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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4406. نقث9 4407. نقح16 4408. نقخ10 4409. نقد16 4410. نقذ16 4411. نقر204412. نقرس11 4413. نقز15 4414. نقس18 4415. نقش17 4416. نقص20 4417. نقض21 4418. نقط14 4419. نقع20 4420. نقف14 4421. نقل17 4422. نقلس2 4423. نقم18 4424. نقه14 4425. نقى2 4426. نكأ11 4427. نكب17 4428. نكت15 4429. نكث18 4430. نكح15 4431. نكد17 4432. نكر18 4433. نكز12 4434. نكس20 4435. نكش13 4436. نكص16 4437. نكع10 4438. نكف18 4439. نكل20 4440. نكه15 4441. نكى5 4442. نلج1 4443. نلك5 4444. نم6 4445. نمأ5 4446. نمت4 4447. نمذج5 4448. نمر17 4449. نمس21 4450. نمش16 4451. نمص13 4452. نمط16 4453. نمغ9 4454. نمل19 4455. نمى6 4456. نه1 4457. نهأ8 4458. نهب17 4459. نهت9 4460. نهج18 4461. نهد15 4462. نهر20 4463. نهز16 4464. نهس18 4465. نهش14 4466. نهض13 4467. نهق15 4468. نهك15 4469. نهل15 4470. نهم16 4471. نهى9 4472. نوأ13 4473. نوب17 4474. نوت8 4475. نوث3 4476. نوح18 4477. نوخ14 4478. نور19 4479. نوس18 4480. نوش17 4481. نوص12 4482. نوط18 4483. نوع14 4484. نوف11 4485. نوق15 4486. نول14 4487. نون14 4488. نوه16 4489. نوى9 4490. نيأ11 4491. نيب16 4492. نيت4 4493. نير14 4494. نيس3 4495. نيط9 4496. نيك11 4497. نيل15 4498. نيلوفر3 4499. نينوفر1 4500. ه4 4501. هأ1 4502. هب5 4503. هبت12 4504. هبث6 4505. هبج13 Prev. 100




1 نَقَرَ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْرٌ, (S, Msb,) He (a bird) pecked, or picked up, (S, A, Msb, K,) a grain, (S,) or grains, (A, Msb,) from this place and that, (A, K,) بِمِنْقَارِهِ with his beak. (A.) [Accord. to the TA, the addition “ from this place and that,” which is found in the K and A, and in one place in the S, seems to be unnecessary. And ↓ انتقر signifies the same: see 8, in art. قب.] b2: [Hence, because of the sure aim with which a bird pecks a thing,] the same verb, having the same [aor. and] inf. n. signifies, (tropical:) It (an arrow) hit the butt. (Msb.) And He (an archer) hit the butt, without making his arrow to pass through, partly or wholly. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] (assumed tropical:) He took [or picked] a thing, as, for instance, food, with the finger. (TA.) b4: Also, (M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M, TA,) He struck a thing (IKtt, K, * TA,) with a thing: (IKtt, TA:) [generally, he struck, knocked, or pecked, a thing with a pointed instrument, like as a bird strikes a thing with its beak:] he struck [or pecked] a mill-stone, or a stone, &c., with a مِنْقَار [which is a pick, or a kind of pickaxe; i. e., he wrought it into shape, and roughened it in its surface, with a pick]. (M, TA.) b5: [Hence,] (tropical:) He wrote [or engraved writing] فِى حَجَرٍ upon a stone. (A, K.) Whence the saying, التَّعْلِيمُ فِى الصِّغَرِ كَالنَّقْرِ عَلَى الحَجَرِ [or, as in a verse of Niftaweyh, فِى الحَجَرِ, i. e., Teaching in infancy is like engraving writing upon stone]. (TA.) b6: He struck [or fillipped] a man's head, and in like manner a lute, and a tambourine, with his finger. (TA.) You say also أُذُنَهُ ↓ أَنْقَرَ, meaning, He struck [or fillipped] his ear with his finger. (AA, in TA, art. نطب.) b7: [Hence,] نَقَرَ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْرٌ, as appears from what follows;] and ↓ أَنْقَرَ; (tropical:) [He made a snapping with his thumb and middle finger;] he struck his thumb against the end of the middle finger and made a sound with them. (A.) [And in like manner the former verb used transitively; as in the following instance:] وَضَعَ طَرَفَ إِبْهَامِهِ عَلَى بَاطِنِ سَبَّابَتِهِ ثُمَّ نَقَرَهَا [(tropical:) He put the end of his thumb against the inner side of his first finger, then made a snapping with it]. (TA.) See also نَقْرٌ, below. b8: [Hence also,] نَقَرَ بِالدَّابَّةِ, (T, A, TS,) or بِالفَرَسِ, (S,) aor. ـُ (TA,) inf. n. نَقْرٌ; (T, S, TS;) and ↓ أَنْقَرَ, (A, TS,) inf. n. إِنْقَارٌ; (TS;) (tropical:) He made a [smacking or] slight sound, to put in motion the [beast or] horse, by making his tongue adhere to his palate and then opening [or suddenly drawing it away]: (S:) or he struck with his tongue the place of utterance of the letter ن and made a [smacking] sound [by suddenly withdrawing his tongue]: (A:) نَقْرٌ signifies the making the end of the tongue to adhere to the palate, then making a sound [by suddenly withdrawing it]: (M, K:) or one's putting his tongue above his central incisors, at the part next the palate, then making a smacking sound [so I render ثُمَّ يَنْقُر]: (TA:) [the sounds thus described, which are nearly the same, are commonly made by the Arabs in the present day, in urging beasts of carriage:] or an agitation of the tongue (K, TA) in the mouth, upwards and downwards: (TA:) or a sound, (so in some copies of the K and in the TA,) or slight sound, (so in the TS [as mentioned in the TA] and in some copies of the K) by which a horse is put in motion: (TS, K:) or نَقَرَ بِلِسَانِهِ, accord. to IKtt, signifies he struck his palate with his tongue to quiet the horse: but this is at variance with what is said by Az, J, and ISd, and requires consideration. (TA.) A poet, (S,) Fedekee El-Minkaree, (K,) i. e., 'Obeyd Ibn-Máweeyeh, of the tribe of Teiyi, (TA,) uses النَّقُرْ for النَّقْرْ, meaning النَّقْرُ بِالْخَيْلِ [The smacking with the tongue to urge the horses]: pausing after the word, at the end of a hemistich, he transfers the vowel of the ر to the ق, (S, K,) agreeably with the dial. of certain of the Arabs, (TA,) that the hearer may know it to be the vowel of the [final] letter when there is no pause; (S;) like as you say, هٰذَا بَكْرُ and مَرَرْتُ بِبَكِرْ: but this is not done when the word is in the accus. case (S, K:) and if you choose, you may make the final letter quiescent in pausing, though it is preceded by a quiescent letter. (S.) b9: Hence also, فَإِذَا نُقِرَ فِى النَّاقُورِ [Kur, lxxiv. 8,] (tropical:) For when the horn shall be blown: (S, * A, * Bd, K:) from نَقْرٌ signifying (tropical:) the making a sound: originally, striking, which is the cause of sound. (Bd.) See also نَاقُورٌ, below. b10: Also, نَقَرَ He bored, perforated, or made a hole through or in or into, a thing: (TA:) or he did so with a مِنْقَار: (S:) and, inf. n. نَقْرٌ, he hollowed out, or excavated, a piece of wood. (Mgh, Msb.) نُقِرٌ and ↓ اِنْتَقَرَ, (so in some copies of the K,) or ↓ أُنْتُقِرَ, (so in other copies of the K and in the TA,) both in the pass. form, (TA,) said of stone and of wood and the like, signify alike, (K,) It was bored, or perforated, or it had a hole made through or in or into it: (TA:) [and it was hollowed out.] Yousay, نَقَرَ البَيْضَةَ عَنِ الفَرْخِ, (K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. نَقْرٌ, (TA.) He made a hole in the egg [so as to disclose the young bird]. (K.) And نَقَرَت الخَيْلُ, (A,) and بحوافرها نُقَرًا ↓ انتقرت, (Lth, K,) The horses made hollows in the ground with their hoofs. (Lth, A, K.) And in like manner, ↓ انتقرت السُّيُولُ نُقَرًا The torrents left hollows in the ground, in which water was retained. (TA.) b11: Hence, نَقَرَ عَنِ الأَمْرِ; (Msb;) and عَنْهُ ↓ نقّر, (S, K,) inf. n. تَنْقِيرٌ; (S;) and ↓ نقّرهُ; and ↓ تنقّرهُ: and ↓ انتقرهُ; (K;) (tropical:) He searched or inquired into the thing; investigated, scrutinized, or examined, it; (S, Msb, K, TA;) and endeavoured to know it: (TA;) and so نَقَرَ عَنِ لخَبَرِ (tropical:) he investigated the news, and endeavoured to know it. (A.) [and hence,] السَّهْمَ بَيْنَ إِصْبَعَيْهِ ↓ نقّر. (K, in art. حن,) or عَلَى الإِبْهَامِ, inf. n. تَنْقِيرٌ, (K, in art. دوم,) [He tried the sonorific quality of the arrow by turning it round between his fingers, or upon his thumb: see حَنَّانٌ, and دَرَّ السَّهْمُ, and see also 4, in art. دوم: or] نقّر السَّهْمَ signifies he made the arrow to produce a sharp sound [by turning it round between his fingers, or] upon his thumb. (TK, in art. دوم.) 2 نَقَّرَ see 1, last two sentences.4 أَنْقَرَ see 1, in three places, in the first half.

A2: انقر عَنْهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. إِنْفَارٌ, (TA,) He refrained, forbore, abstained, or desisted, from it or him; he left or relinquished, it or him. (S, * K.) Hence the saying, ضَرَبَهُ فَمَا أَنْقَرَ عَنْهُ حَتَّى قَتَلَهُ He beat him and left him not until be killed him. (TA.) And hence the saying of I'Ab, مَاكَانَ اللّٰهُ لِيُنْقِرَ عَنْ قَاتِلِ الْمُؤْمِنِ, i. e., God will not leave the slayer of the believer until He destroy him (S, TA.) 5 تَنَقَّرَ see 1, last signification 8 إِنْتَقَرَ see 1, latter part, in four places.

نَقْرٌ (tropical:) A slight sound that is heard in consequence of striking the thumb against the middle finger [and then letting them fly apart in opposite directions, passing each other]: (S, K:) [or the snapping with the fingers or with the thumb and middle finger, or with the thumb and first finger; as also ↓ نَقيرٌ: n. an. of the former with ة.] One says, مَا أَثَابَهُ نَقْرَةٌ (tropical:) [He did not reward him with even a snap of the fingers;] meaning, with anything: (S, K [in the former of which it is implied that نقرة thus used is from نَقْرٌ in the first of the senses explained above;]) not used thus save in [a negative phrase. (S.) A poet says, وَهُنّ حَرَى أَلَّا يُثِبْنَكَ نقْرَةٌ وَأَنْتَ حَرُى بِالنَّار حِينَ تُثِيبُ (tropical:) [And they are fit, or worthy, not to reward thee with anything, and thou art fit for, or worthy of, the fire of hell when thou rewardest]. (S.) Or the right reading in both these instances is ↓ نُقْرَةً, with damm. (TA.) [See نُقْرَةٌ.] One says also, لَمْ يَكْتَرِتْ لِى بِقَدُر نَقْرَة إِصْبَعٍ (tropical:) [He did not care for me so much as a snap of a finger]. (A.) [See also an (??) in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. شأو.] I'Ab, in explanation of the words of the Kur, [iv. 123,] وَلَا يُظْلَمُونَ نَقِيرًا, put the end of the thumb against the inner side of his first finger, then made a snapping with it (ثُمَّ نَقَرَهَا), and said, This is what is termed ↓ نَقِيرٌ; [denoting the lit. meaning to be (tropical:) And they shall not be wronged a snap of the fingers.] (TA.) But see نُقْرَةٌ, below. b2: Also, A sound, or slight sound, by which a horse is put in motion: (TS, K:) as also ↓ نَقِيرٌ: (TA:) or the former has one or other of the different significations assigned to it above, in the explanations under the head of نَقَرَ بِالدَّابَّةِ. (K, &c.) نِقْرٌ: see نُقْرَةٌ.

نَقْرَةٌ: see نَقْرٌ, in four places.

نُقْرَةٌ A small hollow or cavity in the ground: (S:) or a hollow or cavity in the ground, not large: (Msb:) or a hollow or cavity in the ground in which water stagnates: (TA:) or a round وَهْدَة [or hollow] in the ground, (K, TA,) not large, in which water stagnates: (TA:) pl. نُقَرٌ (A, K) and نِقَارٌ: (K:) ↓ نَقِيرٌ also signifies a hollow, or cavity, in the ground; and its pl. is أَنْقِرَةٌ. (S.) b2: Hence, (S.) The place where the قَمَحْدُوَة [or occiput] ends, in the back part of the neck; (K;) i. e., the hollow in the back of the neck; (TA;) what is called نُقْرَةُ القَفَا; (S, A, Msb;) i. e., the hollow where (??) brain ends: the cupping in that part occasions forgetfulness: (Msb.) [and any similar hollow as the pit of the stomach: and a dimple: accord. to present usage; and in this sense it is used in the A, K, and TA, voce فَحْصَةٌ b3: The cavity, or socket, of the eye. (K.) b4: Foramen and; syn. ثَقْبُ الاِسْتِ: (K:) but in the (??) it is said that نُقْرَةُ الوَرِكِ signifies the hole, or perforation, that is the middle of the haunch; [app. meaning the sacro-ischiatic foramen: see الفَائِلُ, in art. فيل: but perhaps it may sometimes mean the socket of the thigh-bone; for نُقْرةٌ signifies any socket of a bone.] (TA.) b5: The little spot [or embryo] upon the back of a date stone, (AHeyth, K,) which is as though it were hollowed. (TA,) and from which the palm-tree grows forth: (AHeyth;) as also ↓ نَقيرٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and ↓ نِقْرٌ (K) and ↓ أُنْقُورٌ. (Sgh, K) You say, مَا أَثَابَهُ نُقْرَةٌ, (El-Basáir, TA,) and ↓ نَقِيرًا, (A,) lit., [He did not reward hour] (??) even a little spot on the back of a date-stone; (A, El-Basáïr;) meaning, (tropical:) with the meanest thing. (El Basáïr.) In the S and K, ما اثابه نَقْرَةٌ: see نَقْرٌ.] And مَا أَعْنَى عَنِّى نُقْرَةٌ (tropical:) He did not stand me in stead of the meanest (??) (A.) Lebeed says, bewailing the death of his brother Arbad.

↓ وَلَيْسَ النَّاسُ بَعْدَكَ فِى نَقِيرٍ

lit., [And the people, after thee, are not worth] a little spot on the back of a date-stone; meaning, لَبْسُوا بَعْدَكَ فِى شَىْءٍ (tropical:) [after thee they are not worth anything]. (S.) And hence, accord. to ISk [and the Jel], the saying in the Kur, [iv. 123.] وَلَا يُظْلَمُونَ نَقِيرًا [And they shall not be wronged even as to a little spot on the back of a date-stone.] (TA.) Hence also, [in verse 56 of the same chap.,] لَا يُؤْتُونَ النَّاسَ نَقِيرًا (tropical:) They would not give men a thing as inconsiderable as the little hollow in the back of a date-stone. (Jel.) See also نَقْرٌ. b6: The place in which a bird lays its eggs: (K:) pl. نُقَرٌ. (TA.) نَقِيرٌ: see نَقْرٌ, in three places.

A2: What is bored, or perforated; and what is hollowed out, or excavated; (مَا نُقِبَ, TA, and مَا نُقِرَ, K, TA;) of stone, and of wood, and the like. (K, TA.) b2: A piece of wood, (Msb,) or a block of wood, (أَصْلُ خَشَبَةٍ, S, K,) or a stump, or the lower part, (أَصْل,) of a palm-tree, (T,) which is hollowed out, and in which the beverage called نَبِيذ is made; (T, S, Msb, K;) the نبيذ whereof becomes strong: (S, K:) or a stump, or the lower part, (اصل,) of a palm-tree, which it was a custom of the people of El-Yemámeh to hollow out, then they crushed in it ripe dates and unripe dates, which [with water poured upon them] they left until fermentation had taken place therein and subsided: (A 'Obeyd:) or a stump, or the lower part, (اصل,) of a palm-tree, whereof the middle was hollowed out, then dates were put in them, with water, which became intoxicating نبيذ: (IAth:) the word is of the measure فَعِيلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., that Mohammad forbade النَّقِير, (S, * Msb, * TA,) meaning, the نبيذ thereof. (TA.) b3: A trunk of a palm-tree, hollowed out, and having the like of steps made in it, by which one ascends to غُرف [or upper chambers]. (K. [See also عَجَلَةٌ.]) b4: See also نُقْرَةٌ, throughout.

نُقَارَةٌ The quantity [of grain] which a bird pecks, or picks up. (K.) See 8, in art. قب. b2: What remains from the boring, or excavating, (نَقْر,) of stones: like نُجَارَةٌ and نُحَاتَةٌ. (TA.) نَقَّارٌ An engraver: or, accord. to Az, one who engraves stirrups and bits and the like: and one who bores (يَنْقُرُ) mill-stones. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) One who investigates, scrutinizes, or examines, and endeavours to know, affairs, and news. (TA.) ناَقِرٌ act. part. n. of نَقَرَ. b2: (tropical:) An arrow that hits, (Msb,) or has hit, (S, A, K,) the butt, (S, K,) or the eye of the target: (A:) if it do not hit the butt it is not so called: (S, TA:) [but see a phrase following:] pl. نَوَاقِرُ. (A, Msb.) b3: [Hence,] أَخْطَأَتْ نَوَاقِرُهُ (tropical:) [lit., His arrows that were wont to hit the butt missed]; meaning, he did not continue in the right course. (TA.) [And hence,] نَاقِرَةٌ (tropical:) A calamity; (K, TA;) pl. نَوَاقِرُ. (TA.) One says, رَمَاهُ الدَّهْرُ بِنَاقِرَةٍ, and بِنَوَاقِرَ, (tropical:) Fortune smote him with a calamity, and with calamities. (TA.) b4: Also, نَاقِرَةٌ (tropical:) A right argument, allegation, evidence, or the like; syn. حُجَّةٌ مُصِيبَةٌ: in the K, a و is incorrectly inserted between these two words: but the pl., نَوَاقِرُ, is afterwards correctly rendered in the K. (TA.) One says, أَتَتْنِى عَنْهُ نَوَاقِرُ (tropical:) There came to me, from him, speech which displeased me, or grieved me: or right arguments, or the like, (K, TA,) like arrows hitting the mark. (TA.) In the L, رَمَاهُ بِنَوَاقِرَ (tropical:) He cast at him words that hit the mark. (TA.) نَاقُورٌ (tropical:) A horn in which one blows; syn. صُورٌ: (S, K:) in the Kur, lxxiv. 8, the horn in which the angel shall blow for the congregating at the resurrection: the blast there mentioned is said to be the second blast: Fr. says that it is the first of the two blasts. (TA.) أُِنْقُورٌ: see نُقْرَةٌ.

مِنْقَرٌ: see مِنْقَارٌ.

مُنَقَّرُ العَيْنِ, (K,) and ↓ مُنْتَقَرُهَا, (Sgh, K,) or ↓ مُنْتَقِرُهَا, (CK,) Having the eye sunken. (K.) مِنْقَارٌ The beak of a bird; that which is to a bird as the mouth to a man; (Msb;) because it pecks, or picks up, with it: (TA:) or of a bird which is not one of prey; that of a bird of prey being called مِنْسَرٌ: (Fs, and S in art. نسر, and MF:) therefore the explanation in the K, which is, the مِنْسَر of a bird, is incorrect: (MF:) [and the dual signifies the two mandibles of a bird; used in this sense in the TA, art. صغو:] pl. مَنَاقِيرُ. (S.) b2: Hence, (TA,) The fore part of the خُفّ [app. meaning the foot of a camel, not a boot]. (K.) b3: [A kind of pickaxe; or a pick, by which a mill-stone, or the like, is pecked, or wrought into shape, and roughened in its surface; (see 1;)] an iron instrument like the فَأْس, (A, K,) slender, round, and having a خَلْف [or pointed head], (TA,) with which one pecks, (يُنْقَرُبِهَا, A, K, TA,) and cuts stones, and hard earth; (TA;) used [also] by a carpenter: (S:) and ↓ مِنْقَرٌ signifies [app. the same, or nearly the same,] i. q. مِعْوَلٌ: (S, K:) [the former is applied in the present day to a chisel:] pl. of the former, مَنَاقِيرُ; (S;) and of the latter, مَنَاقِرُ. (TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, كَأَرْحَآءِ رَقْدٍ زَلَّمَتْهَا المَنَاقِرُ [Like mill-stones of Rakd (a mountain so called) which the minkars have rounded]. (TA.) See زَلَّمَ.

مُنْتَقَرُ العَيْنِ, or مُنْتَقِرُهَا: see مُنَقَّر.
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