1 هَرَأَهُ البَرْدُ The cold destroyed him, or, perhaps, debilitated him; i. e., a beast; lit., broke him: syn. كسره. (TA.) [See also هَزَأَ.] b2: هَرِئَ, like عُنِىَ, [i. e., pass. in form, but neut. in signification,] (incorrectly written in the S هَرِئَ, K,) It (a camel or sheep &c., or a man.) perished of cold, or heat. (Ks, K.) b3: هَرَأَهُ البَرْدُ, inf. n. هَرْءٌ (As, S, K,) and هَرَآءَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ اهرأهُ; (Fr, S, K;) The cold affected him so severely as nearly to kill him: (As, S, K:) or so severely as to kill him. (K.) b4: هَرَأَتِ الرِّيحُ The wind was, or became, intensely cold. (K.) A2: هَرَأَ, (K,) inf. n. هَرْءٌ; (TA:) and ↓ هرّأ; (K;) and ↓ اهرأ, (Fr, K,) inf. n. إِهْرَآءٌ; (TA;) He cooked flesh-meat thoroughly: (K:) or so that it fell off from the bone. (S, K.) b2: هَرِئَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. هَرْءٌ and هُرْءٌ and هُرُوْءٌ; (K;) and ↓ تهرّأ; (S, K;) It (flesh-meat) was thoroughly cooked: (K:) or was cooked so as to fall off from the bone. (S, * TA.) A3: هَرَأَ فِىمَنْطِقِهِ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. هَرْءٌ, (TA,) He was loquacious: or he was loquacious, with incorrectness; (TA;) as also هَرَأَ الكَلَامَ: (ISk, S:) or he was very foul in his speech: or was very incorrect, or faulty, therein: (K:) or, simply, he was foul, (S,) or incorrect, or faulty, (TA,) in his speech: (S, TA:) also الكَلَامَ ↓ اهرأ he multiplied his words but spake not to the point, or correctly. (K.) b2: إِنَّ مَنْطِقَهَ يَهْرَأُ, inf. n. هَرْءٌ, [Verily his speech is prolix: or is vitious, and disorderly]. (TA.) 2 هَرَّاَ see 1.4 أَهْرَاَ see 1. b2: اهرأ فِى الرَّوَاحِ He entered upon the cool time of the evening: (S, K: *) or properly said only of the evening of the hot season. (K.) [See also اهزأ.] b3: أَهْرِئُ عَنْكَ مِنَ الظَّهِيرَةِ Stay thou until the mid-day heat shall have become assuaged, and the air be cool. (TA, in this art.; and IAar, in TA, art. فيح.) A2: اهرأ He slew a person. (K.) A3: See 1, last sentence but one.5 تهرّاً He (a beast) was destroyed, or, perhaps, debilitated, by the cold; lit., was broken: syn. تكسّر. (TA.) A2: See 1.
هَرِئٌ (so in the TA: in one copy of the S, هَرِىٌ: in another, هَرِىٌّ:) and ↓ مُهَرَّأٌ (TA) Meat thoroughly cooked: (TA:) or cooked so as to fall off from the bone. (S, * TA.) هُرَأٌ: see هُرَآءٌ.
هُرَآءٌ, or مَنْطِقٌ هُرَآءٌ, (S, K,) Loquacity: or vitious, disorderly, speech: (K:) or loquacity with incorrectness. (S.) b2: هُرَآءٌ, (K,) fem. with ة, pl. with ون; (TA;) and ↓ هُرَأٌ; (K;) A great talker of nonsense. (K.) هِرَآءٌ A young shoot of a palm-tree, (AHn, K,) when first plucked from the mother-tree. (As.) A2: الهِرَآءُ A certain devil whose office it is to suggest foul dreams. (K.) قِرَّةٌ لَهَا هَرِيْئَةٌ Cold that occasions injury and death to men and to cattle &c. (El-Fezáree, ISk, S.) b2: Also, هَرِيْئَةٌ The time in which cold thus affects them. (TA.) مَهْرُوْءٌ, from هُرِئَ, pl. with ون, [in the CK, for مَهْرُوؤُونَ is put مَهْرَؤُنَ,] Perishing of cold, or heat. (Ks, K.) b2: Explained by AHn [in his book on plants] by the words أَلَّذِى قَدْ أَنْضَجَهُ البَرْدُ [meaning, What is nipped, shrunk, shrivelled, or blasted, by the cold: see art. نضج]. (TA.) مُهَرَّأٌ: see هَرِئٌ.