ى1 قَرَى الضَّيْفَ is doubly trans.: see a verse cited voce قُوهٌ.8 اِفْتَرَى[meaning تَتَبَّعَ: see a verse of Aboo Dhu-eyb, voce خَافَةٌ, in art. خوف.] It also means He investigated a country or countries. (S, * K, * TA, all in art. قرى; and TA in art. قرو.) He made much and diligent search. (KL.) See also 10 in art. قرأ.
Entertainment for a guest; that with which a guest is entertained. (S.) b2: Water collected in a trough, or tank, for the drinking of beasts: see بَيُّوتٌ: thus explained in the M in art. بيت.
قَرِىٌّ A place where water runs, (T, S,) to, (T,) or in, or into, (S,) meadows, (T,) or a meadow. (S.) See شَيْخٌ (last sentence). b2: Pl.
أَقْرِيَةٌ: see قَرْءٌ.
قَرْيَةٌ A town, or village; (Msb, TA;) a small بَلَد, smaller than a مَدِينَة: (MF, voce تِرْمِذ:) not well applied to a مَدِينَة unless qualified by an epithet denoting greatness. (TA in art. مَدِينَة.) See Bd, ii. 261.
نَاقَةٌ فِى قِرْوَتِهَا
: see 4 in art. قرأ.
قَرِيَّةٌ [vulg. قَرْيَة The yard of a ship;] a squared piece of wood upon the head of the mast of a ship. (Az, TA in art. رنح.) قَارِيَهٌ A certain bird. See خُضَارِىٌّ and تَنَوُّطٌ.
قَارٍ for قَارِئٌ, q. v.
نَاقَةٌ قَرْوَاءُ A long-backed she-camel. (IB, in TA, voce هِرْجَابٌ.) مَقْرًى
: see 2 in art. حجل.
مَقْرُوٌّ and مَقْرِىٌّ for مَقْرُوْءٌ: see art. قرأ.