Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3541. قول15 3542. قولنج3 3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا23547. قيح16 3548. قيد16 3549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 3557. ك6 3558. كَ2 3559. كأ1 3560. كأب11 3561. كأد11 3562. كأس13 3563. كأكأ10 3564. كأن4 3565. كأى1 3566. كب4 3567. كبا6 3568. كبت18 3569. كبث11 3570. كبح15 3571. كبد20 3572. كبر19 3573. كبرت6 3574. كبس17 3575. كبش12 3576. كبعث2 3577. كبكب7 3578. كبن11 3579. كت5 3580. كتأ4 3581. كتب22 3582. كتد11 3583. كتف19 3584. كتل17 3585. كتلة1 3586. كتم19 3587. كتن15 3588. كث5 3589. كثأ8 3590. كثب22 3591. كثر21 3592. كثعب3 3593. كثنب2 3594. كج3 3595. كح4 3596. كحب8 3597. كحت4 3598. كحث4 3599. كحط5 3600. كحل17 3601. كد5 3602. كدأ7 3603. كدب7 3604. كدح18 3605. كدر18 3606. كدس17 3607. كدش10 3608. كدم16 3609. كذ5 3610. كذب22 3611. كذبن1 3612. كذنق4 3613. كر5 3614. كرب21 3615. كربح4 3616. كربس11 3617. كربق3 3618. كرت10 3619. كرتب4 3620. كرتح4 3621. كرث14 3622. كرثأ4 3623. كرج9 3624. كرد11 3625. كردح5 3626. كردم6 3627. كرز15 3628. كرس22 3629. كرش19 3630. كرشب3 3631. كرص6 3632. كرع19 3633. كرفأ5 3634. كرفس10 3635. كرك10 3636. كركب5 3637. كرم21 3638. كرمح4 3639. كرنب6 3640. كره19 Prev. 100




1 قَآءَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. قَىْءٌ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, &c.,) He vomited (Mgh, TA) what he had eaten. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) b2: [Hence one says,] قَآءَ نَفْسَهُ [lit. He vomited his soul], meaning (assumed tropical:) he died: like لَفَظَ نَفْسَهُ. (A, TA.) And قَآءَتِ الطَّعْنَةُ الدَّمَ (assumed tropical:) [The wound made with a spear or the like spouted forth the blood]. (A, TA.) And ثَوْبٌ يَقِىْءُ الصِبْغَ (assumed tropical:) A garment that is saturated with the dye. (S, A, O, K.) And تَقِىْءُ الأَرْضُ أَفْلَاذَ كَبِدِهَا [lit. The earth will vomit the pieces of her liver], meaning (tropical:) the earth will cast forth upon her surface her treasures. (TA, from a trad.) and قَآءَتِ الأَرْضُ أُكُلَهَا [lit. the earth vomited her food], meaning (tropical:) the earth disclosed her herbage and her treasures. (TA, from a saying of 'Áïsheh.) and الأَرْضُ تَقِىْءُ النَّدَى (tropical:) [The earth exudes the moisture]. (TA.) 2 قيّأهُ He, (a man, S, Mgh, O, Msb,) or it, (medicine, K,) caused him to vomit; (S, * Mgh, O, * Msb, K; *) and ↓ اقآءهُ signifies the same. (S, O, K.) 4 أَقْيَاَ see what immediately precedes.5 تقيّأ He constrained himself to vomit; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA;) and he vomited intentionally. (TA.) See also 10, in two places.

A2: and تَقَيَّأَتْ She addressed, or presented, herself to her husband, and threw herself upon him: (K:) or, accord. to Lth, she affected languor, or languidness, to her husband, and threw herself upon him: but in the opinion of Az, the verb with ق in this sense is a mistranscription, and is correctly تفيّأت, [q. v.,] with ف. (TA.) 10 استقآء, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) or استقيَأَ, (thus in the O, in which the former is not mentioned, [and it seems from an ex. in a verse there cited that this may be a dial. var.,]) and ↓ تقيّأ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, TA,) He constrained himself to vomit: (S, Mgh, O, Msb: [see the latter verb above: in the K neither is expl.:]) or the former is an instance of اِسْتَفْعَلَ from القَىْءُ [i. e. it signifies he desired to vomit]: and ↓ the latter signifies more than the former, i. e. he made what was in the جَوْف [here meaning stomach] to come forth, intentionally. (TA.) It is said in a trad., لَوْ يَعْلَمُ الشَّارِبُ قَائِمًا مَا ذَا عَلَيْهِ لَاسْتَقَآءَ مَا شَرِبَ [If the person drinking in a standing posture knew what would be the effect upon him, he would desire to vomit what he had drunk: for the drinking and the eating in that posture are forbidden in more than one trad.]. (TA.) قَىْءٌ originally an inf. n.: then applied to signify Vomit; i. e. vomited food. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., الرَّاجِعُ فِى هِبَتِهِ كَالرَّاجِعِ فِى قَيْئِهِ [He who takes back his gift is like him who swallows back his vomit]. (S.) قُيَآءٌ a subst. (K, TA) similar to عُطَاسٌ and دُوَارٌ [and many other words of the same form applied to maladies; indicating that it signifies A complaint that causes much, or frequent, vomiting]. (TA.) One says, بِهِ قُيَآءٌ, meaning [In him is a complaint in consequence of which] he is vomiting much, or frequently. (ISk, S, O.) قَيُوْءٌ One (a man, IAar) who vomits much, or frequently; as also قَيُوٌّ; (IAar, K, TA;) the latter formed from the former, like مَقْرُوٌّ from مَقْرُوْءٌ. (L, TA.) b2: Also, [دَوَآءٌ قَيُوْءٌ,] Medicine that is taken to cause vomiting; (ISk, S, O;) and so ↓ دَوَآءٌ مُقَيِّئٌ (K, TA) and ↓ مُقِىْءٌ. (TA.) مُقِىْءٌ and مُقَيِّئٌ: see what immediately precedes.
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