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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4461. نهد15 4462. نهر20 4463. نهز16 4464. نهس18 4465. نهش14 4466. نهض134467. نهق15 4468. نهك15 4469. نهل15 4470. نهم16 4471. نهى9 4472. نوأ13 4473. نوب17 4474. نوت8 4475. نوث3 4476. نوح18 4477. نوخ14 4478. نور19 4479. نوس18 4480. نوش17 4481. نوص12 4482. نوط18 4483. نوع14 4484. نوف11 4485. نوق15 4486. نول14 4487. نون14 4488. نوه16 4489. نوى9 4490. نيأ11 4491. نيب16 4492. نيت4 4493. نير14 4494. نيس3 4495. نيط9 4496. نيك11 4497. نيل15 4498. نيلوفر3 4499. نينوفر1 4500. ه4 4501. هأ1 4502. هب5 4503. هبت12 4504. هبث6 4505. هبج13 4506. هبخ6 4507. هبد11 4508. هبذ7 4509. هبر12 4510. هبش12 4511. هبط20 4512. هبع8 4513. هبل13 4514. هبو11 4515. هت7 4516. هتأ6 4517. هتر18 4518. هتك15 4519. هث6 4520. هثر1 4521. هج8 4522. هجأ6 4523. هجب4 4524. هجد18 4525. هجر24 4526. هجس17 4527. هجع17 4528. هجل13 4529. هجم17 4530. هجن18 4531. هجو12 4532. هد7 4533. هدأ14 4534. هدب19 4535. هدبد6 4536. هدج13 4537. هدر19 4538. هدف16 4539. هدل16 4540. هدم20 4541. هدمل7 4542. هدن19 4543. هدى12 4544. هذ7 4545. هذأ6 4546. هذب15 4547. هذر16 4548. هذرب4 4549. هذلم5 4550. هذى4 4551. هر8 4552. هرا7 4553. هرب17 4554. هربذ6 4555. هرت15 4556. هرث4 4557. هرج17 4558. هرجب6 4559. هرجل7 4560. هرح1 Prev. 100




1 نَهَضَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نُهُوضٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and نَهْضٌ, (S, A, K,) He rose, or stood up. syn. اِرْتَفَعَ, (Msb,) or قَامَ, (S, Mgh, O, K,) عَنْ مَكَانِهِ from his place; (Msb;) as also ↓ انتهض, syn. قَامَ: (IAar:) or the former, he quitted a place: and he rose from it: (M, TA:) or he rose from sitting; thus differing from نَهَدَ, which signifies “ he rose ” under any circumstances: (M, L, in art. نهد:) [and he rose and went: or he rose and hastened, as shown below:] and ↓ انتهض, he was, or became, made, or excited, to rise, or stand up; quasipass. of أَنْهَضَهُ. (S.) You say, نَهَضَ إِلَيْهِ He rose, or stood up, to him: (Mgh.) and لِأَمْرٍ

[to do, or perform, an affair] (S, K. *) and نَهَضَ إِلَى العَدُوِّ He [rose and] sped, or hastened. to, or towards, the enemy. (Msb.) [See also ??.] And نَهَضْنَا إِلَى القَوْمِ and نَغَضْنَا إِلَيْهِمْ [We rose and sped, or hastened, to. or towards, the people, or company of men:] both signify the same. (Abu-l-Jahm El-Jaafaree.) And ↓ انتهضوا and ↓ تناهضوا signify the same as نَهَضُوا لِلْقِتَالِ [They rose and sped, or hastened, to fight, or to the fight]. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) It (a plant) stood erect; or became strong and erect. (S, A, K.) b3: (tropical:) It (a bird) spread, or expanded, its wings to fly. (S, A, Mgh, K.) You say, فَرْخٌ عَاجِزُ النُّهْض [A young bird lacking the power of spreading its wings to fly, (A, TA.) [See an ex. in a verse of El-Hoteíäh cited in the first paragraph of art. خلف.]

b4: نَهَضَتْ نَفْسُهُ (K in art. جشأ. &c.) and نَهَضَتْ نَفْسُهُ إِلَيْهِ (S in the same art, and A in art. جهش, &c.) signify [the same. i. e.] جَشأَتْ (assumed tropical:) [His said, or stomach, heaved, &c.] (S, A, K. in the arts. above mentioned.) b5: نَهَضَ الشَّيْبُ فِى الشَّبَابِ (tropical:) [Hoariness a rose in youth] (A, TA.) As cites the following verse from an anonymous poet: الْرِّعْدَةُ فِى ظُهَيْرِى ↓ تَنْتَهِضُ مِنْ لَدُنِ الظُّهْرِ إِلَى العُصَيْرِ (assumed tropical:) [Tremor arises in my little back from the time of noon to the little evening.). (TA.) 3 ناهضهُ, (S, A, &c.,) inf. n. مُنَاهَضَةٌ, (TA,) He rose with him, or against him, and withstood him, or opposed him, in contention; syn. قَاوَمَهُ; (S, Mgh, K;) namely his adversary. (A, Mgh.) 4 انهضهُ He made him, or excited him, to rise, or stand up. (S, A, * K, TA:) or he roused him. or put him in portion to rise. (TA.) You say also, لِلْأَمْرِ ↓ إِنْتَهَضْتُهُ, [if this be not a mistranscription for ??,] I made him to rise to (do, or perform,] the affair. (Msb,) And انهضهُ عَلَى

الشَّىْءِ (assumed tropical:) He strengthened him to rise, and do, or perform, the thing. (TA.) b2: انهض القِرْبَةَ: He nearly filled the water-skin [so as to make it rise]. (K. TA.) b3: أَنْهَضَتِ الرِّيحُ السَّحَابَ (tropical:) The wind bore and drove along the cloud, or clouds. (TA.) 6 تناهضوا فِى الحَرْبِ (S, A, Mgh, K) They rose, one with another, or one against another, and withstood, or opposed, one another. in war. or battle: (Mgh,) or each party of them rose and hastened (نَهَضَ) to, or towards, the other, in war. or battle. (S, K. *) See also 1.8 إِنْتَهَضَ see 1. in four places: A2: and see 4.10 استنهضهُ لِأَمْرِ كَذَا He ordered him, or commanded him, to rise to [do, or perform,] such an affair. (S, K. *) [And استنهضهُ فِى أَمْرٍ] He sent him on an affair, to perform it.]

نَهْضَةٌ [inf. n. of un. of 1, A single act of rising, &c.: and] a motion, or movement: pl. نَهَضَاتٌ. (Msb.) You say, جَآءَتْ مِنْهُ نَهْضَةٌ, (A, TA,) or كَانَتْ مِنْهُ نَهْضَةٌ, There was (a rising, or) a motion, or movement, on his part. (Msb,) لِمحَلّ كَذَا [to such a place], (A TA,) or إِلَى كَذَا (to, or towards, such a thing]. (Msb.) And هُوَ كثِيرُ النَّهَضَاتِ [He is a person of frequent risings, or motions or movements]. (A, TA.) b2: Also, (assumed tropical:) Power, or ability; and strength. (TA.) نُهْضَةٌ [The act of rising, or standing up: or the state of being made, or excited, to rise, or stand up] a subst. from الإِنْتِهَاضُ (TA.) نَهَّاضٌ [One who frequently rises; or who frequently rises from, or quits, his place:] quick on motion. (Expos. of the Mo'allakát, printed at Calcutta, p ??) b2: هُوَ نَهَّاضٌ نِهٰؤُلَآءِ (tropical:) [app. He is wont to rise with these, for their assistance. see نَاهِضَةٌ]. (A, TA.) b3: هُوَ نَهّاضٌ بِبَزْلَآءَ: see art. بزل.

نَاهِضٌ [act. part. n. of 1, Rising, or standing up: &c.]. b2: (assumed tropical:) Energetic, sharp, vigorous, or effective in his agency, or work. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) A young bird whose wings have became complete, (S, A, Mgh.,) or whose wing has became complete, (K,) and which has risen, (S,) or is able. (A, Mgh,) or ready, (K,) to fly: (S, A, Mgh, K:) (??) has spread its wings to fly: or that has raised itself to quit its place applied by some particularly to the young or the eagled. (TA.) pl. نَوَاهِضُ. (A, Mgh.) [See also عَاتِقٌ.]

نَاهِضَةُ رَجُلٍ (tropical:) A man's people, (L,) or the sons of his father or ancestor, (S, O, K,) who rise for him, (O,) or with him. (K,) or with whom he rises, in a case that grieves him, (L,) or who are angry for him, (S,) or who are angry by reason of his anger, and rise to aid him: (TA:) and his people, (A,) or servants, (K,) or those, (S,) who undertake, or manage, his affairs: (S, A, K:) or his aiders, or assistants. (A, in art. ظهر) You say, مَا لِفُلَانِ نَاهِضَةٌ (tropical:) Such a one has not any (S, A) people, (A,) or servants, (TA,) who undertake, or manage, his affairs. (S, A, TA.)
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