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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب6 4679. وأد134680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 4683. وأى5 4684. وب1 4685. وبأ16 4686. وبت4 4687. وبخ12 4688. وبد9 4689. وبر18 4690. وبش15 4691. وبص14 4692. وبل17 4693. وبه10 4694. وبى1 4695. وت2 4696. وتا1 4697. وتب3 4698. وتح10 4699. وتد19 4700. وتر22 4701. وتن14 4702. وتى1 4703. وث1 4704. وثا1 4705. وثب15 4706. وثج8 4707. وثر16 4708. وثق18 4709. وثم9 4710. وثن17 4711. وثى1 4712. وج2 4713. وجأ13 4714. وجب17 4715. وجح10 4716. وجد17 4717. وجذ6 4718. وجر15 4719. وجز13 4720. وجس14 4721. وجع14 4722. وجن15 4723. وجه16 4724. وجى2 4725. وح1 4726. وحب2 4727. وحت4 4728. وحج3 4729. وحد19 4730. وحش15 4731. وحف16 4732. وحل14 4733. وحم14 4734. وحن6 4735. وحى8 4736. وخ1 4737. وخد12 4738. وخذ2 4739. وخز13 4740. وخش15 4741. وخض7 4742. وخط13 4743. وخف13 4744. وخم15 4745. وخى4 4746. ود2 4747. ودأ9 4748. ودب4 4749. ودج17 4750. ودح7 4751. ودع21 4752. ودق16 4753. ودك15 4754. ودن11 4755. ودى8 4756. وذأ9 4757. وذب5 4758. وذح10 4759. وذر18 4760. وذم13 4761. ورأ10 4762. ورب9 4763. ورث19 4764. ورخ8 4765. ورد22 4766. ورس18 4767. ورش15 4768. ورط17 4769. ورع19 4770. ورف12 4771. ورق19 4772. ورك19 4773. ورل11 Prev. 100




أد1 وَأَدَ, aor. ـِ (inf. n. وَأْدٌ, S, L, &c.) He buried his daughter alive (S, L, Msb, K) in the grave, (S, L,) and put a load of earth upon her. (A.) It was customary for a man in the time of paganism, when a daughter was born to him, to bury her alive when her mother brought her forth, from fear of reproach and want: but this is forbidden in the Kur. xvii. 33: and some of them used to bury their children alive in times of famine: (L:) the tribe of Kindeh used to bury their daughters alive. (S, L.) b2: الوَأْدُ الخَفِىُّ a term used in a trad. as meaning Extractio penis tempore concubitus, ne conciperet femina: as also المَوْؤُودَةُ ↓ الصُّغْرَى because this act resembles that of burying a child alive, and is done with the same motive. (L.) 5 توأّدت عَلَيْهِ الأَرْضُ The earth, or the land, hid, or concealed him, and [as it were] removed him: (T, :) formed by transposition from تودّأت, [q. v. in art. ودأ]. (T.) See 8.8 اِتَّأَدَ (originally اِوْتَأَدَ, S,) and ↓ تَوَأَّدَ He acted, or behaved, with moderation, gentleness, or deliberation, moderately, gently, deliberately, or contr. of hastily: with gravity, staidness, sedateness, or calmness: (T, S, M, A, L, Msb, K:) from تُؤَدَةٌ [q. v.]: (S:) or from وَأْدٌ: or, as some say, formed by transposition, and from تَأَوَّدَت فِى قِيَامِهَا, meaning “ she (a woman) bent in her rising, by reason of her heaviness. ” (T, L.) Ex. اتّأد فِى أَمْرِهِ, and فِيهِ ↓ توأّد, He acted with moderation, gentleness, &c., in his affair: (S, * A, L, * Msb:) and فِى مَشْيِهِ in his walk, or pace, or gait. (S, L.) وأْدٌ and ↓ وَئِيدٌ A sound, or noise; (K;) absolutely: (TA:) or a loud sound or noise; (S, L, K;) as that of a wall falling, and the like. (L.) b2: The sound occasioned by vehement or heavy treading of the ground: the heavy sound of the feet of camels. (L.) b3: Also the former, (L,) or both, (K,) The braying (هَدِير) of a camel. (L, K.) وَئِيدٌ and وَئِيدَةٌ (L, K) and ↓ مَوْؤُودَةٌ, (S, L, K,) and, by abbreviation, مَوْدَةٌ, (Abu-l-'Abbás, T,) A daughter buried alive. (S, L, K.) b2: المَوْؤُودَةٌ ↓ الصُّغْرَى: see الوَأْدُ الخَفِىُّ, voce وَأَدَ. (L.) b3: See وَأْدٌ. b4: See also تُؤَدَةٌ.

وَائِدٌ A man burying, or who buries, his daughter, or daughters alive. (L.) تَوْءَدٌ: see تُؤَدَةٌ.

تُؤَدَةٌ (T, S, M, L, Msb, K) and تُؤْدَةٌ (M, L, K) and تودة, without ء, [i. e., تُوَدَةٌ or تُودَةٌ,] (TA,) and ↓ تَوْءَدٌ (M, L, K) and ↓ وَئِيدٌ; (K;) the first originally وُؤَدَةٌ; like as تُكَأَةٌ is originally وُكَأَةٌ; (T, L;) Moderation; gentleness; deliberateness; a leisurely manner of proceeding, or of deportment, &c.; contr. of hastiness: and gravity; staidness; sedateness; calmness: syn. نَأَنٍّ, (T, M, L, K,) and تَمَهُّلٌ, (T, L,) and رَزَانَةٌ, (M, L, K,) and سَكِينَةٌ. (Msb.) Ex. فَعَلَهُ فِى

تُؤَدَة He did it in a moderate manner; with gentleness; &c.] (A.) And مَشَى عَلَى تُؤَدَة (S, Msb) [He walked moderately; gently; &c.;] calmly; or quietly. (Msb.) ↓ مَشَى مَشْيًا وَئِيدَا i. q. عَلَى تُؤَدَةٍ [He walked moderately; gently; &c.]; (S;) calmly, or quietly. (Msb.) مَوْؤُودَةٌ and مَوْدَةٌ: see وَئِيدٌ and وَأَدَ.

مَوَائِدُ Calamities,: (IAar, T, K:) formed by transposition from مَآوِدُ. (IAar, T.) See art. اود.
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