2 كَتَّلَهُ, inf. n. تَكْتِيلٌ, He made it (أَقِط [&c.]) into lumps, or compact pieces or portions. (TA.) b2: And He, or it, fattened him. (Kr, TA.) 5 تَكَتَّلَ It became compacted together in a mass; it became lumpy. See قِيدَ, art. قود.
كُتْلَةٌ A lump, or compact piece or portion, (S, M, * Msb, K,) of a thing, (Msb,) or of gum, &c., (S,) or of dates, and of clay, &c.: (M, K:) a piece, or portion, of dates packed together in a receptacle: (Mgh:) and a piece of flesh-meat. (K.)