb,) or النَّخْلَةُ, (K,) (tropical:) The tree, (A, Msb,) or the palm-tree, (K,) became tall. (A, Msb, K.) and صاح العُنْقُودُ (tropical:) The raceme came forth completely from its envelope, and became long, and in a fresh and tender state. (K.) And صاح الكَافُورُ (tropical:) [app. meaning The spathe of the palm-tree put forth its spadix, or its raceme, to its full length]. (A.) 2 صَيَّحَ see 1, in two places.

A2: صيّحت البَقْلَ said of the sun, (S, K,) and of the wind, (S,) i. q. صَوَّحَتْهُ [q. v.]. (S, K.) b2: And صَيَّحْتُ الشَّىْءَ I broke and split the thing much. (TA in art. صوح.) 3 مُصَايَحَةٌ and ↓ تَصَايُحٌ signify The calling or crying, or calling out or crying out, &c., of people, one to another. (S, K.) One says, صايح القَوْمُ (TK) and ↓ تصايحوا The people, or party, called or cried, &c., one to another. (A, TK.) b2: See also 1.5 تصيّح البَقْلُ i. q. تصوّح [q. v.]. (S, K.) b2: And تصيّح الشَّعَرُ i. q. تصوّح [q. v.]. (K in art. صوح.) b3: And تصيّح الشَّىْءُ The thing became much broken and cloven or split or slit. (TA in this art. and art. صوح.) See also 7.6 تَصَاْيَحَ see 3, in two places. b2: تصايح said of the scabbard, or sheath, of a sword (A, K, TA) (tropical:) It became much split or slit: (K, TA:) it is like the phrase تَدَاعَى البُنْيَانُ [q. v.]. (A, TA.) 7 انصاح said of a garment, or piece of cloth, It became slit, or rent, or much slit or rent. (A, Msb. [See also 7 in art. صوح.]) And انصاحت العَصَا The staff became much split or cracked; as also ↓ تصيّحت. (A.) b2: [Hence,] انصاح is also said of the dawn and of lightning (tropical:) [meaning It showed its light: originally, became cleft: as expl. in art. صوح]. (A.) صَيْحَةٌ an inf. n. [and also an inf. n. un.] of صَاحَ. (S, Msb, &c.) [Hence,] one says, مَا يَنْتَظِرُونَ إِلَّا مِثْلَ صَيْحَةِ الحُبْلَى [They expect not, or wait not for, aught but the like of the cryingout, or cry, of the pregnant woman]; meaning, evil, or mischief, that shall come upon them suddenly. (TA.) b2: Hence also (S) Punishment, castigation, or chastisement. (S, A, K.) b3: and A hostile, or predatory, incursion, by which the tribe are surprised. (TA.) صَيْحَانٌ: see what next follows.

صَيْحَانِىٌّ, (T, S, A, Mgh, K,) or ↓ صَيْحَانٌ, (Msb,) A sort of dates of El-Medeeneh, (T, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) black, and hard to chew: (T, Mgh, TA:) said to be so called in relation to a certain ram, named صَيْحَانُ, that was tied to a palm-tree, (A, Msb, K, *) which was hence called نَخْلَةٌ صَيْحَانِيَّةٌ: (A, Msb:) or the name of the ram was الصَّيَّاحُ, and صَيْحَانِىٌّ is a rel. n. changed from its proper form, like صَنْعَانِىٌّ, (K, TA,) from صَنْعَآءُ. (TA.) صَيَّاحٌ A clamorous man: and anything noisy, or sounding much. (The Lexicons passim.) b2: الصَّيَّاحُ is another name for العَوَّآءُ [i. e. The constellation Bootes]. (Kzw.) b3: And (tropical:) A certain perfume, or fragrant substance: (K, TA:) or a wash for the head, (A, K, *) consisting of خَلُوق [q. v.], and the like. (A, TA.) صَائِحَةٌ The crying, or clamour, of the place of the wailing of women. (K.)
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