Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4583. هزل21 4584. هزلج6 4585. هزم18 4586. هزمج3 4587. هسب3 4588. هش94589. هشم18 4590. هصب4 4591. هصر16 4592. هض5 4593. هضب16 4594. هضم19 4595. هطل15 4596. هف5 4597. هفت15 4598. هق6 4599. هقب7 4600. هقر6 4601. هقع12 4602. هك5 4603. هل10 4604. هلب16 4605. هلبث5 4606. هلبج5 4607. هلت8 4608. هلث7 4609. هلج13 4610. هلجب3 4611. هلقب3 4612. هلقت2 4613. هلك20 4614. هلم13 4615. هم7 4616. همأ6 4617. همت3 4618. همج13 4619. همد18 4620. همذ9 4621. همر15 4622. همرج6 4623. همرجل5 4624. همز17 4625. همس20 4626. همش9 4627. همل15 4628. هملج10 4629. هن6 4630. هنأ12 4631. هنب10 4632. هنبت4 4633. هنبر7 4634. هنتب4 4635. هند10 4636. هندب7 4637. هندز7 4638. هندس11 4639. هنر5 4640. هنع8 4641. هنف11 4642. هنقب3 4643. هنم11 4644. هوأ9 4645. هوب8 4646. هوت11 4647. هوث3 4648. هوج12 4649. هود20 4650. هوذ8 4651. هور17 4652. هوس13 4653. هوش18 4654. هوع14 4655. هول15 4656. هوم15 4657. هون17 4658. هوى10 4659. هى1 4660. هيأ14 4661. هيب16 4662. هيت16 4663. هيث9 4664. هيج13 4665. هيد14 4666. هير9 4667. هيش9 4668. هيض13 4669. هيط9 4670. هيف13 4671. هيق10 4672. هيل17 4673. هيم17 4674. هين7 4675. هيه9 4676. و11 4677. وأ3 4678. وأب6 4679. وأد13 4680. وأر7 4681. وأل13 4682. وأم13 Prev. 100




1 هَشَّ, aor. ـِ (JK, TA;) or ـّ secpers. هَشِشْتَ, aor. ـَ (Msb;) inf. n. هَشَاشَةٌ (JK, A, Msb, TA) [and هُشُوشَةٌ and هُشُوشٌ and هَشٌّ, as appears from what follows]; It, (a thing) was, or became, soft, yielding, flaccid, flabby, lax, slack, uncompact, crummy, fragile, frangible, brittle, friable, easily or quickly broken; (JK, A, Msb, TA;) syn. كَانَ فِيهِ رَخَاوَةٌ, (JK,) or كَانَ رِخْوًا لَيِّنًا, (A, * TA,) or لَانَ وَاسْتَرْخَى. (Msb.) You say, هَشَّ الخُبْزُ, aor. ـِ (S, K,) inf. n. هُشُوشَةٌ (K) and هَشٌّ, (TA,) meaning, صار هَشًّا; (S, K;) i. e., The bread became [soft, &c., or] easy to break. (TA.) And هَشَّ العُودُ, (IAar, Msb,) aor. ـِ or]

هَشَ3َ, (Msb,) inf. n. هُشُوشٌ, (IAar, Msb,) The wood, or stick, broke in pieces: (IAar:) or became easily or quickly broken. (Msb.) and هَشَّتِ الشَّجَرَةُ, inf. n. هَشٌّ, The tree dropped its leaves, one after another. (Msb [in which it seems to be indicated that the aor. of the verb in this sense is هَشُّ; but this is contr. to rule in an intrans. verb of this class; and I think it improbable.]) b2: هَشَّ, inf. n. هُشُوشَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) He (a man) became weak; unable to endure difficulty or distress. (TA.) And هَشَّ, aor. ـِ (assumed tropical:) He affected languor, or languidness; syn. تَكَسَّرَ: and he became old, or aged. (TA.) A2: هَشَّ, (Msb, K,) first Pers\. هَشِشْتُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـَ (Msb, K,) and هَشَّ, first Pers\. هَشَشْتُ, aor. ـِ (Msb, K;) inf. n. هَشَاشَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and هَشَاشٌ; (A, K;) (tropical:) He was, or became, cheerful, brisk, lively, or sprightly: (S, K:) or he smiled, and was, or became cheerful, brisk, lively, or sprightly. (Msb.) You say, هَشِشْتُ بِفُلَانٍ, (S, TA,) and هَشَشْتُ بِهِ, (TA,) (tropical:) I was, or became, cheerful, &c. in behaviour towards such a one: (S:) or I was, or became cheerful in countenance, or joyful, or pleased, at meeting with such a one. (TA.) and هُوَ يَهَشُّ إِلَى إِخْوَانِهِ, (tropical:) He is cheerful, &c., towards his brethren]. (A.) And بِى ↓ دَخَلْتُ عَلَيْهِ فَاهْتَشَّ (tropical:) [I went in to him, and he was cheerful, &c., in his behaviour towards me]; like إِهْتَزَّ لى. (A, * TA.) And هَشِشْتُ لِلْمَعْرُوفِ, (JK, TA, *) and هَشَشْتُ, (TA,) inf. n. هَشَاشَةٌ (S) and هَشَاشٌ, (A,) (tropical:) I was, or became, cheerful, brisk, &c., to do what was kind, or beneficent: (S, * TA:) or I desired to do it: (JK:) and إِهْتَشَشْتُ ↓ للمعروف I was, or became, cheerful, &c., and desirous, to do what was kind, or beneficent. (TA.) And هُوَ ذُو هَشَاشٍ إِلَى الخَيْرِ (tropical:) [He possesses cheerfulness, briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness, of disposition to do good]. (A.) Accord. to Sh, هَشِشْتُ signifies (assumed tropical:) He rejoiced, and desired; or was, or became, joyful, and desirous. (TA.) And the phrase هَشِشْتُ إِلَى امْرَأَتِى, if correct, means either (assumed tropical:) I inclined towards my wife, or I was, or became, brisk, or sprightly, in disposition towards her. (Mgh.) And accord to ISd, هَشَاشُ القَوْمِ [so in the TA, but accord. to the JK هَشَاهِشُ,] (assumed tropical:) The people's being in a state of commotion, or agitation. (TA.) A3: هَشَّ الوَرَقَ, aor. ـُ (S, A, K,) and هَشِّ, (Sgh, K,) inf. n. هَشٌّ, (S,) He beat the leaves with a staff, or stick, in order that they might fall; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ هَشْهَشَهُ. (Z, TA.) It is said in the Kur, [xx. 19,] (S,) وَأَهُشُّ بِهَا عَلَى غَنَمِى [And I beat the leaves with it in order that they may fall upon my sheep, or goats]: (S, A:) or, accord. to Fr, and I beat the dry trees with it in order that their leaves may fall so that my sheep, or goats, may feed upon them; and so says As: (TA:) Lth says, that الهَشُّ signifies thy drawing towards thee a branch of a tree: and also, thy scattering its leaves towards thee with a staff, or stick: (JK, * TA:) but Az says, that the correct ex-planation is that given by Fr and As; not the former of the two explanations given by Lth. (TA.) [The verb also seems to have a similar application in a more extended sense; for it is said that] هَشَّ, aor. ـُ inf. n. هَشٌّ, signifies He (a man) assaulted (صَالَ) with his staff, or stick. (Msb.) You say also, هَشَّ الهَشِيمَ He broke in pieces the dry herbage or the like. (TA.) 2 هشّشهُ, (JK, K,) inf. n. تَهْشِيشٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) He deemed him, or reckoned him, weak, or feeble, (JK, K, *) and soft, or gentle. (TA.) A2: (tropical:) He, or it, rendered him brisk, lively, or sprightly; and joyful, glad, or happy: (K:) and ↓ استهشّهُ (tropical:) it (a thing, JK, TA) incited him, or excited him, to briskness, liveliness or sprightliness; syn. إِسْتَخَفَّهُ. (JK, K, TA.) You say, ↓ فُلَانٌ مَا يَسْتَهِشُّهُ النَّعِيمُ (tropical:) [Such a one, weal, or welfare, does not excite him to briskness, &c.] (A, TA.) 8 اهتشّ He was, or became, cheerful, &c.: see 1, in two places.10 إِسْتَهْشَ3َ see 2, in two places. R. Q. 1 هَشْهَشَهُ: see 1, latter part. b2: He moved, or put in motion, or into a state of commotion, him, or it. (IDrd, K.) هَشٌّ A thing, (S, Msb,) or anything, (JK,) soft, yielding, flaccid, flabby, lax, slack, uncompact, crummy, fragile, frangible, brittle, friable, easily or quickly broken; (JK, * S, * A, * Msb, K, * TA;) syn. رِخْوٌ لَيِّنٌ; (S, A, K;) as also ↓ هَشِيشٌ. (JK, S, K.) You say, خُبْزٌ هَشٌّ, (S, K,) and ↓ هَشَاشٌ, (K,) Bread that is [soft, &c., or] easy to break. (TA.) And خُبْزَةٌ هَشَّةٌ A lump of dough, baked in a fire in the ground, that is dry, or hard: asserted by IKtt to have two contr. significations. (TA.) [But to this assertion it may be replied, that dry bread is easy to break.] And in like manner, أُتْرُجَّةٌ هَشَّةٌ A citron easy to break: or dry, or hard. (TA.) And عُودٌ هَشٌّ Wood, or a stick, that is easily, or quickly broken. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] هُوَ هَشٌّ المَكْسِرِ, (JK, S, A, K,) or المَكْسَرِ, (TA, [but this is contr. to all the other authorities that I know,]) and المُكَسَّرِ, (TA,) (tropical:) He is easy, or compliant, when asked: (A:) or he is of easy nature, or disposition, (JK, S, K,) with respect to what is sought, or demanded, of him, of things needed: (S:) said in praise of a man (S, TA) when it means [lit.] that he is not one whose wood gives only a sound when one endeavours to produce fire from it; but said in dispraise of a man when it means [lit.] that he is one whose wood is weak. (TA.) [And in like manner] ↓ هَشِيشٌ (K) and ↓ هَاشٌّ (TA) signify (tropical:) One who rejoices, or is glad, when asked. (K, TA.) You say, هُوَ هَاشٌ ↓ عِنْدَ السُّؤَالِ, and ↓ هَشِيشٌ, (tropical:) He is one who rejoices, or is glad, at being asked. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] رَجُلٌ هَشٌّ, (TA,) or رَجُلٌ هَشٌّ إِلَى إِخْوَانِهِ, and ↓ هَاشٌّ, (JK,) (tropical:) A man who is cheerful, brisk, lively, or sprightly, in his behaviour towards his brethren. (JK, TA.) And رَجُلٌ هَشٌّ بَشٌّ (tropical:) A man who is cheerful, brisk, lively, or sprightly: (S:) or cheerful in countenance; pleasant [therein]. (S, TA in art. بش.) And أَنَا بِهِ هَشٌّ بَشٌّ (tropical:) I am cheerful, brisk, lively, or sprightly, in behaviour towards him; (K;) joyful; happy. (TA.) And رَجُلٌ هَشٌّ فُؤَادُهُ (tropical:) A man quick, or prompt, to do good. (As.) And فَرَشٌ هَشُّ العِنَانِ (assumed tropical:) [A horse that is brisk, lively, or sprightly; lit.,] light of rein. (TA.) And فَرَسٌ هَشٌّ (tropical:) A horse that sweats much; (JK, IF, K;) contr. of صَلُودٌ; (S;) or not صلود. (A.) هَشُاشٌ: see هَشٌّ, second sentence.

هَشُوشٌ (assumed tropical:) A ewe, or she-goat, abounding with milk. (S, K.) هَشِيشٌ Dry herbage, syn. هَشِيمٌ, (K, TA,) for the horses of the people of الأَسْيَاف [app. meaning the shores of 'Omán] in particular. (TA.) A2: See also هَشٌّ, in three places. b2: Also, (assumed tropical:) A man who is niggardly towards his family, or others, with respect to food; syn. مُحْتِرٌ. (TA.) [Thus it bears two contr. significations.]

هَشِيشَةٌ is thought by ISd to signify Leaves [app. beaten from a tree]. (TA.) قِرْبَةٌ هَشَّاشَةٌ A water-skin from which the water flows by reason of its thinness. (K.) هَشْهَشَةٌ (assumed tropical:) Motion; or commotion. (JK.) [هَشَاهِشُ is app. its pl.: see 1, next before هَشَّ الوَرَقَ.]

هَشْهَاشٌ (tropical:) Good in disposition; liberal, or bountiful. (IAar, K.) هَاشٌّ: see هَشٌّ, in three places.

مُهَشْهِشَةٌ, in the copies of the K erroneously written مُتَهَشْهِشَة, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) A woman who manifests love to her husband, and rejoices in him. (K, * TA.)
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