Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4656. هوم15 4657. هون17 4658. هوى10 4659. هى1 4660. هيأ14 4661. هيب164662. هيت16 4663. هيث9 4664. هيج13 4665. هيد14 4666. هير9 4667. هيش9 4668. هيض13 4669. هيط9 4670. هيف13 4671. هيق10 4672. هيل17 4673. هيم17 4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب6 4679. وأد13 4680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 4683. وأى5 4684. وب1 4685. وبأ16 4686. وبت4 4687. وبخ12 4688. وبد9 4689. وبر18 4690. وبش15 4691. وبص14 4692. وبل17 4693. وبه10 4694. وبى1 4695. وت2 4696. وتا1 4697. وتب3 4698. وتح10 4699. وتد19 4700. وتر22 4701. وتن14 4702. وتى1 4703. وث1 4704. وثا1 4705. وثب15 4706. وثج8 4707. وثر16 4708. وثق18 4709. وثم9 4710. وثن17 4711. وثى1 4712. وج2 4713. وجأ13 4714. وجب17 4715. وجح10 4716. وجد17 4717. وجذ6 4718. وجر15 4719. وجز13 4720. وجس14 4721. وجع14 4722. وجن15 4723. وجه16 4724. وجى2 4725. وح1 4726. وحب2 4727. وحت4 4728. وحج3 4729. وحد19 4730. وحش15 4731. وحف16 4732. وحل14 4733. وحم14 4734. وحن6 4735. وحى8 4736. وخ1 4737. وخد12 4738. وخذ2 4739. وخز13 4740. وخش15 4741. وخض7 4742. وخط13 4743. وخف13 4744. وخم15 4745. وخى4 4746. ود2 4747. ودأ9 4748. ودب4 4749. ودج17 4750. ودح7 4751. ودع21 4752. ودق16 4753. ودك15 4754. ودن11 4755. ودى8 Prev. 100




1 هَابَهُ, (S, K, &c.,) first Pers\. هِبْتُ, originally هَبِيْتُ, (S,) aor. ـَ (S, K,) [originally يَهْيَبُ,] and يَهِيبُ, (IKtt, cited by MF,) imp. هَبْ, originally هَابْ, (S,) inf. n. هَيْبَةٌ (S, K, Msb) and مَهَابَةٌ (S, K) and هَيْبٌ; (K;) and ↓ اهتابه and ↓ تهيّبه; (K;) [He revered, venerated, respected, honoured, dreaded, or feared, him or it;] he regarded him or it, i. e., anything, TA,) with reverence, veneration, respect, honour, dread, or awe; (S, K, * Msb, TA;) and fear; (S, K;) cautious fear, or caution. (K, Msb.) b2: هَبِ النَّاسَ يَهَابُوكَ Reverence men, [and] they will reverence thee. (TA.) b3: هُوبَ, in which the original ى is changed into و, [He (a man) was regarded with reverence, veneration, or awe; with fear; or with cautious fear, or caution]. (S, K.) 2 هَيَّبْتُهُ إِلَيْهِ I made it to be regarded by him with reverence, veneration, or awe; with fear; or with cautious fear, or caution. (S, K.) 4 اهاب بِصَاحِبِهِ (tropical:) He called his companion. And in like manner, أَهَبْتُ بِهِ إِلَى الخَيْرِ (tropical:) I called him, or invited him, to what was good. (MF.) b2: اهاب بِالإِبِلِ He called to the camels, in driving them or urging them, by the cry هَابْ هَابْ. (K.) b3: اهاب بِغَنَمِهِ He (a pastor) cried out to his sheep, or goats, in order that they might stop, or return: and اهاب بِالبَعِيرِ [He cried out to the camel, for the same purpose]. (S.) الإِهَابَةُ is The crying out to camels, and calling them. (As and others.) b4: اهاب بَالخَيْلِ He called the horses, or called out to them by the cry هَابِ, (so in the S and in a MS. copy of the K: in the CK, هَابْ,) or by the cry of هَبْ and هَبِى, meaning Come! Approach! or Advance boldly! (K.) Az remarks his having heard هاب used [as a cry] only to horses; not to camels. (TA.) See هَبْهَبَ, in art. هب.5 تَهَيَّبَ see 1. b2: تَهَيَّبَنِى It filled me with awe, or fear: (El Jarmee:) it made me to fear: (S, ISd, Msb:) I regarded it with awe, or fear; i. q. تَهَيَّبْتُهُ: (Th:) I feared it; i. q. خِفْتُهُ. (S, ISd, K.) Ibn-Mukbil says, وَمَاتَهَيَّبُنِى المَوْمَاةُ أَرْكَبُهَا

إِذَا تَجَاوَبَتِ الأَصْدَاءُ بِالسَّحَرِ [And the waterless desert fills me not with awe, or fear; (or makes me not to fear, &c.;) I ride over it when the male owls (?) answer one another at early dawn: تهيّبنى being for تَتَهَيَّبُنِى]. (S, &c.) 8 إِهْتَيَبَ see 1.

هَبْ (K) and ↓ هَابِ and ↓ هَبِى, (S, K,) [but respecting the second of these words see 4,] Cries to horses, meaning, Come! Approach! (S, K,) or Advance boldly! (K.) هَابِ and هَبِى: see هَبْ.

هَابٌ (assumed tropical:) A serpent. (K.) b2: هَابٌ A calling to camels, in driving, or urging, them, by the cry هَابْ هَابْ. (K.) b3: See 4.

هَيْبَانٌ: see هَائِبٌ, and مَهِيبٌ.

هَيُوبٌ: see هَائِبٌ, and مَهِيبٌ.

هَيْبَةٌ and ↓ مَهَابَةٌ: see 1. b2: [As substs., Reverence, veneration, respect, honour, dread, or awe; fear; cautious fear, or caution.] b3: Also, great, reverend, or venerable, dignity; a quality inspiring reverence or veneration or respect or honour; venerableness; awfulness; a quality inspiring dread or awe. (MF.) هَيَّبٌ: see هَائِبٌ.

هَيَِّبَانٌ: see هَائِبٌ. b2: هَيَّبَانٌ (K) or [rather]

↓ هَيِّبَانٌ, (TA, [see هَائِبٌ]) A he-goat: (K:) explained by the word تَيْسٌ; but this is a signification not found [by SM] elsewhere, and appears to be a mistake for مَنْتَفِشٌ; for in the L and other lexicons we find the word explained by مُنْتَفِشٌ خَفِيفٌ, Scattered, and light; with a citation of the following verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh: تَمُجُّ اللُّغَامَ الهَيَِّبَانَ كَأَنَّهُ جَنَى عُشَرٍ تَنْفِيهِ أَشْدَاقُهَا الهُدْلُ [She ejects from her mouth the scattered and light froth, as though it were plucked fruit of the 'oshar which the flabby sides of her mouth cast forth:] and we also find, in the R, قُطْنٌ هيّبانٌ explained as signifying cotton that is plucked, or teased with the fingers, so as to become scattered; syn. منتفش: or هيّبان signifies, in the abovecited verse, accord. to some, Light, [which signification is also given in the K, but in the CK displaced; following, instead of preceding, the word الرَّاعِى, and without و before it;] and separated into small particles: (TA:) [or] the froth of the mouth of camels; (Az, K;) i. q. لُغَامٌ: (Mj, Sifr es-Sa'ádeh:) Az cites the above verse; and says, that the fruit of the عُشَر [or asclepias gigantea] comes forth like a small pomegranate, and, when burst open, discloses what resembles [white] raw silk; to which the poet likens the froth of the camel's mouth. (TA.) b3: هَيَّبَانٌ (or هَيِّبَانٌ, TA,) A pastor. (K, from Es-Seeráfee.) [Accord. to the CK, a light, or an active pastor: but see above.] b4: هَيَّبَانٌ (or ↓ هَيِّبَانٌ, TA,) Dust, or earth: syn. تُرَابٌ. (K.) b5: See هَائبٌ.

هَيِّبَانٌ: see هَيَّبَانٌ.

هَيَّابٌ: see هَائِبٌ.

هَيَّابَةٌ: see هَائِبٌ.

هَائِبٌ [act. part. n. of هَابَ, Regarding with reverence, veneration, dread, or awe; with fear; with cautious fear, or caution;] fearing men. (K.) This is the original [simple] epithet. (TA.) b2: The following, which are explained in the K in the same manner as the above, are intensive epithets: (TA:) namely ↓ هَيُوبٌ (S, K) and هَيُوبَةٌ, (S, L,) [in which the ة is added to strengthen the intensiveness,] and ↓ هَيَّابٌ and هَيَّابَةٌ, (S, K,) in which ة is added for the purpose above mentioned, (TA,) and ↓ هَيِّبٌ, (K,) which may be contracted into هَيْتٌ, (TA,) and ↓ هَيْبَانٌ (K) and ↓ هَيِّبَانٌ (S, K) and ↓ هَيَّبَانٌ; (K;) of which last two forms, the latter only is admitted by some of the learned; but MF admits only the former of them; asserting فَيْعَلَانٌ to be unknown as the measure of an unsound word, like as فيَعِلَان is unknown as that of a sound word except in extr. instances; (TA;) [Having much reverence, veneration, dread, or awe; much fear; much cautious fear, or caution:] fearing men [much]: (K:) a coward, who regards men with awe, or fear, &c.: (S:) [The last of these epithets is also explained in the CK as signifying having much fear, or very fearful; (كَثِيرُ الخَوْفِ;) and a coward: but in the TA and in a MS copy of the K, الخوف is omitted; and in the TA is added by the author, after كثير, the words من كلّ شىُ; as though the meaning of the word were “ much, or many, of any things: ” the correct reading seems to be the former, and the meaning intended by SM, having much fear, or very fearful, of everything: in like manner] ↓ هَيُوبٌ signifies a man who fears everything. (TA.) b3: ↓ الإِيمَانُ هَيُوبٌ [Faith is fearful, or very fearful; i. e.,] he who possesses faith fears acts of disobedience: occurring in a trad.: (S:) in this case, هيوب is used in the sense of an act. part. n.: or it signifies [faith is feared; or regarded with reverence, &c.; i. e.,] he who possesses faith is feared, or regarded with reverence, &c.: in which case هيوب is used in the sense of a pass. part. n. (TA.) هٰذَا الشَّىْءُ مَهْيَبَةٌ لَكَ [This thing is a cause of awe, or fear, to thee]. (S.) مَهَابٌ: see مَهِيبٌ.

مَهَابَةٌ: see هَيْبَةٌ.

مَهُوبٌ: see مَهِيبٌ.

مَهِيبٌ and ↓ مَهُوبٌ, (S, K,) the former agreeable with rule, (TA,) and ↓ هَيُوبٌ, (K) [respecting which see also هَائِبٌ,] and ↓ هَيْبَانٌ, (Th, IM, K,) [Regarded with reverence, veneration, respect, honour, dread, or awe; with fear; with cautious fear, or caution;] a man whom others regard with reverence, &c.; (S;) a man whom others fear. (K.) b2: مَكَانٌ مَهُوبٌ, formed from the verb هُوبَ, the original ى being changed into و (S, K,) A place regarded with awe, or fear; (S;) a place in which one is impressed with awe, or fear: as also ↓ مَكَانٌ مَهَابٌ: (S, K:) مَهَابٌ signifies a place of awe, or fear. (IB.) b3: المَهِيبُ and المَهُوبُ and ↓ المُتَهَيَّبُ (assumed tropical:) The lion: (K:) because regarded with awe, or fear, by men. (TA.) المُتَهَيَّبُ: see المَهِيبُ.
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