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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3497. قمل17 3498. قمه8 3499. قمهد5 3500. قن7 3501. قنأ14 3502. قنب153503. قنبر8 3504. قنبط5 3505. قنبع6 3506. قنت18 3507. قنح12 3508. قند13 3509. قنر7 3510. قنس9 3511. قنص13 3512. قنط17 3513. قنطر12 3514. قنع18 3515. قنفد4 3516. قنفذ8 3517. قنقل5 3518. قنو14 3519. قهب9 3520. قهد10 3521. قهر15 3522. قهزب3 3523. قهق2 3524. قهقب4 3525. قهقر10 3526. قهقم3 3527. قهل10 3528. قهنب3 3529. قو2 3530. قوب15 3531. قوت17 3532. قوح11 3533. قود14 3534. قور17 3535. قوس17 3536. قوض13 3537. قوط12 3538. قوع15 3539. قوف13 3540. قوق11 3541. قول15 3542. قولنج3 3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا2 3547. قيح16 3548. قيد16 3549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 3557. ك6 3558. كَ2 3559. كأ1 3560. كأب11 3561. كأد11 3562. كأس13 3563. كأكأ10 3564. كأن4 3565. كأى1 3566. كب4 3567. كبا6 3568. كبت18 3569. كبث11 3570. كبح15 3571. كبد20 3572. كبر19 3573. كبرت6 3574. كبس17 3575. كبش12 3576. كبعث2 3577. كبكب7 3578. كبن11 3579. كت5 3580. كتأ4 3581. كتب22 3582. كتد11 3583. كتف19 3584. كتل17 3585. كتلة1 3586. كتم19 3587. كتن15 3588. كث5 3589. كثأ8 3590. كثب22 3591. كثر21 3592. كثعب3 3593. كثنب2 3594. كج3 3595. كح4 3596. كحب8 Prev. 100




1 قَنَبَ فِيهِ, (JK, A, O, K,) aor. ـُ (JK, O,) inf. n. قُنُوبٌ, (JK,) (tropical:) He entered into it, (JK, A, O, K,) namely, his house, or tent; as also ↓ تقنّب. (JK, A.) b2: And قَنَبَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (A, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (K,) (tropical:) The sun set, (A, K, TA,) so that nothing thereof remained. (TA.) b3: قَنَبَ بِمِخْلَبِهِ, aor. ـِ inf. n. قَنْبٌ, He (a lion) withdrew his claw into its receptacle. (O.) A2: قَنَبَ الكَرْمَ, (A,) or العِنَبَ, (JK, K,) inf. n. قَنْبٌ, (JK,) He cut off from the grape-vine what would be injurious (A, K) to its produce; (K;) as also ↓ قنّبهُ: (A:) or he cut off from its upper part what would not bear and what would perhaps injure its produce: (En-Nadr, TA:) or he cut off some of the shoots thereof in order to thin it and that others might receive the whole of its strength. (AHn, TA.) A3: قَنَبَ الزَّهْرُ The flowers, or blossoms, came forth from their calyxes. (K.) 2 قنّب الزَّرْعُ, (IDrd, S, O, K,) inf. n. تَقْنِيبٌ, (IDrd, S, K,) The seed-produce put forth the قُنَّابَة [or قُِنَاب i. e. the leaves enclosing the ears of corn]; (K;) i. q. أَعْصَفَ [i. e. put forth its عَصْف, here meaning the leaves of the ears of corn]. (IDrd, S, O.) A2: قَنَّبُوا, (O, K,) inf. n. as above, (K,) They became a [troop such as is termed] مِقْنَب; as also ↓ أَقْنَبُوا; (O, K;) and so ↓ تَقَنَّبُوا. (A, O, K.) b2: And قنّبوا is said to mean They journeyed, or travelled, far: (O:) [or] so ↓ اقنبوا: (T, TA:) and نحْوَ قَوْمٍ ↓ تقنّبوا They journeyed towards a people, or party. (JK.) A3: See also 1.4 أَقْنَبَ see 2, in two places.

A2: اقنب also signifies (tropical:) He hid himself from a creditor, or from a Sultán. (O, K.) A3: And It (a plant) put forth the calyxes of its flowers, or blossoms. (AHn, O, * TA.) 5 تَقَنَّبَ see 1, first sentence: b2: and see 2, in two places.

قُنْبٌ The sheath of the penis (S, A, O, K) of a beast, or of a solid-hoofed animal, (K,) [i. e.] of the horse, (S, A, O,) and of other than the horse (S, O) among the solid-hoofed; (S;) or originally, of the solid-hoofed, and afterwards used in relation to others, as of the camel. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] قُنْبُ الأَسَدِ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) The sheath of the penis of the Lion, is a name by which the Arabs call the star [b] upon the hinder part of the tail of Leo: [this, is should be observed, is the place of the star in the figure of Leo commonly known; but the ancient Arabs, or many of them, extended the figure of that constellation (as they did also that of Scorpio) far beyond the limits which we assign to it: (see الذِّرَاعُ:) another meaning of قُنْب in relation to a lion, which will be found below, may perhaps be intended in this case, but I think it unlikely:] the Arabs also called the same star الصَّرْفَةُ [q. v.]. (Kzw.) b3: [Hence, likewise,] قُنْبٌ signifies also (tropical:) The بَظْر of a woman; (K;) [meaning the prepuce of the clitoris; as being likened to a قُنْب properly so called; i. e.] it is metonymically [thus] applied to the part that is circumcised, of a woman. (JK, A.) b4: See also قِنَابٌ, in two places.

A2: Also A large sail, (O, K,) one of the greatest of the sails of a ship. (O.) قُنَابٌ: see قُنَّابَةٌ.

قِنَابٌ The claw of the lion; as also ↓ قُنْبٌ and ↓ مِقْنَبٌ and ↓ مِقْنَابٌ: (K:) or the claw of the lion in its covering; (O, TA;) as also ↓ مِقْنَبٌ: or this last signifies the fore paw of the lion: and ↓ قُنْبٌ, of which the pl. is قُنُوبٌ, signifies the part of the fore paw of the lion into which the claws enter [or are withdrawn]; as also ↓ مِقْنَابٌ; and in like manner this word [or app. each of these words] is used in relation to the hawk and falcon. (TA.) b2: Also (i. e.قِنَابٌ) The string of a bow. (K.) b3: And i. q. قُنَّابَةٌ, q. v. (K.) b4: See also قِنَّبٌ.

قُنُوبٌ [mentioned in the next preceding paragraph as pl. of قُنْبٌ] signifies [also] The calyxes of the flowers of a plant. (AHn, O, K. *) قَنِيبٌ Companies of men. (S, O, K.) b2: and hence, as being likened thereto, (TA,) (tropical:) Clouds (O, K, TA) such as are dense, or compact. (TA.) قُنَابَةٌ: see قُنَّابَةٌ.

قِنَّبٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and قُنَّبٌ (K) [Cannabis, or hemp;] i. q. أَبَقٌ [a less-known word]; a genuine Arabic word; (S, O;) or, accord. to AHn, a Pers\. word [كَنَبٌ] which has become current in the language of the Arabs; (Mgh;) vulgarly pronounced قِنِّب; (TA;) [loosely expl. as] a sort of كَتَّان [or flax], (K, TA,) i. e. the coarse [sort], of which are made ropes and the like; (TA;) a plant of which the skin, or rind, is twisted into ropes; (Msb;) its stems are bruised until the culms becomes strewn in fragments and the rind thereof becomes detached; and one says حِبَالُ القِنَّبِ [the ropes of hemp]: (AHn, Mgh:) it has a grain called شَهْدَانَج [q.v.]: (Mgh, Msb:) ↓ قِنَاب, [thus without teshdeed,] occurring in a verse of Aboo-Heiyeh En-Numeyree, is said to signify the same as قِنَّب; but whether it be a dial. var. or altered therefrom [by poetic license] is doubtful. (L, TA.) [See also De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec. ed., i. 269.]

قُنَّابَةٌ, (O, K,) like رُمَّانَةٌ, (K,) or ↓ قُنَابَةٌ, (S, [thus in my copies, without teshdeed,]) The combined leaves in which are the ears of corn; (S, O, K;) also called عَصِيفَةٌ: (S, O:) so says IDrd: (S:) and [it is said that] ↓ قُنَابٌ, with damm, (O, K,) as also ↓ قِنَابٌ, with kesr, (K,) signifies the leaves surrounding the heads of growing corn, (O, K, TA,) i. e. the ears, (TA,) in the beginning of its fruit-bearing: (O, K, TA:) by which explanation is meant the same that is meant by the explanation immediately preceding. (TA.) قَانِبٌ The howling wolf. (O, K.) See also مَقَانِبُ. b2: And A quick, or brisk, فَيْج [i. e. foot-messenger, or courier who journeys on foot]; as also ↓ قَيْنَابٌ. (O, K. [In the CK, الفَيْحُ is put for الفَيْجُ.]) b3: And وَادٍ قَانِبٌ [A valley, or water-course,] of which the torrent comes from afar. (O.) قَيْنَابٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مِقْنَبٌ A thing that the sportsman has with him, (S,) his bag, (خَرِيطَة, O, or وِعَآء, K,) or a thing resembling a مِخْلَاة or a خَرِيطَة, (TA,) in which he puts the game that he takes. (S, O, TA.) b2: See also قِنَابٌ, in two places. b3: Also A ring of gold. (JK.) A2: And A troop of horses or horsemen, (S, O, K,) or of both, (TA,) from thirty to forty, (S, O, K, TA,) or less than a hundred, (TA,) or as many as three hundred: (Lth, O, K, TA:) or a troop of horses or horsemen that assemble for a hostile, or predatory, incursion: pl. مَقَانِبُ. (Kf, TA.) مِقْنَابٌ: see قِنَابٌ, in two places.

مَقَانِبُ Rapacious, or ravening, wolves: (O, K, TA:) a pl. without a sing.; or it is an irreg. pl. of ↓ قَانِبٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) b2: It is also pl. of مِقْنَبٌ [q. v.]. (Kf, TA.)
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