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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4659. هى1 4660. هيأ14 4661. هيب16 4662. هيت16 4663. هيث9 4664. هيج134665. هيد14 4666. هير9 4667. هيش9 4668. هيض13 4669. هيط9 4670. هيف13 4671. هيق10 4672. هيل17 4673. هيم17 4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب6 4679. وأد13 4680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 4683. وأى5 4684. وب1 4685. وبأ16 4686. وبت4 4687. وبخ12 4688. وبد9 4689. وبر18 4690. وبش15 4691. وبص14 4692. وبل17 4693. وبه10 4694. وبى1 4695. وت2 4696. وتا1 4697. وتب3 4698. وتح10 4699. وتد19 4700. وتر22 4701. وتن14 4702. وتى1 4703. وث1 4704. وثا1 4705. وثب15 4706. وثج8 4707. وثر16 4708. وثق18 4709. وثم9 4710. وثن17 4711. وثى1 4712. وج2 4713. وجأ13 4714. وجب17 4715. وجح10 4716. وجد17 4717. وجذ6 4718. وجر15 4719. وجز13 4720. وجس14 4721. وجع14 4722. وجن15 4723. وجه16 4724. وجى2 4725. وح1 4726. وحب2 4727. وحت4 4728. وحج3 4729. وحد19 4730. وحش15 4731. وحف16 4732. وحل14 4733. وحم14 4734. وحن6 4735. وحى8 4736. وخ1 4737. وخد12 4738. وخذ2 4739. وخز13 4740. وخش15 4741. وخض7 4742. وخط13 4743. وخف13 4744. وخم15 4745. وخى4 4746. ود2 4747. ودأ9 4748. ودب4 4749. ودج17 4750. ودح7 4751. ودع21 4752. ودق16 4753. ودك15 4754. ودن11 4755. ودى8 4756. وذأ9 4757. وذب5 4758. وذح10 Prev. 100




1 هَاجَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. هَيْجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ [the most common form]; and هِيَاجٌ; and ↓ اهتاج, and ↓ تهيّج; It (a thing, S) became raised, roused, excited, stirred up, or provoked; syn. ثَارَ: (S, L, K:) it became so by reason of distress, or difficulty; or of harm, or injury: you say هَاجَ بِهِ الدَّمُ, inf. n. هَيْجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ, The blood became roused, or stirred up, in him: (A, L:) and in like manner, المِرَّةُ the gall, or bile: and الغُبَارُ the dust. (A.) See also هَائِجٌ. b2: هَاجَ, inf. n. هِيَاجٌ and هُيُوجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ; and ↓ اهتاج; (tropical:) He (a stallion-camel) became excited by lust; initum appetivit; brayed, and became excited by lust. When this is the case, he becomes lean, and his price is lessened. (L.) b3: هَاجَتْ عَيْنُهُ, (S, art. مرح; and L, art. رمد; &c.) inf. n. هَيَجَانٌ, (K, art. رمد; &c.) His eye became inflamed; painful and swollen; affected with ophthalmia; (L, art. رمد;) i. q. رَمِدَ. (S, art. رمد; and L, K, * in the same art.) b4: هَاجٌ به فَهَجَاهُ (tropical:) [He became excited against him, or attacked him, and satirized him]. (A.) b5: هَاجَ الهِجَآءُ بَيْنَهُمَا (tropical:) [Satire was excited between them two. (A.) b6: هَاجَتِ الحَرْبُ (inf. n. هَيْجٌ, Msb) (tropical:) War became excited, or raised. (A, Msb.) b7: هَاجَ الشَّرُّ بَيْنَهُمْ (tropical:) Evil become excited among them. (A.) b8: هَاجَ, inf. n. هَيْجٌ, He, or it, was in a state of commotion. (L.) b9: هَاجَتِ السَّمَآءُ فَمُطِرْنَا The sky became cloudy and windy, and we were rained upon. (TA.) b10: هَاجَ; (S, K;) [followed by an accus., and also by ب;] and ↓ هيّج, inf. n. تَهْيِيجٌ, the most common form;] and ↓ هَايَجَ; (S;) He, or it, raised, roused, excited, stirred up, or provoked, (S, K,) a thing; (S;) syn. أَثَارَ. (K.) Thus the first of these verbs is trans. as well as intrans. (S.) All have the same meaning: (S:) or the second has an intensive signification. (Msb.) b11: هَاجَ الغُبَارَ, and ↓ هيّجهُ, [which is more common,] He raised the dust. (TA.) b12: الشَّرَّ ↓ هيّج (tropical:) He excited evil among a people. (A) b13: النَّاقَةَ فَانْبَعَثَتْ ↓ هَيَّجْتُ I roused the she-camel, and she became roused. (A.) b14: هِجْتُهُ فَهَاجَ I roused him, and he became roused. (TA.) b15: هَاجَتْ لَهُ الدَّارُ الشَّوْقَ The dwelling excited his longing desire. (A.) b16: هَاجَ He, or it, disquieted, and scared, a person. (L.) b17: هَاج الإِبَلَ, inf. n. هَيْجٌ, He put the camels in motion, by night, towards the watering-place and pasture. (L.) b18: هَاجَتِ الإِبِلُ The camels thirsted. (K.) b19: هَاجَ, (inf. n. هِيَاجٌ, S, and هَيْجٌ, TA,) (tropical:) It (a plant, or herbage,) dried up: (S, K:) [it withered:] it (a leguminous plant) became yellow: (Msb:) or dried up and became yellow: and became tall. (L.) b20: هَاجَتِ الأَرْضُ, inf. n. هِيَاجٌ and هَيْجٌ and هَيَجَانٌ, (tropical:) The plants, or herbage, or leguminous plants, of the land dried up. (L.) 2 هَيَّجَ see 1 and 4.3 هايجهُ, (TK,) inf. n. هِيَاجٌ, (S, K,) He fought with him; engaged in a conflict, or combat, with him. (TK.) b2: يَوْمُ الهِيَاجِ The day of fight, conflict or combat. (S, K. *) b3: See 1.4 أَهَاجَتِ الرِّيحُ النَّبْثَ (tropical:) The wind dried up, or caused to dry up, the plants, or herbage: (S, K *:) and [so] ↓ هَيَّجَتْهُ. (O, K in art. صوع.) b2: أَهْيَجْنَا الأَرْضَ (tropical:) We found the land to have its plants or herbage, dried up. (S, K.) 5 تَهَيَّجَ see 1.6 تَهَايَجُوا (assumed tropical:) They leaped, or sprung up, together, to fight, one against another. (S, K.) 8 إِهْتَيَجَ see 1.

هِجْ: see هِيج.

هَيْجٌ Civil war; or conflict and faction; or discord, or dissension; syn. فِتْنَةٌ. (L.) See هَيْجَآءُ. b2: Excitement of the blood: or, of coitus: or, of longing desire. (L.) b3: يَوْمُ هَيْجٍ A day of wind: or, of clouds, or mist, and rain. (K, TA: [but accord. to some copies of the K, instead of “ and rain,” “ or, of rain. ”]) b4: هَاجَ لَهُ هَيْجٌ حَسَنٌ, said with respect to a cloud, or body of clouds, when first rising; (As;) [meaning, It hath had a good rising, or hath risen well, so as to present, at its first rising, a good, or promising, appearance: an expression like لَهُ نَشْءٌ حَسَنٌ, q. v., art. نشأ]. b5: هَيْجٌ, (assumed tropical:) Yellowness: [app. in a plant]: (L:) or a state of drying up. (IAar, L.) See هَائِجٌ.

هِيجِ, indecl., with kesreh for its termination, and ↓ هِجْ, Cries by which a she-camel is chidden. (K.) [See also هَجْهَجَ, in art. هج.]

هَاجَةٌ A ewe that does not desire the ram: as though deprived of excitement. (M.) b2: هَاجَةٌ A female frog. (L, K.) See an ex. in a verse cited voce صُبَارَةٌ. b3: An ostrich. (L.) Pl. of both, هَاجَاتٌ. (L. K.) Dim. هُوَيْجَةٌ and هُيَيْجَةٌ. (L.) هَيْجَى: see هَيْجَآءُ.

هَيْجَآءُ and ↓ هَيْجَى (S, L, K) and ↓ هَيْجٌ and ↓ هِيَاجٌ (L) the third [as also the fourth] originally an inf. n., (Msb,) War. (S, L, K.) هَيِّجٌ: see هَائِجٌ.

هِيَاجٌ: see 1 and 3; and هَيْجَآءُ.

شَيْءٌ هَيُوجٌ, and ↓ مِهْيَاجٌ, A thing, or person, that raises, rouses, excites, stirs up, or provokes, much: each of these epithets having a trans. signification. The former is also used as a fem. epithet. (L.) هَائِجٌ (tropical:) Anger; an ebullition of anger, rage, or passion; syn. فَوْرَةٌ. (S, K.) Ex. هَاجَ هَائِجُهُ (tropical:) His anger became roused, or excited; (S;) became violent; (TA;) he became inflamed with anger. (A.) And هَدَأ هَائِجُهُ (tropical:) The ebullition of his anger, rage, or passion, became appeased. (S.) b2: هَائِجٌ (S, K) and ↓ هَيِّجٌ (TA) (tropical:) A stallion excited by lust; initum appetens. (S, K.) b3: أَرْضٌ هَائِجَةٌ (tropical:) Land of which the leguminous plants have dried up, or become yellow: (S, K:) or, as in some lexicons, [and as in one copy of the S in my hands,] and become yellow: (TA:) or, of which the leguminous plants have dried up. (TA.) بَقْلٌ هَائِجٌ, and ↓ هِيْجٌ, (tropical:) Leguminous plants dried up, or drying up, [and yellow]. (L.) مِهْيَاجٌ A she-camel that is excited by desire for its accustomed place, and hastens thither. (S, K.) b2: See هَبُوجٌ. b3: مِهْيَاجٌ A camel that thirsts before [other] camels. (K.)
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