1 هَبِجٌ, aor. ـَ inf. n. هَبَجٌ; (L;) and ↓ تهبّج He, or it [a camel's udder], became swollen; or had a tumour [or هَبَج]. (S, L, K.) b2: هَبِجَ It (a man's face) became swollen, and contracted: (L:) [and so ↓ تهبّج, in the K, art. رهل: see its part. n.] b3: هَبَجَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) or ـِ [which is more probably right,] (L,) inf. n. هَبْجٌ, (S, L,) He beat him, or struck him, (S, K,) with a staff, or stick: like حَبَحَهُ (S) [and خَبَجَهُ]: or, with uninterrupted blows, but not violently: or, with a piece of wood, like as one beats a dog in killing him: or he beat him in any part of him that he saw. (TA.) 2 هبّجهُ, inf. n. تَهْبِيجٌ, It caused him, or it, [a camel's udder], to become swollen; or to have a tumour [or هَبَج]. (S, K.) b2: هبّج وَجْهَهُ [It rendered his face swollen: see هَبِجَ:] said of much sleep. (TA, in art. رهل.) b3: هبّج He killed a dog, [app. by beating]. (L.) 5 تَهَبَّجَ see 1.هَبَجٌ A thing like a tumour, in a she-camel's udder: (S, K:) it is a tumour, or swelling, of the slightest kind. (TA.) هَبِجٌ: see what follows.
مُهَبَّجٌ A man swollen; or affected with a tumour. (TA.) A swollen face of a man; (A;) as also ↓ هَبِجٌ, (L,) and ↓ مُتَهَبِّج. (A.) b2: A man heavy, or dull, in spirit; syn. ثقِيلُ النَّفْسِ. (S, K.) مُتَهَبِّجٌ: see مُهَبَّجٌ.