الوَتِينُ [The aor. a: or the aor. a descendens:] a certain vein [or artery] adhering to the inner side of the backbone all along, which supplies all the [other] veins [or arteries] with blood, and irrigates the flesh, being the river of the body: or a certain thick white vein resembling a cane: [this last is the description given by Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán: ”] or [the aor. a ascendens;] the نِيَاط of the heart: or a certain white vein within the back of the neck: it is said to draw up [its supply] from the heart, and in it is the blood. b2: Also, the خِلْب, q. v.: pl. أَوْتِنَةٌ and وُتُنٌ: (M:) i. q. نِيَاطُ القَلْبِ. (Bd, and Jel, lxix.
45.) See أَبْهَرُ.