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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3325. قبن13 3326. قبو9 3327. قبوس1 3328. قت6 3329. قتب19 3330. قتد113331. قتر19 3332. قترد4 3333. قتل20 3334. قتن11 3335. قث5 3336. قثأ10 3337. قثد10 3338. قثرد4 3339. قح5 3340. قحب13 3341. قحد10 3342. قحز11 3343. قحط17 3344. قحف16 3345. قحل14 3346. قحم20 3347. قحو8 3348. قد14 3349. قدح16 3350. قدر23 3351. قدس20 3352. قدع14 3353. قدم22 3354. قدو11 3355. قذ4 3356. قذر16 3357. قذع13 3358. قذف19 3359. قذل15 3360. قذى9 3361. قر7 3362. قرأ14 3363. قرّام1 3364. قرب22 3365. قربس9 3366. قرث8 3367. قرح21 3368. قرد21 3369. قرزح5 3370. قرس16 3371. قرش16 3372. قرشب5 3373. قرص18 3374. قرض18 3375. قرضأ3 3376. قرضب8 3377. قرط18 3378. قرطس15 3379. قرطف8 3380. قرطل8 3381. قرظ16 3382. قرع20 3383. قرف23 3384. قرفص13 3385. قرق13 3386. قرقع3 3387. قرم19 3388. قرمد9 3389. قرمز8 3390. قرمص10 3391. قرمط13 3392. قرمل9 3393. قرن22 3394. قرنب6 3395. قرنبط1 3396. قرنس9 3397. قرنص7 3398. قرنفل4 3399. قرى8 3400. قز5 3401. قزح15 3402. قزدر2 3403. قزع16 3404. قزم14 3405. قس7 3406. قسب16 3407. قسح8 3408. قسر18 3409. قسط21 3410. قسطس9 3411. قسقس6 3412. قسم22 3413. قسى2 3414. قش5 3415. قشب17 3416. قشد8 3417. قشر17 3418. قشط12 3419. قشع16 3420. قشعر13 3421. قشف18 3422. قشم13 3423. قص6 3424. قصب20 Prev. 100




1 قَتِدَتِ الإِبِلُ, (L, K, TA,) aor. ـَ (K, TA,) inf. n. قَتَدٌ, (TA,) The camels had a complaint (L, K, TA) of their bellies (L, TA) in consequence of eating of the trees called قَتَاد [q. v.]. (L, K, TA.) 2 التَّقْتِيدُ [or تَقْتِيدُ القَتَادِ] signifies The cutting of the trees called قَتَاد [q. v.], and burning them, (L, K,) i. e. burning [off] their thorns, (L,) and then giving them as fodder to the camels, (L, K,) which fatten upon them on the occasion of drought: (L:) one says, قتّد القَتَادَ, inf. n. as above, He (a man) scorched, or slightly burned, the extremities of the قتاد with fire: (O:) the man comes, in the year of drought, and kindles fire among them, so that he burns their thorns, then he feeds his camels therewith: (T, O, TA:) one says of him who does this, قتّد إِبِلَهُ [i. e. He fed his camels with قتاد thus prepared]: so says Ibn-'Abbád: (O:) and the act [of burning &c.] is called التَّقْتِيدُ. (T, TA.) قَتَدٌ (S, O, L) and ↓ قَتِدٌ (Kr, L) The wood of a [camel's saddle that is called] رَحْل: (S, O, L:) or one of the things that compose the apparatus of a رَحْل: or the whole apparatus thereof: (L:) pl. [of mult.] قُتُودٌ and [of pauc.] أَقْتَادٌ (S, O, L) and أَقْتُدٌ: (L:) but accord. to the Basrees, قُتُودٌ, signifying the pieces of wood of a رَحْل, has no singular. (Ham p. 662.) قَتِدٌ [part. n. of قَتِدَ said of a camel: see 1]. One says إِبِلٌ قَتِدَةٌ, and قَتَادَى, [the latter being pl. of the former,) Camels having a complaint (Ks, S, O, K) of their bellies (Ks, S, O) in consequence of eating of the trees called قَتَاد: (Ks, S, O, K:) like as one says رَمِثَةٌ and رَمَاثَى. (Ks, S, O.) A2: See also قَتَدٌ.

قَتَادٌ [a coll. gen. n., The tragacanth-tree;] a species of thorny tree; this is the larger sort; (S;) a species of thorny and hard tree, which bears a pod, and of which the fruit is like that of the سَمُر [or gum-acacia-tree], growing in Nejd and Tihámeh; n. un. with ة; (L;) it is a species of hard tree having thorns like needles; (K;) a species of tree having thorns like needles, and a small dust-coloured leaf, and a fruit growing therewith of the same colour, resembling the date-stone; (AHn, O, * L;) the large قتاد [thus described] produces large wood, and its thorns are curved and short, and it is of the [class termed]

عِضَاه; (Aboo-Ziyád, L;) or it is not reckoned among the عِضَاه: (AHn, L: [but this assertion may perhaps be meant to apply to the smaller sort: respecting the larger, see also 1 and 2:]) the smaller sort is a species of tree of which the fruit is a bladder (نُفَّاخَة) like that of the عُشَر [q. v.]; (S, O, L;) accord. to the ancient Arabs of the desert, it is not tall, being of the size of a man sitting; (L;) and this sort grows upwards, no part of it spreading, consisting of twigs, or shoots, in a collected state, every one of which is full of thorns from its top to its bottom. (Aboo-Ziyád, L.) It is said in a prov., مِنْ دُونِهِ خَرْطُ القَتَادِ [expl. in art. خرط, first paragraph]. (S, L.) إِبِل قَتَادِيَّةٌ Camels that eat the trees called قَتَاد. (AHn, K.) قُتَائِدَةٌ, (S, O, K,) occurring in a verse of 'AbdMenáf Ibn-Riba [cited in art. اذا, p. 40, col. iii.], (S, O,) is the name of a certain عَقَبَة [or mountain-road], (S, O, K,) or a ثَنِيَّة [which is said by some to be syn. with عَقَبَة]; (K;) [and if so, it is properly imperfectly decl.;] or any ثَنِيَّة is called قُتَائِدَةٌ. (K.)
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