Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3506. قنت18 3507. قنح12 3508. قند13 3509. قنر7 3510. قنس9 3511. قنص133512. قنط17 3513. قنطر12 3514. قنع18 3515. قنفد4 3516. قنفذ8 3517. قنقل5 3518. قنو14 3519. قهب9 3520. قهد10 3521. قهر15 3522. قهزب3 3523. قهق2 3524. قهقب4 3525. قهقر10 3526. قهقم3 3527. قهل10 3528. قهنب3 3529. قو2 3530. قوب15 3531. قوت17 3532. قوح11 3533. قود14 3534. قور17 3535. قوس17 3536. قوض13 3537. قوط12 3538. قوع15 3539. قوف13 3540. قوق11 3541. قول15 3542. قولنج3 3543. قوم19 3544. قوه12 3545. قوى5 3546. قيا2 3547. قيح16 3548. قيد16 3549. قير15 3550. قيس18 3551. قيص10 3552. قيض20 3553. قيظ14 3554. قيق7 3555. قيل18 3556. قين16 3557. ك6 3558. كَ2 3559. كأ1 3560. كأب11 3561. كأد11 3562. كأس13 3563. كأكأ10 3564. كأن4 3565. كأى1 3566. كب4 3567. كبا6 3568. كبت18 3569. كبث11 3570. كبح15 3571. كبد20 3572. كبر19 3573. كبرت6 3574. كبس17 3575. كبش12 3576. كبعث2 3577. كبكب7 3578. كبن11 3579. كت5 3580. كتأ4 3581. كتب22 3582. كتد11 3583. كتف19 3584. كتل17 3585. كتلة1 3586. كتم19 3587. كتن15 3588. كث5 3589. كثأ8 3590. كثب22 3591. كثر21 3592. كثعب3 3593. كثنب2 3594. كج3 3595. كح4 3596. كحب8 3597. كحت4 3598. كحث4 3599. كحط5 3600. كحل17 3601. كد5 3602. كدأ7 3603. كدب7 3604. كدح18 3605. كدر18 Prev. 100




1 قَنَصَهُ, (S, M, A, K,) aor. ـِ (M, A, K,) inf. n. قَنْصٌ (S, M,) and قَنَصٌ; (M;) and ↓ اقتنصهُ; and ↓ تقنّصهُ; (S, M, A, K;) He took, captured, or caught, it; made it his prey; snared, insnared, or entrapped, it; hunted, or chased, it; or sought to take, capture, or catch, it; syns. صَادَهُ, (S, M, A, K,) and اِصْطَادَهُ, (S, K,) and تَصَيَّدَهُ; (S;) namely, a wild animal, or a number of wild animals. (M, A.) [Hence] you say, هُوَ يَقْنِصُ الفُرْسَانَ, and ↓ يَقْتَنِصُهُمْ, (tropical:) He captures the horsemen. (TA.) 5 تَقَنَّصَ see 1.8 إِقْتَنَصَ see 1, in two places. b2: As being likened to “ the taking ” of the object of the chase, الاِقْتِنَاصُ signifies (tropical:) The taking anything quickly. (Kull.) b3: [And hence, (assumed tropical:) The apprehending quickly.]

قَنَصٌ [originally an inf. n.] What is taken, captured, caught, insnared, entrapped, hunted, or chased, of wild animals or the like; as also ↓ قَنِيصٌ. (S, M, A, K.) قَنِيصٌ: see قَنَصٌ: A2: and قَانِصٌ, in two places.

قَنَّاصٌ: see قَانِصٌ.

قَانِصٌ One who takes, captures, catches, insnares, entraps, hunts, or chases, wild animals or the like; as also ↓ قَنِيصٌ (S, M, A, K) and ↓ قَنَّاصٌ: (S, M, K:) or ↓ قَنِيصٌ signifies persons who do so, collectively; and is [a quasi-pl. n.] similar to كَلِيبٌ and مَعِيزٌ and حَمِيرٌ: (IJ, TA:) the pl. of قَانِصٌ is قُنَّاصٌ: (A, TA:) and ↓ قَانِصَةٌ signifies the same as the pl.: and also low, vile; or mean, persons. (TA. [See also طُمْرُورٌ, in an explanation of which the sing. قَانِصٌ is app. used in like manner.]) You say, جَآءَ القَنِيصُ بِالْقَنِيصِ The sportsman came with the game taken. (A.) And it is said in a trad., فَتُخْرِجُ النَّارُ عَلَيْهِمْ قَوَانِصَ (assumed tropical:) [And the fire of hell shall send forth against them snatchers]; meaning, it shall snatch them in pieces like as the beast or bird of prey snatches its prey: the sing. is ↓ قَانِصَةٌ: (K, TA:) or, as some say, the meaning is, sparks like the قَوَانِص of birds, i. e., their حَوَاصِل. (TA.) See what follows.

قَانِصَةٌ: see قَانِصٌ, in two places. b2: Also, sing. of قَوَانِصٌ, which signifies [The intestines, or bowels, of a bird, into which the food passes from the stomach;] in a bird, what the مَصَارِين are in other creatures: (S, K:) or the pl. [or sing. (K, art. جرأ,)] signifies i. q. جِرِّئَةٌ: (L, TA:) or the قَانِصَة is, in a bird, like the حَوْصَلَة [or lower part of the belly] in a man: (M, TA:) or [the stomach, or triple stomach, or the crop, or craw, of a bird;] in a bird, like the كَرِش [in other creatures]: (TA:) [see الجِرِّئَهٌ:] or a thing like a little burrow in the belly of a bird: (T, A, L:) [in the present day it is applied to the gizzard, or true stomach, which is perhaps meant by the last of the preceding explanations; and is also pronounced قَوْنِصَة:] or the pl., in relation to a bird, signifies i. q. حَوَاصِل [pl. of حَوْصَلَة]: (TA:) the word is also written with س; but is better with ص. (TA.)
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