Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4655. هول15 4656. هوم15 4657. هون17 4658. هوى10 4659. هى1 4660. هيأ144661. هيب16 4662. هيت16 4663. هيث9 4664. هيج13 4665. هيد14 4666. هير9 4667. هيش9 4668. هيض13 4669. هيط9 4670. هيف13 4671. هيق10 4672. هيل17 4673. هيم17 4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب6 4679. وأد13 4680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 4683. وأى5 4684. وب1 4685. وبأ16 4686. وبت4 4687. وبخ12 4688. وبد9 4689. وبر18 4690. وبش15 4691. وبص14 4692. وبل17 4693. وبه10 4694. وبى1 4695. وت2 4696. وتا1 4697. وتب3 4698. وتح10 4699. وتد19 4700. وتر22 4701. وتن14 4702. وتى1 4703. وث1 4704. وثا1 4705. وثب15 4706. وثج8 4707. وثر16 4708. وثق18 4709. وثم9 4710. وثن17 4711. وثى1 4712. وج2 4713. وجأ13 4714. وجب17 4715. وجح10 4716. وجد17 4717. وجذ6 4718. وجر15 4719. وجز13 4720. وجس14 4721. وجع14 4722. وجن15 4723. وجه16 4724. وجى2 4725. وح1 4726. وحب2 4727. وحت4 4728. وحج3 4729. وحد19 4730. وحش15 4731. وحف16 4732. وحل14 4733. وحم14 4734. وحن6 4735. وحى8 4736. وخ1 4737. وخد12 4738. وخذ2 4739. وخز13 4740. وخش15 4741. وخض7 4742. وخط13 4743. وخف13 4744. وخم15 4745. وخى4 4746. ود2 4747. ودأ9 4748. ودب4 4749. ودج17 4750. ودح7 4751. ودع21 4752. ودق16 4753. ودك15 4754. ودن11 Prev. 100




أ1 هَآءَ, aor. ـَ and يَهِيْءُ, (K; the latter not of respectable authority, Lh;) inf. n. هَيْئَةٌ, He was, or became, of good, or goodly, form or appearance, or other properties denoted by the term هَيْئَة, q. v. (K.) b2: [هَيُؤَ, accord. to the K, signifies the same: but see below.] b3: هَيُؤَ, accord. to IHsh and others, the only verb of this form whose medial radical letter is ى: (MF:) accord. to the K, syn. with هَآءَ, in a sense indicated above: but IJ states that it has a superlative sense; that it is to be classed with قَضُوَ “ excellent [or how excellent (see بَطُؤَ voce بُطَآنَ)] is he in his judging! ” and رَمُوَ “ excellent [or how excellent] is he in his throwing, or shooting! ” [wherefore it signifies Excellent, or how excellent, is he in his form or appearance! &c.;] and that it is, like قَضُوَ [and رَمُوَ], invariable [as to person, tense, and mood]. He observes that, as a verb of the measure فَعُلَ is formed from one whose final radical letter is ى, [as قَضُوَ and رَمُوَ from قَضَى and رَمَى,] so is this formed on the same measure from a verb whose medial radical letter is ى: and that it is invariable [as to person, tense, and mood,] because of its resemblance, in its superlative sense, to the class of verbs of wonder, and to نِعْمَ and بِئْسَ. He further remarks, that they [the Arabs] have abstained from forming a verb on the measure فَعُلَ [variable as to person, tense, and mood,] from one whose medial radical letter is ى, fearing to make what is difficult to pronounce still more so; for in that case they would be obliged to say أَبُوعُ بُعْتُ, and بُوعَا; and, as would also happen if a variable verb of the same measure were formed from one whose final radical letter is ى, the change of ى into و, which is more difficult to pronounce, would thus become frequent. (TA.) b4: هَآءَ إِلَيْهِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. هِيْئَةٌ, He desired, longed for, longed to see, him or it. (K.) 2 هيّأ, inf. n. تَهْيِئَةٌ and تَهْيِىْءٌ, [primarily signifies He invested him with, or made him to have, هَيْءَة, as meaning garb, guise, &c. See Bd xviii. 9. b2: And hence,] He prepared, provided, disposed, arranged, or put into a right, or good state, &c. (S, K.) [And hence, He rendered an affair feasible, or practicable; he facilitated it.]5 تهيّأ [He, or it, was, or became, prepared, provided, disposed, arranged, or put into a right or good state, &c. And hence, It (an affair) was, or became, feasible, or practicable: and it (a thing) was, or became, attainable, or within power or reach.] b2: تهيّأ لِلْأَمْرِ; and هَآء لَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K) and يَهِىْءُ, (S, K,) inf. n. هَيْئَةٌ; (S;) He prepared himself for the thing. (K.) Ex.

وَقَالَتْ هِئْتُ لَكَ And she said, I have prepared myself for thee: accord. to one reading [ for هَيْتَ, in the Kur, xii. 23]. (Akh, S.) b3: [See also تهنّأ.] b4: تهيّأ لَهُ الأَمْرُ, (Msb, K, art. اتى, &c.,) or الشَّىْءٌ, (S, art. اتى, &c.,) The thing, or affair, was, or became, feasible, or practicable, to him; and the thing was attainable.] b5: تهيّأ لِلْبُكَآءِ [He was ready, or about, to weep: a phrase of frequent occurrence; like أَرَادَ البُكَآءَ, and هَمَّ بِالْبُكَاءِ.] (S, art. جهش, &c.) 6 تَهَايَؤُوا عَلَى ذٰلِكَ They agreed together upon that, or to do that. (K, * TA.) هَىْءٌ and هِىْءٌ The calling, or a call, to food and beverage. (K.) b2: The calling, or a call, to camels to drink: (K:) or, [rather,] a call to camels to food, or provender. (TA.) b3: [See arts. جيأ and هأ.]

يَا هَىْءَ مَا لِى [but see شىءٌ] [Oh! what has happened to me?] an expression of regret; هَىْءٌ being a word signifying regret for a thing that passes away from one, or escapes him: (S, TA:) or, (as some say, TA,) an expression of wonder: (K:) see also يَاشَىْءِ and يَافَىْءَ, which are syn. with يَاهَىْءَ: (TA:) or هَىْءَ, (accord. to certain of the lexicologists, as related by IB, TA,) is an imperative verbal noun, signifying Attend! (تَنَبَّهْ); like صَهْ, which signifies “ Be silent! ” (K;) the interjection يا being put before it in like manner as it is in the saying of Esh-Shemmakh, أَلَا يَا اسْقِيَانِى قَبْلَ غَارَةِ سَنْجَالِ [Come now! O, give me to drink, before the expedition of Sinjáb!]; (TA;) and هىء being indeclinable, with a vowel for its termination to obviate the occurrence of two quiescent letters, and with fet-hah as the final vowel because it is more easy of pronunciation than the others in this case. (K, TA.) b2: [See also art. شيأ.]

هَيْئَةٌ and ↓ هِيْئَةٌ Form, fashion, shape, aspect, or appearance; figure, person, mien, feature, or lineaments; (S, TA;) guise; or external state or condition; (Msb;) state with regard to apparel and the like; or garb; (Lth;) state, condition, or case; quality, mode or manner of being: (K:) pl. هَيْآتٌ and هِيْآتٌ. (TA.) b2: حَسَنُ الهَيْئَةِ [of goodly form, aspect, or appearance, guise, state of apparel, garb, &c.]. (S.) b3: [Also, goodliness of form &c.: see 1. See also سَمْتٌ, for an addition.] b4: [هَيْئَةٌ عَارِضَةٌ, in Logic, An accidental mode.] b5: أَقِيلُوا ذَوِى الهَيْآتِ عَثَرَاتِهِمْ, in a trad., signifies, Forgive ye the people of good qualities &c., who keep to one state and way, their slips. It alludes to those who make a slip unwittingly. (TA.) هِيْئَةٌ: see هَيْئَةٌ.

هَيِىْءٌ: see what next follows.

هَيِّئٌ and ↓ هَيِّىْءٌ A person of good, or goodly, form or appearance, or other properties denoted by the term هَيْئَة. (K.) مُهَيَّأٌ [Prepared, &c.] b2: Also i. q. زُمَا وَرْدٌ, q. v. (MF, art. ورد.) مَهَايَأَةٌ A thing respecting which persons have agreed together. (K, TA.) مَتَهَيِّئَةٌ A camel that seldom fails of becoming pregnant when she has been covered. (K.)
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