1 قحم نَفْسَهُ فِى الأُمُورِ and فيها ↓ تقحمّ and ↓ اقتحم He entered into affairs without consideration. (A.) 5 تَقَحَّمَ He experienced dearth, drought, or sterility. See an ex. voce تَبِعَةٌ. b2: تَقَحَّمَ فِىالأَمْرِ بِلاَ رَوِيَّةٍ [He plunged, or rushed, into the affair without consideration]. (K, * TA in art. علط.) See 1. b3: تَقَحَّمَ: see تَدَلَّثَ.8 إِقْتَحَمَ
. See 1. b2: Said of a young camel: see voce بُلَعٌ. b3: اِقْتَحَمَ الغَمَراَتِ: see 1 in art. خوض. And اقتحم العَقَبَةَ: see عَقَبَةٌ.
, like قَحْبَةٌ, An old woman. See قَحْبٌ.
مُقْحَمٌ Redundant; pleonastic; foisted in: applied to a word and to a letter. b2: حَرْفٌ مَقْحَمَةٌ
A letter inserted without reason.
مُقْحَمَةٌ is also applied in like manner to a word. [In a copy of the S, in art. بهت, I find it written مُقْحِمَةٌ]: i. q. زَائِدَةٌ. (TA in art. بهت.)