السنان زريرا لمع وَيُقَال زرت عينه توقدت وَالرجل زرا نما عقله وزادت تِجَارَته وَالثَّوْب أَدخل أزراره فِي العرا وَالشَّيْء جمعه جمعا شَدِيدا وَيُقَال زر عينه ضيقها وَالْمَتَاع نفضه وَفُلَانًا طرده وَفُلَانًا بِالرُّمْحِ طعنه وَالصُّوف وَنَحْوه نتفه
(زر) زرا تعدى على خَصمه وعقل بعد حمق
السنان زريرا لمع وَيُقَال زرت عينه توقدت وَالرجل زرا نما عقله وزادت تِجَارَته وَالثَّوْب أَدخل أزراره فِي العرا وَالشَّيْء جمعه جمعا شَدِيدا وَيُقَال زر عينه ضيقها وَالْمَتَاع نفضه وَفُلَانًا طرده وَفُلَانًا بِالرُّمْحِ طعنه وَالصُّوف وَنَحْوه نتفه
(زر) زرا تعدى على خَصمه وعقل بعد حمق
باب الزاي والراء ز ر، ر ز مستعملان
زر: الزَّرُّ: الشّلّ، وهو الطّرد، قال:
يزُرُّ الكتائبَ بالسَّيْف زَرّا
وزرّه: طعنه. والزر: العض. والزِّرُّ: جُوَيْزةُ الجيب، وجمعه: أزرار.. وأَزْرَرْتُ [القميص] ، أي: اتخذت له أزراراً. وزرّرته: علقته بالعُرَى. والزَّريرُ: نباتٌ له نَوْر أصفر يُصبغ به. والزُّرْزُور، وجمعه: زرازير: هَناتٌ كالقنابر مُلْسُ الرؤوس، تُزرزر بأصواتها زَرْزَرةً. وعيناه تَزِرّانِ في رأسه [زريراً] ، إذا توقّدتا.
رز: رَزَزْتُ السِّكِّين والسَّهْم في الحائط فارتزّ، أي: ثَبَتَ فيه. وأرزّتِ الجَرادةُ، إذا أدخلت ذَنَبها في الأرضِ لتَبِيضَ. والرِّزُّ: الصّوت تَسمْعُه من بعيد، قال :
فتسمّعتْ رِزَّ الأَنيسِ فراعها ... عن ظّهْر غَيبٍ والأنيسُ سَقامُها
زر: الزَّرُّ: الشّلّ، وهو الطّرد، قال:
يزُرُّ الكتائبَ بالسَّيْف زَرّا
وزرّه: طعنه. والزر: العض. والزِّرُّ: جُوَيْزةُ الجيب، وجمعه: أزرار.. وأَزْرَرْتُ [القميص] ، أي: اتخذت له أزراراً. وزرّرته: علقته بالعُرَى. والزَّريرُ: نباتٌ له نَوْر أصفر يُصبغ به. والزُّرْزُور، وجمعه: زرازير: هَناتٌ كالقنابر مُلْسُ الرؤوس، تُزرزر بأصواتها زَرْزَرةً. وعيناه تَزِرّانِ في رأسه [زريراً] ، إذا توقّدتا.
رز: رَزَزْتُ السِّكِّين والسَّهْم في الحائط فارتزّ، أي: ثَبَتَ فيه. وأرزّتِ الجَرادةُ، إذا أدخلت ذَنَبها في الأرضِ لتَبِيضَ. والرِّزُّ: الصّوت تَسمْعُه من بعيد، قال :
فتسمّعتْ رِزَّ الأَنيسِ فراعها ... عن ظّهْر غَيبٍ والأنيسُ سَقامُها
زر الزَرُّ الشلُّ والطَرْدُ، يَزرُّ الكَتَائبَ بالسيْفِ زَرًّا. وهو العَضُّ أيضاً. والزُر للقَميسِ؛ مَعْرُوف، والجَمِيعُ الأزْرَارُ. وأزْرَرْتُ القَمِيصَ إزْرَاراً وزَزَرْتُهُ جَعَلْت له زِرّاً. وزَرَرْتُهُ شَدَدْتُ أزْرَارَه. وجاؤوا بزِرهم أي بأسْرِهم، وكذلك بزِرِّيَتِهِم. وجَعَلْتُه لكَ بزِرِّه أي برُمَّتِه. والزَرُ خَشَبَةٌ في أعلن شِقَقِ الخِبَاءِ، وجَمْعُه أزْرَارٌ. وهو زِرُّ مالٍ أي حَسَنُ الرِّعْيَةِ للإبِلِ. والزَرُ أحَدُ كَوْكَبَيِ الهَنْعَةِ. والزَرِيْرُ الذي يُصْبَغ به نَبَاتٌ له نَوْز أصْفَرُ. والزُرْزُوْرُ - والجَميعُ الزَّرَازِيْرُ - هَنَات كالقَنَابِرِ مُلْسُ الرُّؤوسِ تُزَرْزِرُ بأصْوَاتِهَا زَرْزَرَةً.
والزرَازِرُ: الرَّجُلُ الحاذِقُ بصَنْعَتِهِ. وهو الخَفِيْفُ أيضاً، وهو الزَّرِيْرُ أيضاً. وا لزَرَازِرُ: الذًكِيُّ. وتَزَرْزَرَ الرجُلُ للقِيَامِ: تَحَرَّكَ. وزَرْزَرْتُ المَتَاعَ: نَفضْته. وجاءَ بالإِبلِ يزَرْزِرُها: أي يَسُوْقُها سَوْقاً شَدِيداً يَدْفَعُها. ومَرْكَبٌ زُرْزُوْز: أي ضَيِّقٌ. وغَنَم زَرَازِرُ: قِصَارٌ. والزَرِيْرُ: الوَقَدَانُ، يُقال: عَيْنَاه تَزِرَّانِ. وكذلك سِنَانُ الرُّمْحِ. وزِرا السيْفِ: حَدّاه. والزرًةُ: الحَرْبَةُ. والزارَّةُ: الذبَابُ الشَّعْرَاءُ. والزُرَارَةُ: كُلُ ما رَمَيْتَ به في حَائطٍ أو غيرِه فالْتَزَقَ به. ووَقَعَ الكَعْب زَرِيْراً: إذا وَقَعَ قائماً علن أسْفَلِه أو على أعْلاه ثُمَّ يَسْقط. وُيقال للحِمَارِ: زَرَ زَر؛ عند النَّهِيْقِ، وللأتَانِ: زِز زِزَ؛ عِنْدَ السَّوْقِ.
والزرَازِرُ: الرَّجُلُ الحاذِقُ بصَنْعَتِهِ. وهو الخَفِيْفُ أيضاً، وهو الزَّرِيْرُ أيضاً. وا لزَرَازِرُ: الذًكِيُّ. وتَزَرْزَرَ الرجُلُ للقِيَامِ: تَحَرَّكَ. وزَرْزَرْتُ المَتَاعَ: نَفضْته. وجاءَ بالإِبلِ يزَرْزِرُها: أي يَسُوْقُها سَوْقاً شَدِيداً يَدْفَعُها. ومَرْكَبٌ زُرْزُوْز: أي ضَيِّقٌ. وغَنَم زَرَازِرُ: قِصَارٌ. والزَرِيْرُ: الوَقَدَانُ، يُقال: عَيْنَاه تَزِرَّانِ. وكذلك سِنَانُ الرُّمْحِ. وزِرا السيْفِ: حَدّاه. والزرًةُ: الحَرْبَةُ. والزارَّةُ: الذبَابُ الشَّعْرَاءُ. والزُرَارَةُ: كُلُ ما رَمَيْتَ به في حَائطٍ أو غيرِه فالْتَزَقَ به. ووَقَعَ الكَعْب زَرِيْراً: إذا وَقَعَ قائماً علن أسْفَلِه أو على أعْلاه ثُمَّ يَسْقط. وُيقال للحِمَارِ: زَرَ زَر؛ عند النَّهِيْقِ، وللأتَانِ: زِز زِزَ؛ عِنْدَ السَّوْقِ.
1 زَرَّ, aor. ـُ (S, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. زَرٌّ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He buttoned a shirt [&c.]; (S, Mgh, Msb, K; *) as also ↓ زرّر, inf. n. تَزْرِيرٌ; (Mgh; [and so in the present day;]) or the latter verb [relates to several objects, or means he buttoned a shirt &c. with many buttons; for it] has an intensive signification. (Msb.) You say, اُزْرُرْ عَلَيْكَ قَمِيصَكَ, and زُرَّهُ, and زُرِّهِ, and زُرُّهُ, Button upon thee thy shirt. (S.) b2: (assumed tropical:) He narrowed his eyes [as when one draws together the edges of a vest in buttoning it]. (K, * [in which, in this instance, as in others, only the inf. n. of the verb زَرَّ is mentioned,] and TA.) b3: (tropical:) He collected, or drew together, vehemently, or forcibly. (A, Msb, K *) b4: زَرَّهَا [referring to the pieces of cloth composing a tent] He made in them what are called أَزْرَار [pl. of زِرٌّ, q. v.]. (TA.) b5: And زَرَّ, aor. as above, (S, A, TA,) and so the inf. n., (S, K,) (tropical:) He drove away. (S, A, K, TA. [In the TA, the inf. n. is expl. by الشَّكُّ as well as الطَّرْدُ; but the former is a mistranscription for الشَّلُّ, the reading in the S.]) One says, هُوَ يَزُرُّ الكَتَائِبَ بِالسَّيْفِ (tropical:) He drives away the troops with the sword. (S, A.) b6: (tropical:) He bit another. (S, * A, K. *) b7: (assumed tropical:) He pierced, or thrust, another, (K, TA,) with a spear. (TK.) b8: He plucked out hair. (K, * TA.) b9: He shook goods, or household furniture, or the like, to remove dust &c. (O, K: * only the inf. n. is mentioned in the latter.) A2: زَرَّ, (K,) aor. ـِ (TA,) He increased in intelligence, (K, TA,) and in probations, or experiences. (TA. [See also زَرِرَ, below, in this paragraph.]) A3: Also, aor. ـِ inf. n. زَرِيرٌ, It (a spear-head) gleamed, or glistened. (A.) And زَرَّتْ عَيْنُهُ, aor. ـِ (S,) inf. n. زَرِيرٌ, (S, K,) His eye gleamed, or glistened. (S, K. *) And عَيْنَاهُ تَزرَّانِ فِى رَأْسِهِ His eyes gleam, or glisten, in his head. (Fr, S, * A, TA.) A4: زَرِرَ, like سَمِعَ, [by rule زَرَّ, sec. Pers\.زَرِرْتَ, aor. ـَ He acted wrongfully, injuriously, or unjustly, to his adversary, or antagonist. (K.) b2: And He became intelligent after having been foolish, or stupid. (K. [See also a signification of زَرَّ, above.]) 2 زَرَّّ see 1, first sentence: b2: and see also 4.3 زارّهُ, (A,) inf. n. مُزَارَّةٌ, (S, K,) (tropical:) He bit him, being bitten by him. (S, * A, K. *) 4 ازرّهُ, (A'Obeyd, S, Msb,) and ↓ زرّرهُ, (A,) He put أَزْرَار [i. e. buttons, or, as some say, loops for buttons,] upon it, namely, a shirt [&c.]. (A'Obeyd, S, A, Msb.) 5 تزرّر It (a shirt [&c.]) had أَزْرَار [i. e. buttons, or, as some say, loops for buttons,] put upon it. (S, TA.) R. Q. 1 زَرْزَرَ, (S, K,) inf. n. زَرْزَرَةٌ, (TA,) He (a زُرْزُور [or starling]) uttered a cry, or cries. (S, K.) b2: He (a man) kept continually, or constantly, to the eating of the زُرْزُور. (IAar, K, TA.) b3: زَرْزَرَ بِالمَكَانِ He continued, or remained fixed, or stationary, in the place. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَزَرْزَرَ He, or it, was, or became, in a state of motion, or commotion. (K.) زَرٌّ an inf. n. of زَرَّ [q. v.]. (S, Mgh, Msb, K. *) A2: See also زِرٌّ.
زُرٌّ: see what next follows.
زِرٌّ, (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) and ↓ زُرٌّ, (ISk,) app. in the same sense, (Az,) and ↓ زَرٌّ has been also mentioned, but this is doubtful, (MF,) A button (IAar, A, Msb, TA) of a shirt, (IAar, S, A, Msb, K,) and of other things, as, for instance, of a curtain: (MF, TA:) or the loop into which a button is put: (ISh:) the latter, accord. to Az, is the right meaning: (TA:) [but the former is that to which the word is generally applied:] the former is also called زِيرٌ, by a change of the first ر: (IAar:) pl. [of pauc.] أَزْرَارٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and [of mult.] زُرُورٌ. (K.) [Hence the saying,] هُوَ أَلْزَمُ لِى
مِنْ زِرِّى لِعُرْوَتِهِ [He is more fast to me than my button to its loop]. (A.) And أَعْطَانِيهِ بِزِرِّهِ (tropical:) He gave it to me altogether. (A.) b2: الزِّرُّ [The star ξ of Gemini;] one of the two stars called الهَنْعَةُ. (Kzw.) b3: زِرٌّ also signifies (tropical:) A certain piece of wood at the upper extremity of the pole of a tent: (A, K: *) pl. أَزْرَارٌ: (TA:) the upper end of the tent-pole is inserted into it: (L:) or the ازرار of a tent (خِبَآء) are certain pieces of wood which are sewed into the upper parts of the pieces of cloth which compose the tent, the lower ends of which [pieces of cloth] are upon the ground: and زَرَّهَا signifies “ he made in them [namely the said pieces of cloth] such pieces of wood. ” (TA.) b4: (tropical:) The socket in which the head of the upper bone of the arm turns; (A, K; *) resembling the half of a nut: (A:) or the head itself of that bone: (TA:) and the extremity of the hip-bone, in the socket. (K.) b5: (assumed tropical:) A certain small bone, (K,) resembling the half of a nut, (TA, [but this is probably a misplaced insertion, from the A, ubi suprà,]) beneath the heart, of which it is the support. (K.) b6: (tropical:) The edge, (K,) or each of the two edges, (TA,) of a sword. (IAar, K, TA.) b7: One says, إِنَّهُ لَزِرٌّ مِنْ أَزْرَارِ الإِبِلِ (S, * A, K *) (tropical:) Verily he is one who keeps close to the camels; (A;) a good pastor of them. (S, A, K. [Accord. to the A, it seems to be from زِرٌّ signifying “ a button. ”]) You term also زِرُّ مَالٍ (assumed tropical:) One who drives camels, or the like, vehemently; accord. to some; but the preceding meaning, given in the K, is the more correct: (TA:) or it signifies one acquainted with the right management thereof; (K, TA;) who manages them well; (TA;) as also مَالٍ ↓ زُرْزُورُ. (K.) b8: زِرُّ الدِّينِ (assumed tropical:) The support, or prop, of the religion; (Abu-l-'Abbás, K;) like the small bone called زِرّ, which is the support of the heart: (Abu-l-'Abbás, TA:) applied, in a trad., to 'Alee: in another relation, it is زِرُّ الأَرْضِ, meaning he between whom and the earth is a mutual dependance, and without whose existence one would repudiate the earth and mankind: or, accord. to Th, he by whom the earth becomes firm, like as a shirt does by means of its زِرّ [or button]. (TA.) زَرَّةٌ Intellect, or intelligence. (O, TA.) زِرَّةٌ The mark left by a bite: (K, TA:) or, as some say, a bite itself. (TA.) And A wound with the edge of a sword. (TA.) A2: J says, When camels are fat, you say, بِهَا زِرَّةٌ: but this is a mistake for بَهَا زِرَةٌ, (Sgh, K,) which is pl. of بُهْزُورَةٌ. (TA in art. بهزر.) زَرِيرٌ, applied to a man, (O, TA,) Light, or active; and sharp, or acute, of mind, with quickness of perception, and of intelligence, understanding, sagacity, skill, or knowledge; as also ↓ زَرْزَارٌ; (O, K; [in the CK, الزَكِىُّ is erroneously put for الذَّكِىُّ;]) which is also expl. as signifying light, or active, and quick; (TA;) and ↓ زُرَازِرٌ, (K,) of which the pl. is زَرَازِرُ. (TA.) A2: Also A certain plant, (O, K.) having a yellow blossom, (O,) with which one dyes: (O, K:) in this sense, a Pers\., or foreign, word. (O.) زُرْزُرٌ: see زُرْزُورٌ.
زَرْزَارٌ: see زَرِيرٌ. Accord. to As, it signifies A man whose eyes glisten. (TA.) زُرْزُورٌ [The starling;] a certain bird, (IDrd, S, O, K,) as also ↓ زُرْزُرٌ, (IDrd, O, K,) resembling the lark: pl. زَرَازِيرُ. (TA.) A2: مَرْكَبٌ زُرْزُورٌ A narrow مركب [or animal, or thing, upon which one rides or is carried; accord. to the TK, meaning a beast; for it is there added that one says حِمَارٌ زُرْزُورٌ, meaning a narrow ass]. (O, K. *) A3: زُرْزُورُ مَالٍ: see زِرٌّ last sentence but one.
زُرَازِرٌ: see زَرِيرٌ.
مِزَرٌّ An ass [app. meaning a wild ass] that bites much. (S, * TA.) مَزْرُورٌ is used by El-Marrár El-Fak'asee as meaning A she-camel's nose-rein; because it is plaited and tied. (S.)