Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3516. قنفذ8 3517. قنقل5 3518. قنو14 3519. قهب9 3520. قهد10 3521. قهر153522. قهزب3 3523. قهق2 3524. قهقب4 3525. قهقر10 3526. قهقم3 3527. قهل10 3528. قهنب3 3529. قو2 3530. قوب15 3531. قوت17 3532. قوح11 3533. قود14 3534. قور17 3535. قوس17 3536. قوض13 3537. قوط12 3538. قوع15 3539. قوف13 3540. قوق11 3541. قول15 3542. قولنج3 3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا2 3547. قيح16 3548. قيد16 3549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 3557. ك6 3558. كَ2 3559. كأ1 3560. كأب11 3561. كأد11 3562. كأس13 3563. كأكأ10 3564. كأن4 3565. كأى1 3566. كب4 3567. كبا6 3568. كبت18 3569. كبث11 3570. كبح15 3571. كبد20 3572. كبر19 3573. كبرت6 3574. كبس17 3575. كبش12 3576. كبعث2 3577. كبكب7 3578. كبن11 3579. كت5 3580. كتأ4 3581. كتب22 3582. كتد11 3583. كتف19 3584. كتل17 3585. كتلة1 3586. كتم19 3587. كتن15 3588. كث5 3589. كثأ8 3590. كثب22 3591. كثر21 3592. كثعب3 3593. كثنب2 3594. كج3 3595. كح4 3596. كحب8 3597. كحت4 3598. كحث4 3599. كحط5 3600. كحل17 3601. كد5 3602. كدأ7 3603. كدب7 3604. كدح18 3605. كدر18 3606. كدس17 3607. كدش10 3608. كدم16 3609. كذ5 3610. كذب22 3611. كذبن1 3612. كذنق4 3613. كر5 3614. كرب21 3615. كربح4 Prev. 100




1 قَهَرَهُ. (aor.

قَهَرَ, A, K,) inf. n. قَهْرٌ, He overcame, conquered, subdued, subjected, subjugated, overbore, overpowered, mastered, or prevailed or predominated over, him, or it; he was, or became, superior in power or force, to him, or it. (S, A, Msb, K, TA.) b2: [He abased him. (See 4.) b3: He oppressed him. So in the Kur., xciii. 9, فَأَمَّا اليَتِيمَ فَلَا تَقْهَرُ [Therefore, happen what may, the orphan thou shalt not oppress; i. e., as explained in the Expos. of the Jel., by taking his property, or otherwise.] b4: He forced, compelled, or constrained, him. (??) in the following ex.] قَهَرَهُ عَلَى

الأَمْرِ [He forced, compelled, or constrained, him to do the thing]. (S, K, art. قسر.) b5: [He coerced him.] b6: He took him [by force;] against his will, or approval; and so أَخَذَهُ قَهْرًا. (A, TA.) A2: قُهِرَ اللَّحْمُ (tropical:) The flesh-meat became, (S,) or began to be, (A, TA,) affected, or acted upon, (lit. taken,) by the fire, so that its juice flowed. (S, A, TA.) 4 اقهر He became in a state in which to be overcome, conquered, subdued, subjected, subjugated, overborne, overpowered, mastered, or prevailed over: (Msb:) his case became that of one overcome, &c. (S, TA.) b2: His companions became overcome, conquered, subdued, &c., (K, TA,) and abased. (TA.) A2: اقهرهُ He found him to be overcome, conquered, subdued, overpowered, mastered, or prevailed over. (S, Msb, K.) 7 انقهر [quasi-pass. of قَهَرَهُ; He was, or became, overcome, &c.]. (TA in art. ضغط.) قُهْرًا وَبُهْرًا, with damm to each, [a form of imprecation, meaning, May he, or they, be overcome and subdued]. (TA.) فُلَانٌ قُهْرَةٌ للِنَّاسِ Such a one is a person to be overcome, conquered, subdued, &c., by everyone. (A.) b2: أَخَذْتُ قُلَانًا قُهْرَةً I took such a one by constraint, or compulsion. (S.) قُهَرَةٌ A woman abounding in evil, injustice, or corruptness; very evil or bad, unjust, or corrupt: (K, TA:) pl. قُهَرَاتٌ. (TA.) قَهَّارٌ: see قَاهِرٌ.

قَاهرٌ One who overcomes, conquers, subdues, &c.: and ↓ قَهَّارٌ signifies the same in an intensive sense. (Msb.) b2: القَاهِرُ (TA) and ↓ القَهَّارُ (K, TA) epithets applied to God, (K, TA,) meaning, The Subduer of his creatures by his sovereign authority and power, and the Disposer of them as He pleaseth, with and against their will: (TA:) or the former, the Overcomer, or Subduer, of all created beings. (IAth, TA.) b3: [القَاهِرُ The planet Mars.] b4: جِبَالٌ قَوَاهِرُ (tropical:) Lofty mountains. (A.) أَقْهَرُ [More, and most, subduing, &c.: and, abasing]. (K voce أَخْنَعُ, q. v.)
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