نِقْرِسٌ [Arthritis, or gout: or, specially, podagra, or gout in the foot or feet:] a certain disease, well known; (S, Msb;) a swelling and pain in the joints: (Az, TA:) or in the leg or foot: (TA:) or in the joints of the ankles and the toes: (K:) or a swelling in the joints of the foot, and mostly in the great toe, a property of which is that it does not collect thick purulent matter, nor exude moisture, because it is in a member not fleshy: and of the same kind are arthritis, or pain of the joints, (وَجَعُ المَفَاصِلِ,) and sciatica, or hip-gout, (عِرْقُ النَّسَا,) but differing in name because differing in state. (Msb.)