1 هَدَجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. هَدَجَانٌ (S, K) and هُدَاجٌ (K) and هَدْجٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He walked gently, in a weak manner: (TA:) or he walked in the manner of an old man; (S, K;) and the like: (TA:) or he (an old man) walked with short steps: or walked hastily, without desiring to do so: (TA:) or he walked with unintermitting steps: (As:) or he walked in a shaking manner, by reason of old age. (IAar.) b2: هَدَجَ, (S,) aor. ـِ inf. n. هَدَجَانٌ; and ↓ استهدج; (TA;) He (an ostrich) walked, or went, (or ran, TA,) in a tremulous manner. (S, TA.) b3: هَدَجَتِ القِدْرُ (tropical:) The cooking-pot boiled vehemently. (TA.) b4: هَدَجَتْ, (S,) inf. n. هَدَجٌ, (L,) She (a camel) yearned towards her young one; حَنَّتْ عَلَى وَلَدِهَا; (S, L;) as also ↓ تهدّجت; (L;) [and, app., uttered the cry produced by yearning towards her young one: see below:] or the latter signifies she was affectionate to her young one. (S, K.) b5: Also, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) It (the wind) made a sound; syn. حَنَّتْ and صَوَّتَتْ; from هدجت النّاقة. (L.) 2 هدّجت (tropical:) She (a camel) became high and big in the hump, so that it bore a resemblance to a هَوْدَج. (TA.) 5 تهدّج It (the voice, or a sound) became much intercepted, or interrupted, (تَقَطَّعَ) with a tremulous manner. (S, K.) See 1.A2: تهدّجوا عَلَيْهِ They made apparent, or manifest, his gracious actions, or qualities, or his favours, or kindnesses. (TA.) 10 إِسْتَهْدَجَ see 1.
هَدَجَةٌ, (a subst., L,) The yearning, or the cry produced by yearning towards her young one, of a camel; حَنِينُ النَّاقَةِ: (K:) or the yearning of a she-camel towards her young one; حَنِينُ النَّاقُةِ عَلَى وَلَدِهَا. (S, L.) هَدَجْدَجٌ: see هَدَّاجٌ.
هَدُوجٌ: see مِهْدَاجٌ. b2: قِدْرٌ هَدُوجٌ (tropical:) A cookingpot that boils vehemently: (TA:) or, quickly. (K.) هَدَّاجٌ and ↓ هَدَجْدَجٌ One who walks in the manner termed هَدَجَانٌ: see 1. (K.) b2: An ostrich that so walks, or runs. (S, TA.) One says ظَلِيمٌ هَدَّاجٌ, and نَعَامٌ هَدَّاجٌ and هَوَادِجُ: (TA:) [the last is pl. of ↓ هَادِجَةٌ, fem. act. part. n. of هَدَجَ]. b3: Also, the ↓ latter, An ostrich: so called because it so walks, or runs: (TA:) [and so ↓ هَادِجَةٌ, pl. هَوَادِجُ, as in the following example.] نَظَرْتُ إِلَى الهَوَادِجِ عَلَى الهَوَادِجِ [I looked at the women's camel-litters upon the camels like ostriches]. (A.) هَادِجَةٌ: see هَدَّاجٌ.
هَوْدَجٌ [A kind of camel-vehicle for women;] the vehicle of the Arab women of the desert: (JK:) a kind of vehicle for women, (S, K,) having a dome-like top (مُقَبَّبٌ); and one not having such a top: (S:) or [a camel-vehicle for women] made with staves, over which are put pieces of wood, and covered with a dome-like top: (M:) or a camel-vehicle (مَحْمِل) having a dome-like top (قُبَّة), covered with pieces of cloth, in which women ride: (Et-Towsheeh:) pl. هَوَادِجُ. (TA.) [See مَحْمِلٌ and مَحَارَةٌ.]
مِهْدَاجٌ A she-camel that yearns, or that utters the cry produced by yearning towards her young one: (K:) or that yearns towards her young one: (S, L:) as also ↓ هَدُوجٌ. (TA.) b2: Also, (assumed tropical:) A wind that has a sound; لَهَا حَنِينٌ: (S, L:) from حَنَّتِ النَّاقَةُ. (L.) مُسْتَهْدَجٌ Haste. (K.) مُسْتَهْدِجٌ Hasty. (K.)