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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1509. رحض17 1510. رحق12 1511. رحل17 1512. رحم18 1513. رخ2 1514. رخص131515. رخل8 1516. رخم17 1517. رخو8 1518. رد3 1519. ردأ15 1520. ردب9 1521. ردج9 1522. ردح12 1523. ردس10 1524. ردع16 1525. ردغ15 1526. ردف18 1527. ردم20 1528. ردن13 1529. ردو4 1530. ردى7 1531. رذ2 1532. رذل17 1533. رز2 1534. رزأ11 1535. رزب16 1536. رزتق3 1537. رزح13 1538. رزدق7 1539. رزغ12 1540. رزق18 1541. رزم17 1542. رزن14 1543. رزى5 1544. رس4 1545. رسب16 1546. رستق6 1547. رسح13 1548. رسخ13 1549. رسدق3 1550. رسغ14 1551. رسف14 1552. رسل19 1553. رسم18 1554. رسن16 1555. رسو8 1556. رش3 1557. رشأ10 1558. رشح15 1559. رشد16 1560. رشف14 1561. رشق15 1562. رشم10 1563. رشن12 1564. رشو13 1565. رص4 1566. رصد17 1567. رصع14 1568. رصف16 1569. رصن14 1570. رض2 1571. رضب12 1572. رضح9 1573. رضخ13 1574. رضع20 1575. رضف15 1576. رضو3 1577. رطب18 1578. رطل15 1579. رطم12 1580. رطن15 1581. رطى1 1582. رع3 1583. رعب15 1584. رعث11 1585. رعد17 1586. رعز10 1587. رعش13 1588. رعظ11 1589. رعف18 1590. رعن15 1591. رعو7 1592. رعى8 1593. رغب16 1594. رغث10 1595. رغد16 1596. رغس11 1597. رغف16 1598. رغم19 1599. رغو9 1600. رف6 1601. رفأ14 1602. رفت15 1603. رفث17 1604. رفد18 1605. رفس14 1606. رفض17 1607. رفع19 1608. رفغ14 Prev. 100




1 رَخُصَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. رُخْصٌ, It (a thing, Msb, or a price, S, A) was, or became, cheap, low-priced, or low. (S, A, Msb, K, TA.) [Accord. to all of these authorities, this seems to be the primary signification: but Et-Tebreezee (Ham p. 47) thinks it to be from رَخْصَةٌ applied to a woman, as meaning “ soft, or tender. ”] Some say رَخَصَ also; but this is not of established authority. (MF.) b2: رَخُصَ, aor. ـُ (M, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَخَاصَةٌ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and رُخُوصَةٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and رُخْصَانُ, (Lth, TA,) It (a thing, K, or the body, S, Msb, or flesh, A) was, or became, soft, or tender; (S, M, A, Msb, K, TA;) and soft to the feel: (Msb:) and in like manner رَخُصَتْ said of a girl: (A:) or, said of a woman, inf. n. رُخْصَانٌ, she was, or became, soft, or tender, and delicate, or thin, in her external skin: and said of a woman's fingers, they were, or became, soft, or tender: but when said of a plant, inf. n. رَخَاصَةٌ, it was, or became, soft, flaccid, or easily or quickly broken: (Lth:) [and said of a twig, or rod, it was, or became, fresh, or succulent, and soft, or tender: see رَخْصٌ.]2 رُخِصَ لَهُ فِي كَذَا, inf. n. تَرْخِيصٌ, He had indulgence, license, or facilitation, granted, or conceded, to him in, or with respect to, such a thing. (S, A, * K *) You say, رَخَّصَ الشَّرْعُ لَنَا فِي كَذَا, inf. n. as above, The law has been indulgent to us in, or with respect to, such a thing; has facilitated it to us; as also ↓ ارخص, inf. n. إِرْخَاصٌ. (Msb.) And رَخَّصْتُ فُلَاناً فِي كَذَا وَ كَذَا, [or, more commonly, لِفُلَانٍ,] I gave license, or permission, to such a one to do such and such things after my forbidding him to do them. (TA.) 4 ارخصهُ He (God, S, A, Msb, or a man, JK) made it (a thing, Msb, or a price, S, A) cheap, low-priced, or low. (JK, S, A, Msb, K.) رَخَّصَهُ, in this sense, is not known. (Msb.) b2: Also He found it to be cheap, low-priced, or low. (K.) b3: Also, (K,) or ↓ ارتخصهُ, (S, A,) He bought it cheap, or at a low price. (S, A, K.) b4: See also 2.5 ترخّص He took, or availed himself of, or allowed himself, indulgence, license, or facilitation; (A, TA;) he did not go to the utmost length; (S, Msb, K;) [he relaxed, or remitted;] in (فِي) such a thing; (S;) in affairs; (A;) or in the affair. (Msb.) You say also, ترخّص فِي حَقِهِ He took what was easily attainable, of his right, or due, and did not go to the utmost length. (A.) 8 ارتخصهُ: see 4. b2: Also, (S, Sgh, K,) or ↓ استرخصهُ, (A,) He reckoned it cheap, or lowpriced: (S, A, Sgh, K:) and ↓ the latter, he saw it, or judged it, to be so. (Lth, K.) 10 استرخصهُ: see 8, in two places.

رَخْصٌ applied to a thing, (A, K,) or to the body, (S, Msb,) and to flesh, and to a plant, (A,) Soft, or tender; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) and soft to the feel: (Msb:) and ↓ رَخِيصٌ signifies the same, (AA, M, K,) applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, (AA, K,) as also the former: (TA:) fem. of each with ة: (M, TA:) رَخْصةٌ is also applied to a girl, (A,) and to a woman, (K, TA, but omitted in the CK,) and to fingers, signifying not rigid or tough: (K:) or, applied to a woman, it signifies soft, or tender, and delicate, or thin, in her external skin: and applied to a woman's fingers, soft, or tender: but رَخْصٌ applied to a plant, soft, flaccid, or easily or quickly broken: (Lth, TA:) and applied to a twig, or rod, fresh, or succulent, and soft, or tender: (Msb:) the pl. of رَخْصٌ is رِخَاصٌ: (Msb:) and that of رَخْصَةٌ is رَخَائِصُ, which is irreg. [as such, but reg. as pl. of ↓ رَخِيصَةٌ]; (K, TA;) occurring in poetry. (TA.) You say, هُوَ رَخْصُ الجَسَدِ He is soft, or tender, in body. (S.) And اِمْرَأَةٌ رَخْصَةُ البَدَنِ A woman soft, or tender, in body. (IDrd, TA.) رُخْصٌ [see 1, of which it is the inf. n., in the first of the senses explained above. b2: Also The act of making cheap;] a subst. from أَرْخَصَهُ in the first of the senses here assigned thereto. (Msb.) رُخْصَةٌ (S, A, Msb, K) and رُخُصَةٌ (A, Msb, K) Indulgence, license or facilitation; (S, A, Msb, K;) in an affair: (S, A, Msb:) pl. رُخَصٌ (A, Msb) and رُخْصَاتٌ and رُخَصَاتٌ and رُخُصَاتٌ. (Msb.) You say, لَكَ فِى هٰذَا رُخْصَةٌ [Thou hast, or shalt have, in, or with respect to, this, indulgence, license, or facilitation]. (A.) b2: (tropical:) Indulgence granted, or conceded, by God to his servant, in a matter which He alleviates to him. (A, K.) b3: [(assumed tropical:) An ordinance of indulgence; such as the shortening of prayer in travelling, and the like: pl. رُخَصٌ, of which we have an ex. in the following trad.:] اَللّٰهُ يُحِبُّ أَنْ تُؤْتَى رُخَصُهُ كَمَا يُحِبُّ

أَنْ تُؤْتَى عَزَائِمُهُ [(assumed tropical:) God loveth that his ordinances of indulgence be performed, like as He loveth that his obligatory ordinances be performed]. (A.) b4: (tropical:) A portion, or share, of water: (A:) or a time, or turn, in drinking. (K.) رَخِيصٌ A cheap, or low-priced, thing; (Msb;) a low price. (S, A.) A2: (tropical:) A quick death. (Lth, A, K.) A3: See also رَخْصٌ, in two places. b2: (tropical:) Soft, without strength or sturdiness, and without endurance: or stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence; syn. بَلِيدٌ. (TA.)
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