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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4497. نيل15 4498. نيلوفر3 4499. نينوفر1 4500. ه4 4501. هأ1 4502. هب54503. هبت12 4504. هبث6 4505. هبج13 4506. هبخ6 4507. هبد11 4508. هبذ7 4509. هبر12 4510. هبش12 4511. هبط20 4512. هبع8 4513. هبل13 4514. هبو11 4515. هت7 4516. هتأ6 4517. هتر18 4518. هتك15 4519. هث6 4520. هثر1 4521. هج8 4522. هجأ6 4523. هجب4 4524. هجد18 4525. هجر24 4526. هجس17 4527. هجع17 4528. هجل13 4529. هجم17 4530. هجن18 4531. هجو12 4532. هد7 4533. هدأ14 4534. هدب19 4535. هدبد6 4536. هدج13 4537. هدر19 4538. هدف16 4539. هدل16 4540. هدم20 4541. هدمل7 4542. هدن19 4543. هدى12 4544. هذ7 4545. هذأ6 4546. هذب15 4547. هذر16 4548. هذرب4 4549. هذلم5 4550. هذى4 4551. هر8 4552. هرا7 4553. هرب17 4554. هربذ6 4555. هرت15 4556. هرث4 4557. هرج17 4558. هرجب6 4559. هرجل7 4560. هرح1 4561. هرد12 4562. هردب7 4563. هرس18 4564. هرش16 4565. هرشب3 4566. هرشف8 4567. هرطل5 4568. هرق17 4569. هرل6 4570. هرم18 4571. هرمت4 4572. هرن7 4573. هرنصن1 4574. هرى2 4575. هز7 4576. هزأ13 4577. هزب8 4578. هزبر8 4579. هزج16 4580. هزر15 4581. هزرب2 4582. هزع13 4583. هزل21 4584. هزلج6 4585. هزم18 4586. هزمج3 4587. هسب3 4588. هش9 4589. هشم18 4590. هصب4 4591. هصر16 4592. هض5 4593. هضب16 4594. هضم19 4595. هطل15 4596. هف5 Prev. 100




1 هَبَّتِ الرِّيحُ, (S, &c.,) aor. ـُ (M, &c.,) contr. to analogy; for all reduplicate triliteral verbs that are intrans. have kesr in the aor. , except twenty-eight, of which this is one; (Lb;) inf. n. هُبُوبٌ and هَبِيبٌ (S, K) and هَبٌّ; (K;) but this last is not of high repute; (IDrd;) The wind blew; rose; was in a state of commotion. (S, K, &c.) b2: It is also said of a foul, or stinking, odour. (Msb, in art. قوح.) b3: يَوْمٌ تَهُبُّهُ النَّكْبَآءُ is for تَهُبُّ فِيهِ [A day in which the wind called النكباء blows]. (TA, art. حص.) b4: هَبَّ (assumed tropical:) It (a star) rose: (TA:) [and in like manner, the dawn: see عُطَاسٌ.] b5: هَبَّ إِلَى الصَّلَاةِ He arose, or went, or betook himself, to prayer. (ISh, from a trad.) b6: هَبَّ, inf. n. هَبٌّ, (tropical:) He was brisk; lively; sprightly. (TA.) b7: هَبَّ, inf. n. هَبٌّ and هُبُوبٌ and هِبَابٌ, He (any person or animal marching or journeying) was brisk, lively, or sprightly, and quick: (K:) or هَبَّ, aor. ـِ with kesr, inf. n. هَبٌّ and هُبُوبٌ, he (any such person or animal) was brisk, lively, or sprightly: and هَبَّ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. هُبُوبٌ and هِبَابٌ, he (the same) was quick, and brisk, &c.: ex. هَبَّتِ النَّاقَةُ, aor. ـُ with damm, inf. n. هِبَابٌ, The she-camel was quick in her march, or pace: (TA:) and هَبَّ البَعِيرُ, inf. n. هِبَابٌ, The camel was brisk, lively, or sprightly, in his march, or pace. (Lh, S, TA.) See also R. Q. 1.

A2: هَبَّ, aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. هَبٌّ and هُبُوبٌ (K) and هَبِيبٌ; (TA;) and ↓ هَبْهَبَ, inf. n. هَبْهَبَةٌ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) He awoke, or became roused, from his sleep. (S, K.) b2: هَبَّ يَفْعَلُ كَذَا (tropical:) He began to do so; set about doing so; i. q. طَفِقَ. (S, K.) b3: [You say] مِنْ أَيْنَ هَبَبْتَ (assumed tropical:) Whence hast thou come? (K;) as though you said من اين جِئْتَ; i. e., من اين انْتَبَهْتَ لَنَا Whence hast thou been roused [to come] to us. (S.) [And] أَيْنَ هَبِبْتَ عَنَّا, with kesr, (in some copies of the K, حَنَّا is put for عَنَّا; but this is a mistake; TA;) Where hast thou absented, or hidden, thyself, from us? or, rather, where hast thou been absent, or hidden, from us? (Yoo, K.) b4: هَبَّ (tropical:) He was absent a long time. (Yoo, K.) A3: هَبَّ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (Msb,) or ـُ (Az, TA,) inf. n. هَبَّةٌ (S) [and, app., هِبَّةٌ,] and هَبٌّ, (TA,) It (a sword, S, K, and a spear, S,) shook, or quivered, (S, K,) and penetrated into the thing struck with it. (S, Msb.) b2: هَبَّهُ, (aor.

يَهُبُّ, TA,) inf. n. هَبٌّ and هَبَّةٌ and هِبَّةٌ; and ↓ اهتبّه; (Sh, * K;) It (a sword, Sh,) cut him, or it; or cut it off. (Sh, K.) b3: هَبَّ He was routed, or put to flight, in battle. (IAar, K.) b4: هَبَّ, aor. ـِ (S, K) and يَهُبُّ, (K,) the latter dev. from rule, and not found in other lexicons, but see what is cited above from Lb, that هبّ is one of the twenty-eight verbs which thus deviate from rule, (TA,) inf. n. هَبِيبٌ and هِبَابٌ and هِبَّةٌ; and ↓ اهتبّ; (S, K;) and ↓ هَبْهَبَ, (K,) inf. n. هَبْهَبَةٌ; (TA;) (tropical:) He (a goat) was excited with lust: (TA;) or uttered a sound, or cry, [or rattled,] and was excited by desire of the female; or uttered a sound, or cry, [or rattled,] when so excited, or at rutting-time: (S, K:) or هَبْهَبَ signifies he uttered a sound, or cry, [or rattled,] at rutting-time: (TA:) or هَبَّ, inf. n. هِبَابٌ and هَبِيبٌ; and ↓ اهتبّ; He (a stallion-camel, &c.) desired copulation. (M.) b5: هَبَبْتُ بِهِ I called him (a goat, TA) ad initum; ut femellam conscenderet. (K.) [F observes, that J's giving هَبَبْتُهُ in this sense is a mistake: but MF remarks, that what J says is ↓ هَبْهَبْتُهُ, he (MF) having examined many copies of the S and found them all alike in this case, and that this is correct; and this is the reading that I find in both of M. Fresnel's copies of the S: see also تَهَبْهَبَ, given in the S as quasi-passive of هَبْهَبْتُهُ SM, however, states in the TA, that the reading found by him in a copy of the S in the handwriting of Yákoot, the author of the Moajam, collated with the copy of Aboo-Zekereeya Et-Tebreezee and that of Aboo-Sahl El-Harawee, is هببت به, as in the K; and this, he says, is the genuine reading.]2 هبّبه He tore it, or rent it, much. (K.) 4 اهبّ الرِّيحَ, and ↓ استهبّها, [He (God) caused the wind to blow; to rise; to be in a state of commotion]. (A.) A2: اهبّه (assumed tropical:) He awoke him, or roused him, from his sleep. (S.) ↓ هَبَّهُ is said to signify the same; and in proof thereof is adduced a reading in the Kur, deviating from that which is universally received as correct; مَنْ هَبَّنَا مِن مَّرْقَدِنَا, instead of مَنْ بَعَثَنَا, Who hath roused us from our sleeping-place? [ch. xxxvi., v. 52;] but IJ rejects this reading, unless it be elliptical, for هَبَّ بِنَا. (TA.) A3: اهبّ السَّيْفَ He shook the sword; or made it to quiver. (Lh, Sh.) 5 تهبّب (tropical:) It (a garment) became worn out, or ragged. (S, K, TA.) 8 إِهْتَبَ3َ see 1.10 إِسْتَهْبَ3َ see 4.

R. Q. 1 هَبْهَبْتُهُ: see هَبَبْتُ بِهِ. b2: هَبْهَبَ, inf. n. هَبْهَبَةٌ, He was quick, or swift. (K.) See also 1.

A2: هَبْهَبَ, inf. n. هَبْهَبَةٌ, It (the سَرَاب, or mirage,) glistened, or shone; syn. تَرَقْرَقَ; (K;) i. e., لَمَعَ. (TA.) A3: هَبْهَبَ, inf. n. هَبْهَبَةٌ, He urged, or checked, [app. the former,] with his voice; syn. زَجَرَ; (K;) by saying هَبْ. (R, as cited by MF,) or هَبْ هَبْ: [so I understand from the TA, where it is said والفعل منه هَبْ هَبْ; for which it is evident that we should read وَاسْمُ الفِعْلِ منه الخ; meaning “ its ” (imperative) verbal a &c.:] accord. to some, used specially with reference to a horse: see هاب [in art. هيب]. (TA.) You also say هَبْهَبَ بِهِ. (TA.) A4: هَبْهَبَ, inf. n. هَبْهَبَةٌ, He slaughtered [a beast]. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَهَبْهَبَ He (a goat, TA, called ad initum, S) shook himself; syn. تَزَعْزَعَ. (S, K.) See هَبَبْتُ بِهِ.

A2: جَيْشٌ يَتَهَبْهَبُ An army of which one part presses upon another. (TA, art. جعب.) هِبَبٌ, pl. of هِبَّةٌ: see ثَوْبٌ هَبَائِبُ.

الهُبَّةُ The wind. (TA, voce كُبَّة.) هَبَّةٌ (S) and ↓ هِبَّةٌ, (K,) both of which forms are correct, (TA,) (tropical:) The penetration of a sword. (S, K,) or spear, into the thing that is struck with it, and its shaking, or quivering. (S.) b2: ذُو هبّةٍ A sword that shakes, or quivers, and penetrates into the thing struck with it: (S:) and, that falls with vehemence. (TA.) b3: هَبَّةٌ (S, K) and ↓ هِبَّةٌ, (K,) or the latter only, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) An hour, or a short time, (ساعة,) remaining before dawn. (As, S, K.) b4: هَبَّةٌ (S, K) and ↓ هِبَّةٌ, (K,) or the latter only, (TA,) (tropical:) An indefinite period of time; syn. حِقْبَةٌ: (S, K:) a long time; syn. دَهْرٌ. (Az.) Ex. عِشْنَا بِذٰلِكَ هبّةً مِنَ الدَّهْرِ We lived therein, or in that [state], some time, [or a long time]: like the saying سَبَّةً. (Az, S.) b5: [You say] رَأَيْتُهُ هَبَّةً I saw him once (K) in life. (TA.) b6: قَدْ جَاءَنِى هَبَّةً He has come [in] to me once. Occurring in a trad.; said by a woman in allusion to her husband's having once come in to her: (TA:) i. q. وَقْعَةً. (Msb.) See art. عسل in the Mgh.

هِبَّةٌ: see هَبَّةٌ throughout. b2: A state, or condition: [or perhaps the meaning intended is the state of being brisk, lively, or sprightly, and quick]. (K.) Ex. إِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ الهِبَّةِ Verily he is in a good state, or condition, &c. (TA.) b3: هِبَّةٌ The state of a stallion when excited by desire of the female. (S.) See 1.

A2: هِبَّةٌ A piece of a garment, or the like: (K:) pl. هِبْبٌ, (S, K:) a piece of rag. (TA.) b2: See ثَوْبٌ هَبَائِبُ.

هَبّى mentioned on the Nawádir of Th, and said to be from هُبُوبُ الرِّيحِ, but not of established authority: [unexplained]. (TA.) هَبْهَبٌ A wolf that is light, or active, and quick, or swift, of pace. (K.) See هَبْهَبِىٌّ. b2: A certain valley of hell, the place of abode of tyrants, oppressors, and the like. (TA, from a trad.) هَبْهَبِىٌّ Quick, or swift: as also ↓ هَبْهَبٌ and ↓ هَبْهَابٌ. (K.) b2: A light, or active, camel: fem. with ة. (K.) b3: هَبْهَبِىٌّ One who serves well; a good servant. (K.) b4: Any one who does well a small thing: accord. to some, specially, a cook, and a roaster of meat. (TA.) b5: A butcher; syn. قَصَّابٌ, [from هَبْهَبَ “ he slaughtered ”]. (IAar, K.) b6: هَبْهَبِىٌّ One who signs well to camels, to urge, or excite, them. (K.) b7: هَبهَبِىٌّ A pastor: (S:) or a pastor of sheep or goats: or the he-goat of a flock. (K.) هَبَابٌ i. q. هَبَاءٌ [Dust, &c.: see هَبُوبُ]. (K.) هَبُوبٌ and ↓ هَبُوبَةٌ and ↓ هَبِيبٌ A wind that [blows violently, and] raises the dust. (S, K.) هَبُوبةٌ: see هَبُوبٌ.

هَبِيبٌ: see هَبُوبٌ.

هَبْهَابٌ: see هَبْهَبِىٌّ.

A2: Clamorous; a bawler. (K.) A3: هَبْهَابٌ The سَرَاب, or mirage. (M, K.) b2: هَبْهَابٌ A certain game of children, (K,) of the children of El-'Irák, (TA,) or of the children of the Arabs of the desert. (T.) ثَوْبٌ هَبَائِبُ, (As, S, K,) as also خَبَائِبُ, (As, S,) and ↓ أَهْبَابٌ, and ↓ هِبَبٌ, (K,) (tropical:) A garment rent in pieces, ragged, or tattered. (As, S, K.) رِيحٌ هَابَّةٌ [A wind blowing; rising; in a state of commotion.] (A.) ثَوْبٌ أَهْبَابٌ: see ثَوْبٌ هَبَائِبُ.

[مَهَبٌّ A place of blowing of the wind.]

مِهْبَابٌ (S, L, K) and ↓ مُهْتَبٌّ (S) and ↓ مُهَبَّبٌ, of the same measure as مُعَظَّمٌ, (L,) (tropical:) A he-goat that is much excited with lust: or that rattles much, and is much excited by desire of the female: or that rattles much when so excited: see 1. (S, K.) مُهَبَّبٌ and مُهْتَبٌّ: see مِهْبَابٌ.
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